Evangelical Spandex at the Gym | Doug Wilson

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • In this No Quarter November episode of Blog & Mablog, Pastor Doug Wilson discusses evangelical hoochie mamas and their gym spandex
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  • @ter8330
    @ter8330 Рік тому +257

    What's weird to me is how many years I have been in the church and why the literal hell no one talks about OBESITY?

    • @wojak91
      @wojak91 Рік тому +75

      Ah, gluttony. one of our culture's acceptable sins.

    • @Thunderlord1738
      @Thunderlord1738 Рік тому +37

      Michael Brown is a charismatic who realized this and actually did something against this common double standard. He's lost a ton of weight

    • @Richardcontramundum
      @Richardcontramundum Рік тому +33

      I've heard it. Sin is sin. But gluttony and tight scandalous clothing are 2 accepted sins

    • @philly9701
      @philly9701 Рік тому +11

      You mean gluttony? And making an idol out of food? And not actually being overweight

    • @typeaboutit
      @typeaboutit Рік тому +17

      Do you mean gluttony? Obesity and gluttony are not the same thing...

  • @james7188
    @james7188 Рік тому +46

    Wow, no wonder Pastor Doug is so hated. I have never once heard a sermon preached at any church I've attended about how women should behave a certain way. Instead, it's always men should do better. Most pastors are too afraid of their wives & women in general to touch this sacred cow.

    • @recalltolife3478
      @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +1

      @@Charles.WrightPlease give that same advice to Doug.

    • @Michele-hd1uh
      @Michele-hd1uh Рік тому +2

      Of course with many women leading families in some churches, why would the pastor want to offend them? ($$$$$$)

    • @pappasc79
      @pappasc79 Рік тому +2

      Brother you articulated that perfectly!! And it's something that's been bothering me for years that the "church" looks the other way when women engage in this behavior but blame the men for everything

    • @ShannanLee
      @ShannanLee Рік тому +1

      The pastor does ar my church but then again we are a apostolic church. We don't wear pants except under skirts.

    • @brich2542
      @brich2542 Рік тому +1

      It makes you unpopular

  • @noblegamer8740
    @noblegamer8740 Рік тому +101

    This is one of the reasons why I love the benchpress. Also one of the reasons why my wife wants us to get a home gym.

    • @YSLRD
      @YSLRD Рік тому +2

      Here we go. Obesity and gluttony aren't synonyms. I lost 70 lbs after decades of trying by changing WHAT I eat, not HOW MUCH.
      And encouraging physical health from the pulpit is OK, but few pastors know enough about it to teach it.

    • @davidwilson410
      @davidwilson410 Рік тому +1

      Buy a Power Rack if you want to really lift.

    • @rebirthofgodrics907
      @rebirthofgodrics907 Рік тому +5

      @@YSLRD when this guy even mention gluttony….or obesity…

    • @ter8330
      @ter8330 Рік тому

      DO IT!

    • @georgechristiansen6785
      @georgechristiansen6785 Рік тому +1

      ​You ate less calories BY changing what you ate.
      You ate less calories BY changing what you ate.
      This has been proven in every single ward study ever.

  • @JR-rs5qs
    @JR-rs5qs Рік тому +12

    Been thinking of wearing a shirt at the gym that says: Cover up, ladies. I'm not your husband.

  • @elib9002
    @elib9002 Рік тому +76

    This is legit.
    Something that very seriously troubles me at pretty much every church I've been to. Where have all the good pastors gone?

    • @ahabion
      @ahabion Рік тому +1

      Where all the dumb sheep are.

    • @davidbowick7830
      @davidbowick7830 Рік тому +5

      Part of having good pastors is having good discipline for them as well. That's why there are qualifications for pastors, and it says that as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. I wouldn't feel wrong at all biblically speaking to call out a pastor in private, or in public in the rare case that it's particularly egregious and unrepentant. The problem in this lies with the fact that there is in large part a culture of not questioning pastors, which is unbilical.

    • @Greasy__Bear
      @Greasy__Bear Рік тому +3

      To seminary were common sense is beat out of them. Or they join one of the two oldest denominations.

    • @elib9002
      @elib9002 Рік тому +2

      To be fair, I should caveat the issue with culture.
      The problem still remains the same though. Good pastors and followers of Christ are supposed to have their own culture. A culture of Christ, which shuns the untruthful ways and works of the flesh and of its gods. Somewhere we (Christianity in general) dropped the ball big time.

    • @elib9002
      @elib9002 Рік тому +1


  • @LRibeiro97
    @LRibeiro97 Рік тому +8

    Not only the content of this is GOLD.
    The manner in which Doug presents it, simulating situations is far more precious than rubys. Insanely wise and smart.

  • @fathermoses1000
    @fathermoses1000 Рік тому +24

    I attended a college (probably like most colleges nowadays) where it wasn't just the gym--young ladies EVERYWHERE, from the gym to the cafeteria to the hard science classes, were wearing the exact sort of bottoms you describe.
    What I found was that I needed a new tier, if you will, to my approach. A new defensive boundary that exists entirely _in addition to_ simply not looking. Mainly because fighting a constant battle against the urge to see what was in front of me would merely make me miserable all the time (either because I was constantly struggling or because I had fallen short), but also because not looking where you're going is generally frowned upon in a lunch room where people are carrying hot food everywhere.
    The new tier--the second line of defense that alleviated some level of pressure on the first so that it was not always at the breaking point--was in the MENTAL habits. As I said some time ago when the topic of modesty came up here, I came to realize that the sin of lust is the sin of desiring something that it is not right for you to have. I have now realized that it is entirely possible, through CONSISTENT mental discipline, to build a habit of NOT reflexively following up the thought of "She's beautiful" (or even "She's sexy") with the thought of "Oh, the things I'd like to do to her!" In other words, to make a habit out of NOT automatically moving from noticing (or even internally acknowledging the attractiveness of) her bones, to thinking about the act of jumping them. And specifically about MY desire to do so.
    This may sound like wishful thinking, but in fact you do it all the time: Think about the last time a modestly-dressed-but-very-cute waitress served you (and, if married, your wife) at a restaurant. I can say with 100% certainty that you noticed she was cute, but there's a good chance that your thoughts did not go from there to thinking about wanting to HAVE her. If you were not acutely tempted to take that next step in your mind (perhaps _because_ you have previously exercised your mental discipline numerous times to avoid doing so), you probably did not feel like you were locked in a battle over looking at vs. away from her face. The lack of such a pitched battle actually probably made it easier NOT to look at her face (though you might not have even been thinking about trying to look away...or should I say BECAUSE you might not have even been thinking about trying).
    What I'm saying here is that while I wouldn't suggest that you rely entirely on this tactic (it's an _additional_ line of defense, remember?), I now believe that it's very helpful to practice treating the sight of a cute butt in the same way you treat the sight of a cute face--at least in the sense of practicing not turning the internal acknowledgment that it's cute into the thought of something more.

    • @fathermoses1000
      @fathermoses1000 Рік тому +2

      p.s. I don't see this necessarily as a woman-specific issue: If our culture gave men permission to dress just as immodestly as it permits women to do (and some cultures do this, just not mainstream American culture), we would be responsible for dressing ourselves with decorum just as much as women. It's just that when culture sets a much lower bar for women than for men, if you hold both sexes to a consistent standard of modesty (or at least equivalent standards that pertain to each sex's anatomy), you end up cutting out a lot more outfits from one sex's wardrobe than the other's.

    • @Lethargo226
      @Lethargo226 Рік тому +3

      First, you can remain calm. There is nothing with finding any number of women attractive. The first response to a woman's beauty is no different than the impulse you get when you see a striking sunset, or glorious clouds or images of the universe. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with taking pleasure in enjoying these beauties of nature, including the loveliness of women, because they are products of God's creativity.
      What I do is elevate the Glory of God. Glorify God through what you see with your eyes. The monalisa is a nice painting in the louvre in france, and people pay to see it. How much more glorious then are the real living women who each have souls and minds and are beautiful in so many different ways? God is truly great!!! Give God the glory for making all things well, then go about your day.
      Moreover, I would argue that men are just as immodest as women, if not more so. Indeed, the immodesty women display now is a result of the sin of men, and the women are sinfully following their lead. If every man committed himself to honouring God with his desires, what choices would women have beyond those afforded to them by the men around them?

    • @puttervids472
      @puttervids472 Рік тому +8

      @@fathermoses1000 I agree right up to the last part.
      Good Women don’t desire men the same way we desire women. As in visually. Married men know this is true. When you love with a women , she will make it painfully clear that she does not want to see your junk daily ( to be blunt ). Most men however would gladly review their wives business daily if allowed. Even as she ages etc. we crave the female form. It’s just nature. It’s how reproduction is achieved. If that drive didn’t exist , men wouldn’t chase women. No chance.
      So women dressing that way are taking advantage of that drive to inflate her ego. Period. My grandfather used to say “ women will show you 3/4 of their Breast. But ask to see the last 1/4 and YOURE the pervert. Explain that logic to me “? He said this while explaining to me the double standard women get to live by. Well. In my lifetime they’re taken it to the extreme.
      I’m a relatively good looking guy. Tall (6-3) and always fit. At 42 I’ve been offered more tail than most men have ever seen. And I absolutely hate woman who are that forward. And I’ll go out of my way to not interact with that women again . I have a local post office , auto parts store and now a auto paint store that I won’t go back into. And loose women are the reason. I am clearly married (21 years ) and am not flirty. I’m actually quite introverted. Women have simply lost their minds. And are taking over roles of men.

    • @onceinawhile7
      @onceinawhile7 Рік тому +2

      Thank you, I personally see nothing wrong with admiring and acknowledging an attractive human form, male or female but that does not have to translate to lust unless you don’t have a guard. And if a thought comes up, we do have control over our will to linger over it or not

    • @fathermoses1000
      @fathermoses1000 Рік тому +1

      @@Lethargo226 I agree that it's possible to appreciate a woman's beauty in a non-sexual way (after all, I did notice it well before I was old enough to be sexually attracted to women). I just wanted to be cautious in the way that I present this idea because it would be easy for some to read it as a license to play around on the edge of actual lust.

  • @geneticsmatter3834
    @geneticsmatter3834 Рік тому +39

    It’s not just at the gym. It’s everywhere. The phemales in our nation are constantly showcasing their behinds to the public, and I’ve had enough.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Рік тому

      lmao what are you going to do about it?!

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 Рік тому +4

      Yup. Literally everywhere in socal. Doesnt seem nearly as bad in middle America though.

    • @geneticsmatter3834
      @geneticsmatter3834 Рік тому +2

      @@aallen5256 I audibly spit right as I pass by them, I'll complain to a supervisor if it's some waitress in one's that are just obscenely tight and thin, I'll treat them with general contempt if I'm forced to converse with one of them, I'll tell them "cover up" as I drive past them, and above all I will not look at them with lust in my heart for one second.

    • @jordantheriverman6143
      @jordantheriverman6143 Рік тому +1

      @@geneticsmatter3834 Brother, you cant let yourself be embittered like that. There's a right and wrong way to respond. Remember that they are created in the image of God.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Рік тому

      @@geneticsmatter3834 I hadn’t realised you were a Karen!! The confused white nationalism and small-mindedness makes much more sense now.

  • @danielwatts796
    @danielwatts796 Рік тому +37

    That opening scenario is more real than you know Doug. My go to is to take off my glasses. Chronic short sightedness can be a blessing. What I wouldn't do for a male only gym though

    • @Tryntius
      @Tryntius Рік тому +1

      While technically not male only, I would imagine the gyms that cater to the true muscle heads draw few females. Just a guess though.
      An all male planet fitness type would probably be sodomite land...

    • @rooster555555
      @rooster555555 Рік тому +1

      Yea we need male gyms

    • @benhur6211
      @benhur6211 Рік тому +1


    • @watch7966
      @watch7966 Рік тому

      I agree sir. Male only gyms should exist.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому +3

      Sounds like you only want to watch men work out

  • @bethbrown7566
    @bethbrown7566 Рік тому +10

    Thank you for addressing this issue.

  • @Itsme-ct6nn
    @Itsme-ct6nn Рік тому +6

    If I shared this on my Christian women’s groups I would be chastised for days and they would say all sorts of nasty things about Doug. We are to be set apart. Instead we insist on looking like the world. 😞

    • @dk4232
      @dk4232 Рік тому

      Well said. Set apart is what we're missing in the modern church. And millions will go to hell within and without because of it

    • @MeTuLHeD
      @MeTuLHeD Рік тому

      It's amazing isn't it,? My wife created a massive firestorm of controversy among the women of our former church my teaching a class of young girls about modesty.

    • @taraolson5870
      @taraolson5870 Рік тому

      Just be bold, Jesus was!

  • @DarthBalsamic
    @DarthBalsamic Рік тому +60

    Lol...Am I the only one who chuckled through this entire thing?!
    Funny stuff, but definitely worthy of discussion. This is why I'm not at the gym. I have my own set-up at the house. When I'm married the wife can walk around in all the spandex she wants when we work out together. Problem solved.

    • @noblegamer8740
      @noblegamer8740 Рік тому +5

      My wife has been wanting me to get our own gym for months now. This was the final piece of convincing I needed.

    • @toughbiblepassages9082
      @toughbiblepassages9082 Рік тому +3

      I started laughing at the “pole dancer” free show response of the young lad. Doug just reads this stuff so blandly.. it could be so hilarious if delivered with some more animation.

    • @spartanlh
      @spartanlh Рік тому +5

      Literally 1/3 of the reason I have my home gym. The other 2/3s being not having to worry about masks and convenience.

    • @gandalfthegrey2171
      @gandalfthegrey2171 Рік тому +1

      Host a weekly muscle pit. Invite Christian men over. It's what my husband does. 100% recommend.

  • @jdm11060
    @jdm11060 Рік тому +20

    I stopped going to the gym and public beaches for this reason. Guard your eyes, brothers. Better to cut them out then to let them draw you to sin.

    • @recalltolife3478
      @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +1

      Good for you brother. And yet sadly many reformed people would say you are being pietistic.

    • @roryhand6650
      @roryhand6650 Рік тому +1

      Problem is some women dress in similar (if not quite as bad) tight outfits at the Sunday morning service.

    • @jdm11060
      @jdm11060 Рік тому +2

      @@roryhand6650 it's definitely a subject of sin that ought to be covered from there pulpit. I don't see a huge difference between yoga pants and tight jeans, which are usually a spandex blend so it can be intentionally form fitting. The cultures influence is particularly dangerous when it's largely unrecognized and/or ignored.

    • @keithentz5635
      @keithentz5635 Рік тому

      In Matthew 5 Jesus was using hyperbole. He does not intend for you to rip out your eyes, nor to cut off your hands, nor to turn to help someone strike you on the side of your face they have not yet struck. He was not advocating self-harm. His point was that the pharisees, who thought they were blameless before the law, were still unable to be as holy as our heavenly Father, and so they were still all going to need Him to die as a substitutionary sacrifice for their failure to be as holy as God.
      Looking at a woman is not the same as adultery. He said the adultery is already in our hearts. That's why you looked at another man's wife in the first place. But it ain't no big thang! He was just saying that even if you plucked out your eyes, and cut off your hands, and let people beat you up all the time, you'd still be a guilty sinner in need of His salvation. He didn't intend for you to do those things or to actually be as holy as your heavenly Father. Like the law, His purpose was to show them their need of a savior, not to advocate self-harm, or to execute men as adulterers just for looking, nor even to create a doctrine of pacifism towards tyrants. Most folks just wrongly imagine a humorless Jesus, who wouldn't ever use sarcasm or hyperbole.

    • @jdm11060
      @jdm11060 Рік тому

      @@keithentz5635 Was both Paul and Peter telling slaves to obey and honor their slave masters hyperbole? Was Paul telling us to submit to and pray for governing authorities hyperbole? Are Christians really aloud to use violence against tyrants? Why didn't Paul in the face of Nero? I would argue you have a very dangerous hermeneutical approach. I do agree that Jesus is being hyperbolic in telling us to gouge out our eyes. I was using it as a euphemism to encourage us men to act in obedience with sexual purity in mind, not encouraging physical self-harm. That's a strawman, because I have a hard time believing that's what your actually thought I was doing. The matter of the heart is what matters most to God. So, no, and with all due respect, to "check out" another woman as a married man is a very serious 'thang.' The fact we can't perfectly prevent ourselves from being adulterers at heart does not mean we shouldn't try our best to abstain from it.

  • @britterz483
    @britterz483 Рік тому +8

    Thank you Doug Wilson!!!

  • @AlixPrappas
    @AlixPrappas Рік тому +110

    Thank you for speaking about this and showing me I am not alone. I go to a gym in Scottsdale Arizona, and most of the girls in the gym are 14-18 and wearing the tightest, skimpiest clothes. In one sense, I feel ashamed because, as a man, my flesh is enticed by the youthful display of feminine sexuality. I have to unceasingly remind myself to look away. In the other, I feel dumbfounded by how a parent would allow their young daughter to expose themselves to the world like that. It is absolutely shameful they are allowed to objectify themselves like that.

    • @HartyBiker
      @HartyBiker Рік тому +17

      I know exactly how you feel. I live on a coastal town in Western Australia known for its fabulous beaches. I love going to the beach, and have since I was a child. However a couple years ago around Christmas I was at the beach with my brother, his fiancée (now wife) and some other friends and I made the comment to my now sister in law that coming to the beach in summer is one of the hardest things for a young Christian man to do if he wants to keep his thoughts pure. She had no idea what I was talking about at all till I pointed to a group of 20 something year old girls in very good shape wearing nothing but their bikinis. I love going to the beach, but it is always such a test of my convictions.

    • @andrewilkens7131
      @andrewilkens7131 Рік тому +7

      I’m in Glendale and experience the same thing. Not alone brother, our chests can be gloriously developed together 😂

    • @lewislibre
      @lewislibre Рік тому +8

      I feel your pain. I got stuck behind a woman in the grocery store last night in basically underwear I wanted to rip my eyes out

    • @gandalfthegrey2171
      @gandalfthegrey2171 Рік тому +14

      @@HartyBiker Hey I also live in a coastal town in Western Australia!!! Haha crazy hey! I've always loved going to the beach and when I first got married I got annoyed when my husband struggled... Now I understand a lot more what it's like. We have much better communication about those things. Unfortunately we basically don't go to the beach unless it's far from any big cities/towns and there's basically nobody there. Which means we hardly go in the summer. We often go in Winter. It's a shame but better than the alternative, I don't want to have to put him through that. Also it's hard for women too. As a woman it's a struggle because you see all these young things showing off and it's very hard to not compare yourself, and if they do get male attention, it's hard to be content with not receiving any of that attention (although having an understanding husband is a huge help!) It's also hard because you feel undervalued and underappreciated by society because you're modest - it's like your modesty is treated as being backwards/prudish/silly instead of being praised. Anyway I just hope that helps men to see that is can be hard for godly women too, in a very different way.

    • @gandalfthegrey2171
      @gandalfthegrey2171 Рік тому +12

      Get a home gym set-up. My husband hosts a weekly "muscle pit" every Saturday morning, it's usually over before I even wake up, they start around 6am usually. Every week a bunch of guys from the church do muscle stuff lol I have no idea how they work out but I just know it's been so good for him to have fellowship, good manly chats and he looks good too because of all the working out, plus neither of us have to worry about women around ☺️

  • @screwball1010
    @screwball1010 Рік тому +5

    You weren't kidding about no quarter.👍

  • @chadpilled7913
    @chadpilled7913 Рік тому +2

    This man is hilarious and very succinct. Something that is largely missing among modern educated people. I'm Orthodox and this guy has got to be my favorite protestant, because what drove me away from protestantism is that most of the leadership has lost their stones, but this man is an inspiration.

  • @JonathanMellorn
    @JonathanMellorn Рік тому +12

    no quarters were given in the making of this video.

  • @Sharsuils
    @Sharsuils Рік тому +21

    They dress the same at church. I pointed it out once and got compared to a "grouchy, old man"

    • @KennethSee
      @KennethSee Рік тому +1

      I was once told “How else are men supposed to know who is still single?” When I commented on the dress of the women in our church. Jaw dropped and I said, “The ring…”

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Or you’re gay?! One or the either

    • @Sharsuils
      @Sharsuils Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 I guess Paul was gay too?!

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      @@Sharsuils most likely. The Roman world loved there gayness

    • @KennethSee
      @KennethSee Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 nah, just don’t want to be surrounded by e-thots at church.

  • @homemadetheology
    @homemadetheology Рік тому +23

    It is interesting, my husband and I just had a conversation with a friend about AOC getting cat called and how she dressing in tight fitting clothes invites attention from the opposite sex and our friends come back was "oh, so it is okay for her to get raped?!!" We just could not get him to understand that women that dress immodestly will undoubtedly get and immodest response.

    • @essentialpunisher5181
      @essentialpunisher5181 Рік тому +6

      Many people seem to understand things only in false dichotomies.
      The wallet on the dashboard analogy was helpful.

    • @ninerocks
      @ninerocks Рік тому

      Dress like meat, attract flies.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Рік тому +4

      They’re hardly equivalent - a woman dressing ‘immodestly’ to whatever degree is not an invitation to anything and diminishing rape as an ‘immodest response’ draws a false equivalence between two very different actions; wearing a short skirt ≠ sexual assault!

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 Рік тому +17

      @@aallen5256 You’re not getting it. No one here is saying it’s right for anyone to get sexually harassed regardless of what they’re wearing. We’re saying that if you dress that way you should not be surprised when you get that kind of reaction. Its the same concept as walking around wearing expensive and flashy jewelry or leaving your wallet on the dashboard (as someone else pointed out). You’re more likely to get negative sexual attention when dressed provocatively, just like you’re more likely to have someone break into your car if you leave valuables in plain sight. You’re more likely to get mugged if youre wearing expensive jewelry. These are facts and it only takes common sense to see that. Even if you see someone leave valuables unattended in plain sight it’s still morally wrong to steal them, but you won’t be surprised if someone does steal them. You really have to lie to yourself to not understand and accept that.

    • @homemadetheology
      @homemadetheology Рік тому

      @@ogloc6308 Thank you! You made my point better than I ever could. 🙂

  • @christinebubb6658
    @christinebubb6658 Рік тому +18

    My goodness I have thought this! And what parents allow their girls to wear to church!!! My girls, of their own doing, wear pants under their nightgowns even! Start them young understanding modesty and why its important!

  • @HartyBiker
    @HartyBiker Рік тому +14

    Going to favourite this video for sure. I work out at home so I don't have this issue at the gym, but it's coming up to beach season in Australia and this issue is maybe even worse at the beach than at the gym.

    • @nosegrindv4951
      @nosegrindv4951 Рік тому

      Kelowna Canada here. Yep, the beach is my favorite place on the face of the earth , but it is also very lewd. It would be nice to have men's and women's only beach areas. In BC, it is legal for women to be topless anywhere, anytime. After my first year here, I realized that I would have to find grubby beaches where nobody goes to in order to avoid the women folk.

  • @TruthMercyBaptist
    @TruthMercyBaptist Рік тому +8

    THANK-YOU!!!!!!! Why is no one else saying these things?!

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Because it’s made up

    • @TruthMercyBaptist
      @TruthMercyBaptist Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 You like having all that easy meat running around don't you. Women running around in their underwear suits you just fine, eh?

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      @@TruthMercyBaptist you like blaming your twisted and disgusting mind on women, eh? How about grow up, lose some weight, and deal with your own problems like an adult. The only reason why it bothers you this bad is because you can’t control your own depraved urges like a teenage boy and need a scapegoat.

    • @TruthMercyBaptist
      @TruthMercyBaptist Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 That rings kind of hollow when it's coming from a predator who is calling for women to keep going around naked.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      @@TruthMercyBaptist that’s your only reply? Men don’t blame women on there problems, bud. You probably have a secret porn addiction and blame the women for that too. Pathetic excuse of a man.

  • @86lanzo
    @86lanzo Рік тому +5

    This is something I've felt in my spirit for a long time now...I made a surface level comment on it ...that no Christian woman should wear yoga pants...and I was jumped on...
    It's one of those things that are so common placed..we've become numb to it..

    • @jamessalyer3215
      @jamessalyer3215 Рік тому

      I hope that we soon will become numb to it, while at the same time becoming sensitive to the Holy Spirit which will convict us regarding the lust in our own hearts (read Mark 7). Sexual impurity does not come from the eyes, but comes from the heart.

    • @sofiabravo1994
      @sofiabravo1994 Рік тому

      We can in the privacy of our homes.

  • @goodnews559
    @goodnews559 Рік тому +10

    Great critique of the modern church of evangelicalism: "You must not intimate in anyway that you think it is possible for women to sin in distinctively feminine ways." The question is then, why not? Answer: Women sin in spandex on purpose or by obtuseness. (both a poor reflection on being spiritually disciplined and disciplined by the church) And the men enjoy what their eyes see and what the imagination incures (both a poor reflection on being spiritually disciplined and disciplined by church disciple).

  • @mditt7
    @mditt7 Рік тому +60

    This guy matches or even transcends Jordan Petersen for skilled oratory. Is he reading from cue cards? Great stuff

    • @YSLRD
      @YSLRD Рік тому +21

      He writes the essay then reads it. Still great stuff.

    • @repentorperish1386
      @repentorperish1386 Рік тому +4

      Even if he is he wrote them. He writs lots of articles and blogs

    • @LazarusMcPush
      @LazarusMcPush Рік тому +1

      @@YSLRD well as JP said, writing is the highest form of our thoughts

    • @DM-dk7js
      @DM-dk7js Рік тому +1


    • @mditt7
      @mditt7 Рік тому

      @@YSLRD indeed!

  • @citizen9790
    @citizen9790 Рік тому +6

    I have been thinking this and I am in total agreement, and I am a 22 year old guy, not a grumpy old man. If I have the money when I move out (assuming I can afford a shack in this economy), I want to have a home gym for this exact purpose.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Well learn how to make money. It’s not that hard. And then learn some self control. It’s also not that hard

    • @citizen9790
      @citizen9790 Рік тому +1

      @@anthonyhughes3421 lEaRn HoW tO mAkE mOrE MoNeY.

    • @jamessalyer3215
      @jamessalyer3215 Рік тому

      Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The problem isn’t yoga pants

  • @briancasey4917
    @briancasey4917 Рік тому +3

    I've been commenting on the sin of yoga pants for years. Finally someone, Doug calls a spade a spade.

  • @arthurb2005
    @arthurb2005 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Doug love you content God bless you and your family and your work

  • @johnw1743
    @johnw1743 Рік тому +10

    It says much about my fitness levels that until now I did not know that gyms were not sex-segregated.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Рік тому +3

      There's no way Doug is getting his understanding of spandex and the gym anything other than second hand!

    • @dk4232
      @dk4232 Рік тому

      @@aallen5256 😂😂😂

  • @nicoleortiz4396
    @nicoleortiz4396 Рік тому +11

    Thank you, pastor, this is exactly how I feel about discipline in general at churches here in my country and in my own church.

  • @paulb7974
    @paulb7974 Рік тому +4

    “Only to his own head and a close friend on the other side of the country…” yup

  • @YourMom777-x3x
    @YourMom777-x3x Рік тому +5

    Marie calendars and Doug

  • @morgangreenlee2091
    @morgangreenlee2091 Рік тому +3

    Great video!

  • @thomasperrin3818
    @thomasperrin3818 Рік тому +3

    I did not understand any of this post.

  • @MR.B1819L
    @MR.B1819L Рік тому +5

    so this is why i bench 3x a week (not a joke) 😂😂. thank you pastor

  • @centralparkwest2483
    @centralparkwest2483 Рік тому +5

    Same thing with women wearing tight jeans in church, completely immodest and would have been scandalous before the 1960s.

  • @paulasueInChrist
    @paulasueInChrist Рік тому

    Thank you from Breaux Bridge, Louisiana!

  • @raYrefiedAire
    @raYrefiedAire Рік тому +4

    No Uncle Doug it is you who just twerked the money maker, what a beautiful song of joyous noise accompanied by spitting coffee and laughter at many intervals

    • @FoxWife
      @FoxWife Рік тому

      Lol. I did not need that mental image!🤣

    • @recalltolife3478
      @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +1

      "Twerked the money maker" Yeah, too bad no one ever talked like that about John Bunyan, Martyn Lloyd Jones, R.C. Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, et al.

  • @TheBeginningOfWisdom
    @TheBeginningOfWisdom Рік тому +4

    Have experienced it myself.

  • @jackjones3657
    @jackjones3657 Рік тому

    How refreshing to see that God-fearing pastors, who love well enough to speak Truth, still exist in our land!! These issues are major problems in the professing 'christian churches' of our society.

  • @johanroets1258
    @johanroets1258 Рік тому +4

    Incredibly insightful presentation Dr. Wilson. Now, I can't write like you (yours is a gift). But every sentence felt ripped out of my own life.

  • @azrielsebastian1999
    @azrielsebastian1999 Рік тому +6

    Listening to this before I go to the gym hahah.
    Been laughing and chuckling all the way through....truly no quarter 🤣
    Greetings and glad tidings from Fiji ❤

  • @Eric_Lichtenberg
    @Eric_Lichtenberg Рік тому +6

    Very wise. The sin of our culture that began small has grown ominous, and that which was hidden is now being preached from the housetops.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg Рік тому

      Luke 12:1-3 NASB95 - Under these circumstances, after so many thousands of people had gathered together that they were stepping on one another, He began saying to His disciples first of all, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. “But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. “Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      @@Eric_Lichtenberg this further proves my point

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 Expound.

    • @MeTuLHeD
      @MeTuLHeD Рік тому +1

      Indeed...the long shadow of Sodom is falling over the land. Our women are increasingly harlots and our children belong to the groomers.

  • @marymcadory9504
    @marymcadory9504 Рік тому

    I always learn by listening to these honest observations, but my comment today is just to say that I never expected to hear anybody say Pecksniffian ; that word just made the whole video that much better.

  • @C.Shu1216
    @C.Shu1216 Рік тому +8

    You should see the women of all ages in my church. I’ve seen more leg and every Sunday it gets higher and higher. I have 3 sons. It’s hard for me not to look judgingly I can’t imagine how it is for them not to look for the more obvious reasons.

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      You look with lust, liar

    • @dk4232
      @dk4232 Рік тому

      I think part of the reason women are showing more is because all the men and boys are watching porn so they need to be more provocative to be noticed. Makes it hard on those of us not watching porn or Hollywood which is much the same.

    • @ter8330
      @ter8330 Рік тому

      I lived with a woman whose family, extended family were never held accountable for any of their sins, and I mean none. The granddaugther was a brat like no other and she had to follow my rules, the school's rules, her ggrandfather's rules, the babysitter's rules and her grandmother's who was raising her.
      The grandmother literally blocked people who would rightly, justly and righteously rebuke her, the granddaghter, family members for their gross sin and hypocrisy but she would have none of it. I recently looked up the granddaughter hoping that the modesty myself and a couple of other women had tired to encourage her in, actually worked. My eyeballs popped OUT of my head when I saw her on Instagram. Her breasts were hanging out and took up most of the picture and as I recall, when she was around 11, her grandmother allowed her to start publicly wearing makeup, etc. And when I saw that post, I started looking around and was wearing spandex (fine I guess if you are in your own home working out or whatever) but she was in an airport I think. But I could not believe the photos. Her grandmother and I stopped speaking years ago and she actually told me one of the reasons she asked to leave was because she didn't need a second Holy Spirit and people pointing out to her that she was a hypocrite and had no fruit in her life.
      Is that unbelievable or what? This is what happens when there is ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. She moves around to a few different churches when people tried to confront her. I always wonder where she went when she died. I know that the Lord alone knows the heart. It's just weird when I look back and think about a "christian" have no accountability but no fruit and she once remarked, "Rotten fruit's better than none at all."
      Sad. And peopld wonder WHY the U.S. is under judgment??????? Look in the mirror and may each of us look at HOW we live. The Lord WILL judge the church, America and we deserve it 100%.

  • @metu5818
    @metu5818 Рік тому

    😂😂 that thumbnail, pretty much says it all!

  • @JamesAndersonWhite
    @JamesAndersonWhite Рік тому +11

    Sex-segregate gyms (and many more places, frankly)

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg Рік тому +5

      Maybe we will come to realize our forefathers were not so absurd to have sexually segregated activities, etc.

    • @kaylar3197
      @kaylar3197 Рік тому

      Business idea for an aspiring entrepreneur. 👍👍

    • @JamesAndersonWhite
      @JamesAndersonWhite Рік тому +1

      @@Eric_Lichtenberg Having experienced such an environment, I miss it dearly.

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg Рік тому

      @@JamesAndersonWhite Blessings to you, brother! Are you married?

    • @JamesAndersonWhite
      @JamesAndersonWhite Рік тому

      @@Eric_Lichtenberg I am not

  • @j.johnson8360
    @j.johnson8360 Рік тому +3

    This is why i have a garage gym

  • @bigbuck1995
    @bigbuck1995 Рік тому +1


  • @recalltolife3478
    @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +5

    Seriously, I don't' know of any evangelicals (and I know a lot) who go to the gym.

  • @colton7373
    @colton7373 Рік тому +1

    This is amazing.

  • @abigailstebbins7055
    @abigailstebbins7055 Рік тому

    This is absolutely absurd and disgusting that an old man would shame a woman in this way and use the Bible to do it. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @2tonfun402
    @2tonfun402 Рік тому +2

    Yes and Amen!

  • @cowswirl
    @cowswirl Рік тому

    I know a man who, when he goes to the gym or swimming pool, takes off his glasses.

  • @spourchoable
    @spourchoable Рік тому +2

    Not all legging, yoga pants, and spandex are created equal and not all women know what they are doing. Ignorance is not an excuse and some “pants” make the plea of ignorance less believable than others.
    The world has successfully persuaded women that they are stylish and appropriate, and the comfort and athletic practicality made it an easier pill to swallow.
    But women have always worn some level of immodest athletic attire, which should be condemned. In this culture Christian’s men should be in the business of frequenting male only gyms, which are very rare and so some of those men should create and run those gyms. And Christian women should practice modesty despite cultural consensus.

    • @nathanrobbins2440
      @nathanrobbins2440 Рік тому +1

      Yea, ignorance can only last for a certain amount of time

    • @t.8936
      @t.8936 Рік тому +2

      Stylish is not the word. The word is "trendy". Leggings are the opposite if stylish. Any woman religious or not, who possesses true style will not set foot out of the house or be expected to be taken seriously while in a pair of leggings.

  • @acky6174
    @acky6174 Рік тому +6

    Maybe I’m wrong, but men and women should probably not be working their bodies, getting sweaty, grunting, etc. all in the same room anyways. Sounds like a recipe for lust. I work out but do it in the privacy of my home.

    • @t.8936
      @t.8936 Рік тому

      Most insightful comment. For most, this is the whole point!!!

    • @Kenfren
      @Kenfren Рік тому

      Indeed, gyms and say organised physical exercise should be sex segregated, with some exceptions, such as hiking or dancing (actual dancing not the modern nonsense)

  • @racheln4309
    @racheln4309 Рік тому

    So good!

  • @fancyhitchpin8675
    @fancyhitchpin8675 Рік тому +2

    Chuckling and shaking my head the whole time. Just a little too precisely on the nose.

  • @SeafairZombies
    @SeafairZombies Рік тому +3

    He seems very acquainted with the subject, and the various prurient descriptions thereof.

    • @Kunjesvari
      @Kunjesvari Рік тому

      Also who uses the phrase "comely wench" except someone who reads Harlequin 'romance' novels. 🤣

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Рік тому

      Anyone pursuing holiness who has interacted with modern evangelicalism is

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Talk like normal person, dumb dumb

  • @wescreedle9801
    @wescreedle9801 Рік тому

    This is pretty amazing. Having been that guy, I can say I was vulnerable to the predations of the current evangellyfish pastors and their critiques of "the church." Until realizing it's exactly the same over there, even if it is only manifested in the total lack of any transformative power of their "advice."

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Because you’re weak

    • @wescreedle9801
      @wescreedle9801 Рік тому

      @@anthonyhughes3421 I guess I'm lucky that Christ's strength is perfected in my weakness, then.

  • @theproclaimer588
    @theproclaimer588 Рік тому +1

    Thou shalt pretend not to have noticed anything! LOL.

  • @Lethargo226
    @Lethargo226 Рік тому +4

    Feminine modesty is an issue of pride, truly, and each person bears their sin. However I also see that feminine immodesty only follows masculine immodesty, or women are only immodest in the ways afforded to them by the men around them.
    The bible addresses it's moral commands almost entirely to men, and them first, as in God's wisdom, it is apparent that whoever controls the eyes and the heart of the men of a culture controls their sexual mores.
    To address feminine immodesty, masculine immodesty must first and initially be addressed. When every man commits his eyes to the Lord, making a covenant with them, and seeks God's glory in every expression of his sexual desire, what choices will the women be left with?
    Feminism is a lie, men are the leaders of culture, to attack immodesty, we have to start with the young men and the fathers, commanding them in Jesus name to present themselves as living sacrifices, holy and modest, which is acceptable worship to God.
    When the men of the church are committed in this way, giving no glory to any woman who seeks to glorify her own ego through immodest display, then they will be truly starved of the attention that they crave, also in God's mercy, christian women age out of the zeitgeist, so where will their so called lovers be when wrinkles replace youthful smiles? There are many things that could be said about this.
    Pride is the root of all sin. And like C.S Lewis said, it's easy to see it in others, but hard to spot in ourselves, it has infected all our motives.
    Let each man be humbled in repentance before God and guard his heart by keeping it according to God's word. And let the women following this gracious example.

  • @paulwiederhold7629
    @paulwiederhold7629 Рік тому +1

    The gym! Forget the gym. I have witnessed what mama gave them in church! But what do you expect from 'seeker-sensitive' churches?
    Very few want to preach about the wages of sin or about true repentance. "Depart from Me, I never knew you", should scare the crap out of everyone who thinks they want to lay their hands on the plow. Now full circle - that's the problem. Very few teach that once you touch that plow, you can't plow whatever field you want to whenever you want to. You can't plant blatant sexuality, temptation, and lust and then expect monogamous fidelity - at least not in spirit.

  • @taraolson5870
    @taraolson5870 Рік тому

    Stop being afraid of mentioning standards, afraid of what "they"will say. It proves you are trying to please people, not God.

  • @marymack1
    @marymack1 Рік тому +3

    Prefer to work out at home. Regardless of dress, there's way too much bending and squatting and grunting and such to be comfy doing so in public.

  • @ankereisenman4824
    @ankereisenman4824 Рік тому

    I tried very hard to follow along, but the metaphors lost me

  • @jahreigns888
    @jahreigns888 Рік тому +1

    Bruh, we be simpin'. Try to say something. Our pastors will white knight in less than a second. Churches full of nice guys.

  • @michaelgiffin2621
    @michaelgiffin2621 Рік тому +2

    Levites can be gaslight too!

  • @gregsquire9704
    @gregsquire9704 Рік тому +14

    remember ladies and gentlemen. modesty in attire and conduct goes both ways

    • @keithentz5635
      @keithentz5635 Рік тому

      So, if women wear shirts that show the top half of their boobs, I can wear pants that show the top half of my dick???

    • @gregsquire9704
      @gregsquire9704 Рік тому

      @@keithentz5635 crude

    • @keithentz5635
      @keithentz5635 Рік тому

      @@gregsquire9704 Don't be a fool! Men are far more modest than women. But yet you must reflexively "White-Knight" for your goddesses. spewing your irrelevant moral equivalencies against the efforts of the few men who want to see modesty returned to society, which primarily entails controlling women and their vain exhibitionism. You're probably not foolish enough to be completely oblivious to that, yet you're enough of a gynogroveling Beta-male that you reflexively prostrate yourself before your false goddess of presumed female sexual equality with your every word.

    • @gregsquire9704
      @gregsquire9704 Рік тому

      @@keithentz5635 assume much don't you. A simple statement and you automatically respond with such useless drivel and crude behavior.

    • @keithentz5635
      @keithentz5635 Рік тому

      @@gregsquire9704 When I claimed the church's women shouldn't wear such impossibly tight pants, they claimed I was a lust-filled womanizer. When I claimed the men shouldn't be wearing such painfully tight jeans either, then they claimed I must be a homosexual. Godly corrections intended to bring righteousness are reflexively met with evil surmising or else distractions, like false equivalencies, by these apostate churches. I've dealt with your kind before. Always some excuse for why a man can't just tell a woman to be modest and not be made into a villain. Go worship your women, who aren't silent in your church, who don't cover their heads when they pray, who don't submit to their husbands in everything, who regularly defraud their husbands of sex. Where's your moral equivalence to obscure why you constantly grant women the worth-ship to override God's commands? After a while you can spot the whore worshippers pretty easily. Tell women to be modest, and they just can't let that ride, without turning the thing around on men. Your reflex to "White-Knight" for immodest women gives you away. You just couldn't let that be, you reflexively had to condemn men as well.

  • @julietwolf9464
    @julietwolf9464 Рік тому +9

    Serious question: what is a good alternative to spandex for working out? It needs to be comfortable, flexible, breathable, and modest, but also safe - in other words, not something that hangs so loosely that it snags on things or gets caught in the equipment or hampers movement. I suppose loosely fitting long shorts and a t-shirt? But unless it’s super baggy a woman’s figure would still be evident, though nowhere near as defined as spandex would show. It’s a tricky tightrope young Christian women have to walk. They don’t want to look slutty, but they don’t want to look dowdy, and they do want to look pretty, and there are a million conflicting voices all judging them and telling them the “shoulds”. Following the Bible isn’t even as easy as it seems, because what might seem modest to one person might seem immodest to another. CS Lewis spoke of this, citing the different standards of modesty in different times and places. I suppose all a Christian woman can do is pray and follow her conscience and err on the side of caution?

    • @SM12397
      @SM12397 Рік тому +2

      Juliet, nice name by the way, might I simply ponder on this as well and maybe give part of an answer, what do the guys wear? Not saying wear men's clothes, but my experience seems to me to be that men's gym clothes by type fit four of your five categories, but possibly without a match to the fifth category of not hanging "loosely". It usually consists of a t-shirt and or hoodie and shorts. It's difficult because it seems from and outside observer that part of the creation process in the female counterpart clothing is a deliberate effort to accentuate, so women here will probably be able to offer a more straightforward answer than the thought question that my answer is.

    • @nosegrindv4951
      @nosegrindv4951 Рік тому +1

      i appreciate this.

    • @centralparkwest2483
      @centralparkwest2483 Рік тому +2

      Baggy sweatpants and a loose t shirt

    • @mlwilson2956
      @mlwilson2956 Рік тому +8

      Gym shorts? Sweat pants? A t-shirt? It's really not that hard to dress modestly at the gym

    • @clarkemcclymont2879
      @clarkemcclymont2879 Рік тому +5

      Sack cloth… just kidding 😂

  • @Ironfrenzy217
    @Ironfrenzy217 Рік тому +2

    I've really only started listening and I like the brutal succinct speech.

  • @raYrefiedAire
    @raYrefiedAire Рік тому +7

    Modesty is a rarity these days when every woman wants to be eye candy dujour 🙄 I've come to grips with the belief women doll themselves up more in competition for other women than the men they are shopping for or already have. And so in the spirit of No Quarter November isn't that behavior rather gay? Asking for a friend....

    • @kaylar3197
      @kaylar3197 Рік тому +2

      This is most likely true more often than not. And it can be gay, but more often I believe it to be simple cattiness - the feminine form of competition gone wrong.

    • @recalltolife3478
      @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +1

      @@kaylar3197 It's also a favorite male fantasy.

    • @mondiriu
      @mondiriu Рік тому

      Seeking the approval of (wo)man

  • @levi-316
    @levi-316 Рік тому

    I just find it odd that I'm seeing this video while in another part of UA-cam TMU just posted a video of there girls volleyball team jumping around in skin tight barely there shorts and talking about honoring God with their athletic abilities. I don't get it.

  • @minizimi3790
    @minizimi3790 Рік тому

    Good video. We need to call out sin.
    Interesting perspective/thoughts/question(s)?: I climb (mostly indoors and bouldering, occasionally outdoors), and when top roping/lead climbing, one must wear a harness for safety. Both men and women have their genitals and butts more accentuated due to harnesses. It's hard for guys especially to not have their bulge showing (I usually try to where longer shirts). There is no work around (besides free soloing everything, which is incredibly dangerous). How should we as Christians navigate this?
    Is this similar certain tribes simply doing work (men and women) with their shirts off and loin clothes, as this isn't done to be provocative and bring glory to oneself, but happens due to natural circumstances (lack of material, heat, practicality)?

    • @dk4232
      @dk4232 Рік тому +1

      I think harnesses are extremely unflattering. And your junk should be facing the wall most of the time.
      I don't gym but I did climb. Lots of tight women in tight pants

    • @minizimi3790
      @minizimi3790 Рік тому

      @@dk4232 I agree that they are unflatering and that your junk is facing away from people most of the time.

  • @marybrewer2203
    @marybrewer2203 Рік тому +1

    One of the big reasons I quit yoga class, setting aside the obvious bits about Hindu gods, was the ubiquitous use of spandex worn by folks of both sexes, and every human size and shape. I would rather be a little overweight than have to be in that close line of sight to other human…bums. We did close our eyes at the end, but that was really too late in the deal.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Рік тому

      One of the main reasons you quit yoga was the sight of clothed human bums???
      This is one of the funniest things I've read on the internet. Why were you staring at the bums?! What is it that offends you about human anatomy?! Why not look at your teacher, or soften your eyes and concentrating on your breath?

    • @anthonyhughes3421
      @anthonyhughes3421 Рік тому

      Being fat is a sin…

  • @t.8936
    @t.8936 Рік тому

    These comments are surprising to me. I didn't think men cared anymore. With the combination of being desensitized by pork and the feminization of men, I didn't think a woman in leggings had any effect on fellas whatsoever. Generally speaking.

  • @A1vin505
    @A1vin505 Рік тому

    Here’s my advice on the matter. It’s been something I’ve observed ever since I started working out 6 years ago .
    Invest in understanding Calisthenics! And take time to invest in home equipment! Gymnastics rings can do A LOT to get lean! Just look up iron cross images. The guys are ripped!
    And the whole “being surrounded by others who work out is motivating” is a bad reason to be around exposed people. LEARN TO WORKOUT ALONE, and listen to sermons while doing it.

  • @GODisAble2014
    @GODisAble2014 Рік тому +2

    It's becoming increasingly clear that women are just as sexually interested in the appearance of a man as men are to women. In times past, women have been considered not as sexual as men which just isn't the case. That's a whole other cultural commentary opportunity, though. While I understand Doug's intention here was to specifically address a particular issue and not a larger issue of immodesty amongst both genders, it is important to note that wearing shorts or sweatpants that clearly show a bulge is just as immodest and just as easily avoided as wearing tight pants or tight shirts for women. Even those stringers that dudes (clarification, *fit* dudes) wear to the gym are incredibly alluring. It's a foolish thought to think that women don't lust as easily as men or aren't as enticed by those visual cues as men. I just wonder what the outcry would be if men were told to stop wearing stringers and be more mindful of their bulges. All in all, I agree that being mindful of outfit choices when going anywhere, including the gym, is glorifying to God. Edit: The larger issue of church discipline is noted here, but I wanted to share my thoughts in case anyone agreed/disagreed.

    • @raquelrobaert
      @raquelrobaert Рік тому

      Sorry but no, women are not sexually interested in the appearance of a men as men are to women. No way… and this is not a cultural thing is just the way it is. This is true in the US as much it is in Latin America or any other place.

    • @GODisAble2014
      @GODisAble2014 Рік тому

      ​@@raquelrobaert Women would disagree! I think women are feeling more comfortable in expressing their inward thoughts of lust, which is not a good thing unless it's towards their husband, but to my point, women haven't really talked about their lust which is why no one thinks its there. Women can also control themselves just a tad better, which doesn't mean a lack of desire. It just means we were trained better. Even in Christian circles, it's encouraged for young men to ogle over women. (although the amount of christian women that went to the premiere of Magic Mike was astonishing) I've never been a man, so I can't compare the two completely, but I do think it's just as important for men to cover their ripped abs and large bulges so us ladies can work out undistracted, am I right? Because, trust me, it's a distraction. On the topic of church discipline, if the pastor himself walks into the gym I'm at wearing a stringer and tight-ish shorts, I hope that I could go to the elders and be taken seriously. In the end, I support women-only gyms. They're great and I can wear whatever I want, which isn't particularly scandalous, by the way. Thoughts?

    • @raquelrobaert
      @raquelrobaert Рік тому +2

      @@GODisAble2014 we were trained better? Oh boy! We as women need to seek God first and that will reflect on how we dress. We don't need a women only gym. What we need is a heart surrendered to Christ.

    • @GODisAble2014
      @GODisAble2014 Рік тому

      @@raquelrobaert I agree with you! Without Christ, this conversation is pointless. However, there's no harm in attending a women-only gym if it's accessible. Reflecting on how we dress is important and, as I stated above in so many words, I think Christian church culture has ignored that women are incredibly sexual and men also need to be mindful and reflect on what they wear, particularly at the gym!

    • @keithentz5635
      @keithentz5635 Рік тому

      Can't help the bulge, my manhood is too huge! Pray for me.

  • @anonymousyoutube7259
    @anonymousyoutube7259 Рік тому

    This sounds like Adam's response to God when asked about eating the fruit.
    Genesis 3:12 And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
    Men shifting the blame for their own sin onto the woman, and onto God for making the woman.

  • @chrismatthews1762
    @chrismatthews1762 Рік тому +1

    How does he contain himself till November?

  • @2BeLikeChrist
    @2BeLikeChrist Рік тому +2

    This is very well said!

  • @joes973
    @joes973 Рік тому +1

    Male only gyms.
    Home gyms. I welded my own.

  • @BenjaminBowmanlive
    @BenjaminBowmanlive Рік тому +2

    Good one Doug, now get to the gym. We’d like you to be around for a long time.

  • @recalltolife3478
    @recalltolife3478 Рік тому +5

    6:46 Nice gaslighting. You use the words "evangelical hoochie mamas", "youth pastor's wife's money maker", "jumping her bones" etc., and then tell anyone who might possibly object to your worldly coarseness that they are Pecksniffian. (I know it's NQN, but you're trying too hard.)

  • @Oceania-nq5wx
    @Oceania-nq5wx Рік тому

    Yep that's why I attend a women's-only gym.
    When I get married we will invest in a home gym.

  • @georgechristiansen6785
    @georgechristiansen6785 Рік тому

    I completely agree with the point that even, right or wrong, trying to point out actual sin is the only sin that gets one corrected in most churches, but, and maybe I missed it, I do not see how one can complain about spandex and not tank tops or braided hair and jewelry?
    It seems to me that "respectable clothing" vs "immodest clothing" is very much about social norms and attempts to deliberately flaunt which places spandex, tank tops, and wedding rings in the former category.

    • @Kenfren
      @Kenfren Рік тому

      Well tank tops do fall in the same category of immodesty. Regarding wedding rings and braided hair, they do not violate a woman's dignity. Which is the basic rule of modesty, protecting dignity and making dignified what is undignified

    • @georgechristiansen6785
      @georgechristiansen6785 Рік тому

      Have you ever met a circular argument you didn't like?
      Gonna have to actually define dignity and how exactly it is violated for your word salad to mean anything.
      Why stop at tank tops? Ankles and forearms do it for some people. Almost everyone responds to faces the same way.
      And scripture disagrees with you about braided hair and jewelry.
      "Likewise, I want the women to adorn themselves with respectable apparel, with modesty, and with self-control, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes," 1 Timothy 2:9
      Wedding rings and braided hair draw attention to appearance and social status. Just as easily drawing attention away from your idea of dignity.
      The fact of the matter is that, aside from flaunting wealth mentioned above, there is never a biblical standard for modest dress given. Feel free to adopt the cultural norms of the original audiences, but anything short of that is accepting the current social norms and making it about what it is actually about: intention.

    • @Kenfren
      @Kenfren Рік тому

      @@georgechristiansen6785 firstly, learn what a circular argument is. I did not make it; modesty is not because of dignity, because it is modest. That's a circular argument.
      Timothy 2 literally uses the word dignity; Timothy 2:2 in fact, referring to living lives of dignity and godliness. Than he elaborates and expends. Of course, none of what I said was as word salad, considering I'm literally speaking in the vernacular, and everything I said is entirely readable. But if you truly don't understand a common word, here's the definition from Cambridge dictionary;
      the importance and value that a person has, that makes other people respect them or makes them respect themselves. An example would be; He longs for a society in which the dignity of all people is recognized.
      Tank Tops clearly are designed to draw sexual attraction, with the occasional exception. And when you do that, yes you are in. And that's an issue, you are your brothers keeper. You should intentionally want and try to bring someone to sin, just as he should not look at you with lust, no matter how you are dressed. But the bigger issue is you are revealing what should be hidden, and thereby not carrying yourself with full dignity. The fact that some men are so lustful as to look at a woman with regardless of what she's wearing is a tragedy, but not the fault of the woman who's the subject of lust.
      And yes, there's leeway for culture. God made us different, and as a result we have distinct cultures. But there are universal rules, like not dressing and revealing your nakedness to everyone who passes by. As long as you do not parade and flaunt your wealth, than it's not sin. Even if you don't have the intention, it is still sin. It is still wrong to dress and act immodest
      And you're right, the bible doesn't give us many rules for modesty. Which is why he gave us other guides and authorities for such things, such as our conscience, tradition and the magisterium.

    • @georgechristiansen6785
      @georgechristiansen6785 Рік тому

      @@Kenfren Imagine thinking "conscience, tradition and the magisterium" cleared things up.
      Which one?
      The bible does give us rules for modesty. People like yourself just cannot handle that they are not static and universal.

    • @Kenfren
      @Kenfren Рік тому

      @@georgechristiansen6785 all three of them. Each of those are guided by the Holy Spirit. Your conscience gives you an immediate gut feeling if it's a good or bad idea, or if you feel disgusting or bad wearing it. Tradition helps guide modesty by allowing the dead to give advice on what is proper and what is not. The magisterium is entirely infallible when it comes to teaching.
      The actual modesty rules aren't there in the bible, just some basic guiding principles. Basic advice, below the knees, above the chest, cover up shoulders. Look at medieval fashion as a guide

  • @mlwilson2956
    @mlwilson2956 Рік тому +1

    I thought this video was going to be about all of these "Christian" gym clothes brands that seem to be popping up everywhere. It's the exact same skimpy outfits everyone else sells except with some vaguely Christian logo on it. Anyone else seen these?

    • @ilikekitty10
      @ilikekitty10 Рік тому

      Is that seriously a thing? Sad state of affairs.

  • @paulb7974
    @paulb7974 Рік тому +5

    If I only went to church, I would not know that women are sinners. Quite the opposite.

  • @tobystamps2920
    @tobystamps2920 Рік тому

    Wow this is something you never hear anymore in church. It’s become taboo to even talk about it. I believe a broader issue that underlines the loose attitudes in church today is the incessant belief that raising any standards is legalism. Years ago the church abandoned the idea that certain standards were prudent in aiding believers in their walk of righteousness. No one these days can raise any standards because someone will cry foul. Someone will cry “legalism”.

  • @dcsblessedbees
    @dcsblessedbees Рік тому +1

    That is not a Church I would attend. People don't have to wear spandex, in fact most shouldn't.🤣It's just signs of the times, the fallen nature not the spandex.🙃I'd just like men to take their hats off, and people to not wear sports atria or flip flops to Church.

  • @wojak91
    @wojak91 Рік тому +5

    "She is a comely wench" 🤣

    • @raYrefiedAire
      @raYrefiedAire Рік тому +3

      No I spit my ☕ when he said jump her bones 🤣 I haven't heard that one since high school

  • @keithentz5635
    @keithentz5635 Рік тому

    When I claimed the church's women shouldn't wear such impossibly tight pants, they claimed I was a lust-filled womanizer.
    When I claimed the men shouldn't be wearing such painfully tight jeans either, then they claimed I must be a homosexual.
    Godly corrections intended to bring righteousness are reflexively met with evil surmising by these apostate churches.

  • @thatoneguy4138
    @thatoneguy4138 Рік тому +5

    I think an interesting solution to this might be for an enterprising Christian gym rat to come up with a gym that has separate workout areas for guys and gals with a locker room in each one then you really wouldn't have to worry about it too much. the fact is that for women it's hard to wear modest clothes that are practical when working out and for men as well.

    • @thatoneguy4138
      @thatoneguy4138 Рік тому +1

      @Michael Ward oh I'm sure that is true. Ironically I think the biggest demographic of people who would go would be men who just want to work out without being distracted all the time

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 Рік тому

      agreed until the last part. You can wear baggy shorts or sweat pants and still get the same results. The issue is that that there’s societal pressure and expectation to dress immodestly at the gym or anywhere nowadays

    • @ter8330
      @ter8330 Рік тому

      My old gym had separate saunas so why not!

  • @wendellshrock2918
    @wendellshrock2918 Рік тому


  • @AstroMonkey88
    @AstroMonkey88 Рік тому

    The modern men remind of the men in Jeremiah 44. At this time, the men of Judah gave their strength to the women. They gave headship to women in the whole society. When Jeremiah spoke on the LORD’s behalf to them, the women spoke. The men did not take responsibility for failing the women by allowing them to sin (very similarly to Adam and Eve). The women also boast, asking Jeremiah, and more importantly God through the prophet, if He really thought that the men were unaware of their sins and were not aiding. Let me tell you this, what the men then and now are unaware of, is the omniscience of God. They think He doesn’t know their sin, but He does. He knows it very well and is storing up His wrath; and He is a very just God.

  • @TangoFoxtrotRando
    @TangoFoxtrotRando Рік тому

    Starting November off right Doug

  • @CyberCommander1990
    @CyberCommander1990 Рік тому


  • @PrayerTable
    @PrayerTable Рік тому +1

    Links not working

    • @blogmablog4870
      @blogmablog4870  Рік тому +2

      Hey, Robert. Thanks for pointing this out. Refresh and try now.

  • @tddamits
    @tddamits Рік тому

    What do you really think? NQN