Marmot Reappears at the Empress

  • Опубліковано 17 тра 2010
  • VICTORIA - A yellow bellied marmot has reappeared on the grounds of the Fairmont Empress Hotel.
    The animal is not native to Vancouver Island, and Environment Minister Barry Penner says its presence could put the endangered Vancouver Island Marmot, at risk.
    He says it may be carrying disease or parasites that local marmots are not immune to.
    The marmot has been at the Empress for the past year. The Government and hotel tried to capture the marmot last summer, but it didn't work. They say they'll try again, and if successful, the animal will be returned to its natural environment, near the Okanagan.
    In the meantime, Penner is asking people not to feed the marmot.