Chad, I've learned so much from you and truly hope I'm able to take your class in the near future. I owe you for the hours of learning I've gained. Thank you for all you do for the AR community.
Totally agree a genius when it comes to technical knowledge just wished he would open up on what sucks and what's good. Safe to say BCM is the greatest rifle for the money hands down.
For anyone wondering which 2 companies Kyle was referring to @ 46:10 when he said there was the same company in 2 different tiers, he’s referring to SOLGW (A Tier) & Hodge Defense (S Tier). Both of which use Zev Technologies (formerly Mega Arms) and Icon Defense to manufacture their receivers and rails for them.
Absolutely terrific convo. As a SOTAR Alum, father & career machinist/fabricator I've nothing but admiration for what Chad does for our community of liberty lovers. His classes, the content he offers and how he conducts himself as a man & father is something i wish more men would emulate this country certainly needs it. Very much appreciate these discussions gentlemen, God bless. 🤝
Thank for having Chad on, I’ve learned more from him about the AR platform, it’s quirk's, nuances etc. than most would could believe. I was new to AR’s until about six years ago. This started with a very well built AR 10 rifle that I purchased. I come from a mechanical / industrial engineering and stock car racing background and a lifelong “gun guy”, I wanted to understand how the machine worked, how to take care of it and what to do if it didn’t. The systems approach and attention to detail he uses in his instruction has been invaluable. Gene Stoner would be proud of the educational and practical approach that Chad has taken to the blank canvas he gave us. I hope to be able to take a class from him, if nothing else to experience firsthand no bs instruction on this fine weapon system. It’s merely a tool, nothing more, nothing less but a damn fine one when correctly built and tuned. Thanks again!
I met Chad at another armorers course this summer. Chad is a salt of the earth type person who is extremely intelligent, helpful and knows the AR platform better than any person I know of.. Chad has taken the AR platform knowledge to a different level that cut through the bs that is so prevalent in the gun world today.. I wish Chad and his family only the best with their business..Thank you Chad for all of the information you have shared..
I bought a high-end ar from a reputable manufacturer that had three gas leaks causing it to be so low on gas that changing the buffer spring and buffer weight did no good. I put a new gas rings in it did not help. I also checked the carrier key and staking and everything I went through everything! Except two things. I took a gunsmithing course and got certified back in 2009 and knew that my gas Port probably wasn't lined up with my gas block front sight. Well that was one problem that I remedied by chamfering the hole on the gas port in the barrel so that way the gas could sneak its way over and still get through and do its job. Before that it was halfway covered up. One thing that watching Chad's videos really help me on was my bolt tail was way out of spec causing gas to leak there and my gas tube fit loose in my gas block front sight. I replaced the bolt with a high-end complete bolt and after seeing the gas tube wobbling before I assembled I reamed out the gas port in the barrel just a hair to compensate for that because I had had it with this gun. Thanks to Chad and his gauging of everything I was able to see why the gun didn't run and remedy it and with tolerance stacking I compensated for the loose gas tube by increasing gas at the gas port in the barrel. I left the lighter action spring and lighter buffer in there and the gun runs perfect now. It's already assembled and you can't even tell I touched it. It runs good, shoots groups as good or better than it should. I personally thank Chad from the bottom of my heart for being so meticulous because I sent this gun back twice to this company and it's still short cycled they didn't do anything . This is part of the reason why I got certified as a gunsmith and now I know that when you have a gun that doesn't work right it's not always going to get fixed right when you send it back to the manufacturer so we need guys like Chad!
Finding people who want to understand why things wear or break or even what makes them tick is a whole different level than just throwing parts at something to fix it. As a former Master Mechanic Shop owner I can relate to Chad 100%. I’ve seen too many people through the years look at the result as the problem and never look for the cause of the problem. Awesome Vid! Keep up the Great Work!
Chads videos got me into the AR platform, seemed locally there wasnt much knowledge in building an AR, especially not at a fine level. Slowly bought many of the tools/guages that chad lists on his site and started going back through my first builds and doing fine work on new builds. Learned a tremendous amount from chads channel. Most of the main points he offers led me into the small things that matter, theres alot of fine points to address in the ar platform. I'll honestly attribute a good portion of my knowledge and interest in the platform to chad.
Love Chads videos. Probably way more than half of the AR community just doesn't have the capacity to understand what he does. A lot of people out there screwing around with ARs that just need to go buy a quality rifle up front. One of the biggest problems with people assembling a collection of random mil-spec parts is understanding 1st and foremost what"mil-spec" means. Its really a very large tolerance for a reason. If you are on opposite ends of that spectrum on 2 different parts that work together u can get into big issues. I deal with people every day that just really dont have the common sense t understand what im trying to tell them. Anyway, thanks Chad for all u share with those of us that cant come take a course. You are definitely my go-to source.
@@abolishtheatfandrepealthenfa are you trying to hurt my feelings? 🙂 Just kidding random internet person. I know a lot of smart people that do dumb shit, the way he literally dunks his carriers in lube is in FACT stupid. On the exterior of the carrier only the rails need lubricant. Excess oil will do nothing but catch fouling and gunk up the action. I've seen valid debates/opinions on how to lubricant differently based on temp/environment but none of those factors validate how SOTAR does it.
I picked up my first SOLGW rifle about a week ago. Unfortunately I haven't had time to shoot it yet, but taking it apart and cleaning it, it's apparent the time and tedious checks that go into these rifles. Chad is a encyclopedia of AR knowledge. I base a great deal of my AR purchases off of his videos. Great podcast gents.
Best episode yet. I would pay for this mash up once a month and I don’t subscribe to anyone for $. I love being able to take inexpensive parts and getting them to perform as good as a properly tuned setup.
Solid collaboration 👌 but I already told Chad I was sold before it came out 😅 SOTAR and SOLGW for the workhorse and working man Long live Texad and long live the AR15
Another great podcast, and a great guest to have. Hope he comes on again in a later episode to maybe be a panelist on any kinda round table or designated topic episode that has SME's. Similar to P&S but not 4 hours long (Which I love, but your podcast is in a certain time length)
One thing that Chad may agree on are the rewards of being a Teacher. When you see the " light bulb go on" in a student and impart the " zeal" to a student, you've created or helped create a new generation who seek very high standards in their vocation.
That was excellent, thanks. I watch chad religiously. But just bought my first Solgw BCG and looks excellent. One criticism, I bought two BCM BCG and both had major problems and still unresolved. And each had same and different problems. I have bought many BCM products and have had excellent service and quality. Very surprised at the problems. But also why I gave SOLGW a chance. Chad's off hand occasional sneaky comments about SOLGW being good helped direct that purchase.
Excellent discussion very informative. Great to hear these experts and thanks to Chad for producing his videos. Dam I wish his class was in fl because after I heard he will let you come back anytime I would be there every chance I could. Move to FL Chad..
Mike, thanks for your transparency on your products. I saw you speak about your BCG's on Brownells YT channel, and that's why I now own a SOLGW bcg with another as a backup. The more I learn, I don't think I'll ever need that backup bcg, except for a new build.
I bought my first AR in 2016, when we all knew for sure that killary was going to win the presidency, and i wanted one "go to" rifle i could trust my life with. After weeks of research on the rifle, i ended up going with a Sionics patrol rifle zero. I had never heard of them, but it was in my price range, and from everything i read, they were squared away. 8yrs later, and I'm sure glad i went with Sionics! I still have that rifle and would be the last firearm i would part with.
I took a carbine course a few weeks before I took Chad's class. My little PSA turd was the only gun to have issues at the class unfortunately. The bolt catch plunger hole had peened over and captured the plunger and spring inside, so I was getting random bolt hold open. I fixed that when I got home before Chad's class, but man I sure wish that I had the chance to take Chad's class first, it would have made the carbine class much better. I trust that gun a hell of a lot better than I did before and its been hammered on well.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle I made the wrong bolt choice and went with a boron nitrided that around the staking gave me a V mark in carbon. Then I had to light scotch bright the chamber and lugs. Even proof was subject to oversights in the Pandemic rush. Thank you for your detailed explanations on You Tube. You are a great resource of valid technical information.
The best analogy for "building" or ""assembling an "American Rifle" is a home builder. There are a hell of a lot of difference in lower end spec houses and high end custom homes that are high performance and are built to achieve high levels of efficiencies and are maybe even self sustaining, but both styles generally keep you warm, safe and dry. However, none of those builders, or very few, if any have a tract of timber that they grew and harvested and milled into the lumber. Blended paint or tons of other things. They still built the house.
I think the emotional attachment to brands is due to being impressed by that brand in some particular way, or in general, and further empowered by monetary investment that they made the "right" choice.
I am a retired teacher. Indeed, few things are more frustrating than someone asking you a complex question and demanding a simple answer. You say “this has three parts. First….” And then they interrupt you during step one.
It is so nice to finally hear a logical take on Colt. 6920's can routinely be found for less than a BCM. I think BCM's are slightly better, but those Colts are every bit as "battle proven" as a rifle needs to be. So many idiots parroting your only paying for a name, and there's no difference between a Ruger556 and a 6920. There's a LOT of difference between the two.
I've never thought much about nickel boron. I've never used a BCG that was coated because the brands that make them always look cheesy to me. But there are respectable trigger makers that use it. So I am curious to hear your thoughts about nickel baron coating on triggers. Schmidt and ALG come to mind. Forword control sells a schmidt trigger i have thought about useig that is coated.
Colt imo had 3 major issues hurt them. The Major issue was losing the Govt contract to FN. “if they cant make govt guns correctly why would i trust them to make mine good”.... another was the civilian pin size thing from back in the day, people dont want to buy a gun they feel might not be compatible with aftermarket upgrades, different lowers etc.... 3rd is the offerings. Generally all the Colts i see are bare bones “M4” atyle pinned FSB models. “Why pay more for less” if they want an FSB gun they get the S&W MP SportII. If they want free float m-lok theyll pay less for the Ruger or little more for BCM Add in the fact Colt goes bankrupt every other week therefore the customer is worried about after sales support (is the warranty worth anything if they go bankrupt) and its not surprising to me customers find ither offerings more appealing
I'm gonna take a guess that the company advertizing being able to run without lube must be Patriot Ordinance Factory. Am I right?😂 I actually had one once. My second ar. It was a good rifle, but my reasons for getting it were way before I took Will Larson's class and learned a little bit about why piston drivens aren't necessarily all that
I have a question as a newbie ar owner. What constitutes a duty grade rifle? I've heard so much stuff from so many people and I'm really confused. Some say a M&P rifle is a duty grade rifle and some say no way, solgw rifles are the best, and then someone else will say no, bcm and DD are the best duty rifles.
Tolerances. A duty grade rifle will pass all tolerance tests. If after firing a couple hundred rounds you shake it and hear no rattling, it’s probably a duty grade rifle
I bought a Fail Zero nib bcg back when I knew less than I do now and they are absolute Garbage. It made it about 1500+ rounds and the gas key cracked! I’ll never buy nib bolts again. Phosphate chrome lined is the way to go.
Mike, Noveske puts NiB carriers in their premium rifles. Only the chainsaw lineup gets phosphate BCGs. Both are made by RCA. Public knowledge. Not sure why Chad hates on NiB. I have had several and ran them professionally suppressed and unsupressed. I haven’t had any issues. Not saying there can’t be issues. BTW, Sons needs to use better barrels considering how expensive their rifles are. Roscoe has been plagued with bad barrel accuracy as of late (starting in covid). If he wants to charge a premium give us premium barrels, stainless….
Anyone that wants to complain about a gun manufacturer not making all of their parts needs to look at any item made in any manufacturing plant. Boeing doesn't build all of their parts. Honda doesn't build all of their parts, Chevy doesn't build all of their parts...none of the major companies make all of their parts. They cannot afford to. They outsource the parts to companies that specialize in that work and they assemble the components to make the end item. If anyone is making all of their parts in house chances are that they are not going to make a great product, or its going to be over priced.
The tier list just comes from pictures of special operations guys carrying guns. It is dumb. S tier is special ops pictures, A tier is standard military and police and the rest you never see in pictures. Its a dumb way to categorize firearms. Just because the military or special ops uses or does not use something isn’t something you should base your judgment on. The military didn’t put red dots on pistols until the last year or two, we’ve had them for 6ish years now in the civilian side. As for making your own parts, I prefer it but it isn’t necessary. An established machine shop is better than getting parts that are out of spec because the company brought mining the ore, smelting and machining in house. You guys make great stuff! Keep up the great work.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle do u think that the design is a valuable design improvement, I think I watched one of your videos saying that you have seen numerous failures with gas keys.
I would like to hear from any SME why the Gov profile barrel is better than a constant taper profile. other than cost due to scale of production I can not find any valid reason for a barrel to have greater mass at the muzzle than at the chamber for anyone not running a M203 or other specific application. moving the mass back to the chamber and having a gradual constant taper and smaller diameter gas block would make any rifle swing and point faster and deal with heat better for the same weight barrel. please consider a constant profile 556 barrel with a .625" gas block journal long enough to pin a FSB to. it would work with A2 uppers for iron sight builds and more modern builds. something like your simple jack but with a barrel having its mass back at the chamber but still allowing a FSB as a build option. since the failure point on AR barrels is just before the gas block why not keep that area "fatter" and better able to deal with heat stress?
Govt is not better. and is a great example of Mil-Spec isnt always the best option.... However many people in the public think Mil-spec is the best and would buy a different rifle over yours if it has a “mil-spec” profile vs your companies profile.... though thats kinda changing especially among more knowledgeable younger customers and people buying their 2nd or 3rd AR that have educated themselves on the platform.
So, with all this said. IMO, learn your weapon to the fullest extent. Take the classes. Read the books. When you do this, opinions don't matter. Also, if the SHTF, you can adapt and overcome. Mark your parts to their specs, conditions change, change the parts to the way it needs to run.
Definitely interesting conversation. It's funny how some guys learn a little bit about something then their the expert telling everyone what & how they should do things. Being hidden & behind a keyboard makes that even worse! Dam keyboard warriors crack me up! I live for kayak fishing & my firearms, it's what I do with my free time. No matter what I learn along the way, I'll never be an expert, I'll never have learned enough.
Speaking on forums, I have to preface with I have a bias against ARFcom's management, so a grain of salt is required, some forums that are getting old aren't keeping up and updating old threads. In another life I was a mod on ARF and I constantly tried to explain to the mods in the Tech forums to stop allowing "search newb" or any variant of that, as the answer to every question, instead of just either answering or linking to the correct answer when someone had an honest question. They love being assholes to newbs because it doesn't cost them any meals or rent. Also, if a newb is too intimidated to ask a question directly and simply searches today and finds an answer that was posted 20 years ago, how is he suppose to know if that answer is still accurate especially since there is a pretty damned good chance that the guy that gave the best answer is banned and he can't be asked any follow up questions . Plus if they have, or had 10, 15 or 20 years old tacked threads full of info with pics that no longer work that are 100's of pages long to search through, no one has any interest in that, Forums can be great if all of the participants are willing to help the newbs.
It was my pleasure to be invited to a SOLGW Podcast.
Thank you Mike, Kyle, Jim, Carlos, and the rest of the SOLGW family.
Chad, where did you get that freedom hat??
@@andrewconrad4940 Poppins Patches
Chad, I've learned so much from you and truly hope I'm able to take your class in the near future. I owe you for the hours of learning I've gained. Thank you for all you do for the AR community.
@@bglenn2222thank you so much.
Best episode of the SOLGW podcast yet. SOTAR and SOLGW. Two legends. Thanks for this.
Chad is the underrated UA-cam Chanel EVER. Fucking guy explains EVER ar part. I can't even explain how much I've learned from watching his Chanel
Thank you very much.
@InstructorChad just commenting on the truth.......🤙🤙🇺🇸
Totally agree a genius when it comes to technical knowledge just wished he would open up on what sucks and what's good. Safe to say BCM is the greatest rifle for the money hands down.
Hear! hear! Chad is my freaking hero when it comes to ar15. The man is simply a legend of the game.
@@ts440sHe doesn't do it for a reason. If you go to a class, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to share all that information with you.
For anyone wondering which 2 companies Kyle was referring to @ 46:10 when he said there was the same company in 2 different tiers, he’s referring to SOLGW (A Tier) & Hodge Defense (S Tier). Both of which use Zev Technologies (formerly Mega Arms) and Icon Defense to manufacture their receivers and rails for them.
I’m not even a huge gun guy, but I’m glued to every SOTAR video. Chad’s knowledge of the AR platform and how he teaches it is fascinating.
Thank you very much.
Chad and SOTAR are a HUGE pillar of the AR community. Amazing knowledge and one of the top resources on AR’s
Thank you.
Absolutely terrific convo. As a SOTAR Alum, father & career machinist/fabricator I've nothing but admiration for what Chad does for our community of liberty lovers. His classes, the content he offers and how he conducts himself as a man & father is something i wish more men would emulate this country certainly needs it. Very much appreciate these discussions gentlemen, God bless. 🤝
Thank you so much Andrew.
One of Chad's videos saved me from issues from a recent build. I love his knowledge of he AR.
Thank for having Chad on, I’ve learned more from him about the AR platform, it’s quirk's, nuances etc. than most would could believe. I was new to AR’s until about six years ago. This started with a very well built AR 10 rifle that I purchased. I come from a mechanical / industrial engineering and stock car racing background and a lifelong “gun guy”, I wanted to understand how the machine worked, how to take care of it and what to do if it didn’t. The systems approach and attention to detail he uses in his instruction has been invaluable. Gene Stoner would be proud of the educational and practical approach that Chad has taken to the blank canvas he gave us. I hope to be able to take a class from him, if nothing else to experience firsthand no bs instruction on this fine weapon system. It’s merely a tool, nothing more, nothing less but a damn fine one when correctly built and tuned. Thanks again!
Chad is the goat of the AR community. Hands down the best information around for those looking to do the deep dive into the why and how
Thank you for the kind words.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle thank you for the knowledge transfers🙏
I met Chad at another armorers course this summer. Chad is a salt of the earth type person who is extremely intelligent, helpful and knows the AR platform better than any person I know of.. Chad has taken the AR platform knowledge to a different level that cut through the bs that is so prevalent in the gun world today.. I wish Chad and his family only the best with their business..Thank you Chad for all of the information you have shared..
It was my honor to spend the week with you. Thank you for the kind words my friend.
Every time I watch a SOTAR episode, Chad makes me look at my safe. 😂
Sorry brother. My intent isn't to cast doubt in what you own.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle it's not doubt, it's reassurance more then anything else. Keeping it going Chad! 🇺🇲🤘🏼
Chad is so cool, one of my favorite channels of all time.
Thank you Jack
I'm proud to say that Chad is a great mentor to me.
Thank you my friend
I bought a high-end ar from a reputable manufacturer that had three gas leaks causing it to be so low on gas that changing the buffer spring and buffer weight did no good. I put a new gas rings in it did not help. I also checked the carrier key and staking and everything I went through everything! Except two things. I took a gunsmithing course and got certified back in 2009 and knew that my gas Port probably wasn't lined up with my gas block front sight. Well that was one problem that I remedied by chamfering the hole on the gas port in the barrel so that way the gas could sneak its way over and still get through and do its job. Before that it was halfway covered up. One thing that watching Chad's videos really help me on was my bolt tail was way out of spec causing gas to leak there and my gas tube fit loose in my gas block front sight. I replaced the bolt with a high-end complete bolt and after seeing the gas tube wobbling before I assembled I reamed out the gas port in the barrel just a hair to compensate for that because I had had it with this gun. Thanks to Chad and his gauging of everything I was able to see why the gun didn't run and remedy it and with tolerance stacking I compensated for the loose gas tube by increasing gas at the gas port in the barrel. I left the lighter action spring and lighter buffer in there and the gun runs perfect now. It's already assembled and you can't even tell I touched it. It runs good, shoots groups as good or better than it should. I personally thank Chad from the bottom of my heart for being so meticulous because I sent this gun back twice to this company and it's still short cycled they didn't do anything . This is part of the reason why I got certified as a gunsmith and now I know that when you have a gun that doesn't work right it's not always going to get fixed right when you send it back to the manufacturer so we need guys like Chad!
Finding people who want to understand why things wear or break or even what makes them tick is a whole different level than just throwing parts at something to fix it. As a former Master Mechanic Shop owner I can relate to Chad 100%. I’ve seen too many people through the years look at the result as the problem and never look for the cause of the problem. Awesome Vid! Keep up the Great Work!
Condition, cause, correct, confirm.
Chads videos got me into the AR platform, seemed locally there wasnt much knowledge in building an AR, especially not at a fine level. Slowly bought many of the tools/guages that chad lists on his site and started going back through my first builds and doing fine work on new builds. Learned a tremendous amount from chads channel. Most of the main points he offers led me into the small things that matter, theres alot of fine points to address in the ar platform. I'll honestly attribute a good portion of my knowledge and interest in the platform to chad.
Great people and amazing conversation...... Hopefully eye opening to a lot of people.
Love his channel I’m currently a few months from retiring from the military and starting up my own smithing shop.
Never miss a SOTAR video, and as a Texan, SOLGW, is my go to! Love seeing the collaboration.
Love Chads videos. Probably way more than half of the AR community just doesn't have the capacity to understand what he does. A lot of people out there screwing around with ARs that just need to go buy a quality rifle up front. One of the biggest problems with people assembling a collection of random mil-spec parts is understanding 1st and foremost what"mil-spec" means. Its really a very large tolerance for a reason. If you are on opposite ends of that spectrum on 2 different parts that work together u can get into big issues. I deal with people every day that just really dont have the common sense t understand what im trying to tell them. Anyway, thanks Chad for all u share with those of us that cant come take a course. You are definitely my go-to source.
The people doing that franken-AR crap do not understand tolerance stacking, let alone what tolerance variables are.
Ive learned so much from this dudes videos. So awesome
* except how he lubricates his BCG 😂 it's totally meme level ridiculous
@@rphash49so you acknowledge his level of knowledge but think you know better when it comes to lubricating.
@@abolishtheatfandrepealthenfa yes
@@rphash49 sounds pretty idiotic but ok
@@abolishtheatfandrepealthenfa are you trying to hurt my feelings? 🙂 Just kidding random internet person.
I know a lot of smart people that do dumb shit, the way he literally dunks his carriers in lube is in FACT stupid. On the exterior of the carrier only the rails need lubricant. Excess oil will do nothing but catch fouling and gunk up the action. I've seen valid debates/opinions on how to lubricant differently based on temp/environment but none of those factors validate how SOTAR does it.
I picked up my first SOLGW rifle about a week ago. Unfortunately I haven't had time to shoot it yet, but taking it apart and cleaning it, it's apparent the time and tedious checks that go into these rifles. Chad is a encyclopedia of AR knowledge. I base a great deal of my AR purchases off of his videos. Great podcast gents.
Easily the best podcast I e seen all year. Thanks boys!
Thank you
I learned a few things from this. Thank you guys so much. Want to take classes as soon as possible. Hopefully I’ll see you guys soon.
I saw his gages when I went to solgw. They actually use this stuff. I can't say it enough. Mike and solgw is the real deal.
Best episode yet. I would pay for this mash up once a month and I don’t subscribe to anyone for $. I love being able to take inexpensive parts and getting them to perform as good as a properly tuned setup.
I'll always make time for the SOLGW Crew.
Solid collaboration 👌 but I already told Chad I was sold before it came out 😅
SOTAR and SOLGW for the workhorse and working man
Long live Texad and long live the AR15
Another great podcast, and a great guest to have. Hope he comes on again in a later episode to maybe be a panelist on any kinda round table or designated topic episode that has SME's. Similar to P&S but not 4 hours long (Which I love, but your podcast is in a certain time length)
They actually give so much good information free.
DoD squashed all the SME's on M4C. That info is gold. The fact it's still up is incredible. Thanks to Grant and Roxanne for starting and carrying M4C!
I just want to reiterate how much I’ve learned from watching SOTAR and watching this has made me want to take his class even more.
Best convo I’ve seen in a while. Absolutely enjoyed it guys and thank you 🦾🇺🇸
Wow! This is going to be a good one! SOLGW and SoAR…wow wow wow
Hope you enjoyed it.
One thing that Chad may agree on are the rewards of being a Teacher. When you see the " light bulb go on" in a student and impart the " zeal" to a student, you've created or helped create a new generation who seek very high standards in their vocation.
That was excellent, thanks. I watch chad religiously. But just bought my first Solgw BCG and looks excellent. One criticism, I bought two BCM BCG and both had major problems and still unresolved. And each had same and different problems. I have bought many BCM products and have had excellent service and quality. Very surprised at the problems. But also why I gave SOLGW a chance. Chad's off hand occasional sneaky comments about SOLGW being good helped direct that purchase.
Great video full of information
What a great conversation with some of the greatest minds in the industry. Thanks to SOLGW for conducting this episode.
Thank you so much my friend.
great convo, planning on adding a solgw barrel in my next build
Love #SOLGW & I am beyond eternally grateful for #SOTAR!! Love these gents! Stellar Americans & love their channels! #ARJunkie #2ARights #RepealNFA
As usual Awsome podcast.
This was a blast! SotAR is a fantastic watch and read.
Def worth knowing more about the modern minuteman tool!
Thank You ...
Fan of the podcast.
Excellent discussion very informative. Great to hear these experts and thanks to Chad for producing his videos. Dam I wish his class was in fl because after I heard he will let you come back anytime I would be there every chance I could. Move to FL Chad..
Mike, thanks for your transparency on your products. I saw you speak about your BCG's on Brownells YT channel, and that's why I now own a SOLGW bcg with another as a backup. The more I learn, I don't think I'll ever need that backup bcg, except for a new build.
I bought my first AR in 2016, when we all knew for sure that killary was going to win the presidency, and i wanted one "go to" rifle i could trust my life with. After weeks of research on the rifle, i ended up going with a Sionics patrol rifle zero. I had never heard of them, but it was in my price range, and from everything i read, they were squared away. 8yrs later, and I'm sure glad i went with Sionics! I still have that rifle and would be the last firearm i would part with.
Thank you.
This is good. So true. No one gun fits all !
Chad is awesome and the videos are great.
I took a carbine course a few weeks before I took Chad's class. My little PSA turd was the only gun to have issues at the class unfortunately. The bolt catch plunger hole had peened over and captured the plunger and spring inside, so I was getting random bolt hold open. I fixed that when I got home before Chad's class, but man I sure wish that I had the chance to take Chad's class first, it would have made the carbine class much better. I trust that gun a hell of a lot better than I did before and its been hammered on well.
School of American Guns allowed me to solve my own build issues!
That makes me smile and know it's not for nothing.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle I made the wrong bolt choice and went with a boron nitrided that around the staking gave me a V mark in carbon. Then I had to light scotch bright the chamber and lugs. Even proof was subject to oversights in the Pandemic rush. Thank you for your detailed explanations on You Tube. You are a great resource of valid technical information.
Great looking hat Chad , love it ! ✔️
The best analogy for "building" or ""assembling an "American Rifle" is a home builder. There are a hell of a lot of difference in lower end spec houses and high end custom homes that are high performance and are built to achieve high levels of efficiencies and are maybe even self sustaining, but both styles generally keep you warm, safe and dry. However, none of those builders, or very few, if any have a tract of timber that they grew and harvested and milled into the lumber. Blended paint or tons of other things. They still built the house.
Great podcast. Thanks, Gents.
That was awesome 👏🏻 thanks 👍🏻
Just finished…this needs a part 2 and 3. You guys barely started getting surface thoughts out.
I'm sure we could have talked for weeks.
@SchooloftheAmericanRifle I know I would watch it. But I do plan to go through your class in 2024 or 2025.
Can you guys put the head of an ATF agent behind the tree lol it’d be so funny
1hr and 14mins of 24k gold here!
just found out about this podcast, solgw dropping heat! wealth of info here, s/o to SOTAR
Awesome interview!!
I think the emotional attachment to brands is due to being impressed by that brand in some particular way, or in general, and further empowered by monetary investment that they made the "right" choice.
I am a retired teacher. Indeed, few things are more frustrating than someone asking you a complex question and demanding a simple answer. You say “this has three parts. First….” And then they interrupt you during step one.
Where can I get the hat that Chad is wearing? Great podcast guys thanks for all the great info.
Id love to hear these guys opinion on putting a fostech echo 2 trigger in a duty rifle? Always wanted it but never trusted it
It is so nice to finally hear a logical take on Colt. 6920's can routinely be found for less than a BCM. I think BCM's are slightly better, but those Colts are every bit as "battle proven" as a rifle needs to be. So many idiots parroting your only paying for a name, and there's no difference between a Ruger556 and a 6920.
There's a LOT of difference between the two.
Question- why do you think a bcm is better?
I've never thought much about nickel boron. I've never used a BCG that was coated because the brands that make them always look cheesy to me. But there are respectable trigger makers that use it. So I am curious to hear your thoughts about nickel baron coating on triggers. Schmidt and ALG come to mind. Forword control sells a schmidt trigger i have thought about useig that is coated.
chad is a patron saint. gifting fire like Prometheus
My man is up there with a M87 tricorn hat. That’s the kind of nerd I can respect.
Second time watching this episode and it's awesome! Chad is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to anything AR.
I would like to know if the Manson reamers gauges are considered good to go. I have Manson reamers go and no go 5.56 gauges
Damn, I thought it was my phone’s alarm! 😂
Colt imo had 3 major issues hurt them. The Major issue was losing the Govt contract to FN. “if they cant make govt guns correctly why would i trust them to make mine good”.... another was the civilian pin size thing from back in the day, people dont want to buy a gun they feel might not be compatible with aftermarket upgrades, different lowers etc.... 3rd is the offerings. Generally all the Colts i see are bare bones “M4” atyle pinned FSB models. “Why pay more for less” if they want an FSB gun they get the S&W MP SportII. If they want free float m-lok theyll pay less for the Ruger or little more for BCM
Add in the fact Colt goes bankrupt every other week therefore the customer is worried about after sales support (is the warranty worth anything if they go bankrupt) and its not surprising to me customers find ither offerings more appealing
I'm gonna take a guess that the company advertizing being able to run without lube must be Patriot Ordinance Factory. Am I right?😂
I actually had one once. My second ar. It was a good rifle, but my reasons for getting it were way before I took Will Larson's class and learned a little bit about why piston drivens aren't necessarily all that
"They didn't manufacture the parts" comments were being thrown at AT about the simple jack rifle. He explained the intense QC and assembly.
I have a question as a newbie ar owner. What constitutes a duty grade rifle? I've heard so much stuff from so many people and I'm really confused. Some say a M&P rifle is a duty grade rifle and some say no way, solgw rifles are the best, and then someone else will say no, bcm and DD are the best duty rifles.
Tolerances. A duty grade rifle will pass all tolerance tests. If after firing a couple hundred rounds you shake it and hear no rattling, it’s probably a duty grade rifle
Is that Angry Patriot "washed painting" available for sale?
It's kinda strange to see his face while he's talking. I've watched so many fuckin videos if just his hands and AR parts.
😂 same here
That SOTAR dude ain't real!
It’s AI cg
I bought a Fail Zero nib bcg back when I knew less than I do now and they are absolute Garbage. It made it about 1500+ rounds and the gas key cracked! I’ll never buy nib bolts again. Phosphate chrome lined is the way to go.
Mike, Noveske puts NiB carriers in their premium rifles. Only the chainsaw lineup gets phosphate BCGs. Both are made by RCA. Public knowledge. Not sure why Chad hates on NiB. I have had several and ran them professionally suppressed and unsupressed. I haven’t had any issues. Not saying there can’t be issues. BTW, Sons needs to use better barrels considering how expensive their rifles are. Roscoe has been plagued with bad barrel accuracy as of late (starting in covid). If he wants to charge a premium give us premium barrels, stainless….
They put them in there because they are a Feature driven company and shiny NiB carriers sell.
Chad is the go to channel. None better.
Where can I get his Patriotic hat, so bad a$$!
Anyone that wants to complain about a gun manufacturer not making all of their parts needs to look at any item made in any manufacturing plant. Boeing doesn't build all of their parts. Honda doesn't build all of their parts, Chevy doesn't build all of their parts...none of the major companies make all of their parts. They cannot afford to. They outsource the parts to companies that specialize in that work and they assemble the components to make the end item. If anyone is making all of their parts in house chances are that they are not going to make a great product, or its going to be over priced.
Exactly. Stan Chen makes all of his 1911 parts and the waiting period for one is years, plus check out the price.
SOLGW should make Chads gauges. Plz!! the cost would be worth it!
They mainly assemble their rifles, the have their components made to their specifications by suppliers. They are not tool manufacturers.
Ight imma need a link for the tricorn
Is dead air suppressors a flow through style suppressor?
The tier list just comes from pictures of special operations guys carrying guns. It is dumb. S tier is special ops pictures, A tier is standard military and police and the rest you never see in pictures. Its a dumb way to categorize firearms. Just because the military or special ops uses or does not use something isn’t something you should base your judgment on. The military didn’t put red dots on pistols until the last year or two, we’ve had them for 6ish years now in the civilian side.
As for making your own parts, I prefer it but it isn’t necessary. An established machine shop is better than getting parts that are out of spec because the company brought mining the ore, smelting and machining in house. You guys make great stuff! Keep up the great work.
Listened to podcast and was curious what y’all thought about the lwrc bcg, because of the non favourable nickel boron coating responses
I think the carrier design is pretty neat. I just dislike the NiB.
@@SchooloftheAmericanRifle do u think that the design is a valuable design improvement, I think I watched one of your videos saying that you have seen numerous failures with gas keys.
Chad’s not to far from me in Maryland!! Small fucking world🤙🏻🤙🏻
Just FYI not all you customers are ignorant aholes lol... Theres a lot of us you who love your products and appreciate what you guys do.
No one has commented on Chad's tricorner hat? I kind if want one.😂
It would be awesome to see Chris Bartochi on here
no it wouldn't
I would like to hear from any SME why the Gov profile barrel is better than a constant taper profile. other than cost due to scale of production I can not find any valid reason for a barrel to have greater mass at the muzzle than at the chamber for anyone not running a M203 or other specific application. moving the mass back to the chamber and having a gradual constant taper and smaller diameter gas block would make any rifle swing and point faster and deal with heat better for the same weight barrel. please consider a constant profile 556 barrel with a .625" gas block journal long enough to pin a FSB to. it would work with A2 uppers for iron sight builds and more modern builds. something like your simple jack but with a barrel having its mass back at the chamber but still allowing a FSB as a build option. since the failure point on AR barrels is just before the gas block why not keep that area "fatter" and better able to deal with heat stress?
Something akin to a Criterion Core with a shouldered 1.9” x .625”ø journal.
Govt is not better. and is a great example of Mil-Spec isnt always the best option.... However many people in the public think Mil-spec is the best and would buy a different rifle over yours if it has a “mil-spec” profile vs your companies profile.... though thats kinda changing especially among more knowledgeable younger customers and people buying their 2nd or 3rd AR that have educated themselves on the platform.
So, with all this said. IMO, learn your weapon to the fullest extent. Take the classes. Read the books. When you do this, opinions don't matter. Also, if the SHTF, you can adapt and overcome. Mark your parts to their specs, conditions change, change the parts to the way it needs to run.
I watched this with adblocker.
Definitely interesting conversation. It's funny how some guys learn a little bit about something then their the expert telling everyone what & how they should do things. Being hidden & behind a keyboard makes that even worse! Dam keyboard warriors crack me up! I live for kayak fishing & my firearms, it's what I do with my free time. No matter what I learn along the way, I'll never be an expert, I'll never have learned enough.
I still go to forums 😂
Speaking on forums, I have to preface with I have a bias against ARFcom's management, so a grain of salt is required, some forums that are getting old aren't keeping up and updating old threads. In another life I was a mod on ARF and I constantly tried to explain to the mods in the Tech forums to stop allowing "search newb" or any variant of that, as the answer to every question, instead of just either answering or linking to the correct answer when someone had an honest question. They love being assholes to newbs because it doesn't cost them any meals or rent. Also, if a newb is too intimidated to ask a question directly and simply searches today and finds an answer that was posted 20 years ago, how is he suppose to know if that answer is still accurate especially since there is a pretty damned good chance that the guy that gave the best answer is banned and he can't be asked any follow up questions . Plus if they have, or had 10, 15 or 20 years old tacked threads full of info with pics that no longer work that are 100's of pages long to search through, no one has any interest in that, Forums can be great if all of the participants are willing to help the newbs.
Keymod for life, not gay.
I’m going to have “f you, poors” stuck in my head all day 😂. One thing I was surprised by was the reaction to Wilson combat, are they no good?
I often see their AR products with issues. Some things can be fixed, some not so much.
A lot of their pistols have issues as well, when you examine them on the same level that chad examines the ar platform.
56:20 I own this rifle.
Love the hat!!