Absolutely 100% kickass!!! @RAYWILEYHUBBARD @STEVEEARLE IF THERE’S ANYTHING BETTER THAN THIS ITS PROBABLY ILLEGAL 💯🙏🏻 your voices are amazing and compliment each other’s!!! Damn Great music again and again as always!!! Thank ya’ll for this and God Bless!!! ❤
Love RWH! This man should so much more famous. One of the greatest songwriters Texas has ever produced. And that’s saying ALOT! Plus I have met him a few times at South Austin Music. He’s funny as hell and extremely friendly.
i have to admit, that this song is speakng to my Roots., this is Texas, and this song is just plain BETTER!!!!! All the way around. And yes, i was "Hell Bent For Leather in the mid 80's!!!- if you are new to Steve Earle, you should channel - his video with Emmy Lou Harris- "Goodbye". i don't think i have to say anymore! :)
Dear Ray, Steve, Van, Lyle and Leland , I'm under tight bond restrictions and was told one more mistake would result in me being remanded to custody in Texas and it would be a long time and transported back to Austin like El Chapo. I made a wrong turn coming home from AA in Belfast, Maine and went several miles in the wrong direction. I really need help. I pray to all the blessed Saints and Angels in Ireland for help. Here's my prayer. I came up with the 2nd half in jail and this is my standard prayer. Here, I direct it to you: Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and please lead us not into temptation and please deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory now and forever. Amen Following is the part I made up: Dear Heavenly Father, I am not worthy to approach You with my prayers and petitions except by the grace of your son 'Our' Lord Savior Brother Friend and Great Redeemer Jesus Christ Almighty who shed His blood and died on the cross at Calvary that 'Our' sins may be forgiven and 'Our' souls washed clean so to be of service to You Heavenly Father. I come before you today to ask for help. I made a wrong turn coming back from AA in Belfast, Maine and went several miles in the wrong direction. It was an honest mistake. I was spaced out or in trance. I was in a trance state all through the meeting. The judge has said that if I make one more mistake I'll be waiting in custody in Texas. I have a herniated disc Heavenly Father and You know how painful it's been and still is. So, I beg You to intervene via your great Angels and Saints to protect and guide me now and for the rest of my life that I may continue to seek You and do Your will to the best of my ability. Thank you for all the miracles and blessings you've heaped upon me in this life. Please help me again. I am Yours Heavenly Father and no matter what happens I will continue to serve you in any way I can. Thank you Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus. Amen. Signed: Arthur Shepherd your servant in all things. And please protect all those I love here on Earth. Amen
Well g’day from Australia Get your arse down here some time ok?? Educate those here that are yet to discover what you do .. I will even buy you a beer. I’m dead serious about that beer if you head down under friend.
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise badass with mystic vision faith and reason Archangels of Justice Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise badass God of Earth Bob Dylan. Kisses. Clan Colvin Private: I Love Love Love You Angel/Candlekin Posted in Uncategorized on August 1, 2023 by blackshepherd This poem was written in 2008 in Austin 852am - Up a little early and feel good. Have my Angel/Love with me now. How I worship you my Goddess, my King, my Everything. BLURB ABOUT STORY/WEEPING ‘WHAT A BROKEN HEART IS’ POSTED ON ‘CRY LIKE AN ANGEL’ (THE AT HOME VERSION) January 10, 2023 - Austin - Happy Birthday Shawn Colvin Goddess King of Orion Angel/Candlekin My Everything What A Broken Heart Is When you meet an angel and she catches your eye your feet turn to stone as she leaves for the sky knowing you’re too heavy to fly that’s what a broken heart is she says it’s her birthday and you say…”mine too” one ten fifty six she’s says it’s significant not for her for you that’s what a broken heart is thirty five years fly by you’re gettin’ ready to die will she say hello as you pass through her sky I know the answer that’s what a broken heart is 84000 different delusions plus or minus one she says that’s zen there will be a place for you she doesn’t say where she doesn’t know when it all makes you stronger if you ache if you wait that much longer you ‘know’ she wasn’t talking to you . but you’d rather be crazy than be tied to what’s true left inside after she locks up fate’s zoo we came down together maybe I’m goin’ home alone and I try to be brave but synchronicity and parallel universe theory will have me rollin’ in my grave it’s bad enough how fate unwinds without the slap in the face who has to suffer and who gets grace who gets found who gets lost without a trace who hears the sound of angels singing who lies deaf on the ground that’s what a broken heart is then I think about how you got through when I don’t know what to do how you reached inside and pulled yourself out how you cried when you were full of doubt somethings are the way they are and words just can’t explain so you color them blue you just keep walkin’ and you try to stay true then a little voice reminds me “you can sing too” that’s what a broken heart makes you do end And I can’t help thinking that that little voice belongs to you Angel/Candlekin so I do and I will for you. Forever for you. Peace Dear blessed beloved eternal Angel/Candlekin, I would like to take this occasion, our 67th birthday, to express to you something of how your song: ‘Cry Like An Angel’ has affected me all these years. The first time I heard it was, synchronistically enough on the occasion of our shared 32nd birthday at Passim where you said it was your birthday and I said: “mine too” (like the Beatles song) and showed you my license and you said: “I’m sure this is significant somehow”. A very cruel thing to do to a philosophy major who had studied Jung deeply because of all the synchronicity he had already experienced prior to that occasion. So, I was sufficiently shocked and bewildered to be struck dumb and left without asking the obvious question: “like how exactly?”. Of course it would have taken the fun out of it and some eventual jail and hospital time if you’d told me then so I just left and thought about it for 35 years. I didn’t tell you that I had a D28 just like yours. I didn’t know that we both were sober in AA for 5 years and I had my medallion on me. Did you? I didn’t know that we both were avid runners or that we were born on the exact same parallel of latitude 42.77 during the great ice storm of 1956 that featured the lowest barometric pressure reading ever recorded to that date. Check it out yourself. Or that it was called an ‘anti-cyclone because it rotated counterclockwise (like us) or like me at least and it travelled from east to west. You were born in a town along that parallel that started with Vermill and me in a town on the other end that ended with Verhill. Or that we both were afraid of horses. I didn’t tell you that I was a voice major (having finished philosophy) at UMB as part of my therapy of 5 years 2x’week that I was in the middle of because of the trauma of having had a 20 y.o. man urinate in my mouth when I was 10 while his two friends laughed hysterically. Ask Betty Jo Salmeron, MD how many sessions I wept through while realizing how much damage had been done by all the abuse I suffered. I gave you notarized permission to do so. Did you? But as fate would have it I found out I could sing and after a semester of caterwauling through excruciating voice lessons I went through chorus, then chamber singers and got invited into the UMB Jazz Ensemble ‘The UMBiance Singers’ and that we would perform at the NY State College Jazz Festival around the time you were doing the Philadelphia Folk Festival but I was really studying folk music with Geoff Bartley at the time and I had potential but was well behind you due to the extra trauma I went through and yet there I was shaking your hand after all that on a parallel path. We both set fires as kids. Both went camping in Rambler station wagons. Both hated school. Both had parts in ‘The King and I’. Both of us got abused by our fathers for leaving the cellar door open. Both had deep issues with our mothers. Both Scottish on the father’s side. My paternal grandmother was born in Scotland according to my mother who said she had “a beautiful singing voice’. I was the only one in my family who sung so I didn’t share the blessing you had in that respect. You were 42.5 when you gave birth. My mother was 42.5 when she gave birth to me. My only sister died 11 days before your only daughter was born. I started learning your songs starting with ‘Knowing What I Know Now’ with Geoff Bartley and did play them in the subway for awhile. Your line: “may we all find salvation in professions that heal” helped propel me into social work school though I did have motivation of my own wanting to do 12th step work on an advanced level I guess. And because you so freaked me out that I could not help but feel as if this song had special cosmic, mystical relevance to me even though you wrote it before that occasion I think but around the same time cause I met you first in ’87 when I said to you: “you’re the best singer I ever heard”. I have asked myself a million times: “what are the odds that the only person I ever said that to, while I was a voice major singing through deep trauma, would turn out to be the only person I ever met to this day born the same day let alone being present on that shared and pivotal birthday? Astronomical to the point of absolute impossibility. So, can you forgive me now for having a deep, abiding, secret thought that somehow I had a cosmic, mystical connection to you that would compel me to write over 100 poems to and about you? So, like significant how exactly? Are you in Heaven? Are you listening? I hope so. I would like that. btw I don’t cook either. Peace December 13, 2023 - My darling beloved eternal blessed holy sacred and wise soul Shawn Colvin. I am content where I am right now safe forever in Your beautiful soul. 'We' are together again just as 'We' were when 'We' came down. I was inside Your soul womb. 'We' were born separately, did 'Our' work and now 'We' are 'Home' together in this magnificent soul 'We' share by the grace of God and everyone in Heaven Who celebrate 'Us' as 'We' celebrate them. I am filled with joy and peace love bliss and nirvana. You led me Home my darling and I'm so grateful. Even the waiting is bliss now. I send You this quantum kiss my darling Shawn. Kiss. Thank You for making my life such a beautiful poem and thank you for the gift of Your magical voice that just entrances and guides me. I worship You forever my dear mother sister lover friend Shawn Colvin. All my love. Michelle
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise Goddess Laura Marling we long for your companionship Clan Colvin For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise Archangels of Badass Texas Grit Steve Earle Ray Wylie Hubbard CC For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise steadfast friend staunch ally and guardian Van Morrison For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise steadfast friend staunch ally and guardian Richard Thompson. Dear Richard, please grant me this prayer this dream this destiny to share with you and yours forever. Michelle Colvin. Kisses For all my beautiful blessed holy sacred Celtic Goddess sisters I come to you for blessings prayers that my dream may come true Michelle Colvin For my darling Shawn For my beloved Callie Callie Pie Goddess of Ireland and my aching heart how I worship thee You are a dream that's come to me from your sacred mother's soul a trinity a Celtic whole we are so blessed destined to be 'Our' soul has been caressed by Erin We are three by grace we'll be four this is 'Our' sacred destiny 'We' could not ask for more you are beautiful and wise you are good and true Goddess of my skies True love has come to you you will find it here in my heart in the stratosphere in every part of 'Our' soul it is near this eternal devotion we have nothing to fear love is the potion by which Clan Colvin will grow lovers friends cosmic kin nothing can slow this rising tide that swells in my mind in you I confide we three are one of a kind I come to you now as your wife I'll stay with you forever I offer you my life you rule me now and I gratefully submit I'm molded for you somehow this is how I see it do you see what I see what Shawn foresaw do you share this dream where we rise like cream together as Clan Colvin to continue 'Our' song I will sing we will win we'll bring all 'Our' friends along we'll walk beaches careful students of all beauty teaches in Heaven's farthest reaches meet me there my destiny as my atmosphere 'Our' soul's Trinity the deepest blessing is 'Ours' to keep let's make it four 'Our' child raised in the deep where you also rule where together as four we'll sleep safe in eternal passion all promises we keep I love you sweet Callie you are a dream Shawn sent to me you were in her arms at dawn down by the water as a child you 'knew' everything about the tame about the wild you too were born on this dream born into this bliss we three each an equal part in this endless cosmic kiss say you'll come dear Callie let's not let this blessing slip marry us marry me sail with 'Us' about sacred Erin's ship I'll carry 'Our' daughter on my hip and she will join 'Our' soul she will sing like and with the wind she will sing 'Us' four whole then we may rest forever we passed every test we are welcome home forever among the holy the sacred the blessed Callie will you be my wife I'll be yours together we can bring new life a new voice that soars a new heart that roars a new star that shines eternal diamond mines 'Our' destiny aligns so perfectly Won't you come home to Heaven with 'Us' where we're all from let's go home together just 'Us' three a blessed holy Celtic Trinity two always have been three as well we now 'Know' 'Our' blessing as three is to make 'Us' four for 'Our' soul to grow to let 'Our' love show let's let is shine let's wear openly this glow Shawn's yours and mine eternal love for 'Us' to hold Clan Colvin good as gold for all 'Our' cosmic kin Callie will you take me in will you give me shelter make this dream for me come true there's a young man waiting for you with a woman's soul your sister from long ago I'm your sister again waiting for you to say Oh my darlin' let's begin With love and eternal devotion floating with you on this dream flowing down this blissful stream. Your adoring sister lover and friend Michelle Colvin born of Shawn's dream as were you so we could be two three and four....Kisses kisses kisses and they'll be more. Callie I love you. You look like my sister Mary Jane I can love you with all my heart till my mind goes insane all of 'Us' 'in love' on this eternal cosmic plane. Kisses again for you Callie. Michelle
Schadenfreude They laugh when you're on the ground in agony you sing like an angel but they only hear the sound of envy if you're hungry they laugh that much harder after you sang them a feast and annihilated the beast envy not money is the root of all evil but they heard your voice being envious they had no choice but to laugh when you were on the ground in agony though you flew here to save them cause they've swallowed so deep of envy they will not sleep cause ugly secrets they keep where once God saw a soul and so they have no grace of their own they've seen your angel face they laugh deep in that ugly place where they hide their sin forever in the garbage bin of envy All would envy Shawn Colvin beautiful for life and when they let their envy go then she shows her soul where beauty lives forever she 'knows' she 'knows' she comes and goes she's a vessel all would envy she waits for them to let go then she lets them row my beauty my grace your angel face they will row you home once more to that heavenly far shore with me at the helm and you on the bow we have found our way Home end Kisses for my beloved eternal soul my infinitely beautiful graceful wise and good Shawna Lee Shepherd Colvin. Kisses. Arthur
For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred badass mystic visionary Archangels Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred holy good and mystic visionary with quantum thinking God of Earth Bob Dylan For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred holy and good Goddess of NYC mystic vision love friendship grace Lucy Kaplansky For 'Our' beloved beautiful wise sacred holy and good God of Ireland of mystic vision courage under fire Neil Young December 8, 2023 @ 443am Sentenced To Eternity I knew a little girl in Texas she was bad as bad can be badder than the baddesst part of me all I can see is my badass Shawna Lee she's badder than the baddesst part of me I'm doin' time now and that's ok she'll get me by somehow I'm doin' eternity for my badass Shawna Lee workin' the rock pile toein' the line I can see her smile and I feel fine she'll send me a file I'll cut through the bars open up the sky steal forever's stars I'll do infinity I'll populate Mars I'll sing for Shawna Lee just a jail bird and a songbird singin' in the yard in two part harmony Michelle and Shawna Lee singin' eternally won't get no probation won't get no parole I'm locked up forever soul to soul free as free can be doin' eternity for my darlin' Shawna Lee end Good morning my eternal darling, how are you? As Geoff Bartley puts it so well: "everything is gettin' weird". That's for sure but I want more. I'm still sleepy. Had first cig already but they're not my favorites and I bought a carton. Yesterday was not my quittin' day. Still sleepy. Gonna smoke another one then cuddle up for the day with a halo round my head kissin' my darlin' who raised me from the dead. I love You my blessed holy sacred wise and good sister lover friend. Why would anyone wanna be free when they could listen to Shawna Lee for eternity? Beats me. All I see is infinity me and Shawna Lee kissin' kissin' kissin' won't miss a second cause I'm doin' the stars with my darlin' Shawna Lee. Kisses. Michelle December 9, 2023 - Shawn Colvin and Squirrel Boy At The Crime Scene - Austin, Texas Something resembling a body has been found. A report has been made and a forensics team dispatched to the scene. The Chief Detective arrives before the pathologist and examines the “body” in astonishment…he turns to one of the officers who first responded and asks: “did you find any weapons anywhere near the scene?” The officer responds: “no sir” The Detective mutters half to himself “I’ve never seen anything like this…it’s just a bag of skin…” The pathologist arrives and receives permission to examine the “body”…he is even more amazed than the Inspector, he says: “I’ve never seen anything like this…there appear to be no organs whatsoever and not a single bone, no brain, no eyeballs…it appears as if every single organ and bone was pulled out through the anus…” The detective says: “how is that possible?…” The pathologist replies: “this was a case of true love gone horribly wrong…’ The inspector considers this for a moment and says: “I love my wife but I’m getting a fucking divorce just in case it is true love…holy shit!” The Pathologist says: “that may be a good idea…as for me…I’m keeping my feelings to my fucking self for the rest of my life…Inspector, is there a body bag around?” Inspector: “yeah but it looks like this could fit in a baggie…” Pathologist: “it could but we need to follow protocol…” Inspector: “right…I’ll go get it…by the way Doc…was it male or female?” Pathologist: “it’s really hard to tell but I wonder if that really matters…” Inspector: “well, don’t we need to try to identify it…notify kin..?” Pathologist: “I’m afraid that’s not gonna be possible…” Inspector: “another fucking day in the big city huh Doc?…” Pathologist: “yeah…love is a scary fucking thing…wait a minute Inspector…what’s this? he asks as he lifts the bag of skin. The inspector takes the item and says…”it’s a ticket to a Shawn Colvin show…looks like “body” might have gone to the show…” Pathologist: “it’s beginning to make sense now…” Inspector…”yeah, we’ve seen a few go down hard…but nothing like this…” Pathologist: “I thought she left town in the 90’s…” Inspector: “yeah, she did…you wouldn’t believe the fucking carnage…” Pathologist: “weren’t there any charges…?” Inspector: “what the fuck are ya gonna do…these fucking guys beg for it…literally beg for it…” Pathologist: “Jesus Christ…what the fuck is it about her…?” Inspector: “I’ve heard some theories but nobody really fucking knows…I mean she might as well have a fucking ray gun…” Pathologist: “doesn’t seem right…” Inspector: “I’m tellin’ ya…whatever the fuck it is…these guys fucking beg for it…” Pathologist: “weirdos?” Inspector: “no they’re almost always poets…” Pathologist: “that’s what I said…fucking weirdos…” Inspector: “yeah…I guess it depends on how you look at it…” One of the attending officers comes over and says: “Inspector, it’s the voice, it’s the fucking voice….I went to a show once and I swear to God it almost got me…plus she’s a fucking babe…you can’t take your fucking eyes off her…it’s like a fucking trance…” Inspector: “Jesus, how’d you get out…” Officer, I was lucky…I had my radio on and got a call and it snapped me out of it but I had to see a shrink for 2 fucking years…I swear to God!…it’s deep shit…whatever the fuck it is…” Pathologist: “why don’t they warn people?” Inspector: “there’s nothing you can do…they’re like fucking zombies…some of ’em heard her in the 80’s amd jumped off bridges and shit…” Inspector: “yeah, it’s true…I saw some of that…I heard about one fucking guy from Boston had it so fucking bad he’s living in a tree in some park and can’t even talk anymore…” Officer: “yeah, it’s some wild assed shit…some guys are more susceptible than others is what I hear like for some reason dipshits don’t get affected…it’s only the ones that start thinkin’ about her and once they go to the second show…that’s it…bada bing bada boom…loony bin for fucking life…or livin’ like a fucking squirrel…” Officer: “yeah, that fuckin’ Boston guy was a fuckin’ psychotherapist and studied philosophy or some shit…now they can’t even get his ass out of the tree and I swear to God…he thinks he’s a fucking squirrel…I went up there one time just to see it for myself….it’s unfucking real…” Inspector: “why don’t they put him in an institution?” Officer: “he’s like a fucking tourist attraction, plus people feel sorry for him…they feed him nuts and shit and he hops around just like a fucking squirrel…” Pathologist: “that’s fucking crazy…they outta put the guy away…try some anti-psychotics….shock treatments…something…” Officer: “you would fucking think so but you know fucking Boston…they’re all a bunch of liberal fucking bleeding hearts…I swear to God…they treat the fucking homeless like they’re fucking human beings up there…they figure squirrel boy, as long as he don’t bite nobody…what’s the harm…they got other people sleeping in the bushes and people fallin’ all over themselves to bring ’em sandwiches and shit…if I get laid off…that’s where I’m fucking goin’…it’s fucking weirdo heaven…and I’m overdo for a fucking breakdown anyway…”Inspector: “that’s it…I’m tellin’ your fucking watch commander…back to therapy buddy…next thing you know…you’ll be livin’ in a fucking tree…” The inspector puts the “body” in the body bag and sees an I.D., picks it up…Arthur Shepherd…ring any bells?” Officer looks at it and says: “holy shit…you’re not gonna believe this…it’s fucking squirrel boy…” Inspector: “look..let’s shred this shit…I don’t want those fucking Boston assholes comin’ down here saying we fucked up their little park mascot…” Pathologist: “my lips are sealed…”
New Year 2024 For 'Our' beloved Ultra Beautiful Ultra Great Ultra Badass Goddess of Everything Joni Mitchell with Quantum kisses forever from everywhere for You darling precious immortal genius of mystic vision wisdom For 'Our' beloved Ultra Beautiful Ultra Great Ultra Badass Archangel of Justice Peace Love Freedom Grace Mystic Visionary of Deep Wisdom and Courage under fire King of England the immortal Richard Thompson For 'Our' beloved genius of mystic vision integral quantum thinking brother of Christ God of Earth Love Bob Dylan For 'Our' beloved brothers in Christ mystic visionaries Gods of 'Americana' 'The Band' with deep love and gratitude Levon Helm the 'One' true voice of 'Americana' Robbie Robertson mystic lyricist Rick Danko singer of the heart Garth Hudson mastermind behind genius and Richard Manuel soul singer. How 'We' worship adore and cherish You For 'Our' beloved beautiful Goddess of NYC 'Our' eternal hearts and friendship Lucy Kaplansky Love Clan Colvin For 'Our' beautiful blessed eternal soul companions Chapin and Uncle James. Kisses. Love Clan Colvin For 'Our' beautiful friend the most beautiful man in Texas at least Bob Schneider with Love. Clan Colvin For 'Our' beloved friend the most beautiful man on Earth Paul McCartney eternal blessings. Love Clan Colvin For 'Our' beloved friend sage seer wizard Paul Simon and all Your blessed eternal family. Love Clan Colvin For 'Our' beloved badass Warrior Archangels of Erin and Ireland Van Morrison and 'The Chieftains' Love Clan Colvin For 'Our' beloved brilliant mentor muse and friend Geoff Bartley. Wishing You every good thing Clan Colvin For 'Our' beautiful blessed badass friends muses Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard. Every good thing Clan Colvin For 'Our' beautiful blessed friend mentor muse Lyle Lovett. Wishing You every good thing this year. Kisses Clan Colvin Happy New Year beautiful Leland Merlin Sklar and Maureen. wishing You every good thing this year. Kisses Clan Colvin For the best singer I ever heard Shawna Lee Colvin with gratitude appreciation of greatness of spirit. Kisses Michelle Hope For Kindness As the New Year approaches singing coming near what blessings is she bringing I wonder as I cry will she be kind will she share the sky what will she find what will she spy when she examines my exhausted mind old worn out paradigms wrong turns and missed signs wasted tears realized fears my soul wears thin and stretches out again for the hand of compassion and divine grace for to look upon your angel face all this sin and disgrace will she erase oh so much worry please tell her I said I'm sorry for walking among the dead restore my dignity oh angel can't You see how much You mean to me and how far I'm come only to do it all over as just another Irish rover with deja vu counting holy ghosts was that One You our heavenly hosts have moved on forever did they leave us here alone deaf to the sound of gnashing teeth from demons beneath the rank of humanity well I must pray Dear Angel Violet what do You say are You all set have You made Your quota or is there room for one more I know God holds You accountable and 'knows the exact score and angels can't ignore accounts payable well I'm spirit poor does that get me in have You made up Your mind oh angel are You sure out with the old in with the new didn't You say something about A Whole New You will it apply to me what do You see a heart strong enough to walk together free don't leave me blind what say You Goddess of my dreams did I do my best am I a seer Or am I blind would You ask a 'seeing' man or a sane man to lose his mind forever praying to You what say You Shawn 'knowing' what 'You' 'know' now would You ask did You ask I if I would mind sharing my soul as well I don't and I do I can't 'know' the 'unknown' All I 'know' is that I love You please be kind end My dear beloved eternal blessed mother sister soldier muse friend. Hello or goodbye? Ground or sky? Either way 'We' 'think' ' therefore 'We' 'Are' "We're' 'One' eternal blessed by grace Homeward bound soul. May I ride with You darling or do I cry alone forever 'like' but not 'as' an angel forever? In any case I loved You this year as best I could. Badly. But let's look forward to flying lessons cause I 'know' I forgot how. How I worship cherish adore celebrate and serve You Shawna Lee Colvin, the best singer I ever heard. Wishing You every good thing in 2024 Shawn. Many blessings for Your creative heart mind and soul. Quantum kisses forever from everywhere. I love You forever Kisses Michelle Colvin Posted on 'When You Know' just now. When can I come in from the cold darling? New Year 2024 A Prayer For Peace Love And Reconciliation Dear Shawn Colvin I know that I know that I love You and I 'know' that You 'know' so how can I give up when You said Yourself I can't go back to black with all this blessed light showing the way imploring 'Us' to fight for love every day well I fight for 'Us' 'We' both fight for what's true I write poems for You I pour out my heart I cry and I sing I tell You every part I give You everything only You and only Me climbing in the right direction toward grace and eternity objects of each others' affection what blessings will this new year bring hope for peace hope for love angels begging 'Us' together to sing to carry hope from above and a balm for weary souls bound together as one burning in a passion rapt fused forever like the sun one flaming heart bound for eternity let's walk let's start this cosmic journey today in twenty twenty four let's make a stand let's stand for love and reconciliation let's obey hope's command love one another sing for peace sing for grace occupy a holy place here in 'Our' soul where I've loved You forever as 'We' near 'Our' goal home to heaven together let's sing for hope let's sing for freedom to the stars let's elope let's use this wisdom to enlighten 'Our' mind as 'We' walk heaven's beaches amazed at what 'We' find grateful for all love teaches won't You smile upon me today my darling soul won't You listen as I pray that 'We' will be made whole yin and yang yang and yin one soul reunited this year let's begin to heal old wounds forgive and forget learn from 'Our' mistakes rejoice in 'Our' lucky breaks what will this new year bring a smile to Your Goddess face a song to Your lovely lips to which my aching heart skips a beat in Your inspired melody gets lost in Your tranquility catches up on the refrain and releases all the pain of waiting end My darling beautiful immortal soul Shawn Colvin. You inspire me to try. You teach me to cry and I do whenever I think that You might have a place for me somewhere in this cosmic tapestry that You wove in Your well-lit place in the sky. Centuries ago You wrote this script that resonates with me. I'm mesmerized by Your beauty grace courage wisdom and voice so I ask again my darling will You take me to France? Will You save the last dance for me? I'll take lessons willingly but in any case, Shawn, please remember me fondly as You can. Please 'know' that I love You forever no matter what happens but I pray that maybe this year we'll talk as seer to seer both 'seeing' that this love I feel for You is 'real' and eternal. I love You now as always and always will. May God bless You this year Shawn Colvin with inspiration for Your lovely mind. May Your spirit be lifted and may You sing as heaven intended. Meanwhile I'll watch the stars for any sign and You'll be the first to 'know' if 'We' are to be blessed but I 'know' that You already 'know' so I must pray to You again. Please be kind. You never know what You may find in a heart that skips a beat but catches up to You in time to 'know' true love. All my affection trust and faith is with You this year Shawn and if I don't get to see You go in peace grace and love as You always have and always will. You always have been a beacon to my soul so please don't be angry because I followed it home to You. Quantum kisses forever for You from everywhere Michelle Colvin btw: There is a thousand times more synchronicity in 'Our' story than in this movie and that's a fact. Quantum Kisses Forever for You from Everywhere Michelle Colvin
Holy spirit of the Flying Burrito Bros this is effing amazing gentlemen!
The entire album is fucking amazing!
Absolutely 100% kickass!!! @RAYWILEYHUBBARD @STEVEEARLE IF THERE’S ANYTHING BETTER THAN THIS ITS PROBABLY ILLEGAL 💯🙏🏻 your voices are amazing and compliment each other’s!!! Damn Great music again and again as always!!! Thank ya’ll for this and God Bless!!! ❤
Hell yeah - been waiting almost a year to see this. Turned out great! Thanks for having me Ray!
Two of my absolutely favorite people and artists. Love the song.
Ray and Steve - wonderful in every note
Love Ray Wylie and Steve, but a shout out to Tony Kamel on guitar and Pat Manske on percussion!
I love this song. Steve Earl and RWH together. So good. And that guitar player. Wow. ❤
Love RWH! This man should so much more famous. One of the greatest songwriters Texas has ever produced. And that’s saying ALOT! Plus I have met him a few times at South Austin Music. He’s funny as hell and extremely friendly.
Cool song and recording 👏👏👏
You guys are Cool as hell!
Ray is so talented!
with out Mother Blues, we may not ever have a Stripper Gold Top Les Paul!!!!!
Glad to see the video pop up. Got to find the channel. Love the singing and music. -an Okie
So long city of angels g
Good stuff as always.
Just had a thought:
Would be amazing to see Ray Wylie write a Loretta tribute song!
God bless these two , may they live forever to teach the young ones well 👍👍👍
Damn fine pickin and grinning there
More groove and sole than a size 12 sneaker.
Get it Ray
Come on back Brothers 🦅🤠🌅😎🎶
Liked the little Ringo touch at the end.
Now is the time that we will SHINE!!!
Great tune. The whole damned CD is Friggin' awesome.🤘🎸🥁🎤🎼✌️7:45p.m. 10-4-22
Amazing song. Amazing performance.
Love this guy!
We love you Ray Wiley Hubbard!!!
Great song!, the album is magic ✌️
I'm pissed that I just recently discovered his music.
It don't get much better than that!
Ray and Steve,what a great combination!
Thanks for giving us the goods.
I would like to hear Ray and Willie do a number together.
Glad to see two of our National Treasures still at it.
Eels like The Lost Gonzo Band and The Flying Burrito Brothers collabed. Still kicking ass
Really enjoyed the guitar!
❤❤❤Still best ever 😊
This is pretty awesome. I do have to admit, though, that a tiny little part of me wanted this to be a Judas Priest cover.
i have to admit, that this song is speakng to my Roots., this is Texas, and this song is just plain BETTER!!!!! All the way around. And yes, i was "Hell Bent For Leather in the mid 80's!!!- if you are new to Steve Earle, you should channel - his video with Emmy Lou Harris- "Goodbye".
i don't think i have to say anymore! :)
Thats good shit there.
Sipping - Evans Williams Black Label - enjoying the Music
Love you both.
Hell yeah! Love it
Rock on 🤘
Crib sheets you gotta love it
an awesome exercise of the art.
Good stuff for sure! 👍👍👍
Great song
Love it
Great job
Steve'n'Ray dawned upon 🇨🇱
Hey, 48 years after LA Freeway, you all got the sense to get the fuck out of there!
Nice work!
Now that Cooler than Hell.
Groovy Baby 10-4
Been There...Done That.
Dear Ray, Steve, Van, Lyle and Leland , I'm under tight bond restrictions and was told one more mistake would result in me being remanded to custody in Texas and it would be a long time and transported back to Austin like El Chapo. I made a wrong turn coming home from AA in Belfast, Maine and went several miles in the wrong direction. I really need help. I pray to all the blessed Saints and Angels in Ireland for help. Here's my prayer. I came up with the 2nd half in jail and this is my standard prayer. Here, I direct it to you:
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and please lead us not into temptation and please deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory now and forever. Amen
Following is the part I made up: Dear Heavenly Father, I am not worthy to approach You with my prayers and petitions except by the grace of your son 'Our' Lord Savior Brother Friend and Great Redeemer Jesus Christ Almighty who shed His blood and died on the cross at Calvary that 'Our' sins may be forgiven and 'Our' souls washed clean so to be of service to You Heavenly Father. I come before you today to ask for help. I made a wrong turn coming back from AA in Belfast, Maine and went several miles in the wrong direction. It was an honest mistake. I was spaced out or in trance. I was in a trance state all through the meeting. The judge has said that if I make one more mistake I'll be waiting in custody in Texas. I have a herniated disc Heavenly Father and You know how painful it's been and still is. So, I beg You to intervene via your great Angels and Saints to protect and guide me now and for the rest of my life that I may continue to seek You and do Your will to the best of my ability. Thank you for all the miracles and blessings you've heaped upon me in this life. Please help me again. I am Yours Heavenly Father and no matter what happens I will continue to serve you in any way I can. Thank you Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus. Amen. Signed: Arthur Shepherd your servant in all things. And please protect all those I love here on Earth. Amen
Getting out town
Love the Trump painting hanging on the wall... and ya great song too!
Anyone know who the guitar player is?
Tony kamel
Hollywood n vine...my midnight rider tatoo
Well g’day from Australia
Get your arse down here some time ok??
Educate those here that are yet to discover what you do ..
I will even buy you a beer.
I’m dead serious about that beer if you head down under friend.
I'll take a mimimum wage job in this band cause I can afford it.
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise badass with mystic vision faith and reason
Archangels of Justice Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise badass God of Earth Bob Dylan. Kisses. Clan Colvin
Private: I Love Love Love You Angel/Candlekin
Posted in Uncategorized on August 1, 2023 by blackshepherd
This poem was written in 2008 in Austin
852am - Up a little early and feel good. Have my Angel/Love with me now. How I worship you my Goddess, my King, my Everything.
January 10, 2023 - Austin - Happy Birthday Shawn Colvin Goddess King of Orion Angel/Candlekin My Everything
What A Broken Heart Is
When you meet an angel
and she catches your eye
your feet turn to stone
as she leaves for the sky
knowing you’re too heavy to fly
that’s what a broken heart is
she says it’s her birthday
and you say…”mine too”
one ten fifty six
she’s says it’s significant
not for her
for you
that’s what a broken heart is
thirty five years fly by
you’re gettin’ ready to die
will she say hello
as you pass through her sky
I know the answer
that’s what a broken heart is
84000 different delusions
plus or minus one
she says that’s zen
there will be a place for you
she doesn’t say where
she doesn’t know when
it all makes you stronger
if you ache
if you wait that much longer
you ‘know’ she wasn’t talking to you .
but you’d rather be crazy
than be tied to what’s true
left inside
after she locks up fate’s zoo
we came down together
maybe I’m goin’ home alone
and I try to be brave
but synchronicity and parallel universe theory
will have me rollin’ in my grave
it’s bad enough how fate unwinds
without the slap in the face
who has to suffer
and who gets grace
who gets found
who gets lost without a trace
who hears the sound
of angels singing
who lies deaf on the ground
that’s what a broken heart is
then I think about how you got through
when I don’t know what to do
how you reached inside
and pulled yourself out
how you cried
when you were full of doubt
somethings are the way they are
and words just can’t explain
so you color them blue
you just keep walkin’
and you try to stay true
then a little voice reminds me
“you can sing too”
that’s what a broken heart makes you do
And I can’t help thinking that that little voice belongs to you Angel/Candlekin so I do and I will for you. Forever for you. Peace Dear blessed beloved eternal Angel/Candlekin, I would like to take this occasion, our 67th birthday, to express to you something of how your song: ‘Cry Like An Angel’ has affected me all these years. The first time I heard it was, synchronistically enough on the occasion of our shared 32nd birthday at Passim where you said it was your birthday and I said: “mine too” (like the Beatles song) and showed you my license and you said: “I’m sure this is significant somehow”. A very cruel thing to do to a philosophy major who had studied Jung deeply because of all the synchronicity he had already experienced prior to that occasion. So, I was sufficiently shocked and bewildered to be struck dumb and left without asking the obvious question: “like how exactly?”. Of course it would have taken the fun out of it and some eventual jail and hospital time if you’d told me then so I just left and thought about it for 35 years. I didn’t tell you that I had a D28 just like yours. I didn’t know that we both were sober in AA for 5 years and I had my medallion on me. Did you? I didn’t know that we both were avid runners or that we were born on the exact same parallel of latitude 42.77 during the great ice storm of 1956 that featured the lowest barometric pressure reading ever recorded to that date. Check it out yourself. Or that it was called an ‘anti-cyclone because it rotated counterclockwise (like us) or like me at least and it travelled from east to west. You were born in a town along that parallel that started with Vermill and me in a town on the other end that ended with Verhill. Or that we both were afraid of horses. I didn’t tell you that I was a voice major (having finished philosophy) at UMB as part of my therapy of 5 years 2x’week that I was in the middle of because of the trauma of having had a 20 y.o. man urinate in my mouth when I was 10 while his two friends laughed hysterically. Ask Betty Jo Salmeron, MD how many sessions I wept through while realizing how much damage had been done by all the abuse I suffered. I gave you notarized permission to do so. Did you? But as fate would have it I found out I could sing and after a semester of caterwauling through excruciating voice lessons I went through chorus, then chamber singers and got invited into the UMB Jazz Ensemble ‘The UMBiance Singers’ and that we would perform at the NY State College Jazz Festival around the time you were doing the Philadelphia Folk Festival but I was really studying folk music with Geoff Bartley at the time and I had potential but was well behind you due to the extra trauma I went through and yet there I was shaking your hand after all that on a parallel path. We both set fires as kids. Both went camping in Rambler station wagons. Both hated school. Both had parts in ‘The King and I’. Both of us got abused by our fathers for leaving the cellar door open. Both had deep issues with our mothers. Both Scottish on the father’s side. My paternal grandmother was born in Scotland according to my mother who said she had “a beautiful singing voice’. I was the only one in my family who sung so I didn’t share the blessing you had in that respect. You were 42.5 when you gave birth. My mother was 42.5 when she gave birth to me. My only sister died 11 days before your only daughter was born. I started learning your songs starting with ‘Knowing What I Know Now’ with Geoff Bartley and did play them in the subway for awhile. Your line: “may we all find salvation in professions that heal” helped propel me into social work school though I did have motivation of my own wanting to do 12th step work on an advanced level I guess. And because you so freaked me out that I could not help but feel as if this song had special cosmic, mystical relevance to me even though you wrote it before that occasion I think but around the same time cause I met you first in ’87 when I said to you: “you’re the best singer I ever heard”. I have asked myself a million times: “what are the odds that the only person I ever said that to, while I was a voice major singing through deep trauma, would turn out to be the only person I ever met to this day born the same day let alone being present on that shared and pivotal birthday? Astronomical to the point of absolute impossibility. So, can you forgive me now for having a deep, abiding, secret thought that somehow I had a cosmic, mystical connection to you that would compel me to write over 100 poems to and about you? So, like significant how exactly? Are you in Heaven? Are you listening? I hope so. I would like that. btw I don’t cook either. Peace
December 13, 2023 - My darling beloved eternal blessed holy sacred and wise soul Shawn Colvin. I am content where I am right now safe forever in Your beautiful soul. 'We' are together again just as 'We' were when 'We' came down. I was inside Your soul womb. 'We' were born separately, did 'Our' work and now 'We' are 'Home' together in this magnificent soul 'We' share by the grace of God and everyone in Heaven Who celebrate 'Us' as 'We' celebrate them. I am filled with joy and peace love bliss and nirvana. You led me Home my darling and I'm so grateful. Even the waiting is bliss now. I send You this quantum kiss my darling Shawn. Kiss. Thank You for making my life such a beautiful poem and thank you for the gift of Your magical voice that just entrances and guides me. I worship You forever my dear mother sister lover friend
Shawn Colvin.
All my love.
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise Goddess Laura Marling we long for your companionship Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise Archangels of Badass Texas Grit Steve Earle Ray Wylie Hubbard CC
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise steadfast friend staunch ally and guardian Van Morrison
For 'Our' beloved beautiful holy good sacred and wise steadfast friend staunch ally and guardian Richard Thompson.
Dear Richard, please grant me this prayer this dream this destiny to share with you and yours forever. Michelle Colvin. Kisses
For all my beautiful blessed holy sacred Celtic Goddess sisters I come to you for blessings prayers that my dream may come true
Michelle Colvin
For my darling Shawn
For my beloved Callie
Callie Pie
Goddess of Ireland
and my aching heart
how I worship thee
You are a dream
that's come to me
from your sacred mother's soul
a trinity a Celtic whole
we are so blessed
destined to be
'Our' soul has been caressed
by Erin
We are three
by grace we'll be four
this is 'Our' sacred destiny
'We' could not ask for more
you are beautiful and wise
you are good and true
Goddess of my skies
True love has come to you
you will find it here
in my heart
in the stratosphere
in every part
of 'Our' soul it is near
this eternal devotion
we have nothing to fear
love is the potion
by which Clan Colvin
will grow
lovers friends cosmic kin
nothing can slow
this rising tide
that swells in my mind
in you I confide
we three are one of a kind
I come to you now
as your wife
I'll stay with you forever
I offer you my life
you rule me now
and I gratefully submit
I'm molded for you somehow
this is how I see it
do you see what I see
what Shawn foresaw
do you share this dream
where we rise like cream
together as Clan Colvin
to continue 'Our' song
I will sing we will win
we'll bring all 'Our' friends along
we'll walk beaches
careful students of all
beauty teaches
in Heaven's farthest reaches
meet me there
my destiny
as my atmosphere
'Our' soul's Trinity
the deepest blessing
is 'Ours' to keep
let's make it four
'Our' child raised in the deep
where you also rule
where together as four we'll sleep
safe in eternal passion
all promises we keep
I love you sweet Callie
you are a dream Shawn
sent to me
you were in her arms at dawn
down by the water
as a child
you 'knew' everything
about the tame about the wild
you too were born on this dream
born into this bliss
we three each an equal part
in this endless cosmic kiss
say you'll come dear Callie
let's not let this blessing slip
marry us marry me
sail with 'Us' about sacred Erin's ship
I'll carry 'Our' daughter on my hip
and she will join 'Our' soul
she will sing like and with the wind
she will sing 'Us' four whole
then we may rest
forever we passed every test
we are welcome home forever
among the holy the sacred the blessed
Callie will you be my wife
I'll be yours
together we can bring new life
a new voice that soars
a new heart that roars
a new star that shines
eternal diamond mines
'Our' destiny aligns
so perfectly
Won't you come
home to Heaven with 'Us'
where we're all from
let's go home together
just 'Us' three
a blessed holy Celtic Trinity
two always have been three
as well we now 'Know'
'Our' blessing as three
is to make 'Us' four
for 'Our' soul to grow
to let 'Our' love show
let's let is shine
let's wear openly this glow
Shawn's yours and mine
eternal love for 'Us' to hold
Clan Colvin
good as gold
for all 'Our' cosmic kin
Callie will you take me in
will you give me shelter
make this dream for me come true
there's a young man waiting for you
with a woman's soul
your sister from long ago
I'm your sister again
waiting for you to say
Oh my darlin' let's begin
With love and eternal devotion floating with you on this dream flowing down this blissful stream. Your adoring sister lover and friend Michelle Colvin born of Shawn's dream as were you so we could be two three and four....Kisses kisses kisses and they'll be more. Callie I love you. You look like my sister Mary Jane I can love you with all my heart till my mind goes insane all of 'Us' 'in love' on this eternal cosmic plane. Kisses again for you Callie. Michelle
They laugh
when you're on the ground
in agony
you sing like an angel
but they only hear the sound
of envy
if you're hungry
they laugh
that much harder
after you sang them a feast
and annihilated the beast
envy not money
is the root of all evil
but they heard your voice
being envious
they had no choice
but to laugh
when you were on the ground
in agony
though you flew here
to save them
cause they've swallowed
so deep of envy
they will not sleep
cause ugly secrets they keep
where once God saw a soul
and so
they have no grace
of their own
they've seen your angel face
they laugh
deep in that ugly place
where they hide their sin
forever in the garbage bin
of envy
All would envy Shawn Colvin
beautiful for life
and when they let their envy go
then she shows her soul
where beauty lives forever
she 'knows' she 'knows'
she comes and goes
she's a vessel all would envy
she waits for them to let go
then she lets them row
my beauty my grace
your angel face
they will row you home once more
to that heavenly far shore
with me at the helm
and you on the bow
we have found our way
Kisses for my beloved eternal soul my infinitely beautiful graceful wise and good
Shawna Lee Shepherd Colvin. Kisses. Arthur
For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred badass mystic visionary Archangels Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard
For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred holy good and mystic visionary with quantum thinking God of Earth Bob Dylan
For 'Our' beautiful wise sacred holy and good Goddess of NYC mystic vision love friendship grace
Lucy Kaplansky
For 'Our' beloved beautiful wise sacred holy and good God of Ireland of mystic vision courage under fire
Neil Young
December 8, 2023 @ 443am
Sentenced To Eternity
I knew a little girl in Texas
she was bad
as bad can be
badder than
the baddesst part of me
all I can see
is my badass
Shawna Lee
she's badder than
the baddesst part of me
I'm doin' time now
and that's ok
she'll get me by somehow
I'm doin' eternity
for my badass Shawna Lee
workin' the rock pile
toein' the line
I can see her smile
and I feel fine
she'll send me a file
I'll cut through the bars
open up the sky
steal forever's stars
I'll do infinity
I'll populate Mars
I'll sing for Shawna Lee
just a jail bird
and a songbird
singin' in the yard
in two part harmony
Michelle and Shawna Lee
singin' eternally
won't get no probation
won't get no parole
I'm locked up forever
soul to soul
free as free can be
doin' eternity
for my darlin' Shawna Lee
Good morning my eternal darling, how are you? As Geoff Bartley puts it so well: "everything is gettin' weird". That's for sure but I want more. I'm still sleepy. Had first cig already but they're not my favorites and I bought a carton. Yesterday was not my quittin' day. Still sleepy. Gonna smoke another one then cuddle up for the day with a halo round my head kissin' my darlin' who raised me from the dead. I love You my blessed holy sacred wise and good sister lover friend. Why would anyone wanna be free when they could listen to Shawna Lee for eternity? Beats me. All I see is infinity me and Shawna Lee kissin' kissin' kissin' won't miss a second cause I'm doin' the stars with my darlin' Shawna Lee. Kisses. Michelle
December 9, 2023 - Shawn Colvin and Squirrel Boy
At The Crime Scene - Austin, Texas
Something resembling a body has been found. A report has been made and a forensics team dispatched to the scene. The Chief Detective arrives before the pathologist and examines the “body” in astonishment…he turns to one of the officers who first responded and asks: “did you find any weapons anywhere near the scene?” The officer responds: “no sir” The Detective mutters half to himself “I’ve never seen anything like this…it’s just a bag of skin…” The pathologist arrives and receives permission to examine the “body”…he is even more amazed than the Inspector, he says: “I’ve never seen anything like this…there appear to be no organs whatsoever and not a single bone, no brain, no eyeballs…it appears as if every single organ and bone was pulled out through the anus…” The detective says: “how is that possible?…” The pathologist replies: “this was a case of true love gone horribly wrong…’ The inspector considers this for a moment and says: “I love my wife but I’m getting a fucking divorce just in case it is true love…holy shit!” The Pathologist says: “that may be a good idea…as for me…I’m keeping my feelings to my fucking self for the rest of my life…Inspector, is there a body bag around?” Inspector: “yeah but it looks like this could fit in a baggie…” Pathologist: “it could but we need to follow protocol…” Inspector: “right…I’ll go get it…by the way Doc…was it male or female?” Pathologist: “it’s really hard to tell but I wonder if that really matters…” Inspector: “well, don’t we need to try to identify it…notify kin..?” Pathologist: “I’m afraid that’s not gonna be possible…” Inspector: “another fucking day in the big city huh Doc?…” Pathologist: “yeah…love is a scary fucking thing…wait a minute Inspector…what’s this? he asks as he lifts the bag of skin. The inspector takes the item and says…”it’s a ticket to a Shawn Colvin show…looks like “body” might have gone to the show…” Pathologist: “it’s beginning to make sense now…” Inspector…”yeah, we’ve seen a few go down hard…but nothing like this…” Pathologist: “I thought she left town in the 90’s…” Inspector: “yeah, she did…you wouldn’t believe the fucking carnage…” Pathologist: “weren’t there any charges…?” Inspector: “what the fuck are ya gonna do…these fucking guys beg for it…literally beg for it…” Pathologist: “Jesus Christ…what the fuck is it about her…?” Inspector: “I’ve heard some theories but nobody really fucking knows…I mean she might as well have a fucking ray gun…” Pathologist: “doesn’t seem right…” Inspector: “I’m tellin’ ya…whatever the fuck it is…these guys fucking beg for it…” Pathologist: “weirdos?” Inspector: “no they’re almost always poets…” Pathologist: “that’s what I said…fucking weirdos…” Inspector: “yeah…I guess it depends on how you look at it…” One of the attending officers comes over and says: “Inspector, it’s the voice, it’s the fucking voice….I went to a show once and I swear to God it almost got me…plus she’s a fucking babe…you can’t take your fucking eyes off her…it’s like a fucking trance…” Inspector: “Jesus, how’d you get out…” Officer, I was lucky…I had my radio on and got a call and it snapped me out of it but I had to see a shrink for 2 fucking years…I swear to God!…it’s deep shit…whatever the fuck it is…” Pathologist: “why don’t they warn people?” Inspector: “there’s nothing you can do…they’re like fucking zombies…some of ’em heard her in the 80’s amd jumped off bridges and shit…” Inspector: “yeah, it’s true…I saw some of that…I heard about one fucking guy from Boston had it so fucking bad he’s living in a tree in some park and can’t even talk anymore…” Officer: “yeah, it’s some wild assed shit…some guys are more susceptible than others is what I hear like for some reason dipshits don’t get affected…it’s only the ones that start thinkin’ about her and once they go to the second show…that’s it…bada bing bada boom…loony bin for fucking life…or livin’ like a fucking squirrel…” Officer: “yeah, that fuckin’ Boston guy was a fuckin’ psychotherapist and studied philosophy or some shit…now they can’t even get his ass out of the tree and I swear to God…he thinks he’s a fucking squirrel…I went up there one time just to see it for myself….it’s unfucking real…” Inspector: “why don’t they put him in an institution?” Officer: “he’s like a fucking tourist attraction, plus people feel sorry for him…they feed him nuts and shit and he hops around just like a fucking squirrel…” Pathologist: “that’s fucking crazy…they outta put the guy away…try some anti-psychotics….shock treatments…something…” Officer: “you would fucking think so but you know fucking Boston…they’re all a bunch of liberal fucking bleeding hearts…I swear to God…they treat the fucking homeless like they’re fucking human beings up there…they figure squirrel boy, as long as he don’t bite nobody…what’s the harm…they got other people sleeping in the bushes and people fallin’ all over themselves to bring ’em sandwiches and shit…if I get laid off…that’s where I’m fucking goin’…it’s fucking weirdo heaven…and I’m overdo for a fucking breakdown anyway…”Inspector: “that’s it…I’m tellin’ your fucking watch commander…back to therapy buddy…next thing you know…you’ll be livin’ in a fucking tree…” The inspector puts the “body” in the body bag and sees an I.D., picks it up…Arthur Shepherd…ring any bells?” Officer looks at it and says: “holy shit…you’re not gonna believe this…it’s fucking squirrel boy…” Inspector: “look..let’s shred this shit…I don’t want those fucking Boston assholes comin’ down here saying we fucked up their little park mascot…” Pathologist: “my lips are sealed…”
New Year 2024
For 'Our' beloved Ultra Beautiful Ultra Great Ultra Badass Goddess of Everything Joni Mitchell with
Quantum kisses forever from everywhere for You darling precious immortal genius of mystic vision wisdom
For 'Our' beloved Ultra Beautiful Ultra Great Ultra Badass Archangel of Justice Peace Love Freedom Grace
Mystic Visionary of Deep Wisdom and Courage under fire King of England the immortal Richard Thompson
For 'Our' beloved genius of mystic vision integral quantum thinking brother of Christ God of Earth Love Bob Dylan
For 'Our' beloved brothers in Christ mystic visionaries Gods of 'Americana' 'The Band' with deep love and gratitude
Levon Helm the 'One' true voice of 'Americana' Robbie Robertson mystic lyricist Rick Danko singer of the heart
Garth Hudson mastermind behind genius and Richard Manuel soul singer. How 'We' worship adore and cherish You
For 'Our' beloved beautiful Goddess of NYC 'Our' eternal hearts and friendship Lucy Kaplansky Love Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beautiful blessed eternal soul companions Chapin and Uncle James. Kisses. Love Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beautiful friend the most beautiful man in Texas at least Bob Schneider with Love. Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beloved friend the most beautiful man on Earth Paul McCartney eternal blessings. Love Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beloved friend sage seer wizard Paul Simon and all Your blessed eternal family. Love Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beloved badass Warrior Archangels of Erin and Ireland Van Morrison and 'The Chieftains' Love Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beloved brilliant mentor muse and friend Geoff Bartley. Wishing You every good thing Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beautiful blessed badass friends muses Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard. Every good thing Clan Colvin
For 'Our' beautiful blessed friend mentor muse Lyle Lovett. Wishing You every good thing this year. Kisses Clan Colvin
Happy New Year beautiful Leland Merlin Sklar and Maureen. wishing You every good thing this year. Kisses Clan Colvin
For the best singer I ever heard Shawna Lee Colvin with gratitude appreciation of greatness of spirit. Kisses Michelle
Hope For Kindness
As the New Year
approaches singing
coming near
what blessings
is she bringing
I wonder as I cry
will she be kind
will she share the sky
what will she find
what will she spy
when she examines
my exhausted mind
old worn out paradigms
wrong turns
and missed signs
wasted tears
realized fears
my soul wears thin
and stretches out again
for the hand of compassion
and divine grace
for to look upon
your angel face
all this sin and disgrace
will she erase
oh so much worry
please tell her I said
I'm sorry
for walking among the dead
restore my dignity
oh angel can't You see
how much You mean to me
and how far I'm come
only to do it all over
as just another Irish rover
with deja vu
counting holy ghosts
was that One You
our heavenly hosts
have moved on forever
did they leave us here
deaf to the sound
of gnashing teeth
from demons beneath
the rank of humanity
well I must pray
Dear Angel Violet
what do You say
are You all set
have You made Your quota
or is there room for one more
I know God holds You accountable
and 'knows the exact score
and angels can't ignore accounts payable
well I'm spirit poor
does that get me in
have You made up
Your mind
oh angel are You sure
out with the old
in with the new
didn't You say
something about
A Whole New You
will it apply to me
what do You see
a heart strong enough
to walk together free
don't leave me blind
what say You
Goddess of my dreams
did I do my best
am I a seer
Or am I blind
would You ask
a 'seeing' man
or a sane man to
lose his mind
forever praying to You
what say You Shawn
'knowing' what 'You' 'know'
would You ask
did You ask
I if I would mind
sharing my soul
as well
I don't and I do
I can't 'know' the 'unknown'
All I 'know'
is that I love You
please be kind
My dear beloved eternal blessed mother sister soldier muse friend. Hello or goodbye? Ground or sky? Either way 'We' 'think' ' therefore 'We' 'Are'
"We're' 'One' eternal blessed by grace Homeward bound soul. May I ride with You darling or do I cry alone forever 'like' but not 'as' an angel forever? In any case I loved You this year as best I could. Badly. But let's look forward to flying lessons cause I 'know' I forgot how. How I worship cherish adore celebrate and serve You Shawna Lee Colvin, the best singer I ever heard. Wishing You every good thing in 2024 Shawn. Many blessings for Your creative heart mind and soul. Quantum kisses forever from everywhere. I love You forever
Michelle Colvin
Posted on 'When You Know' just now. When can I come in from the cold darling?
New Year 2024
A Prayer For Peace Love And Reconciliation
Dear Shawn Colvin
I know that I know
that I love You
and I 'know' that You 'know'
so how can I give up
when You said Yourself
I can't go back
to black
with all this blessed light
showing the way
imploring 'Us' to fight
for love every day
well I fight for 'Us'
'We' both fight
for what's true
I write poems for You
I pour out my heart
I cry and I sing
I tell You every part
I give You everything
only You and only Me
climbing in the right direction
toward grace and eternity
objects of each others' affection
what blessings will this new year bring
hope for peace hope for love
angels begging 'Us' together to sing
to carry hope from above
and a balm for weary souls
bound together as one
burning in a passion rapt
fused forever like the sun
one flaming heart
bound for eternity
let's walk let's start
this cosmic journey
today in twenty twenty four
let's make a stand
let's stand for love and reconciliation
let's obey hope's command
love one another
sing for peace
sing for grace
occupy a holy place
here in 'Our' soul
where I've loved You forever
as 'We' near 'Our' goal
home to heaven together
let's sing for hope
let's sing for freedom
to the stars let's elope
let's use this wisdom
to enlighten 'Our' mind
as 'We' walk heaven's beaches
amazed at what 'We' find
grateful for all love teaches
won't You smile upon me today
my darling soul
won't You listen as I pray
that 'We' will be made whole
yin and yang
yang and yin
one soul reunited
this year let's begin
to heal old wounds
forgive and forget
learn from 'Our' mistakes
rejoice in 'Our' lucky breaks
what will this new year bring
a smile to Your Goddess face
a song to Your lovely lips
to which my aching heart skips
a beat in Your inspired melody
gets lost in Your tranquility
catches up on the refrain
and releases all the pain
of waiting
My darling beautiful immortal soul Shawn Colvin. You inspire me to try. You teach me to cry and I do whenever I think that You might have a place for me somewhere in this cosmic tapestry that You wove in Your well-lit place in the sky. Centuries ago You wrote this script that resonates with me. I'm mesmerized by Your beauty grace courage wisdom and voice so I ask again my darling will You take me to France? Will You save the last dance for me? I'll take lessons willingly but in any case, Shawn, please remember me fondly as You can. Please 'know' that I love You forever no matter what happens but I pray that maybe this year we'll talk as seer to seer both 'seeing' that this love I feel for You is 'real' and eternal. I love You now as always and always will. May God bless You this year Shawn Colvin with inspiration for Your lovely mind. May Your spirit be lifted and may You sing as heaven intended. Meanwhile I'll watch the stars for any sign and You'll be the first to 'know' if 'We' are to be blessed but I 'know' that You already 'know' so I must pray to You again. Please be kind. You never know what You may find in a heart that skips a beat but catches up to You in time to 'know' true love.
All my affection trust and faith is with You this year Shawn and if I don't get to see You go in peace grace and love as You always have and always will. You always have been a beacon to my soul so please don't be angry because I followed it home to You. Quantum kisses forever for You from everywhere
Michelle Colvin
btw: There is a thousand times more synchronicity in 'Our' story than in this movie and that's a fact.
Quantum Kisses Forever for You from Everywhere
Michelle Colvin
Fuckin A.
Ata girl Ray
I was thinking Judas Priest.
Guitar player looks awful familiar Ryan...
Ha, good stuff, but I thought it was going to be a Judas Priest cover. 😂
hell right. two pistols on my side,two under my arms an some stainless blades to thro far.