Happy Back

  • Опубліковано 13 чер 2024
  • Happy Back: Gentle Yoga with Erin
    Increase spinal suppleness & back health with this gentle practice.
    Props: Strap
    Key Techniques and their Benefits:
    *Tadasana (Mountain Pose)*
    - *Technique:* Stand with feet together or slightly apart, rock forward and back to find equilibrium, palms together at heart center, shoulders down, eyes closed, tune into the inner world.
    - *Benefits:* Enhances body awareness, promotes balance and stability, calms the mind, improves posture.
    #### 2. *Breath Awareness and Intention Setting*
    - *Technique:* Deep breaths, drawing prana (life energy) into the body, setting an intention for the practice.
    - *Benefits:* Increases oxygen intake, promotes relaxation, enhances focus and mindfulness, sets a positive tone for the practice.
    #### 3. *Arm and Side Body Stretches*
    - *Technique:* Arms out and up on inhale, hands to heart on exhale, interlace fingers and lean side to side.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches and strengthens the side body, improves flexibility, promotes spinal mobility, encourages rhythmic breathing.
    #### 4. *Standing Cat-Cow Pose*
    - *Technique:* Cup kneecaps, lift heart and arch back on inhale, round back on exhale.
    - *Benefits:* Increases spinal flexibility, enhances coordination, releases tension in the back, promotes mindful movement.
    #### 5. *Chair Pose Variations*
    - *Technique:* Inhale arms up, exhale sit deeper, sweep arms back on exhale, lift on inhale, bring forearms to thighs in forward fold.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens legs and core, improves balance and stability, opens the chest and shoulders, deepens hip and thigh stretch.
    #### 6. *Forward Fold with Treading Feet*
    - *Technique:* Forearms on thighs or hands further down, lift heels alternately, breathe deeply.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches hamstrings and calves, releases tension in the back, promotes relaxation, enhances circulation.
    #### 7. *Downward Facing Dog*
    - *Technique:* Walk hands forward, feet back, bend and straighten legs, shrug shoulders, shake head.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens arms and legs, stretches the spine, improves circulation, energizes the body.
    #### 8. *Low Lunge*
    - *Technique:* Step one foot forward between hands, lift back heel higher on inhale, reach heel back on exhale.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches hip flexors and thighs, improves balance, strengthens legs, promotes alignment.
    9. *Wide-Legged Forward Fold with Variations*
    - *Technique:* Walk hands to the center, bend and straighten knees, bring hands under heart, wide squat on inhale, straighten legs on exhale.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches inner thighs, hamstrings, and back, improves flexibility, releases tension, promotes grounding.
    #### 10. *Balancing Poses (Dancer Pose Variations)*
    - *Technique:* Balance on one foot, lift opposite leg back, reach opposite arm forward or up.
    - *Benefits:* Enhances balance and coordination, strengthens legs and core, opens the chest and shoulders, promotes focus.
    #### 11. *Shoulder Stretches with Strap*
    - *Technique:* Hold strap overhead, lean to sides, reach strap back behind shoulders, gently pull down on strap with opposite hand.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches shoulders and chest, improves flexibility, releases tension, enhances range of motion.
    These techniques collectively promote physical strength, flexibility, and balance while also encouraging mental clarity, relaxation, and mindfulness. The integration of breath work and movement helps to create a holistic practice that benefits both the body and the mind.


  • @Kingdabag
    @Kingdabag 11 днів тому

    Your so beautiful ❤️

  • @Kingdabag
    @Kingdabag 11 днів тому

    Do you offer private yoga sessions ❤