This is so great because in 30 years when we want to look back on the great games of the past your documentaries will be invaluable. You truly are doing a great job that benefits video games as an artform.
Thanks so much. That was sort of the whole point of Noclip to be honest. To use the access to the industry I was fortunate enough to enjoy to share all these stories and preserve them for everyone. That's why we don't run commercials on the videos or fill the feed up with superfluous stuff. This will hopefully act as a vault for these stories for years to come. At least that's what we hope.
Noclip the quality and love you put into the videos are evident and I am sure you will be very big in the future. Also will take the chance to ask if a documentary on Witcher 3 or on FF15 is possible? Would be interesting to learn about the internal struggles the Final Fintasy team was facing for so many years
He's pretty much a god at guitar and composing. He nailed it with the Killer Instinct soundtrack before this one as well. I had high hopes and he met them with the DOOM OST. Probably the best original video game soundtrack I've heard in years.
Antichrist2000 true dat like you can replace gargos' theme with a track like rip and tear and it will end up sounding more fitting than the one he haves now
I know right! When he said that I was like, "What the hell is he talking about?! DOOM IS METAL!" but not bill and ted metal. That's a different type of metal.
John Doe ty ill check them out. i know one of the best parts to me too is its all instrumental so i dont have some force screaming like you do with most music from that genre. it reminds me closely of avenge sevenfold style im thinking 'not ready to die' of all things from cod black ops zombies. its more music and art less noise and distortion
Caldera Records The fuck are you talking about? I can hum rip and tear, bfg division, and skullhacker off the top of my head. I remember them perfectly, what you're saying is bullshit.
In my opinion this game's music is so perfect! It fits everything soooo fucking perfectly. Doom 1 and 2 has great music as well and i totally like it and I never forgot it. But this new Doom, I'm not playing it to have some nice music I can go with while playing. I remember one scene where you fall down a longer distance and the exact same moment when you land on your feet the music starts playing with some awesome metal music. You're being thrown right into the fight with that music on your ears. After clearing the area, the music vanishes and you feel the tension drop and you can breathe again for a short moment. Really, the music is the reason why I fucking love this game. Though I gotta admit that I refused to buy it because the game play videos after release didn't convince me at all. So after over two years I spent 20 bucks on it - and I thought to myself that I would not even have regretted the initial 60 bucks.
THIS is the kind of gaming journalism I´ve always wanted to see. Getting deep into the creative process of gamedesign is something that´s been lacking and this channel puts the bigboys to shame with it´s content and quality. The Witcher series and this show that Noclip puts in the work and have been some of the most interesting gaming related stuff I´ve ever watched. Solid work allround but Im especially impressed with how much he gets out of the people he interviews.. I hope, no, Im sure this channel will grow into a household name. Keep it up man!!!
Indeed. Classic TV journalism would do it like „what is this video game trend the youngsters are doing“ and bring like really basic or even wrong stuff
Yeah. Seeing how much of their hearts was put into the game makes me appreciate it a whole lot more. And look how awesome Hugo and Mick especially are.
One thing that Gamespot really does right is gaming documentaries, the Warcraft Documentary was great too or maybe it was Blizzard, can't remember. I think they did a Halo one also.
I am 33 year old metal head. Never really grew up and have fond memories of figuring out what metal songs "inspired" the original games. When I first fired up DOOM 2016 and heard those chunky guitar riffs, I instantly had a smile on my face. This is the first game soundtrack in a very long time that I could see myself just listening to. It's fucking perfect!
DrBreezeAir It literally sizzles with goodness... and this is coming from a Doom3 fanatic (as proof of this I remember most of id softwares employees from the zombie prison in Delta Labs 2a)
Galactic Brain Dentist Love the design of Doom...on the surface it may look like every other mindless FPS...but it's actually quite cerebral... And it's even more awesome cause they laid down the foundation a long, long time ago...
Thanks so much for watching folks. We hope you enjoyed this series. Make sure to subscribe and check out our Patreon ( for updates on what we cover next. Oh and we totally shot some Quake stuff when we visited id too - look forward to that in the new year.
This is insanity, I spent my lunch hour watching parts 1 and 2 and got seriously bummed that part 3 was not up... and now it is. Fantastic content, a well deserved sub is your reward.
THIS, i come to youtube for THIS kind of content! HATS OFF to your documentaries David, the first time i saw "the point" series that you made for gamespot i told myslef "this guy really shows the passion he has for videogames" YOU ROCK
Amazing documentary. I could listen to Hugo and Mick Gordon FOR HOURS. And that gameplay at the credits had me smiling all the time, that's how good DOOM is. Thank you for this kind of content!!
12:27 Thats why I like the revenants. The vibe i got from this as soon as I met one for the first time is that of all the things the doomslayer kills its the only one crazy enough to somehow find enjoyment on the battlefield. I like to imagine that even though the demons attack you aggressively theyre all scared shitless of you except the crazy-ass revenants who go wild trying to hype themselves up enough to face the doomslayer.
And enjoy Spotify's very helpful and insistent "related" music suggestions from things like Final Fantasy and Super Mario Brothers. Because if you like a metal as fuck soundtrack from this video game, you'll totally love a capella covers of Mega Man music.
plinkman0 Spotify is far from perfect, but I've discovered a lot of kickass music on there. There's a crap ton of proper mega man remixes, like the We Are Rockmen albums
Ahoy is a similar channel full of awesome content about videogames (mostly how real life firearms are implemented in games, but there's some other stuff about gaming and even movies)
Mick Gordon seems super cool. He seems like he has a huge passion for what he does. I loved how he had a huge smile on his face for pretty much the entire interview. Great series, can't wait to see what's next.
I have to admit I was one of the people rolling their eyes at the glory kills. I wasn't really excited for the new Doom at all. I thought it looked great but gameplay wise was just going to be a disappointed reboot. Boy was I wrong. The way the glory kills keep you in the combat is great and I'm sorry for doubting them.
On my first playthrough of on normal, I thought they were just interruptions to the combat and restrictive. But after working my way up to harder difficulties, they are a very welcome split-second breather during combat, even vital to your survival by briefly becoming invincible when things get too crowded so you can plot your next move to escape.
DOOM is my favorite game of 2016. And you can tell that the people who worked on it actually cared about what they made, which is unusual in recent years.
"I think this thing may turn out okay, I think it may be alright." He had no. F'in. Idea. This and his Wolfenstein soundtracks are essentially back to back headbanging masterpieces. *And* finished up the series with BFG Division in the background. What a beautiful series. Top stuff!
All 3 parts were really well done, informative and entertaining. I'm going to buy the game as a result of watching these tubes. I liked the Mick Gordon's comment that the character is the enemy of the demons. A subtle yet important shift. In Dead Space, for instance, one certainly feels like the creatures are the enemy. It's an interesting perspective.
What an amazingly awesome series. :) I've always loved your work, Danny but this is a whole new level. P.S - Whoever is responsible for your motion graphics deserves a medal.
Knocked it out of hell with this one, Danny! I think projects like these are super important for preserving video game history and I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job than this.
Goddamn. I'm not much of a documentary guy, but this series was absolutely fascinating. Not only was it a touch entertaining, but it was incredibly insightful for both id software's various processes and how they overcame every roadblock they ran into.
BFG Division is one of the best gaming soundtrack in many years. Mick Gordon made it look easy. I can't think up something like that even in my dreams. \m/
The Mick Gordon part was especially fascinating (as was all of it). That sound track is GOAT level and BFG division is the best, most fitting, track for a game I've ever heard.
This channel is so awesome, I’ve been looking for something like this for years. A channel that does documentaries on nothing but video game studios and games in general. What a treat. Love it
The comments made by Mick here align and make sense based on the current situation with him and ID software, They did him dirty man. With Doom Eternal they didn't send him gameplay footage and gave him a very short deadline no wonder it came out jank.
Incredible. Thinking of Doom 2016 & Doom Eternal, heavy metal seems synonymous. Yes, the synth music was incredible, and definitely set the stage for the futuristic feel of the Mars locations. But when you got into the meat and potatoes which were the hell landscapes, heavy metal seemed perfect.
LOOOOVE that edit at 22mins in, when the composer says "They started bopping their head when the music came in" and in the doccumentary itself the BGM goes silent. Brilliant
Classic doom had a pretty good implementation of the music too: Action songs were used for the military bases, e1m1, e1m4 and e1m9 Mysterious-like songs for the abandoned facilities like m2, m3, m6 was a weird one though and horror type songs for the labs of m5 and m7
Looking at what Marty and Mick said about actually listening to the fans when they complained about the glory kills and the soundtrack made me smile, Id actually cares about what the fans say, and they care about the games they make, they do know what they want to do, not what the publisher expects them to do... A lot of developers both AAA and Indie could learn a couple of things from them, awesome work on this series man, thanks for putting a smile on my face...
This documentary is excellent. I've never played DOOM (2016) and I was among those who were very sceptic as I grew up at 90's and DOOM was big part of my life. But now I think this will be my next buy. Also on the other side it put great light on designing process and development - it was great to watch how much different things you have to go through to make a big game and see thinking of creators. Looking forward for next videos
Awesome job on this!! I love how the Mancubus is the first baddy you seen when the credits start rolling. He has my favorite description from Doom 2 which is, "The only good thing about fasto is that he's a nice wide target. Good thing, it takes a lot of bullets to puncture him. He pumps out fireballs like there was no tomorrow!"
This series was really good, loved the honesty that you just don't see in any behind the scenes anymore. I know developers would love to tell the honest stories, hopefully this series will be the first of many like it.
That talk with the composer for the game was really insightful. Interesting to see how the process goes on a project like DOOM. Thank you for this documentary, loved every second of it.
The glory kill seemed to get boring fat *until I *realised you get rewarded with health and ammo. In that sense the mechanic is similar to that of Bloodborne. Taking risk is rewarded and often, taking risk is necessary to progress. Awesome design!
Holy Hell. Noclip... You have passed what I was expecting and just kept going. You've got serious talent and I hope you continue making these type of documentaries. The level of quality here is beyond the norm. Bravo!
This whole Doom documentary is really the best documentary I've seen ever. While it is tell the one of my favorite game of all time, I'm really glad that this whole documentary is on the discussion of how doom really is all about, not just how's it can be success. Salute to Noclip team who did all this, really fantastic work guys!
Jesus Christ. Be never played a DOOM game- never had an interest. But this documentary gave me such a great respect! Danny you are a savior to the industry!
Danny O'Dwyer, thank you for seeking your dreams and giving us the gift that is you and your teams vision that resulted in NoClip. You are the David Attenborough of video game documentaries. You and those you surround yourself with are going to go great and wonderous places. Cheers mate, and hats off to the voyage ahead.
glory kills are one of the absolute best parts of the game. The feel of the guns, the music and the graphics were all perfect but the animation was also some of the best in all of gaming.
Usually I hear about these internal stories in magazines, exclusive web articles, or people close to the development team. Problem with these mediums is that they will be hard to preserve over the long-run and share. Noclip serving as an archive vault is great as video is harder to lose. Great job with the work, Danny! Also to everybody agreeing to get interviewed by Danny, since nothing would come without their support. ^_^
It sucks that Mick Gordon won't ever be doing another Doom soundtrack. The man created an entire new genre of music (Argent Metal) for Doom. The way Bethesda mistreated him is a travesty. Also, if you want to hear another great soundtrack from Mick Gordon, you should listen to the 2013 Killer Instinct soundtrack. Such a great example of remaking classic tracks with new sounds and stylings.
Killer Instinct OST is a masterpiece of pure musicianship and craftsmanship. Idk why exactly the reason they mistreated him like that. Perhaps cuz he was a freelancer and wouldn't come on board as an ID employee, idk. But when u look at all the evidence that mick exposed , it's insane how much manipulation and dishonesty and sabotage was going on. I think they wanted their own in house guy to do it
Mick Gordon, what a legend! Thanks Danny, for a fantastic ride through hell! I honestly fired up Doom 1 yesterday just to have a go! I could still remember the levels! That is the show of a lasting game...
This was sheer brilliance. Thank you so much! I would've liked to hear about why the multiplayer was outsourced to Certain Affinity and the negative reaction to it from the fans, but otherwise, amazing work bro!!
There needs to be more documentaries like this on the internet. I'm tired of not having any idea who makes these games and only hearing about poor decisions when it comes to the publishers. Doom (2016) remains to be one of my most cherished games from this year. You can feel the passion that went into it and I'm very glad that these guys got their efforts rewarded.
Danny, you're like the only game journalist who I can trust. Everything you've said about the past and future of games I agree with, and I'm happy to see you still making more great content. This channel is going to be massive. Congrats.
Fantastic Series. getting to see footage of Doom 4 1.0 was a true treat (even if health regen in a doom game is sacrilege IMO). truly something for all doom fans to enjoy. Rip And Tear.
Absolutely sterling work. How anyone could mark this series down is beyond me. They know it's a documentary, they know it's about Doom, they know it's about id; so if you're not interested in those three things why bother watching it in the first place? Anyway, keep up the great work brother.
i JUST found out about this documentary. a bit too late. thanks for making it. as a player, to this moment, i just felt the developers (especially the creative director) was reminding me how i felt while i was playing doom. it's almost like, the design is so good that everything they wanted to make us feel, i've felt all of that. i mean, i was literally smiling playing doom and realized how i've never felt like this playing a game for a very long time. thanks. p.s: mick gordon is god.
4:20 I fucking agree, I dislike a game where I spent most of my time behind cover and backing up (like most zombie game), this is one of my main reason I love DOOM!
The insight on how he made the soundtrack was really, really cool. Hearing him talking about how he organizes things before he ever starts trying to make it was fascinating, and completely new to me. I still kind of had that idea of artists just getting ideas for things randomly, this offered some real perspective.
dunno how it took this long for somebody to make legitimate documentaries about video game developments. I'm so glad you made this, I honestly want to know the behind the scenes stories of all my favorite games. Here's to hopefully many more documentaries
I never knew how much I needed game documentaries. There's a million gaming facts and trivia channels on UA-cam, so why has it taken this long for someone to make a traditional-style documentary series that actually involves interviewing the creators? You guy's are doing Miyamoto's work!
I was literally looking for a behind the scenes of doom 2 weeks ago, and I couldn't find anything except a great behind the music of doom mini-doc. Then this shows up somehow. Really great documentary good work.
I've never even played DOOM, but I admire ID a lot, and I'm incredibly fascinated that a game that had everything stacked against it was able to blow everyone away. Thanks for documenting this.
I've been wanting to play this game since release. Never was a DOOM fan but something about it really got me. On part 2 when Hugo was talking about movies and inspirations and the cheekiness of the game made me do it and purchase it. I can't wait. Thanks, Noclip.
These videos are great. They really make you appreciate the work that goes into the development of these games. I'm looking forward to seeing more from this channel.
This is so great because in 30 years when we want to look back on the great games of the past your documentaries will be invaluable. You truly are doing a great job that benefits video games as an artform.
Thanks so much. That was sort of the whole point of Noclip to be honest. To use the access to the industry I was fortunate enough to enjoy to share all these stories and preserve them for everyone. That's why we don't run commercials on the videos or fill the feed up with superfluous stuff. This will hopefully act as a vault for these stories for years to come. At least that's what we hope.
Continue with the same passion and production value and it definitely will!
Noclip the quality and love you put into the videos are evident and I am sure you will be very big in the future. Also will take the chance to ask if a documentary on Witcher 3 or on FF15 is possible? Would be interesting to learn about the internal struggles the Final Fintasy team was facing for so many years
Next up: Valve
irakli bogveradze gaumarjos qartvels :D
Mick Gordon seems like one cool guy.
indeed, and he really hit it out of the park with this one
He's pretty much a god at guitar and composing. He nailed it with the Killer Instinct soundtrack before this one as well. I had high hopes and he met them with the DOOM OST. Probably the best original video game soundtrack I've heard in years.
Antichrist2000 true dat like you can replace gargos' theme with a track like rip and tear and it will end up sounding more fitting than the one he haves now
He gives off some Mark Cerny vibes.
He did
"Its totally not going to be metal!" ends up with awesome metal
I know right! When he said that I was like, "What the hell is he talking about?! DOOM IS METAL!" but not bill and ted metal. That's a different type of metal.
Comfy Man yeah its light death metal. its like gwar but understandable to human ears. it is not hair metal
At least they started out with electronic music - not a bad base to build the musical style on, since electronic is fitting for techbase scifi stuff.
Michael Simpson it's very Djent-y to me. If you like this, check out Meshuggah, periphery, and animals as leaders.
John Doe ty ill check them out. i know one of the best parts to me too is its all instrumental so i dont have some force screaming like you do with most music from that genre. it reminds me closely of avenge sevenfold style im thinking 'not ready to die' of all things from cod black ops zombies.
its more music and art less noise and distortion
Mick Gordon created a soundtrack that will be remembered forever! Fucking incredible!
Yeah? Coz no one can hum or whistle a single line from it.
Caldera Records The fuck are you talking about? I can hum rip and tear, bfg division, and skullhacker off the top of my head. I remember them perfectly, what you're saying is bullshit.
I have the album on vinyl. EPIC!
In my opinion this game's music is so perfect! It fits everything soooo fucking perfectly. Doom 1 and 2 has great music as well and i totally like it and I never forgot it. But this new Doom, I'm not playing it to have some nice music I can go with while playing. I remember one scene where you fall down a longer distance and the exact same moment when you land on your feet the music starts playing with some awesome metal music. You're being thrown right into the fight with that music on your ears. After clearing the area, the music vanishes and you feel the tension drop and you can breathe again for a short moment. Really, the music is the reason why I fucking love this game.
Though I gotta admit that I refused to buy it because the game play videos after release didn't convince me at all. So after over two years I spent 20 bucks on it - and I thought to myself that I would not even have regretted the initial 60 bucks.
THIS is the kind of gaming journalism I´ve always wanted to see. Getting deep into the creative process of gamedesign is something that´s been lacking and this channel puts the bigboys to shame with it´s content and quality. The Witcher series and this show that Noclip puts in the work and have been some of the most interesting gaming related stuff I´ve ever watched. Solid work allround but Im especially impressed with how much he gets out of the people he interviews.. I hope, no, Im sure this channel will grow into a household name. Keep it up man!!!
Indeed. Classic TV journalism would do it like „what is this video game trend the youngsters are doing“ and bring like really basic or even wrong stuff
This documentary was so damn well done and it made me love the game even more.
Yeah. Seeing how much of their hearts was put into the game makes me appreciate it a whole lot more. And look how awesome Hugo and Mick especially are.
I agree
+Matěj Rytych I was surprised. I didn't think I would like the documentary when I saw it was the guy from Gamespot. It's an awesome doc.
One thing that Gamespot really does right is gaming documentaries, the Warcraft Documentary was great too or maybe it was Blizzard, can't remember. I think they did a Halo one also.
I am 33 year old metal head. Never really grew up and have fond memories of figuring out what metal songs "inspired" the original games. When I first fired up DOOM 2016 and heard those chunky guitar riffs, I instantly had a smile on my face. This is the first game soundtrack in a very long time that I could see myself just listening to. It's fucking perfect!
Chad Bremer same here.
Thirded. 33 years as of metal and rock and this is just mezmerizing 💪
17:11 - “What does it mean to be scared of demons? Are you scared of demons?”
No. No, you are not. And I think Mick figured that out.
Everything clicks in Doom perfectly. It's the game of the year for me. The soundtrack is fantastic.
Totally agree, I'm gaging for an expansion because I've replayed it so many times now lol
so fucking well desinged and loyal to its legacy, one of the best games of the generation
DrBreezeAir It literally sizzles with goodness... and this is coming from a Doom3 fanatic (as proof of this I remember most of id softwares employees from the zombie prison in Delta Labs 2a)
The sound design is almost perfect. A masterpiece
the visualizing of the flow of combat by using chess pieces was super smart.
Galactic Brain Dentist Love the design of Doom...on the surface it may look like every other mindless FPS...but it's actually quite cerebral...
And it's even more awesome cause they laid down the foundation a long, long time ago...
Thanks so much for watching folks. We hope you enjoyed this series. Make sure to subscribe and check out our Patreon ( for updates on what we cover next. Oh and we totally shot some Quake stuff when we visited id too - look forward to that in the new year.
Noclip YES!
Great, GREAT production. Totally got me into gaming-mode.
This is insanity, I spent my lunch hour watching parts 1 and 2 and got seriously bummed that part 3 was not up... and now it is.
Fantastic content, a well deserved sub is your reward.
This was a triumph. (Hint hint) :) With Rocket League and this series, I'd say Noclip is off to a great start, Danny. Can't wait for more!
Noclip great production but make them longer :-)
i come to youtube for THIS kind of content!
HATS OFF to your documentaries David, the first time i saw "the point" series that you made for gamespot i told myslef "this guy really shows the passion he has for videogames"
Matteo Bonalumi it's danny
oh god,
i'm an idiot
Amazing documentary. I could listen to Hugo and Mick Gordon FOR HOURS. And that gameplay at the credits had me smiling all the time, that's how good DOOM is. Thank you for this kind of content!!
Hugo and Mick both seem like dead-set legends.
Thats why I like the revenants. The vibe i got from this as soon as I met one for the first time is that of all the things the doomslayer kills its the only one crazy enough to somehow find enjoyment on the battlefield. I like to imagine that even though the demons attack you aggressively theyre all scared shitless of you except the crazy-ass revenants who go wild trying to hype themselves up enough to face the doomslayer.
Ross Hilgemeier well their technically a skeleton so their face is kind of stuck like that all the time
@@caindis-abel-dhisbrother9601 witness my metal DOOTS
I can just imaging two revenants slapping each other and screaming you can do it!!! (Hyping themselves up) 🤣🤣🤣😂😂
for those of you with spotify accounts, the DOOM soundtrack is there for your enjoyment
Philth Collins BFG Division is my go to on the ride to work
My kids headbang to this tune as well.
And enjoy Spotify's very helpful and insistent "related" music suggestions from things like Final Fantasy and Super Mario Brothers. Because if you like a metal as fuck soundtrack from this video game, you'll totally love a capella covers of Mega Man music.
plinkman0 Spotify is far from perfect, but I've discovered a lot of kickass music on there. There's a crap ton of proper mega man remixes, like the We Are Rockmen albums
I nominated doom for my "I added the entire soundtrack to my Spotify page" award on steam
Mick Gordon is such a legendary composer, I love this guy
So is flipping the table the BFG of chess?
Or lighting the board on fire and smashing it to pieces with your chair.
The BFG of chess is pulling a shotgun on your opponent.
The BFG is putting a wrecking ball through your home and destroying the living room where the board is.
Pulling down your pants and dropping a turd on the board. Lol
I don't think I've seen anything like this on youtube before.
Senor Salty Check out Ahoy for something just as interesting and well made.
Yes, Ahoy is as close as it gets. You'll notice there's a ton of information overlap between videos though, as it has to be.
Ahoy is a similar channel full of awesome content about videogames (mostly how real life firearms are implemented in games, but there's some other stuff about gaming and even movies)
The "Devs Play" series from Double Fine Productions is also worth checking out.
This ended up being phenomenal from start to finish, great work!
Mick Gordon seems super cool. He seems like he has a huge passion for what he does. I loved how he had a huge smile on his face for pretty much the entire interview. Great series, can't wait to see what's next.
I have to admit I was one of the people rolling their eyes at the glory kills. I wasn't really excited for the new Doom at all. I thought it looked great but gameplay wise was just going to be a disappointed reboot. Boy was I wrong. The way the glory kills keep you in the combat is great and I'm sorry for doubting them.
Rewarding aggressive play with Health and ammo just dials up the fun factor too
On my first playthrough of on normal, I thought they were just interruptions to the combat and restrictive.
But after working my way up to harder difficulties, they are a very welcome split-second breather during combat, even vital to your survival by briefly becoming invincible when things get too crowded so you can plot your next move to escape.
How can Overwatch be chosen as "Game of the Year" compared to a masterpiece like this?
Because god is dead
@@Cygnus0lor but doomguy is alive
maybe doomguy killed him.
Because it's all pageantry and nobody should be taking game awards seriously. It's like the Oscars, it's all bullshit.
DOOM is my favorite game of 2016. And you can tell that the people who worked on it actually cared about what they made, which is unusual in recent years.
"I think this thing may turn out okay, I think it may be alright." He had no. F'in. Idea. This and his Wolfenstein soundtracks are essentially back to back headbanging masterpieces. *And* finished up the series with BFG Division in the background. What a beautiful series. Top stuff!
Mick Gordon:"i think this might be okay" UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE DECADE
All 3 parts were really well done, informative and entertaining. I'm going to buy the game as a result of watching these tubes. I liked the Mick Gordon's comment that the character is the enemy of the demons. A subtle yet important shift. In Dead Space, for instance, one certainly feels like the creatures are the enemy. It's an interesting perspective.
What an amazingly awesome series. :) I've always loved your work, Danny but this is a whole new level.
P.S - Whoever is responsible for your motion graphics deserves a medal.
smartbluecat they only have a 2 man team so chances are some of that is Danny himself doing the gfx!
Oh my god. Mick's hierarchy is one of the most ingenious ideas I've ever heard for doing any kind of creative work.
The insight into how Mick produced the music for the game is absolutely fascinating. Great job, Danny.
Really can't wait to see what he does next, the Doom OST is just perfect for the game, and for listening to when doing anything else intense and fun
Knocked it out of hell with this one, Danny! I think projects like these are super important for preserving video game history and I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job than this.
Goddamn. I'm not much of a documentary guy, but this series was absolutely fascinating. Not only was it a touch entertaining, but it was incredibly insightful for both id software's various processes and how they overcame every roadblock they ran into.
You are a god damn legend for making this Danny.
Mick Gordon is really a legend, my respects
BFG Division is one of the best gaming soundtrack in many years. Mick Gordon made it look easy. I can't think up something like that even in my dreams. \m/
Danny - You're doing the Lord's work! Keep it up!
The Mick Gordon part was especially fascinating (as was all of it). That sound track is GOAT level and BFG division is the best, most fitting, track for a game I've ever heard.
This channel is rapidly turning into a treasure trove. Well done.
This channel is so awesome, I’ve been looking for something like this for years. A channel that does documentaries on nothing but video game studios and games in general. What a treat. Love it
The comments made by Mick here align and make sense based on the current situation with him and ID software, They did him dirty man. With Doom Eternal they didn't send him gameplay footage and gave him a very short deadline no wonder it came out jank.
Incredible. Thinking of Doom 2016 & Doom Eternal, heavy metal seems synonymous. Yes, the synth music was incredible, and definitely set the stage for the futuristic feel of the Mars locations. But when you got into the meat and potatoes which were the hell landscapes, heavy metal seemed perfect.
LOOOOVE that edit at 22mins in, when the composer says "They started bopping their head when the music came in" and in the doccumentary itself the BGM goes silent. Brilliant
Who had headbanged to BFG Division at the end of this documentary? This documentary has made me fallen in love with DOOM again!
22:38 that is so sweet, really happy with the result, he can be very proud of his soundtrack, everybody loved, he have done an incredible job
*It's really interesting how much work and detail they put into this project. I'm sure the same group could do amazing work on feature films. ✅🙂*
Classic doom had a pretty good implementation of the music too:
Action songs were used for the military bases, e1m1, e1m4 and e1m9
Mysterious-like songs for the abandoned facilities like m2, m3, m6 was a weird one though
and horror type songs for the labs of m5 and m7
loved the 3 episodes. A pity this is the final video
the7observer he usually put out extended interviews, so there is still stuff to watch :)
Looking at what Marty and Mick said about actually listening to the fans when they complained about the glory kills and the soundtrack made me smile, Id actually cares about what the fans say, and they care about the games they make, they do know what they want to do, not what the publisher expects them to do... A lot of developers both AAA and Indie could learn a couple of things from them, awesome work on this series man, thanks for putting a smile on my face...
This documentary is excellent. I've never played DOOM (2016) and I was among those who were very sceptic as I grew up at 90's and DOOM was big part of my life. But now I think this will be my next buy. Also on the other side it put great light on designing process and development - it was great to watch how much different things you have to go through to make a big game and see thinking of creators. Looking forward for next videos
did u buy it?
Awesome job on this!! I love how the Mancubus is the first baddy you seen when the credits start rolling. He has my favorite description from Doom 2 which is, "The only good thing about fasto is that he's a nice wide target. Good thing, it takes a lot of bullets to puncture him. He pumps out fireballs like there was no tomorrow!"
This game has amazing foreground music! =D
this soundtrack has amazing gameplay
@@andrewvaldez1710 I'm sorry Anders, but Andrew wins this one xD
So fucking interesting digging into how Mick made the soundtrack to this wonderful game. Thank you NOCLIP
This series was really good, loved the honesty that you just don't see in any behind the scenes anymore. I know developers would love to tell the honest stories, hopefully this series will be the first of many like it.
I'm obsessed with this game atm. So ready for Eternal. Fantastic documentary
That talk with the composer for the game was really insightful. Interesting to see how the process goes on a project like DOOM.
Thank you for this documentary, loved every second of it.
The glory kill seemed to get boring fat *until I *realised you get rewarded with health and ammo. In that sense the mechanic is similar to that of Bloodborne. Taking risk is rewarded and often, taking risk is necessary to progress. Awesome design!
Holy Hell. Noclip... You have passed what I was expecting and just kept going. You've got serious talent and I hope you continue making these type of documentaries. The level of quality here is beyond the norm. Bravo!
Glad to see music being recognized as the crucial element of video game experiences that it is
As a kid, DOOM was horror. Man the nightmares that game conjured up still haunt me today.
This whole Doom documentary is really the best documentary I've seen ever.
While it is tell the one of my favorite game of all time, I'm really glad that this whole documentary is on the discussion of how doom really is all about, not just how's it can be success.
Salute to Noclip team who did all this, really fantastic work guys!
Also, you guys speak so clearly even the automatic subtitles are mostly spot-on. Awesome.
Jesus Christ. Be never played a DOOM game- never had an interest. But this documentary gave me such a great respect! Danny you are a savior to the industry!
Danny O'Dwyer, thank you for seeking your dreams and giving us the gift that is you and your teams vision that resulted in NoClip. You are the David Attenborough of video game documentaries. You and those you surround yourself with are going to go great and wonderous places. Cheers mate, and hats off to the voyage ahead.
glory kills are one of the absolute best parts of the game. The feel of the guns, the music and the graphics were all perfect but the animation was also some of the best in all of gaming.
Loving these documentaries. Keep 'em coming!
Damn, Mick really laid out the creative process in his take on making the music for DOOM.
Also wow, Mick Gordon's ability to map out his creative process is mind boggling.
Usually I hear about these internal stories in magazines, exclusive web articles, or people close to the development team. Problem with these mediums is that they will be hard to preserve over the long-run and share. Noclip serving as an archive vault is great as video is harder to lose.
Great job with the work, Danny! Also to everybody agreeing to get interviewed by Danny, since nothing would come without their support. ^_^
It sucks that Mick Gordon won't ever be doing another Doom soundtrack. The man created an entire new genre of music (Argent Metal) for Doom. The way Bethesda mistreated him is a travesty. Also, if you want to hear another great soundtrack from Mick Gordon, you should listen to the 2013 Killer Instinct soundtrack. Such a great example of remaking classic tracks with new sounds and stylings.
Killer Instinct OST is a masterpiece of pure musicianship and craftsmanship. Idk why exactly the reason they mistreated him like that. Perhaps cuz he was a freelancer and wouldn't come on board as an ID employee, idk. But when u look at all the evidence that mick exposed , it's insane how much manipulation and dishonesty and sabotage was going on.
I think they wanted their own in house guy to do it
Mick Gordon, what a legend! Thanks Danny, for a fantastic ride through hell! I honestly fired up Doom 1 yesterday just to have a go! I could still remember the levels! That is the show of a lasting game...
This was sheer brilliance. Thank you so much! I would've liked to hear about why the multiplayer was outsourced to Certain Affinity and the negative reaction to it from the fans, but otherwise, amazing work bro!!
Goddamn, this is so good
There needs to be more documentaries like this on the internet. I'm tired of not having any idea who makes these games and only hearing about poor decisions when it comes to the publishers.
Doom (2016) remains to be one of my most cherished games from this year. You can feel the passion that went into it and I'm very glad that these guys got their efforts rewarded.
This was delightful, I have not felt this kind of excitement for video games in years.
Danny, you're like the only game journalist who I can trust. Everything you've said about the past and future of games I agree with, and I'm happy to see you still making more great content. This channel is going to be massive. Congrats.
Fantastic Series. getting to see footage of Doom 4 1.0 was a true treat (even if health regen in a doom game is sacrilege IMO). truly something for all doom fans to enjoy. Rip And Tear.
I honestly have never seen better produced content on youtube. amazingly well done
Great documentary! This should be mandatory material for any aspiring game developer to watch!
Absolutely sterling work. How anyone could mark this series down is beyond me. They know it's a documentary, they know it's about Doom, they know it's about id; so if you're not interested in those three things why bother watching it in the first place?
Anyway, keep up the great work brother.
Holy shit, listening to Mick talk about his process with creating the music was so fucking good.
i JUST found out about this documentary. a bit too late. thanks for making it.
as a player, to this moment, i just felt the developers (especially the creative director) was reminding me how i felt while i was playing doom. it's almost like, the design is so good that everything they wanted to make us feel, i've felt all of that. i mean, i was literally smiling playing doom and realized how i've never felt like this playing a game for a very long time. thanks.
p.s: mick gordon is god.
4:20 I fucking agree, I dislike a game where I spent most of my time behind cover and backing up (like most zombie game), this is one of my main reason I love DOOM!
13:59 We present to you a talented artist that got screwed by Bethesda.
The insight on how he made the soundtrack was really, really cool. Hearing him talking about how he organizes things before he ever starts trying to make it was fascinating, and completely new to me. I still kind of had that idea of artists just getting ideas for things randomly, this offered some real perspective.
Great documentary of DOOM.
I enjoyed this extremely.
dunno how it took this long for somebody to make legitimate documentaries about video game developments. I'm so glad you made this, I honestly want to know the behind the scenes stories of all my favorite games.
Here's to hopefully many more documentaries
Damn this was a good documentary.
+1 subscriber
I never knew how much I needed game documentaries. There's a million gaming facts and trivia channels on UA-cam, so why has it taken this long for someone to make a traditional-style documentary series that actually involves interviewing the creators? You guy's are doing Miyamoto's work!
I...I don't know what I'd call the music in Doom if not 'Heavy Metal'.
fireflocs industrial-synth-groove-djent-gordon-step
That's a good response.
Lassi Kinnunen Ah, so it's 'metal' to anyone who isn't super-versed in that stuff. That explains everything. Thank you.
What would you call bfg division?
blackember36x Metal As Fuck?
This stuff is seriously first rate. It's all the G4TV icons style stuff, except everything done well. Godspeed O'Dwyer.
I HAVE to play Doom now. No way around it
I was literally looking for a behind the scenes of doom 2 weeks ago, and I couldn't find anything except a great behind the music of doom mini-doc. Then this shows up somehow. Really great documentary good work.
These are _insanely_ good, been absolutely mesmerized in front of every episode. Outstanding job.
"you are okay, you're doing well, everybody is scared of you"
BFG division gives such good eargasms
I loved the music and it's seamless integration in the game, and despite its heaviness, not one section felt too repetitive. Top notch work!
This game was a materpiece. Looking forward to the continuation of the madness
Time to get Eternal...
I've never even played DOOM, but I admire ID a lot, and I'm incredibly fascinated that a game that had everything stacked against it was able to blow everyone away. Thanks for documenting this.
This was an enjoyable ride, looking forward to your next documentary!
I've been wanting to play this game since release. Never was a DOOM fan but something about it really got me. On part 2 when Hugo was talking about movies and inspirations and the cheekiness of the game made me do it and purchase it. I can't wait. Thanks, Noclip.
These videos are great. They really make you appreciate the work that goes into the development of these games. I'm looking forward to seeing more from this channel.