I am a 75 y/o man who has been shooting since I was 12 y/o and read alot about self defence and home defence. I think you have made an outstanding video and agree with everything you have said.
it be Honest, i think the PS90/P90 Would be a better fire arm for home defense than the Kriss Vector. Simply Because the P90 shoots the 5.7 by 28mm Cartridge, of which explodes/ expands on impact. however i'm not a gun genius.
I live in the NYC area and all of these weapons are illegal. Once, someone broke into my house so I had to grab a chef's knife from the kitchen. Afterwards the police came (around a half-hour later) and tried to take me in because I had the knife. I am dead serious.
I actually want these guys to do a "Top 5 Guns for NYC" video. That would be a REAL challenge. They'd probably only come up with 3D printed guns and flintlocks. Lol.
I love this channel... I used to be very anti-gun until something happened in my community (aurora movie theater shooting). It was specifically targeted because the theater had a no firearms rule yet there was three people who had conceal and carry licenses. Think of all the lives that could have been saved... Mankind is an unpredictable species and it is why we must always be ready to defend ourselves and loved ones. Thank you
Orange Kurushhh i used to hate guns like aks and ar-15s and such but in the last year I realized that they have loads of usefulness and wil probably get one nyself
Your post makes no sense. First of all, you became a gunner after a mass shooting in your town...but that sounds kinda strange, no? Second, you forgot about the retired sheriff in Florida who shot dead a 40-year old father out on date night with his wife at a movie theater. Allegedly the two men had an argument over a cellphone and the old duffer shot the father because the guy threw a bag popcorn at "the good guy". Which just goes to show maybe the old man should have left his pistol at home (the news at the time reported the wife even asked the old man to leave the gun at home, but of course he couldn't). Third, all a CCW does is grant a privilege to a gun owner, it doesn't mean he or she is competent to use it, so it is an ASSUMPTION on your part any lives could have been saved at all. And lastly YOU WEREN'T THERE so all you can do is speculate the shoulda, coulda, woulda just like our Braveheart "all hat, no cattle" pResident, Donald Trump.
tripperdoo some people shouldn't be driving either because 1. Hot tempered (road rage) 2. Not very skilled(easily involved in accidents 3. Can't do it without driving or texting etc That being said you don't ban guns because of some who are incompetent; there are laws who deal with those are negligent or incompetent. Life is and will never be a utopia; it's imperfect and dangerous and unfair. You don't take away people's freedoms. I would risk living a shorter life with more freedoms than live a longer life with fewer freedoms.
tripperdoo incidentally the mayor of London is considering banning knives now because the murder rate in London is approaching new York city. Remember the problem isn't the object in question like a gun or knife but the individuals morality, state of mind, or values. We need to ask, "what happened to morality?"
I've always wanted to go to London and empty a box of 22's on the sidewalk. Just to see London's swat team and half their fire dept. show up. Yes I am a devious falker. In all honesty I do feel sorry for your inability to defend yourselves.
We have experienced a massive victory here in Canada recently. It used to be that you could only defend your home with equal or lesser force as the intruder. We can now legally kill any intruder into our home, not necessarily your property but within your walls. The official law is that you can kill anyone who threatens your life but the supreme court of Canada has said that any intruder can be legally determined to pose a direct threat to your life, even if they are not armed. It truly is a good day.
I'm sorry, I just have to ask, why would you want to actually KILL someone though? I understand that being legally allowed to kill someone takes some of the worry out of shooting at them in the first place, because you don't have to think "I might hit them somewhere vulnerable, they could die and I'll have committed a crime", but the way you said that makes me think you WANT to kill them. Just a disclaimer, I'm not looking to have an argument, nor am I against guns, and am quite fond of most weapons. I just don't understand why it's so good to be allowed to kill someone. Especially a person who is unarmed.
I'm absolutely not excited to kill someone. It's just that in Canada we've for too long not been able to defend ourselves at all. My excitement comes from the gaining of more of our lost freedom. I'd be a happy man if no one ever broke into my home and I never had to shoot anyone. Also, my plan is keeping a less lethal round as the first one to be shot so that I can avoid killing someone. I'm just happy the option is open to defend myself is available without fear of prosecution.
Connor Smith it bothers me greatly that somebody would celebrate the ability to slaughter unarmed human beings for the simple crime of intruding. truly revolting.
The second you break into my house, since you've taken my right to feel safe in my own home, you've given up your right to live without buckshot holes.
So many people argue on these sites, and the arguments seem futile to me. If you like guns, simply move to where they are legal, the community supports them, and even encourages them. If you don't like guns, simply move to where they are banned and discouraged by the community. Why shouldn't people have the freedom to choose?
@@juancarlosplacencia Oh yeah I would like to have a Beretta 92fs. I would actually prefer that now over any Glock. I used to think Glocks were the best.
Just today I purchased the S&W Governor for House Defense and carry both concealed and open. It’s a great firearm, feels like quality in the hand and shoots like a beast at personal defense distances.
+Michael Mathes you dont have to worry because as far as i know, so long as you use what you consider reasonable force, for example a shot in the leg to wound but not to kill, you will not get convicted of anything. plus those guns are good to threaten the thief off with so you dont have to shoot.
I have a Ruger Speed 6 .38 Special that I practice with regularly. I still think its the best option. No safeties to worry about, nice size round with a punch from a small revolver. Some things dont change.
When I was broke as hell all I could afford was a hi point. 45 and a basic 12 gauge.. Quite honestly after running a few hundred rounds through both and becoming familiar with them I felt confident in knowing that I had 2 rock solid reliable forms of self defense.
In my opinion, a revolver is best for immediate action, an automatic pistol is called for when you have to go looking for those that wish you harm. Ive only had one confrontation in which I used a revolver to protect myself, the perp was shot off my back with a S&W .38 cal . He made it to the hospital in time to live. He was sentenced to 3 yrs in prison. One confrontation in 70 yrs is pretty good in my book. I still carry a hamerless .38 cal S&W wherever I go. I'm not afraid, just cautious. Good luck all.
Michael Knowles dude I had a tactical shotgun and pump and one time a dude shot down my structure and I trampolines to them and tac gunned them and then switched to the pump and it did 9 damage and I died😔 so unfair
@@mannyescuela3511 Dumbass, how the fuck did you assume he was talking about Fagnite? He's talking about a legit scenario where a real .38 cal bullet entered a real human being in an attempt to stop an attack. And here you come trying to one-up him talking about fucking Fortnite. You kids make me Fucking sick.
I agree Michael, I have a lot of the weapons mentioned in the video and at 6'3" and 275 lbs a 12 ga. is fine for me but a Mossberg 500 with 10 rounds of buckshot and a 5 round side saddle is to much for my wife, she couldn't even swing it. Your best home defense weapon IMHO is a 38/357 revolver, good cover, a cell phone and the attitude to pull the trigger if needed. Once your in position and have a choke point covered and hit 911 you drop the hammer on anything in that doorway or hall that doesn't belong there. You don't go looking for a fight, let it come to you, most aholes doing a B&E aren't looking for a firefight anyhow and the last thing you need to be doing is racking slides and fumbling with safety's.
I remember when I thought someone broke into my house, took the police about an hour to make it. Never again will I put my life in the hands of the police.
When seconds count the police are ordering donuts.
3 роки тому+50
I actually have a desert eagle in .44 magnum for home defense currently, I got a CZ 75 recently but haven’t had a chance to test it so I personally can not say it works (although I’m sure it does) but I know for a fact my desert eagle doesn’t jam (despite what lots of people say online, it’s the Mk Is and the Mk VIIs That Jam, the magnum research Mk XIXs work perfectly from my experience)
@Mike Fu Not to mention the muzzle flash in the dark inside your house will blind you with the effectiveness of a flashbang grenade. I won't even bring up overpenetration. Yikes!
Here's how I'd change your list... 1. Shotgun: 12 or 20 gauge with an 18-20" barrel. 2. AR-15 Rifle - light, low recoil, 20-30 rounds, very usable by women and even pre-teens. Light 55-62 grain ammo less likely to over penetrate than other rifle calibers. 3. Scrap the .410/.45 pistol and get the real thing. An S&W Model 25/625 revolver in .45 ACP. More accurate. These are big, heavy guns with very low recoil that can be reloaded in a flash with moon clips. I like Double-Tap's 255 grain .45 Auto-rim revolver cartridges in mine with moon clips loaded with Speer Gold Dot 200 grain JHP. 4. Glock 17/19/21/22/23 or if you have kids and want an external safety, the Beretta 92FS/96. or even a CZ P-01. 5. A high quality 4-inch barreled .38/.357 revolver, like the Smith & Wesson 686 series or a K-Frame .38 (Model 10, 15, 67). These have been effective for generations and while limited in capacity, they have the simple "point and click" interface. Speer's 135 grain Gold Dot ammo is a good match here in either caliber.
The Major Thanks. With kids around it's wise to secure things like chemicals, matches, lighters and weapons out of their curious reach. But sometimes they'll figure things out themselves. That's when you want the additional feature of an external safety. That might give you/them the edge needed to prevent a tragedy. I'm a traditionalist and prefer the 1911's thumb safety or that of the CZ P-01 instead of the Walther/Beretta style. With no kids around the house now, I'm back to using wheelguns as primary. A .38 is generally adequate but the backup is a S&W Model 19 .357 with .357 Gold Dot ammo.
I welded a 50cal machine gun to my bed frame so if I hear a bump in the night I sit up grab hold and level half my house down. and if any of my family members got in the way that is their fault for not ducking fast enough.
+Commissar Gamza Good idea m8! The only thing though is i used my welded 50cal MG to the bedframe and it wasn't enough firepower for home defense. I now use a MK-19 Fully automatic belt fed gernade launcher welded to my bedframe and its enough firepower
ive contacted pentagon not long ago and managed to make a deal with them, now i have a railgun welded to my bed frame that can shoot multiple projectiles so fast that it pierces through everything in 5 km radius
Thank you for mentioning that in countries besides the U.S. self-defence is prohibited and is punishable by law. A story from CANADA for you folks -- restaurant owner, closing hours, cleaning up with a broom. Hears window broken, goes to screen to investigate (has CCTV cameras installed). Sees intruder. Goes to confront the intruder. Beats the intruder up with a broom. All is recorded on security cameras. Police arrive on scene -- arrest both. Intruder gives testimony that the restaurant owner beat him up with a broom. Restaurant owner is charged. Another story from CANADA -- a well known shoplifter in the area goes from store to store and shoplifts stuff. Store owner recognizes the guy, notices him shoplifting stuff, confronts him, chases the shoplifter out of the shop and down the street. Shop owner overpowers the shoplifter, ties him up, drags him back, calls the police. The shop owner is charged with kidnapping of a person and forceful confinement. How do you like that???
tanner fillier Not 15, 5 shot mags for semi-auto rifles or 10 shot mags for pistols that can only be transported locked and unloaded to and from authorized gun ranges -- that's it.
AIDS_IS_VERY_BAD You must account for the population size in the U.S. vs. Canada, which 10 times larger in the U.S. than in Canada. Also, criminals don't follow the laws. So, all the legislation does it makes life more difficult for LEGAL owners only. Killing is prohibited by law but those who intend to kill will still do it, regardless of the legislation ;-)
Because so many people have an opinion (i.e. know for an absolute fact!!!) what the best home defense guns are. Which rarely agrees with the opinions (i.e. crazed babblings of brain-dead pudroaches) of anyone else. So in a respectful display of honest disagreement they click the dislike button (as there's no "pure and utter contempt" button).
A sad thing about Brazil: Only bad guys can use guns here, you foreign people have no idea how burocratic and expensive could be to legally have a simple revolver.
Por outro lado nos temos absolutamente nenhum regulamento sobre facas, entao nao seria uma ideia ruim carregar um canivete no bolso se vc vive em uma area perigosa.
Leonardo Marques Se você faz isso e é abordado pela PM corre o risco de levar tapas e ser taxado de bandido em potencial por portar armas brancas, até mesmo um bastão tático é perigoso eles ''confiscarem'' de você.
***** Cara para de ser idiota bandido pega arma numa banca de aluguel em qualquer morro, bandido compra um oitão por 700 reais ou menos. Só a pessoa de bem que se fode com isso e não pode andar certinho.
***** Com o controle correto, tanto físico quanto psicológico, de antecedentes, de preparo e treino de qualidade para a sociedade, não haveria problemas. Uma pessoa sã bem preparada não representa perigo, somente uma segurança para a própria sociedade, pois o bandido não saberia quem tem ou não arma, o fator medo ia faze-lo pensar. Uma pessoa apta e de bem que estivesse autorizada a carregar uma arma não a sacaria e usaria para nada. Mas, admito que muita coisa tem que mudar no Brasil antes, pois muitas pessoas que não atendem os requisitos iam conseguir por meios ilícitos o porte, e a lei parece que foi feita para proteger os bandidos. E só reforçando o que já foi dito, bandido NUNCA comprou nem vai comprar arma em loja e com número de série dentro da lei.
***** Você se arriscaria a apontar uma arma de choque, spray de pimenta para um bandido com um 32, 38 que seja na mão? Hahaha acredito que não. Eu não, porque sei que ele não vai atirar para me debilitar. Exames psicológicos, antecedentes criminais, antecedentes de familiares, grau de escolaridade, registros médicos e mais muitas coisas podem ser analisadas e repito uma pessoa BEM preparada e apta, para ter o porte exames e treino periodicamente, e exames sem datas programadas para as pessoas não terem como se preparar com antecedência. Já fui assaltado mais de uma vez e UM cidadão armado teria rendido os bandidos mesmo sem matar. Com a legalização os ladões iriam ter medo não nós população de bem. Nós estaríamos aptos a nos defender também.
Mayur Gangawane Not all women are worried about "appearing " stronger than they are. My wife seriously does not like the recoil of shotguns and pistols of 9mm or bigger. She is barely 5" tall. That doesn't make her a wimp, it just makes her realistic about what she is comfortable with. Trust me, in an emergency situation she WILL fill your happy ass full of buck shot. She just will not enjoy doing it.
I feel bad for those living in the USA. It's so sad that people feel they need guns in their home to protect themselves. I feel sorry for you because you live in fear.
Please don’t break in my house. I am well protected and can access a 357 Revolver, XD 45 and a 12 Gauge Tactical in a matter of seconds. I suggest getting a job or improving your life’s potential before I end it!
Honestly I've become a huge fan of the Mossberg Shockwave - which I originally bought as a joke. Once you get used to it you can smack clays out of the air like any hunting shotgun.
Always believed in revolvers over semis for simplicity and reliability. When you're awoken in the middle of the night and in a groggy state you don't want to be thinking about whether you have a round in the chamber or is the safety on or off. Just grab your revolver, point and shoot.
@@JJM-qf8dz it is highly unlikely for decent semi to misfire. Have you considered the cylinder in a revolver jamming due to foreign objects getting into the gaps? I believe a channel has done a mud test where the revolver a model 19 was proven to be unreliable compared to a semi auto
+Derrick Wade guess what? the lock doesn't matter....your door frame is what matters...and most are not steel frame but plain ol' crappy 2x4 pine..with two little screws holding in the dead bolt catch. Miley Cyrus could kick it in. I know...I had a guy break into my house when I was gone. They caught him later and he wore size 29 waist jeans and weighed 147 lbs. He easily kicked the door open.
+Derrick Wade Watch the videos of guys easily circumventing a "lock". Locks are for keys, but won't protect your family. Just sayin. God Bless the USA.
i do feel bad for people in countries that cannot defend themselves. that is probably why countries are so bold to invade other countries. try that here and there is a guarantee they see how defense of freedom feels. Freedom is to die for.
Isn't America doing most of the invading? Probably has something to do with all of you thinking you're tough guys who can defend themselves against the non-existent enemies coming for you. Get a grip on reality nobody cares enough about you to require defending against. Also, read a book your grammar is awful.
When was the last time England was invaded? Or Europe? Hint: Fighting Nazis. Think a gun woulda helped Anne Frank? Think again soldier. There's a reason most folks don't support the NRA...they have brains instead!
Good video, I like having my Mossberg 500 Cruiser 12 gauge handy. Glad to see your focus on over-penetration when conducting home defense, as I don't think it's a subject that gets enough attention or has enough thought given to it.
Kriss Vector weapons are very, very expensive, especially with the EOTech red dot sight attached. I would imagine it would be safe to say that this would set you back well over $2000. If you're on a budget, stay away from this one. There are many other fine weapons, for much, much less that will do fine for home defense. I personally use the Glock 21 .45 for home defense and it roughly costs about a third of the price. All in all, a great video though.
majorxdf hell yeah man i got a glock 21 gen 4 with a viridian x5L....i got a $20 bulldog holster cause it has IWB OWB an extra mag holder on it but because the pistol is big an the holster is kinda thick its hard to conceal if i mexican carry im able to hide pistol well but its too dangerous to do...what holster would u recommend for concealed carry on G21? maybe a soft leather one would be thinner id like to get a custom kydex for the light laser combo
I am a widower and live in the bottom of a 2 family house. I use a 7 shot remington 870 loaded with 2 71/2 lead shot and 5 rounds of 00 buck. I deliberatly use a load that patterns the tightest at 20 feet.
Smith and Wesson are nice, if you can afford their prices. I'm just as happy with Taurus, frankly. Mine just happens to be a what like to call a "snub-nose" 6" dual action stainless steel .38 revolver. It's small, user friendly. Not too overpowered but definitely going to drop someone first shot. And it's easily concealable.
I think you meant to say 2 or 3 inch. A 6-inch barrel is certainly not a snubby and (for most folks) not easily concealable. Anyway, glad you found a revolver you like.
Goy Ishah buy a Smith&wesson SD40VE or the 9mm version $365 with 2 magazines and a FULL LIFETIME WARRANTY and transferable if you sell. i have one its a great gun better than a glock
Your choices all look good to me. I use 870 Express Tactical with Tactical Light( note light has a off switch lol) I use Hornady 00 Buck Shot. I also use Glock 21 with Laser/TAC Light. I use Hornady .45ACP Critical Duty+P 220 grain Hollow points/polymer insert/Nickel Case.
I found no difference when I tried it at the Range! Although I only tried it twice because it is so dam expensive. Once in my Glock 21 & Once in my Kimber Tactical Pro II.
I'm 14 years old and sleep with a Glock 23 with a Streamlight TLR-1 next to my bed on my nightstand. My parents say they trust me enough to do so. Loaded with 40 S&W Hornady Critical Duty 175 grains.
Haha.Come to europe,in here to buy a tyni handgun you have to go throught hell,lots of paperwork ,lots of inspections,even an exam i got fed up with it somewhere in the middle and decided no to buy a gun.Lucky americans.
Vaidotas Krulikas Yep Silly Billy British Government Banned all Section 1 Firearms after Dunblane and told the British Public that our streets would be safer and look at it now more shootings than ever before. Legit firearms holders were punnished. But the criminals get them easy
Robert Bogan I know, right? Not just price, but you might not be taken seriously by a burglar etc (it looks like a toy) and be forced to shoot him. A 20 gauge shotgun is the best, imo.
Well what if your house is being shot up from outside a shotgun will give you far more power and a slug could take out a engine block say 5 guys in a car open up do you want to use a pistol then? Plus a shotgun despite its size is very versatile birds to Bears is a amzing range for one gun
yajo891 Well, yes. But if you're going to have only 1 weapon for home D, I'd go with a 20 gauge. I, personally, have most of my weapons loaded in my house & car. By my bed, on a small bookcase right beside it, I have my CZ P-07 in 9mm (this is also my carry weapon). There is a Mossberg 500 in my bedroom closet - loaded and unobstructed by anything. In a drawer by my back door is my Springfield 1911, loaded but not chambered (usually). In my den I have my S&W M&P 15 in an inconspicuous place, loaded and chambered. In my car's console is my S&W 642, loaded (so in my car I will usually have both my carry CZ AND my trusty .38). To quote the great philosopher, Mr. T, "I pity the fool!"
I'm sure I will get some backlash for this but I use a .22 Lr for home defense but I do have good reasoning behind it: 1. I live in the middle of no where farm country Ohio if I lived in Cleveland I'd have about 16 glocks lol 2. I really do not want to kill someone but if necessary a .22 can and will kill 3. 9 chances out of 10 if someone breaks in and sees your armed there not gonna ask what caliber it is 4. A .22 will not go through a wall and hit my brother in the next room 5. If necessary my mom and sister who are both very short and small can control the recoil if necessary
+Dunewolf Jr. Gaming Important things to note: (2.) The point is to STOP, not kill someone; (3.) Thieves are notoriously on or needing drugs and often don't care (4.) THIS ONE IS MOST IMPORTANT: Yes, a .22 WILL go thru walls.
Eric my idea fo a video is a "Freedom Fighter" setup: 1.The best primary 2.The best cecondary 3.The best holster & sling mount for fastest draw and switch speed 4.The most useful attachments 5.The most practical mag pouch placement 6.The most useful gear and accessories 7.What not to WAIST time on I think it coult be a great outdoor video (especially if some shooting will be envolved) KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
In Nj we have a 10 round mag limit and a hollowpoint is problematically legal so I use a 45 acp beretta storm a=carbine in 45 acp. In Nj noshort brreled rifles are legal so the 16 inch srorm carbine is a good choice. Mine has a crimson trace lazer on it. It is set for 40 feet.
Fine recommendations, except for the Kriss. The Vector is known for being picky with ammo, it's unnecessarily heavy, and has documented reliability issues--the last thing you want in a HD weapon. But even more surprising is the lack of a 5.56 on this list. AR-15s seem to be pretty quickly overtaking 12ga as the most desirable HD weapon. With the right loads they have far less over-penetration issues than some of these other choices, they're lightweight, and controllable for almost any shooter.
Here in London. Sometimes I wish to move to Texas. I just love guns. I've been a couple of times to the US cause my mom's American. I'd visit Arena Gun Club everytime. Quite an experience.🥰👌🤷
And if the bad guy shoots your dog? Or even just hits real hard with a blunt object? I think you were making a joke, but if you weren’t, a dog will not usually be able to stop an armed bad guy
AR15 with soft lead tip rounds will be easier on the overpenetration and will get the job done. If you have multiple assailants, then a 30 or 40 round magazine will defend you all day. I do have my Glock 19 on hand (still in holster) if it is not in my waistband. If I get up and I am in my PJs, Glock is in hand (in a minimalist holster). Thought is to have something that I can use to fight my way to my rifle.
Good video as always Eric. Of course, the best home defense plan includes greatly mitigating anyone penetrating your home in the first place. I live rural so I have an advantage over the urban and rural crowd but there are a number of things, not necessarily gun related, that can greatly mitigate intruders or pests as I call them. That's likely a topic for another channel but still something anyone who cares about self defense should consider as part of their plan.
what is up with this "short barrel rifle" nonsense. gun laws are totally whack I mean you need a special tax stamp for it but not for a pistol which is essentially a short barrel rifle?
My Interest in Guns Came By Way of My Late AUNT, Who Had A 3-Gun Bedside Manner; .38 Spl 5" BBL, 12 Gauge (Ribbed Barrel) Shotgun, and a Bolt-Action .30-06!!
To the best of my knowledge,that vector would be classified as an “sbr” here in Kansas, sbr requires a lot of paperwork and waiting time to get it legally. For the price, just stick with a 45 pistol. Thats probably a $3000 vector by the time you purchase the gun, and all the sbr paperwork.
That type of thinking is why the people are wanting to get rid of the scary looking guns such as the ar-15 rifle. The ar-15 isn't any more lethal than others, it just looks so. The Kriss Vector is a 45 cal gun...now in 9mm too. It is just a different and "scary" looking gun.
Exactly. It is a cool looking 45 or 9mm. I think it is something over 60% of people survive handgun shots, but don't take my word for it...look it up. Please vote Trump people.
instead of the Kris Vector one could replace it with something most people could actually afford, even someone like me who is permanently disabled and on a fixed income: the Hi-Point pistol-caliber carbine, which comes in 9mm, .40, & .45acp. price: around $300 street brand new
Hey,Very good video. I keep a H&K USP 45 with hollow point and a S&W airfreight. 38 with hollow point for answering the door. We are in a whats mine is mine. In the market for a 12 ga.for a spread shot.
Why dont you make a video about the Top 5 Accessorys and Gadgeds for Home Defense? I mean the most important thing is to distinguish between the housebreaker and your family and to be accurate when youre tired.
FYI there is no spread at point blank range with a shotgun or enough distance in the average sized home for a quote spread. My go to home defense is a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buck. I’ve recently purchased a S&W Governor to reduce penetration through the walls of my manufactured home just to be on the safe side. Nice video 👍🏻
You guys should do top 5 handguns for home defense
I am a 75 y/o man who has been shooting since I was 12 y/o and read alot about self defence and home defence. I think you have made an outstanding video and agree with everything you have said.
it be Honest, i think the PS90/P90 Would be a better fire arm for home defense than the Kriss Vector. Simply Because the P90 shoots the 5.7 by 28mm Cartridge, of which explodes/ expands on impact. however i'm not a gun genius.
what is a man can
mullah amin not without a lot of unnecessary trouble.
I live in the NYC area and all of these weapons are illegal. Once, someone broke into my house so I had to grab a chef's knife from the kitchen. Afterwards the police came (around a half-hour later) and tried to take me in because I had the knife. I am dead serious.
Did you stab the intruder or hurt them in any way
You couldn't pay me enough to live in NYC.
That totally sucks
I actually want these guys to do a "Top 5 Guns for NYC" video. That would be a REAL challenge. They'd probably only come up with 3D printed guns and flintlocks. Lol.
andreww1212 I would relocate in a heartbeat. Rural areas are free and much safer than large cities.
I love this channel... I used to be very anti-gun until something happened in my community (aurora movie theater shooting). It was specifically targeted because the theater had a no firearms rule yet there was three people who had conceal and carry licenses. Think of all the lives that could have been saved... Mankind is an unpredictable species and it is why we must always be ready to defend ourselves and loved ones. Thank you
Orange Kurushhh right there with ya, buddy. Once I had a family to protect I realized I wasn't so anti-gun anymore.
Orange Kurushhh i used to hate guns like aks and ar-15s and such but in the last year I realized that they have loads of usefulness and wil probably get one nyself
Your post makes no sense. First of all, you became a gunner after a mass shooting in your town...but that sounds kinda strange, no? Second, you forgot about the retired sheriff in Florida who shot dead a 40-year old father out on date night with his wife at a movie theater. Allegedly the two men had an argument over a cellphone and the old duffer shot the father because the guy threw a bag popcorn at "the good guy". Which just goes to show maybe the old man should have left his pistol at home (the news at the time reported the wife even asked the old man to leave the gun at home, but of course he couldn't).
Third, all a CCW does is grant a privilege to a gun owner, it doesn't mean he or she is competent to use it, so it is an ASSUMPTION on your part any lives could have been saved at all. And lastly YOU WEREN'T THERE so all you can do is speculate the shoulda, coulda, woulda just like our Braveheart "all hat, no cattle" pResident, Donald Trump.
tripperdoo some people shouldn't be driving either because 1. Hot tempered (road rage) 2. Not very skilled(easily involved in accidents 3. Can't do it without driving or texting etc
That being said you don't ban guns because of some who are incompetent; there are laws who deal with those are negligent or incompetent.
Life is and will never be a utopia; it's imperfect and dangerous and unfair. You don't take away people's freedoms. I would risk living a shorter life with more freedoms than live a longer life with fewer freedoms.
tripperdoo incidentally the mayor of London is considering banning knives now because the murder rate in London is approaching new York city. Remember the problem isn't the object in question like a gun or knife but the individuals morality, state of mind, or values. We need to ask, "what happened to morality?"
"Get a shotgun! Its got a nice spread"
(Bill Burr)
So does a hooker but with six rounds of either buck, Bird or slugs you best hope you hit that bastard before they hit you.
My girl spreads fsrther
Ilan Khiyayev haha I love it when Burr talks about the guy at the gun store counter....
Patching up drywall 🤣🤣
It'll go through your neighbors house and kill the dog
To bad for people in the uk get labeled criminals for defending themselves
Kanedog Orduno not only in the uk it’s the same shit in France and Europe this is why I wanna move in the US fuck all those European laws
The anti-gun crowd want to bring those laws here.
I've always wanted to go to London and empty a box of 22's on the sidewalk. Just to see London's swat team and half their fire dept. show up. Yes I am a devious falker. In all honesty I do feel sorry for your inability to defend yourselves.
x x hell ya you get gun rights and can defend your second adnendment
@Clench Chad Man The police will arrive in 3 hours. Lol
We have experienced a massive victory here in Canada recently. It used to be that you could only defend your home with equal or lesser force as the intruder. We can now legally kill any intruder into our home, not necessarily your property but within your walls. The official law is that you can kill anyone who threatens your life but the supreme court of Canada has said that any intruder can be legally determined to pose a direct threat to your life, even if they are not armed. It truly is a good day.
I'm sorry, I just have to ask, why would you want to actually KILL someone though? I understand that being legally allowed to kill someone takes some of the worry out of shooting at them in the first place, because you don't have to think "I might hit them somewhere vulnerable, they could die and I'll have committed a crime", but the way you said that makes me think you WANT to kill them.
Just a disclaimer, I'm not looking to have an argument, nor am I against guns, and am quite fond of most weapons. I just don't understand why it's so good to be allowed to kill someone. Especially a person who is unarmed.
I'm absolutely not excited to kill someone. It's just that in Canada we've for too long not been able to defend ourselves at all. My excitement comes from the gaining of more of our lost freedom. I'd be a happy man if no one ever broke into my home and I never had to shoot anyone. Also, my plan is keeping a less lethal round as the first one to be shot so that I can avoid killing someone. I'm just happy the option is open to defend myself is available without fear of prosecution.
Thank you.
Connor Smith it bothers me greatly that somebody would celebrate the ability to slaughter unarmed human beings for the simple crime of intruding. truly revolting.
i live in canada where we defend our homes with maple syrup
Tigerlover Z, sorry, its sticky, sorry.
and hockey sticks.
Tigerlover Z i thought you had attack moose and tactical bacon launchers
Eh, sorry man but you're going to have to get out of my house eh?
Tigerlover Z same
The second you break into my house, since you've taken my right to feel safe in my own home, you've given up your right to live without buckshot holes.
as long as I have my glock 19 gen 5 in my hand I feel safe as hell (or the occasional 1911)
@@evanturenchalk1156 good choices ;) can't go wrong with a 1911
FunWithFirearms I use my 12 gauge with buckshot
FunWithFirearms Your free trial of living has ended
So many people argue on these sites, and the arguments seem futile to me. If you like guns, simply move to where they are legal, the community supports them, and even encourages them. If you don't like guns, simply move to where they are banned and discouraged by the community. Why shouldn't people have the freedom to choose?
***** No, a lot of people (probably most) just believe that everyone else should have the exact same views as they do.
Nice mustache man.
Yea if you don't like guns then move to Chicago. Lol
Frank the French Thanks, Frank. I'm gettin' it ready for Christmas. :)
It is a mighty fine 'stache you have there.
Glock 19 gets my vote. Easy to shoot, low recoil and high capacity for multiple threats.
My Beretta 92fs is better
@@juancarlosplacencia Oh yeah I would like to have a Beretta 92fs. I would actually prefer that now over any Glock. I used to think Glocks were the best.
Or just have a mounted LMG in your room and clear a whole mf platoon from raiding your family
Berettas are JUNK 92x? They wish they were Glocks
Glock 45*
I live in the UK were you can't even carry a knife , I have a home defence spoon
kidder lar Small caliber teaspoon, or high caliber tablespoon?
I'd recommend moving up to a spork!!
kidder lar hahahahha
Get a gun
My Mossberg 500 is for after they've entered the house, my 1911 is for answering the door at 3 am in the morning
Those are my 2 guns of choice for the exact defensive purposes
what 1911 caliber?
TMR I think there are some 9mm. Blasphemy, I know.
I would never answer the door at that hour. Always check the cameras first.
I have a pepper ball gun and if that dont work meet the 20 gauge slug
I agree that penetrating too deep can cause harm. Wise words.
Your so dirty minded
I don't have to worry about that :'(
+Robin Johansson You're* Capitalize the first letter, and use a proper apostrophe. How's that for a grammar Nazi?
noahconstrictor100 hahahahaha okey you won x´D
Just today I purchased the S&W Governor for House Defense and carry both concealed and open. It’s a great firearm, feels like quality in the hand and shoots like a beast at personal defense distances.
What about "Top 5 home defense guns that don't look bad to a jury"
the jury don't come into play when you are protecting your stuff
+Sebastian Guzman we have the "Make My Day" Law.
+Sebastian Guzman Florida..
+Michael Mathes you dont have to worry because as far as i know, so long as you use what you consider reasonable force, for example a shot in the leg to wound but not to kill, you will not get convicted of anything. plus those guns are good to threaten the thief off with so you dont have to shoot.
I truly weep for the brits. Sold down the river by your leaders
there was a time when most american homes had was a Colt or S&W .38 special for intruders. times changed
+gonfishin077 .357 magnum: just like .38spl except better.
Michael Lawson yep i have my 1960 colt official police .38 loaded dresser drawer! and a 65 pound dog
Delta-Four-Charlie Still do with my Python.
I have a Ruger Speed 6 .38 Special that I practice with regularly. I still think its the best option. No safeties to worry about, nice size round with a punch from a small revolver. Some things dont change.
True that.
If the second amendment was a person, I'd give him a back massage.
If the second amendment was a person he or she would much prefer a nice cold 🍺 but nice thought.
I'd like this comment, but it's at 69 already
Yep for sure
Except in California
I’d shake his hand.
When I was broke as hell all I could afford was a hi point. 45 and a basic 12 gauge.. Quite honestly after running a few hundred rounds through both and becoming familiar with them I felt confident in knowing that I had 2 rock solid reliable forms of self defense.
5 best weapons:
12 gauge auto-loader
.45 long slide w/ laser sighting
Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range
Uzi 9mm
And a hydraulic press
Oozi nine millimeeta
de oozi nein millameetah
I understood that reference
"45 long slide with laser sighting"!.
In my opinion, a revolver is best for immediate action, an automatic pistol is called for when you have to go looking for those that wish you harm. Ive only had one confrontation in which I used a revolver to protect myself, the perp was shot off my back with a S&W .38 cal . He made it to the hospital in time to live. He was sentenced to 3 yrs in prison. One confrontation in 70 yrs is pretty good in my book. I still carry a hamerless .38 cal S&W wherever I go. I'm not afraid, just cautious. Good luck all.
Michael Knowles dude I had a tactical shotgun and pump and one time a dude shot down my structure and I trampolines to them and tac gunned them and then switched to the pump and it did 9 damage and I died😔 so unfair
@@mannyescuela3511 Dumbass, how the fuck did you assume he was talking about Fagnite? He's talking about a legit scenario where a real .38 cal bullet entered a real human being in an attempt to stop an attack. And here you come trying to one-up him talking about fucking Fortnite. You kids make me Fucking sick.
I agree Michael, I have a lot of the weapons mentioned in the video and at 6'3" and 275 lbs a 12 ga. is fine for me but a Mossberg 500 with 10 rounds of buckshot and a 5 round side saddle is to much for my wife, she couldn't even swing it. Your best home defense weapon IMHO is a 38/357 revolver, good cover, a cell phone and the attitude to pull the trigger if needed. Once your in position and have a choke point covered and hit 911 you drop the hammer on anything in that doorway or hall that doesn't belong there. You don't go looking for a fight, let it come to you, most aholes doing a B&E aren't looking for a firefight anyhow and the last thing you need to be doing is racking slides and fumbling with safety's.
I think that this topic is still on the 38 special. So my preference in ammo would be the FBI load - Semi wadcutter 158 grain. YMMV.
@@mannyescuela3511 did you just get done eating paint chips when you wrote that?
I do not dial 911 i dial 1911
NickHanegraaf Vlogs fat fingers?
I text G17
NickHanegraaf Vlogs lol
NickHanegraaf Vlogs I like that
This needs to be on a shirt!
I remember when I thought someone broke into my house, took the police about an hour to make it. Never again will I put my life in the hands of the police.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
When seconds count the police are only minutes away
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Call 911 and hang up. Be there fast
When seconds count the police are ordering donuts.
I actually have a desert eagle in .44 magnum for home defense currently, I got a CZ 75 recently but haven’t had a chance to test it so I personally can not say it works (although I’m sure it does) but I know for a fact my desert eagle doesn’t jam (despite what lots of people say online, it’s the Mk Is and the Mk VIIs That Jam, the magnum research Mk XIXs work perfectly from my experience)
Didn't think I would see you here. I think it's very fitting you actually use a Dessert Eagle for home defense.
@Mike Fu Not to mention the muzzle flash in the dark inside your house will blind you with the effectiveness of a flashbang grenade. I won't even bring up overpenetration. Yikes!
Well well well, if it isn’t the reloading legend himself
@Killroy 8000 based
So ur gonna kill the intruder and ur neighbor?
That Vector .45 looks perfect for concealed carry.
Indeed. Iwould prefer the mp7 tho..
Gōdon Gurando PDW stands for Personal Defense Weapon, so you basically said Submachine gun Short Personal Defense Weapon Personal Defense Weapon.
Elijah Rivera 😂😂😂
Hopelessand Forlorn *The Kriss Vector*
Here's how I'd change your list...
1. Shotgun: 12 or 20 gauge with an 18-20" barrel.
2. AR-15 Rifle - light, low recoil, 20-30 rounds, very usable by women and even pre-teens. Light 55-62 grain ammo less likely to over penetrate than other rifle calibers.
3. Scrap the .410/.45 pistol and get the real thing. An S&W Model 25/625 revolver in .45 ACP. More accurate. These are big, heavy guns with very low recoil that can be reloaded in a flash with moon clips. I like Double-Tap's 255 grain .45 Auto-rim revolver cartridges in mine with moon clips loaded with Speer Gold Dot 200 grain JHP.
4. Glock 17/19/21/22/23 or if you have kids and want an external safety, the Beretta 92FS/96. or even a CZ P-01.
5. A high quality 4-inch barreled .38/.357 revolver, like the Smith & Wesson 686 series or a K-Frame .38 (Model 10, 15, 67). These have been effective for generations and while limited in capacity, they have the simple "point and click" interface. Speer's 135 grain Gold Dot ammo is a good match here in either caliber.
I like your considerations on the safeties etc. Nice thought process man.
The Major Thanks. With kids around it's wise to secure things like chemicals, matches, lighters and weapons out of their curious reach. But sometimes they'll figure things out themselves. That's when you want the additional feature of an external safety. That might give you/them the edge needed to prevent a tragedy. I'm a traditionalist and prefer the 1911's thumb safety or that of the CZ P-01 instead of the Walther/Beretta style. With no kids around the house now, I'm back to using wheelguns as primary. A .38 is generally adequate but the backup is a S&W Model 19 .357 with .357 Gold Dot ammo.
Or simply be a legend and fight with a spoon
@@BIGBUFFGRILL *Legends *die*.....* Only heroes and Villains *go* on ....
To live.... or too dieeeeeeee.........
Your choice .
😃 :)
I welded a 50cal machine gun to my bed frame so if I hear a bump in the night I sit up grab hold and level half my house down. and if any of my family members got in the way that is their fault for not ducking fast enough.
+Commissar Gamza Good idea m8! The only thing though is i used my welded 50cal MG to the bedframe and it wasn't enough firepower for home defense. I now use a MK-19 Fully automatic belt fed gernade launcher welded to my bedframe and its enough firepower
No you didnt Mickey mouse.
A Person, even that wasn't enough for me. I instead, welded a anti ship triple barrel cannon to mine.
ive contacted pentagon not long ago and managed to make a deal with them, now i have a railgun welded to my bed frame that can shoot multiple projectiles so fast that it pierces through everything in 5 km radius
Commissar Gamza ur a dumb sir then for not looking at who is it bro
5 guns to take on a recreational/wilderness trip. (Four wheeling, snow mobiling, ice fishing) thanks for the video! Great lineup
Thank you for mentioning that in countries besides the U.S. self-defence is prohibited and is punishable by law.
A story from CANADA for you folks -- restaurant owner, closing hours, cleaning up with a broom. Hears window broken, goes to screen to investigate (has CCTV cameras installed). Sees intruder. Goes to confront the intruder. Beats the intruder up with a broom. All is recorded on security cameras. Police arrive on scene -- arrest both. Intruder gives testimony that the restaurant owner beat him up with a broom. Restaurant owner is charged.
Another story from CANADA -- a well known shoplifter in the area goes from store to store and shoplifts stuff. Store owner recognizes the guy, notices him shoplifting stuff, confronts him, chases the shoplifter out of the shop and down the street. Shop owner overpowers the shoplifter, ties him up, drags him back, calls the police. The shop owner is charged with kidnapping of a person and forceful confinement.
How do you like that???
+Shell Casing canada gun laws suck canadians are only aloud 15 shot mags
tanner fillier Not 15, 5 shot mags for semi-auto rifles or 10 shot mags for pistols that can only be transported locked and unloaded to and from authorized gun ranges -- that's it.
+Alex Povolotski yes FASCISM, statism, Big Brother is sweeping the world. William Ayres reeducation camps ARE coming "for everybody's good" of course.
Well at least we don't have over 200 mass shooting per year.
AIDS_IS_VERY_BAD You must account for the population size in the U.S. vs. Canada, which 10 times larger in the U.S. than in Canada.
Also, criminals don't follow the laws. So, all the legislation does it makes life more difficult for LEGAL owners only.
Killing is prohibited by law but those who intend to kill will still do it, regardless of the legislation ;-)
I don't understand why all the dislikes. Good video. Thanks for posting!
Because so many people have an opinion (i.e. know for an absolute fact!!!) what the best home defense guns are. Which rarely agrees with the opinions (i.e. crazed babblings of brain-dead pudroaches) of anyone else.
So in a respectful display of honest disagreement they click the dislike button (as there's no "pure and utter contempt" button).
Dodge Mustang
Well, thank you... you stay on my good side.
Because with the exception of the the 12ga pump, every other recommendation is moetarded.
Alot of faceless, very opinionated cowards on this thread.
Not surprised.
The only gun i use is a barrett .50 cal for home defense. I also open carry it on sundays
If u need a barret for homedefense how awesome big is ur house but i guees an m1 sherman should work too just saying
Paul Willenborg actually my car is an m1 abrams (gun is still active shhh)
I use my RPG for concealed carry when I walk my chihuahua on sundays and open carry my grenade launcher when i jog every morning
What model is your 50 caliber
Blaster2000 the elusive m82a2
Just bought my first gun for ccw. Glock 43
Just bought my first gun for cleaning. Kitchen gun
@@Ratsauce did you buy the toilet grenade too?
Which one?
Can't go wrong with that Glock
A sad thing about Brazil: Only bad guys can use guns here, you foreign people have no idea how burocratic and expensive could be to legally have a simple revolver.
Por outro lado nos temos absolutamente nenhum regulamento sobre facas, entao nao seria uma ideia ruim carregar um canivete no bolso se vc vive em uma area perigosa.
Leonardo Marques Se você faz isso e é abordado pela PM corre o risco de levar tapas e ser taxado de bandido em potencial por portar armas brancas, até mesmo um bastão tático é perigoso eles ''confiscarem'' de você.
***** Cara para de ser idiota bandido pega arma numa banca de aluguel em qualquer morro, bandido compra um oitão por 700 reais ou menos. Só a pessoa de bem que se fode com isso e não pode andar certinho.
***** Com o controle correto, tanto físico quanto psicológico, de antecedentes, de preparo e treino de qualidade para a sociedade, não haveria problemas. Uma pessoa sã bem preparada não representa perigo, somente uma segurança para a própria sociedade, pois o bandido não saberia quem tem ou não arma, o fator medo ia faze-lo pensar. Uma pessoa apta e de bem que estivesse autorizada a carregar uma arma não a sacaria e usaria para nada. Mas, admito que muita coisa tem que mudar no Brasil antes, pois muitas pessoas que não atendem os requisitos iam conseguir por meios ilícitos o porte, e a lei parece que foi feita para proteger os bandidos. E só reforçando o que já foi dito, bandido NUNCA comprou nem vai comprar arma em loja e com número de série dentro da lei.
***** Você se arriscaria a apontar uma arma de choque, spray de pimenta para um bandido com um 32, 38 que seja na mão? Hahaha acredito que não. Eu não, porque sei que ele não vai atirar para me debilitar. Exames psicológicos, antecedentes criminais, antecedentes de familiares, grau de escolaridade, registros médicos e mais muitas coisas podem ser analisadas e repito uma pessoa BEM preparada e apta, para ter o porte exames e treino periodicamente, e exames sem datas programadas para as pessoas não terem como se preparar com antecedência. Já fui assaltado mais de uma vez e UM cidadão armado teria rendido os bandidos mesmo sem matar. Com a legalização os ladões iriam ter medo não nós população de bem. Nós estaríamos aptos a nos defender também.
"if you have a wife who doesn't have much upper body strength"
Feminist shitstorm incoming.
funny cuz its true
Man, fuck femnazis.
Mayur Gangawane Brace yourselves
The Feminazis are coming
Mayur Gangawane Not all women are worried about "appearing " stronger than they are. My wife seriously does not like the recoil of shotguns and pistols of 9mm or bigger. She is barely 5" tall. That doesn't make her a wimp, it just makes her realistic about what she is comfortable with. Trust me, in an emergency situation she WILL fill your happy ass full of buck shot. She just will not enjoy doing it.
you guys, nobody argue with this guy, its a trap. hes being mind controlled by feminitst
Honestly feel bad for those of you living in the UK
Gas Cat Self-defense laws are practically non-existent
Kinda but I have never had an issue but we can usually deal with out it because only a few people guns and that's sport
there is an large amount of macs and knives
I feel bad for those living in the USA. It's so sad that people feel they need guns in their home to protect themselves. I feel sorry for you because you live in fear.
A few Claymores in the garden will deter most criminal activity. You just need to disable before the postman comes
Quite a bit of squirrels will die in the process.
🎵 Hey, hey, wait a minute Mr Postman! I got Claymores in the garden Mr Postman! 🎶
"If you have a young little wife", I wish brother, I wish.
Woody Smith pray she doesn't see
Bro, take mine! :)
Lmao! Most underrated comment
The enemy must go never know now days
Great picks!
Please don’t break in my house. I am well protected and can access a 357 Revolver, XD 45 and a 12 Gauge Tactical in a matter of seconds. I suggest getting a job or improving your life’s potential before I end it!
That S&W Governor is awesome! All those ammo options, very cool.
that 000 buckshot is no joke either
@@bmx7596 I mean... It's a bit of a joke coming out of a 4 1/2" barrel...
For home defense I have a MAUS tank in my garage.
I also open carry my RATTE on Mondays.
I keep a battleship in my backyard pool and an orbital cannon just outside the atmosphere.
😅 😅 😅
i carry a jeltsin class nuclear submarine
+hans jensen Pfffft, you'd be a fool to leave home without one
i have a gun free zone sign to keep me safe.... just kidding rem 870 with 00 buck
russian06374 just put the sign up outside and surprise intruders with a minigun
Honestly I've become a huge fan of the Mossberg Shockwave - which I originally bought as a joke. Once you get used to it you can smack clays out of the air like any hunting shotgun.
Always believed in revolvers over semis for simplicity and reliability. When you're awoken in the middle of the night and in a groggy state you don't want to be thinking about whether you have a round in the chamber or is the safety on or off. Just grab your revolver, point and shoot.
Agree, revolver will never misfire. Pistols advantages more rounds on your favor. Personally owned a 44 magnum snob nose, 12 gauge pump.
That is more of a user issue
@@JJM-qf8dz it is highly unlikely for decent semi to misfire. Have you considered the cylinder in a revolver jamming due to foreign objects getting into the gaps? I believe a channel has done a mud test where the revolver a model 19 was proven to be unreliable compared to a semi auto
I use a lock to protect my home
+Derrick Wade Good for you. Sleep safe.
+Derrick Wade guess what? the lock doesn't matter....your door frame is what matters...and most are not steel frame but plain ol' crappy 2x4 pine..with two little screws holding in the dead bolt catch. Miley Cyrus could kick it in. I know...I had a guy break into my house when I was gone. They caught him later and he wore size 29 waist jeans and weighed 147 lbs. He easily kicked the door open.
+Derrick Wade Watch the videos of guys easily circumventing a "lock". Locks are for keys, but won't protect your family. Just sayin. God Bless the USA.
+Erin Anderson (Anderson71) agree
Ditto....dog and a gun
Haven’t been back to this channel in years. RIP Barry the legend.
Barry was awesome
i do feel bad for people in countries that cannot defend themselves. that is probably why countries are so bold to invade other countries. try that here and there is a guarantee they see how defense of freedom feels.
Freedom is to die for.
James Waymyers why would we need a gun for defence if the bad guy has no gun
Boruto Here in Brazil, every criminal has a gun, mostly .10 MM pistols, and we have no way to defend ourselves...
James Waymyers l.
Isn't America doing most of the invading? Probably has something to do with all of you thinking you're tough guys who can defend themselves against the non-existent enemies coming for you. Get a grip on reality nobody cares enough about you to require defending against. Also, read a book your grammar is awful.
When was the last time England was invaded? Or Europe? Hint: Fighting Nazis. Think a gun woulda helped Anne Frank? Think again soldier. There's a reason most folks don't support the NRA...they have brains instead!
8:40 "Kris Vector"
Canadians: "Aaaaahh my man"
Shop Tour! Shop Tour! Shop Tour!!! we need a new Shop Tour! Thanks Eric
Good video, I like having my Mossberg 500 Cruiser 12 gauge handy. Glad to see your focus on over-penetration when conducting home defense, as I don't think it's a subject that gets enough attention or has enough thought given to it.
@ponianyoutube8071 Actually, my favorite longarm from that period is the M1841 "Mississippi" rifle.
Kriss Vector weapons are very, very expensive, especially with the EOTech red dot sight attached. I would imagine it would be safe to say that this would set you back well over $2000. If you're on a budget, stay away from this one. There are many other fine weapons, for much, much less that will do fine for home defense. I personally use the Glock 21 .45 for home defense and it roughly costs about a third of the price. All in all, a great video though.
majorxdf hell yeah man i got a glock 21 gen 4 with a viridian x5L....i got a $20 bulldog holster cause it has IWB OWB an extra mag holder on it but because the pistol is big an the holster is kinda thick its hard to conceal if i mexican carry im able to hide pistol well but its too dangerous to do...what holster would u recommend for concealed carry on G21? maybe a soft leather one would be thinner id like to get a custom kydex for the light laser combo
Don't forget the $200 tax stamp for it as well unless you get the pistol variant
I am a widower and live in the bottom of a 2 family house. I use a 7 shot remington 870 loaded with 2 71/2 lead shot and 5 rounds of 00 buck. I deliberatly use a load that patterns the tightest at 20 feet.
Smith and Wesson are nice, if you can afford their prices. I'm just as happy with Taurus, frankly. Mine just happens to be a what like to call a "snub-nose" 6" dual action stainless steel .38 revolver. It's small, user friendly. Not too overpowered but definitely going to drop someone first shot. And it's easily concealable.
I think you meant to say 2 or 3 inch. A 6-inch barrel is certainly not a snubby and (for most folks) not easily concealable.
Anyway, glad you found a revolver you like.
Heh. I meant 6" in overall length lol. :P
Okay, very cool. And I agree, revolvers rock!
Goy Ishah buy a Smith&wesson SD40VE or the 9mm version $365 with 2 magazines and a FULL LIFETIME WARRANTY and transferable if you sell. i have one its a great gun better than a glock
For home defense? .38? You on some weak shit.
Y'all skipped over the PTRS-41. I've defended my home from robbers twice now. Also repainted the house red while I was at it, too.
Bilbo Swaggins Gave me a good chuckle.
Grand Wizard Bonobo By red do you mean in blood? :3
Your choices all look good to me. I use 870 Express Tactical with Tactical Light( note light has a off switch lol) I use Hornady 00 Buck Shot. I also use Glock 21 with Laser/TAC Light. I use Hornady .45ACP Critical Duty+P 220 grain Hollow points/polymer insert/Nickel Case.
+P change your point of impact at all?
I was curious if using +P ammo affected accuracy and such.
I found no difference when I tried it at the Range! Although I only tried it twice because it is so dam expensive. Once in my Glock 21 & Once in my Kimber Tactical Pro II.
I'm 14 years old and sleep with a Glock 23 with a Streamlight TLR-1 next to my bed on my nightstand. My parents say they trust me enough to do so. Loaded with 40 S&W Hornady Critical Duty 175 grains.
aa12 shotgun. fully automatic, no recoil. was in aliens movie
+Shogun_ did they ban them recently?
nope, only dealers and manufacturers are aloud to own any full auto weapon manufactured after May 19, 1986
+Xtorin “Xt” O'hern Depends on the state, you can own a full auto weapon in Oklahoma.
Jake Ewing unless it was manufactured after May 19, 1986, if you own a full auto manufactured after that date you are in violation of federal law
+Xtorin “Xt” O'hern You just have to pay the class 3 tax stamp and pass a background check
I wish I lived out in the country where your at. I live in California and the gun laws over hear are stupid.
Think yourself lucky in UK you need a licence for a spud gun.
Haha.Come to europe,in here to buy a tyni handgun you have to go throught hell,lots of paperwork ,lots of inspections,even an exam i got fed up with it somewhere in the middle and decided no to buy a gun.Lucky americans.
Vaidotas Krulikas
Yep Silly Billy British Government Banned all Section 1 Firearms after Dunblane and told the British Public that our streets would be safer and look at it now more shootings than ever before. Legit firearms holders were punnished. But the criminals get them easy
I have put up the sign next to my house: "if you came here to rob me, you will be carried out in a box"
Id love to see a top 5 concealable revolver.
2 inch ruger sp101 5 shot 357 works 4 me
kev lar 2 inch era windercator 357 with FMJ 158 or wadcutters 158
HP 124 148 158
I'd love that as well
Derro Farm LMAO
kev lar hell yeah, that's my carry gun too!
Seriously? A Kriss Vector? I mean, come ON!
Yeah when they said the vector I was like "how out of touch with reality are you?" Cost way to much just to keep for home defense
Robert Bogan I know, right? Not just price, but you might not be taken seriously by a burglar etc (it looks like a toy) and be forced to shoot him. A 20 gauge shotgun is the best, imo.
Well what if your house is being shot up from outside a shotgun will give you far more power and a slug could take out a engine block say 5 guys in a car open up do you want to use a pistol then? Plus a shotgun despite its size is very versatile birds to Bears is a amzing range for one gun
Robert Bogan Nah. Then I use one of the many Karl Gustav's I have at every window. Or the Javelins in the attic.
yajo891 Well, yes. But if you're going to have only 1 weapon for home D, I'd go with a 20 gauge. I, personally, have most of my weapons loaded in my house & car. By my bed, on a small bookcase right beside it, I have my CZ P-07 in 9mm (this is also my carry weapon). There is a Mossberg 500 in my bedroom closet - loaded and unobstructed by anything. In a drawer by my back door is my Springfield 1911, loaded but not chambered (usually). In my den I have my S&W M&P 15 in an inconspicuous place, loaded and chambered. In my car's console is my S&W 642, loaded (so in my car I will usually have both my carry CZ AND my trusty .38).
To quote the great philosopher, Mr. T, "I pity the fool!"
Is a minigun too much?
Paul Perez no i think it would be ok as long as u empty all the rounds into an intruder
Ok bro
Use at least 50 rounds, each one hitting the ballsack.
Paul Perez not sure I have only smooth stones and a slingshot.
No not at all
Bought my first gun for home defense! Went with S&W Gov'na!
Appreciate the analytical videos that help us decide what is best for real situations. You and Chad are the gun doctors/professors.
For Home Defense my Favorite gun to use would be the first gun I can get my hands on when I need it.
Imagine you were a robber and the house owner was defending with a 50. Cal
So it can go thru the robber, thru the car, and still have the potential to kill lol.
kill your kids and the intruder is not really an option for most people....
Easy to keep under your bed. Also nice to handle, 70 lbs of gun...
There are actually .70 call shotguns so they should be defending with that.
Hopefully he'll have shitty aim
I'm sure I will get some backlash for this but I use a .22 Lr for home defense but I do have good reasoning behind it:
1. I live in the middle of no where farm country Ohio if I lived in Cleveland I'd have about 16 glocks lol
2. I really do not want to kill someone but if necessary a .22 can and will kill
3. 9 chances out of 10 if someone breaks in and sees your armed there not gonna ask what caliber it is
4. A .22 will not go through a wall and hit my brother in the next room
5. If necessary my mom and sister who are both very short and small can control the recoil if necessary
+Dunewolf Jr. Gaming Important things to note: (2.) The point is to STOP, not kill someone; (3.) Thieves are notoriously on or needing drugs and often don't care (4.) THIS ONE IS MOST IMPORTANT: Yes, a .22 WILL go thru walls.
Like the keep it simple approach, go with the S&W Revolver, point and shoot, no safety to mess with and reliable as hell.
You have a lot of California viewers. Maybe do a 5 guns video on guns you are allowed to purchase in California that you recommend?
Eric my idea fo a video is a "Freedom Fighter" setup:
1.The best primary
2.The best cecondary
3.The best holster & sling mount for fastest draw and switch speed
4.The most useful attachments
5.The most practical mag pouch placement
6.The most useful gear and accessories
7.What not to WAIST time on
I think it coult be a great outdoor video (especially if some shooting will be envolved)
When I was 7 years old my Dad gave me a 44 six shot revolver I had no trouble handling the recoil it's how you hold the gun and makes a difference.
Oh ya, when I was six, my momma gave me a bolt action 300 Winchester magnum. I could hit 11 out of 10 golf balls at a 100 meters... with only 9 shots
In Nj we have a 10 round mag limit and a hollowpoint is problematically legal so I use a 45 acp beretta storm a=carbine in 45 acp. In Nj noshort brreled rifles are legal so the 16 inch srorm carbine is a good choice. Mine has a crimson trace lazer on it. It is set for 40 feet.
Fine recommendations, except for the Kriss. The Vector is known for being picky with ammo, it's unnecessarily heavy, and has documented reliability issues--the last thing you want in a HD weapon. But even more surprising is the lack of a 5.56 on this list. AR-15s seem to be pretty quickly overtaking 12ga as the most desirable HD weapon. With the right loads they have far less over-penetration issues than some of these other choices, they're lightweight, and controllable for almost any shooter.
Would love to see a top 5 shot guns for first time gun buyer! (heavily leaning towards a mossberg 590 or even a 500 if a good deal pops up)
You can't go wrong with a 500.
love my 500. can't go wrong.
..”You got some young, little wife..” HA ha ha ha
Why is that funny? A good number of women are petite, and would have real problems with a big weapon.
You’re quite right. And you’re right to be considering that issue. It’s just funny to me the way it’s worded. No offense.
Geoffrey S Tuttle what if she's old and fat
Here in London. Sometimes I wish to move to Texas. I just love guns. I've been a couple of times to the US cause my mom's American. I'd visit Arena Gun Club everytime. Quite an experience.🥰👌🤷
You don't how lucky you are in the U.S. with the ability to defend yourselves in your homes. Here in the U.K. we are punished for defending ourselves.
you guys need a new government
Nice choices I like the shotgun for home defense for me ,Great video
Can be had relatively cheaply and speaks with a great deal of authority. That is hard to beat.
You should do a "California version" of this video!
Well it basically would be the same.
Or New Jersey
@Christopher Johnson “assault sticks are now banned”
My Glock 17 with mounted flashlight, laser, and 33 round mag is my go to home defense gun.
My first line of home defence is my rottweiler my second... well there's no need he gets the job done
And if the bad guy shoots your dog? Or even just hits real hard with a blunt object? I think you were making a joke, but if you weren’t, a dog will not usually be able to stop an armed bad guy
@@johndoe-sh6bi I know this is old but your 100 percent right because most bad dudes can just stab the dog
My dog is there just to warn me. I don't want him get hurt when I have the tools to do the job.
We can all agree that the racking of a shotgun is probably the scariest sound in the world
only scary if you're in someone else's house :P if you're the one racking the gun its the most satisfying sound in the world
How about some "5 Guns" videos for people living in gun-unfriendly states that may have some additional red tape to deal with?
AR15 with soft lead tip rounds will be easier on the overpenetration and will get the job done. If you have multiple assailants, then a 30 or 40 round magazine will defend you all day. I do have my Glock 19 on hand (still in holster) if it is not in my waistband. If I get up and I am in my PJs, Glock is in hand (in a minimalist holster). Thought is to have something that I can use to fight my way to my rifle.
5 Firearms That Are Surprisingly Legal In Canada xD
Good video as always Eric. Of course, the best home defense plan includes greatly mitigating anyone penetrating your home in the first place.
I live rural so I have an advantage over the urban and rural crowd but there are a number of things, not necessarily gun related, that can greatly mitigate intruders or pests as I call them. That's likely a topic for another channel but still something anyone who cares about self defense should consider as part of their plan.
I'd prefer the P90 on that wall lol
+Andrew Long I would agree with you if we could actually get P90s instead of the PS90 which is what is on the wall.
5 guns for home defense
1. The closest gun to you
2. Any gun
3. All guns
4. Yes i said all
5. Yea even that one
Even my single action 22?
what is up with this "short barrel rifle" nonsense. gun laws are totally whack I mean you need a special tax stamp for it but not for a pistol which is essentially a short barrel rifle?
James Johnson it's worse taxes than 1776
My Interest in Guns Came By Way of My Late AUNT, Who Had A 3-Gun Bedside Manner; .38 Spl 5" BBL, 12 Gauge (Ribbed Barrel) Shotgun, and a Bolt-Action .30-06!!
“Pepper somebody good” reminded me of Dave Chappelle.
"Uh, do you have a box with a picture of a white dude trespassing on it? That's exactly the strength I'm looking for."
To the best of my knowledge,that vector would be classified as an “sbr” here in Kansas, sbr requires a lot of paperwork and waiting time to get it legally. For the price, just stick with a 45 pistol. Thats probably a $3000 vector by the time you purchase the gun, and all the sbr paperwork.
The Vector looks like something space marines would use. Home defense?
+Henry Pitts its a pistol caliber gun.
That type of thinking is why the people are wanting to get rid of the scary looking guns such as the ar-15 rifle. The ar-15 isn't any more lethal than others, it just looks so. The Kriss Vector is a 45 cal gun...now in 9mm too. It is just a different and "scary" looking gun.
+Josh Adams well said all firearms equally dangerous regardless of how they look
the vector is pretty much a glock 18 in a shell that makes it look that way.
Exactly. It is a cool looking 45 or 9mm. I think it is something over 60% of people survive handgun shots, but don't take my word for it...look it up. Please vote Trump people.
Do a top 5 must own Mil-Surp guns, Rifle edition and Pistol edition! Please and thanks! :)
instead of the Kris Vector one could replace it with something most people could actually afford, even someone like me who is permanently disabled and on a fixed income: the Hi-Point pistol-caliber carbine, which comes in 9mm, .40, & .45acp. price: around $300 street brand new
Hey,Very good video. I keep a H&K USP 45 with hollow point and a S&W airfreight. 38 with hollow point for answering the door. We are in a whats mine is mine. In the market for a 12 ga.for a spread shot.
No need for a firearm in home defense. 3 words: FRONT TOWARD ENEMY.
Are you serious?
What does that even mean?
+Lion Heart He's referring to the Claymore mine. "Front toward enemy" is written on the boom-boom side.
+Jean Pecquet That seems reckless.
Hahaha. Boom!
got my mav 88 a year ago for 169$ at academy retired my 500 . great shotgun
Lucky Kleinschmidt ill take that 500 if you don’t mind
Propane and propane accessories.
Why dont you make a video about the Top 5 Accessorys and Gadgeds for Home Defense?
I mean the most important thing is to distinguish between the housebreaker and your family and to be accurate when youre tired.
if you're going to suggest something, at least spell the words correctly.
FYI there is no spread at point blank range with a shotgun or enough distance in the average sized home for a quote spread. My go to home defense is a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buck. I’ve recently purchased a S&W Governor to reduce penetration through the walls of my manufactured home just to be on the safe side. Nice video 👍🏻