The best explanation I have found so far. I have made the decision to go completely grain free, I also have trouble with the "non grain" cross reactive foods... I'm plant based and "gluten free" as it is...wish me luck!
Oh my god. Out of over ten documentaries on gluten, this is the only one so far that hasn't been completely full of shit. I'm so depressed that I find myself being thankful just to watch a documentary that has the potential to actually teach me something.
This is the answer-- to my mood disorder, feeling bad, not being able to focus, fighting to keep up, swelling, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, irritability, nueropic pain, sleep problems, and so on--- Grain and Dairy free!! THANK YOU!
Very informative video! Just as small note - dysmenorrhea is not the absence of periods, it is painful or heavy periods. The absence of periods is called amenorrhea.
I've been eliminating gluten over the past week or so, and it honestly feels as though I've come out of this haze. A haze of my life that lasted two years. Now I know why I've been an emotionally unstable wreck, why my hair feels like fucking hay, and why I would get tired for no apparent reason during the middle of the day. Now my vision feels more crisp - It's like the first time you've ever watched something in high definition. I finally feel a part of my surroundings instead of this weird fucking mind fog.
I wish I could feel that way too :( I got diagnosed with celiac disease and have cut out gluten for the passed 6 months and I just feel like I'm getting worse. I'm always in goddamn pain and I feel hazy and depressed.. Come to think of it it's been sort of like this and getting worse over the passed several years.. Help
@@shTree have you cut out all the cross contamination issues as well? Plastic leeches gluten and can not be cleaned of it. All plastic needs to be replaced as well as Teflon pans, and any metal cookware that is scratched up badly. Fork tines and serrated edges on knives need to be scrubbed well. Replace your old containers and mixing bowls with glass and stainless steel as it is easily scrubbed incase of cross contamination. Are you living with someone who eats gluten? Shared toaster, or other things like shared butter, mayo or peanut butter where knives are touching the toast then get dipped into the container? These are all examples of cross contamination and need to be evaluated. Gluten isn't just in food either. Be mindful of that. Drywall dust, envelope glue, shampoo/conditioners.. if even trace amounts get ingested they will cause damage.
Brilliant. its been nearly 7 years from the day you published this video ....nearly seven years!!! and still most of doctors are feeding us with believe that its ok to eat certain type of grain like oats or corn. Your explanation is so clear that all grains are not good for us , that even me everyday Joe gets the message. thats it....basta... ive been confused about my health conditions for so many years, now i can see the light in the tunnel. Am going Paleo.
Industry and government rely on the grain industry and the sick industry... vested interests must get out of medical science (See Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Robert Lustig and Professor Grant Schofield) vested interests are fueling the fire of dis-ease.
as I got older, I had more and more problems with stomach issues, bloating, pain, etc. I took a celiac test at my doctor's office and I was negative. I did 23andMe and it came back I had one of the two genes for celiacs disease, HLA-DQB1 variant. I purchased gluten free products but now, thanks to your video, I am questioning the label of "gluten free."
I went gluten free 12 years ago, with big improvements, but I have been grain free for 6 years. I had chronic constipation and arthritis in my knees starting at age 5. Just a couple of things that improved.
Thank you. My Physician explained all this to me, but she also included a link to your video here and suggested i watch it. I did and i feel i really have a strong grasp on my gluten intolerance and all that it can be. Your voice was wonderful as well. I enjoyed this so much i will be passing it on to everyone that questions me about my new diet choice changes. Blessings to you and all you hold dear. Again thank you so much as this was SO easy to understand. I wish this was common knowledge.😢
As I understand it, many times a trauma or stressful event can be the trigger to an autoimmune disorder. Plenty of women became sensitive to gluten after childbirth, or surgery or a car accident. You aren't alone in that!
I am gluten intolerant and rice works as an awesome substitute for me. No problem whatsoever, if I accidentally ate gluten then eating rice afterwards calms my tummy.
Thank you... I feel like grains slowly waged a war on me since birth - no, even earlier... They have injured me in this unfair battle where I didn't know whom I was even fighting with... or at all. Now, like a long lost veteran I'm coming back home from the field... And if and when I recover, it's like a new life has been given to me, I feel both grief and blessing to see the sunshine through the dew in a new way, and gain bravery to remain and even thrive the rest of the time I have in this world, on this amazing, yet weird planet that we call our home.
I had the need to park just to write this down..THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU..inam glutten free for 6 months...but i eat glutten free bread and all other probably not so gealthy grains. Whats more interesting is the inflammatory symptoms i have are still there.for the people that fight with acne for a long time (i was for 18 years till i dropped glutten ),just drop glutten or if you can at least for 6 months try exclusively plant based diet.dont get discouraged. Glutten needs 6 to 12 months to get out of your system.after 6 months one day i woke up . miraculously no acne showed up after that.and before that i had a period of rhe worst cystic acne that almost discouraged me..but a miracle happen one day..OVER NIGHT i just woke up and felt like something has changed. And no acne reappeared ever since..i still have rheumatic arthritis that i think is all cos of glutten and i strongly believe that it will also go away in time.lower back pain and all that.i will not after watching this video cut off all grains from my diet except quinoa.....i will be limited basically to meat and plants and that is all...thanks and i hope someone would follow my advice on this..
Slobodan Dzikoski thank you for sharing this information, all acne went away in 6 months? as i m allergic to only wheat, so i m off wheat from last 15 days,and have lot of acne all over face and jaw line,but still not recovering, after reading ur story, i m little encouraged that my acne will someday go away, i hope it happns soon, what were u allergic to?
Jeetu Dhaliwal my friend i dunno exactly since i never went to test my self.but i am sure one thing for sure since i have been testing "glutten free diets" and "no dairy ".i realized that cystic acne are popping out on my face cos of the dairy and all other cos of the glutten. So i stopped both for a year.after i year i got back to some glutten and my acne are not popping out but when i tried dairy tight away new cystic acne showed up.hope this i am on a 95% glutten free diet and no dairy
Slobodan Dzikoski 100% gluten is needed if you want intestines to heal. LDN may help block hidden gluten. It is about $1 a day from usually an Alternative doctor. Best wishes.
Thank you so much for this information sir. I was diagnosed three weeks ago with Celiac disease. Thanks to you i know more about the effects in humans. This video is very helpfull for my recovery to a healthier life.
Oh, dear dr. Peter Osborne, bless you for your work! I am so thankful. I have been ill in many years, tired beyond limits, without any reason, no children, and tired tired tired and depressed, now I know the reason, I have made the test you recommend, THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear. I almost came to the insight that wheat was taken to the Earth by some enemy civilization to slowly kill the mankind. May be it is just a crazy idea, but in my case I was truly dying, thank you so much. Keep оn doing your work, maybe one day all the gluten will be prohibited. Special thanks for the wideness of the information you gave! Lots of LOVE to you
Thank you, good sir, for making this video. I have alopecia (as of april this year) & vitiligo (for as long as I can remember), and had blood work done a couple of years ago to check for celiacs. Test came back negative, and thus I just continued eating the same diet as I had been. Mom & dad told me that I would cry from what they assumed to be tummy aches when I was a baby, but they were never able to find out what was bothering me. I've sort of felt bloated pretty much always, and now that I've cut out gluten and gone on an elimination diet, I've noticed that even a bowl of "gluten free" oats is enough to make me gassy for the rest of the day. And that's not to mention what happened when I tried white flour. Been gluten-free for maybe 3 weeks so far, after a life-long average of at least 5 slices of bread a day. Been feeling way better in my belly (I'm basically following this Autoimmune Protocol version of the Paleo diet). What would you say my chances are at ridding myself of alopecia, and perhaps reducing or eliminating vitiligo as well? Also, I've read that some people are of the opinion that you don't really see changes from going GF until it's been at least 6 months, true or false?
***** This is what I do for Celiac. People may need supplements and LDN to help block hidden gluten and detoxing also. Some things may reverse, but others may last always. You may prevent many more brain/body health issues and have a longer life now. They told me twice I was not Celiac when I was. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Best wishes. What I do for Celiac..short version: No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, fish oil 2000mg, 20000mg of evening primrose oil. 2000 mg of lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE or krill oil, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature's Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/ and more health issues. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats may act like gluten with avenin. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid. Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food..... no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten...too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me...rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them). EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, zeolites, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain. LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
I just wanted to say thank you your information it has been invaluable I am not a medical person but a nutrional adviser and I help people with IBS. I have been following you and Chris Kresser plus Paul Jamine and have learnt loads. So thank you again
Lesley Wills Yes, IBS, but, also MS, Lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis,Graves’ disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, vitiligo, and the list goes on of auto-immune diseases that this is specifically applicable to.
Danielle, over the years I too have had panic attacks, and after childbirth my whole hormone balance was horrible! You are right about craving things that our bad for our body. I am allergic to wheat, and I crave bread and pasta like mad. Giving up cigarettes was easier!! But I must admit, my Crohn's disease gets better when I lay off gluten. Gotta bite the bullet and just do it! I swear gluten makes my brain a little 'off'. Scary! Best of luck to you Danielle!
Thank you so much for this information. It makes complete sense to me. I've known for a long time that I can't digest bread products due to all of the chemicals, processing and of course gluten. I've been searching for answers for a long time, but this video has summed up findings in a quickly digestible manner. I cannot eat wheat barley or rye, but can eat rice, corn, and oats. I have developed allergic asthma, angioedema, hives, thyroid disease, arthritis, eczema and have a slightly enlarged heart. I do attribute all of these problems to gluten. Your video was super informative and I am getting my IGG, IGA, IGM, IGE and T cells tested soon. I will ask about the zonulin and I'm certainly not waiting around for lymphoma or leukemia to develop at this point.
yeah, same with me. seems like all grains have effects, wheat/barley/rye being the worst and the rest still having minor problems. im just glad i found out what it was, but it sucks all those years were lost not knowing why
At 34:59, I just found out what happened to me when I went off my Juice fast and went back on grains. The perfect storm hit me, I was stressed and then this. No wonder, I've been feeling like I've been on the wrong road. I'm going off grain, dairy and sugar.
I've been trying for quite a while to eliminate all the gluten in my house after suspecting my sickness was more than just IBS (what many doctors diagnosed). After feeling bloated and in pain for a very long time with no relief, I finally realize that I'm still eating gluten without my knowledge! I also have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and was shocked to see the correlation between the two! I found this video very informative and helpful. Thank you very much, Dr. Osborne!
gemmali The arthritis started in my knees when I was 5. I am now closing in on 60 and can do 150 squats. Could not do any for decades because of the pain. I have been gluten free for12 years and grain free for 6. I noticed the improvement about 6 months after going gluten free, but it took several years for it to go away completely. Just saying the results are not always instant, but worth the wait. Weighing you the best.
@valsharai Wiki: "The nixtamalization process was very important in the early Mesoamerican diet, as unprocessed maize is deficient in free niacin." "The ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations developed nixtamalization using lime (calcium hydroxide, not the citrus fruit of the same name) and ash (potassium hydroxide) to create alkaline solutions. The Chibcha people ...also used calcium hydroxide ...while the tribes of North America used naturally occurring sodium carbonate or ash."
I went to a chip shop in the UK and was assured it was being gluten free monday. Fish and chips! Something i never thought id be able to eat again as long as i i lived. God! I was in heaven! After about a 7 year abstinence. Eating one of my fave things that normal people take for grantedI it was absolutely delicious. I went back into the shop and thanked them. The prices were not much more than normal which was cool. I had large cod and chips which came to around £5.60
thank you for keeping this available via the web. I found it most helpful to re-inforce my own elimination of gluten-including alcohol sugars (which no one said would also exacerbate my symptoms-)-Once I elim them, much higher health has been attained. I am glad to pass this video on to others.
Excellent explanation! For the first time, I understand why I can't eat corn or ANY grain! Thank you so much! What's really crazy is that I CAN eat white rice, and only white rice. I also cannot eat nightshades, so when packages say Gluten Free, I still have to read the ingredients because they often contain potato starch which makes me sick too.
Oh, ya, I know a gluten free period will tell me if I am gluten intolerrant, but I just adjusted my diet to suite my diabetes and that was extremely hard and had panic attacks over it. so i really don't want to cut out gluten too unless I know i have to. I miss bread and pasta. I am craving them real bad. I heard that if you crave a certain food it usually means it is making you sick, strange huh??
Sir no disease left where celiac disease side effect is not there ! Is there any recent research which can cure the ciliac disease ? Is there gluten in sorghum ,millet and maize flour and rice ? Should these 3 to be avoided ?
I read so many packages at different times for different reasons such as allergies and for diabetic family members. One day I ran into a student studying to be a nutritionist and she saw me reading something that seemed to be fairly healthy and said 'simple just forget all these isles buy fresh veg. fruits, your time.' She is right. Of course I'm human and will buy this and that at times but 80% at least is home cooked.
yes, I have cyst and I have gluten sensitivity, has been last symptom. I eliminated water in plastic and the situation is better. but I have eliminated rise and all cereal. I'am italian, sorry for my english
This is the first time I've heard extra knowledge about Gluten....and the ramifications of really any grain causing problems beyond wheat, rye, etc... You're whole practice could "thrive on this one topic"...perhaps it does. I would be happy to undergo some form of 'double blind' study with such an expert to prove beyond subjective observation and bring this knowledge to the public's eye.
When I had a panel of potential allergens done on my forearm and I got a reaction to grain dust and recently I told a nurse that and she could not see the connection to food allergy.
God bless you, Dr. Osborne! Without this critical information - I would have suffered for many more years on "the traditional gluten free diet". I realize now that my leaky gut (which I believe was caused by GMO foods), are what gave me gluten intolerance. There has never been any food allergies in my huge family history. Now many of us have this same digestive series of illness events happening to us. Bless you!
@ 26:15 I beg to differ. Dysmenorrhea is NOT an absence of the menstrual cycle as the narrator of the video said; "Amenorrhea" would be the medical term indicating absence of the menstrual cycle. Dysmenorrhea is actually painful menstrual periods; Diagnosed as "primary dysmenorrhea" or "secondary dysmenorrhea" when an underlying cause is found.
Wow.....this video is mind blowing! I have many friends switching to a vegan diet hoping to get away from these diseases because they thought meat caused them
I believe to be gluten intolerant bc I used to have headaches, get bloated, tired. I also know I'm lactose and fructose intolerant.. Bc too much fruits gives me gas.. Sad part is people think I'm making this up, I fire back by saying its my body only I know how it feels. People ask can you eat potato or does it have gluten? Makes me sAd. Bc it's not funny, I lost so much ins And weight this past 3 month just by being grain free.. And dairy free..
Awesome!! so glad you are getting value from my channel!! Make sure you are subscribed...and make sure you pay it forward by sharing with others! #Save100MillionLives
Very interesting and informative. My only comment is that it is pretty boring just seeing slide after slide without a human face. You could film yourself speaking and put the slides next to or under your face to make it easier to watch.
Hello. Excellent lecture. I have recently been diagnosed with NCGS having had negative results from all test. Generally I am much better off gluten but I have a suspicion that it isn't only gluten which causes my problems.Also, despite the fact that I don't appear to be celiac it takes only the most minute quantity of gluten to trigger my problems, i.e. touching a door handle that someone else has touched or taking a tea bag out of a caddy when someone has put their hand in before. Is this usual to be that sensitive?Is there any way of downloading your lecture notes please. I have a medical background and am busy researching all of this.Many thanks.Christine JamesRGN BScUK
There are no tests for babies, other than genetic. The University of Chicago's Celiac Disease Center says young children must consume gluten for a year before the standard blood test or endoscopy biopsy would be valid. The body needs time to build a reaction. I definitely feel the frustration of no Celiac diagnosis, but sensitive to gluten. It would be great if the testing was improved!
gluten develops elastic bands and is what allow yeast bread to rise, trapping bubbles, why you have to knead it...corn, oats, rye, don't have enough gluten to make a good loaf....nor's the wheat mostly, that's why it makes such good fluffy loaves...
Wow, very informative video. I didn't know gluten is in all grains!! That means I still technically eat gluten even though I'm celiac; just the safe kind haha. I will try to eat more organic foods in order to hopefully prevent more diseases. This video has covered ALL of my symptoms and health problems. I am glad to be more knowledgeable about myself and this has definitely covered far more than any doctor I've ever met! Thank you for the excellent info!!!
Great, a fantastic video that makes me understand my life. In fact I went gluten free and had little improvement but since I went completely grains and pseudo grains (quinoa etc) I get really well. In this video I understand why but I think I must quit coffee: it gives me inflammation. Is coffee a grain?
Great video. I've been searching for solutions to a number of symptoms I'm experiencing and this video certainly indicates I should be doing some testing. Question: Dr Osborne has their been any link to Gluten sensitivities and cyst growth?
I don't go NEAR fast food. I do use prepackaged bread mixes because I'm lazy, but they ARE certified gluten free. I also use white rice flour. I know there are other things out there that are "safe" to use. But labels are not always accurate, particulaly when a reference is made to "natural ingredients"!
I looked at the web site that was recommended in the en (Town Center Wellness) ans it says he is a doctor of chiropractic medicine and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist.
I wish that this was common knowledge when I was a toddler,maybe,I wouldn't be in such bad shape at 42 if I had been diagnosed at 2. My one question is,should I stop eating all grains entirely instead of just the ones recommended for celiac?
Doctor, you gave the definitions of gluten intol, and gluten sensitivity. And stated that gluten sensitivity causes celiac. Does this mean, according to the definitions that gluten intolerance doesn't cause celiac? I am newly diagnosed gluten intolerant and have been researching reputable medical and health websites to better understand how to keep myself healthy and healed from this. Also, Thanks for this video, it has been helpful.
Ran out of room. Did this happen to anyone after they had a baby? I think gluten may be affecting my thyroid and EVERYTHING!!!! Please help, I AM SOOOO DESPERATE after ten loooooooong years of hell. LITERALLY HELL. GOD BLESS AND THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
Ataxia is not just a fancy word for dizziness sadly. It is a loss of balance and coordination to due to cerebellar atrophy. Caused by gluten and other things. Trying to heal my brain with Paleo!
Same here. If you have to eat bread buy it from the freezer. Make vegetables at home and eat fruits. Forget all the restaurants and fast food. It's not worth the headache and pain.
I have recently (about since 6 months) I eliminated wheat ,barley and rye and had been using millets .And this shift itself is a bit tough for me, I wonder how I can survive without any grain!! Please give your suggestions.
I've had every single symptom for than 40 years. I stopped eating wheat more than a year ago, but still have symptoms. One test in 2016 was negative. I had an upper GI in 1977. If I push for more tests do I have to consume wheat to ensure accurate results? For how long?
OMG - I see I have a lot to learn about gluten. Crap, & I here I was thinking I'm totally gluten free. Don't think so. Shoot, I'll betcha' there's lots of crap I'm dealing with that are gluten related.......I hardly know where to start. Every time I think I've learned something, I find a whole bunch of NEW questions!!! Great video. Very helpful
I have been diagnosed with depression, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and hypothyroidism. I believe I may be sensitive to gluten. Can you recommend a doctor in the Las Vegas or Henderson, NV area that can properly diagnose me?
Natanya Brathor Yes...gluten may hurt brain/body and in the ways you mention. Best wishes. What I do for Celiac..short version: No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, fish oil 2000mg, 20000mg of evening primrose oil. 2000 mg of lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE or krill oil, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature's Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/ and more health issues. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats may act like gluten with avenin. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid. Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food..... no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten...too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me...rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them). EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, zeolites, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain. LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
That's the biggest symptom my dad and sister have with their gluten issues. It gets so bad that they will sleep for hours at a time and wake up feeling like they haven't slept. It's not a short period of time, either, it can be 14+ hours.
What tests do you recommend someone order if they suspect they may also be sensitive to some of the other grains as well? I know for a fact I can't have oats, and I have suspected corn and rice , but not sure on those.
I didn't know gluten was a "class" of proteins, I thought it was a specific protein and that similar proteins were just referred to as "prolamine proteins". By this nomenclature, do legumes contain glutens?
oh my God! if the Italian doctors could understand and see this video! how many people could heal! and how many medicines would be avoided! but they do not want people learn a little !! so leave ignorant people! thanks dr. OSBORNE! BENEDICT OF ALL YOUR FATHERS YOU USE DISCOVER us THE TRUTH! thank very much !
The presenter is very good about citing sources until he gets to the section on history & archaeology. I'd appreciate some resources for that section also.
I was thinking on the same lines, but I also thought, Sardinia is one of the places in this planet where people live longer , bread and pasta are a good percentage of their diet...He also never mentioned about the study on sourdough, but that could be too recent
Well thats very interesting but the question is why the world number one gluten specialist Alessio Fasano says only the different kind of wheat, rye and barley contains gluten and not the others one???
The best explanation I have found so far. I have made the decision to go completely grain free, I also have trouble with the "non grain" cross reactive foods... I'm plant based and "gluten free" as it is...wish me luck!
*all grains are poison*
Oh my god. Out of over ten documentaries on gluten, this is the only one so far that hasn't been completely full of shit. I'm so depressed that I find myself being thankful just to watch a documentary that has the potential to actually teach me something.
This is the answer-- to my mood disorder, feeling bad, not being able to focus, fighting to keep up, swelling, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, irritability, nueropic pain, sleep problems, and so on--- Grain and Dairy free!! THANK YOU!
no it is not that-- I don't eat wheat. Wheat caused the chaos.
Very informative video! Just as small note - dysmenorrhea is not the absence of periods, it is painful or heavy periods. The absence of periods is called amenorrhea.
I've been eliminating gluten over the past week or so, and it honestly feels as though I've come out of this haze. A haze of my life that lasted two years. Now I know why I've been an emotionally unstable wreck, why my hair feels like fucking hay, and why I would get tired for no apparent reason during the middle of the day. Now my vision feels more crisp - It's like the first time you've ever watched something in high definition. I finally feel a part of my surroundings instead of this weird fucking mind fog.
I wish I could feel that way too :(
I got diagnosed with celiac disease and have cut out gluten for the passed 6 months and I just feel like I'm getting worse. I'm always in goddamn pain and I feel hazy and depressed.. Come to think of it it's been sort of like this and getting worse over the passed several years.. Help
@@shTree have you cut out all the cross contamination issues as well? Plastic leeches gluten and can not be cleaned of it. All plastic needs to be replaced as well as Teflon pans, and any metal cookware that is scratched up badly.
Fork tines and serrated edges on knives need to be scrubbed well.
Replace your old containers and mixing bowls with glass and stainless steel as it is easily scrubbed incase of cross contamination.
Are you living with someone who eats gluten? Shared toaster, or other things like shared butter, mayo or peanut butter where knives are touching the toast then get dipped into the container?
These are all examples of cross contamination and need to be evaluated.
Gluten isn't just in food either. Be mindful of that. Drywall dust, envelope glue, shampoo/conditioners.. if even trace amounts get ingested they will cause damage.
Brilliant. its been nearly 7 years from the day you published this video ....nearly seven years!!! and still most of doctors are feeding us with believe that its ok to eat certain type of grain like oats or corn. Your explanation is so clear that all grains are not good for us , that even me everyday Joe gets the message.
thats it....basta...
ive been confused about my health conditions for so many years, now i can see the light in the tunnel. Am going Paleo.
Industry and government rely on the grain industry and the sick industry... vested interests must get out of medical science (See Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Robert Lustig and Professor Grant Schofield) vested interests are fueling the fire of dis-ease.
as I got older, I had more and more problems with stomach issues, bloating, pain, etc. I took a celiac test at my doctor's office and I was negative. I did 23andMe and it came back I had one of the two genes for celiacs disease, HLA-DQB1 variant. I purchased gluten free products but now, thanks to your video, I am questioning the label of "gluten free."
I keep telling people that I feel best grain free. I could not explain why. Thankful for explaining it.
I went gluten free 12 years ago, with big improvements, but I have been grain free for 6 years. I had chronic constipation and arthritis in my knees starting at age 5. Just a couple of things that improved.
Thank you. My Physician explained all this to me, but she also included a link to your video here and suggested i watch it. I did and i feel i really have a strong grasp on my gluten intolerance and all that it can be. Your voice was wonderful as well. I enjoyed this so much i will be passing it on to everyone that questions me about my new diet choice changes. Blessings to you and all you hold dear. Again thank you so much as this was SO easy to understand. I wish this was common knowledge.😢
As I understand it, many times a trauma or stressful event can be the trigger to an autoimmune disorder. Plenty of women became sensitive to gluten after childbirth, or surgery or a car accident. You aren't alone in that!
Omg I found out recently that I'm gluten intolerant and realised I only started having symptoms after the second child birth. Makes sense
I am gluten intolerant and rice works as an awesome substitute for me. No problem whatsoever, if I accidentally ate gluten then eating rice afterwards calms my tummy.
This video (and anything else) Dr. Osborne is sharing should have miliona of views and not 251K!!
Thank you... I feel like grains slowly waged a war on me since birth - no, even earlier... They have injured me in this unfair battle where I didn't know whom I was even fighting with... or at all.
Now, like a long lost veteran I'm coming back home from the field... And if and when I recover, it's like a new life has been given to me, I feel both grief and blessing to see the sunshine through the dew in a new way, and gain bravery to remain and even thrive the rest of the time I have in this world, on this amazing, yet weird planet that we call our home.
thanks for sharing life saving information, wish i new this years ago , many blessings to you xx
I had the need to park just to write this down..THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU..inam glutten free for 6 months...but i eat glutten free bread and all other probably not so gealthy grains. Whats more interesting is the inflammatory symptoms i have are still there.for the people that fight with acne for a long time (i was for 18 years till i dropped glutten ),just drop glutten or if you can at least for 6 months try exclusively plant based diet.dont get discouraged. Glutten needs 6 to 12 months to get out of your system.after 6 months one day i woke up . miraculously no acne showed up after that.and before that i had a period of rhe worst cystic acne that almost discouraged me..but a miracle happen one day..OVER NIGHT i just woke up and felt like something has changed. And no acne reappeared ever since..i still have rheumatic arthritis that i think is all cos of glutten and i strongly believe that it will also go away in time.lower back pain and all that.i will not after watching this video cut off all grains from my diet except quinoa.....i will be limited basically to meat and plants and that is all...thanks and i hope someone would follow my advice on this..
Slobodan Dzikoski You are welcome. I hope your diet is coming along well! All the best,
Dr. Osborne
Slobodan Dzikoski thank you for sharing this information, all acne went away in 6 months? as i m allergic to only wheat, so i m off wheat from last 15 days,and have lot of acne all over face and jaw line,but still not recovering, after reading ur story, i m little encouraged that my acne will someday go away, i hope it happns soon, what were u allergic to?
Jeetu Dhaliwal my friend i dunno exactly since i never went to test my self.but i am sure one thing for sure since i have been testing "glutten free diets" and "no dairy ".i realized that cystic acne are popping out on my face cos of the dairy and all other cos of the glutten. So i stopped both for a year.after i year i got back to some glutten and my acne are not popping out but when i tried dairy tight away new cystic acne showed up.hope this i am on a 95% glutten free diet and no dairy
Ok, u never opted for allergy tests?; i thot u had allergy tests done n u stopped eating those things, but seems like u are testing diet urself
Slobodan Dzikoski 100% gluten is needed if you want intestines to heal. LDN may help block hidden gluten. It is about $1 a day from usually an Alternative doctor. Best wishes.
Thank you so much for this information sir.
I was diagnosed three weeks ago with Celiac disease.
Thanks to you i know more about the effects in humans.
This video is very helpfull for my recovery to a healthier life.
Joke Visser See my other comments. The Celiac diet saved my life. Best wishes.
Oh, dear dr. Peter Osborne, bless you for your work! I am so thankful. I have been ill in many years, tired beyond limits, without any reason, no children, and tired tired tired and depressed, now I know the reason, I have made the test you recommend, THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear. I almost came to the insight that wheat was taken to the Earth by some enemy civilization to slowly kill the mankind. May be it is just a crazy idea, but in my case I was truly dying, thank you so much. Keep оn doing your work, maybe one day all the gluten will be prohibited.
Special thanks for the wideness of the information you gave! Lots of LOVE to you
Thank you, good sir, for making this video. I have alopecia (as of april this year) & vitiligo (for as long as I can remember), and had blood work done a couple of years ago to check for celiacs. Test came back negative, and thus I just continued eating the same diet as I had been. Mom & dad told me that I would cry from what they assumed to be tummy aches when I was a baby, but they were never able to find out what was bothering me. I've sort of felt bloated pretty much always, and now that I've cut out gluten and gone on an elimination diet, I've noticed that even a bowl of "gluten free" oats is enough to make me gassy for the rest of the day. And that's not to mention what happened when I tried white flour. Been gluten-free for maybe 3 weeks so far, after a life-long average of at least 5 slices of bread a day. Been feeling way better in my belly (I'm basically following this Autoimmune Protocol version of the Paleo diet). What would you say my chances are at ridding myself of alopecia, and perhaps reducing or eliminating vitiligo as well? Also, I've read that some people are of the opinion that you don't really see changes from going GF until it's been at least 6 months, true or false?
***** This is what I do for Celiac. People may need supplements and LDN to help block hidden gluten and detoxing also. Some things may reverse, but others may last always. You may prevent many more brain/body health issues and have a longer life now. They told me twice I was not Celiac when I was. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Best wishes.
What I do for Celiac..short version:
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, fish oil 2000mg, 20000mg of evening primrose oil. 2000 mg of lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE or krill oil, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature's Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/ and more health issues. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats may act like gluten with avenin. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food..... no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten...too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me...rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, zeolites, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Thanks Dr Osborne, that answered so many questions for me and shed light on so many gluten related issues and confusion.
I just wanted to say thank you your information it has been invaluable I am not a medical person but a nutrional adviser and I help people with IBS. I have been following you and Chris Kresser plus Paul Jamine and have learnt loads. So thank you again
Lesley Wills Yes, IBS, but, also MS, Lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis,Graves’ disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, vitiligo, and the list goes on of auto-immune diseases that this is specifically applicable to.
Thankyou Dr Osborne I have learnt more about glutin syndrome which i suffer from.
Danielle, over the years I too have had panic attacks, and after childbirth my whole hormone balance was horrible! You are right about craving things that our bad for our body. I am allergic to wheat, and I crave bread and pasta like mad. Giving up cigarettes was easier!! But I must admit, my Crohn's disease gets better when I lay off gluten. Gotta bite the bullet and just do it! I swear gluten makes my brain a little 'off'. Scary! Best of luck to you Danielle!
Thank you so much for this information. It makes complete sense to me. I've known for a long time that I can't digest bread products due to all of the chemicals, processing and of course gluten. I've been searching for answers for a long time, but this video has summed up findings in a quickly digestible manner. I cannot eat wheat barley or rye, but can eat rice, corn, and oats. I have developed allergic asthma, angioedema, hives, thyroid disease, arthritis, eczema and have a slightly enlarged heart. I do attribute all of these problems to gluten.
Your video was super informative and I am getting my IGG, IGA, IGM, IGE and T cells tested soon. I will ask about the zonulin and I'm certainly not waiting around for lymphoma or leukemia to develop at this point.
yeah, same with me. seems like all grains have effects, wheat/barley/rye being the worst and the rest still having minor problems. im just glad i found out what it was, but it sucks all those years were lost not knowing why
I have no trouble with oats or rice. This now makes sense to me. Thanks so much!!
You're so welcome!
Thank you, excellent. Been diagnosed recently after persistent itchy skin.
Very well laid out documented info. Fantastic job.
At 34:59, I just found out what happened to me when I went off my Juice fast and went back on grains. The perfect storm hit me, I was stressed and then this. No wonder, I've been feeling like I've been on the wrong road. I'm going off grain, dairy and sugar.
I've been trying for quite a while to eliminate all the gluten in my house after suspecting my sickness was more than just IBS (what many doctors diagnosed). After feeling bloated and in pain for a very long time with no relief, I finally realize that I'm still eating gluten without my knowledge! I also have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and was shocked to see the correlation between the two! I found this video very informative and helpful. Thank you very much, Dr. Osborne!
gemmali The arthritis started in my knees when I was 5. I am now closing in on 60 and can do 150 squats. Could not do any for decades because of the pain. I have been gluten free for12 years and grain free for 6. I noticed the improvement about 6 months after going gluten free, but it took several years for it to go away completely. Just saying the results are not always instant, but worth the wait. Weighing you the best.
@valsharai Wiki: "The nixtamalization process was very important in the early Mesoamerican diet, as unprocessed maize is deficient in free niacin."
"The ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations developed nixtamalization using lime (calcium hydroxide, not the citrus fruit of the same name) and ash (potassium hydroxide) to create alkaline solutions. The Chibcha people ...also used calcium hydroxide ...while the tribes of North America used naturally occurring sodium carbonate or ash."
I went to a chip shop in the UK and was assured it was being gluten free monday.
Fish and chips! Something i never thought id be able to eat again as long as i i lived.
God! I was in heaven! After about a 7 year abstinence. Eating one of my fave things that normal people take for grantedI it was absolutely delicious.
I went back into the shop and thanked them.
The prices were not much more than normal which was cool.
I had large cod and chips which came to around £5.60
thank you for keeping this available via the web. I found it most helpful to re-inforce my own elimination of gluten-including alcohol sugars (which no one said would also exacerbate my symptoms-)-Once I elim them, much higher health has been attained. I am glad to pass this video on to others.
Excellent explanation! For the first time, I understand why I can't eat corn or ANY grain! Thank you so much! What's really crazy is that I CAN eat white rice, and only white rice. I also cannot eat nightshades, so when packages say Gluten Free, I still have to read the ingredients because they often contain potato starch which makes me sick too.
Can I have only intolerance of gluten from wheat? I have severe symptoms from wheat flour but I can eat rice or corn
Awesome, awesome information! Good blees for sharing your knoledge with the world with people like me who has not access to health care! thank you.
Oh, ya, I know a gluten free period will tell me if I am gluten intolerrant, but I just adjusted my diet to suite my diabetes and that was extremely hard and had panic attacks over it. so i really don't want to cut out gluten too unless I know i have to. I miss bread and pasta. I am craving them real bad. I heard that if you crave a certain food it usually means it is making you sick, strange huh??
Can someone put the subtitles in other languages? Unfortunately not everyone can understand the video and this is very very relevant.
I've eaten sourdough bread no problem, eventhough I'm non celiac gluten sensitive.
Sir no disease left where celiac disease side effect is not there ! Is there any recent research which can cure the ciliac disease ? Is there gluten in sorghum ,millet and maize flour and rice ? Should these 3 to be avoided ?
I read so many packages at different times for different reasons such as allergies and for diabetic family members. One day I ran into a student studying to be a nutritionist and she saw me reading something that seemed to be fairly healthy and said 'simple just forget all these isles buy fresh veg. fruits, your time.' She is right. Of course I'm human and will buy this and that at times but 80% at least is home cooked.
yes, I have cyst and I have gluten sensitivity, has been last symptom. I eliminated water in plastic and the situation is better. but I have eliminated rise and all cereal.
I'am italian, sorry for my english
This is the best explanation. Thank you so much for this.
This video is very informational, thank you very much for sharing it.
This is the first time I've heard extra knowledge about Gluten....and the ramifications of really any grain causing problems beyond wheat, rye, etc...
You're whole practice could "thrive on this one topic"...perhaps it does.
I would be happy to undergo some form of 'double blind' study with such an expert to prove beyond subjective observation and bring this knowledge to the public's eye.
When I had a panel of potential allergens done on my forearm and I got a reaction to grain dust and recently I told a nurse that and she could not see the connection to food allergy.
God bless you, Dr. Osborne! Without this critical information - I would have suffered for many more years on "the traditional gluten free diet". I realize now that my leaky gut (which I believe was caused by GMO foods), are what gave me gluten intolerance. There has never been any food allergies in my huge family history. Now many of us have this same digestive series of illness events happening to us. Bless you!
Yah I’m okay with only white rice as well
So what about Corn in general? I eat corn every week but have tried to avoid general gluten.
@ 26:15 I beg to differ. Dysmenorrhea is NOT an absence of the menstrual cycle as the narrator of the video said; "Amenorrhea" would be the medical term indicating absence of the menstrual cycle.
Dysmenorrhea is actually painful menstrual periods; Diagnosed as "primary dysmenorrhea" or "secondary dysmenorrhea" when an underlying cause is found.
Brilliant presentation!
Wow.....this video is mind blowing! I have many friends switching to a vegan diet hoping to get away from these diseases because they thought meat caused them
btw, dysmennorhea is painful periods. amennorhea is absence of a period.
I believe to be gluten intolerant bc I used to have headaches, get bloated, tired. I also know I'm lactose and fructose intolerant.. Bc too much fruits gives me gas.. Sad part is people think I'm making this up, I fire back by saying its my body only I know how it feels. People ask can you eat potato or does it have gluten? Makes me sAd. Bc it's not funny, I lost so much ins And weight this past 3 month just by being grain free.. And dairy free..
THANK YOU ! This is exactly what I need!
Awesome!! so glad you are getting value from my channel!! Make sure you are subscribed...and make sure you pay it forward by sharing with others! #Save100MillionLives
Very interesting and informative. My only comment is that it is pretty boring just seeing slide after slide without a human face. You could film yourself speaking and put the slides next to or under your face to make it easier to watch.
Amaranth and buckwheat are no grains! So why do you mention them? It would be nice to have a list with all the "seeds" that have gluten in them.
Hello. Excellent lecture. I have recently been diagnosed with NCGS having had negative results from all test. Generally I am much better off gluten but I have a suspicion that it isn't only gluten which causes my problems.Also, despite the fact that I don't appear to be celiac it takes only the most minute quantity of gluten to trigger my problems, i.e. touching a door handle that someone else has touched or taking a tea bag out of a caddy when someone has put their hand in before. Is this usual to be that sensitive?Is there any way of downloading your lecture notes please. I have a medical background and am busy researching all of this.Many thanks.Christine JamesRGN BScUK
I was diagnosed with coeliac at 6 years old.
There are no tests for babies, other than genetic. The University of Chicago's Celiac Disease Center says young children must consume gluten for a year before the standard blood test or endoscopy biopsy would be valid. The body needs time to build a reaction.
I definitely feel the frustration of no Celiac diagnosis, but sensitive to gluten. It would be great if the testing was improved!
gluten develops elastic bands and is what allow yeast bread to rise, trapping bubbles, why you have to knead it...corn, oats, rye, don't have enough gluten to make a good loaf....nor's the wheat mostly, that's why it makes such good fluffy loaves...
Wow, very informative video. I didn't know gluten is in all grains!! That means I still technically eat gluten even though I'm celiac; just the safe kind haha. I will try to eat more organic foods in order to hopefully prevent more diseases. This video has covered ALL of my symptoms and health problems. I am glad to be more knowledgeable about myself and this has definitely covered far more than any doctor I've ever met! Thank you for the excellent info!!!
Great, a fantastic video that makes me understand my life. In fact I went gluten free and had little improvement but since I went completely grains and pseudo grains (quinoa etc) I get really well. In this video I understand why but I think I must quit coffee: it gives me inflammation. Is coffee a grain?
Maybe to do with the mould that coffee contains.
Great video. I've been searching for solutions to a number of symptoms I'm experiencing and this video certainly indicates I should be doing some testing.
Question: Dr Osborne has their been any link to Gluten sensitivities and cyst growth?
I don't go NEAR fast food. I do use prepackaged bread mixes because I'm lazy, but they ARE certified gluten free. I also use
white rice flour. I know there are other things out there that are
"safe" to use. But labels are not always accurate, particulaly
when a reference is made to "natural ingredients"!
Thank you!! Very informative, I have never heard it discribed, in quite this much detail.
Since doing KETO, so no grains, i feel great. So many syndromes vanished. Was it all due to grains? Does not matter, i will stick to keto.
Wow what an informative video!!! I am sharing with my family and friends...thanks you!
This is the best video. So informative. Thank you.
I looked at the web site that was recommended in the en (Town Center Wellness) ans it says he is a doctor of chiropractic medicine and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist.
Thank you!! Super informative. Grateful for all this information
Excellent video. helped me understand my problem, thank you.
Thank you for the clear and informative video!
I wish that this was common knowledge when I was a toddler,maybe,I wouldn't be in such bad shape at 42 if I had been diagnosed at 2. My one question is,should I stop eating all grains entirely instead of just the ones recommended for celiac?
Grain Damage by Dr. Doug Graham is an excellent book on this subject
Doctor, you gave the definitions of gluten intol, and gluten sensitivity. And stated that gluten sensitivity causes celiac. Does this mean, according to the definitions that gluten intolerance doesn't cause celiac? I am newly diagnosed gluten intolerant and have been researching reputable medical and health websites to better understand how to keep myself healthy and healed from this. Also, Thanks for this video, it has been helpful.
Ran out of room. Did this happen to anyone after they had a baby? I think gluten may be affecting my thyroid and EVERYTHING!!!! Please help, I AM SOOOO DESPERATE after ten loooooooong years of hell. LITERALLY HELL. GOD BLESS AND THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
Good presentation. Thank you!
Ataxia is not just a fancy word for dizziness sadly. It is a loss of balance and coordination to due to cerebellar atrophy. Caused by gluten and other things. Trying to heal my brain with Paleo!
Very interesting information. Not quite what the media is "feeding" us.
*media is backed by huge dairy sugar and wheat companies that pay them to advertise their poison called grains and milk*
Thank you so much for this lecture! Armed with pen & paper so I won't miss a thing :)
Same here. If you have to eat bread buy it from the freezer. Make vegetables at home and eat fruits. Forget all the restaurants and fast food. It's not worth the headache and pain.
I have recently (about since 6 months) I eliminated wheat ,barley and rye and had been using millets .And this shift itself is a bit tough for me, I wonder how I can survive without any grain!! Please give your suggestions.
I've had every single symptom for than 40 years. I stopped eating wheat more than a year ago, but still have symptoms. One test in 2016 was negative. I had an upper GI in 1977. If I push for more tests do I have to consume wheat to ensure accurate results? For how long?
OMG - I see I have a lot to learn about gluten. Crap, & I here I was thinking I'm totally gluten free. Don't think so. Shoot, I'll betcha' there's lots of crap I'm dealing with that are gluten related.......I hardly know where to start. Every time I think I've learned something, I find a whole bunch of NEW questions!!! Great video. Very helpful
This is great. Thank you
You're welcome! So glad you are learning! Make sure you subscribe and share with others! #Save100MillionLives
You are the best 🙏💜
Can gluten be a cause of or exacerbate extremely painful periods every month? Thank you this was very informative!
Are there cross reactions for Gluten allergy?
I have been diagnosed with depression, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and hypothyroidism. I believe I may be sensitive to gluten. Can you recommend a doctor in the Las Vegas or Henderson, NV area that can properly diagnose me?
I wouldn't worry about diagnosis. Just cut gluten and see what happens.
I agree with grudgrime. But if you really want to be tested go here >>>
Natanya Brathor Yes...gluten may hurt brain/body and in the ways you mention. Best wishes.
What I do for Celiac..short version:
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, fish oil 2000mg, 20000mg of evening primrose oil. 2000 mg of lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE or krill oil, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature's Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/ and more health issues. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats may act like gluten with avenin. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food..... no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten...too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me...rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, zeolites, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Great video from great human. Thank you !
Very informative. Thank you.
That's the biggest symptom my dad and sister have with their gluten issues. It gets so bad that they will sleep for hours at a time and wake up feeling like they haven't slept. It's not a short period of time, either, it can be 14+ hours.
What tests do you recommend someone order if they suspect they may also be sensitive to some of the other grains as well? I know for a fact I can't have oats, and I have suspected corn and rice , but not sure on those.
it can get so confusing knowing the difference between these since it seems that they are often used interchangeably even though they are different
would you say natural Sauerkraut can help balance the bacteria in the stomach?
I didn't know gluten was a "class" of proteins, I thought it was a specific protein and that similar proteins were just referred to as "prolamine proteins". By this nomenclature, do legumes contain glutens?
oh my God! if the Italian doctors could understand and see this video! how many people could heal! and how many medicines would be avoided! but they do not want people learn a little !! so leave ignorant people! thanks dr. OSBORNE! BENEDICT OF ALL YOUR FATHERS YOU USE DISCOVER us THE TRUTH! thank very much !
The presenter is very good about citing sources until he gets to the section on history & archaeology. I'd appreciate some resources for that section also.
I was thinking on the same lines, but I also thought, Sardinia is one of the places in this planet where people live longer , bread and pasta are a good percentage of their diet...He also never mentioned about the study on sourdough, but that could be too recent
Well thats very interesting but the question is why the world number one gluten specialist Alessio Fasano says only the different kind of wheat, rye and barley contains gluten and not the others one???
Great question Julot. I can't speak for him, but I can speak for the accumulated research.
@@DrOsborne Well if i understood, wheat and similar gluten are the most offending ones by far maybe he dont want to go too far...
Very good video!! Helpful.