In defense of the Cozy Camper: Imagine, if you will, that you are facing down a Heavy from a long way away. He is close to capping a control point that you really need to defend. He is firing at you, but because he's so far away, he's probably not going to kill you any time soon. However, he is making you flinch every half second. Usually, it would be impossible to get the control point-saving headshot, but the Cozy Camper makes it easy. It's surprising how often I find myself in a situation like that one, and so I do quite often wear the Cozy Camper.
At that stage you should be trying to peek around the corner or not be seen. I get that's not always an option but jarate is an amazing tool that helps you and your team against spies, and dealing mini-crits to foes. Each to their own but a passive tool vs jarate doesn't work in my book
listen here buddy the light bulb on a stick ( different name ) has no use . -20% damage might not seem bad but the upside is not an upside cause when you see a burning guy the best option is to end him with your guns . and also you need a pyro on your team and every pyro ever will try to finish their cooked meat ( see what i did there ) and not run away. and the wrap assasin has its use to throw a ball at your target and do bleed damage
The wrap assassin is just plain idiotic. It's got a stupid upside and it has very little use. It is crappy and quite frankly I prefer the sandman more then it. Sure you can throw Christmas ball but it literally has no damage i repeat NO DAMAGE
Sharpened volcano damage simply needs SPECIAL burn damage, bit like how degreaser does specially reduced burn state: -Burn with much higher damage, equivalent to mini-crit -Burn with INEXTINGUISHABLE flame, so like bleed damage you just have to keep healing -Will burn ALL foes, even pyros, targe demomen and even DR equipped spies. PS: you're wrong about engie and gunslinger. No class should be so rigidly defence or offence.
Tntad Yeah that would be much neater, except you can't JUST look at the stats, as Sharpened Volcano fragment, heat and fire has to be some sort of theme to do with the damage. Maybe fire and bleed? Melee is really hard to balance of pyro as it is inherently a close range damage class and melee would always be a downgrade to the flamethrower.
WreckNRepeat Well scout's speed is a HUGE advantage, for many classes they are literally outclassed. Especially with things like Blaster. Mini-sentries are just giving scouts a taste of their own medicine. The REAL TRICK is if an engie puts down a mini-sentry do the opposite extreme of retreating... advance BEYOND the front lines. Scouts are better than any other class (except perhaps spy) for getting into the backfield and generally disrupting people going to the front lines. This can have such a huge effect on the game, better than can be done on the front line. Remember, the best way to permanently shut down teleporters is to destroy the entrance. Engie will have to go all the way baco to spawn to set it up again.
I find the argument that the sharpened volcano fragment (or svf for short) can be used in medieval mode is mostly rubbish; after all, in medieval mode, what majority of the players are demoman? Answer: a lot. Demos which have the targe and screen, which either negate afterburn or decrease fire damage, meaning even STILL this weapon is barely useful OR practical.
I have actually seen entire teams completely demolished in medieval mode (before the charge n tage buff) by scouts with the sun on a stick and pyros with the volcano fragment
The Gunslinger has it's uses. It was designed, and COMPLETELY designed for combat, not defense. Well, the defense part still somewhat exists. For example. A fellow Engineer on your team sets up a Level 3 Sentry for defense. You, as another fellow Engineer, can help him upgrade that Sentry, as building either a Dispenser or Mini-Sentry, will leave you with 100 Metal left over. If you come across a scenario where the Level 3 Sentry goes down, and the destroyer/attacker took quite a bit of major damage,you can plop down that Mini-Sentry, and possibly kill the attacker, maybe even stall him enough for someone else to rush in to the room and help, or enough for the other Engineer to get his sentry back up. Because of this, combined with the Short Circuit, a Combat Engineer (Shotgun of choice, Wrangler/Short Circuit, and Gunslinger) can assist teammates somewhat more, by not having to go to get ammo packs until you run out of ammo immediately after building a Dispenser or Mini-Sentry, as, if a class who depends on a lot of ammo to do extreme amounts of damage runs out of ammo, you can build your Sentry without having to immediately go back to find an ammo pack, as you'd normally run out of sufficient metal to build a Dispenser, which could heal and provide ammo for your entire team, as long as it doesn't drain it's supply. Being helpful to your team is important, no matter what class you are. Helping the team to push by providing ammo, and helping your team by annoying the hell out of the enemy, or so you can say, weakening enemies with the Mini-Sentry is the type of thing a Combat Engineer can be doing, whereas the regular defensive Engineer defends things like key choke-points, control points, and the intelligence. At some points, it basically depends on which type of Sentry Gun to use, when to use it, and where to use it. Watch Jerma985's video on that: TF2 Engineer: When to Use [Big Sentry Vs. Mini Sentry]. The Mini-Sentry is very effective in some cases, some it isn't. It all depends on strategy.
Also, a reason behind the +25 health is that a Combat Engineer would usually be on the front lines, as for the Combat-based Mini-Sentry, so an Engineer on the front lines with classes like Soldiers, Demomen, Pyros, Heavies and Medics attacking the enemy would likely be taking a whole lot of damage, as well as the other Soldiers, Demomen, Pyros, Heavies and Medics on the enemy team. Remember, survival is essential to getting things done.
While I personally like the Cloak n' Dagger, I see where your getting at. Standing still and being invisible for long periods of time can easily lead someone to getting killed or randomly spychecked but it's served me well and I'm actually pretty good at using it. I am in no way saying that you suck at using it or that you should use it more, I'm just putting out my opinion and respecting yours.
I use the gunslinger as an assault engie. I mean one of the failed points that this guy tried to make in his video was the "porpuse" thing. Payload is great for mini-sentries. You deploy them as blu team to give a little cover.
I find it strange that people hate it because it is being used against them, it just sounds selfish, it's good when they are using it, but it's bad when others use it
The Gunslinger is useful for more reasons than Mini-Spamming,Mr. Luigi. The Gunslinger is Valve's response to people saying playing Engineer is boring. Always sitting around,having to watch your sentry nest to make sure it stays up. It gets tedious and boring. Even then,if someone attacks your nest,you're liable to die before it! So,how do you change that? Give Engineer more health and an offensive strategy! While you can still be cheap and use Mini's for defense,they're made to let the Engineer get in the fight and help on the front lines,not just sit behind them,blocking those that get past. I'm not saying your're wrong,but I'm just clearing up WHY it is how it is.
totally agree about the sharpened volcano fragment. It should totally be boosted. maybe doing better afterburn with twice the duration and 20% more damage or something.
CnD is more of gaining positional advantage, and spying out what the enemy team is doing. It´s more about timing and waiting for awesome chances to get some stabs.
It can be seen fairly often in competitive 6v6 when a player off-classes but can be incredibly difficult to play Spy because everyone will instantly know you are one just by looking at you. Good example is if you are trying to take the last point and a player will often off-class to Heavy and sit on the point to defend with 450HP. This requires you to take your time and camp in order to find a window of opportunity to take out the Medic or Heavy so your team is at less of a disadvantage.
phionix12355 Do you really expect to find good players on a public server? A place where everyone wants to play spy and sniper? CnD is only really useful in 6v6 because it is so hard to play a spy with so little players. As soon as the team knows someone is playing Spy in a 6v6 game, you have NO CHANCE of getting a back-stab. The CnD lets you get into position and wait for the right time to make your move as well as feedback their whereabouts to your team.
I use it to troll Engineers. Sneak up on their nest, wait until they leave for whatever reason, use Red Tape Recorder. Rinse and repeat, it pisses them off so much.
With the old bar, it could decrease medic healing time by just over 2 seconds. And the volcano fragment could be used to save ammo for airblast. But that's a tiny advantage
Caber is one of my favs. Combine it with the charge 'n' targe, and you become something even better than a demoknight. A demokazie. You can go up to them, charge, and kill like 10 people. I use the caber mainly for defending cap. points, and taking our sentry nests, but ya. The caber is OP. And badass.
A sniper staying out of the fight so he can pick shots off his a sniper should? Oh the humanity! I still don't get complaints about camping snipers honestly, it's what they're made for, even in the meet the sniper trailer it's all he does
Dylan Martin Umm does anyone read the about tab this video was made WAY before the love and war update. But i do agree its way to OP,im just saying know what your saying before you say it.
In recent update, the Dahlakos Bar has become alot more usefull. Now it stacks with overheal from medics, and it has no rehcarge time, wich means that it is technicaly an portable health kit.
My Spy play style is a bit of irony. I use your favourite Spy weapon, the Your Eternal Reward (along with the L'Etanger) and I use the Cloak and Dagger. I sneak about with relatively infinite cloak and I just backstab people to no end.
Ya, but that is completely different. Not only can you use the degreaser for setting people on fire, but if your good enough, you can air last them in the air and quickly shoot them with the shotgun thanks to the fast weapon switch. You can do massive amount of damage and there are many upsides to this combo compared to the sharpened volcano fragment. Not only does it JUST set people on fire just like EVERY flamethrower in the game, but it also has a damage penalty. So it's just a waste of time energy, and a load out spot.
There is one pyro weapon, worse than the volcano axe, the neon annihilator. Why? because it is only useful in the water! (made a mistake, read more for a better justification) Due to the increase in back lash from my comment I shall give more of a reason to my opinion. The reason why I consider the neon annihilator worse than the Volcano axe is because of how situational the weapon is, the weapon will only work under set conditions. Either 1. the level has water in it, which only few maps have water and ones that do have water in few places or just one spot. 2. Your team must have a scout that uses mad milk and/ or a sniper that uses jarate, plus you must follow that scout or sniper or have him follow you. 3. even though the weapon can remove sappers, the home wrecker is a better option since it not only removes sappers but can take out enemy buildings with 2-3 swings, and yes I am aware that strategy won't always work with sentries, but a well timed uber does help. There you go haters, I gave my honest and detailed opinion. P.S next time learn how to "Love and Tolerate".
Seeing how Pyros are useless in water anyways, it's good for him to have a weapon that makes him usable with water. I tried a NeonShotgun Pyro before and it's pretty fun.
***** BUT... in defensive situations (especially on turbine) the pomson's laser can blend in with the background, as they are team colored. Also, the thing has a HUGE projectile width, so you can spam down a hallway and hit them. Also, any weapon with infinite ammo is op unless it has a massive downside (the cow mangler and righteous bison do less damage to buildings), and when you have a sentry mowing things down, odds are you aren't going to be charging the front lines and trying to destroy buildings. AND, the pomson (unlike the shotgun) does not have spread, meaning that you can do a solid amount of damage at any distance.
leon2550 The description doesn't show a lot of things The gunslinger always crits the 3 time is is swung The Flying Guillotine gets boosted damage when thrown at a BONK'd player The Pain Train is absolute garbage and you should stop using it
Really? The pain train is great yes you might die in 9 seconds not ten but you can cap like a scout whilst still having enough firepower to defend yourself
10:50, except dark chocolate is actually really good for you in limited quantities, providing antio-oxidants and acting as a natural anti-depressant. Not cheap hersheys though, that stuff isn't good in flavor or health.
I think the vita saw needs some MAJOR changes ... like maybe up to 35% ubercharge or faster swinging. And maybe a like +15 health per hit for fun trolling. I only ever use the ubersaw for offense and the amputator for defense.
NO. The whole concept of being able to save uber should just be removed from the game. If one team's medic is using it, then the other team's medic is already at a disadvantage, as he won't have ubers as often. Using the Vita-Saw forces the other team to use it as well. The whole concept is broken, there's a reason the Vita-Saw is banned in all competitive TF2.
Daniel Kemp Wait really? That's about what 20 seconds worth of healing to get uber? I mean maybe in like a 6 v 6 things could go differently but for general gameplay it seams pretty useless.
It's not just in 6v6, all highlander leagues ban the thing as well. And in a fast-paced game like TF2, 20 seconds might as well be an eternity. Keep in mind that lots of game modes, like A/D and Payload, are played with time limits and seconds really do matter.
Daniel Kemp Well I've heard that majority of items are banned at the highest of levels but can you use the ubersaw? Just 1 or 2 hits on the scout that's trying to take you out and bam like 2 minutes worth of healing, so I think in comparison being able to keep a bit after loosing the rest of it already isn't bad. If they were pro medics they probably wouldn't have gotten killed before using their uber in the first place
1.The Wrapped Assassin is amazing when paired with the Baby Face's Blaster. It's bleed damage can charge a lot of boost while you escape *at the same time.* And when you take the WA into a x10 server..... oh mah gawrsh. :') 2. My least favorite weapon is the Your Eternal Reward. It takes away the Spy's main ability and trades it for "stealth kills", something he already has. "Oh, but the kills don't appear in the killfeed so it's good." WHO THE FUCK PAYS ATTENTION TO THE KILLFEED WHILE YOU'RE SHOOTIN' DUDES? "Oh, but you disguise INSTANTLY when you backstab someone!" And the guy you just killed will see you disguised as them in the after-death freezeframe, and *alert the rest of his team*, fucking over the Spy. FUCK. THE. YOUR ETERNAL REWARD. Piece of shit knife. The only good thing about it is how cool it looks.
I don`t think you get it luigi, if I see a mini-sentry that thing has to go DOWN, I don`t care about what I was doing that mini has to DIE. those things are evil abominations
I use gunslinger and frontier justice. :( Also, I bring my mini sentry close with me, so I can use it like an extra gun in combat. I kept picking up and rebuilding it in a payload match and it worked really well.
i swear i was on a server where the opposing teams weapons were all from THIS list, so a Heavy had the chocolate, a Scout had the Wrap assassin, and some stupid Medic had the vita-saw, like... REALLY!!!!????
The Gunslinger is THE MOST BROKEN WEAPON IN TF2. There are SO MANY simple fixes that would un-break it as well. And yet, off all the newer weapons that have been tweaked since they came out, the gunslinger is still the OP scrub-weapon that it was on day-one. I love using it as well. We all do... But it can bring games on certain maps to an obnoxious grinding halt. My suggestions for fixes: 1.) Make the mini's hit-box as big as a level 2 sentry. Currently, it's too small and easy to hide for the range/RoF that it has. 2.) The mini-sentry disappears when you kill the engineer. This would apply the same logic to fighting a mini engy that is used when going up against an enemy with a pocket-medic. ALWAYS GO FOR THE MEDIC FIRST, right? Well, in this case, it would be the engy. 3.) Simply decrease mini's range and/or RoF. The mini should be an annoyance, a distraction. Not a guaranteed death-sentence for any class with 125 health. By the time it's starts shooting at you, more often than not, there's not enough time to retreat. 4.) Make it less than %100 accurate. A variation of this idea would be that the mini would keep its perfect accuracy but can't track up or down, only targeting players who are on the same plane as the mini. So, if you're a Scout and a mini starts shooting at you, a quick double-jump would buy you just enough time to escape with your life, which is how minis SHOULD work. They are far too cheap and quick to build to justify their ability to Swiss-cheese a scout at full health in a matter of seconds. You want that ability? Then build a NORMAL SENTRY.
the problem is that the gunslinger doesn't have any downsides other no lvl 3 sentry. Yes it says no random crits, but that's because every third hit is a guaranteed crit. I like the no up/down track idea, but the disappear on engie death is a bad idea, since the idea behind sentries in general is that they can defend a point/objective without a player being there. A lvl. 3 sentry only needs an engie in case of enemies trying to damage it. The sentry rarely needs the engie's help to kill an enemy player. An idea I had is lowering the damage a mini does per shot.
True, but Rabbid is complaining about how the cozy camper used to encourage Snipers to not move at all while aiming, and how it currently has a *huge* downside but no major upsides.
RockLegend2onGaia You kidding? When enemy teams have a ton of Engineer buildings, it's so easy to build up crits. Being able to deal 100+ damage per shot is very useful, and is much easier than attempting to pull headshots like clockworks. Plus, playing spy, you are probably going to be sappin' engineer buildings anyway, so the Diamondback will probably support you much more than you might think. If you want a bad Spy gun, go look at the Enforcer.
At least the Pomson has to hit its target and I know it has infinate amo but at least its not just crit spam like the Frontier justice. Although I do agree it is overpowered.
The Pomsom is a great gun. It just needs a balance nerf. If they removed the sapping Uber from Medics and the projectile hitbox was reduced, it would be fairly balanced. It has 4 shots (compared to a normal 6 shots), infinite shots; it's blasts are projectile/not hitscan, meaning you actually need to aim well and not just fire; and sapping Spy cloak is a wonderful feature, especially against Dead ringer spies.
SuperJoshuaAguilar the way mini sentrys target people is if it sees you it take your hit box and fires at targeted players meaning if it fires IT CAN'T MISS while a normal sentry fires in targeted players direction
Yeah, the Gunslinger is pretty broken. Honestly, it needs a slight nerf... Like maybe getting rid of the boosted health? Making the shots weaker? Making the minis have less health? Heck, you didn't even mention the OTHER pro it has. Sure, it's situational, but with 3 hits in a row. The 3rd hit is a crit.
i think the mini-sentries should have mini sight range and decreased damage, the fact that it is a MINI sentry is listed as a downside in the first place, so make it one
Christian McKay As a matter of fact, it IS weaker than a normal Lvl 1 Sentry. (Correct me if I'm wrong) In return for 50% faster shooting, 35% more turning speed, and being constructed four times as fast, it does about half as much damage and has 100 health, 50 less health than the normal Sentry. Oh, and you can't repair it (However, you can destroy it yourself to rebuild another one if you're safely with a Dispenser while Mini-Camping in a fairly-sized hallway) Really, they aren't -TOO- much of a problem (Not big enough for you to go Spy just to sap it), as tehy can be mowed down easily. The main problem as to why it considered overpowered, though, is simply because of its size. If it weren't MINI, people would easily slaughter it down like all of the other sentries because they would much more easily recognize it as an actual OBJECT. However, to the clever minds that can easily spot the aforementioned Mini-Sentry, taking it down should be a breeze. But hey: If it can fuck with STAR_, it can fuck with anyone. So enjoy~
Mini sentries have decreased damage by half, but turn twice as fast as a normal sentry, so you can't run around it as scout like you sometimes can with the normal ones. They also only have 100 health and the gunslinger doesn't crit on the third punch anymore. I still think it's op, though, and maybe if they just got rid of the extra health and made the sentry have, say, 3/4 the range of a normal sentry, then it would be balanced. Actually, no: Once you can't use the wrangler with it, it will be a balanced weapon.
Christian McKay I think the mini sentry needs less damage and less ammo as it IS a smaller version it should carry less ammo and yes I would say shorter range is a good addition to the balance list
+Why So Serious? Also the reason you don't like the cloak and dagger is because you are using it wrong, the cloak and dagger is powerful in comp for telling your team what the enemy is doing and also when playing gun spy for being able to hide quickly without being instantly killed because your cloak has run out.
Why do people keep hating on the mini sentries/gun slinger. THEY are not OP. Demomen and Soldiers weilding wreck battle engis fast and the ability to plop down 2 of them isnt as op as people are saying for the huge dpm drop. and 25 health isn't that much more health than a standard engi
Craftián, a commander Instead of stabbing, I just shoot the Sniper three times for an auto kill. Not like the Sniper has enough time to react, since he's scoped in and I'm right in his face so I can't miss a shot.
***** No. When in your POV, the only weapon switching you hear is your own. The only way you can tell a class has switched weapon is viewpoints, which the Sniper is probably going to be zoomed in; so by the time he realizes there is a Spy preparing his Revolver; 1 shot, 2 shots, DEAD. Or, 1 Crit, Dead. The only practical use for the Razorback is to give the YER Spies the middle finger, because they literally can't do anything; if they shoot, they lose their hard earned disguise. If they backstab, they lose it and reveal themselves.
cozy camper is good for counter sniping, if they bodyshot you while you're trying to headshot you don't mess up your shot Dalokahs would be used much more if dropable
The skill in the ullapool caber is found when you think about it; getting to the person to blow them up. Demoman is the third slowest class, and a soldier would probably rocket jump out of the way and a heavy would have you dead before you can get to him.
I dont mean this to be spam or anything, but i think this for each weapon you disliked. Soldier:Kinda disagree. Scout:Completely disagree. Demoman:Kinda disagree. Spy:Completely disagree. Sniper:I have mild feelings. Medic:Agree. Heavy:disagree Pyro:Comepletely Agree. Engineer: As you said.Love using it.Hate other ppl using it. Its just my opinion.
The big massive game changing thing about the Gunslinger is that Direct Hit Sollys can instantly destroy your Mini, rocket jump to you, and kill you in two shots. People complain about Minis because they must not know how to switch to a Mini counter class, like Solly, Demo, hell; even Huntsman Sniper.
The main downside to the Gunslinger is the Red Tape Recorder. It takes awhile to destroy the sentry meaning they can't just build a new one straight away, and they can't venture too far away from it.
***** That implies that medic shouldn't ever attack ever, which is the complete opposite of the truth. Here is how a medic scene should go down heal heal heal *threat incoming* *patient dead* *kill threat* heal heal uber win
christopher renfroe You really dont care for your team. Go play CoD if you're going to pull that. Having the only medic on the team never heal anyone is a frustrating experience.
I always use the crusaders crossbow, the quick fix and the conscientious objector. The first two just for healing I don't really use uber. And the sign because beating someone to death with a picture of a medic celebrating Oktoberfest is really satisfying.
Cloak and dagger can be a great, great escape, or if you're co-ordinated with your team camp in an engi base until engi leaves/team needs that sap. Also, caber is relatively hard to use if people know they exist, as they are on the lookout for for flying demoes, and I've had a few real good pyros juggle me into the heavy after my stickyjump.
Geometry Dash Catbug Cloack and Dagger is the worst watch in my opinion. Why? Because instead of being helpful and kill medics, snipers and heavys you are just there being useless and waiting
Waiting for an opportune moment to strike, you mean? Sometimes the best thing to do is just find a good place, wait for a high priority target to walk by (medic, heavy, demo, soldier, pyro if you're good) and then stab the ever loving shit out of them. That seems pretty useful ._.
It may be the worst watch in your opinion, but it isn't. And there are far worse weapons that could be in that place, like the big earner mentioned earlier, or the Kunai.
Colonel Crow With the C&D you must play very slowly and the stock watch it's much better to get behind the enemy because you can spend more time cloacked and pick up ammo drops
+Rhinosaurus it's because they want medics to start out with the same advantages. Having 20% at the start is probably too hard for some to begin with. Maybe there needs to be a saw with a health bonus that could rival the ubersaw because they're NEVER gonna change that.
The Vita-Saw is banned because it gives too great an advantage for too little payment. Basically, competitive matches revolve around the medic's uber mechanic. In these matches, seconds matter. Saving 20% uber is about a 16 second head start on the clock if both medics die at the same time. That is absolutely HUGE.
Jakob Torrieri That too. Or just another Pyro in general. Plus if you really want to set people on fire on that map, just go Huntsman and light your arrow with the torches. It deal much more damage and you are safer anyway.
Jakob Torrieri Yeah, every time i was on a roll dominating people in manly melee duel....a random fire arrow hit me in the knee. But hey, it wasn't a headshot so i'll live right? After-burn: Nope.avi
Also, the C&D gives spy the ability to scout indefinitely, which is perfect on competitive servers, as you can forward your team on engi nest locations during a push.
Is that supposed to make it better? I mean, I can understand if you're trolling engies or playing turbine. ESPECIALLY on turbine since there's no fu**ing metal lying around.
You can run and quickly crouch down in place to make it regenerate faster. It is also good for getting to a needed point slower but, without any trouble. It is good if you use it smartly.
I know this is his opinion but I personally love the C&D. It went from running around invisible to short sprints from cover to cover which can either make or break your objective
Shut Up, Fan o'war is an amazing weapon, not for out putting damage by can hit someone with it, like a heavy and leave or shoot him with guaranteed mini-crits.
How to use wrap assasin: Mad milk then shoot ball. This'll help massively when fighting a demo or someone who can deal some more damage to you because you heal a little over time and it works when there are no health packs
No flinching is quite good as it lets you aim shots whilst taking damage. Many times there has been a heavy that sees me the sniper, I try and line up a headshot as that will probably kill him then I get flinched over and over by his minigun.
I heard a very useful way to change the Sharpened Volcano Fragment. Give it the Axtinguisher's effect and make the Axtinguisher inflict bleeding, which stacks with afterburn. Given the Axtinguisher has barbed wiring, it makes sense it would bleed.
Sharpened volcano fragment is an awesome weapon, not only does it look fucking awesome, but, when you run out out out of ammo with pyro, which happens a lot, you can hit someone and then flare them. Works great
I think most Pyros prefer to find an ammo box, go back to using the flamethrower (with its high DPS and airblasting), and save the melee slot for something less redundant.
The whole point of the cloak and dagger is to wait for that perfect situation where you walk u behind a medic and get a backstab or if your in a hot situation and can't move because of all then enemies around you think clock and dagger lets you wait to the perfect moment to strike
The problem with not taking fall damage with the mantreads is that how the mantreads calculate the amount of damage you do if you land on them. It takes the fall damage you would have taken, multiplies it by 3, and then deals the total to the victim as damage. So taking out fall damage would be they'd have to re-engineer it, and I don't see how they can do that in a properly, directly proportional, scaled matter.
in all fairness the cloak and dagger has its uses. mainly in competitive play mind you. watch almost any highlander match and the spy usually starts with the cloak and dagger and relays info to his team while staying invisible. that's really its only practical use but, like you said, you can annoy the hell out of people with it as well
How to give the SVF a boost: 1. Ignites pyros with the axe. 2. More afterburn damage. OR 3. Hitting an object/player ignites everyone near said object/player.
You have the most 2008 intro I've ever seen.
"No Dalochas bar until you finish your shotgun!" "But Mommm!"
Dalokohs bar backwards is shokolad which means Choclate
+Tai Du, I know
Cuddly Rock in russian
My friend once used Cloak and Dagger disguised as Heavy in the Intel center and kept haunting a poor engineer
"Put Sentry here!"
"Put dispenser here!"
Dey don't want you to win
RadecTheNoob Just take da hinges and put 'em in da fuckin' boi's hands. Just put 'em in the fuckin' boi's hands!
- Takes a sip from a frying pan -
+29gish I love doing that taunt with the Conscientious Objector. It just looks so stupid when he tries to take a drink from the end of a sign pole.
+minecraftdarkveil What about the freedom staff? Demo literally stabs his neck with it while taunting
+Heron Pirollo You mean he impales himself on his FREEEDDOOOM
This video popped up in my recommend and man, it’s like opening a time capsule. Love seeing that classic tf2 gameplay after so long.
In defense of the Cozy Camper: Imagine, if you will, that you are facing down a Heavy from a long way away. He is close to capping a control point that you really need to defend. He is firing at you, but because he's so far away, he's probably not going to kill you any time soon. However, he is making you flinch every half second. Usually, it would be impossible to get the control point-saving headshot, but the Cozy Camper makes it easy. It's surprising how often I find myself in a situation like that one, and so I do quite often wear the Cozy Camper.
At that stage you should be trying to peek around the corner or not be seen.
I get that's not always an option but jarate is an amazing tool that helps you and your team against spies, and dealing mini-crits to foes.
Each to their own but a passive tool vs jarate doesn't work in my book
Don't get me started on gunslingers in Uber Upgrades, 500,000 sentries everywhere!
Dyllon Stejakoski It wasn't, I'm just emphasizing... Fuck it, you get the point.
At least the Wrap Assassin is more useful the the Sun-On-A-Stick
at least the sun on a stick can do damege and crits unlike the warp assassien
listen here buddy the light bulb on a stick ( different name ) has no use .
-20% damage might not seem bad but the upside is not an upside cause when you see a burning guy the best option is to end him with your guns . and also you need a pyro on your team and every pyro ever will try to finish their cooked meat ( see what i did there ) and not run away.
and the wrap assasin has its use to throw a ball at your target and do bleed damage
I like to call it the Shit on a Dick.
The wrap assassin is just plain idiotic. It's got a stupid upside and it has very little use. It is crappy and quite frankly I prefer the sandman more then it. Sure you can throw Christmas ball but it literally has no damage i repeat NO DAMAGE
Matthew Bache actually the worst scout melee is the fan o' war
Sharpened volcano damage simply needs SPECIAL burn damage, bit like how degreaser does specially reduced burn state:
-Burn with much higher damage, equivalent to mini-crit
-Burn with INEXTINGUISHABLE flame, so like bleed damage you just have to keep healing
-Will burn ALL foes, even pyros, targe demomen and even DR equipped spies.
PS: you're wrong about engie and gunslinger. No class should be so rigidly defence or offence.
You might as well just replace afterburn damage with bleed damage if that is the case.
Tntad Yeah that would be much neater, except you can't JUST look at the stats, as Sharpened Volcano fragment, heat and fire has to be some sort of theme to do with the damage.
Maybe fire and bleed?
Melee is really hard to balance of pyro as it is inherently a close range damage class and melee would always be a downgrade to the flamethrower.
Treblaine Good Point. Never thought about that.
WreckNRepeat Well scout's speed is a HUGE advantage, for many classes they are literally outclassed. Especially with things like Blaster. Mini-sentries are just giving scouts a taste of their own medicine.
The REAL TRICK is if an engie puts down a mini-sentry do the opposite extreme of retreating... advance BEYOND the front lines.
Scouts are better than any other class (except perhaps spy) for getting into the backfield and generally disrupting people going to the front lines. This can have such a huge effect on the game, better than can be done on the front line.
Remember, the best way to permanently shut down teleporters is to destroy the entrance. Engie will have to go all the way baco to spawn to set it up again.
I find the argument that the sharpened volcano fragment (or svf for short) can be used in medieval mode is mostly rubbish; after all, in medieval mode, what majority of the players are demoman? Answer: a lot. Demos which have the targe and screen, which either negate afterburn or decrease fire damage, meaning even STILL this weapon is barely useful OR practical.
I have actually seen entire teams completely demolished in medieval mode (before the charge n tage buff) by scouts with the sun on a stick and pyros with the volcano fragment
atleast the cloak and dagger got a buff
+diablogamer1 Cloak and dagger in a times 10 server is better than the stock watch. Just stop watch is full again
+Gamevirus9 take one step,boom over
Well that is the main watch i use in normal game play and times ten. I wish they would add another watch with different stats
the stock in watch in x10 is fucking godly as soon as you uncloak you can insta stab which with the stock knife is super op
cloack and dagger is the same as standing with a invis watch near a dispenser
"In favor of something healthier, like a Sandvich"
wrapped in gift paper. seems pretty healthy
Without even going into the Robo-Sandvich.
Eyup, I agree... Robo-Sandvich, WTF happend with Heavies teeth? HEAVY IS TOO STRONG!!
The Gunslinger has it's uses. It was designed, and COMPLETELY designed for combat, not defense. Well, the defense part still somewhat exists. For example. A fellow Engineer on your team sets up a Level 3 Sentry for defense. You, as another fellow Engineer, can help him upgrade that Sentry, as building either a Dispenser or Mini-Sentry, will leave you with 100 Metal left over. If you come across a scenario where the Level 3 Sentry goes down, and the destroyer/attacker took quite a bit of major damage,you can plop down that Mini-Sentry, and possibly kill the attacker, maybe even stall him enough for someone else to rush in to the room and help, or enough for the other Engineer to get his sentry back up. Because of this, combined with the Short Circuit, a Combat Engineer (Shotgun of choice, Wrangler/Short Circuit, and Gunslinger) can assist teammates somewhat more, by not having to go to get ammo packs until you run out of ammo immediately after building a Dispenser or Mini-Sentry, as, if a class who depends on a lot of ammo to do extreme amounts of damage runs out of ammo, you can build your Sentry without having to immediately go back to find an ammo pack, as you'd normally run out of sufficient metal to build a Dispenser, which could heal and provide ammo for your entire team, as long as it doesn't drain it's supply. Being helpful to your team is important, no matter what class you are. Helping the team to push by providing ammo, and helping your team by annoying the hell out of the enemy, or so you can say, weakening enemies with the Mini-Sentry is the type of thing a Combat Engineer can be doing, whereas the regular defensive Engineer defends things like key choke-points, control points, and the intelligence. At some points, it basically depends on which type of Sentry Gun to use, when to use it, and where to use it. Watch Jerma985's video on that: TF2 Engineer: When to Use [Big Sentry Vs. Mini Sentry]. The Mini-Sentry is very effective in some cases, some it isn't. It all depends on strategy.
Also, a reason behind the +25 health is that a Combat Engineer would usually be on the front lines, as for the Combat-based Mini-Sentry, so an Engineer on the front lines with classes like Soldiers, Demomen, Pyros, Heavies and Medics attacking the enemy would likely be taking a whole lot of damage, as well as the other Soldiers, Demomen, Pyros, Heavies and Medics on the enemy team. Remember, survival is essential to getting things done.
Hentho Lin *cough* TF2 super fan *cough*
cant read, to much text
I have a feeling you were that spawncamping jerk I saw this morning on a crit server
Who and what server are you talking about?
While I personally like the Cloak n' Dagger, I see where your getting at. Standing still and being invisible for long periods of time can easily lead someone to getting killed or randomly spychecked but it's served me well and I'm actually pretty good at using it. I am in no way saying that you suck at using it or that you should use it more, I'm just putting out my opinion and respecting yours.
The funniest part of the gunslinger is that the minisentry is listed as a downside.
That is funny
It's listed as a downside since you can't upgrade it, and has lower damage.
Caber is love. Caber is life.
Everyday I'm caberin.
Cabers gonna cabe.
Jeffrey Smith youtube asked if i wanted to translate your comment. the translation is "Cabers gonna be" just thought you may want to know
Jeffrey Smith Translation What will he be.
One caber to rule them all.
I like the gunslinger - not because of the minis, I hate those, but it's a great way to go around shooting people with the shotgun.
I use the gunslinger as an assault engie. I mean one of the failed points that this guy tried to make in his video was the "porpuse" thing.
Payload is great for mini-sentries. You deploy them as blu team to give a little cover.
i agree fun to us a bastard to fight
Battle Engi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I find it strange that people hate it because it is being used against them, it just sounds selfish, it's good when they are using it, but it's bad when others use it
what is hated
The Gunslinger is useful for more reasons than Mini-Spamming,Mr. Luigi. The Gunslinger is Valve's response to people saying playing Engineer is boring. Always sitting around,having to watch your sentry nest to make sure it stays up. It gets tedious and boring. Even then,if someone attacks your nest,you're liable to die before it! So,how do you change that? Give Engineer more health and an offensive strategy! While you can still be cheap and use Mini's for defense,they're made to let the Engineer get in the fight and help on the front lines,not just sit behind them,blocking those that get past. I'm not saying your're wrong,but I'm just clearing up WHY it is how it is.
he just said that he hates it for being too good
does that tell u anything?
and also even tho it adds variety and means the complete opposite of defence, it just doesnt help classify what Dell Conagher is all about
zain al khatib and also it so much fun
I agree.
zain al khatib He had explained in detail how it's too good,yes,but he didn't mention why it was made. I did that.
totally agree about the sharpened volcano fragment.
It should totally be boosted. maybe doing better afterburn with twice the duration and 20% more damage or something.
CnD is more of gaining positional advantage, and spying out what the enemy team is doing. It´s more about timing and waiting for awesome chances to get some stabs.
It can be seen fairly often in competitive 6v6 when a player off-classes but can be incredibly difficult to play Spy because everyone will instantly know you are one just by looking at you.
Good example is if you are trying to take the last point and a player will often off-class to Heavy and sit on the point to defend with 450HP. This requires you to take your time and camp in order to find a window of opportunity to take out the Medic or Heavy so your team is at less of a disadvantage.
you,sir,summed up what i do when i play as the spy and has the CnD out
CnD is a pretty bad watch because when I see people using it, I see my teams spies doing JACK SHIT
phionix12355 Do you really expect to find good players on a public server? A place where everyone wants to play spy and sniper?
CnD is only really useful in 6v6 because it is so hard to play a spy with so little players.
As soon as the team knows someone is playing Spy in a 6v6 game, you have NO CHANCE of getting a back-stab.
The CnD lets you get into position and wait for the right time to make your move as well as feedback their whereabouts to your team.
I use it to troll Engineers. Sneak up on their nest, wait until they leave for whatever reason, use Red Tape Recorder. Rinse and repeat, it pisses them off so much.
The point of dalakohs bar? 10x servers.
This is entirely and completely true.
In most x10 servers, the Dalakohs bar doesn't even work.
With the old bar, it could decrease medic healing time by just over 2 seconds. And the volcano fragment could be used to save ammo for airblast. But that's a tiny advantage
Caber is one of my favs. Combine it with the charge 'n' targe, and you become something even better than a demoknight. A demokazie. You can go up to them, charge, and kill like 10 people. I use the caber mainly for defending cap. points, and taking our sentry nests, but ya. The caber is OP. And badass.
A sniper staying out of the fight so he can pick shots off his a sniper should? Oh the humanity! I still don't get complaints about camping snipers honestly, it's what they're made for, even in the meet the sniper trailer it's all he does
Why does everyone hate the gunslinger? It's not even OP. MEANWHILE THE TIDE TURNER IS THE MOST OP WEAPON IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. *ahem* ok, I'm done.
why 1vs1 with me i am going engie you go any class you want brony boy
Yamikage Takara Alright. When and where?
Dylan Martin Umm does anyone read the about tab this video was made WAY before the love and war update. But i do agree its way to OP,im just saying know what your saying before you say it.
ryan ultimatessg What does the love and war update have to do with the gunslinger?
Dylan Martin he meant the tide turner
Why isn't the sun on a stick on the list
+Pieter Worm I guess he likes to be a noob sometimes...?
Check the date, it maybe was nerfed since then
+DARKMYTHOLOGY1000 it has always been terrible
DARKMYTHOLOGY1000 Why would you ever think that like EVER?!?!?
Leafy is cancer I wouldn't know stuff like this
In recent update, the Dahlakos Bar has become alot more usefull. Now it stacks with overheal from medics, and it has no rehcarge time, wich means that it is technicaly an portable health kit.
My Spy play style is a bit of irony. I use your favourite Spy weapon, the Your Eternal Reward (along with the L'Etanger) and I use the Cloak and Dagger. I sneak about with relatively infinite cloak and I just backstab people to no end.
so your like me and your a cloak spy
Pretty much. On 2 Fort I terrorise Snipers.
"The whole damn concept of pyro is setting people on fire", but assholes still use the degreaser/reserve shooter combo.
Ya, but that is completely different. Not only can you use the degreaser for setting people on fire, but if your good enough, you can air last them in the air and quickly shoot them with the shotgun thanks to the fast weapon switch. You can do massive amount of damage and there are many upsides to this combo compared to the sharpened volcano fragment. Not only does it JUST set people on fire just like EVERY flamethrower in the game, but it also has a damage penalty. So it's just a waste of time energy, and a load out spot.
I'm an asshole, but I use the degreaser/powerjack combo. :)
Chozo Hunter That's slightly better, since you have to get in close and you get a benefit for killing players with it.
Tyler Duncanson Also, healing. That's a plus. ^_^
Chozo Hunter I think that's the benefit he was talking about
There is one pyro weapon, worse than the volcano axe, the neon annihilator.
Why? because it is only useful in the water! (made a mistake, read more for a better justification)
Due to the increase in back lash from my comment I shall give more of a reason to my opinion. The reason why I consider the neon annihilator worse than the Volcano axe is because of how situational the weapon is, the weapon will only work under set conditions. Either 1. the level has water in it, which only few maps have water and ones that do have water in few places or just one spot. 2. Your team must have a scout that uses mad milk and/ or a sniper that uses jarate, plus you must follow that scout or sniper or have him follow you. 3. even though the weapon can remove sappers, the home wrecker is a better option since it not only removes sappers but can take out enemy buildings with 2-3 swings, and yes I am aware that strategy won't always work with sentries, but a well timed uber does help. There you go haters, I gave my honest and detailed opinion. P.S next time learn how to "Love and Tolerate".
It also crits jarate or mad milk. Also, 2fort Pyro wants to have a word with you.
was also good with removing sappers from sentries but i dont know if they nerfed that or not
gangatalishis I am pretty sure it can still get rid of sappers
It's awesome if you're playing the TF2 hunger games mod
Seeing how Pyros are useless in water anyways, it's good for him to have a weapon that makes him usable with water. I tried a NeonShotgun Pyro before and it's pretty fun.
the cloak and dagger is pretty good when you're being chased and just stand still, as long as the other players doesn't see you running "out" of cloak
the pomson is pure evil bundled in hate. there are no downsides to this weapon!?!? seriously valve, nerf it or even remove it entirely
well, the description in game doesn't show any downsides
BUT... in defensive situations (especially on turbine) the pomson's laser can blend in with the background, as they are team colored. Also, the thing has a HUGE projectile width, so you can spam down a hallway and hit them. Also, any weapon with infinite ammo is op unless it has a massive downside (the cow mangler and righteous bison do less damage to buildings), and when you have a sentry mowing things down, odds are you aren't going to be charging the front lines and trying to destroy buildings. AND, the pomson (unlike the shotgun) does not have spread, meaning that you can do a solid amount of damage at any distance.
leon2550 The description doesn't show a lot of things
The gunslinger always crits the 3 time is is swung
The Flying Guillotine gets boosted damage when thrown at a BONK'd player
The Pain Train is absolute garbage and you should stop using it
the downside is that you cant aim it for shit and it does less damage lol, its not really as great as its told to be
Really? The pain train is great yes you might die in 9 seconds not ten but you can cap like a scout whilst still having enough firepower to defend yourself
But i bet you didnt know that if you crouch walk with the cloak and dagger it drains slower, also it regenerates faster than a regular spy watch
Maybe Valve is trying to say that eating chocolate can't make up for not ahving that special person?
But heavy has the medic
Dylan Perez Yea, that's my point. The chocolate doesn't compare to the medic.
10:50, except dark chocolate is actually really good for you in limited quantities, providing antio-oxidants and acting as a natural anti-depressant. Not cheap hersheys though, that stuff isn't good in flavor or health.
I think the vita saw needs some MAJOR changes ... like maybe up to 35% ubercharge or faster swinging. And maybe a like +15 health per hit for fun trolling. I only ever use the ubersaw for offense and the amputator for defense.
NO. The whole concept of being able to save uber should just be removed from the game. If one team's medic is using it, then the other team's medic is already at a disadvantage, as he won't have ubers as often. Using the Vita-Saw forces the other team to use it as well. The whole concept is broken, there's a reason the Vita-Saw is banned in all competitive TF2.
Daniel Kemp Wait really? That's about what 20 seconds worth of healing to get uber? I mean maybe in like a 6 v 6 things could go differently but for general gameplay it seams pretty useless.
It's not just in 6v6, all highlander leagues ban the thing as well. And in a fast-paced game like TF2, 20 seconds might as well be an eternity. Keep in mind that lots of game modes, like A/D and Payload, are played with time limits and seconds really do matter.
Daniel Kemp Well I've heard that majority of items are banned at the highest of levels but can you use the ubersaw? Just 1 or 2 hits on the scout that's trying to take you out and bam like 2 minutes worth of healing, so I think in comparison being able to keep a bit after loosing the rest of it already isn't bad. If they were pro medics they probably wouldn't have gotten killed before using their uber in the first place
1.The Wrapped Assassin is amazing when paired with the Baby Face's Blaster.
It's bleed damage can charge a lot of boost while you escape *at the same time.*
And when you take the WA into a x10 server..... oh mah gawrsh. :')
2. My least favorite weapon is the Your Eternal Reward. It takes away the Spy's main ability and trades it for "stealth kills", something he already has.
"Oh, but the kills don't appear in the killfeed so it's good."
"Oh, but you disguise INSTANTLY when you backstab someone!"
And the guy you just killed will see you disguised as them in the after-death freezeframe, and *alert the rest of his team*, fucking over the Spy.
FUCK. THE. YOUR ETERNAL REWARD. Piece of shit knife.
The only good thing about it is how cool it looks.
Your eternal reward remastered
-50 health
+Able to pierce through razorbacks
-1 health drained when active
+disguise as buildings
Still would be useless. XD
***** i think this weapon is good but you just don't know how to use it.
I know how to use it. It just sucks.
It only exists to give pro players a challenge by crippling themselves.
***** yep that was joke stats
I don`t think you get it luigi, if I see a mini-sentry that thing has to go DOWN, I don`t care about what I was doing that mini has to DIE.
those things are evil abominations
especially when paired with the frontier justice... almost as dickish as taunting after EVERY FUCKING KILL or using the plhog -.-
I use gunslinger and frontier justice. :(
Also, I bring my mini sentry close with me, so I can use it like an extra gun in combat. I kept picking up and rebuilding it in a payload match and it worked really well.
Let'sPlaySomeGames your fucking evil
Paul Deddens what would you call a person who taunts after every kill in tf2 terms?
Though, in defence of the Mantreads, the stacking property does mean it can do trillions of damage.
i swear i was on a server where the opposing teams weapons were all from THIS list, so a Heavy had the chocolate, a Scout had the Wrap assassin, and some stupid Medic had the vita-saw, like... REALLY!!!!????
The Gunslinger is THE MOST BROKEN WEAPON IN TF2. There are SO MANY simple fixes that would un-break it as well. And yet, off all the newer weapons that have been tweaked since they came out, the gunslinger is still the OP scrub-weapon that it was on day-one.
I love using it as well. We all do... But it can bring games on certain maps to an obnoxious grinding halt.
My suggestions for fixes:
1.) Make the mini's hit-box as big as a level 2 sentry. Currently, it's too small and easy to hide for the range/RoF that it has.
2.) The mini-sentry disappears when you kill the engineer. This would apply the same logic to fighting a mini engy that is used when going up against an enemy with a pocket-medic. ALWAYS GO FOR THE MEDIC FIRST, right? Well, in this case, it would be the engy.
3.) Simply decrease mini's range and/or RoF. The mini should be an annoyance, a distraction. Not a guaranteed death-sentence for any class with 125 health. By the time it's starts shooting at you, more often than not, there's not enough time to retreat.
4.) Make it less than %100 accurate. A variation of this idea would be that the mini would keep its perfect accuracy but can't track up or down, only targeting players who are on the same plane as the mini. So, if you're a Scout and a mini starts shooting at you, a quick double-jump would buy you just enough time to escape with your life, which is how minis SHOULD work.
They are far too cheap and quick to build to justify their ability to Swiss-cheese a scout at full health in a matter of seconds. You want that ability? Then build a NORMAL SENTRY.
the problem is that the gunslinger doesn't have any downsides other no lvl 3 sentry. Yes it says no random crits, but that's because every third hit is a guaranteed crit. I like the no up/down track idea, but the disappear on engie death is a bad idea, since the idea behind sentries in general is that they can defend a point/objective without a player being there. A lvl. 3 sentry only needs an engie in case of enemies trying to damage it. The sentry rarely needs the engie's help to kill an enemy player. An idea I had is lowering the damage a mini does per shot.
Why do people complain about camping snipers? Its what the class was made for...
True, but Rabbid is complaining about how the cozy camper used to encourage Snipers to not move at all while aiming, and how it currently has a *huge* downside but no major upsides.
I don't care about the snipers purpose, but it seems like they don't have any weakness.
They do. If they're fighting up close with a class, it's almost guaranteed that the Sniper will die (unless it's a spy)
Or, if they have a huntsman or are just good at the game they can do good up close.
Christian Ward
The huntsman, while better up close, is still fairly easy to dodge if the enemy pays attention to the sniper.
After a recent patch the third degree axe for the pyro could be considered the best weapon in the game, as it has no downsides and only upsides.
but what about the dimondback? you know that spy gun where you gain one grantee crticl hit for ever building your sapped?
Yeah, that's a stupid weapon.
My point exact.
And it sucks that it's a stupid weapon, too, 'cause it looks so nice.
the way i can think to use is in like MVM but even there it kinda sucks...
You kidding? When enemy teams have a ton of Engineer buildings, it's so easy to build up crits. Being able to deal 100+ damage per shot is very useful, and is much easier than attempting to pull headshots like clockworks. Plus, playing spy, you are probably going to be sappin' engineer buildings anyway, so the Diamondback will probably support you much more than you might think. If you want a bad Spy gun, go look at the Enforcer.
...No Pomson hate I see...
At least the Pomson has to hit its target and I know it has infinate amo but at least its not just crit spam like the Frontier justice. Although I do agree it is overpowered.
The Pomsom is a great gun. It just needs a balance nerf. If they removed the sapping Uber from Medics and the projectile hitbox was reduced, it would be fairly balanced. It has 4 shots (compared to a normal 6 shots), infinite shots; it's blasts are projectile/not hitscan, meaning you actually need to aim well and not just fire; and sapping Spy cloak is a wonderful feature, especially against Dead ringer spies.
Of course it gives you 25 extra health. You're expected to see more combat using mini.
I don't see the appeal though. I prefer big sentries.
Those sentrys can kill and if one of em is destroyed boom another one is spawned. These sentrys are mofe for offence than defence
SuperJoshuaAguilar the way mini sentrys target people is if it sees you it take your hit box and fires at targeted players meaning if it fires IT CAN'T MISS while a normal sentry fires in targeted players direction
When I was a noob I always used the sharpened volcanoes fragment,now I despise,the damage.
Yeah, the Gunslinger is pretty broken.
Honestly, it needs a slight nerf... Like maybe getting rid of the boosted health?
Making the shots weaker? Making the minis have less health?
Heck, you didn't even mention the OTHER pro it has. Sure, it's situational, but with 3 hits in a row. The 3rd hit is a crit.
i think the mini-sentries should have mini sight range and decreased damage, the fact that it is a MINI sentry is listed as a downside in the first place, so make it one
Christian McKay As a matter of fact, it IS weaker than a normal Lvl 1 Sentry.
(Correct me if I'm wrong) In return for 50% faster shooting, 35% more turning speed, and being constructed four times as fast, it does about half as much damage and has 100 health, 50 less health than the normal Sentry. Oh, and you can't repair it (However, you can destroy it yourself to rebuild another one if you're safely with a Dispenser while Mini-Camping in a fairly-sized hallway)
Really, they aren't -TOO- much of a problem (Not big enough for you to go Spy just to sap it), as tehy can be mowed down easily. The main problem as to why it considered overpowered, though, is simply because of its size.
If it weren't MINI, people would easily slaughter it down like all of the other sentries because they would much more easily recognize it as an actual OBJECT. However, to the clever minds that can easily spot the aforementioned Mini-Sentry, taking it down should be a breeze.
But hey: If it can fuck with STAR_, it can fuck with anyone. So enjoy~
Christian McKay It already has decreased damage....
Mini sentries have decreased damage by half, but turn twice as fast as a normal sentry, so you can't run around it as scout like you sometimes can with the normal ones. They also only have 100 health and the gunslinger doesn't crit on the third punch anymore. I still think it's op, though, and maybe if they just got rid of the extra health and made the sentry have, say, 3/4 the range of a normal sentry, then it would be balanced. Actually, no: Once you can't use the wrangler with it, it will be a balanced weapon.
Christian McKay I think the mini sentry needs less damage and less ammo as it IS a smaller version it should carry less ammo and yes I would say shorter range is a good addition to the balance list
It is here that rabbidluigi turned into DJ Khaled.
BASE Jumper + Sticky Jumper + Pan = Dominations all over
"And finish them off in one move.." *cuts away before the heavy kills him.
+Why So Serious? Also the reason you don't like the cloak and dagger is because you are using it wrong, the cloak and dagger is powerful in comp for telling your team what the enemy is doing and also when playing gun spy for being able to hide quickly without being instantly killed because your cloak has run out.
I love being able to rename weapons #TheCloakandDoNothing
Don't take the piss out of my favorite cloak m80
The only good thing about the CnD is spamming "that Engineer's a spy" on turtling engies
>enter engie camp while under CnD
>disguise as scout
>spam x+5
You think the Gunslinger's annoying? Wait till they pair it with the Frontier Justice.
Did you say the WOMBO COMBO
huffpuff1337 Yup
or what about
You're a genius
Why do people keep hating on the mini sentries/gun slinger. THEY are not OP. Demomen and Soldiers weilding wreck battle engis fast and the ability to plop down 2 of them isnt as op as people are saying for the huge dpm drop. and 25 health isn't that much more health than a standard engi
Its still annoying AS crap tho
cd234ftw Annoying doesn't equal OP. It shouldn't be nerfed just because its Annoying. Its balanced allready
well it IS difficult to spot in maps with loads of details
poisonduck P still isnt OP
Jeffery Fishman Not OP, but fustrating to fight.
The _Expensive_ Axtinguisher?
lol thats funny i never noticed that
Why isn't the Razorback on this list? All it does is protect you from 1 backstab, but the spy could just shoot you rendering it useless
Nope. It can not shoot ya, cuz he can't switch weapons for 2 secs.
Craftián, a commander He means that you dont stab the razerback but just end up shootin the damn sniper
Craftián, a commander
Instead of stabbing, I just shoot the Sniper three times for an auto kill. Not like the Sniper has enough time to react, since he's scoped in and I'm right in his face so I can't miss a shot.
***** No. When in your POV, the only weapon switching you hear is your own. The only way you can tell a class has switched weapon is viewpoints, which the Sniper is probably going to be zoomed in; so by the time he realizes there is a Spy preparing his Revolver; 1 shot, 2 shots, DEAD. Or, 1 Crit, Dead.
The only practical use for the Razorback is to give the YER Spies the middle finger, because they literally can't do anything; if they shoot, they lose their hard earned disguise. If they backstab, they lose it and reveal themselves.
No, you cannot, but did you know, that spies can mimic that? (change your weapons and then press b).
cozy camper is good for counter sniping, if they bodyshot you while you're trying to headshot you don't mess up your shot Dalokahs would be used much more if dropable
If they miss your head while you are wearing it, you don't need the cozy camper to snipe that noob...
The skill in the ullapool caber is found when you think about it; getting to the person to blow them up. Demoman is the third slowest class, and a soldier would probably rocket jump out of the way and a heavy would have you dead before you can get to him.
I dont mean this to be spam or anything, but i think this for each weapon you disliked.
Soldier:Kinda disagree.
Scout:Completely disagree.
Demoman:Kinda disagree.
Spy:Completely disagree.
Sniper:I have mild feelings.
Pyro:Comepletely Agree.
Engineer: As you said.Love using it.Hate other ppl using it.
Its just my opinion.
I was going to rip on your judgement for these, but I saw you say "Its just my opinion." I will respect you for that.
If the gunslinger wasn't here, i hope he would have picked the short circuit.
it least favorite, not least fun. its just fun walking up to people and zappin' dem.
Adison Greenwood The short circuit counters literally every class that threatened the engy before, Soldier, Demo And huntsman sniper
SirTypeAlot The spy said hello.
you are not using the cloak and dagger right
I'm pretty sure standing still is the only way you can use the Cloak ad Dagger.
The big massive game changing thing about the Gunslinger is that Direct Hit Sollys can instantly destroy your Mini, rocket jump to you, and kill you in two shots. People complain about Minis because they must not know how to switch to a Mini counter class, like Solly, Demo, hell; even Huntsman Sniper.
We need update where you can do stuff like have a mini sentry leve 3were it has 3 mini guns on it
Dying in tf2 is ok because them item finds.
The phlogistonator needs to be on this list
Trent Petersen *reads no airblast* Yup pyro is useless now
Hellknight Of Burrito's But Phlog encourages W+M1, which is a bullshit easy tactic that works
Trent Petersen airblast works on it
+Trent Petersen The original TF2 flame thrower also encouraged w + m1. But you had to do it very stealthy from the flanks since it's so weak
+Trent Petersen I call it: The Noobgistinator. The thing that I HATE about the phlogger is the fact that it encourages people to be w+m1 noobs >:(
The main downside to the Gunslinger is the Red Tape Recorder. It takes awhile to destroy the sentry meaning they can't just build a new one straight away, and they can't venture too far away from it.
Caber was fun to mess around with, but now it was nerfed so much it is totaly useless ;__;
Yeah healthy like a shotgun, i tried to eat my shotgun once and... lets just said we had to change the toiled after i drop the dunk
The Vita-Saw is good with the overdose if you're being a combat medic.
Not neccesarily, combat medics can regen health, help their teammates in a snap, and kill a couple enemies. It's just a different way to play medic.
***** That implies that medic shouldn't ever attack ever, which is the complete opposite of the truth.
Here is how a medic scene should go down
*threat incoming*
*patient dead*
*kill threat*
Get outta here!!!!
christopher renfroe You really dont care for your team. Go play CoD if you're going to pull that. Having the only medic on the team never heal anyone is a frustrating experience.
I always use the crusaders crossbow, the quick fix and the conscientious objector. The first two just for healing I don't really use uber. And the sign because beating someone to death with a picture of a medic celebrating Oktoberfest is really satisfying.
Cloak and dagger can be a great, great escape, or if you're co-ordinated with your team camp in an engi base until engi leaves/team needs that sap.
Also, caber is relatively hard to use if people know they exist, as they are on the lookout for for flying demoes, and I've had a few real good pyros juggle me into the heavy after my stickyjump.
never knew catbug liked tf2
I prefer sugarpeas, but tf2 is nice tftoo!
Geometry Dash Catbug Cloack and Dagger is the worst watch in my opinion. Why? Because instead of being helpful and kill medics, snipers and heavys you are just there being useless and waiting
Waiting for an opportune moment to strike, you mean? Sometimes the best thing to do is just find a good place, wait for a high priority target to walk by (medic, heavy, demo, soldier, pyro if you're good) and then stab the ever loving shit out of them. That seems pretty useful ._.
Geometry Dash Catbug But you would be more usefull for your team if you don't stay in the same spot just waiting and losing opportunities to backstab
Don't agree with #6 I would have put the Big Earner up instead. The C&D is good.
_Underscore_ In my opinion is the worst watch
It may be the worst watch in your opinion, but it isn't. And there are far worse weapons that could be in that place, like the big earner mentioned earlier, or the Kunai.
Colonel Crow With the C&D you must play very slowly and the stock watch it's much better to get behind the enemy because you can spend more time cloacked and pick up ammo drops
shipu302 #Contente Stock watch is for playing offensive, the C&D is for playing defensive. Just let 'em run on past you
Colonel Crow But if they see you while using the C&D you're dead
And another one.
And another one
(Let's chain this!)
and another one!
+Firstname LastnamAnd another one.
***** and another one
And another one
Eating sandwiches while on fire.
Pyros cannot burn me, I'm already ablaze with passion FOR WAR!
puts em out ya dingus
no they don't put out fires (if you are not getting it given to via throwing) it just gives health and saves you from afterburn
huo-long-heater heavies are the same
after hearing your description of the gunslinger i instantly loved the weapon
"Brilliantly balanced gameplay"
*cough cough* w+m1 phlog pyros
Cough cough spammy soldiers
vita-saw is the best medic melee for competetive play/HL
+Per Permert Ubersaw is better
+Per Permert Agree , it was banned from the competitive play , so that must mean it is op
+Rhinosaurus it's because they want medics to start out with the same advantages. Having 20% at the start is probably too hard for some to begin with. Maybe there needs to be a saw with a health bonus that could rival the ubersaw because they're NEVER gonna change that.
The Vita-Saw is banned because it gives too great an advantage for too little payment. Basically, competitive matches revolve around the medic's uber mechanic. In these matches, seconds matter. Saving 20% uber is about a 16 second head start on the clock if both medics die at the same time. That is absolutely HUGE.
sharpened vulcano fragment is very good when u are playing cp_degrootkeep :D cuz everyone is just gonna die from the afterburn XD
Unless there a Medic healing them with the taunt, or a weapon that gain health on kill.
Shinigami Sama Or a Demo with a Charge N' Targe...
Jakob Torrieri That too. Or just another Pyro in general.
Plus if you really want to set people on fire on that map, just go Huntsman and light your arrow with the torches. It deal much more damage and you are safer anyway.
Those damn torches ruin all the fun :c
Jakob Torrieri Yeah, every time i was on a roll dominating people in manly melee duel....a random fire arrow hit me in the knee. But hey, it wasn't a headshot so i'll live right?
After-burn: Nope.avi
Also, the C&D gives spy the ability to scout indefinitely, which is perfect on competitive servers, as you can forward your team on engi nest locations during a push.
Now do your top 9 hats
holy shit iam in this video :3
you are
Actually, if you crouch down and walk with the Cloak and Dagger you don't lose any cloak.
Is that supposed to make it better? I mean, I can understand if you're trolling engies or playing turbine. ESPECIALLY on turbine since there's no fu**ing metal lying around.
You can run and quickly crouch down in place to make it regenerate faster. It is also good for getting to a needed point slower but, without any trouble. It is good if you use it smartly.
Vector Silver you do lose cloak its just not as fast
Really slow
Not really. If you use strategy to it, it works great.
I know this is his opinion but I personally love the C&D. It went from running around invisible to short sprints from cover to cover which can either make or break your objective
R.I.P caber it sucks now wtf!!!
I've never used it before. Why does it suck now?
Chozo Hunter it does as much dmg as a regular pill (100 or so)with you taking a lot of dmg
before it did 120-125 i think
luka tosic Ah, OK. Thanks. :)
Chozo Hunter np man everything for a community member
+luka tosic less than that. I think it does closer to 70-80
ahem, thee words: fan o'war
Shut Up, Fan o'war is an amazing weapon, not for out putting damage by can hit someone with it, like a heavy and leave or shoot him with guaranteed mini-crits.
***** thats a pretty hypothetical situation...
jimmy jordan better weapons do the same damn thing what's your point
Fan 'War is good with flying guillotine...
jimmy jordan Crit a cola is a lot a like.
And another one and another one And another one and another one And another one and another one
How to use wrap assasin: Mad milk then shoot ball. This'll help massively when fighting a demo or someone who can deal some more damage to you because you heal a little over time and it works when there are no health packs
I played with crash override he is actually hacks it with sniper he gets infinite charge on sniper !!!
Let's hope that now, his account has received a VAC ban.
Who is crash override?
A hacker
Kinda pathetic to hack tf2
He also automatically locks on to you
The intro is way too long. 26 seconds is overkill.
No flinching is quite good as it lets you aim shots whilst taking damage. Many times there has been a heavy that sees me the sniper, I try and line up a headshot as that will probably kill him then I get flinched over and over by his minigun.
I heard a very useful way to change the Sharpened Volcano Fragment. Give it the Axtinguisher's effect and make the Axtinguisher inflict bleeding, which stacks with afterburn. Given the Axtinguisher has barbed wiring, it makes sense it would bleed.
Sharpened volcano fragment is an awesome weapon, not only does it look fucking awesome, but, when you run out out out of ammo with pyro, which happens a lot, you can hit someone and then flare them. Works great
I think most Pyros prefer to find an ammo box, go back to using the flamethrower (with its high DPS and airblasting), and save the melee slot for something less redundant.
the volcano fragment is for pyros in medieval mode and, on the bigger maps, flanking around to the enemy spawn to get in their grill.
the gunslinger and the shotgun that gives you crit for kills on a killed sentry is hands down my favorite setup ingame.
The whole point of the cloak and dagger is to wait for that perfect situation where you walk u behind a medic and get a backstab or if your in a hot situation and can't move because of all then enemies around you think clock and dagger lets you wait to the perfect moment to strike
The problem with not taking fall damage with the mantreads is that how the mantreads calculate the amount of damage you do if you land on them. It takes the fall damage you would have taken, multiplies it by 3, and then deals the total to the victim as damage. So taking out fall damage would be they'd have to re-engineer it, and I don't see how they can do that in a properly, directly proportional, scaled matter.
in all fairness the cloak and dagger has its uses. mainly in competitive play mind you. watch almost any highlander match and the spy usually starts with the cloak and dagger and relays info to his team while staying invisible. that's really its only practical use but, like you said, you can annoy the hell out of people with it as well
How to give the SVF a boost:
1. Ignites pyros with the axe.
2. More afterburn damage.
3. Hitting an object/player ignites everyone near said object/player.
Wrap Assassin is meant to be used with crit-builds. Hence the bleeding damage on ornament hits.