Oh man, can't wait to get there and see that character growth! I have Kingdoms of Death coming up in my TBR next month, can't wait to get to the last book! Demon in White is the bee's knees so far. Brown is a bit bland, can't deny that. And so much of it!
This is gonna be random but I’m choosing between 2 books. Empire of Silence and The Way of Kings. Both have glowing reviews but not sure which one is the better read.
My favorite Sun Eater book easily
Oh man, can't wait to get there and see that character growth! I have Kingdoms of Death coming up in my TBR next month, can't wait to get to the last book! Demon in White is the bee's knees so far.
Brown is a bit bland, can't deny that. And so much of it!
It's second after Demon in White for me, but absolutely nailed the build to the finale
This is gonna be random but I’m choosing between 2 books. Empire of Silence and The Way of Kings. Both have glowing reviews but not sure which one is the better read.
Just pick one and go. I loved suneater. Favorite series ever. Starting way of kings next