Stigma Against Big Systems?? | Breaking Down The Stigma



  • @thecabbagepatchsystem7946
    @thecabbagepatchsystem7946 5 років тому +23

    The biggest system we have spoken to has between 700-800 alters. They're real, and they are valid. All of their alters have a purpose, so let's support them.

  • @AcrylicAndAether
    @AcrylicAndAether  5 років тому +75

    Lmao I bet the person who dislikes this thinks that people can only have up to 21 alters

  • @themischief420
    @themischief420 5 років тому +54

    our system is small but the ignorance against big systems is always infuriating

  • @AcrylicAndAether
    @AcrylicAndAether  5 років тому +75

    Would you all be okay with it if we used some bits of your comments as quotes for the "what big systems want you to know" video? :) there are some really beautiful things in these comments!

  • @TheEntropySystem
    @TheEntropySystem 5 років тому +83

    Would you want to do a collab with us about this topic? -Kim Kim

  • @ChristAndChristCrucified
    @ChristAndChristCrucified 5 років тому +43

    We have over 300 in our system. And most of them do not front so it’s not even something anyone should be concerned with. I really liked How you said all the alters are there for a reason... seems a lot of people forget that and the reasons the alters are there in the first place. It’s not like you just take some magic pill a poof the 300 goes down to 20. Lol 😂

  • @alltogethermpd278
    @alltogethermpd278 5 років тому +22

    When more alters emerge or split off, that just means more of a family, and more ways to cope. There is so much stigma in just the DID community in general about how more alters just equals more bad things. Not always! Always think of the positive!

  • @quillfell496
    @quillfell496 3 роки тому +6

    I’m a singleton but I’m living with two systems and dating the host (and about 3 others) of one system. My favorite thing is meeting new alters. I go on a quest to find the things and clothes that they love in the outer world that makes them feel comfortable or safe. The other system is at about 16 and they think they’re much too big of a a system and every time another alter fronts they have a very very hard time accepting it. They constantly say “I miss when we were three” and i remind them that every alter was needed to keep the body safe and keep you safe. Those alters got them out of a horrible situation and to a safer place. It kinda breaks my heart to hear them talk so negatively about their alters..

  • @chaosbitses7047
    @chaosbitses7047 5 років тому +10

    We also have (met) 110 alters! We know there are more out there but they haven't come forward yet.
    Something we'd like singlets/smaller systems to know about us is that.... we almost never know who's fronting. We can't make a specific person front just because you met them once upon a dream and prefer talking to them rather than whatever blendy mess we may be normally. We tried that once and it made us split even more. The most we can do is say, "the five-ish people up front-ish are mostly male-ish and have no idea who you are, do not have access to the memory records, and are not into small talk." If someone is out all by themselves, with no contribution from others, for us that's actually a bad sign, it means something is wrong and we need a specific person to handle it. Our normal blendy state is like our "not sucking in the tummy" state, it's relaxed and better for us than trying to maintain solitary front.
    And yes, you can quote us on that if you like

  • @floeri9175
    @floeri9175 5 років тому +34

    My SO has DID, too. They always had two other alters but over the year we dated they found more and more alters because -partly because of me- they get the courage and the will to find everyone in their inner world and now they have 12 Alters. They know there are a lot more and I am so glad that they are looking for “lost” alters now, because it helps them SO much!

  • @TheDemon3666
    @TheDemon3666 5 років тому +5

    We are a system of 60+ and know we havent met or found everyone yet. Our newest alter we know of is Charlotte, she's 65 and takes care of the littles. I wish people would stop with Big System stigma. "Oh if you have more than 20 then that means you probably are a ticking time bomb cause theres likely someone dangerous inside" -facepalm- Split has done so much damage that cannot be undone and now Glass is coming smh. We are NOT dangerous! We are normal people... Well not all 'people' but we're all just trying to get through one day at a time and not lose our minds. Thank you for making this video and giving proper information and debunking the 'big system myths'. Stay amazing guys 👋
    -Alex and Co.

  • @grimosiah2937
    @grimosiah2937 5 років тому +7

    I've seen this with systems that only have a few alters as well. Discrimination against people with only 1 or 2 alters. We've experienced this because there's only 3 of us including the host. "If you were really traumatized, you'd have more." Like, you need to be directly in the "middle ground" to be a real system? I don't think so.

  • @georgerobins4110
    @georgerobins4110 4 роки тому +5

    As a system of 15 with I’m pretty sure a bunch of alters I don’t know about, I support this video with all of my might. I know quite a few systems with hundreds of alters and they’re all so valid and I hate that there are people out there who don’t think they’re real or whatever, especially since one of those systems has a lot of fictives. Awesome job with this video! -Kelly

  • @kpopnoonanikki9211
    @kpopnoonanikki9211 5 років тому +17

    I love when your cats randomly cameo in your videos 🤣

  • @dissolvedecho
    @dissolvedecho 4 роки тому +1

    Our system has been 1000+. After integrations, and fusing, we've lost count. Ty for posting this video

  • @theo.s.1114
    @theo.s.1114 5 років тому +9

    Thank you for this!! We're still at the beginning of our journey to understand our DID (coming up on 2 years), but have been trying our best to accept all who we are. We have found that the stigma against larger systems have really affected our ability to get to know each other, and grow/heal as a system. As our rough estimate of how many there are grew, the more certain members felt like we had to be faking/doing this for attention, or were somehow less valid than other system, because of the internalized stigma. We had to make a rule where we can't try and track numbers until we are more stable, because the fact that our tentative number had surpassed 50, lead some into such a self-doubt (and denial) spiral, that it put us back months in progress.
    Stigma really harms people. It can be hard and/or time consuming to get to know everyone in your own system because of all the internal barriers etc., and having people put negativity on size of a system can increase the barriers/fear of unknown, etc., and make the task of acceptance that much more challenging for the individuals in a system. So we appreciate you making this video, shedding a light on this topic, and giving strength to other bigger systems.

  • @houndoomrulz
    @houndoomrulz 5 років тому +17

    Liberty is a delight as always! I always love how expressive you are, it makes it really easy to follow your tone and intent if that makes sense (as an autistic person, I struggle with that with most people)
    As for what I as a polyfragmented system would like people to know, you actually covered most of it - there is no upper limit, and structural dissociation happens quite a lot. Also perhaps that it is entirely possible to lose track, and to seem to suddenly shoot up in alter count (I went from 118 to 140-ish due to two "fracture events" happening literally the day after each other)

  • @AsrielAsitgets
    @AsrielAsitgets 5 років тому +29

    I would love for others to understand that it is very possible for poly-fragmented systems to carry different mental disorders such as an Alter dealing with anxiety while another deals with psychosis for an example, idk why but most believe it is impossible for systems to be so versatile lol

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 5 років тому

      Nope...Im here to tell you mine are documented.

    • @AsrielAsitgets
      @AsrielAsitgets 5 років тому

      Pearblossom 13 what exactly are you talking about 🤔 like....what are you here to tell me?

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 5 років тому

      @@AsrielAsitgets Hi Asriel, I apologize for the question that was put to you that way. I was confused when I saw that you had read this and didn't even know what I was saying....I'm saying this was 'asked' by a younger alter...I read it and I didn't even know it had been written...
      So, yes, I too have different parts/alters/people with different disorders. Whether psychiatric or physical. And hey, I just found out I have a 'system' that has a system....whattttt. Best to you❤

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 5 років тому

      Yes, documented by Pyschiatrist over 20 years...yes, someone has pyschotic problems, then another 1,2 or 3 have Major anxiety disorder and another has an eating disorder and another has Major anxiety...on and on

  • @theproxysystem212
    @theproxysystem212 5 років тому +13

    Thank you so much for this. From a system of over 30. -Areic

  • @DarkBeautyDemon
    @DarkBeautyDemon 5 років тому +2

    I didn't get try to get diagnosed for about 5years because I am a larger system and I was told the magic number was 21 so there's no way I could have DID or OSDD because I was a system of 50 at the time. I am now a system of 83, diagnosed, and trying to make up lost time of learning more about the mental illness, how it works, and how it affects us directing, as well as forming connections with other systems.

  • @DarklingCreature
    @DarklingCreature 4 роки тому +2

    I needed this video. ive know I was a system for 2 years now but ive only been diagnosed for a few months and a already have 60 known alters (my protector says theres still near 100 I don't know) and its rapidly imcreasing. and ive noticed the more alters I have, the more people accuse me of faking.

  • @eyresystemedits4148
    @eyresystemedits4148 5 років тому +22

    First to like! And thank you for this video! Our System has 196 Alters. 😊 We appreciate you all talking about this!

    • @FragmentedPsyche
      @FragmentedPsyche 5 років тому +8

      No, you’re only allowed to have 21. You might want to fire most of your system so you can fit in to the rules. 🤣

    • @eyresystemedits4148
      @eyresystemedits4148 5 років тому +11

      @@FragmentedPsyche *Goes up to 175 Alters in my System* You're all fired. Please leave my body. 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @FragmentedPsyche
      @FragmentedPsyche 5 років тому +3

      TheAnguish System I was commenting to my friend......with a joke. Considering her reply to my joke I am assuming she got the joke. In essence to point out how ridiculous the “only 21 Alters” thing is. I’m sorry you were offended, it really wasn’t our intention to offend.
      We have DID and are very well educated on the matter and would never impose rules on anyone.
      Except maybe endos.....

    • @FragmentedPsyche
      @FragmentedPsyche 5 років тому +4

      Didactic D.I.D 🤣🤣🤣 “please exit in an orderly fashion. Don’t bum rush the door”

    • @eyresystemedits4148
      @eyresystemedits4148 5 років тому +2

      @@FragmentedPsyche The Head of our System, Clove, would not be pleased if I told her this. 😂

  • @Out_GalliVANtin
    @Out_GalliVANtin 5 років тому +4

    It doesn’t make sense that people with DID would have the gall to say judgmental things about big systems. The only feels I have about big systems is that it seems daunting. I know of 9 of us, but our GateKeeper keeps saying “more will be revealed.” I just have to say, “it is what it is.” 💖🐝

  • @theroyaltysystem2172
    @theroyaltysystem2172 5 років тому +6

    Thank you for this video! We get so much crap for being a big system

  • @pumpkinhills7611
    @pumpkinhills7611 5 років тому +7

    Hiya we only have 1 host and over 100 alters so it's not like it's impossible which I don't think they understand. I became the host purely because I was the one connected to the body/outside world the most and I know how to choose the healthiest options for all of us and only because I have two alters that don't front constantly helping me. There's alters that don't do anything but one specific task and those that no one outside could differentiate from a regular person. All of them are here for a reason and were made to function in the best or most efficient way possible to minimise the stress that the body and the brain will be exposed to. Sometimes integration or an alter going dorment is needed but if not done carefully you might even create more alters due to the stress related to integration itself which has happened to a system I know multiple times. We've had DID and were pretty conscious about it since any/some of us can remember and had worked a lot to have good communication and function as a team etc despite drastic differences between our behaviours, characteristics and opinions as well as feelings. Telling us to just integrate would mean all of this would have gone to waste even tho only now we're at a point where things are finally working out for us. The ooldest or earliest alters we can find never grew up they're stil little and I don't ever expect them to if anything I'm more than happy to listen to their wishes and carry on as the host especially since I started off as theirs and the old hosts' gatekeeper so I can filter things for them and help the ones that are still stuck in traumatic events instead of forcing them to be mashed together without even knowing if they'd cope because it's not just like connecting puzzles together it's like mashing people like potatoes and you never know what the result is gonna be and undoing it is almost if not completely impossible. Anywho! This is probably my longest comment on youtube

  • @warriorsoftruthtribe3047
    @warriorsoftruthtribe3047 5 років тому +3

    That’s funny, we have someone named 21 in our tribe. She’s one of our strongest, protector and healer of the body. -Levi

  • @RialVestro
    @RialVestro 5 років тому +3

    I think a good reason why people might have problems with big systems is because the human brain can only handle a limited amount of information. Like I know hundreds of people from my work because every show had a different cast and crew. But I certainly can't remember all of their names. Especially if it's someone I worked one show with and haven't talked to in years. The brain will just naturally filter out that information.
    So if someone hears this person is a system of over 30+ people they're like we can't possibly remember that many people on top of everything else we need to remember. But like you said not everyone fronts. Even the ones the do front might not even have any interest in getting to know you anyway. Like Warren doesn't talk to anyone, he doesn't like people, he would rather just be left alone which I find very odd and don't really understand but hey that's one less alter you need to worry about. Micheal, don't want to talk to him, light a match he'll go away, he's afraid of fire which is a little funny because he use to be a pyromaniac. But yeah now he's terrified of even little flames. There's another alter you don't have to get to know. The list goes on.
    I think the only ones who really front quite frequently are myself (James, the host), David who prefers to be called Ace you'll get along just fine as long as you use the correct name, Harrey comes out from any sort of shock and likes to pretend to be other alters so if I were to touch you and you feel a static shock chances are we felt that too and it's a good indicator that you're talking to Harrey. You could also look for subtle changes in the way he talks or moves as he's not as good at faking as he thinks he is. He'll only be himself after you figure out it's him fronting. Nathan is a flirt and the rest of us are shy as all hell so ladies if I ever say something sexual to you that's Nathan saying it. It might be me if either I have no interest in dating or I've gotten to know you as a friend before eventually working up the courage to ask you out... After like three years... Then it's me but if we just met and after like a week suddenly start talking to you that's Nathan.
    I think that pretty much covers all the main ones who would front and aren't totally anti-social.
    There are quite a few others but they either are very anti-social or don't typically front too often.

  • @therainbowsystem4474
    @therainbowsystem4474 3 роки тому +1

    LITERALLY we just get another alter (or someone splits) every time we have an argument w/ our parents (trauma trigger ahahah) and its led to us having 37 alters, and still growing!! not everyone has even shown themselves!! -eridan

  • @sbmadison897
    @sbmadison897 5 років тому +4

    Latest count was 89. So 21 is laughable! And also thank you because I just learned poly fragmented is even a term lol

  • @icantthinkofacreativename1802
    @icantthinkofacreativename1802 4 роки тому +2

    We have close to 60 alters but theres only about 10 or 15 that have fronted and about 5 or so that front regularly. Personally, I wouldnt want a small system, I enjoy being constantly surrounded with people when im not fronting. -Kade

  • @user-lm1np7hm5k
    @user-lm1np7hm5k Місяць тому

    Always fun to learn there's a new stigma out there to watch out for :/

  • @spicybrainjuice6241
    @spicybrainjuice6241 5 років тому +1

    This helps sm! I need to show my mum this because she thinks we're faking a load of alters, the last 2 years have been so stressful and we've had about 20 splits in just 2 years so it's definitely possible

  • @vampirepossum8544
    @vampirepossum8544 3 роки тому

    We would love a part 2!!

  • @brardshepp
    @brardshepp 5 років тому +1

    So very informative and interesting. Great video, I appreciate the effort your system puts into helping debunk the stigmas.

  • @kaleidoscopingwe
    @kaleidoscopingwe 5 років тому +1

    You have cool names and I like liberty! =)
    Had to say that ^^

  • @noemie_by83
    @noemie_by83 4 роки тому

    I don't think anyone should tell someone with DID how many alters they should/need to have. Each person is different and needs to do what's right for himself.

  • @emilycheney4476
    @emilycheney4476 5 років тому

    Hi, im new here and im really enjoying your videos! Keep it up! 💗

  • @chesterrobinson7141
    @chesterrobinson7141 8 місяців тому

    We are a relatively big system we have 112 documented alters their are alot more undiscovered/hidden alters. We have a low split tolerance and we have 3 known subsystems that have their own separate inner worlds. In how and when alters front most its about 1/3 alters can hold the front while others arnt able to front on their own.

  • @saragarofano9727
    @saragarofano9727 3 роки тому

    We have around 40 alters and if I feel the stigma imagine those with thousands of alters

  • @FragmentedPsyche
    @FragmentedPsyche 5 років тому +26

    21 Alters? So they have a structure for what type you’re allowed to have? Is it like 10 littles and 11 adults or.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @mudkipjuice
      @mudkipjuice 5 років тому +10

      Unfortunately these same people think you can only have 1 little fhdgdjfhdk

    • @FragmentedPsyche
      @FragmentedPsyche 5 років тому +15

      Nitewulf wtf?! DID is communist China? I am honestly curious where people get their info from!

  • @lithiumkid
    @lithiumkid 3 роки тому

    the idea of fusing one’s alters solely to end up with a lower alter count is so odd. what does it really change beside the numbers? how would it even help? 🤦🏽

  • @thistimeimperfect199
    @thistimeimperfect199 4 роки тому

    First of all I love your videos and when I first started watching them I caught myself thinking "how does he remember all these names and details". I realized right away that I was being ignorant but I think it does point out how amazing the human brain can be, we use less than 10% of our brains capacity I wonder if you are able to use more....I know I have no evidence for this at all I just thought it was a cool theory to throw out there. Love you!

  • @danielmankiller5098
    @danielmankiller5098 5 років тому +1

    My female alters are polyfragmented, but my male alters are finite. Most people will only ever meet 2 or 3 female alters, and 2 or 3 male alters.
    I have integrated when I was young, but it didn't last because female alters reappeared, then some male alters. I had wondered why it didn't last. After watching this video and some others on polyfragmented systems, I think my female alters being polyfragmented played a major part in why my integration didn't last.

  • @somedude172
    @somedude172 5 років тому +1

    I don't have DID, but it seems like a dumb idea to me that you could only have so many alters. Like Liberty said, is the brain just supposed to be like 'oh shit, thats enough alters, time to stop'? i mean, DID is a disorder, do you really think it follows rules? that just doesnt make sense to me. Plus, who has enough will power to fake having that many alters? if someone were to fake having DID, wouldnt it make more sense for them to just have 1 or 2 alters? i highly doubt someone faking could keep up with much more than that

  • @theecosmetaverse
    @theecosmetaverse 5 років тому +1

    You guys are what is known as polyfragmented DID.
    Which is equally valid as (just) DID or OSDD or any other dissociative disorder.
    PS. We are a system of 14 alters. Only 5 normally front.

  • @kathiclark2838
    @kathiclark2838 4 роки тому

    Do you know if structural dissociation works in people with more alters by causing splits with less stress than in people with a lower number of alters, or could it be that systems with more alters were exposed to more traumatic events as children?

  • @yeevelyndeng4563
    @yeevelyndeng4563 5 років тому

    Hi! I'm trying to learn more about DID in order to support someone with DID. If I'm understanding correctly, I think you say that large systems tend to become larger (starting 3:53 in this video). Can you explain this a little more? Does this mean that large systems tend to grow more in number of alters compared to smaller systems? If so, why is there a correlation between system size and growth and what causes the growth? Thank you!!

  • @benjamingaskins356
    @benjamingaskins356 2 роки тому

    Hello, I was diagnosed with DID in November 2020. But I remember all trauma and the alters I've met so far who have their own features and purpose. I was told by another alter that I have around 200 alters and they are just now waking up from when I was a kid due to being trafficked. Does this make sense? I also have some memory issues but probably due to PTSD. Thank you.

  • @kaleidoscopingwe
    @kaleidoscopingwe 5 років тому +1

    We stoppt counting because it got so confusing and it was like manny inner People had diffrent opinions on that matter. Mabe its hard to count when being in denial about being many at all...? Its not that long sice the diagnosis...anyway I have a verry confusing System I hope that will clear up soon. It seems like creating confusion is a purpose or huge copingmechanism for many of them...for me its exausting and disscouraging. =/ I realy try to help and communicate. But the more I try to make Sense and to understand Who is Who the more its like a storm breaks lose inside and everything I thought I discovered gets confusing and blurry again. IT seems they dont want mehr to know...I just want to help us to funktio in life. Can anyone relate Can you help me please?? Also When I watch Systems on youtube all of them seem to know Who they are and Who it Who and the names. At the verry least theyr ohne names ages and gender. Thats not the case for many of us... Most of the Todes I cant tell Who I am. And I dont know my Name. Is that weard? Can that change? I World be so thankfull for some advice here. Thank you verry much! =) and storrys for ranting...
    Me and some of the System

  • @warunicorns8201
    @warunicorns8201 3 роки тому +2

    I've only been aware of my system for 3 months now and I'm already over 80 alters... 0_o

  • @arc6298
    @arc6298 5 років тому

    21 is the magic number? Shoot there is 23 of us. *Time to integrate* **sarcasm intensifies**

  • @alexsandra9000
    @alexsandra9000 5 років тому +1

    How do you know how many alters you have? Are you aware when a split is happening?

  • @user-lm1np7hm5k
    @user-lm1np7hm5k Місяць тому

    I worry about running out of wetware to support a vast number of alters, is this something to be concerned about? Be nice to not push fusions if we don't have to just to free up resources

  • @lifetogether4782
    @lifetogether4782 4 роки тому

    I am trying to come to terms with the fact that I think I am polyfragmented. I know it isn’t everyone’s goal, but my goal is integration and eventually fusion into one. Is this possible when you are polyfragmented and your mind is used to continuously creating new alters?

  • @Hi-dl2vn
    @Hi-dl2vn 5 років тому +1

    If your a big system it dosnt mean its a different disorder we are dealing with bpd with dissociation and agruing with our phych we have diffrent and they are so diffrent from eachother hand writting and if we are big it dosnt mean there emotions sorry mini rant

  • @lithiumkid
    @lithiumkid 3 роки тому

    i suspect people act so shitty towards big systems just cuz its harder to wrap your head around so many separate entities but it’s like... there are so many things in this world that are hard to wrap your head around at first! doesn’t mean you have to express such skepticism & scorn towards em, & loudly invalidate them. i don’t understand how airplanes work, doesn’t mean i have to - or get to - proclaim that airplanes can’t possibly exist lmao

  • @Andy-wy7vk
    @Andy-wy7vk 5 років тому

    Can you do a video of "Glass" movie please

    • @AcrylicAndAether
      @AcrylicAndAether  5 років тому +3

      Andrés L. P Actually, yes! We went and saw it today so we could see how they portrayed DID and things in this next raging trash fire of a movie and so we could give it a proper review lol

  • @pearblossom1390
    @pearblossom1390 5 років тому +1

    My therapist is getting overwhelmed bc more and more people keep popping out...I certainly don't know when this will stop. Basically 2016 straight through 2019 has been another trauma after trauma. We just had a severe trauma Jan 5th. That night was traumatic but unfortunately with something like this its not over. Sooo, I'm watching to see if someone else ends up popping out...We have 2 fronting Hosts right now, though that has not always been the case. I know there was a complete different Host for about 5 years...My question: how does your therapist handle this??(if you are in therapy).I'm very lucky with the fact that my therapists goal is not to intergrate us❤

    • @dissolvedecho
      @dissolvedecho 4 роки тому +1

      Ive been with my therapist for 10+ yrs. Tell yours to buckle up lol

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 4 роки тому +2

      @@dissolvedecho For freakin heavens sake..."our therapist isn't trying to intergrate us"...from the beginning he has. I've fought him over this. Told him if he EVER USED THE WORD "Illusion" we'd be gone. The illusion of HAVING PEOPLE IN MY HEAD....I told him "Then I have DELUSIONS...I dont talk to delusions. So I guess we're done. lils really really like him.

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 4 роки тому +1

      Update 1 year later. My T says "every time you come in, someone else sits down.
      We journaled for two weeks. Every entry said in some manner 'I don't remember yesterday or years lived before that as MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE'.
      That scared alot of us...even me. Okay maybe me the most. All I keep wondering is who is the person(s)that lived and know it's their memories 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

    • @dissolvedecho
      @dissolvedecho 4 роки тому +3

      @@pearblossom1390 thats the thing,, in our system we have levels. Or floors..? Only afew parts can travel to different levels, others cannot. Level 1: can be all feminine level 2 all male level 3: non human level 4: ghouls/ mix etc. If 'newbies' be popping out, it means they are either b9rn from A recently newer trauma or have benn there hiding in system not ready to pop out. The thing to be happy over us that newbies who writing are feeling safe enough 2 pop out. We dont like to pop out unless safe.
      Did ain't an illusion. Doctors have stigma too especially with a unknown did brain. There's only so much some doctors know, and Dont forgot its controversial to many of mental health doc. If lucky enough to find did doc, they'll be able to help more with you than a doc who sees you as illusioning...

    • @pearblossom1390
      @pearblossom1390 4 роки тому +1

      @@dissolvedecho You won't believe this one: He specializes in DID PATIENTS. Is highly qualified 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
      Don't think we're going back.
      It wasn't safe anymore. Apparently the 'fragile one' that will only come out and talk when its a safe place, was talking at first. She's GONE.GONE FROM EVERYWHERE... she has the most mental issues, is the saddest and scardest.
      Yes, since 2016 none stop truamas. My friends were saying "are you cursed" or "this is a LIFETIME movie" bc its so unbelievable.
      (Damn it, I can hear some lil started to cry...what the hell do I do?).