I know quite a bit about the known lore so I'll make some corrections as I understand them, or clarifications: - The reason Hell hasn't beaten the forces of the Faithful yet is precisely as was pointed out; they spend as much time fighting each other and trying to squeeze ahead as they do the enemy. The politics of Hell are cutthroat, and chairs for positions of nobility are constantly shifting. Think of Skavendom; they are so self-centered and scheming that they cannot stand to see another benefit before them. One of the prime Arch-Devils who is responsible for dragging out the war so long is Mammon, the Arch-Devil of Greed, wanting to stretch out the war for as long as possible until he is in a position to prosper. Beelzebub just doesn't participate in Court politics, and does his own thing with the Black Grail, leaving the Gluttony Throne empty for lesser demons to squabble over. - The Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent is the direct servants of the Arch-Devils. They are the closest thing to demonic in Trench Crusade in terms of army. The Forces of Hell cannot bring true demons to Earth, because of the Covanent of Hell; God made a pact that if Hell allows demons on Earth, God will retailiate in kind and initiate the Day of Judgement. The Court circumvents this covanent by cross-breeding demons with mortals and animals, making them hybrid bastard children that can leave Hell and act on behalf of their masters. - The Seven-Headed Serpent represents the Seven Deadly Sins, of which there are... well, seven. Lust, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath. Each is occupied by an Arch-Devil, who leads a hierarchy of lesser demons under them. The Court votes democratically on war decisions, often with razor-thin margins, but most of the time they scheme and backstab each other anyway to get ahead. - The Faithful and Heretic forces don't really have 'equivilants' to each other. They play very differently. Trench Pilgrims are a melee-focused rush-faction. Heretic Legion are a flexible, adaptable faction, normally longer range though. New Antioch is a very tactically minded faction and has a lot of internal synergies. Court is an Elite-Focused faction with huge units and spellcasters. Black Grail is a slow snowballing faction. And The Sultanate is a self-enhancing adaptable faction. - The Communicant has less to do with faith, and more to do with what they eat; a Communicant is one who has consumed the flesh and blood of a Meta-Christ, which is what the Church claims to be the cloned flesh of Jesus Christ. These poor things are constantly flayed and eaten to mutate Communicants into hulking behemoths. They're just kinda lumpy flesh clones of Jesus the Church keeps locked in their basement. Communicants join Trench Pilgrim processions to assist in the battle against Hell. Some Communicants sell their services as mercenaries to either New Antioch officers or processions of Trench Pilgrims that can scrape together the coin on their march. - Stigmatic Nuns/Monks are those who willingly participate in the practice of Stigmata: wounding themselves in a ritualistic manner that reflects the wounds of Jesus Christ, or the Meta-Christs. Sustaining wounds supernaturally invigorates them and makes them stronger, which is why they're running into battle butt-ass naked. Think that's it. Most of the other stuff you said or had questions on were generally accurate. Some other notes I can make here: - Although the war has been raging for 800, it is not constant warfare. There will often be lulls of quiet in the Trench Crusade timeline, followed by periods of intense violence. So its not necessarily a constantly esculating battle. The Arch-Devils are immortal beings who do not percieve time as humans do, which means their logic in their invasion plans follow this similarly esoteric function; often they'll dedicate large amounts of resources to destroy a seemingly desolate and unimportant village just to kill a single baby that may grow up to be a Saint, or strike at a warband seemingly on their side without reason. This makes their invasion patterns difficult to predict. - Trench Pilgrims are based on a real life concept; The People's Crusade. This was a pre-crusade mob of tens of thousands of peasents who wanted to get to crusading early, riled up by basically a cult leader named Peter The Hermit. So they marched to try and crusade in the Holy Land... Only it was a lot further than they thought and they said, "Y'know what, we're hungry, tired, and bored, lets go burn some Jewish ghettos" and initiated the Rhineland Massacres. In the end they burned more villages down in Europe than they did in the Holy Lands. Lol.
how is this "serious" competition warhammer 40k is literally a multibillion franchise with almost 40 years of table top, lore, books, series and video games, trench crusade didn't even start production of miniatures yet
its called marketing buddy. also 40K increase of popularity is primarily due to Total war resent years rather than their actual minature sales. CA has mostly stayed stagnated and lets be honest become more tame and their models arent selling as much as it used to. in fact what makes a competition is costs. CA maybe bin around for about 40 years but they sure as hell stagnated their sales. theres a reason why total war was the main beneficiary for the last decade and now amazon and guess what, its the lore rather than minis that peaked the interest. again cost of a products dicates the market. Trench Crusade is a new concept a concept with a reasonable cost and maintaining the edgy Horror theme that CA bin toning down resently.
Lest be honest though Warhammer is never going to replaced by Trench Crusade I feel like it might have its own community which I will be apart of but warhammer will always be first it’s just to well established and theirs just so much lore that Trench Crusade doesn’t have a hope of matching. That being said I do think it’s going to be fun
no one is saying it'll replace anything buddy. thats your own interpretation. CA existed for over 40 years so chill, if anything Trench Crusade will only provide a healthy competition for the overall market that CA has held a complete monopoly over. a little reminder the entire franchise bin basically stagnated for more than a decade and minies arent as popular as they used to thanks to their pricing and their consumer unfriendlyness that theyve bin known to have.
The title says its going to give warhammer a run for its money, so why do you chill? Id love for TC to kick off but to say give warhmer a run for its money isnt even close to on the money. @@dendrien
Please get off my page man, I’ve asked you nicely to leave MULTIPLE times, I don’t want to hit the block button but I will if I have to, I am asking NICELY and FAIRLY don’t make me do it
I like your logic. But Paladins seem to be the size as Custodes. Some Custodes are the same size as some primarchs. But if Paladins are suppose to be inbetween space marines and the emperor in size. They would be like custodes then wouldnt they? The primarchs are about the size as the emperor. And i think some primarchs are bigger than the emperor.
I’m interested in seeing what people think about painting the minis. It will be either really simple or incredibly annoying. There are few colors but seems to be a lot of small details
Trench Crusade is certainly interesting and I look forward to following it, but its not touching warhammer any time soon if ever. Luckily we can enjoy both
I hate to say it but no miniatures warhame has ever, and will never be as powerful as the warhammer IP. this game looks great but warhammer untouchable. It's also more attractive to the youth due to aesthetics. Trench crusade seems to have huge appeal to us older gamers.
definitely warhammer (edit: i meant if you're referring to the power of their respective universes - if youre talking about popularity and success, time will tell!)
Its not competition to its actual competitors lmao. The rules they've released suck and the lore is just grimderp garbage. If you want an actual game kinda like this as an alternative to Warhammer, play quar or turnip
Just name it a trench crusade video. A lot of people know about it so try for more direct comparison content. This is what my agency literally looks for when we commission influencers. No go
it ISNT super creative tho is it. . .its really cool and I love that people are trying to create new things, im very much supportive of that, but theres quite a lot in that video is basically just a variation of something already done by 40k. . .Templars, Dreadnoughts, gasmasks, fervent Religiosity, . . . look at the Black Grail image, its basically a great unclean one with a gold helmet on, you even said 'Death Guard squared'. . . be honest. . . its cool but its just a 40k thematic reskin.
yeah about that. 40K isnt original either buddy. so take a chill pill why dont you. dont comment about artistic creativity when you have no clue what creativity even is. also a healthy reminder. CA is a company that existed for more than 40 years and mostly stayed stagnated. Trench Crusade is a startup and havent existed for a half decade.
Everything in life is taken out of inspiration from one thing or another to varying degrees. Yes, the likeness's of trench crusade and warhammer seem to be nearly one to one in ways, but reguardless, everything else about it seems to have a fresh original take from the lore down to the individual designs for the most part. Its someones reimagined, and inspired take on a grimdark universe centered around religious iconograohy and connotations. personally i think they did a very good job designing a coming up with the universe that they imagined. It may just be the next "WH40K" in a sense, because imagine how warhammer started out in the 80s. Im sure it was very similar to this in how they started up. Even warhammer took pages from lord of the rings and dune.
Beisde the fact this was meant to be ragebait at best and undisclosed add at worse... Like come on no one uses the press kit like you did who wasn't paid to... But still this game regardless of who good it is or isn't like the setting is a cool idea very what if From soft made an Warhammer Old world soulsborne game when you play as as a sigmarine detactment sent to see what the new old world TT wargame is... But 1., It isn't that so at first glance sseems very cash garby in the context of 3 Kickstarters over 10 years for the same setting... And they still don' t have any traction and are insan;ly unknown despite the remberb;le name...But yeah for the fuinded they got just less then the record number of miniature TT wargame's record the last Battletech KS got... Abnd uh the restion why those glofired pre order things work... Os they are esly the best use of KS ever... I mean it should be as they 100% don't need the founding... But do need the data on what us true BT fans do actually want... As well as the countless net postigve stuff their BT campaign generate rfor "free" that just doing their normal release wouldn't... Like if Love battletech and will buy the models anyway why not get an insanl deal on then that GW refuses to match hiunce why they kinda gropped out of the miniature TT wargame hobby... Mini TT wargamers don't play 41k or engage with it beyond the lore,video games and external media and stuff... So yeah is trench crusada better then 41k the TT miniature waragme 100% no one is doudting that but the 41k and age of land marines player who are indenail the the hobby is GW never was never will be... Like how Suoper mario bros isn't the hobby or Chess or D&D or candy crush... Games are the games hoby gam,er is who we are hypohnated or not.... So yeah ghow they got almost the cap any miniuree wargame can make from a well respected team and IP can make as nobodies even after two prevouse KS vcapoign larger then this as way more interest is beyond me when they dispeared for 10 years between then and now... Like at least malke a youtubve channel talking abouy the center point of the IP the lrore or somthing... litterlyerly anything to gain any semblance of trust and good will and well hype... like 41k can live on it;s tiny honestly incifcant playweerbase as gthey are not it;s industry they are a minitures company first and a Novel company second... Their games have always been cash grabs top falcte sells... Which only coasts them aan insane amount of rescores that can't afford right now... So yeah even then the have a ravid blidly loyal player base... Trecnh cruisade has litterly nothing tio show for people kllike me who made the mistake of wasting brain power in rembering the name what every that KS is for...
It did until it did a goofy move of hiring people who like the female custodes crap basically the type we're going to drag down the hobby eventually Not now it might be popular heck it might even explode but it'll bite it down the long run It's kind of like cancer😅. I mean I'm kind of either way I like it or seems cool seems a little boring without no futuristic stuff but hey that's fine I guess as long as they can keep it interesting
I know quite a bit about the known lore so I'll make some corrections as I understand them, or clarifications:
- The reason Hell hasn't beaten the forces of the Faithful yet is precisely as was pointed out; they spend as much time fighting each other and trying to squeeze ahead as they do the enemy. The politics of Hell are cutthroat, and chairs for positions of nobility are constantly shifting. Think of Skavendom; they are so self-centered and scheming that they cannot stand to see another benefit before them. One of the prime Arch-Devils who is responsible for dragging out the war so long is Mammon, the Arch-Devil of Greed, wanting to stretch out the war for as long as possible until he is in a position to prosper. Beelzebub just doesn't participate in Court politics, and does his own thing with the Black Grail, leaving the Gluttony Throne empty for lesser demons to squabble over.
- The Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent is the direct servants of the Arch-Devils. They are the closest thing to demonic in Trench Crusade in terms of army. The Forces of Hell cannot bring true demons to Earth, because of the Covanent of Hell; God made a pact that if Hell allows demons on Earth, God will retailiate in kind and initiate the Day of Judgement. The Court circumvents this covanent by cross-breeding demons with mortals and animals, making them hybrid bastard children that can leave Hell and act on behalf of their masters.
- The Seven-Headed Serpent represents the Seven Deadly Sins, of which there are... well, seven. Lust, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath. Each is occupied by an Arch-Devil, who leads a hierarchy of lesser demons under them. The Court votes democratically on war decisions, often with razor-thin margins, but most of the time they scheme and backstab each other anyway to get ahead.
- The Faithful and Heretic forces don't really have 'equivilants' to each other. They play very differently. Trench Pilgrims are a melee-focused rush-faction. Heretic Legion are a flexible, adaptable faction, normally longer range though. New Antioch is a very tactically minded faction and has a lot of internal synergies. Court is an Elite-Focused faction with huge units and spellcasters. Black Grail is a slow snowballing faction. And The Sultanate is a self-enhancing adaptable faction.
- The Communicant has less to do with faith, and more to do with what they eat; a Communicant is one who has consumed the flesh and blood of a Meta-Christ, which is what the Church claims to be the cloned flesh of Jesus Christ. These poor things are constantly flayed and eaten to mutate Communicants into hulking behemoths. They're just kinda lumpy flesh clones of Jesus the Church keeps locked in their basement. Communicants join Trench Pilgrim processions to assist in the battle against Hell. Some Communicants sell their services as mercenaries to either New Antioch officers or processions of Trench Pilgrims that can scrape together the coin on their march.
- Stigmatic Nuns/Monks are those who willingly participate in the practice of Stigmata: wounding themselves in a ritualistic manner that reflects the wounds of Jesus Christ, or the Meta-Christs. Sustaining wounds supernaturally invigorates them and makes them stronger, which is why they're running into battle butt-ass naked.
Think that's it. Most of the other stuff you said or had questions on were generally accurate.
Some other notes I can make here:
- Although the war has been raging for 800, it is not constant warfare. There will often be lulls of quiet in the Trench Crusade timeline, followed by periods of intense violence. So its not necessarily a constantly esculating battle. The Arch-Devils are immortal beings who do not percieve time as humans do, which means their logic in their invasion plans follow this similarly esoteric function; often they'll dedicate large amounts of resources to destroy a seemingly desolate and unimportant village just to kill a single baby that may grow up to be a Saint, or strike at a warband seemingly on their side without reason. This makes their invasion patterns difficult to predict.
- Trench Pilgrims are based on a real life concept; The People's Crusade. This was a pre-crusade mob of tens of thousands of peasents who wanted to get to crusading early, riled up by basically a cult leader named Peter The Hermit. So they marched to try and crusade in the Holy Land... Only it was a lot further than they thought and they said, "Y'know what, we're hungry, tired, and bored, lets go burn some Jewish ghettos" and initiated the Rhineland Massacres. In the end they burned more villages down in Europe than they did in the Holy Lands. Lol.
Imagine if a dev studio picks up trench crusades
how is this "serious" competition warhammer 40k is literally a multibillion franchise with almost 40 years of table top, lore, books, series and video games, trench crusade didn't even start production of miniatures yet
Its clickbait. Trench Crusade and their devs have no intention on 'competing' with Warhammer.
Well with 40k now being owned by Amazon outright, this might be an alternative once they get the Lore fucked up with agenda pushing.
I think it's way cooler than 40k personally. Once it catches on I bet it'll get a fatty cult following.
interesting that my comment was removed, UA-cam...
its called marketing buddy. also 40K increase of popularity is primarily due to Total war resent years rather than their actual minature sales. CA has mostly stayed stagnated and lets be honest become more tame and their models arent selling as much as it used to. in fact what makes a competition is costs. CA maybe bin around for about 40 years but they sure as hell stagnated their sales. theres a reason why total war was the main beneficiary for the last decade and now amazon and guess what, its the lore rather than minis that peaked the interest. again cost of a products dicates the market. Trench Crusade is a new concept a concept with a reasonable cost and maintaining the edgy Horror theme that CA bin toning down resently.
Definitely the best full length Trench Crusade video you have made so far!
Thanks for talking about Trench Crusade, you really introduced me to this amazing universe with the shorts too and I'm happy to find this too :)
Ty! Glad you like the videos! This comment means alot :)
I am so happy to see more grim dark tabletop games like this emerge.
The snipers literly said "god take the scope"
Lest be honest though Warhammer is never going to replaced by Trench Crusade I feel like it might have its own community which I will be apart of but warhammer will always be first it’s just to well established and theirs just so much lore that Trench Crusade doesn’t have a hope of matching. That being said I do think it’s going to be fun
no one is saying it'll replace anything buddy. thats your own interpretation. CA existed for over 40 years so chill, if anything Trench Crusade will only provide a healthy competition for the overall market that CA has held a complete monopoly over. a little reminder the entire franchise bin basically stagnated for more than a decade and minies arent as popular as they used to thanks to their pricing and their consumer unfriendlyness that theyve bin known to have.
The title says its going to give warhammer a run for its money, so why do you chill? Id love for TC to kick off but to say give warhmer a run for its money isnt even close to on the money. @@dendrien
You underestimate GW's stupidity and greed.
I have been saying for years, warhammer needs more jesus
Please get off my page man, I’ve asked you nicely to leave MULTIPLE times, I don’t want to hit the block button but I will if I have to, I am asking NICELY and FAIRLY don’t make me do it
@@braid.nation geez he just saying some thing no reason to be rude
@thebot-sy6dnI know what is the context
@@TheUnityv13 what he just saying that warhammer needs more jesus there is no problem with that
but if he said for him to get of his page than yea he should respect his request but it is his opinion
The Pilgrims - The Kreigsmem,
The New antioch - The space marines
The Paladins - The Primarchs
I like your logic.
But Paladins seem to be the size as Custodes.
Some Custodes are the same size as some primarchs.
But if Paladins are suppose to be inbetween space marines and the emperor in size. They would be like custodes then wouldnt they?
The primarchs are about the size as the emperor. And i think some primarchs are bigger than the emperor.
I’m interested in seeing what people think about painting the minis. It will be either really simple or incredibly annoying. There are few colors but seems to be a lot of small details
I didn’t know warhammer was like dnd. just to know about all the information on trench crusade is interesting
15:32 the people who made this knew what they were doing with this design 💀💀
Literally if guardsmen fought the space marines battles for them
Wait, is this a full video?!?!?!
Also getting some Clive Barkers Jerico vibes from these guys
this is the video of all time
Trench Crusade is certainly interesting and I look forward to following it, but its not touching warhammer any time soon if ever. Luckily we can enjoy both
Need a Trinity MMO out of this please.
Though I'm more ivested in Trench Crusade more than the current modern 40k setting. As a 40k fan.
Until Games Workshop absolutely crushes it legally for IP violations.
I hate to say it but no miniatures warhame has ever, and will never be as powerful as the warhammer IP. this game looks great but warhammer untouchable. It's also more attractive to the youth due to aesthetics. Trench crusade seems to have huge appeal to us older gamers.
Very informative video, thank you!
there are definitely more then 7 rings of hell
If both these games went to war who would win
definitely warhammer (edit: i meant if you're referring to the power of their respective universes - if youre talking about popularity and success, time will tell!)
But the Black Death has been around since 5000 bce
wait this is so cool
AT-43 was also good.
I’m new to all this but unless I can walk into a FLGS and buy models… no thanks
The art is just
Looks like Diablo X WW1
Isn't it still in development? It's already "serious competition"?
potential competition. competition doesnt automatically mean a winner. so relax.
@dendrien Title
@ it’s called clickbait buddy.
@@dendrien I figured, that's why I called it out.
Its not competition to its actual competitors lmao. The rules they've released suck and the lore is just grimderp garbage. If you want an actual game kinda like this as an alternative to Warhammer, play quar or turnip
this shi is crazyyyyyy
Just name it a trench crusade video. A lot of people know about it so try for more direct comparison content. This is what my agency literally looks for when we commission influencers. No go
People need to stop using the words grim dark for everything
it ISNT super creative tho is it. . .its really cool and I love that people are trying to create new things, im very much supportive of that, but theres quite a lot in that video is basically just a variation of something already done by 40k. . .Templars, Dreadnoughts, gasmasks, fervent Religiosity, . . . look at the Black Grail image, its basically a great unclean one with a gold helmet on, you even said 'Death Guard squared'. . .
be honest. . . its cool but its just a 40k thematic reskin.
yeah about that. 40K isnt original either buddy. so take a chill pill why dont you. dont comment about artistic creativity when you have no clue what creativity even is. also a healthy reminder. CA is a company that existed for more than 40 years and mostly stayed stagnated. Trench Crusade is a startup and havent existed for a half decade.
@@dendrien I have no clue what creativity even is? 🤣
what are you, 12?
Everything in life is taken out of inspiration from one thing or another to varying degrees. Yes, the likeness's of trench crusade and warhammer seem to be nearly one to one in ways, but reguardless, everything else about it seems to have a fresh original take from the lore down to the individual designs for the most part. Its someones reimagined, and inspired take on a grimdark universe centered around religious iconograohy and connotations. personally i think they did a very good job designing a coming up with the universe that they imagined. It may just be the next "WH40K" in a sense, because imagine how warhammer started out in the 80s. Im sure it was very similar to this in how they started up. Even warhammer took pages from lord of the rings and dune.
Beisde the fact this was meant to be ragebait at best and undisclosed add at worse... Like come on no one uses the press kit like you did who wasn't paid to... But still this game regardless of who good it is or isn't like the setting is a cool idea very what if From soft made an Warhammer Old world soulsborne game when you play as as a sigmarine detactment sent to see what the new old world TT wargame is... But 1., It isn't that so at first glance sseems very cash garby in the context of 3 Kickstarters over 10 years for the same setting... And they still don'
t have any traction and are insan;ly unknown despite the remberb;le name...But yeah for the fuinded they got just less then the record number of miniature TT wargame's record the last Battletech KS got... Abnd uh the restion why those glofired pre order things work... Os they are esly the best use of KS ever... I mean it should be as they 100% don't need the founding... But do need the data on what us true BT fans do actually want... As well as the countless net postigve stuff their BT campaign generate rfor "free" that just doing their normal release wouldn't... Like if Love battletech and will buy the models anyway why not get an insanl deal on then that GW refuses to match hiunce why they kinda gropped out of the miniature TT wargame hobby... Mini TT wargamers don't play 41k or engage with it beyond the lore,video games and external media and stuff... So yeah is trench crusada better then 41k the TT miniature waragme 100% no one is doudting that but the 41k and age of land marines player who are indenail the the hobby is GW never was never will be... Like how Suoper mario bros isn't the hobby or Chess or D&D or candy crush... Games are the games hoby gam,er is who we are hypohnated or not.... So yeah ghow they got almost the cap any miniuree wargame can make from a well respected team and IP can make as nobodies even after two prevouse KS vcapoign larger then this as way more interest is beyond me when they dispeared for 10 years between then and now... Like at least malke a youtubve channel talking abouy the center point of the IP the lrore or somthing... litterlyerly anything to gain any semblance of trust and good will and well hype... like 41k can live on it;s tiny honestly incifcant playweerbase as gthey are not it;s industry they are a minitures company first and a Novel company second... Their games have always been cash grabs top falcte sells... Which only coasts them aan insane amount of rescores that can't afford right now... So yeah even then the have a ravid blidly loyal player base... Trecnh cruisade has litterly nothing tio show for people kllike me who made the mistake of wasting brain power in rembering the name what every that KS is for...
so its islam + christan vs demons
*Did I imagine it or did he say "East Asia"? The Ottoman Empire was in the Middle East. East Asia is Japan...*
It's actually middle East, not East Asia
Paid promotion
It did until it did a goofy move of hiring people who like the female custodes crap basically the type we're going to drag down the hobby eventually Not now it might be popular heck it might even explode but it'll bite it down the long run It's kind of like cancer😅. I mean I'm kind of either way I like it or seems cool seems a little boring without no futuristic stuff but hey that's fine I guess as long as they can keep it interesting