@@thedude5040 I feel you but idk when u say drugs if u mean street drug or the ones they get from thier doctor, bc if your talkin about street drug then im here to tell u thats wishfull thinkin bc Drug Dealers just care about profit/money & simple math meaning if the come outside with $500 worth of drugs then wanna go in with 0 & thats the Gospel truth!!!
When we lived in Germany, the city literally hunted the homeless to provide them with the food and housing, especially in winter. Within a few days, they were back on the streets because, as they said to us, they didn't like the rules. You can bring the horse to the river but you can't force it to drink
That woman is a prime example of a homeless person whom no matter how much money or oppurtunity you give her, she has no intention of leaving the street. Stop giving them free food and d.ope and they will leave.
The fourth tech boom in the Bay Area (prior to covid), caused greedy landlords and real estate speculators (a lot of them Chinese companies that have no interest in the actual Bay Area communities) to price out anyone that wasn't making a six figure salary. Studio apartments went from $7-800 a month to approaching $2k per month. If you have a family and need a 2bd apartment or something, forget it. It's not just the city of Oakland or SF, it's certain big companies that caused this and have left the Bay a mess after people started moving back to Kansas or wherever they came from. It's also driven out the arts, music, and culture that was here because artists and musicians can't afford to live here anymore.
@Max Million no. They don't get taught how to cope with life and end up giving up or don't have the capability of working. Most homeless people are disabled.
CORRECT! I very much doubt this has anything to do with any political party. One commenter states "Democrat politicians have been failing them for years" and the next commenter states "Liberals are doing their damndest to destroy this state". The laws are NOT being upheld. BLAME THE POLICE FOR LETTING THESE DRUG USERS "SETTLE". We have exactly the same problem in Canada. There are all sorts of laws all across Canada, not much different from the U.S. ....and they are ALL very similarly written. It is related to "loitering" to varying degrees. Someone sets up a tent on a sidewalk in the downtown core of a major city and within minutes a second tent is set up .....MINUTES. That action is planned out by these people ....who turn out to be drug addicts. No surprise there. And a few days later, there are 30, 40, 50, 80 tents all set up, blocking doorways, blocking pedestrians .....ALL VERY MUCH ILLEGAL .....AND THE POLICE DO NOTHING. No different from the video above. In Canada, it is illegal to park ANYWHERE like above ....."OVER NIGHT". This is a POLICING RESPONSIBILITY to force these vehicles to move. It can become a "game" .....which it probably is ......but the police have no choice but to keep these vehicles moving. However, back to the comment ......what do these drug addicts have to do with "politics" or any political party? NOTHING! There are ALWAYS going to be the demographic who choose or don't know any better ....to get into drugs ......no matter which political party is in power. No point in feeling sorry for these people. They make their choices. Usually starts out being "cool" or joining their "friends". .
Some of these people seem to have more invested in their nose rings, hairdos, makeup and tattoos than I do in basic necessities like transportation, water, taxes, food, etc.
I served 19 consecutive years in the Alabama Department of Corrections (2002-2021). Around ten days after release, I took a Greyhound from Montgomery, Alabama to Spokane, Washington, where I have been living here since release. When I first arrived in Spokane on 09/01/21, I sought shelter at House of Charity. They took me straight in, not once was I forced to sleep in the streets. There were (and always will be) places across Spokane to get a free meal, not just a bag of snacks. The VA, Goodwill, plus other agencies got me stable shelter, and I have not been homeless since. The point is, to get blessed with what I got, the person wanting to escape the streets MUST go all out to make the f***ing difference. No more excuse-making, smoking that fentapoison, casinos, and other BS. Keep all of your appointments with the VA, Goodwill, the Salvation Army--whomever!! You can’t give up on yourself!! Your victory off the streets encourages others to go for it.
I agree 100%. But I question the outcome of those with mental illness. It's probably very difficult to trust places like those mentioned when the voices in your head say otherwise. The fact is, I don't think our country knows exactly what to do, or how to help the unfortunate souls who suffer from this. God Bless to all who need or want it.
@@McChrister Thank you for the response and your sincerity. I do consider myself extremely fortunate to have made it through that sentence, yet many others out there have done the same and longer. I drilled it into my soul that I was going to give it my best after release. Hence, I left Montgomery plus the remaining old surviving crowd. No matter where I moved to, I was determined to get my life back. No more alcohol, clubs, parties, river get-togethers, none of it. There have been setbacks, aortic dissection surgery, but I’m still blessed by God and others.
The woman who said, “Glorified prisons they’re inadequate to feed the basic human needs and rights of a person” might not understand what being homeless means! The transition homes are a step up from sleeping on the sidewalk or living in a tent.
The problem was, she wanted the city to build pent houses with all the amenities for all the homeless people there, you ask high and the city bargains low, then you meet in the middle somewhere, lol
"inadequate to feed the basic human needs and rights of a person” Beiung feed is not a basic human right, neither is being sheltered. No where is it written that you have a right to food or shelter or even medical care.
She literally won't go to a city shelter because they won't let her sit there and smoke meth or do dope that's why they won't go to City programs because they are not allowed to be drug addict little lives inside of shelters
In my 67 years, I have been poor at times but there was never trash or litter allowed in my living area. This is what disturbs me about the homeless, everything about them becomes filthy filthy filthy. There’s something disgusting about a person who won’t stay clean. You may not have water or soap but you can pick up your trash and keep your area clean.
I absolutely agree I was brought up poor we didn't have a lot but it was clean and taken care of and mom didn't let us have holes in our clothes seems there's no pride in any of those homeless living in dump conditions maybe if it wasn't so dumpy the city wouldn't have to relocate the mess
My Grandmom used to say "there is no shame in having a dirty face, the shame comes when you choose to leave it dirty". Lots of people can match sob stories, myself included but I would never live like this. The problem is drugs. I can't speak for Oakland, but I know for a fact that when municipalities here in SoCal attempt to locate the homeless into shelters, very few are willing to go. Why not? They can't use drugs or alcohol in the shelters. In Anaheim, there was a large group of people living along the Santa Ana river channel by Anaheim Stadium, which is also a popular bike path. After an untold number of complaints about crime, sanitation issues, drug use, the City sent people to help, nothing happened. Finally, the City arranged shelter for them, arranged to move peoples belongings, arranged food, clothing, employment assistance, education assistance, you name it. (with taxpayer money, of course) They went around the camps and delivered notices of when busses would be coming to move them. That morning when the busses arrived, they had all left, apparently because they knew they couldn't use drugs in the new housing. They would rather live like animals than give up the meth, so they moved on to somewhere else. understand how difficult it can be to fight addiction, but you don't fight it with this liberal, permissive, enabling bullshit. At some point you have to regain enough pride to wash your face.
So where are they going to take it? They do not have a for profit waste disposal service. I would like to know what would you do without money and with all your garbage if your waste provider stopped service. You don't have to tell me, I have seen nice neighborhoods full of trash when garbage collection was not available. Don't blame the people, you are one of them, blame the inept system we have in the US.
@@waltbroedner4754Huh? You are so single minded . “Where are they going to take it” , it’s called finding a trash can , you know maybe a garbage bin behind almost every commercial store ?? Getting a garbage bag and clean up after yourself ? There are so many ways to get rid of trash you just don’t be lazy . I can go on and on but no point . Just know you can definitely be homeless and clean 😮
All these advocates should just go buy some land and shelter the homeless if they feel so strongly. I bet they’ll think twice when its coming from their own pockets and not the cities…which is all tax payers money.
"We're very deeply invested in our neighborhood" lmao, how she said that with a straight face knowing that placed could have been mistaken for a landfill is beyond me.
I volunteer at a shelter. We always have open beds available but most of the homeless don't come here because we have an 11:00pm curfew, no drugs or alcohol, and no cohabitating with someone who they're not married to. They say they'd rather live on the streets where they can be 'free'.
Same in city near me. Nice housing with community dining, job resources, bus route provided for getting to and from work, no drugs, no alcohol, free counseling, and curfew. Still have openings available. There has to be a distinction for the truly homeless through not fault of their own, and the homeless by choice that choose drugs over housing and the accompanying lifestyle that goes along with drugs. There will be the next step coming and the druggies won't be happy as they will miss their squalor lifestyle they themselves created to just be the drug addict tic burden on normal society. Some just want to lose all just to sht on the sidewalks and throw their diseased needles on the street. They will be relocated by forced relocation, they will never be happy again, who cares, stop catering to them under the heading of "homeless"
@@Areawatch that is as it should be, very good rules .However here in Huntsville there's been a worrying trend razing down block of "projects' for the poor then yrs later you see expensive condos come up in their place.
That's why I never give them anything. They're all around my neighborhood and they just leave their garbage out everywhere, despite there being trash cans and dumpsters around that anyone can use. Funny thing about this is, they have stolen my trash can once. I even have my address on it. Had to go up the street to circle K where they hang out to get it. Why would they need to steal a trash can when they don't use trash cans anyway?
@@derekcarney You make no sense. You being in a bad place doesn't give you the right to ruin a city's visage. It doesn't give you the right to break the law. Both of these things are more important. Either way you shouldn't need a reason to try and tighty up and organize your living space. Any decent self respecting human should want that, but in spite of what you people want to believe; Your sort, who seems to believe that personal responsibility is not a thing and that these people are all somehow victims, never at fault for their own situation; these arent decent human beings. They are mostly drug heads and criminals, and they should be dealt with, less all America's great cities be reduced to the state of Los Angeles.
Shows how delusional and mentally ill these ppl truly are! Exactly what the democrat politicians want America to be! LOW LIFE CITIZENS THAT LIVE AND DEPEND ON THE GOVERNMENT
It's actually quite funny how I can throw one single piece of trash on the ground be demonized for polluting "mother earth" and they don't even bat an eye at the 3rd world level of disgustingness these "unhoused" people cause.
When have you ever seen a well organized/clean homeless person? These people have nothing to put their stuff in. No shelves, closets, drawers, etc so of course things are going to pile up and take up space
Many, many years ago, I worked in Phoenix as a mental health social worker. The company I worked for started a new outreach unit for the homeless people - helping them with housing, mental health services, bringing free lunches, clothing etc. 99.9% of these people refused services - although they did take the free lunches. A lot of excuses were given.......didn't want handouts, didn't want to be a part of the system, wanted to be free to do what they wanted, wanted to be left alone, do drugs and so on. When I was in the child/adolescent mental health social worker - I had a few clients that were Section 8 housing. One home I went to was absolutely filthy. The 2 boys had an infestation of head lice, roaches/ants/flies in the home, garbage strewn about, dirty diapers...... Instead of funneling millions and millions of dollars into projects for these people - help the middle class and elderly who are struggling. People who would be eternally thankful for a place to live, food on the table, medical care, assistance in day care. These are the people who need it and would appreciate it.
I find your career as a social worker as an absolutly usless job and a waste of resources, but im glad you got a taste of reality, you dont read those in your books dont you? 90% of homless are just lazy ass addicts, low life criminals that want to live for free getting high all day
im pretty sure we have the resources to help both the poor and "middle" classes but dont let that stop you from victim-blaming anyone who didnt want to, or simply couldnt, jump thru all the hoops required to receive the barest amount of social services humanly possible. only in america! for some reason
@@Wedge7 Right? Who are these scumbag people who think the homeless are LOUNGING COMFY siping expensive champagne at taxpayers expenses!?!?!? Ever shit in a bucket and not have access to running water? It ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. I am actually surprised I survived living in a tent in Oakland for 4.5 years without developing an abuse or drinking problem. I worked FULL TIME when I was homeless. My partner and I got royally a raw deal by the landlord who saw rents going up around Lake Merritt andif she got us out and remodeled the apartment a little she could charge double to new rentors! She had a powerful expensive lawyer and manipulated Berkeley FOOD and HOUSING to help evict us and so much political and legal fuckery went on it was ridiculous. WE NEVER WANTED TO BE OUTSIDE for one night let alone jump through hoops and looops to appease a greedy landlord that was pissed that we called codes and regulations about very serious dangerous health conditions and many building code violations.
I've been homeless and not for a single second did I allow myself to trash the places I was staying. I kept myself clean and made sure that no one could tell I was living in my car. Why ANYONE, homeless or not, would treat the place where they live so horribly and just dump their trash all around them baffles me. And for anyone who uses the "They're on drugs" BS excuse I can only say that just because you're on drugs does not make it ok. Simply put, if you're homeless and worried you might get tossed away keep the place you're living in better condition than you found it in and chances are most people won't look your way.
Same here. I tried my best to be clean and respectful everywhere I went while I was homeless. It's puzzling how so many people make excuses about their nastiness. I have family that was never homeless but kept their home in a permanent state of filth. I counted over 30 piles of cat and dog poop on their kitchen floor.
I agree. I clean up garbage in my neighborhood every time I go out and so do all my neighbors. There's no excuse for that. They don't have to be nasty. I was homeless once too for 8 months, did everything I could to get myself out of that and I did. I also didn't live like that either. And I can honestly say that about 80% of the people at that time wanted to live like that on drugs or alcohol and not wanting any responsibilities or accountability. And those same people are still homeless 12 years later or dead.
Same. This new "generation" of homeless is over the top filthy,like disgusting,trashing anywhere they go,and with a sense of entitlement about it too. People really need to work together to push them out if they can't function in civil society,homeless or not,and if the police are going to continue being pretty much useless at doing THEIR job.
There are more than enough resources available for the homeless. Many of them simply don’t want to take advantage of them. They would rather be homeless and live however they want than be exposed to any amount of accountability.
I think as regular Americans we think that everyone wants to always improve their status or climb the ladder. But I've realized over my lifetime that many are actually unmotivated. I knew a homeless guy when I was a college student. He was a really nice man but wasn't interested in having a job or anything. He was happy crashing on someone's sofa for free. Didn't want much out of life. What we would consider survival conditions some folks think are regular accommodations.
@@RR-hb7nj very well put. My father was homeless for a period of time in his life. A very short period. He went from having nothing to having a full time job and his own apartment in a year. He is very liberal. He told me himself “In this country, if you are able bodied and able minded and you don’t have food, or clothes, or shelter, you can’t blame anyone but yourself”. Many people are simply ok with the bare minimum.
Maybe a "tick" on the tree but not the "spine" as the woman said. The taxpayer is the spine. You want permanent housing, at least apply for low income housing with the City or local nonprofits. If none is available in Oakland, then move to a place where housing is available or get a job.
So you think everyone can afford 2500 plus rent ? You think stress and drug use aren’t connected? You think that a lack of morality and dog eat dog culture and drug use aren’t connected?
The problem is that shelters don't allow the crime and filth they want to live in. It is not about housing or basic human needs; it comes down to antisocial behavior.
Actually many shelters kick people out in the morning. Imagine having to lug all your belongings during the day and only being able to be in a shelter at night from 5pm-9am. Would suck. We need more 24 hour shelters.
I was homeless myself, from South Carolina to North Dakota. And the overwhelming majority of homeless people don't wanna change. They aren't gonna work hard to not be homeless.
Ive been homeless as well in my younger years and (at least where Im from) your wrong. Many homeless people have mental health issues or some other form of disability and cant work or live a normal life, never got the help they needed and ended up on the street (this includes drug and alcohol addictions). There are definitely some that have the capacity to better themselves and just dont want to but is that because of the addictions they have or just because they are "lazy"?
@scott vallieres this isn't 1990. In modern America, they have more than enough social programs to help people get back. Especially if your a veteran. So I somewhat understand the mental health aspect. I can only speak on what I saw. Being homeless for 36 months.
@@scottvallieres6173 But so many never received the help they needed? We're talking tens if not hundreds of thousands of people. The more help there is for these people, the more homeless there are....the less help, less homeless....just look at other countries in the world.
@@MrAbrock123 You dont make any sense. Less help for the mentally ill will result in less homelessness? If anything we need more (and more competent) help for the mentally ill.
I just don't understand that mentality. I lived as a student renting a room in basement with 3 other students for about 300 bucks a month (back in 2006) I made around 800$ working half time on minimum wage. I'm sure I could and would go back to that lifestyle if the ONLY other alternative was homelessness. It was hard work but only because of university If I didn't have to study and just aimed to get by it's not a lot of work to put in, and these entry level jobs are everywhere. Just take a shotgun approach and send out your resume or apply in person literally everywhere you can within a 20 mile radius of where you live. You'll have a job within a week.
I was homeless as a kid growing up for a time because of my parents choices. I prayed to God to get out. Anything to get away from their BS. I was able to leave them at 15yo and made it on my own. I now have family of my own and I wish for my children to NEVER have to experience those hardships that I endured.
You overcame life's obstacles with courage , determination and intelligence. No one should be homeless. Having said that many in this are there of their own volition. You ovecame your own trials yourself, it's not up to a city or government to provide housing or these people. Homeless shelters are for those who like you were there not of their own doing. My heartfelt congratulations on making a big success of your life!
Yes they seem super entitled, I'm in a small town and they insist on living here despite there being no recycling or anything to rummage through, because almost all the businesses are gone. I see them walking at night with a little grocery bag with 2 or 3 items in it, and the nearest recycling place is 5 miles away. I don't get why they bother. I guess breaking car windows and stealing change gets them by.
As someone that literally was homeless in the bay area at one point in my life. These people just want to live for free and avoid responsibilities. She literally called all her neighbors, "ticks." We all know how much ticks are healthy for us. Actually disease of humanity
And whose cars did they steal? Which of the denizens of this sh*thole were the ones stealing cars? And how about the guy who wakes up in the morning to go to work and finds his car gone? Anyone care about that?
They are homeless and live in these disgusting conditions for a reason. As much as they'd like you to believe, it's not because they are sensible people. They are lazy drug addicts in most cases. In other cases, they have mental illness or they are hiding from something terrible they've done. The ones who refuse to go to shelter probably refuse to go because they'll be IDed and caught up on something.
@@americanmade-1 LMAO Reagan was 40 years ago. How come it keeps getting worse under democrats in Cali -- for multiple decades? They don't have any real solutions it seems.
I’m from Thailand and I look what’s happening to the United States in amazement. In Thailand we don’t have a homeless problem, it’s simply if you’re not willing to work and support yourself, Society will not put up with you.
Well they still have a point and that is, you should be able to sleep and live anywhere you want but government keeps society enslaved to expenses and bills.
Apply for low income housing! Get a job! Never, why would they? They are being given everything. Why would they work for it? They're not working at a time when the job market is wide open. They're not paying taxes. They're not paying rent, and they have the nerve to complain! Make it make sense!
@@edeny6560 Oh BS, there are plenty of workaround for people who actually try. I know that for a facts as I have been without housing myself more than once in my adult life.
Most of these people are severely mentally ill and/or drug addicted. You and I wouldn't be in this situation for very long, we'd couch surf, get a job, and very quickly find a new apartment or room with roommates. That's why it's so hard to deal with, we aren't dealing with rational adults here. It's a balance between giving these people the right to live as they see fit, and recognizing that the way they choose to live is decreasing the quality of life for everyone else, and endangering their own health and safety. Here in NYC they just gave cops the right to remove mentally ill homeless off the street against their will again, but we can't lock them up in an institution indefinitely without violating their human rights, so they just end up back out there again. Some can hopefully get treated and choose a better path while institutionalized, but there really isn't a way to permanently solve it for all of them.
“……dug in like ticks…. my family and neighbors are invested in our neighborhood..” Calling that a neighborhood and considering stolen shopping carts & cars as “being invested” exposes the level of mental illness that many of these people have . Years of drug abuse makes them lose perspective but preferring to live among the trash and rats to shelters is so sad. That someone can sink that far into delusion shows the need for govt assistance. I hope they all accept help.
Many won't take help. Some say they don't ever want to pay rent, or have anyone tell them what to do. They don't want to be "controlled by an employer" and get caught up in the rat race. They will take what you give them, but they refuse to earn anything for themselves. I know, I had a friend like that in Los Angele that I had to get away from because he was always coming to take a shower in my place and wanted to sleep on my sofa every night. He had friends just like him. They just didn't want to conform to society.
kind of, but that philosophy means anyone who cant find their feet in this life, gets exterminated. And the rest of us wouldnt miss those folks, but thats not human kind surely...
Meisterly manu,that overlooks the fact that there are dozens and dozens-if not hundreds-of organizations founded specifically to help these people. They mostly have mental health or drug issues, let’s not beat around the bush. I am all for helping every fellow human, but that doesn’t mean we have to give and give and give and give, if what we’ve already tried to give was refused. Some people just don’t want to have to conform to any structure, and if that’s how a person wants to live, nothing will ever satisfy them.
she was angry. She hates society all the while dependent on social handouts. She doesnt see the irony. You have to support yourself or your neighbors will tire of you stealing and squatting because you dont want to work.
@@geraldbennett7035 this was most ignorant comment. Majority of these people do want to work. You need a home to get most jobs Einstein, but it's not your fault. (I hope). We've been propagandized so hard. People against helping the poor vs the rich are so ignorant. Every financial issue this country has is because of the rich. We fund Ukraine 100b no questions or complaints, while Ukrainians oligarchs jus raking in our money. You're ok with that, but mad at homeless camp for a 8million dollar project that won't help because it's 8million with a M, but Ukraine gets 100Billion with a B. So point is, this country is doomed, unless we course correct. Help people vs killing them. So get your priorities straight. Idk how true it is, but Dr. Drew said it's California laws and a federal law that ended a lot of mental health facilities is reason for this rise in homeless. But what i do know, news doesn't complain when my tax dollars are used to kill people, only when it's to help people.
It's not really that odd. If you listen to enough people who are perpetually living on the streets, they're very honest, unlike the people who are always making excuses for them. We all know what needs to be done to an animal that's infected with ticks to save it. You get rid of the ticks permanently.
It doesn't matter if they have homes or not, they create the same environment for themselves regardless. A neighbor of mine owned a nice house but lived like she was homeless - never cleaned up after herself, abused drugs and alcohol, didn't work, then she died of a drug OD and her body turned into a skeleton by the time anyone realized she was dead.
They should have let them start this in first place. They got use to it, there is no jobs, high price housing. The family is broken, family use to help and neighbors? NO1 we let all these migrants come and they putting them in hotels. American people should be able to have place to live and have work. I believe we all will becoming, homeless before it’s over with. Even if Trump got in, he cannot clean this mess up? Trump is in for his family, he is for self. If you do not believe me you will see.
I have been homeless with my son bc of bad decisions I made..but if you have a positive mind frame you can turn it around. I worked, we lived in a studio apartment, got government help like welfare and foodstamps, now my son is 16 and we have a good clean simple life. You can turn it around if you want to but you have to try and want it!
@@cjhoward409 yepp that’s on them to seek help and fix. It really all begins with good decision making and making the right friends to avoid ending in such a deep rabbit hole of addiction in the first place
Many, if not most, of those on the streets are mentally ill and will not accept treatment even if it’s available. That truth is why America used to have psychiatric hospitals , taxpayer funded, and laws that allowed law enforcement to remove such people from the streets. It is a public safety issue, always has been.
The city shelters aren't adequate, but living on the streets amid trash and sewage is fine? These people are absolutely insane. The problem is the LACK OF PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
There is no incentive to be a functional citizen. You get free food, free needles, and don't pay rent or taxes. They just get high all day and sleep on the street and the state pays for it.
They lack many things to be a decent normal hard working individual. Some lost everything in between especially their dignity and responsibility to earn a living.
"They can't get rid of us...", you're not being evicted, you're being trespassed and removed. Their entire 'encampment' needs to be burned to the ground.
The lede was completely buried on this story when they slipped it in that the homeless shelters being offered were more like a closed camp WITHOUT WATER AND ELECTRICITY. 6 tiny houses were recently built in my neighborhood for the homeless, I hope it works out well.
And then what do you do with the people? Help the ones that are sick get healthy? Help people who are in addiction? Or do nothing and wait for this to spill on your front porch. Help your fellow man or our society will have more issues. It's that simple. It's funny how much money we have for war. It's sickening that we live in a society so scared of socialism that we can't even help our own countrymen.
Currently homeless and living out of my pickup while I wait on my new apartment to open up. I've been homeless a few times from living in a storm drain to staying in a shelter and I can 100% vouch that these people 9/10 times don't want help or a way out, they want a handout and get mad when you wont give them one. I have risen out of the hole each time through hard work and frugal spending until I can reach a place of stability. You gotta want it, you gotta earn it
I was homeless in Arizona and many others didn't ask for alms that I noticed. They just chilled in the library, park until meal times in soup kitchens. Some were thieves. Others were homeless minimum wage workers, even security guards. Others were people who were kicked out or left home.
LMAO the cope in the comments. Like they never heard of direct deposit. Keep your head up, you're right, they don't want help, because they've resigned, too far gone mentally or they just don't want to quit the shit because the programs don't accept the junkies that won't even put in the effort to get off the shit.
I lived in a shelter for 2 months with 4 children. I had to follow rules, get counseling and do chores, but it was safe for me and my kids, I had town bathroom, I had 3 meals a day. We need to stop worrying about what everyone wants to happen and do what’s right We need to teach hard work and responsibility. We need to stop giving handouts to everyone. We must teach people that the only respectful way to get a better life for ourselves is through hard work and being responsible.. even if we loose some people. We can’t save the world. At some point we have to teach people to save themselves
Leaving mounds and mounds of trash and filth. Knowing it will be “ every one else’s “ problem to clean up after them. Quite a large number of those people likely have relatives that would help, but they don’t because the drugs create $hit tons of problems that come with these people.
"They can't get rid of us, we're dug in like tics." What an apt description. I agree with her, they are a parasite sucking the blood from the community.
You posses so much compassion. There are many reasons a hardworking, decent human being could become homeless in the U.S..I do know an American that had your attitude and due to a run of bad luck almost ended up homeless himself ,if not for the generosity of a caring individual.
“We’re deeply invested in our community.” If she’s speaking about being invested in the drug market that might be true. I feel for those elderly and disabled that need a hand up. But in this woman’s own words she describes the homeless as parasites buried in like ticks.
To them, that’s guaranteed votes, and cleaning the trash out which they absolutely consider everything and every one involved in this as trash to be pushed out of the way will also help their image of a well kept community. They only care about the narrative.
@drewstevens5771 Most if not all social services are run by so-called democrats. Billions of dollars funneled into failed programs. These people don't want to fix the problem, They would lose their cushy jobs. Let's be honest.
And they do not pay taxes towards the workings of a city either. They are only there for the state's social services-FREE everything except housing. Free food vouchers, free medical, free dental
A country built on forced servitude where every inch of land is "claimed" there is nowhere you can go to escape being harassed by the hands of greed that demand payment.
I'm shocked that condoning drug use, giving out free hypodermic needles to addicts, providing free food and allowing mentally ill people to roam the streets while ignoring rampant crime haven't cured the homeless problems in Oakland and other cities. Who would have imagined that encouraging, condoning and enabling crime and destructive, anti-social behavior would result in more homelessness, crime and destructive, anti-social behavior?
I'm shocked at your astounding ignorance, giving addicts equipment to use is used in countries like Portugal and they don't have this issue, they have actually decriminalised drugs, you have no idea what you're talking about, the problem here is lack of healthcare and government support.
The system we have to care for them isn't enough. They need housing (nothing luxurious) they can stay in to have an address to get jobs, better pathways to get off drugs instead of just telling them to stop because it makes Jesus cry or whatever, and to treat their addiction as a health crisis instead of a criminal one (of course still go to prison or jail for other crimes they may have committed). Finland greatly reduced their homeless numbers simply by making housing more affordable for everyone.
@@TheSilael I don't think addicts should be jailed for things like shoplifting anyway. Obviously robbery and such is different, but tbh the prison system needs to change aswell, prison should be like a secure hospital and school.
@Universal Unificationism you are part of the problem, our once beautiful cities look like the 3rd world because of this type of regressive backwards thinking
We don't have places like this where I live. We'd NEVER put up with it. It's selfish to trash the place you live and expecting normal people to deal with it. I was homeless and admit it was due to _my own choices_ . I took ownership. I have my own home now that nobody can take away from me. The key is I *work for it* . NOTHING is free in life. It's dog eat dog. You gotta be your own heroes.
We don't have places like that where I live either. But not everyone is born equal and not everyone is capable of making reasoned decisions. We're complex creatures, us humans. Some are complex beyond understanding.
what's unfortunate is that many of those homeless don't want to accept help or have no intention of changing their living situation. Good on the city for finally getting the opportunity to clean up.
In fact, one lady described public housing for homeless as “prisons”. Our society in North America is screwed. People have such an insane sense of entitlement now, without giving squat in return to society. Take, take, take and what are you going to do for me? While most other citizens are stressed and absolutely stretched beyond their limits as a human being just trying to feed and house their families and selves with the basics of life.
You need money to get an address and an address to get a job. Where are people supposed to go? Do you think people live like this because they like it?
@@puppyresidue Yes, I think they do. That camp is not a group of down-on-their-luck people trying to get back on their feet. If it were, this would be a very different story. But when a group utterly destroys an area to the point it looks like a tornado went through; where you cannot even see the ground for all the trash and garbage strewn around; when they refuse to use offered shelters because they don't get free electricity and running water 24/7 (as if they did there unless they were somehow steeling that as well?); then no - they are indeed CHOOSING do live this way and that is not acceptable in any functioning society. High cost of living is indeed a problem in Oakland, the greater bay area, and much of the country. However that is not give a person the right to simply take over and destroy somebody else's property because they aren't willing to make the effort to become a functioning part of society. Americans in general are more than willing to help those who are willing to help themselves. But even in the most liberal areas we're finally beginning to see crackdowns on this extreme abuse of the system. All I can say is about time.
The thing is they have to DO SOMETHING with these people, because no one wants them around but they continue to exist. You can't help them. You can't leave them as they are. You can't just put them in prison for life and you can't kill all either. You can't ship them to another country. So what do you do with them? You gotta do SOMETHING eventually, but you're stuck in a catch 22.
@@BologneyT Stop paying them to not work and they will get a job at McDonalds or die. It is the only way to save future generations. You keep giving people "assistance", and that is what our future children will know they can count on. Even a squirrel knows to store nuts in a log for the winter.
I use to feel sorry for homeless people, then, finding that I pay taxes and go to work at 5AM. What really made my “give a damn” bust, guy, young, standing with a sign “Homeless, please help.”. Company I work for was hiring, told him to go to the company I work for. Swear to God, he told me, “I don’t want no job! Just give me money!”. That comment changed my whole perspective on the homeless.
I can relate. I stopped giving money to homeless after I came back from London. In a transit station, I gave a guy 5 pounds ($6 USD). He literally walked to a drug dealer steps away and bought drugs. As an American tourist, that really shocked me because I thought I was doing something beneficial for his well-being NOT enabling his drug abuse and addiction. Also he approached me as if he was starving for food, come to find out he was JUST NEEDING HIS NEXT HIT. Most of the time now I just offer food or clothing or water. Or I just leave packaged food next to a person as they are sleeping. MONEY is not always the answer, especially if said money is not being used for ESSENTIALS.
@@mjg239 You probably shouldn't be giving them anything at all. Most of them aren't interested in getting off the streets because they're extraordinarily lazy. The only thing that will force them to get a job is the awful feeling of severe starvation.
I use to intern at a homeless shelter. Homeless people are some of the most ungrateful people I know. Literally 80% did t want to help themselves. They were given every kind of help to help them get back on their feet or help them learn basic things to sustain their lives but they wouldn't take it they wanted everything to be given to them.
Yes, i work in a detox center. They are by far the worst bunch... they are rude, entitled, demanding... throwing tantrums and never say thank you. Im disgusted by it
Then perhaps another line of work would be better for you. I can’t imagine you’re doing much good with that perspective. I can imagine it’s frustrating, even more so when you likely have your own unhealed trauma to contend with. Seeing them the way you described, I imagine it’s hard for you to even have compassion for yourself.
@@brianam4372 I continue to help others in need, but many do come across as being self-deserving. I don't expect a thank you, but I would like respect. A family sent by a charity organization once came in my house to pick up a free dining room table and sofa. They didn't want the sofa, but proceeded to go through my kitchen cabinets to take what they wanted. As they drove away, I had to stop their truck and remove items that I told them that they couldn't have.
Im currently working in san Francisco as a union concrete worker they broke into my car stole some of my tools its really really bad situation i now commute with my Forman these people don't want help i can't wait to be done working in san fran.
I used to feel sorry for homeless people,then I reflect back on the 20+ yrs I have been having to wake up at 4am to go to work and my sympathy for them flies out the window
then you don't know any homeless people. you're coming from the assumption that they are lazy. some homeless work. many are disabled or mentally ill. many worked for many years. put some thought beyond yourself.
Exactly, I never really ever had sympathy for the poor or the homeless. Pretty simply get a job, pay bills, make money, and have everything within reason I could ever need and stay out of trouble, big one there this has worked for millions I just don't get it
In my 20’s I was liberal because I thought with my heart but in my thirties I thought with my tax payments which was in reality. Hence I became an adult aka a Republican
On top of which, you can not be "evicted" from a place that you pay no rent or mortgage on. These are squatters, the media needs to stop calling these "evictions" since it is not required that the city notify each person and get court processed eviction proceedings. By calling them "residents" and these "evictions" it is just another way to make us feel sympathy for these people. Example: If I am at the beach past 10pm (official closing time, very clearly stated on signage) and the police tell me I have to leave, that ain't an eviction!
@@patrickplayspokerbadly6230 very very well said..but sadly people vote people in that allow THIS. I never have understood why they have to hoard and live in trash and squalor..I'm very poor myself, but i still pay for garbage pickup..and keep my living quarters clean. ( I'm not trying to judge) just trying understand why they have to be so gross? If I were homeless I would be traveling very light.
This situation will only get worse, as Biden is letting in tens of thousands of illegals, who will take priority over America's homeless. I'd bet large sums that the illegals coming across our borders get more benefits by far than any of these homeless people.
The entitlement is unbelievable with these drug addicts. Look at the squalor they are ok living in, but refuse a clean place to sleep....wow. What's the old saying, beggars can't be......?
The entitlement is what gets me, too. The nerve of these bums. They just "expect" me to hand over the hard earned money my parents send to me every week. You leeches should just GET A JOB!
The ignorance you show is unbelievable. Most people in America are a massive illness and calamity away from homelessness and many of the homeless work.
I have been homeless (no family no friends no car) I never let it get to this, I worked my @$$ off slept at work and just kept going until I made enough to escape it all and make a beautiful life for myself. everyone suffers from hard times at some point in there lives, but these people are the example of what you DONT want to end up as. SO KEEP GOING and dont give up, there is NO EXCUSE
The first thing I did when I finally got housing after being homeless for 4.5 years was make breakfast and take it out to a homeless woman that would sleep on the sidewalk outside my building in East Oakland. She was so grateful and cool! I run into here every few months and she is usisally kicking garbage around and having schizophrinic episodes talking or yelling to herself and then the minute she sees me she instantly smiles and the schizo disappears- like I somehow snap her out of her mental loops. A few simple moments of compassion can cure things that scientists haven't been able to cure. I really do not believe you...because if you were ever homeless you wouldn't be putting "THESE PEOPLE" down. You would be more understanding since you know what it is like for EVERYONE to automatically think you are a junky lazy lowlife wanting a handout etc etc victim blaming is such a low blow. And to say that you did it so everyone else can belittles and disreaguards each individual and their own demons or bad luck or the fact that some people get their lives destroyed by things BEYOND THEIR CONTROL. EVERY bad situation is not some punishment from God for sins a person committed or some nonsense. Sometimes people reap what they sow and sometimes other people have been fucked up absolutely by evil people fucking with them stealing from them or hurting them and there are a range of reasons of how they got outside and there are a range of homeless. They do not ALL just sit around lazy and do drugs. You and I are apparently examples of that. You just worrying about youself and solving your situation and then saying FUCK THEM I helped myself and then just worrying about yourself and trying to justify that is a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE take. People showed me compasion and patience and kindness and so once I got out of the streets and into my apt I go out and do what I can to help those that need help. THAT is how things get better. Just saying I got mine and so fuck anyone else let them fend for themselves is a seriously shitty attititude.; Things are getting worse not better. People better start to wise up and HELP and treat people who need help with compassion and deignity. Stop judgeing people. There are people in suits and mansions that have cause countless deaths through corporate fuckery and banking scandals and arms deals...and there are people in tents that have never hurt a fly...and youidolize the rich evil ones and dont give a fuck about the person who could use a little compassion. WTF?! Shame on you,
Exactly!! There is no excuse for being a worthless bum, a lowlife degenerate, and a filthy junkie. These people lie, steal, con, and manipulate. They deserve exactly what they are getting.
When that lady said, "They can't get rid of us, were DUG IN like TICKS." I spit my drink out 😂. "We're part of the spine of tree of Oakland." "We're deeply invested in the community." Oh boy...😂😂
Amen brother, I used to be very liberal in my views of homelessness but it's changed drastically after dealing with homeless for a while now. Fuck em, seriously. Force them to contribute to society like the rest of us.
Free housing is a prison? I guess the hobo life is pretty good. I've been homeless before. It took getting arrested and put on probation for me to realize there are no free rides. If you stay at my house, it's not a democracy. I have rules. Rules are how I got myself into a good job and under a roof. I'm grateful to myself and the people who gave me the choice to get over myself. Just because we like in a constitutional democracy doesn't mean we are free to forget simple facts. Nobody owes you a thing. You take the opportunities, and you earn your way. People like me a lot more now that I understand it. I like them more , too.
I spent a year of my life in Homeless Shelters in LA. The guys who got mad when you said it was "like prison" were the guys who just got out of prison. Rainbow Barbie doesn't know what she's talking about.
For someone with no criminal record, it will seem like prison. Someone who has never broken a law shouldn't have to live under rules just to get housing.
Until I got my own home, I found myself with 'no home' two times. Both times, I swallowed my pride, kept my thoughts to myself, and made sure I caused no trouble so that not just one but multiple family members were willing to take me in and let me stay until I got back up again. People cannot act like demons and expect their families and friends to let them stay.
When I was 12 years old, I told my father that 25 cent allowance every 2 weeks was not enough. He looked me straight in the face and said you want more go earn it. So what can a 12 year old do to make money. A friend and I started mowing yards on the weekends. I was making about 25 dollars a week. 50 years later of working, I have retired in my home that I paid for. NOT GIVEN. THANKS DAD
I tell you the first time I heard the word allowance...was on 'Leave it to Beaver' when I was about 9 or so yrs old. I never got an allowance, but I had no clue what that was anyway. If I wanted money, I hoed/chopped cotton, cut broomcorn, or breaking rows for broomcorn, and milked the neighbors cow for milk and cash too. Mowed 2 yards, 1 old widow woman had a reel mower, and the other had a push-mower. I got $2.00 each on the yards. .75 cents an hour doing the other jobs. My place is paid for too.
@Aaron of Ruth when society norms rubuke those who don’t want to conform they for sure would rather choose a life harder living then one of compliance. Drugs and mental illnesses is not the problem. The perception of them is. Mental illness can be treated and there can be treatments for hard drugs but people in these situations are looked down upon. There are so many videos of homeless people being shot ,stoned,sprayed with water in freezing conditions and set on fire. I give my local homeless funds because they are human and we should all respect each other. It does not matter if you are religious or not either everyone needs to treat each other a lil better and maybe we can one day be thankful that people around us are different and enjoy living
@@aaronofruth2088 It's true to call them enablers but the part about mental illness and addiction is also true. You can't help someone unless they choose to help themselves.
@@TheSMR1969 Nah, civilization is messed up. The way we live screws up people. Back in the day it took people about 3-4 hours a day living in small family groups to meet their needs. Now over half the people in the USA will die in debt to some greedy rich person or the other. Some homeless people have addiction problems... some do not. Some people simply choose to be homeless because living amongst civilized people is so onerous. Some homeless people have at least one full time job, and still can't afford to live in a house. NAFTA. I'm an old man now, and I have a community and a place to live. But if I didn't? I have a pocket knife and this is the world I evolved to live on... I can still walk out the door and live on what I find even at my age. There is a profound freedom to that that most "civilized" people never know. Homeless people are urban hunter gatherers. Any market economy hates hunter gatherers. If you aren't part of the market you are in the way. Just ask all the people who used to be here.
They are relocating what twenty people. Go Google how many homeless are currently living in the Bay Area. Getting a very small percent of an ever growing number of people... DONE? lol
I understand that. Most people treated us like a parasite...even though I worked full time and went around and picked up litter and made friends with the people that lived in the area so an old man AL who lives a few blocks from highland Hispital said as long as we put it right back, we could fill up water from his hose anytime we needed it. I did some yardwork for him to show him sone gratitude. his neighbor Brenda then hired me to paint the interior of her apartment. She is the COOLEST most badass woman in Oakland. And I appreciate her trusting me and believing in me. Then another neighbor who had a broken down vehicle said that she would run an extension cord and power strip out of her garage and into the unlocked trunk of the car that isnt drivable. So we then could charge our phones and our backup batteries in the trunk and said we could either sit in the car so no one would steal our phones and stuff...or make sure no one is around when you aer coming or going and she doubted abyone would notice the cord. But then someone also set our tent on fire with me and the 3 dogs inside... so there;s that!
I've worked in social work, here's my estimate (*some people can fit in 2 or more categories): 5% of the people became homeless because of terrible life events (e.g. loss of job, medical issues, never got a high school diploma). 15% of the people became homeless because of mental health issues. 80% of the people became homeless because of DRUGS! They don't want shelters because there are curfews---they won't be allowed to use drugs. Lots of times when they get section 8, their homes become drug dens, affect neighbors and they get evicted. For those serious about sobriety, let's get them help. Those who need mental health, let's help them (if they are so sick they can't make decisions, commit them indefinitely). For those playing games and wanting to be "ticks" in their area---PRISON!
@Shawna Well said. Happy you and your family were able to make it out of hardship. The saddest part---the chronically homeless (who take no responsibility) make other homeless people (those who just need help to get back on their feet) look bad.
Which category would they be in if they had mental issues then became drug addicts ? I think maybe the percentage you gave for mental health issues is way too low.
I wonder how many ppl became homeless because they were released from prison and couldn't find a job for because ppl are reluctant to hire an excon. I also wonder how many might be sex offenders released from prison who might get turned away once a shelter or job opportunity finds out about their past. Many shelters will turn convicted pedophiles away if they know children are at their shelter. I don't think it's always the homeless persons fault if they can't find a job or shelter.
That woman said the shelters don't provide her the necessary things humans need, but she's living in a DUMP! I don't get it. She's already NOT getting the essentials she needs 😂
It speaks volumes if they rather live on streets than shelters. I’ve heard shelters are very bad don’t judge people if you don’t know what they are going through. All homeless people aren’t drug addicts
@KingAce TheBull not all shelters are bad either. I'm sorry, it's not sanitary to live in that dump. I'm not making fun of them, but I am pointing out that stupid comment she made
@KingAce TheBull the only thing it tells me is that they'd rather live like this than follow any sort of rules. No not all homeless ppl are addicts but MOST are....that's is fact.
I was homeless in 1981 . I thank God for providing miracles. I worked at a 24 hour coffee shop in a safe neighborhood on El Camino in between Menlo Park and Redwood City. I slept I’m my car in the back parking lot . I was able to wash up in the employees wash room . And eat in the coffee shop. Being a waiter provided cash in tips everyday . I had to dress with a vest and tie . Best of all I could meet nice people . One night a young couple came in late 2am . Very nice , I got to know them through playing guitar . They invited me to be a room mate . What a miracle! No more homelessness. I was not a drug or alcohol user , neither were they 😊
@frederickhaaken456 No luck involved. I was born again by the grace of God. Alive and Activated to the word of God. Brought into a relationship with him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Explain each one of those people's path to that site. I know how I got sent there when I was out there from 2013 to 2018. And when we actually listened to the OPD nd moved us and our three dogs to WOOD st. it was a week or two when these four dudes that terrorized everyone down there waited til i went to do our laundry for an afternoon to stab my partner in the face, untie out three dogs and chased them down the street, slashed up our tent, and stole most of our camping stuff, food, electronics, gas stoe, gas heater... bike, htich...wagon... car charger.... backup batteries... phones.... nearly everything. I got there and the four guys flashed a knife at me and said keep walking down the street. So i found John bleeding and got the dogs safely rounded up and called an ambulance. The polikce showed up not in any hurry and we were just far enough away where if we walked for a minute down the street wed be able to see them. So all these cops show up and they start asking me about these guys in a slow ridiculous manner. I'm like they are literally a half a block away why dont we all head down the block? WTF? Oh... ok. Well do they have any weapons??? Yeah... liekly besides the large knife...ah. hmmm...mmm. hmmm. ok. well we sent your friend to the hospital and we bet its safe to go back down to oyur tent have a nice night. WOW! Go fuck yourselves. Thanks for NOTHING. And now I probably have been or will be many of those cops kid's substitute teacher. SMH.
Exactly what I was thinking. I bet she thinks letting people sleep in tents alongside their feces and trash is considered the basic human need and fulfills a dignified life.
That homeless 'advocate" was homeless herself. She was a drug addict with a bullhorn she stole from someone, high as fuck, talking nonsense. "Advocate," lol.
ATTENTION!!! We can not hide our sins from God. Where will you go when you die, Heaven or Hell? Jesus Christ loves you and He died for our sins, on the third day, Jesus arose from the grave... Jesus is alive... Turn away from your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit...
Permanent affordable housing? Yeah, OK. All I will say is that years ago before the Barclays center was constructed in downtown Brooklyn, the city promised residents in the affected area , permanent, affordable housing, not only did it never happen, but the value of the condos that was eventually constructed by the Barclays center has skyrocketed in value, not to mention the major skyscraper. They also built right down the street.
Permanent affordable housing. If it is being run by government it will be a slum. Lowest possible quality and the costs will be through the roof, just like everything else the government does
Even when I was living in a tent, we tried to keep our spot clean and tidy - and it wasn’t hard. Other camps just let their garbage and junk pile up into filth. So many do not care. Be it about themselves; and of one another.
I have never seen so much garbage and rubbish in such a large area, obviously they don't clean anything up or something! I feel bad for the people who are homeless because of mental illness or unexpected circumstances but I don;t know how long the city could allow this to happen and keep growing. It was an absolute mess and there has to be rats and bugs everywhere.
Hope you made it out of that tent I lived in my car for a long time I was an addict at the time got clean and now run a successful business keep ya head up
Yes, their tolerance for this abuse of public property just encouraged thousands more people to treat the city like a free camping site. Now when they go to run them off there will be a sea of drug addicts washing through other parts of town or even residential areas because they need to be around other people to sustain them. The city created this problem and the only way to stop it is to not allow it. Accept a shelter, or go to jail, or leave town. No sleeping or loitering in any public or private place...unless you own it or have permission. Laws that most civilized places live by and that work! Though the shelters may not seem "adequate" to them, turning the city into a slum should not be "adequate" for the citizens who actually work and pay for it! They should be thankful that shelters even exist. No-one is owed anything in life.
They took it to court. You can thank them (and the left politians in those areas) for the West coast states looking like landfills. Completely destroying some beautiful places.
I actually agree with you, Making that kind of mess is only asking for trouble. I have compassion for anyone going through hard times...create a unhealthy environment like this, my compassion dwindles away.
When I first got my apartment after 4.5 yrs...my partner and I would let some of the locfal homeless stop by to shower once in a while and EVERYTIME they saw us as weak instead of kind and they weasled off with our phones or stole tools or wouldnt leave. nightmare idea to invite strangers into your home. But i still open my couch to two homeless friends that I was friends with before during and after living outside. THEY dont want to be a burden so only on very rare rainy or supercold occasions do they take me up on the offer.
We even have developing issues with homelessness at Target in Louisiana. I can’t tell you how many homeless people we’ve had to finally remove and ban for being indecent, rude, or disrespectful towards employees, myself included. They’d sit around for hours using all of our electronic displays for their own amusement, at first we would allow it as long as they were respectful even though the situation was already ludicrous to allow homeless people to abuse our space. Once they started cussing at me and other coworkers for politely asking them to move in order to reach those spaces for work purposes, they had to go. If they can’t even try to participate in the most basic of human interactions without being mean or irritated, then they didn’t even deserve to camp out in a retail store.
That's the druggies. I know a dude, homeless and you'd never know. He works, bathes, etc. He'll buy something and charge up his devices if allowed. Never rude. What isn't that common sense any more?
@@helloidharbl6753 I think this is different from that scenario. These people have just lost all sense awareness to think they can carry on exclusively with their own needs while dozens of people are trying to carry on around them with work or errands, overtly abusing our kindness. They’d come in filthy, lounge for hours, blatantly eat merchandise and steal clothes, and when we’d have to interact with them they’d be completely condescending, not even try to front or act like a decent person. They’d cuss us out or try to ignore us. I’ve personally allowed some that were friendly to charge their devices or carry on with their little ruse, but once they showed they weren’t friendly they have to go. It’s not fair for normal people to have to deal with abnormal behavior in retail, especially a place of business, it’s exclusively for shopping. Even when guests get irate, rude, or indecent behavior they are escorted out. Point blank, bring your business to a grocery store, leave your personal issues at home because retail is not a place to confront or deal with humanitarian issues.
@@helloidharbl6753 These people also wouldn’t have normal tendencies. They don’t come in to shop for supplies. Imagine pulling up a chair in the middle of an aisle and watching 3-4 tablets at once for hours in the middle of a store? Is that even remotely normal? The ones that were “shopping” were also stealing small items and harassing other employees to help with unconventional tasks like giving them paper towels or stealing our cleaning supplies to go support themselves.
Oh noes! Not the cleaning supplies! Not paper towels! Not other small items! Don't they know our monstrously large corporate overlord Target will crumble and fall if people are stealing $4.99 items, two for $6.99? Do these homeless people have no love for these giant unkillable slave masters that aren't even paying their own people a livable wage? Have they no respect for the lumbering behemoth that not only doesn't care if customers live or die, but also it's own employees?? I, for one, am shocked that they would cuss at you. You went through all of the effort of letting them stay there, an act that would use literally 0 energy and require absolutely no involvement on your part, and this is the thanks you get? Is this the gratitude they show to someone who considers doing literally nothing a kind act? I'm just completely shocked. You went out of your way, to not go out of your way. And this is how you were treated? Terrible. My thoughts and prayers go out to Target. I wish them a speedy recovery. Hopefully they'll soon be back to exploiting both their customers and employees alike, and dodging whatever taxes could help those ungrateful homeless people. I mean, come on. You did nothing and they didn't appreciate it. Sad.
The majority of us work for a living. What makes them so special? Edit: I went to Target today and a young girl was sitting on a blanket near the front door. She looked homeless and probably hoping people would give her money. Upon leaving the store, she was talking on a cell phone and there was a bunch of pennies scattered on the ground near her. I imagine pennies are not good enough for her.
Recently i gave a guy outside 711 my change. He threw it at me and demanded dollars only... This was in Richmond. Living here most people accept 3 cents if thats all you got... But the new generation is unaware & entitled
"They can't get rid of us. We're dug in like ticks." Spoken like a person who doesn't have any intentions of getting off the streets.
Export the tick to China 🇨🇳
The best way to get the homeless to move is to stop the free food and drugs
No doubt
Dude when she said they where part of the spine of Oakland 💀
I feel you but idk when u say drugs if u mean street drug or the ones they get from thier doctor, bc if your talkin about street drug then im here to tell u thats wishfull thinkin bc Drug Dealers just care about profit/money & simple math meaning if the come outside with $500 worth of drugs then wanna go in with 0 & thats the Gospel truth!!!
When we lived in Germany, the city literally hunted the homeless to provide them with the food and housing, especially in winter. Within a few days, they were back on the streets because, as they said to us, they didn't like the rules. You can bring the horse to the river but you can't force it to drink
Did you ask what those rules are?
You can teach someone to think, but you can't force them to look.
Don't wait, sit....
We have states bigger than Germany
@@johnklaus9111 Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.
The way I see it, they're bringing the river to the horse
*"You can take the girl out of the street but you can't take the street out of the girl."
"They can't get rid of us. We're dug in like ticks," says an unhoused resident. Wow, that self-description speaks volumes, doesn't it?
Then she said they were deeply invested in their neighborhood, but the word is infested...
She can't get off the street but can afford a200dollar weave how nice.
Ticks feed off of the host
@@SmokeyTreats 😅😅😅😅😅😅
@@bitkrusher5948 AHH YES PRIORITIES! 😅😅😅
That woman is a prime example of a homeless person whom no matter how much money or oppurtunity you give her, she has no intention of leaving the street. Stop giving them free food and d.ope and they will leave.
I got a place for them that gives them a free 12x8 room and hot meal every single day
Same with illegal migrants
@gls3849 Do you believe in God?
@@bnaisligh9723 Why do you ask?
It’s the city’s fault for letting it get this out of control to begin with, disgusting
The fourth tech boom in the Bay Area (prior to covid), caused greedy landlords and real estate speculators (a lot of them Chinese companies that have no interest in the actual Bay Area communities) to price out anyone that wasn't making a six figure salary. Studio apartments went from $7-800 a month to approaching $2k per month. If you have a family and need a 2bd apartment or something, forget it. It's not just the city of Oakland or SF, it's certain big companies that caused this and have left the Bay a mess after people started moving back to Kansas or wherever they came from. It's also driven out the arts, music, and culture that was here because artists and musicians can't afford to live here anymore.
What have you done about it besides be fat and complain
@@mikenofacego to college and you will be able to live Anywhere you want!
It's the lack of JOBS. The RENT is to Extremely to HIGH!
@Max Million no. They don't get taught how to cope with life and end up giving up or don't have the capability of working. Most homeless people are disabled.
As a person in recovery, you can’t help someone, who doesn’t want to participate in their own recovery or improving their life.
I very much doubt this has anything to do with any political party. One commenter states "Democrat politicians have been failing them for years" and the next commenter states "Liberals are doing their damndest to destroy this state".
The laws are NOT being upheld. BLAME THE POLICE FOR LETTING THESE DRUG USERS "SETTLE". We have exactly the same problem in Canada. There are all sorts of laws all across Canada, not much different from the U.S. ....and they are ALL very similarly written. It is related to "loitering" to varying degrees. Someone sets up a tent on a sidewalk in the downtown core of a major city and within minutes a second tent is set up .....MINUTES. That action is planned out by these people ....who turn out to be drug addicts. No surprise there. And a few days later, there are 30, 40, 50, 80 tents all set up, blocking doorways, blocking pedestrians .....ALL VERY MUCH ILLEGAL .....AND THE POLICE DO NOTHING.
No different from the video above. In Canada, it is illegal to park ANYWHERE like above ....."OVER NIGHT". This is a POLICING RESPONSIBILITY to force these vehicles to move. It can become a "game" .....which it probably is ......but the police have no choice but to keep these vehicles moving.
However, back to the comment ......what do these drug addicts have to do with "politics" or any political party? NOTHING! There are ALWAYS going to be the demographic who choose or don't know any better ....to get into drugs ......no matter which political party is in power.
No point in feeling sorry for these people. They make their choices. Usually starts out being "cool" or joining their "friends".
100% one does what one will do .
Unless you force them. Perhaps that's the next needed step.
Some of these people seem to have more invested in their nose rings, hairdos, makeup and tattoos than I do in basic necessities like transportation, water, taxes, food, etc.
@@DUCKSAREEVILLLLLLLL priorities, priorities, priorities. One must have the look. The look of love🎼🎵🎼🤣
I served 19 consecutive years in the Alabama Department of Corrections (2002-2021). Around ten days after release, I took a Greyhound from Montgomery, Alabama to Spokane, Washington, where I have been living here since release. When I first arrived in Spokane on 09/01/21, I sought shelter at House of Charity. They took me straight in, not once was I forced to sleep in the streets. There were (and always will be) places across Spokane to get a free meal, not just a bag of snacks. The VA, Goodwill, plus other agencies got me stable shelter, and I have not been homeless since. The point is, to get blessed with what I got, the person wanting to escape the streets MUST go all out to make the f***ing difference. No more excuse-making, smoking that fentapoison, casinos, and other BS. Keep all of your appointments with the VA, Goodwill, the Salvation Army--whomever!! You can’t give up on yourself!! Your victory off the streets encourages others to go for it.
God bless your journey.
You are correct, most don’t want help if they can’t have the drug addiction at the same time. And so the circle continues.
I agree 100%. But I question the outcome of those with mental illness. It's probably very difficult to trust places like those mentioned when the voices in your head say otherwise. The fact is, I don't think our country knows exactly what to do, or how to help the unfortunate souls who suffer from this. God Bless to all who need or want it.
@Clayton Bigsby No one can be forced to accept mental health assistance. If they don't want help they can sleep on the streets.
19 years in jail? WOW….Good Luck with your freedom and life….God Bless you Scott🙏🏼🍀👋🏼🇨🇦
@@McChrister Thank you for the response and your sincerity. I do consider myself extremely fortunate to have made it through that sentence, yet many others out there have done the same and longer. I drilled it into my soul that I was going to give it my best after release. Hence, I left Montgomery plus the remaining old surviving crowd. No matter where I moved to, I was determined to get my life back. No more alcohol, clubs, parties, river get-togethers, none of it. There have been setbacks, aortic dissection surgery, but I’m still blessed by God and others.
The woman who said, “Glorified prisons they’re inadequate to feed the basic human needs and rights of a person” might not understand what being homeless means! The transition homes are a step up from sleeping on the sidewalk or living in a tent.
But they get free money that they can spend on drugs…
The problem was, she wanted the city to build pent houses with all the amenities for all the homeless people there, you ask high and the city bargains low, then you meet in the middle somewhere, lol
"inadequate to feed the basic human needs and rights of a person”
Beiung feed is not a basic human right, neither is being sheltered.
No where is it written that you have a right to food or shelter or even medical care.
She literally won't go to a city shelter because they won't let her sit there and smoke meth or do dope that's why they won't go to City programs because they are not allowed to be drug addict little lives inside of shelters
The shelters don't let me do my drugs in them.
In my 67 years, I have been poor at times but there was never trash or litter allowed in my living area. This is what disturbs me about the homeless, everything about them becomes filthy filthy filthy. There’s something disgusting about a person who won’t stay clean. You may not have water or soap but you can pick up your trash and keep your area clean.
I absolutely agree I was brought up poor we didn't have a lot but it was clean and taken care of and mom didn't let us have holes in our clothes seems there's no pride in any of those homeless living in dump conditions maybe if it wasn't so dumpy the city wouldn't have to relocate the mess
How did you get rid of your trash? Did you have a dumpster or something?
My Grandmom used to say "there is no shame in having a dirty face, the shame comes when you choose to leave it dirty". Lots of people can match sob stories, myself included but I would never live like this. The problem is drugs. I can't speak for Oakland, but I know for a fact that when municipalities here in SoCal attempt to locate the homeless into shelters, very few are willing to go. Why not? They can't use drugs or alcohol in the shelters. In Anaheim, there was a large group of people living along the Santa Ana river channel by Anaheim Stadium, which is also a popular bike path. After an untold number of complaints about crime, sanitation issues, drug use, the City sent people to help, nothing happened. Finally, the City arranged shelter for them, arranged to move peoples belongings, arranged food, clothing, employment assistance, education assistance, you name it. (with taxpayer money, of course) They went around the camps and delivered notices of when busses would be coming to move them. That morning when the busses arrived, they had all left, apparently because they knew they couldn't use drugs in the new housing. They would rather live like animals than give up the meth, so they moved on to somewhere else. understand how difficult it can be to fight addiction, but you don't fight it with this liberal, permissive, enabling bullshit. At some point you have to regain enough pride to wash your face.
So where are they going to take it? They do not have a for profit waste disposal service. I would like to know what would you do without money and with all your garbage if your waste provider stopped service. You don't have to tell me, I have seen nice neighborhoods full of trash when garbage collection was not available. Don't blame the people, you are one of them, blame the inept system we have in the US.
@@waltbroedner4754Huh? You are so single minded . “Where are they going to take it” , it’s called finding a trash can , you know maybe a garbage bin behind almost every commercial store ?? Getting a garbage bag and clean up after yourself ? There are so many ways to get rid of trash you just don’t be lazy . I can go on and on but no point . Just know you can definitely be homeless and clean 😮
Why don't the advocates house them at their own homes?
Ive been asking this for decades
All these advocates should just go buy some land and shelter the homeless if they feel so strongly. I bet they’ll think twice when its coming from their own pockets and not the cities…which is all tax payers money.
House them in your home
Their compassion only goes so far.
even ticks leave the carcass when there's nothing left
"We're very deeply invested in our neighborhood" lmao, how she said that with a straight face knowing that placed could have been mistaken for a landfill is beyond me.
Mental illness and delusional thought process
You Can Keep seeing it as a landfill trash. You’ll be scavenging for those parts and resources in a few years just to survive.
not deeply invested but infested
@@SethMethCSusername checks out.
I volunteer at a shelter. We always have open beds available but most of the homeless don't come here because we have an 11:00pm curfew, no drugs or alcohol, and no cohabitating with someone who they're not married to. They say they'd rather live on the streets where they can be 'free'.
Same in city near me. Nice housing with community dining, job resources, bus route provided for getting to and from work, no drugs, no alcohol, free counseling, and curfew. Still have openings available. There has to be a distinction for the truly homeless through not fault of their own, and the homeless by choice that choose drugs over housing and the accompanying lifestyle that goes along with drugs. There will be the next step coming and the druggies won't be happy as they will miss their squalor lifestyle they themselves created to just be the drug addict tic burden on normal society. Some just want to lose all just to sht on the sidewalks and throw their diseased needles on the street. They will be relocated by forced relocation, they will never be happy again, who cares, stop catering to them under the heading of "homeless"
@@Areawatch that is as it should be, very good rules .However here in Huntsville there's been a worrying trend razing down block of "projects' for the poor then yrs later you see expensive condos come up in their place.
You are preaching to the "choir". Please inform the higher ups and decision makers.
Also, many have dogs.
Light a match to a tick's ass. He'll back out on his own pretty damn quick.
If people in camps like this didnt Trash it so completely i might feel bad for them.
Totally agree! I hate seeing trash spread out under freeway overpasses and along sidewalks. Pisses me off.
Agree. There are laws against littering--fines and/or jail time. They can live on streets if they choose, but not trash the environment.
That's why I never give them anything. They're all around my neighborhood and they just leave their garbage out everywhere, despite there being trash cans and dumpsters around that anyone can use. Funny thing about this is, they have stolen my trash can once. I even have my address on it. Had to go up the street to circle K where they hang out to get it. Why would they need to steal a trash can when they don't use trash cans anyway?
So you expect people who NO ONE cares about to then in returrn have respect for the people that arent triyng to help them??? You make NO sense.
@@derekcarney You make no sense. You being in a bad place doesn't give you the right to ruin a city's visage. It doesn't give you the right to break the law. Both of these things are more important. Either way you shouldn't need a reason to try and tighty up and organize your living space. Any decent self respecting human should want that, but in spite of what you people want to believe; Your sort, who seems to believe that personal responsibility is not a thing and that these people are all somehow victims, never at fault for their own situation; these arent decent human beings. They are mostly drug heads and criminals, and they should be dealt with, less all America's great cities be reduced to the state of Los Angeles.
That Homeless lady saying that we are very deeply invested in our neighborhood was hilarious
Shows how delusional and mentally ill these ppl truly are! Exactly what the democrat politicians want America to be! LOW LIFE CITIZENS THAT LIVE AND DEPEND ON THE GOVERNMENT
These California hippies are on another level
Well, you can say that all the trash is very colorful at least…
Wow. They are dug in like ticks and so invested in their neighborhood that they have completely trashed. What a joke.
Absolutely disgusting what these people have done to any place they take over. They act like people owe them something.
It's actually quite funny how I can throw one single piece of trash on the ground be demonized for polluting "mother earth" and they don't even bat an eye at the 3rd world level of disgustingness these "unhoused" people cause.
@@kennethbia8812if it involves giving away homes or shelters free of any responsibility or cost then it will fail like everything else before it.
@@kennethbia8812 Was Jesus on meth?
@@kennethbia8812I don’t think Jesus was smoking crack and shooting up fentanyl in his arms with every bit of money that he got though
When have you ever seen a well organized/clean homeless person? These people have nothing to put their stuff in. No shelves, closets, drawers, etc so of course things are going to pile up and take up space
Many, many years ago, I worked in Phoenix as a mental health social worker.
The company I worked for started a new outreach unit for the homeless people - helping them with housing, mental health services, bringing free lunches, clothing etc.
99.9% of these people refused services - although they did take the free lunches.
A lot of excuses were given.......didn't want handouts, didn't want to be a part of the system, wanted to be free to do what they wanted, wanted to be left alone, do drugs and so on.
When I was in the child/adolescent mental health social worker - I had a few clients that were Section 8 housing.
One home I went to was absolutely filthy. The 2 boys had an infestation of head lice, roaches/ants/flies in the home, garbage strewn about, dirty diapers......
Instead of funneling millions and millions of dollars into projects for these people - help the middle class and elderly who are struggling. People who would be eternally thankful for a place to live, food on the table, medical care, assistance in day care. These are the people who need it and would appreciate it.
Thank you ❤ for your service
I find your career as a social worker as an absolutly usless job and a waste of resources, but im glad you got a taste of reality, you dont read those in your books dont you?
90% of homless are just lazy ass addicts, low life criminals that want to live for free getting high all day
im pretty sure we have the resources to help both the poor and "middle" classes but dont let that stop you from victim-blaming anyone who didnt want to, or simply couldnt, jump thru all the hoops required to receive the barest amount of social services humanly possible.
only in america! for some reason
I agree with you 100%! Those people have made a choice to live that way!
@@Wedge7 Right? Who are these scumbag people who think the homeless are LOUNGING COMFY siping expensive champagne at taxpayers expenses!?!?!? Ever shit in a bucket and not have access to running water? It ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. I am actually surprised I survived living in a tent in Oakland for 4.5 years without developing an abuse or drinking problem. I worked FULL TIME when I was homeless. My partner and I got royally a raw deal by the landlord who saw rents going up around Lake Merritt andif she got us out and remodeled the apartment a little she could charge double to new rentors! She had a powerful expensive lawyer and manipulated Berkeley FOOD and HOUSING to help evict us and so much political and legal fuckery went on it was ridiculous. WE NEVER WANTED TO BE OUTSIDE for one night let alone jump through hoops and looops to appease a greedy landlord that was pissed that we called codes and regulations about very serious dangerous health conditions and many building code violations.
I've been homeless and not for a single second did I allow myself to trash the places I was staying. I kept myself clean and made sure that no one could tell I was living in my car. Why ANYONE, homeless or not, would treat the place where they live so horribly and just dump their trash all around them baffles me. And for anyone who uses the "They're on drugs" BS excuse I can only say that just because you're on drugs does not make it ok. Simply put, if you're homeless and worried you might get tossed away keep the place you're living in better condition than you found it in and chances are most people won't look your way.
Same here. I tried my best to be clean and respectful everywhere I went while I was homeless. It's puzzling how so many people make excuses about their nastiness. I have family that was never homeless but kept their home in a permanent state of filth. I counted over 30 piles of cat and dog poop on their kitchen floor.
yeah, youre white though. Hispanics and blacks dont live that way. They dont have decent standards.
I agree. I clean up garbage in my neighborhood every time I go out and so do all my neighbors. There's no excuse for that. They don't have to be nasty. I was homeless once too for 8 months, did everything I could to get myself out of that and I did. I also didn't live like that either. And I can honestly say that about 80% of the people at that time wanted to live like that on drugs or alcohol and not wanting any responsibilities or accountability. And those same people are still homeless 12 years later or dead.
That makes sense!
Run for office, we need you!
Same. This new "generation" of homeless is over the top filthy,like disgusting,trashing anywhere they go,and with a sense of entitlement about it too. People really need to work together to push them out if they can't function in civil society,homeless or not,and if the police are going to continue being pretty much useless at doing THEIR job.
There are more than enough resources available for the homeless.
Many of them simply don’t want to take advantage of them.
They would rather be homeless and live however they want than be exposed to any amount of accountability.
I think as regular Americans we think that everyone wants to always improve their status or climb the ladder. But I've realized over my lifetime that many are actually unmotivated. I knew a homeless guy when I was a college student. He was a really nice man but wasn't interested in having a job or anything. He was happy crashing on someone's sofa for free. Didn't want much out of life. What we would consider survival conditions some folks think are regular accommodations.
@@RR-hb7nj very well put.
My father was homeless for a period of time in his life. A very short period. He went from having nothing to having a full time job and his own apartment in a year.
He is very liberal.
He told me himself “In this country, if you are able bodied and able minded and you don’t have food, or clothes, or shelter, you can’t blame anyone but yourself”.
Many people are simply ok with the bare minimum.
Maybe a "tick" on the tree but not the "spine" as the woman said. The taxpayer is the spine.
You want permanent housing, at least apply for low income housing with the City or local nonprofits. If none is available in Oakland, then move to a place where housing is available or get a job.
sounds easy. why waste your wisdom here on UA-cam. get involved. or shut your ample pie hole.
if you where paying for homeless and what ever ealse there would not be homelessness.your paying for UKCARINE/the border jumpers etc not the American.
Y’all faceles mofos with fake names talk the most junk online and probably still live at home with mom and daddy 👶
How does one "get a job" reliably? Begging isn't reliable. Work or die is slavery btw.
They don't want that. they only want to spend money on dope, nothing else!!
Looks at the mess you made if you can keep it clean maybe you wouldn't get evicted.
That is exactly right.
These are mostly junkies who don't want to live like humans.
Very unhealthy, breeding ground for typhus, cholera. Filthy trash everywhere
it has nothing to do with affordable housing AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH DRUGS
Exactly 💯
You are a saint and a scholar.
Even if you’re not on drugs it’s still easy to become unhoused.
So you think everyone can afford 2500 plus rent ? You think stress and drug use aren’t connected? You think that a lack of morality and dog eat dog culture and drug use aren’t connected?
@@thepain321 on a scale of 1-10 10 being the most fair, how fair do you think the economic system is and why?
The problem is that shelters don't allow the crime and filth they want to live in. It is not about housing or basic human needs; it comes down to antisocial behavior.
You have no idea what you’re talking about
Actually many shelters kick people out in the morning. Imagine having to lug all your belongings during the day and only being able to be in a shelter at night from 5pm-9am. Would suck. We need more 24 hour shelters.
I was homeless myself, from South Carolina to North Dakota. And the overwhelming majority of homeless people don't wanna change. They aren't gonna work hard to not be homeless.
Ive been homeless as well in my younger years and (at least where Im from) your wrong. Many homeless people have mental health issues or some other form of disability and cant work or live a normal life, never got the help they needed and ended up on the street (this includes drug and alcohol addictions). There are definitely some that have the capacity to better themselves and just dont want to but is that because of the addictions they have or just because they are "lazy"?
@scott vallieres this isn't 1990. In modern America, they have more than enough social programs to help people get back. Especially if your a veteran. So I somewhat understand the mental health aspect. I can only speak on what I saw. Being homeless for 36 months.
@@scottvallieres6173 But so many never received the help they needed? We're talking tens if not hundreds of thousands of people. The more help there is for these people, the more homeless there are....the less help, less homeless....just look at other countries in the world.
@@MrAbrock123 You dont make any sense. Less help for the mentally ill will result in less homelessness? If anything we need more (and more competent) help for the mentally ill.
I just don't understand that mentality. I lived as a student renting a room in basement with 3 other students for about 300 bucks a month (back in 2006) I made around 800$ working half time on minimum wage. I'm sure I could and would go back to that lifestyle if the ONLY other alternative was homelessness.
It was hard work but only because of university If I didn't have to study and just aimed to get by it's not a lot of work to put in, and these entry level jobs are everywhere. Just take a shotgun approach and send out your resume or apply in person literally everywhere you can within a 20 mile radius of where you live. You'll have a job within a week.
I was homeless as a kid growing up for a time because of my parents choices. I prayed to God to get out. Anything to get away from their BS. I was able to leave them at 15yo and made it on my own. I now have family of my own and I wish for my children to NEVER have to experience those hardships that I endured.
Love it keep goin💙😊
Wow couldn’t imagine having to make that decision at 15. God bless ❤
Yesh now big corpos buy all the developmemts and charge outrageous prices...middle class csnt even buy a house now, more less the homeless
Blame your country, this isn't normal in China.
You overcame life's obstacles with courage , determination and intelligence. No one should be homeless. Having said that many in this are there of their own volition. You ovecame your own trials yourself, it's not up to a city or government to provide housing or these people. Homeless shelters are for those who like you were there not of their own doing. My heartfelt congratulations on making a big success of your life!
It’s so horrible that people feel entitled to “live off the land” aka steal stuff from your porch when you’re at work.
Nice assumption
Ariyal speaks the truth.
Ironically California is an entirely colonized state that genocided and displaced millions. This is a full circle historical event we are witnessing.
Yes they seem super entitled, I'm in a small town and they insist on living here despite there being no recycling or anything to rummage through, because almost all the businesses are gone. I see them walking at night with a little grocery bag with 2 or 3 items in it, and the nearest recycling place is 5 miles away. I don't get why they bother. I guess breaking car windows and stealing change gets them by.
@@thelemon5069 they steal bikes and shit from people’s yards all the time.
As someone that literally was homeless in the bay area at one point in my life. These people just want to live for free and avoid responsibilities. She literally called all her neighbors, "ticks." We all know how much ticks are healthy for us. Actually disease of humanity
@Audios2010 How did you feel when you were homeless? DON’T THINK GOD CAN’T HELP YOU TO REMEMBER!
@@bnaisligh9723 I felt like I had no one else to blame but myself.
@Audios2010 And, that's what we call "taking responsibility". Something a lot of self induced homeless don't want to do.
If they cared about living peacefully why are the encampments always full of drugs and trash?
And whose cars did they steal? Which of the denizens of this sh*thole were the ones stealing cars? And how about the guy who wakes up in the morning to go to work and finds his car gone? Anyone care about that?
Because they are trashy people
They are homeless and live in these disgusting conditions for a reason. As much as they'd like you to believe, it's not because they are sensible people. They are lazy drug addicts in most cases. In other cases, they have mental illness or they are hiding from something terrible they've done. The ones who refuse to go to shelter probably refuse to go because they'll be IDed and caught up on something.
No trash cans are provided by the city….no trash truck comes by to pick up since they are not tax payers 🤷♀️
@@joylynch5204 oh the horror
The sad truth is most of these people belong behind bars, either a prison or a mental facility.
Forsure. Then when they’re in that situation the best option is to smoke a bunch of heroin and crack
Thank Republicans. Regean had alot to do with this mess.
Loved seeing this cross-section of California fruits and nuts. I thought that was just a stereotype.
@@americanmade-1 LMAO Reagan was 40 years ago. How come it keeps getting worse under democrats in Cali -- for multiple decades? They don't have any real solutions it seems.
Many are genuine unfortunates, having lost their jobs, price of housing, etc.
I’m from Thailand and I look what’s happening to the United States in amazement. In Thailand we don’t have a homeless problem, it’s simply if you’re not willing to work and support yourself, Society will not put up with you.
The way you describe it kind of sounds like a Purge situation.
@@77jaycube69 more like reality...
Well they still have a point and that is, you should be able to sleep and live anywhere you want but government keeps society enslaved to expenses and bills.
The government didn't make you homeless if they would stop giving you food stamps living expenses maybe you could look for a job
There isn't a housing crises, there is a responsible for your own life crises.
Started 600 years ago by entitled europeans. No one wants to live naturally and well.
Apply for low income housing! Get a job! Never, why would they? They are being given everything. Why would they work for it? They're not working at a time when the job market is wide open. They're not paying taxes. They're not paying rent, and they have the nerve to complain! Make it make sense!
Well think of it you need a address for a W2 and such for even getting a check or anything
@@edeny6560 Oh BS, there are plenty of workaround for people who actually try. I know that for a facts as I have been without housing myself more than once in my adult life.
You can't get sence from these people, or the moronic advocates in their corner!
Most of these people are severely mentally ill and/or drug addicted. You and I wouldn't be in this situation for very long, we'd couch surf, get a job, and very quickly find a new apartment or room with roommates. That's why it's so hard to deal with, we aren't dealing with rational adults here. It's a balance between giving these people the right to live as they see fit, and recognizing that the way they choose to live is decreasing the quality of life for everyone else, and endangering their own health and safety.
Here in NYC they just gave cops the right to remove mentally ill homeless off the street against their will again, but we can't lock them up in an institution indefinitely without violating their human rights, so they just end up back out there again. Some can hopefully get treated and choose a better path while institutionalized, but there really isn't a way to permanently solve it for all of them.
@@hoppingrabbit9849 Looky here, another silly lefty with no argument to make.
“……dug in like ticks…. my family and neighbors are invested in our neighborhood..” Calling that a neighborhood and considering stolen shopping carts & cars as “being invested” exposes the level of mental illness that many of these people have . Years of drug abuse makes them lose perspective but preferring to live among the trash and rats to shelters is so sad. That someone can sink that far into delusion shows the need for govt assistance. I hope they all accept help.
More like “infested” instead of “invested”.
When she said "neighbors" I said oh brother
@@burressjj1 Seems like I wasn't the the only one who thought the same thing :D
Year after year they get use to it more and more till they're living Neanderthal style.....
Many won't take help. Some say they don't ever want to pay rent, or have anyone tell them what to do. They don't want to be "controlled by an employer" and get caught up in the rat race. They will take what you give them, but they refuse to earn anything for themselves. I know, I had a friend like that in Los Angele that I had to get away from because he was always coming to take a shower in my place and wanted to sleep on my sofa every night. He had friends just like him. They just didn't want to conform to society.
The city isn't supposed to find you a home. You find you a home.
look at this bigots privlage and hubris
kind of, but that philosophy means anyone who cant find their feet in this life, gets exterminated. And the rest of us wouldnt miss those folks, but thats not human kind surely...
Meisterly manu,that overlooks the fact that there are dozens and dozens-if not hundreds-of organizations founded specifically to help these people. They mostly have mental health or drug issues, let’s not beat around the bush. I am all for helping every fellow human, but that doesn’t mean we have to give and give and give and give, if what we’ve already tried to give was refused. Some people just don’t want to have to conform to any structure, and if that’s how a person wants to live, nothing will ever satisfy them.
I don’t know why people have the naive mindset that there is enough for everyone. I am no Marxist, but I ain’t a fool neither
Maybe if Cali wasn’t so expensive everyone could afford a home 🏠
What a disgrace that the city let it get this bad, insanity.
It's odd that she referred to themselves as ticks when most folks and even dogs see bloodsuckers as a problem.
she was angry. She hates society all the while dependent on social handouts. She doesnt see the irony. You have to support yourself or your neighbors will tire of you stealing and squatting because you dont want to work.
@@geraldbennett7035 this was most ignorant comment. Majority of these people do want to work. You need a home to get most jobs Einstein, but it's not your fault. (I hope). We've been propagandized so hard.
People against helping the poor vs the rich are so ignorant. Every financial issue this country has is because of the rich. We fund Ukraine 100b no questions or complaints, while Ukrainians oligarchs jus raking in our money. You're ok with that, but mad at homeless camp for a 8million dollar project that won't help because it's 8million with a M, but Ukraine gets 100Billion with a B. So point is, this country is doomed, unless we course correct. Help people vs killing them.
So get your priorities straight. Idk how true it is, but Dr. Drew said it's California laws and a federal law that ended a lot of mental health facilities is reason for this rise in homeless. But what i do know, news doesn't complain when my tax dollars are used to kill people, only when it's to help people.
It's not really that odd. If you listen to enough people who are perpetually living on the streets, they're very honest, unlike the people who are always making excuses for them. We all know what needs to be done to an animal that's infected with ticks to save it. You get rid of the ticks permanently.
Ticks can be burnt and ripped out..make sure not to leave the head..it burrows under the skin if removed from the body..
@@AnAbortiveRomance or you put the dog down...this dog just needs a bath and tlc.
It doesn't matter if they have homes or not, they create the same environment for themselves regardless. A neighbor of mine owned a nice house but lived like she was homeless - never cleaned up after herself, abused drugs and alcohol, didn't work, then she died of a drug OD and her body turned into a skeleton by the time anyone realized she was dead.
Well, that is one way to improve the neighborhood.
They should have let them start this in first place. They got use to it, there is no jobs, high price housing. The family is broken, family use to help and neighbors? NO1 we let all these migrants come and they putting them in hotels. American people should be able to have place to live and have work. I believe we all will becoming, homeless before it’s over with. Even if Trump got in, he cannot clean this mess up? Trump is in for his family, he is for self. If you do not believe me you will see.
Interesting how them paying for their own housing was not even mentioned as an option.
they're homeless how the hell are they supposed to have money for housing in the bay area
@Paul Lo I don't know man. How do you do it? They could work like the rest of us. But that probably never crossed your mind.
A lot of these idiots think housing is a so called right when it is just a commodity like anything else
Fuck the homeless ppl. They can all rot
or cleaning up their own trash
I feel for the homeless but trashing the city streets and camping out in front of people's businesses is unacceptable.
I have been homeless with my son bc of bad decisions I made..but if you have a positive mind frame you can turn it around. I worked, we lived in a studio apartment, got government help like welfare and foodstamps, now my son is 16 and we have a good clean simple life. You can turn it around if you want to but you have to try and want it!
We can’t expect ppl bring out their best like you did. Many are not equipped with abilities
God bless you and your son for making something good of your life. ✌️🗽🇺🇸
But many have bad addictions like drugs, alcohol and gambling. If they don’t have the desire to quit those, they won’t change.
@@cjhoward409 yepp that’s on them to seek help and fix. It really all begins with good decision making and making the right friends to avoid ending in such a deep rabbit hole of addiction in the first place
Many, if not most, of those on the streets are mentally ill and will not accept treatment even if it’s available. That truth is why America used to have psychiatric hospitals , taxpayer funded, and laws that allowed law enforcement to remove such people from the streets. It is a public safety issue, always has been.
The city shelters aren't adequate, but living on the streets amid trash and sewage is fine? These people are absolutely insane. The problem is the LACK OF PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
the shelters have rules no drugs
There is no incentive to be a functional citizen. You get free food, free needles, and don't pay rent or taxes. They just get high all day and sleep on the street and the state pays for it.
They lack many things to be a decent normal hard working individual. Some lost everything in between especially their dignity and responsibility to earn a living.
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo!!!!!
2:26 Translation: There are rules to follow, and they wont let us do drugs.
Deeply invested means you're actually paying for something,
"They can't get rid of us...", you're not being evicted, you're being trespassed and removed. Their entire 'encampment' needs to be burned to the ground.
The lede was completely buried on this story when they slipped it in that the homeless shelters being offered were more like a closed camp WITHOUT WATER AND ELECTRICITY. 6 tiny houses were recently built in my neighborhood for the homeless, I hope it works out well.
If nuclear can be used and contain in a specific area, nuclear is needed just to get rid of all the trash and bacteria, not to kill anyone lol
And then what do you do with the people? Help the ones that are sick get healthy? Help people who are in addiction? Or do nothing and wait for this to spill on your front porch. Help your fellow man or our society will have more issues. It's that simple.
It's funny how much money we have for war.
It's sickening that we live in a society so scared of socialism that we can't even help our own countrymen.
Yes burn it and then stop giving them ANYTHING. Burning it is probably the most sanitary way to handle the filth
Currently homeless and living out of my pickup while I wait on my new apartment to open up. I've been homeless a few times from living in a storm drain to staying in a shelter and I can 100% vouch that these people 9/10 times don't want help or a way out, they want a handout and get mad when you wont give them one. I have risen out of the hole each time through hard work and frugal spending until I can reach a place of stability. You gotta want it, you gotta earn it
Full of shot. How do you even get a pay check with no address? Once your homeless ....your finished forever.
Why are you lying?
I was homeless in Arizona and many others didn't ask for alms that I noticed. They just chilled in the library, park until meal times in soup kitchens. Some were thieves. Others were homeless minimum wage workers, even security guards. Others were people who were kicked out or left home.
LMAO the cope in the comments. Like they never heard of direct deposit. Keep your head up, you're right, they don't want help, because they've resigned, too far gone mentally or they just don't want to quit the shit because the programs don't accept the junkies that won't even put in the effort to get off the shit.
@@caleb7674 Cope.
I lived in a shelter for 2 months with 4 children. I had to follow rules, get counseling and do chores, but it was safe for me and my kids, I had town bathroom, I had 3 meals a day. We need to stop worrying about what everyone wants to happen and do what’s right
We need to teach hard work and responsibility. We need to stop giving handouts to everyone. We must teach people that the only respectful way to get a better life for ourselves is through hard work and being responsible.. even if we loose some people. We can’t save the world. At some point we have to teach people to save themselves
Careful Michelle. Ur making a bit too much sense. They'll come for you.
Even if we lose some people?!?! Disgusting and inhuman.
No matter how much you wanna say everyone it’s not gonna happen. Not discussing. It’s reality. Not everyone wants to be saved.
It is sickening how much money our government lavishes on foreign countries while our own people live in squalid and unbelievable conditions.
Leaving mounds and mounds of trash and filth. Knowing it will be “ every one else’s “ problem to clean up after them. Quite a large number of those people likely have relatives that would help, but they don’t because the drugs create $hit tons of problems that come with these people.
Facts. And why do homeless people collect so much trash anyway
Garbage humans
Ditch people
only about half of homeless are addicted. many are disabled or mentally ill. and a lot of people don't have families, homeless or not.
@@pickinforalivin id like to see where you even got that misinformation
"They can't get rid of us, we're dug in like tics." What an apt description. I agree with her, they are a parasite sucking the blood from the community.
You posses so much compassion. There are many reasons a hardworking, decent human being could become homeless in the U.S..I do know an American that had your attitude and due to a run of bad luck almost ended up homeless himself ,if not for the generosity of a caring individual.
I recommend each of them receive 40cc of Euthasol.....STAT!!
A muslim dummy.
@@richyearle007you are really such a good person with your comment. I hope you sleep well at night.
The way you can get rid of dug in tics is to burn them out.
“We’re deeply invested in our community.” If she’s speaking about being invested in the drug market that might be true.
I feel for those elderly and disabled that need a hand up. But in this woman’s own words she describes the homeless as parasites buried in like ticks.
This is what you get when every elected official is a Democrat
They are more interested in paying all African Americans 5 million dollars a piece:
To them, that’s guaranteed votes, and cleaning the trash out which they absolutely consider everything and every one involved in this as trash to be pushed out of the way will also help their image of a well kept community. They only care about the narrative.
@@mattbrawner7888 speaking like a true Russian republican worm
@drewstevens5771 Most if not all social services are run by so-called democrats. Billions of dollars funneled into failed programs. These people don't want to fix the problem, They would lose their cushy jobs. Let's be honest.
Remember seeing in older movies. Cop walking around with their nightstick, and a homeless person sleeping on a park bench. Cop saying move along.
You have to own a home/rent a place to consider a city "your home"
Pitching a tent and demanding free stuff is ridiculous
And they do not pay taxes towards the workings of a city either. They are only there for the state's social services-FREE everything except housing. Free food vouchers, free medical, free dental
@LifeOfReilly ABSOLUTELY 💯 ists disgraceful. Nobody owes them a dam thing!
@@lifeofreilly9943 looked like nooby was taking that free dental!!
@@johnstaton5524 You can't fix Meth Mouth with or without Free Dental.
A country built on forced servitude where every inch of land is "claimed" there is nowhere you can go to escape being harassed by the hands of greed that demand payment.
"They can't get rid of us, we're dug in like ticks, we're deeply invested in our neighborhood." Uh, that would be deeply infested...
A rare moment of candor....they know they are parasites.
Good Catch! Better Comment...
San Franshithole
Deeply toxic. She looks like a clown. Sick of the dirty unsanitary drug hangouts
Or infected.
I'm shocked that condoning drug use, giving out free hypodermic needles to addicts, providing free food and allowing mentally ill people to roam the streets while ignoring rampant crime haven't cured the homeless problems in Oakland and other cities. Who would have imagined that encouraging, condoning and enabling crime and destructive, anti-social behavior would result in more homelessness, crime and destructive, anti-social behavior?
they don't want to cure anything
I'm shocked at your astounding ignorance, giving addicts equipment to use is used in countries like Portugal and they don't have this issue, they have actually decriminalised drugs, you have no idea what you're talking about, the problem here is lack of healthcare and government support.
The system we have to care for them isn't enough. They need housing (nothing luxurious) they can stay in to have an address to get jobs, better pathways to get off drugs instead of just telling them to stop because it makes Jesus cry or whatever, and to treat their addiction as a health crisis instead of a criminal one (of course still go to prison or jail for other crimes they may have committed). Finland greatly reduced their homeless numbers simply by making housing more affordable for everyone.
@@TheSilael I don't think addicts should be jailed for things like shoplifting anyway. Obviously robbery and such is different, but tbh the prison system needs to change aswell, prison should be like a secure hospital and school.
@Universal Unificationism you are part of the problem, our once beautiful cities look like the 3rd world because of this type of regressive backwards thinking
"We're part of the spine of the tree of Oakland." -much like a disease becomes a part of its host.
You can smell that lady through the computer screen.
The parasite needs the host the host doesn't need the parasite.
I'd give them all a $100 just to watch em O.D
Trees don't have spines, Rainbow Barbie.
city cancer kills
We don't have places like this where I live. We'd NEVER put up with it. It's selfish to trash the place you live and expecting normal people to deal with it. I was homeless and admit it was due to _my own choices_ . I took ownership. I have my own home now that nobody can take away from me. The key is I *work for it* . NOTHING is free in life. It's dog eat dog. You gotta be your own heroes.
Exactly I know drug addicts people who choose to be homeless
@@KanekiKen-in3pf Anyone who isn't a liberal
We don't have places like that where I live either. But not everyone is born equal and not everyone is capable of making reasoned decisions. We're complex creatures, us humans. Some are complex beyond understanding.
@@davidbrayshaw3529 Lol everyone is born equal you leftist delusional 🤡
Glorified prisons for those suffering from mental illness and drug abuse. Really? She would rather have them living in filth.
what's unfortunate is that many of those homeless don't want to accept help or have no intention of changing their living situation. Good on the city for finally getting the opportunity to clean up.
How DARE the city take away their trash and dieses ridden "homes". How dare they!! :)
Low income will control them. No, they prefer freedom even if it is in the streets.
In fact, one lady described public housing for homeless as “prisons”. Our society in North America is screwed. People have such an insane sense of entitlement now, without giving squat in return to society. Take, take, take and what are you going to do for me? While most other citizens are stressed and absolutely stretched beyond their limits as a human being just trying to feed and house their families and selves with the basics of life.
You need money to get an address and an address to get a job. Where are people supposed to go? Do you think people live like this because they like it?
@@puppyresidue Yes, I think they do. That camp is not a group of down-on-their-luck people trying to get back on their feet. If it were, this would be a very different story. But when a group utterly destroys an area to the point it looks like a tornado went through; where you cannot even see the ground for all the trash and garbage strewn around; when they refuse to use offered shelters because they don't get free electricity and running water 24/7 (as if they did there unless they were somehow steeling that as well?); then no - they are indeed CHOOSING do live this way and that is not acceptable in any functioning society. High cost of living is indeed a problem in Oakland, the greater bay area, and much of the country. However that is not give a person the right to simply take over and destroy somebody else's property because they aren't willing to make the effort to become a functioning part of society. Americans in general are more than willing to help those who are willing to help themselves. But even in the most liberal areas we're finally beginning to see crackdowns on this extreme abuse of the system. All I can say is about time.
Imagine paying 13% state income tax for this horseshit government
I don't understand why officials and persons with authority refuse to realize that you can't help someone who doesnt want to be helped. Ridiculous!
that's exactly right... and they are entitlled... they want free housing, so they can convert them in free legal crack houses...
I'm all for cutting them off from all government assistance if they don't want help.
The thing is they have to DO SOMETHING with these people, because no one wants them around but they continue to exist. You can't help them. You can't leave them as they are. You can't just put them in prison for life and you can't kill all either. You can't ship them to another country. So what do you do with them? You gotta do SOMETHING eventually, but you're stuck in a catch 22.
@@RedZ1900 They will all say they want "help". But their actions prove otherwise. What they really want is something for nothing.
@@BologneyT Stop paying them to not work and they will get a job at McDonalds or die. It is the only way to save future generations. You keep giving people "assistance", and that is what our future children will know they can count on. Even a squirrel knows to store nuts in a log for the winter.
I use to feel sorry for homeless people, then, finding that I pay taxes and go to work at 5AM. What really made my “give a damn” bust, guy, young, standing with a sign “Homeless, please help.”. Company I work for was hiring, told him to go to the company I work for. Swear to God, he told me, “I don’t want no job! Just give me money!”. That comment changed my whole perspective on the homeless.
I agree and have experienced homeless people transform from being meek and humble to extremely entitled over the course of about 15 years here in L.A.
You can't feel sorry for lazy people
I can relate. I stopped giving money to homeless after I came back from London. In a transit station, I gave a guy 5 pounds ($6 USD). He literally walked to a drug dealer steps away and bought drugs. As an American tourist, that really shocked me because I thought I was doing something beneficial for his well-being NOT enabling his drug abuse and addiction. Also he approached me as if he was starving for food, come to find out he was JUST NEEDING HIS NEXT HIT. Most of the time now I just offer food or clothing or water. Or I just leave packaged food next to a person as they are sleeping. MONEY is not always the answer, especially if said money is not being used for ESSENTIALS.
@@mjg239 You probably shouldn't be giving them anything at all. Most of them aren't interested in getting off the streets because they're extraordinarily lazy. The only thing that will force them to get a job is the awful feeling of severe starvation.
I use to intern at a homeless shelter. Homeless people are some of the most ungrateful people I know. Literally 80% did t want to help themselves. They were given every kind of help to help them get back on their feet or help them learn basic things to sustain their lives but they wouldn't take it they wanted everything to be given to them.
Yes, i work in a detox center. They are by far the worst bunch... they are rude, entitled, demanding... throwing tantrums and never say thank you. Im disgusted by it
Then perhaps another line of work would be better for you. I can’t imagine you’re doing much good with that perspective. I can imagine it’s frustrating, even more so when you likely have your own unhealed trauma to contend with. Seeing them the way you described, I imagine it’s hard for you to even have compassion for yourself.
@@brianam4372 until you've walked in these shoes.... don't point a finger until your hands are clean
@@brianam4372 I continue to help others in need, but many do come across as being self-deserving. I don't expect a thank you, but I would like respect. A family sent by a charity organization once came in my house to pick up a free dining room table and sofa. They didn't want the sofa, but proceeded to go through my kitchen cabinets to take what they wanted. As they drove away, I had to stop their truck and remove items that I told them that they couldn't have.
Sounds about right. We give them too much handouts. Should just be Darwinism. Die out and leave the country in peace. Stop ruining the world
Im currently working in san Francisco as a union concrete worker they broke into my car stole some of my tools its really really bad situation i now commute with my Forman these people don't want help i can't wait to be done working in san fran.
I used to feel sorry for homeless people,then I reflect back on the 20+ yrs I have been having to wake up at 4am to go to work and my sympathy for them flies out the window
You feel like I do I have 2 jobs to pay bills and they do nothing but liter
then you don't know any homeless people. you're coming from the assumption that they are lazy. some homeless work. many are disabled or mentally ill. many worked for many years. put some thought beyond yourself.
@@pickinforalivin I'm calling BS, they are lazier than a rug on Valium.
Exactly, I never really ever had sympathy for the poor or the homeless. Pretty simply get a job, pay bills, make money, and have everything within reason I could ever need and stay out of trouble, big one there this has worked for millions I just don't get it
In my 20’s I was liberal because I thought with my heart but in my thirties I thought with my tax payments which was in reality. Hence I became an adult aka a Republican
Why are they getting evicted? They obviously had extreme pride in their conditions and kept it a beautiful place to live. Stunning
Oh no😢 they’re gonna be forced to get jobs and work for a proper house . How sad
On top of which, you can not be "evicted" from a place that you pay no rent or mortgage on. These are squatters, the media needs to stop calling these "evictions" since it is not required that the city notify each person and get court processed eviction proceedings. By calling them "residents" and these "evictions" it is just another way to make us feel sympathy for these people.
If I am at the beach past 10pm (official closing time, very clearly stated on signage) and the police tell me I have to leave, that ain't an eviction!
@@patrickplayspokerbadly6230 very very well said..but sadly people vote people in that allow THIS. I never have understood why they have to hoard and live in trash and squalor..I'm very poor myself, but i still pay for garbage pickup..and keep my living quarters clean. ( I'm not trying to judge) just trying understand why they have to be so gross? If I were homeless I would be traveling very light.
This situation will only get worse, as Biden is letting in tens of thousands of illegals, who will take priority over America's homeless. I'd bet large sums that the illegals coming across our borders get more benefits by far than any of these homeless people.
The entitlement is unbelievable with these drug addicts. Look at the squalor they are ok living in, but refuse a clean place to sleep....wow. What's the old saying, beggars can't be......?
They know that the sense of liberal guilt is strong with the locals, so they milk it for all its worth.
The entitlement is what gets me, too. The nerve of these bums. They just "expect" me to hand over the hard earned money my parents send to me every week. You leeches should just GET A JOB!
The ignorance you show is unbelievable. Most people in America are a massive illness and calamity away from homelessness and many of the homeless work.
What? A glorified prison? A place that is not good enough for people to stay? O m g!!!
I have been homeless (no family no friends no car) I never let it get to this, I worked my @$$ off slept at work and just kept going until I made enough to escape it all and make a beautiful life for myself. everyone suffers from hard times at some point in there lives, but these people are the example of what you DONT want to end up as. SO KEEP GOING and dont give up, there is NO EXCUSE
I don't feel sorry for them
Well said!!!💯
The first thing I did when I finally got housing after being homeless for 4.5 years was make breakfast and take it out to a homeless woman that would sleep on the sidewalk outside my building in East Oakland. She was so grateful and cool! I run into here every few months and she is usisally kicking garbage around and having schizophrinic episodes talking or yelling to herself and then the minute she sees me she instantly smiles and the schizo disappears- like I somehow snap her out of her mental loops. A few simple moments of compassion can cure things that scientists haven't been able to cure. I really do not believe you...because if you were ever homeless you wouldn't be putting "THESE PEOPLE" down. You would be more understanding since you know what it is like for EVERYONE to automatically think you are a junky lazy lowlife wanting a handout etc etc victim blaming is such a low blow. And to say that you did it so everyone else can belittles and disreaguards each individual and their own demons or bad luck or the fact that some people get their lives destroyed by things BEYOND THEIR CONTROL. EVERY bad situation is not some punishment from God for sins a person committed or some nonsense. Sometimes people reap what they sow and sometimes other people have been fucked up absolutely by evil people fucking with them stealing from them or hurting them and there are a range of reasons of how they got outside and there are a range of homeless. They do not ALL just sit around lazy and do drugs. You and I are apparently examples of that. You just worrying about youself and solving your situation and then saying FUCK THEM I helped myself and then just worrying about yourself and trying to justify that is a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE take. People showed me compasion and patience and kindness and so once I got out of the streets and into my apt I go out and do what I can to help those that need help. THAT is how things get better. Just saying I got mine and so fuck anyone else let them fend for themselves is a seriously shitty attititude.; Things are getting worse not better. People better start to wise up and HELP and treat people who need help with compassion and deignity. Stop judgeing people. There are people in suits and mansions that have cause countless deaths through corporate fuckery and banking scandals and arms deals...and there are people in tents that have never hurt a fly...and youidolize the rich evil ones and dont give a fuck about the person who could use a little compassion. WTF?! Shame on you,
Exactly!! There is no excuse for being a worthless bum, a lowlife degenerate, and a filthy junkie. These people lie, steal, con, and manipulate. They deserve exactly what they are getting.
I was homeless myself. And alot of homeless don't wanna change.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
You can ride the ho thou all the way to Saint Denis
You can lead a liberal to water but u can’t make them think
Chat GPT is gonna magnify this situation by five million... but you can't make it THINK.
You know that saying means ,, because the horse can tell if the water is not good to drink it..😅
When that lady said, "They can't get rid of us, were DUG IN like TICKS." I spit my drink out 😂. "We're part of the spine of tree of Oakland." "We're deeply invested in the community." Oh boy...😂😂
Most of them don't want low cost housing, they want free.
What did they invest in the community 😂
@@jchen666 What were they asked to? Ongoing Repetitive genocide.
She best not invest in the stock market then.
@@jchen666 their monthly stipend they gifted to their plug, the liquor store and the corner store.
"the shelter is inadequate to meet the basic human need.."
More inadequate than...THAT that was bulldozed?
Come on now..
"Dug in like ticks" Exactly correct as ticks are a parasite that sucks the lifeblood out of any and every thing. Perfect, accurate analogy.
You are a sick dirtbag with no soul.
*buncha bums. Housing is not a human right. You gotta work like everyone else*
Amen brother, I used to be very liberal in my views of homelessness but it's changed drastically after dealing with homeless for a while now. Fuck em, seriously. Force them to contribute to society like the rest of us.
Work and pay taxes? You can't be serious?🤣😂😉😇
@@Watchout-b6y I know. What on earth was I thinking? I must be some kind of sheep.
@Joe you don’t have a right to live in expensive places peasant. I hear Ohio is nice 👍🏽😂
Free housing is a prison? I guess the hobo life is pretty good. I've been homeless before. It took getting arrested and put on probation for me to realize there are no free rides. If you stay at my house, it's not a democracy. I have rules. Rules are how I got myself into a good job and under a roof. I'm grateful to myself and the people who gave me the choice to get over myself. Just because we like in a constitutional democracy doesn't mean we are free to forget simple facts. Nobody owes you a thing. You take the opportunities, and you earn your way. People like me a lot more now that I understand it. I like them more , too.
I'm glad you're doing well.
Good for you, not sarcastic, just saying good for you.
We live in a constitutional republic. You stand corrected.
@@sharthun2009 He was talking about his home, not the whole country...
@@sharthun2009 Both are correct as the republic happen to be a democratic one.
‘Unhoused’ residents? Are we so sensitive to certain words (homeless) that we have to create new words so that we don’t hurt delicate feelings?
I spent a year of my life in Homeless Shelters in LA. The guys who got mad when you said it was "like prison" were the guys who just got out of prison. Rainbow Barbie doesn't know what she's talking about.
She's also addicted to drugs
people like her is a total disgraceful image of America. Remove all of them.
@@Phar2Rekliss I thought so too 😮
Exactly… those people want and deserve a beautiful comforting home like they’re used to 🙄
For someone with no criminal record, it will seem like prison. Someone who has never broken a law shouldn't have to live under rules just to get housing.
Last year I was homeless. My dad's family found a place for me & my pets, for which I'm eternally thankful.
A loving family is a blessing that sadly many of the homeless were not blessed with.
Until I got my own home, I found myself with 'no home' two times. Both times, I swallowed my pride, kept my thoughts to myself, and made sure I caused no trouble so that not just one but multiple family members were willing to take me in and let me stay until I got back up again. People cannot act like demons and expect their families and friends to let them stay.
Why were you homeless? Explain? But you were able to have a cell phone and get on UA-cam
@@DanielLeeJones homeless for that person = living outside for a night.
Hope you never go back to the streets.
When I was 12 years old, I told my father that 25 cent allowance every 2 weeks was not enough. He looked me straight in the face and said you want more go earn it. So what can a 12 year old do to make money. A friend and I started mowing yards on the weekends. I was making about 25 dollars a week. 50 years later of working, I have retired in my home that I paid for. NOT GIVEN. THANKS DAD
I'm sorry your father couldn't afford to give you more. God Bless.
@@BuildTheSandbox his dad gave him the most valuable gifts in the world...unconditional love, and self-sufficiency.
@@TheSwissChalet and good values
I tell you the first time I heard the word allowance...was on 'Leave it to Beaver' when I was about 9 or so yrs old.
I never got an allowance, but I had no clue what that was anyway. If I wanted money, I hoed/chopped cotton, cut broomcorn, or breaking rows for broomcorn, and milked the neighbors cow for milk and cash too.
Mowed 2 yards, 1 old widow woman had a reel mower, and the other had a push-mower. I got $2.00 each on the yards. .75 cents an hour doing the other jobs.
My place is paid for too.
Amazing how that cause and effect seem to go together. Work ethic and pride in the job you do. Live frugally, and you can do it.
More prisons for violent offenders and more insane asylums for the rest safety for the law abiding TAX paying citizen
The woman complaining about the free housing makes me sick. They are not even trying to find a home
You know that as a fact ?
@@Teddokrato yup. 100%
Shes looking for her next high
@@Teddokrato u sound vaccinated
My father was often homeless and we always offered him a home and a family. He chose his habits and the streets till the day he died.
That's the power of addiction, mental illness changes people
@Aaron of Ruth when society norms rubuke those who don’t want to conform they for sure would rather choose a life harder living then one of compliance. Drugs and mental illnesses is not the problem. The perception of them is. Mental illness can be treated and there can be treatments for hard drugs but people in these situations are looked down upon. There are so many videos of homeless people being shot ,stoned,sprayed with water in freezing conditions and set on fire. I give my local homeless funds because they are human and we should all respect each other. It does not matter if you are religious or not either everyone needs to treat each other a lil better and maybe we can one day be thankful that people around us are different and enjoy living
@@aaronofruth2088 It's true to call them enablers but the part about mental illness and addiction is also true. You can't help someone unless they choose to help themselves.
@@TheSMR1969 Nah, civilization is messed up. The way we live screws up people. Back in the day it took people about 3-4 hours a day living in small family groups to meet their needs.
Now over half the people in the USA will die in debt to some greedy rich person or the other.
Some homeless people have addiction problems... some do not. Some people simply choose to be homeless because living amongst civilized people is so onerous. Some homeless people have at least one full time job, and still can't afford to live in a house.
I'm an old man now, and I have a community and a place to live.
But if I didn't? I have a pocket knife and this is the world I evolved to live on... I can still walk out the door and live on what I find even at my age. There is a profound freedom to that that most "civilized" people never know.
Homeless people are urban hunter gatherers. Any market economy hates hunter gatherers. If you aren't part of the market you are in the way.
Just ask all the people who used to be here.
Oh well atleast Oakland has the balls to get it done credit is credit due
Something San Francisco can’t do.
They sat on their hands and watched this problem grow and grow over the years. Too little, too late now. Don't congratulate them for incompetence.
They are relocating what twenty people. Go Google how many homeless are currently living in the Bay Area. Getting a very small percent of an ever growing number of people... DONE? lol
guarantee a single match is all it takes to raze the entire damn thing. "dug in like ticks" won't mean anything when the whole place is on fire.
“ we’re like ticks “ well said
The city needs to get a tick collar.
Interesting way to avoid saying PARASITE by using tick instead.
ticks sucking the blood of tax payers.
Yes, it's a more eloquent way of saying we suck the teat of society.
I understand that. Most people treated us like a parasite...even though I worked full time and went around and picked up litter and made friends with the people that lived in the area so an old man AL who lives a few blocks from highland Hispital said as long as we put it right back, we could fill up water from his hose anytime we needed it. I did some yardwork for him to show him sone gratitude. his neighbor Brenda then hired me to paint the interior of her apartment. She is the COOLEST most badass woman in Oakland. And I appreciate her trusting me and believing in me. Then another neighbor who had a broken down vehicle said that she would run an extension cord and power strip out of her garage and into the unlocked trunk of the car that isnt drivable. So we then could charge our phones and our backup batteries in the trunk and said we could either sit in the car so no one would steal our phones and stuff...or make sure no one is around when you aer coming or going and she doubted abyone would notice the cord. But then someone also set our tent on fire with me and the 3 dogs inside... so there;s that!
I've worked in social work, here's my estimate (*some people can fit in 2 or more categories):
5% of the people became homeless because of terrible life events (e.g. loss of job, medical issues, never got a high school diploma).
15% of the people became homeless because of mental health issues.
80% of the people became homeless because of DRUGS! They don't want shelters because there are curfews---they won't be allowed to use drugs. Lots of times when they get section 8, their homes become drug dens, affect neighbors and they get evicted.
For those serious about sobriety, let's get them help. Those who need mental health, let's help them (if they are so sick they can't make decisions, commit them indefinitely).
For those playing games and wanting to be "ticks" in their area---PRISON!
@Shawna Well said. Happy you and your family were able to make it out of hardship.
The saddest part---the chronically homeless (who take no responsibility) make other homeless people (those who just need help to get back on their feet) look bad.
when you say you "worked in social work"... all i can hear is "everything following is a complete fabrication."
Which category would they be in if they had mental issues then became drug addicts ? I think maybe the percentage you gave for mental health issues is way too low.
@@derekcarney lol, I get it, it is the internet after all. But I'm being candid.
I wonder how many ppl became homeless because they were released from prison and couldn't find a job for because ppl are reluctant to hire an excon. I also wonder how many might be sex offenders released from prison who might get turned away once a shelter or job opportunity finds out about their past. Many shelters will turn convicted pedophiles away if they know children are at their shelter. I don't think it's always the homeless persons fault if they can't find a job or shelter.
That woman said the shelters don't provide her the necessary things humans need, but she's living in a DUMP! I don't get it. She's already NOT getting the essentials she needs 😂
Instead I'll live in a prison of trash, drugs, urine and poop I have built in the streets.
It’s usually autonomy
It speaks volumes if they rather live on streets than shelters. I’ve heard shelters are very bad don’t judge people if you don’t know what they are going through. All homeless people aren’t drug addicts
@KingAce TheBull not all shelters are bad either. I'm sorry, it's not sanitary to live in that dump. I'm not making fun of them, but I am pointing out that stupid comment she made
@KingAce TheBull the only thing it tells me is that they'd rather live like this than follow any sort of rules. No not all homeless ppl are addicts but MOST are....that's is fact.
Good for Oakland! That homeless that refuses to go to a shelter is a problem
I was homeless in 1981 . I thank God for providing miracles. I worked at a 24 hour coffee shop in a safe neighborhood on El Camino in between Menlo Park and Redwood City. I slept I’m my car in the back parking lot . I was able to wash up in the employees wash room . And eat in the coffee shop. Being a waiter provided cash in tips everyday . I had to dress with a vest and tie . Best of all I could meet nice people . One night a young couple came in late 2am . Very nice , I got to know them through playing guitar . They invited me to be a room mate . What a miracle! No more homelessness. I was not a drug or alcohol user , neither were they 😊
Thank God! What a great story!
God doesn't provide miracles for people. He helps those who help themselves.
You're one of the lucky one. Congratulations.
@frederickhaaken456 No luck involved. I was born again by the grace of God. Alive and Activated to the word of God. Brought into a relationship with him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I'm glad god helped you.
Wish he would do something about all the school shootings and the 20 million slaves in india.
It’s everyone’s problem expect their own...
Except their own.
Explain each one of those people's path to that site. I know how I got sent there when I was out there from 2013 to 2018. And when we actually listened to the OPD nd moved us and our three dogs to WOOD st. it was a week or two when these four dudes that terrorized everyone down there waited til i went to do our laundry for an afternoon to stab my partner in the face, untie out three dogs and chased them down the street, slashed up our tent, and stole most of our camping stuff, food, electronics, gas stoe, gas heater... bike, htich...wagon... car charger.... backup batteries... phones.... nearly everything. I got there and the four guys flashed a knife at me and said keep walking down the street. So i found John bleeding and got the dogs safely rounded up and called an ambulance. The polikce showed up not in any hurry and we were just far enough away where if we walked for a minute down the street wed be able to see them. So all these cops show up and they start asking me about these guys in a slow ridiculous manner. I'm like they are literally a half a block away why dont we all head down the block? WTF? Oh... ok. Well do they have any weapons??? Yeah... liekly besides the large knife...ah. hmmm...mmm. hmmm. ok. well we sent your friend to the hospital and we bet its safe to go back down to oyur tent have a nice night. WOW! Go fuck yourselves. Thanks for NOTHING. And now I probably have been or will be many of those cops kid's substitute teacher. SMH.
The homeless advocate says the shelters are inadequate to meet the needs of a person. I wonder if she will let them stay at her place?
Exactly what I was thinking. I bet she thinks letting people sleep in tents alongside their feces and trash is considered the basic human need and fulfills a dignified life.
That homeless 'advocate" was homeless herself. She was a drug addict with a bullhorn she stole from someone, high as fuck, talking nonsense. "Advocate," lol.
The homeless advocate is also the problem.
ATTENTION!!! We can not hide our sins from God. Where will you go when you die, Heaven or Hell? Jesus Christ loves you and He died for our sins, on the third day, Jesus arose from the grave... Jesus is alive... Turn away from your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today, we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit...
Permanent affordable housing? Yeah, OK. All I will say is that years ago before the Barclays center was constructed in downtown Brooklyn, the city promised residents in the affected area , permanent, affordable housing, not only did it never happen, but the value of the condos that was eventually constructed by the Barclays center has skyrocketed in value, not to mention the major skyscraper. They also built right down the street.
Permanent affordable housing. If it is being run by government it will be a slum. Lowest possible quality and the costs will be through the roof, just like everything else the government does
These governors and the regular public need to realize that some of these people just want to live like this. It will never stop.
The politicians know. They keep the public in the dark because they fundraise on the backs of these druggies and lunatics.
Maybe they do realize it, however they are forced to champion such causes because of optics. ❤
This is what the current administration wants who are you kidding. More people relying on the government.
Democrats don’t understand this. Who did you vote for?
Even when I was living in a tent, we tried to keep our spot clean and tidy - and it wasn’t hard. Other camps just let their garbage and junk pile up into filth. So many do not care. Be it about themselves; and of one another.
I have never seen so much garbage and rubbish in such a large area, obviously they don't clean anything up or something! I feel bad for the people who are homeless because of mental illness or unexpected circumstances but I don;t know how long the city could allow this to happen and keep growing. It was an absolute mess and there has to be rats and bugs everywhere.
It looks like a landfill.
Hope you made it out of that tent I lived in my car for a long time I was an addict at the time got clean and now run a successful business keep ya head up
So you are more concerned with the cleanliness of your neighborhood than with the well being of people who need help?
From what I saw I’d say that napalm would be the best way of cleaning that mess.
You can't help people who insist this is a good way to live.
When the first camp went up, the city should’ve said no way, we aren’t doing this. Now look at the colossal mess they have created.
Yes, their tolerance for this abuse of public property just encouraged thousands more people to treat the city like a free camping site. Now when they go to run them off there will be a sea of drug addicts washing through other parts of town or even residential areas because they need to be around other people to sustain them. The city created this problem and the only way to stop it is to not allow it. Accept a shelter, or go to jail, or leave town. No sleeping or loitering in any public or private place...unless you own it or have permission. Laws that most civilized places live by and that work! Though the shelters may not seem "adequate" to them, turning the city into a slum should not be "adequate" for the citizens who actually work and pay for it! They should be thankful that shelters even exist. No-one is owed anything in life.
They took it to court. You can thank them (and the left politians in those areas) for the West coast states looking like landfills. Completely destroying some beautiful places.
I actually agree with you, Making that kind of mess is only asking for trouble. I have compassion for anyone going through hard times...create a unhealthy environment like this, my compassion dwindles away.
those protesting the cleanup can always open up a spot on the floor for a few homeless people in their $3k a month studio apartment
When I first got my apartment after 4.5 yrs...my partner and I would let some of the locfal homeless stop by to shower once in a while and EVERYTIME they saw us as weak instead of kind and they weasled off with our phones or stole tools or wouldnt leave. nightmare idea to invite strangers into your home. But i still open my couch to two homeless friends that I was friends with before during and after living outside. THEY dont want to be a burden so only on very rare rainy or supercold occasions do they take me up on the offer.
We even have developing issues with homelessness at Target in Louisiana.
I can’t tell you how many homeless people we’ve had to finally remove and ban for being indecent, rude, or disrespectful towards employees, myself included.
They’d sit around for hours using all of our electronic displays for their own amusement, at first we would allow it as long as they were respectful even though the situation was already ludicrous to allow homeless people to abuse our space.
Once they started cussing at me and other coworkers for politely asking them to move in order to reach those spaces for work purposes, they had to go.
If they can’t even try to participate in the most basic of human interactions without being mean or irritated, then they didn’t even deserve to camp out in a retail store.
That's the druggies.
I know a dude, homeless and you'd never know. He works, bathes, etc. He'll buy something and charge up his devices if allowed. Never rude. What isn't that common sense any more?
@@helloidharbl6753 I think this is different from that scenario.
These people have just lost all sense awareness to think they can carry on exclusively with their own needs while dozens of people are trying to carry on around them with work or errands, overtly abusing our kindness.
They’d come in filthy, lounge for hours, blatantly eat merchandise and steal clothes, and when we’d have to interact with them they’d be completely condescending, not even try to front or act like a decent person.
They’d cuss us out or try to ignore us.
I’ve personally allowed some that were friendly to charge their devices or carry on with their little ruse, but once they showed they weren’t friendly they have to go.
It’s not fair for normal people to have to deal with abnormal behavior in retail, especially a place of business, it’s exclusively for shopping. Even when guests get irate, rude, or indecent behavior they are escorted out.
Point blank, bring your business to a grocery store, leave your personal issues at home because retail is not a place to confront or deal with humanitarian issues.
@@helloidharbl6753 These people also wouldn’t have normal tendencies.
They don’t come in to shop for supplies.
Imagine pulling up a chair in the middle of an aisle and watching 3-4 tablets at once for hours in the middle of a store?
Is that even remotely normal?
The ones that were “shopping” were also stealing small items and harassing other employees to help with unconventional tasks like giving them paper towels or stealing our cleaning supplies to go support themselves.
Oh noes! Not the cleaning supplies! Not paper towels! Not other small items!
Don't they know our monstrously large corporate overlord Target will crumble and fall if people are stealing $4.99 items, two for $6.99? Do these homeless people have no love for these giant unkillable slave masters that aren't even paying their own people a livable wage? Have they no respect for the lumbering behemoth that not only doesn't care if customers live or die, but also it's own employees??
I, for one, am shocked that they would cuss at you. You went through all of the effort of letting them stay there, an act that would use literally 0 energy and require absolutely no involvement on your part, and this is the thanks you get? Is this the gratitude they show to someone who considers doing literally nothing a kind act?
I'm just completely shocked. You went out of your way, to not go out of your way. And this is how you were treated? Terrible.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Target. I wish them a speedy recovery. Hopefully they'll soon be back to exploiting both their customers and employees alike, and dodging whatever taxes could help those ungrateful homeless people.
I mean, come on. You did nothing and they didn't appreciate it. Sad.
@techmouse1101 might not crumble target down but target will start raising prices to make up for the losses and who will pay?
The majority of us work for a living. What makes them so special?
Edit: I went to Target today and a young girl was sitting on a blanket near the front door. She looked homeless and probably hoping people would give her money. Upon leaving the store, she was talking on a cell phone and there was a bunch of pennies scattered on the ground near her. I imagine pennies are not good enough for her.
Recently i gave a guy outside 711 my change. He threw it at me and demanded dollars only...
This was in Richmond.
Living here most people accept 3 cents if thats all you got... But the new generation is unaware & entitled
Difficult to judge anyone these days when one missed paycheck can send you on the streets. Have you noticed how expensive literally everything is?
@@freedomruss you don't have to tell me. I'm on a fixed retirement income. It gets expensive the older you get.
@@freedomruss you have to act your wage. Everyone is capable- it's a just matter of choices.
@crassgop you assume incorrectly that most people have family and friends who will take care of them, homeless or not.