As an electrical/electronics engineer for over 20 years, I call shenanigans. Not only is this not real, it's dumb and dangerous to do it for real. I say that as a volunteer EMT with over 7 years of experience and a HAZWOPER certification. Lead acid batteries are too heavy for the average person to hold upside down and shake out. And it's too dangerous to do so with a real battery. So, the "battery" shown here isn't likely to be real. The problem with dead batteries is that an oxide layer builds up on the charging plates over time. The only way to bring them back to actual usable shape is to remove them from the battery and fully remove the oxide layer. You can't do that with Coca Cola. The "electrolyte" used in lead acid batteries is Sulfuric Acid and water. You should never free pour battery acid. One spill can make for a very bad day. And I'd bet the next couple of mortgage payments that this "battery" couldn't start a car or keep it running. The best thing to do when your battery dies is to replace it with a new one. Stay safe out there.
Weird, I've bought atv batteries for decades that came with a separate bottle of electrolyte and somehow am still alive 😎 But hey, I know what you're saying there's a lot of people out there who will end up in the ER from trying to put air in their tire 🤦😆
As a TV transmitter engineer, one of my jobs was to make sure the starting batteries on our backup generators are good. Seeing this is a bunch of BS. A small AC inverter to run an A/C? Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.
I've lived off grid for 15 years. My system has a large and expensive lead acid battery bank. Being that the batteries are so expensive, keeping them in good working order is important. Adding crap to the battery cell electrolite does no good at all. The only way to rejuvinate them when they get weak and to get more life from them is to overcharge them for many hours. Sometimes, it may take 24-36 hours or even more to bring them back to a decent operating condition. This over charging process is called "Desulfate" There are some good UA-cam videos that show how this is done. One thing to keep in mind. Most battery chargers are designed to stop charging at around 14.2 volts. That type won't work. You'll need a charger that just keeps on charging above 14.2 volts. A charger that the charging voltage is uncontrolled. It won't be unusual to see the charging voltage to go over 16 volts or more. You'll need a battery hydrometer and distilled water to do this correctly. I've basically outlined this desulfate process, so look for the how-to info that includes what I've outlined here. (Uncontrolled battery charger, hydrometer, distilled water) if the information includes this information, then you should have the correct way to do this work. This is the ONLY way to bring old batteries back to life. Depending on the batteries condition. This process works about 80% of the time. Some batteries can never be repaired. For instance. If a lead plate has collapsed, then it's plum shot. No fixing it! So there you go. This is how it's done, and it does work amazingly well. Some videos may show using an ark welder as a charger. This is not recommended. The batteries can over heat, that can ruin them or even explode. Don't do it!
I really appreciate you taking the time to outline the desulfation process! Your insights will definitely help those of us looking to extend the life of our battery banks. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
@@CreativeMaster999 No, no risk at all. You can't broke already broken. If you have battery for trash dump, why not to try rescue the thing. But Coca-Cola and Pepsi have water, phosforic acid, sugar, caramel and flavours. I would rather use plain water solution of phosforic acid, than something with sugar and caramel.
1.) ist es schön DOOF, den Tragegriff eingeklappt zu lassen beim entfernen der Abdeckung. 2.) darf man das Ausschütten des Elektolyten wieder als DOOF bewerten, wenn man die Packungsbeilage nicht las und beachtete, in der steht nämlich: "Vor Gebrauch gut schütteln!" 3.) wäre das bißchen Cola von Coka besser getrunken worden als damit die Zellen zu befeuchten, denn mehr wurde nicht getan. 4.) ist das Einfüllen des neuen Elektrolyten (Blei -akkumulatoren-säure) ohne obtische Mengenkontrolle DOOF 5.) ist das Verschließen der Zellen mit dem schmalen Schraubendreher DOOF, wenn doch EXTRA eine teure Unterlegscheibe für das Weihnachtsgeschenk, den Bosch-Akkuschrauber, gekauft wurde. Es ist aber möglich, dass der Schauspieler dieser Demonstration auch DOOF war und den Rechtslauf des Schraubers nicht einschalten konnte. 6.) ist es DOOF, die Anschlußpole erst mit WD40 zu besprühen, dann mit Schmirgelpapier die Pole zu reinigen und den Schmirgelschmutz dann mit einem Feuchttuch zu entfernen. 7.) ist DOOF, mit einem Ladegerät den Akku zu laden aber nicht die Ladedauer genannt zu haben. 8.) ist Doof, einen 12V=/220V~ Zerhacker und an diesen einen Ventilator angeschlossen zu haben, der VIELLEICHT nur 10 Sekunden lief. 9. bis unendlich ist es vom Urheber dieses Videos DOOF, uns, die User, zu verarschen, denn wir werden seinen Kanal in die Liste "Bescheuerter Videos" aufnehmen und nicht wieder anklicken! Ordentliche Hinweise zu solchen Tätigkeiten : Gummihandschuhe! Akku von Schmutz befreien! Breiten Schraubendreher, keine runde Unterlegscheibe oder Münze, verwenden, denn sie müssen evtl. alle 6 Monate den Säureinhalt prüfen. Vor dem Ausschütten den Akku gut schütteln(wie ihre Ohrentropfen). Trinken Sie die Cokacola. Benutzen Sie reines Sprudelwasser mit viel Kohlesäure zum Waschen des Akkus. Füllen Sie das Sprudelwasser bis obenhin in die Zellen. Lassen Sie den Akku mindestens 2 Stunden unberührt stehen. Nach Ihrer Mittagspause schütteln Sie wieder den Akku bevor Sie ihn ausschütten. Schütten Sie den alten Elektrolyten und das benutzte Sprudelwasser nicht auf Ihr EIGENES Territorium, denn es ist bleihaltig und sauer. Der Asphalt in der Einfahrt Ihres Nachbarn hält das gut aus und paßt ausgezeichnet zum herangefahrenen Straßenschmutz ( nebenbei wirkt es auch wie Glyphosat). Den gekauften neuen Elektrolyt füllen Sie ganz vorsichtig ein. Die Zellen sollen geradeso bedeckt sein. Verschließen Sie die Zellen wieder mit den Schraubstöpseln mittels Schraubendreher. Machen Sie die Abdeckung über die Stöpsel. Reinigen Sie die Pole des Akkus mit feinem Schmirgelpapier oder dem Stahlschwamm aus der Küche. Reinigen Sie jetzt die Umgebung der Pole vom Staub mit einem vollgerotzen feuchten Tempotaschentuch und werfen dieses in den Sondermüll bei Ihrem Nachbarn. Das Taschentuch sollten Sie nicht nochmal zum Schneuzen verwenden, denn es ist mindestens bleihaltig und daher giftig, welches Haarausfall bewirken kann. Jetzt dürfen Sie die Pole mit ganz wenig WD40, Motoröl oder Maschinenfett einreiben. Mit Ihrem Ladegerät, welches schon Jahre unbenutzt herum steht, laden Sie den Akku, welches bis zu zwei Tagen dauern kann. Prüfen Sie den angezeigten Ladestrom, der am Amperemeter des Ladegerätes angezeigt wird. Bei der Anzeige von unter 1 Ampere ist der Akku geladen und Sie können ihn jetzt Probeweise in Ihrem Auto ausprobieren. Machen Sie diesen Gebrauchstest aber gleich nach dem Entfernen des Ladegerätes. Der Anlasser Ihres Autos hilft Ihnen bei der Bewertung Ihres alten Akkus äußerst zuverlässig. Falls der Anlasser Ihres Autos nicht richtig drehen will, ist nicht der Anlasser zum Fortschmeißen. Viel Spaß und Glück !
Good call I was paying attention to the last opening on the right it had under it a big scratch where the acid goes in the new one was flawless not one mark on it and that mark was gone good call when the batteries dead yes, you can get some juice out of it but not for long. Try to start the car when it’s zero out.
I am 16yr an Indian from the state of Kerala. This is utterly bogus. Pls don't try to do this. My humble request to the genius who uploaded this video is to kindly refrain from such cheeky stuff. This sort of stuff will really harm the people.
@@paulziminskin2ghr282 It seems that people make the most stupid videos just to have something to post! I now go to the person posting, in this case "Creative Master" look at his videos BEFORE I even open one, you can tell they are rubbish, esp if they have words like Horrifying, scary, amazing or terrifying on their headers !
Am experimentat de multe ori la reformatarea diferitelor baterii. (Fără... coca-cola!) Uneori mi-a reușit din prima, alteori nu a mers nici dintr-a treia încercare. Îi înțeleg și pe cei sceptici, și pe cei optimiști. Fiecare are dreptate în felul lui. Înclin să cred că după o anumita uzură, bateria NU mai poate fi reformatată decît dacă se desface bucată cu bucată, se curăță și se montează la loc. Ceea ce nu se merită decât când nu ai altă soluție! Oricum, felicitări pentru efort.
let us say that the battery was realy recovered but what about using 500 w inverter with the AC ? only the fan was running but not the compressor i.e very small load .please stop trying fool the poor ppl they have enough troubles to deal with .
We appreciate your concern! This method is intended for small loads like fans, not for larger appliances like AC units. Make sure to use caution and always follow safety guidelines. 👍
Well done. You have not mentioned whether the cold drink COCA COLA should in cold condition or at room temperature at the time of pouring in battery. Please also tell what type salt can be used to clean the battery if Coca cola does not performs proper cleaning. I am Muhammad Shafiq from Islamabad Pakistan.
잘 보았네요 근데 이런건 지구 종말때나 폐품 모아서 만들어 쓰는거고 걍 하나 사서써야 할듯요. 노동 내 인건비 들어가는것도 그렇고 콜라값도 따지고 보면 비효율적이고 많이 아닌듯해요. ㅎㅎ 근데 진심으로 재미나게 보고 감. 내가 오늘 낮에 배터리 구매해서 직접 교환했거든요. 그거 교환하는거 하나 찾아 봤더니 이영상이 또 보여지네.
@@CreativeMaster999 You didn't do it in 1 minute, without the waiting time it was over 9min and it's still not going to work. If the battery was just discharged 1 min of charging isn't going to do anything.
Sorry for the confusion! The baking soda trick is just a quick fix, but be sure to also check out the battery restoration method in the video for a longer-lasting solution. 😉
@@paulgill7222 WOW It was your few minutes as it was everyone else to give NOT his why are you so hostile towards him? Oh now that you’ve given a few seconds to read this I suppose you want to meet me and take back my freedom of speech. Don’t blame others for your wasted time, after all it’s your right, your choice to GIVE your time to watch the video AND it was never taken from you, did he force you to watch it? No of course not because you want to meet him and people of your caliber are just rude and ain’t nobody got time to read such rubbish! How about you give my seconds of time back for reading your childish comment or maybe you are too young to understand how silly you sound to adults so JUST GROW UP & STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME because it will cause wrinkles!
Took a hell of a lot longer than one minute.and anyone that falls for this is going to end up wasting time and perfectly good coca cola. He switched batteries for the end.
@@giorgiofanteraby all means: go ahead and try, you can’t kill a dead battery. If it’s dead, even filling it up with new electrolyte won’t work properly. To begin with: if you fill up a new, dry lead acid battery, it’s charged. You do not need a charger to get it going. Little tip: google ‘how does a lead acid battery work’…
I have done this myself a few times. the battery's do not last long. who is going to sell you electrolyte?? its on the dangerous list? big brother is watching you when you try buying acid and you are not a business.
Eso es una batería sin carga y creería semi nueva......muy limpio salió el agua al tumbar en la batea es una que estuvo en uso el agua sale re sucio y no transparente como del vídeo....
Esta bateria não é velha, o eletrolitico que saio na primeira lavagem estava colarinho e limpo, bateria velha fica sujo de corrosão, faça outro vídeo esse não cola.
Revival of car battery is effective only if it is quite new ( recently died battery). I've tried various methods on my dead old batteries and none of them worked at all. If the battery is worn out, save yourself the trouble and just go buy a new one. 🎉
''Thanks for your input! In the video, we show a quick way to revitalize old batteries to improve their performance. Give it a try and see the results for yourself! ⚡🔋''.
The specific gravity of the sulfuric acid in a lead-acid battery typically ranges from 1.25 to 1.30, depending on the state of charge. When fully charged, the specific gravity is close to 1.28 to 1.30, and after discharge, it may drop to around 1.20.
Instead of doing these experiments with uncertain results, with the risk of getting acid on yourself or in your eye, buy a battery charger with a desulfation function.😅
@@suhailwajid5040 Fake? Well I tried doing a recharge of a 12V Dwalt drill battery with a 9V fire alarm/household battery that I watched and learned to do on UA-cam and It was a success Like I say don’t knock it till you try it and some folks may be in a pinch like I was and couldn’t afford a battery or charger and if you need a New Battery and can afford it by all means run like your hair is on fire and get one but if this “Master of Fake Videos” is tried and works until you can afford a new one then why not give it a chance. I appreciate the time and effort put into making this “Fake” video and If you haven’t tried reviving a battery or even made a video as informative and clear as his then you shouldn’t type nor speak anything about it being Fake! I’m gonna try it just because I can afford the time and not a new battery right now but my time and a few items he used will cost a lot less and if it doesn’t work it’s not his fault he even said it may not work but Kudos to him for a excellent video! I wouldn’t say it was a broken record of being fake at all! Where are your videos since you seem to be a pro on the fake ones on here. People like you making comments about the hard work and dedication put into something so beneficial to someone such as me and so many others out here that are not afraid to try something we learned in a video and if it doesn’t work it’s not because the video is FAKE It’s my choice to watch, learn and try it or not but I wouldn’t say his video was Fake at all but I’m glad you know the difference and I’ll be happy to watch one that you have done and be the judge on if it’s fake or not … you are a rude person for commenting on his very well delivered video! The content is for all of us viewers to watch, listen and learn from. I would like to watch your videos on how not to make a fake one. Smile, Be Kind to others and I hope your future life is filled with Love, Peace and Prosperity.
@@CreativeMaster999Ich halte es auch für nicht möglich, das Cola die Bleiplatten nicht Reinigt. 10% Salzsäure vielleicht, aber wir werden sehen. Werde es versuchen und dann gebe ich den Kommentare dazu!
Zu schön um wahr zu sein! Eine tief entladene Batterie hat nämlich kaputte Zellen und wäre niemals mit dieser Methode reparabel! Also verkaufe bitte die Leute nicht für dumm!!!
As an electrical/electronics engineer for over 20 years, I call shenanigans. Not only is this not real, it's dumb and dangerous to do it for real. I say that as a volunteer EMT with over 7 years of experience and a HAZWOPER certification. Lead acid batteries are too heavy for the average person to hold upside down and shake out. And it's too dangerous to do so with a real battery. So, the "battery" shown here isn't likely to be real. The problem with dead batteries is that an oxide layer builds up on the charging plates over time. The only way to bring them back to actual usable shape is to remove them from the battery and fully remove the oxide layer. You can't do that with Coca Cola. The "electrolyte" used in lead acid batteries is Sulfuric Acid and water. You should never free pour battery acid. One spill can make for a very bad day. And I'd bet the next couple of mortgage payments that this "battery" couldn't start a car or keep it running. The best thing to do when your battery dies is to replace it with a new one. Stay safe out there.
De repente tienes una venta de baterías
Weird, I've bought atv batteries for decades that came with a separate bottle of electrolyte and somehow am still alive 😎
But hey, I know what you're saying there's a lot of people out there who will end up in the ER from trying to put air in their tire 🤦😆
Thanks for the comment
As a TV transmitter engineer, one of my jobs was to make sure the starting batteries on our backup generators are good. Seeing this is a bunch of BS. A small AC inverter to run an A/C? Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.
Thanks for sharing this great tip with me!
Glad you found the tip helpful! Keep those batteries alive and kicking! 😉.
I've lived off grid for 15 years. My system has a large and expensive lead acid battery bank. Being that the batteries are so expensive, keeping them in good working order is important. Adding crap to the battery cell electrolite does no good at all. The only way to rejuvinate them when they get weak and to get more life from them is to overcharge them for many hours. Sometimes, it may take 24-36 hours or even more to bring them back to a decent operating condition. This over charging process is called "Desulfate" There are some good UA-cam videos that show how this is done. One thing to keep in mind. Most battery chargers are designed to stop charging at around 14.2 volts. That type won't work. You'll need a charger that just keeps on charging above 14.2 volts. A charger that the charging voltage is uncontrolled. It won't be unusual to see the charging voltage to go over 16 volts or more. You'll need a battery hydrometer and distilled water to do this correctly. I've basically outlined this desulfate process, so look for the how-to info that includes what I've outlined here.
(Uncontrolled battery charger, hydrometer, distilled water) if the information includes this information, then you should have the correct way to do this work. This is the ONLY way to bring old batteries back to life. Depending on the batteries condition. This process works about 80% of the time. Some batteries can never be repaired. For instance. If a lead plate has collapsed, then it's plum shot. No fixing it! So there you go. This is how it's done, and it does work amazingly well. Some videos may show using an ark welder as a charger. This is not recommended. The batteries can over heat, that can ruin them or even explode. Don't do it!
Fact 👍
I really appreciate you taking the time to outline the desulfation process! Your insights will definitely help those of us looking to extend the life of our battery banks. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
I'm from Ukraine. Excellent video. I have the same UNI-T Multimeter. I would rather tried to pour cells with phosforic acid solution than Coca-Cola.
Sounds like a risky experiment! ????
@@CreativeMaster999 No, no risk at all. You can't broke already broken. If you have battery for trash dump, why not to try rescue the thing. But Coca-Cola and Pepsi have water, phosforic acid, sugar, caramel and flavours. I would rather use plain water solution of phosforic acid, than something with sugar and caramel.
Está genial..ahora lo miro bien . gracias 🫂
What did you use for electrolytes
watching from Philippines
Watching from the Philippines too! Hope this trick helps you revive your old battery quickly 🇵🇭⚡️.
1.) ist es schön DOOF, den Tragegriff eingeklappt zu lassen beim entfernen der Abdeckung.
2.) darf man das Ausschütten des Elektolyten wieder als DOOF bewerten, wenn man die Packungsbeilage nicht las und beachtete, in der steht nämlich: "Vor Gebrauch gut schütteln!"
3.) wäre das bißchen Cola von Coka besser getrunken worden als damit die Zellen zu befeuchten, denn mehr wurde nicht getan.
4.) ist das Einfüllen des neuen Elektrolyten (Blei -akkumulatoren-säure) ohne obtische Mengenkontrolle DOOF
5.) ist das Verschließen der Zellen mit dem schmalen Schraubendreher DOOF, wenn doch EXTRA eine teure Unterlegscheibe für das Weihnachtsgeschenk, den Bosch-Akkuschrauber, gekauft wurde.
Es ist aber möglich, dass der Schauspieler dieser Demonstration auch DOOF war und den Rechtslauf des Schraubers nicht einschalten konnte.
6.) ist es DOOF, die Anschlußpole erst mit WD40 zu besprühen, dann mit Schmirgelpapier die Pole zu reinigen und den Schmirgelschmutz dann mit einem Feuchttuch zu entfernen.
7.) ist DOOF, mit einem Ladegerät den Akku zu laden aber nicht die Ladedauer genannt zu haben.
8.) ist Doof, einen 12V=/220V~ Zerhacker und an diesen einen Ventilator angeschlossen zu haben, der VIELLEICHT nur 10 Sekunden lief.
9. bis unendlich ist es vom Urheber dieses Videos DOOF, uns, die User, zu verarschen, denn wir werden seinen Kanal in die Liste "Bescheuerter Videos" aufnehmen und nicht wieder anklicken!
Ordentliche Hinweise zu solchen Tätigkeiten :
Gummihandschuhe! Akku von Schmutz befreien! Breiten Schraubendreher, keine runde Unterlegscheibe oder Münze, verwenden, denn sie müssen evtl. alle 6 Monate den Säureinhalt prüfen. Vor dem Ausschütten den Akku gut schütteln(wie ihre Ohrentropfen). Trinken Sie die Cokacola. Benutzen Sie reines Sprudelwasser mit viel Kohlesäure zum Waschen des Akkus. Füllen Sie das Sprudelwasser bis obenhin in die Zellen. Lassen Sie den Akku mindestens 2 Stunden unberührt stehen. Nach Ihrer Mittagspause schütteln Sie wieder den Akku bevor Sie ihn ausschütten. Schütten Sie den alten Elektrolyten und das benutzte Sprudelwasser nicht auf Ihr EIGENES Territorium, denn es ist bleihaltig und sauer. Der Asphalt in der Einfahrt Ihres Nachbarn hält das gut aus und paßt ausgezeichnet zum herangefahrenen Straßenschmutz ( nebenbei wirkt es auch wie Glyphosat). Den gekauften neuen Elektrolyt füllen Sie ganz vorsichtig ein. Die Zellen sollen geradeso bedeckt sein.
Verschließen Sie die Zellen wieder mit den Schraubstöpseln mittels Schraubendreher. Machen Sie die Abdeckung über die Stöpsel. Reinigen Sie die Pole des Akkus mit feinem Schmirgelpapier oder dem Stahlschwamm aus der Küche. Reinigen Sie jetzt die Umgebung der Pole vom Staub mit einem vollgerotzen feuchten Tempotaschentuch und werfen dieses in den Sondermüll bei Ihrem Nachbarn. Das Taschentuch sollten Sie nicht nochmal zum Schneuzen verwenden, denn es ist mindestens bleihaltig und daher giftig, welches Haarausfall bewirken kann. Jetzt dürfen Sie die Pole mit ganz wenig WD40, Motoröl oder Maschinenfett einreiben. Mit Ihrem Ladegerät, welches schon Jahre unbenutzt herum steht, laden Sie den Akku, welches bis zu zwei Tagen dauern kann. Prüfen Sie den angezeigten Ladestrom, der am Amperemeter des Ladegerätes angezeigt wird. Bei der Anzeige von unter 1 Ampere ist der Akku geladen und Sie können ihn jetzt Probeweise in Ihrem Auto ausprobieren. Machen Sie diesen Gebrauchstest aber gleich nach dem Entfernen des Ladegerätes. Der Anlasser Ihres Autos hilft Ihnen bei der Bewertung Ihres alten Akkus äußerst zuverlässig.
Falls der Anlasser Ihres Autos nicht richtig drehen will, ist nicht der Anlasser zum Fortschmeißen.
Viel Spaß und Glück !
Loved your comments :D
I'm from guyana, I will try❤❤❤
That's great to hear! Let me know how it goes 🌿🔋.
NONSENSE. Watch the video carefully. The battery shown at the end of the video is a newer one. The first has marks from use.
The battery shown at the end of the video is a newer one because the video demonstrates a quick way to restore old batteries 🔄🔋.
Good call I was paying attention to the last opening on the right it had under it a big scratch where the acid goes in the new one was flawless not one mark on it and that mark was gone good call when the batteries dead yes, you can get some juice out of it but not for long. Try to start the car when it’s zero out.
That makes about as much sense as making a video on restoring a car and ending it with footage of a different car.
Looks like you're right! That's a different battery at the end!
Hello & thank you. I'm in Kingman, AZ USA
That's great to hear! I hope the battery restoration method works well for you in Kingman, AZ! 💪🔋
I am 16yr an Indian from the state of Kerala. This is utterly bogus. Pls don't try to do this. My humble request to the genius who uploaded this video is to kindly refrain from such cheeky stuff. This sort of stuff will really harm the people.
I understand your concern, but this method is safe and effective for restoring old batteries. Give it a try! ⚡🔋.
Excellent, Thanks
Glad you found the video helpful! 🔋✨.
I'm glad to hear you've had success with shaking car batteries! Remember, my video is about restoring old batteries, not just shaking them 😉🔋.
Very good from iran❤🎉
Thank you! Glad you found the video helpful 🙌.
Bravo, Bulgaria
Благодаря за подкрепата! Радвам се, че ви хареса начина за възстановяване на батерията! 🔋👍.
I've never ever seen a lead acid battery so flat that a digital meter will not show some voltage even Millie volts!!!!!
yup , i smell fish
Not to mention ever see sugar mix with acid , it carbonizes
@@paulziminskin2ghr282 It seems that people make the most stupid videos just to have something to post! I now go to the person posting, in this case "Creative Master" look at his videos BEFORE I even open one, you can tell they are rubbish, esp if they have words like Horrifying, scary, amazing or terrifying on their headers !
Thanks for the comment
You are so right, no battery can be drained to that extent.
Great, I love it
Great! I'm glad you enjoyed the video! 🙌🔋
Am experimentat de multe ori la reformatarea diferitelor baterii. (Fără... coca-cola!) Uneori mi-a reușit din prima, alteori nu a mers nici dintr-a treia încercare. Îi înțeleg și pe cei sceptici, și pe cei optimiști. Fiecare are dreptate în felul lui. Înclin să cred că după o anumita uzură, bateria NU mai poate fi reformatată decît dacă se desface bucată cu bucată, se curăță și se montează la loc. Ceea ce nu se merită decât când nu ai altă soluție!
Oricum, felicitări pentru efort.
Încercați această metodă rapidă de recondiționare a bateriilor fără coca-cola! Poate fi soluția potrivită pentru a revitaliza bateria veche! 🔋🔄
Vyskúšam, uvidíme. 😊 Peter / Slovakia.. 😊
Výborné rozhodnutie, Peter! Dúfam, že ti môj spôsob pomôže s tvojou batériou. 💡🔋.
let us say that the battery was realy recovered but what about using 500 w inverter with the AC ? only the fan was running but not the compressor i.e very small load .please stop trying fool the poor ppl they have enough troubles to deal with .
We appreciate your concern! This method is intended for small loads like fans, not for larger appliances like AC units. Make sure to use caution and always follow safety guidelines. 👍
Glad you found the video helpful! 🙌🔋
Wear do we purchase the battery acid ?
The acid can you purchase in all Carport Shops 😊
In usa Home Depot has. Plastic package
A fully charged battery must be at least 12.7 volts that battery is nearly dead
@@ke4uyp 12.6
I like your idea
You are the best❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the idea! 😊
scammers should be jailed
Scammers should definitely be held accountable for their actions, but this video is simply about restoring old batteries to give them new life! 💡🔋
Thanks from South Africa
Thank you! 🇿🇦🔋.
Thanks for teaching. Regards from Philippines
Salamat sa suporta! 🇵🇭💡.
Well done ! informative :)
Thank you for watching! I'm glad you found the video informative 😊.
Well done. You have not mentioned whether the cold drink COCA COLA should in cold condition or at room temperature at the time of pouring in battery. Please also tell what type salt can be used to clean the battery if Coca cola does not performs proper cleaning.
I am Muhammad Shafiq from Islamabad Pakistan.
You can pour Coca Cola at room temperature into the battery for cleaning. If Coca Cola doesn't work, you can use baking soda as a cleaning agent.💡
@@CreativeMaster999hello my friend and the soda how much needed in every hole like a small spoon ???
saludos te veo de Cuba🇨🇺
¡Gracias por ver el video desde Cuba! ¡Espero que te haya sido útil para restaurar tus baterías! 🇨🇺🔋.
잘 보았네요 근데 이런건 지구 종말때나 폐품 모아서 만들어 쓰는거고 걍 하나 사서써야 할듯요. 노동 내 인건비 들어가는것도 그렇고 콜라값도 따지고 보면 비효율적이고 많이 아닌듯해요. ㅎㅎ 근데 진심으로 재미나게 보고 감. 내가 오늘 낮에 배터리 구매해서 직접 교환했거든요. 그거 교환하는거 하나 찾아 봤더니 이영상이 또 보여지네.
물론! 감사합니다! 새 배터리 구매하는 것도 좋지만, 이 방법도 한 번 시도해보세요! 😊🔋
@@CreativeMaster999 네
Από Ελλάδα συγχαρητήρια τέλεια ενημερωτικό!!
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για τα καλά σας λόγια! Χαίρομαι που σας άρεσε το περιεχόμενο! 🙌🔋
En bra sätt och råd. Tack från Bosnien
Tack så mycket för din support från Bosnien! Hoppas att min video hjälpte dig att återställa ditt batteri! 🔋💪🏼.
12.4 volt no good battery..12.6 to 12.8 volt verry good battery
Increase your battery's voltage to 12.6-12.8 volts for optimal performance! 🔋💡
Republica gustan eso video 😊
¡Gracias por tu apoyo! ¡Espero que puedas restaurar tus baterías viejas fácilmente con este video! 🔋👍.
I have one piece of advice for Houdini if you want to listen. Pour Red Bull next time, because it will give him wings 😂😂😂👍
Pouring Red Bull on a battery may not give it wings, but our quick battery restoration method will surely revive it! 🔋✨
LMFAO 😂😂😂. I needed a good laugh. Thanks
Battery looks like it was brand new, just discharged completely, not deceased.
Battery looks like it was brand new, just discharged completely, not deceased.... 🔄 Let's bring it back to life in just 1 minute! ⚡🔋
@@CreativeMaster999 You didn't do it in 1 minute, without the waiting time it was over 9min and it's still not going to work. If the battery was just discharged 1 min of charging isn't going to do anything.
Μπράβο!!! Συγχαρητήρια, πολύ ωραίο και χρήσιμο βίντεο.
Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε το βίντεο! Ελπίζω να σου φανεί χρήσιμο! 🔋👍
Pour in some baking soda. Then go get a new battery.
Sorry for the confusion! The baking soda trick is just a quick fix, but be sure to also check out the battery restoration method in the video for a longer-lasting solution. 😉
From Goa, India❤❤❤
That's amazing! I hope this battery restoration trick helps you out 🌟🔋.
This is a boring video tutorial, the last part shown in the video is the new battery.
Sorry you found it boring! Hopefully, you found the tip on restoring the battery useful 💡🔋.
Muy buen trabajo 👍🏼R Dominicana a los fabricantes de batería no le gustan esto video 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Los fabricantes de baterías no quieren que sepas este truco 😉🔋.
Why don't you try starting the car with that battery? Because there's no chance."Those are stories for little kids.
''Actually, you'd be surprised! Give it a try with our method 😉🔋.''
No to určitě.😂
Exactly, try to start a car with a current delivery about 200 amps and let´s see what's going on with the voltage drop
Only for youtube money video nothing more
Gracias por compartir
¡Nos alegra que te haya gustado! ¡Esperamos que te sea útil para restaurar tus baterías viejas! 🔋💡.
좋아요 아주멋진 수리 기술입니다.
감사합니다! 배터리를 손쉽게 복구할 수 있어요! 💪🔋.
Saludos desde Bolibia
¡Hola! ¡Gracias por ver nuestro video desde Bolivia! Esperamos que te haya sido útil para restaurar tus baterías viejas. 🔋😊.
I wanna meet this guy just for a few minutes. He has to give me back my few minutes and I know how to take them back. Just need to meet him!
I can show you how to quickly restore your battery in just a few minutes! 🔋
@@paulgill7222 WOW It was your few minutes as it was everyone else to give NOT his why are you so hostile towards him? Oh now that you’ve given a few seconds to read this I suppose you want to meet me and take back my freedom of speech. Don’t blame others for your wasted time, after all it’s your right, your choice to GIVE your time to watch the video AND it was never taken from you, did he force you to watch it? No of course not because you want to meet him and people of your caliber are just rude and ain’t nobody got time to read such rubbish! How about you give my seconds of time back for reading your childish comment or maybe you are too young to understand how silly you sound to adults so JUST GROW UP & STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME because it will cause wrinkles!
@@CreativeMaster999 Pisst du in den Akku rein ?
Maganda dagdag kaalaman tipid at bawas gastos pambili bago tnx
Salamat sa suporta! Sana makatulong sa'yo ang aming video sa pagtitipid at pagsasaayos ng iyong battery! 💡🔋.
Scammer na stupido
Took a hell of a lot longer than one minute.and anyone that falls for this is going to end up wasting time and perfectly good coca cola. He switched batteries for the end.
Sorry to hear you didn't find the video helpful! I appreciate the feedback 🙏.
@@CreativeMaster999 He called you a liar. Thats what we all are saying.
Nice,like it
Glad you liked it! Thanks for watching! ⚡🔋
As a 20-year lead-acid battery technician I call bullshit!
@@giorgiofantera I'll tell you what: go and fuck up your battery like that. I don't care...
Thanks for the comment
@@giorgiofanteraby all means: go ahead and try, you can’t kill a dead battery. If it’s dead, even filling it up with new electrolyte won’t work properly.
To begin with: if you fill up a new, dry lead acid battery, it’s charged. You do not need a charger to get it going.
Little tip: google ‘how does a lead acid battery work’…
No sé ve usada la batería no mameyes
Odlično. Bosna i hercegovina😅
Hvala vam na podršci! Nadam se da će vam video biti koristan za obnovu baterije! 💪🔋.
I have done this myself a few times. the battery's do not last long. who is going to sell you electrolyte?? its on the dangerous list? big brother is watching you when you try buying acid and you are not a business.
It's all about safety first! Make sure to follow proper procedures when working with old batteries for your own protection. 🔋.
Thanks good idea
Glad you found it helpful! Keep your batteries lasting longer with this quick trick! 🔋🔄.
Te veo desde Puerto.Rico.genial
¡Gracias por ver el video desde Puerto Rico! ¡Es genial saber que te ha gustado! 🔋✨
If it only takes 1 minute why is the video over 9 minutes long
The video is over 9 minutes long because it includes the full process of restoring the old battery, not just the 1-minute trick 🕒🔋.
Merci pour le bon méthode d'entretien de la batterie
Merci pour votre commentaire positif! Nous sommes ravis que notre méthode d'entretien de la batterie vous ait été utile. 🙌🔋
@@CreativeMaster999! Wieso und warum bedankst du dich, indem du dich als mehrere Personen ausgibst?
Lebt eine ganze Familie von deinen Comics?
500w power inverter to suport a 1500w air con ! lol
Haha, definitely not the best idea! Make sure to use the right tools for the job to restore your battery safely ⚡🔋.
Tu kola colu radšej výpi a choď si kúpiť novú batériu a netrep blbosti!
Me gusta es un gran aporte de recuperación
¡Nos alegra que te haya gustado! ¡Esperamos que puedas sacar el máximo provecho de tu batería recién restaurada! 💪🔋.
Caution: I tried Cherry Coke and it ruined my battery. LOL
Cherry Coke may not be good for batteries, but our method can surely bring new life to them! Give it a try 😉.
Eso es una batería sin carga y creería semi nueva......muy limpio salió el agua al tumbar en la batea es una que estuvo en uso el agua sale re sucio y no transparente como del vídeo....
¡Gracias por tu observación! En este video mostramos cómo restaurar una batería vieja de forma rápida y efectiva 💡🔋. ¡Esperamos que te haya sido útil!
I am Indonesia sir😊
Salam kenal, Terima kasih atas dukungannya! Semoga video ini bermanfaat untuk Anda 🙏🔋.
Wenn du auf den Zerhacker geschaut hast, dann hatte der eine Ausgangleistung von NUR 500 Watt. Kein Heizlüfter arbeitet mit NUR 500 Watt!
Namashkar watching from India
Namashkar! Thank you for watching from India! Hope the battery restoration tip was helpful for you! 🔋👍
Click Bait! Can't change the laws of physics with a can of Coka Cola.
Se si collegasse alla batteria un carica batteria alimentato dall’inverter,la batteria si scaricherebbe ugualmente ?
@@serludvik Quest'uomo è pieno di merda, uno sprecone
Spróbuj zastosować ten trik na swojej starej baterii! 💡🔋👍
Esta bateria não é velha, o eletrolitico que saio na primeira lavagem estava colarinho e limpo, bateria velha fica sujo de corrosão, faça outro vídeo esse não cola.
Bateria nova, método eficaz! 😉🔋
@@CreativeMaster999 una batteria nuova NON ha bisogno di NADA
Revival of car battery is effective only if it is quite new ( recently died battery). I've tried various methods on my dead old batteries and none of them worked at all. If the battery is worn out, save yourself the trouble and just go buy a new one. 🎉
Good staff.from zambia
Thank you! Glad you found the video helpful 🙌🔋.
The longest minute ever
The wait is worth it! ⏳ Give your battery a new life in just 1 minute! 🔋✨
Watching from Asgard
Greetings from Midgard! We hope you found our battery restoration video helpful for your earthly devices as well 🌍⚡.
Φορτιστής τής πλάκας τον έχω, προκαλεί θόρυβο σε όλη την περιοχή των βραχέων κυμάτων. Πήρα έναν επαγγελματικό με μετασχηματιστή και ησύχασα.😊
Καλά να τον χαίρεσαι τον επαγγελματικό σου φορτιστή! 🔋💡
Hi from Rome
Ciao from Rome! Thanks for watching, hope you found the battery restoration tip helpful! 🔋👍.
Click Bait...12.4 volts is NOT a restored battery.
''Thanks for your input! In the video, we show a quick way to revitalize old batteries to improve their performance. Give it a try and see the results for yourself! ⚡🔋''.
بسیار عالی بود باز هم ادامه بدهید
با تشکر! امیدواریم که برای شما مفید بوده باشد. 🔋👍
سپاس فراوان❤❤
سرعت عملیاتی ایدهآل برای باطری شما! 💪🔋.
electrolyte Lead battery specificity.? 전해액의 비중값은 얼마인지요...?
The specific gravity of the sulfuric acid in a lead-acid battery typically ranges from 1.25 to 1.30, depending on the state of charge. When fully charged, the specific gravity is close to 1.28 to 1.30, and after discharge, it may drop to around 1.20.
@@Esmele CORRECT.
Thank you
Glad we could help! 💪🔋.
Instead of doing these experiments with uncertain results, with the risk of getting acid on yourself or in your eye, buy a battery charger with a desulfation function.😅
Instead of buying a battery charger, try our quick method for restoring your old battery in just 1 minute! 🔋💡
Amazing ! 500w inverter can drive 1 HP air conditioner .
That's impressive! 500w inverters can work wonders on old batteries 🔄🔋.
A big shoutout to you for your comment! Keep them coming. 📣
Does it have to be carbonic acid as in Coke or can you use citric acid?
Citric acid can also be used as an alternative to carbonic acid for restoring old batteries! 🔋
:)))))) get serious....
:))))) Sure, give it a try and see the quick results! 🔄🔋
I am from Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
That's awesome! This quick battery restoration method will definitely come in handy for you in Lowell, Massachusetts! ⚡👍
You have broken all the records of fake video.
Sorry you feel that way! I assure you, the method shown in the video is effective and safe for restoring old batteries. Give it a try! ⚡🔋
@@suhailwajid5040 Fake? Well I tried doing a recharge of a 12V Dwalt drill battery with a 9V fire alarm/household battery that I watched and learned to do on UA-cam and It was a success Like I say don’t knock it till you try it and some folks may be in a pinch like I was and couldn’t afford a battery or charger and if you need a New Battery and can afford it by all means run like your hair is on fire and get one but if this “Master of Fake Videos” is tried and works until you can afford a new one then why not give it a chance. I appreciate the time and effort put into making this “Fake” video and If you haven’t tried reviving a battery or even made a video as informative and clear as his then you shouldn’t type nor speak anything about it being Fake! I’m gonna try it just because I can afford the time and not a new battery right now but my time and a few items he used will cost a lot less and if it doesn’t work it’s not his fault he even said it may not work but Kudos to him for a excellent video! I wouldn’t say it was a broken record of being fake at all! Where are your videos since you seem to be a pro on the fake ones on here. People like you making comments about the hard work and dedication put into something so beneficial to someone such as me and so many others out here that are not afraid to try something we learned in a video and if it doesn’t work it’s not because the video is FAKE It’s my choice to watch, learn and try it or not but I wouldn’t say his video was Fake at all but I’m glad you know the difference and I’ll be happy to watch one that you have done and be the judge on if it’s fake or not … you are a rude person for commenting on his very well delivered video! The content is for all of us viewers to watch, listen and learn from. I would like to watch your videos on how not to make a fake one. Smile, Be Kind to others and I hope your future life is filled with Love, Peace and Prosperity.
@@CreativeMaster999Ich halte es auch für nicht möglich, das Cola die Bleiplatten nicht Reinigt. 10% Salzsäure vielleicht, aber wir werden sehen. Werde es versuchen und dann gebe ich den Kommentare dazu!
I’m impressed your operating a fan wow how about operating the whole unit?
''Thanks for the feedback! Stay tuned for more tips on restoring batteries 😉🔋.''
Measuring voltage not enough but nice for simple electronic circuits ...
Measuring voltage is a good start, but combining it with our quick battery restoration method can give even better results! 🔋💡
I'm looking at you from North Korea
I hope this battery restoration trick can help you out in North Korea too! 💪🔋.
Putting the "artificial" in artificial intelligence. LOL.
Well, we do try to make things a little magical 😉🔋.
Very Cool
Rich Wiles 😂
Glad you found the video helpful, Rich Wiles! 😊.
Não existe mais bateria que se possa fazer com que ela volta à ser recuperadas. Todas são brindada
Não se preocupe, com o método certo, é possível recuperar baterias antigas de forma simples e rápida! 💪🔋.
The only thing i learned was how to use a washer with the drill.
Glad you found the tip on using a washer with a drill helpful! Hope you were able to restore your battery successfully 💪🔋.
neat trick
I used to use white vinegar and let sit for 2 weeks and all oxidation is gone. I turns old rust and corrosion into new metals.
That's a great tip! Vinegar can work wonders on old batteries 🙌🔋.
On the inside....can you explain more plz
nice job 😎
Thanks for watching! 😊🔋.
Stupid @@CreativeMaster999
Zu schön um wahr zu sein! Eine tief entladene Batterie hat nämlich kaputte Zellen und wäre niemals mit dieser Methode reparabel!
Also verkaufe bitte die Leute nicht für dumm!!!
Das Video zeigt eine schnelle Möglichkeit, alte Batterien wiederherzustellen, die manchmal funktioniert, aber nicht immer. Viel Glück! 😉.
Thanks for the information. I'm gonna try your method on a couple of batteries I have. Thanks again from the USA.
That's great to hear! Good luck with restoring your batteries, and thanks for watching from the USA! 🇺🇸🔋
LOL. 12 volt battery should read 13.5 to 14 volts fully charged. When it's dead it's dead. go buy a new battery folks.
14 volts would be seen while the alternator is charging the battery. 14.5 to be exact, 12.5 is the correct fully charged reading.
. Correct.
You mean on alternator
Thanks for the comment
¡De nada! Estoy feliz de que te haya sido útil 🙌🔋.
浪費時間又誤導人的視頻 影片中修理和有電的電池明顯是不同電池 以前的電池因為蓋子上的氣孔 所以容易在充放電的過程揮發電解液 但是現在的免保養電池都是密封式 所以電解液不太可能會有問題 有問題的通常是極板 電樁頭如果骯髒 用乾淨的濕抹布擦拭即可 用砂紙磨反而容易損壞電樁頭 還有 在注入完全新的電解液的情況下充電 第一次最好不要把蓋子蓋上 會比較安全 最後 不是有專業知識的人還是直接換新的比較安全 擔任汽車技師這麼多年 電池壞了我也都是直接報廢換新 修理不當汽車拋錨或者損壞行車電腦更划不來
Big thanks for your words! Stay connected for more updates. 👍