They wouldn't give me a hysterectomy even after five kids and 30 years of horrific bleeding, until I got cancer. It makes me wonder how many elderly and sick people are suffering right now who could benefit from these kinds of surgeries, while healthy young people have their perfectly healthy organs destroyed or removed by our insurance companies.
@weekendwarrior3420 How 'bout the psychos who push this insane ideology be responsible for footing the bill and some culpability as well. Lol, but that'll never happen. This guy's story brought tears to my eyes. It's horrific.
The more I hear about these surgeries, the more I think they should be illegal. How is wanting your genitalia removed not a sign of background mental health issues? To oblige them and actually conduct the surgeries is mental. He seems like a lovely guy and I’m sorry that this happened to him. I’m glad he is finding his way.
I really enjoyed the way this was presented and I hope you keep writing and inspire others, you are someone very easy to listen to and although the story is filled with pain, you made it sound like survival is the goal that there’s still meaning and purpose in life. That can be difficult to hold when it’s not going so well.
Agree! Just remember Forrest that there are so many more people who will not judge you as you are now. You seem to have become even more yourself through all of it.
These stories are so important for people to hear. Of course UA-cam will shadowban and suppress this content so everyone should Like and Share. Thank you for fighting hard against this ideological madness.
@Chupe1766 You are so right about the suppression, my comments constantly disappear. Where I used to get engagement, now there is none. It’s been extremely bad lately. So much for free speech. Makes a person wonder why. Someone is invested in keeping this trans agenda going. What happened to this young man should have never happened. It will happen to others because of money and worse.
When he spoke about his concerns, in therapy I believe, he was told we need to make the world less transphobic. It sounded like they didn’t want to discuss his concerns, even something as important as his fertility. Who was this therapy for? I’ve heard enough trans activist speak to realize it’s for the cause, not the individual. If you hear what detranitioners say about how poorly they are treated by the trans community you know they believe if you’re not for us you’re against us…which just isn’t the case. I’m against not exploring the reasons a person is interested in transitioning. It must be for the right reasons. The people making money off this do not care. Too much of this trans push is for the group and not each individual human.
What "right reason" is there to ever undergo medical hormonal opposite sex hormones, which are harmful in the amounts used in "trans affirming" procedures and unecessary surgeries which destroy functional reproductive organs? Especially since the oldest studies we have show no improvement in symptoms long term and loads of evidence of harm. Who decides?
@Gingerblaze Last night after I had commented on this a video was recommended, the channel is called Carol. She is a detransitioner and while I knew a lot of what she talked about when she spoke on trans culture, whoa it is far worse than I realized. Much of what she spoke on was just horrible, but how people are expected to behave is so damaging to the person. It involves using others being used. My comments constantly disappear so I’m purposefully being vague. Look up her channel, it’s very eye opening. I can’t mention specific names of people who’ve researched this topic, because those comments also disappear. Someone doesn’t want people hearing about that W organization and certain players.
I'm actually quite shocked to by all these expériences. And that though I'm a transguy myself... but it's so different of what I expérience here in France. I'm definately wondering now if there are also this kind of peerpresure communities here as in the USA/england. Were I live there is kind of a peerpresure the other way around: "take all your time discovering who you are. You are valid with or without any hormones or surgeries. Absolutely be sure you do it only for yourself and if you're totally sure about it. Don't forget there are many people who regret it. So TAKE your time." The biggest pressure I had (which I didn't listen to) were actually cis-gender people outside the community, whom found it weird that I identified as a male but didn't want topsurgery yet, and often said to me that I should have my breast removed to be "a real man". I didn't listen to them, but did have top-surgery after a few years, just for myself. And now 3 years later still damn happy about it. But it took almost 4 years into my transition before I was totally sure about it, and I've pushed back several times, also on advice of my queer/trans friends who always told me not to do it for other people, but just for myself. Note: I was quite sure about it all those 4 years, but like 95% as I have quite the natural life-style, and waited until I was totally sure. And many of my friends have taken years with slow steps into medical transition (if they even got into it), and advocate for that a lot.
Damn.... they are quick to diagnose people of this, but when they want out... they straight up abandon these people. I'm glad he came out and spoke about this.
Isn’t it crazy that the solution was to “change the world”. Talk about unrealistic goals and expectations. There’s just no thought to help these people what is within their control and how to accept what you can’t change… like the world. These therapists are mimicking the naive idealism that kids have. I’m so angry they get away with it. Thank you for speaking up!!
It's the entire ideal of the left - to change the world. I was always told we ought to brighten the corner where we are, not tear the whole world apart and believe something "better" is going to be put in its place.
Incompetence is no longer a satisfactory answer to what's happening. The entire world didn't just woops it's way into this. We are being actively lied to by those who we should be able to trust.
This young man is stunningly self-possessed and centered. That he has emerged from all this not just alive (already a miracle) but able to recount the...let's just say it...the horrors while keeping it together the way he does, is, again, stunning. And not just that he can keep it together to talk about it so lucidly for the length of a video, but that he's genuinely embracing, so healthily, the massive task of return from...well, let's leave it at that--return. There are errors, wrong turns, we make (especially in the naivete of youth) that the scars of, a certain tragic cost, can never be entirely undone. That's desperately hard. But the scars and cost, no matter how severe, will never be greater than life itself. Never. Lunge for authentic life and seize it at all costs. Those are the real costs forever worth bearing as they can make you nothing but more whole. Blessings to you, young man. I am so happy for your grandparents, that they got their grandson back for a sweet chapter before their departure.
Trans widows can attest to the one-appt diagnosis as well. My ex-husband's psychologist submitted a sworn affidavit in which she proudly stated that she "diagnosed" him in the first appointment on July 20, 1993. This goes way, way back. He detransitioned after I discovered his crossdressing diaries, then a year later, went to that July meeting. She's affil. w Columbia University.
@@jcimsn8464 the differences between a sexual orientation and a sexual paraphillia are rather stark. I appreciate Phils dedicated devotion to viewing AGP as an "orientation" and appreciate that having AGP does not mean one must undergo medical transition and agree. However, AGP, unlike sexual orientations, escalates. I do know of people who have healed but it was not found in indulging the paraphillia nor in hrt or medicalization.
Thank you for sharing your story. it sounds like you are well on your way to better things in life. I'm so sorry that this society is blinded by an ideology that is destructive and harmful, and that you were caught in it. Good luck, and please give us updates on your progress!
I just want to say to Forrest that I'm sorry to hear all the difficult times and the trauma you have endured but so glad to hear you are doing so much better now. You were so kind to have cared for your grandparents, that was an amazing thing to do for your family but a gift for you as well, I believe 🤍 Thank you so much for sharing your story, take care of yourself. I wish you the best 🙏 And thank you Stella, too 🌸
Thank god for the family and being able to work and study a trade. And you are a writer. There is a rich life ahead of you. Do stay close to those who love you 🌿✨💕
Almost always the same story....experienced trauma as a child that goes untreated and then no psychotherapy to address their mental issues but instead get right on hormones then to surgery only to later discover the root of all their problems.
The training for "psychotherapy" has been teaching affirmation for over a decade now. At the expense of learning other important things, such as child development for one.
@@Gingerblaze they are preventing doctors from trying to address their actual dysphoria problems and prevent them from affirming their biological sex is what i was pointing out.
So, @Genspect - please STOP calling this young man "they" and "their". He is a young MAN, not anything else. This is so wrong, what he has gone through, and it's wrong that the horrific disfiguring they do to these people, whether they are male or female, is legal. The clinic, hospital and the doctors should all be held legally culpable, and should be charged. If it's not currently against the law, it needs to be made so.
Every story is such a horror. It's appalling how a movement like gender ideology preys on vulnerable people. I'm optimistic the world will cease this insanity, but not quick enough for too many who will suffer the consequences.
I’m glad this young man is making changes to be happy and move forward but gosh, what a price to pay. All the “professionals” who should have helped him just let him down. Amputation of healthy body parts should never be normal or treatment. This is a horrible practice to do to sick people.
Thank you for sharing your story Forrest! My heart goes out to you! It's so important for people to hear the TRUTH surrounding this brainwashing and darkness being perpetrated on people who need help in getting their MINDS right, not taking hormones that destroy them and butchering their bodies!! 💔
Never in the darkest days of my teenage angst (and I won't get into it, but they were very bad days indeed) could I have even imagined doing something like this. I have no idea what kids are thinking these days. To me, this just seems like abject stupidity. Evil has always been out there for anyone looking for it, but you have to make the choice to accept it into your life and your being. I am always one to say "there but for the Grace of God go I," but I know I wouldn't go THERE, God's Grace or not.
Wishing Forrest happiness in the future. He’s very brave to speak out. He describes so eloquently the process of brainwashing into what is essentially a cult and how he comes out of it.
Damn Im happy i wasnt a teen in those days... During my adolescence (2000's), I wasnt stable due to terrible family issues, I went trough a bit of anorexia/binge eating, a bit of drugs, rebel against authority representatives. I would have fallen into gender wondering very easily and get even more confused about everything. Now my internal issues are solved thanks to psychology books that i read, meditation and buddhism. Now I eat in a balanced way, i do sport, i stopped drugs 14 years ago, im not angry toward authority anymore, i love life, i have projects...
They’re so quick to pay for all the transition but when they change their minds the insurance companies are not interested! Makes me so mad what they’re doing to these venerable kids & young adults 😢
I was around the transactive group therapy meetings because of my sister who was trying to transition as a 14 year old back in 2015. It was an absolute cult.
I don't mean to be rude, I like these videos, but the audio and video quality is horrible in every one of them, I really think you need to hire someone to make them better because it probably puts people off watching them.
@@JohannaMeijer children have been targetted in online gaming platforms, art hubs supposedly for children and fan fiction sites by adults sharing conversations about sexual topics and sharing hardcore extreme pornography and sexual fetish and paraphilliac imagery. This has occurred since the beginning of the internet and has only become worse as most are able to by pass any filtering software parents might use and it even has been found on content advertised as "family friendly" or "for children".
@@Gingerblaze I think that just might be your imagination. I was too.... Existing since early internet and was never been exposed to such a thing. I was exposed to Musical Lyrics websites... Because my English was poor then and couldn't listen to a song without Lyrics. Theses seemed to be coordinating attacks on children to corrupted them by pedophiles.
There is not a difference between written pornography and video pornography which I think people come to on their own if you present them with sexual behaviors that we all agree are aberrant like p*doph*lia or r*pe. Would you feel any safer around someone who was constantly reading about those things versus someone constantly watching it? No. This is the slippery slope they've got young people on now.
God bless you Forrest. You have been through so much and I am so glad you're back with your family and that you've helped each other, and that you survived! Thank you for sharing your story, I hope it helps many others who are facing this. ❤🩹
the indo trinating early childhood media intake is KEY. What specifically did he become immersed in at 9? anime? Undertale gamelore? this introductory media being made by adults specifically targeting .... wait.. whut?!? since when do Mennonites teach the rainbow cvlt,?!? color me CONFUSED but back to childrens media prolifically being promulgated specifically to indoctrinate the young mind. shed a light on the anime soft pron for adolescent boys, or the goat family Undertale game lore, etc... the rainbow cvlt is legion and they got missionaries everywhere at least expose the materials theyre pumping out to children that mindmangles them into eager sacrificial kids for profitable and fun transhuman rites...
Yeah, your text is coloring you pretty confused... I have 46 years old, have been an otaku (fan of anime and manga) since the 1980s, when I was a kid. And I can tell it's not these products that sexualize children, it is the West VERY misguided idea that whatever is animated and/or turned into comics is for children of all ages. Nothing could be more wrong about manga specifically and comics in general, same for anime/animation: they are planned specifically for different ages, have segmented markets and are sold as such, with strict restrictions for each category. When they reach the West it's all mixed up.
the alcoholic never quits the bottle before wrestling denial. Toddler girl head on cheesecake centerfold woman body being presented to child male from Japan cartoon sweatshops, is an attack on USA boys from Old Japan Empire men. I've been watching children's media with a researcher's eye since Children's Television Workshop and when The Learning Channel was educational. I am aware of the history of anime, and I know why the kids are now infatuated with it. It ain't child safe no mass intake of any fantasy is, but the petal files mass producing the erotica for kiddies today? KNOW the damage they do. Its more than profit.. it's national attack. art comes in many forms. every charter school for "the arts" is now full of minors mimicking Japanese cartoon pron for kiddies because the children have been turned into sacrificial kids from the lore... and they all are thralls, copying anime cartoons and thinking thats art. incapable of doing life drawing, incapable of even accurately drawing any random object. thats a thrall. a useful idiot.
and stop censoring tge painful truth. we're all done curatong ur life of fantasy and searing misogyny. I'll report u directly to Genspect if you silence on THiS site.
what were you made sick on? this aint ur Grandaddy's Last Unicorn. Reader? If you made it this far? focus on the kids games. as horrid as they may be. the poison is in the gamelore. Do a fanart Undertale school photo search on Google Images and understand adults make the cartoons and teach in the schools as alternative "goat family" members they freak out whenever I mention the primer material. take your kids off the fantasy drip and understand the PARENTS provide these children with anime and dresses... parents are tge primary abusers, providing access the child cant provide for himself. the provision of anime and games like Undertale'sblore and cartoons to children is the gateway drug. My deleted response was thorough.
nobody has the ballz to start fleshing out this beast, huh? what first hooks them... RuPaul and Anime are two big ones. Undertale lore.. is another huge exposure I've observed in the darker corners of the interwebz. You must observe what the children see the tiny sharp pointy barbed end. glimmering in the murkiness of adolescence.... so go study up on Undertale lore like an adolescent about to go to her first undertale famclub sleepover. consume it like a teen girl luvs horses. got it? go learn.
So sad that Medicaid paid for trans surgery but would not cover reversal surgery. That's so twisted and evil.
They wouldn't give me a hysterectomy even after five kids and 30 years of horrific bleeding, until I got cancer. It makes me wonder how many elderly and sick people are suffering right now who could benefit from these kinds of surgeries, while healthy young people have their perfectly healthy organs destroyed or removed by our insurance companies.
Yes it should be free
@weekendwarrior3420 They could have removed the implants though. But that would require their admitting at least some culpability.
Even in the few places that do cover reversals they are not claimed as such, but instead are recorded as yet another *successful* "trans" procedure.
@weekendwarrior3420 How 'bout the psychos who push this insane ideology be responsible for footing the bill and some culpability as well. Lol, but that'll never happen. This guy's story brought tears to my eyes. It's horrific.
I would love to see his parents do a short talk like this about their perspective of these events.
Thankyou for sharing. I hope healing comes quickly for you.
My thoughts and prayers have been with Forrest and his family since I heard of his story. So sad what he has been through
amazing testimony, thank you
Thank you thank you thank you! Your story will help many young people ❤❤❤
The more I hear about these surgeries, the more I think they should be illegal. How is wanting your genitalia removed not a sign of background mental health issues? To oblige them and actually conduct the surgeries is mental.
He seems like a lovely guy and I’m sorry that this happened to him. I’m glad he is finding his way.
The only thing that will stop this are lawsuits and prison time.
The system will never investigate itself, the system will never prosecute itself, overthrowing the system is YOUR JOB.
the guy almost had his testicles removed. I think prison would be the worst place for him
@@aphroditesmirror-we4rg It appears you have actually had your brain removed. Or it just fell on the floor.
@@aphroditesmirror-we4rg no, no, you're WRONG. He DID have them removed. He said so. That's the meaning of the word "orchidectomy".
@@aphroditesmirror-we4rg I think the comment was about the doctors/therapists etc, not the people caught up in this.
I really enjoyed the way this was presented and I hope you keep writing and inspire others, you are someone very easy to listen to and although the story is filled with pain, you made it sound like survival is the goal that there’s still meaning and purpose in life. That can be difficult to hold when it’s not going so well.
Agree! Just remember Forrest that there are so many more people who will not judge you as you are now. You seem to have become even more yourself through all of it.
These stories are so important for people to hear. Of course UA-cam will shadowban and suppress this content so everyone should Like and Share. Thank you for fighting hard against this ideological madness.
You are so right about the suppression, my comments constantly disappear. Where I used to get engagement, now there is none. It’s been extremely bad lately. So much for free speech. Makes a person wonder why. Someone is invested in keeping this trans agenda going. What happened to this young man should have never happened. It will happen to others because of money and worse.
When he spoke about his concerns, in therapy I believe, he was told we need to make the world less transphobic. It sounded like they didn’t want to discuss his concerns, even something as important as his fertility. Who was this therapy for? I’ve heard enough trans activist speak to realize it’s for the cause, not the individual. If you hear what detranitioners say about how poorly they are treated by the trans community you know they believe if you’re not for us you’re against us…which just isn’t the case. I’m against not exploring the reasons a person is interested in transitioning. It must be for the right reasons. The people making money off this do not care. Too much of this trans push is for the group and not each individual human.
The therapists are trained to affirm. They seem to lack all other discernment.
What "right reason" is there to ever undergo medical hormonal opposite sex hormones, which are harmful in the amounts used in "trans affirming" procedures and unecessary surgeries which destroy functional reproductive organs? Especially since the oldest studies we have show no improvement in symptoms long term and loads of evidence of harm. Who decides?
Last night after I had commented on this a video was recommended, the channel is called Carol. She is a detransitioner and while I knew a lot of what she talked about when she spoke on trans culture, whoa it is far worse than I realized. Much of what she spoke on was just horrible, but how people are expected to behave is so damaging to the person. It involves using others being used. My comments constantly disappear so I’m purposefully being vague. Look up her channel, it’s very eye opening. I can’t mention specific names of people who’ve researched this topic, because those comments also disappear. Someone doesn’t want people hearing about that W organization and certain players.
I'm actually quite shocked to by all these expériences. And that though I'm a transguy myself... but it's so different of what I expérience here in France. I'm definately wondering now if there are also this kind of peerpresure communities here as in the USA/england. Were I live there is kind of a peerpresure the other way around: "take all your time discovering who you are. You are valid with or without any hormones or surgeries. Absolutely be sure you do it only for yourself and if you're totally sure about it. Don't forget there are many people who regret it. So TAKE your time." The biggest pressure I had (which I didn't listen to) were actually cis-gender people outside the community, whom found it weird that I identified as a male but didn't want topsurgery yet, and often said to me that I should have my breast removed to be "a real man". I didn't listen to them, but did have top-surgery after a few years, just for myself. And now 3 years later still damn happy about it. But it took almost 4 years into my transition before I was totally sure about it, and I've pushed back several times, also on advice of my queer/trans friends who always told me not to do it for other people, but just for myself. Note: I was quite sure about it all those 4 years, but like 95% as I have quite the natural life-style, and waited until I was totally sure. And many of my friends have taken years with slow steps into medical transition (if they even got into it), and advocate for that a lot.
Your recovery is inspiring, Forrest.
Damn.... they are quick to diagnose people of this, but when they want out... they straight up abandon these people. I'm glad he came out and spoke about this.
It's a cult in all but name
There will be, and should be, an avalanche of lawsuits. What a brave guest.
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm so sorry that you were so terribly harmed by this harmful ideology
Thank you for sharing your story it will help others.
Isn’t it crazy that the solution was to “change the world”. Talk about unrealistic goals and expectations. There’s just no thought to help these people what is within their control and how to accept what you can’t change… like the world. These therapists are mimicking the naive idealism that kids have. I’m so angry they get away with it.
Thank you for speaking up!!
It's the entire ideal of the left - to change the world. I was always told we ought to brighten the corner where we are, not tear the whole world apart and believe something "better" is going to be put in its place.
Thats the messages kids get in the media and from the left. That the system needs to be destroyed
Thank you for your story. It will help so many. Love to you. ❤
Incompetence is no longer a satisfactory answer to what's happening. The entire world didn't just woops it's way into this. We are being actively lied to by those who we should be able to trust.
I think this social/medical experiment goes higher than we can imagine.
Thank you for sharing your story
This young man is stunningly self-possessed and centered. That he has emerged from all this not just alive (already a miracle) but able to recount the...let's just say it...the horrors while keeping it together the way he does, is, again, stunning. And not just that he can keep it together to talk about it so lucidly for the length of a video, but that he's genuinely embracing, so healthily, the massive task of return from...well, let's leave it at that--return. There are errors, wrong turns, we make (especially in the naivete of youth) that the scars of, a certain tragic cost, can never be entirely undone. That's desperately hard. But the scars and cost, no matter how severe, will never be greater than life itself. Never. Lunge for authentic life and seize it at all costs. Those are the real costs forever worth bearing as they can make you nothing but more whole. Blessings to you, young man. I am so happy for your grandparents, that they got their grandson back for a sweet chapter before their departure.
Trans widows can attest to the one-appt diagnosis as well. My ex-husband's psychologist submitted a sworn affidavit in which she proudly stated that she "diagnosed" him in the first appointment on July 20, 1993. This goes way, way back. He detransitioned after I discovered his crossdressing diaries, then a year later, went to that July meeting. She's affil. w Columbia University.
Read Phil Illy's book Autoheterosexuality.
No thanks. 600+ unedited pages. Nonsense. Phil does not realize his clown world self-involvement. @@jcimsn8464
@@jcimsn8464 the differences between a sexual orientation and a sexual paraphillia are rather stark. I appreciate Phils dedicated devotion to viewing AGP as an "orientation" and appreciate that having AGP does not mean one must undergo medical transition and agree. However, AGP, unlike sexual orientations, escalates. I do know of people who have healed but it was not found in indulging the paraphillia nor in hrt or medicalization.
And what one asks, does it take to get a doctor these days but one can get their gender changed in a day.
Thank you for sharing your story. it sounds like you are well on your way to better things in life. I'm so sorry that this society is blinded by an ideology that is destructive and harmful, and that you were caught in it. Good luck, and please give us updates on your progress!
The amount of evil this man had to suffer is beyond comprehension.
What a lovely young man.
I just want to say to Forrest that I'm sorry to hear all the difficult times and the trauma you have endured but so glad to hear you are doing so much better now. You were so kind to have cared for your grandparents, that was an amazing thing to do for your family but a gift for you as well, I believe 🤍 Thank you so much for sharing your story, take care of yourself. I wish you the best 🙏
And thank you Stella, too 🌸
Wow what a journey!! He is so articulate he should write a book about it! I hope this young man can experience joy in his life as he moves forward.
What an exceptionally beautiful soul x
Wow. Wow. What a story 😮
Great work
Thank god for the family and being able to work and study a trade. And you are a writer. There is a rich life ahead of you. Do stay close to those who love you 🌿✨💕
Thanks for sharing! 🐿
Almost always the same story....experienced trauma as a child that goes untreated and then no psychotherapy to address their mental issues but instead get right on hormones then to surgery only to later discover the root of all their problems.
The training for "psychotherapy" has been teaching affirmation for over a decade now. At the expense of learning other important things, such as child development for one.
@@Gingerblaze they are preventing doctors from trying to address their actual dysphoria problems and prevent them from affirming their biological sex is what i was pointing out.
Thank you for sharing your story.
❤❤❤Thank you for your honesty! ❤❤❤
So heartbreaking 💔 but thankful you were so brave to share your story to help others ❤
Thanks for sharing.
Forrest is ace. So sorry what happened to him, the medical practitioner that told him what to say belongs behind bars.
So, @Genspect - please STOP calling this young man "they" and "their". He is a young MAN, not anything else. This is so wrong, what he has gone through, and it's wrong that the horrific disfiguring they do to these people, whether they are male or female, is legal. The clinic, hospital and the doctors should all be held legally culpable, and should be charged. If it's not currently against the law, it needs to be made so.
Thank you for sharing
Every story is such a horror. It's appalling how a movement like gender ideology preys on vulnerable people. I'm optimistic the world will cease this insanity, but not quick enough for too many who will suffer the consequences.
I think anime and hentai and yaoi and fan fiction and porn have made people think they’re trans…
I mean, you ever notice how many trans women act less like a woman and more like a porn-addicted man's idea of one?
I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria after one call to Pizza Hut.
I’m glad this young man is making changes to be happy and move forward but gosh, what a price to pay. All the “professionals” who should have helped him just let him down. Amputation of healthy body parts should never be normal or treatment. This is a horrible practice to do to sick people.
Literally a cult.
Thank you for sharing your story Forrest! My heart goes out to you! It's so important for people to hear the TRUTH surrounding this brainwashing and darkness being perpetrated on people who need help in getting their MINDS right, not taking hormones that destroy them and butchering their bodies!! 💔
I agree. What a lovely young man.
Never in the darkest days of my teenage angst (and I won't get into it, but they were very bad days indeed) could I have even imagined doing something like this. I have no idea what kids are thinking these days. To me, this just seems like abject stupidity. Evil has always been out there for anyone looking for it, but you have to make the choice to accept it into your life and your being. I am always one to say "there but for the Grace of God go I," but I know I wouldn't go THERE, God's Grace or not.
Wishing Forrest happiness in the future. He’s very brave to speak out. He describes so eloquently the process of brainwashing into what is essentially a cult and how he comes out of it.
Yup. Begins with manipulation of language.
Damn Im happy i wasnt a teen in those days... During my adolescence (2000's), I wasnt stable due to terrible family issues, I went trough a bit of anorexia/binge eating, a bit of drugs, rebel against authority representatives. I would have fallen into gender wondering very easily and get even more confused about everything. Now my internal issues are solved thanks to psychology books that i read, meditation and buddhism. Now I eat in a balanced way, i do sport, i stopped drugs 14 years ago, im not angry toward authority anymore, i love life, i have projects...
Heartbreaking 😢 but I’m happy to see he broke free of this cult
Does anyone have a link to his substack? I cannot find it. And his story is compelling. I want to read more.
Imagine going to rehab and the doctor is addicted to cocaine. 😅😅😅
Poor guy. Feel sorry for him.
They’re so quick to pay for all the transition but when they change their minds the insurance companies are not interested! Makes me so mad what they’re doing to these venerable kids & young adults 😢
It is so hard hearing this. The people who are responsible for multilating young people should be put in jail.
Why is his substack not in the notes?
I was around the transactive group therapy meetings because of my sister who was trying to transition as a 14 year old back in 2015. It was an absolute cult.
Autogynephilia. Read Phil Illy's book Autoheterosexuality.
I don't mean to be rude, I like these videos, but the audio and video quality is horrible in every one of them, I really think you need to hire someone to make them better because it probably puts people off watching them.
So this is start with erotica at age of 9 and teachers are passing s3x books all over the school and nobody is concerning???
I wonder if he might be talking about fanfic? If that was it means I don't think it was TARGETING him.
@@JohannaMeijer children have been targetted in online gaming platforms, art hubs supposedly for children and fan fiction sites by adults sharing conversations about sexual topics and sharing hardcore extreme pornography and sexual fetish and paraphilliac imagery. This has occurred since the beginning of the internet and has only become worse as most are able to by pass any filtering software parents might use and it even has been found on content advertised as "family friendly" or "for children".
@@Gingerblaze I think that just might be your imagination.
I was too.... Existing since early internet and was never been exposed to such a thing.
I was exposed to Musical Lyrics websites... Because my English was poor then and couldn't listen to a song without Lyrics.
Theses seemed to be coordinating attacks on children to corrupted them by pedophiles.
Sounds like the "trans OCD" we hear about so much.
What a cutie!!
There is not a difference between written pornography and video pornography which I think people come to on their own if you present them with sexual behaviors that we all agree are aberrant like p*doph*lia or r*pe. Would you feel any safer around someone who was constantly reading about those things versus someone constantly watching it? No. This is the slippery slope they've got young people on now.
Poor guy was brainwashed and duped.... this movement is evil, pure evil.
No way!!! Do you think they wanted to sell more drugs?🤔
Orchiectomy, funny how they don't call it castration.
Sorry you went through so much, but for a very deep thinker, you sure did not.
Overthinking gender identity is part of the problem.
Thing is people who are in wheelchairs through leg surgery don’t mean we don’t do leg surgeries
God bless you Forrest. You have been through so much and I am so glad you're back with your family and that you've helped each other, and that you survived! Thank you for sharing your story, I hope it helps many others who are facing this. ❤🩹
the indo trinating early childhood media intake is KEY. What specifically did he become immersed in at 9? anime? Undertale gamelore? this introductory media being made by adults specifically targeting ....
wait.. whut?!?
since when do Mennonites teach the rainbow cvlt,?!?
color me CONFUSED
but back to childrens media prolifically being promulgated specifically to indoctrinate the young mind.
shed a light on the anime soft pron for adolescent boys, or the goat family Undertale game lore, etc... the rainbow cvlt is legion and they got missionaries everywhere
at least expose the materials theyre pumping out to children that mindmangles them into eager sacrificial kids for profitable and fun transhuman rites...
Yeah, your text is coloring you pretty confused...
I have 46 years old, have been an otaku (fan of anime and manga) since the 1980s, when I was a kid. And I can tell it's not these products that sexualize children, it is the West VERY misguided idea that whatever is animated and/or turned into comics is for children of all ages. Nothing could be more wrong about manga specifically and comics in general, same for anime/animation: they are planned specifically for different ages, have segmented markets and are sold as such, with strict restrictions for each category. When they reach the West it's all mixed up.
the alcoholic never quits the bottle before wrestling denial. Toddler girl head on cheesecake centerfold woman body being presented to child male from Japan cartoon sweatshops, is an attack on USA boys from Old Japan Empire men.
I've been watching children's media with a researcher's eye since Children's Television Workshop and when The Learning Channel was educational. I am aware of the history of anime, and I know why the kids are now infatuated with it.
It ain't child safe
no mass intake of any fantasy is,
but the petal files mass producing the erotica for kiddies today? KNOW the damage they do. Its more than profit.. it's national attack.
art comes in many forms. every charter school for "the arts" is now full of minors mimicking Japanese cartoon pron for kiddies
because the children have been turned into sacrificial kids from the lore...
and they all are thralls, copying anime cartoons and thinking thats art. incapable of doing life drawing, incapable of even accurately drawing any random object.
thats a thrall. a useful idiot.
I wrote an indepth reply and it disappeared.
I reiterate. put down the bottle, goat kid.
and stop censoring tge painful truth. we're all done curatong ur life of fantasy and searing misogyny. I'll report u directly to Genspect if you silence on THiS site.
what were you made sick on?
this aint ur Grandaddy's Last Unicorn.
Reader? If you made it this far? focus on the kids games. as horrid as they may be. the poison is in the gamelore. Do a fanart Undertale school photo search on Google Images and understand adults make the cartoons and teach in the schools as alternative "goat family" members
they freak out whenever I mention the primer material.
take your kids off the fantasy drip and understand the PARENTS provide these children with anime and dresses... parents are tge primary abusers, providing access the child cant provide for himself.
the provision of anime and games like Undertale'sblore and cartoons to children is the gateway drug.
My deleted response was thorough.
nobody has the ballz to start fleshing out this beast, huh? what first hooks them... RuPaul and Anime are two big ones. Undertale lore.. is another huge exposure I've observed in the darker corners of the interwebz.
You must observe what the children see the tiny sharp pointy barbed end. glimmering in the murkiness of adolescence....
so go study up on Undertale lore like an adolescent about to go to her first undertale famclub sleepover. consume it like a teen girl luvs horses.
got it?
go learn.
covid saved his life... amazing