Oblivion - Best Start + Tips

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @learnmore8771
    @learnmore8771 4 роки тому +895

    Tip: casting while blocking increases spellcasting speed

  • @MetallicBlaize
    @MetallicBlaize 3 роки тому +416

    “First thing you wanted to do is try to make a character that doesn’t look fucked.” Subscribed.

    • @Willzb-xk4ew
      @Willzb-xk4ew 7 місяців тому +4

      But its the one from the emperors dreams

    • @MetallicBlaize
      @MetallicBlaize 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Willzb-xk4ew nightmare* lmfao

  • @TheSchnieder6
    @TheSchnieder6 3 роки тому +150

    To train magic skills, you don't need to clutter your spell list with multiple training spells. Experience is awarded per action, not by magnitude or magicka cost. Creating one spell for each skill, set at minimum cost gives just as much progress as any other spell. Touch spells are the best as they have the shortest animation. As long as the spell activates on a target, you'll gain xp. Destruction, weakness on touch spell, no damage, no kill. Restoration, anything on touch really, find an npc and go to town, or leave town with an on-self spell if you wanna stretch your legs. Alteration, mysticism, and illusion are basically the same as restoration, use what you got. Conjuration, summon a skelly then have a turn undead ready or just keep re-summoning.
    Alchemy, go buy/collect as much of any two matching effect ingredients as you can and make as many potions as you can. Farms and inns have a bunch of restore fatigue and health ingredients. At most, you'd need to make just over 2k potions if you're alchemy starts at level 5.
    Armorer, best way is to make a spell to fortify it to be at or above 100, your hammers won't break. Some doomstones give the effect, the Thieves Den npcs sell it and being a vampire could also provide it. Any fortify _skill_ effect will provide the spellmaking effect for all other skills. You can also have a spell to disintegrate your own equipment. Or in the Shivering Isles, get the Amulet of Disintegration, which has a self disintegrate armor and weapon passive effect of 10k.
    Sneaking into a wall while undetected by nearby NPCs, allows you to afk. Or you can pickpocket, opening and closing a pickpocket screen gives 2 xp, while sneaking gives 0.75 per second. If you've finished the Arena, you can use the Adoring Fan or let a Highwayman rob you and just spam pickpocket on them, you don't even need to steal anything and they'll never get mad.
    Light/heavy armor and block, travel to a bandit camp or cave. Try to gather bandit bowman up, run into melee with them till they pull out a dagger. Daggers have the highest attack speed, thus highest hits per second. The more dagger wielding bandits the better.
    Blade and blunt, hit stuff, with daggers or one-handed blunt weapons(preferably). If you have the Vile Lair, you can use the sleeping prisoner for infinite nonstop training, because they never go unconscious. Also a good target for spell training.
    Athletics, run(0.03 xp per second) into a wall, or swim(0.04) into a wall. The difference seems small, but at most, swimming could save you nearly 24 hours of training.
    Acrobatics, find something to stand under that blocks your jump height. That way you hit the ground faster and jump more often. Taking damage from a jump gives 10x more xp than a normal jump, but the time to reset and the distance required as your skill increases makes this inefficient.
    Mercantile, sell single items at a time.
    Speechcraft, play that little minigame, fail on purpose.
    Above all, remember to rest and level as soon as you get 10 major skill-ups. After a level-up is available you stop earning progress to attribute gains when you actually level up. So if you've got 2+ levels stored, any after the first will have attribute gain bonuses locked at a +1 until you clear all available level-ups. Which could potentially harm your character's growth in the long run. Also, don't be afraid to pay skill trainers to level your skills, especially at the higher levels.

    • @F2PMegaGod
      @F2PMegaGod Рік тому +5

      Old comment, but i thought id add that for combat skills, the frozen people at Peryite's shrine never get knocked out until you finish the quest, so you can freely practice on them.
      For block, go to the house where the rats are in the first Fighters Guild quest, in Anvil. Punch each rat once them just stand in a corner blocking. For armor, same but dont block.

    • @tkandy99-eu4lo
      @tkandy99-eu4lo 6 місяців тому +1

      honestly at this point, i rather just use the console command to level skills up lol if im going to cheese it anyway. that is ofc if youre on pc.

    • @Cappnccino
      @Cappnccino 5 місяців тому +2

      @@tkandy99-eu4lo You know, like 8 years ago, I used to use console commands, but feeling is not the same. Achieving it by myself gets me a different kind of pleasure. But different people think differently so why not.

    • @erikmagnuson4499
      @erikmagnuson4499 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Cappnccino I agree. I like to accomplish things on my own and generally take a dim view of cheating myself. However, if you're talking about going through hundreds of thousands of actions just to unnaturally level a spell school, it really does make me wonder if it is not a waste of time when it can be done quickly and one can continue actually playing the game. I'm at the age now where time is pretty valuable. I guess whatever makes players happy is the right solution for them.

  • @Grantjohnmorton
    @Grantjohnmorton 4 роки тому +440

    Good tip I discovered was that the goblin in where you are taught to sneak against will never turn around. If your willing to spend 20 minutes walking in circles you can leave the opening dungeon with 100 sneak.

    • @fatsarmstrong
      @fatsarmstrong 4 роки тому +17

      The sneak appears to level up with the scamp you can summon, I have been multitasking my Conjuration and Sneak leveling simultaneously.

    • @Theaura1
      @Theaura1 4 роки тому +15

      @@fatsarmstrong theres allso the rat at the zombie witch will stand there forever if you dont kill it will stand at the door

    • @brianstevens3858
      @brianstevens3858 4 роки тому +3

      after the emp. is killed just go auto run_sneak and post him in the corner just past Barus, you can then take a game break etc. but have to be aware to restart when goes up on the 25's.

    • @markusmitchell8585
      @markusmitchell8585 4 роки тому +4

      You can do that anytime of the game

    • @markusmitchell8585
      @markusmitchell8585 4 роки тому

      @Jayson Glass you can do that by rapping hair band around remote or setting something on the keyboard NERD

  • @Pandaddy90
    @Pandaddy90 3 роки тому +89

    I noticed this wasn't mentioned, so I figure I would.
    So for people that want to play without exploiting too much, pick Primary skills opposite of what you wish to be, and the skill you use most as secondary (Pure Mages pick Blade, Blunt, Repair for example). Since Primary skills level faster, it will raise your character level up faster. Without your actual skills being raise before that happens, you will have relatively low stat points per level.
    This method allows to control how often you level up, allowing you to min max your stat points. So being Character Level 1 with all mage skills at 100, means that your next character level up, will yield the most in Magicka, Intelligence, and Willpower, etc.
    Tldr, if you don't do it this way, you could be Lvl 50 and get wrecked by a Level 20 scamp. If you do it this way, you can play on max difficulty without raging.

    • @majorlouis956
      @majorlouis956 2 роки тому +2


    • @Rxtrn
      @Rxtrn 2 роки тому +3

      Or just use a +5 attributes mod

    • @PrinceSheogorath
      @PrinceSheogorath 2 роки тому +6

      @@Rxtrn I bet you play dark souls like a journalist

    • @Rxtrn
      @Rxtrn 2 роки тому +1

      @@PrinceSheogorath yes i die every 13.53 seconds on average thank you very much

    • @PrinceSheogorath
      @PrinceSheogorath 2 роки тому

      @@Rxtrn ha! Journalists dont play dark souls checkmate.

  • @evakkosiili6390
    @evakkosiili6390 4 роки тому +366

    My life has been actually whole lot of better in 2020. Re-played skyrim, now downloaded oblivion for the first time, eso and morrowind on the wishlist. Feels like 8-year old me reading lord of the rings for the first time over 20 years ago. Just say it, i'm doomed.

    • @evakkosiili6390
      @evakkosiili6390 4 роки тому +2

      @Knight-Sgt. Reyes good point. I also upgraded my gaming setup few months ago, and there has been many great games released this year (and couple more will be in the reast of the year), i'm getting used to this quarantine-mood 8)

    • @nagollnosegrobbb2165
      @nagollnosegrobbb2165 4 роки тому +3

      Morrowind is a great but sometimes I can't get past how low poly it is.

    • @dyllanandrew2759
      @dyllanandrew2759 4 роки тому +6

      Eso ain't to good if I'm being honest

    • @teamhowser4523
      @teamhowser4523 4 роки тому +2

      Same here started oblivion today

    • @theeldersimp9847
      @theeldersimp9847 4 роки тому

      You guys like to play it modded or vanilla for first time playing?

  • @Adri_de_la_Luna
    @Adri_de_la_Luna 3 роки тому +80

    Haven’t played Oblivion in about 10 years, saw all the DLC included in the Deluxe version on Steam and bought it. It feels so good to play again, this game brought me so much joy as a teen and it feels like visiting an old friend. Your video is excellent, so many tips which I had no idea about. Thank you very much!!

    • @JohnDoe-wy1zt
      @JohnDoe-wy1zt 3 роки тому +2

      I am about to do the same thing. Looks like I know what I'm doing for Spring break lol

    • @abominablesnowman64
      @abominablesnowman64 Рік тому

      I just started playing it and I avoided it for SO long cause the graphics and controls were old but now it makes me disappointed Skyrim is not as great as Oblivion. Bethesda literally took a step backwards with Skyrims magic, cities, movement all just feel so dull compared to Oblivion. After 120 hours I started modding it for graphics and god dang it looks good. The power of mods is insane.

  • @TheChrondosia
    @TheChrondosia 4 роки тому +80

    Glad to see people are still playing this these days. I’ve started another run a few weeks ago.

    • @squeebbb
      @squeebbb 4 роки тому +1

      Same here. I don't know if I made a shit character or what but I am doing little to no damage to Runt Scamps and they hit me for like 1/4 of my health

    • @TheChrondosia
      @TheChrondosia 4 роки тому

      @@squeebbb I had the same issues. Seems harder these days.

    • @sreeravi25
      @sreeravi25 4 роки тому

      @@squeebbb Yo, don't know if you are still playing. But oblivion level system is one of the most horrible systems ever. So unless you know how to efficiently level up, it is better to just slide the difficulty to one of the lowest settings.
      Or watch YT vids on min-maxing your character. You are gonna need it in Oblivion.

    • @greenscheme2040
      @greenscheme2040 3 роки тому

      @@squeebbb ALWAYS level up Endurance as much as possible every single time. Endurance is what governs how many Health Points you go up each level. Endurance is THE most important attribute at the start. It allows you to survive, hah. Keep maxing the leveling of it and you can fight pretty much everyone at any level. Except Umbra maybe but just jump to the top of the pillar and shoot her with fire arrows and she goes down quickly.

    • @vyndraek3057
      @vyndraek3057 2 роки тому

      Just reinstalled it. Such a beautiful game

  • @Mugthraka
    @Mugthraka 4 роки тому +79

    Drain Fatigue/Stamina, when a NPC stamina reach 0, he just falls face first into the ground, just like a paralysis, but unlike Paralysis, no enemy/or rarely any as resistance to Stamina/Fatigue drain.
    Also they can go into Negative Stamina value, and untill they reach a positive stamina value, they STAY ON THE GROUND.
    They recuperate 10 stamina per sec, but if you hit them with Drain Stamina 30pts per sec for X secs, they never get up.
    The stamina bar goes fromm -100 to 100, wich mean that when they reach -100 stamina, it will take them 10 secs AT LEAST to get back up.
    And Drain Stamina is cheaper to make as a spell/enchant and to cast.

    • @stuartbailey2389
      @stuartbailey2389 3 роки тому +3

      Create a set of cursed bound (has to be bound) armor damage fatigue armor reverse pickpocket it into them. Leave the cell for 73 hours and they will be wearing the cursed armor set. It has to be bound armor since bound armor doesn't gain value from enchantment, and it's 0 weight, meaning it can be reverse pickpocketed. Since the AI equip the armor with the highest armor rating, they will wear the cursed armor.

  • @bartsic85
    @bartsic85 2 роки тому +45

    After leaving the sewers:
    1. Complete the next main quest (deliver the amulet to Jauffre at Weynon Priory) Talk to Prior Maborle on the spot and select the "Assistance" option to get a free horse.
    2. Go on horseback to "Vidasel" where NPC Umbra is waiting for you. Leave the horse near the entrance. Come in, attack the NPC and direct it back to the horse.
    3. Umbra will follow you until Imperial City. Go inside the city and let the guards do the rest.
    4. You will receive Umbra's armor, her sword and shield. You can additionally sell the belongings of fallen guards. There will be a lot of them.

    • @cammiapples
      @cammiapples Рік тому +8

      Alternatively, grab the goblin staff from the tutorial. Straight from the sewers, fast travel to the Imperial City Waterfront and head south for Vidasel. Once you get to Umbra, sneak forward until you notice a break in the hand rails, drop down to the broken rubble/pillar as she cannot reach to attack you. shoot her with a sneak attack arrow for damage and aggro. Blast her down with the goblin staff. Winner winner chicken dinner.
      But the free horse is nice 😅

    • @Cappnccino
      @Cappnccino 5 місяців тому +1

      I always played like 2 hours after the sewers to earn the gold and buy Apotheosis staff. It kills Umbra NPC much faster.

    • @bartsic85
      @bartsic85 5 місяців тому +1

      Of course, you are right, but I am not talking about defeating Umbra, but about her fighting in the city, which is something unique, original that gives much more satisfaction from the game.

    • @Cappnccino
      @Cappnccino 5 місяців тому +1

      @@bartsic85 I meant to reply to the user above talking about the goblin staff. Your method is pretty good too, no doubt.

  • @tristinrev
    @tristinrev 4 роки тому +112

    Oblivion in 2020. The reality we need

    • @jrlegend7113
      @jrlegend7113 3 роки тому +1

      They're remaking it so

    • @alecnolastname4362
      @alecnolastname4362 3 роки тому +1

      Omg where can I verify this claim?
      It better be just as broken, why? Because it was perfectly playable, it was broken in a good way.

    • @thalmoragent9344
      @thalmoragent9344 3 роки тому +3

      I don't think they're officially remaking Oblivion.
      There's a mod called Skyblivion, which is gonna be amazing once it's finished.

    • @alecnolastname4362
      @alecnolastname4362 3 роки тому

      Of you say so.

    • @bradleyharris6630
      @bradleyharris6630 3 роки тому +1


  • @mushundir5238
    @mushundir5238 3 роки тому +32

    Fun tip: if you turn off “Save on Rest” and save before you sleep to level up, you can sleep, and while the time is ticking down you can load any save you want, and that save will level up instead of the one you slept in. You can do this to level up to almost level 200 (until your stats all get to 100). After this, if you do the Shivering Isles quests for the head Mania guy and get Felldew withdrawal, you can level your skills to 100 again, and when you cure your withdrawal, you’ll be level 200-225ish with some stats that are 110-115

    • @goofygoober2382
      @goofygoober2382 2 роки тому +1

      wooo wowo woo wooo what?? is there any vids out there explaining this in full detail?

    • @mushundir5238
      @mushundir5238 2 роки тому +3

      @@goofygoober2382 MrCrazyDeakon has a video that’s something like “Oblivion Infinite Level Up Glitch” or something like that. Just pick ones that give you +1 instead of +5 and you’ll get to level up a LOT more. After you get all 100’s, go to the Shivering Isles and eat Feldew for the quest to get the Chalice for the Duke of Mania and just don’t finish the quest. Eventually, you’ll get like -15 in most stats and then you can level those stats up the same way. Then, when you finish the quest, those stats will be 110-115 and you’ll be max level

    • @henryflath8124
      @henryflath8124 9 місяців тому +2

      And at level 225 a rat has like 4k HP and will one shot any npc that gets close and probably yourself if you di

  • @WilliamWallace42
    @WilliamWallace42 Рік тому +3

    I literally just started a high elf mage playthrough and this video popped up in my feed, I've been blessed by the algorithm

  • @junebuggo9111
    @junebuggo9111 Рік тому +3

    Oh my god I never knew you had an oblivion guide, dude I’ve followed all of your fallout ones now I got a new one to try. This is gonna be so fun

  • @sebw8169
    @sebw8169 3 роки тому +11

    Most magic skills in the game don’t gain more xp from spell strength. Casting a fireball that does 3 damage for 1 second will grant the same xp as a fireball that does 100 damage. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that it works!

  • @MetallicBlaize
    @MetallicBlaize 3 роки тому +11

    My start was always run out of the sewer hit the ruins across the lake, get the Magika stones that I can’t remember the name of, hit the area for free weapons, then go hit up umbra and get her sword and ebony armor. Ahhhhhh memories.

  • @bobmnz6914
    @bobmnz6914 Рік тому +2

    Tip: When you first wake up in the cell. (Don't move until you do a save. So you have a place to go back to if you want to do this.)
    There's a table by the left wall. If you duck (sneak) (CTRL on pc) and aim for the join between the table and the wall pillar so your looking towards the back of the cell. You don't trigger the person in the cell across the hall. No trigger no Emperor Uriel Septim VII. Until your ready for him, then walk towards the door. I don't know what if anything it will do. Currently I just like the no rush feel. And getting sneak up until I either get to 100 Start it up and go read a book, Keep an eye out for the level upgrades. or run out of patience. And go play it anyway.
    Put auto walk on (Q the pc) and just walk into that wall , you get 1 level of sneak per two minutes approx. I started with level 5..
    If you use heal until you run out of magic. Then stop walking and hit the spacebar (jump on pc) until you run out of green Acrobatics. You level all three up. Takes longer than just doing sneak.
    When you want to continue just walk towards the door. I don't know what if anything it will do. Currently.
    I thought of trying it when sneak was ?? 46 and the other two were 5 now 11.

  • @LordZiTan
    @LordZiTan 4 роки тому +5

    Standing stones and scrolls that Summon Bound equipment. You always get Daedric gear, and its weightless. First, remove all other weapons and gear. Find a low lv enemy, and either kite it back to the stone, or just use your scroll. Now you just stand there and let it attack you until the summoned gear gets damaged. Kill the creature, and repair the summoned gear. Then you drop the gear, and wait until the spell wears off. The summoned gear will now be permanently in the world, and you can keep it for as long as you want. Its still weightless, and you can enchant them.

  • @vovasyhin7219
    @vovasyhin7219 2 роки тому +3

    Best Sword you can make is in fact something that has the highest attack speed like a dagger and enchantments of all 3 elements like 5 damage of fire cold and shock for 1 second and 100% weakness to all 3 elements for 3 seconds. Best thing is, elemental weakness stack on top of each other so after 10 hits with a quick dagger the weakness will become 1000% to all elements, meaning your 5 damage to all 3 elements is suddenly doing 50 to all 3 elements, you can easily kill anything in a few strikes even Dagon him self, just walk up to him and spam your dagger until he turns into a liquid! You can also add 100% Weakness to Magic on top of the elemental weaknesses to further compound elemental damage.

  • @_M-lady
    @_M-lady 4 роки тому +17

    An amazing guide, thank you! I've been playing Oblivion wrong for years.

  • @talgo9988
    @talgo9988 4 роки тому +20

    Bro I just picked up a copy of the game of the year edition at a local pawn shop and this video is going to be really helpful getting back into it. Thanks bro!

    • @FordF--zy4vb
      @FordF--zy4vb 4 роки тому +5

      @Jayson Glass because that's where he saw it, he could've been strapped for cash and that was the cheapest he saw.

  • @pennylowes6389
    @pennylowes6389 4 роки тому +10

    Tip if you don't have 100 destruction yet but you want to kill everything in one tap.
    Drain endurance 100 points 1 sec
    Use any spell to do 100 dmg such as drain health 100 pts for 1 sec
    Drain endurance will lower their HP to 100 unless they have enchantments to boost health.

  • @AmericanExpatInThePhilippines
    @AmericanExpatInThePhilippines 3 роки тому +28

    The best thing to do in the beginning, in my opinion, is to go to the Shadow Stone, and activate it. That way you get Chameleon right away. If you have Frostcrag Manor you can make chameleon armor right away if you have grand filled gemstones. You'll be invisible if you wear 5 pieces of 20% Chameleon armor while sneaking. NOTHING can detect you.

    • @andreachinaglia5804
      @andreachinaglia5804 2 місяці тому +2

      Yes and you can backstab the enemies getting the sneak attack damage multiplier all day long without them even noticing you, you can also make yourself 100% resistant both to physical damage and magic or even have 100% physical damage resistance and 100% spell absorbtion so enemy's spells recharge your magika instead of damaging you using combos of enchanted items you find and items you enchant yourself (ring of the iron fist and amulet of axes or blades give both 33% reflect damage, add Escutcheon of Chorrol gathered at lev 25 for an other 35% and you have 101% reflect damage). If you go for the 100% spell absorbtion, Sorcerer's ring 25% + 5 items enchanted by sigil stoones 15% each) you can do even more crazy things like making custom spells that auto recharge magika ( by putting some telekinesis in them ) while you cast them, so let's say a spell with x fire damage + 100% weaknes to fire 3s + 100% weaknes to magika 3s + the right amount of telekinesis to recharge its cost, it will do 4x fire damage due to the weakneses (from the second time you cast it vs someone) and you can cast it all day long without interruption as it recharges your magika as it consumes it. But are those the best ways to play the game? 100% chamaleon so no enemy sees you, reacts and try to harm you or 100% physical and magic resistance so even if they see you can not harm you can be fun for a very short time, then the game quickly becomes boring as there is 0 challenge.
      The only use I see for a 100% chamaleon suit of armor I see is to kill fast and without risk your own summons to recharge the Azura's Star by soul trap so you can have your custom enchanted weapon always at full charge easilly and for free and even that is far too OP in my opinion.

  • @KanonHara
    @KanonHara 9 місяців тому +4

    This video has good tips but HUGE MISINFO on the magic levelling. It is better to use spells that are as weak as possible to spam, as all spells give equal exp regardless of how strong they are. Make a spell that only costs 1 magicka. For example, Water-Breathing for 1 second on self. You can cast this over and over forever and quickly level Alteration. For Destruction, make a Weakness to Element for 1 second on self as this means you don't need to cast the spell on an enemy.

  • @michaelbennett9197
    @michaelbennett9197 4 роки тому +44

    Please upload more you’re the best 😀

  • @expiringdate-d5k
    @expiringdate-d5k 4 роки тому +1

    This guide is as clear cut as it gets, other guides get me kinda confused. Thanks for the help!

  • @Ren-bv4md
    @Ren-bv4md 3 роки тому +8

    I have replayed this video over 5 times now, Jesus Christ, these tips are really fucking good.

  • @tylerfrobom-harr8615
    @tylerfrobom-harr8615 4 роки тому +5

    For the Dup glitch you actually need only 2 or more scrolls, but it will take time to dup things. The more scrolls you have the faster you get the number of items you want.

  • @justinruffner8717
    @justinruffner8717 2 роки тому +1

    My favorite game bro. Your the GOAT. I just started over man. such a good throwback. Oblivion is a masterpiece lol.

  • @creatommotearc346
    @creatommotearc346 Рік тому +1

    This is the most casually funny person I’ve ever watched

  • @misterturkturkle
    @misterturkturkle 3 роки тому +15

    Thief is the best sign all around, since it gives the most number of stat points, and luck included.
    The wrist irons you start with are almost unique. Theres one extra pair in the Shivering isles, but whats important is that theyre the the only Zero weight gloves in game. Perfect for endgame utility enchanting like slapping a bunch of skill fortifications, or a low weight/no real armor/loot everything build.

    • @andreachinaglia5804
      @andreachinaglia5804 2 місяці тому +2

      Stacking feather spells, the native ones and some custom made others and potions (you can drink up to 7 potions if you know how) you can carry all the loot you can find in a dungeon, or even in a couple of dungeons packed with enemies in heavy armor, without getting encumbered, anyway fur gauntlets weight only 1 so are almost as good as wrist irons encumbrance wise. 0 weight is much more relevant when we speak of weapons as the more a weapon is heavy the faster you get fatigued using it, Umbra, summoned weapons and the other quest weapons before you end the quest have 0 weight and this makes them so good, if you use the glitch to make a summoned weapon permanent, you enchant it and repair it at 125% you probably have the best weapon in the game, a permanent summoned claymore with some clever damaging enchantment has long reach, deals good damage and get you fatigued much slower then any regular claymore and you can make as much of those you want, each one enchanted for different enemy types, and carry them all as they weight nothing.

  • @MrAvila1989
    @MrAvila1989 4 роки тому +4

    Just what i needed during ISO, thank you good sir keep it up

  • @wotion7972
    @wotion7972 4 роки тому +9

    Finally after a long time :)

    • @GameVibzMason
      @GameVibzMason  4 роки тому +4

      I notice you are always in the comments around the first few, thanks a lot for your support buddy means a lot to me!

    • @wotion7972
      @wotion7972 4 роки тому

      @@GameVibzMason well its true because the guides you make are extremely good also because i have these games :)

  • @TheMagnumDon
    @TheMagnumDon 4 роки тому +5

    i am actually a new oblivion player,
    I have like 984 hours in Skyrim and my dad found his old Oblivion CD and gave it to me,
    funny how a 2020 video showed up in my recommendations

    • @HUPLY08YTJ09
      @HUPLY08YTJ09 3 роки тому +1

      I just got it on Xbox one I know I played it but a loooong time ago

  • @ihazcheese
    @ihazcheese 2 роки тому +4

    Hands down the single greatest Oblivion guide to date. Your "Fucked" spell and the "know what I'm saying?....." were just the icing on the cake of this video which I am still not sure is 100% satire because it was so well done. I love how it's essentially both an honest guide and a parody of the people who intentionally cheese their way through the game. Your delivery was so on point too. Deadpan and just so very done with the process at this point like someone who's only ever played Oblivion in their life and is on antidepressants to combat their horrible apathy towards it. Beautiful.

  • @TheDahcMan
    @TheDahcMan 3 роки тому +4

    first tip at 0:35 is probably the most valuable here

  • @ludakidboy
    @ludakidboy 4 роки тому +8

    "make sure you make a character that isn't completely fucked" that was funny af lmao

  • @KappaPappaTTV
    @KappaPappaTTV 4 роки тому +32

    This was a great nostalgic video. Definitely will refer to this when Skyblivion releases.

    • @tankervendetta2848
      @tankervendetta2848 4 роки тому +1

      Skyblivion is based on Skyrim's engine and will have nothing to do with this video.

    • @KappaPappaTTV
      @KappaPappaTTV 4 роки тому +1

      @@tankervendetta2848 So just because Skyrim's engine will be implemented will automatically correct these bugs? I am doubtful.

    • @Chublet123
      @Chublet123 3 роки тому +3

      @@KappaPappaTTV bugs in a different game.. skyblivion uses assets from tes 4 but uses skyrims engine

    • @markusmitchell8585
      @markusmitchell8585 3 роки тому +1

      @@Chublet123 they were made in the same engine Bethesda didn't make a new engine ever

    • @Chublet123
      @Chublet123 3 роки тому +2

      @@markusmitchell8585 ok technically yes but you really don't think they use the same version of the creation engine for every game. They make significant changes on each release so yes some bugs/features remain but enough is changed for me to call it different.

  • @tommasobergamaschi4277
    @tommasobergamaschi4277 3 роки тому +4

    Even with the thousands of hours I've put into this gem I am always happy when someone dedicates time and passion to my favourite game ever bro, thanks for the video 😎 🍺

  • @m4gnif1cent39
    @m4gnif1cent39 2 роки тому +3

    Bro tbh, you're the only UA-camr on here who has serious RPG guides regarding Bethesda. Isn't it about Fallout, it is about Elder Scrolls. Every playthrough, i watch one of your videos just for some tips and ideas. You are the best!

  • @anthonygaff1303
    @anthonygaff1303 2 роки тому +1

    I Love the enthusiasm lol, I'm subscribing the crap out of this.

  • @mangapeca5710
    @mangapeca5710 4 роки тому +7

    thanks man!!! really helped me start this game after completing skyrim i'm really thankful!!

    • @mello7147
      @mello7147 3 роки тому +1

      You should play legitly and not do this honestly makes it 10x more fun and rewarding

    • @mangapeca5710
      @mangapeca5710 3 роки тому

      @@mello7147 I wrote this? Haha, anyways yeah i never followed this guide and just jumped intp the world of cyrodiil blindly and completed it in my own way before learning all about exploits and shit and you are right it as 10 if not 100x funnier to play for my first walktrough.

    • @dan2178
      @dan2178 2 роки тому

      @@mangapeca5710 now play Morrowind.

  • @snow-shod9942
    @snow-shod9942 3 роки тому +3

    I think the drain health effect only lowers the targets max health by the stated amount, and that the effect lasts for the duration. Most enemies on lower difficulties don`t have more than 100 hp, therefore they get oneshot.

  • @basscom1
    @basscom1 11 місяців тому

    Great vid! I’ve been sitting on Oblivion since late-2000’s and just finally tried it for the first time in 2024. I love it! Of course my first character was a mage as well so this guide is exactly what I need. With respect, I wanted to add links to time stamps for my future use:
    0:52 - Tutorial tips
    3:03 - 1st thing after tutorial
    3:43 - Duplicate cheat 😂
    4:40 - Cont. after tutorial, Purchasing Spells
    9:05 - Continue Spell purchase
    5:03 - 7:55 - Item purchase
    10:35 - Spell Creation
    11:00 - Conjuration Leveling
    11:25 - Spell leveling tip
    11:52 - Spell leveling tip
    12:20 - Alteration leveling
    13:23 - Full Grand Soul Gem location
    14:10 - Enchanting
    14:42 - Illusion leveling
    15:26 - Mysticism leveling
    16:08 - Restoration leveling
    16:35 - Full Hotkey example
    18:20 - Destruction (and any attack skill) leveling
    20:05 - The Arena
    20:22 - The Thieves Guild
    26:10 - The Fighters Guild and Knights of The Nine
    27:28 - “The Best House” without DLC
    3:08 + 7:55- Wizards Tower DLC
    16:50 - Thieves Guild DLC
    21:25 - Fighters Stronghold DLC
    24:08 - The Vile Lair DLC
    26:33 - Knights of The Nine DLC
    29:42 - Shivering Isles DLC

  • @AndresChulo
    @AndresChulo 3 роки тому +6

    Playing It on series s, this was the game that got me into consoles, got It on the 360 couse It was cheaper that a PC back in the days, and tyvm for those tips hehe, am 29 and am feeling like a child hahaha

  • @matte3348
    @matte3348 3 роки тому +1

    When I heard that bong rip I knew I clicked on the right video and subscribed, elder scrolls while high hits different

  • @Izzy_Dead
    @Izzy_Dead 2 роки тому +2

    If you wear The Grey Cowl when you pray at the Sithis shrine in Deepscorn Hollow you'll get the max effects and then you can just take off the mask.

  • @mhmmd.m6751
    @mhmmd.m6751 2 роки тому +1

    Just reinstalled Oblivion , first guide I'm watching , loving it 🙌

  • @nicholaslewis2315
    @nicholaslewis2315 4 роки тому +3

    I’m getting this game back again thanks to this video

  • @FelixstoweFoamForge
    @FelixstoweFoamForge Рік тому +1

    Best bet is to pick as your PRIMARY skills, skills you won't actually be using as your default skill set. Yes, this means that your "actual" skills won't go up as fast, but that's ok because you'll be using them a lot, and have far more control over when you level. And try to make sure that your PRIMARY skills cover every attribute. Then you keep a running total how how many times your strength-base skills, (for example) have gone up and you can make certain that your chosen attributes go up by five point per level. Result; you can have stats and skills that way outclass your opponents at early to mid levels.

  • @bobach6083
    @bobach6083 Рік тому +3

    Actually bro I would say choose a Breton to get the magicka boost and choose warrior or the lady for boosted endurance and or strength/willpower. And then choose the major skills to be the ones you use the least...that way they'll be the easiest to level up and will actually make you want to use those skills where you normally wouldn't. I only say do it this way because if you level up your major skills and they are what you use all the time...by that time if you wanted to level up the shit you don't normally use it would be very slow and boring. I shoot to level every skill tho and not the just one specific build.

  • @yeahlivelongiamB
    @yeahlivelongiamB 3 роки тому +1

    I appreciate this video man. I have played this legit forever till now. I must say it's alot more fun this way and so much faster. Your time is much appreciated. Be safe and keep it up. You should get money for this.

  • @spicegoblin_
    @spicegoblin_ 4 роки тому +2

    I just redownloaded it and haven’t played in forever so perfect timing

  • @theRaven131
    @theRaven131 Рік тому

    love this video. one tip: If you make a spell with invisibility & chameleon, same mag and time, you are invisible and can touch anything, and nothing you do will break it.

  • @rockbearpage1972
    @rockbearpage1972 2 роки тому +1

    And even better tip for anyone that's playing a real solid Warrior what you do is is just before Uriel starts talking and the other two guards leave the room run out and wait the Mythic Dawn will continuously spawn unlimited amount of spawns so depending on what you want to do you can set all your blocking blunt hand-to-hand pretty much any of your physical skills to as high as you want you can even do it with a magic User it's a little more tricky though

  • @crispisan3570
    @crispisan3570 3 роки тому +2

    To do the Scroll Duplication Glitch:
    Things needed:
    Around 12 scrolls is the max dupe at a time
    Another 12 scrolls of a different spell
    The item you want to dupe:
    Start with potions, most expensive potion is bought from The Gilded Carafe.
    Then upgrade to the stone that is bought at Slash and Smash.
    Finally upgrade to the veil of the seer bought from Edgar’s Discount Spells.
    Mercantile Skill is needed to upgrade so sell each item separately, one by one to level efficiently.
    Now to do this.
    Switch between your 2 scrolls but don’t click on one scroll twice then use whatever is the highlight key aka shift, so shift click to drop. So hold highlight and switch to the thing u wanna dupe and just drop it. Now it will work. Also warning, if the quantity of the item you are duping is more than the scrolls u have, it won’t work so drop them and repeat.

  • @what-is-a-handle.
    @what-is-a-handle. 2 місяці тому

    For anyone watching along DO NOT use your bound armor during the final quest where it makes you use a certain pair of gauntlets that will soft lock you with a 50% weakness to fire.

  • @turnermulhall8535
    @turnermulhall8535 3 роки тому +3

    Honestly I’ve played both oblivion and Skyrim and everyone says that bows suck in both games. I honestly fell in love with both archery systems, the only critique I have is in oblivion you aren’t able to requiver and arrow like in Skyrim and of course draw speed but besides that both games are amazing in this aspect.

    • @athan694
      @athan694 2 роки тому +1

      I always thought bows were op in skyrim

  • @travisleitzel1523
    @travisleitzel1523 2 роки тому +1

    One of the first things I do in every playthrough is go and get fin gleam off the coast of anvil. Probably the most useful item in the game

  • @henryflath8124
    @henryflath8124 9 місяців тому

    Invis and Paralyze spells can be bought from the Kajiit merchant in the DB sanctuary. Paralyze spell is only like 2 seconds and comes with frost damage aswell

  • @bradnjaa8578
    @bradnjaa8578 Рік тому

    Also drain health doesn’t continually damage health it only puts it down by the magnitude, the duration indicates how long the health will stay drained by the magnitude for

  • @dylanwalser3138
    @dylanwalser3138 Рік тому +1

    Couple tips:
    -Do NOT download Wizards Tower right off the bat. Spell Crafting is the fastest way to ruin a play through. There’s a reason they made Spell Crafting accessible only after completing the mage guild quests.
    -Also I wouldn’t recommend using the duplication glitches until you’ve played a decent bit. It’s another way to make your play through not as fun and adds a slight chance that your game crashes when you do it.
    Other than that yeah solid guide 👍🏽

  • @tyqueen1063
    @tyqueen1063 4 роки тому +3

    The king is back

  • @gavintascon7068
    @gavintascon7068 4 роки тому +17

    You can easily kill umbra and get her weapon and armor which is the best weapon in the game and the beat armor to get at this point and can do it at level 1

    • @greenscheme2040
      @greenscheme2040 3 роки тому +1

      Also you can get the Honorblade of Chorrol at level 1 and it is really good too and not being magic you can repair it yourself since you cannot repair a magic blade like Umbra until level 50 of Armorer but have to pay in a shop for repairs which prevents you from using the Armorer skill enough to get up to that level 50 quickly. The Honorblade is a quest item too even at level 1 which means it weights nothing and at level 1 weight is a pain otherwise.

  • @niaure6516
    @niaure6516 3 роки тому +3

    I never knew about The Vile Lair dlc! I'm laughing too, wondering if the "prisoner" there applied for the position because he just wants to sleep as his job.

  • @bwestacado9643
    @bwestacado9643 2 роки тому +1

    I remember when I saw how terribly paltry the Skyrim spell count was. I was already nostalgic for Oblivion before watching this and now I'm playing it in my head lol. Planning spell swaps. It's no wonder I dumped about a 1,200 hours into this game and to this day it's still the only one I've beaten. I just never got around to finishing 3 and I'm on my latest playthrough of Skyrim (Switch) so I'm gonna try to beat the story on it this time lol. I just got bored with it before I finished everything. Wasn't the problem with Oblivion. No, my problem was not enough time in the day to play it

  • @jimmy10764
    @jimmy10764 Рік тому +1

    I have the wizards tower dlc but everything inside mystic imperium has the tag stolen

    • @GameVibzMason
      @GameVibzMason  Рік тому

      Its a Glitch that sometimes happens no big deal

  • @swifters287
    @swifters287 4 роки тому +6

    In the cave at the begining, the goblin that you have to 'sneak' past, he walks over by the fire and you can just sneak and walk into a wall and get sneak to level 100

    • @greenscheme2040
      @greenscheme2040 3 роки тому +2

      Yeah but you don't want to do that. You have 300 points in any one area to get it up to 100% and a lot are already used up to start with. If you max out Sneak you only have those left in Security and Marksman to max out Agility. You can sneak in crouch/autorun by the bed of anyone sleeping like a Guild buddy or a Fixer. In very early levels of Sneak take your boots off not to make noise. Do the Sneak a little at a time so you can get that Agility up later since you ONLY need 10 points of skill to max that attribute the full 5 points upon leveling. And cast spells while doing it so you can work your magic schools stats at the same time. Remember to keep your shield out to cast faster. Maxing any skill too early is suicide in this game. You just kill your ability in an attribute by doing it.
      Also Agility is less important early on than Endurance (Health points) and Intelligence (Magika points). If you don't max them at 5 every time you never reach max points for Health and Magika and you aren't as strong and die a lot. I also like to do Strength early so I can carry more and do more damage and mix in some Willpower a bit. Thieves Guild is my favorite but I really don't need Agility up early to do those quest well.

  • @bahamutstear1369
    @bahamutstear1369 11 місяців тому

    You can make destruction spells you cast on yourself which levels it pretty quickly and dies minimal damage

  • @davidsmithsmith5679
    @davidsmithsmith5679 4 роки тому +3

    OK. so First getting infinite money/cloning = boring. The fastest way to level conjuration is to cast a cost 1 magicka bound dagger spell, in oblivion it depends on how many times you cast a spell and nothing to do with the cost. This applies to any school of magic and there is no need to make different spells for each level, just use a cost 1.

    • @greenscheme2040
      @greenscheme2040 3 роки тому

      True that though they have to get into the Arcane University first to make those spells. You can use something like Minor Heal until then to gain Restoration traction though. And any other minor spell that uses few points to cast like a weak Detect Animals etc until then.

    • @davidsmithsmith5679
      @davidsmithsmith5679 3 роки тому

      @@greenscheme2040 If you have the dlc you can use the tower

  • @kevincasmer6153
    @kevincasmer6153 Місяць тому

    The mystic emporium is just a bug from having 2 dlc's, which does apply on pc due to patches.

  • @cat11112222
    @cat11112222 3 роки тому

    A pro tip I always did was the moment you load in the prison crouch and start sneaking into a wall and the guy talks to you levels you up a lot before the emperor and his blades

  • @papadelta316
    @papadelta316 6 місяців тому

    That was a lot of info. Me, personally I wouldn't do any of these things, but I learned some things. Thx for making the vid!!

  • @austinterry1674
    @austinterry1674 3 роки тому +1

    how did you get wizard tower to work i have it installed but it doesn't even appear in the game or give me a quest seem a lot of players are having this problem

    • @markusmitchell8585
      @markusmitchell8585 3 роки тому

      Same it used to work but then I uninstalled and reinstalled and now it doesn't work annoying as F

  • @mugi_Warrra
    @mugi_Warrra 3 роки тому +1

    A useful strat I always used, is to abuse essential npcs, like martin and jaufree, and have them kill the vampires in the gutted mine to get Azuras star. I also have them tag along to kill goblins to get goblin totem staffs for easy cash. (The staffs are in derelict mine, the mine east of Burma, and timberscar cave, take the road southeast of imperial city.)

  • @vovasyhin7219
    @vovasyhin7219 2 роки тому

    Insta Death Spell is better if you drain 100 Health for 1 Second and Drain 100 Endurance for 1 second, it has low cost can be used at 25 Destruction Skill and kills anything in one hit, The spell reduces Enemy Endurance down to its lowest possible value thereby reducing their max HP to a lowest possible value and 100 HP Drain Finishes them off, Because no matter how much HP they have they will always have 100 or less HP if their Endurance is 0.

  • @stuartbailey2389
    @stuartbailey2389 3 роки тому

    A few things you got wrong: drain effects reduce x for y seconds, and spell cost has impact on how fast you level. at 100, you can intentionally have yourself become addicted to felledew during the SI Addiction quest for Thadon, and level back up, bypassing level caps. When you have all your attributes back at 100, you use the chalice of reversal to increase your attributes above 100 then use the oghma infnium to further strengthen your attributes.
    I played as a Breton, got a mundane ring, ring of iron fist necklace of swords/amulet of axes and the eucheton of chorrol at max level. Total immortality. 100 magic resist, 101% reflect damage.

    • @greenscheme2040
      @greenscheme2040 3 роки тому

      I play Breton for same reason. But the attributes? Only Speed and Acrobatics work beyond 100. And ther is a way to get the 50 points from the Boots of Springhill Jak permanently added to your acrobatics while turning them into 0 weights and not having to wear them.

  • @samueldiniz9953
    @samueldiniz9953 4 роки тому +4

    Juts started playing recently, will be very helpful, loved the first tip tho lol.

  • @CiNiSTa
    @CiNiSTa Рік тому

    Im mind pfack... And I wasn't even going to touch the magic stuff. But now this helps me do it. Thank you very much.

  • @blackfistxu7953
    @blackfistxu7953 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks this is super helpful! I’m about to start a play through soon after I put some more hours into Morrowind

    @MDNGTSHEP 2 роки тому

    Watching this right now! Love it.

  • @mackenzieokelley6454
    @mackenzieokelley6454 3 роки тому

    Some good tips here, thanks a lot! Never actually knew about the scroll duplication trick. That saves me a ton of time trying to get cash or farming vamps for enchanted items to sell.

  • @richangelo9075
    @richangelo9075 4 роки тому +6

    Yet again you’ve blessed me good fortune during these horrid times, also I always believed you were black with the voice 😅

  • @mondainicorradi
    @mondainicorradi 4 роки тому +1

    like morrowind. Do not make all your major and minor skills with the same attributes to better control your leveling and atribute gain from each lvl.

  • @nedrastarr4400
    @nedrastarr4400 4 роки тому +3

    im replaying this now X) i love it

  • @dakelong6047
    @dakelong6047 2 роки тому

    You also can keep the bound daedric armor by damaging it then repair then drop it and wait for the spell to expire

  • @vovasyhin7219
    @vovasyhin7219 2 роки тому

    Aurelinwae is the best trader in the whole game, her mercantile skill very low so you will always get the best prices, and most gold from trades in particular if you abuse the alchemy skill. Just buy out all the food from all the taverns turn them into potions and then instant profit. Most food stuffs cost around 2 gold and your potions will be selling for 51 each if you maxed Aurelinwae's disposition and barter to 97%.

  • @lolzcaption
    @lolzcaption Рік тому

    You don’t need 10 scrolls. You can dupe with any number over 1. (2) works fine

  • @jaydendavis7624
    @jaydendavis7624 4 роки тому

    You da man. Cheers for this bro 👌 nothing better then a good solid guide to follow on a beautiful immersive game like oblivion 💯

  • @bzk2656
    @bzk2656 4 роки тому

    by managing your leveling you can go way higher than level 50 using destruction ability spell and training master.
    Also if you re a cheater you can duplicate equiped magic item then a bug will occure, the enchantment will remain while the item is unequiped. It is useful to boost your manapool

    • @stuartbailey2389
      @stuartbailey2389 3 роки тому

      I used this glitch to boost my willpower so I fully regenerated my magicka in 1 second.

  • @r603burakkusuta2
    @r603burakkusuta2 4 роки тому +1

    My guy is op af. Max spell reflect, spell absorption, true invisibility, etc and sheeit.

  • @Iancav575
    @Iancav575 4 роки тому +1

    Just started this game today for the first time🤟

  • @jordanflanders7195
    @jordanflanders7195 4 роки тому +1

    I’m just now playing this game in 2020 thx for the vid

    • @GameVibzMason
      @GameVibzMason  4 роки тому

      You’ll enjoy it my friend happy to help

  • @elwarofficial
    @elwarofficial 2 роки тому

    a potentially better way to train destro is weakness to fire 3 for 1 on self and hold the block button while casting for quicknezz

  • @dustyb9
    @dustyb9 3 роки тому

    Bro I really love to see more oblivion vid !

  • @jigboe9
    @jigboe9 3 роки тому +1

    A really excellent video 10/10

  • @MacJ92686
    @MacJ92686 3 роки тому +2

    I bought the wizard’s tower DLC and love the early access to spell making. But in my game I don’t own anything in the mystic emporium. Do you need to do something to activate it?

    • @GameVibzMason
      @GameVibzMason  3 роки тому +1

      It’s just a glitch sorry buddy

    • @DHGagnon
      @DHGagnon 2 роки тому +1

      It's because he was wrong about which DLC causes that effect. It's actually Fighters Stronghold that causes the items in that shop to be owned by nobody.

  • @bahoch6041
    @bahoch6041 4 роки тому +2

    i love you dude, yess! this is what i need dude

  • @arcticsmoke302
    @arcticsmoke302 3 роки тому

    Oblivion 2021 on ps3 first time playing it after playing Skyrim first on PS4 a few years back which I got the platinum for too. No trophies on ps3 for Oblivion but I’m digging it so much I don’t even care. Oblivion is so good and addicting!

  • @TCM1231
    @TCM1231 4 роки тому +2

    Ayyy u back

    • @GameVibzMason
      @GameVibzMason  4 роки тому

      Troy McClure always around buddy working in the shadows 😏