I feel like the only reason Amatsu works for the style perfectly that hunters are given in this title, is for the same reason Narwa and Ibushi work well: they're consistently flying monsters that have moves coming from multiple levels of height. Something that no other monster really taps because they're still meant to be designed around the old hunting styles they were originally designed with. Even Malzeno was meant to just be another ground monster with some new twists. But it would also be super boring if *all* monsters were designed the same way as Amatsu, Narwa, and Ibushi, because then they wouldn't be unique anymore and it would demand even more a meta playstyle. As it is now, anyone is free to use Wirebugs whenever they want, they aren't forced. Most hunts don't care if you never use Wirebugs for your hunt, even for Wirefalls or Silkbinds. They're still designed around the old system enough that you can get away without ever using them. (I tested this recently by killing off Scorned Magnamalo without using Wirebugs.) Even Narwa and Ibushi, while having moves designed around the bugs, still provide old-world methods of escaping all attacks. I think Amatsu being the first to *Demand* the use of Wirebugs is brilliant.. But I think it would've ruined the game's success a bit if every monster was designed this way, only because while people are now calling it a mistake to have them, they allow true free-play. If they were demanded for every fight, this free-play would be lost and every hunt would've felt same-y, making it an equally if not worse mistake than having the wirebugs to begin with. The way it's setup now, every player can still play for something else Rise brings to the table that World didn't... Nostalgia. The nostalgia of the handheld series of MH that ran strong for years. Nostalgia of some of the old areas, being licked with a new paint in the new game world. Nostalgia of old hunts and beasts fiercer than ever. Nostalgia of the hub vs village series fights that let you jump right in with or without a buddy to go straight through. Nostalgia of being able to hunt any way you like without being forced to use anything. (Looking at you Slinger and Clutchclaw. You know what you did.) Bonus thoughts: I agree that Amatsu was the most breath-taking fight in Rise, but not the whole series. To *me* that crown is still on Dalamadur's head. Something about a giant snake monster wrapped around the very mountain you're standing on, trying to attack you from all sides just feels amazing and tense. I feel like Dala could've worked in Rise too. Many of the abilities Dala has is around the new climbing mechanic that appeared in 4, which meant getting vertical to escape attacks or reach attack points for the Hunter. It would've been nice. Kinda sad it hasn't come back since 4U yet. But yea, Amatsu had really good cinematic design and made for a fun fight using everything you learned up to that point. A grand finale for a grand adventure so to speak. Can't wait to see our bonus monster's hunt later in June.
Worldborne is still an amazing game, clutch claw doesn't completely ruin that 🎯 rise giving you nostalgia is great since veterans should be respected and given nods too always. Just wish those veterans wouldn't put down the game)players of the game that brought so many new people into the series. That's a good thing. We all are in it together.
I agree Dalamadur is super cool to see, but that's really only in its presentation, it's battle is kinda of a miss or hit that doesn't really live up to its grandiose where as Amatsu does. If Dalamadur returns in the 6th generation and they rework him than yeah Dalamadur would be the fight he was always meant to have but for now Amatsu takes the cake
@@n-aera this is just an added bonus, not the main part of the update. i haven't spoiled that one but i doubt anyone would ever stick around for 2 months just waiting for a harder amatsu
@@n-aeraWith MH is different to be honest, since the hype is not only the appearance of the monster, but how they will do the fight in that generation and what new moves it will have. Now in the current state of Sunbreak we know what the new variant is capable of and that hasn't killed my hype. Actually I t has increased it, I really want to see how all those "spoilers" will happen in gameplay. But still, always respect and don't say spoilers unless a person wants to know them.
5:28 i believe HR narga is the first monster to teach you that you cant just constantly abuse wirefall because his spin and double leap forward attacks cover most wirefall actions
This quesy felt like a massive pleaser to Portable 3rd, from the sound effects being P3rd, to the cutscene doing a cameo of the original Amatsu cutscene. Even small obscure references like Valstrax attacking it was a big suprise to Lore nerds like me
I've also had a personal belief that, given the lore of the world of MH, even Utsushi going for an Apex Zinogre is part of the world building. P3rd's village was endangered due to the Zinogre population being displaced as they fled from Amatsu's arrival. News like that would absolutely spread around and eventually come to Kamura village, where one certain radical hunter who's a fan of zinos would hear about the stories. All these years (?) later, said hunter is now a bonafide teacher and helping his favorite pupil fight the threat that he's only heard about through word of mouth, and being as crafty as he is, Utsushi goes and finds the one monster that he thinks would absolutely love to thrash against Amatsu
Amatsu was 10/10, only thing stopping it from being Fatalis level 11/10 or something was that it does SO LITTLE DAMAGE. OG Amatsu literally guaranteed 70% of your health getting cleaned from his stronger attacks even in maxed armor with some water resistance even in like, GU. Sunbreak Amatsu has all the difficulty, but he hits for like mega potions amount of damage for strong attacks so you don't get the pressure of classic Amatsu. I'm healing often, proving it's a very good hard fight, but I'm not worried because the amount I'm having to heal from a hit isn't extreme, so it leaves me excited for Hazard Amatsu which I believe is practically confirmed or something
1:49 You can also continue wailing on Amatsu hoping to flinch it while it does this, rather than just spending that entire window running away. It's been that way since the old games, too! 5:45 I like using the Great Wirebugs to get around this one, they take you well above the tunnel, and Amatsu won't be able to hit you, either.
Wirebugs have made the combat a lot less enjoyable for me, precisely because of wirefalling. It doesn't feel as impactful nor as threatening to fight monsters and make mistakes during fights, simply wirefall and heal. I hope every future game stays well clear of any similar mechanic.
I started replaying mh4u and I was finding myself automatically trying to wire bug away after being hit making me realise how often and without thinking I use it. Totally agree probably one of the main reasons the difficulty in rise feels so easy
@@Iglooboy1 What about Sunbreak, though? I definitely felt myself get punished for stupid, reflexive wirefalls, like he said in the video. It's almost like they did their best to 'fix' the issue...
if you really need an answer how to balance the wirebug, it should be tied to your stamina, it makes sense too, you shouldn't be able to constantly fling yourself around, but for real though, i want wirebug to stay just so i can see people cry about it, i love seeing people get mind broken over this little magic bug.
To be fair, that's exactly what the limited uses are for. If you don't use any skills, you can easily find yourself having no wirebug to dodge with if you just used one for an attack
I'll be honest... After Rise, I honestly think I hate the old style of MH. The actual agility and fluidity of combat in Rise feels so much better and makes every fight feel fun to me. And to be frank, without something unique like wirebugs and such, I honestly thing Old MH feels too much like a dated version of a Soulslike.
You know, I randomly stumbled upon your channel and your analysis on this topic blew me away and never thought about this until now. You gained a new subscriber!
I've been saying this since I saw what RE engine is capable of in DMC5. They make fights that looks like it's a cutscene into gameplay and it doesn't require high end PC to do it. When I saw Rise also uses RE engine, I was a bit disappointed with what they do and then rralize they have to consider if switch can handle it or not. When Amatsu came in and I sae what capcom does, it baffles me. Now I'm really really looking forward to the next MH series with RE engine.
To those Elitists who are still jerking themselves, Amatsumagasutchi is not hard, never will, even in MHP3rd, but it's a damn well-made boss fight. If you want hard, then go ham on Anomaly Lvl 300, go cart there as much as your heart pleases.
Yeah while I do love a challenging hunt, I don't think a fight necessarily has to be hard to be good. There are plenty of bosses (amatsu included obviously) that are extremely fun and well designed, but just aren't meant to be these overwhelmingly difficult challenges. I think a good balance of both types of fights is ideal
I disagree heavily with that statement. Rise has barely any hard fights, and for a veteran like me that's kinda sad. Amatsu was THE big boss, I would have at least wanted to have somewhat of a tough time with him. While anomaly quests are definitely difficult, they are usually not so for the right reasons, which is the same reason arch tempered quests in World were silly to me too. I don't want a fight that is the same fight as before but now the monster has 14 times more health and hits 37 times as hard as the earlier versions. The fight actually needs to be designed towards being difficult, exactly why I thought Fatalis was such a phenomenal final boss. I didn't want Amatsu to be as hard as Fatalis but I at least wanted a challenge, and while he has never been that tough of a monster before either, that doesn't mean they can't stray from an old formula. I get it, the black dragons are the strongest lore-wise, but Amatsu should at least be a strong fight to warrant a title like "God of Calamity". Don't get me wrong, I like the fight a lot, but the spectacle of his attacks isn't all that impressive if he's next to no real danger to the player. It's fireworks being thrown at me, not actual bombs. Anomaly quests do a decent job *sometimes* to make an easy fight more difficult, but in a lot of cases it boils down to "well this time it just kills me if I get unlucky". Specific weapons also matter a lot in that regard, because monster tracking is surprisingly weak in this game and any slight shift of my feet can lead to the monster completely missing me during my counters and then annihilate me with a move afterwards I would have usually been able to play around. In a game that's so much more counter focused than the ones before it can be an issue. I love Rise, I really do, but I've been a fan of the series for about 15 years now and as I got better over time the games have become easier in return, leading to a lot of fights becoming stale after a few hunts of the same monster.
I think saying that the only people who think Amatsu should've been harder are elitists is kinda ignorant. It's definitely not incorrect to want a harder fight for the final BIG BOSS of Sunbreak. Nobody says it needs to be a Fatalis level hunt, but the fact that most people didn't even triple cart the first time they fought it is kinda lame. There's nothing beyond the spectacle of the fight if you've been playing the game semi consistently throughout it's lifespan.
And if u trully miss them just go and play Iceborn once more as they themself were only hard in world in other games they were more annoying then dangerous/hard
So, there are some key points I want to address. First, the pulling in. In older games, you actually had fear. Either you commit to deal damage and try to flinch Amatsu to interrupt the attack, or you run away. In SB, you basically take that away. You can deal damage and then decide to just go away with the Wirebugs. In my opinion, it takes away parts of the fight. Mainly quick decision making. Now you can just change your mind on the fly if you run away. Second. Falling back on counters. Amatsu is designed to punish you for the thing you did the whole game. But Amatsu is not telling you. Let's take the waterball attacks for example. All of them are double hits. That means, you cannot counter them with Anchor Rage or Insta-Block, you cannot dodge them with Dodgebolt nor can you roll through it. The double waterbeam as well. Even the tornado wall, which you showed to jump over is one of it. You are forced to. You can't block it without enough guard skills or you get pushed away, if you get hit and wirefall into it, you get hit again. it's too slow to roll through it. So if you can't jump over it, you are basically out of luck. Third. The "spectacle". Sure, the fight looks amazing. But here is the point: You are forced to watch it. No matter how much damage you deal to Amatsu, it's HP are locked at some point. And the worst thing, you can flinch it before it does the scripted attack. Making you feel like you deal damage while in reality, Amatsu takes no damage at all due to the HP locks. It's complete fine to lock everything the first time so you can appreciate the hard work the developer put into it. But after that, remove the HP locks in the repeatable optional quest. It's a strange feeling if you think you did well just to discover that in one hunt, where you performed worse, you are actually killing it way faster because you don't flinch lock Amatsu out of scripted attacks. Lastly, Wirefall. The point that Amatsu is sucking you into the air and you have to use it is not true. You can use the great wirebug or simply bomb yourself or even farcast to avoid it completely. It's a huge oversight that the great wirebug on the map makes those attacks harmless and easy to avoid without any risk. Wirefall itself takes away the learning process. You find yourself relying on it all the time, not learning the monsters attacks because you can just Wirefall if you get hit and heal. Previous games punished you if you get hit. SB takes away 1 Wirebug and you are back in action. I'm not here to convince anybody. I like the fight. But I think criticising what you like is a very constructive way. If people wouldn't care, then there would be no criticism at all. On the surface the fight is well thought out. Digging deeper however reveals flaws and oversights that can be fixed easily. Disabling the great wirebugs for those specific attacks for example or removing HP locks to show that you improve via the faster completion time. In future games, I hope Capcom does some changes to the things I mentioned.
I agree with most of what you say, as I'm not a fan of wirebugs either or the faster, counter-heavy combat. But I think SB needed a more scripted fight like this. It was lacking well designed, scripted fights. Most monsters in sunbreak (aside from the bosses, Narwha, Ibushi, Gaismagorm, and now Amatsu) you could put any other monster in its place and not much would be different. However, with Amatsu, the issue is that while these mechanics are cool, the hunter is still too powerful and even if they make the mistake, they're not going to be punished too much. Also like you said, you can just ignore some mechanics and farcaster away. The direct comparison would be with Fatalis. Fatalis was also a spectacle of a fight with mechanics and HP locks. Dealing with the breath attacks and hiding behind the door were more impactful than Amatsu's ultimate, at least that's how I felt. There's more urgency and danger. Something about SB's gameplay, where monsters are faster and more powerful than ever, somehow doesn't make them feel dangerous, but more tedious and annoying.
@@garylai363 Because instead of actually making monsters faster, they focus on trying to make the monsters have double hits and lingering hit boxes to counter the broken counter centric gameplay that they themselves made. Amatsu is the same speed, and because of how fast hunters are he doesn’t feel as good as a hunt as he did in P3rd. Not to mention the excessive amount of combos monsters have now, which also try to counter the hunter. Honestly just give the old tracking back, it was much more fun and exhilarating from my experience when SB first came out. Or at least make the difficulty of the demo the same as the actual game.
I feel this man. I like the game becuase it's monster hunter but the wirebugs while cool aren't monster hunter. I like the slow methodical combat. I think world is probably the fastest the slow style can get. Rise specifically sunbreak is doing the most. Like it's fun but playing it makes me wanna play world. I've actually played 3U recently friend wants to go through older games 3U is the oldest newcomer friendly game so we going through it and I was having a lot of fun. 3U was my first game and it still feels really solid in all honesty
@@Mariofredx the monsters in SB feel like robots. They’re just juiced so far just to match the Hunter. Some times they’re just relentless and never tire. Counter or die to deal with the onslaught.
@@garylai363 They do tire often, I assume you’re fighting afflicted monsters that only go in a tired state after you hit all the red growths on them. You don’t even need counters to survive, most monsters aren’t even fast enough to be a problem, and in some cases are actually slower than previous gens (Narga, Tigrex). The problem is when you use counters to deal damage. They’re used purposely for offense, not defense.
The one thing I see a lot is difficulty. Is it actually really easy? Or is this another game like the Souls series where people will tell you Dark Souls 1 is hard just because it was their first game when in fact it's actually easier than those that followed.
I wouldn't mind of Wirebugs were kept as a rise only kinds of thing. However I want the switch skills to stay. I don't think I can play gunlance again without things like eruption cannon or Blast dash.
I think Amatsu's old super attack being replaced by "generic-AOE-now-use-this-mechanic" attack is the biggest crime in this fight, it's use of the great wirebug is really simple, as that the only thing it does. It's not that impressive in my opinion. The big tornado attack also feels redundant because of wirebug, I'm not a fan of it. Other than that the fight is great, theres 2 moves that actually make great use of wirebug better since he actually sends you up into the air.
It's probably my favorite monster hunter fight of all time. Thats just my opinion though. That part when the guy shows up with the thing and you use the thing... Beautiful. Great video as always.
Counter point of Narwha, the fights basically gets paused cause you can't fight while dangling on a wirebug since they have Narwha high enough in the air you can't attacker her normally. So they expect you to start using Balisstae and cannons. They just made only one monster that "properly" utilises the wirebug mechanic. Until they added more in Sunbreak and then finally, Amatsu. But it's still just a few of many monster that make the wirebug mechanicbeing more than just fast transportation and recovery.
I never thought that wirebugs are a mistake I just feel like rise made us too op everything is too fast its too chaotic and i dont like it as much as other MH games its still very good and i have 300h on it kind of wish if amatsu was harder thats the only bad side of his fight
I think rise is amazing but I'd rather them slow things down for the next main line. More emphasis on exploring and tracking over shooting across the map
Amatsu was a fun and beautiful fight, but it was criminally underwhelming and piss easy for an endgame final boss. Hoping for the bonus update to bring something just as challenging as any black dragon with a full on cracked armor set. Rise in general always felt easy and it still does to this day.
Between the parallels with the wirebugs, all of the Generations vibes with returning monsters and mechanics, and the fact that she has that mummy motif to fit in with the Three Lords, I was really hoping that Ahtal-Ka would find her way into Sunbreak and be just as spectacular and well-rounded a final boss as Amatsu turned out to be. There's still one last little update coming, but it's seeming pretty unlikely she'll sneak her way in at this point, and I'm very sad about that.
The only thing that really bugs me about this fight, is that it really pushes my switch to its limits, or rather with 2 followers and all that effect spam the framerate begins to slow down my inputs. It just feels a bit worse to play bcuz of that, but thats not Amatsus fault lol
Amatsu is the best fight because it makes you use wirebugs and its a spectacle. I had to sit through the entire video to hear this. It's a really terrible fight esp if you're melee. If you're ranged it takes 2 minutes. The silk on the ballistas is finite and a gimmick and if you waste em you're going to have a bad time.
The only thing I thought when seeing that spectacle was, “wow this is just frontier now”. Don’t get me wrong, Frontier is fun, but I never wanted the mainline games to follow suit. Now all that matters is speed, dps, and avoiding crazy aoe spectacle attacks. Makes me sad tbh, but I know I’m in the vast minority.
So, some people are wondering why the hardest fights in Rise/SB don't feel as hard as those in World/IB. The thing about Alatreon and Fatalis is pressure, asphyxiating pressure, a race to reach a threshold or you die. Same concept, different outcome with Safi and KT, it's a DPS/partbreaking race, the buttclench is real. Raging and Furious have Rise level damage output, mobility and speed, but you're stuck without wirebugs or anything remotely similar, so they feel fucking hard. Now Amatsu is epic, Risen Elders will 2 shot you in decent armor, but the thing is there's no pressure, you have 50 minutes, you can always take your time, slot defensive skills, gather spiritbirds, go the safe route and they'll die regardless in 25 minutes or less. I miss the pressure, I want to feel the fear I felt the first time Raging Brachydios blocked the cave entrance and turned the floor into fucking Chernobyl.
Agreed .I also feel that spiridbirds in general make the hunts less enjoyable . Unless you are god of dodging , you are forced to spend 5 minutes on exploring instead of hunting the monster. The game is called " Monster hunter" not "bs fly collector" ...
2:50 Reminds me of Adept back in GU. Except with that, you didn't choose to Adept Dodge, it just happened and with many weapons, that left you open to follow up attacks. Unless you were using Longsword or the bowguns, cancelling out of the running animation would take too much time and pretty much guarantee getting hit. You had to be skilled to pull off the dodge, but also where to dodge.
it's super cool and cinematic and really fun for being a big ass monster, but I reaaaaaaally miss the difficulty of fatalis or alatreon. I was so dissapointed when I finished it on the first run since I was expecting something akin to Alatreon since this is the second last update :/ fingers crossed that last update brings a mountain to climb
I was so happy about this fight and remembered there was a last monster that will be added in june and since they can't add a monster that is weaker than previous ones, next and last fight will be crazy, can't wait
fun fact, if you chit chat with hinoa at any stage in the game (even when you're still doing village quests), she will tell you that utsushi has a talent of doing monster impressions especially zinogre and practices it all the time. i know he uses stink mink to actually lure zinogre, but thinking about that seemingly useless talent be the one that turns the tables in such a difficult fight was simply phenomenal
another key thing to remember is that no other fight is like this, I had no idea you could just hang in the air during the tornado and be fine because there's zero other fights where wirebug movement is practical and intuitive because the entire rest of the game is so counter focused, even Narwa with the rings and stuff you can just roll through or counter them so even then it's not something I ever really though of.
Honestly kinda disappointed they didn’t make Ahtal Ka the last fight guess it might still be possible but doubt it. I mean it basically Has the same silk wire skill concept as the player And can use it to puppeteer a makeshift Mech come on this would of been epic
It comes down to perspectives which is why Capcom Messed Up. This fight, depending on what matters to you, can be tedious with attacks that feel more like QTE then attacks with some specific set pieces like if those specific tools that let you go high into the sky were not coincidentally on the ground you'd be dead or a wind tunnel that is more like trial and error the first time. Yet if you don't mind the tedium of it then you get an amazing visual show. Great for a movie but hit or miss for video games.
"back in the days, you have to run away from vacuum attacks cuz no wirebug" Apart from Frontier and Rise i have absolutely no memory of anything else that can vacuum
The point is: if you give hunters more options you have to give monsters more options too to counter, otherwise you thow the balance off. The logic CAPCOM failed to follow through from the beginning.
Amatsu is great, its just not alatreon/fatalis level, mostly because he is too easy. I can way more easily appreciate a good hunt if It takes me a while to beat. Risen monsters I don't like as much, just like I didn't like most AT monsters in world except maybe nergy. I design wise prefer amatsu over the black dragons too so I wanted this to be that fight that made me pump. The fight is for sure a spectacle but I am already kind of burned out of the combat in sunbreak so I just came back after a long break, beat it first try, quit again. And yea wirefall is broken, it should 100% be removed. Even if wirebugs themselves come back in the next portable, wirefall should not come back.
Amatsu works very well as the climactic story fight for Kamura village. It may not be as challenging as IB’s Fatalis, but it’s definitely way more fun.
To each their own, but it certainly doesnt hold a candle for me. I legit got chills on my 4th hunt when proof of a hero started playing while hunting Fatalis. Amatsu doesnt do that to most people, not difficult and doesnt have that hit. I mean to be fair, it also didnt have the build up of Safi, Alatreon and then a big bang...but thats a problem in its own right.
I've been playing since the psp days and I share your feeling about the fight, the fight for me boils down to "where is the monster under all these effects and can my weapon reach him?" I don't even bother watching out from it's attacks since they doesn't even deal that much damage.
Just found your channel today and I’m on a roll with your content, I love your way to present glaring issues with the series while also being fair. I gotta ask tho, WHATS THAT HOOD IN YOUR HUNTER I WANT IT (currently playing Sunbreak)
@ That’s crazy! Thank you so so much for looking for it! Been loving your channel. It’s scratching all my MH and indie itches that I’ve had for a while!
I really didn't like the amatsu fight. Took me two or three goes to get her down, but I found it more annoying than fun. Edited to clarify: the fight would have been much better without the gimmicky stuff
Wirebug in amatsu fight made him less divine than what he was in p3rd, it trivializes most of his moves in sunbreak making it just pure spectacle but not intense as it was back then (well this is rise as a whole except for risen EDs and some other monsters) Wirebug mastery should be something that needs you dodge amatsu moves mid-air for a continuous amount of time, but what we get are moves that plays around with the hunter for like 5 second and then thats it. He could've used his wind power more so hunter cannot touch the ground for a period of time, and THAT is when the wirebug mastery comes in.
Wonder, have you made a video about the monsters best combat redesign for rise that can retrofit back into mainline games, like world (by tunning the speed down a bit) and those that definitly didnt Cause the 2 Monster fights I wish remain in their Rise/Sunbreak incarnation at minimun if not evolve from there, are Rathalos and Kushala Daora, cause its actually fun to fight them in Rise since you dont have to struggle with them flying out of reach all the time and in Kushala specifically, its winds arent even half as bad as they were previously, you can actually fight him without wind protection
Wow that's a really good idea lol. I've mentioned the changes to rathalos before, not sure which video but I'm pretty sure I brought it up in passing. But I've never gone in depth with it, I might do that!
My experience with that oneshotting Amatsu move was basically this: "Wow what's happening? Guess I'll get away from Amatsu. Uhh this health drain is looking pretty bad, do I need to heal? Wait what did Utsushi say? Oh shit oh shit oh shit, will I make it anymore?" And then I died on my way to the sky with the great wire bug. So I can't really say I had some amazing awe experience about this move. Edit: I guess I should note that Amatsu has been my favorite monster since I started with P3rd, and pretty much the whole fight was an awe moment for me, biggest one probably when it started using lightning.
Wirebugs should absolutely remain exclusive to Rise, and they more than likely will. It took a while but more fights actually take the wirebug into account in Sunbreak so it feels more organic and less like a get out of jail free card. I'm not a huge fan of Amatsu's fight but it does feel like Rise is finally coming full circle.
it's kinda why I have some issues with Gaismagorm, it doesn't account enough for hunter option and as a result its kind of easy to exploit its flaws. Heck, my hunts of the poor guy as of late (with friends, I'll admit) mostly end with us obliterating it before it can make much of it's final phase.
This is the reason I don't abuse Wirebugs, I use them mainly from time to time exactly for defence instead going all out wasting them, and specially learned to play without the counters after Malzeno and Magnamalo with so many folloups even more when playing charge blade... I can say as a matter of fact that I make a re run without Wirefall Recovery because of how overpowered it was below master rank pre sunbreak to force me to play better the game instead of abusing that and going YOLO
got to love people saying this monster was a mistake because you have to use the things you have had since the beginning of the game the way they were intended to be used
Didn't get to fight Amatsu yet since I'm taking a break from Rise, but from the comments left by people it seems it's just another easy fight in Rise which is disappointing to hear. I figured they'd make the final boss of the game a challenge but it seems I was wrong. Oh well, in all honesty Rise was just a "distraction" game to me anyways. Something to keep my mind occupied until we get the true sequel to World. When that happens I do hope the wirebug is gone for good. Fun to use for one game but not something I would want in future titles.
I will never understand people who complain about too easy difficulty in Monster Hunter games. If it's too easy, just...don't use good equipment? This franchises whole schtick is that the player chooses the difficulty. You either gun through every quest, making it hard since you will never have enough materials for better equipment, or you grind a bit to make the next encounter less frightening.
False. I want the game to challenge me at my very best so I may have the incentive to adapt and improve, it is the core of the series from day 1 Monster hunter is about mastery, learning monster moveset, how good you are with your weapon etc. Since rise hunters are crazy bonkers powerful the monster couldn't keep up (except for risen EDs), here amatsu is such a trivial obstacle with the existence of wirebug significantly different than how he was in P3rd where even the BEST hunter might still fail against him
uuh. ok so one thing, the mid air tunnel attack? i always wirebugged towards amatsu as soon as the bugs were availibe and amatsu never moved by the time i was out. im confused
...I haven't fought him...due to certain pre requisites not being met. From what I can see...amatsu may be the coolest fight visually...but I get the feeling that it is a bad slippery slope that will lead to a very bad end for monhun. So far, I can't see why people are excited for this fight...praising it as though it is the best fight....it scares me for the future of monhun...or at least my time with it's future titles...
Also you start out whit a Point what imideatly creats problems. Attacks get harder to dodge, if not impossible, whitout Wirebugs, and Wire Bug Moves turn into a big Risk while Hunting. Not saying your Standpoint is bad, but Capcom made it harder to execute that Vision.
i loved the fights that utilized the wirebug mechanic so much! even if they are hard i enjoyed it! Almudron was the first monster i encountered to utilized the height of rise! vv [Spoiler for Zelda tears of the kingdom below] vv SIDENOTE: In hindsight, I should've noticed before but the amatsu fight reminded me of that flying Ice monster boss battle from tears of the kingdom! the part where they summon the pillars of tornados and you have to maneuver around them in the sky. Awesome stuff!
Here's a comment I've thought about after watching your Chained Echoes video Voocer: *talks about Chained Echoes* Epic Battle Fantasy 5 that has done basically all of the things he's talked about and also came out in 2018: Am i joke to you?
You can just comment on the chained echoes video itself if you want, youtube lists comments by date and time so if I get a comment on a video from a year ago, it'll just show up here! Pretty convenient system honestly
Appreciate wirebug gang! These guys are so strong they can fly against winds that hunters have trouble running against, while carrying a hunter on a silk string, all with their little bug wings. They could beat the monsters up 1v1 no questions asked, but instead choose to be our little movement buddies!
I dispised the amatsu fight in previous entries. Always hated wirebug moves, only ever used them for movement. Wirefall is bad, I never used it as it feels unfair for the monster's side. There need to be more moves that disable wirefall. -still think all damage should be tenthed but I know that'll never happen-
Utilizing a poorly executed mechanic for a few hunts isn't enough to justify its existence. The reason other monsters aren't designed around it is because they'd have to change EVERY monster's moveset. It's a mechanic that had no business being implemented to begin with, and I hope it dies like: underwater combat, hunter arts (mostly), and softening. The only thing I remotely enjoy about wirebugs is the quick recovery they can provide. I love the idea of having two quick recoveries on a cooldown.
I think what you call missed potential is actually not that. Sure everyone wished for the fights to incorporate the wirebugs way more but what if I tell you that they probably planned something like that for sunbreak and then had to scrap it? At least that's my theory on it. If you look at it there is some monsters who want you to use the wirebug in combat like almudron. Alot of people still didn't really use the wirebug to dodge him even though you can. Also there is both grapples and combo attacks that REQUIRE you to use the wirefall to get out of them. If you don't have a wirebug and your teammate doesn't like flash or something the second part of the grapple attack will always hit you. Similarly will some combo attacks where the first move knocks you right where the second one will hit. If you don't wirefall you will get hit by both and probably die. There is alot of these more minor things that they put in the game that require or benefit wirebug usage but they probably noticed by sunbreak that attacks requiring you to utilise the wirebug are not the best idea especially for wirebug focused weapons. I can imagine that the original plan was to have way more of those attacks but that that was simply not very doable. Sure big boss monsters like Narwa and Amatsu can use more such attacks but that's simply due to them being boss monsters, not only can they be way more creative and over the top with their moves (like amatsus sucking or the canons in the narwa fight) but they are also somewhat detached from the rest of the game and due to only being on a singular arena style map can use way bigger moves (which are often required to incorporate the wirebug into them) then monsters who you could face in relatively small areas. Imo they arrived at a dilemma where they could either make monsters as challenging as valstrax or incorporate the wirebug more and decided to go for the former as they realised with rise that forcing you to use the wirebug in certain situations is only more frustrating rather then beneficial due to you not having it at all times especially with very wirebug focused weapon playstyles. Sure you could still title this as missed potential but its mostly capcom making the right decision for the game.
Amatsu counters counters Risen shagaru has an entire moveset built around punishing you if you even DARE try counter him I like it i think counters are stupid and seriously should just stay with the weapons where it makes sense to have one
Wire bugs are really cool mechanic even the old Spider-man games been using it.
Spiderman should use it to ride Lions or Elephant
I demand a mh wire bug pizza delivery quest
@@NeocrimsonX Ask capcom to crossover with Spider-man
Can't believe that Spiderman stole the wire bug idea. Capcom should sue marvel
Most fights have like 1 moment of spectacle, Amatsu has like 4 and they all made me go HOOOLY SHIIIII!!! Whilst running for my life. So good.
Right?! There are just so many crazy things this monster does
That do be the thing I can agree on - his novas and whatnot are pretty cool ngl.
@@RyoIsamuGaming my favorite attack is the purple lightning beyblades, they are so cash
@@3sikesimdead946 oh yeah those moves are cool.
@@RyoIsamuGaming And Apex Zinogre.
I feel like the only reason Amatsu works for the style perfectly that hunters are given in this title, is for the same reason Narwa and Ibushi work well: they're consistently flying monsters that have moves coming from multiple levels of height. Something that no other monster really taps because they're still meant to be designed around the old hunting styles they were originally designed with. Even Malzeno was meant to just be another ground monster with some new twists. But it would also be super boring if *all* monsters were designed the same way as Amatsu, Narwa, and Ibushi, because then they wouldn't be unique anymore and it would demand even more a meta playstyle. As it is now, anyone is free to use Wirebugs whenever they want, they aren't forced. Most hunts don't care if you never use Wirebugs for your hunt, even for Wirefalls or Silkbinds. They're still designed around the old system enough that you can get away without ever using them. (I tested this recently by killing off Scorned Magnamalo without using Wirebugs.) Even Narwa and Ibushi, while having moves designed around the bugs, still provide old-world methods of escaping all attacks.
I think Amatsu being the first to *Demand* the use of Wirebugs is brilliant.. But I think it would've ruined the game's success a bit if every monster was designed this way, only because while people are now calling it a mistake to have them, they allow true free-play. If they were demanded for every fight, this free-play would be lost and every hunt would've felt same-y, making it an equally if not worse mistake than having the wirebugs to begin with. The way it's setup now, every player can still play for something else Rise brings to the table that World didn't... Nostalgia. The nostalgia of the handheld series of MH that ran strong for years. Nostalgia of some of the old areas, being licked with a new paint in the new game world. Nostalgia of old hunts and beasts fiercer than ever. Nostalgia of the hub vs village series fights that let you jump right in with or without a buddy to go straight through. Nostalgia of being able to hunt any way you like without being forced to use anything. (Looking at you Slinger and Clutchclaw. You know what you did.)
Bonus thoughts:
I agree that Amatsu was the most breath-taking fight in Rise, but not the whole series. To *me* that crown is still on Dalamadur's head. Something about a giant snake monster wrapped around the very mountain you're standing on, trying to attack you from all sides just feels amazing and tense.
I feel like Dala could've worked in Rise too. Many of the abilities Dala has is around the new climbing mechanic that appeared in 4, which meant getting vertical to escape attacks or reach attack points for the Hunter. It would've been nice. Kinda sad it hasn't come back since 4U yet.
But yea, Amatsu had really good cinematic design and made for a fun fight using everything you learned up to that point. A grand finale for a grand adventure so to speak. Can't wait to see our bonus monster's hunt later in June.
solid take well-explained
not even a shout out to my boy gogmazios
Worldborne is still an amazing game, clutch claw doesn't completely ruin that 🎯 rise giving you nostalgia is great since veterans should be respected and given nods too always. Just wish those veterans wouldn't put down the game)players of the game that brought so many new people into the series. That's a good thing. We all are in it together.
I agree Dalamadur is super cool to see, but that's really only in its presentation, it's battle is kinda of a miss or hit that doesn't really live up to its grandiose where as Amatsu does. If Dalamadur returns in the 6th generation and they rework him than yeah Dalamadur would be the fight he was always meant to have but for now Amatsu takes the cake
if people want a higher difficulty version, return next update. a hazard quest has been datamined for him
I absolutely HATE datamines and leaks, they absolutely kill every ounce of hype any game can create
@@n-aera this is just an added bonus, not the main part of the update. i haven't spoiled that one but i doubt anyone would ever stick around for 2 months just waiting for a harder amatsu
@@n-aeraWith MH is different to be honest, since the hype is not only the appearance of the monster, but how they will do the fight in that generation and what new moves it will have.
Now in the current state of Sunbreak we know what the new variant is capable of and that hasn't killed my hype.
Actually I t has increased it, I really want to see how all those "spoilers" will happen in gameplay.
But still, always respect and don't say spoilers unless a person wants to know them.
Holy shit Hazard Amatsu?!? I really can't wait for that quest!
@@HaganeNoMoonsalt you wanna know the best part? it's gonna reward mp accelerants
"Brand new vertical axis we have access to thanks to wire bugs"
Insect Glaive Users: "Hey, I've seen this one before"
Amatsu and its fight is almost as beautiful as your sub plug. Always a delight
Thank you!
5:28 i believe HR narga is the first monster to teach you that you cant just constantly abuse wirefall because his spin and double leap forward attacks cover most wirefall actions
This quesy felt like a massive pleaser to Portable 3rd, from the sound effects being P3rd, to the cutscene doing a cameo of the original Amatsu cutscene.
Even small obscure references like Valstrax attacking it was a big suprise to Lore nerds like me
I've also had a personal belief that, given the lore of the world of MH, even Utsushi going for an Apex Zinogre is part of the world building.
P3rd's village was endangered due to the Zinogre population being displaced as they fled from Amatsu's arrival. News like that would absolutely spread around and eventually come to Kamura village, where one certain radical hunter who's a fan of zinos would hear about the stories.
All these years (?) later, said hunter is now a bonafide teacher and helping his favorite pupil fight the threat that he's only heard about through word of mouth, and being as crafty as he is, Utsushi goes and finds the one monster that he thinks would absolutely love to thrash against Amatsu
@@Themasterjtg This is now canon in my mind
The lightning from the giant attack goes all the way up to the sky. I know because I've carted while trying to get on top of Amatsu during it.
Amatsu was 10/10, only thing stopping it from being Fatalis level 11/10 or something was that it does SO LITTLE DAMAGE.
OG Amatsu literally guaranteed 70% of your health getting cleaned from his stronger attacks even in maxed armor with some water resistance even in like, GU.
Sunbreak Amatsu has all the difficulty, but he hits for like mega potions amount of damage for strong attacks so you don't get the pressure of classic Amatsu. I'm healing often, proving it's a very good hard fight, but I'm not worried because the amount I'm having to heal from a hit isn't extreme, so it leaves me excited for Hazard Amatsu which I believe is practically confirmed or something
1:49 You can also continue wailing on Amatsu hoping to flinch it while it does this, rather than just spending that entire window running away. It's been that way since the old games, too!
5:45 I like using the Great Wirebugs to get around this one, they take you well above the tunnel, and Amatsu won't be able to hit you, either.
For me i usually go to nearest Ballista and shot Amatsu until he finish the typhoon
The really did Amatsu justice in Sunbreak, definitely the best fight in the game
Wirebugs have made the combat a lot less enjoyable for me, precisely because of wirefalling. It doesn't feel as impactful nor as threatening to fight monsters and make mistakes during fights, simply wirefall and heal. I hope every future game stays well clear of any similar mechanic.
I started replaying mh4u and I was finding myself automatically trying to wire bug away after being hit making me realise how often and without thinking I use it. Totally agree probably one of the main reasons the difficulty in rise feels so easy
@@Iglooboy1 What about Sunbreak, though? I definitely felt myself get punished for stupid, reflexive wirefalls, like he said in the video. It's almost like they did their best to 'fix' the issue...
if you really need an answer how to balance the wirebug, it should be tied to your stamina, it makes sense too, you shouldn't be able to constantly fling yourself around, but for real though, i want wirebug to stay just so i can see people cry about it, i love seeing people get mind broken over this little magic bug.
To be fair, that's exactly what the limited uses are for. If you don't use any skills, you can easily find yourself having no wirebug to dodge with if you just used one for an attack
I'll be honest... After Rise, I honestly think I hate the old style of MH. The actual agility and fluidity of combat in Rise feels so much better and makes every fight feel fun to me. And to be frank, without something unique like wirebugs and such, I honestly thing Old MH feels too much like a dated version of a Soulslike.
I've been playing rise for almost 300 hours and I do not relay on the wire bugs.
You know, I randomly stumbled upon your channel and your analysis on this topic blew me away and never thought about this until now. You gained a new subscriber!
I've been saying this since I saw what RE engine is capable of in DMC5. They make fights that looks like it's a cutscene into gameplay and it doesn't require high end PC to do it. When I saw Rise also uses RE engine, I was a bit disappointed with what they do and then rralize they have to consider if switch can handle it or not.
When Amatsu came in and I sae what capcom does, it baffles me. Now I'm really really looking forward to the next MH series with RE engine.
To those Elitists who are still jerking themselves, Amatsumagasutchi is not hard, never will, even in MHP3rd, but it's a damn well-made boss fight.
If you want hard, then go ham on Anomaly Lvl 300, go cart there as much as your heart pleases.
Yeah while I do love a challenging hunt, I don't think a fight necessarily has to be hard to be good. There are plenty of bosses (amatsu included obviously) that are extremely fun and well designed, but just aren't meant to be these overwhelmingly difficult challenges. I think a good balance of both types of fights is ideal
I disagree heavily with that statement.
Rise has barely any hard fights, and for a veteran like me that's kinda sad. Amatsu was THE big boss, I would have at least wanted to have somewhat of a tough time with him. While anomaly quests are definitely difficult, they are usually not so for the right reasons, which is the same reason arch tempered quests in World were silly to me too. I don't want a fight that is the same fight as before but now the monster has 14 times more health and hits 37 times as hard as the earlier versions. The fight actually needs to be designed towards being difficult, exactly why I thought Fatalis was such a phenomenal final boss. I didn't want Amatsu to be as hard as Fatalis but I at least wanted a challenge, and while he has never been that tough of a monster before either, that doesn't mean they can't stray from an old formula. I get it, the black dragons are the strongest lore-wise, but Amatsu should at least be a strong fight to warrant a title like "God of Calamity".
Don't get me wrong, I like the fight a lot, but the spectacle of his attacks isn't all that impressive if he's next to no real danger to the player. It's fireworks being thrown at me, not actual bombs.
Anomaly quests do a decent job *sometimes* to make an easy fight more difficult, but in a lot of cases it boils down to "well this time it just kills me if I get unlucky". Specific weapons also matter a lot in that regard, because monster tracking is surprisingly weak in this game and any slight shift of my feet can lead to the monster completely missing me during my counters and then annihilate me with a move afterwards I would have usually been able to play around. In a game that's so much more counter focused than the ones before it can be an issue.
I love Rise, I really do, but I've been a fan of the series for about 15 years now and as I got better over time the games have become easier in return, leading to a lot of fights becoming stale after a few hunts of the same monster.
I think saying that the only people who think Amatsu should've been harder are elitists is kinda ignorant. It's definitely not incorrect to want a harder fight for the final BIG BOSS of Sunbreak. Nobody says it needs to be a Fatalis level hunt, but the fact that most people didn't even triple cart the first time they fought it is kinda lame. There's nothing beyond the spectacle of the fight if you've been playing the game semi consistently throughout it's lifespan.
@@valhalla_1129aNd FoR a VeTeRaN lIkE mE
When world players starts comparing an izuchi fight to fatalis
Amatsu is a beautiful fight, but damn I miss the difficulty of Faltalis and Alatreon
I feel like RIsen Elders are pretty close, plus I get the feeling this blue Malzeno is going to be *very* difficult. But only time will tell!
And if u trully miss them just go and play Iceborn once more as they themself were only hard in world in other games they were more annoying then dangerous/hard
For me personally sunbreak is a bit too fast, I would slow down monster and player by 10 to 30 %
Same, I feel like I'm one of the few hunters who like crushing hard fights
- Give any monster Fatalis's dmg and hp and it'll be the same fight.
- Alatreon is just an annoying dps check monster.
People complaining about difficulty dont realise that theyve played the games for years vs someone new into the game
So, there are some key points I want to address. First, the pulling in. In older games, you actually had fear. Either you commit to deal damage and try to flinch Amatsu to interrupt the attack, or you run away. In SB, you basically take that away. You can deal damage and then decide to just go away with the Wirebugs. In my opinion, it takes away parts of the fight. Mainly quick decision making. Now you can just change your mind on the fly if you run away.
Second. Falling back on counters. Amatsu is designed to punish you for the thing you did the whole game. But Amatsu is not telling you. Let's take the waterball attacks for example. All of them are double hits. That means, you cannot counter them with Anchor Rage or Insta-Block, you cannot dodge them with Dodgebolt nor can you roll through it. The double waterbeam as well. Even the tornado wall, which you showed to jump over is one of it. You are forced to. You can't block it without enough guard skills or you get pushed away, if you get hit and wirefall into it, you get hit again. it's too slow to roll through it. So if you can't jump over it, you are basically out of luck.
Third. The "spectacle". Sure, the fight looks amazing. But here is the point: You are forced to watch it. No matter how much damage you deal to Amatsu, it's HP are locked at some point. And the worst thing, you can flinch it before it does the scripted attack. Making you feel like you deal damage while in reality, Amatsu takes no damage at all due to the HP locks. It's complete fine to lock everything the first time so you can appreciate the hard work the developer put into it. But after that, remove the HP locks in the repeatable optional quest. It's a strange feeling if you think you did well just to discover that in one hunt, where you performed worse, you are actually killing it way faster because you don't flinch lock Amatsu out of scripted attacks.
Lastly, Wirefall. The point that Amatsu is sucking you into the air and you have to use it is not true. You can use the great wirebug or simply bomb yourself or even farcast to avoid it completely. It's a huge oversight that the great wirebug on the map makes those attacks harmless and easy to avoid without any risk. Wirefall itself takes away the learning process. You find yourself relying on it all the time, not learning the monsters attacks because you can just Wirefall if you get hit and heal. Previous games punished you if you get hit. SB takes away 1 Wirebug and you are back in action.
I'm not here to convince anybody. I like the fight. But I think criticising what you like is a very constructive way. If people wouldn't care, then there would be no criticism at all. On the surface the fight is well thought out. Digging deeper however reveals flaws and oversights that can be fixed easily. Disabling the great wirebugs for those specific attacks for example or removing HP locks to show that you improve via the faster completion time. In future games, I hope Capcom does some changes to the things I mentioned.
I agree with most of what you say, as I'm not a fan of wirebugs either or the faster, counter-heavy combat. But I think SB needed a more scripted fight like this. It was lacking well designed, scripted fights. Most monsters in sunbreak (aside from the bosses, Narwha, Ibushi, Gaismagorm, and now Amatsu) you could put any other monster in its place and not much would be different. However, with Amatsu, the issue is that while these mechanics are cool, the hunter is still too powerful and even if they make the mistake, they're not going to be punished too much. Also like you said, you can just ignore some mechanics and farcaster away.
The direct comparison would be with Fatalis. Fatalis was also a spectacle of a fight with mechanics and HP locks. Dealing with the breath attacks and hiding behind the door were more impactful than Amatsu's ultimate, at least that's how I felt. There's more urgency and danger. Something about SB's gameplay, where monsters are faster and more powerful than ever, somehow doesn't make them feel dangerous, but more tedious and annoying.
@@garylai363 Because instead of actually making monsters faster, they focus on trying to make the monsters have double hits and lingering hit boxes to counter the broken counter centric gameplay that they themselves made.
Amatsu is the same speed, and because of how fast hunters are he doesn’t feel as good as a hunt as he did in P3rd. Not to mention the excessive amount of combos monsters have now, which also try to counter the hunter.
Honestly just give the old tracking back, it was much more fun and exhilarating from my experience when SB first came out. Or at least make the difficulty of the demo the same as the actual game.
I feel this man. I like the game becuase it's monster hunter but the wirebugs while cool aren't monster hunter. I like the slow methodical combat. I think world is probably the fastest the slow style can get. Rise specifically sunbreak is doing the most. Like it's fun but playing it makes me wanna play world.
I've actually played 3U recently friend wants to go through older games 3U is the oldest newcomer friendly game so we going through it and I was having a lot of fun. 3U was my first game and it still feels really solid in all honesty
@@Mariofredx the monsters in SB feel like robots. They’re just juiced so far just to match the Hunter. Some times they’re just relentless and never tire. Counter or die to deal with the onslaught.
@@garylai363 They do tire often, I assume you’re fighting afflicted monsters that only go in a tired state after you hit all the red growths on them.
You don’t even need counters to survive, most monsters aren’t even fast enough to be a problem, and in some cases are actually slower than previous gens (Narga, Tigrex). The problem is when you use counters to deal damage. They’re used purposely for offense, not defense.
The one thing I see a lot is difficulty. Is it actually really easy?
Or is this another game like the Souls series where people will tell you Dark Souls 1 is hard just because it was their first game when in fact it's actually easier than those that followed.
Its more like the 2nd scenario.
The only time a wirebug like mechanic should return is if they bring back water combat and allow us to use it under water
I wouldn't mind of Wirebugs were kept as a rise only kinds of thing.
However I want the switch skills to stay. I don't think I can play gunlance again without things like eruption cannon or Blast dash.
Also Amatsu has a combo similar to Ibushi that basically can stunlock you to death if you don't have a wirebug to escape
I think Amatsu's old super attack being replaced by "generic-AOE-now-use-this-mechanic" attack is the biggest crime in this fight, it's use of the great wirebug is really simple, as that the only thing it does. It's not that impressive in my opinion. The big tornado attack also feels redundant because of wirebug, I'm not a fan of it.
Other than that the fight is great, theres 2 moves that actually make great use of wirebug better since he actually sends you up into the air.
Awesome video!!
I want clutch claw back!! But this and narwa are a good showcase of the use of the wirebug
It's probably my favorite monster hunter fight of all time. Thats just my opinion though. That part when the guy shows up with the thing and you use the thing... Beautiful. Great video as always.
Counter point of Narwha, the fights basically gets paused cause you can't fight while dangling on a wirebug since they have Narwha high enough in the air you can't attacker her normally. So they expect you to start using Balisstae and cannons.
They just made only one monster that "properly" utilises the wirebug mechanic. Until they added more in Sunbreak and then finally, Amatsu.
But it's still just a few of many monster that make the wirebug mechanicbeing more than just fast transportation and recovery.
Only reason I got to hate on this fight. Is the amount of times teammates died on me.
I never thought that wirebugs are a mistake
I just feel like rise made us too op everything is too fast its too chaotic and i dont like it as much as other MH games
its still very good and i have 300h on it
kind of wish if amatsu was harder thats the only bad side of his fight
I think rise is amazing but I'd rather them slow things down for the next main line. More emphasis on exploring and tracking over shooting across the map
Amatsu was a fun and beautiful fight, but it was criminally underwhelming and piss easy for an endgame final boss. Hoping for the bonus update to bring something just as challenging as any black dragon with a full on cracked armor set. Rise in general always felt easy and it still does to this day.
Meanwhile i dodge with the running dive😂 force of habit from the older games.
Between the parallels with the wirebugs, all of the Generations vibes with returning monsters and mechanics, and the fact that she has that mummy motif to fit in with the Three Lords, I was really hoping that Ahtal-Ka would find her way into Sunbreak and be just as spectacular and well-rounded a final boss as Amatsu turned out to be. There's still one last little update coming, but it's seeming pretty unlikely she'll sneak her way in at this point, and I'm very sad about that.
ahhh it sucks that amatsu isn't on regular rise.
The only thing that really bugs me about this fight, is that it really pushes my switch to its limits, or rather with 2 followers and all that effect spam the framerate begins to slow down my inputs. It just feels a bit worse to play bcuz of that, but thats not Amatsus fault lol
Amatsu is the best fight because it makes you use wirebugs and its a spectacle. I had to sit through the entire video to hear this. It's a really terrible fight esp if you're melee. If you're ranged it takes 2 minutes. The silk on the ballistas is finite and a gimmick and if you waste em you're going to have a bad time.
The only thing I thought when seeing that spectacle was, “wow this is just frontier now”.
Don’t get me wrong, Frontier is fun, but I never wanted the mainline games to follow suit. Now all that matters is speed, dps, and avoiding crazy aoe spectacle attacks.
Makes me sad tbh, but I know I’m in the vast minority.
So, some people are wondering why the hardest fights in Rise/SB don't feel as hard as those in World/IB. The thing about Alatreon and Fatalis is pressure, asphyxiating pressure, a race to reach a threshold or you die. Same concept, different outcome with Safi and KT, it's a DPS/partbreaking race, the buttclench is real. Raging and Furious have Rise level damage output, mobility and speed, but you're stuck without wirebugs or anything remotely similar, so they feel fucking hard.
Now Amatsu is epic, Risen Elders will 2 shot you in decent armor, but the thing is there's no pressure, you have 50 minutes, you can always take your time, slot defensive skills, gather spiritbirds, go the safe route and they'll die regardless in 25 minutes or less. I miss the pressure, I want to feel the fear I felt the first time Raging Brachydios blocked the cave entrance and turned the floor into fucking Chernobyl.
Well said..it is indeed the pressure! I was looking for that particular point why it didn't feel hard
Agreed .I also feel that spiridbirds in general make the hunts less enjoyable . Unless you are god of dodging , you are forced to spend 5 minutes on exploring instead of hunting the monster. The game is called " Monster hunter" not "bs fly collector" ...
2:50 Reminds me of Adept back in GU. Except with that, you didn't choose to Adept Dodge, it just happened and with many weapons, that left you open to follow up attacks. Unless you were using Longsword or the bowguns, cancelling out of the running animation would take too much time and pretty much guarantee getting hit. You had to be skilled to pull off the dodge, but also where to dodge.
it's super cool and cinematic and really fun for being a big ass monster, but I reaaaaaaally miss the difficulty of fatalis or alatreon. I was so dissapointed when I finished it on the first run since I was expecting something akin to Alatreon since this is the second last update :/ fingers crossed that last update brings a mountain to climb
I was so happy about this fight and remembered there was a last monster that will be added in june and since they can't add a monster that is weaker than previous ones, next and last fight will be crazy, can't wait
fun fact, if you chit chat with hinoa at any stage in the game (even when you're still doing village quests), she will tell you that utsushi has a talent of doing monster impressions especially zinogre and practices it all the time. i know he uses stink mink to actually lure zinogre, but thinking about that seemingly useless talent be the one that turns the tables in such a difficult fight was simply phenomenal
another key thing to remember is that no other fight is like this, I had no idea you could just hang in the air during the tornado and be fine because there's zero other fights where wirebug movement is practical and intuitive because the entire rest of the game is so counter focused, even Narwa with the rings and stuff you can just roll through or counter them so even then it's not something I ever really though of.
Honestly kinda disappointed they didn’t make Ahtal Ka the last fight guess it might still be possible but doubt it. I mean it basically Has the same silk wire skill concept as the player And can use it to puppeteer a makeshift Mech come on this would of been epic
1st time fighting amatsu is a cinematic experience, other than that, it's like WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MANTLE?!?!?
It comes down to perspectives which is why Capcom Messed Up.
This fight, depending on what matters to you, can be tedious with attacks that feel more like QTE then attacks with some specific set pieces like if those specific tools that let you go high into the sky were not coincidentally on the ground you'd be dead or a wind tunnel that is more like trial and error the first time.
Yet if you don't mind the tedium of it then you get an amazing visual show.
Great for a movie but hit or miss for video games.
"back in the days, you have to run away from vacuum attacks cuz no wirebug"
Apart from Frontier and Rise i have absolutely no memory of anything else that can vacuum
The point is: if you give hunters more options you have to give monsters more options too to counter, otherwise you thow the balance off. The logic CAPCOM failed to follow through from the beginning.
Amatsu is great, its just not alatreon/fatalis level, mostly because he is too easy. I can way more easily appreciate a good hunt if It takes me a while to beat. Risen monsters I don't like as much, just like I didn't like most AT monsters in world except maybe nergy. I design wise prefer amatsu over the black dragons too so I wanted this to be that fight that made me pump. The fight is for sure a spectacle but I am already kind of burned out of the combat in sunbreak so I just came back after a long break, beat it first try, quit again.
And yea wirefall is broken, it should 100% be removed. Even if wirebugs themselves come back in the next portable, wirefall should not come back.
Honestly after using them; I can't imagine monster hunter without the wire bugs or palamutes any more
Wdym is Messed Up. It's trully more Fair now.
Amatsu works very well as the climactic story fight for Kamura village. It may not be as challenging as IB’s Fatalis, but it’s definitely way more fun.
To each their own, but it certainly doesnt hold a candle for me. I legit got chills on my 4th hunt when proof of a hero started playing while hunting Fatalis. Amatsu doesnt do that to most people, not difficult and doesnt have that hit. I mean to be fair, it also didnt have the build up of Safi, Alatreon and then a big bang...but thats a problem in its own right.
Is an MR 10 urgent quest... Why mfking weirdos comparing a MR 10 monster to mfking Fatalis....
I got my update 5 difficulty fix on anomaly quest rcg valstrax
The only way capc on messed up at was having such a cool monster being in one of the most monster hunter games of all time
Asn an outsider to the game, Amatsu's fight looks like a mess. A spectacle, for sure, but mechanically, there's way too much stuff going on.
I've been playing since the psp days and I share your feeling about the fight, the fight for me boils down to "where is the monster under all these effects and can my weapon reach him?" I don't even bother watching out from it's attacks since they doesn't even deal that much damage.
watching Hakui Koyori fight this thing is a spectacle.
Amastu: 10/10 but I wished they made it bigger idk but it feels like a regular elder but other then that amazing fight
Just found your channel today and I’m on a roll with your content, I love your way to present glaring issues with the series while also being fair. I gotta ask tho, WHATS THAT HOOD IN YOUR HUNTER I WANT IT (currently playing Sunbreak)
This video's pretty old but I managed to find it! That's the snowsheer headgear!
@ That’s crazy! Thank you so so much for looking for it! Been loving your channel. It’s scratching all my MH and indie itches that I’ve had for a while!
I really didn't like the amatsu fight. Took me two or three goes to get her down, but I found it more annoying than fun.
Edited to clarify: the fight would have been much better without the gimmicky stuff
Amatsu is the fatalis of rise and whatever that malzeno variant is is the arch tempered velkhana of sunbreak
Wirebug in amatsu fight made him less divine than what he was in p3rd, it trivializes most of his moves in sunbreak making it just pure spectacle but not intense as it was back then (well this is rise as a whole except for risen EDs and some other monsters)
Wirebug mastery should be something that needs you dodge amatsu moves mid-air for a continuous amount of time, but what we get are moves that plays around with the hunter for like 5 second and then thats it. He could've used his wind power more so hunter cannot touch the ground for a period of time, and THAT is when the wirebug mastery comes in.
Despite what you said, allmother narwa is still the best fight for wirebug mastery because it involves platforming and attack exploits
1:25 am I the only one that "back in the day" used to camp in a ballista to not get sucked in?
Wonder, have you made a video about the monsters best combat redesign for rise that can retrofit back into mainline games, like world (by tunning the speed down a bit) and those that definitly didnt
Cause the 2 Monster fights I wish remain in their Rise/Sunbreak incarnation at minimun if not evolve from there, are Rathalos and Kushala Daora, cause its actually fun to fight them in Rise since you dont have to struggle with them flying out of reach all the time and in Kushala specifically, its winds arent even half as bad as they were previously, you can actually fight him without wind protection
Wow that's a really good idea lol. I've mentioned the changes to rathalos before, not sure which video but I'm pretty sure I brought it up in passing. But I've never gone in depth with it, I might do that!
I screwed up hard and stayed on the ground for the whole amatsu ultimate attack. I tanked it like a boss. Clip is on my channel.
My experience with that oneshotting Amatsu move was basically this: "Wow what's happening? Guess I'll get away from Amatsu. Uhh this health drain is looking pretty bad, do I need to heal? Wait what did Utsushi say? Oh shit oh shit oh shit, will I make it anymore?" And then I died on my way to the sky with the great wire bug. So I can't really say I had some amazing awe experience about this move.
Edit: I guess I should note that Amatsu has been my favorite monster since I started with P3rd, and pretty much the whole fight was an awe moment for me, biggest one probably when it started using lightning.
3:50 looks really anticlimactic for a gigantuan wind up for some house electrical socket sparks lol
Wirebugs should absolutely remain exclusive to Rise, and they more than likely will.
It took a while but more fights actually take the wirebug into account in Sunbreak so it feels more organic and less like a get out of jail free card.
I'm not a huge fan of Amatsu's fight but it does feel like Rise is finally coming full circle.
I just bought it on Tuesday just to find out some of the monsters die easily
I never use wirebugs while hunting but I get the same affect just slightly worse with an insect glaive and boy it rocks
Also wanted to say I noticed who's theme was playing in the background and that was a great touch 5:41
I was really hoping someone would notice!
The best part of Amatsu’s fight is that it takes the wirebug into account.
it's kinda why I have some issues with Gaismagorm, it doesn't account enough for hunter option and as a result its kind of easy to exploit its flaws.
Heck, my hunts of the poor guy as of late (with friends, I'll admit) mostly end with us obliterating it before it can make much of it's final phase.
This is the reason I don't abuse Wirebugs, I use them mainly from time to time exactly for defence instead going all out wasting them, and specially learned to play without the counters after Malzeno and Magnamalo with so many folloups even more when playing charge blade... I can say as a matter of fact that I make a re run without Wirefall Recovery because of how overpowered it was below master rank pre sunbreak to force me to play better the game instead of abusing that and going YOLO
seeing as my top 5 monsters in MH are
1 melzeno
2 espinas
3 fatalis
4 nargacuga
5 zinoger
i am very excited for "primordial malzeno" to come out
The wirebug was made for battles like these, it's a shame they only realized these things at the end of its lifespan (probably)
got to love people saying this monster was a mistake because you have to use the things you have had since the beginning of the game the way they were intended to be used
Its alright, beat it the 1st time without carting using SNS.
Didn't get to fight Amatsu yet since I'm taking a break from Rise, but from the comments left by people it seems it's just another easy fight in Rise which is disappointing to hear. I figured they'd make the final boss of the game a challenge but it seems I was wrong. Oh well, in all honesty Rise was just a "distraction" game to me anyways. Something to keep my mind occupied until we get the true sequel to World. When that happens I do hope the wirebug is gone for good. Fun to use for one game but not something I would want in future titles.
It gave me raging brachy and master rank kulve vibes
As someone who actively follows datamines, I am terrified of b l u e b o i
The zinogre surprise is so good
I will never understand people who complain about too easy difficulty in Monster Hunter games.
If it's too easy, just...don't use good equipment? This franchises whole schtick is that the player chooses the difficulty.
You either gun through every quest, making it hard since you will never have enough materials for better equipment,
or you grind a bit to make the next encounter less frightening.
False. I want the game to challenge me at my very best so I may have the incentive to adapt and improve, it is the core of the series from day 1
Monster hunter is about mastery, learning monster moveset, how good you are with your weapon etc. Since rise hunters are crazy bonkers powerful the monster couldn't keep up (except for risen EDs), here amatsu is such a trivial obstacle with the existence of wirebug significantly different than how he was in P3rd where even the BEST hunter might still fail against him
The final boss should be the Great Wirebug. Not even Amatsu’s nuke can damage it!
I think they should make wirebugs get pulled from the vaccum too
uuh. ok so one thing, the mid air tunnel attack? i always wirebugged towards amatsu as soon as the bugs were availibe and amatsu never moved by the time i was out. im confused
We need the item pickup sound from this hunt as a permanent feature.
a classic sound pack would probably be DLC 😢
$9.99 for MHFU pickup sound 800% value.
...I haven't fought him...due to certain pre requisites not being met. From what I can see...amatsu may be the coolest fight visually...but I get the feeling that it is a bad slippery slope that will lead to a very bad end for monhun.
So far, I can't see why people are excited for this fight...praising it as though it is the best fight....it scares me for the future of monhun...or at least my time with it's future titles...
Also you start out whit a Point what imideatly creats problems. Attacks get harder to dodge, if not impossible, whitout Wirebugs, and Wire Bug Moves turn into a big Risk while Hunting.
Not saying your Standpoint is bad, but Capcom made it harder to execute that Vision.
Amatsu looks more terrifying in the old games.
Sadly my amatsu experienced was ruined since i played with 3 friends and the thing had so little hp that we killed it too fast :c
i loved the fights that utilized the wirebug mechanic so much! even if they are hard i enjoyed it!
Almudron was the first monster i encountered to utilized the height of rise!
vv [Spoiler for Zelda tears of the kingdom below] vv
In hindsight, I should've noticed before but the amatsu fight reminded me of that flying Ice monster boss battle from tears of the kingdom! the part where they summon the pillars of tornados and you have to maneuver around them in the sky. Awesome stuff!
Here's a comment I've thought about after watching your Chained Echoes video
Voocer: *talks about Chained Echoes*
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 that has done basically all of the things he's talked about and also came out in 2018: Am i joke to you?
You can just comment on the chained echoes video itself if you want, youtube lists comments by date and time so if I get a comment on a video from a year ago, it'll just show up here! Pretty convenient system honestly
Appreciate wirebug gang!
These guys are so strong they can fly against winds that hunters have trouble running against, while carrying a hunter on a silk string, all with their little bug wings.
They could beat the monsters up 1v1 no questions asked, but instead choose to be our little movement buddies!
It's now cannon that the wirebugs are gods and we only use them to contain their power
Wirebugs are so OP that if you ride a Kuluyaku, the measly chicken can beat a Risen CG Valstrax
I dispised the amatsu fight in previous entries.
Always hated wirebug moves, only ever used them for movement.
Wirefall is bad, I never used it as it feels unfair for the monster's side. There need to be more moves that disable wirefall.
-still think all damage should be tenthed but I know that'll never happen-
Utilizing a poorly executed mechanic for a few hunts isn't enough to justify its existence.
The reason other monsters aren't designed around it is because they'd have to change EVERY monster's moveset. It's a mechanic that had no business being implemented to begin with, and I hope it dies like: underwater combat, hunter arts (mostly), and softening.
The only thing I remotely enjoy about wirebugs is the quick recovery they can provide. I love the idea of having two quick recoveries on a cooldown.
I think what you call missed potential is actually not that. Sure everyone wished for the fights to incorporate the wirebugs way more but what if I tell you that they probably planned something like that for sunbreak and then had to scrap it? At least that's my theory on it. If you look at it there is some monsters who want you to use the wirebug in combat like almudron. Alot of people still didn't really use the wirebug to dodge him even though you can. Also there is both grapples and combo attacks that REQUIRE you to use the wirefall to get out of them. If you don't have a wirebug and your teammate doesn't like flash or something the second part of the grapple attack will always hit you. Similarly will some combo attacks where the first move knocks you right where the second one will hit. If you don't wirefall you will get hit by both and probably die. There is alot of these more minor things that they put in the game that require or benefit wirebug usage but they probably noticed by sunbreak that attacks requiring you to utilise the wirebug are not the best idea especially for wirebug focused weapons. I can imagine that the original plan was to have way more of those attacks but that that was simply not very doable. Sure big boss monsters like Narwa and Amatsu can use more such attacks but that's simply due to them being boss monsters, not only can they be way more creative and over the top with their moves (like amatsus sucking or the canons in the narwa fight) but they are also somewhat detached from the rest of the game and due to only being on a singular arena style map can use way bigger moves (which are often required to incorporate the wirebug into them) then monsters who you could face in relatively small areas.
Imo they arrived at a dilemma where they could either make monsters as challenging as valstrax or incorporate the wirebug more and decided to go for the former as they realised with rise that forcing you to use the wirebug in certain situations is only more frustrating rather then beneficial due to you not having it at all times especially with very wirebug focused weapon playstyles.
Sure you could still title this as missed potential but its mostly capcom making the right decision for the game.
Haven't played since tu4 i beat this thing in 30 min with all rust I've had going on i had a lot of fun with amastu
Amatsu counters counters
Risen shagaru has an entire moveset built around punishing you if you even DARE try counter him
I like it
i think counters are stupid and seriously should just stay with the weapons where it makes sense to have one
I prefer the clutch claw over the wirebugs. With wirebugs there’s no risk.