Thanks for posting your insight into to such an important subject. After decades of regimented exercise programs I’ve recently struck upon what you are doing now. It’s such a simple and fun way to move. I normally turn the lights out and just focus on the perception of my body moving through space.
Thank you for this. My body has been wanting to be doing this kind of moving and I've been doing. Wondering why I have no routine...I'm's all good. Thanks
How fun and lovely to discover your video and to play and dance along. I've been doing this in my living room in solitude and sometimes in group throughout my life, and I can tell you have as well. i feel a kindred spirit with you ; thank you for sharing and blessings on your journey :)
Thanks for posting your insight into to such an important subject. After decades of regimented exercise programs I’ve recently struck upon what you are doing now. It’s such a simple and fun way to move. I normally turn the lights out and just focus on the perception of my body moving through space.
Thank you for this. My body has been wanting to be doing this kind of moving and I've been doing. Wondering why I have no routine...I'm's all good. Thanks
Feels great, thanks!
your welcome :)
Thank you so much for the lovely prompts. It was fun playing with you this morning.
How fun and lovely to discover your video and to play and dance along. I've been doing this in my living room in solitude and sometimes in group throughout my life, and I can tell you have as well. i feel a kindred spirit with you ; thank you for sharing and blessings on your journey :)
thank you, needed this :)
nice, I could see the transmission of force through your fingertips!
thanks for tuning in!
I just got a wicked cramp under my right ribs.
I need a tip. Thanks
Help i did your daily this amongst others Human X
Any thoughts....