I noticed a big improvement on my halitosis problems the day I decided to stop drink coffee, and started a gluten free diet. Along with the GF diet, no coffee drinking, I take a lot of probiotics, and digestive enzymes. My life has changed totally, and I feel better about myself.
I know how you feel. Coffee and tea meant everything to me when I wasn't allowed food such as gluten and dairy. The herbal and fruit teas don't compare I feel cursed :(
Go back and test each food individually (except the gluten if you tested positive for Celiac) and see how YOU react. Everyone's different. You don't want to restrict your diet so much that you end up malnourished. That's bad, too.
So nice to come across this video. I had concerns about coffee when I noticed similar reactions to when I ate foods that contained gluten (bloating, pains in the joints in my feet, etc.). What messed with my head though, was that these reactions didn't happen every time I had coffee but, instead only showed up when I had certain brands of coffee. Nice to know that I'm NOT nuts. LOL
My Mother has coeliac disease and passed it on to all 7 kids and our kids have it. But this is the final piece of the jigsaw. Thank you. You have no idea how much I spent and suffered regardless of diet change. Everything you have said has put everything together for me. I've been to Australia, London Manchester China Japan every hospital and so called specialist in the world I could France Germany. And your video as I said has put everything together from my experience and issues so thank you. ❤ I will look at you website and now get some ideas of what I can eat. Amazing truly awesome.
BrandonSeattle I was a 4 cup a morning girl and expresso later. I gave up coffee, dark coffee. No headaches, no issues and my dips that happened between 3-4 pm no longer exist. I sleep better and feel so much better.
I am supposed to be GF- Hashimotos. But I kept drinking coffee and recently suspected it was a culprit. Bloated, sleepy at work and feeling like I was eating gluten! So glad he confirmed my suspicion.
Thanks for the response Jana. Rice and oats contain a gliadin like storage protein. All grains (grass bearing seeds) have storage proteins that are very similar in structure to wheat gluten. Our individual immune response is what makes certain individuals reactive to Quinioa, oats, Corn, Soy, etc. There are many other storage proteins found in grains. : hordein (barley); secadin (rye); zein (corn); orzenin (rice); avenin (oats); panicin (millet); Majority of individual with celiac disease will NEVER heal the inflammation due to incidental exposure, lack of consistency with diet (cheating), cross contamination or cross reactivity. "The presence of oats in a GFD is still a subject of controversial. Oats differ from other cereals in their prolamin content. The percentage of proline and glutamine (amino acids abundant in toxic regions) in avenin is lower than in other toxic cereals. Some clinical researchers state that patients with celiac disease tolerate oats without signs of intestinal inflammation [21]. According to the Codex Alimentarius for food for special dietary use for persons intolerant to gluten, CODEX STAN118-1979 (revised 2008, [22]), oats can be tolerated by most but not all people who are intolerant to gluten. Moreover, according to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 [23] concerning the composition and labeling of foodstuffs suitable for people intolerant to gluten, a major concern is the contamination of oats with wheat, rye or barley that can occur during grain harvesting, transport, storage and processing. Therefore, the risk of gluten contamination in products containing oats should be taken into consideration with regard to labeling of those products. In contrast, other studies confirmed the toxicity of oats in certain types of patients with celiac disease. Arentz-Hansen et al. [24] described the intestinal deterioration suffered by some patients with celiac disease following the consumption of oats while on a GFD. Avenin can trigger an immunological response in these patients similar to the response produced by the gluten of wheat, rye or barley." Each person immune system may look at these proteins as wheat gluten. So yes these can all be problems. It's best to get tested for these and know what your body is reacting to. www.drhagmeyer.com/clinical-laboratory-testing/gluten-sensitivity-testing/ There are other videos I have done on the topic that are worth watching if you are struggling with understanding gluten.
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2010. I have followed a strict diet free from wheat, barley and rye. This cleared my symptoms. I have eaten oatmeal almost everyday without issue - no gluten in pure oats. Also, I drink 2 to 4 cups of coffee everyday. Your info is doing a disservice to people who have Celiac.
Yes, pretty much Greg, or at least what most may consider as "everything". It's sad and I know it may be shocking, but God's food has been genetically altered or poisoned and we are being sold what benefits the seller, NOT what benefits the consumer. 85% of what is on the grocery store shelves is processed and not recommended for superior human health or for healthy human consumption. And now we are addicted to the bliss-factor components specifically added to these foods for that intended purpose.-- which is consumer addiction and compulsion to buy more and to eat more, and more regularly. Our only chance is to break the addiction and unplug. It will be hard and take commitment. We all get to choose. Please know that the quality of our food is decreasing and it will take willpower and strength to survive the withdrawals of unplugging. If you are in the US then I would not recommend eating anything that is not organic produce or organic grass fed free ranged non-gmo-fed meat or dairy product, or wild caught fish ONLY. Keep in mind that most grains are now quite inflammatory (and most rice contains high levels or arsenic as well), and are either cross-reactive or genetically altered or are now hybrids of what they once were in biblical times, and now more dangerous to consume than ever before. If I were to give you one simple tip it would be to follow the paleo lifestyle and if anyone you know is suffering from an autoimmune disease then they would benefit by following the paleo Autoimmune protocol ... and also by having Dr. Hagmeyer or another functional medicine provider diagnose their specific autoimmune disease or they will just be chasing their tail endlessly with no resolve. Teach your children so they will not fall victim to any of this. Trust me, their life will depend on you sharing this and leading by example. Be well. God bless us everyone.
I have celiac disease and certified gluten free oats made me extremely sick, getting all grains out of my diet made all the difference in my health. I am now thriving on mainly carnivore diet and feel amazing!
I was very sick from 2010 til 2013 , over 100 visit the emergency rooms of 7 different hospitals in 2 states, 2 major surgerys , most all the Drs would say was it's in my head . Well I went off gluten 1 yr ago I had 16 thing that was that was wrong with my body from dry skin to mouth ulsers . all went away after giving up gluten , but when I get in contact with gluten in any way it tears open all my stomach ulsers and all 16 problems come back ,gluten is even in eye drops I didn't know ,I had to be rushed to the hospital received 3 shots to relieve the pain,I think I'm the most gluten intolerant person on the planet.
So glad to hear you have found a way to live free of the horror and misery. I have even had a gut biopsy and it showed I do not have celiac but I really need to not eat conventional wheat products. Organic seem to be ok in small amounts. I do not recommend you try that since you are so sensitive. Many Blessings for good health to you!
@dr FeelGood milk was never a poison. Humans made it into poison so they could make you change way of eating and lifestyle in order to make you deficient for better brain mass control...
@dr FeelGood i never had a single issue with cow milk. I now switch to lactose free milk cause i still put like 1.5ltrs with half a package of frosties for bfast since i was 12 but sometimes i can feel it if it has much lactose.... i know i am 30 i will never learn... My grandma was having 3 huge cups of whole fat milk every day . Fresh cow mozarella every day and pastas with sausages cooked in olive oil with much bread i mean like 4-5 big slices every day. Lots of traditional sweets Before bed time always i remember her and upon waking a small cup of pure traditional red wine (resveratrol for us common mortals) A lot of fish A lot of honey Never had a chicken breast Never had rice Never had salad Supplements. Omega 3 at the age of 89 Never was overweight never took a pressure pill some called her bionic. Secret: every day winter summer/60mins swimming at the sea Never took a taxi always walking Never had goat milk.. she died 97. I repeat 97 Goat milk: conspiracy i never tried it so wouldnt know wouldnt care either Cow milk 100000 more times proven it builds better kids. Show me a study which proves the dangers of cow milk and i mean a legit high level marathon multimillions study not a yorktest study... but i believe you have some good strong points yet just by the idea of becoming a goat..not gord 😂 P.s not spam is me micro mario Different phone..cant remember the other wifi connection of my studio(micromario) ytube logins too bored to take action😂
Thanks to the food industry and the sell-out FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the gov. Europe bans a lot of false advertising and a lot of medications and food types that are permitted in America. The European Union is putting resistance to our country (USA) in the global export/import b/c theydon't want our chickens with hormones, altered wheat products etc. etc.
Outside of Celiac Disease and Wheat Allergies, what is the evidence that Gluten Sensitivity exists? Wouldn't it be more likely that the cause is Silent Celiac Disease, and that a person claiming Gluten Sensitivity should be immediately tested for Celiac Disease? In my own case I wasn't diagnosed with Celiac Disease until the onset of classic symptoms and weight loss. After reviewing the possible symptoms, I would say that I had Silent Celiac Disease for years, perhaps decades. I always thought I had IBS, but my intestines basically put up a good fight until I was about 55 years old. What I have noticed since going GF is that I no longer get canker sores, or unexplained pains in my lower sides. So far I don't seem to be having any cross-reactivity issues, and fortunately I don't drink coffee!
Ha HA .. these comments... we're all coffee fucking addicts. It's the most addictive drug in the world. I've been sayin that for years!! more than heroine, more than cigarrettes. I mean look at people's reaction.. hysteric!
This makes SO MUCH SENSE but a legit question i have is- What is there to eat besides rice, buckwheat etc.????? Heard white potato's are also cross reactive to gluten. What is left to eat besides fish, chicken fruits vegies????? They aren't so filling... I'm seriously asking for ideas. What is left?
look into cry1 protein causing poor nutrient assimilation, leaky gut, and a hyper vigilant immune system leading to cytokine storm type immune response to vaccines. Taking a few days off, brain development wise, leads to subsequent developmental delays. Each child's immune system should be measured prior to vaccination. Actually their fecal matter should be analyzed. Note the increase in Austim diagnosis since the introduction of the cry1 antimicrobial protein into the food chain. Direct correlation. This is not an increase in diagnostic insight, oh no,no,no. I went through my year book from the 80's. There were 2 out of 1000. Trained in learning disability intervention in the 90's, autism was hardly talked about, barely spoke, briefly visited academically. We were taught most autism was referred to outside education opportunities before we even got our hands on them. What a shame, these kids since the 90's have been head injured with junk in the food.
I cannot believe how good I feel since I gave up coffee which I only gave up three days ago and I feel 30 years younger, I have energy again what I need to know now is what else might triggers bad health? would almonds or pecans? I am gluten intolerant
I have the Celiac Disease, diagnosed in 2005 with early stages of biliar cirrhosis but I still get sick like once or twice a month with abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, fussy brain! I did not know that my French Vanilla Coffee, and some times my French Vanilla Cappuccino may contribute to those reactions!!! I was told that I could have Potatoes, corn, rise, tapioca, bean, everything except for Wheat, Barley, Rye, and Oak...!!! Now, I guess I will have to become almost vegetarian! OMG!!! But, if this is the price I have to pay to stay healthy and happy, I will do it!!! I am very careful with my shampoos, conditioners, tooth paste, make up, but I didn't know about my daily and delicious coffeeeeeee!!!! :-( Thanks for sharing this information with us!!!
You can buy organic Coffee that is gluten free. It's a little harder to find but brewing your own is the best. I have celiac and the biggest mistake Celiacs make is thinking they can eat all those "Other" grains liek Sorghum and rice flour and until you heal your gut your body is going to think of proteins from other foods as foreign invaders. Look into a ketogenic diet for Celiacs. It helps heal your lower intestines. While foods diet is crucial for healing. I cross react to ALL Nightshades as they are inflammatory to the body. Corn is all GMO and is very bad for celiacs.
Thank you for letting us know that 10% of Coffee can be cross reactive,,, I like coffee and would like to make sure I drink only the 90% that's not. Do you have a list of some of those that are not cross reactive?
CraigRison I might be a little late to the party, but I saw in another video (can't remember where) that particularly de-caffeinated, instant or flavored coffees cause a cross-reaction...
yum yum rice contains protein called Hordein. Hordein is a prolamin glycoprotein, present in barley and some other cereals, together with gliadin and other glycoproteins coming under the general name of gluten. Some people are sensitive to hordein due to disorders such as celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
yum yum depends on why you are trying to remove them? Each person is different. Cross reactivity? Gluten sensitivity? Night shades? Low FODMAP diet? AIP diet?
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C, CFMP gluten free because of gluten sensitivity. So would potatoes and quinoa be a problem? Also if a person tested negative for Antigliadin antibodies does that mean they are not gluten sensitive? Does one need to have high Antigliadin native and deamidated antibodies (Labcorp gluten sensitivity panel) in order to be gluten sensitive?
Hi Britt its more than just eliminating food. We need to keep in mind that a vicious cycle exists between the foods we eat, inflammation and the integrity of gut barriers. A strong gut barrier doing it's job will prevent these undigested cross reactive proteins from entering the blood stream and being tagged by the immune system.
hello, your video has been so useful... I am writing from Italy, where gluten sensitivity is still being denied. I know I suffer from gluten sensitivity, as well as my daughters. I went to the doc to have them tested, and the doc stated clearly on her letter that gluten snsitivity and SNAS (systemic Allergy to Nichel) DO NOT EXIST! I would like her to watch this vid! Thanks again... i'd like to be tested by you, pity I live in Italy!
That's strange since I live in an Italian community in Australia and some of the best gluten free products I've ever tasted are in the local deli and are made in Italy!
All this hiden gluten is whats getting me. I cut what I know of out and my skin got better. But now It feels ten time worse when I do get a reaction. Like stews and chillies use flour for thickening their sauces. Im thinking about cutting it all out so I can finally get a break
Yes you have to go all in! Just a “little cheating” will still get you in trouble and cause symptoms! If you need help, I’ve got some great nutritionist!
The test evaluates Instant coffee, but people that are gluten sensitive have cross reactivity to many things that are not tested for on cyrex panel. Coffee is strongly reactive. This is why its critical to work with a doctor or other health care provider who understand the complexities and limitations of the testing that is currently available.
We need to educated more doctors about this. I when to the doctor after a two years on a gf diet to try and figure out why I was still bloating and having some symptoms(Nothing like before I went off wheat though). He told me I was too fat for celiacs, tested me for the one antibody and told me not to eat salads. :/
Doctors don't know nutrition, they know drugs. You may also be allergic to cows milk. You may also need a good blend of refrigerated acidopholis for proper digestion. Eat more fruit. Lettuce does cause gas, but that may not be your problem. Apples and bananas are really good, if you can't eat bananas, then avocados . Bananas, avocados, raisins all these have potassium. If you have diarrhea, then these could help.
The traditional definition of gluten only included wheat gluten back in the 40's and 50's. We now know much more about gluten proteins and gluten cross reactors. We also have isolated gluten proteins from all grains. Gluten is just an umbrella term. Very often people just see "gluten free" what they are really saying is that it is "wheat" gluten free. This is all the nonsense that goes on behind food labeling laws.
I have Celiac's and whenever I have caffeinated coffee, or caffeinated tea I feel horrible and have panic attack's. It is bitter suite to hear that there is a reason behind it. I don't seem to have problems with caffeinated soda.
Hi. I have fibromyalgia. Or adreneal exhaustion. I have gone omad carnivore and have cut out caffeine now. I was drinking a lot of decaf. I am gluten intolerant. I am wondering if decaf screws up diogestion. I am so tired all the time. I got mindlab pro AND REVISION20 this week and am going to get an earthing sheet. I will eat strak eggs and butter and bacon and liver and will only drink water. I am taking a super green and salt in water aswell as zinc, potassium, salt, magnesium, vit d and vit k2. I am 47 and have been upset by digestive issues since i had my appendix removed in 1998. Any thoughts welcome.
What advice can you give in regards to Blood Type diet? Based on what I can tell this diet focuses on avoiding lectins. Is it possible that if one combines these two diets (GF & Blood Type) that the greatest opportunity for gut healing is realized? It seems after watching your very good video that eating only vegetables and fruit should be the aim. I am self diagnosed gluten intolerant by self testing. And I am very curious about doing the full gluten test as you recommend. Thanks for the information.
Rice, like Oats, contain a certain amount of gluten proteins. Rice has 5% orzenin and oats have 16% avenin as well as cross contamination problems. Quinoa what is grown in the US is cross bred with wheat and therefore US quinoa is a gluten problem as well.
All grains contain their own unique gluten protein (prolamin). It's wheat gluten (gliadin) that's the worst, I personally find rice gluten (orzenin) doean't cause me problems.
Can't find your website. Clicked the link you provided as well as typed it in and keep getting "Server cannot be found." By the way, thanks for your videos they are extremely helpful and informative!
OMG!!! I have suspected something like this since going gluten-free. I did notice some improvement (mainly being free from severe lethargy and neurological complications), but have still been susceptible to other symptoms. I'm so glad I've found confirmation on this. I wish I had a comprehensive list of foods that can be cross-reactive, including each compound that is associated with the reactions. I've been considering a FODMAP diet, but even some foods on that list cause a few issues which is why I have yet to undergo such a change. Pardon the cursing, but it seems like every damned thing I eat that's supposed to be free of reactions causes SOMETHING to happen. I really have been wrought with despair for the past few years trying to find a collective of foods that won't do me wrong. It's unnerving and the stress of it shocks me to my core. I've become trapped in a faulty machine the requires repair and no one inside knows how to mend the breaks and wear. I've spent so much money on supplements and special foods to no avail, fighting a battle against enemies I have no understanding of.
What about bulletproof coffee that is supposedly mould free and is mixed with grass fed butter and high fats. What are your thoughts on that related to inflamation?
I have read elsewhere that rice and oats do NOT contain gluten, could you please explain why you include these in the foods such as wheat, rye and barley that are commonly touted as the gluten heavy foods while other 'experts' do not. Thanks for the video, coffee always makes me feel horrible.
How do I contact your office? I am really ready to be completely healthy! I have Hashimoto’s, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Allergies, IBS, Cystitis and I get sick a lot!
Good information. I decided to take the guess work out of it and took a food sensitivity test. Now I know what foods to avoid. I never buy gluten free foods because they do contain the items you just listed which I had reactions to.
Adam Sometimes oats are milled in the same mills such as wheat, therefore contaminating the oats. Also, sometimes the crops are rotated from year to year, some years wheat is grown on the land and then the next year oats, therefore contaminating the oats, hope the helps.
Potential cross-reactivity. ... In vitro cross-reactivity has been demonstrated among IgE binding proteins of Corn, Rice, Soybean and Peanut. A high degree of cross-reactivity between Rice and Corn was thought to be due to the fact that they both belong to the same botanical family.
@@thalesnemo2841 Yes, I have just read about the gluten protein in rice and wish I could remember the name of it right now...I also read that rice can cause problems for gluten sensitivity/autoimmune conditions because it challenges blood sugar balance/insulin resistance. I also read that rice contains heavy metals.
My brother has been after me to learn about gluten. Now that I watched this video and the truth about gluten, I don't know what I can eat anymore. I have a lot of the sensetivities that are included in the other responses here. Is there a book written by Dr. Hagmeyer that can help with knowing what foods to purchase? What about vitamins? Where do you purchase gluten free vitamins? Does this mean you go out and sit in the sun for your vitamin D? if so, for how long? If we are what we eat, then we all are most definately eating the wrong foods because so many of us are dying from cancer. Thank you for anyone who knows the correct answer to my questions.
Can you please clarify for me if rice has gluten as you mention on this video or it's just the cross-over reaction. Is "brown-rice-flour" safe for instance when baking bread on a gluten free diet? Thanks a lot for the details Dc! GREAT video by the way!
I understood it as all grassbearing grains has proteins SIMILAR to gluten and the imune system does not know the difference sometimes.. Thats why one should be tested for those other foods as well
Potential cross-reactivity. ... In vitro cross-reactivity has been demonstrated among IgE binding proteins of Corn, Rice, Soybean and Peanut. A high degree of cross-reactivity between Rice and Corn was thought to be due to the fact that they both belong to the same botanical family.
Doctor when I gave up coffee I (ferment my drinks ,) felt great .1year later my tummy looks better than when I was 17.but the miracle is ...my brain is working better,had a Trumatic brain injury from a car accident.everyone wants no part of that ( there addicted to there morning drink ☕️)
Hi, do you mean you ferment your coffee? Liwak coffee is fermented in the intestines of a cat like creature, before being roasted. I wonder if that would denature the proteins enough to be safe?
Hello Dr. Hagmeyer, thank you for this video. I have been suffering since 2012 with this issue with gluten, but no real help. I just found out about the dangers of lectins a few weeks ago. I heard if I use a pressure cooker to process my food before I eat/drink it, it will help get rid of most of the lectins. Seriously, my question is, is there any safe foods to eat?
Dear Dr Hagmeyer, Thank you very much for this video, I will look into your work more now that I know you have 'got it', unlike so many, especially in the coeliac industry, who promote the so-called 'gluten-free' grains, which you and I know are just as bad. Could you post the references to the comments you made in the above video about the research that shows that many other proteins in grass seeds can be just as problematic as alpha gliadin, and all the other papers that you have clearly read on this, as I have not found them in my pubmed searches to date. I know, because I use my logic as well as my science background, that all grass seeds must have their proteins/prolamines for their own life cycles, and that these are not proper human food. Even bovine type grass feeders don't eat these grasses when they are seeding, only when they are in leaf. Look at the spiky bristles around the ear of wheat/oat/rye etc and it's easy to see that these are part of the plant's defence of its seeds/babies. The bristles protect the seed from being eaten by big mammals. This big mammal, homo sapiens, had to find a way round these defences , probably to get through some dreadful famine at some point, and got addicted to the morphines in the grains, which was such a dire mistake to have made, as now it seems that no one can imagine a time when we were not eating these grass seeds. The history of disease, of body and mind, is, as you say, explainable almost entirely by us eating these inappropriate substances, and suffering desperately as a consequence. The only real conditions that are not to do with wrong food is, in my humble opinion, breaking limbs, various infections, and the obvious drowning, being struck by lightning and becoming another animal's prey. Thanks again for your excellent work, and please post some references. Afifah
@Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C. By the way, Hungary is one of the few countries that GMO products like Monsanto seeds & use of Roundup are banned in their constitution. There's an organic bakery named Pipacs Bakery located in Budapest where they make artisan bread from local organic wheat including eincorn, which is an ancient crop. Lots of people who have gluten intolerance or Celiac disease can eat their bread with no side effects.
Depending on you Gluten damage, ANYTHING can be a problem, anything that disolves to the smallest form and will pass thought a damaged intestine barrier. If it dose not get broken down to a amino acid, simple sugars. etc can be a problem.
I'm in the UK. I've had Coeliacs for 17 years. A year after diagnoses I fell ill will severe fatigue and chronic pain. Diagnosed ME and fibromyalgia. I've always believed this was connected to the Coeliacs but Drs are unable to confirm. I only have one coffee a day. Black as I'm lactose sensitive. Can one coffee make that much difference? I would really like to make contact with you for help, is the possible from here in the UK?
All grass bearing seeds contain gluten. Not just wheat, barly and rye. Coffee beans contain gluten proteins as well as lectins. If you have a gluten sensitivity you need to give up coffee.
It only seem to be celiac and bad cases of gluten intolerance that might react to all grains. Baking expands/stretches the gluten creating 50% more gluten, hybridization of wheat, pesticides, along with all the Gmo's etc. Not to mention that 100's of years ago we ate less and most if not all of the time they were eaten with legumes that help mask the gluten and the fiber helped move the gluten threw the digestive track. Humans are the only species to consume dairy into adulthood, Caucasians from what I've herd on other countries seem to be the ethnic group that stop breastfeeding the earliest. like in China and Africa they usually stop around the ages of 4 to sometimes as late as 6. maybe that might be why Europeans and westerners consume so much dairy, but then again there's big profit in brainwashing people into eating so much to line the pockets of corporations like Monsatan!!!! At least 60% of Caucasians/Europeans don't really have enough digestive enzymes for gluten and it's like 80% of Africa doesn't either. 75% of China is highly likely to have lactose intolerance and as much as 80% of Africans tend to not have enough enzymes for lactose!
I cant have wheat, rye, barley milk and for some reason oats but rice,quinoa , corn are ok but there is definitely something else when I go to the local fish and chip shop that has a gluten free fryer after eating them I get really dizzy and cant drive home any ideas apart from not going lol.O how can you put potatoes, coffee, buck wheat just to mention a few in this list I don't really understand how can there be gluten in these things or are they gluten like? and your body cant tell the difference
"olds" might you explain? are you part of a nursing home where you are caring for people with glutenfree (truly not processed way) diet? I am trying to understand all of your responses. ANd sounds very interesting. Just wonder where you are? I am truly glutenfree. I tried having alittle quinoa or occasional rice, but just not the best. I am not very ill. I am a celiac. My major symptoms I get with ingestion of other grains, or some dairy is skin "cuts" and mood changes.
How to deal with the gluten problem when gluten is very necessary for the brain? A major substance the brain uses is my understanding? Correct me if I’m mistaken.
I noticed a big improvement on my halitosis problems the day I decided to stop drink coffee, and started a gluten free diet.
Along with the GF diet, no coffee drinking, I take a lot of probiotics, and digestive enzymes.
My life has changed totally, and I feel better about myself.
So, in short, I can only drink water... This disease is testing my patience! Between the gluten, FODMAPs and cross-reactivity, I'M SCREWED!!!
I know how you feel. Coffee and tea meant everything to me when I wasn't allowed food such as gluten and dairy. The herbal and fruit teas don't compare I feel cursed :(
Go back and test each food individually (except the gluten if you tested positive for Celiac) and see how YOU react. Everyone's different. You don't want to restrict your diet so much that you end up malnourished. That's bad, too.
Me too
Not my coffee!! I could deal wth my breads, and cereals and even my pasta..But NOT my coffee!
I'm with you! :-)
I know it sucks! I can’t give it up I keep trying and I keep going back to it. I know it’s killing me, but it taste so good. DARN IT ALL!
i have a confession: yesterday, I ate a packaged brownie, pretzle crackers, and a bowl of honeynut cheerios!! SO yeh, screw tht all!
I actually fasted coffee for 90 days once. After that amount of time I still couldn't find my personality! ...until I welcomed Mr.Coffee back.
Jasmine Morris Honeynut Cheerios is made with Oats.
So nice to come across this video. I had concerns about coffee when I noticed similar reactions to when I ate foods that contained gluten (bloating, pains in the joints in my feet, etc.). What messed with my head though, was that these reactions didn't happen every time I had coffee but, instead only showed up when I had certain brands of coffee. Nice to know that I'm NOT nuts. LOL
same here
My Mother has coeliac disease and passed it on to all 7 kids and our kids have it. But this is the final piece of the jigsaw. Thank you. You have no idea how much I spent and suffered regardless of diet change. Everything you have said has put everything together for me. I've been to Australia, London Manchester China Japan every hospital and so called specialist in the world I could France Germany. And your video as I said has put everything together from my experience and issues so thank you. ❤ I will look at you website and now get some ideas of what I can eat. Amazing truly awesome.
I'm gluten free but give up coffee, I can't go for that. I can't live in a world without coffee.
BrandonSeattle I was a 4 cup a morning girl and expresso later. I gave up coffee, dark coffee. No headaches, no issues and my dips that happened between 3-4 pm no longer exist. I sleep better and feel so much better.
BrandonSeattle that has nothing to do with gluten and everything to do with caffeine
Just another chiroquacker! Move along folks. He only sells snake oil 😠
I am supposed to be GF- Hashimotos. But I kept drinking coffee and recently suspected it was a culprit. Bloated, sleepy at work and feeling like I was eating gluten! So glad he confirmed my suspicion.
Try drinking chicory! It tastes exactly like coffee w out the caffeine
Thanks for the response Jana. Rice and oats contain a gliadin like storage protein. All grains (grass bearing seeds) have storage proteins that are very similar in structure to wheat gluten. Our individual immune response is what makes certain individuals reactive to Quinioa, oats, Corn, Soy, etc. There are many other storage proteins found in grains. : hordein (barley); secadin (rye); zein (corn); orzenin (rice); avenin (oats); panicin (millet); Majority of individual with celiac disease will NEVER heal the inflammation due to incidental exposure, lack of consistency with diet (cheating), cross contamination or cross reactivity.
"The presence of oats in a GFD is still a subject of controversial. Oats differ from other cereals in their prolamin content. The percentage of proline and glutamine (amino acids abundant in toxic regions) in avenin is lower than in other toxic cereals. Some clinical researchers state that patients with celiac disease tolerate oats without signs of intestinal inflammation [21]. According to the Codex Alimentarius for food for special dietary use for persons intolerant to gluten, CODEX STAN118-1979 (revised 2008, [22]), oats can be tolerated by most but not all people who are intolerant to gluten. Moreover, according to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 [23] concerning the composition and labeling of foodstuffs suitable for people intolerant to gluten, a major concern is the contamination of oats with wheat, rye or barley that can occur during grain harvesting, transport, storage and processing. Therefore, the risk of gluten contamination in products containing oats should be taken into consideration with regard to labeling of those products. In contrast, other studies confirmed the toxicity of oats in certain types of patients with celiac disease. Arentz-Hansen et al. [24] described the intestinal deterioration suffered by some patients with celiac disease following the consumption of oats while on a GFD. Avenin can trigger an immunological response in these patients similar to the response produced by the gluten of wheat, rye or barley."
Each person immune system may look at these proteins as wheat gluten. So yes these can all be problems. It's best to get tested for these and know what your body is reacting to.
There are other videos I have done on the topic that are worth watching if you are struggling with understanding gluten.
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C
I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2010. I have followed a strict diet free from wheat, barley and rye. This cleared my symptoms. I have eaten oatmeal almost everyday without issue - no gluten in pure oats. Also, I drink 2 to 4 cups of coffee everyday. Your info is doing a disservice to people who have Celiac.
Surely it's seed bearing grasses.
13:10 "Rarely does the answer lay in taking more and more medications" , amen👍
Takeaway: you can’t eat anything.
I’ll just stick to gluten free.
100% right this doctor is it has taking me 6 years to figure this out
Wow, great. are you basically saying everything is bad for us? (as I drink my morning cup of coffee)....
just what I was saying. at one point id rather look for something to help me digest the gluten and make it tolerable
Yes, pretty much Greg, or at least what most may consider as "everything". It's sad and I know it may be shocking, but God's food has been genetically altered or poisoned and we are being sold what benefits the seller, NOT what benefits the consumer. 85% of what is on the grocery store shelves is processed and not recommended for superior human health or for healthy human consumption. And now we are addicted to the bliss-factor components specifically added to these foods for that intended purpose.-- which is consumer addiction and compulsion to buy more and to eat more, and more regularly. Our only chance is to break the addiction and unplug. It will be hard and take commitment. We all get to choose. Please know that the quality of our food is decreasing and it will take willpower and strength to survive the withdrawals of unplugging. If you are in the US then I would not recommend eating anything that is not organic produce or organic grass fed free ranged non-gmo-fed meat or dairy product, or wild caught fish ONLY. Keep in mind that most grains are now quite inflammatory (and most rice contains high levels or arsenic as well), and are either cross-reactive or genetically altered or are now hybrids of what they once were in biblical times, and now more dangerous to consume than ever before. If I were to give you one simple tip it would be to follow the paleo lifestyle and if anyone you know is suffering from an autoimmune disease then they would benefit by following the paleo Autoimmune protocol ... and also by having Dr. Hagmeyer or another functional medicine provider diagnose their specific autoimmune disease or they will just be chasing their tail endlessly with no resolve. Teach your children so they will not fall victim to any of this. Trust me, their life will depend on you sharing this and leading by example. Be well. God bless us everyone.
I thought rice was OK, I'm a Ceoliac and yes Coffee sadly seems to kill me. Good Video 👍
Look into gluten cross reactivity. One of the reasons people with celiac continue to have GI inflammation.
I have celiac disease and certified gluten free oats made me extremely sick, getting all grains out of my diet made all the difference in my health. I am now thriving on mainly carnivore diet and feel amazing!
Stay tuned have an entire video series on Keto and Carnivore and why I Don’t recommend it.
I was very sick from 2010 til 2013 , over 100 visit the emergency rooms of 7 different hospitals in 2 states, 2 major surgerys , most all the Drs would say was it's in my head . Well I went off gluten 1 yr ago I had 16 thing that was that was wrong with my body from dry skin to mouth ulsers . all went away after giving up gluten , but when I get in contact with gluten in any way it tears open all my stomach ulsers and all 16 problems come back ,gluten is even in eye drops I didn't know ,I had to be rushed to the hospital received 3 shots to relieve the pain,I think I'm the most gluten intolerant person on the planet.
So glad to hear you have found a way to live free of the horror and misery. I have even had a gut biopsy and it showed I do not have celiac but I really need to not eat conventional wheat products. Organic seem to be ok in small amounts. I do not recommend you try that since you are so sensitive. Many Blessings for good health to you!
I assume you have celiac or a wheat allergy.
Omg,you poor thing I'm starting ,been through 1 quarter as you,yet.
@dr FeelGood milk was never a poison. Humans made it into poison so they could make you change way of eating and lifestyle in order to make you deficient for better brain mass control...
@dr FeelGood i never had a single issue with cow milk. I now switch to lactose free milk cause i still put like 1.5ltrs with half a package of frosties for bfast since i was 12 but sometimes i can feel it if it has much lactose.... i know i am 30 i will never learn...
My grandma was having 3 huge cups of whole fat milk every day . Fresh cow mozarella every day and pastas with sausages cooked in olive oil with much bread i mean like 4-5 big slices every day.
Lots of traditional sweets
Before bed time always i remember her and upon waking a small cup of pure traditional red wine (resveratrol for us common mortals)
A lot of fish
A lot of honey
Never had a chicken breast
Never had rice
Never had salad
Supplements. Omega 3 at the age of 89
Never was overweight never took a pressure pill
some called her bionic.
Secret: every day winter summer/60mins swimming at the sea
Never took a taxi always walking
Never had goat milk..
she died 97. I repeat 97
Goat milk: conspiracy i never tried it so wouldnt know wouldnt care either
Cow milk 100000 more times proven it builds better kids.
Show me a study which proves the dangers of cow milk and i mean a legit high level marathon multimillions study not a yorktest study... but i believe you have some good strong points yet just by the idea of becoming a goat..not gord 😂
P.s not spam is me micro mario
Different phone..cant remember the other wifi connection of my studio(micromario) ytube logins too bored to take action😂
man, we can't eat anything. :(
Thanks to the food industry and the sell-out FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the gov. Europe bans a lot of false advertising and a lot of medications and food types that are permitted in America. The European Union is putting resistance to our country (USA) in the global export/import b/c theydon't want our chickens with hormones, altered wheat products etc. etc.
Almost true
Outside of Celiac Disease and Wheat Allergies, what is the evidence that Gluten Sensitivity exists? Wouldn't it be more likely that the cause is Silent Celiac Disease, and that a person claiming Gluten Sensitivity should be immediately tested for Celiac Disease?
In my own case I wasn't diagnosed with Celiac Disease until the onset of classic symptoms and weight loss. After reviewing the possible symptoms, I would say that I had Silent Celiac Disease for years, perhaps decades. I always thought I had IBS, but my intestines basically put up a good fight until I was about 55 years old. What I have noticed since going GF is that I no longer get canker sores, or unexplained pains in my lower sides.
So far I don't seem to be having any cross-reactivity issues, and fortunately I don't drink coffee!
Ha HA .. these comments... we're all coffee fucking addicts. It's the most addictive drug in the world. I've been sayin that for years!! more than heroine, more than cigarrettes. I mean look at people's reaction.. hysteric!
This makes SO MUCH SENSE but a legit question i have is-
What is there to eat besides rice, buckwheat etc.????? Heard white potato's are also cross reactive to gluten.
What is left to eat besides fish, chicken fruits vegies????? They aren't so filling...
I'm seriously asking for ideas. What is left?
Brilliant ... I have been researching for 4 years now on our child's autism .... this information is very helpful in identifying root issues
look into cry1 protein causing poor nutrient assimilation, leaky gut, and a hyper vigilant immune system leading to cytokine storm type immune response to vaccines. Taking a few days off, brain development wise, leads to subsequent developmental delays. Each child's immune system should be measured prior to vaccination. Actually their fecal matter should be analyzed. Note the increase in Austim diagnosis since the introduction of the cry1 antimicrobial protein into the food chain. Direct correlation. This is not an increase in diagnostic insight, oh no,no,no. I went through my year book from the 80's. There were 2 out of 1000. Trained in learning disability intervention in the 90's, autism was hardly talked about, barely spoke, briefly visited academically. We were taught most autism was referred to outside education opportunities before we even got our hands on them. What a shame, these kids since the 90's have been head injured with junk in the food.
I cannot believe how good I feel since I gave up coffee which I only gave up three days ago and I feel 30 years younger, I have energy again what I need to know now is what else might triggers bad health? would almonds or pecans? I am gluten intolerant
Is it the coffee bean, or caffeine that's the problem?
I have the Celiac Disease, diagnosed in 2005 with early stages of biliar cirrhosis but I still get sick like once or twice a month with abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, fussy brain!
I did not know that my French Vanilla Coffee, and some times my French Vanilla Cappuccino may contribute to those reactions!!!
I was told that I could have Potatoes, corn, rise, tapioca, bean, everything except for Wheat, Barley, Rye, and Oak...!!!
Now, I guess I will have to become almost vegetarian! OMG!!!
But, if this is the price I have to pay to stay healthy and happy, I will do it!!!
I am very careful with my shampoos, conditioners, tooth paste, make up, but I didn't know about my daily and delicious coffeeeeeee!!!! :-(
Thanks for sharing this information with us!!!
You can buy organic Coffee that is gluten free. It's a little harder to find but brewing your own is the best. I have celiac and the biggest mistake Celiacs make is thinking they can eat all those "Other" grains liek Sorghum and rice flour and until you heal your gut your body is going to think of proteins from other foods as foreign invaders. Look into a ketogenic diet for Celiacs. It helps heal your lower intestines. While foods diet is crucial for healing. I cross react to ALL Nightshades as they are inflammatory to the body. Corn is all GMO and is very bad for celiacs.
***** You've made some good comments on this video, but I'm curious, though: What is your diet like? Can you list the things you do eat? Thanks :-)
yes- Chocolate can be problematic for a variety of reasons- Dairy, lactose and casein.
This is bad news. Must be time for coffee and a Danish.
Thank you for letting us know that 10% of Coffee can be cross reactive,,, I like coffee and would like to make sure I drink only the 90% that's not. Do you have a list of some of those that are not cross reactive?
CraigRison I might be a little late to the party, but I saw in another video (can't remember where) that particularly de-caffeinated, instant or flavored coffees cause a cross-reaction...
Would 100% de-caffeinated, instant coffee cause a cross-reaction?
does marijuana or hemp oil help heal the body?
(I'm bout to move to an acceptable state... then maybe I can have a real meal)
Hi, So rice and quinoa is not gluten free? Potatoes can cross react as well? What can we eat for carb source?
yum yum rice contains protein called Hordein. Hordein is a prolamin glycoprotein, present in barley and some other cereals, together with gliadin and other glycoproteins coming under the general name of gluten. Some people are sensitive to hordein due to disorders such as celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C, CFMP thank you for the explanation. What about potatoes and quinoa?
yum yum depends on why you are trying to remove them? Each person is different. Cross reactivity? Gluten sensitivity? Night shades? Low FODMAP diet? AIP diet?
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C, CFMP gluten free because of gluten sensitivity. So would potatoes and quinoa be a problem?
Also if a person tested negative for Antigliadin antibodies does that mean they are not gluten sensitive? Does one need to have high Antigliadin native and deamidated antibodies (Labcorp gluten sensitivity panel) in order to be gluten sensitive?
So basically i cant eat anything
Excellent presentation. Crucial information. Thank you.
Hi Britt
its more than just eliminating food. We need to keep in mind that a vicious cycle exists between the foods we eat, inflammation and the integrity of gut barriers. A strong gut barrier doing it's job will prevent these undigested cross reactive proteins from entering the blood stream and being tagged by the immune system.
Buckwheat is not a grain. It is a plant seed, not grass seed, and technically should not be on the list unless you have reason otherwise?
hello, your video has been so useful... I am writing from Italy, where gluten sensitivity is still being denied. I know I suffer from gluten sensitivity, as well as my daughters. I went to the doc to have them tested, and the doc stated clearly on her letter that gluten snsitivity and SNAS (systemic Allergy to Nichel) DO NOT EXIST! I would like her to watch this vid!
Thanks again... i'd like to be tested by you, pity I live in Italy!
That's strange since I live in an Italian community in Australia and some of the best gluten free products I've ever tasted are in the local deli and are made in Italy!
All this hiden gluten is whats getting me. I cut what I know of out and my skin got better. But now It feels ten time worse when I do get a reaction. Like stews and chillies use flour for thickening their sauces.
Im thinking about cutting it all out so I can finally get a break
Yes you have to go all in! Just a “little cheating” will still get you in trouble and cause symptoms! If you need help, I’ve got some great nutritionist!
How can these sensitivities be tested? Can an allergist test for these cross reactive sensitivities?
what about chicory coffee?... also "dangerous"?
The test evaluates Instant coffee, but people that are gluten sensitive have cross reactivity to many things that are not tested for on cyrex panel. Coffee is strongly reactive. This is why its critical to work with a doctor or other health care provider who understand the complexities and limitations of the testing that is currently available.
Brew your own coffee if you're sensitive to gluten/have celiac. If you really get sick why would you risk eating out at all
yes and no. but you make the important point that you need to correct the leaky gut or intestinal permeability area FIRST.
We need to educated more doctors about this. I when to the doctor after a two years on a gf diet to try and figure out why I was still bloating and having some symptoms(Nothing like before I went off wheat though). He told me I was too fat for celiacs, tested me for the one antibody and told me not to eat salads. :/
Doctors don't know nutrition, they know drugs. You may also be allergic to cows milk. You may also need a good blend of refrigerated acidopholis for proper digestion. Eat more fruit.
Lettuce does cause gas, but that may not be your problem. Apples and bananas are really good, if you can't eat bananas, then avocados . Bananas, avocados, raisins all these have potassium. If you have diarrhea, then these could help.
I will continue to follow your Website.......interesting! Thankyou.
We are located in naperville Il a Chicago suburb. We work with patients all over the US.
The traditional definition of gluten only included wheat gluten back in the 40's and 50's. We now know much more about gluten proteins and gluten cross reactors. We also have isolated gluten proteins from all grains. Gluten is just an umbrella term. Very often people just see "gluten free" what they are really saying is that it is "wheat" gluten free. This is all the nonsense that goes on behind food labeling laws.
I have Celiac's and whenever I have caffeinated coffee, or caffeinated tea I feel horrible and have panic attack's. It is bitter suite to hear that there is a reason behind it. I don't seem to have problems with caffeinated soda.
could be the lectins in the seed rather than the caffeine. Try a lectin free diet.
Thank you for posting this video Dr.
Very Very informative.
But I love Coffey :(... I gave up wheat barley oats rye. Why oh must every thing I like be bad! I will be down to carrots only soon!
I have been in dietary ketosis for 1 month it has done a good job reaching my
Coffee can be contaminated with aflatoxin, a mycotoxin produced by mold which is also commonly produced on stored
Hi. I have fibromyalgia. Or adreneal exhaustion. I have gone omad carnivore and have cut out caffeine now. I was drinking a lot of decaf. I am gluten intolerant. I am wondering if decaf screws up diogestion. I am so tired all the time. I got mindlab pro AND REVISION20 this week and am going to get an earthing sheet. I will eat strak eggs and butter and bacon and liver and will only drink water. I am taking a super green and salt in water aswell as zinc, potassium, salt, magnesium, vit d and vit k2. I am 47 and have been upset by digestive issues since i had my appendix removed in 1998. Any thoughts welcome.
What advice can you give in regards to Blood Type diet? Based on what I can tell this diet focuses on avoiding lectins. Is it possible that if one combines these two diets (GF & Blood Type) that the greatest opportunity for gut healing is realized? It seems after watching your very good video that eating only vegetables and fruit should be the aim. I am self diagnosed gluten intolerant by self testing. And I am very curious about doing the full gluten test as you recommend. Thanks for the information.
Hello Dr, is there a link between gluten and excessive sweating ?
Can deal with giving up coffee and even milk, but as a vegetarian I do need to eat something other than just vegetables.
So basically it’s a fruit, veg (but no potatoes or corn) and meat diet for life! Aaaargh that is really hard to hear.
Instead of coffee I tried organic cocunut milk which contains rice and cocoa, is this OK 🙏
Rice contains gluten? Are you sure? Everything I have researched says rice is safe...
+Jana Rose Arts And I also understand that oats are safe if processed properly... ?
Rice, like Oats, contain a certain amount of gluten proteins. Rice has 5% orzenin and oats have 16% avenin as well as cross contamination problems. Quinoa what is grown in the US is cross bred with wheat and therefore US quinoa is a gluten problem as well.
PTX 152 Me neither. I just found out.
Rice does not contain the harmful gluten.
All grains contain their own unique gluten protein (prolamin). It's wheat gluten (gliadin) that's the worst, I personally find rice gluten (orzenin) doean't cause me problems.
I'm sensitive to gluten and I can't drink coffe upset my stomac
Can't find your website. Clicked the link you provided as well as typed it in and keep getting "Server cannot be found." By the way, thanks for your videos they are extremely helpful and informative!
OMG!!! I have suspected something like this since going gluten-free. I did notice some improvement (mainly being free from severe lethargy and neurological complications), but have still been susceptible to other symptoms. I'm so glad I've found confirmation on this. I wish I had a comprehensive list of foods that can be cross-reactive, including each compound that is associated with the reactions. I've been considering a FODMAP diet, but even some foods on that list cause a few issues which is why I have yet to undergo such a change.
Pardon the cursing, but it seems like every damned thing I eat that's supposed to be free of reactions causes SOMETHING to happen. I really have been wrought with despair for the past few years trying to find a collective of foods that won't do me wrong. It's unnerving and the stress of it shocks me to my core. I've become trapped in a faulty machine the requires repair and no one inside knows how to mend the breaks and wear. I've spent so much money on supplements and special foods to no avail, fighting a battle against enemies I have no understanding of.
look into carnivore way of eating it has healed so much of my gut
What about bulletproof coffee that is supposedly mould free and is mixed with grass fed butter and high fats. What are your thoughts on that related to inflamation?
Any coffee bullet proof or otherwise can be a gut irritant.
I have read elsewhere that rice and oats do NOT contain gluten, could you please explain why you include these in the foods such as wheat, rye and barley that are commonly touted as the gluten heavy foods while other 'experts' do not. Thanks for the video, coffee always makes me feel horrible.
How do I contact your office? I am really ready to be completely healthy! I have Hashimoto’s, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Allergies, IBS, Cystitis and I get sick a lot!
Good information. I decided to take the guess work out of it and took a food sensitivity test. Now I know what foods to avoid. I never buy gluten free foods because they do contain the items you just listed which I had reactions to.
I see some oat packages that are labeled "Certified Gluten Free". How do you explain that based on your saying they contain gluten?
Adam Sometimes oats are milled in the same mills such as wheat, therefore contaminating the oats. Also, sometimes the crops are rotated from year to year, some years wheat is grown on the land and then the next year oats, therefore contaminating the oats, hope the helps.
Potential cross-reactivity. ... In vitro cross-reactivity has been demonstrated among IgE binding proteins of Corn, Rice, Soybean and Peanut. A high degree of cross-reactivity between Rice and Corn was thought to be due to the fact that they both belong to the same botanical family.
There's no gluten in rice.
It still is high in carbs
No that is factually wrong . Rice has a similar protein to gluten but at a much lower percentage. For me , I react to rice too.
@@thalesnemo2841 Yes, I have just read about the gluten protein in rice and wish I could remember the name of it right now...I also read that rice can cause problems for gluten sensitivity/autoimmune conditions because it challenges blood sugar balance/insulin resistance. I also read that rice contains heavy metals.
@@tanyaa7110 i dont think people who watched this video care about the carbs.
yes it does
Has decaffeinated coffee the same issues
My brother has been after me to learn about gluten. Now that I watched this video and the truth about gluten, I don't know what I can eat anymore. I have a lot of the sensetivities that are included in the other responses here. Is there a book written by Dr. Hagmeyer that can help with knowing what foods to purchase? What about vitamins? Where do you purchase gluten free vitamins? Does this mean you go out and sit in the sun for your vitamin D? if so, for how long? If we are what we eat, then we all are most definately eating the wrong foods because so many of us are dying from cancer. Thank you for anyone who knows the correct answer to my questions.
thanks for a great explanation of what we need to know .
What if the coffee beans have very low/negligible mycotoxins? Regular beans not dried correctly may carry mold and cause a reaction.
It's not the mold that grows on the beans. It's the molecular structure of the bean known as lectins.
Richard Hagmeyer That is what I heard as well from my local doctor that puts on Gluten Free talks. Thanks for sharing this.
Can you please clarify for me if rice has gluten as you mention on this video or it's just the cross-over reaction. Is "brown-rice-flour" safe for instance when baking bread on a gluten free diet? Thanks a lot for the details Dc! GREAT video by the way!
I understood it as all grassbearing grains has proteins SIMILAR to gluten and the imune system does not know the difference sometimes.. Thats why one should be tested for those other foods as well
Potential cross-reactivity. ... In vitro cross-reactivity has been demonstrated among IgE binding proteins of Corn, Rice, Soybean and Peanut. A high degree of cross-reactivity between Rice and Corn was thought to be due to the fact that they both belong to the same botanical family.
Doctor when I gave up coffee I (ferment my drinks ,) felt great .1year later my tummy looks better than when I was 17.but the miracle is ...my brain is working better,had a Trumatic brain injury from a car accident.everyone wants no part of that ( there addicted to there morning drink ☕️)
Hi, do you mean you ferment your coffee? Liwak coffee is fermented in the intestines of a cat like creature, before being roasted. I wonder if that would denature the proteins enough to be safe?
I am anaphylaxis to grass pollen but was told I was not allergic to gluten. Should I say away from gluten since I'm allergic to grass.
Good video!
Hello Dr. Hagmeyer, thank you for this video. I have been suffering since 2012 with this issue with gluten, but no real help. I just found out about the dangers of lectins a few weeks ago. I heard if I use a pressure cooker to process my food before I eat/drink it, it will help get rid of most of the lectins. Seriously, my question is, is there any safe foods to eat?
This was super helpful. Thank you!
Dear Dr Hagmeyer,
Thank you very much for this video, I will look into your work more now that I know you have 'got it', unlike so many, especially in the coeliac industry, who promote the so-called 'gluten-free' grains, which you and I know are just as bad. Could you post the references to the comments you made in the above video about the research that shows that many other proteins in grass seeds can be just as problematic as alpha gliadin, and all the other papers that you have clearly read on this, as I have not found them in my pubmed searches to date.
I know, because I use my logic as well as my science background, that all grass seeds must have their proteins/prolamines for their own life cycles, and that these are not proper human food. Even bovine type grass feeders don't eat these grasses when they are seeding, only when they are in leaf. Look at the spiky bristles around the ear of wheat/oat/rye etc and it's easy to see that these are part of the plant's defence of its seeds/babies. The bristles protect the seed from being eaten by big mammals. This big mammal, homo sapiens, had to find a way round these defences , probably to get through some dreadful famine at some point, and got addicted to the morphines in the grains, which was such a dire mistake to have made, as now it seems that no one can imagine a time when we were not eating these grass seeds. The history of disease, of body and mind, is, as you say, explainable almost entirely by us eating these inappropriate substances, and suffering desperately as a consequence. The only real conditions that are not to do with wrong food is, in my humble opinion, breaking limbs, various infections, and the obvious drowning, being struck by lightning and becoming another animal's prey.
Thanks again for your excellent work, and please post some references.
Can you recommend a safe coffee?
@Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C. By the way, Hungary is one of the few countries that GMO products like Monsanto seeds & use of Roundup are banned in their constitution. There's an organic bakery named Pipacs Bakery located in Budapest where they make artisan bread from local organic wheat including eincorn, which is an ancient crop. Lots of people who have gluten intolerance or Celiac disease can eat their bread with no side effects.
So what should I cut out in an elimination diet? All grains? Are sweet potatoes okay?
Depending on you Gluten damage, ANYTHING can be a problem, anything that disolves to the smallest form and will pass thought a damaged intestine barrier. If it dose not get broken down to a amino acid, simple sugars. etc can be a problem.
I'm in the UK. I've had Coeliacs for 17 years. A year after diagnoses I fell ill will severe fatigue and chronic pain. Diagnosed ME and fibromyalgia. I've always believed this was connected to the Coeliacs but Drs are unable to confirm. I only have one coffee a day. Black as I'm lactose sensitive. Can one coffee make that much difference? I would really like to make contact with you for help, is the possible from here in the UK?
Would the best kind of test be triptase? Not sure if I spelled that correctly.
How about green tea? or ice tea?
All grass bearing seeds contain gluten. Not just wheat, barly and rye. Coffee beans contain gluten proteins as well as lectins. If you have a gluten sensitivity you need to give up coffee.
Yeah, some coffee makes me depressed and some wakes me up... very annoying..
What about coffee enemas with organic green unroasted coffee?
I live in Northern Europe and drink coffee. Its not a natural thing to do.
It only seem to be celiac and bad cases of gluten intolerance that might react to all grains. Baking expands/stretches the gluten creating 50% more gluten, hybridization of wheat, pesticides, along with all the Gmo's etc. Not to mention that 100's of years ago we ate less and most if not all of the time they were eaten with legumes that help mask the gluten and the fiber helped move the gluten threw the digestive track. Humans are the only species to consume dairy into adulthood, Caucasians from what I've herd on other countries seem to be the ethnic group that stop breastfeeding the earliest. like in China and Africa they usually stop around the ages of 4 to sometimes as late as 6. maybe that might be why Europeans and westerners consume so much dairy, but then again there's big profit in brainwashing people into eating so much to line the pockets of corporations like Monsatan!!!! At least 60% of Caucasians/Europeans don't really have enough digestive enzymes for gluten and it's like 80% of Africa doesn't either. 75% of China is highly likely to have lactose intolerance and as much as 80% of Africans tend to not have enough enzymes for lactose!
Suspect info. But I like the white coat.
I cant have wheat, rye, barley milk and for some reason oats but rice,quinoa , corn are ok but there is definitely something else when I go to the local fish and chip shop that has a gluten free fryer after eating them I get really dizzy and cant drive home any ideas apart from not going lol.O how can you put potatoes, coffee, buck wheat just to mention a few in this list I don't really understand how can there be gluten in these things or are they gluten like? and your body cant tell the difference
Even organic coffee??
Does decaf coffee still contain the protein impacting gluten intolerance?
Are chia seeds grass bearing seeds?
"olds" might you explain? are you part of a nursing home where you are caring for people with glutenfree (truly not processed way) diet? I am trying to understand all of your responses. ANd sounds very interesting. Just wonder where you are? I am truly glutenfree. I tried having alittle quinoa or occasional rice, but just not the best. I am not very ill. I am a celiac. My major symptoms I get with ingestion of other grains, or some dairy is skin "cuts" and mood changes.
What about tea- like the tea they sell at Duncan Doughnut - I think it’s black tea- I buy the unsweet kind. Does tea have that gluten interaction
what about tea?
How to deal with the gluten problem when gluten is very necessary for the brain? A major substance the brain uses is my understanding? Correct me if I’m mistaken.
Given that coffee is a problem for the gluten intolerant .... is it likely that chocolate is too?
what do you think about biofilm and the gut?? thnks
There are also mycotoxins....most of those symptoms are "toxic mold" related ;)
not only helpful, but very helpful!!
How about tea?
2nd day no coffee i feel soooo much better. Tpo is 1,300 should be 0-60. Still watching my results.
Its hard to give up, but your body with thankyou!!!!!! Keep it up