  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • #god #christianity #freewill #atheism #atheist #argument #debate #apologetics #apologist
    'God gave us free will'
    I hear christians say this all the time.
    “God gave us free will. You can choose to be with him, you can choose to reject him. He gave you that free will.”
    No, he didn't. That's total nonsense.
    God did NOT give us free will.
    He took it away from us.
    You see, free will is not something that can be given to people, it can only be taken away. If anyone were to GIVE free will to people, they would only restore what was there in the first place.
    People have free will by default. In a world without gods, everyone has free will. And everyone can make their own choices.
    If there are no gods I can choose what to eat, who to love, what to believe, think of my parents what I want and work on whatever day I please.
    The christian god comes in and takes all those freedoms away from me. He comes with a list of commandments and things I can no longer do. He tries to takes my free will away.
    Luckily, god also put some bad things on the list of prohibted stuff, like stealing and murdering; but you know what; those commandments are irrelevant to most people. They wouldn't steal or murder anyway, because they don't want to hurt people. So they don't need a god to tell them the obvious.
    They'd much rather see this god character showing some good examples instead of doing bad stuff to children and babies all the time, as described in the bible.
    In fact, most people are pretty annoyed by this god character taking away their free will and telling them stupid stuff they already knew.
    But it gets even worse. God is actually limiting my free will to two options, either obey him and spend eternity with him, which I don't feel like at all, or reject him and be tortured for ever in the lakes of fire.
    Those are only two choices and the choices process is enforced by the threat of violence. By doing so, god not only shows to be an immoral thug, he also takes away a million choices for me to reject him but not end up in hell.
    God does NOT give us free will. He takes it away from us by limiting our choices and then threatening us with violence. How can anyone worship a god like that?


  • @SPL0869
    @SPL0869 Рік тому +50

    If eternal damnation is the result of not accepting an undetectable being’s existence then that’s not freewill, that’s extortion.

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      so what?

    • @CNCmachiningisfun
      @CNCmachiningisfun Рік тому +11

      Grow up!

    • @SPL0869
      @SPL0869 Рік тому +11

      @@Justas399 well, well, if it isn’t mister “drop my grenade and run off like a coward.” You gonna engage this time?

    • @collingalanos1783
      @collingalanos1783 Рік тому +5

      @@SPL0869 How can he run off when he just dropped the grenade on his own foot.?

    • @treyfred3247
      @treyfred3247 Рік тому

      You Atheists are really amazing. If God is undetectable, WHAT IS YOUR REAL PROBLEM? HMMMMMMMMMMMM
      If God is Undetectable, then THERE IS NO FREEWILL PERIOD, and it has nothing to do with extortion -- that is utter nonsense.
      THE HIGH PRIEST OF ATHEISM RICHARD DAWKINS -- The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. AND THAT’S JUST TOO BAD?
      RESPONSE: SO, as an Atheist -- there is no EVIL OR GOOD. Its just your subjective opinion on what "extortion" is. Now what do you really care then? Why all the fuss? Atheists are the most inconsistent people on the planet.

  • @MrCanis4
    @MrCanis4 Рік тому +31

    Of course I have free will. I chose for myself which religion I was born into. Yes ??? right ???😂😂😂

    • @johnchambers9836
      @johnchambers9836 Рік тому +1

      But it' should be your choice if you stay in that religion

    • @MrCanis4
      @MrCanis4 Рік тому +3

      @@johnchambers9836 But it is often not that simple. For example, for someone who was born in, let's say Afghanistan, or India. Or is a cult like JW. And the fear of hell is a very strong control system to keep you in.

    • @johnchambers9836
      @johnchambers9836 Рік тому +2

      @MrCanis4 true. And that you being denied their freedom of will

    • @AnnoyingNewsletters
      @AnnoyingNewsletters Рік тому

      Under Mormonism we supposedly pre-chose our bodies and families. 🤷

    • @MrCanis4
      @MrCanis4 Рік тому +3

      @@AnnoyingNewsletters So, people with a very malignant disease, did choose it themselves?

  • @deanb4799
    @deanb4799 Рік тому +28

    The next time my dad starts trying to guilt me back into the flock our battle will be legendary thanks to your channel. Tganks for helping us fight our way out and stay out of the christian cult.

    •  Рік тому +12

      Stay strong and all the best!

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra Рік тому +2

      One question I ask those who believe unbelievers will go to an eternal Hell is:
      Can your god create someone who is _more loving, more forgiving, more logical, more moral, more mature, more sensible, more pragmatic, more imaginative, more merciful, more just, more empathetic, more compassionate_ than itself?
      Being brought up brainwashed into "thinking" in an infantile way, they have the childish urge to apply _all_ the superlatives to their deity, regardless of the logical problems such idiocy throws up, so they have to reply "no".
      Therefore, in order to prove the notion of an eternity in Hell to be false, all you have to do is find one person, _just one,_ who is too compassionate, too merciful, too forgiving, to send _anyone_ to such an awful fate.
      If that person is are too merciful and caring, then a god would HAVE to also be.
      It's simple Logic, but Logic and Facts are something the religious brain rejects.

    • @videos_iwonderwhy
      @videos_iwonderwhy Рік тому

      @@pineapplepenumbra so that you know, there exist answers to your apparentl paradoxes. Specifically, you could abandon the childish idea that hell is torture God delights in inflicting onto his children. Christianity has always challenged this simplistic understanding, which is universally rejected in modern theology.

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra Рік тому +3

      @@videos_iwonderwhy "so that you know, there exist answers to your apparentl paradoxes."
      If there were then you could post them here.
      All I've ever seen or heard are childish attempts at sophistry.
      "Specifically, you could abandon the childish idea that hell is torture god delights in inflicting onto his children."
      Why put words into my mouth? Is it because you've actually got nothing in the way of arguments?
      "christianity has always challenged this simplistic understanding,"
      christianity IS simplistic and infantile, which is why it has never managed to explain itself or challenge much of anything.

    • @videos_iwonderwhy
      @videos_iwonderwhy Рік тому

      @@pineapplepenumbra Yes, I assumed you held certain beliefs. So, yo be clear, you do NOT think hell is torture that God inflicts on his children for simply disobeying Him? If this is the case, then what is wrong with the concept of Hell?

  • @alexxander549
    @alexxander549 Рік тому +27

    God's toxic "love"

    • @heiyuall
      @heiyuall Рік тому +3

      Toxic Love, Tim Curry, Ferngully, 1992. Love that song. Appropriate here, too.

  • @GrrMania
    @GrrMania Рік тому +10

    What's really ironic is the Bible doesn't even support free will. I made a video about it awhile back. That book is FULL of verses that contradict free will. And even if those verses weren't there, it would still boil down to "Accept me, or be damned."

  • @bradypustridactylus488
    @bradypustridactylus488 Рік тому +11

    Worship is all that God is good for. His entire identity revolves around soaking up worship. And every excuse for praising God that Christians give us is irrelevant, incoherent, false, or self-contradictory. In the end, only worship justifies god and only god justifies worship. There are no true grounds anywhere for the glory of god.

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra Рік тому

      The "worship" bullshit is just another part of the brainwashing.
      Even as a little kid, before I knew what Stockholm Syndrome was (before the eponymous event, even), and despite being no fan of humanity, the sycophantic attitude displayed by christians sickened me and creeped me out.
      My mum's side of the family were christian and I got taken to church from the year dot.

    • @guytheincognito4186
      @guytheincognito4186 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. Well Put.)
      If worship is a freely offered outpouring of love and appreciation, then there can be no punishment consequences for not providing it.

  • @christobotha7848
    @christobotha7848 Рік тому +16

    This channels growth is amazing, keep it up.

  • @stevewebber707
    @stevewebber707 Рік тому +7

    The only aspect of free will that apologists seem to care about, is in whether or not we believe in, and follow their God.
    A choice poisoned by a lack of evidence, and emotional manipulation.

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot Рік тому +16

    Yeah because if he's all knowing that means he already knows your future so your future has been fixed. Not to mention he's murdered a number of people in the Bible for exercising their free will.

    • @grahvis
      @grahvis Рік тому +1

      If he is all knowing, and everyone is his creation, he creates some people knowing, as he does so, he will torture them for all eternity.
      The mental gymnastics Christians have to perform to get round that problem are one of the factors that made me an atheist.

  • @redfoxninja3173
    @redfoxninja3173 Рік тому +13

    Serve me without question or die forever isn't a free will choice it's an ultimatum from a murderous psychopath

  • @aimlessbauer9082
    @aimlessbauer9082 Рік тому +16

    If god gave everyone free will then why would he punish us when we use it in a way he doesn't like? Christians say he does not want us to be robots, but everything he tells us to do (particularly women) is totally robotic.

    • @videos_iwonderwhy
      @videos_iwonderwhy Рік тому +1

      I am sure you don't understand what "free will" means. Neither does the author of this video.

    • @lurch666
      @lurch666 Рік тому +1

      @@videos_iwonderwhy If I point a gun at your head and tell you to punch someone else,did you punch using your own free will?

    • @cutoverpark9596
      @cutoverpark9596 Рік тому +5

      @@videos_iwonderwhyWell we’re grateful you do so can you please enlighten us now you’ve proclaimed everyone else’s Ignorance??

    • @Finckelstein
      @Finckelstein Рік тому

      @@videos_iwonderwhy Free will is the "Get ouf of jail" card for christians when it comes to the problem of evil. Sadly, this is the real world and not a board game. You're basically waving around monopoly money.

    • @videos_iwonderwhy
      @videos_iwonderwhy Рік тому

      @@lurch666 yes.

  • @katherineg9396
    @katherineg9396 Рік тому +6

    God doesn't give us "Free Will". That's a lie. God has very specific ideas about what he wants us to do and be. And a very specific punishment if we don't do and be those things. Christians may deny it, but in reality, God does want us to be robots.

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. Рік тому +4

    Saying god gave us free will only gives them yet another thing to prove. First, that there is a god. Second, That that god is their god. Third, That we have free will. And forth that he gave it to us.

  • @keesdenheijer7283
    @keesdenheijer7283 Рік тому +9

    I would prefer Sam Harris and Sabine Hossenfelder's view on this topic: Free will is an illusion.

  • @grahvis
    @grahvis Рік тому +10

    If every person is created by God, and God is omniscient, he knows where he will send everybody when he creates them.
    Therefore, he must create some people just so he can send them to Hell.

    • @KARENboomboomROXX
      @KARENboomboomROXX Рік тому +1

      That's what I was told years ago in one church. They were created to burn in hell.

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra Рік тому

      @@KARENboomboomROXX I didn't expect idiot pastors to be that honest.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      Those who are thrown into hell by God must not have an ounce of forgiveness in their soul.Without repentance there can be no forgiveness.
      Luke 13:3 KJV states -
      I tell you,Nay: but,except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish.

    • @grahvis
      @grahvis Рік тому +1

      @@christopherakee2418 .
      Are you suggesting your God is not omniscient? He doesn't know what will happen in the future?
      How can one repent from not believing in your God due to there being no evidence of his existence.
      Do you believe in pink dragons and the fairies at the bottom of my garden?

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra Рік тому

      @@christopherakee2418 Repentance for what?
      I’ve never turned a woman into a pillar of salt.
      I've never "withered the young in the womb".
      I've never psychologically tortured people.
      I've never committed genocide.
      I've never set bears on children.
      I’ve never destroyed entire cities.
      I've never sent "delusions" to lead people into trouble.
      I've never murdered all the first born.
      I've never encouraged murder.
      I've never encouraged the killing of animals just to burn them for sacrifices.
      I’ve never supported slavery.
      I've never encouraged the rape of children.
      Your gods are alleged to have done* all these things and committed many more atrocities.

      • Of course no gods did any such things, as it’s _all make believe._

  • @tonydarcy1606
    @tonydarcy1606 Рік тому +3

    God gives some 25,000 people a day, the "free" will to die of poverty related issues including starvation and disease. "Ho hum, no time for real problems, I have to help find car keys and Manchester Utd win !"

  • @G00SE610
    @G00SE610 7 місяців тому +1

    God is like a parent figure, who only asks for respect from his children

  • @somersetcace1
    @somersetcace1 Рік тому +6

    An entity with complete foreknowledge and omnipotence, existing in an eternal state of timelessness has so many problems anyway, but assuming it existed, anything it creates must be exactly as it created it to be. There is no alternative to that. Freewill doesn't resolve it. Any choice any human makes must be what that entity wanted, or why would it create it in the first place? That being the case, freewill or not, existence is exactly what it wanted and any choices any human makes is exactly what it wanted them to make, knew they would make, and already made at the instant of creation.

    • @AnnoyingNewsletters
      @AnnoyingNewsletters Рік тому

      Think of it like playing the Sims. You might get to set their traits, and then you can just let them go about their lives...In theory.
      In practice, I couldn't get away with that.
      The only time I tried a hands off approach, theur kid missed the school bus three times and was sent off to military school, never to be seen again, until the Pets expansion introduced the pet shop, where she acted like her parents didn't even exist.
      Dad had no cooking skills but could feed everyone dinner just fine.
      Mom's cooking skills were eventually maxed out, but every other time she caught the stove on fire.
      My rationale on what was happening was that Dad stuck to tried and true recipes, while Mom was attempting expert culinary creations that were out of reach of mere mortals. 😅

    • @somersetcace1
      @somersetcace1 Рік тому +1

      @@AnnoyingNewsletters The problem with your analogy is one of duration.You're comparing someone trapped in time and space watching a computer program run its program based on the attributes and parameters they gave it. `God` is said to be eternal and timeless. To that beings perscpetive the entirety of existance would be like a multi-dimentional still frame model, from it's beginning to its end, in all dimesions. Now add omniscience to the whole thing. What you end up with, is an entity causing a reality to be complete, from its very beginning to it's very end, in a matter of `no time.` Which begs the question in the first place as to where down this endless eternal state did this being `decide` to create anything in the first place? Even that notion is inexplicable. As for the sims, yeah, hands off doesn't typically work too well. 😏

    • @bryanfinegan5252
      @bryanfinegan5252 Рік тому

      @@somersetcace1 It's an interesting scenario isn't it, I'm not sure god having freewill fits with all the attributes of omnipotence and omniscience. Humans didn't have any say in the creation of the universe, their own creation or being 'given' freewill (which is surely an oxymoron)

  • @The5armdamput33
    @The5armdamput33 Рік тому +4

    Most people don't approach the free will problem from this angle, but I've been saying this for a while...
    Most time I hear atheist advocates explain the issue with the free will argument, they cite God hardening the Pharaoh's heart, or talk about God having a predetermined future planned out for the future...
    While I'm thinking "Guys! Have you forgotten the fact that God bends your will through threats of violence?"
    How often has he sent armed thugs to genocide people who didn't do what he wanted?
    I think about those children who mocked a bald monk and got mauled by bears sent by God...
    Free will my ass!

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      You missed the point about the monk and the bears…the man was a man of God,God’s servant.

    • @The5armdamput33
      @The5armdamput33 Рік тому +3

      You know... I never thought about it that way...
      Now that I understand that the monk was God's servant, that changes everything....
      Now I'm super okay with small children being mauled to death...
      And now that I know the monk was working for God, that totally changes the fact that God interfered with the free will of the children by killing them.... which he doesn't do to murderers and r@pists...

    • @guytheincognito4186
      @guytheincognito4186 Рік тому

      Oh What a GREAT Point Oh Incredible Genious 😍 👏
      Slavery. The Violent enforcing of labour under the yoke of another. Inhumane by action, immoral per impact.
      Christopher; _But you Missed the point. It was God's people_ 🙏 🙌 "
      How did ALL of Everyone Not Christian ever Miss such an INCREDIBLE! ASTOUNDING AND UNMISTAKABLY GENIOUS POINT! 🙏 This is one for All History books. Look out World 🌎 Here Comes Christopher With All the Answers. 😂😂😂😂

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      @@guytheincognito4186Thanks for the pep talk.I don’t have all the answers but I’ll give it a damn good try with what I know.
      God bless you.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      @@The5armdamput33Well there are just some things you can’t do to a person who serves the living God especially if they are a prophet of God.Mock God and you do so at your peril.
      Galatians 6:7 KJV -
      Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap.

  • @TrumanSparx
    @TrumanSparx Рік тому +3

    Never thought of it that way. Great point!

  • @philo5227
    @philo5227 Рік тому +8

    "Of course we have free will, The boss says we have it."
    [Christopher Hitchens]

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      Bags of chemicals don't have freewill.

    • @CNCmachiningisfun
      @CNCmachiningisfun Рік тому +4

      Grow up!

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому +3

      @@CNCmachiningisfun The configuration of the chemicals in your head made your fingers type that sentence.

    • @CNCmachiningisfun
      @CNCmachiningisfun Рік тому +2

      Still waiting for you to *PROVE* that your god exists, kiddo.

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      @@CNCmachiningisfun Honey- I'm still waiting for you to prove atheism is true with facts. Can the configuration of the chemicals in your head make your figures type the answer on your screen so I can read the answers?

  • @Danny451
    @Danny451 Рік тому +4

    Well said.

  • @dinky9216
    @dinky9216 Рік тому +2

    As a dead person I can confirm that god does NOT give free wi-fi. The bills really rack up over eternity.

    • @VictorRaze
      @VictorRaze Рік тому

      So long as you stay out of our elections I think I can start a pool for a graveyard wifi.

    • @dinky9216
      @dinky9216 Рік тому

      @@VictorRaze🤫 don't let the living realise it's a communist dictatorship up here else they'll try there damnedest to avoid it.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      You’re going off track here or are you showing your real state of mind.

  • @thefuzzman
    @thefuzzman Рік тому +1

    My question: how can free will exist with a predetermined outcome? If God is all-knowing, he then knows what our outcome will be. And if he knows that, then our decisions have already been made to reach that outcome.

  • @Krutchly
    @Krutchly Рік тому +3

    I've always understood the free will thing. But this "having free will by default" idea has added a new angle to the concept of free will. Thanks.

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      If atheism is true then there is no such thing as freewill.

    • @CNCmachiningisfun
      @CNCmachiningisfun Рік тому +1

      Get a clue!

    •  Рік тому +3

      @Justas; don't do this again. We have told you a hundred times now: atheism is not something that can be 'true' or 'untrue'. It only is not believing the claim that a god exists. It doesn't make any claim.

    •  Рік тому +2

      Glad to be of assistance...
      Without a god we can already make all choices.
      All gods do is take away parts of that free will:
      you can't do this, you must do that, if you choose that I will torture you, etcetera.

    • @guytheincognito4186
      @guytheincognito4186 Рік тому

      That is an objectively contradictory statement since freewill is the natural default of sentient existence. God's cannot give what always was, Only limit it through authoritarianism and violence.
      Atheism is merely the rejection of the *positive proposition* there are God's* including the proposition *my God is true and everything ascribed to it too* .
      The fact your beliefs are so weak you can't go without attempting to hide it through dishonesty mischaraterising everything else, is very telling and Sad. It also begs the question *why are you a believer* if your beliefs are so frail as neccesarily requiring this level of dishonesty.
      It would appear the truth is simpler as instead of faith, what you hold is merely direct Fear of losing your place in your community and needlessly losing your ties to your family. You merely replace faith with this fear of loss and call it faith in turn. 💁‍♂️

  • @tomsenior7405
    @tomsenior7405 Рік тому +4

    Let us pretend that god is real for a moment. god has a hissy-fit if you do not choose her. She already knows every decision you are going to make, from before she even invented time. She invented hell, the devil and evil in readiness for your preordained choice. This is not free will. When god pretends to act upset at the loss of another soul, she is clearly faking it.

  • @Fubar2024
    @Fubar2024 Рік тому +4

    No. But religion takes free will at every turn!!!

  • @bladerunner3314
    @bladerunner3314 Рік тому

    Even if we accept the premise he exists, in that case he punishes me for using given free will.
    You are so smart.

  • @wj74
    @wj74 9 місяців тому

    God’s flipping a coin; heads he wins, tails you lose.

  • @dorianlogan449
    @dorianlogan449 Рік тому

    The Christian God’s mentality- “OGahBOObogah BOOGAH!”

  • @heiyuall
    @heiyuall Рік тому +2

    Free will that can be given and taken was never more than permission.

  • @robertfoster6070
    @robertfoster6070 Рік тому

    And the people did what was right in their own eyes.

  • @scamchan
    @scamchan Рік тому +4

    A perfect GOD has no wants.
    So why does he need worship and people to spread his word?

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      He doesn't need our help but has given Christians the honor to spread His Word and worship Him. Its for our good not His.

    • @CNCmachiningisfun
      @CNCmachiningisfun Рік тому +2

      Grow up!

    • @scamchan
      @scamchan Рік тому +3

      @@Justas399 Seems it is for HIS GOOD and we don't need worship and we don't need any word spread by means of a book of stories.
      If GOD is everywhere then that job of spreading the word would be done better and faster by him I suspect worship would come a lot easier to an active GOD than a hidden one.

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      @@scamchan You have a point yet Christ has entrusted the spreading of His Word to His followers.

    • @scamchan
      @scamchan Рік тому +2

      @@Justas399 If I told you only blue ice cream is best.
      Would that make it true?
      In this case why would a GOD with all his powers need an assist from mere mortals.

  • @glennsimpson_aka_bobbysaccaro

    Minor nitpick - by that Christian's definition, you don't have "free will" by default because they believe God made humans and therefore chose to give them the ability to choose things that might be non-Christian. We have examples of robots that don't have free will, so therefore the notion of "free will" as a default is not provable. Again, not disputing the overall point, but just that one element as an argument.

  • @--Ezra--
    @--Ezra-- Рік тому +1

    Love your reactions to this claims. Have a great one

  • @theblackswan2373
    @theblackswan2373 Рік тому

    You are the wind beneath my wings.

  • @Awakened_Mucacha
    @Awakened_Mucacha Рік тому +3

    I never understood the free-will thing from a blatantly obvious threat. Well, you're free to suck the hotdog or have your body dunked repeatedly into that hot bubbling vat of chocolate over there. Why can't I just choose not to and for you to leave me alone? Cause reasons.

  • @eklektikTubb
    @eklektikTubb Рік тому

    Yes, two options are not much of a freedom... and it gets even more absurd in their model of afterlife. Atheist dies and will meet with God who tells him: "You dont want to go to hell, i dont want you in hell, i would love to have you in heaven, but it is too late. Your decision was already made, you chose to go to hell by not believing in it and not trying to avoid it."
    That is not chosing from two options, that is the exact opposite - just one option that both sides must accept AGAINST their will.

  • @singingway
    @singingway 11 місяців тому

    Anybody else think this guy kinda has The Voice Of God?

  • @johnclark9719
    @johnclark9719 Рік тому +2

    You are free to choose, but just remember you burn forever if you don't make the 'right' choice 😉

  • @Mere-Theism
    @Mere-Theism Рік тому +3

    Hi TSoS! Thanks for another video.
    I'm not sure if you've read much of the academic literature on free will, but I'm sure you probably understand that the way you articulate free will in this video is a bit naive. I'd like to think that is an intentional choice on your part to reframe the discussion *away from* free will and toward problems with suffering or arbitrariness in relation to religious theism, but if so the satire does come across-to me, at least-as a bit muddled, and it doesn't seem to contribute much to the discourse on free will.
    To illustrate the problem, you say this:
    // ... free will is not something that can be given to people, it can only be taken away. ... what to eat, who to love, what to believe, think of my parents ...The christian god comes in and takes all those freedoms away from me. //
    Here it seems that you are equivocating free will with uninhibited access to a specific set of options for pleasures or beliefs. But I think this is a confusion in terms. Are we really going to say that someone who chooses to commit murder isn't acting freely, even though morality dictates that murder is wrong and society places strong pressures against murder? Free will is about one's *innate ability* as an agent to deliberate among various goods and actualize a decision, not about *which* external goods are most available to that person given their circumstances.
    "... what to eat, who to love, what to believe, think of my parents" are things that you have an ability to do, but it may nonetheless be the case that you actually do not have free will to choose these things. Your sense of freedom might just be an emergent illusion produced by neurological processes that are either determined or arbitrarily indeterminate. In other words, you might be compelled by forces outside your own agency to choose these things, and you simply believe (falsely) that you are choosing freely. Perhaps what you mean to say, or perhaps what you should rather say, is that free will is unimportant, and the only thing that should really matter is having access to certain comforts.
    In your discussion on heaven/hell, you say:
    // God is actually limiting my free will to two options, either obey him and spend eternity with him, which I don't feel like at all, or reject him and be tortured for ever in the lakes of fire. //
    I think this is a bit of a cartoonish caricature, but then again I don't blame you because it is essentially fundamentalism (which I also reject). I don't see heaven/hell as a restriction on free will, I actually see it as the logical implication of free will in a theistic worldview. To freely choose to reject God in eternity *simply is* the condition of hell (and the various descriptions in religious scriptures using things like fire, darkness, etc. are metaphors describing this condition). By contrast, to freely choose union with God in eternity simply is heaven. If one doesn't want that, one is indeed free to reject it, and this doesn't mean one is going to be put in a literal "lake of fire" as punishment but simply that one's decision is *for* a condition that may be meaningfully compared to a lake of fire. Hypothetically, we could imagine a hell populated by hateful fundamentalists who insist that they are actually in heaven-their hate and their delusion is what produces the condition of hell, not an external source of torture.

    •  Рік тому +4

      Thanks for you lengthy response, sometimes people write very interesting comments, as you are doing now, and then I only have limited time to respond. My apologies for that.
      But let me sum up one of my core problems with the biblical version of free will.
      What happens to me if I don't obey your god?

    • @KARENboomboomROXX
      @KARENboomboomROXX Рік тому

      We get stuck in an endless dinner party with all the religious people that didn't make the Jesus cut.

    • @Mere-Theism
      @Mere-Theism Рік тому +2 And thank you for replying back to me! No need to apologize for brevity, I understand time constraints (and I recognize that I tend to write text walls haha).
      // What happens to me if I don't obey your god? //
      This depends largely on what we mean by “obey god”. If we take the terms in the way I understand them, then God is simply the ground of moral truth, and obedience to God is simply choosing to act in accordance with moral truth. So, in that case, if you choose to “disobey God” then what happens is that you damage your own being, and if you continue to choose this into eternity then the result is the condition of hell.

  • @Ironoclasty
    @Ironoclasty Рік тому +1

    You won't send me to hell or drown my village? Well, that's mighty neighborly of you. If only SOME disembodied entities could be more like that, then we might all just get along.

  • @mickelet5234
    @mickelet5234 Рік тому

    But on a serious note.
    Not from a religious scriptural point of perspective, but more spiritual or even conscious lol.
    We can all feel what is going on.
    So this video is so resentful.
    I think you should probably just be grateful you have a life. And the opportunity to wake up in the morning and have a breath of air.
    To love your family, to do what you enjoy in your day to day.
    The comfort of being in a safe environment.
    The good ending you see romantasized in a movie, the happiness in the innocence of animals and children! The shining stars in the night sky.
    The forever expansion of human evolution and conciousness, the first step you made as a child. Your first cry when you where born. The last breathe we take! Each moment. The pain and the pleasure, the highs and the lows, the Heavens the Underworld and this solar system. Every living cellular individual atom.
    No word can describe
    Nothing can express
    How fortunate we all are to even be.
    Dont waste time being mad instead always be thankful. Because any moment can be your last! So cherish each step you take. No matter your creed, religion, status or policies lol everything is within his will. Even hell itself cannot exist with out Gods will giving it life, he chose the location and created it to be there. For unimaginable reasons its there.
    You cannot pretend or hide from this fact.
    We all have a choice. Mine is to be thankful. Even if the 99% of the world is crushing me. When your against all the odds. Thats when you know you may have found what your looking for.
    This life is a illusion, the flesh wants all the time! Its a hunt for survival, humans are primal they are needy. God provides for them. He is forever at the service of mankind. Just that human spirit is plagued with such wickedness that they are blinded by the darkness! Still he cares and tries to fix this broken world.

    • @jrskp3677
      @jrskp3677 Рік тому

      Please describe the steps you took in verification of this spirit humans have.
      You didn't skip that part, right? 🤷🏼 Right?

    • @mickelet5234
      @mickelet5234 Рік тому

      @@jrskp3677 Humans live in a dualistic reality that consists of two polar opposite forces.
      Positive and negative
      Good and Bad
      Etc etc etc
      So I would say that humans have the ability to choose there master in terms of forces! You can choose the light or the darkness, most unfortunately fall victim to the Underworld because it's the easier option.
      Choosing the light is difficult because it will feel like the whole world is against you.
      Because most of the world has chosen the easy path to hell.
      If you choose other path more challenges, and many more losses.
      The Underworld doesn't like people that have good light

    • @jrskp3677
      @jrskp3677 Рік тому

      You seem to have forgotten to include the part that addresses the actual question I posed. This isn't church and you're not a politician either 🤷🏼

    • @mickelet5234
      @mickelet5234 Рік тому

      @@jrskp3677 I did. I just corrected my self in the sense that I suggested humans basically dwell in just a particular spirit which I claimed to be wicked.
      It was generalizing the absence of God in mankind. And what I believe to be a spiral into the descent of mankind.
      It's what I sense, I may be wrong. I can't give you concrete evidence to suggest my claim to be factual. It's based on opinion on what I feel my self with my senses.
      So what I still believe now. Is that the vast majority of humanity are in this que almost to hell.
      Maybe our ancestors are cursed and there philosophies and dogmas have produced a consistent repetitive sequence of teaching others to also adapt to there agendas which are 99% of the time distorted adaptations of reality which are the norm.
      So it's totally cool for us to train our kids to accept that he'll will be were they reside.
      What I'm saying is.
      That this world hasn't the knowledge or guidance to actually save itself for the next stage of life death.
      It's my opinion of course.
      From research of religious scriptures and other esoteric information. I can say I haven't found what I was looking for in this reality which satisfies me enough to say humans are safe and will sincerely make it in there next life if they follow. specific guidance.. no.
      So ye I don't know it seems quite hopeless the way I put it.
      Maybe in time we shall have more information revealed unto us to help us to understand why there is no truth in how to make it to heaven.
      If anybody is even interested
      I mean again, the mentality these days of the average citizen is completely oblivious to such.

    • @jrskp3677
      @jrskp3677 Рік тому

      Then you did skip that part, the verification of this aspect you've claimed as real.
      That doesn't seem very legitimate or add any validity and value to the concept. In fact it does the opposite to the detriment of your position.
      I really don't understand why so many people are willing to gloss over what should be done in advance of the rest when it comes to these sorts of statements. It's truly puzzling.
      It's like you can't even just admit it in an honest fashion openly. Instead it's just keep going on with whatever you already concluded without that meaningful portion for no apparent reason.

  • @utz2867
    @utz2867 Рік тому

    Yes! Exactly!

  • @Bob-of-Zoid
    @Bob-of-Zoid Рік тому +1

    All hail the mighty spaghetti monster! May Bob Dobbs be with you!

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      SpongeBob? SpongeBob? Is that really you? I’ve missed you so so much! Where have you been all this time!!😭😭

    • @Bob-of-Zoid
      @Bob-of-Zoid Рік тому

      @@christopherakee2418 Handcuffed to a steel bar on Kent Hovind's desk!!! I escaped when he was drunk again! I could just grab the key with my foot!!
      He beat me every day!! He's insane!!!!😭 Have you seen Patrick, Squidward and the gang?😢 I can't find them!!😭😭

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому


  • @tomellis487
    @tomellis487 Рік тому

    I had to pay a lawyer for mine.

  • @Dr_Wrong
    @Dr_Wrong Рік тому

    'Free will' is what someone says when they don't understand how brains work.

  • @billirwin3558
    @billirwin3558 Рік тому

    Point well made SoS.

  • @jonathondavies8347
    @jonathondavies8347 Рік тому +1

    4,000 religions and all disregard 3,999 of them. By all means show me the evidence for God outside the Holy Books. Or perhaps i should just have faith and take no responsibility at all?

    •  Рік тому +2

      The 'holy' books don't contain evidence for the existence of a god, they contain the claims that a god exists.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      Evidence of God is all around you,He made you,the air that we breathe,the moon,the stars,the hills and the mountains,every living thing,walking,swimming or flying,
      He made them all.

    • @jonathondavies8347
      @jonathondavies8347 Рік тому

      that is not evidence of anything but nature at work. stop parroting what you have been taught.@@christopherakee2418

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      ⁠@@jonathondavies8347So you must be one of those people who believe in the Big Bang theory,when everything began and came into existence.
      On a grander scale,God made everything I mentioned before.
      On a smaller scale,every item we use daily,cars,motorcycles,buses,trains,
      phones,fans,just to name a few,are all man made.These things did not just ‘appear’ miraculously of out thin air.They were made.Even yourself,you didn’t just appear,you were created and formed in your mother’s womb.That transformation in itself is a miracle.
      All that mankind needs to do is acknowledge and believe that a higher power exists,and that is the Lord God Almighty.

  • @stiofanofirghil1916
    @stiofanofirghil1916 Рік тому

    Free will is as much an illusion as Gods..

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      What are you talking about? You have free will right now…free to think what you want,say what you want,do what you want,be what you want and believe what you want…so do as you will.

  • @bovinejonie3745
    @bovinejonie3745 Рік тому

    I have will but it’s not free. If it were free I’d be buff and rich.

  • @ReccquiemBST
    @ReccquiemBST Рік тому +1

    Well, the good news is you won't go to hell.

    • @christiandietz6341
      @christiandietz6341 Рік тому +2

      😂😂😂 good conclusion! Nobody goes to hell, not the believers nor we atheists! Woohoo !

    • @grahvis
      @grahvis Рік тому +4

      It is also good we will not be eternal God worshipping zombies in Heaven. Heaven = torture of the mind, Hell = torture of the body.

  • @gozz7733
    @gozz7733 Рік тому

    These comments and the video are literal comedy that writes itself. It's hilarious reading atheists comments referring to something they don't believe in to try to prove an atheistic point. I've never lol'ed so hard in my life.

    • @Josephcantor-v5p
      @Josephcantor-v5p 3 місяці тому

      Present your argument?

    • @gozz7733
      @gozz7733 3 місяці тому

      @@Josephcantor-v5p sure. When I ask atheists to prove life comes from non life, or all the matter in the universe coming from nothing, they claim that science can’t prove that yet. Ok. Want me to scientifically prove God? Sorry, science can’t prove that yet.

    • @Josephcantor-v5p
      @Josephcantor-v5p 3 місяці тому

      @@gozz7733 what? That argument is a Christian teaching from the old testament. The only time you would hear something like that are inexperienced atheist but the majority of atheist would say they dot know and majority lf athiest would say life always existed and that makes sence. The fundamental aspects of the universe such as matter are shown to have no material and identify a beginning or end so it's formal to say they don't know rather than saying it's eternal.

    • @gozz7733
      @gozz7733 3 місяці тому

      @@Josephcantor-v5p oh that’s a new one. Well Matt Dillahunty and Forrest from The Line both said those exact words. And life can’t always exist, because the earth wasn’t always here. And if the universe is eternal, why is it expanding? By the way, isn’t saying I don’t know the same as saying science doesn’t know? So, I don’t know how to prove a creator. It doesn’t make my point any less valid than yours.

    • @Josephcantor-v5p
      @Josephcantor-v5p 3 місяці тому

      @@gozz7733 yes I would agree that the universe is expanding but I'm saying the universe entirely is eternal. I mean space time. Sure there are limitations that space and time can consist the natural reality but the concept of space and time does not have limits or any material that specifies a beginning or end. And since past and future are interconnected I would think the heat death already happened and we just don't know when did it happen because even if it did, space time will still exist
      Still though I don't regularly think your argument is barely a thing because that's a theistic concept to think that we came from nothing out of God's will.
      But for the beginning of life. I would say monads are the key factors for biogenesis to build up awareness and adapt to change

  • @johanb.7869
    @johanb.7869 Рік тому

    My God does not exist😎

  • @Financialcoachchris
    @Financialcoachchris Рік тому

    Isn't that what freewill is? A series of binary choices?

    •  Рік тому

      No, free will is if I can make those choices without some all-powerful creature punishing me for one of those choices.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      @@sound.of.scienceGood to see that you are actually acknowledging that there is an all powerful being or creature (your words) in existence.

  • @Bardineer
    @Bardineer Рік тому

    Committing logical fallacies doesn't prove the existence or nonexistence of anything.

  • @gregsanich5183
    @gregsanich5183 Рік тому

    Did he suggest that there was something wrong with killing babies? Weird. I wouldn't have guessed that this guy was pro life.

    • @BB-rh2ml
      @BB-rh2ml Рік тому

      No babies have ever been killed with an abortion

  • @christopherakee2418
    @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

    I get what’s going on here.Everyone is complaining about ‘free will’ that is not really free will because it is taken away from us and we are punished and sent to hell to burn for eternity.
    What you are really saying is ‘Why can’t we do what we like with our lives without having to worry about paying a price for all the wrongs and sins that we’ve committed.’ Correct?
    Well I’m here to tell you that we’ve actually got free will,free to think what we like,say whatever we like,do whatever we like and be whatever we like.But there are rules that apply here,just the same as what the governments of the world have for the general population.
    We are free to sin BUT there comes a time when we must face the consequences of it,just like when you break the law of the land,we are charged and need to appear before a judge in the courts.
    Now God does not want us to sin but He knows that man is corruptible and that he falls into the snares of temptations and iniquities.God is a loving God,gracious,merciful and kind.By His mercy,He has forgiveness for us.He gives us an opportunity or even multiple opportunities to ask Him for forgiveness and to repent from our sins.
    Hell is for those individuals who do not want to say sorry for their evil deeds,those who don’t forgive others,those who are unrepentant.
    Believe it!

    • @maggiebarrett7300
      @maggiebarrett7300 Рік тому

      If “man is corruptible” it is because your god maliciously created man “corruptible” . As for your god being “merciful and kind” - you mean how he ‘mercifully’ created Lucifer, knowing full well the untold suffering that would cause; how he ‘mercifully’ murdered almost all life by drowning, in a hissy fit because he made such an almighty mess of creation; how he ‘mercifully’ commanded the copious savage slaughter of babies, infants and little children; how he ‘mercifully’ created a pit of fire where he will ‘mercifully’ torture the vast majority of his children for eternity. Well what greater “mercy” is there!!

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      It’s understandable that you God haters feel the way you feel and that is evident in the apparent rant you have revealed here.The bible mentions all that…you may not even grip what it means but here it is.
      Romans 8:6,7 KJV
      For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
      Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God,neither indeed can be.
      ‘Enmity’ being the key word here.

    • @maggiebarrett7300
      @maggiebarrett7300 Рік тому +1

      @@christopherakee2418 It is understandable that anyone who can read the christian genocide manual, aka the bible, and not recoil in horror and revulsion at the gratuitously cruel atrocities committed or commanded by the brutal, barbaric, bloodthirsty god therein, has suspended all pity, empathy and compassion.

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      @@maggiebarrett7300ENMITY - Enmity and it’s synonyms ‘hostility’,animosity and animus all indicate deep-seated dislike or ill will.
      Enmity suggests true hatred,either overt or concealed.
      This is what you are overly displaying for all to see and you are in your absolute right to hold so much hatred for God.
      That is your free will.
      I hope and pray you find peace for your troubled heart.

    • @maggiebarrett7300
      @maggiebarrett7300 Рік тому +1

      @@christopherakee2418 That’s right; anyone with an iota of compassion and sanity would have “enmity” towards an infanticidal monster.

  • @Darya-pu6ik
    @Darya-pu6ik Рік тому

    I don't disagree with you, but what if christians are right?

      @SNORKYMEDIA Рік тому

      What if Hindus are right? Pascal's wager is bs

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      Not saying that we are perfect (only God is perfect) but we are right.

    • @Darya-pu6ik
      @Darya-pu6ik Рік тому

      @@christopherakee2418 how do you know that?

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      ⁠@@Darya-pu6ikThat there is a God? Is that your question? If it is,then I know there is a God as much as I believe that there is a Devil.Just as you and I know,there is a Right and Wrong in the world for everything.
      God,being the Supreme Almighty being that He is,He rules the heavens,earth and the universe.He sent the 10 commandments for us to follow.We then come under the rule of either a king/queen,president,prime minister or a government and they set us rules and laws to abide by…

  • @LadyOfTheEdits
    @LadyOfTheEdits Рік тому

    Here early

  • @albertchin1050
    @albertchin1050 Рік тому

    The threat of Hell does not negate the concept of free will. The fact that there are non-believers like you in spite of the the threat of Hell shows that you, yourself, are exercising free will.

    •  Рік тому +4

      I don't say I don't have free will. I say the god character tries to take it away from me.

    • @albertchin1050
      @albertchin1050 Рік тому But, He didn't.

    • @GuitarDog_atx
      @GuitarDog_atx Рік тому

      No, the bible clearly shows that we do NOT have free will. I suggest you read it:
      • Proverbs 16:4 THE LORD WORKS OUT EVERYTHING to its proper end-even the wicked for the day of disaster. [He doesn’t just determine SOME things, he determines “EVERYTHING,” including what the wicked do.]
      • Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but THE LORD ESTABLISHES THEIR STEPS. [God even determines our very steps!]
      • Proverbs 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its EVERY DECISION IS FROM THE LORD.
      • Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but IT IS THE LORD’S PURPOSE THAT PREVAILS.
      • Ephesians 1:5 He PREDESTINED us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS PLEASURE AND WILL.
      • Ephesians 1:11 In him we were also chosen, having been PREDESTINED according to the plan of HIM WHO WORKS OUT EVERYTHING in conformity with the purpose of his will.
      • Jeremiah 13:23 Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? NEITHER CAN YOU DO GOOD who are accustomed to doing evil.
      • Jeremiah 43:11 He will come and attack Egypt, bringing death to those DESTINED FOR DEATH, captivity to those DESTINED FOR CAPTIVITY, and the sword to those DESTINED FOR THE SWORD.
      • Psalm 37:23 A MAN’S STEPS ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE LORD, and the LORD delights in his way. [God delights in establishing a man’s steps to take the wrong path?!]
      • Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; ALL THE DAYS ORDAINED FOR ME WERE WRITTEN IN YOUR BOOK before one of them came to be.
      • Psalm 105:24-25 The Lord made his people very fruitful; he made them too numerous for their foes, WHOSE HEARTS HE TURNED TO HATE HIS PEOPLE, TO CONSPIRE AGAINST HIS SERVANTS.
      • John 6:44 No one can come to me UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS THEM. [Only God decides who will be saved and who won’t.]
      • John 6:37 ALL THOSE THE FATHER GIVES ME WILL COME TO ME, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. [If God decides to save you, you WILL be saved, no choice.]
      • Romans 8:7-8 Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for IT IS NOT EVEN ABLE TO DO SO, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
      • Romans 8:20 For THE CREATURE WAS MADE SUBJECT TO VANITY, NOT WILLINGLY, BUT BY REASON OF HIM WHO HATH SUBJECTED THE SAME IN HOPE. [It’s not our will that subjects us to vanity, but God’s.]
      • Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and HE HARDENS WHOM HE WANTS TO HARDEN.
      • Romans 9:19-21 “You will say to me then, ‘Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?’ On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, ‘Why did you make me like this,’ will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, TO MAKE FROM THE SAME LUMP ONE VESSEL FOR HONORABLE USE AND ANOTHER FOR COMMON USE?”
      • Romans 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I RAISED YOU UP FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” [God created Pharaoh to behave in a specific way so he could show off.]
      • Exodus 10:1 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I HAVE HARDENED HIS HEART AND THE HEARTS OF HIS OFFICIALS so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them.” [God forced them to behave as he wanted so he could show off.]
      • Ezekiel 38:3-4 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. I WILL TURN YOU AROUND, PUT HOOKS IN YOUR JAWS AND BRING YOU OUT WITH YOUR WHOLE ARMY.
      • Deuteronomy 2:30 But Sihon king of Heshbon refused to let us pass through. FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD HAD MADE HIS SPIRIT STUBBORN AND HIS HEART OBSTINATE in order to give him into your hands, as he has now done.
      • Joshua 11:20 FOR IT WAS THE LORD HIMSELF WHO HARDENED THEIR HEARTS to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally.
      • Isaiah 14:27 For THE LORD ALMIGHTY HAS PURPOSED, and who can thwart him?
      • Isaiah 37:26 Have you not heard? LONG AGO I ORDAINED IT. IN DAYS OF OLD I PLANNED IT; now I have brought it to pass.
      • Isaiah 46:10 I MAKE KNOWN THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, from ancient times, what is still to come.
      • Amos 3:6 Does disaster come to a city, unless THE LORD HAS DONE IT? [People don’t cause disaster unless God makes them do it.]
      • Job 42:1-2 Then Job answered the LORD and said, “I know that You can do all things, And that NO PURPOSE OF YOURS CAN BE THWARTED.”
      • 2 Timothy 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, WHICH WAS GIVEN US IN CHRIST JESUS BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.
      • Acts 4:28 They did what your power and will HAD DECIDED BEFOREHAND should happen.
      • Acts 13:48 and ALL WHO WERE APPOINTED for eternal life believed. [Those who come to believe in God were appointed to do so.]

      @SNORKYMEDIA Рік тому +2

      If your god has a plan for you or can see the future negates free will

    • @albertchin1050
      @albertchin1050 Рік тому

      @@SNORKYMEDIA Yes, He has a plan for us, but so does the devil. It becomes a chess game, although the devil will ultimately lose, but the devil will still play for as many souls as he can get until then. Our souls are the pawns, and how the pawns move depends on our free will.

  • @raya.p.l5919
    @raya.p.l5919 Рік тому

    ❤❤When we are born our aura is always purple celestrial because we are recycled through heaven. A baby is as close to a angel as it gets. Then there is blue aura true compassion for your fellow man.
    All blue aura automatically goes to heaven. Then there is orange aura confrontational with fellow man all orange aura waiting for judgement day. Then there is red aura judge and jury to fellow man all red aura automatically goes to hell. Then there black aura executioner to fellow man to bad for hell all black aura automatically goes to the abyss where they come out like locust in the end. Our emotions are judged by are aura love at the top an hate at the other. Negative energy is 3 times more powerful than positive energy so we have to do three good to one bad to stay balanced. When we get close to red aura hell actually orange level 8. Sorrow is put into our lives to keep us out the red hell. The devil puts fear in our lives to counter. Big war goes on over the soul. It's better to have no arms no legs paralyzed and can't talk an make it into heaven because we get our warrior body back

    • @raya.p.l5919
      @raya.p.l5919 Рік тому

      ❤end game supermen an women no babies all babies will start at 7 years old and grow up tell there 33.all over 33 will become 33.Thoes that have true (compassion for your fellow man) will be allowed to pick yr body type an shape. Man or woman are equal. Up to 12 in a Herm man or woman's. Are allowed. Some will be able to leave earth and visit heaven or stay. Governing system those that loose true compassion for your fellow man. Will loose power and have to eat an crap again and live out there speck of existence

    • @raya.p.l5919
      @raya.p.l5919 Рік тому

      ❤In the beginning there was one energy that split down the middle one side was positive energy the other was negative energy. Whoosh all planets an water vegetation heaven an hell was formed. One energy was Melchizedek the other was God
      Melchizedek could create humans but God could only create spirits. They figured out human emotions were powerful energy. Human worshippers emotions were over powered. They helped build pyramids and structures geometrically perfect all over the world to create earth magnetic pull. To extract human emotions. God wanted all the power to himself so he used the weapon on Melchizedek and turned him into the purple flame. God put the purple flame in the moon to enhance emotions even more. That's why the moon glows. I'm a atheist just like you because I know for a fact that God an the devil don't exist. Because I destroyed them they were both negative energy. Jesus an I are the last 2 standing

    • @raya.p.l5919
      @raya.p.l5919 Рік тому

      ❤When the devil took a third of heaven Enoch went with him. Enoch figured out true quantum about 60 years ago so the devil put a diamond chip in all his crew right hand and put them through the quantum machine. It would pick what they would look like an enhance certain abilities. Bam super heroes an villains were born . Enoch was the red skull an the devil was Thanos the devil would never put himself through the quantum machine because he would loose his angel of light. In the valley of death we're he wasn't allowed to take any children under the age of puberty. Unless hey little boy or girl wouldn't you like to be a spider man or woman look how colorful we are. When they sign on the dotted line. Bam in the quantum machine an it would pick what they would be. Then they were forced to fight in the fifth dimension arenas were I rose through the ranks battling hulk's an supermen. Once I asked the devil before I ripped his soul out. I said what would you do if you win an get my power. His exact words were I would turn myself into Galactus and destroy this universe an create a new one. I said that sounds lonely

    • @alexxander549
      @alexxander549 Рік тому +1

      Is this thing taken from the bible? It sounds like Dragonball to me

    • @cutoverpark9596
      @cutoverpark9596 Рік тому +1

      Like to see her prove one word of that nonsense…😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @treyfred3247
    @treyfred3247 Рік тому

    Freewill -- just by the mere fact that Sound of Science used his FREEWILL to make this video, YOU HAVE FREEWILL to reject your creator. Hell, was not created for man, but if you freely choose not God, then, that is your FREE CHOICE TO DO SO. So, God, in the form of a Human named Jesus, took your punishment and mine -- His freewill choice. Then, God made sure that the consequences for choosing "NOT GOD" is plainly spelled out. Now, what happens to those who choose to be "their own God." Its North Korea, times a trillion trillion, and there happens to already be a "being" at the top of the totem poll, in hell, and I hear he hates Atheists almost as much as God's people. Why? He will remind each soul that goes there, of HIS desire to be worshiped as God, YIKES, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. So God puts "LIFE and DEATH" in front of your face. Choose wisely. REBELLION IS AS THE SIN OF WITCHCRAFT.

    •  Рік тому +5

      "Sound of Science used his FREEWILL to make this video"
      I HAVE free will, but not because of your god. He takes free will away from people. As I described in detail in my video.
      "Hell, was not created for man, but if you freely choose not God, then, that is your FREE CHOICE TO DO SO."
      Again, being threatened with eternal torture is not free choice it is extortion.
      Free choice is: you can choose to be with me. If you don't, that's fine as well.
      And that is you, repeating some threats.

    • @Nerazmus
      @Nerazmus Рік тому +1

      > _Hell, was not created for man_
      Not really relevant. The relevant part is people are going there.
      Also, I assume you believe in the all-knowing version of God. So he knew people were going to end up in Hell when he created it.
      > _Then, God made sure that the consequences for choosing "NOT GOD" is plainly spelled out._
      If it so plainly spelled out, why can't Christians agree on what it is?
      > _and there happens to already be a "being" at the top of the totem poll, in hell, and I hear he hates Atheists almost as much as God's people._
      Why would Devil, who is stuck in Hell because he rejected God, hate people who also reject God? That makes no sense.
      > _YIKES, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy._
      Yet you wish it on people who simply disagree with you about the existence of God.
      And your stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
      First Samuel 15:23, I've read Bible.

    • @treyfred3247
      @treyfred3247 Рік тому

      @@Nerazmus YOU WROTE: Why would Devil, who is stuck in Hell because he rejected God, hate people who also reject God? That makes no sense.
      RESPONSE: Read Isaiah14. Satan wanted to be "above" God. He seeks worshipers, but he cares not for THEIR FREEWILL. Atheists by definition say "their is no God," Yet Satan's goal will be to prove you wrong. Again, you do not have to go there. Jesus came so that YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE, A REAL LIFE. But you have freewill to reject your maker. God WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO HIS PRESENCE. Satan on the other hand, cares nothing about what you want. YOUR CHOICE.

    • @treyfred3247
      @treyfred3247 Рік тому

      @@Nerazmus YES THE GOD OF THE BIBLE IS OMNISCIENT -- he knows the beginning from the end. Yes, some will reject him -- HENCE FREEWILL.
      1) Omniscient -- just because a person knows what is going to happen DOES NOT mean THEY MAKE IT HAPPEN. YOU have the freedom to choose. CHOOSE WISELY.

    • @treyfred3247
      @treyfred3247 Рік тому

      @@Nerazmus YOU WROTE: And your stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
      RESPONSE: I guess your reading of the Bible has fallen on deaf ears. And to those who have been given much MUCH WILL BE DEMANDED. Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
      RESPONSE: Jesus is not the Kids character called BARNEY that Atheists suppose he is. Jesus is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and on his return he will separate the "sheep from the goats." The GOODNESS AND SEVERITY OF GOD. God is LOVE, and part of that LOVE IS JUSTICE. You will REAP WHAT YOU SOW -- so sow well.
      EVERYONE WILL STAND AT THE JUDGEMENT and Give an account -- including ME.

  • @terrybuford208
    @terrybuford208 Рік тому


  • @VictorRaze
    @VictorRaze Рік тому

    You know, I'll put this here where maybe I can get an actual non brain dead response that dodges my question. Where does it say there is free will in the bible?

    • @christopherakee2418
      @christopherakee2418 Рік тому

      Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV states -
      I call heaven and earth this day to record against you,that I have set before you life and death,blessing and cursing: therefore choose life,that both thou and thy seed may live:
      You see God does gives us a choice or a free will to do whatever we want but He’s saying to choose wisely because He doesn’t want man to sin but if a man chooses to sin then God does give man a chance or even many many chances to ask for forgiveness of sin or a multitude of sins.
      Our God is gracious,merciful,loving and kind.