My favorite part about the tier system is that by giving students more freedom and less regulation, your also establishing a kind of trust in them. In the same way that treating students like inmates will often prompt them to behave accordingly, treating them like responsible adults would build a sense of personal confidence and self esteem, telling them that they are capable of working hard and showing diligence even when they aren’t being forced to. Y’know, like actual incentive! As opposed to the kind of “incentive” that just threatens you and your future...
just feel that tying it to grades may be a bad idea as it punishes those who do not have the stability of home life to study at home(although getting rid of homework may mitigate this)
.. fun fact! in elementary school i used to have lunch at 12:35 just for reference, SCHOOL ENDED AT 3 PM AND STARTED AT 8:30 AM. most of my class would bring snacks to eat during class when our teacher let us
How does dis man have such a great mindset on things this without a doubt makes school infinite amounts better especially with the nap time like dude applaud this absolute KING
I’m right there with you on the start time issue because whenever there was a delay or closure, I took advantage of it to GET a HEALTHY amount of sleep. I’m thankful I was able to get a free 1st hour as a senior because I took advantage of it, big time.
The tier idea is something I've been thinking of for awhile now. I am a generally well behaved student and get decent grades yet I have to sit with people I despise just because other aren't well behaved. This could mean more freedom for some people and less for others. The only other thing I could add is more choice for subjects. I have to learn dance even though I will never do it otherwise so the ability to choose what you do in less important subjects (I class math, science, english and hass as important subjects the rest are less important/unimportant) so you like what you are doing more and would be happier
I’d argue the later stages of maths,where you’re getting into over the top graph rules are not important. Like,yeah,counting,multiplying,subtraction,division,addition,squaring,cubing and the order of functions are important,even basic algebra has its uses but a lot of the later stuff is unnecessary unless you go into a few specific careers,if we’re being honest
My school kind of does have this teir thing it help kids grow up together and not grow apart each year I've been with almost the same kids for 6ish years
I thought this was a meme/joking channel, but the part abt how increasing payment for teachers is important is so real. It hits home specially in my country (Brazil) where it's one of the least paying( per hour worked) and unrespected jobs :(
I consider myself lucky. Why you may ask? Elementary start time: 9:00 Middle School: 9:15 High school: 8:30 The thing that sucked during middle school though is school ended at 4 :(
I have an idea for the “if-the-teacher-doesn’t-have-any-more-material-for-that-day-you-can-leave” thing. If the teacher has something fun, you can’t leave cause it’s well, FUN.
I’d say a big issue with school is the way homework and grades work, homework being mandatory and seemingly useless and grades being based off mostly your ability to do things on time rather than your knowledge. How I would change this is as followed 1. Project based learning to give purpose to assignments rather than random problems 2. Homework isn’t always necessary and doesn’t always change your grade, as it’s a tool for learning so only homework assignments that relate to the project(like a script or something) should be mandatory 3. Late work within 3 days time will still give full credit, unless you ask the teacher for an extension or is otherwise stated to fix the issue with grades 4. Classes should teach more hands on lessons to account for tactile learners 5. Tests are now once a week on fridays with significantly less difficulty and are used to show that you have been learning throughout the week, they are also used as a sort of benchmark in order to determine whether the class needs more learning time or if they should move on I’ve completely reworked the school system several times over but I think this should be a constant in any rework because I personally believe this would be better for school systems as a whole
i totally agree with all of this, except for your first point. im what i like to call a 'passive learner', i like to have information presented to me so i can process it. im good at memorizing info and taking tests, and im also an asocial weirdo, so having to do group projects (and projects in general) all the time would be hell. i feel like giving kids an option would be a good compromise. like at the start of a unit the teacher would say 'everyone who wants to do projects stay here, everyone who wants to have lectures go to Mx. X's class across the hall.' if you get bad grades on the tests, you have to switch 'sides' i.e. if a person usually goes to the lecture room but they keep failing friday tests, you have to go to the project room next unit.
I agree with most of this but #3 would be ineffective and wouldn't change anything. Students would just take an extra 3 days to procrastinate on their work. In addition it sets a bad example since in the real world there are consequences for missing deadlines. Everyone is always complaining how school doesn't prepare you for real life, so if that's true then this would make it even worse
@@add9audio355 then maybe as a compromise have those 3 days instead be half credit and any longer will need a late pass which can be decided by the teacher This way it still gives a punishment but allows for some error as it’s preparing for the real world and not exactly like it
I had a school that was very similar with its rules for tier 4. It was interesting and quite enjoyable. It was also a charter school, so that may have helped. It was super awesome. There was a huge room that had a jungle gym and games to play with, and the playground had a Zipline. The way schedules worked was you had to go to classes, but there were like break periods in between classes. So I'd be in science for a lesson, and then you could go play on the computers until your next class. I really miss it there. Good times.
My school took away nape time in kindergarten, but I was in kindergarten the first year they did this. That made somthing click in my head and now it is o most impossible for me to take a nap.👍🏻
I transferred schools last year during the middle of the school year (ended up coming back to my old school. It’s a long story) but I actually somewhat liked school there. We started at 9 and started at 10 on Wednesdays with a random Friday normally once a month that was a dedicated work day which students were allowed to skip if they didn’t have missing work and had good grades. It was also a fairly new school with a vending machine that had energy drinks and a coffee shop in the commons.
@@Yeewen88 No I live in the US. I was in 8th grade when we moved to the state. But we had to move back to my old state and I’m a freshman (9th grade) now
So a simulation? But what if it’s life 3. Or maybe 4, 5, 6, anything. Maybe this is the eighteenth Life 2… we will never know how many Oats Jenkins there are that created the universes that created the ones that created ours.
4:00 I personally had to wake up at 5:45AM every day for 7 years during secondary, because I had to get the bus, which would arrive at 6:45AM. I would always only get 7 hours of sleep while me friends who lived close would get 7-9 hours. very annoying and tiring to wake up that early for 5 days a week every week for 7 years but yk. (this is from someone who lives in the UK so it might not seem bad to people from other countries, but it was not good for me lol)
This is really great, but I think there should be a feedback system instead of a grading system, even in a great school like this, I feel like grades are going to stress kids out
I think grades should be kept because it’s that stress is was motivates people to do what they need to do. In my school, feedback is given to improve and redo previous work that isn’t graded, but almost no body puts in the time to grow from the feedback.
I think the tiers of learning shouldn't be about the kids grades. I think it should be only about behavior. So if the kid gets a C or something that's still okay, it's just about how they're acting towards the teacher and other classmates, how much they're listening to lessons and participating in group projects, etc., etc. At the same time, I think if the student gets a D or below, that will factor into it but only when it's D or below.
@@JesusisKing-u9d what if they have not tiers but styles of learning so people with As get more fast pace complex stuff and so on but treat them the same like don't say one is better but if you miss behave then you get a suitable punishment so then everyone reaches their potential
The tier system reminds me of when we had "colors" back in elementary school. Red meant bad, yellow meant warning, green was normal, blue was great, and purple was awesome. Nice to see the system back!
@@fathomski in my class, everyone started at green, yellow, orange, and red were bad, and blue, purple, and pink were good. If you got red you had to miss recess and if you got pink you got a sticker
My school did that once. Green was nothing, yelling was a warning, and orange and red were the worst. There was also silver and gold cards, silver would give you a reward like extra time to play games or candy. Gold was amazing. You basicly got to do anything if it followed the school rules. People were allowed to play the piano in the band room once.
IMPROVEMENTS (yes im late) 1: School should start at 10:00. People like to sleep in. 2: school should end at 2:00. People need to enjoy the afternoon as well as school. 3: This means that we can cut some useless classes and make them optional, after school classes such as science and languages (e.g. spanish and french) 4: school shouldnt get harder as you go, it should get a little easier each time. Or at least have so vorgarten is really easy, kindergarten is slightl;y harder, and so on until 5th grade is the hardest class. Then 6th grade is slightly easier, until 12th grade which just prepares you for college and living alone. just some suggestions!
Something I would definitely add is the ability to fight back if you get in a fight. Not allowing kids to defend themselves is teaching them not to in the real world when it could mean life or death.
In my middle school for eighth graders, the doors would open to let us in at 8 AM. We would be in homeroom until 9. 8th graders would have lunch at 10:30 in the morning and dismissal would start at 3:30. Depending on the teacher, we could have snacks usually all last period teachers would let us eat.
This tiers of learning is actually a awesome idea! Now people will have great motivation to keep their marks high, and it would also make school an overall cool place to be, as long as you dont get straight F''s of course.
@@isprismreal but we don't need a tier system in order to offer tutoring to struggling students. The tier system does nothing except cause unnecessary negative social consequences by dividing students into different ranks which will inevitably conflict with one another. Making school worse for everyone, especially those who are already struggling
But you shouldn't be super punished for getting all Fs. You could Fail completely because you cannot test well or you dont like subjects, and still end up successful
8:56 I remember having a friend named Eli who moved to Arizona, I remember eating a rock by accident while eating my cookie, I remember show and tell when I brought a toy from a show called “super wings”, and a lot more
This unironically seems like a much better education system than the one we have right now. Some changes I myself would make would be to adjust the school hours relative to how much we're actually learning. By high school it's just the same stuff we learned in previous years + a few more things and we don't have the kind of energy that we had when we were 5. I'd say high schoolers should have the shortest days of all, and middle and elementary could be equally long considering those are the periods where you learn the most & have the energy to do so.
Yeah. Elementary school can be the typical length of 6 hours, middle school can be 5 hours, and high school can be 3-4 hours long. Oh yeah, and I’d also swap around the Elementary, and Middle/high school start times because in many areas, they make it so Elementary school starts later than the others. And don’t even get me started on the 0 hour classes, because when I had a 0 hour class in 10th and 11th grade, I would find myself almost dosing off during 5th and 6th hour, even if the classes I had during that time had interesting content, all because I had to get up at 6 in the morning so I could arrive at school by 7 for 0 hour.
I think that tier one should be like normal school like we have rn. And also if you have low grades there should be a salvation system like if your in 3 but then you got mostly fs but your behavior was good you get the entire school day to redo all the work or instead of your grades the tiers are based on behavior violence will be 1 disruptive will be 2 and less than 3 disruptions is 3 and nice behavior will be 4.
My fourth grade teacher was seriously the BEST TEACHER EVER. She let me vibe and read during class and actually taught me stuff. She was really funny and nice and I will never forget her.
I think that each year there should be a votation where students vote their 3 favorite teachers, the ones with the most votes will have the highest pay, that would get teachers motivated, and would make schools realize who are the worst teachers
For anyone interested in a teacher’s perspective on fixing school I highly recommend reading “Ungrading” by Susan Blum and Alfie Kohn. It goes into the flaws in our current grading system and ways to improve it from 15 teachers at various grades from primary school to college.
You're on to something. The schools in Ireland I have went to have had almost all of these other than nap time and the names. The names are different but are still pretty bland. The tier system is a big thing in my Secondary School (Middle and High School). It's a point system and everyone starts at a default every year. If you do something bad, you go down a point or two, if you do something good. Being under the default amount of points will slowly remove stuff that you can do including trips and etc. Secondary School starts at around 8:30 AM and in Primary School (Elementary) it was 9:00 AM. I also think that the teachers are paid more than in America. The grading system is just 1-100% which is pretty simple. And Homework stays the same but the Irish President is planning to remove homework so yippee! Not only that but the work itself in school isn't that bad. We do stuff that are interactive and outside a clads room a lot including programming Lego, building stuff, working on a garden, applying Maths to the real world and etc.
I know this channel makes a lot of jokes but on a serious note; This is *genuinely* a good change. I think that there isn't anything major and it doesn't seem any of this is impossible. I think that School(2) might genuinely be effective if put into place. I like that you seemed to genuinely care and think about the changes to be made. I just wish it was easier to change into this.
dam my school times depend monday i start at either 9 am or 8 am tuesday i wake up at 8 am wednesday i wake up at 8 am thrusday i wake up at 10 am friday i wake up at 8 am tho this all depends if all the teachers are here if some arent then u can u can start earlier if no one is here then u can stay home
I actually have vague memories of preschool, I remember that it was in the same building as my moms work and being separated from her and I remember nap time
Could you also fix the transportation from school? Leaving school if you take the bus you get like no time to talk to teachers because the bus leaves super soon. Maybe there’s a 5-10 minute gap after the final period to do whatever you need to and then it’s proper dismissal? Attendance doesn’t count at that point so people being picked up by parents can just leave
Three memories from preschool: -Getting way too goddamn hyped over borsch/beetroot soup during preschool Christmas (Still love it) -Hiding behind a curtain during music class, with noone noticing that I'm gone for several minutes (Still reflects how insignificant I am to most people today) -Crying because I didn't want strawberry sauce on a meal (I cried over almost everything) Bonus memories: -Heading down to the preschool's basement for a short class trip to see the kitchen -Being in a mini-planetarium set up in the middle of the main/entrance hall, watching in amazement -Picking up English words off the floor and trying to translate them to Polish (I'm polish) during English class -Running around the coathangers in the main/entrance hall -Shitting myself while trying to open a closet, and sitting back down in sheer panic hoping noone did or will notice (Breaking News: Everyone did) -Confessing to my puppy crush and getting laughed at -Being constantly hit and made fun of by the asshole I considered my best friend at the time and for a few years after until I found someone who let me see what being a best friend ACTUALLY is. Radek - go fuck yourself, Michał - I appreciate you more than you'll ever know -Being at a bonus lesson with a teacher(?) trying to teach me how to say R in Polish (I can't say R in Polish to this day, leading to many awkward situations)
School sucks I cry everyday and get stressed even tho I find it esy and I’ve Probaly learnt like 2 things in school and they don’t actually care about u so it needs to be improved
Tbh I don't think the tier system is a good idea, I feel it might make students with lower grades and/or behaviour issues (aka often poorer or mentally challenged children) feel kinda "less than", and letting students do whatever they want on computers or just decide not to show up to class obviously inhibits learning. Also, having different students have different permissions would probably be very hard to manage for teachers trying to tell if a student is doing something wrong and I feel the system would just completely become ignored in many places. But a lot of other comments are saying they had similar systems that did actually work so maybe I'm overthinking it - from a "good" student You are objectively right about everything else :)
I love how this all looks like a joke and he treats it as a joke, but every video he is just absolutely true and is actually making something objectively better.
"Name three memories of preschool" I only have one but I remember one time a girl fell backwards on her chair and I laughed because I thought she did it on purpose as a joke 😭😭
at my school it starts at 7:20, and most people end up being able to finish work at about 12 or later, and are typically about 20 minutes away so they get at most 6 hours of sleep this is why i agree with nap time
2:55 Mini story time bc WHY NOT! So, one time when I was in 1st grade. We had a sub who I'll call Ms. TrashNugget! Anyways, we got in class, saw the sub and I thought ''Well, can't judge a book by it's cover!'' turns out, she sucked! USALLY me and my friends A and B(Not there actual names) sat at tables underneath a patio and talked. BUT MS. TRASHNUGGET SAID ''Go play to get your energy out!'' AND INSTEAD OF SAYING IN NICELY SHE WAS LIKE ''Go play you're kids.'' LIKE-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WHY US? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Well anyways this sub shows up AGAIN and "changes" her name to Ms. TrashNugett. Still pronounced the same! Still the same kind of worse! CONCLUSION! She was fine, those memories of Ms. TrashNugget still burn in my mind though! Also maybe someone can reply to this comment with there OWN bad subs/teacher stories!
For the whole Tier 3 and 4 thing, i think the work SHOULD still be required somewhat. Maybe everything automatically gets graded as a 70 (as an example, it’s the passing grade at my school), and you’d still be required to do tests, there’d be online stuff for the notes you need for the year so that way you’d have them at the ready for tests if you’re in tier 3 and 4. They’d only open for Tier 2 when they’re late for class, and for Tier 1 you’d have to do the notes in class or the tutoring sessions.
As someone who has gone through the entire school system and is now in college, lemme tell you, this is the ideal situation, but NOT how it would work in practice. I can imagine so much drama and elitism coming out of the tier system. While I think it's good to reward kids for being good and getting good grades, I think separating them into tiers would be a bit too much. Maybe there's just perks of making the honor roll, like phone privileges, homework passes, etc. However nap time is a must have thank you I was so tired. My school started at 7:45 and I usually had sports or clubs for the whole afternoon so I'd sometimes be in the building for 12 hours. Overall students would get more sleep, or just be able to catch up on homework.
fanfact: in our school we actually have something similar to the tiers of learning! we have 3 only, first one is good grades and behavior second one is good behavior and bad grades or good grades but bad behavior and third one is both bad, its mainly used in my class which is spacial class bc its smaller with more help lol
*Scoff* I only had nap time in DAY CARE. No nap time in Kindergarten and beyond. I also have to get up at 5:50 and put my alarm on to get enough time to get ready.
i have an extended idea for the grades: the idea of the names suggests what school your in. for example: • elementary would be the first 5 grades (vorgarten, kindergarten, sangut, sprossen, and pflanze) • middle/junior high would be the mēsis 1-5 • high school would be the same as it is now and to reinforce it, elementary will now be called “wachstum” because it means “growth” in german. also middle/junior high will be called mēsis because it makes sense.
there also needs to be different classes for different learning styles, school usually just has classes for auditory, read&write and sometimes visual learners, but what about kinesthetic peeps. also the tiers aren't a great idea in my opinion because u shouldn't be punished for not learning enough, it's most likely not the kid's fault, more so the teacher's fault, for not teaching them how they learn. i think if all kid's had their ideal learning environment, a lot more people would be a lot more successful
Whoa! He did it! HE DID IT! HE FIXED IT! WE SALUTE YOU OATS JENKINS!!! Edit: Thank you for fixing the school system, Oats! 😀 I thought there was a last day of freedom at school.
I agree, the schools should realistically just get more money for what they do, not get payed based on how many programs go really well, because that's just 1 or two teachers or coaches.
0:25, I just want to point out that that year is wrong, that is only the first separate school in the Middle East. I would argue that it is almost impossible to date the first school and depends a lot on your definition of a school.
I think that things other than just screen should be taken into consideration when picking the freedom tears such as how well-behaved, kind and well-meaning a given person is.
7:45 preschool, pre-K, K1, K2, K3, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, End of Elementary! 5th, 6th, End of Middle School! 7th, 8th, End of JH! 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, End of HS! 5th and 6th are in the same hallway and floor as elementary, and they are waiting room is in the same as elementaries, so it’s just in with the elementary
Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name!
Hello!! I discorded you! Fix country flag
It said 5 days ago on this vid.
Hey oats you should fix jobs next
Fix sleeping next pls
Cringe just like me
When Jenkins starts a school to prove how well his system works, he can make the sports team the Egypt Birds
Lol yeah
*Bird from Egypt*
@@TheEmergencyBanana ah yes, my favourite country. egypy
@@pogpogpog7507 Whoops, let me edit that real quick.
My favorite part about the tier system is that by giving students more freedom and less regulation, your also establishing a kind of trust in them. In the same way that treating students like inmates will often prompt them to behave accordingly, treating them like responsible adults would build a sense of personal confidence and self esteem, telling them that they are capable of working hard and showing diligence even when they aren’t being forced to. Y’know, like actual incentive! As opposed to the kind of “incentive” that just threatens you and your future...
just feel that tying it to grades may be a bad idea as it punishes those who do not have the stability of home life to study at home(although getting rid of homework may mitigate this)
@@mcjavabelike8320 also people with learning disabilities (or just bad learners) would be punished for something completely out of their control
@@a_real_goat I think a good idea is that people with mental disabilities wouldn’t be in the tier system
@@a_real_goat i think that’s when marge comes in
@@a_real_goat also the special ed teachers
.. fun fact! in elementary school i used to have lunch at 12:35 just for reference, SCHOOL ENDED AT 3 PM AND STARTED AT 8:30 AM. most of my class would bring snacks to eat during class when our teacher let us
my middle school starts at 8:30 am and on wednesdays it starts at 9:30 am
Bro at least your not in china times
(I’m not btw but search it up)
mine mon-thu is 7:30-2:30 fri 7:30-12:15
@@binagamergirl The way you get to chill on Wednesday :)
@@Ento_VRI am though 😅
As a teacher I know I'd love a good nap every once in a while. Good work, Senator Oats
@@afonsinhobom Ko
@@superbeltman6197 nieko
@@user-jl8wj8fz5q eikon
How does dis man have such a great mindset on things this without a doubt makes school infinite amounts better especially with the nap time like dude applaud this absolute KING
He has created the solutions to all my problems
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Yes, and applaud me to for getting the 400th like on your comment exactly, if you want, but mainly applaud him, yeah.
Nap time would be extremely uncomfortable for me, also the kids would keep making stupid sounds and i wouldn't fall asleep
@@michaelvazquezjr1559 after kindergarten no nap time ☹️
I’m right there with you on the start time issue because whenever there was a delay or closure, I took advantage of it to GET a HEALTHY amount of sleep. I’m thankful I was able to get a free 1st hour as a senior because I took advantage of it, big time.
The tier idea is something I've been thinking of for awhile now. I am a generally well behaved student and get decent grades yet I have to sit with people I despise just because other aren't well behaved. This could mean more freedom for some people and less for others. The only other thing I could add is more choice for subjects. I have to learn dance even though I will never do it otherwise so the ability to choose what you do in less important subjects (I class math, science, english and hass as important subjects the rest are less important/unimportant) so you like what you are doing more and would be happier
My school has some choice in that matter. we rate the classes from 1-9 (1=good 9=bad) and we're picked randomly. if it's full we get the next one.
My school lets us choose our classes unless it's a very rare occurrence where it doesn't fit our schedule.
I’d argue the later stages of maths,where you’re getting into over the top graph rules are not important. Like,yeah,counting,multiplying,subtraction,division,addition,squaring,cubing and the order of functions are important,even basic algebra has its uses but a lot of the later stuff is unnecessary unless you go into a few specific careers,if we’re being honest
My school kind of does have this teir thing it help kids grow up together and not grow apart each year I've been with almost the same kids for 6ish years
I agree, dude.
I thought this was a meme/joking channel, but the part abt how increasing payment for teachers is important is so real. It hits home specially in my country (Brazil) where it's one of the least paying( per hour worked) and unrespected jobs :(
Vdd vey 😢
Same in Poland
i went to private school in brazil
I consider myself lucky. Why you may ask?
Elementary start time: 9:00
Middle School: 9:15
High school: 8:30
The thing that sucked during middle school though is school ended at 4 :(
Elementary school: 7:30
Middle School: 7:00
High School: 6:00
Ele 8:45
Middle and high 7:45
Mine was 8:55 for all 3 😂 (same school)
But I live in rural Canada
When my schools open
Elementary: 8:20
Middle: 7:20
High: Around 8:00
Three memories from preschool
1. We had a snack time
2. There were some computers with a children's website
3. In the morning we could solve puzzles
No, not coolmath. It was an educational website called star or whatever. I don't really remember much about it, but I know it was there.
@@awsumparatroopa6680 starfall. You're thinking of starfall.
Book layout, the giant story with the maze
Where I'm from you get snack time till you graduate
Preschool was the best it was paradise
one thing that would make everyone like school is if every class had to learn about "bird from Egypt". this would truly be the ideal world.
I'd actually go to school
was just about to comment this
At my school we did have a lesson on hieroglyphs so yes, we learned about the several birds from Egypt.
I have an idea for the “if-the-teacher-doesn’t-have-any-more-material-for-that-day-you-can-leave” thing. If the teacher has something fun, you can’t leave cause it’s well, FUN.
I’d say a big issue with school is the way homework and grades work, homework being mandatory and seemingly useless and grades being based off mostly your ability to do things on time rather than your knowledge.
How I would change this is as followed
1. Project based learning to give purpose to assignments rather than random problems
2. Homework isn’t always necessary and doesn’t always change your grade, as it’s a tool for learning so only homework assignments that relate to the project(like a script or something) should be mandatory
3. Late work within 3 days time will still give full credit, unless you ask the teacher for an extension or is otherwise stated to fix the issue with grades
4. Classes should teach more hands on lessons to account for tactile learners
5. Tests are now once a week on fridays with significantly less difficulty and are used to show that you have been learning throughout the week, they are also used as a sort of benchmark in order to determine whether the class needs more learning time or if they should move on
I’ve completely reworked the school system several times over but I think this should be a constant in any rework because I personally believe this would be better for school systems as a whole
i totally agree with all of this, except for your first point. im what i like to call a 'passive learner', i like to have information presented to me so i can process it. im good at memorizing info and taking tests, and im also an asocial weirdo, so having to do group projects (and projects in general) all the time would be hell. i feel like giving kids an option would be a good compromise. like at the start of a unit the teacher would say 'everyone who wants to do projects stay here, everyone who wants to have lectures go to Mx. X's class across the hall.' if you get bad grades on the tests, you have to switch 'sides' i.e. if a person usually goes to the lecture room but they keep failing friday tests, you have to go to the project room next unit.
I agree with most of this but #3 would be ineffective and wouldn't change anything. Students would just take an extra 3 days to procrastinate on their work. In addition it sets a bad example since in the real world there are consequences for missing deadlines. Everyone is always complaining how school doesn't prepare you for real life, so if that's true then this would make it even worse
@@add9audio355 As a teacher, this is true. No matter how long the students are given, they will delay, and then ask for longer.
My main problem with homework is that, as the name suggests, it's *home* work, aren't 6+ hours of school almost daily enough?
@@add9audio355 then maybe as a compromise have those 3 days instead be half credit and any longer will need a late pass which can be decided by the teacher
This way it still gives a punishment but allows for some error as it’s preparing for the real world and not exactly like it
I had a school that was very similar with its rules for tier 4. It was interesting and quite enjoyable. It was also a charter school, so that may have helped. It was super awesome. There was a huge room that had a jungle gym and games to play with, and the playground had a Zipline. The way schedules worked was you had to go to classes, but there were like break periods in between classes. So I'd be in science for a lesson, and then you could go play on the computers until your next class. I really miss it there. Good times.
My school took away nape time in kindergarten, but I was in kindergarten the first year they did this. That made somthing click in my head and now it is o most impossible for me to take a nap.👍🏻
I transferred schools last year during the middle of the school year (ended up coming back to my old school. It’s a long story) but I actually somewhat liked school there. We started at 9 and started at 10 on Wednesdays with a random Friday normally once a month that was a dedicated work day which students were allowed to skip if they didn’t have missing work and had good grades. It was also a fairly new school with a vending machine that had energy drinks and a coffee shop in the commons.
Like from primary to high secondary?
@@Yeewen88 No I live in the US. I was in 8th grade when we moved to the state. But we had to move back to my old state and I’m a freshman (9th grade) now
Your school was a blessing, it really sucks you had to move from there
Wtf that sounds amazing
@@skyetheuniversalspy I no joke dream about going back every day
this guy is making everything simplified and generally better for us he should go ahead and make life 2. Edit: thanks for 60 likes
His magnum opus. The five hour video essay.
Life... 2!
So a simulation? But what if it’s life 3. Or maybe 4, 5, 6, anything. Maybe this is the eighteenth Life 2… we will never know how many Oats Jenkins there are that created the universes that created the ones that created ours.
His name is David
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and I have a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
4:00 I personally had to wake up at 5:45AM every day for 7 years during secondary, because I had to get the bus, which would arrive at 6:45AM. I would always only get 7 hours of sleep while me friends who lived close would get 7-9 hours. very annoying and tiring to wake up that early for 5 days a week every week for 7 years but yk. (this is from someone who lives in the UK so it might not seem bad to people from other countries, but it was not good for me lol)
It’s the same in the US
This is really great, but I think there should be a feedback system instead of a grading system, even in a great school like this, I feel like grades are going to stress kids out
I think grades should be kept because it’s that stress is was motivates people to do what they need to do. In my school, feedback is given to improve and redo previous work that isn’t graded, but almost no body puts in the time to grow from the feedback.
Yes 𓅱
I think the tiers of learning shouldn't be about the kids grades. I think it should be only about behavior. So if the kid gets a C or something that's still okay, it's just about how they're acting towards the teacher and other classmates, how much they're listening to lessons and participating in group projects, etc., etc. At the same time, I think if the student gets a D or below, that will factor into it but only when it's D or below.
@@JesusisKing-u9d what if they have not tiers but styles of learning so people with As get more fast pace complex stuff and so on but treat them the same like don't say one is better but if you miss behave then you get a suitable punishment so then everyone reaches their potential
Shut up Oats Jenkins is objectively right about everything
I would definitely never fake sickness if this was the school system
As someone who’s never faked a sickness to skip school, I can relate.
@@roketv2 never?
@@ZhatWithNoHat yep
@@roketv2 Congratulations!
How tf tho
fake sickness isn't the best thing..
His ideas are getting more and more practical over time.
He did it... he actually did it... HE FIXED THE GOD DAMNED SCHOOL SYSTEM
Edit: I love the split in the replies
Im not understand
My wish has come true
This isn't even a joke, he really did it
yeah but the schools are still missing the money
The tier system reminds me of when we had "colors" back in elementary school. Red meant bad, yellow meant warning, green was normal, blue was great, and purple was awesome. Nice to see the system back!
My school did that up to second grade and if you got pink the teacher gave you a sticker at the end of the day
Mine was green was good, yellow was warning, red was bad, blue meant you had to go the principal's office that day
@@fathomski in my class, everyone started at green, yellow, orange, and red were bad, and blue, purple, and pink were good. If you got red you had to miss recess and if you got pink you got a sticker
I always got red... *cries
My school did that once. Green was nothing, yelling was a warning, and orange and red were the worst. There was also silver and gold cards, silver would give you a reward like extra time to play games or candy. Gold was amazing. You basicly got to do anything if it followed the school rules. People were allowed to play the piano in the band room once.
IMPROVEMENTS (yes im late)
1: School should start at 10:00. People like to sleep in.
2: school should end at 2:00. People need to enjoy the afternoon as well as school.
3: This means that we can cut some useless classes and make them optional, after school classes such as science and languages (e.g. spanish and french)
4: school shouldnt get harder as you go, it should get a little easier each time. Or at least have so vorgarten is really easy, kindergarten is slightl;y harder, and so on until 5th grade is the hardest class. Then 6th grade is slightly easier, until 12th grade which just prepares you for college and living alone.
just some suggestions!
Wait, u will be in school only 4 hours
i need more afternoon time to see my afternoon teacher I totally dont have a crush on!1!1!1!1!1!1
only 4 hours????? atleast 6
@@Water_Puddle aw hell naw
Start at 9 end at 3 so you still get afternoon
to be honest this feels like heaven for people who actually get normal grades
Bro i get all above 90 so im litterally chill at 4
@@rnchq me too
Something I would definitely add is the ability to fight back if you get in a fight. Not allowing kids to defend themselves is teaching them not to in the real world when it could mean life or death.
the unsuspecting school bully with intact kneecaps after he attempts to fight the child (he brought in a metal pipe)
or just have the teachers actually do something about bullying instead of standing there and not doing a single thing to help
In my middle school for eighth graders, the doors would open to let us in at 8 AM. We would be in homeroom until 9. 8th graders would have lunch at 10:30 in the morning and dismissal would start at 3:30. Depending on the teacher, we could have snacks usually all last period teachers would let us eat.
You know it's a good day when oats uploads
This tiers of learning is actually a awesome idea! Now people will have great motivation to keep their marks high, and it would also make school an overall cool place to be, as long as you dont get straight F''s of course.
But if you did have straight f’s, you could get help from the tutors!
@@isprismreal perfect!
Tutors need to become more normalized in school in general, they help so much
@@isprismreal but we don't need a tier system in order to offer tutoring to struggling students. The tier system does nothing except cause unnecessary negative social consequences by dividing students into different ranks which will inevitably conflict with one another. Making school worse for everyone, especially those who are already struggling
But you shouldn't be super punished for getting all Fs. You could Fail completely because you cannot test well or you dont like subjects, and still end up successful
8:56 I remember having a friend named Eli who moved to Arizona, I remember eating a rock by accident while eating my cookie, I remember show and tell when I brought a toy from a show called “super wings”, and a lot more
I personally have hated most of my past teachers so thank you for this amazing upgrade🎉
This unironically seems like a much better education system than the one we have right now. Some changes I myself would make would be to adjust the school hours relative to how much we're actually learning.
By high school it's just the same stuff we learned in previous years + a few more things and we don't have the kind of energy that we had when we were 5. I'd say high schoolers should have the shortest days of all, and middle and elementary could be equally long considering those are the periods where you learn the most & have the energy to do so.
Also I always go to school at 9am
ENERGY? As a middle schooler I do NOT have the energy
@@jjscott5535lucky as hell! I go at 7!
Yeah. Elementary school can be the typical length of 6 hours, middle school can be 5 hours, and high school can be 3-4 hours long. Oh yeah, and I’d also swap around the Elementary, and Middle/high school start times because in many areas, they make it so Elementary school starts later than the others. And don’t even get me started on the 0 hour classes, because when I had a 0 hour class in 10th and 11th grade, I would find myself almost dosing off during 5th and 6th hour, even if the classes I had during that time had interesting content, all because I had to get up at 6 in the morning so I could arrive at school by 7 for 0 hour.
I think that tier one should be like normal school like we have rn. And also if you have low grades there should be a salvation system like if your in 3 but then you got mostly fs but your behavior was good you get the entire school day to redo all the work or instead of your grades the tiers are based on behavior violence will be 1 disruptive will be 2 and less than 3 disruptions is 3 and nice behavior will be 4.
My fourth grade teacher was seriously the BEST TEACHER EVER. She let me vibe and read during class and actually taught me stuff. She was really funny and nice and I will never forget her.
Hey, me too! 🙌
Me too! Except mine was my 6th grade teacher
I think that each year there should be a votation where students vote their 3 favorite teachers, the ones with the most votes will have the highest pay, that would get teachers motivated, and would make schools realize who are the worst teachers
For anyone interested in a teacher’s perspective on fixing school I highly recommend reading “Ungrading” by Susan Blum and Alfie Kohn. It goes into the flaws in our current grading system and ways to improve it from 15 teachers at various grades from primary school to college.
Bro should run a campaign honestly, I think many will be hyped with these reforms.
5:12 Exactly!!! Idk why teachers hate it when I draw on my assignments/school work.
My history teacher let's the class draw in their journals because he did it when he was younger.
I actually once came up with names for the grades in Middle School, 6-8. 6th was “Sayagrad”, 7th was “Medigrad” and 8th was “Sedigrad”
You're on to something. The schools in Ireland I have went to have had almost all of these other than nap time and the names. The names are different but are still pretty bland. The tier system is a big thing in my Secondary School (Middle and High School). It's a point system and everyone starts at a default every year. If you do something bad, you go down a point or two, if you do something good. Being under the default amount of points will slowly remove stuff that you can do including trips and etc. Secondary School starts at around 8:30 AM and in Primary School (Elementary) it was 9:00 AM. I also think that the teachers are paid more than in America. The grading system is just 1-100% which is pretty simple. And Homework stays the same but the Irish President is planning to remove homework so yippee! Not only that but the work itself in school isn't that bad. We do stuff that are interactive and outside a clads room a lot including programming Lego, building stuff, working on a garden, applying Maths to the real world and etc.
I know this channel makes a lot of jokes but on a serious note; This is *genuinely* a good change. I think that there isn't anything major and it doesn't seem any of this is impossible. I think that School(2) might genuinely be effective if put into place. I like that you seemed to genuinely care and think about the changes to be made. I just wish it was easier to change into this.
the thing with oats jenkins is that it's on a scale of "kind of serious joke" and "kind of joking serious". the alphabets are an exception.
I'm surprised on how many Good ideas This guy has. Keep up the good work.
What’s wild is that this one actually has some great policy recommendations
4:40 As a person who’s school schedule starts at 9 I can officially say, ITS STILL HORRIBLE MAKE IT 10
i bet that u go to sleep at like 2 am then
@@algirdasltu1389 I’m just lazy
Yess same I think it should be 10 and I always have
then you would get out at 6
Nahh just go to bed at like 10:00 pm or even 11:00
Very interesting and I agree! My school already starts a 9:05!
I wake up at 5:30 and get to school before 6:30
i am glad this legend has fixed school.
School starting before 7 am should be banned in the Geneva Conventions.
@@DAK4Blizzard Can someone make that happen? It would not only help me, but millions of Indonesians
After seeing this comment, I’m so glad my high school starts at 9:00
@@xtremesubber9136really? I'm from the US and i have to wake up at 6 AM.
my school times depend
monday i start at either 9 am or 8 am
tuesday i wake up at 8 am
wednesday i wake up at 8 am
thrusday i wake up at 10 am
friday i wake up at 8 am
tho this all depends if all the teachers are here
if some arent then u can u can start earlier
if no one is here then u can stay home
I actually have vague memories of preschool, I remember that it was in the same building as my moms work and being separated from her and I remember nap time
O' jenkins my good friend, i deeply thank you for giving me an insight of your mind as these ideas of yours will be truly helpful.
Could you also fix the transportation from school? Leaving school if you take the bus you get like no time to talk to teachers because the bus leaves super soon. Maybe there’s a 5-10 minute gap after the final period to do whatever you need to and then it’s proper dismissal? Attendance doesn’t count at that point so people being picked up by parents can just leave
Three memories from preschool:
-Getting way too goddamn hyped over borsch/beetroot soup during preschool Christmas (Still love it)
-Hiding behind a curtain during music class, with noone noticing that I'm gone for several minutes (Still reflects how insignificant I am to most people today)
-Crying because I didn't want strawberry sauce on a meal (I cried over almost everything)
Bonus memories:
-Heading down to the preschool's basement for a short class trip to see the kitchen
-Being in a mini-planetarium set up in the middle of the main/entrance hall, watching in amazement
-Picking up English words off the floor and trying to translate them to Polish (I'm polish) during English class
-Running around the coathangers in the main/entrance hall
-Shitting myself while trying to open a closet, and sitting back down in sheer panic hoping noone did or will notice (Breaking News: Everyone did)
-Confessing to my puppy crush and getting laughed at
-Being constantly hit and made fun of by the asshole I considered my best friend at the time and for a few years after until I found someone who let me see what being a best friend ACTUALLY is. Radek - go fuck yourself, Michał - I appreciate you more than you'll ever know
-Being at a bonus lesson with a teacher(?) trying to teach me how to say R in Polish (I can't say R in Polish to this day, leading to many awkward situations)
Polish people when they run out of poles
School sucks I cry everyday and get stressed even tho I find it esy and I’ve Probaly learnt like 2 things in school and they don’t actually care about u so it needs to be improved
Tbh I don't think the tier system is a good idea, I feel it might make students with lower grades and/or behaviour issues (aka often poorer or mentally challenged children) feel kinda "less than", and letting students do whatever they want on computers or just decide not to show up to class obviously inhibits learning. Also, having different students have different permissions would probably be very hard to manage for teachers trying to tell if a student is doing something wrong and I feel the system would just completely become ignored in many places. But a lot of other comments are saying they had similar systems that did actually work so maybe I'm overthinking it
- from a "good" student
You are objectively right about everything else :)
I'm thinking of a special needs program for those children just don't know where we would get the funding for them other than government
I love how this all looks like a joke and he treats it as a joke, but every video he is just absolutely true and is actually making something objectively better.
good job oats, you actually improved something
Nap time
That ricecracker thing i had during lunch
Swearing 💀
Bro was swearing in preschool
Pretty amazing stuff
Love your work man!❤️
Bro i need to go to school at 7:30 too and keep the good work you're videos amazing
i star at 9
I’m sure this would improve school for everyone thank you for being objectively correct.
"Name three memories of preschool"
I only have one but I remember one time a girl fell backwards on her chair and I laughed because I thought she did it on purpose as a joke 😭😭
4:34 In Canada it's already like that, nice.
at my school it starts at 7:20, and most people end up being able to finish work at about 12 or later, and are typically about 20 minutes away so they get at most 6 hours of sleep
this is why i agree with nap time
My school starts at 7:40
I like how the things you make are mostly insane but then you get to school and make a great idea
Mini story time bc WHY NOT!
So, one time when I was in 1st grade. We had a sub who I'll call Ms. TrashNugget! Anyways, we got in class, saw the sub and I thought ''Well, can't judge a book by it's cover!'' turns out, she sucked! USALLY me and my friends A and B(Not there actual names) sat at tables underneath a patio and talked. BUT MS. TRASHNUGGET SAID ''Go play to get your energy out!'' AND INSTEAD OF SAYING IN NICELY SHE WAS LIKE ''Go play you're kids.'' LIKE-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WHY US? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Well anyways this sub shows up AGAIN and "changes" her name to Ms. TrashNugett. Still pronounced the same! Still the same kind of worse!
CONCLUSION! She was fine, those memories of Ms. TrashNugget still burn in my mind though! Also maybe someone can reply to this comment with there OWN bad subs/teacher stories!
For the whole Tier 3 and 4 thing, i think the work SHOULD still be required somewhat. Maybe everything automatically gets graded as a 70 (as an example, it’s the passing grade at my school), and you’d still be required to do tests, there’d be online stuff for the notes you need for the year so that way you’d have them at the ready for tests if you’re in tier 3 and 4. They’d only open for Tier 2 when they’re late for class, and for Tier 1 you’d have to do the notes in class or the tutoring sessions.
As someone who has gone through the entire school system and is now in college, lemme tell you, this is the ideal situation, but NOT how it would work in practice. I can imagine so much drama and elitism coming out of the tier system. While I think it's good to reward kids for being good and getting good grades, I think separating them into tiers would be a bit too much. Maybe there's just perks of making the honor roll, like phone privileges, homework passes, etc.
However nap time is a must have thank you I was so tired. My school started at 7:45 and I usually had sports or clubs for the whole afternoon so I'd sometimes be in the building for 12 hours. Overall students would get more sleep, or just be able to catch up on homework.
On the other hand, all that drama would make for an excellent TV show
school literally starts at 9 here in Canada
fanfact: in our school we actually have something similar to the tiers of learning! we have 3 only, first one is good grades and behavior second one is good behavior and bad grades or good grades but bad behavior and third one is both bad, its mainly used in my class which is spacial class bc its smaller with more help lol
*Scoff* I only had nap time in DAY CARE. No nap time in Kindergarten and beyond. I also have to get up at 5:50 and put my alarm on to get enough time to get ready.
Having to wait half the year to get back up to tier four is crazy
If only school could be this good 🥲
4:40 My school which starts at 9 am : We're way ahead of you
9:10 for me
i have an extended idea for the grades:
the idea of the names suggests what school your in.
for example:
• elementary would be the first 5 grades (vorgarten, kindergarten, sangut, sprossen, and pflanze)
• middle/junior high would be the mēsis 1-5
• high school would be the same as it is now
and to reinforce it, elementary will now be called “wachstum” because it means “growth” in german. also middle/junior high will be called mēsis because it makes sense.
This is the perfect video to watch right before school
welp, time for class
Im only supporting a 9 AM start if it ends at the same time. Great video as always, Oats!
I have a school name suggestion: Oats Jenkins School
Quick shout out to Marvin funding this for us all. We love you Marvin!❤️❤️❤️
There’s only like 2 times I had fun in school, that’s as rare as a shiny
there also needs to be different classes for different learning styles, school usually just has classes for auditory, read&write and sometimes visual learners, but what about kinesthetic peeps. also the tiers aren't a great idea in my opinion because u shouldn't be punished for not learning enough, it's most likely not the kid's fault, more so the teacher's fault, for not teaching them how they learn. i think if all kid's had their ideal learning environment, a lot more people would be a lot more successful
i think the tier system will definitely sprout jealousy among the children
and just lead to an unhealthy interaction between peers
Get better grades and behave then, no?
Sounds like a skill issue
Oats is objectively right about everything. EVERYTHING.
If u just do better
Oats is right about everything. We do not question what he says.
When my school starts at 8:50. It’s lovely. I live in England come move here most schools start at this time
I love tiered incentives, like the whole concept in general. I wish this was part of the school system.
Edit: Thank you for fixing the school system, Oats! 😀 I thought there was a last day of freedom at school.
I watched this on the first day of summer break
I agree, the schools should realistically just get more money for what they do, not get payed based on how many programs go really well, because that's just 1 or two teachers or coaches.
It’s gonna be a banger when oat jenkins uploads it
As a german, in 9:42 the words Saatgut, Sprossen and Pflanze on the left look without context so funny
Ja, Deutsche ist sehr interresant.
Vorgarten made me smile too
Now we just gotta get good teachers that end class early, and are understandable
Finished my homework amd started watching this. I'm asking my teac-
Random thing, in preschool I thought that kindergarten was in an actual garden
😂me too lol
If you have a problem with anything, just pay Oats a bunch of money and he'll get it done
btw in Australia school hours are 9am to 3pm!
7am to 3pm
4:35 In Ciudad Real, School starts at 9.00
Same for my school.
nice flex
@@breadbird I'm flexing? Sorry 😞
same but we get off after 4
You’re lucky. In Texas, school starts at 7:30 AM.
This guy deserves a noble peace prize
0:25, I just want to point out that that year is wrong, that is only the first separate school in the Middle East. I would argue that it is almost impossible to date the first school and depends a lot on your definition of a school.
3 memories from preschool: pretending to drive a car (we definitely would've crashed it), learning about alligators, and graduation
You got naptime in kindergarten!?! I had to stop after daycare!
I think that things other than just screen should be taken into consideration when picking the freedom tears such as how well-behaved, kind and well-meaning a given person is.
This man should be able to change every major system of society
7:45 preschool, pre-K, K1, K2, K3, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, End of Elementary! 5th, 6th, End of Middle School! 7th, 8th, End of JH! 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, End of HS!
5th and 6th are in the same hallway and floor as elementary, and they are waiting room is in the same as elementaries, so it’s just in with the elementary
For me it’s only Pre-K, K (only 1 kindergarten) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Then 6th, 7th, 8th is middle school
Then 9-12 is high school
4:26 exactly skl should start at around to 9 or 10