I used to be very nervous when I played ranked for the first time, I can even remember my hands shaking in my provisionals. Then I just stopped caring. I realized I'm a silver player and who cares if I lose? I'm not in the LCS, this game isn't my job. I play for fun and there's no point getting anxious over a video game.
omg i have exactly this problem for quiet a while, i have problems starting a ranked because everytime i want to play in the same time i don't want to play because of the reasons u mentioned this video showed me what i should do now, thank you for it i really appreciate it ^^
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player really appreciate you doing this. I've done some peer counselling over the past couple of years, and I'm really really glad someone at a high level could do this. Thank you so much. Ranked Anxiety goes far beyond the game as well. If unregulated over a long period of time, the feedback loop bleeds into every aspect of a gamer's life.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I am going to apply it, not only in LoL, but in my life in general. Thanks a lot, m8. I'm sure you helped lots of ppl
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player i do this all the time and still bronze, gg -vvvortic, Ph. D in legend of leaguer mechonics and stage 4 super challenjour
Even though I personally have overcome ranked anxiety, I still find this video very educating and reassuring. You obviously put a lot of time into it, and it shows. Hope to see more uploads like this in the future, can't wait to see the in-depth version.
Hey guys, I really hope this video helps you. Worked hard getting the best info possible! These techniques can help you with ANY game/activity, not just League. Things like duo queue, picking fav role/champs obviously apply to League only but can be interchanged with similar concepts from any game - e.g CSGO choose your best maps/positions/strats. Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my very best to answer everything.Thanks a lot for watching :)
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I'm so glad you talked about this! I have terrible ranked anxiety-sweaty palms, tachycardia, apprehension, etc. and I already do most of those things that you suggested for negating the physical side effects (putting on a jacket, sitting up, taking deeper breaths). I finally finished my 10 placement games (which I stretched out over several months) and had planned to never play ranked again but watching this reminded me that my mentality towards the game-namely the lack of control over teammates and the dread of losing-are far from ideal. Dealing with this type of anxiety is a skill that will be applicable to other aspects of life so thank you for bringing attention to this topic!
The main problem i have with ranked is people flaming anywhere and anyone. It doesnt necessarily have to me with me, if someone from my team starts flaming the other team i get anxious. Of course if i just mute them i wont see it all, but i still notice when they're standing still in the middle of the lane, probably typing something in chat. I guess the internal locus of control can help me out, after all those things will happen whether i like it or not, its my perception of it that can change. I really hope to get better because to be honest, i am kind of afraid of playing league in general because of flamers and trash talkers... thanks for the amazing video foxy boy
I hate flamers but not when they flame me, they can do that i don't mind it, but if they flame a decent player who actually apologises for their mistakes then its kind of a dick thing to do.
This is pretty perfect timing for me. I have struggled with playing solo que for just about all the reasons that it listed. Its nice to hear that facts about all this. I know the anxiety wont just go away, but im gonna use the ideas here and see if they help me better then waiting online for 3 hours for a friend to pop on randomly! Thanks Foxdrop!
I've been seeing a psychologist for many years, and she gave me one way to look at anxiety that I felt has helped me tremendously. Basically, anxiety is the body's way of telling you that you have something important to do. So, the best way to alleviate your anxiety is to get ready and do the thing that's making you anxious.
Just wanted to come back and share, its been a month since i saw this video, and ive been working on my ranked play and the anxiety. Im happy to say dealing with the anxiety now that i know what im looking at has helped more then words can express. I havnt moved much in ranked but im not afraid to play anymore. Thanks Foxdrop!
thank you foxdrop, i have found recently this has been a real problem for me. i really appriciate that if i need an answer i can often find you have the answer in a simple and direct way please keep it up.
I can't believe how spot on you were with this o_o It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to play sometimes because im so afraid of losing or doing bad. I think this will help alot thank you very much! you now have a new subscriber ^_^
Hey fox i really like how you put this effort in your videos and how you talk to people about new things that no one ever thoes, but happens to anyone and really helps. Thanks for all the help you gave me and all your viewers :)
Not only is it good to learn this stuff but its also helpful to be reminded of it, some of this i have already heard before but I had forgotten about it a long time ago
This is a very good video and I appreciate how you explain the causes, symptoms and how to do something about it - props to you! I myself "suffer" from ranked anxiety and most of the solutions I tried and that you have also listed do not work on me. That's why I found my own solution by just doing the "jump into the cold water": I queue up ignoring my current psychological constitution. Usually the anxiety and its symptoms are gone either during champion select or when the game starts. This way I can basically play an infinite amount of games without anxiety because my pulse raises during the games and I'm only concentrated on doing my best rather than fearing my mate's flame - however this does not last long if I do a major break inbetween.
Thank you so much for this video, foxie. I really apprechiate the work you put into it! I am currently unranked and have never been ranked, just because I don't want to get placed into Bronze. My friends are all around Silver elo, but they have been playing longer than me and are better at the game. I don't even want to play normals by myself, I always wait for somebody to queue with, so I think your tips might really help me. Keep up the good work
I'm a dota player and this video helped me relax before my ranked games. Thanks to the knowledge and techniques this video has given me, I have raised my MMR (think League's ELO Ratings/Ladders) by over 800 from my original calibration/placement.
Awesome video Fox! I don't normally comment on videos that often but I had to give credit where credit is due. As someone who dealt with anxiety in the past, not necessarily toward league, this video was very much something I could relate to. Keep up the good work man, hopefully I can catch you streaming soon, I'm Zerkerstein by the way.
Great video fox, I don't really get anxious over LoL but I do over other things in life, and this video has a lot of informative tips that helped me out. Thanks!
I really appreciate these videos! As a bronze I like to duo with my other bronze friend and we usually win more this way with that good communication but i get really anxious about playing solo with the higher risk
Thank you so much, this really helped me think about how to calm myself down. I was doing really horrible in provisionals, I had no wins and just losses. It eventually got worse, to the point where I was 0/9 in provisionals, and scared to even play League, and when I did, I was scared to even buy basic items because I was scared of what others would say. At one point, I refused to open my computer. A lot of my friends were calling me bad, but I knew that they were right. They were yelling and stressing me out. But thanks to you, I realized what I was doing. I was merely blaming myself for everything, and trying to hard to please others, as well as not having fun at all. Thanks so much, foxdrop. This is late, but #PourJulia
Thanks for the tips foxxy, hopefully this can help me with not just ranked but real life and UA-cam too. Also if I could input some of my own advice I suggest listening to some music, it helps me out a lot :)
I don't suffer from anxiety as a disorder or on a day to day basis as most people commenting do. I also don't pretend to understand what that is like to deal with. I do however get very nervous/anxious when i am competing in lol or any sport/game against good or perhaps unknown players. The same with public speaking, performing and even work related pressure situations. I get all the symptoms such as shivers, shaking, sweating, heart racing etc. It can sometimes be overwhelming. In my experience (I am 30yo btw) I have learnt to embrace it as a way of making sure I'm focused. It means i care about what I'm doing so therefore validates why i do it. I remember hearing a quote from a pro boxer although i forget who it was, he basically said "the minute you don't feel nervous anymore is the minute you should stop doing it". Now, admittedly he uses this in the context of fighting, where the consequences of losing are usually much more severe but i still feel this is relevant in many other facets of life particularly competing or performing. Another huge factor to help alleviate anxiety is being experienced at what you are doing. This comes down to practice, training and preparation. I remember playing normal pvp for first time after only playing against bots was very nerve-wracking, but now i hardly get nervous at all (unless i recognise a smurf account on the other team....). I have just started ranked and i still get very nervous. As an avid basketball lover and player I am used to playing at my rec/social level and don't experience crushing anxiety much anymore unless I am playing in an important game, perhaps I know the opposition team is really good or I'm playing with players on another level. This would be a good time to point out that "iron sharpens iron" and the best way to get better is to play with better players. I always try to remind myself to embrace that feeling of as a way of focusing and telling me I'm right where i should be. It makes me feel "alive". As far as listening to trolls and ragers.... this is almost always a complete waste of time, as is paying attention to negative people in your life. Weak people will say anything to make themselves feel superior, avoiding responsibility for the outcome or bad things happening in their lives. On the internet this phenomenon is exponentially worse especially when they are anonymous.
It's nice to know I'm not alone with this, I deal with all 3 of the things constantly and then I get sad that I still haven't overcome it. I've played over 1,000 games and still hate playing soloq, I was lucky enough to play normal games with 3 or 4 friends at all times...now I'm stuck playing alone and the comfort blanket is gone. Even worse now that I took a break from LoL, I feel like my skills went downhill a lot while being gone for 8 months and keeping me from wanting to play. T.T
Even the pros get anxious. I see them up on stage tensing up sometimes and rubbing their hands. Performance anxiety is pretty common, so it's a great topic to discuss and work to find a way to cope. I'm a relatively anxious person in general, have been for a long time now. I definitely let it stop me sometimes from even playing. It's a constant process, not sure if I'll ever completely kick it. But I am learning to control it better.
thanks for the little notes in the video, sometimes i dont understand all what you say and its cool if it is written (english is not my first language) :)
I have been a League player for 3 years and to be honest i still have both ranked and casual game anxiety but over the years i have found that when i play with friends i dont get nervous but i will also start pushing my anxiety so i dont feel nervous anymore
It's almost embarassing that my anxiety causes me to tear up just from watching this video, not because it's well put together, but because I feel like I can't accomplish anything you said. :(
I'm pretty much 100% in the column of letting people down. I'm a support main and I'm afraid to go into solo Q because of that... also that I don't know how to play other positions very well or at all. I could maybe get by with a mid or top lane Morgana, but I don't feel comfortable in my diversity. Also going one on one with someone like in mid or top lane really gets to me. When they outpoke me, or slowly whittle me down when I can't do the same to them gets in my head. I'm much more comfortable in bottom lane setting up kills for someone else.
I've had ranked anxiety since I started playing this game. I got put in bronze while all my friends were put in silver. They always laugh and make fun of me. I've had a hard time getting out of it, and felt a lot of stress and an increased heart rate because of it. I wanted to show my friends that i'm not just a bronze, and I don't want to be laughed at because of that. Thanks for this video. Helped a lot.
TheDiabolocraft your now in the position i was one year ago. But only some friends where silver while others have been bronze for ages. So i played and played and after around 100 Games i was in silver - ending up in season4 in silver 2 - a higher rank than any of my friends i guess. I kept that mentality of trying to improve and voila i am gold 5 now. ( Still bad.) I hope this motivates u and can make you feal better in the future.
TheDiabolocraft In season 3 i was placed at Bronze 1, dropped down to Bronze 3, and ended the season at Silver 1/2. Season 4, placed Silver 5, ended Plat 5. Season 5, placed Gold 3, currently Plat 2. Each and every time i was lower that all of my friends at the start, and ended higher than them. You just have to believe in yourself and go in with the mentality to improve, not necessarily just win. Good luck, you can do it.
I nearly don't have ladder anxiety in lol ranked, but i got a LOT in starcraft 2. I'm literraly shacking when I play the first time after one or 2 weeks. So i have a tips, i know a lot of player love to listen to music while playing moba or rts, so i suggest you to listen to classical music, or any music that can relax you. It help me personnaly, i think it can be a great tool to overcome a part of your ladder anxiety. (sry for bad english)
thanks for this. i havent played ranked in over a month. i just dont want to try to climb because im afraid of getting stuck where i am.... which leaves me stuck where i am. i have to stop making excuses and just queue up. its so hard but my new goal is 200 games over the remaining 5 months of the season. i dont want to miss my elo goal but if i set a more attainable goal, i know i can acheive both
Hey foxdrop, any chance you could do a video on how to change your play style when you get a disconnect on your team. Should you just cover the lane and let the enemy jungler have free reign over both sides of the jungle? While not a particularly common occurrence, it is still important to know how to change one's play-style in that kind of situation.
I had this until i got demoted from silver 3 to 4 but after 7 games and only 1 loss in between i got back to silver 3 and that time made me realize 'oh well ive already been demoted once' so now it doesn't give me anxiety to play
I don't tend to play ranked because I was put in silver for my placements and don't want to play games in the risk of losing too many and being relegated to bronze, where people will make fun of me. Any solutions to this?
Gaddy Everyone gets placed silver or bronze when they start. You just have to play over and over. Its slightly daunting at first but really you should just play and literally just try and figure out your mistakes. You won't get better without playing, its why people refer to the ranked grind.
Gaddy you will prob get higher as long as you have 50% win rate (66% in promos) but other than that its ok to lose few game here and there, but trust no one to carry you in this elo
Gaddy you have different ways to solve this. One way would be that you realize that unless you are like dia 1 or higher, you have still great room for improvement and could be considered bad. Any Silver player may flame the bronze, but every gold player flames silver and plat players say gold is shit as well. ( and trust me it is, i know that, cause i am gold). So realize that your perception of your league is completly determined by you and you only. Second the elo system puts you where you belong and its quite unlikely that your placement matches puts you HIGHER than you actually are, usually you´ll get placed much lower, so if you will play you are most likely climb. And third riot implemented that you cant skip divisions unless you play so bad as one entire tier below you (which is impossible unless you got boosted). So you cant drop to your feared bronze anyways^^
I was global elite in cs I quit came back and I can beat anyone in a 1v1 but when I go into comp or faceit I bottom frag and I feel so weird while playing
My anxiety comes after my first game of the night... If I won, then I'm afraid that 2nd game will erase my progress from that win, and if my first game was a loss, I'm worried the 2nd game will just bury me deeper... So often I only end up playing 1 game a night. This is also new to me this season as in the past I had no problem... Season 3 I was Silver 5, season 4 I was Silver 5 dropped down to Bronze 1, but pulled myself up to Silver 3... Season 5 is here and placements put me in silver 3. The player pol just gives me such a lack of hope, and from the fear that was instilled last season I don't want to drop further... I'm barely keeping above 0LP.
Leon O'Grian Hey man. Season 2 I was Gold, S3 - Silver, S4 - Plat. Currently pushing from Plat 1 to Diamond. I, like you, had anxiety about playing as I hated the thought of spending my day off work playing League, only to win 5 lose 5 and be exactly where I began. This resulted in me dropping down to Silver in Season 3 as I was 'afraid' to play and make myself worse, despite knowing at heart I was capable of Plat+. I changed my attitude towards ranked, started doing things as best I could, knowing that after every game, win or lose, I played to the best of my ability, and I was simply beaten by a better player/group. It happens, it's WHY we play ranked, to be matched with those just above/below us and to test our skill. It is how a matchmaking ladder works fundamentally. My biggest push came when I realised that getting higher is just a farming game. Yeah some people win 75% and get Diamond in 50 wins, but for others like me, who only win 52%, it takes a larger 'pool' of games. 52% of 50 games is 26 wins 24 losses. 52% of 500 games is 260 wins, 240 losses. Now you think how much LP is 20 wins worth? Anywhere between 2 Tiers and a whole Division. Now imagine you win 53%... even 55%... TL;DR: Don't let the fear of losing, keep you from playing the game. You are capable. You know you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here right now reading this.
Robbie Harris Thanks for the post, I totally understand... Still, its not just League itself, but the players here in Bronze 3 (I've never been lower than B1) is just emotionally draining on top of everything else. I refuse to not be at least silver by the end, but by god it just takes everything out of me that the 2nd game is hell on my mind. I'm not perfect, I don't think I'm a Gold player, but I have no faith in this elo beyond luck.
Leon O'Grian And what is wrong with being Bronze or Silver ? What matters is you should have fun and do your best. And if you're doing bad, then you will identify your mistakes and work on them to avoid doing them again. I totally understand what you mean by "I refuse to not be silver", since I was having the same ego problem by refusing to not climb to gold. I barely ended Gold V last season after being Silver I for month and loosing 7/8 promos, and I was stuck between Silver 1/2 this season. I thought I deserved better, and I became anxious because I was forcing myself to play the game to get to the classement I deserved. I obviously wasn't able to identify my mistakes and play the game at my best. Then a friend adviced me to take a break from LoL. I completely stopped playing for like 10 days. And it was enough for me to enjoy the game again and to not care about what would happen. I had trolls in my teams, even had afks (yes, this happens way too often in silver/gold too), but I was not anxious because I was not caring anymore. I started playing as if I played normals : not caring about loosing, just trying to be good. And I started winning. I honestly played better the past 19 games than any of the previous 85 ranked I played before my break. I went 14/5 and finally made it to Gold V, and I deserved it this time. What I'm trying to tell you is that you shouldn't care about your Elo, you shouldn't even think about it when starting a ranked game. Play for your own amusement, and if you're not enjoying ranked games then go for normals. We will never, ever be LCS material, being bad at a game shouldn't affect you or me. Btw sorry for my wrong english spelling, I'm not a native english-speaking person ;)
gnarkos because I have been silver for 3 seasons, and being placed do much lower this season with so many games full of players who rage, troll, or just don't care cause it's just bronze is why I refuse to be bronze.
the best counter of this anxiety is to realize that ranked doesnt matter that much. if you are good, you will climb, no matter what happens. just go with the flow, learn game and have fun. if you do bad and people flame you, say sorry and move on, or you can just mute them and continue playing game. ranked is not lcs, lp is just another feature, if you play regularly and if you are not terrible, i'm telling you, you can reach gold very easily.
Man i remember having ladder anxiety in the late 90s when playing SC. Good times :p Still get it sometimes in other games though, but now its a thrill rather than a fear >
I usually worry that my performance won't be up to scratch, especially because I'm in Bronze I but for some reason I always get paired up with golds and I think that they'll look down on me.
So I hit level 30 and I go for ranks there I kinda fed most games so I got bronze 1, then I gave a time because there are so many toxic players in it, when I overcame my fear I started playing only rank, now I am in the diamond division.
My problem is that i always go into a game with the mindset that i need to win it. I try to go in trying to better myself and learn from my mistakes but in the end i get annoyed at myself for losing which snowballs into my next games.
I get alot of anxiety when I do the iron banner on destiny it's like I can perform pretty well in regular pvp against really good players but when I get to iron banner I lose my focus, my strategy is non existent, I just completely fall apart. this has just started happening recently, and it feels like I'm taking it to heart since I'm an uploader on youtube and it really effects my game. but now that I've seen your video I have a way to improve how I think about how to counter act this.
sometimes when i would start a rank i would start freezing, my teeth would clack my hands would be so cold it felt like i dipped them in ice water even tho i would have my beanie on, socks, fully clothed and have warm blankets. i thought it was my bowls being a jerk again becuase i have a very strange digestive system but i never imagined it could have been anxiety. ive always been a very composed person who is hard to stress but maybe my asperger is more present in my life than i think. My so pointed out that some weird dreams i wastalking about represented anxiety so maybe the cold realy isnt anything related to my bowels being weird. ive also noticed that the games i do my best in ranked are the ones i go full sp4zie mode. instead of worriyng about feeding lanes i think about what i can do about it. i usedto play a lot of mordekaiser and vel koz mid and would get feed almost everygame but no one would commit because no one understood how scary these two champs are when they are fed. recently ive decided to impose myself in ranked. ive always been a fill main because im good at every role and have a number of champions ive very comfortable with in each of these roles and i want my teamates to perfom at their best. so instead of saying fill in team select i now say sion pref but i can fill so now people are more willingto let me sion because i know that i will not feed my lane and that i will be able to salvage a feeding bot. For the first time i feel like im actualy carrying a game and looking at my match history is giving me some confidence, thats coming from the guy with no confidence. ive always tought id just be this guy whos just being usefull and not truly carrying the game but here i am getting fed and carrying game after game (ty sion). a plat friend of mine told me the best way to become better is just to play ranked until it becomes a part of you and for some reason this has realy help me keep a cool attitude in ranked which ive been struggling to keep over the years even tho i know i perform far better in that mindset. ive been typign too long i forgot where i was going with this. anyways guys, go Watch sp4zie's ranked video and hopefuly youl learn to play ranked with no anxiety like me :) good luck in solo queue and remember its just a game
This is a microcosm of society today. I was up on a 15 foot ladder earlier working on my house and felt a little terrified. I sought strategies to deal with it and was led here. Western Man is Deceased.
I personally noticed my win rate drops if i play on days I was at work (full-time employment). If i dont sleep after work lowest win rate, if i sleep i get a bit better win rate but not as good as during weekends when im fully rested. I now only play ranked on weekends and have 85% win rate for the last 20 games :). Its no fun losing anyway so why bother playing tired. Playing tired makes me less patient, makes me react slower and I noticed I cant predict enemy as well as usual and end up missing a lot of skill shots.
I had in season 4. I had 800 normals and was in scared to play ranked. Season 5 came along and I manned up. I'm currently gold 3. Its really easy just main a lane that ur confident in and u will not be scared
idk i have stopped playing ranked/lol and i think it's partly because i have a very perfectionistic approach in everything i do and partly because in solo queue, i don't feel a lack of control, but rather i feel like i depend on my teammates no matter how well i play (examples, i win lane easily, start snowballing, roam, take objectives, etc, but still i lose many games because of simple ridiculous reasons like my adc going 1v5 against the enemy team for no reason). i most likely have this ranked anxiety. last season i was silver 1 (low elo, i know, but whatever, i played like 30 ranked games in total) and this season i played 4 of my pre-ranked games, losing 3 consecutive ones even though i was solo-carrying 2 of them (not carrying hard enough apparently) and forced to support a 'in my eyes inexperienced player' in the 3rd one. since then, i stopped playing because i don't want to be ranked anything lower than silver 5. i do know that i am nowhere near as good as many players out there and i am trying to improve, but i also know that i can beat any bronze 1 player in lane every single match (unless they have been ranked wrongly, which i truly believe can be the case).
Honestly, what I think the problem is, games are for having fun, but when you play ranked, you feel like you can't have fun. Because if you die people will rage. But I feel everyone should just maintain the simple idea that this IS just a game
I have ladder anxiety only in CS:GO, every other game, no matter what's at risk, I play extremely calm and well, but when I get on that CS comp it's like my first day playing any video game... (I'm Diamond Overwatch, I was Platinum on L.O.L., Platinum PUBG and....... Silver Elite Cs:go)
I had a problem for a while where I'd have to smoke a cigarette between just about every game. I didn't even realize how often I was doing it until someone pointed it out to me.
Another way of thinking of games as ways to learn is to * Think of one thing you could've done better/learned and take pride in the fact that you won't do it again
you are right but what should i do when i want to play ranked (i really want) and immediatly after pressing the "accept" button the game is already lost cause i have 2 guys crying for picks and trolling...i mean isnt all about anxiety, its about raging cause you lost a game when you had no opportunity to win it. what should i do when at 5min in the game my bot lane is 0-10 (total) cmon...impossible sometimes
I cant change the way I look forward to ranked matches. Back, then I was easly climbing, got plat and was still climbing, but now my friend is nearly in diamond and I am in gold 2, cuz of inactivity and even, when I start to play, things went wrong and I really stopped playing ranked, even leauge for a time and my friend says that I am still way better then him. Back in s4 I was always the "tactician" in the team if we played premade and I was always sure in the things I did and thats what I lost, while my friend has his self trust and I lost it, also I am not trying to blame my team, but myself and try to work on my bad things, BUT sometimes I too hars for myself or I just keep blaming my team, not in ingame chat, but in my mind and I am scared to play ranked game, becaouse I dont trust my team and I feel I will get a bad team AND I dont trust myself and I am not sure that I can carry the game. My friend is sure that He can carry the game and He does, while I am just overthinking everything and scared to make the steps forward.
I used to be very nervous when I played ranked for the first time, I can even remember my hands shaking in my provisionals. Then I just stopped caring. I realized I'm a silver player and who cares if I lose? I'm not in the LCS, this game isn't my job. I play for fun and there's no point getting anxious over a video game.
Lol dude i get Normals anxiety and just don't play at all haha......*slowly begins to cry*
"I get nervous before every performance; but I need that feeling!" -Jhin
You fancy the overcoming of ranked anxiety?
Redmercy do you?
Redmercy You just love that PBE don't ya?
Redmercy can you taste this scone?
I always poop before ranked match. My anxiety is at whole new level
omg i have exactly this problem for quiet a while, i have problems starting a ranked because everytime i want to play in the same time i don't want to play because of the reasons u mentioned
this video showed me what i should do now, thank you for it i really appreciate it ^^
Also I've put a thread on reddit where you can ask me questions :) bit.ly/1DeRIVc
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player really appreciate you doing this. I've done some peer counselling over the past couple of years, and I'm really really glad someone at a high level could do this. Thank you so much. Ranked Anxiety goes far beyond the game as well. If unregulated over a long period of time, the feedback loop bleeds into every aspect of a gamer's life.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player
I am going to apply it, not only in LoL, but in my life in general.
Thanks a lot, m8.
I'm sure you helped lots of ppl
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player videos like this make foxdrop earn what he got :) liked it a lot!
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I feel better already :) u r the best
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player i do this all the time and still bronze, gg
-vvvortic, Ph. D in legend of leaguer mechonics and stage 4 super challenjour
Step 1: Buy Garen
Step 2: Play Garen
From anxious to confident in 3 easy manly steps.
stonewall008 why buy garen when you can get him for free :3
stonewall008 why buy one of the most useless top laners in the game T.T
stonewall008 1. Buy Xin Zhao
2. Play Xin Zhao3. Play the Man song from Mulan
Become a man.
stonewall008 ahhh! one of my favorite youtubers on the channel of another one of my favorite youtubers! :D
눈 ͜ಎ눈 filthy weabist BE A MAN, WE GONNA GET THAT ELO.
Even though I personally have overcome ranked anxiety, I still find this video very educating and reassuring. You obviously put a lot of time into it, and it shows. Hope to see more uploads like this in the future, can't wait to see the in-depth version.
Hey guys, I really hope this video helps you. Worked hard getting the best info possible!
These techniques can help you with ANY game/activity, not just League. Things like duo queue, picking fav role/champs obviously apply to League only but can be interchanged with similar concepts from any game - e.g CSGO choose your best maps/positions/strats.
Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my very best to answer everything.Thanks a lot for watching :)
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I'm so glad you talked about this! I have terrible ranked anxiety-sweaty palms, tachycardia, apprehension, etc. and I already do most of those things that you suggested for negating the physical side effects (putting on a jacket, sitting up, taking deeper breaths). I finally finished my 10 placement games (which I stretched out over several months) and had planned to never play ranked again but watching this reminded me that my mentality towards the game-namely the lack of control over teammates and the dread of losing-are far from ideal. Dealing with this type of anxiety is a skill that will be applicable to other aspects of life so thank you for bringing attention to this topic!
The main problem i have with ranked is people flaming anywhere and anyone.
It doesnt necessarily have to me with me, if someone from my team starts flaming the other team i get anxious.
Of course if i just mute them i wont see it all, but i still notice when they're standing still in the middle of the lane, probably typing something in chat.
I guess the internal locus of control can help me out, after all those things will happen whether i like it or not, its my perception of it that can change.
I really hope to get better because to be honest, i am kind of afraid of playing league in general because of flamers and trash talkers...
thanks for the amazing video foxy boy
I hate flamers but not when they flame me, they can do that i don't mind it, but if they flame a decent player who actually apologises for their mistakes then its kind of a dick thing to do.
happy you used official information/a professional consultant for this! shows you really care. Thanks fox drop!
you're... just so amazing, thank you so much for making this video. it had the amount of depth and research I needed to respond to this problem.
This is pretty perfect timing for me. I have struggled with playing solo que for just about all the reasons that it listed. Its nice to hear that facts about all this. I know the anxiety wont just go away, but im gonna use the ideas here and see if they help me better then waiting online for 3 hours for a friend to pop on randomly! Thanks Foxdrop!
I've been seeing a psychologist for many years, and she gave me one way to look at anxiety that I felt has helped me tremendously. Basically, anxiety is the body's way of telling you that you have something important to do. So, the best way to alleviate your anxiety is to get ready and do the thing that's making you anxious.
Just wanted to come back and share, its been a month since i saw this video, and ive been working on my ranked play and the anxiety. Im happy to say dealing with the anxiety now that i know what im looking at has helped more then words can express. I havnt moved much in ranked but im not afraid to play anymore.
Thanks Foxdrop!
thank you foxdrop, i have found recently this has been a real problem for me. i really appriciate that if i need an answer i can often find you have the answer in a simple and direct way please keep it up.
I can't believe how spot on you were with this o_o It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to play sometimes because im so afraid of losing or doing bad. I think this will help alot thank you very much! you now have a new subscriber ^_^
Hey fox i really like how you put this effort in your videos and how you talk to people about new things that no one ever thoes, but happens to anyone and really helps. Thanks for all the help you gave me and all your viewers :)
I just smoke a joint before each game. it really helps.
I am very impressed at the study foxdrop has put into this video. a great deal of work went in to producing this, thank you
Not only is it good to learn this stuff but its also helpful to be reminded of it, some of this i have already heard before but I had forgotten about it a long time ago
This is a very good video and I appreciate how you explain the causes, symptoms and how to do something about it - props to you!
I myself "suffer" from ranked anxiety and most of the solutions I tried and that you have also listed do not work on me.
That's why I found my own solution by just doing the "jump into the cold water": I queue up ignoring my current psychological constitution.
Usually the anxiety and its symptoms are gone either during champion select or when the game starts.
This way I can basically play an infinite amount of games without anxiety because my pulse raises during the games and I'm only concentrated on doing my best rather than fearing my mate's flame - however this does not last long if I do a major break inbetween.
Thank you so much for this video, foxie. I really apprechiate the work you put into it!
I am currently unranked and have never been ranked, just because I don't want to get placed into Bronze. My friends are all around Silver elo, but they have been playing longer than me and are better at the game. I don't even want to play normals by myself, I always wait for somebody to queue with, so I think your tips might really help me. Keep up the good work
I'm a dota player and this video helped me relax before my ranked games. Thanks to the knowledge and techniques this video has given me, I have raised my MMR (think League's ELO Ratings/Ladders) by over 800 from my original calibration/placement.
Awesome video Fox! I don't normally comment on videos that often but I had to give credit where credit is due. As someone who dealt with anxiety in the past, not necessarily toward league, this video was very much something I could relate to. Keep up the good work man, hopefully I can catch you streaming soon, I'm Zerkerstein by the way.
i suffered from ranked axiety and this video opened my eyes, thank you a lot bro
The biggest reason for my ranked anxiety is, not losing, but getting flamed as hell if we lose "because of me" (even if a lot of times it isn't :c ).
Great video fox, I don't really get anxious over LoL but I do over other things in life, and this video has a lot of informative tips that helped me out. Thanks!
I have ranked anxiety when playing normals D:
i have ranked anxiety when playing bot games or aram :(
I have ranked anxiety when playing practice tool
I have ranked anxiety when logging in
I have ranked anxiety, thinking about league of legends
I have
I really appreciate these videos! As a bronze I like to duo with my other bronze friend and we usually win more this way with that good communication but i get really anxious about playing solo with the higher risk
Thank you so much, this really helped me think about how to calm myself down. I was doing really horrible in provisionals, I had no wins and just losses. It eventually got worse, to the point where I was 0/9 in provisionals, and scared to even play League, and when I did, I was scared to even buy basic items because I was scared of what others would say. At one point, I refused to open my computer. A lot of my friends were calling me bad, but I knew that they were right. They were yelling and stressing me out. But thanks to you, I realized what I was doing. I was merely blaming myself for everything, and trying to hard to please others, as well as not having fun at all. Thanks so much, foxdrop. This is late, but #PourJulia
Yo good job foxdrop I like the effort you put in man... really shows your educated and dedicated to learning your stuff... A+
Thanks for the tips foxxy, hopefully this can help me with not just ranked but real life and UA-cam too. Also if I could input some of my own advice I suggest listening to some music, it helps me out a lot :)
I don't suffer from anxiety as a disorder or on a day to day basis as most people commenting do. I also don't pretend to understand what that is like to deal with. I do however get very nervous/anxious when i am competing in lol or any sport/game against good or perhaps unknown players. The same with public speaking, performing and even work related pressure situations. I get all the symptoms such as shivers, shaking, sweating, heart racing etc. It can sometimes be overwhelming.
In my experience (I am 30yo btw) I have learnt to embrace it as a way of making sure I'm focused. It means i care about what I'm doing so therefore validates why i do it. I remember hearing a quote from a pro boxer although i forget who it was, he basically said "the minute you don't feel nervous anymore is the minute you should stop doing it". Now, admittedly he uses this in the context of fighting, where the consequences of losing are usually much more severe but i still feel this is relevant in many other facets of life particularly competing or performing. Another huge factor to help alleviate anxiety is being experienced at what you are doing. This comes down to practice, training and preparation. I remember playing normal pvp for first time after only playing against bots was very nerve-wracking, but now i hardly get nervous at all (unless i recognise a smurf account on the other team....). I have just started ranked and i still get very nervous. As an avid basketball lover and player I am used to playing at my rec/social level and don't experience crushing anxiety much anymore unless I am playing in an important game, perhaps I know the opposition team is really good or I'm playing with players on another level. This would be a good time to point out that "iron sharpens iron" and the best way to get better is to play with better players. I always try to remind myself to embrace that feeling of as a way of focusing and telling me I'm right where i should be. It makes me feel "alive". As far as listening to trolls and ragers.... this is almost always a complete waste of time, as is paying attention to negative people in your life. Weak people will say anything to make themselves feel superior, avoiding responsibility for the outcome or bad things happening in their lives. On the internet this phenomenon is exponentially worse especially when they are anonymous.
It's nice to know I'm not alone with this, I deal with all 3 of the things constantly and then I get sad that I still haven't overcome it. I've played over 1,000 games and still hate playing soloq, I was lucky enough to play normal games with 3 or 4 friends at all times...now I'm stuck playing alone and the comfort blanket is gone. Even worse now that I took a break from LoL, I feel like my skills went downhill a lot while being gone for 8 months and keeping me from wanting to play. T.T
Even the pros get anxious. I see them up on stage tensing up sometimes and rubbing their hands. Performance anxiety is pretty common, so it's a great topic to discuss and work to find a way to cope. I'm a relatively anxious person in general, have been for a long time now. I definitely let it stop me sometimes from even playing. It's a constant process, not sure if I'll ever completely kick it. But I am learning to control it better.
what do i remenber from this video?
LOL #wurf
quentin labroche What does that even mean?
it means wurf.
quentin labroche
thanks for the little notes in the video, sometimes i dont understand all what you say and its cool if it is written (english is not my first language) :)
I have been a League player for 3 years and to be honest i still have both ranked and casual game anxiety but over the years i have found that when i play with friends i dont get nervous but i will also start pushing my anxiety so i dont feel nervous anymore
Felt great watching this video to find out ways to deal with it. Haha, I understood every bit because of AP Psychology class in high school XD
It's almost embarassing that my anxiety causes me to tear up just from watching this video, not because it's well put together, but because I feel like I can't accomplish anything you said. :(
This helped so much, thanks for making this.
I'm pretty much 100% in the column of letting people down. I'm a support main and I'm afraid to go into solo Q because of that... also that I don't know how to play other positions very well or at all. I could maybe get by with a mid or top lane Morgana, but I don't feel comfortable in my diversity. Also going one on one with someone like in mid or top lane really gets to me. When they outpoke me, or slowly whittle me down when I can't do the same to them gets in my head. I'm much more comfortable in bottom lane setting up kills for someone else.
I've had ranked anxiety since I started playing this game. I got put in bronze while all my friends were put in silver. They always laugh and make fun of me. I've had a hard time getting out of it, and felt a lot of stress and an increased heart rate because of it. I wanted to show my friends that i'm not just a bronze, and I don't want to be laughed at because of that. Thanks for this video. Helped a lot.
TheDiabolocraft your now in the position i was one year ago. But only some friends where silver while others have been bronze for ages. So i played and played and after around 100 Games i was in silver - ending up in season4 in silver 2 - a higher rank than any of my friends i guess. I kept that mentality of trying to improve and voila i am gold 5 now. ( Still bad.)
I hope this motivates u and can make you feal better in the future.
TheDiabolocraft In season 3 i was placed at Bronze 1, dropped down to Bronze 3, and ended the season at Silver 1/2. Season 4, placed Silver 5, ended Plat 5. Season 5, placed Gold 3, currently Plat 2. Each and every time i was lower that all of my friends at the start, and ended higher than them. You just have to believe in yourself and go in with the mentality to improve, not necessarily just win. Good luck, you can do it.
thanks alot both of you! this really inspired me.
Thank you Fox, I will use this in all the games I play.
This helps so much. This is basically me. Its why Ive only ever played 10 ranked games.
Anxiety is huge with League -- i often smoke a bowl throughout my play sesh -- helps so much.
Best youtuber ever. Love you foxdrop
I nearly don't have ladder anxiety in lol ranked, but i got a LOT in starcraft 2. I'm literraly shacking when I play the first time after one or 2 weeks. So i have a tips, i know a lot of player love to listen to music while playing moba or rts, so i suggest you to listen to classical music, or any music that can relax you. It help me personnaly, i think it can be a great tool to overcome a part of your ladder anxiety. (sry for bad english)
Astounding video Fox. Good job.
2020 here, thank you very much for the video, I'm an Aoe2DE player and you helped me, I need this, thank you very much!
First Comment Hype!
Love your work foxxy :)
thanks for this. i havent played ranked in over a month. i just dont want to try to climb because im afraid of getting stuck where i am.... which leaves me stuck where i am. i have to stop making excuses and just queue up. its so hard but my new goal is 200 games over the remaining 5 months of the season. i dont want to miss my elo goal but if i set a more attainable goal, i know i can acheive both
Hey foxdrop, any chance you could do a video on how to change your play style when you get a disconnect on your team. Should you just cover the lane and let the enemy jungler have free reign over both sides of the jungle? While not a particularly common occurrence, it is still important to know how to change one's play-style in that kind of situation.
i have this with CSGO, but this video gave me a different mentality, im gonna start to solo queue again
I had this until i got demoted from silver 3 to 4 but after 7 games and only 1 loss in between i got back to silver 3 and that time made me realize 'oh well ive already been demoted once' so now it doesn't give me anxiety to play
I don't tend to play ranked because I was put in silver for my placements and don't want to play games in the risk of losing too many and being relegated to bronze, where people will make fun of me. Any solutions to this?
Gaddy Play when you feel ready. Its not like all your games will be lost.. You'll win some and you'll get better.
Gaddy Everyone gets placed silver or bronze when they start. You just have to play over and over. Its slightly daunting at first but really you should just play and literally just try and figure out your mistakes. You won't get better without playing, its why people refer to the ranked grind.
Gaddy you will prob get higher as long as you have 50% win rate (66% in promos) but other than that its ok to lose few game here and there, but trust no one to carry you in this elo
Gaddy Well, majority of players (about 60% are bronze and silver). That's nothing, you have to climb man. It's a grind.
Gaddy you have different ways to solve this. One way would be that you realize that unless you are like dia 1 or higher, you have still great room for improvement and could be considered bad. Any Silver player may flame the bronze, but every gold player flames silver and plat players say gold is shit as well. ( and trust me it is, i know that, cause i am gold). So realize that your perception of your league is completly determined by you and you only.
Second the elo system puts you where you belong and its quite unlikely that your placement matches puts you HIGHER than you actually are, usually you´ll get placed much lower, so if you will play you are most likely climb.
And third riot implemented that you cant skip divisions unless you play so bad as one entire tier below you (which is impossible unless you got boosted). So you cant drop to your feared bronze anyways^^
Know a few people who can benefit from this topic, thanks lots Foxdrop :) love your videos!!
Thank you foxy, ill try to queue up for ranked for the first time this season =)
Awesome video foxdrop !!! Love it .
I was global elite in cs I quit came back and I can beat anyone in a 1v1 but when I go into comp or faceit I bottom frag and I feel so weird while playing
My anxiety comes after my first game of the night... If I won, then I'm afraid that 2nd game will erase my progress from that win, and if my first game was a loss, I'm worried the 2nd game will just bury me deeper... So often I only end up playing 1 game a night.
This is also new to me this season as in the past I had no problem... Season 3 I was Silver 5, season 4 I was Silver 5 dropped down to Bronze 1, but pulled myself up to Silver 3... Season 5 is here and placements put me in silver 3. The player pol just gives me such a lack of hope, and from the fear that was instilled last season I don't want to drop further... I'm barely keeping above 0LP.
Leon O'Grian Hey man. Season 2 I was Gold, S3 - Silver, S4 - Plat. Currently pushing from Plat 1 to Diamond. I, like you, had anxiety about playing as I hated the thought of spending my day off work playing League, only to win 5 lose 5 and be exactly where I began. This resulted in me dropping down to Silver in Season 3 as I was 'afraid' to play and make myself worse, despite knowing at heart I was capable of Plat+.
I changed my attitude towards ranked, started doing things as best I could, knowing that after every game, win or lose, I played to the best of my ability, and I was simply beaten by a better player/group. It happens, it's WHY we play ranked, to be matched with those just above/below us and to test our skill. It is how a matchmaking ladder works fundamentally.
My biggest push came when I realised that getting higher is just a farming game. Yeah some people win 75% and get Diamond in 50 wins, but for others like me, who only win 52%, it takes a larger 'pool' of games. 52% of 50 games is 26 wins 24 losses. 52% of 500 games is 260 wins, 240 losses. Now you think how much LP is 20 wins worth? Anywhere between 2 Tiers and a whole Division. Now imagine you win 53%... even 55%...
TL;DR: Don't let the fear of losing, keep you from playing the game. You are capable. You know you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here right now reading this.
Robbie Harris
Thanks for the post, I totally understand... Still, its not just League itself, but the players here in Bronze 3 (I've never been lower than B1) is just emotionally draining on top of everything else.
I refuse to not be at least silver by the end, but by god it just takes everything out of me that the 2nd game is hell on my mind.
I'm not perfect, I don't think I'm a Gold player, but I have no faith in this elo beyond luck.
Leon O'Grian And what is wrong with being Bronze or Silver ? What matters is you should have fun and do your best. And if you're doing bad, then you will identify your mistakes and work on them to avoid doing them again.
I totally understand what you mean by "I refuse to not be silver", since I was having the same ego problem by refusing to not climb to gold. I barely ended Gold V last season after being Silver I for month and loosing 7/8 promos, and I was stuck between Silver 1/2 this season. I thought I deserved better, and I became anxious because I was forcing myself to play the game to get to the classement I deserved. I obviously wasn't able to identify my mistakes and play the game at my best.
Then a friend adviced me to take a break from LoL. I completely stopped playing for like 10 days. And it was enough for me to enjoy the game again and to not care about what would happen. I had trolls in my teams, even had afks (yes, this happens way too often in silver/gold too), but I was not anxious because I was not caring anymore. I started playing as if I played normals : not caring about loosing, just trying to be good. And I started winning. I honestly played better the past 19 games than any of the previous 85 ranked I played before my break. I went 14/5 and finally made it to Gold V, and I deserved it this time.
What I'm trying to tell you is that you shouldn't care about your Elo, you shouldn't even think about it when starting a ranked game. Play for your own amusement, and if you're not enjoying ranked games then go for normals. We will never, ever be LCS material, being bad at a game shouldn't affect you or me.
Btw sorry for my wrong english spelling, I'm not a native english-speaking person ;)
gnarkos because I have been silver for 3 seasons, and being placed do much lower this season with so many games full of players who rage, troll, or just don't care cause it's just bronze is why I refuse to be bronze.
Loved the video man! Thanks alot :D
the best counter of this anxiety is to realize that ranked doesnt matter that much. if you are good, you will climb, no matter what happens. just go with the flow, learn game and have fun. if you do bad and people flame you, say sorry and move on, or you can just mute them and continue playing game. ranked is not lcs, lp is just another feature, if you play regularly and if you are not terrible, i'm telling you, you can reach gold very easily.
I know this is 2 years later haha, but this helped me. Thanks.
Man i remember having ladder anxiety in the late 90s when playing SC. Good times :p
Still get it sometimes in other games though, but now its a thrill rather than a fear >
This is such a good video. Thanks to you, i got some really nice advices, that i will use,
I always get nerveous especially when trying to win i was g5 at season 4 now im s1 but i cant win ,my heart fastens i sweat a lot etc etc
I usually worry that my performance won't be up to scratch, especially because I'm in Bronze I but for some reason I always get paired up with golds and I think that they'll look down on me.
So I hit level 30 and I go for ranks there I kinda fed most games so I got bronze 1, then I gave a time because there are so many toxic players in it, when I overcame my fear I started playing only rank, now I am in the diamond division.
My problem is that i always go into a game with the mindset that i need to win it. I try to go in trying to better myself and learn from my mistakes but in the end i get annoyed at myself for losing which snowballs into my next games.
I get alot of anxiety when I do the iron banner on destiny it's like I can perform pretty well in regular pvp against really good players but when I get to iron banner I lose my focus, my strategy is non existent, I just completely fall apart. this has just started happening recently, and it feels like I'm taking it to heart since I'm an uploader on youtube and it really effects my game. but now that I've seen your video I have a way to improve how I think about how to counter act this.
and thanks fr this video I needed to see this.
Very nice video, always that i queue solo i already start feeling anxiety, and im diamond and its sucks
sometimes when i would start a rank i would start freezing, my teeth would clack my hands would be so cold it felt like i dipped them in ice water even tho i would have my beanie on, socks, fully clothed and have warm blankets. i thought it was my bowls being a jerk again becuase i have a very strange digestive system but i never imagined it could have been anxiety. ive always been a very composed person who is hard to stress but maybe my asperger is more present in my life than i think. My so pointed out that some weird dreams i wastalking about represented anxiety so maybe the cold realy isnt anything related to my bowels being weird. ive also noticed that the games i do my best in ranked are the ones i go full sp4zie mode. instead of worriyng about feeding lanes i think about what i can do about it. i usedto play a lot of mordekaiser and vel koz mid and would get feed almost everygame but no one would commit because no one understood how scary these two champs are when they are fed. recently ive decided to impose myself in ranked. ive always been a fill main because im good at every role and have a number of champions ive very comfortable with in each of these roles and i want my teamates to perfom at their best. so instead of saying fill in team select i now say sion pref but i can fill so now people are more willingto let me sion because i know that i will not feed my lane and that i will be able to salvage a feeding bot. For the first time i feel like im actualy carrying a game and looking at my match history is giving me some confidence, thats coming from the guy with no confidence. ive always tought id just be this guy whos just being usefull and not truly carrying the game but here i am getting fed and carrying game after game (ty sion). a plat friend of mine told me the best way to become better is just to play ranked until it becomes a part of you and for some reason this has realy help me keep a cool attitude in ranked which ive been struggling to keep over the years even tho i know i perform far better in that mindset. ive been typign too long i forgot where i was going with this. anyways guys, go Watch sp4zie's ranked video and hopefuly youl learn to play ranked with no anxiety like me :) good luck in solo queue and remember its just a game
I got nervous just watching this video... think I need to prepare myself more for ranked.
And how can i do that that always in Gold 1 i have 2 people that dont play with the team just farm and jungle
Well, my anxiety grows to level that I can't even play normals without being anxious.I'll hope this video will help me.
This is a microcosm of society today. I was up on a 15 foot ladder earlier working on my house and felt a little terrified. I sought strategies to deal with it and was led here. Western Man is Deceased.
I personally noticed my win rate drops if i play on days I was at work (full-time employment). If i dont sleep after work lowest win rate, if i sleep i get a bit better win rate but not as good as during weekends when im fully rested. I now only play ranked on weekends and have 85% win rate for the last 20 games :). Its no fun losing anyway so why bother playing tired.
Playing tired makes me less patient, makes me react slower and I noticed I cant predict enemy as well as usual and end up missing a lot of skill shots.
Holy crap every single bit of me applies to me so much, not just in counter-strike but in competitive paintball as-well.
I had in season 4. I had 800 normals and was in scared to play ranked. Season 5 came along and I manned up. I'm currently gold 3. Its really easy just main a lane that ur confident in and u will not be scared
thank you for this video ! really helpful :D
Good Job, you really dropped the fox in this vid :D
thanks for this, needed it :)
Dang, had ranked anxiety until i watched this video. And holy shit, I managed to land Gold V with my first 10 games
idk i have stopped playing ranked/lol and i think it's partly because i have a very perfectionistic approach in everything i do and partly because in solo queue, i don't feel a lack of control, but rather i feel like i depend on my teammates no matter how well i play (examples, i win lane easily, start snowballing, roam, take objectives, etc, but still i lose many games because of simple ridiculous reasons like my adc going 1v5 against the enemy team for no reason).
i most likely have this ranked anxiety. last season i was silver 1 (low elo, i know, but whatever, i played like 30 ranked games in total) and this season i played 4 of my pre-ranked games, losing 3 consecutive ones even though i was solo-carrying 2 of them (not carrying hard enough apparently) and forced to support a 'in my eyes inexperienced player' in the 3rd one.
since then, i stopped playing because i don't want to be ranked anything lower than silver 5. i do know that i am nowhere near as good as many players out there and i am trying to improve, but i also know that i can beat any bronze 1 player in lane every single match (unless they have been ranked wrongly, which i truly believe can be the case).
Honestly, what I think the problem is, games are for having fun, but when you play ranked, you feel like you can't have fun. Because if you die people will rage. But I feel everyone should just maintain the simple idea that this IS just a game
I have ladder anxiety only in CS:GO, every other game, no matter what's at risk, I play extremely calm and well, but when I get on that CS comp it's like my first day playing any video game... (I'm Diamond Overwatch, I was Platinum on L.O.L., Platinum PUBG and....... Silver Elite Cs:go)
I had a problem for a while where I'd have to smoke a cigarette between just about every game. I didn't even realize how often I was doing it until someone pointed it out to me.
really cool video!! keep it up
Another way of thinking of games as ways to learn is to
* Think of one thing you could've done better/learned and take pride in the fact that you won't do it again
Very nice, thx!
Play starcraft 2. I learned to cope with ranked anxiety. And it's way worse than LoL. I was afraid to 1v1 for 3 months. Only played with friends.
I suffer the last type... After a game where I couldn't do shit about my team, I am not really in the mood to play an other game...
you are right but what should i do when i want to play ranked (i really want) and immediatly after pressing the "accept" button the game is already lost cause i have 2 guys crying for picks and trolling...i mean isnt all about anxiety, its about raging cause you lost a game when you had no opportunity to win it. what should i do when at 5min in the game my bot lane is 0-10 (total) cmon...impossible sometimes
I cant change the way I look forward to ranked matches. Back, then I was easly climbing, got plat and was still climbing, but now my friend is nearly in diamond and I am in gold 2, cuz of inactivity and even, when I start to play, things went wrong and I really stopped playing ranked, even leauge for a time and my friend says that I am still way better then him. Back in s4 I was always the "tactician" in the team if we played premade and I was always sure in the things I did and thats what I lost, while my friend has his self trust and I lost it, also I am not trying to blame my team, but myself and try to work on my bad things, BUT sometimes I too hars for myself or I just keep blaming my team, not in ingame chat, but in my mind and I am scared to play ranked game, becaouse I dont trust my team and I feel I will get a bad team AND I dont trust myself and I am not sure that I can carry the game. My friend is sure that He can carry the game and He does, while I am just overthinking everything and scared to make the steps forward.
great video, thx for the advice :)
this is a beautiful video, thank you. :)