Share this with someone to see if they will die before you! SUBSCRIBE to help me spread the word about correcting movement to avoid unnecessary surgery!
A skill that no one talks about. As I recall my mum fell on the floor. And was determined to get up by herself. She had nt put her emergency alarm necklace on either. She said she had nothing to lever herself up with. She managed to get to the door eventually and lever herself up. She lived to tell the tale. But really these skills are vital.
I'm glad I found this video because I have wanted to "learn" to get up off the floor without using hands or knees ever since I heard about this test. I think I'll be able to do it with the help of these exercises, and I thank you. That said, the ability to accomplish this move may correlate with longevity simply because anyone who can do this is probably the kind of person who maintains an overall fitness level and as such, they are less likely to die early from causes associated with a lack of fitness. I doubt that learning one good move alone is going to have a significant impact on life expectancy; similarly, I doubt the inability to perform one specific move is a valid indicator either.
You are right Donna. One move is never going to do that but this one move is assessing more than one "thing". Flexibility, balance, strength are all required at a high level. It's really strength that is correlated with longevity more than anything. Many studies have looked at many different "moves" that are strength based. It's not the move, it's the strength. Good Luck!
Great video! I’m pretty active and have run half marathons, but I can’t get off the floor without using a knee. Just proves why cross training is necessary, so I’d better get with it!
Thanks for the comment! I have many patients that begin exercising with running and later need to incorporate strengthening to help with painful conditions. I would love to see it the other way around. Develop a base of strength as a prerequisite for running. Sounds like a future video brewing....
This is the first actually useful video I’ve seen of how to train yourself for this. I can get down in a crossed legged position but I can never get back up without using at least one hand. And I’m not weak, I lift plenty of heavy weights., so it’s some other mechanical reason. Thanks!
I could go from sitting cross legged to my knees and up kthout using hands. But I have no idea how to balance out of that first position! I think I will need to do the chair standing exercise. I do have very tight hips, but my flexibility is getting better. Thank you for sharing!
Definitely work from the chair and then progress to a lower surface very gradually. You can also use the bottom step on a stair case and boost that up with large books or pillows. Most people have such weak hip rotation muscles making this difficult. Keep working on will pay dividends!
Using a chair for me is a harder way to get up. The easiest thing I’ve found is the yoga down dog position. Go into down dog and gradually walk your feet toward your hands and just stand up. If abs are well can put hands on knees for extra push up. I do t do yoga but the few moves I learned from some basic yoga is priceless. I have bad knees and can’t do many of the get off the floor suggestions.
@@MovementProjectPT thanks for your tips., which I am about to watch again. These are fundementals and though I ve never had to think about it til upto now. Looking back I used to get up from the floor badly all the time. I m also thinking how my mum should have been aware of the basics as at 96, it was her frail bones that ended her life despite being so healthy otherwise.
Just found your channel. Very helpful informations. I couldn't get off the floor and not even sit down without using my hands. I do some gym but I am in the age of 75 and suffer from polyneuropathy especially in my right leg. Not convinced to be able to get more strengh for this exercise. But I try exercises like this in an easier variant.
Thanks for your comment! Any strength that you can gain from a deeper squat position will pay dividends for the rest of your life! Don't focus on the floor, just getting stronger from the lower positions. Consistency is king!
Not just your knees but your glutes , hips, core and flexibility. I had a knee replacement so I don’t really use my left knee much . I worry about the prosthesis.
@MovementProjectPT true, but that study - which has been poorly interpreted did not give the cause of death of participants. They might have died from cancer, heart attacks or in a car accident. If someone has 2 functioning arms there is no sensible reason for not using them to get up off the floor - or for any other activity of daily living.
Was looking for a couple exercises to help me get off the floor. I work out regularly at 67 and could only lower myself down into a cross legged position on the floor. Getting up was another matter. Working on the get up from a 5.5” step which I struggle a little, but can do. I’ll be working on it everyday until I can get up from floor. Thanks!!
The test has nothing to do with mortality from a perspective of overall diet and exercise. Yes, it will improve leg strength and reduce life altering falls. But there are several people I know right now that are chain smokers and have diabetes that can actually pass this test with a 10 score. I also have two good friend that are endurance runners that cannot come close to getting from that seated position. Let’s keep this real please. Showing a headstone as the banner to this video is really crass at best.
It’s just one factor. Of course diet and exercise matter. So do smoking and diabetes. Everyone knows that. Most people don’t know how critical strength, mobility, and proprioception are to longevity….thus the video. Have a great day!
@@MovementProjectPT I get that and thanks. I am a PGA Professional and using your channel to improve my range of motion. Yoga is tougher than I thought I must say. I am a good athlete, but this is hard. I will keep at it using your instructions.
How about after a left knee replacement. I find it easier to go in the 90/90 position with my non operated knee on the ground. I’m nervous about putting too much pressure on the prosthesis. I also had two foot surgeries on my right foot with a dropped metatarsal.
Gosh, this is depressing. My knees have gotten so weak over the years. They don’t hurt, but it is increasingly hard to climb steps. I haven’t been able to get on a horse unaided for maybe 20 years! It’s hard to climb out of a boat. Arthritis has destroyed my shoulders. But I’m still here. But according to this, not for long, eh?
Sitting on the ground (floor) gives you so much MORE ENERGY If you keep at it i promise you you will have much more energy and will to do everything! Ive been sitting on the floor for a week and i feel so much better!
Why would you not want to use your hands as long as you have them? You could take an even nastier fall after losing your balance trying to stand up from the floor without using your hand(s). Many people don’t realize that raising oneself from a lying position to a standing one from off the floor is a quite complicated process. It requires flexibility, strength, and motor coordination. I would not recommend using no hands to anyone unless they had no hands in the first place.
Great video, Tim. I have a tough time getting the weight over the feet part at the beginning. Do you have any suggestions on how to work on improving this specific part? I can do it on the beach because of the traction I get in the sand, but not on a hard floor. Thanks.
Sounds like you may have some limitation in your hip flexion and more specifically with the hips externally rotated.Try that piriformis stretch or pigeon stretch on a bench and emphasize the forward bending part of it. You can try this simple stretch I demonstrate in this video too:
I've had both knees replaced and was told by the surgeon to never kneel on them. I found out the hard way and discovered the pain was excruciating. So, any suggestions for getting up off the ground without kneeling when there is nothing around to work with?
My preferred method is to bump your butt to a small stool and then to a chair or couch. If that doesn't work, try to get to a stair case and bump up one step at a time until you can stand :)
@@ourclarioncall 😂 what a load of rubbish. If your church was on fire would you just stand there and send thoughts and prayers or call the fire brigade ?
@@knittingknut Greetings my friend, my answer is that you should do both , you phone the fire brigade and you pray. God is very practical. He has given us a brain and the ability to acquire and apply wisdom , knowledge, understanding etc. However sometimes things are too big for us and we just don’t have the ability or resources to deal with them. I’m in my 40’s now and I’m trying hard to look after my body, eat and exercise etc. I don’t expect God to heal or bless my body is I as a Christian willingly abuse it. Saying that , He may be so gracious that even if I did abuse it , He would still be merciful and either heal or tell me to simply reap what I sow by using common sense. I also understand your skepticism, I’m also very very skeptical of what I hear people claim , even in the Christian world, but I also know for a fact the real thing exists. I had the classic scientific Darwinian evolutionary naturalistic mindset too which was poured into my childhood foundations through public school and media consumption so I get it that many minds are locked up in a box. One of my first mind blowing experiences came when I was I think in my early 20’s. I had only been a Christian for a year or two. I was praying alone in my room and God told me about an event that had happened in a persons life before I was even born. Then I saw the person quickly afterward and if my memory serves me correct they said something like “do you have something to tell me” to which I said no! For a few days I wrestled with if this was really God or not and doubt and fear. What if I tell the person that God told me this about you and it was completely wrong ?? I eventually plucked up the courage and wrote a letter but I chose not to be specific about details . Then they came to me and asked me to say exactly what the event was and I did. They immediately burst into tears . It was true and God had in fact spoken to me. We both knew there was no way on earth I could have known this. I believe God was trying to set this person free and bring healing to a very old wound. Like I said, I could literally write a book. The best books tho are found in the bible, the gospels demonstrate Jesus healing the sick , tormented and broken hearted and giving hope to the hopeless.
When i sit on the floor from standing, i can do it, but i nearly always fall back just before i sit on the floor...weak core? I can't get up at all from cross legged position, i can't get off floor at all. I can get up if i'm sitting on a small box though. For me to get up off floor, I have to use a knee against the floor and push up that way. However, I have to use my hands to get my right knee into position (internal rotation) in order to use left knee to push against the floor. I can get up easier, with right knee pushing against floor.
I noticed that you have a bare floor. Is that better than a carpeted floor and does the type of carpet make a difference? I find carpets with foam padding to be very problematic, my right knee hit the dashboard in an auto accident, causing cartilage damage. It hurts my knee to walk on them. I am close to needing a knee replacement. A person in the carpet industry told me that foam pads are cheaper than fiber pads.
I paseed w/ flying colourw but then ive been user to that for ages. I cab scissor legs & ankles completely down slowly controlled & back up from full sested. Challenge further w/ weights in your arns
Cossed your feet sitting down and getting up from the floor exercise can only be done by younger people. If you go to the gym and ask those young muscular men and women to do it and if they can do it like you show in this video that will be great.
@@MovementProjectPT I see. OK. But is it about a challenge or about mortality? How far do we have to go here? I can get off the ground in the squat position but the cross feet thing is just nuts to me 🤣 am I gonna die cause I can't so that? I can get off the ground just fine, no hands no knees!
Maybe I’m too far gone for this vid. I have had 19 dislocations on my right knee due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I have full range of motion. But anything that even faintly resembles the lotus position is what causes the dislocations. I can’t turn my leg to the side at all when it’s bent at all. If I roll over in bed, I have to clench my legs together and hold my knee while I flip over. Otherwise my knee will dislocate in bed. I can still get into lotus position but I have to hold my knee together with my hand. I basically can’t turn my leg to the side at all.
Faccio allenamento a corpo libero e posso fare molte cose ma non riesco ad alzarmi da terra senza le mie mani.. Cado all'indietro e quindi non capisco quali muscoli mi impediscono di farlo.
Potrebbe essere forza addominale, problemi di mobilità nell'anca o nella schiena, debolezza della rotazione dell'anca. Se lo aggiungi al tuo allenamento con i pesi, lo otterrai in pochissimo tempo!
Just focus on what you have control over! Quad strength after knee replacement is the number one thing correlated with improved function! Focus on the modifications I discuss at the end of this video.
Are you really going to be without 2 arms, hands, shoulders? And if it was that bad an accident im sure some parts of the lower half would be messed up too.
Learn the natural ways of doing things people and I promise you, you will have a long and happy life! Nature is the key to our happiness and health Technology only patches up your holes until it creates new holes
@@NoJusticeNoProfit24 Oh my goodness. You really misinterpreted my message. I've worked with thousands of people with knee arthritis. Including my own mother. It's terrible, especially at end stages. It was a "you can do anything if your put your mind to it" message. You got this!
@@MovementProjectPT I appreciate you for this response. However, I have searched and searched yet I’ve seen no real help for indoor falls. or especily, falling in a rough veggie garden vs.knee failure. I noticed others in the comments likewise have this problem, such as how to master getting out of a bath tub. Arthritis may be mundane but it is a real misery.
@@NoJusticeNoProfit24 I recommend having a footstool nearby in every room. If you fall, you can scoot to the stool and bump your butt to the stool. Often this 8 inch start is enough to help someone get up. If not, try bumping from the stool to the tub edge or the couch.
That’s a good one . My son hardly ever takes baths. Just showers .He is 14 now and over 16 stone and 6 foot tall. A couple of years ago he took a bath and couldn’t get out. The bath is pretty small. I was really surprised, but he obviously didn’t have the pressing strength or experience in his arms /triceps to push himself up .
@@MovementProjectPT perhaps is your trying to hold onto the handes and press yourself up using your arms triceps and then you bring your feet under your body to stand up . My son got stuck in bath and was too big to get out without help .
I strongly suggest installing safety rails in the bath-they've saved me at least twice from slipping on a greasy bathmat (or one not stuck down sufficiently) and cracking the back of my head on the edge of the bath. Which would have been either fatal or permanently crippling.
Excellent video. Now get rid of the narration that you’re doing in the room with all the reverb . I can’t understand what you’re saying, without a close-up microphone. Do the voiceover for the whole video
Thanks for the comment! This was 3 years ago when I was just getting started. My A/V game has improved since then :). Tomorrow's video is more of a talking head voiceover type video that you're referencing.
The real danger to life expectancy is not being able to get off the floor without using your hands! The real danger to life is NOT being able to get off the floor even if you use your hands!
You have no idea of the reality of being aged and trying this. Your hubris is off-putting. An old person most likely will not be able to put weight on their knees so rising from a kneeling position is not feasible. If you want to learn, put an elderly infirm person through this procedure.
This research is biased. Just look at our parents and grandparents. They probably would’ve failed this test in their 30s. Most healthy people are not going to pass this mobility test. It’s about managing stress levels and enjoying life and getting moderate exercise.
Those results were very limited and not followed up on. This particular movement can seriously damage a knee and proves nothing to overall longevity. I know several 85+ years olds that cannot do this as well as many athletes. I can get up off the floor with no hands, but I do not use the Indian style method due to the danger of injury to the knees. UA-cam is full of this…avoid. Take up simple yoga, eat a great diet, walk everyday, challenge your mind and stay curious. Doing this parlor trick will never be better than those proven habits.
Share this with someone to see if they will die before you!
SUBSCRIBE to help me spread the word about correcting movement to avoid unnecessary surgery!
I couldn't get up without using my hand even about 3 months ago, but after only 2 weeks of exercise, I am able to do it as if it's second nature.
This is tremendous news Shivam. If you keep this up, you will literally add years to your life!
@@MovementProjectPT i am not sure about the years thing as I am quite young, but it does definitely make me feel a whole lot better and confident. 😁😁😁
Shivam Purohit Even better! You want to have as much mobility and strength as possible in your younger years 👍Keep it up
@@MovementProjectPT yeah I am trying to loose some weight and get healthier
A skill that no one talks about. As I recall my mum fell on the floor. And was determined to get up by herself. She had nt put her emergency alarm necklace on either. She said she had nothing to lever herself up with. She managed to get to the door eventually and lever herself up. She lived to tell the tale. But really these skills are vital.
It never ceases to amaze me the sheer variety of physical challenges we can embark on to get stronger and healthier
I'm glad I found this video because I have wanted to "learn" to get up off the floor without using hands or knees ever since I heard about this test. I think I'll be able to do it with the help of these exercises, and I thank you. That said, the ability to accomplish this move may correlate with longevity simply because anyone who can do this is probably the kind of person who maintains an overall fitness level and as such, they are less likely to die early from causes associated with a lack of fitness. I doubt that learning one good move alone is going to have a significant impact on life expectancy; similarly, I doubt the inability to perform one specific move is a valid indicator either.
You are right Donna. One move is never going to do that but this one move is assessing more than one "thing". Flexibility, balance, strength are all required at a high level. It's really strength that is correlated with longevity more than anything. Many studies have looked at many different "moves" that are strength based. It's not the move, it's the strength. Good Luck!
ah, thanks... now i see :)
Great video! I’m pretty active and have run half marathons, but I can’t get off the floor without using a knee. Just proves why cross training is necessary, so I’d better get with it!
Thanks for the comment! I have many patients that begin exercising with running and later need to incorporate strengthening to help with painful conditions. I would love to see it the other way around. Develop a base of strength as a prerequisite for running. Sounds like a future video brewing....
@@MovementProjectPT Yes please!
Here you promised 🙂
Kelli, your post is from two years ago. How about now? Can you do it? I’m just curious.
This is the first actually useful video I’ve seen of how to train yourself for this. I can get down in a crossed legged position but I can never get back up without using at least one hand. And I’m not weak, I lift plenty of heavy weights., so it’s some other mechanical reason. Thanks!
I could go from sitting cross legged to my knees and up kthout using hands. But I have no idea how to balance out of that first position! I think I will need to do the chair standing exercise. I do have very tight hips, but my flexibility is getting better. Thank you for sharing!
Definitely work from the chair and then progress to a lower surface very gradually. You can also use the bottom step on a stair case and boost that up with large books or pillows. Most people have such weak hip rotation muscles making this difficult. Keep working on will pay dividends!
Using a chair for me is a harder way to get up. The easiest thing I’ve found is the yoga down dog position. Go into down dog and gradually walk your feet toward your hands and just stand up. If abs are well can put hands on knees for extra push up. I do t do yoga but the few moves I learned from some basic yoga is priceless. I have bad knees and can’t do many of the get off the floor suggestions.
I need this thanks! exercises start at 440
That's an eye opener. Since lock Down. I can't get off the floor. I was good before.
2020 was impactful for many of the patients that we see and not in a good way. You are not alone! Keep grinding and you'll be better than before 👍
@@MovementProjectPT thanks for your tips., which I am about to watch again. These are fundementals and though I ve never had to think about it til upto now. Looking back I used to get up from the floor badly all the time.
I m also thinking how my mum should have been aware of the basics as at 96, it was her frail bones that ended her life despite being so healthy otherwise.
at least you're still alive !!! stay healthy
Just found your channel. Very helpful informations.
I couldn't get off the floor and not even sit down without using my hands. I do some gym but I am in the age of 75 and suffer from polyneuropathy especially in my right leg. Not convinced to be able to get more strengh for this exercise. But I try exercises like this in an easier variant.
Thanks for your comment! Any strength that you can gain from a deeper squat position will pay dividends for the rest of your life! Don't focus on the floor, just getting stronger from the lower positions. Consistency is king!
@@MovementProjectPT thank you so much
This is basically only a test of your knees, not longevity.
Falls are one of the leading causes of death. Hip/knee strength and mobility prevent falls….longevity
Not just your knees but your glutes , hips, core and flexibility. I had a knee replacement so I don’t really use my left knee much . I worry about the prosthesis.
@MovementProjectPT true, but that study - which has been poorly interpreted did not give the cause of death of participants. They might have died from cancer, heart attacks or in a car accident. If someone has 2 functioning arms there is no sensible reason for not using them to get up off the floor - or for any other activity of daily living.
Thank you ❤
Of course! Hope it helped you!
çok teşekkürler. saatlerdir youtube da aradım. standing up test var ama güçlendirme exersize yok. sadece siz var.
Faydalı bulduğunuza sevindim. Yorum için teşekkürler!
Was looking for a couple exercises to help me get off the floor. I work out regularly at 67 and could only lower myself down into a cross legged position on the floor. Getting up was another matter. Working on the get up from a 5.5” step which I struggle a little, but can do. I’ll be working on it everyday until I can get up from floor. Thanks!!
Great work! Stay after it!
The test has nothing to do with mortality from a perspective of overall diet and exercise. Yes, it will improve leg strength and reduce life altering falls. But there are several people I know right now that are chain smokers and have diabetes that can actually pass this test with a 10 score. I also have two good friend that are endurance runners that cannot come close to getting from that seated position. Let’s keep this real please. Showing a headstone as the banner to this video is really crass at best.
It’s just one factor. Of course diet and exercise matter. So do smoking and diabetes. Everyone knows that. Most people don’t know how critical strength, mobility, and proprioception are to longevity….thus the video. Have a great day!
@@MovementProjectPT I get that and thanks. I am a PGA Professional and using your channel to improve my range of motion. Yoga is tougher than I thought I must say. I am a good athlete, but this is hard. I will keep at it using your instructions.
WOW!! What a great video..thank you so much ❤️
Glad you enjoyed it!
How about after a left knee replacement. I find it easier to go in the 90/90 position with my non operated knee on the ground. I’m nervous about putting too much pressure on the prosthesis. I also had two foot surgeries on my right foot with a dropped metatarsal.
May I suggest some start with getting out of a chair as many find that a challenge. I think this action should be easy before attempting the floor.
Gosh, this is depressing. My knees have gotten so weak over the years. They don’t hurt, but it is increasingly hard to climb steps. I haven’t been able to get on a horse unaided for maybe 20 years! It’s hard to climb out of a boat. Arthritis has destroyed my shoulders. But I’m still here. But according to this, not for long, eh?
Everything is reversible! You got this
Sitting on the ground (floor) gives you so much MORE ENERGY
If you keep at it i promise you you will have much more energy and will to do everything!
Ive been sitting on the floor for a week and i feel so much better!
Yes! Many people in western cultures will need to do a few weeks of stretching before they can floor sit 😀
Should having a total knee replacement affect this test?
Why would you not want to use your hands as long as you have them? You could take an even nastier fall after losing your balance trying to stand up from the floor without using your hand(s). Many people don’t realize that raising oneself from a lying position to a standing one from off the floor is a quite complicated process. It requires flexibility, strength, and motor coordination. I would not recommend using no hands to anyone unless they had no hands in the first place.
I’m agree with your comment. It is simply a test to assess your flexibility, strength and balance in one
@@MovementProjectPT understood;)
Great video, Tim. I have a tough time getting the weight over the feet part at the beginning. Do you have any suggestions on how to work on improving this specific part? I can do it on the beach because of the traction I get in the sand, but not on a hard floor. Thanks.
Sounds like you may have some limitation in your hip flexion and more specifically with the hips externally rotated.Try that piriformis stretch or pigeon stretch on a bench and emphasize the forward bending part of it. You can try this simple stretch I demonstrate in this video too:
@@MovementProjectPT thanks so much for the response
I've had both knees replaced and was told by the surgeon to never kneel on them. I found out the hard way and discovered the pain was excruciating. So, any suggestions for getting up off the ground without kneeling when there is nothing around to work with?
My preferred method is to bump your butt to a small stool and then to a chair or couch. If that doesn't work, try to get to a stair case and bump up one step at a time until you can stand :)
A friend of mine had both of his knees healed by God right before he was due to go into surgery to get them replaced.
@@MovementProjectPT nice 👍
@@ourclarioncall 😂 what a load of rubbish. If your church was on fire would you just stand there and send thoughts and prayers or call the fire brigade ?
@@knittingknut Greetings my friend, my answer is that you should do both , you phone the fire brigade and you pray. God is very practical. He has given us a brain and the ability to acquire and apply wisdom , knowledge, understanding etc. However sometimes things are too big for us and we just don’t have the ability or resources to deal with them. I’m in my 40’s now and I’m trying hard to look after my body, eat and exercise etc. I don’t expect God to heal or bless my body is I as a Christian willingly abuse it. Saying that , He may be so gracious that even if I did abuse it , He would still be merciful and either heal or tell me to simply reap what I sow by using common sense. I also understand your skepticism, I’m also very very skeptical of what I hear people claim , even in the Christian world, but I also know for a fact the real thing exists. I had the classic scientific Darwinian evolutionary naturalistic mindset too which was poured into my childhood foundations through public school and media consumption so I get it that many minds are locked up in a box. One of my first mind blowing experiences came when I was I think in my early 20’s. I had only been a Christian for a year or two. I was praying alone in my room and God told me about an event that had happened in a persons life before I was even born. Then I saw the person quickly afterward and if my memory serves me correct they said something like “do you have something to tell me” to which I said no! For a few days I wrestled with if this was really God or not and doubt and fear. What if I tell the person that God told me this about you and it was completely wrong ?? I eventually plucked up the courage and wrote a letter but I chose not to be specific about details . Then they came to me and asked me to say exactly what the event was and I did. They immediately burst into tears . It was true and God had in fact spoken to me. We both knew there was no way on earth I could have known this. I believe God was trying to set this person free and bring healing to a very old wound. Like I said, I could literally write a book. The best books tho are found in the bible, the gospels demonstrate Jesus healing the sick , tormented and broken hearted and giving hope to the hopeless.
Many many thanks
When i sit on the floor from standing, i can do it, but i nearly always fall back just before i sit on the floor...weak core? I can't get up at all from cross legged position, i can't get off floor at all. I can get up if i'm sitting on a small box though. For me to get up off floor, I have to use a knee against the floor and push up that way. However, I have to use my hands to get my right knee into position (internal rotation) in order to use left knee to push against the floor. I can get up easier, with right knee pushing against floor.
I noticed that you have a bare floor. Is that better than a carpeted floor and does the type of carpet make a difference? I find carpets with foam padding to be very problematic, my right knee hit the dashboard in an auto accident, causing cartilage damage. It hurts my knee to walk on them. I am close to needing a knee replacement. A person in the carpet industry told me that foam pads are cheaper than fiber pads.
For the exercise or in general? For the exercise, bare floor is easier. For general living, carpet and bare or sock foot is my preference
Always been able to do this. It's not difficult
Keep it up!
I noticed how hard it is to go from a chair and down into it. With the all that yoga I ever did, they never did these exercises. I am so off yoga now.
Yoga is solid but definitely a bit of a marketing machine
I did!! 🙌🏼
Nice! Simple test to do each year to assess your mobility and strength. Thanks for the comment :)
I paseed w/ flying colourw but then ive been user to that for ages. I cab scissor legs & ankles completely down slowly controlled & back up from full sested.
Challenge further w/ weights in your arns
Cossed your feet sitting down and getting up from the floor exercise can only be done by younger people. If you go to the gym and ask those young muscular men and women to do it and if they can do it like you show in this video that will be great.
this made no allowance for weakness of quads and knees!
What is your view on the Turkish Getup to improve hip and core strength?
Love it!
I could do this until two weeks ago. I woke up one day with just so little mobility.
Try the stretches I show at the end and work up to it slowly!
Why do we have to cross ankles when we stand up? Can I come up like a squat?
Yes but it's much harder!
I can't do this. My legs are too long for it.
I couldn't do this 10 years ago when i ran marathons. I'm just not flexible in that way.
Do it without crossing feet like my grand baby
Why do you have to cross your feet though? I don't see why that part is necessary. I feel like being in the squat potition would be quite sufficient.
You dont but then your Center of gravity is way behind your base of support and the difficulty level is much higher
@@MovementProjectPT I see. OK. But is it about a challenge or about mortality? How far do we have to go here? I can get off the ground in the squat position but the cross feet thing is just nuts to me 🤣 am I gonna die cause I can't so that? I can get off the ground just fine, no hands no knees!
@@t.8936 that’s great! You’re even better if you can do that!
Maybe I’m too far gone for this vid. I have had 19 dislocations on my right knee due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I have full range of motion. But anything that even faintly resembles the lotus position is what causes the dislocations. I can’t turn my leg to the side at all when it’s bent at all. If I roll over in bed, I have to clench my legs together and hold my knee while I flip over. Otherwise my knee will dislocate in bed. I can still get into lotus position but I have to hold my knee together with my hand. I basically can’t turn my leg to the side at all.
What if you can't sit on the floor
Faccio allenamento a corpo libero e posso fare molte cose ma non riesco ad alzarmi da terra senza le mie mani.. Cado all'indietro e quindi non capisco quali muscoli mi impediscono di farlo.
Potrebbe essere forza addominale, problemi di mobilità nell'anca o nella schiena, debolezza della rotazione dell'anca. Se lo aggiungi al tuo allenamento con i pesi, lo otterrai in pochissimo tempo!
Great I have two knee replacements so what can I do 😂
Just focus on what you have control over! Quad strength after knee replacement is the number one thing correlated with improved function! Focus on the modifications I discuss at the end of this video.
Are you really going to be without 2 arms, hands, shoulders? And if it was that bad an accident im sure some parts of the lower half would be messed up too.
Have you any videos for shoulder and elbow joint pain .. many of us old folk have problems in these two areas ?
Not enough…I need to get working on more!How To Fix Shoulder Pain (Thoracic Spine Secret)
If flexibility were😏😏 as important as some people claim, I would be six feet under already.
Learn the natural ways of doing things people and I promise you, you will have a long and happy life!
Nature is the key to our happiness and health
Technology only patches up your holes until it creates new holes
I think modern toilets have been a major contributor to bad health and posture. Our squat has been stolen from us
Yes! Check out my ass to grass squat test video and see how you do!
Without using your hands? Try getting off the floor without using your knees! Remember arthritis?
I once had a patient that was amputated at the waist. He used his arms to walk, it was incredible. You got this!
What a caring, helping person! Why indulge your innate jerk?
@@NoJusticeNoProfit24 Oh my goodness. You really misinterpreted my message. I've worked with thousands of people with knee arthritis. Including my own mother. It's terrible, especially at end stages. It was a "you can do anything if your put your mind to it" message. You got this!
@@MovementProjectPT I appreciate you for this response. However, I have searched and searched yet I’ve seen no real help for indoor falls. or especily, falling in a rough veggie garden vs.knee failure. I noticed others in the comments likewise have this problem, such as how to master getting out of a bath tub. Arthritis may be mundane but it is a real misery.
@@NoJusticeNoProfit24 I recommend having a footstool nearby in every room. If you fall, you can scoot to the stool and bump your butt to the stool. Often this 8 inch start is enough to help someone get up. If not, try bumping from the stool to the tub edge or the couch.
Can you do getting out of the bath. That's another hair raising situation to be in
What is most challenging with the bath that is different from the floor?
That’s a good one . My son hardly ever takes baths. Just showers .He is 14 now and over 16 stone and 6 foot tall. A couple of years ago he took a bath and couldn’t get out. The bath is pretty small. I was really surprised, but he obviously didn’t have the pressing strength or experience in his arms /triceps to push himself up .
@@MovementProjectPT perhaps is your trying to hold onto the handes and press yourself up using your arms triceps and then you bring your feet under your body to stand up .
My son got stuck in bath and was too big to get out without help .
I strongly suggest installing safety rails in the bath-they've saved me at least twice from slipping on a greasy bathmat (or one not stuck down sufficiently) and cracking the back of my head on the edge of the bath. Which would have been either fatal or permanently crippling.
I guess it's lights out for me in 2027.
Thanks for the best comment in a LONG time. I'm dying over here.
On a serious note, you got this, just keep working on incremental improvement!
Make sure you're not on something slippery or have slippery socks.
Excellent video. Now get rid of the narration that you’re doing in the room with all the reverb . I can’t understand what you’re saying, without a close-up microphone. Do the voiceover for the whole video
Thanks for the comment! This was 3 years ago when I was just getting started. My A/V game has improved since then :). Tomorrow's video is more of a talking head voiceover type video that you're referencing.
Used his arms in all of these
The real danger to life expectancy is not being able to get off the floor without using your hands! The real danger to life is NOT being able to get off the floor even if you use your hands!
There are people who can't get up off the floor without using their hands who have lived very long lives so I don't understand this theory!
You have no idea of the reality of being aged and trying this. Your hubris is off-putting. An old person most likely will not be able to put weight on their knees so rising from a kneeling position is not feasible. If you want to learn, put an elderly infirm person through this procedure.
Doubt that an 80 years old, overweight, lady will be able to do that.😊
This research is biased. Just look at our parents and grandparents. They probably would’ve failed this test in their 30s. Most healthy people are not going to pass this mobility test.
It’s about managing stress levels and enjoying life and getting moderate exercise.
Your points are fair but this is about one thing….not falling.
I'm 61 - so easy - piece of piss as we say in the UK. If you can't do this you need to get your shit together.
Those results were very limited and not followed up on. This particular movement can seriously damage a knee and proves nothing to overall longevity. I know several 85+ years olds that cannot do this as well as many athletes. I can get up off the floor with no hands, but I do not use the Indian style method due to the danger of injury to the knees. UA-cam is full of this…avoid. Take up simple yoga, eat a great diet, walk everyday, challenge your mind and stay curious. Doing this parlor trick will never be better than those proven habits.
What a load of crap.....
This is total bollocks
I am having a hard time to get off the floor without using my hands. So, I have a lot of work to do to this.
Keep grinding!