CBT for ADHD | ADHD | Episode 73

  • Опубліковано 21 гру 2021
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can reduce symptoms and improve functioning and sense of wellness for those with ADHD. But it does take longer and require more work than medications.
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  • @IriaAmbition
    @IriaAmbition 2 роки тому +23

    Anyone else watching this with adhd had to put the video at x2 speed because of how relaxed he talks?

    • @Saexy
      @Saexy Рік тому +2

      Oh my God. I do this all the time to videos. I thought I was just crazy.

    • @user-rk2sy8df4s
      @user-rk2sy8df4s 10 місяців тому +1

      i use a plugin and noise canceling headphones so I'm at 3.5x

    • @tiffany.Elizabeth.
      @tiffany.Elizabeth. 5 місяців тому

      Was just looking for this exact comment ahahahahahaha

  • @jonathanberry1111
    @jonathanberry1111 7 місяців тому +7

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:01 🧠 *Introduction to CBT for ADHD*
    - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can improve symptoms and functioning in ADHD.
    - CBT takes longer and requires effort compared to medications.
    - Dr. John Cruz discusses the background of CBT and its origins in the work of Aaron Beck.
    03:18 🧠 *Fundamental Triad of CBT*
    - The fundamental triad in CBT consists of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
    - These three elements influence and interact with each other.
    - CBT focuses on changing thought patterns to impact feelings and behaviors.
    06:55 🧠 *Common Thought Distortions in CBT*
    - CBT identifies common thought distortions, such as overgeneralization, mind reading, and black-and-white thinking.
    - Recognizing and addressing these distortions can lead to healthier thought patterns.
    - Thought distortions play a crucial role in shaping emotions and behaviors.
    09:13 🧠 *Effectiveness of CBT and Brain Changes*
    - CBT has been shown to bring about changes in brain activity and chemistry.
    - These changes are similar to those seen with medications for conditions like depression and anxiety.
    - CBT may have more long-lasting effects on the brain compared to medications.
    10:50 🧠 *Core Practices in CBT for ADHD*
    - CBT for ADHD involves keeping records, journaling, and closely observing one's thoughts and behaviors.
    - Prioritization of tasks into A, B, and C categories is essential.
    - Learning to initiate tasks even when conditions are not perfect is a key component.
    16:16 🧠 *CBT Approaches for ADHD*
    - CBT for ADHD includes skills training, distraction management, and strategies to deal with overwhelm.
    - It addresses procrastination and the need for perfectionism before starting tasks.
    - Group settings and structured manualized approaches are often used for effective treatment.
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @keithgrainger8797
    @keithgrainger8797 2 роки тому +4

    Wow that piece about everything has to be right before someone with adhd starts something. Really resonates with me.

  • @alepho4089
    @alepho4089 2 роки тому

    This channel is incredible. Thank you for work.

  • @keithgrainger8797
    @keithgrainger8797 2 роки тому +2

    I'm 44 tried CBT in my 20s for depression and anxiety. I had trouble being able to know what I was feeling when I had to write it down. Two years ago I was diagnosed with aspergers. I'm in the process of being assessed for adhd .
    I know I have black and white thinking more so when I'm stressed.

  • @reemsameeralbayyat
    @reemsameeralbayyat Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much 🙏🏼 this is very useful ✨

  • @hanskraut2018
    @hanskraut2018 Рік тому +1

    machine learning and AI have potential to help improve treatment and understanding of complex conditions like ADHD. Data analysis and predictive models could potentially help tailor treatments to individuals, taking into account a range of factors including lifestyle, genetics, and individual response to medication. the technology is old just seems to not be applyed maybe because no free market? not sure

    • @DrJohnKruse
      @DrJohnKruse  Рік тому

      I think that we still don't know all of the important variables to assess for when designing individualized treatment. I also think that the big tech companies that have a much bigger trove of (proprietary) information about what might be relevant than any of the mental health researchers possess.

  • @gerk7238
    @gerk7238 Рік тому +2

    So how do you follow these strategies and change patterns when following guidelines and staying on task is the issue at hand

  • @chrisbradley9682
    @chrisbradley9682 2 роки тому +1

    Hello Doctor, I'm a 52 year that discovered I had ADHD after our youngest son was diagnosed. Recently our eldest son was also diagnosed while at university. Many great points in the presentation. I connect your thoughts about gaining little value in using CBT books. Just received your book Recognizing Adult ADHD! Best, Chris

  • @DanTheManIOM
    @DanTheManIOM Рік тому

    I had a book on how to live with adult ADD. ADHD. When I was cleaning my house, I found it, yea, book marker at page 6 over a year ago...Dr is spot on about self help book, it's not going to work....

    • @DrJohnKruse
      @DrJohnKruse  Рік тому +3

      I have patients who have whole bookshelves full of (unopened) self help books on ADHD.

  • @Gribbly_
    @Gribbly_ 2 роки тому

    "Just don't be depressed!" - yep, pretty much sums up my experience of CBT. It's a sticking plaster on a melanoma. But it's quick and cheap, so the NHS loves it :/

    • @DrJohnKruse
      @DrJohnKruse  2 роки тому +2

      I'm sorry to hear that your experiences with CBT have not been good. It might not be a good match for you. CBT, as any other therapeutic approach in medicine, can be done poorly. But the evidence is quite robust that when done within rigorous standards, it is as likely as medications to be successful for panic or depression, and with fewer side effects. It also results in measurable changes in brain chemistry, and in depression, leads to lower rates of future recurrence.

  • @hanskraut2018
    @hanskraut2018 Рік тому +1

    Just not sure if it is just a glorified "just do it" and the people "doing better" that did CBT because they had less severe adhd or no adhd or spontaniously recovered like in cancer.
    like if you make a "just do it" program for disabled and them beign less severe is part that makes it more likely for them to succed it then you would also have a positive outcome correlation.
    So i suggest using AI / Machine lerning (really simple people just make it compelx to keep the job or because they are terrible at explaining/or just memorized it without the underlying principles.
    Also i would not rule out CBT and therapy but be aware that there seems to be a massive natural fallacy bias against meds and fro therapy (especially since no computers and modern methods seem to be used to finetune medications and most public effort seems to be to stop people taking medicaitons (legally or illegaly by drugwar). Most adhd people i beleive are anti medication pro therapy and believe every stereotype about adhd themselfes.
    Selfhelp books also seem to be "just do it" or "you already have motivation? great let me tell you how to do a todo list and prioritice urgend and important tasks" basically there probably are things that help the brain but there is too much peoples life depending on that stuff and people not being supported enought to be able to be free and unbiased to trust them
    im always happy to do dubble blind on selfhelp book methods and then see what is most helpful while trying to avoid the same problem of the hardest thing that requires the most motivation being correlated with the peole with the most motivation and therefore the least discomfort and aversions to doing that hardest method.
    The overall economy will thank us (also the people in dispair) but clinitians and psychiatrists might have it hard, stress low pay, only taking risks when doing something and eing punished, no reward or independant review of outcomes against predicted or mean average outcomes and so on. Bascially like in planed economy it seems to be exected that "good will" will be used. Well i live in one of the top 5 GDP per capita countrys in a 3. largest city and let me tell you there is not even medicaiton tiltration or anyhitng. the most is people tiltrating by weight or by quick "how was it?" method even that is rare. Well better give some freedom than doing it wrong but still no comouters no mache lening, no AI, some people seem to be in the top positiions and enjoying themselfs making money and nothing seems to happen for centurys adhd meds are the same since 80 years (super bascic just block 1 thing and asiimilate the dopamine thing and therefore cause dopamine to come out of vesicles since similar in shape chemically all the other meds are just he same thing in different release methods (strattera just seems to be a distilation of 1 of them a bit more selective) guanfacine a medicine for bloodpressure that had a 0.4 effect size
    basically folks you are sacrificed to save money and because you cost a lot of money and wont fullfull your potential and feel bad. It does not relly work but its too indirect to know and complex stuff are hard to do (prisonersdilema, intersst gorups) everyone forms gangs and gets there part and then there are just some chairs the weekest people in the chain will be and that is you folks!
    obviously it gotta be you and the best thing is you are never inthe news they talk about a whale that swam in the wrong river and send a 20 man resscue team to rederect it or decorate the city for millions and use high tech for anythign under the sun but not you. Since you are in discord you are less likely to vote and pfc social organ you are unsympoatic and statistically have no friends if severe so you have no goups you are the perfect group to forget. Also black people, poor people, working people, old people, cancer, heath condition, covid even if the people may have had a long happy life it will be fronline news 24/7. You somethimes get news covereage where some person say "attention, hyperactivity" and then some other person will say well hunter farmer creativity, and think (well who knows not my problem, trans stuff is crazy the strawmans i saw) Oh jeah that is relly a thing huh.... then they never talk about it again and when 1 person dies from guns or penuts it will be a nationwide coverage repeatedly also if food prices increase by 1% or if some planet gets photographed then all over it.
    Also speculating about celebs and other coutrys that are just poorer and have the same problems as our countrys when our gdp was the same hight will be focused on and you wont be heared of again. Oh they often make news of speudothreatments so you gona love those. They end up never relly working but its easyer than actually looking into the complex stuff.
    So basically does not seem good but who knows, maybe it just appears that way. (i spend 3k hours watching every presentation of scholars and the most cited adhd people i could find text as well but mostly videos speed up to 3-6x, thereotypes seem to be as old as 100 years and even medival times had stereotypes about mental health, its relly interessting to hear about autism being caused by cold mothers and so on, adhd has the following:
    -everything that corrolates is said to be causal
    -creativity / superpowers
    -suger / diet
    -social media causes it
    -some are hunters some are farmes
    -everyone is adhd
    -people say all kinds of things lets just ignore im tired (unspoken, cant blame science communication is terrible non summarized, non said in fun entertaining ways, non visual and nice considering that people are bored against there will somethimes exept if you stimulate some dopamine (more complex just using as a placeholder).
    -adhd is increasing (just richer so we dont ignore it less because less easy to be corrupt and we look for it) dont beleive me? go to a dictator country that is poor and shitty economy and look if they have: eyeproblems, gays, trans, mental health, bipolar, adhd, shizoiphrenia, autsm, ptsd, cancer, whatever costs money and intelligence to treat whre the people need help and are in a week position they will have none or way less. Why? dont look for it why look for something you dont recognice or dont have the ressources to treat? People dont say "it exists but we cant afford" they always say "it does not exit" or "its not as serious" and the richer they get the more serious and reality it gets.
    Also some peple overreacting will be taken to represent all other people and mild people will be taken to speak against or trivialize/euphemise against the condition and then be rewarded (oncle tom style).
    complex basically dont help if your sad, be motivated and iteressted otherwise you cant do anything and develop AI/AGI and get richer since human development index increases pretty much 1:1 with GPD
    Ps: Old people with water in legs where said to have "heavy legs" not treated back when poor and back in the days. Again its the same thing: Problem does not exist or trivialized until richer then things get handled, so dont stand in the way of economic progress like AGI chatGPT chat.openai.com/ (also helps with work liek writing emails and forms, can talk to it in any language and dont need to be precise it will figure it out the newest model is better.) ive been saying this stuff for years no effect at all 0.00000001% maybe

    • @DrJohnKruse
      @DrJohnKruse  Рік тому +1

      Wow. You have a lot on your mind. I think that one of the points that you make that I echo in the video is that while CBT can measurably help with ADHD, it almost always has to be done with a trained therapist. Most of the self-help CBT for ADHD manuals that people buy get opened once or twice and then sit in a pile unused. Even very bright and very motivated people with ADHD just struggle with that approach.

  • @cuddlypenguin123
    @cuddlypenguin123 6 місяців тому +1

    Oh dear - I have no doubt that this person has good intentions, but surely they’ve never worked with anyone with adhd since they are speaking at a sloth’s pace 😴💤

    • @DrJohnKruse
      @DrJohnKruse  6 місяців тому

      Feel free to adjust the speed when you listen to the video. I've worked with hundreds of adults with ADHD over the last thirty years, and most of them have felt they benefitted from the treatment.