Bioshock Infinite is WORSE Than You Thought

  • Опубліковано 16 тра 2024
  • I was originally just gonna do a quick funny lil omg this game is so much worse than I remember it!! but it turned into a monster and I ended up making an hour long bioshock infinite game review 10 years after playing it for some reason.
    Here are some of the websites and interviews I mention in this video:
    2010 MTV interview:
    2013 Time Interview:
    No longer working on bioshock games:
    IGN lighthouse interview:
  • Ігри


  • @Nick_and_Nora
    @Nick_and_Nora Місяць тому +3

    The term Vox Populi means “voice of the people” and is likely derived from the old Latin proverb “Vox populi, vox dei”, which translates to “the voice of the people [is] the voice of god”.
    The Vox Populi dress as red devils to invoke fear from their hyper religious, god fearing adversaries. It is a fairly inspired costume choice, as it aligns with the moral decline of the Vox into anarchism and brutality. In seeking to overthrow their oppressors they became monsters in their own right.

  • @Nick_and_Nora
    @Nick_and_Nora Місяць тому +2

    Just finished replaying the game on easy. This lessens the bullet sponginess of enemies and makes melee more viable. Upgrade vigors first and utilize a range of guns for a little more variation and challenge. I found it to be a fairly fun experience on ps5 with decent pacing. 7.5/10

  • @queenluci6664
    @queenluci6664 Місяць тому +1

    It still has a fun gameplay loop, but it could've been so much more

  • @josesosa3337
    @josesosa3337 Місяць тому +2

    The 2 weapon limit was so lame. Also, I'm pretty sure possessed machines take less damage from the player so your wasting ammo to destroy machines or your sitting in the corner waiting for possession to run out. Also losing money everytime you die was a terrible decision too. Also also, upgrading the yellow shield early on is a must. Also, I'm pretty sure you cant store health packs like in past games. So lame!!! Some times i think of replaying infinite and then i remember stuff like the reasons stated above. Sorry for the way i typed this, alot of these problems popped up in my head as i was typing.

  • @geostelar8517
    @geostelar8517 Місяць тому +1

    When it comes to upgrades you can technically get everything but it requires you using a glitch in the shock jock level to respawn all the items over and over to farm money and gear.
    Though even with the required money a lot of weapon upgrades are locked till certain story points with some upgrades only able to be purched at the final airship flight (lol).
    Even with max upgrades it doesn't mean much just pick whatever 2 you like best (assuming it isn't low ammo carry)
    Also for a plot point in the dlc they completely back track on daisy stabbing the kid (they added a bunch of audio logs to put her in a more kind light) basically you learn that the lutece tell her she needs to do this and will die cause itll change Elizabeth and help her grow?
    Either way she accepts it at face vaule as even though she wont see the end of the revolution she'll be doing gods plan

  • @rush2sk8
    @rush2sk8 Місяць тому +1

    as someone who idolized how fun the game was in 2013 you hit every point I have with it playing again. the whole game is a chore that i only play through so i can see the beautiful levels

  • @spouwnerring
    @spouwnerring Місяць тому

    30:02 didn't expect my country to get a shoutout.

  • @spouwnerring
    @spouwnerring Місяць тому

    So there are a number of plot-holes in this game, however I'm only going to focus on 1. So in the Timeline where the Vox Pupuly got there weapons, the Elizabeth from that timeline got moved from Monument Island to Comstock House, resulting in Booker being forced to join the Vox in order to break into Comstock House and rescue her, but died in battle before he could reach her. However, when the Booker and Elizabeth we follow enter the timeline where the Vox Pupuly got there weapons the Elizabeth from THAT timeline is no where to be found. After Fitroy dies the game just forgets that our heroes were universe hopping as evidence by Comstock not acknowliging that he's now dealing with 2 Elizabeths, for example. When I made this comment on a different video someone tried to claim that the universes that our heroes were hopping through were starting to merge back into 1 universe, however there is nothing in this game that supports that claim, rendering the game invalid.
    And you know what would have been really cool; having Songbird be the penultimate boss and a fully brainwashed and fully juiced up Elizabeth be the final boss. Alternitively, we could just not have our heroes hopp universes and instead have them teleport the weapons to Fitzroy. Fitzroy would then double cross our heroes and that would result in them needing to fing a completely different airship to leave the city.

  • @seliph-qq8ew
    @seliph-qq8ew Місяць тому +1

    This game is debatably a full on psy op, not just a shilling like with like Cane and Lynch. Pushed by the corrupt review/news sites despite the marketing lies, worse gameplay, and god awful multiverse story with muh reddit politics to boot. Sicking the goon squad to harass players then who call this game what it is: Mediocre. I can't in good faith say the game is trash. It's fully functional, has a decent playtime, and has nice art design. But for Bioshock and compared to some of the other FPS greats? Disappointing gameplay, two weapon limit and linear levels with unrefined arenas felt like a betrayal of the series. I'm guessing Judas will be more of the cakeless frosting Infinite was, though Levine may lack the shekels this time around to launch a media attack on anyone who doesn't worship his game. We'll see.
    Also the World Fair Architecture moment was an unexpected surprise, it's one of the strangest things in American history. Should never have been destroyed. Overall a very based review.

  • @Nezzrac
    @Nezzrac Місяць тому +2

    i was about to click off until that solid limmy impression right at the second minute

  • @FFFreak719
    @FFFreak719 Місяць тому +1

    tbf, bioshock 1 and 2 also have a "tell me where to go button"

    • @jakel2837
      @jakel2837 Місяць тому

      Except it's worse than useless in those games. The arrow tells you nothing about 2 of the 3 axes you need. The result is a lot of going in circles.

    • @skrotosd
      @skrotosd Місяць тому +1

      1 and 2 were a lot more labirinths, it was a necessity IMHO

  • @SgtBrutalisk
    @SgtBrutalisk Місяць тому

    I played through Bioshock: Infinite on the hardest difficulty. The first hour plays completely differently compared to the rest of the game.
    The game starts off looking like a murder mystery/gothic horror novel that turns into a run-and-gun looter-shooter.
    The weapons were lame but I do recall the sniper rifle was powerful. Also, I could never perform the fatalities, not sure why.

  • @Bosston62
    @Bosston62 Місяць тому +1

    It’s funny I always see people praise this game as the best of the series but honestly I thought it was the worst. Vigors weren’t anywhere near as fun as plasmids, weapons weren’t as good and only having 2 was such a pain in the ass to have compared to the arsenal we used to have. It isn’t a bad game over all but I think compared to the other 2 it’s not my favorite in any way

    • @lutherheggs451
      @lutherheggs451 Місяць тому

      Its hilarious when what is usually "special" people want to be "intellectual" so desperately they feel some weird need to try and logic the hell out of everything even when its shit that is just so stupid like a video game or a movie. Its so weird and funny that they never figure out that the actual intellectual people don't actually do that.

  • @kaneqangut
    @kaneqangut Місяць тому +1

    good vid eo

  • @Gunner1997100
    @Gunner1997100 Місяць тому +11

    Why yes I do want to listen to someone rage about a game I also rage about.

  • @Christian-gr3gu
    @Christian-gr3gu Місяць тому

    Rage against the machine, I mean game

  • @francois40styme
    @francois40styme Місяць тому +1

    The worst bioshock game

  • @jakel2837
    @jakel2837 Місяць тому

    I've found that people who don't really like bioshock 1&2 like infinite a lot more. That being said, it's more of a spinoff than a sequel, but it's a fun game that doesn't overstay its welcome. The story has problems, but it's above average for a FPS plot. The charcters are also more engaging than the frst two games by virtue of showing up in person for more than 30 seconds.

    • @melc311
      @melc311 Місяць тому

      Infinite is deeply flawed but I've had fun with it. I played Infinite first and tried 1&2 after the fact and I'm sorry to say that I got bored halfway through the first one.

  • @lulukomadori9651
    @lulukomadori9651 Місяць тому +4

    Definitely wasted, least Elizabeth hot

    • @donaldhysa4836
      @donaldhysa4836 Місяць тому +2

      Finnest 16 year old teen in gaming

  • @johndodo2062
    @johndodo2062 Місяць тому

    I liked it well enough the first time through at release, but even then it felt shallow and the ending was just awful. The second time through was after a replay of the first bioshock on pc, and i couldn't get past the first 2 hours. Kind of fun, but ultimately not great imo.
    Also, i think judas it's going to be a woke mess. Levine loves jamming his politics into everything. I think he got away with the first game because it ultimately was not his own view, but based on ayn rand. If he is still in the industry and he was given this much rope to make a game with and having it take ten years, it's safe to assume he has the "correct" politics. Which means there's gonna be at least two trans characters and at least one dude is gonna give birth. Book that

  • @narniaphuket
    @narniaphuket Місяць тому +1

    The "omg racisms is super bad" trope was already old at this point

  • @melc311
    @melc311 Місяць тому +2

    gem 💎

  • @Guciom
    @Guciom Місяць тому +7

    The game was the Last of Us of it's time. A competent game that did nothing new or revolutionary and was carried purely on gamers pretending it's the Citizen Kane of video games. Not to mention you would be bashed into oblivion if you point out nay flaws the game might have.

    • @ebendor444
      @ebendor444 Місяць тому +2

      The Last of Us of it's time? Bro, it was released in the same year as the Last of Us (2013). You might want to come up with a different description.
      I will agree there was a portion of people at the time praising it FAR beyond what it was. Honestly, I think the presentation made people think it was better than it was instead of it being some steps behind the other Bioshock games.
      However, with time it seems many people have come to see Infinite as the least in the trilogy since no follow-up has appeared in a decade despite critical and commercial success

    • @Guciom
      @Guciom Місяць тому +1

      @@ebendor444 I was making a comparison. I know Last of Us came out after Bioshock Infinite.
      'I will agree there was a portion of people at the time praising it FAR beyond what it was.'
      Dude, BI praise was borderline fanatical when the game came out. Reviews that did not gave it perfect scores would be downvoted into oblivion. It was like with early Rick and Morty. You point out the game is not perfect? Clearly you are to ignorant to get the deep philosophical themes the game tackles.

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu Місяць тому

      Least the last of us made sense until the end, even if it was just kinda bland

  • @imjustaturtle641
    @imjustaturtle641 Місяць тому +3

    I beat 1999 mode and Scavenger Hunt (no vending machines during 1999 mode).
    Can confirm, this game is just so underwhelming and a waste of potential.

  • @pinking123et
    @pinking123et Місяць тому +1

    *loads revolver* bad time for the algorithm to recommend you buddy

    • @Guciom
      @Guciom Місяць тому +2


    • @pinking123et
      @pinking123et Місяць тому

      @@Guciom love you too, brother

    • @pinking123et
      @pinking123et Місяць тому +2

      So: video is really good, well done man, agree with alot of points, disagree with some. As someone who LOVED Bioshock 2, Infinite and 1 never really got the same reaction from me.

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu Місяць тому +1

      @@pinking123et based BioShock 2 enjoyer

  • @dillonbourek4941
    @dillonbourek4941 Місяць тому +4

    Clicked the video just to dislike it for the title.

  • @nmghmarquis2583
    @nmghmarquis2583 Місяць тому

    hmmm4_4 Goood show kinda nice