Why Are INFPs So Easy to Pick On?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @nikkimac8759
    @nikkimac8759 Місяць тому +35

    Proud INFP. Bullied at home, in school, within friend group growing up. Learned to weed the friend/family garden regularly and adjust my work/life according to my principles and values. Super nice but cross my boundaries or blatantly disrespect/disregard me and they will only attempt it once. Toxic people like garbage, completely disposable. Love and accept yourself first.😊

  • @musica02
    @musica02 Місяць тому +15

    I definitely will agree that people do see us INFP as aloof, pushovers or daydreamers. The thing is a lot of us just don’t want the full confrontation if we don’t have to because the anger that has the potential to come out is harder to control because of what we have internalized. For me it is easier to walk away unless it becomes about the ones I care about or I have been pushed so far in the corner I am not going to back down at that point.
    I wish people would just be more kind instead of throwing around all that toxicity. Keep your heads up introverts! ❤

  • @midheaven_mimi
    @midheaven_mimi Місяць тому +11

    Spot on, unfortunately, in alot of ways 😢
    But our uniqueness & authenticity make us who we are..whether this cruel world appreciates it or not..and that is a beautiful thing! 🦋

  • @EnochianChronicles
    @EnochianChronicles Місяць тому +8

    I learned that self deprecation heads them off at the pass.
    If we make fun of ourselves better than they can, it steals their thunder and leaves them laughing, win win imho.
    But of course that is just my tactic, you do you.
    If they find our kryptonite (what we value) then all hands on deck to repel the boarders!
    P.S. I have learned to accomplish tasks while daydreaming and so this avenue of attacks against me has evaporated. And I use my creativity to try and improve whatever task I am assigned (not always possible of course).

  • @mikesmith6594
    @mikesmith6594 Місяць тому +5

    Seems to be my life feel like I have a huge fricking target on my back .Get excluded,mocked,bullied , treated less than or not good enough,taken advantage of , slandered , character assassinated , misunderstood . Guess I'm an infp whatever that means ? I am a people pleaser unfortunately. My narcissistic father knows this that's why he and his flying monkeys target me . Unfortunately I'm in a deep depression now no one cares except people that claim they care but only wanna take advantage.

    • @bunnipops
      @bunnipops Місяць тому +1

      I'm so sorry I've been through similar as an infp myself it's hard but it gets easier as you get older hang in there! ❤

  • @bunnipops
    @bunnipops Місяць тому +2

    I just act like an intj to the people i dont trust and when someone earns my trust and respect the sweet infp will come back out.

  • @ojovathiramakrishnan4141
    @ojovathiramakrishnan4141 Місяць тому +10

    Toxicity is everywhere. But why I should I run off. Even if I am there it should not affect me. That is the training course. Otherwise how I will know the world?

  • @Incantationem
    @Incantationem Місяць тому +6

    Can relate, even though I'm INTP.

  • @b.lloydreese2030
    @b.lloydreese2030 22 дні тому +1

    Yup, 44 yrs old, been bullied so much in life. In school. At home with family. At home with my ex wife. In the work place.
    Ive finally had enough, and my last job i would push back against my boss. I used to push back when my ex would start fights. Even recently, my dad accused me of having cognitive/behavioral/mental issues because i didnt read his mind and i pushed back too.
    People don't like it when us INFP's push back, they even still have the gall to continue abusing us calling us irrational, etc.
    I really wish people would stop being A-holes

    • @antoinettenovella1630
      @antoinettenovella1630 6 днів тому

      I was bullied all of my life. I had a safe haven at home for the most part where my parents were incredibly supportive and loving, but everywhere else was questionable, twelve years of school and even in the workplace thereafter I was a target. I was in a multitude of abusive relationships when young. Trust me when I say - take a moment. What is the message your dad is sending you? Your boss? Your ex? If they are sending a similar message, time to start listening and paying attention. Their message may be valid. To be honest, sometimes we can be overly sensitive, irrational and reactive. When we reach our thresh-hold of tolerance and the glass of patience has overflown for so long, we can over-react and be overly over-emotive. It can be very scary for those who are used to our normally easy going and laissez-faire personalities. Just listen to what they have to say.

  • @ardellolnes5663
    @ardellolnes5663 21 день тому

    Very accurate

  • @Lucky_chat
    @Lucky_chat Місяць тому +5

    I just learned how to take it and make good comebacks(sometimes) but overall I just couldn't care less what people thought of me anymore the only person who has a sense of knowing who I am is me, it'll be like that for the rest of my life so I should get used to it.

  • @NatsuDragneel-pi7cs
    @NatsuDragneel-pi7cs Місяць тому +5

    Even though I never been picked on or bullied before I have an understanding of what it feels like to be different from everyone else 😢 Like in my friend group it got to the point where I just wanted to keep my mouth shut since out of all of my friends I wanted to talk about deep meaningful topics but each time I bring them up my friends get bored or a little bit annoyed and say stop talking about them. I feel judged for whatever comes out of my mouth at times but don’t get me wrong my friends are really nice people but I wish they were more understanding:( Where it lead me to the point that I don’t feel like talking anymore and it’s mostly my friends doing the talking while I spend a lot of my time in my thoughts. Don’t worry it’s nobody’s fault it’s just my fault for thinking differently from everyone else
    a probably infp
    Edit when watching this video how does this video understand me a lot more than me friends :(
    Mostly I want to share this because I feel like other infps might have been there before. And I want u to know you aren’t alone

    • @senazri
      @senazri Місяць тому +1

      thnx I can relate (* ̄︶ ̄*)

    • @relaxolotl834
      @relaxolotl834 Місяць тому +1

      I feel that. I have the very best conversations in my head with myself. I got used to not talking much about stuff that interest me and instead listen to others

    • @sarahyip2825
      @sarahyip2825 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@relaxolotl834Just a note on listening to others too much. Happens too often. Say in a group of four, turn-taking at sharing should happen. Talk shouldn't be dominated by any one. All should be made aware of a fair slot to contribute to the conversation. What usually happens is one person is given too much liberty to overtalk while the sensitive ones keep listening. The balance is lost when the over-talker gets the wrong idea that he/she is the ONLY one worth listening to. So always be prepared with something that you feel can contibute to the group in a positive way. Then the "imbalance" got no chance of showing up and you'll be doing the sensitive ones in the group a huge favour 😉

    • @fawndelightwaterfield7717
      @fawndelightwaterfield7717 Місяць тому +1

      We tend to bring up experiences which we have that we think relates to the subject of our friend's conversations in attempt to converse and feel included. Others take this as us wanting to be the center of attraction. The harder we try to communicate the more frustrated and therefore annoying to others we become. We also have a completely different conceptual mechanism than others. We think in many layers simultaneously and build our perceptions of where the rubber meets the road at any given moment through these multidimensional layers of understanding. That's why we get stuck on a subject and study it deeply and become immersed in it. Those deep explorations are fascinating to us and we long to discuss them with others. A nickname for an infp is the mediator. We are the ones forever creating balance in the world around us. We see and feel what others do not. We are often strongly empathic and have the ability to take on the emotional tone of a gathering and individual emotional states of those around us. This can be exhausting and cause us to sort of glitch out. We need solitude to recharge from that drainage. We need to soothe and balance and recharge our own overused energies that we 're pulled out of us. There's a good possibility you are above average synesthesist and have some level of autism as well. All of these are wonderful attributes when we learn about them and get some strategies to deal with them. Oh infps are often involved in the creative arts, creating art in any media, and music and writing. The ancient wisdom passed down from Socrates is "Know Thyself"

  • @jingleroses
    @jingleroses Місяць тому +5


    • @izzy.xyz0810
      @izzy.xyz0810 Місяць тому

      LOL IKR I WAS LIKE “oh !”