If you don't forget your german or prussian roots then we won't forget that also you are a member of the german or prussian family. you should look for a nice and cute german fräulein, she will teach you not only the german language but also the german culture and tradition, the german beer, how to wear the bavarian leather trousers and how to take it off, she will also introduce you into the secrets of the german way to make love, and before you have realized it by yourself you will have become a real kraut like us. and then you will see that we don't eat sauerkraut every day which is only a prejudice but only once in a while.
I hate Russia that doesn't mean hes not german and also i love that name dnt we all hate russia i am half german and asian but i have strong connection or Anchluss I believe is the german word with my Deutsch ancestry Güte Nacht fellow prussian glory to Preußen
Back in the early 1980's I visited Germany several times and was always well treated and met a lot of very nice people. I enjoyed my trips there. Bravo for Germany from the USA.
SpeedyNeutrino172 Germany was once a proud country . When you look at the time after WW1 how Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert greets the returning Soldiers from France Kein Feind hat euch je überwunden ( You were undefeated ) And now Germany has Traditions and can be not very proud bcause what can Germans be proud of ? Exept weath and peace ? Not of the Past or something like that in America
@Internet Entity, warst Du auf der Beerdigung? Ich habe da meine Zweifel dran. Du mußt nicht an Gott glauben, es ist Deine Sache. Aber laß doch einfach Deine Kommentare dazu.
its culture will live on in at least my desndants, i'm proud of my (distant by 5-6 generations) east Prussian heritage and my children will also be tort this.
Cross Roads Productions i love german culture even after it does die if it does ill cry and ill probably celebrate its tradition and before bed till the day i die ill listen to the songs of my great german half ancestry
Also ill teach my children about germany and how great they once were before this gerabia or the nazis but i will teach them for those who do not learn it are doomed to repeat history learn germany EUROPE dont let the immigrants in or at least not those immigrants they have not been good in almost any way
Aber jeder erbärmliche Tropf, der nichts in der Welt hat, darauf er stolz sein könnte, ergreift das letzte Mittel, auf die Nation, der er gerade angehört, stolz zu sein: hieran erholt er sich und ist nun dankbarlich bereit alle Fehler und Torheiten, die ihr eigen sind, mit Händen und Füßen zu verteidigen. - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860), deutscher Philosoph
Yea. :-( knowing how proud every country on the planet used to be it's sad to see what's happening now all over the world. :-( but Germany clearly got the raw end of the deal. :-(
Due to 70 years of the so-called „reeducation“ (China also has reeducation-camps, sa far as I know; Germany was-and still is- a huge reeducationcamp) many of us have forgotten our roots, who we were, and who we are to be, and it is cool to piss on the graves of our ancestors, instead of honouring them. The generation of my grandfather did not fight because they were keen on making war, they fought and died for a better future for the following generations. Now Merkel and the others of our muppet-show government do everything to ruin this country by flooting it with so-called refugees. But sooner or later, she will be held responsible, and put to jail due to national treason.
I believe the Kaiser should of won, not the Nazis. The Nazis were not what signified Germany: And Hitler was Austrian, not German. It would of led to no fascism in the first place. Yes, it would of meant that other countries would of been less of a Superpower-But, these superpowers wouldn't be facing the problems we have now. Look at the EU, look at America, It's all gone Kaput. Russia is the only current country I'd say is stable. (Although it's relationships with other countries are heated.)
Osiris Salt Bringer - There's a number of things wrong with your statement. First, The German's were not "Nazi's", they were "NationalSozialisten", the German's did not call themselves Nazi's at the time of 1933 to 1945. As Nazi was considered a degenerative, demeaning word to them. The word itself is literally a trope on the way "National" is pronounced in German. Second, to Hitler's benefit, he was a German. As Austrian's are ethnically German. Third, they were very "Signified." Highly revered. With Hitler and the NSDAP, they got the country out of poverty, they made some of the most technologically superior advances to aircraft, & weaponry. They made extreme advances in economy, some of the best trained soldiers, healthy people. In fact, all of America's current aircraft are based on the work the German's did, the way our soldiers are trained, is based on the German's training. I could go on. Fourth, it was National Socialism, not Fascism. National Socialism was hybrid, essentially. Hitler combined aspects of Nationalism, & Socialism. Hence: "National Socialism." It worked wonders to the people, especially since National Socialism bans the use of Big Banks; Which leach from the people. Finally. Fifth, Everything's gone awry because there's been a power for ages... We'll just call them the "Elite." They control the money, they control development, they control education, they control how people think, they control food, they control relations, they control... Everything. Hitler knew who these people were, he knew it, and he tried to make a stand. And because the Elite's got so much power they can pull a few strings here & there, and cause almost EVERY nation to be at each other's throats. They did this to Hitler, he detested war, he pleaded: "I do not want war!" he reached out and asked: "Please, we can work together." But ever single time, he was denied.
Big S I will say, It is not wrong for me to call them "Nazis". For that WAS wordplay on National Socialism in German as you said. And "Fascism" with National Socialism were definitely two different things. I did definitely say that it wasn't how they functioned-Their Political belief was not "Fascist", National Socialism was. Though their propaganda was "Fascist" You have picked out what you call "Flaws" that aren't even flaws. Of course Austria and Germany are ethically related-I was speaking in the sense of being truly German. Hitler was homeless, then brought into a Hostel of sorts, then served in the War. So on and so on, rip Ernst Rohm. The reason why a lot of their soldiers were well trained was because: One, they had brainwashed their soldiers to hate their enemies, which would strongly motivate them to beat them. Two:A lot of them were brainwashed when they were rather young, to then serve in the army at a rather early age. They were naturally raised in this time, and you could say it was their only understanding of the world around them. Their country was only in poverty PRIOR to the war, If they won it, at an earlier stage rather than a war of Attrition until supplies ran out, they would of not been so down under. And, they would of never even had to bother with War Reparations. And their DEMOCRACY of a Government, the Weimar Constitution may have been structured in positions well, but their overall problem handling of the situation caused their depression, Rentenmarks were nothing, because they were printed. In summary: They WERE Nazis, because that was wordplay on "National Socialist" in German. The Weimar Constitution, Prior to the Kaiser standing down, BECAUSE they lost the war, was what caused their country to go to Poverty, and had a worse solution. They DID have well-trained soldiers, especially the Luftwaffe, but it was because they were not told a lot of truth, a lot of them thought that they were the most glorious country, that you shouldn't show "Mercy", and on both you and the soldier are being Cowards-keeping mind that quite a few were also YOUNG at the time of learning (of course older in the actual time of war, probably a teenager or whatnot) Now let me quote you: "I could go on." * Constant use of repetition in sentences* It seems like you are trying to mock me. I know you want to tell everyone how great Hitler was, but he only achieved the glory he could of been praised for, for solving the problems the Weimar Constitution caused, because of the Kaiser loosing the war. And that his soldiers were well trained, though they were done so through methods of brainwash tactics-They were not trained with a Moral point of view. And these "Elite": The only true documentation regarding "Elites" to Hitler is regarding American Business, specifically the Ford as inspiration for some Military Application. Unless you can LINK me to a reliable source that is proven explaining that Hitler did not want war, and was forced into, then do so. Because Hitler wanted to go to war with all these countries, because he lost them. He kept loosing battles, moving on to different countries. He even then went on to invade his own ally at that time, the USSR, which then he betrayed in the last effort to have some land grab, more men, etc. You are unreliable for you yourself have just called them the "Elite" with no true backup, and you yourself do not know a proper name for them. You are immature. And it seems to me you also lie. So link me a reliable source, that disproves my belief on how Hitler wanted revenge on going to war, and how he turned to different countries when he lost some battles. (In the grand scheme, he did want Global Control.)
Exactly. The Kaiser Wilhelm's rule was great. It was only due to alliance systems they went to war-not hatred of eachother, one small situation of assassination. Heck, George V, Tsar Nicholas II, and Kaiser Wilhelm II, were all cousins. There would be an extreme chance that the first world war never happened, if the alliance system was never so strongly kept to lead one assassination to a full on war of cousins.
+Otto von Bismarck Herr, Reichskanzler, wie schätzen Sie die Möglichkeit ein Deutschland ein zweites Mal zu retten wie Eure Durchlaucht dies schon im 19. Jahrhundert geschafft haben ? Immerhin ist das heutige verlotterte System auf allen Ebenen von Schwulen unterwandert und wird von einer linksradikalen Troika bestehend aus Westkommunisten (die sich mit der Farbe grün als harmlose Umweltschutzpartei tarnen), Ostkommunisten (die Nachfahren der verbrecherischen Mauermörderpartei) und Neokommunisten (die von Ihnen bekämpfte SPD, die sich in 30 Jahren unter dem Einfluss der kommunistischen Grünen von einer bürgerlichen sozialdemokratischen Partei selbst in eine neue kommunistische Partei verwandelt hat) zugrunde gerichtet. Sehen Sie, Herr Reichskanzler, eventuell die Möglichkeit Deutschland mit harter Hand und mittels Zucht und Ordnung wieder ins Lot zu bringen und das Gleichgewicht wieder herzustellen oder bevorzugen Eure Durchlaucht sich mangels Erfolgsaussichten dieses Projektes in Ihrem Grabe in Friedrichsruh umzudrehen und weiterzuschlafen ?
***** oh yea the campaign. i agree. i wish you could play as the central powers. but no of course not. the central powers gotta be the "bad guys"... THEY DIDNT EVEN START THE WAR. IT WAS THE SERBIAN'S FAULT.
too all you German lads great imperial music I married afrauline bring back days boot your leader is why were knackerd so keep up the music the food and side bier
Очень жаль , что Германия и Россия - имели постоянные противоречия . Великий Бисмарк сказал : когда у Германии хорошие отношения с Россией , тогда и в Германии - все хорошо .( кажется так он сказал ). Извините ! не могу писать по немецки .
You're a man, French, early 30's, a large house, middle class. You're near a small village near the border of Belgium... Its your birthday, your family is here, and its 1914. Hours past after your party, some of your family leaves while some stay. Its a dark, calm night, your uncle is reading a book while others are playing board games. Then the siren rings... Police scream to everyone: "EvacccaaaaaaA no!-" Then a bomb hits him in the face and blows him to bits and pieces, blood smacks the window, your family looks in shock... you look outside to see large blimps firing machine guns and bombs... biplanes flying across the sky. You quickly pack valuables and your family and head out, the roads are filled with craters, houses on fire, people running and scream, people burn in the streets... its like hell... you run and try to get out of the town... You see a person grabbing people onto his horse back ride and surprisingly all your family fits... he heads out, and in the town, you see your house blow to bits... smoke flies high. You evacuate to the country side and the rest of your family leave and go back to their towns. You have nightmares of people burning and what would become The Great War.. lasting only 4 more years till the German surrender. The End
Honestly, I could see them almost being like England or the Dutch. Having a ceremonial family who would dress up for parades and State ceremonies, but not actively run the government. A few European nations are like that.
@@DEP717 they where pretty much already like that bit the Kaiser had a lot more power then the British royal family and the other nations like that the reichstag was more of a council to advise the Kaiser and rule in his stead if need Be the also had control of the interior of the empire
Mit Musik kann man natürlich beeindrucken oder auch Menschen beeinflussen Ich mag besonders auch Orgelmusik. Aber ich kann mir vorstellen das dieser Imposante Klang (Sound) einen manipulativen Zweck diente. Er sollte Respekt und Ehrfurcht bei den Menschen wecken. Nicht anders als der Boss der Schimpansen, der mit einem Knüppel auf den Boden schlägt. Marschmusik soll vielleicht die Moral der Truppe stärken, gleichschalten oder das Volk auf den Kaiser einschwören. Ich hoffe das ich trotzdem beide Musikrichtungen mögen darf. Ich liebe auch die Musik von Chopin und hoffe das Diese niemals missbraucht wird.
Deutschland, heute bekannt als Bundesrepublik(schwaches Land das für andere Zahlt, siehe Eu) früher 1871 Kaiserreich mit einer riesigen Armee und einer blühenden Wirtschaft, wo wäre man lieber?
F. L. Ja gegen England weil diese die stärkste Seemacht waren und Frankreich mit Verteidigungsfesrungen. Dann kommt der zwei Frontenkrieg wegen Russland. Außerdem hatten sie keine guten Verbündeten.
Heute: Gute, medizinische Versorgung, mindestens 3 Mahlzeiten, mindestens ein Auto, Urlaub Feiertage und freie Meinungsäußerung Früher: Wenn man nicht der Aristokratie angehörte gerade mal 2 Lasche Mahlzeiten, man übernahm den Beruf den der Vater aussuchte. Wer nicht den Wehrdienst antrat war nichts wert, wer offen sagte was der Obrigkeit störte würde wegsperrt. SPD Mitglieder wurden strafrechtlich verfolgt. Ein Fließbandarbeiter musste 6 x 12 Stunden Arbeiten für einen Hungerlohn und riskierte trotzdem Tag täglich sein Leben. Wo würde man lieber leben wollen?
Grand Admiral Thrawn das mit der SPD war aber nur bis 1889. unter wilhelm den 2. wurden sie legalisiert und die Polen, Dänen und französischen Elsässer bekamen eine minderheitspartei
ich unterstütze seine Aussage! Nicht nur deser Marsch sondern auch die anderen, sehr schön und vielen dank. frage mich bloß wieso er auf diesen namen gekommen ist (werth1939)???
Weiß vielleicht jemand von den Musikern unter uns, ob man dazu den Orchesersatz bekommen kann und wenn ja, wo? Ich kann nämlich nichts finden. Ein sehr sehr schöner Marsch!!
Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg 1864, damals hieß der Marsch noch anders. Als König Wilhelm von Preußen dann Kaiser wurde, hat man den Titel des Marsches im nachhinein geändert.
I would say a "country" which others should be feared of, cause it's hard to talk about united German nation before 1871 (and even long time after the date). Germany was divided, "every dutchy for itself", but I would agree with you: German countries under Prussian domination might have been a strong enemy for or guarantor of someone's independence.
Im french.. and all I have to say is Heil das Kaiser! (France shouldn't have attacked Germany in WWI, and the republic is evil for that - though it always was..)
Brandon Martell What are you talking about ? 'Tis Germany that declared war on us in WWI, in accordance to the Schlieffen Plan. Plus, I mean, seriously, even if it was the other way around, we were allied to both Russia and Serbia, and the hostilities began because of Austria-Hungary seizing Franz-Ferdinand's assassination as a pretext to fulfill its imperialistic agenda in Serbia. Although the countries of the Triple Entente do have a fair share of responsibility in that whole sordid affair, technically, Germany & Austria-Hungary are the agressors so in which way are we "evil" for defending ourselves as well as our allies ?
Pavell54 Well the reason the Republic was, and is evil is simple, the french revolution. France should still have been a Monarchy, and every action done without a monarchy in france, is illegitimate. So, just on that I support the German/Austrian/Ottoman side, the other reason I do is because i'm also Austrian, as well as french, and spanish. The last reason is that what we did to germany and Austria after WWI was over, we COMPLETLY destroyed those three countries, took away massive amounts of their land, all their spheres of influence, all there money, and Germany in 2008 JUST finished paying WWI debts! How ridiculous is that?! And Austria-Hungary was completely abolished as an entity, and we got abomination states that shouldn't have existed... Vive le Royaume de France, Lang lebe Deutschland, und lang lebe Osterreich.
Pavell54 Germany didn´t declare war on the UK, It declared war on the Netherlands, Belgium and France. The UK then declared war on Germany a week later because it had a defensive pact with Belgium. Furthermore, the Kaiser and the Zar were cousins and best of friends and wanted to avoid war with each other at all costs and were driven into it by France and Austro-Hungary.
Bella marcha prusiana. Digna de un tiempo en el que la ciencia y la filosofia alemana era puntera en Europa lastima que su politica fuera todo lo contrario : belicista y retrograda. Saludos.
Churchill hat aber schon VOR ´33 gesagt das Deutschland (wirtschaftlich)zu stark wird, und es nötig sei, es (wiedereinmal) zu vernichten, wenn die englische wirtschaft wettbewerbsfähig bleiben möchte...
@Preussen1914 naja es giebt hier auf youtube ein video in dem das genau erklärt wird. ich glaub es heißt: zweite welkrieglüge-was guido knopp uns verschweigt. so oder so ähnlich, vorausgesetzt es wurde nicht weider gelöscht.
Einer der besten deutsche Märsche.... sowas wirds nie wieder geben
Respect from America! I apologise that I don't speak German, but as an American of German ancestry it makes me proud to hear this. Cheers!
If you don't forget your german or prussian roots then we won't forget that also you are a member of the german or prussian family. you should look for a nice and cute german fräulein, she will teach you not only the german language but also the german culture and tradition, the german beer, how to wear the bavarian leather trousers and how to take it off, she will also introduce you into the secrets of the german way to make love, and before you have realized it by yourself you will have become a real kraut like us. and then you will see that we don't eat sauerkraut every day which is only a prejudice but only once in a while.
pressure washer penetration In this case it is not. Pellanen is a nom de plume, if you will. Have a great day!
Amras Pellanen Amras is not German, and your last name is the opposite of German!
I hate Russia that doesn't mean hes not german and also i love that name dnt we all hate russia i am half german and asian but i have strong connection or Anchluss I believe is the german word with my Deutsch ancestry Güte Nacht fellow prussian glory to Preußen
I hate Russia As I explained earlier, Amras Pellanen is not my actual name, but rather a nom de plume designed to protect my privacy. Cheers!
Dieser Marsch drückt einfach so ziemlich jedes Gefühl aus
Erhabenheit, Demut, Stolz, Stärke, Frohsinn, Glück, Liebe....
Germany should remove that modern idea that Nationalism is a Taboo, Germany has a great culture and history, worth dying for.
+ehhh prehaps
Patriotism is not bad.
geiler name hahahaha
It's fine to be patriotic and proud of your culture and history, but nationalism is a bit too far in any country imo.
+Reaper the Edgehog oy vey
Germans write the best marching music.
And best classical music and parts of the best modern music.
Germans and Russians !
I think the Japanese make the best marching music.
And high quality product
Gott mit uns !
Wo ich Schülersprecher war hat der Musikclub genau diesen Marsch gespielt wo ich in die Schule kam xD
This is my old germany c;
(America Joins the Central Powers.)
Wer bist du denn? Bist du einer dieser Teetrinkern?
Lebling Des Volk Zu Sein Heil Kaiser Dir! :-) Respect from an American whos mother's side of the family came to the US from the Kaiser Reich. :-)
@Wilhelm II. Dann könnte ich auch alleine in den Niederlanden sitzen und Holz hacken.
So... you praise a man that didnt even die in his own country and fled because he didnt like the new government
Mein Lieblings Marschlied! Es lebe Deutschland!
Back in the early 1980's I visited Germany several times and was always well treated and met a lot of very nice people. I enjoyed my trips there. Bravo for Germany from the USA.
+SpeedyNeutrino172 East or West? Germany was not united in the early 1980's.
Well, the USA banned Germany from all of it's military traditions so i don't think the Germans thank you for that.
SpeedyNeutrino172 Germany was once a proud country . When you look at the time after WW1 how Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert greets the returning Soldiers from France Kein Feind hat euch je überwunden ( You were undefeated )
And now Germany has Traditions and can be not very proud bcause what can Germans be proud of ? Exept weath and peace ? Not of the Past or something like that in America
Absolutely glorious
+unsere reiche Yes I agree.
Beautiful Hymn .From Azerbaijan brothers Germany
I from Gemany
Gott schütze den Kaiser.
Franz Joseph von Habsburg Hat ja gut funktioniert
Gott schütze das deutsche Volk, das Reich und das deutsche Blut ✠
@Internet Entity, warst Du auf der Beerdigung? Ich habe da meine Zweifel dran.
Du mußt nicht an Gott glauben, es ist Deine Sache. Aber laß doch einfach Deine Kommentare dazu.
@Internet Entity, das war auch nicht meine Absicht. Du bist der Meinung es gibt keinen Gott, okay. Dann laß mal Beweise sehen das es keinen gibt.
Long live Germany!
Preussens gloria!
Well it's culture and people are going to go almost extinct if current trends continue.
its culture will live on in at least my desndants, i'm proud of my (distant by 5-6 generations) east Prussian heritage and my children will also be tort this.
Cross Roads Productions i love german culture even after it does die if it does ill cry and ill probably celebrate its tradition and before bed till the day i die ill listen to the songs of my great german half ancestry
Also ill teach my children about germany and how great they once were before this gerabia or the nazis but i will teach them for those who do not learn it are doomed to repeat history learn germany EUROPE dont let the immigrants in or at least not those immigrants they have not been good in almost any way
German, and Austrian marches were so great because they had so many great musical minds.
these march music are really cool.. all of them
greetings from the Philippines!
Ein Hoch auf den Deutschen Kaiser :)
Ein hoch auf das deutsche Volk
Sie haben sich ein Eisernes Kreuz verdient Soldat ✠
Für das Vaterland!!
Aber jeder erbärmliche Tropf, der nichts in der Welt hat, darauf er stolz sein könnte, ergreift das letzte Mittel, auf die Nation, der er gerade angehört, stolz zu sein: hieran erholt er sich und ist nun dankbarlich bereit alle Fehler und Torheiten, die ihr eigen sind, mit Händen und Füßen zu verteidigen.
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860), deutscher Philosoph
Ich ist
when you see how proud germany was before she seemed to have lost her way after WW1, it makes you sad knowing what she is now.
Yea. :-( knowing how proud every country on the planet used to be it's sad to see what's happening now all over the world. :-( but Germany clearly got the raw end of the deal. :-(
@@bradleyhoyt3188 well thats just globalization to ya, if anything blame the USA for being the opportunist cucks they have always been
@@fsubi571 imagine actually saying “cucks” and “globalisation” in the same sentence lol
1:13 I swear to God this is where the inspiration for the "Mr.Clean" song came from.
Ein melancholischer Marsch mit ein bisschen Jahrmarkt Stimmung, ein bisschen wie der Kaiser selbst
this is glorious!
@@guyname8760 This is a WWI song?
Due to 70 years of the so-called „reeducation“ (China also has reeducation-camps, sa far as I know; Germany was-and still is- a huge reeducationcamp) many of us have forgotten our roots, who we were, and who we are to be, and it is cool to piss on the graves of our ancestors, instead of honouring them. The generation of my grandfather did not fight because they were keen on making war, they fought and died for a better future for the following generations. Now Merkel and the others of our muppet-show government do everything to ruin this country by flooting it with so-called refugees. But
sooner or later, she will be held responsible, and put to jail due to national treason.
I believe the Kaiser should of won, not the Nazis. The Nazis were not what signified Germany: And Hitler was Austrian, not German.
It would of led to no fascism in the first place. Yes, it would of meant that other countries would of been less of a Superpower-But, these superpowers wouldn't be facing the problems we have now. Look at the EU, look at America, It's all gone Kaput. Russia is the only current country I'd say is stable. (Although it's relationships with other countries are heated.)
Osiris Salt Bringer - There's a number of things wrong with your statement.
First, The German's were not "Nazi's", they were "NationalSozialisten", the German's did not call themselves Nazi's at the time of 1933 to 1945. As Nazi was considered a degenerative, demeaning word to them.
The word itself is literally a trope on the way "National" is pronounced in German.
Second, to Hitler's benefit, he was a German.
As Austrian's are ethnically German.
Third, they were very "Signified."
Highly revered.
With Hitler and the NSDAP, they got the country out of poverty, they made some of the most technologically superior advances to aircraft, & weaponry.
They made extreme advances in economy, some of the best trained soldiers, healthy people.
In fact, all of America's current aircraft are based on the work the German's did, the way our soldiers are trained, is based on the German's training.
I could go on.
Fourth, it was National Socialism, not Fascism.
National Socialism was hybrid, essentially.
Hitler combined aspects of Nationalism, & Socialism.
Hence: "National Socialism."
It worked wonders to the people, especially since National Socialism bans the use of
Big Banks; Which leach from the people.
Finally. Fifth, Everything's gone awry because there's been a power for ages... We'll just call them the "Elite."
They control the money, they control development, they control education, they control how people think, they control food, they control relations, they control... Everything.
Hitler knew who these people were, he knew it, and he tried to make a stand.
And because the Elite's got so much power they can pull a few strings here & there, and cause almost EVERY nation to be at each other's throats.
They did this to Hitler, he detested war, he pleaded: "I do not want war!"
he reached out and asked: "Please, we can work together."
But ever single time, he was denied.
Big S I will say, It is not wrong for me to call them "Nazis". For that WAS wordplay on National Socialism in German as you said. And "Fascism" with National Socialism were definitely two different things. I did definitely say that it wasn't how they functioned-Their Political belief was not "Fascist", National Socialism was. Though their propaganda was "Fascist" You have picked out what you call "Flaws" that aren't even flaws. Of course Austria and Germany are ethically related-I was speaking in the sense of being truly German. Hitler was homeless, then brought into a Hostel of sorts, then served in the War. So on and so on, rip Ernst Rohm.
The reason why a lot of their soldiers were well trained was because:
One, they had brainwashed their soldiers to hate their enemies, which would strongly motivate them to beat them.
Two:A lot of them were brainwashed when they were rather young, to then serve in the army at a rather early age. They were naturally raised in this time, and you could say it was their only understanding of the world around them.
Their country was only in poverty PRIOR to the war, If they won it, at an earlier stage rather than a war of Attrition until supplies ran out, they would of not been so down under. And, they would of never even had to bother with War Reparations.
And their DEMOCRACY of a Government, the Weimar Constitution may have been structured in positions well, but their overall problem handling of the situation caused their depression, Rentenmarks were nothing, because they were printed.
In summary:
They WERE Nazis, because that was wordplay on "National Socialist" in German.
The Weimar Constitution, Prior to the Kaiser standing down, BECAUSE they lost the war, was what caused their country to go to Poverty, and had a worse solution.
They DID have well-trained soldiers, especially the Luftwaffe, but it was because they were not told a lot of truth, a lot of them thought that they were the most glorious country, that you shouldn't show "Mercy", and on both you and the soldier are being Cowards-keeping mind that quite a few were also YOUNG at the time of learning (of course older in the actual time of war, probably a teenager or whatnot)
Now let me quote you:
"I could go on."
* Constant use of repetition in sentences*
It seems like you are trying to mock me.
I know you want to tell everyone how great Hitler was, but he only achieved the glory he could of been praised for, for solving the problems the Weimar Constitution caused, because of the Kaiser loosing the war.
And that his soldiers were well trained, though they were done so through methods of brainwash tactics-They were not trained with a Moral point of view.
And these "Elite":
The only true documentation regarding "Elites" to Hitler is regarding American Business, specifically the Ford as inspiration for some Military Application. Unless you can LINK me to a reliable source that is proven explaining that Hitler did not want war, and was forced into, then do so.
Because Hitler wanted to go to war with all these countries, because he lost them.
He kept loosing battles, moving on to different countries. He even then went on to invade his own ally at that time, the USSR, which then he betrayed in the last effort to have some land grab, more men, etc.
You are unreliable for you yourself have just called them the "Elite" with no true backup, and you yourself do not know a proper name for them.
You are immature.
And it seems to me you also lie.
So link me a reliable source, that disproves my belief on how Hitler wanted revenge on going to war, and how he turned to different countries when he lost some battles. (In the grand scheme, he did want Global Control.)
Exactly. The Kaiser Wilhelm's rule was great. It was only due to alliance systems they went to war-not hatred of eachother, one small situation of assassination. Heck, George V, Tsar Nicholas II, and Kaiser Wilhelm II, were all cousins. There would be an extreme chance that the first world war never happened, if the alliance system was never so strongly kept to lead one assassination to a full on war of cousins.
The tune in the beginning is absolutely epic, nothing less, nothing more
Respect from Poland! I would like to be German under Bismarck's rule
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !....
die melodie am Anfang errinert mich an das Florian Geyer Lied! kommt richtig gut!
God, I just came here to listen to nice German military march music. I have no idea what everyone is arguing about.... ._.
Everybody wants Reichschancellor Otto von Bismark to clean up our germany
Richard Batsbak I am not surprised. He was a legend in the central and late 19th Century.
Alexander Anderson indeed
It's the youtube comment section... did you expect better than everyone acting like whiny children (like the Democrats.... *grabs popcorn*)
***** Your Norway, stay out of it since you are not in it :)
Great music!!!
@SWASDN especially the high ranking officers helmets and the Kaisers helmet that had the falcon instead of the spike. I love that one!
Great song.
Actually the drum cadence in the beginning is from a French March (Napoleonic)..then it becomes very German with the Trio in the middle....
Gott mit uns
Einfach genial dieser Marsch, und nun wurde er einfach in den abseits geworfen
Otto Von Bismarck
Jake Kenyon Ja, was ist?:D
Otto von Bismarck Herr Reichskanzler, sie auf UA-cam?
Natürlich, ich muss doch wissen, was den pöbel unterhält^^
Otto von Bismarck Hahahaha XD XD
+Otto von Bismarck Herr, Reichskanzler, wie schätzen Sie die Möglichkeit ein Deutschland ein zweites Mal zu retten wie Eure Durchlaucht dies schon im 19. Jahrhundert geschafft haben ? Immerhin ist das heutige verlotterte System auf allen Ebenen von Schwulen unterwandert und wird von einer linksradikalen Troika bestehend aus Westkommunisten (die sich mit der Farbe grün als harmlose Umweltschutzpartei tarnen), Ostkommunisten (die Nachfahren der verbrecherischen Mauermörderpartei) und Neokommunisten (die von Ihnen bekämpfte SPD, die sich in 30 Jahren unter dem Einfluss der kommunistischen Grünen von einer bürgerlichen sozialdemokratischen Partei selbst in eine neue kommunistische Partei verwandelt hat) zugrunde gerichtet. Sehen Sie, Herr Reichskanzler, eventuell die Möglichkeit Deutschland mit harter Hand und mittels Zucht und Ordnung wieder ins Lot zu bringen und das Gleichgewicht wieder herzustellen oder bevorzugen Eure Durchlaucht sich mangels Erfolgsaussichten dieses Projektes in Ihrem Grabe in Friedrichsruh umzudrehen und weiterzuschlafen ?
I'm just here, learning german. Nice music.
i cant wait to bring glory to the kaiser in battlefield 1!!! WHO IS WITH ME? BECAUSE I KNOW ONE THING! GOTT MIT UNS!!!!!
Jay Mills what? u can play as all three in the game...
***** oh yea the campaign. i agree. i wish you could play as the central powers. but no of course not. the central powers gotta be the "bad guys"... THEY DIDNT EVEN START THE WAR. IT WAS THE SERBIAN'S FAULT.
+Matt Latessa History is written by the winners
Kommt Zeit, Kommt Rat.
Diese Musik schenkt Hoffnung! AfD = Alles für Deutschland!
WakeUP 44 Alles für Deutschland
The start gives an Imperial March vibe
Somehow the intro really feels like it would fit perfectly in a starwars movie
Ottoman Empire isn't a thing anymore
too all you German lads great imperial music I married afrauline bring back days boot your leader is why were knackerd so keep up the music the food and side bier
good old times
u a commie?
The only good commie is a dead commie
Kim Jong-un comes from Kim Jong Un
Kann man denn nicht Kommunist sein und trotzdem das alte deutsche Reich (vor der NSDAP) präferieren?
You have literally an antifa pfp and did you know that far left ideologies destroyed germany?
The intro sounds like the music that plays in Verdun when you go over the top.
Für Deutschland und für den Kaiser
Очень жаль , что Германия и Россия - имели постоянные противоречия . Великий Бисмарк сказал : когда у Германии хорошие отношения с Россией , тогда и в Германии - все хорошо .( кажется так он сказал ). Извините ! не могу писать по немецки .
Bismarck our best chancellor
Wir kommen zurück! !!
kokos nuss :) Oh doch
+Der Führer Du bist schon mindestens der 130ste Hitler den ich auf UA-cam gesehen hab. Dieser Profilwitz wird langsam alt.
2:25 I can just see Prince Blucher's Corps marching past Grouchy and finishing off Napoleon
Beautiful tune, is it still ever played in Germany? :-)
Fürs deutsche Vaterland ❤❤❤🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪⚫⚪🔴
You're a man, French, early 30's, a large house, middle class. You're near a small village near the border of Belgium... Its your birthday, your family is here, and its 1914. Hours past after your party, some of your family leaves while some stay. Its a dark, calm night, your uncle is reading a book while others are playing board games. Then the siren rings... Police scream to everyone: "EvacccaaaaaaA no!-" Then a bomb hits him in the face and blows him to bits and pieces, blood smacks the window, your family looks in shock... you look outside to see large blimps firing machine guns and bombs... biplanes flying across the sky. You quickly pack valuables and your family and head out, the roads are filled with craters, houses on fire, people running and scream, people burn in the streets... its like hell... you run and try to get out of the town... You see a person grabbing people onto his horse back ride and surprisingly all your family fits... he heads out, and in the town, you see your house blow to bits... smoke flies high. You evacuate to the country side and the rest of your family leave and go back to their towns. You have nightmares of people burning and what would become The Great War.. lasting only 4 more years till the German surrender. The End
Greetings from the UK!
Actually, that opening drum Cadence can be found in the French March "La Victoire
c'est La Nous"....which was in "Waterloo"
Ah Waterloo, the Prussian victory which the English are so often given full credit for
we held the french in place for the Prussians
I searched it up and got some kid playing clash royale.
The first March in the link above has the drum cadence found in the beginning of SiegesMarsch
I would be okay with the German Empire but not Nazi Germany
Cpt Finson same here
Honestly, I could see them almost being like England or the Dutch. Having a ceremonial family who would dress up for parades and State ceremonies, but not actively run the government. A few European nations are like that.
@@DEP717 they where pretty much already like that bit the Kaiser had a lot more power then the British royal family and the other nations like that the reichstag was more of a council to advise the Kaiser and rule in his stead if need Be the also had control of the interior of the empire
That was only12.5 Years of psychopathic hate....
@@cisk1133 No Je was an Austrian Maniac!!
Best marching song ever.
I love this music.
Mit Musik kann man natürlich beeindrucken oder auch Menschen beeinflussen
Ich mag besonders auch Orgelmusik. Aber ich kann mir vorstellen das dieser
Imposante Klang (Sound) einen manipulativen Zweck diente. Er sollte Respekt und Ehrfurcht bei den Menschen wecken. Nicht anders als der Boss der Schimpansen, der mit einem Knüppel auf den Boden schlägt.
Marschmusik soll vielleicht die Moral der Truppe stärken, gleichschalten oder das Volk auf den Kaiser einschwören.
Ich hoffe das ich trotzdem beide Musikrichtungen mögen darf.
Ich liebe auch die Musik von Chopin und hoffe das Diese niemals missbraucht wird.
Immer noch mein Kaiser
2:20 ♥♥♥ Lang lebe das Kaiserreich
Deutschland, heute bekannt als Bundesrepublik(schwaches Land das für andere Zahlt, siehe Eu) früher 1871 Kaiserreich mit einer riesigen Armee und einer blühenden Wirtschaft, wo wäre man lieber?
mmail Ssein trotzdem den Krieg verloren.
F. L. Ja gegen England weil diese die stärkste Seemacht waren und Frankreich mit Verteidigungsfesrungen. Dann kommt der zwei Frontenkrieg wegen Russland. Außerdem hatten sie keine guten Verbündeten.
Heute: Gute, medizinische Versorgung, mindestens 3 Mahlzeiten, mindestens ein Auto, Urlaub Feiertage und freie Meinungsäußerung
Früher: Wenn man nicht der Aristokratie angehörte gerade mal 2 Lasche Mahlzeiten, man übernahm den Beruf den der Vater aussuchte. Wer nicht den Wehrdienst antrat war nichts wert, wer offen sagte was der Obrigkeit störte würde wegsperrt. SPD Mitglieder wurden strafrechtlich verfolgt. Ein Fließbandarbeiter musste 6 x 12 Stunden Arbeiten für einen Hungerlohn und riskierte trotzdem Tag täglich sein Leben.
Wo würde man lieber leben wollen?
Grand Admiral Thrawn das mit der SPD war aber nur bis 1889. unter wilhelm den 2. wurden sie legalisiert und die Polen, Dänen und französischen Elsässer bekamen eine minderheitspartei
ich unterstütze seine Aussage! Nicht nur deser Marsch sondern auch die anderen, sehr schön und vielen dank. frage mich bloß wieso er auf diesen namen gekommen ist (werth1939)???
Germany should have this annual ceremonial event celebrating their Prussian history just like the UK's Trooping The Color
Girom Christian Calica people would consider you as a nazi, so basically loving for your country is now considered nazism
@Skilfer11 Piefke wrote it after the Prussians won a war against the Danish . Great piece of music.
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !!!
Love Germany From Turkey !
Weiß vielleicht jemand von den Musikern unter uns, ob man dazu den Orchesersatz bekommen kann und wenn ja, wo? Ich kann nämlich nichts finden.
Ein sehr sehr schöner Marsch!!
Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg 1864, damals hieß der Marsch noch anders. Als König Wilhelm von Preußen dann Kaiser wurde, hat man den Titel des Marsches im nachhinein geändert.
We all have waited for this moment
It definitely sounds like Polish Marches at the beginning. Listen to "Szara piechota" or "O mój rozmarynie".
I would say a "country" which others should be feared of, cause it's hard to talk about united German nation before 1871 (and even long time after the date). Germany was divided, "every dutchy for itself", but I would agree with you: German countries under Prussian domination might have been a strong enemy for or guarantor of someone's independence.
15 French...
Im french.. and all I have to say is Heil das Kaiser! (France shouldn't have attacked Germany in WWI, and the republic is evil for that - though it always was..)
***** Yes, i think also, that the WWII is the result of the denounciation of the entente about the ottomans, austrian- hungarys and germans
Brandon Martell What are you talking about ? 'Tis Germany that declared war on us in WWI, in accordance to the Schlieffen Plan. Plus, I mean, seriously, even if it was the other way around, we were allied to both Russia and Serbia, and the hostilities began because of Austria-Hungary seizing Franz-Ferdinand's assassination as a pretext to fulfill its imperialistic agenda in Serbia. Although the countries of the Triple Entente do have a fair share of responsibility in that whole sordid affair, technically, Germany & Austria-Hungary are the agressors so in which way are we "evil" for defending ourselves as well as our allies ?
Pavell54 Well the reason the Republic was, and is evil is simple, the french revolution. France should still have been a Monarchy, and every action done without a monarchy in france, is illegitimate. So, just on that I support the German/Austrian/Ottoman side, the other reason I do is because i'm also Austrian, as well as french, and spanish. The last reason is that what we did to germany and Austria after WWI was over, we COMPLETLY destroyed those three countries, took away massive amounts of their land, all their spheres of influence, all there money, and Germany in 2008 JUST finished paying WWI debts! How ridiculous is that?! And Austria-Hungary was completely abolished as an entity, and we got abomination states that shouldn't have existed... Vive le Royaume de France, Lang lebe Deutschland, und lang lebe Osterreich.
Pavell54 Germany didn´t declare war on the UK, It declared war on the Netherlands, Belgium and France. The UK then declared war on Germany a week later because it had a defensive pact with Belgium.
Furthermore, the Kaiser and the Zar were cousins and best of friends and wanted to avoid war with each other at all costs and were driven into it by France and Austro-Hungary.
Bella marcha prusiana. Digna de un tiempo en el que la ciencia y la filosofia alemana era puntera en Europa lastima que su politica fuera todo lo contrario : belicista y retrograda. Saludos.
Danke mein herr.
Churchill hat aber schon VOR ´33 gesagt das Deutschland (wirtschaftlich)zu stark wird, und es nötig sei, es (wiedereinmal) zu vernichten, wenn die englische wirtschaft wettbewerbsfähig bleiben möchte...
I want this played at my funeral.
that can be arranged
Lang lebe Deutschland
I have found something in the Kaiser's fist. Anyway I hope he never becomes a victim. I bet he always works all the time.
Selbstverständlich für Wilhelm I. Schließlich ist der Marsch ja dem Deutsch-Dänischen Krieg von 1864 gewidmet.
Gruß aus Österreich
Nein, der Marsch ist mir gewidmet!
Kaiser Wilhelm the First 1870-1871.....
The WW1 mod for Hearts of Iron 2. Those were the days.
Good luck with that. I don't really care - I'm just here for the music.
@Preussen1914 naja es giebt hier auf youtube ein video in dem das genau erklärt wird. ich glaub es heißt: zweite welkrieglüge-was guido knopp uns verschweigt. so oder so ähnlich, vorausgesetzt es wurde nicht weider gelöscht.
Heil Kaiser Garen.
Wurde dieser Marsch für Wilhelm I oder Wilhelm II geschrieben?
As a french i will be glad to hear this music one day in the streets of Paris...
We truly need a powerfull monarchy to overthrown our republic.
Keep dreaming traitor
Nur für den Fall, dass du es nicht mitgekriegt hast, den haben sie inzwischen auch schon wieder abgesäbelt.
*When you create Prussia in EU4.*
Played this on my bycicle and it turned into an A7V...and got stuck in the mud.
Gott mit uns und für das Kaiser!
very nice
it is XD
warum gibts den song nicht bei itunes -_-
does anyone else hear the mr clean theme around the 1:30 mark?
werth 1939 Ich muss ihnen vielen danken geben fur diesen wunderschonen marsch.
Sehr schöner Marsch in moll
b moll kann das sein meist ist das Trio ja eh des dur (F Schlüssel)
und in c gestimmt*
11 people are Frenchies whose grandparents ran in the face of the Prussian Cavalry. Preußens Gloria.
Sounds similar to Florian Geyer Lied.