People Who Will Make You FURIOUS

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  • @Darkstalker1012
    @Darkstalker1012 5 місяців тому +250

    OP’s feelings are valid (1st story). The mama better straighten her daughter out, before she gets outta hand

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 5 місяців тому +10

      Too late, by about 8 years.

  • @jacquelinehart5334
    @jacquelinehart5334 5 місяців тому +169

    #1 - He should break up with that woman. That daughter will make his life hell if they get married.

  • @Kayenne54
    @Kayenne54 5 місяців тому +89

    "Fiancé thinks I'm over-reacting" means OP's genuine distress at being regarded as a creep, predator, lurker around a school, and threatened with arrest, all because her daughter caused the mischief, deliberately - his feelings don't really matter. Opt out.

  • @jacquelinehart5334
    @jacquelinehart5334 5 місяців тому +58

    #2 - After she saves up the $80.000 she should leave and divorce him. He is an A-hole.

  • @Actually.mickey
    @Actually.mickey 5 місяців тому +205

    The first story is fucked up on so many levels. Yes the mom is wrong but the kid definitely is. Lying the to the school and almost getting your soon to be step dad arrested isn't funny. That child needs a wake up call big time and the dude have every right to feel how he did😊

    • @Nameless82284
      @Nameless82284 5 місяців тому +55

      Reminds me of another story where this teenage girl lied that her mom's fiance AS her. The mom believed her and ended her relationship with her fiance but then her daughter revealed that she was joking. The mom wanted her fiance back but he refused. The worst part was that she didn't punished her daughter because it was a joke and she tried to defend her. Now I know a parent should take their child's side over their new love but this right here is wrong. When your child does something wrong they are supposed to learn

    • @Darkstalker1012
      @Darkstalker1012 5 місяців тому +23

      @@Nameless82284I REMEMBER THAT STORY!! That was messed up on so many levels

  • @ellorasg4525
    @ellorasg4525 5 місяців тому +32

    Story 1: That is a deal breaker for me.

  • @gazoontight
    @gazoontight 5 місяців тому +46

    First story: This guy needs to think long and hard about what the future may hold. If she lied about this, she’ll lie about something else. Maybe the next time it will be more serious. Second story: Time for separate bank accounts and a published notice of nonresponsibility. Divorce may not be out of the question. Third story: Sister is a brat and the parents are enabling her. Brother has no obligation to but her a wig and all she has to do is wait for her hair to grow out.

  • @murieleashman8036
    @murieleashman8036 5 місяців тому +50

    Story 1
    That man needs to RUN

  • @jacquelinehart5334
    @jacquelinehart5334 5 місяців тому +44

    #3- The parents are unreasonable. She cut her hair and should live with the decision. He should stand his ground and not give a penny for a wig.

  • @Iceydovefrost
    @Iceydovefrost 5 місяців тому +43

    Story one: Quick edit: Several commenters have mentioned this, and I realize that Riley is almost 18. But she doesn’t magically stop being OP’s fiancés/wife’s daughter just because she’s legally an adult. Unless OP’s fiancé opts to cut Riley out of her life at 18, Riley will always have a place in his home with his fiancé, she will be there for holidays, breaks, vacations, etc. OP will never NOT have Riley in his life, period. Does OP really want to enforce a “never be alone with Riley” rule for 3 years? Or any time she comes home? Or just live in the constant fear that she might try and fuck up his life? I mean, maybe. My opinion is just that OP needs to consider all the scenarios, even the worst-case ones, and decide if this drama and risk is worth it.
    Look, OP, I think you need to consider your future with your fiancé very carefully. Yes, she dropped the ball not calling. But Riley could have easily rectified the situation had she been honest.
    I highly doubt she meant it as a harmless prank. Riley is 15. I assume she has access to the internet, tiktok, the news, etc. I feel like she is old enough to evaluate the social implications of what denying you would do, and she did it anyway. Unless she’s really just THAT stupid, this feels much more malicious than a prank gone wrong.
    Although you might love your fiancé and your relationship with her (aside from this) is good, Riley is never going away. And her attitude towards you might never soften. Especially after she receives punishment for this stunt. She could learn her lesson, or she might resent you even more. Riley will always be in a position to “cry wolf,” and although ultimately she might be proven wrong, are you prepared for the hassle of dealing with that if she decides to do it again?
    I don’t mean to be a downer, and just assume the worst possible scenario going forward. And I’m not saying that your relationship is just over. But this could have had very serious consequences. Again, even if Riley eventually came clean, people’s lives have been ruined because of false accusations and the loss of public opinion. I just think this warrants real thought on your part and real discussion with your fiancé about how serious this really is.
    Can you really feel safe, secure, and happy in this relationship and life when there is someone in it that would actively try to sabotage you? COMMENTER
    OP's comments
    >You can't just get arrested, you have to do something that warrants being arrested.
    Bahahahahahaha, that's funny. I'll give you 2 guesses on what color my skin is and I guarantee you that your statement is false.
    >The cops weren't even called.
    What do you think a school resource officer is? Allow me to fill you in. They are real, uniformed, armed police officers whose job it is to hang out at schools. But I guess you're right, no one "called" the cops. But I certainly had to talk with one and he threatened me with arrest.
    Not exactly sure what you're asking because that's a pretty vague question. My fiance and I dated for almost 8-months before I was even introduced to her kids. I only started spending the night at my fiance's house while the kids are there after we got engaged. Prior to that we would only spend the night together when the kids were with their dad. Riley has made it clear since the day I met her that she doesn't want "another dad." So, I've tried my best to stay in my lane. I'm not involved in parenting with Riley and have been respectful of any and all boundaries she wants to put up. She's been moody and snarky with me before, but nothing that would have indicated she's capable of pulling something like what she did the other day.

    • @elaexplorer
      @elaexplorer 5 місяців тому +5

      15 isn't almost 18. 3 years is a long time in kid years, it's even longer when you're living in stepchild hell.

    • @thatonearoace
      @thatonearoace 4 місяці тому +3

      I remember 2 stories where it started with the step kid(s) just not liking OP and later escalating to OP nearly being murdered. Riley will potentially (probably imo) escalate to that point, and OP should get away before that has the chance to happen

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 5 місяців тому +65

    Story 1:
    OP = NTA
    *break engagement to TOXIC!fiancee / Riley’s mom !!!*

  • @riel4553
    @riel4553 5 місяців тому +33

    First story, oh so Riley skipped a therapy session for that "joke"...

    • @crystalgemgirl731
      @crystalgemgirl731 5 місяців тому +14

      Yeah... She CLEARLY needs those sessions.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 5 місяців тому +1

      @@crystalgemgirl731 Physical therapy for a sports injury. Unrelated to usual therapy for teenage angst issues.

  • @xyreniaofcthrayn1195
    @xyreniaofcthrayn1195 5 місяців тому +19

    That first story demands he up and ghosts her and the daughter for how much shit they put him through. The second story what a scam artist of a partner though why the muppet op decided to stay with the scam artist. Third story with such parents that girl is never gonna grow to be an eighth of the person she should be.

  • @elaexplorer
    @elaexplorer 5 місяців тому +4

    They definitely shouldn't be getting married anytime soon. They should be going to family counseling, otherwise Riley is going to make his life hell for the next 3 years, probably hoping if he's out the picture her parents will get back together.

  • @betsysanders4524
    @betsysanders4524 5 місяців тому +6

    In the first story, the fiancé should treat Riley the was she wants to be treated. Next “family” vacation, Riley goes to her dad’s because she doesn’t want to be part of the family. If she needs a favor…no.

  • @maxxh5331
    @maxxh5331 5 місяців тому +4

    Story 1: NTA, Riley’s behavior is completely unacceptable and her mom is an enabler. That’s grounds for breakup.
    Story 2: the husband clearly does not care about their financial situation and only cares about what solely benefits him.
    Story 3: The sister got what she deserved. The parents clearly let her act like the world revolves around her and only have time to think of a punishment for OP.

  • @_mirary_
    @_mirary_ 5 місяців тому +7

    I completely get riley not wanting to replace her bio sad with her father in law and hating the father in law since you can't control weither you hate or like someone no matter if there's a reason or not, but almost getting him arrested when he was just trying to bring her home from school is crazy 💀 i hope she doesn't get away with just a slap on the wrist from her mom

  • @Iceydovefrost
    @Iceydovefrost 5 місяців тому +22

    Story three: Parents are taking the easy way out of parenting. This way, they don't have to buy her a wig. By saying that she is bald, etc is worse than accusing you of gender confusion also gets them out of having to parent her for being a damn 👹
    She drew first blood. Always remind people when they are gobsmacked that you dared to counter their shitty behavior.
    I'm wondering if Sis deliberately pushed OPs buttons knowing that she would get what she wanted that way.
    1 she ignore her parents advise and get a haircut they tell her she won't like
    2 she refuses to accept the consequences of her actions (letting her hair grow out naturally or admitting she was wrong and her parents were right).
    3 expects brother to literally pay for her mistake and when he won't she pushes his buttons to make him snap then goes running to mummy and daddy who do excatly what she wants and try to bully OP into buying her a wig.
    Yeah, she has to be the favourite and used to getting her way and knowing what to say to get the right responses. She is 18 and needs to grow up and OP needs to keep his money as secure as possible to move out asap after turning 18, because hopefully being under separate roofs might help his relationship with his parents before they completely destroy it. NTA
    “I know your sister is upset at *her own* decision to cut her hair. Then she unreasonably asked you to CUT OFF YOUR OWN HAIR to make her feel better about *her* bad decision. When you understandably said no, sister dug her heels in and verbally lashed out at you. So naturally, we’re only going to punish you for reacting. We’ll figure something out for her at a later, unspecified date so you’ll forget about it and we don’t have to pay for our daughters wig. It’s a win all around except for you. But you need to learn self control.”
    What the actual fuck is going on in your parents brains right now??

    • @gcolson3388
      @gcolson3388 5 місяців тому +2

      When I heard the first story, I remembered reading a short horror story about a spoiled girl whom was to visit her divorced father in an another state via plane. This is not what she had wanted, so she throws a tantrum; claiming that she doesn't know her own father. When she gets off the plane in her home state; this girl throws a similar tantrum; claiming that she doesn't know her mother either. The outcome is that the girl ends up in an airborne purgatory; having to go from plane to plane forever; without a real home. I rather think that story should be required reading for anyone whom thinks such a prank is funny. I know I sound judgemental, but it just burns me up!

  • @murieleashman8036
    @murieleashman8036 5 місяців тому +17

    Story 2
    She needs to RUN

  • @Lord_Skeptic
    @Lord_Skeptic 5 місяців тому +3

    3:56 pretty much.
    They are cards with baseball players on them.
    They will be worth a fortune in 3000000 years.
    Red Dwarf USA reference.

  • @grobanite4ever85
    @grobanite4ever85 5 місяців тому +19

    The mom in the first story is the reason why a lot of men refuse to date single mothers. Single mothers like this ruin it for the honest ones

  • @slivafamily
    @slivafamily 5 місяців тому +4

    He is not proceeding with the divorce because of losing half and alimony payments.

  • @amateurflor13
    @amateurflor13 5 місяців тому +8

    lol 1st op you should've dipped out of the relationship, sorry. or she should've had therapy immediately.
    edit: also, your hat is so cute!! your style is always so fun and cute💛

  • @PhantomMagician1846
    @PhantomMagician1846 5 місяців тому +3

    A Baseball card is a card about the size of a playing card people use for poker/blackjack/magic tricks ect .It has a picture of a Baseball player on it and on the back of the card there are states of the Baseball player. depending on who the player is on the card and the condition of the card, they can be worth allot of money.

  • @willialj
    @willialj 5 днів тому

    First Story: Kyutie got the correct response. OP needs to limit his support and responsibilities to Riley. You cannot force yourself into a parental role that a child has decided not to accept you in. Treat her like a boarder that's always late on their rent because that's how she is acting. OP should not let this prevent him from bonding with the younger daughter. Respect is earned and not automatically given. Children respond to any and all adults according to the respect they have for them. Remember, the kids didn't ask for you in their life but you have to respect them and their emotional choices. The key is not to allow them to disrespect you like Riley did. She looks at him as the man her mother is dating and expects all the benefits of that without any emotional attachments. Spoiled....

  • @markcollins2666
    @markcollins2666 5 місяців тому +7

    Baseball cards?!? What a stupid investment!!! Baseball cards, as well as comic books, are worth nowhere near what they used to be. The interested collector base is shrinking every day. Young people certainly don't want them. I hope that OP gets all her money back, then divorces him, just, on the grounds of him being stupid.

  • @mildlifecrysis
    @mildlifecrysis 5 місяців тому +2


  • @dodgyyoutuber9560
    @dodgyyoutuber9560 5 місяців тому +3

    I would love to be a step mom, but I would give up on my boyfriend if their kid was like that.

  • @constanceelliott2736
    @constanceelliott2736 5 місяців тому

    First story demonstrates what OP has to look forward to. People say that life is too short, but life is too long to put up with crap like that, hoping that the parents (and therapy) can help this child. The story with the gaslighting husband - Girl, get your money, a good divorce atty., and a protection order, then go. Get the heck outta Dodge! Last story - Parents told her NOT to cut her hair, and now they want the brother to pay for a wig?!!! She went against their recommendations (It's her hair), but they all want to have brother pay. Son, depending on the state you live in, you don't have to have a joint parent account. Check with your financial institution. If you can, pull all of your money into your own account and keep saving safely. Good luck to you all.

  • @sarbear2666
    @sarbear2666 5 місяців тому +5

    We need more two sentence horror stories 🫶

  • @kanelovec4315
    @kanelovec4315 5 місяців тому +3

    I think op has the quwstion the relationship. The kid doesnt like him and this looks like the start of many times of getting op in trouble to get him away from her and her family. This can end badly sense the mom doesnt see how serious this is. Op has to complete step back from kid unless she waits to even then he might want to keep recording just in case she lies about him being a creep.

  • @jocelynmcdonald1569
    @jocelynmcdonald1569 5 місяців тому +7

    Unrelated but that hat is so cute!! I want one lol

  • @PrincessCookie777
    @PrincessCookie777 5 місяців тому

    1st 2 stories, divorce immediately 3rd story, move out the second you turn 18 & never speak to those awful parents or sister again

  • @carisasantiago6256
    @carisasantiago6256 5 місяців тому

    First story: the mom seems to not take the situation seriously (I heard the story before), if the mom doesn't set the daughter straight, she can lie about something much worse, and all because she doesn't see him as a parent, teenagers can be cruel
    Second story: the nerve of the husband to spend his wife's money and he gets mad when she tries to take it back! Narcissistic much? Op is not wrong for trying to transfer her money back, he pretty much stole it from her.
    Third story: the parents clearly have a favorite, and it'll bite them in the butt later on. The sister needs to take accountability for her mistakes, she hates her hair, she needs to work on it herself, she wants op to cut her hair because she's insecure about her haircut so she wants to make herself feel better.

  • @riel4553
    @riel4553 5 місяців тому +8

    Second story, the guy saying it's wrong to go 'tit for tat' no that's for insults, for money you Do have to go tit for tat.

  • @slivafamily
    @slivafamily 5 місяців тому +1

    Well there goes her cell phone.

  • @nancyomalley6286
    @nancyomalley6286 5 місяців тому +1

    Story 1: RUN 🏃‍♂️ FORREST, RUN 🏃‍♀️!
    This will only get worse!

  • @aliahope-wilson4449
    @aliahope-wilson4449 5 місяців тому +1

    That hat though 😻😻😻

  • @19GAS
    @19GAS 5 місяців тому +2

    Story 2 : In my opinion this women should break up with her husband ASAP.
    160 k $ on Baseball cards ....... Omfg 😅。。。。。。。。。。。。
    Story 3 》》》 Lol the sister, who wanted the Pixie cut should in any case buy the wig she wants herself, and get a job。。。Looooooool
    KyutieBeautY, Peace, 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @Nicholaspimpinsohard
    @Nicholaspimpinsohard 5 місяців тому +8

    Their son is completely innocent here and he just said what he said because she kept antagozing him to cut his hair. His sister is obviously the favorite child in that family, but still he didn't do a thing wrong so why are both of the parents mad at him? He told his sister the truth while his sister literally snuck and got a hair cut which both of their parents forbade. Their dad expects for their son to be the bigger one and just buy his sister a wig , yeah right they both better get real.

    • @joelroman6839
      @joelroman6839 5 місяців тому

      The parents might be bigots who didn’t want a femboy as their only son 😢

  • @mattydesteno9523
    @mattydesteno9523 5 місяців тому +1

    Love. You. Love. You. .your. The. GREATEST. PERSON 📢 BEAUTIFUL.
    MATTY from Australia

  • @WittyRoseKoi
    @WittyRoseKoi 5 місяців тому +3

    I love your videos Kyutie 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • @parkgimmy4225
    @parkgimmy4225 5 місяців тому +2

    Good morning people 🌞
    Edit: it's almost 10am here

    • @Sherii-876
      @Sherii-876 5 місяців тому +2

      It's 11:00pm where I'm at

    • @jaime01090
      @jaime01090 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Sherii-876its 12am for me

    • @vyonneisabel
      @vyonneisabel 5 місяців тому +2

      It's 12pm for me

    • @js8303
      @js8303 5 місяців тому


    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 5 місяців тому +1


  • @joelroman6839
    @joelroman6839 5 місяців тому +2

    The parents in the last story are probably also being discriminatory since they they probably wish that they didn’t have a femboy as their only son 😢

    • @riel4553
      @riel4553 5 місяців тому +1

      Where did you get 'femboy' from that story. Or do you not know what a pixie cut is? OP has a regular man-haircut and the sister is telling him to shave it because it's the only way to make it shorter than hers.

    • @joelroman6839
      @joelroman6839 5 місяців тому

      @@riel4553The sister asked OP if he wanted to be a girl in an attempt to get under his skin and make him feel subconscious about his hair length. Maybe it’s just me, but the OP gives off femme vibes with the way he claims to communicate. OP possibly chose not to mention his personality due to the fact that he wanted a non judgemental, outside perspective from people who are unaware of his expression.

    • @riel4553
      @riel4553 5 місяців тому +2

      @@joelroman6839 To me it sounds like a regular 17 year old frustrated because he has 3 people against him saying that they're going to take his money to make his sister look good.
      The sister is the one saying that no man actually cares about their own hair and calling him a girl if he does. Tell that to barbers.
      The whole thing is absurd, shaving OP won't make the sister pretty, her friends surely have longer hair, their mom, probably their dad too, she just wanted to bully OP.

  • @Cuteallforever
    @Cuteallforever 4 місяці тому

    Never late girl is it ok i am 8 years old i love it

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 5 місяців тому +8

    Story 1:
    *Don't date Single Mom !!!*

    • @joelroman6839
      @joelroman6839 5 місяців тому +3

      Then single dads are out of the question too

  • @jaime01090
    @jaime01090 5 місяців тому +1


  • @phoenixblackburn5047
    @phoenixblackburn5047 5 місяців тому +1

    41st likeeee

  • @Nicholaspimpinsohard
    @Nicholaspimpinsohard 5 місяців тому +3

    How are you doing sweetie? How are you feeling? I hope just great!! In the very first story, the main protagonist should just end the whole engagement and relationship all together before he ends up getting arrested all over some stuff that he didn't even do. That is a very complicated situation whenever you're in a relationship with a woman who already has kids. Now some kids are cool and completely okay with you dating their mom, but other kids can be some complete savages for no reason at all. His fiance definitely should've called the school and let them know exactly what was going on because she already knows how her daughter feels about him. I got a very strong feeling that the daughter told her school that she doesn't him at all therefore making it look he was trying to kidnaap her. The daughter could've easily gotten him in a whole world of trouble that day. Please break up with her and end the whole engagement because the daughter has already made crystal clear that she doesn't like him at all, and the next she might go to an officer in her school and accuse him of doing something extremely foul and sketchy to her. In the second story, in marriages you're not suppose to hide any money from your spouse unless they have a serious gammbling problem which she doesn't. He doesn't want her to see how much money he's actually spending and all of the reckless stuff that he's spending the money on. She is not the AH here, not at all. She know how to handle money very wisely and she's doesn't spend it stupidly like he did. In the third story, every single man cares to the fullest about their hair, and even if their balded headed they want to make sure that it's still on point so I don't know what the sister's talking about here. She just mad because she literally snuck behind her parents back who told her that she couldn't get a pixie cut and she actually got one, but now she's mad because the cut didn't turn out how she was expecting. Now she's her brother still with long hair and she automatically decides to just start hatting on him for no reason at all. I love you my friend!! Have a great day, good night from me!! Stay safe!!

  • @WittyRoseKoi
    @WittyRoseKoi 5 місяців тому +2

    Shadow Boxer I’m I second 🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥