How to Talk About the Trinity and avoid Heresy w/

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @Wisdomforthechurch
    @Wisdomforthechurch  3 місяці тому +1

    For more information regarding Keith’s ministry, visit his website:
    Also, check out his article on the atonement here:

  • @Wisdomforthechurch
    @Wisdomforthechurch  3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for watching, and Subscribe if the content is helpful!

  • @dw469
    @dw469 3 місяці тому +1

    Keep that good content coming

  • @SSNBN777
    @SSNBN777 2 місяці тому

    The Trinity comes from ancient alchemy’s “One Essence and Three Substances”. It even uses the triangle symbol to represent God, which is the millennia old “Triquetra”, the pagan symbol that believes life is about an interconnectedness of three. The pagan gods, who most often come in three, don't mimic the Triune God, the pagan Triquetra, and alchemy, was brought into the church and state religion that began forming in earnest - yes - with Emperor Constantine (denying and mocking the truth doesn't cause it to become a lie, it's still truth), and resulted in the great falling away known as the Roman Catholic Babylonian religion. Jesus WAS God, the Word - my beef is with calling another spirit the Holy Spirit, as if Almighty God, the one true God, the only Holy Spirit, has a duplicate. Jesus told us who the Holy Spirit is. The Father is the Holy Spirit:
    Luke 10:21 NASB95
    At that very time *_He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit,_*_ and said, _*_"I praise You, O Father,_* …
    In a MacArthur's Legacy Bible Book of Acts footnote, it claims Ananias and Sapphira lied to the same God “Yahweh” found in the Old Testament Book of Judges 3:10, which is the Father - *_they did not lie to a Third Person:_*
    Acts 5:9 LSB
    Then Peter said to her, “Why is it that you have agreed together to put *_the Spirit of the Lord_* to the test? …
    Judges 3:10 LSB
    *_And the Spirit of Yahweh came upon him,_* and he judged Israel. …
    Where is the Third Person of a Trinity ever in relationship with the Father and Son anywhere in Scripture?
    - Why didn't the Apostle Paul name God as all three: Father, Son and Holy Ghost, instead of proclaiming God to be only “God, the Father”, or “God and Father”, meaning only the Father is God? My Roman Catholic indoctrination growing up insisted on praying to a Trinity, but I couldn't find it in my New Testament. Why didn't the Apostles simply write it out?
    - Why did Jesus say only He alone knows the Father, and only the Father alone knows the Son. Where's the third person? (Luke 10:22)
    - Why did Jesus say He is the only one who has come down from Heaven if all three must be present at the same time? God, the Father, was in Christ, a Third Person was not. (John 3:13)
    - Why did Jesus say only two bear witness - Himself and His Father - and not three bear witness?
    (1John 5:7, in the KJV, is not found in the earliest manuscripts, but discovered in the 16th century, thus it has been deemed too suspect to be added by almost all other Bible translations. Good for them).
    - Why did Jesus say only He and the Father are one? (John 10:30)
    - Why did Jesus pray for Believers to be one with He and the Father, and not one with the three of them? (John 17:21)
    - If God's image in mankind is two persons in a holy union of one flesh, why isn't the Godhead likewise two Persons in a holy union of one Spirit?
    If the Spirit upon the water in Gen 1:2 is the Third Person of a Trinity, then God created the world by and for the Third Person, and not by and through the Word (the preexistent Jesus Christ).
    - Why does John the Apostle claim our fellowship is ONLY with the Father and the Son and not with three persons? (1John 1:3)
    - Why is it antichrist to deny only the Father and Son, and not antichrist to deny the Trinity? (1John 2:22)
    - Why did the Disciples/Apostles disobey God (Matt 28:19) and only baptize in the single name of Jesus? Could it be because “in the name of” actually means “in the authority of” and Jesus has the authority of all three names - the Father was in Him and gave all His authority to Him, He is also the Son having all authority in heaven and earth, and Jesus is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, according to His own words (John 14:21; 14:23), and Paul's (2Cor 3:17; 13:5).
    Matthew 28:19 NASB95
    Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    - Why is there never an appearance of a Third Person on the Throne of God anywhere in Scripture - but only the Father and Son/Lamb are there?
    How is it even possible that Apostle John failed to include the Third Person as true God and eternal life? He would have been anathema to the other Apostles, if there was a Trinity.
    1 John 5:20 NASB95
    And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that *_we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life._*
    There is no Trinity because there is no Third Person. There is only the Father (the one original, immortal, invisible Holy Spirit) and His Son, the ONLY Begotten, (the ONLY biological) Son of God who changed form from invisible Spirit to a human man. That makes them equal in Divinity, but not equal in authority. Jesus was given all authority, He's not the source, since He became flesh. When He Returns, He will give the authority back to His Father (1Cor 15:28). They share the same Spirit, they always have, and that Spirit is the Most High God, not another spirit or person distinctly different. God is a Spirit, whom only the Son knows, and only the Father knows the Son, and ONLY the Son reveals the Father. The Spirit of Christ is that Holy Spirit sent from God to be our Helper. (Acts 2:32-33; 2Cor 3:17; 13:5)
    When reading the words of Christ, don't block out from your eyes that most often Jesus spoke “in the third person” when referencing Himself; He never spoke about there being a third person (see John 3:16; 4:10).
    The Apostle John emulated Jesus by also referring to himself “in the third person”, for instance calling himself “the Disciple whom Jesus loved” instead of saying "Jesus loved me” in the first person. It's more humble to refer to oneself “in the third person”.
    Matthew 11:27 NASB95
    All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and *_no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son,_* and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
    1 Corinthians 12:7 KJV
    But *_the manifestation of the Spirit_* is given to every man to profit withal.
    John 14:21 KJV
    … he it is that loveth me: … *_I will manifest myself to him._*
    1 Corinthians 2:11 GNT
    *_It is only our own spirit within us_* that knows all about us; *_in the same way, only God's Spirit knows all about God._*

  • @Merrick
    @Merrick 3 місяці тому

    Since it's not in the Bible isn't the idea of the Trinity itself heretical?

    • @Wisdomforthechurch
      @Wisdomforthechurch  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you for your comment. It is the very idea itself that is clearly presented in Scripture. The word trinity not being used does not invalidate the fact that God exists, as we see in Scripture, eternally in three persons (which we use Trinity to describe) Believing a truth does not exist because a certain label is not used is the word/concept fallacy.

  • @cc3775
    @cc3775 3 місяці тому +1

    The trinity is unbiblical nonsense. No one in scripture ever teaches or makes the case for a trinity or triune god. Jesus is pretty clear who the only true God is. Paul echos the same thing when we says we have one God the Father. Peter also said it best in acts 2:22 that Jesus is a man attested to by God whom God worked through.

    • @Wisdomforthechurch
      @Wisdomforthechurch  3 місяці тому

      I appreciate you watching and taking the time to comment. God reveals Himself in the Bible to exist in three persons. The Son if fully divine, for example, but He is clearly not the Father nor the Spirit.

    • @cc3775
      @cc3775 3 місяці тому

      @@Wisdomforthechurch the Father who alone is God never revealed himself to exist as three persons. Not once taught in the book of Acts which covers 30 years of the 1st century church. I’ll stick to who Jesus says God is.

    • @hcho7776
      @hcho7776 3 місяці тому

      The beauty of man, created in the Living Image of God, is indescribable
      Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 @ 15:05
      My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Beloved Mother was chosen by God to herald the Coming of the Messiah so, too, is she being called to prepare humanity for My Second Coming.
      She has been elevated into the highest Hierarchy in Heaven and has been accorded great powers by My Eternal Father. Nevertheless, she remains as was then, and as is now, and always will be, a devoted and humble servant of God. She serves Him in His Plan to raise man to the perfect state in which he was meant to be.
      The beauty of man, created in the Living Image of God, is indescribable. No man, woman or child on this earth can match that, which was created when God brought forth Adam and Eve. Sin was their downfall and Lucifer their enemy. Then, this perfect state was destroyed. Stained by sin, man will never regain this perfect state again until the serpent, and all those who worship him are banished. Until that day comes, the beauty of the human body and soul will remain tarnished.
      Man is God’s greatest love. The angels are His servants in that they, too, must show love for God’s Creatures. God’s Love for His family supersedes all that He created and, until He regains the souls of His children, He will never rest. God permits many sufferings, humiliations and tragedies, all of which are caused by the hatred of the one whom He held in the highest regard - the former Archangel Lucifier, who became Satan. Fallen because of his jealousy, pride and self-love, he caused My Father the greatest pain imaginable. And today, just as it was then, he still does the same.
      My Father’s loyal angels, all the saints and My beloved Mother, have formed a bond, which can never be broken. Whatever My Father dictates is carried out by His Elite Hierarchy. He is never questioned. Whatever My Father desires, is the correct way and the most powerful way. It is the way in which the human race can be saved from the curse of the evil one. That is His prerogative. No one would ever dare to question Him. In His Final Plan, the final stage in which He will bring His Plan of Salvation to an end, He will intervene in many ways.
      My Mother’s title, ‘The Mother of Salvation’, the final one given to her by the Eternal Father, God the Most High, is no accident. She was sent to warn the world and prepare it for the final onslaught against the human race by the evil one. She has been accorded this task and I ask that you accept this, and respond to her call for prayer at all times.
      The Holy Trinity will bring about many Blessings to those who respond to this, the final mission, from Heaven - the Mission of Salvation. Accept, with thanks that such favour has been shown to humanity with love and graciousness of heart.
      Your Beloved Jesus

    • @asetr3w45
      @asetr3w45 3 місяці тому

      ​@@cc3775 whos john 1:1 referring to?

    • @cc3775
      @cc3775 3 місяці тому

      @@asetr3w45 not who, what. John 1:1 is about the logos of God.