Sorry to hear Teresita. I think every teacher go through a rough patch, but there are always the 1 student in a class you are making a difference. Tomorrow is a new day!
It is a good idea to motivate students to earn rewards of your choice and their choice, such as free time, etc. The students can win more rewards as groups. That way the students motivate other students to behave. Peer pressure works well to discipline students
I only have one class that was out of control. I showed up in camo with a whistle and drill sergeant hat for two days. I went over the written rules one by one in a stern voice. I love wearing dresses, but stopped wearing them. I went to jeans and plaid, with boots. Things are turning around quickly and I am so happy.
“Save the children from themselves.” So true. They need structure and discipline, but they don’t know that. As adults, we know and must work to give it
No, they need support and mutual respect. That is the crucial part, if the students feel the need to talk back your're doing something wrong. Also the world is changing, "structure and discipline" isn't the right path nowdays. There's so much stuff to cover, the whole education system is just in general nonfunctional. If the fundimentals are rigged you can't expect more from children who have no choice but to spend a third of their lives in a classroom.
@@elizaneja no, this is true. Structure and discipline is essential. Perhaps the common understanding of the word “discipline” is the problem. It’s not corporal punishment, it’s teaching.
Thank you for this video. My issue is always that I'm too tolerant of disrespect. I constantly question myself about whether to dish out a consequence. This is my first year teaching Jr. High. Students can be mean, but you're right. I'm the adult and this is my classroom. I'm going to watch this video 30 more times.
You must draw up a set of rules and let them know. Also, let them know the consequence if they disobey. When they do, make sure to apply the rule, otherwise they wont take you seriously. If you have only one naughty kid, ask him/her to stay behind so you can have a private chat : make sure you are very nice and friendly, but firm. Try to get the kid on your side. Usually naughty kids have problems at home, if you listen to them, you'll be surprised.
Thank you for laying it out so clearly. It’s the thing that is missing most in teacher education, and for a pushover, like me, it is essential to not quit this profession.
Last year I had a big issue with classroom management, it was my first year teaching. But thanks to your precious advice I have organized everything, I Know exactly how I am going to proceed throughout this school year! I am going back to school next Tuesday Thank you Eric!
Very accurate ! I just finished my first year and I had the same issues in some of my classes, but without knowing it, I applied some of these techniques, and they really work! It's tough, some of the kids will hate you but at the end, they became well-behaved and more respectful in class. They knew what to do and not do. They need rules as much as you do.
In my experience the best way to settle class down was removing one or two students. Then the magic happens. I think the reason of their misbehaviour is family problems and lack of time spent with parents.
Hi, what's your procedure for removing students from a class? From what I know, sometimes it's a bigger risk to try and do it 1 They would be happy to get away from the class and misbehave over and over again for the sake of it. 2 They wouldn't just quietly wait outside, they'd mess around or run away causing even more problems. And another thing that isn't helping - in our school it is actually forbidden to remove them. Once you do it, you've got to point out the exact place for them to stay and hand out a task to do. But it won't work, see above why...(
@@anastasiakirss6160 You're absolutely right, alas. However this method gives another students a possibility to study the rest of the lesson. I would stand for them. I'm thinking of buying a camera and stream the lessons so parents and teachers could watch and make conclusions.
Thanks for this Eric! It has given me a good framework to follow to help me regain the confidence and control I felt I originally showed. I need to better guide my classroom, which has gone haywire after a couple of weeks of teaching them. It's time to move them in a positive direction and relieve some of the stress and self-doubt that has started to surface inside me. Very much appreciated!
Thanks for this brother. Im teaching multiple classes in korea atm. Some of the classes arent exactly in an emergency state yet, but im going to try implementing some of the things you introduced. Just so I can prevent it from getting bad
Hi Dalston, are you up in Seoul? I live in Daegu. Prevention is way easier than trying to fix issues. Now that you know what to look out for you can lead them in the right direction! :D
I agree with what you said 100%. Also this same method and attitude needs to be used when dealing with parents. The parents today allow their children to get away with too much. This is why I would never teach in a public school. It has to start in the home in order for their children to respect the teacher. Your methods do work but the parents of these difficult children have to be handled in the same way. No more teacher intimidation is to be tolerated from parents. Most of my students parents have their act together, but there are a few who really should have never had children and quite frankly are you useless in a productive society.
You spoke my mind. Being a teacher is not an easy job. You deal with a high level of dysfunction and it done on you why some kids are the way they are.
Some parents have never taught their child no. İ sent a child out once for repeated disruption, they were told that if they disrupt - others will be dismissed first at home time and them last. All they had to do is sit on the bench opposite the classroom door and wait for everyone else to exit. No. Screaming and pushing and shoving to get back inside to get their backpack. They couldn't handle being told no or going last. İt took three of us to block the door. So much crying and fuss as if he was 3 years old! This is when i realized wow he just doesn't get told no at home.
Thank you for explaining it really clearly. I think my class was a chao cause I was not strong enough. I must change. I used to think of quiting the teaching job before. You re right, i have to be the warrior to save them from themself.
Just took a mid year position in a fairly inner city school. I attempted to have my students line up and enter the class and go out again when they were too load. Multiple students sat in their seats and refused to go out and those that did banged on the other teachers windows in the hall, proceeded to chant "f ,,Mr.Ryder", and others ran away from the classroom/ flipped a couple desks on the way out. I had to call campus supervises to take multiple students to in school suspension. Yeah, rough road ahead of me....
Hi, thank you so much for your wonderful resources and advice. I am a substitute teacher and am also working summer school. I have that eighth grade class where there are like 20 students, everyone else is wonderful but five students in that class choose to be extremely disrespectful to an extent of refusal to do their work, climbing up the radiator, climbing the AC pipe, sitting on the desk, putting their feet on the chair. When I ask them nicely to do their work, they make fun of me and call me names. I tell the kid to get off the radiator, he ignores me. I get upset and tell him in a stern manner to do his work and the other kids laugh at me when they see me getting upset. When they see me confronting their behavior saying that it's unacceptable, they laugh, and the rest of the students couldn't learn in that environment. It came to an extent that a girl spilled hand sanitizer on the boy because he was climbing the pipe, that's what the boy said. But then the girl said she never spilled sanitizer on him. I told the boy the behavior is not acceptable and the girls started laughing. I told them stop being disrespectful and they started talking back to me, "what, now you tell us we can't laugh?" Then the boy was playing with the water bottle and spilled it all over the classroom. Then when it was time for dismissal, I asked "who spilled water" in the hallway and the girls were so rude, they told me, "why are you even here, go home!" I told them, their safety is my responsibility and they said "we don't care, just go home". That happened last week, I have this class again tomorrow, what should I do? I feel, my plan would be to go over the rules, separate the five trouble makers, make sure they don't sit together, maybe keep a behavior log for them, keep them busy with tons of work, and if any of these five students give me a hard time, call the assistant principal right away? She is excellent in dealing with these kind of situations. Or maybe should I let her know in advance what happened last week so that she can have a para sit there, these five kids listen to the para a lot more than they do to me, because I wasn't that strict so they took advantage of me. Or should I handle the situation myself? What's your thought. Thank you so much as always.
I am a special education teacher. I have worked a with every grade from pre-k to the first year of college. I currently work as a SETSS provider in elementary school. There are two ways to be an effective teacher. The students need to believe that you care about their life and that they can trust you. I also use guided meditation and yoga breathing with them. I taught in a gang school where every student had a gun or a knife. I wrote a book to use with meditation. “Meditation For People Who Can’t Meditate.”
One suggestion I haven't seen yet is to separate the talker(s) from their friends. Swap them with another child well away from their usual desk, or just send them to an empty desk if there is one available.. They *hate* it but you'll end up with a quieter class when the other kids see that you'll follow through.
I did this however parent of the child was mad at me :D "why you isolated my child even if he did something bad, it is not correct in a pedagogical way. It harms emotional bla bla bla............".
This sounds very encouraging and makes sense. So what would be a consequence if you talk to a misbehaving student and cut him off while he's trying to discuss about the rule or his behavior but the student would not stop talking and just go on distracting the lesson? Let's say he has to leave the classroom and he wouldn't do so or as another option: he would leave the classroom but other students would start distracting the lesson on purpose as some kind of revenge for you letting this other student sit outside the classroom? I mean, you can't put more than 1 or 2 students outside the classroom, so what would you really do in such a situation? I mean you can tell yourself that you won't ever let the students play with you but you need to be prepared and to know what you will do if something as I described should happen.
As a psychotherapist, former teacher, what you'll need to do depends largely on age. But I have my own take, from a psychological perspective. I might do a video someday on some good techniques
Wow! This sounds like great advice. I am preparing to teach for the 1st time in any classroom with secondary students. I'm so concerned about this breakdown in class. I have virtually written every word you spoke on this video. My weakness can be consistency. Is this the best way to go into new classes, then ease off if the students aren't an issue ? Your great. I'm hoping this may help with English 2nd language students, some at a low level of English communication. Thanks Eric
Hi Kerrie! Thank you for your kind words, I'm sure you'll settle nicely into class and do great! If you haven't seen it yet, I made a longer video on classroom management:
@@etacude thank you for your reply. I did watch the recommended one you added, I copied that down nearly word for word too. I'm like that 🙄. I will be referring to your channel a lot in the next couple of weeks I think. 40-45 kids will be a lot of kids 😱. Thank you again 😌 🙏🏼
I am a TA filling in for another TA on long-term leave in a kindergarten class. The class is unruly and as a consequence, I don't see a lot of learning and its honestly a very unhappy place. I worry that it's unsafe. I've been in other classes and there are kids who have particular disruptive issues that are long-standing, but in general the classes are well-behaved. The one I am in now is a house on fire. The disrespect is rampant and it is often impossible to handle because when I treat one issue, two others pop up around the class. I have been taught that the teacher sets the culture and I am there to assist the teacher, but I often have the class to myself and they are worse with me than they are with the main teacher. Basically, I feel hobbled by my secondary, temporary, and come-lately status. I want to contribute and help this class, but the school day is more like battle. I am grateful for any help! Thank you.
I'm in the same situation. They have zero respect for me, as I'm not the main teacher. I'm due to take the class after Easter for a few hours a day and I'm so scared about it
@@MummyKate13 I feel for you, obviously! I'm new to TAing, so that's not helping, either. Are you new or experienced? Something that has helped me this week was that I purchased lots of Playdough. I let kids who follow the rules and treat each other with respect play for a few minutes during free time. There are kinks to work out, but on day three, it's helping the class out a lot. I remind them of the Playdough challenge before we walk through the halls, and settle in for lunch. I love having a way to recognize and reward good behavior. Also, I'm working with some others involved to make the room more structured and less chaotic. Simple things like having the kids only go two by two to hall to retrieve their lunches and pairing student who shows responsible behavior with a student who has shown challenging behavior. Some other TA's have been lovely helping me and giving me tips, too. One told me that I cannot let anything pass. Address everything, every time. Be serious, but also tell them you know they can do better and know they will. I am nowhere near out of the woods, but things seem to be a bit better with most of the class. I know exactly how scary the prospect of having the kids on your own may be! I'm rooting for you!
@@sannalo11 thank you that's so helpful! I definitely fall into the habit of letting things go, I feel the respect isn't there. I'm new to it too, new to the field actually I was previously in catering! My teacher is so supportive so it helps a lot but I wish I could control the group and have them listen to me as well as her. Good luck to you, I'm sure with confidence and perseverance we will get there :)
@@MummyKate13 You obviously care. I think you'll get there, if this is what you want. I definitely understand why teachers get burned out and why they either stay for their entire careers or decide against it in a matter of months. I sometimes wonder if I am using my strengths in this job. Still, it's so important, and on days that don't fry me, I think that I may learn some good behavioral skills myself! If I find any other magnificent strategy beyond Playdough, I'll let you know. Let me know if you've found the Holy Grail, too, please! Good luck!
Thank you Eric I can relate this to our class which has a group of rowdy boys who have hot on our nerves. I'm really comforted and confident to face the class with your tips.Thank you👍👏
I teach preschool and lately my classroom is out of control and I am stressed, and losing patience. I hate this feeling. I feel like I don't want to teach anymore. I love my students and when I think about it, I can't see myself doing anything else. I am at a loss and feel like a failure😢
When I worked with toddlers and preschoolers the children would at first listen then they would end up following a child who wasn't listening because they thought they were funny. It was hard to try and get them to calm down with the other teachers!
The kids follow the leader in class. By him stealing the attention and you reacting to the clown in the wrong way, you are giving him power. They have no choice but to look at him. The correct way to deal with it is to take his power away. Don't react to his joke but rather tell him calmly not to disrupt class and redirect the rest of the class back to work. I know it is difficult and it will take some practice but eventually it will become second nature. Good luck!
@@etacude At our school miscreants are told to stand up with their arms raised for 5 minutes, or to stand at the front of the class. They don't reoffend after that.
I need to listen to this video every morning!! I have a tough class and have failed to be a strict leader. I think this video has some great advice. I love the WARRIOR mindset. Some classes really need this type of guidance.
I'm very happy to share, Danielle! It's something I wish someone told me when I first started teaching and had difficult classes. With time and experience it becomes natural, but at the start we've got to actively work at it. Best of luck! 😃
I've had this particular class only once a week and lost a bit of control, despite laying out the rules. I suppose I wasn't clear with consequences. I had them sign contracts for rules & expectations. I don't speak their first language, but their English is not bad... Thanks for sharing, I'll try these this week. Any other tips for affirmative and consistent policies I can follow?
Hi Aziz! Good idea with the contracts. That way they know exactly what is expected of you. Here is a video I did on ideas for 20 classroom rules.
"This is your castle, and you won't be disrespected." I've seen plenty of great teachers have their castles run over. I've seen teachers win teacher of the year because they have classes full of children that are academically able and well-behaved. The following year they get set up with the lowest academics with the worst behavior and end up frustrated and quit. And interestingly they are blamed for poor classroom management. That's the easy out for administration. It's always the teacher's fault. Students are not being held accountable. That's a parent and administrative issue. Once I saw an Inservice where a discipline specialist taught teachers classroom management. I called the specialist out and asked them to demonstrate their techniques to a particular class. Guess what? It didn't work! Some classes are OUT OF CONTROL period. Issues beyond a teacher's control. We need to be honest about that fact. Until we do, we will continue to see thousands of teachers leave every year and we will fill the classrooms with people who babysit instead of teaching. Some classes have 25 students in some areas of America with 10 on parole and some with ankle monitors. And the students will tell you, "The do not give a F**k." Will this work with some classes, yes. Will it work with all classes especially hardcore, no. That's the reality.
Why aren't "Class Expectation" sheets handed out and reviewed day one? A week later, give a quiz on the rules. This includes behavior and rules for absence make- up work. Why not have students write their personal goals for the class? Have them state what they want to accomplish and how they intend to do so. What struggles with the subject have they had in the past? What will they do differently to overcome them? One good technique when students are not behaving is to be silent and look at the clock. Usually, someone will realize what is happening. Let them know you are counting the minutes that they need to make up. ( I had senior classes that had a rotation schedule.) When they are your last class of the day, the minutes wasted will be added to the end of that class since you and they need to cover the full curriculum. If a student says they cannot stay that day...fine, they stay the next day. If a student is absent that day or goes to a sport early....fine, they make it up the next day. This will usually get most of the class to settle down and frown upon the few trouble makers whose behavior is no longer seen as fun by the others. Just one trick in the bag.
I use the 3 R's for my middle school classes Be respectful Be reasonable Be responsible I introduced it on the very first day. All I have to do is remind them when they loose control.
I came here after tolerating too much disrespect from my students. This is my three months running ,ever since I joined the school I'm trying to disciplines them but not working on them. I need new techniques.
I don't understand why some students act out and students behave. Shouldn't we have the misbehaving students drop out of school and unable to find well-paid careers they end up being too poor to marry and have kids, thus dropping out of the gene pool? Leaving a society of smart well-behaved people.
Hi Eric !thank you for all your most useful tips . Could you please share some tips on how to keep students who have completed their work engaged,while others are still working,
Easiest way is to have extra worksheets or reading books nearby. When students finish, they have to continue with one of those. They can alsoexpand on the homework given with activities like reviewing what they have learned during class.
TEACHER ERICK I am an intern I am starting classes for pre teenagers I already regret it or a little for reasons too messy fallacies too much I even lose my authority sometimes I say to myself no more, I want to teach adults because these days, at my school 3 boys have already been expelled one for rebellion another one for drug use another one for fight TRUE
It sounds like such a difficult situation, Mario. 😓 If possible you should move to another school. Some places are bad to work and you have to look out for yourself first. 👍
I noticed that we can set up class rules from the beginning as usual, but not all the classes are noisy, basically it's only one, and the characteristics are typical, on the other hand, the teacher assistants pamper them too much, sit them on their knees before and during the classes, make them students be dependent on their attention, which I consider is the biggest mistake, over pampering students and this just turn them into disrespectful and apathetic students.
Adopt the mantra, “I refuse to let you fail.” Elaborate to the class that you contract with them to do ALL in your power to help them find success. You will do everything it takes on your part to pave the way. Emphasize that according to this pledge, if a student persists at failure, then that will be evidence of that person’s choices. Classroom rules should be brainstormed as a group, agreed upon, and posted one at a time, prioritizing according to urgency. Can you feel the difference in tone, and picture the buy-in? This represents a shift from the top-down, authoritarian people manager intervention of the Industrial Era model promoted in this video to establishing a student-centered, intrinsic, more self-regulating climate.
Hello Eric, great video but l don't think l can use this technique in my situation... I am a midday assistant in a primary school, been there just for two months. I have this issue of getting a class quite after they finish with their meal. I am the person who doesn't shout although I have a loud voice, and for me it is quite tricky to calm the class down. There are few individuals who trigger those situations so l am trying to get them back in their seats. I am calling their names for so many times but it doesn't work. If it does, then only for few minutes and then they're back on they feet. I am walking around and calling their names again and again. As soon as a supervisor comes in and shouts out from her lungs, there is silence but l don't want to do it that way.... I do understand that when they finish with their meal they still have time before we have to go outside and they're bored and that's why they act like that. So, what could l do in my situation? P.S The children know the rules very well because they are as little angels nodding when senior speaks. Thank you very much in advance.
Very difficult I Ara. Write the students name on a small white bord or piece of paper show it around the room and just sign with your hands no speaking to join you infront of the room. Kids don't want to be single out infront of there classmates.
Write the tips on the board while explaining. Send it home to parents if you must... Whatever you do, Leila, you have to seize control of your class. 👍
Dear Erick I am teaching English and one of our problems is, that we should encourage our students to speak more English than their native language. Is there any advice about this? BTW thanks for your great videos
Welcome Saba. Yes to encourage speaking english can be challenging. Let them watch english movies or drama series for homework and report back to the class. Find out what their hobbies or favorite sport are and let hem do a presentation.
Hi, thanks for the great video. I teach in Korea and I have a dilemma. I have to check and grade homework at the beginning of class everyday. In this 10 minute window, the kids don't have any tasks so they start speaking loudly in Korean. I told them to speak quietly in English, but they always end up speaking in Korean and getting louder and louder (usually teasing one another or something silly and inappropriate). I have tried to have conversations about their hobbies while I grade but it's hard for me to multitask and it prolongs the grading. I also have tried giving them English word puzzles and word searches but most of them don't try and speak anyway. Any suggestions for what to do in this 10 minute window? I'd say for the rest of the class they are manageable but if this period is noisy, it sets the tone for the rest of the class and it's starting to get out of control.
Hi, l'm a teacher from lndia & l've been teaching for the last 27 years. The solution to your problem is easy. Appoint a monitor or two to keep the class quiet while you work.
Hello ,@Salvasquared Music Could you not change that window to the end of the class so that you start with everyone’s attention . Then In the last 10 mins give them something to do in silence. Depending on their level , reading or even better the chance to start homework if there is any that day . I guess they get a lot of homework so you could be doing them a favour ! An extra mark could be given for concentration and attitude during class and this 10 min period Catch them being good and reinforce good behaviour with a thumbs up , smile or nod of the head . This is complimentary to the advice given in the video .
Seems a strange way to arrange your lesson. Here in Vietnam, I mainly teach Maths and Science, in English, to junior kids. If you seriously don't have time to mark their homework after the lesson, at class start why not give them a worksheet with some math problems (OK it's not English, but most kids seem to like doing them). IME English is best taught interactively, speaking and listening, with reading and writing for homework. Giving them printed material is just too much overload, unless you are all going to work through it together where the kids can ask teacher to define any difficult words.
I have a similar issue with a 13 y old people class. They don't respect me at all. I already gave some notes and there have been some slight improvements, but this is not enough :((
I have been trying the stick and carrot theory in dealing with the students ,sometimes it works but not all the time.would you please tell us how to deal effectively with large classes including 60 students? it is exhausting !
Hi, can you please help me. I am a substitute teacher and sometimes I get mad at myself because when I cover a class for the regular teachers, the kids in that class are already disrespectful towards me the moment I enter their classroom and they come inside to learn and think they can do whatever they want because they think it's a sub there and they think there will be no consequences. What should I do with them in this scenario when the regular teacher is not around and I am covering her class. Usually I let their teacher know at the end of the day who was being disrespectful and they listen to her immediately, but not to me or any other subs, and that's very discouraging. Like today, I had to repeat 10 times for the kids to sit on the carpet and their regular teacher only had to tell them once. What should I do? Maybe I should have them exit the classroom and start from scratch and have them re-enter and tell them in a firm manner, "this is *not* how you behave in my classroom". Please let me know what your thoughts are. Thank you so much for your tips.
I'm sorry to hear that you're facing challenges with classroom management when covering for regular teachers. It can be frustrating, but there are several strategies you can employ to address this issue effectively. Here are some tips: Set Clear Expectations: Start by establishing clear expectations and classroom rules as soon as the students enter the classroom. Let them know what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Be specific and firm but also fair. Be Confident: Confidence is key when dealing with students. Even though you're a substitute, project confidence in your ability to manage the classroom. Speak with a clear and assertive voice. Build Rapport: Try to establish a positive rapport with the students. Greet them with a smile and take an interest in their names and interests. Building a positive relationship can make them more likely to respect you. Consistency: Consistency is crucial in classroom management. Ensure that you enforce the rules consistently throughout the class. If you let one student slide on a rule, others may follow suit. Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward students for good behavior. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging the right behavior. Redirect and Engage: If students are being disruptive, try redirecting their attention to the lesson. Engage them in the learning process and make the material interesting to capture their interest. Consequences: If a student continues to be disrespectful or disruptive, apply appropriate consequences. This might include time-outs, loss of privileges, or notifying the regular teacher. Involve School Policies: Familiarize yourself with the school's policies on classroom management and behavior. Follow these policies when necessary, and don't hesitate to seek help from school administrators if needed. Exit and Re-entry: If a situation escalates, you can consider having the students exit the classroom and re-enter, setting clear expectations for behavior. However, it's best to reserve this as a last resort. Feedback to the Regular Teacher: Continue to communicate with the regular teacher about any classroom management issues you encounter. Share both positive and negative experiences. This can help the teacher address the behavior when they return. Remember, classroom management can be challenging for even experienced teachers, and it might take time to establish your authority as a substitute. Be patient with yourself and with the students. Over time, with consistent application of these strategies, you should see improvements in classroom behavior. If you have any more specific questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Teaching can be tough, but with perseverance and the right strategies, you can make a positive impact on your students.
Shame about the ads! I like to watch while washing up! It’s so irritating to have to stop and dry my hands repeatedly, just to hit that skip button. As for the advice, I do enforce the rules, but they really like to test the boundaries. Trying to gain control when they won’t even stop to listen to me is not easy.
Informative! for a class of teenage learners (Years 7-10), do we use the same method shown in the video or is there a different way? I hope there's a video on this too.
Hi, I made another video that might work better with younger learners. I hope it helps!
"Grab the class by the throat... figuratively"
Thanks for the clarification. I have been tempted to do that literally once or twice.
I am so miserable and I have seriously thought about quitting my job. It's awful. I truly hope I can get a grip on things.
Sorry to hear Teresita. I think every teacher go through a rough patch, but there are always the 1 student in a class you are making a difference. Tomorrow is a new day!
It is a good idea to motivate students to earn rewards of your choice and their choice, such as free time, etc. The students can win more rewards as groups. That way the students motivate other students to behave. Peer pressure works well to discipline students
Me too I'll leave this is awful 😞
In my country we don't have to kick out the students lol
Teresita, I guess that is the path of teaching: not always smooth. We are in the same boat, wish you the best from a random internet stranger
I only have one class that was out of control. I showed up in camo with a whistle and drill sergeant hat for two days. I went over the written rules one by one in a stern voice. I love wearing dresses, but stopped wearing them. I went to jeans and plaid, with boots. Things are turning around quickly and I am so happy.
Good job RM Smith!
“Save the children from themselves.” So true. They need structure and discipline, but they don’t know that. As adults, we know and must work to give it
So true Walsh!
No, they need support and mutual respect. That is the crucial part, if the students feel the need to talk back your're doing something wrong. Also the world is changing, "structure and discipline" isn't the right path nowdays. There's so much stuff to cover, the whole education system is just in general nonfunctional. If the fundimentals are rigged you can't expect more from children who have no choice but to spend a third of their lives in a classroom.
@@elizaneja no, this is true. Structure and discipline is essential. Perhaps the common understanding of the word “discipline” is the problem. It’s not corporal punishment, it’s teaching.
Thank you for this video. My issue is always that I'm too tolerant of disrespect. I constantly question myself about whether to dish out a consequence. This is my first year teaching Jr. High. Students can be mean, but you're right. I'm the adult and this is my classroom. I'm going to watch this video 30 more times.
Every year it will get easier Emily! Keep up the good work!
I too have the same problem.
You must draw up a set of rules and let them know. Also, let them know the consequence if they disobey. When they do, make sure to apply the rule, otherwise they wont take you seriously. If you have only one naughty kid, ask him/her to stay behind so you can have a private chat : make sure you are very nice and friendly, but firm. Try to get the kid on your side. Usually naughty kids have problems at home, if you listen to them, you'll be surprised.
don't give up !
Thanks for your advice but what to do if students Say they don't care about punishments...Simply because their parents are too tolerant
Thank you for laying it out so clearly. It’s the thing that is missing most in teacher education, and for a pushover, like me, it is essential to not quit this profession.
Proud of you Mme Nguyen!
Last year I had a big issue with classroom management, it was my first year teaching. But thanks to your precious advice I have organized everything, I Know exactly how I am going to proceed throughout this school year! I am going back to school next Tuesday Thank you Eric!
Very accurate ! I just finished my first year and I had the same issues in some of my classes, but without knowing it, I applied some of these techniques, and they really work! It's tough, some of the kids will hate you but at the end, they became well-behaved and more respectful in class. They knew what to do and not do. They need rules as much as you do.
In my experience the best way to settle class down was removing one or two students. Then the magic happens. I think the reason of their misbehaviour is family problems and lack of time spent with parents.
For sure Vlad Matsala!
Hi, what's your procedure for removing students from a class? From what I know, sometimes it's a bigger risk to try and do it
1 They would be happy to get away from the class and misbehave over and over again for the sake of it.
2 They wouldn't just quietly wait outside, they'd mess around or run away causing even more problems.
And another thing that isn't helping - in our school it is actually forbidden to remove them. Once you do it, you've got to point out the exact place for them to stay and hand out a task to do. But it won't work, see above why...(
@@anastasiakirss6160 You're absolutely right, alas. However this method gives another students a possibility to study the rest of the lesson. I would stand for them. I'm thinking of buying a camera and stream the lessons so parents and teachers could watch and make conclusions.
This is excellent advice, one of your best videos I think! I'll recommend this to my teachers. Great job!
Thanks Andy! Really appreciate it 🙏
Thanks for this Eric! It has given me a good framework to follow to help me regain the confidence and control I felt I originally showed. I need to better guide my classroom, which has gone haywire after a couple of weeks of teaching them. It's time to move them in a positive direction and relieve some of the stress and self-doubt that has started to surface inside me. Very much appreciated!
Thanks for this brother. Im teaching multiple classes in korea atm. Some of the classes arent exactly in an emergency state yet, but im going to try implementing some of the things you introduced. Just so I can prevent it from getting bad
Hi Dalston, are you up in Seoul? I live in Daegu. Prevention is way easier than trying to fix issues. Now that you know what to look out for you can lead them in the right direction! :D
@@etacude I live in daegu actually! lol
@@Dalmoon98 Haha! Might see you out DT some time :D
@@etacude Well if you ever see a skinny tall black dude its probably me! lol
I agree with what you said 100%. Also this same method and attitude needs to be used when dealing with parents. The parents today allow their children to get away with too much. This is why I would never teach in a public school. It has to start in the home in order for their children to respect the teacher. Your methods do work but the parents of these difficult children have to be handled in the same way. No more teacher intimidation is to be tolerated from parents. Most of my students parents have their act together, but there are a few who really should have never had children and quite frankly are you useless in a productive society.
Very true Scott!
You spoke my mind. Being a teacher is not an easy job. You deal with a high level of dysfunction and it done on you why some kids are the way they are.
Some parents are brats
Some parents have never taught their child no. İ sent a child out once for repeated disruption, they were told that if they disrupt - others will be dismissed first at home time and them last. All they had to do is sit on the bench opposite the classroom door and wait for everyone else to exit. No. Screaming and pushing and shoving to get back inside to get their backpack. They couldn't handle being told no or going last. İt took three of us to block the door. So much crying and fuss as if he was 3 years old! This is when i realized wow he just doesn't get told no at home.
❤❤❤❤ I'd never heard a teacher talking like that. Thanks! Greetings from Colombia
Thank you for watching, Diana! 🙏
Thank you for explaining it really clearly. I think my class was a chao cause I was not strong enough. I must change. I used to think of quiting the teaching job before. You re right, i have to be the warrior to save them from themself.
You're welcome, thanks for watching.
Just took a mid year position in a fairly inner city school. I attempted to have my students line up and enter the class and go out again when they were too load. Multiple students sat in their seats and refused to go out and those that did banged on the other teachers windows in the hall, proceeded to chant "f ,,Mr.Ryder", and others ran away from the classroom/ flipped a couple desks on the way out. I had to call campus supervises to take multiple students to in school suspension. Yeah, rough road ahead of me....
Sound scary, sorry to hear.
@@etacude Thanks, things have actually gotten a tiny bit better and my staff is supportive. I'm still going to have them line up everyday .
Hi, thank you so much for your wonderful resources and advice. I am a substitute teacher and am also working summer school. I have that eighth grade class where there are like 20 students, everyone else is wonderful but five students in that class choose to be extremely disrespectful to an extent of refusal to do their work, climbing up the radiator, climbing the AC pipe, sitting on the desk, putting their feet on the chair. When I ask them nicely to do their work, they make fun of me and call me names. I tell the kid to get off the radiator, he ignores me. I get upset and tell him in a stern manner to do his work and the other kids laugh at me when they see me getting upset. When they see me confronting their behavior saying that it's unacceptable, they laugh, and the rest of the students couldn't learn in that environment. It came to an extent that a girl spilled hand sanitizer on the boy because he was climbing the pipe, that's what the boy said. But then the girl said she never spilled sanitizer on him. I told the boy the behavior is not acceptable and the girls started laughing. I told them stop being disrespectful and they started talking back to me, "what, now you tell us we can't laugh?" Then the boy was playing with the water bottle and spilled it all over the classroom. Then when it was time for dismissal, I asked "who spilled water" in the hallway and the girls were so rude, they told me, "why are you even here, go home!" I told them, their safety is my responsibility and they said "we don't care, just go home". That happened last week, I have this class again tomorrow, what should I do? I feel, my plan would be to go over the rules, separate the five trouble makers, make sure they don't sit together, maybe keep a behavior log for them, keep them busy with tons of work, and if any of these five students give me a hard time, call the assistant principal right away? She is excellent in dealing with these kind of situations. Or maybe should I let her know in advance what happened last week so that she can have a para sit there, these five kids listen to the para a lot more than they do to me, because I wasn't that strict so they took advantage of me. Or should I handle the situation myself? What's your thought. Thank you so much as always.
A belated thank you for watching!
thank you I have a caos class... but I´ll start handle this group the following class.. Your words have motivated me.
I am a special education teacher. I have worked a with every grade from pre-k to the first year of college. I currently work as a SETSS provider in elementary school.
There are two ways to be an effective teacher.
The students need to believe that you care about their life and that they can trust you.
I also use guided meditation and yoga breathing with them.
I taught in a gang school where every student had a gun or a knife.
I wrote a book to use with meditation.
“Meditation For People Who Can’t Meditate.”
Indeed! Thanks for watching and sorry for the late reply.
One suggestion I haven't seen yet is to separate the talker(s) from their friends.
Swap them with another child well away from their usual desk, or just send them to an empty desk if there is one available..
They *hate* it but you'll end up with a quieter class when the other kids see that you'll follow through.
Good suggestion Vaughan!
I did this however parent of the child was mad at me :D "why you isolated my child even if he did something bad, it is not correct in a pedagogical way. It harms emotional bla bla bla............".
@@kardelenpuza6769 suggest that they take your next lesson, and see for themselves how it works out!
Come onn!! 👏🏽👏🏽 Not fighting against flesh and blood … our students need the strong leader in us.
Very true, Andrea! Teachers have to be leaders in their classes. 💪
This sounds very encouraging and makes sense. So what would be a consequence if you talk to a misbehaving student and cut him off while he's trying to discuss about the rule or his behavior but the student would not stop talking and just go on distracting the lesson? Let's say he has to leave the classroom and he wouldn't do so or as another option: he would leave the classroom but other students would start distracting the lesson on purpose as some kind of revenge for you letting this other student sit outside the classroom? I mean, you can't put more than 1 or 2 students outside the classroom, so what would you really do in such a situation? I mean you can tell yourself that you won't ever let the students play with you but you need to be prepared and to know what you will do if something as I described should happen.
As a psychotherapist, former teacher, what you'll need to do depends largely on age. But I have my own take, from a psychological perspective. I might do a video someday on some good techniques
That'll be really interesting! Please let me know so I can share it when you do! 🙏
Maybe you could start by sharing some ideas, tips right here :)
Wow! This sounds like great advice. I am preparing to teach for the 1st time in any classroom with secondary students. I'm so concerned about this breakdown in class. I have virtually written every word you spoke on this video. My weakness can be consistency. Is this the best way to go into new classes, then ease off if the students aren't an issue ?
Your great. I'm hoping this may help with English 2nd language students, some at a low level of English communication.
Thanks Eric
Hi Kerrie!
Thank you for your kind words, I'm sure you'll settle nicely into class and do great!
If you haven't seen it yet, I made a longer video on classroom management:
@@etacude thank you for your reply. I did watch the recommended one you added, I copied that down nearly word for word too. I'm like that 🙄. I will be referring to your channel a lot in the next couple of weeks I think. 40-45 kids will be a lot of kids 😱. Thank you again
I am a TA filling in for another TA on long-term leave in a kindergarten class. The class is unruly and as a consequence, I don't see a lot of learning and its honestly a very unhappy place. I worry that it's unsafe. I've been in other classes and there are kids who have particular disruptive issues that are long-standing, but in general the classes are well-behaved. The one I am in now is a house on fire. The disrespect is rampant and it is often impossible to handle because when I treat one issue, two others pop up around the class. I have been taught that the teacher sets the culture and I am there to assist the teacher, but I often have the class to myself and they are worse with me than they are with the main teacher. Basically, I feel hobbled by my secondary, temporary, and come-lately status. I want to contribute and help this class, but the school day is more like battle. I am grateful for any help! Thank you.
I'm in the same situation. They have zero respect for me, as I'm not the main teacher. I'm due to take the class after Easter for a few hours a day and I'm so scared about it
@@MummyKate13 I feel for you, obviously! I'm new to TAing, so that's not helping, either. Are you new or experienced? Something that has helped me this week was that I purchased lots of Playdough. I let kids who follow the rules and treat each other with respect play for a few minutes during free time. There are kinks to work out, but on day three, it's helping the class out a lot. I remind them of the Playdough challenge before we walk through the halls, and settle in for lunch. I love having a way to recognize and reward good behavior. Also, I'm working with some others involved to make the room more structured and less chaotic. Simple things like having the kids only go two by two to hall to retrieve their lunches and pairing student who shows responsible behavior with a student who has shown challenging behavior. Some other TA's have been lovely helping me and giving me tips, too. One told me that I cannot let anything pass. Address everything, every time. Be serious, but also tell them you know they can do better and know they will. I am nowhere near out of the woods, but things seem to be a bit better with most of the class. I know exactly how scary the prospect of having the kids on your own may be! I'm rooting for you!
@@sannalo11 thank you that's so helpful! I definitely fall into the habit of letting things go, I feel the respect isn't there. I'm new to it too, new to the field actually I was previously in catering! My teacher is so supportive so it helps a lot but I wish I could control the group and have them listen to me as well as her. Good luck to you, I'm sure with confidence and perseverance we will get there :)
@@MummyKate13 You obviously care. I think you'll get there, if this is what you want. I definitely understand why teachers get burned out and why they either stay for their entire careers or decide against it in a matter of months. I sometimes wonder if I am using my strengths in this job. Still, it's so important, and on days that don't fry me, I think that I may learn some good behavioral skills myself! If I find any other magnificent strategy beyond Playdough, I'll let you know. Let me know if you've found the Holy Grail, too, please! Good luck!
Thank you Eric I can relate this to our class which has a group of rowdy boys who have hot on our nerves. I'm really comforted and confident to face the class with your tips.Thank you👍👏
I teach preschool and lately my classroom is out of control and I am stressed, and losing patience. I hate this feeling. I feel like I don't want to teach anymore. I love my students and when I think about it, I can't see myself doing anything else. I am at a loss and feel like a failure😢
Sorry to hear Denise. Just remember every teacher I know were struggling with this problem. Try to use new teaching skills but don't be discourage!
I started my way of a warrior a week ago
I'll take your methods and try. Thank you!
How did it go? Remember, I have lots of tips on my website, e.g.
When I worked with toddlers and preschoolers the children would at first listen then they would end up following a child who wasn't listening because they thought they were funny. It was hard to try and get them to calm down with the other teachers!
The kids follow the leader in class. By him stealing the attention and you reacting to the clown in the wrong way, you are giving him power.
They have no choice but to look at him. The correct way to deal with it is to take his power away. Don't react to his joke but rather tell him calmly not to disrupt class and redirect the rest of the class back to work.
I know it is difficult and it will take some practice but eventually it will become second nature. Good luck!
@@etacude thank you for your response!!
At our school miscreants are told to stand up with their arms raised for 5 minutes, or to stand at the front of the class. They don't reoffend after that.
I need to listen to this video every morning!! I have a tough class and have failed to be a strict leader. I think this video has some great advice. I love the WARRIOR mindset. Some classes really need this type of guidance.
I'm very happy to share, Danielle!
It's something I wish someone told me when I first started teaching and had difficult classes. With time and experience it becomes natural, but at the start we've got to actively work at it. Best of luck! 😃
I've had this particular class only once a week and lost a bit of control, despite laying out the rules. I suppose I wasn't clear with consequences. I had them sign contracts for rules & expectations. I don't speak their first language, but their English is not bad... Thanks for sharing, I'll try these this week. Any other tips for affirmative and consistent policies I can follow?
Hi Aziz! Good idea with the contracts. That way they know exactly what is expected of you. Here is a video I did on ideas for 20 classroom rules.
Thanks so much. Your strategies are practical and I will try to implement them.
I hope they help, Calcu! 🙏
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for sharing. You have equipped me!
So happy to help, Theresa! 😊
"This is your castle, and you won't be disrespected." I've seen plenty of great teachers have their castles run over. I've seen teachers win teacher of the year because they have classes full of children that are academically able and well-behaved. The following year they get set up with the lowest academics with the worst behavior and end up frustrated and quit. And interestingly they are blamed for poor classroom management. That's the easy out for administration. It's always the teacher's fault. Students are not being held accountable. That's a parent and administrative issue. Once I saw an Inservice where a discipline specialist taught teachers classroom management. I called the specialist out and asked them to demonstrate their techniques to a particular class. Guess what? It didn't work! Some classes are OUT OF CONTROL period. Issues beyond a teacher's control. We need to be honest about that fact. Until we do, we will continue to see thousands of teachers leave every year and we will fill the classrooms with people who babysit instead of teaching. Some classes have 25 students in some areas of America with 10 on parole and some with ankle monitors. And the students will tell you, "The do not give a F**k." Will this work with some classes, yes. Will it work with all classes especially hardcore, no. That's the reality.
A belated thank you for watching Albert. Indeed!
I'm a teacher, I'm not that teacher whose class is out of control but I desperately need advices and this is effective one!
Thanks mate. 😊
Really happy if it helps! 😃
Thank you for watching, Teacher Honest! 🙏
Thank you for recommendation. How about rules, ways of punishment and detention?
I mean the class got on our nerves and your advice will definitely work
Good to hear Pallavi!
Restart! Thanks for these tips. I still hope I can be a good leader to them and won't disrespect me.
Thank you for watching, Afreen! 🙏
We can only improve as teachers. That's the good thing! 😊
So useful as always teacher Eric, Thanks a lot
Thank you for watching Arturo! 😊
Hah, I really need to review this video over and over again.... class management is really an art
Thank You for this video!❤
This is amazing!!
It’s time for me to CHANGE!!
Great mindset! 👍
You can do it!
Why aren't "Class Expectation" sheets handed out and reviewed day one? A week later, give a quiz on the rules. This includes behavior and rules for absence make- up work. Why not have students write their personal goals for the class? Have them state what they want to accomplish and how they intend to do so. What struggles with the subject have they had in the past? What will they do differently to overcome them?
One good technique when students are not behaving is to be silent and look at the clock. Usually, someone will realize what is happening. Let them know you are counting the minutes that they need to make up. ( I had senior classes that had a rotation schedule.) When they are your last class of the day, the minutes wasted will be added to the end of that class since you and they need to cover the full curriculum. If a student says they cannot stay that day...fine, they stay the next day. If a student is absent that day or goes to a sport early....fine, they make it up the next day. This will usually get most of the class to settle down and frown upon the few trouble makers whose behavior is no longer seen as fun by the others. Just one trick in the bag.
4:00 of course 😌😂
I use the 3 R's for my middle school classes
Be respectful
Be reasonable
Be responsible
I introduced it on the very first day. All I have to do is remind them when they loose control.
Such a nice idea for teaching your students about respect.
Thank you for sharing!
What do u mean by each one?
What do u mean by each one?
Thank you teacher Eric
This is phenomenal. Thank you so much.
Thanks for watching Marina!
This video has really helped me. I have watch it constantly.
Really happy to hear that. 😊
Thank you for watching, Octavia! 🙏
Thank you so much !! I’m making a difference thanks to you! USA
Excellent ms Jodi!
Thank you!
Thank you for watching, Svilen! 🙏
Like it so much.
Many thanks from Indonesia.
I would definetely try it. Thank you
Hope it helps, Mr. Peter!
Thank you very much.
I came here after tolerating too much disrespect from my students. This is my three months running ,ever since I joined the school I'm trying to disciplines them but not working on them. I need new techniques.
I don't understand why some students act out and students behave. Shouldn't we have the misbehaving students drop out of school and unable to find well-paid careers they end up being too poor to marry and have kids, thus dropping out of the gene pool? Leaving a society of smart well-behaved people.
That's why we are teachers Nick V.
Perfect video Mr.
Well done.
Thank you for your good effort
Thank you for your kind words, Abu! :D
Great video! Wonderful review and I'm reposting on Facebook! Please keep the videos coming. Thank you!
Excellent Teresa, thanks for sharing aswell as reviews!
M'yes, we must get it all sorted, Mah-garet...
Hi Eric !thank you for all your most useful tips . Could you please share some tips on how to keep students who have completed their work engaged,while others are still working,
Easiest way is to have extra worksheets or reading books nearby. When students finish, they have to continue with one of those. They can alsoexpand on the homework given with activities like reviewing what they have learned during class.
Thank you Eric , keep informing about classroom management
A huge factor is also your school's behavior management policy, and the parent's involvement. Teachers can't change those things.
Totally true.
TEACHER ERICK I am an intern I am starting classes for pre teenagers I already regret it or a little for reasons too messy fallacies too much I even lose my authority sometimes I say to myself no more, I want to teach adults because these days, at my school 3 boys have already been expelled one for rebellion another one for drug use another one for fight TRUE
It sounds like such a difficult situation, Mario. 😓 If possible you should move to another school. Some places are bad to work and you have to look out for yourself first. 👍
Pre teens is horrible 😓😓😓 man what you should do is just focus on the good one's
excellent video content, thank you
Excellent device!
This is a very good video. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind support, Evelyn! 😊
Love your energy! Inspiring.
Thanks Ingrid!
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻thank you so much
Thank you so much for watching! 🙏 😊
I noticed that we can set up class rules from the beginning as usual, but not all the classes are noisy, basically it's only one, and the characteristics are typical, on the other hand, the teacher assistants pamper them too much, sit them on their knees before and during the classes, make them students be dependent on their attention, which I consider is the biggest mistake, over pampering students and this just turn them into disrespectful and apathetic students.
You're right! Thank you for sharing!
You are so motivating❤
Thank you for your kind words, Jincy! 🙏
What kind of list could you produce? This sounds really good thank you
This is really great!!
Thank you, Renee! 😊
I'm so happy i found you♡♡, i'm going to follow all the things you said here.
You're welcome!! You are welcome to visit the website Feel free to submit questions or suggestions.
Well done
Adopt the mantra, “I refuse to let you fail.”
Elaborate to the class that you contract with them to do ALL in your power to help them find success. You will do everything it takes on your part to pave the way.
Emphasize that according to this pledge, if a student persists at failure, then that will be evidence of that person’s choices.
Classroom rules should be brainstormed as a group, agreed upon, and posted one at a time, prioritizing according to urgency.
Can you feel the difference in tone, and picture the buy-in?
This represents a shift from the top-down, authoritarian people manager intervention of the Industrial Era model promoted in this video to establishing a student-centered, intrinsic, more self-regulating climate.
My class in 3rd was horrible. Kids talking to other kids, out teacher putting our heads down
It sounds very stressful. Hopefully your teachers can sort out the classroom discipline without using mean strategies. 😢
Thank you so must for this interesting video
Happy to share! 😊
Hello Eric, great video but l don't think l can use this technique in my situation...
I am a midday assistant in a primary school, been there just for two months.
I have this issue of getting a class quite after they finish with their meal.
I am the person who doesn't shout although I have a loud voice, and for me it is quite tricky to calm the class down.
There are few individuals who trigger those situations so l am trying to get them back in their seats.
I am calling their names for so many times but it doesn't work. If it does, then only for few minutes and then they're back on they feet.
I am walking around and calling their names again and again.
As soon as a supervisor comes in and shouts out from her lungs, there is silence but l don't want to do it that way....
I do understand that when they finish with their meal they still have time before we have to go outside and they're bored and that's why they act like that.
So, what could l do in my situation?
P.S The children know the rules very well because they are as little angels nodding when senior speaks.
Thank you very much in advance.
Very difficult I Ara. Write the students name on a small white bord or piece of paper show it around the room and just sign with your hands no speaking to join you infront of the room. Kids don't want to be single out infront of there classmates.
Thank you for all the good advise in this video. It is very helpful.
Hi Zi Sheng, glad it was helpful! You're welcome to visit the website Feel free to submit questions or suggestions.
omg idk if i can handle it😩 they won't even listen to me when i'll be explaining those rules to them.. They are just ignoring my words
Write the tips on the board while explaining. Send it home to parents if you must... Whatever you do, Leila, you have to seize control of your class. 👍
Dear Erick
I am teaching English and one of our problems is, that we should encourage our students to speak more English than their native language. Is there any advice about this?
BTW thanks for your great videos
Welcome Saba. Yes to encourage speaking english can be challenging. Let them watch english movies or drama series for homework and report back to the class. Find out what their hobbies or favorite sport are and let hem do a presentation.
@@etacude thank you so much for your great answer 👌🏻
Hi, thanks for the great video. I teach in Korea and I have a dilemma. I have to check and grade homework at the beginning of class everyday. In this 10 minute window, the kids don't have any tasks so they start speaking loudly in Korean. I told them to speak quietly in English, but they always end up speaking in Korean and getting louder and louder (usually teasing one another or something silly and inappropriate). I have tried to have conversations about their hobbies while I grade but it's hard for me to multitask and it prolongs the grading. I also have tried giving them English word puzzles and word searches but most of them don't try and speak anyway.
Any suggestions for what to do in this 10 minute window? I'd say for the rest of the class they are manageable but if this period is noisy, it sets the tone for the rest of the class and it's starting to get out of control.
Maybe you should give them some easy writing task or give them listen some audio for listening practice
Hi, l'm a teacher from lndia & l've been teaching for the last 27 years. The solution to your problem is easy. Appoint a monitor or two to keep the class quiet while you work.
Hello ,@Salvasquared Music
Could you not change that window to the end of the class so that you start with everyone’s attention . Then In the last 10 mins give them something to do in silence. Depending on their level , reading or even better the chance to start homework if there is any that day . I guess they get a lot of homework so you could be doing them a favour ! An extra mark could be given for concentration and attitude during class and this 10 min period
Catch them being good and reinforce good behaviour with a thumbs up , smile or nod of the head .
This is complimentary to the advice given in the video .
Seems a strange way to arrange your lesson.
Here in Vietnam, I mainly teach Maths and Science, in English, to junior kids. If you seriously don't have time to mark their homework after the lesson, at class start why not give them a worksheet with some math problems (OK it's not English, but most kids seem to like doing them). IME English is best taught interactively, speaking and listening, with reading and writing for homework.
Giving them printed material is just too much overload, unless you are all going to work through it together where the kids can ask teacher to define any difficult words.
Perhaps play an English song and they have to write all the words they can write down. A prize goes to the student with the most words written down
You're welcome!
In my school teachers go to the students classrooms. The students are noisy and have no interest in learning.
Great advice!
Dankie Hazel! 🙏
This is great!
Thank you, Maria! 😊
The problem is I deal with everyone with respect and formal way I am not accustomed to give orders or talk in a commandery way
If it works for you Aya Bassem it's fine!
I have a similar issue with a 13 y old people class. They don't respect me at all. I already gave some notes and there have been some slight improvements, but this is not enough :((
So sad Papina, it's a global problem.
I have been trying the stick and carrot theory in dealing with the students ,sometimes it works but not all the time.would you please tell us how to deal effectively with large classes including 60 students? it is exhausting !
Watch my playlist for relevant topics!
The eye contact and stare is one of the best tips i have used
It really works 😊
Happy to hear that, Narjess! 😀🙏
this is how a motivational speaker should look like
Thank you for inspirational words!
Hi, can you please help me. I am a substitute teacher and sometimes I get mad at myself because when I cover a class for the regular teachers, the kids in that class are already disrespectful towards me the moment I enter their classroom and they come inside to learn and think they can do whatever they want because they think it's a sub there and they think there will be no consequences. What should I do with them in this scenario when the regular teacher is not around and I am covering her class. Usually I let their teacher know at the end of the day who was being disrespectful and they listen to her immediately, but not to me or any other subs, and that's very discouraging. Like today, I had to repeat 10 times for the kids to sit on the carpet and their regular teacher only had to tell them once. What should I do? Maybe I should have them exit the classroom and start from scratch and have them re-enter and tell them in a firm manner, "this is *not* how you behave in my classroom". Please let me know what your thoughts are. Thank you so much for your tips.
I'm sorry to hear that you're facing challenges with classroom management when covering for regular teachers. It can be frustrating, but there are several strategies you can employ to address this issue effectively. Here are some tips:
Set Clear Expectations: Start by establishing clear expectations and classroom rules as soon as the students enter the classroom. Let them know what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Be specific and firm but also fair.
Be Confident: Confidence is key when dealing with students. Even though you're a substitute, project confidence in your ability to manage the classroom. Speak with a clear and assertive voice.
Build Rapport: Try to establish a positive rapport with the students. Greet them with a smile and take an interest in their names and interests. Building a positive relationship can make them more likely to respect you.
Consistency: Consistency is crucial in classroom management. Ensure that you enforce the rules consistently throughout the class. If you let one student slide on a rule, others may follow suit.
Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward students for good behavior. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging the right behavior.
Redirect and Engage: If students are being disruptive, try redirecting their attention to the lesson. Engage them in the learning process and make the material interesting to capture their interest.
Consequences: If a student continues to be disrespectful or disruptive, apply appropriate consequences. This might include time-outs, loss of privileges, or notifying the regular teacher.
Involve School Policies: Familiarize yourself with the school's policies on classroom management and behavior. Follow these policies when necessary, and don't hesitate to seek help from school administrators if needed.
Exit and Re-entry: If a situation escalates, you can consider having the students exit the classroom and re-enter, setting clear expectations for behavior. However, it's best to reserve this as a last resort.
Feedback to the Regular Teacher: Continue to communicate with the regular teacher about any classroom management issues you encounter. Share both positive and negative experiences. This can help the teacher address the behavior when they return.
Remember, classroom management can be challenging for even experienced teachers, and it might take time to establish your authority as a substitute. Be patient with yourself and with the students. Over time, with consistent application of these strategies, you should see improvements in classroom behavior.
If you have any more specific questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Teaching can be tough, but with perseverance and the right strategies, you can make a positive impact on your students.
@@etacude Thank you so much for all your help, this content is amazing.
Shame about the ads! I like to watch while washing up! It’s so irritating to have to stop and dry my hands repeatedly, just to hit that skip button.
As for the advice, I do enforce the rules, but they really like to test the boundaries. Trying to gain control when they won’t even stop to listen to me is not easy.
Thanks millionnnn
Happy to help! 😊
well done
what an informative video
Thank you Noor Fatima!
The stuff teacher nightmares are made of...
If restart fails -- MIGRATE!
Some teachers are in really difficult positions. I hope some of these tips will help them out. 🙏
Thank you for the knowledge and tips. Appreciate it.
Thank's for watching Hikmatur!
I have difficulty because, i am a TA but, i cover lessons. I have a different relationship with them
Sorry for the late response, maybe this one can help:
Thank you so much 😀
Informative! for a class of teenage learners (Years 7-10), do we use the same method shown in the video or is there a different way? I hope there's a video on this too.
There are other methods that you can do for older students. I will make another video on classroom management for different ages soon!