Benioff & Weiss THR Interview: The One Change They Regret Not Doing in Game of Thrones (audio only)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • #gameofthrones #houseofthedragon #3bodyproblem
    Benioff & Weiss THR Interview: The One Change They Regret Not Doing in Game of Thrones (Audio Only Podcast). Link to article: www.hollywoodr...


  • @michiganscythian2445
    @michiganscythian2445 8 місяців тому +32

    Mord is an extremely flippant answer. These guys did a textbook case of “flanderization” of just about every character: Cersei drinks wine and loves her children, Jaime isn’t smart, The Hound curses a lot, Arya is a badass, Davos is cheerful. Combined with how jokey the final episode script was, Game of Thrones turned into a parody of the first few seasons

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +10

      Even though book Cersei really doesn’t love her children!

    • @herbertschulz4313
      @herbertschulz4313 8 місяців тому +6

      And book jaime is not that stupid

    • @Gotten1888
      @Gotten1888 8 місяців тому +8

      @@thedragondemands5186 I think she loves them as something as being a part of her, an accomplishment, a possession, not so much as a person more like a body part.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets 8 місяців тому +4

      @@thedragondemands5186 As far as I can tell, Show Cersei doesn't either; we just keep getting told she does.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets 8 місяців тому +2

      @@herbertschulz4313 Not stupid at all.

  • @VirtualSatyr
    @VirtualSatyr 8 місяців тому +31

    I'd call Benioff and Weiss a joke, but they're not funny.

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 8 місяців тому +4

    Honestly, considering the type of people they come across as from various interviews, your videos and other info (them killing of Selmy which was really petty). This doesn’t surprise me whatsoever and it would have been more surprising if they actually said something big that they did.

  • @Betrayed_King
    @Betrayed_King 8 місяців тому

    Can't wait for 3BP 🍿🎬👍

  • @TurquoiseStar17
    @TurquoiseStar17 8 місяців тому +16

    I guess the earliest casualty of their grand vision was Jeyne Poole, an important part of Sansa's story in the books. She was in the first episode doing needlework next to Sansa, then we never saw her again.

  • @jabarimuhammad
    @jabarimuhammad 8 місяців тому +14

    They are trolling the fans. And laughing about it

  • @TheLastSoundNL
    @TheLastSoundNL 8 місяців тому +11

    Like the Bran9000 I don't feel offense anymore. Offense would sort of indicate I expect more from them. I don't.

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +6

      Be angry at those who continue to prop them up

    • @TheLastSoundNL
      @TheLastSoundNL 8 місяців тому +2

      @@thedragondemands5186 I'm not and will not. I' m just laughing. "Ha! That sounds about right." was my reaction to this. Just like I'm laughing at the fire that were the later seasons of GoT. I still revisit the channels tearing it apart every few years and have done so recently.

  • @1275spiderman
    @1275spiderman 8 місяців тому +5

    Don’t forget they pretended that Kevan Lannister didn’t exist, they just blew him up!

  • @LordKeram
    @LordKeram 8 місяців тому +15

    If I had to guess what their answer was. And had 100 tries. I wouldn't have guessed Mort. Not in 100 tries! Yes these sort of answers are certainly common for them and also one of the reasons why they come of as so arrogant and stupid.

  • @tracymetherell8744
    @tracymetherell8744 8 місяців тому +6

    I won’t watch anything they ever produce again

  • @joyhaig1286
    @joyhaig1286 8 місяців тому +21

    Just when I think these two can’t irritate me anymore, they go and subvert my expectations 😒

  • @Pomshka
    @Pomshka 8 місяців тому +10

    Osha (is it spelt that way?) It was SO fucking insulting how she dies in the show. Like she wouldn't realise how crafty Ramsey is 🙄 And that she'd die so easily.

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +10

      so was the actress - one of the few who openly turned on them

    • @IshtarNike
      @IshtarNike 8 місяців тому +6

      Yeah she was totally wasted. She was smart. I think it's embarrassing how they used her as the honey trap so many times and basically "punished" her for it by having her killed by Ramsey. She's too smart to do something like that. She's a wildling too. She can tell the difference between a Theon Greyjoy and Ramsey Snow. She wouldn't have gone near him lol.

  • @basquat76
    @basquat76 8 місяців тому +8

    These are clearly not guys who learn from their mistakes. Or would admit mistakes in public. They laughed at all criticism throughout the show and continued down the same path.
    Dorne is kind of proof of how little thoughts were put into it. It didn't work so they just wrote it back out. If you had a bigger idea that involved Dorne you wouldn't be able to just write them back out. But it might be the one time where they realised people didn't like it and got rid of it.

  • @astrinymris9953
    @astrinymris9953 7 місяців тому +4

    I haven't read 'Three Body Problem', but I understand that it's extremely hard science fiction. And as such, you'd expect that most of its fans are really into math and accurate science. That being so, you have to wonder who thought that assigning this project to *David Benioff*, who can't be arsed to care about simple continuity in a medieval universe with magic and dragons, was a good idea? A series in which the protagonist is a woman of color to boot.

  • @Pomshka
    @Pomshka 8 місяців тому +3

    That sketch would have been funny *I F* this was any other series THAN Game of Thrones. It's not a comedy show... It's certainly not THAT sort of comedy. 🙄🙄🙄

  • @future_teknokrat7585
    @future_teknokrat7585 8 місяців тому +3

    These two simply were not committed to finishing the story and that's what it is at the end of the day. They got so fat and happy with other offers coming in they decided that they were going to move on as quickly as they could because there was no plan from a storytelling perspective after Martin had left as an advisor. They did not want to invest the time and creating their own plot in their own ending to the TV series.

  • @OaktownGirl
    @OaktownGirl 8 місяців тому +8

    Didni you say in one of the previous videos that they probably got the interview questions in advance? This absolutely reeks of a prepared answer.

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +6

      oh yes - I'm just surprised that even with advanced warning they picked this one

  • @watcherofthewest8597
    @watcherofthewest8597 8 місяців тому +3

    These guys turned out to be a holes and bad writers when they don't have others ideas to copy

  • @PrismverseTales
    @PrismverseTales 8 місяців тому +3

    This seems like a very bitter flippant answer. They are still angry.

  • @loozziee
    @loozziee 8 місяців тому +4

    Do you think they will ever come out and speak about the last episodes of Game of thrones? Or are they too cowardly?

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +9

      They won’t. Others might only after 3 Body Problem fails, when their “comeback” doesn’t work and there’s blood in the water

    • @Gotten1888
      @Gotten1888 8 місяців тому

      we can only wait, that will be a feast, after losing stars wars a few of the actors should feel better about potentially lossing out on being in a star wars movie, and their suckups will feel like they need to still keep quiet @@thedragondemands5186

  • @guichogf5636
    @guichogf5636 8 місяців тому +1

    These are the guys that gave us characters that didn't appear in the books, like Lyanna Mormont and Roz, while leaving out really important characters like Young Griff and crew, Arianne and Quentyn, and so many others. They gave us the silly zombie polar bears and the stupid quest to capture a wight north of the wall because they thought it would be cool. They destroyed the character of Ellaria Sand because they wanted to shoehorn the actress into an incoherent made up plot that didn't have relevance to the overall story. They turned Euron into a horny pirate and totally skipped Victarion. Instead of using the Pate chapter and the chapter where Sam arrives in Oldtown, both of which tie together so many story lines, they gave us Sam emptying chamber pots and curing Jorah's grey scale, neither of which advanced the story. They ruined every single character and storyline to insert their stupid ideas and troll for undeserved Emmys. After all these years I am still salty and every time I almost get past that, they open their pie holes again and heap more disrespect on the fans and the author. That's why I will never watch anything they are attached to. I can't even enjoy rewatching the early seasons because the last 4 made them pointless. I can understand why George is having trouble finishing the books after watching these hacks desecrate his life's work. It must be really depressing for him.

  • @countbalerionofhousetatter2624
    @countbalerionofhousetatter2624 8 місяців тому +1

    is beanioffs.
    but yeah, when i saw this on red team review's discord my reaction was 'no way is that really something they regret'. it's just silly. maybe deflecting, who knows.

  • @ridensroom6957
    @ridensroom6957 8 місяців тому +2

    I do like how Ilyn Payne got mentioned in Season 4, even though the actor was away.

  • @Duke_of_Lorraine
    @Duke_of_Lorraine 8 місяців тому +9

    Before watching let me guess : not keeping the camera glued in front of an actor's face during the entire Red Wedding to show his reaction and only his reaction, and instead showing the action ?

  • @onlytheabe
    @onlytheabe 8 місяців тому +2

    D: Mord.
    Sasha (from Walking Dead Alexandria party): That's what you worry about?!

  • @ashleyofnaath
    @ashleyofnaath 8 місяців тому +10

    Wouldn't it have been nice if they threw HOTD a bone and said something like, "You know, at the outset of GOT we had no idea that HOTD would one day exist; but retrospectively it's unfortunate that we weren't able to cast more characters of color from the books in our show, because if we had perhaps the backlash against HOTD's decision with the Velaryon castings would've been mitigated, because fans would understand that characters of color do naturally exist in the story. I really regret we couldn't do more". Maybe even expand on this by naming a few- Jalabhar Xho, Chataya and Alayaya, Alleras the Acolyte... Come to think on it, this would also be a bone to George because those lack of castings courted discourse about him being racist. Then again this is B&W we're talking about so I think we got the answer we'd expect.

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +12

      They don't regret the lack of women or POC. They're angry when people question their orders not to film at night in total darkness - questioning these kind of guys just enrages them. No matter how justified or for what.
      Of course, they cut out women and POC _relative to the books they are based on_ -- that's the issue here. Some plot mechanics limit POC ...but just use Dorne prominently, or particularly Daenerys's plotline. But particularly the women thing has no excuse (the minor noblewomen they outright gender swapped).
      But Maureen Ryan's book chapter about the showrunners on "Lost" is great: showrunners with no checks on them get drunk on power, and tyrannize the cast just because they in their own little bubble, and DO NOT react well to criticism.

    • @Gotten1888
      @Gotten1888 8 місяців тому +1

      you are giving them a lot of credit, hell that question could lead into them being asked if they have a lot of black actors in the new show, which given that it's chinese in origin they really can't have a lot of them, now credit where it's due there weren't a lot of prominent black characters in the books, yeah there were side characters however in a show it would be diffiicult to accomplish as it would mean more money spent on them, more screen time that needed to be cut from other chara, perhaps if they filmed more seasons it could have happened, I remember one noblewoman character that was from Essos and get's involved with Cersei with her possibly being a Black supporter.

    • @michiganscythian2445
      @michiganscythian2445 8 місяців тому +2

      What is funny is that they race swapped several characters because they said that there wasn’t enough diversity in the books
      Still it it would have been cool if Melisandre had returned from Volantis with Moqorro to fight the Long Night. Especially since nothing came of her going to Volantis. At least if she had returned with a Red Priest(ess) or two it would have made that episode *slightly* better. Or if Moqorro had returned with Theon and Yara. Or if D&D wanted comedy, introduce Strong Belwas during the Meereen arc (using the word arc here very generously) to play off Tyrion

  • @michadomeracki5910
    @michadomeracki5910 8 місяців тому +2

    AAAAhhh 😫😫😫 oh hey guys how are you? You good? Good, that's good.... eh who are these two? Not important? Ah yeah yeah I agree. Okey have a good day you know read a book or watch A GOOD SHOW or something. See you.

  • @iksarguards
    @iksarguards 8 місяців тому +2

    Not going to lie, boys. I'd like to see more Mord. He was memorable.

  • @AstraLuna-o9i
    @AstraLuna-o9i 2 місяці тому

    Hey what happened to your video on the Battle of the Bastards? I can’t find it anywhere on UA-cam anymore

  • @totogamer6735
    @totogamer6735 8 місяців тому +3

    I can understand cutting out characters for the sake of streamlining the narrative, but this doesn’t reflect well on how D&D treated the source material.

    • @Gotten1888
      @Gotten1888 8 місяців тому +2

      like toilet paper

  • @tarvoc746
    @tarvoc746 7 місяців тому

    Honestly, if they had actually put snarky jokes about abandoned plotlines like Quaithe running a mask shop in King's Landing in season 8, I'd respect them more than for what they actually did. It would still be a big middle finger to the books and the fans, but at least it would be honest, and it would make season 8 a lot more entertaining.

  • @fuzzydunlop7928
    @fuzzydunlop7928 8 місяців тому +2

    So why shouldn't scripts contain notes? I was told this when I was learning how to write scripts but then like half of the example scripts of Hollywood movies that I'd read contained notes to varying degrees. Is it just a matter of some weird trade etiquitte or is there a practical rationale?

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +7

      Detailed notes on characters' inner thoughts and even basic plot exposition that you need to express verbally - basic rule of screenwriting. Case in point, the failed pilot only ever said Jaime and Cersei are brother and sister in the script notes, and they "kinda forgot" that they never actually verbalize this in dialogue to the audience!

  • @kenward1310
    @kenward1310 8 місяців тому +4

    I don't know about Benioff and Weiss, but I think the show's going to flop because of 2024 geopolitics.

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +6

      at the least...that stuff won't help

    • @MadIvano
      @MadIvano 8 місяців тому +2

      @@thedragondemands5186it doesnt help that 3BP’s whole story is that war is preferrable to cooperation and staying hidden is even better. It basically says „i’m living in an authoritarian regime and that’s just how it is, best not to stick your head out”.
      It’s nihilistic, like the Witcher books are. Again, we can’t change how shit the world is so lets just survive as long as possible.

  • @cherylbaxter8986
    @cherylbaxter8986 8 місяців тому

    The book Fire Can Not Kill the Dragon is it about any particular dragon or about Danny an her dragons

    • @thedragondemands5186
      @thedragondemands5186  8 місяців тому +7

      it's the stupid self-aggrandizing name James Hibberd picked for his book to say that D&D struggled against adversity but triumphed

    • @Gotten1888
      @Gotten1888 8 місяців тому

      ''triumphed'' with these kinds of success there will be nothing left, those poor crew members, hearing about how they couldn't see their families because of the insane schedule... @@thedragondemands5186

    • @pplr1
      @pplr1 8 місяців тому +2

      Ironically enough Hibberd doesn't even seem to touch on the major changes D and D did with season 8 nor reflect on how they changed what they did with season 8 Dany for the worse.