Kratos 2:"what trickery Is this?" Kratos 1:This Is no trickery. I'm you from the future, and together we can kill zoos and overthrow Olympus!" Zoos: "well shit"
I don't think he was confused at all. This is a man that hates losing so bad he'll literally sell his soul. After Zeus's trickery and betrayal, seeing another Kratos pop up is just a "Yeah, fuck you Zeus. You thought you could betray me?? I'll always find a way to be one step ahead and get my revenge!" (as he spits up blood, taking his last breath before returning the hades for the umpteenth time)
I always thought that Kratos who got stabbed simply repeated the circle, escaping Hades, seeking the sisters of fate and so on, kinda like the 2 serpents in Ragnarok, an infinite loop.
@@abdbaythere's a bit of a hole in your middle point of the timeline & that is your claim that Zeus would destroy Sparta after bringing Kratos down all the way to Hades, but that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for the alternated events that takes place in retrospective of between the 2 timelines (at the end point because everything from before should play out the same with minor adjustments) supposedly coexisting at the same time due to Zeus destroying Sparta after beating Kratos. Kratos 1 goes back in time to defeat Zeus in timeline 2 & they fight... Sparta is still not destroyed because Zeus hasn't done it yet then once GoW III starts, Kratos destroys Sparta through indirect means via offing Poseidon; this means that Kratos 1 was shown a coexisted time from timeline 1 where Gaia shows that Zeus is destroying Sparta just after Kratos 1 from timeline 1 was sent to Hades' Realm in GoW II & not in GoW III - Kratos 2 from his own coexisted timeline would encounter it alternatively within context to what's actually happening when Kratos 2 will go back in time to timeline 1 & Sparta is already destroyed when he encounters Zeus. here's also another fishy thing that I've thought off & that is the Sisters of Fates existence after Kratos 1 obliterated them out of existence in Kratos 1's original timeline 1; i feel as if since Kratos 1 basically spawned a vacuum of a paradox within reality of the Greek Realm itself by compromising the laws that the Sisters of Fate's upholded themselves, it'd mean that their existence except for the last one will not exist ever nor at all during both of the timelines to which Zeus 2 from timeline 2 even acknowledged on how impressed he was with Kratos from timeline 1 where the original Kratos obliterated those 2 sisters out of existence. this would mean that Kratos 2 through going through his own timeline would experience alternative events following along his journey to destroy Zeus.
Like the Oroboros a snake eating it's own tail. You can change the way the timeline progresses but the outcome remains the same. It will happen again and again and again because it supposed to because it has to happen.
@@Mr.BrokenRecord That’s fine, the pre-rendered cutscene(the first one he says is timeline one) is from the beginning of the game and the second cutscene (he says is timeline two) is from closer to the end of the game
I think that too. And in my opinion, this is not like Marvel's multiverse. The strings of Clotho that Kratos moves are his life, his timeline, he goes back... The sentence you see Zeus saying is not the same because that Kratos is already dead so we don't see that before perhaps because we see Kratos descending to Hades and resurrected by Gaia? That's what I think, but I may be missing something and I like the theory of this video anyway. It's interesting.👍
2:17 I doubt he went to timeline 2 to bring back the titans because in Timeline 1 when Atlas speaks to Kratos about how he got captured and Zeus using the blade to wipe all the titans you can see for a split second the titans getting sent back to the future with a green aura around them, forshadowing what Kratos would do later when he spoke to Gaia
Yes, that is right. But that could have been the other Kratos grabbing the titans from this timeline to his one, where our Kratos grabs the timeline from timeline 2.
Zeus dialogue is the same. The "no matter" is probably not remembered by Kratos b/c he was dying, then Zeus gets right in his ear to make sure he hear it. While yeah 2 timelines, but 1 stops existing once Kratos travels to fight Zeus. Then yeah, past Kratos gets revived by gaia and goes after the fates, while main Kratos is fighting Olympus. Even in game if you look back towards where Olympus would be, it looks like something bad is happening. But there can't be multiple timelines b/c of the fight with the fates in the past on the sword used to kill Aries. If Kratos fails, the sword is destroyed, past Kratos is killed by Aries, and main Kratos dies/ceases to exist. The slightly altered dialogue could also just be subtle shifts due to variations in a looping timeline. 1st Kratos hears/sees more, like zues killing the Spartans, then stops that from happening, 2nd Kratos sees himself, then when he gets to that same moment, maybe things happen slightly different due to what he experienced.
I personally think what happened with Kratos is like what happened to Saitma in the Manga when he time traveled. When Saitama went back in time. He merged with his past self to become one Saitama again.
1:30 or that could be bc Cory Barlog was too lazy to adjust things and didn't care that much for the story of gow2 (said so himself) also there is no way of knowing which "timeline" Kratos went back to with the Titans. Kratos had the Blade of Olympus so he might have just went back to the og timeline! and sisters of fate are dead so technically that means they would be dead in all timelines as well. that's the power of the fate. you can change it without changing much else.
Ive tried to explained this exact theory about jormungandr on a few kuba videos and always get shouted down. Some people are married to the idea that the giant soul atreus places into the snake is a different giant that coincidentally has the same name as jormungandr. But nothing in the story would indicate that there's 2 different giant's named that. Everyting points to the fact that theres a time loop revolving the serpent, even norse mythology agrees with this interpretation.
I found a loophole if kratos called gaia from past of timeline 2 then there wouldnt be any gaia to resurect kratos, hence kratos went back to his original timeline and continued from gow 3, it depends on writer or theorymaker to put him in any timeline, But i think it would be better if og came back to his og timeline 😁
If they would have gotten different powers from each other , and teamed up with the choice to choose which one you want to fight with , with alternate paths would be crazy 🔥 Imagine two Kratos jumping Zeus 🤯
My take is that everything is happening in one timeline one of my arguments is that when you look at the great war flashbacks cutscenes the moment zeus throws that blade of olympus blow to kill all titans it doesn’t kill them it shows them all being teleported by kratos so all of this is already written
He was resurrected and he goes after zeus and watches zeus already dead in timeline 2 and was waiting in the throne for bearded norse kratos from god of war valhalla to discuss
I don't think GoW was ever supposed to make sense beyond the basics. But Past Gaia was aware of Kratos looong before he was born. The Gaia that revived Kratos and helped him escape Hades with a motivational speech was probably also aware of the timey wimey shennagins Kratos would get up to (as that was a later Gaia). So she probably saw this spare Kratos and either said "lol gg scrub" and let him go...wherever gods go when they die, or stuffed him in a box to try again if the current Kratos failed.
Seeing that you have this passion for discussing timeline theories like this, I feel that you will love discussing FF7 remake and rebirth if you are keen on playing those games. It's quite insane with many people discussing the theories and hopes for part 3 of the series. I think you will fit in really well. Nice vid.
I think that it could be a lot simpler than this. I think the other kratos simply didn't got resurrected after the time travel happened and just died. Remember that gaia was who resurrect him. And apparently she exist in a plane out of time. That would explain why when kratos travels back in time and meet the real gaia she knows him, even tho kratos hasn't even born in that era. So maybe she can somehow resurrect him just once and avoid a time loop.
The other Kratos would have to go through the same events in order for the time lines to stay consistent, either that or will not be revived as Gaiha would not be there to revive him in the first place. Most of the Spartan army was probably killed during all the chaos of the gods being killed causing floods and whatnot so Zeus not having the ability to kill them off would pretty much be a moot point
We don’t have certain that Kratos came back to the same exact moment in time, maybe he came back to the moment that he had already passed, but Zeus was still bragging at his dead body
Has anyone ever asked the question why kratos didn’t just go back in time and save his family instead of going after zues after gaining the ability to control time?
Dude, if you ask the developers, am pretty sure they will answer; "Nah man, we just remade the scene until we're sure and, 'yep, that should cover it'" Both cutscenes are different, the first is in HD, and the one when Kratos met his other self is in-game cutscene... ... and making the HD cutscene is hard. But of course, it's an interesting topic because I am asking the same question too and finally someone is making a thing about it-
so timeline 1 is timeline 2 and timeline 2 is timeline 1...and timeline 3 is this timeline and this timeline is yesterday's timeline, therefore tomorrow's timeline never existed but it is at the same time. WOW
Actually, the second Kratos gets revived to see that our kratos died at the end of god of war 3, and takes his dead corpse with him. Only to burry him, and assimilate his memories with his own. Thus starting the events of the god of war reboot.
Why does it look like Kratos' tattoo and the ashes of his family are both fading away? I get if he's found genuine forgiveness for the ashes to fade but why anything aside from his skin being scarred or burned or changed in any way, shape or form along the tattoo itself would cause the tattoo to change at all?
You say that in both timelines, the Titans were transported into the future from the "war of the Titans". This means that in both timelines there are no Titans in the present, respectively, and Gaia too. And no one was able to resurrect Kratos. You have created a paradox.
Well, you're right about the part that he's traveling between timelines/parallel universes, and not just in time. But how can you be sure that when traveling, he gets to a specific timeline? In fact, he's not. Every time "time travel" happens he's "creating" a new timeline, and that's where he goes. Because, look at your diagram. In Timeline 2 the Titans are vanishing from the battlefield, right? And they travel further with Kratos to the start of events of GoW III in Timeline 2, correct? But, you do realize that without the Titans in between the events of this timeline would go differently? Without them, Kratos 2 fate could've been way different, and he couldn't follow the same path Kratos 1 did. So, every time Kratos travels, he branches out the original timeline and goes to a different one. And he traveled like 4 times? So there's 5 timelines. I've made a scheme of it a while ago trying to figure it all out. That's the only way to not contradict anything.
- Timeline changed, VA script changed due to inconsistency result in youtube video made - - The timeline is split, the paradox is made, you now viewed this message and your History contains the paradox -
I have a good theory, Kratos from the timeline 1 went to timeline 2, right? But the timeline 1 still has all the gods alive including Zeus. Kratos from the timeline 2 was simply revived and went into the timeline 1 and killed the Gods there. That's why Zeus from the first timeline never appeared again. He's dead too. Or maybe he simply doesn't care, he destroyed Sparta, his greatest enemy disappeared, why just simply not rule the world.
There's an issue with this. If the Fates in Timeline 2 existed, they would have appeared to try to stop Kratos 1. But even worse than that. Kratos went back in time in Timeline 2 and brought the Titans of that time to the future. So Timeline 2 Gaia wouldn't have saved Kratos 2. Remember Kratos had basically given up till Gaia gave him that pep talk and healed his wound. She wouldn't be able to if she's helping Kratos 1. Hades would have collected the soul of Kratos 2 and tried to use it against Kratos 1.
As replaying GOW 2 recently i got in thoughts. What happened with sisters of fate when he time travels in timeline 2? By logic they have to be alive and probably be like "wtf". But Kratos kept saying that they dead. So i guess they exist beyond timelines and when they dead, they dead everywhere. And that means that Kratos from timeline 2 can't do time travel. Or, well, he theoretically can but it for some reason doesn't make sense for me. Somehow i doubt that it's possible to get in temple without sisters being alive.
Form sister of fate told us if we change the pass cus change the future as well. If Kratos can’t defend the sword he used to kill Ares he will lose the battle and die cus Kratos die as well in the main time line. What happened to second Kratos, he will save by tiata gaia and walk the same way as First Kratos. What happen to Zus. Lucky for him that don’t die by Kratos if he die in that time line cus him die in main time line as well but he was weak because he lose a lot of power by the blade of Olympus that Kratos almost kill him, he is weak in main time line ( he was experienced by the pass)
When the sister's of fate were in control, there was only one timeline, so if they changed the past then the present would change too, but Kratos' meddling broke the timelines in two.
@@hurricane7727Isn't that Kratos on throne just mind/Valhalla projection of og Kratos?? Same thing happened in GoW 2018 when higher existence Athena project when Kratos goes to save Atreus? And who blew the horn? Corry B. once hinted that it was probably someone who chases them at the time ( Baldur ) but i don't think that's the case.
Not ragging on anything. But just a small thing I THINK would help the videos going forward. Possibly some text on screen? Google auto cc is sometimes crap. It would be appreciated. :)
i have a theory you said that kratos 2 went back to when kratos 1 (our kratos) died in in time line 1 but in the first cutscene we don't see any other kratos shows to fight zeus so what i think is that kratos from 2 simply died and never resurrected because if there is already one kratos going with gaya to kill zeus in time line 2 there is no need for kratos 2 to resurrected and time line one remains without a kratos and nothing really happens there. love the video man
@@abdbay really interesting thought, i think if he has doesn't have a reason to live he will die because he seemed like he was dying on gow 2 before gaya told him that he needs to fight but he did survive the ending of gow so I'm not really sure
@@playking615 Would the soul of second Kratos have escaped after our Kratos killed Hades? Why did no other god reference that there are two Kratoses then??
There is one flaw. What proves there is no second timeline is when Atlas is telling the story of the blade of olympus if you pay attention you see the same lightning shields the titans had when kratos was bringing them back to his time. Which means the event that kratos went back and took them still happened. Why would the flashback show that detail?
I feel like the developers just didn’t wanna copy n paste the dialogue from the first to the 2nd. My 5th grade self always noticed the minor difference too.
But there is an incongruity with what you say, and that is the sisters of destiny, if they die, die in all the lines that are going to be created, or create, since they are temporary beings, there can be no more versions of them in other lines, it would be a much greater conflict than the simple death of these same ones
What if the original kratos after he got to the second time line stays and the other kratos will continue doing the same action as the original he'd probably create a third time line and eventually all this kratos will create infinite time lines and infinite kratos 😮
remember kratos killed himself at the end of gow 3 it maybe that the krotos which we are seeingin gow 3 is from time line 2 because every thing was hapening at the same time so kratos 1 killed him self while kratos 2 survived it may be....
That kratos still go to the underworld and he will go to the past. Yes the dialogue is different. He's still dead at the end to go back time BUT his world will get destroyed by our kratos. But I guess he will have enough time to go to the past before the world gets destroyed.
This explains why GOW2 Kratos spoke more aggressively to Zeus in the end compared to GOW3 Kratos in the start, and why in both games, Kratos was in a different place (in GOW2, Kratos was holding a tree while pointing the Blade of Olympus towards Zeus, while in GOW3, Kratos was standing in a plane surface and had put the blade in that surface). I think GOW2 Kratos (our Kratos) saw Zeus killing his army, hence he speaks more aggressively, while GOW3 Kratos (Kratos 2) didn't see Zeus killing his army because our Kratos intervened before Zeus could kill his army, hence he speaks "comparatively" less aggressive.
Nah. You thinking too much about this. It's just different process of development. New technologies, new graphics, new environment etc. It is useless to just insert finished CGI from previous game when all cutscenes made on game engine. Not in real-time in GOW 3, yes, but still. Rerecorded scene, voice lines, maybe different vision on how he should act through the game.
My theory is nothing. He dies there, goes to the underworld, and takes his path. Even, if he notice second Kratos coming out it does not matter to him. He might get a bit extra confidence knowing, that he will win, but he still have to go through the exact same work. Even, if this extra confidence split the timeline the new timeline will be no different at all.
I will think it's more like because Kratos brought the titans into the future (both in timeline 2) there would be no Gaia to help Kratos so Kratos 2 will just torture endlessly in Hell. Because if Kratos brought the timeline 1 Gaia than there's no one to help our Kratos the original. But yeah I think it's just the same timeline and there's simply two Kratos, the second Kratos will die anyway AND it feels like a jump cut between the stabbing scene and when the hands of Hades take Kratos into hell (Kratos lost conciousness after Zeus stab him and he's imagining stuff like his wife and daughter etc) so there is a possibility between that scene our Kratos is back from the future to fight Zeus and then he escaped when Kratos stab Athena (we never see Athena after Kratos was brought back to life) and then Zeus attacked Sparta. How is my theory😂
The issue lies in the fact that when Kratos was *first* killed by Zeus, he wasn’t saved by an alternate version of himself. If that had been the case, your theory would hold true. However, once again, Kratos defies fate itself.
For those who don't know about the other Kratos Lives in a diFFerent timeLine that Story oF another kratos Start in God oF war Ascension 2 where The three Sister oF Eternity in OLymus ruLes AFter the Zenus The 3 daughters oF Zenus unFortunateLy The 4 oLd originaL God oF war games never created and Saw the Light oF day Because oF pLaystation in this worLd timeLine But I Saw the 4 God oF war games and pLayed 3 oF them God oF war The BLade oF OLymus came AFter The God oF war 2 and AFter the God oF war The PaLace oF Hades AFter God oF war BLade oF OLymus and AFter this God oF war BLades oF Athena's and God oF war Ascension 2 again I Saw these 4 originaL games Exist in another muLtiverse timeLine not in our this worLd timeLine 😔😔😪😪.
I do understand why and what kratos timeline was different or multiverse theory, what if kratos 1 meets kratos 2 or break the timelines by kratos 2 fate whichever make us confused by kratos the same timeline but different dialog. Hey don't forgot the sister of fate, underworld or Gaia
i do like this explaination but there is one thing that would make this impossible. how would the two kratos not run into eachother while time traveling especially when kratos is the only one who has access to it.
Why didn't Kratos go back in time to save his family? Find out here:
I can only imagine the confusion of kratos seeing another kratos appear out of nowhere to fight Zeus
Kratos 2:"what trickery Is this?"
Kratos 1:This Is no trickery. I'm you from the future, and together we can kill zoos and overthrow Olympus!"
Zoos: "well shit"
Also the confusion of the Spartan and Rhodes soldiers.
“WTF, there are two of them, now?!”
I don't think he was confused at all. This is a man that hates losing so bad he'll literally sell his soul. After Zeus's trickery and betrayal, seeing another Kratos pop up is just a "Yeah, fuck you Zeus. You thought you could betray me?? I'll always find a way to be one step ahead and get my revenge!" (as he spits up blood, taking his last breath before returning the hades for the umpteenth time)
Kratos: I future did it!
I always thought that Kratos who got stabbed simply repeated the circle, escaping Hades, seeking the sisters of fate and so on, kinda like the 2 serpents in Ragnarok, an infinite loop.
That's what I'm saying, but with extra steps
@@abdbay sorry, my potato brain is not really that clever.😂
Yeah but kratos in control with fate
@@abdbaythere's a bit of a hole in your middle point of the timeline & that is your claim that Zeus would destroy Sparta after bringing Kratos down all the way to Hades, but that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for the alternated events that takes place in retrospective of between the 2 timelines (at the end point because everything from before should play out the same with minor adjustments) supposedly coexisting at the same time due to Zeus destroying Sparta after beating Kratos.
Kratos 1 goes back in time to defeat Zeus in timeline 2 & they fight... Sparta is still not destroyed because Zeus hasn't done it yet then once GoW III starts, Kratos destroys Sparta through indirect means via offing Poseidon; this means that Kratos 1 was shown a coexisted time from timeline 1 where Gaia shows that Zeus is destroying Sparta just after Kratos 1 from timeline 1 was sent to Hades' Realm in GoW II & not in GoW III - Kratos 2 from his own coexisted timeline would encounter it alternatively within context to what's actually happening when Kratos 2 will go back in time to timeline 1 & Sparta is already destroyed when he encounters Zeus.
here's also another fishy thing that I've thought off & that is the Sisters of Fates existence after Kratos 1 obliterated them out of existence in Kratos 1's original timeline 1; i feel as if since Kratos 1 basically spawned a vacuum of a paradox within reality of the Greek Realm itself by compromising the laws that the Sisters of Fate's upholded themselves, it'd mean that their existence except for the last one will not exist ever nor at all during both of the timelines to which Zeus 2 from timeline 2 even acknowledged on how impressed he was with Kratos from timeline 1 where the original Kratos obliterated those 2 sisters out of existence.
this would mean that Kratos 2 through going through his own timeline would experience alternative events following along his journey to destroy Zeus.
@@abdbaywhere my dad died ...
"Zeus your sons have returned and we bring the destruction of Olympus"
would have been cool
GOW3 2 player mode 😱😱😱
Would’ve been a banger dude. And if they did it would’ve probably influenced the last couple games a lot more.🫨
Double Destruction Kratos Of Spartan👍 i would agreed this idea👍
Or, the writers just effed up.
This seems like the most logical and most realistic response. People just make things up when they can.
Definitely the right answer
UA-cam theorists love to latch on the stupidest shit
I mean the cutscene is right fucking there. Kinda hard to mess something up you're working on. It makes sense to have alternate timelines.
And Jormagander still lives in timeline 2 with kratos
I think every kratos will go in a different paths but lead to the same results
Like the Oroboros a snake eating it's own tail. You can change the way the timeline progresses but the outcome remains the same. It will happen again and again and again because it supposed to because it has to happen.
The other Kratos wouldnt be ressurected because gaia wouldnt need him if our kratos is there
What I was just about to say
I think hes the Kratos in the Gow 5 Valhalle dlc
But Kratos cannot just die!!
So basically prince of Persia warrior within?
@hurricane7727 I like this theory but don't agree with it. What makes you think this?
I’ve waited years for this theory
Ahahahahahah, and do u like it?
@ yes it’s amazing, long wait and you didn’t disappoint
Or you could’ve look it up dummy
@@Judco25There is another small UA-camr name mournvil that did it the theory is the same and pretty lit
@ thanks for letting me know I’ll check it out
He's doing the lines!
Okay, to be fair, Zues' dialog may be different between games because some ideas changed in the process.
Gotta do the lines, man!!
Between games? Zeus’ dialogue scenes are from the same game which was God of War 2
@coreychandler8784, oh I hadn't realized.
@@Mr.BrokenRecord That’s fine, the pre-rendered cutscene(the first one he says is timeline one) is from the beginning of the game and the second cutscene (he says is timeline two) is from closer to the end of the game
I never saw it as time travel but more like changing the events from the thread of life.
I think that too. And in my opinion, this is not like Marvel's multiverse. The strings of Clotho that Kratos moves are his life, his timeline, he goes back... The sentence you see Zeus saying is not the same because that Kratos is already dead so we don't see that before perhaps because we see Kratos descending to Hades and resurrected by Gaia? That's what I think, but I may be missing something and I like the theory of this video anyway. It's interesting.👍
2:17 I doubt he went to timeline 2 to bring back the titans because in Timeline 1 when Atlas speaks to Kratos about how he got captured and Zeus using the blade to wipe all the titans you can see for a split second the titans getting sent back to the future with a green aura around them, forshadowing what Kratos would do later when he spoke to Gaia
Yes, that is right. But that could have been the other Kratos grabbing the titans from this timeline to his one, where our Kratos grabs the timeline from timeline 2.
@ Both Kratoses trading timelines could be very possible yes 👍
Timelines can be very confusing and yet very interesting at times, but mostly confusing.
Will make your brain blow out like hydrogen bomb
Zeus dialogue is the same. The "no matter" is probably not remembered by Kratos b/c he was dying, then Zeus gets right in his ear to make sure he hear it. While yeah 2 timelines, but 1 stops existing once Kratos travels to fight Zeus. Then yeah, past Kratos gets revived by gaia and goes after the fates, while main Kratos is fighting Olympus. Even in game if you look back towards where Olympus would be, it looks like something bad is happening. But there can't be multiple timelines b/c of the fight with the fates in the past on the sword used to kill Aries. If Kratos fails, the sword is destroyed, past Kratos is killed by Aries, and main Kratos dies/ceases to exist. The slightly altered dialogue could also just be subtle shifts due to variations in a looping timeline. 1st Kratos hears/sees more, like zues killing the Spartans, then stops that from happening, 2nd Kratos sees himself, then when he gets to that same moment, maybe things happen slightly different due to what he experienced.
Like prince of Persia warrior within
Just like prince of Persia warrior within
Actually yeah. Just like that.
I personally think what happened with Kratos is like what happened to Saitma in the Manga when he time traveled.
When Saitama went back in time. He merged with his past self to become one Saitama again.
Like Sir Dan in Medievil 2.
I was thinking something like this, too.
1:30 or that could be bc Cory Barlog was too lazy to adjust things and didn't care that much for the story of gow2 (said so himself) also there is no way of knowing which "timeline" Kratos went back to with the Titans. Kratos had the Blade of Olympus so he might have just went back to the og timeline! and sisters of fate are dead so technically that means they would be dead in all timelines as well. that's the power of the fate. you can change it without changing much else.
Ive tried to explained this exact theory about jormungandr on a few kuba videos and always get shouted down. Some people are married to the idea that the giant soul atreus places into the snake is a different giant that coincidentally has the same name as jormungandr. But nothing in the story would indicate that there's 2 different giant's named that. Everyting points to the fact that theres a time loop revolving the serpent, even norse mythology agrees with this interpretation.
I found a loophole if kratos called gaia from past of timeline 2 then there wouldnt be any gaia to resurect kratos, hence kratos went back to his original timeline and continued from gow 3, it depends on writer or theorymaker to put him in any timeline, But i think it would be better if og came back to his og timeline
If they would have gotten different powers from each other , and teamed up with the choice to choose which one you want to fight with , with alternate paths would be crazy 🔥 Imagine two Kratos jumping Zeus 🤯
Like Grandfather 🪓
Like Grandson 🐍
They are not related.
Ragnarok debunked that
@newhybrid101 (grunts) I know, boy.
My take is that everything is happening in one timeline one of my arguments is that when you look at the great war flashbacks cutscenes the moment zeus throws that blade of olympus blow to kill all titans it doesn’t kill them it shows them all being teleported by kratos so all of this is already written
Was waiting for someone to finally make this. Had the idea to make it myself years ago but you saved me.
I have always wondered what it would be like to play a God of War game that focused on the original timeline after Kratos left
I don't think it would be much different from the current one.
I forgot all about this lol well done.
or we have timeline two Kratos as a secret boss!! 🤯
He was resurrected and he goes after zeus and watches zeus already dead in timeline 2 and was waiting in the throne for bearded norse kratos from god of war valhalla to discuss
That's a dope theory
I had always wondered about this. I noticed the dialogue change when I first played the game years ago.
Clearly, this makes Kratos the mystery horn blower
Is Kratos looking at the balls of Olympus in the thumbnail?
This is the best theory so far. You make it, make sense.👌👌👌👌
I don't think GoW was ever supposed to make sense beyond the basics. But
Past Gaia was aware of Kratos looong before he was born. The Gaia that revived Kratos and helped him escape Hades with a motivational speech was probably also aware of the timey wimey shennagins Kratos would get up to (as that was a later Gaia). So she probably saw this spare Kratos and either said "lol gg scrub" and let him go...wherever gods go when they die, or stuffed him in a box to try again if the current Kratos failed.
it's like dragon ball/mcu...when you return back in time you just enter another different timeline
Seeing that you have this passion for discussing timeline theories like this, I feel that you will love discussing FF7 remake and rebirth if you are keen on playing those games. It's quite insane with many people discussing the theories and hopes for part 3 of the series. I think you will fit in really well. Nice vid.
Thanks for the support. Might look into it
This scene just like PoP WW when the Sand Wraith try to prevent the Prince passing to the Dahaka in the 2nd chance timeline
Imagine kratos fighting himself in the next god of war
I actually wondered this a lot some time after I looked back on the Zeus fight in GOW 2, thought I was the only one 😭
I think that it could be a lot simpler than this. I think the other kratos simply didn't got resurrected after the time travel happened and just died. Remember that gaia was who resurrect him. And apparently she exist in a plane out of time. That would explain why when kratos travels back in time and meet the real gaia she knows him, even tho kratos hasn't even born in that era. So maybe she can somehow resurrect him just once and avoid a time loop.
The other Kratos would have to go through the same events in order for the time lines to stay consistent, either that or will not be revived as Gaiha would not be there to revive him in the first place. Most of the Spartan army was probably killed during all the chaos of the gods being killed causing floods and whatnot so Zeus not having the ability to kill them off would pretty much be a moot point
We don’t have certain that Kratos came back to the same exact moment in time, maybe he came back to the moment that he had already passed, but Zeus was still bragging at his dead body
However, wouldn’t this be a paradox if Kratos 2 go back to timeline 1 to get Zeus at the same moment he is about to die?
Jeez, we on a time loop lmfao
But this is unlikely. That kratos is probably dead because gaia no longer needed him with kratos going back in time.
Has anyone ever asked the question why kratos didn’t just go back in time and save his family instead of going after zues after gaining the ability to control time?
Good question 🤔
blinding rage does things to your mind
Save his family still doesnt make zeus die
@aryandigimang Still he can save them.
The other Kratos went back in time and did the same thing we did in GOW 2
It's a loop
Also Zeus destroyed Sparta as revenge for Athena's death
Dude, if you ask the developers, am pretty sure they will answer;
"Nah man, we just remade the scene until we're sure and, 'yep, that should cover it'"
Both cutscenes are different, the first is in HD, and the one when Kratos met his other self is in-game cutscene...
... and making the HD cutscene is hard.
But of course, it's an interesting topic because I am asking the same question too and finally someone is making a thing about it-
He said "by the elder gods" didn't *feel so good* and vanishes
so timeline 1 is timeline 2 and timeline 2 is timeline 1...and timeline 3 is this timeline and this timeline is yesterday's timeline, therefore tomorrow's timeline never existed but it is at the same time. WOW
I literally died trying to read that.
Actually, the second Kratos gets revived to see that our kratos died at the end of god of war 3, and takes his dead corpse with him. Only to burry him, and assimilate his memories with his own. Thus starting the events of the god of war reboot.
that was a big question for me in these years.
imagine the next god of war starts with the second kratos right after Gow2
Why does it look like Kratos' tattoo and the ashes of his family are both fading away?
I get if he's found genuine forgiveness for the ashes to fade but why anything aside from his skin being scarred or burned or changed in any way, shape or form along the tattoo itself would cause the tattoo to change at all?
New video on that coming out soon
Because the curse has been weeken especially after Greece was destroyed
You say that in both timelines, the Titans were transported into the future from the "war of the Titans". This means that in both timelines there are no Titans in the present, respectively, and Gaia too. And no one was able to resurrect Kratos. You have created a paradox.
Well, you're right about the part that he's traveling between timelines/parallel universes, and not just in time. But how can you be sure that when traveling, he gets to a specific timeline? In fact, he's not. Every time "time travel" happens he's "creating" a new timeline, and that's where he goes.
Because, look at your diagram. In Timeline 2 the Titans are vanishing from the battlefield, right? And they travel further with Kratos to the start of events of GoW III in Timeline 2, correct? But, you do realize that without the Titans in between the events of this timeline would go differently? Without them, Kratos 2 fate could've been way different, and he couldn't follow the same path Kratos 1 did.
So, every time Kratos travels, he branches out the original timeline and goes to a different one. And he traveled like 4 times? So there's 5 timelines. I've made a scheme of it a while ago trying to figure it all out. That's the only way to not contradict anything.
- Timeline changed, VA script changed due to inconsistency result in youtube video made -
- The timeline is split, the paradox is made, you now viewed this message and your History contains the paradox -
I have a good theory, Kratos from the timeline 1 went to timeline 2, right? But the timeline 1 still has all the gods alive including Zeus. Kratos from the timeline 2 was simply revived and went into the timeline 1 and killed the Gods there. That's why Zeus from the first timeline never appeared again. He's dead too. Or maybe he simply doesn't care, he destroyed Sparta, his greatest enemy disappeared, why just simply not rule the world.
There's an issue with this. If the Fates in Timeline 2 existed, they would have appeared to try to stop Kratos 1. But even worse than that. Kratos went back in time in Timeline 2 and brought the Titans of that time to the future. So Timeline 2 Gaia wouldn't have saved Kratos 2. Remember Kratos had basically given up till Gaia gave him that pep talk and healed his wound. She wouldn't be able to if she's helping Kratos 1. Hades would have collected the soul of Kratos 2 and tried to use it against Kratos 1.
As replaying GOW 2 recently i got in thoughts. What happened with sisters of fate when he time travels in timeline 2? By logic they have to be alive and probably be like "wtf".
But Kratos kept saying that they dead. So i guess they exist beyond timelines and when they dead, they dead everywhere. And that means that Kratos from timeline 2 can't do time travel.
Or, well, he theoretically can but it for some reason doesn't make sense for me. Somehow i doubt that it's possible to get in temple without sisters being alive.
🎉🎉🎉 back to doing therory hope you be making more streaming ❤
Today in 3.5 hours.
Form sister of fate told us if we change the pass cus change the future as well. If Kratos can’t defend the sword he used to kill Ares he will lose the battle and die cus Kratos die as well in the main time line. What happened to second Kratos, he will save by tiata gaia and walk the same way as First Kratos. What happen to Zus. Lucky for him that don’t die by Kratos if he die in that time line cus him die in main time line as well but he was weak because he lose a lot of power by the blade of Olympus that Kratos almost kill him, he is weak in main time line ( he was experienced by the pass)
When the sister's of fate were in control, there was only one timeline, so if they changed the past then the present would change too, but Kratos' meddling broke the timelines in two.
It is simple. The other Kratos left greek then use the last of his godly power to literally turn into The chill guy and finally achieves peace.
Remember, there's a timeline where Zeus didn't get the chance to destroy the Spartan army and city
I always wondered what happened to this kratos😂
I think hes the Kratod on the Throne in Gow 5 Valhall a Dlc
@@hurricane7727Isn't that Kratos on throne just mind/Valhalla projection of og Kratos?? Same thing happened in GoW 2018 when higher existence Athena project when Kratos goes to save Atreus? And who blew the horn? Corry B. once hinted that it was probably someone who chases them at the time ( Baldur ) but i don't think that's the case.
Not ragging on anything. But just a small thing I THINK would help the videos going forward.
Possibly some text on screen?
Google auto cc is sometimes crap.
It would be appreciated. :)
I published the fixed subtitles today. If you click on YT cc, it should be accurate now
i have a theory
you said that kratos 2 went back to when kratos 1 (our kratos) died in in time line 1 but in the first cutscene we don't see any other kratos shows to fight zeus so what i think is that kratos from 2 simply died and never resurrected because if there is already one kratos going with gaya to kill zeus in time line 2 there is no need for kratos 2 to resurrected and time line one remains without a kratos and nothing really happens there.
love the video man
What if The Kratos sitting on the throne in Gow 5 Valhalla Throne is the Kratos That our Kratos pulled the Sword out of?
But the real question is, can Kratos stay dead? Can any version of Kratos really be killed??
@@abdbay really interesting thought, i think if he has doesn't have a reason to live he will die because he seemed like he was dying on gow 2 before gaya told him that he needs to fight but he did survive the ending of gow so I'm not really sure
@@playking615 Would the soul of second Kratos have escaped after our Kratos killed Hades? Why did no other god reference that there are two Kratoses then??
There is one flaw. What proves there is no second timeline is when Atlas is telling the story of the blade of olympus if you pay attention you see the same lightning shields the titans had when kratos was bringing them back to his time. Which means the event that kratos went back and took them still happened. Why would the flashback show that detail?
The other Kratos did the same!
More theories pls
By the way...if he wanted Kratos could have used time travel to save Deimos.
With all these time jumping this just make me belive more that kratos still stronger then doom guy
God Of War multiverse there are two Kratos. Terrence TC, Carson Kratos and Christopher Judge Kratos?
So, pretty much 2 Kratos variants switched universe 🤔
Mind blown 🤯
It's possible bro 😁 by the way your explanation was amazing
Appreciate you!
Finally!!!! Someone fkin explained this😭😭😂🔥 tnx to you my man
Now I can sleep❤
Ofc, man. It’s why I’m here!!
Maybe kratos in timeline 1 is dead?
And Kratos in timeline 2 live?
I feel like the developers just didn’t wanna copy n paste the dialogue from the first to the 2nd. My 5th grade self always noticed the minor difference too.
But there is an incongruity with what you say, and that is the sisters of destiny, if they die, die in all the lines that are going to be created, or create, since they are temporary beings, there can be no more versions of them in other lines, it would be a much greater conflict than the simple death of these same ones
What if the original kratos after he got to the second time line stays and the other kratos will continue doing the same action as the original he'd probably create a third time line and eventually all this kratos will create infinite time lines and infinite kratos 😮
An infinite timeline would be interesting!
remember kratos killed himself at the end of gow 3 it maybe that the krotos which we are seeingin gow 3 is from time line 2 because every thing was hapening at the same time so kratos 1 killed him self while kratos 2 survived it may be....
Ragnarok showed Jorm isn't really Kratos grandson lol.
He isn't Atreus kid in the normal sense like in the myth
Neither is Fenrir
That leaves Hel ig
That kratos still go to the underworld and he will go to the past. Yes the dialogue is different. He's still dead at the end to go back time BUT his world will get destroyed by our kratos. But I guess he will have enough time to go to the past before the world gets destroyed.
if kratos leave timeline 1 to go timeline 2
what happen to timeline 1 without original kratos ?
If there was barely any difference in the time Kratos went to the past, no major event changes, then wouldn't it technically still be 1 timeline?
Damn what if the other kratos escapes his time loop and finds the original kratos and tries to kill him for putting him in a time loop.
This explains why GOW2 Kratos spoke more aggressively to Zeus in the end compared to GOW3 Kratos in the start, and why in both games, Kratos was in a different place (in GOW2, Kratos was holding a tree while pointing the Blade of Olympus towards Zeus, while in GOW3, Kratos was standing in a plane surface and had put the blade in that surface). I think GOW2 Kratos (our Kratos) saw Zeus killing his army, hence he speaks more aggressively, while GOW3 Kratos (Kratos 2) didn't see Zeus killing his army because our Kratos intervened before Zeus could kill his army, hence he speaks "comparatively" less aggressive.
Nah. You thinking too much about this. It's just different process of development. New technologies, new graphics, new environment etc. It is useless to just insert finished CGI from previous game when all cutscenes made on game engine. Not in real-time in GOW 3, yes, but still. Rerecorded scene, voice lines, maybe different vision on how he should act through the game.
@PrototypeZR I see.
Then is another one the 3rd kratos from timeline who created from kratos 2 😂
Imagine the timeline lapses irl
My theory is nothing. He dies there, goes to the underworld, and takes his path. Even, if he notice second Kratos coming out it does not matter to him. He might get a bit extra confidence knowing, that he will win, but he still have to go through the exact same work. Even, if this extra confidence split the timeline the new timeline will be no different at all.
I will think it's more like because Kratos brought the titans into the future (both in timeline 2) there would be no Gaia to help Kratos so Kratos 2 will just torture endlessly in Hell. Because if Kratos brought the timeline 1 Gaia than there's no one to help our Kratos the original.
But yeah I think it's just the same timeline and there's simply two Kratos, the second Kratos will die anyway AND it feels like a jump cut between the stabbing scene and when the hands of Hades take Kratos into hell (Kratos lost conciousness after Zeus stab him and he's imagining stuff like his wife and daughter etc) so there is a possibility between that scene our Kratos is back from the future to fight Zeus and then he escaped when Kratos stab Athena (we never see Athena after Kratos was brought back to life) and then Zeus attacked Sparta. How is my theory😂
The second kratos timeline ends up in Egypt
wat if both kratos meet together and fight each other?....or wat if the young rageful kratos finds old kratos?
Bro karato kill last spartan soldier. He is alive 2nd timeline 🤔🤔🤔
I'm every nite i cant sleep wondering about this for years and finally here we are. Thank you i can sleep in peace 😂
Not a big fan of this theory, gonna be honest. But still, love your videos!
Fair enough!
The issue lies in the fact that when Kratos was *first* killed by Zeus, he wasn’t saved by an alternate version of himself. If that had been the case, your theory would hold true. However, once again, Kratos defies fate itself.
The other Kratos in the second timeline didn't swear revenge btw
Cool picture.
For those who don't know about the other Kratos Lives in a diFFerent timeLine that Story oF another kratos Start in God oF war Ascension 2 where The three Sister oF Eternity in OLymus ruLes AFter the Zenus The 3 daughters oF Zenus unFortunateLy The 4 oLd originaL God oF war games never created and Saw the Light oF day Because oF pLaystation in this worLd timeLine But I Saw the 4 God oF war games and pLayed 3 oF them God oF war The BLade oF OLymus came AFter The God oF war 2 and AFter the God oF war The PaLace oF Hades AFter God oF war BLade oF OLymus and AFter this God oF war BLades oF Athena's and God oF war Ascension 2 again I Saw these 4 originaL games Exist in another muLtiverse timeLine not in our this worLd timeLine 😔😔😪😪.
im surprised the tva didn't go after him
Paradox system kratos past meet kratos future
I do understand why and what kratos timeline was different or multiverse theory, what if kratos 1 meets kratos 2 or break the timelines by kratos 2 fate whichever make us confused by kratos the same timeline but different dialog.
Hey don't forgot the sister of fate, underworld or Gaia
Nah it’s the same dialogue the 1st just cut out the 2nd Zeus dialogue.
i do like this explaination but there is one thing that would make this impossible. how would the two kratos not run into eachother while time traveling especially when kratos is the only one who has access to it.
It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff!