Rage baiting in Kpop & in the culture

  • Опубліковано 14 тра 2024
  • This video took a really long time to edit and go over and think through...... but finally I have made the decision to release it to you. This video goes over the rage bait in K-pop and also in UA-cam, TikTok, Insta, etc. This was such a tough topic to cover so I really hope that Iv'e conveyed my thoughts well in this video. If anyone wants to add anything to the discussion, please feel free to share it in the comments.
    Also @Hoshining made a video talking about this topic as well, so if you haven't seen it, here's the link • Rage Bait In Kpop And ...
    UA-cam Music: Know Myself - By Patrick Patrikios / @moonlight_antonio
    Love Aside - By Patrick Patrikios / @moonlight_antonio


  • @choujimi
    @choujimi 2 місяці тому +6

    This is such an interesting topic nowadays, especially when thinking about how some of the most prominent figures in the community are content farms - people who monetarily benefit from inciting rage in kpop fans to get them to watch a video for AdSense revenue. It’s weird how much rage bait is not only engaged with, but kind of rewarded in the kpop community

    • @moonlight_antonio
      @moonlight_antonio  2 місяці тому +1

      And that it has become such a huge part of modern online culture, is very concerning to be honest. There’s so much pendulum swinging involved to the point that even in rage baiting, there’s a line that can’t be crossed. You could do video after video about it, but you’d never be able to cover every aspect of it.

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings Місяць тому

      Exactly, and it's so bizarre to me to get that angry. And how content farms use rage bait to get people to watch their content.

  • @Hoshining
    @Hoshining 2 місяці тому +4

    Rage bait unfortunately is often used to be honest in Ktube in K-pop everywhere with thumbnails and the Clickbait purposefully trying to make something more dramatic than it already is
    as you touched on with religion. I feel like kpop companies can either be subtle purposely or they’re just ignorant to be honest, they don’t know what it means like the inclusion of the gaytri mantra in a hyroi song and her dancing to it
    but more often than not I feel like specially during these days companies do know what they’re doing to which audience they target and they definitely know that rage bait can get them more than just engagement.
    It can get more eyes on these companies and these idols and it gives them that short term attention that they want their idol to get
    but they failed to realize that this tactic harms them way more than it benefits them.
    Yeah great video. I really really enjoyed watching it. Thank you for making it.

    • @moonlight_antonio
      @moonlight_antonio  2 місяці тому +2

      That’s a good point Hoshining, honestly sometimes I can’t tell and sometimes I can tell. I’m not entirely. Maybe it’s just me not wanting to believe that every company is intentionally doing it, but it could very well be true that it’s all intentional rage bait and I’m just being optimistically naïve 😂
      With companies, I will say it is easier to determine weather it is rage bait, but with idols it’s a little different because you don’t know if the company is forcing them to wear a hairstyle or a piece of clothing or if it’s their choice and if it is their choice, why would they wear it? So it’s very complex in that way.
      But either way people will see it as rage bait, regardless if the company makes them where something or if the idol chooses to wear it on their own. Even if a thing is not something that is intended to trigger people, it will steal, trigger people and I think that’s one of the biggest issue with rage bait. The response to both is the same.

  • @moonlight_antonio
    @moonlight_antonio  2 місяці тому +2

    This one was really tough for me, but I hope I conveyed everything well. I tried to give a nuance perspective on this topic, but I'm sure I left some things out so feel free to add to the discussion in the comments.

  • @saronluvs
    @saronluvs 2 місяці тому +1

    I just want to thank you for including your beliefs/faith into this conversation because I think it's a big part of this conversation in kpop that people shy away from. I'm also a believer in Christ so I really enjoyed your commentary!

    • @moonlight_antonio
      @moonlight_antonio  2 місяці тому +1

      That really means a lot to me actually. For about two years or so that I’ve been doing UA-cam I have often shied away from talking about my faith when it comes to K-pop stuff, so seeing your comment really made me smile. And you’re so right, it really isn’t something that’s talked about much. Thank you so much, I really appreciate that a lot. ♥️

  • @robinrachelle3122
    @robinrachelle3122 Місяць тому +2

    I’m Black (Of course you know that Nephew! Lol) I have lived long enough to see that we as Blacks have historically ‘intentionally’ been harmed and disregarded in our very own country to a place that we or even other Asians/K-Stans who are trying to be ‘aware’ may sometimes *assume* that another country’s K-Pop Idols are Intentionally appropriating or should magically know better, not taking into consideration where by there are few Blacks let alone citizen’s of Color who represent that culture in that Asian demographic ex: S. Korea, Japan or China. I might add that IMITATION IS THE BEST FORM OF FLATTERY. In the grand scheme of things just How many Black Kpop fans are there? Are the Companies keeping count 🤔? Are we watching UA-cam or buying? And lastly, HOW & WHY did WE as Black Peoples become KPOP FANS? Well 🤔 Me thinks it’s because lots of KPOP SOUNDS LIKE 80’s & 90’s R&B soooo… what’s the problem 🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess I feel like we can’t have it both ways. We like it when they sound like us but naw naw, shut em down because of that Do-rag 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m like you nephew.. I don’t care about nobody’s hairstyles and or attire as long as it’s not blasphemous. I signed off on Nas X a long time ago because I knew he was using shock tactics to garner fans and followers. If more Western artist were actually using the old school methods (like Motown) of dance choreography, visuals, wardrobe, great music: melody, harmony, stage presence and actual TALENT I’d probably be listening to more American (Western) music than Kpop but I CAN ADMIT I LOVE KPOP BECAUSE IT COVERS ALL OF THIS BLACK WOMANS BASES SO MUCH SO THAT I DON’T MIND THE LANGUAGE BARRIER. The foreign accent merely serves as a new instrument sound I’ve grown to love. Now what I will say, I believe in these modern times that there are enough talented Black people who love Kpop enough that they’ve actually taken it upon themselves to learn the language. I’d like to see companies introduce a Black Kpop idol into a Boy Band. I know we have 1; Fatou and NVee in Black Swan but another Black (biracial) girl had to go through h*ll for the group to grow to a mentality of acceptance. For the sake of my argument and authenticity I would have loved to see a group add a Blasian Member, say like NCT whose concept prior to 2023 was evolving. I think It’s time, but that’s another subject for another day 🙃🫶🏽.

    • @moonlight_antonio
      @moonlight_antonio  Місяць тому +1

      I love what you said about our black brothers and sisters here in the west, they use our music and implement it into K-pop, and they’ve taken our genres and implemented them into K-pop, and they have an underground HipHop industry as well, and we vibe with it, but then we trip over the do rag thing??? We trip cause of hairstyles??? “Imitation is the biggest form of flattering” indeed.
      AND YES 🙌 I agree 10 gozzillion times over. The reasons you’ve mentioned, those are literally the exact same reasons why I gravitate more towards K-pop then western music. It covers all of the bases for me, and I do think companies should integrate young black guys and girls into K-pop. It will break down the barriers even more between black and Asian.
      Them using our genres, and our styles of music doesn’t necessarily break down the barriers, but if they bring more Black people into K-pop, not just as choreographers and producers and songwriters, but as artists alongside Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Korean Americans, Thai, Filipinos, etc. I think K-pop might become even more of a global sensation than it already is, and so many racial stereotypes and barriers will fall as a result.
      Some people would ask, but want the genre of K-pop become even less of what it is now if you implement so many different cultures and races into the mix? Well, I have a question of my own, Why use other music genres, and even styles of dance that are not Korean in origin, incorporate those elements into Kpop, but not include young and talented singers and dancers from those respective countries and genres into Kpop?
      It’s like sending a message, saying we want your styles of music in your styles of dance but we don’t want you the original creators and proprietors of such elements. And I think if Korea wants to be more inclusive, I say, then I think that they should include more people from those cultures within
      K-pop. Make it bigger, make it better.
      And I’m not even saying, have a whole group of K-pop idols who are just black or just Latino, or just Filipino, I’m saying, mix them in with young Koreans, and let them become brothers and sisters as idols together. Wouldn’t it be interesting and amazing? I think that would be brilliant. Show the world once and for all that cake pop is truly a worldwide thing.
      You kind of excited me with that comment Auntie, so now I’m going off on a tangent lol we need to make a company together 😂

    • @robinrachelle3122
      @robinrachelle3122 Місяць тому +1

      @@moonlight_antonio LET’S!! 💕At least we’d have a good idea of how to treat idols, bring common sense into the industry, compassion into the culture and crush petty cancel culture.. not to mention that we have an amazingly keen ear for talented and great taste for the many facets of Kpop music. Those new ‘blended’ Kpop, Jpop & Cpop groups would certainly be in good hands nephew!! ✊✊🏾✊🏻✊🏿

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 2 місяці тому +2

    No, one can make you feel any type of way if you don't allow it. And it wouldn't affect you. Plus, you can't really mock God or a figure of God because it's a force/power that created us, nothing can really touch it. Only the ego thinks this way because of societal conditioning about religion and other cultures. I think it's time to break this cycle.
    I actually learned of others that the Romans hung up on a cross even before Jesus was crucified. It wasn't just him but he gets the recognition for being vilified for following his own beliefs. His teachings actually coincide with many other religions or philosophies. Similar to the prophets, yogis, and spiritual teachers. All of us are the same Consciousness and we're all human. That's all that should matter, not the division by religion and culture or anything else. There is no separation, I see no differences.

    • @lynnj85
      @lynnj85 Місяць тому +1

      Totally agree!

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 2 місяці тому +1

    The only way to get away from K-pop appropriation and rage-baiting is to stop listening to the music or watching the music videos altogether. All it does is make people angry, all the time. And as long as there is an audience that gets angry, this will continue. We should just quit listening to all music then.
    "Cult" is in the word "Culture" lol

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 2 місяці тому +1

    If you think about it, everything seems like rage bait now. Every one of the religions and cultures has some sort of appropriation or appreciation from K-pop companies. You can be mad about anything and everything, and be overly sensitive to everything on this planet lol
    It's just all egoic. Sounds exhausting just to exist, doesn't it? I wonder sometimes what would it be like without religion, culture, and some behavioral stuff. You know, everything being balanced and equal. I think I'm describing a Utopia 😅 One that wouldn't exist for a long while if all of society keeps going the way it is.

  • @kimsunoobaragui
    @kimsunoobaragui 2 місяці тому +1

    personally think that the curltural appropiation thing is a gringo thing, just the gringos get offended by that.

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings Місяць тому +1

      lol, I noticed it too. They like to drag everyone else into it.

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 2 місяці тому

    I also think K-pop companies copy the Western media, like old media; racist ones. I don't think it's known well in South Korea. Some people know about it but others don't. Also, there are indigenous people in South Korea, it was a mix of cultures but not a lot now.
    I don't see why people need to be still hurt by Japan, that was many years ago. Don't you think it's time to let that go? It's been years since those things happened. The older generation is still stuck on the hurt that was caused a long time ago. Nobody is a victim now. Why keep raging about it? We can't move on if we keep living in the past. If none of those things happened none of us would be here, things would be very different. No, it's not right/good but it happened. And it is what it is.
    This reminded me of when BTS talked about anger in their music. People are throwing "anger/rage" around everywhere, even where or when it's not needed.