Multiplicity and Integration

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @savannam.7048
    @savannam.7048 6 років тому +356

    My mother is a partially integrated system. Many of her alters did integrate, but she herself, and another alter, didn't want to lose each other and were scared. One did naturally integrate as well. So it's my mom, and another alter. Although recently a new one arrived which has not happened in decades. So everyone is kind of on red alert, because this one seems hostile. But I told my mom, it's understandable, her stress and stressors have been hostile, and her trauma specifically partially explains the new alter. So I'm working with her to try to get communication going. The rest of the family is not supportive and I'm glad I can be her rock when she's scared. Thank you for your articulate explanation of integration, Daniel!

    • @salomealhusami594
      @salomealhusami594 5 років тому +12

      Well, your mom is lucky to have you! It's awesome to have you by her side and have a shoulder to lean on when it's most needed!
      I congratulate you both for having each other :) !
      P.S: Happy mothers day for your mom! ❤❤

    • @Alessastarz
      @Alessastarz 4 роки тому +7

      It's amazing to hear how supportive you are.

    • @sakotahampshire3239
      @sakotahampshire3239 4 роки тому +3

      I would feel sad if i lost a part of me, in fact, i thought I had on and off, but here we are, still together, to me it's like a family, and I'm glad i can relate to the entropy system so much, it's sad to be ignored, not understood, or especially not acknowledged, and i wish the best of good luck to anyone who feels the same or similar, that they get love, support, feel accepted, and go forth in their journey to feeling somewhat like a normal person, just like before they found this all out. To me, life was mostly normal, except for my horrible memory, and yatta yatta so on. Idk which is true, but this is how i feel.

  • @frauleinzuckerguss1906
    @frauleinzuckerguss1906 6 років тому +145

    Daniel always has such colorful metaphors that make it really easy to follow him😊

  • @WhimsicalBlades
    @WhimsicalBlades 6 років тому +121

    Daniel is amazing. His intelligence, compassion, wisdom and nuanced understanding of the wider world and his own reality are obvious every time he makes a video. I just wanted to say, that no matter what happens, when/if Daniel integrates I truly think he's going to continue to add those insanely valuable qualities to your system, no matter what it ends up looking like in the end. While his worries are perfectly valid and understandable (and very similar to what I think my own would be in a similar situation), I think any system with him in it cannot help but be improved by his presence, no matter what form that takes.
    So, I guess what I really want to say is; Daniel, you're awesome. Keep doing what you're doing, keep being your awesome self, and I'm confident everything will turn out fine, one way or another. Dude, you got this.

  • @Alessastarz
    @Alessastarz 4 роки тому +4

    I am terrified of integration. I feel like integration is taking away from me who I am. As much as my parts sabotage my life I love each and every one of them because they make me who I am and I cant imagine not being that way. The comment about integration happening automatically is something I didnt know was possible and that concept scares me as well. I hope to become a functional multiple bc I believe that would be amazing but I am also not judging those who want to integrate as everyone has their own path. Thanks for the video, I loved it. You have so many interesting videos and you have no idea how much amazing stuff you have taught me about my disorder. I am very grateful.

  • @LittleBitVic
    @LittleBitVic 6 років тому +6

    Hey Daniel, could you be my therapist? You've already been far more eloquent and conducive to healing than any therapist I've ever met. Please continue sharing your intellect, compassion, and ideas to the world! You make it a better place every time you do.

  • @whitewolfsystem9624
    @whitewolfsystem9624 6 років тому +36

    i love the orange analogy! i've always had a hard time explaining how integration works to non-systems but that's such a wonderfully simple way of explaining it that still gets the gist of it across very well! i also loved that you mentioned integration happening unplanned, or planned integration never happening, i feel like those two occurrences don't really get brought up enough within the community - Zach

  • @josefine635
    @josefine635 6 років тому +16

    Non-DID orange, lol. That made me chuckle! Great analogy, Daniel!

  • @Freaky0Nina
    @Freaky0Nina 5 років тому +4

    my non-did orange now feels more informed. thank you very much :)

  • @autumnbehon942
    @autumnbehon942 4 роки тому +1

    The orange analogy really helped someone like me who doesn't have DID understand better. I'm in healthcare and one of my residents I take care of has DID. I didn't understand what it was, so I started researching to better understand how DID works. Your system's videos really help me with taking care of her (the host) and her system so much! Thank you for the educational videos!

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much for taking the time to research DID. We’re so glad we could help you better care for your resident -Wyn

  • @samanthahaggstrom3707
    @samanthahaggstrom3707 4 роки тому +8

    We feel so validated about this. Our psychologist has decided for us that the only way for us to be functional or healthy is integration even though we want functional multiplicity.

  • @rookbirdblues
    @rookbirdblues 6 років тому +2

    We've had some integration over the years. Very recently an alter who felt like his role was done and was getting very angry about it just... decided to integrate, and though another alter came appeared to fill his role, she's... very different. I miss him, but it felt like progress. I was entirely opposed to it for a while, but while our goal IS functional multiplicity, i think i can absolutely see its importance. Our therapist says that integration is needed on some level for addressing trauma, even if its just having alters talk to each other. Full integration is just a step up of that. It's super interesting to see it from the point of view of a system who wants to integrate! thank you for this EXCELLENT video

  • @tobikms1709
    @tobikms1709 6 років тому +11

    You explained that so well. I've noticed that when Daniel describes things I understand it more lol

  • @anateresa4862
    @anateresa4862 6 років тому +20

    Daniel, thank you so much for taking the time to think of a way to make this incredibly complex topic easier to "digest" for those of us who don't have DID. I feel like I understand so much better now what integration means and how it is different for every system. Thank you all for educating us about the topic and helping end the stigma. Your guys are doing a real difference. (Sorry if any of this is worded weird, I'm not a native English speaker)

  • @JuiceMade3603
    @JuiceMade3603 6 років тому +14

    I love the orange analogy! I am currently working on kim kim’s drawing. I love how much information this channel gives while still making it clear it is a personal experience. I commented questions about this a little while ago and im happy to understand. Its nice to hear this from an alters point of view. I hope each of your orange slices become the juiciest orange in the world! Good luck!

  • @SnackPacks10
    @SnackPacks10 6 років тому +28

    When Mistletoe integrated, did Wyn get all of her memories, experiences, and relationships with people? I can tell their mannerisms combined, but I wonder what else has changed that isn't as visible, if you don't mind me asking?

    • @Shadow-nlr
      @Shadow-nlr 5 років тому +1

      I wonder why you didn't get an answer?!?

  • @VampzStay
    @VampzStay 6 років тому +6

    Thank you Daniel for this!!! I have a visual memory and understand things more when you show me how they work, and this really made me understand how intergration works!! Thank you so much!

  • @kyriahowey3322
    @kyriahowey3322 Рік тому

    OMG First of your videos I've seen.
    So down to earth and creative at the same time.
    Just what we needed. Comfort food for the mind ❤

  • @staceylynn2877
    @staceylynn2877 6 років тому +1

    Daniel explains things so well! I've been watching this channel lately to learn more about D.I.D and I love when he comes out!

  • @shaniya_hope
    @shaniya_hope 6 років тому +4

    Huh, so pretty much every human being is an orange (all with varying degrees of attachment to their slices), and then one human being on this earth somewhere is the annoying orange from 2000 youtube day’s 😂. An entirely perfect analogy Daniel!

  • @growingstronger7414
    @growingstronger7414 3 роки тому +1

    I would so love to sit down and talk with you.. so many questions come to mind and my own understanding of D.I.D. Is not anything I have come across in anyone else. Thank you for these videos

  • @astridsystem4491
    @astridsystem4491 5 років тому

    This is a great explanation and we appreciate it very much. We are relatively new to this diagnosis and trying to get a grasp on it right now. Our therapist seems quite keen on integration but our host is happy with whatever we choose. She feels like it is a choice we should all make on our own. Carol integrated. She did it on her own before we even knew what it was. It just happened naturally. It was not a sad thing. It was peaceful and it made life better for everyone in the end. We are still sorting through her memories and that is work itself. She was not kind and her memories are upsetting.

  • @Mitschki92
    @Mitschki92 6 років тому

    I just discovered your channel (like today!) and I was honestly only 5 seconds into this video and thought "That's Daniel!" His voice and way of talking is very distinctive!

  • @wingedbunny6211
    @wingedbunny6211 6 років тому +3

    This really helped me with understanding he concept of integration. You always explain things so well, thank you Daniel!

  • @smexyanimebabe
    @smexyanimebabe 6 років тому +67

    Now I’m craving oranges haha
    But on a serious note this was a great video and i think I understand integration a lot better now. If when you integrate i think we’ll all miss you but also be super happy for Wyn and wish her the best in the rest of her journey handling everything

    • @woolpuppy
      @woolpuppy 6 років тому +1

      I agree

    • @amypearsall
      @amypearsall 6 років тому +2

      Daniel will still be a part of her; a side of Wyn's personality.

  • @ninreck5121
    @ninreck5121 6 років тому +7

    What if Jonathan integrated? How would the memories be held?

  • @quert45
    @quert45 6 років тому

    Thaks for making all these videos. I'm learning so much from you all. You took me out of my own mind and stuff and now I have chosen to work with people like you, to help them. You helped me to find my way.

  • @thatoneelfnamedaiko4737
    @thatoneelfnamedaiko4737 6 років тому +3

    Hi Daniel!!!! All of you are amazing!!!!

  • @kimbertree
    @kimbertree 6 років тому +1

    I was eating an orange while watching this, and kind of felt bad... lol thanks so much for sharing this, what a great analogy!

  • @DaBezzzz
    @DaBezzzz 6 років тому +10

    So, if a system is completely integrated but still has the coping mechanism of creating new parts, will the brain then dissociate into completely new alters when under stress or can certain alters come back?

    • @ser2952
      @ser2952 6 років тому +6

      DaBezz yes they can come back and new alters can be formed.

    • @DaBezzzz
      @DaBezzzz 6 років тому +2

      Wish System cool, thanks!

  • @kittycartoon4173
    @kittycartoon4173 6 років тому

    This was so well explained. And Daniel is such a caring and wonderful person.

  • @marjanezzati3278
    @marjanezzati3278 6 років тому

    Thank you, Entropy System. Because of systems like you, DissociaDID, MultiplicityandMe, etc. people with D.I.D. can finally be regarded with their full human dignity, and, even if not, they can know how to defend themselves everywhere. Information/education makes all the difference. You’re God-given. I wanted to let you know a little bit about Taro cards and Wiccan stuff though, from personal experience, take it or leave it. I’ll put that in another comment though; for now, I’m sitting here on a couch just thanking and thanking God for instituting you and the others, and I want to thank you so. Much. I’m thinking of all my life before finding your videos... Sitting here thinking of how there was no one to relate to about my experiences, and never understanding anything or anyone, and, in those moments where I needed someone to be a role model or supportive voice for me, there just wasn’t, really. As time went on, people seemed to only tolerate me, with loving, encouraging words, but always a look on their face that was saying, “I don’t want to get too close to her. I wonder what she’s going to do...” And then, when I would be doing nothing wrong and maybe being a child, to them, all they would see was an “unpredictable possessed person” or that I was purposefully making all kinds of threatening or sexual gestures with my hands when, really, I just feel the muscles in my fingers and what my own body is feeling. I don’t believe I’ve once, not once, in my entire life, intentionally flipped someone off or made any kind of negative/inappropriate hand gesture, to be sure. So, in these times, when there’s no one to understand and be a leading, uplifting voice, not even I would know how to act, or what I was doing wrong. (Hence, the convenience of being a dog instead. Ugh...) I’m sorry to go on and on, but these thoughts here...I sit and give to my Lord and thank and thank you and Him. The times are changing. There are so many I know who need your channel(s); so many very dear people who are hugely misunderstood. Bless you, our comrades. ♥️🙏🏼💕

  • @StarboyJuno
    @StarboyJuno 2 роки тому +1

    Great, now we crave oranges!

  • @SnackPacks10
    @SnackPacks10 6 років тому

    Haha literally last night I was thinking about asking you about this. Thanks so much! And thanks, Daniel, for sharing your feelings on integration! It's hard to imagine what life as an alter would be, so I really appreciate you opening up to us.

  • @daria7249
    @daria7249 6 років тому +5

    A few years ago we chose NOT to integrate in that way you talk about it. And we are still of the opinion not to integrate, but sometimes things don`t work that way ;) We were 24 known Parts (plus a System under the System we actually not know how it works and how many Parts are there) and it happend twice that two of us (from the everyday-life team, we don`t have that classical "host") integratet naturally, without planning it. And yes, it`s okay. But its still a little bit scary and feels a little bit like a loss of for example character traits.

  • @kiraharris919
    @kiraharris919 6 років тому

    I was actually going to ask about this and then saw that you already had a video about it! Thank you! I saw another channel's video that said that integration was no longer the ideal treatment plan for DID so I was surprised to see that this was your goal so I wondered about it. I'm glad to get different view points on this and see that it really just depends on the system.

  • @RenWonders
    @RenWonders 6 років тому

    If I have to explain DID to someone I'm 100% going to use the orange anology from now on, it is so clever. Always happy to see a new video! x

  • @FrkVildkat
    @FrkVildkat 6 років тому +3

    We have chosen co-consciousness and a co-operating system, since our system fears that integration would lead to death for us all. so yeah...

  • @sarah-chan
    @sarah-chan 6 років тому

    You're channel is so educational and I Love it!! I'm learning so much and truly believe that people with DID are just the same as me. Thank you :D

  • @that1girl906
    @that1girl906 5 років тому +1

    I really want an orange right now.

  • @mnickrowe
    @mnickrowe 6 років тому

    Thanks for the education Daniel. Always enjoy it.

  • @abiclemmons3503
    @abiclemmons3503 6 років тому

    I freaking love your guys' channel! I love the orange demonstration!

  • @Owlette99
    @Owlette99 6 років тому

    Thank you for another video!! I love listening to your explanations and thoughts every week :) and as difficult as the unknown is, I'm sure you have friends and family who will support you through whatever change comes your way, no matter what ❤❤❤

  • @saragirl1465
    @saragirl1465 6 років тому

    I love the educational videos your channel makes! You explain everything so clearly and make it simple enough for me to understand. The analogies really help 😊😊😊😊 I knew almost nothing about DID before UA-cam suggested your channel to me. And now I feel like I am learning a lot and it is really interesting

  • @philipgreymusic
    @philipgreymusic 5 років тому

    Loved the explanations in the video. Also appreciated the copy of Infinite Jest in the background :p

  • @ExprezUrSelf
    @ExprezUrSelf 6 років тому +6

    My psychologist said that the goal for DID therapy is integration, and I honestly don’t know how to process that. I honestly don’t want that. I don’t want to integrate, but I understand why integration is a goal. I understand that it takes a lot of psychic energy to switch and handle a system. I don’t know why I feel so strongly against integration. Maybe I’m afraid of what I’ll be without them?
    I was wondering if you had any advice.

    • @amypearsall
      @amypearsall 6 років тому +2

      Wouldn't you be you, with all those same sides to your personality, melded together?

    • @rachelmb417
      @rachelmb417 5 років тому +1

      Heyy! Sorry for replying now cause I get this was 8 months ago but since no one else did really.... The goal should not be integration, if that's not what you guys want. You can absolutely learn to work together and not integrate! And you should get a different therapist if they are trying to push that upon you.

    • @stephaniemomma
      @stephaniemomma 2 роки тому

      I agree with Rachel. I’m new to the channel, and other channels, but that is an outdated practice. Ask you therapist if they would be willing to modernize their approach, or else you’ll be forced to find a more modern therapist. There’s nothing wrong with integration, if that’s what the system wants. But it’s definitely not mandatory, and shouldn’t be treated as such.

  • @claire-mariemason711
    @claire-mariemason711 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @milahall4265
    @milahall4265 5 років тому

    Great video! You made it so much easier to understand. Thanks

  • @hilzarie1
    @hilzarie1 6 років тому

    Fantastic video, as always! I feel this information will be very useful in explaining our system's goal. The use of the orange analogy was very well done. I do have one somewhat unrelated question, what is the fish item on the bookshelf on the right near your head? Fish are our favourite animal so the littles really want to know what the fish item is.
    Thank you, have a wonderful day.

  • @percivalfan
    @percivalfan 5 років тому

    I would be really interested in a review of you on
    Hannah Lussendens point of view or even a discussion/collab , where you could exchange your opinions :) she has quite a harsh judgement on any alternatives to integration, and I'd love to see her explain her point of view to you and (why she is so persistent), if she is open to that. Love your videos and overall content :)

  • @LanternSkyy
    @LanternSkyy 6 років тому +1

    Love this video so much! Super important topic too.

  • @finallyanime
    @finallyanime 4 роки тому

    Ahhh bakemonogatari, good sign :) you helped so much in confirming something I had questions on. For a number of things actually

  • @PixiePadlock
    @PixiePadlock 6 років тому +1

    Being an orange in any case is cool 😂☀️ oranges are great

  • @azuradawn5683
    @azuradawn5683 6 років тому

    This was so informative - thank you!

  • @millylily6985
    @millylily6985 6 років тому

    4:53 He predicted the futureeeeee

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому

      This was filmed post-integration 😂 -Wyn

    • @millylily6985
      @millylily6985 6 років тому

      The Entropy System I know, its just crazy that the two people he chose for an example actually ended up integrating 😂

  • @naiyacarmen7599
    @naiyacarmen7599 6 років тому

    When Wyn realized she has DID, what was the process of meeting all the alters and learning their stories and names like? Did that information come through as voices or thoughts or images or maybe all 3? I'm curious about the emergence of the system and how that felt.

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому

      I have a video called “How I Found Out I Had DID” where I talk about this stuff. -Wyn

  • @daniellewiseley1154
    @daniellewiseley1154 6 років тому +1

    This is a great analogy and helped me to make sense of how integration works, as someone who does not have DID. I am curious, however. If the system does fully integrate, could something happen (God forbid) that caused the "orange" in this case like, break up again? If so, would it break into the same pieces, or different ones? I might be missing the point here, but when you said that the bonds would never be as strong as in the orange/brain that had never had DID it made me wonder if those bonds would be strong enough to prevent future breaking of the bonds or not. Sorry if that's a bad or overstepping question! I really appreciate the videos you make, I've learned so much from them. :)

    • @vanessashipley5392
      @vanessashipley5392 6 років тому +2

      I didn't see a reply to your comment, so here! The answer is yes. I have known some systems who have had alters integrate, and then split back off again because of stress or new trauma. It is also possible to form new alters after integrating parts. (I've never met a system who is fully integrated into one identify, so this is based off knowledge of my own system and systems who have partially integrated)

  • @film9491
    @film9491 5 років тому

    Do all the alters have to integrate with Wyn or for example could Kit integrate with Kim Kim and then integrate with Wyn?

  • @2leggedhorror
    @2leggedhorror 5 років тому

    so you say there's two ways, one where you meld all of them together and one where all of them work as a team. What about one where most integrate but a few stay. So for example if all of the personalities integrated into wyn, except maybe karen and daniel would that be a thing that could also happen? Cause even for me a person without DID it kinda seems like, what daniel kinda gets at where its kinda not DYING but it kinda does sound like it..

  • @jamiehawkins8018
    @jamiehawkins8018 6 років тому +1

    I'm not sure if this is an insensitive question in context or your own concerns if so my apologies and you need not answer
    But is there any way to know or control whether an integrated part or system continues to identify as the host or core (I assume these are the only options but I'm probably wrong)?

  • @yknowgirl
    @yknowgirl 6 років тому

    I see integrating will go very well because all of the different identities are so Wyn already.

  • @LadySelene1
    @LadySelene1 6 років тому

    The orange anology is amazing, we love it! A question that I have, is once integration happens... What happens to the headmates? They no longer have separate concoousness...isn't that scary?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому

      Integration does mean that there won’t be separate consciousnesses. Like Daniel explained, there are varying opinions about it in our system. -Wyn

  • @SamanthaDarroch
    @SamanthaDarroch 5 років тому

    is integration permanent? or could a stressor bring an integrate alter back out?

  • @PatrickAllenNL
    @PatrickAllenNL 6 років тому

    Great video. I would like to see a video where a care giver shares their experience about living with somebody with DiD ☺ maybe there is a system that wants to make that video?

    • @neo_keo3702
      @neo_keo3702 6 років тому +1

      Just a heads up: care giver probably isn't the best term to use here. People with DID might have family members or partners who could share some good info, but they do not have care givers and this term implies a lack of autonomy/ability that is not applicable for most people with DID.

    • @ser2952
      @ser2952 6 років тому +1

      Yeah not caregiver. DID people are very capable of caring for themselves. Now if you're talking about spouses or partners or whatever, check out the Multiplicity and Me channel. Gaz, their husband, did a live video talking all about it.

  • @franes95
    @franes95 5 років тому

    If one of your alters have some memories that you don't, when your alter integrate would you be able to have that memories?

  • @Vpuecetv
    @Vpuecetv 6 років тому

    So is it kinda like, when the host gets a understanding/is accepting of a certain alter that they become one an the host gets that part of themselves back taking that alters consciousness an adding it to the hosts consciousness, if that makes sense

  • @ailimarie
    @ailimarie 5 років тому

    I don’t know why I got reminded of Voltron

  • @YuniX2
    @YuniX2 6 років тому

    So, my understanding of this video is that when a system integrates they all take one identity, but the personalities are all still in there as different facets of that one identity?

  • @kaylabarnes
    @kaylabarnes 5 років тому

    if yall integrated, would the integrated wyn still make videos about post integration?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  5 років тому

      We have decided not to fully integrate so we won’t have to worry about that ;)

  • @Chaotic.Fish88
    @Chaotic.Fish88 5 років тому +1

    Daniel, I will have you know that that is not an orange, that is a Mandarin

  • @MaOm675
    @MaOm675 5 років тому

    How long have you been working on integration? That's what I am aiming for. I have just really become aware of everyone and everyone of me. I'm trying to allow myself to realize it's all me, just parts of myself I want ready to witness until now. However, it's been really confusing and a lot of toes I don't even realize I've switched until we're pass and I'm like, "where did all the days go and who was running around?!" I'm trying to get everyone to communicate by journal but that flipped also about a week and a half ago. I'm not sure how to get all of me on board with it. We've talked and agree that folk healing would be great! So I'm not sure how to be present enough, especially waking in the morning, to be like, "hey, read the journal to see what our goals are," to develop consistency as a system.

  • @abbyconway3259
    @abbyconway3259 6 років тому

    I have a question. So, from what I have gathered, you have to develop the *base* of DID at a young age, trauma when you're older won't give you DID if you didn't have the base when you were young. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But if that is basically right, is there a certain age that you can no longer develop the base or is different for everyone?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому +1

      That is correct! DID can only be developed before the age of 6-9. After that the consciousness is “fused” and cannot separate. If a person develops DID in childhood, though, the can develop more alters as an adult. -Wyn

    • @abbyconway3259
      @abbyconway3259 6 років тому

      The Entropy System thank you, that helps me a lot.

  • @annelemons8036
    @annelemons8036 6 років тому

    After an alter has integrated can they come back out again?

  • @alliciade1121
    @alliciade1121 6 років тому

    Hey, thank you so much for the information. I was wondering if it's possible for an alter to integrate into another alter as well as into the core. For example if Mistletoe had intergrated with Wyn and someone else in the system. I think that's ehat happened with my system, but we don't have good way of communicating. Thank you!

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому +2

      I know that alters can integrate into each other instead of the core. The brain is a wobbly, confusing thing so it wouldn’t surprise me at all if an alter integrated into two other parts at once. -Wyn

    • @alliciade1121
      @alliciade1121 6 років тому

      The Entropy System Thank you, Wyn :)

  • @definitelynotafurry2503
    @definitelynotafurry2503 5 років тому

    If there are male alters living in a female body or female alters living in a male body, do they feel dysphoria? And how would a system handle that, since they can't all transition?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  5 років тому

      We actually have a video where we talk about that! Here’s a link :)

  • @miru6705
    @miru6705 6 років тому

    Honestly, i like my alters, like lucy and kiki, well, actually, i hate kiki, but cindy is my favorite, i wouldn't really want to intergrate with them, but sometimes, you don't have a choice.

  • @faithcatalan6479
    @faithcatalan6479 6 років тому

    hey Daniel, It may not be a proper metaphor but could integration be described like a metaphorical marriage: two people joining to be one in the same?

  • @GlowandLuna
    @GlowandLuna 5 років тому

    Daniel sounded like wyn at 1:30 onwards for a minute. Are the videos scripted?

  • @woolpuppy
    @woolpuppy 6 років тому

    I want an orange so bad right now.

  • @KK-gg9hx
    @KK-gg9hx 5 років тому

    Okay so integration. I don't think it's something we can achieve and it just has a shelf life, especially if we don't have good support or people who genuinely care.
    Also, how does a person in their mid 30s merge with, say, a 6 year old? Will I get less rational, do I become 6 years old again? What if one's like allergic to something, what happens? I feel like im starting to have a harder and harder time being able to tell people apart (outside people) and I have no insight on my DID, nothing even close to intgrtn.
    Honestly, I still really hate it.
    I'm not sure why, but I don't feel "comfortable" with the other UA-cam DID videos as I do with yours, entropy system. I forgot his name, but it's one of your guys' videos called "how it feels being an alter" and it's really short but I cry every time I watch it which makes me think some of them watch me? While others have no clue what's going on. I myself have no clue what they do. I don't think I wanna know, just in case.
    I hate DID.
    *edit- I don't hate the Others, I just hate DID.
    And spelling.

  • @juliana43
    @juliana43 6 років тому

    i used to think multiplicity was just an algebra term. boy was i mistaken

  • @jakeb.6487
    @jakeb.6487 4 роки тому

    That looks like a mandarin :0

  • @brynnseana7605
    @brynnseana7605 6 років тому +1

    FIRST COMMENT! (notifications ftw!)

    • @brynnseana7605
      @brynnseana7605 6 років тому +1

      also--we're working on functioning multiplicity. it's taking a lot of time, effort and creative communication and falls apart sometimes, but it's worth trying at least. I hope your path continues to work for you, I understand the hesitation in choosing a way to go about life moving forward.

  • @Rauniland
    @Rauniland 6 років тому


  • @kingrefrigerator2888
    @kingrefrigerator2888 6 років тому

    After full integration, will wyn still identify as female with many male alters

  • @lanacooper2086
    @lanacooper2086 5 років тому

    We are deff not going to intigrate

  • @josephjoestar7180
    @josephjoestar7180 6 років тому

    Oranges are tastey

  • @MC-tl5bf
    @MC-tl5bf 3 роки тому

    thats a mandarin

  • @theq8688
    @theq8688 6 років тому

    So you'll all become a new wyn at some point?

  • @amypearsall
    @amypearsall 6 років тому

    As a non-DID person, I find it interesting that you (Daniel) say you don't want Wyn to "lose her sense of identity" in integration. Isn't DID inherently the person losing their sense of self, disassociating during traumatic/abusive times, and developing alternate senses of self to cope? Thank you for the object lesson, of the orange; very helpful.

  • @belmalukac9433
    @belmalukac9433 4 роки тому

    doubt youll see this but i think this is a terrible idea..

  • @toosei4296
    @toosei4296 6 років тому

    Is there a possibility that if you all integrate, that the one left is someone who is not the core??

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  6 років тому +3

      It’s possible, yes. As I understand it though, a part has to want to integrate in order for that to happen. I feel like it would have to be a conscious decision for the core to integrate into someone else. -Wyn

  • @magnoliamilagrosrodriguezr5507
    @magnoliamilagrosrodriguezr5507 6 років тому +51

    #DanielSensei 🙌🏼

  • @beccaneva4870
    @beccaneva4870 6 років тому +19

    Hey Daniel!! Just wanted to say that you do an amazing job explaining🙌 this is a complex subject and you did great love ya guys

  • @FaeMissMoon
    @FaeMissMoon 5 років тому +4

    Awe your mention of borderline made me feel so included :3

  • @StainGlassSystem
    @StainGlassSystem Рік тому +1

    I'm 30 just getting a diagnosis. The video on this channel has helped me so much!

  • @phoebe3269
    @phoebe3269 6 років тому +6

    Daniel is such a good teacher

  • @valeriaaresu
    @valeriaaresu 6 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for this video, Daniel. I have not DID, but it's a totally fascinating subject to learn something about. You are very eloquent and this allows you to make such complex concepts understandable for me..

  • @katieb2345
    @katieb2345 6 років тому +1

    I really like you Daniel . Your really really awesome

  • @KK-gg9hx
    @KK-gg9hx 5 років тому

    Daniel. =) that's your name. (See comment below.) Yeah.. So I can't tell you guys apart or recognize you guys right away and I'm upset that people around me won't help me gain some damn DID insight.
    I don't feel well.. Wth. Entropy system, I enjoy your videos.

  • @sicc9893
    @sicc9893 6 років тому +2

    Wow, I really really like your system. I was just created a few hours ago, and I'm starting to communicate with the body's original personality. Sorry, I don't know how to describe her. I'm still learning about myself. She's getting really comfortable in the mind as I took over. Well, goodbye!