Holy Orthodoxy: The Ancient Church of Acts in the 21st Century

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @DondieGarcia
    @DondieGarcia 3 роки тому +22

    I feel a strong pull towards the Orthodox Church. It resonates as the one true church

  • @gianniskavalagr83
    @gianniskavalagr83 9 років тому +32

    I am greek , Orthodox . And on the contrary to "believe and don't search ( Πίστευε και μη ερεύνα ) i went through "believe or not search " And my searches result was to go closer to orthodoxy ( the right way ) . I will not judge those who say anything against orthodoxy , or even against my belief . I am not GOD to judge them . What i believe is this . Because i want now to believe even more than ever before .

    • @gianniskavalagr83
      @gianniskavalagr83 9 років тому

      valmorgan​ you mean Magna Grecia . Mate that is your choise . Do whatever you want .

    • @orthodoxchristian3432
      @orthodoxchristian3432 9 років тому +1

      valmorgan Horrible advice from my fellow Orthodox to someone seeking to convert. I advise you seek out a local Orthodox Parish Priest some where in your city. Search specifically for an Antiochian Church, OCA Church, or Greek usually they are American born priests and wont have a language barrier. Message me if you have any questions, and god bless you on your journey back home to Orthodoxy!

    • @gianniskavalagr83
      @gianniskavalagr83 9 років тому

      Orthodox Christian​ and you are supposed to be christian . Jesus said that " believe or not , search " If he searches he will find the truth , like i did. And it was my search , within me mostly , that brought me closer to God . I tell you that nowdays all churches ARE corrupted .Only few keep the path . All those so called christians , name them orthodox , catholic , protestants . They turned out to betray Lord and his teaching . You want to really do something ? Be a good man , be a good christian . Going to a catholic or orthodox church everyday will not make you a good christian . Your acts towards others will. Love is the path of god , not a church .

    • @gianniskavalagr83
      @gianniskavalagr83 9 років тому

      Dennis Rivers​ the church , is nothing more than you and me and anyone else coming together to pray God . Honor him and his wish with just prayers like the Pharisees . This what He wants ? Staying in a temple for a couple of hours ? Or acts of love anytime anywhere . We are loosing the path .

    • @orthodoxchristian3432
      @orthodoxchristian3432 9 років тому +5

      Giannis Kavala St James says in the Gospel that faith is dead without good works that I agree. However our Lord and Savior said " The Gates of Hades will not prevail against the church he made." So where is the Church that Christ established? It is simply the Orthodox Church which is the fulfillment of Orthodox Judaism. Your man made philosophy is no more then New Age Beliefs. Our God is a God of order not of Chaos. He is very specific on how we should worship him. Why not go to church and worship god as he has commanded, he is present in church during the divine liturgy. I used to have the same philosophy as you it leads to chaos. You should get in contact with a local parish Priest near you and talk to him about your doubts.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +6

    3. The fact that they felt they had to report against the abuses of iconography is one of the strongest kinds of historical evidence that use of imagery in Christian worship had by that time become very widespread, implying that their anti-imagery attitude was in the minority. Therefore the Church as a whole in those days loved icons.

  • @djondjon
    @djondjon 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing this documentary.

  • @alanbourbeau24
    @alanbourbeau24 7 років тому +1

    To my Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ. Russian, Romanian, Greece. Peace be upon you all. I understand that the schism of 1054 was a devastating event for us. Because of our theological differences, the perspective point of view on eternal salvation and eternal damnation, doctrine issues too. But rest assured, when we all die. Christ the righteous judge will decide whether we will enter Heaven or not. We cannot let our differences separate us and make us each other enemies. Instead we should trust in God, Jesus Christ, the reliance of the Saints, pray for each other. My hope is that we'll be bound for Heaven. We'll all be united in Heaven. This i swear. Amen.

  • @JoseLuisPantoja777
    @JoseLuisPantoja777 4 роки тому

    may the lord bless their their families and communites and everyone that prays for them and with them, I join their prayer and entrust myself to their intercession

  • @terwilligar1981
    @terwilligar1981 12 років тому +1

    I do believe in God. And with so many different variants of the faith it makes me overwhelmed as to which it the true church. But then again I am reminded as told in the Testament Jesus said that he would make his new church in us. That the temple of God was within the hearts of men. This Orthodoxy seems interesting. I will tend one and see for myself what its really like.

  • @janesantos8900
    @janesantos8900 7 років тому +1

    Exelente video, could there be subtitles in Spanish?

  • @alfredosauce1
    @alfredosauce1 5 років тому

    8:32 the music is so beautiful. They are sining "Koudus" ie "Holy" from the Trisagion hymn. Anyone know what particular recording that is from? So powerful

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    In regards to Eusebius, et al.
    1. We don't know if they were protesting icons or just 3D statuary (I was raised a Mexican Catholic, and in Mexico I have seen how 3D can lend itself to idolatry)
    2. We know that they were protesting something, but we don't know that the whole Church agreed with them. You can find a Church Father to support practically any theological position if you look hard enough.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    Because it's not fiction. It's actually how the Orthodox understand themselves. The Orthodox do not approach any of their doctrine or scripture at face value alone. That's a Protestant approach.

  • @kollyvades
    @kollyvades 12 років тому

    The other one is the assistant (Fr Reagan) at St Barnabas in Southern California.

  • @TheImpactEditor
    @TheImpactEditor 12 років тому

    8. In 754 the first “Seventh Ecumenical Council” met and condemned the icons. “If anyone ventures to represent in human figures, by means of material colours, by reason of the incarnation, the substance or person (ousia or hypostasis) of the Word, which cannot be depicted, and does not rather confess that even after the Incarnation he [i.e., the Word] cannot be depicted, let him be anathema!” (Ninth Statement.)

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    I find that comment both rude and theologically unfounded. How's the view up there from your ivory tower?

  • @GreekPontus
    @GreekPontus 11 років тому

    If you're trying to return to living the NT church of Acts you should join Orthodoxy. Western church-"Catholicism" has made many doctrinal innovations after its separation from the Church in 1054 (purgatory, immaculate conception of Mary, papal supremacy and infallibility etc)

  • @aznprodigy17
    @aznprodigy17 11 років тому

    Well, are they disagreeing on essential doctrine? or secondary issues? Cos if they disagree on essential doctrine then its a problem.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    I love you too. Do you know that typing ALL IN CAPS means you're yelling?

  • @blathermore
    @blathermore 5 років тому +1

    My immediate family is Catholic, Orthodox, evangelical...underfoot in my life. I read and pray a lot about this. We all need each other...each split took something vital and weakened the Body of our Lord on earth. The "real" church will return only when obey Him. However, what do I feel? I don't want to be a coward and have no opinion. I believe orthodoxy comes closest to Heaven in the service....it's impossible to participate an not experience this. The Roman Catholic has this plus...it stoops to the weakest, the most common, and the weaknesses in each of us. It's the church of the Roman forums, the street, the Latin speaking poor. We need each other. I ask, if the "right" church was denied your attendance by poverty or distance...if you didn't have the gas to go 40 miles to the True Church...would you stay away from church altogether?

  • @ron66hand
    @ron66hand 12 років тому

    In Orthodoxy, what is Hagia Sophia? What is Holly Wisdom? This teaching is unique to Orthodoxy, but, why do the Orthodox people talk so little about it?

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    Who are you to pass judgment? Even if they are gay, what bearing does that have on their decision to embrace the True Faith or their own personal holiness? This is at best a red herring and at worst soul-destroying gossip.
    Ugh. Hyper-Orthodox internet trolls will be my undoing.

  • @ambu6478
    @ambu6478 Рік тому

    No wonder Christianity is diminishing around the world. If the Church can't hold it together and remain ONE as Jesus prayed we would be, why would people in the secular world want to come be a part of such a splintered organization? I grew up in a protestant church, but I realized as an adult that it was not like what I read about in the Scriptures. The Orthodox Church seems to be the most like the Early Church, but who can find a Orthodox Church in many parts of the USA?

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    I am sorry you find us so offensive. Please, I ask forgiveness on behalf of any Orthodox who has ever offended you or failed to offer you kindness.

  • @kollyvades
    @kollyvades 12 років тому

    A horrendous shock and true. A couple of those Antiochian clergy that converted back in the 80's have "come out" as homosexuals, and one of them is speaking in this video. Fr Braun...

    • @mamafortuin
      @mamafortuin 3 роки тому

      May God have mercy on your soul for the slander you are spewing. Fr. John Braun is my Godfather. I knew and love his wife whom he dearly loved and their 5 children and countless grandchildren. You need to delete your offensive and utterly false comment. 😡👎

  • @Gabrael777
    @Gabrael777 11 років тому

    Hi. Im a traditional Roman Catholic. At one point I nearly converted to Greek Orthodoxy, but I ended up where I am now, after going through sedevacantism and reconciliation. I am curious to know your position on Roman Catholics and on the pope specifically. I once had an Orthodox friend who argued the Holy Father was a valid bishop who just has too much power.

    • @DysmasTheGoodThief
      @DysmasTheGoodThief 5 років тому

      The pope is retarded as a concept

    • @blathermore
      @blathermore 5 років тому

      I, too, have a foot in each.....the hard noses will just have to live with us.

  • @TheImpactEditor
    @TheImpactEditor 12 років тому

    he Orthodox Broke Away from the Tradition of the Early Church
    5. Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, to John, Bishop of Jerusalem (c. 394) in Letter 51:
    I went in to pray, and found there a curtain hanging on the doors of the said church, dyed and embroidered. It bore an image either of Christ or of one of the saints; . . .. Seeing this, and being loath that an image of a man should be hung up in Christ's church contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures, I tore it asunder . . . .

  • @BrotherCecil
    @BrotherCecil 10 років тому

    The original patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch separated from Rome and Constantinople at the Council of Chalcedon. The patriarch of Constantinople was created for political reason at Chalcedon, as well.

    • @MrOphachew
      @MrOphachew 10 років тому +1

      The separations happened at the Schism of 1054 a,d, Rome separated itself from The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic church at that time. The separation simply inspired Luther to separate from Rome in the 1500's and those separations simply continue today,

    • @trueorthodoxfaith
      @trueorthodoxfaith 10 років тому +3

      You comment is not totally true. There exists two Patriarchs in Alexandria and Antioch, one Eastern Orthodox and the other Oriental Orthodox. The Oriental Orthodox are not in communion with Rome or the Eastern Orthodox. The Patriarch was not created for political reasons. If anyone was political it was the pope in Rome.

    • @MrOphachew
      @MrOphachew 10 років тому

      The disagreements that the Eastern Orthodox have with the Coptics is far older and historically speaking there was never any kind of a official schism as between the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches.

    • @ServantMichael
      @ServantMichael  7 років тому

      Sort of. There were pro-imperial factions within both churches which accepted Chalcedon and remained loyal to the emperor. These were called "Melkite" in Antioch, melek = king in Arabic. These days they call themselves "Roum Osodoxi" meaning Roman Orthodox, as the Byzantines did not call themselves "Byzantines," but rather called themselves "Romans."
      These groups elected new patriarchs for their respective sees which were in turn commemorated by the Church in Constantinople, so arguments for the "legitimacy" of the non-Chalcedonian vs Chalcedonian group in either country is really a matter of assumptions--is the teaching Chalcedon truth or heresy?

  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry 12 років тому

    It means that as Christianity was spreading, some of the former pagans were bringing their pagan practices with them into the church, like the use of images. And so the bishops responded pastorally to that by clearly teaching that Christian worship does not use icons. Canon 36 of the Council of Elvira states, "Pictures are not to be placed in churches, so that they do not become objects of worship and adoration."
    Later the "orthodox" church was overwhelmed by paganism and broke from tradition.

  • @aveesurfstar9033
    @aveesurfstar9033 11 років тому

    Feeling the same way as you do - I am Orthodox currently, but would love to see greater union, so that I could attend churches of both kinds...

  • @aznprodigy17
    @aznprodigy17 11 років тому

    Hi there, I'm a reformed Protestant, and I hope you will know that we Protestants are united, but we are not united by our buildings or names, but by our common faith and doctrine concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. Please do not bundle us in with LDS, Mormons, or liberal churches, that would be a grave mistake. I personally am trying to return to living the NT church of Acts. I looked into Catholicism and found it to be apostate in dogma (esp. Marian, purgatory) God bless in your journey.

  • @tradcat7777
    @tradcat7777 5 років тому +1

    Why do We Catholics and Orthodox fight, we shouldn't fight with each other but fight for the soul's of lost Protestants who live in sin and heresy

  • @jamesrockford5145
    @jamesrockford5145 9 років тому

    What is the Greek Orthodox plan of salvation?

    • @silouanmathew6599
      @silouanmathew6599 9 років тому

      James Rockford
      Please view my site below if time permits and click on the link top left for 'salvation'
      theOrthodoxFaith (dot) org
      Feel free to ping me with any questions. Thanks.

    • @radulazar5485
      @radulazar5485 8 років тому +1

      +James Rockford thet is not GREEK, the orthodox church is one church, but rome lost the orthodoxy in 1054

    • @theodoreparris8260
      @theodoreparris8260 7 років тому

      Not about us but Jesus Christ.

  • @pjlu2
    @pjlu2 11 років тому

    El Elyon IS My Father while the current Creed reads it as being El Shaddai........ iAM Roman Catholic, a modern man with true Orthodox knowledge of "Our" Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. Expect big changes all around, but first there is a major battle to win and a King of France to Anoint with Oil.

  • @REXITE33
    @REXITE33 12 років тому

    Yeoberry you are manipulating what orthodoxy means to suit yourself...period! As far as your comments go about images and icons - how else were the apostles and teachers after them meant to explain such things to other people who did not speak the same language? Ofcourse they had to use a 'visual' medium as orally it was almost impossible to explain....wake up to yourself!!

  • @markhilston
    @markhilston 11 років тому

    Only one pure and without sin was not only the only one worthy but also the only one capable of bearing Christ,who was perfect. And what do you mean if Mary was sinless,then what need for Jesus? Mary is one out of Billions of humans who will exist before Jesus Return. And Catholic doctrine does not change everyday. Individuals and even some authorities try to and claim it as such but the basic truths if the faith necessary for salvation is and always will remain the same. You are very misled.

    • @blathermore
      @blathermore 5 років тому

      She is the new Eve...Jesus was not just Divine, but a man. The human soul was created in the image of the Holy Trinity, yes?

  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry 12 років тому

    Then, for the record, you've been worshiping idols for years and at the same time deceiving yourself. This is exactly what the Apostle Paul said is going on in idolatry in Romans 1:18ff: it is a suppression of the truth, a self-deception and an expression of hatred against the true God who cannot be represented in images. It doesn't matter what you "think" about the sin. It matters what God says. He describes it in Exodus 20:4ff, the Second Commandment, and it is sin.

  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry 12 років тому

    Again, that's just not true. All I have to do is go to a so-called "orthodox" "Ecumenical Council" and quote from the anathemas. I'm sure I could find an anathema from the second "Seventh Ecumenical Council" that condemns Christians who oppose idol worshiping. And it would condemn me, the person,not just my doctrine.
    I note that you've still not retracted and apologized for your false statement about anathemas.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 6 років тому

    this seems to be an oxymoron....the Catholic Church talking about the Book of Acts...hmmm.....

  • @markhilston
    @markhilston 11 років тому

    Sometimes I believe the Orthodox bash Catholics more often than protestants. And Orthodoxy is very similar to Catholicism. The differences are mainly due to misunderstanding and obviously the Pope. Catholics never call Orthodox heretics or anything negative about their faith. we acknowledge the Orthodox as a sister denomination and are the only Christians welcome to our sacraments. Orthodoxy is a beautiful reverent group of Christians,who I wish would find common ground with us for unity.

    • @DysmasTheGoodThief
      @DysmasTheGoodThief 5 років тому

      Soon as you apologize for being schismatics

    • @blathermore
      @blathermore 5 років тому

      Catholics go for months and never think about Popes or Cardinals.....but Orthodox and protestants never shut up about them. I think its a Freudian fixation...

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому


  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry 12 років тому

    You still haven't repented of your false statement about anathemas. They are clearly directed at people. If you continue to insist that they are not, then you are a liar.
    It is understandable that an organization that misrepresents its founding -- saying it preserves the tradition of the early church when in fact they radically broke away from it -- produces people who habitually lie.

  • @maryamm.1346
    @maryamm.1346 6 років тому

    Yess united with rome Babylon. Ex true orthodox church

  • @TheDylanja
    @TheDylanja 11 років тому

    The true Church is the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church!

  • @luisalves5964
    @luisalves5964 10 років тому

    falsedoxy has nothing to with God, the Bible or the Christian faith.

    • @Patrickseventyfour
      @Patrickseventyfour 10 років тому +11

      Seriously, you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. Christ said He'd establish His Church. NOT His Scriptures, NOT a "relationship" or a loosely associated group of followers who more or less agreed on certain things. He said He'd establish it so the gates of hades would not prevail against it. If, at any time, even for a milisecond, the entire Church fell into heresy, Christ would be a liar and the Holy Spirit a failure.
      Not only that, but the NT contradicts the idea of sola scriptura, a 16th century novelty you seem to imply with your statement.

    • @cfG21
      @cfG21 9 років тому +3

      Luis Alves Patrickseventyfour plus Martin Luther wanted to get ride of Book of James because it contradicted sola scriptura and and sola fide.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 років тому

      Thats correct Luis.
      All those that follow the religions of this world are following satan.
      Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Mormonism etc etc are not of God, nor the Bible nor of Jesus.
      God created man, man created religion.
      Sadly, people like Patricksevenyfour, believe that "church" means religion, but Jesus NEVER came to set up a religion nor a kingdom upon this earth.
      The word "church" means PEOPLE!!! NOT religion or religious institution!!
      The Christians are the church, the body of Christ. We have been established.
      Jesus came as teacher and a Savior not as someone who came to set up an institution with laws, beliefs, regulations, rules, customs, practices, rituals etc
      Jesus is all about relationship, not religion!!!
      Jesus is no liar however the men who claim that speaking against their religious and false beliefs make out that those people speaking against their religion are making Jesus a liar. This is all mind control, religious control and is designed to work upon lazy people, people who do not bother to study the bible for themselves.
      Satan and his religious leaders and followers have great control over lazy and ignorant people who claim to be Christians. Studying the bible, knowing the scriptures and knowing what is truth and what is deception is the only thing that is going to keep people of religious bondage and condemnation.
      Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
      Follow Jesus, not religion.
      Praise Jesus for the truth, Glory to the Father and glory to the Holy Spirit who leads us out of deception and into truth.

    • @novapowell6976
      @novapowell6976 7 років тому +1

      LOL go to your NGO!

  • @Ettoredipugnar
    @Ettoredipugnar 10 років тому

    Old Metro Philp. Dead and gone. Pretty little girl with the red dress on. He died a very wealthy man. Dressed like a Anglican Cleric, paste on theatrical beard.

  • @jahilhamid5773
    @jahilhamid5773 11 років тому +39

    I think i will turn orthodox.

  • @katerinalove7704
    @katerinalove7704 9 років тому +42

    The Orthodox Divine Liturgy is so beautiful and unchanging. I was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church. This was an informative presentation.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 років тому +1

      Sorry to hear that. I hope you've now left religion and follow Jesus?

    • @cowboyzchad8838
      @cowboyzchad8838 3 роки тому

      @@adamgoodword7888 I don’t think you understood the video.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr Рік тому

      @@adamgoodword7888 lol, I like to think of the services as worshipping Jesus.

    • @Sts19929
      @Sts19929 Місяць тому

      @@adamgoodword7888hope you left your heresy and returned to the church Jesus built.

  • @Elsupermayan8870
    @Elsupermayan8870 5 років тому +18

    I think this is the video that has convinced me to turn to the Orthodox Church.
    I will look more into it.

    • @Cobruh_Commander
      @Cobruh_Commander 5 років тому +4

      Read "Welcome to the Orthodox Church" by Frederica Mathewes-Green for starters. It gave me a quick rundown behind some practices and theology, making my first time a little less awkward. Or, you could look up (Eastern) Orthodox churches nearby and go there before reading. Either way, it's very beautiful.

    • @teresarogers2122
      @teresarogers2122 3 роки тому +2

      Robert, I pray you did become orthodox!
      The priest wife, Terry in Tennessee

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  11 років тому +11

    I think that Mormonism and Protestantism are no way comparable. I have a lot of respect for much of traditional Lutheranism, but the LDS "church" is a johnny-come-lately impostor with no foundational doctrinal continuity to Christianity, and it was founded by an American occultist and Freemason, (by his own admission!)

    • @blathermore
      @blathermore 5 років тому +4

      Want to be popular with a protestant? Remind them the Luther was a Mystery religion initiate and later complained that the protestants were not building charities or orphanages like the Catholics. He knew his choice to put all salvation on an interior opinion of faith alone was a political choice, not a sincere one.

  • @julescutler
    @julescutler 12 років тому +8

    the best way to know about Orthodox Theology is to go to Liturgy on Sundays and there you will see it being played out. "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8(NIV)

  • @Nolimitscomedy
    @Nolimitscomedy 10 років тому +36

    Metropolitan Philip may his memory be eternal

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +11

    For the record, I've been venerating icons for years, and never have I ever even considered worshiping the image itself as God/a god. Have you ever asked an Orthodox if he thought he was worshiping wood and paint? I've never met one. I think you're culturally uncomfortable with religious art and are reaching for a theological justification for your reaction.

  • @novapowell6976
    @novapowell6976 8 років тому +29

    Our beloved Holy Orthodoxy!

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 років тому

      disgusting!! You worship religion over Jesus.
      Idol worshiper!!

    • @novapowell6976
      @novapowell6976 7 років тому +10

      Holy Orthodox Church kept the Fullness of Truth and for that reason we can follow our Lord Jesus Christ in his original Church. And you worship a human (Pope or pastor depending to what NGO you belong to).

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  11 років тому +10

    The Papacy has ultimately failed to provide unity to Christendom. Papacy is not the solution.

  • @ozzymosley5137
    @ozzymosley5137 11 років тому +11

    Lutheran here and I agree. A lot of Protestant sects are odd and the LDS and Mormon churches are strange.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +13

    I haven't been a Catholic for ten years. I'm a canonical Orthodox.

  • @john.f3279
    @john.f3279 10 років тому +30

    The truth.

    • @georgesyankoff1030
      @georgesyankoff1030 9 років тому +4

      Thank you so much.Chrit is risen.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 років тому

      The truth is that religion is a deception.
      God created man, man created religion.
      Jesus said I Am the way, not religion is the way.
      Jesus said Follow Me, not follow men and then pick some brand of religion that tickles your fancy and follow it too.
      Only JESUS is the truth!! He is the truth, the way, the life, the light and the narrow gate through which we must enter.
      Turn away from religion now! Come out of her and partake not of her sins and receive not of her plagues!!
      Pick up your cross and follow Jesus!!!

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +9

    Also, I would recommend visiting an Orthodox parish; Orthodoxy is a thing that can't really be grasped by means of books and reading; it has to be experienced in community in order to be understood.
    What part of the country (I assume you're in the US?) are you in? I know Orthodox Christians in practically every major city that can recommend a good church to you.

  • @naiman4535
    @naiman4535 5 років тому +7

    Somewhere towards the end of this video, it finally got down to the real essence of what Orthodox Christianity is all about for me - mercy and compassion. "It's not a judgmental religion," said an Orthodox priest. Bingo - that alone distinguishes it from all the Protestant, evangelical and other Western churches that are out there. Up until that point, this video, with all its emphasis on unbroken apostolic succession, seemed to be tailor made for the ultra-conservative or dyed in the wool traditionalist.

  • @alanbourbeau24
    @alanbourbeau24 7 років тому +5

    To my Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ. Russian, Romanian, Greece. Peace be upon you all. I understand that the schism of 1054 was a devastating event for us. Because of our theological differences, the perspective point of view on eternal salvation and eternal damnation, doctrine issues too. But rest assured, when we all die. Christ the righteous judge will decide whether we will enter Heaven or not. We cannot let our differences separate us and make us each other enemies. Instead we should trust in God, Jesus Christ, the reliance of the Saints, pray for each other. My hope is that we'll be bound for Heaven. We'll all be united in Heaven. This i swear. Amen.

  • @jajohnson7809
    @jajohnson7809 12 років тому +4

    May God have mercy on me a sinner, and on all his children. +

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +4

    Do you accept the teaching of the Holy Apostle Paul?
    "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
    How dare you pass judgment on those believers in Christ who are outside of the Visible Church? Do you really think that by categorically condemning their relationship to Christ as demonic that you will save even one single soul?

  • @MrDougpro
    @MrDougpro 5 років тому +6

    How could Peter have been Bishop of Rome when he never lived there?

    • @rogerdaquin9940
      @rogerdaquin9940 3 роки тому

      Your simply wrong. Peter lived, died, and was buried in Rome.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +4

    @kollyvades Well, even if those allegations were true, you would do well to pray for them with the pure love of Jesus Christ and free yourself from the chains of judgment you have hung around your own neck.
    I know Fr. John; he just retired from his service to St. Anthony's parish in San Diego.

  • @frenfriki
    @frenfriki 9 років тому +13

    there are 50 million orthodox christians in east africa ethiopia

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 років тому

      wow, that is 50 million people who do not know Jesus and who are on the broad path to destruction.

  • @elizabethshaw734
    @elizabethshaw734 4 роки тому +3

    Yes I know how old this is . I am in the middle of becoming Orthodox and I wish I had found it decades ago. It was meant for me and it took me this long I might have 20 good years left and maybe another couple on a credit card! :-)

  • @aznprodigy17
    @aznprodigy17 11 років тому +4

    It might be too much of a culture shock for me though haha
    Although, I'm glad that the Orthodox church is biblical in its essential doctrine.

  • @alanbourbeau24
    @alanbourbeau24 7 років тому +11

    Regardless of what Christian denomination you follow. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant. Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Congregational, Anglican/Episcopalian and so on. The Jehovah's Witness aren't Christian. Nor are the Mormons. Me, I grew up in a Irish Catholic family. And attending Sunday mass plays a vital role in my life.

  • @catherineahtipis2142
    @catherineahtipis2142 3 роки тому +4

    Absolutely uplifting! Glory to God.

  • @archangelmedia2022
    @archangelmedia2022 11 років тому +2

    there are over 30,000 different Christian sects (including the many sects of Protestantism... some of which don't even believe in Christ. In my experience, having spoken at many different churches, there are baptists who don't even believe the same as other baptists. Too many inconsistencies within Protestantism... but that doesn't mean there aren't pious Christians outside of Orthodoxy or Catholicism.

  • @tracywallis5387
    @tracywallis5387 2 роки тому +2

    This has helped me with understanding Orthodoxy so much more. I'm more Orthodox than I think. I am seeking after being Catholic and Evangelical. Pray for me!! Thank you Lord Jesus Son of God!!

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +2

    You seem pretty committed to your conclusions; I don't know what I can say to help you consider any other perspective. May God bless you in your walk with Him.

  • @BELLA7685
    @BELLA7685 6 років тому +3

    The truth.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    The Church anathematizes heresy, but makes no judgment about individuals. How Do you know that someone is definitively outside of the Body of Christ? Are you God? You create a false-dichotomy and you misunderstand the meaning of anathema and the teachings of holy fathers such as St. Justin.

  • @ComradeAgopian
    @ComradeAgopian 11 років тому +2

    Take your time and devote much prayer to you're desire to join the Holy Orthodox Church . Bear in mind the Church its self is holy , the people in it are not . I would also suggest you seek out an Antiochian Orthodox Church , or the Orthodox Church in America . Both serve English language Divine Liturgies , and are free of the ethnic politics found elsewhere .

  • @orthoglobus
    @orthoglobus 11 років тому +5

    "And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshipped, and he said to him, ‘What do you command your servant, my lord (NOT Lord)?'" (Joshua 5,14) => Joshua stood before an angel.
    If bowing before e.g. a King is not a worship, then bowing before a Saint is not either.
    If kissing e.g. a beloved person's photograph is not a worship, then kissing a Saint's icon is not either.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    Why can't it be both? Christ continues incarnating himself ever time a new Christian is baptized into the community of the Body, the Church. Christ makes each one of us a temple, a little Christ in microcosm. That's the meaning of the word, "Christian," actually!

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    Calling me a liar is a pretty serious accusation. Are you sure you want to do that?
    That anathema above comes from a "council" which is considered heretical by the Orthodox. It's not our council at all.
    Looking at the anathemas from the other councils which the Orthodox consider legitimate, the principle I have laid out above still holds true. Anathemas are statements about the danger of adopting heresy, which causes one to separate himself from the Body of Christ, the Church.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +1

    If you're looking for an Orthodox Christian to condemn you, you'll have to try elsewhere, if you can find one at all, that is. I do not condemn or judge you. God bless you, and pray for me, a sinner.

  • @susansuewwilliams
    @susansuewwilliams 5 років тому +1

    Metropolitan Phillip may his memory be eternal.
    Everyday I praise the Lord that my family found Orthodoxy, Decembers enjoy 2006 we were chrismated.
    Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  11 років тому +1

    You're oversimplifying things. Surely you've read about God's command to create the two angels on the Ark of the Covenant and to adorn the Temple with images of animals. You really think the first Christians who died for Christ and painted the catacombs were idolaters?

  • @Cybele1986
    @Cybele1986 12 років тому +1

    12:13 I think that's the crux of the thing. "We go to church to have a spiritual experience." Much as I am fond of liberal Christianity, this is where is really misses the mark. Milquetoast and dumbed-down worship doesn't produce a "spiritual experience"

  •  4 роки тому +1

    I wish this had 7 Billion views.

  • @betweenaz
    @betweenaz 10 років тому +1

    @Mary Yeo: Eusebius had some dogmatic errors. His doctrine about the Holy Trinity is influenced by Origen, which has been anathemized. Also his doctrine on icons was influenced by the same Origen.

  • @orthoglobus
    @orthoglobus 11 років тому +3

    Bowing before icons in the Orthodoxy, is considered as an act of honor, not worship! In Ex. 20,4-5 God forbids the worship bowing. So as John (who was fully aware of the 10 commandments) bowed 2 times before an angel (Ap. 19,10 & 22,8-9) he obviously didn't worship the angel and the angel didn't rejected his bowing as heretic, but only due to humility reasons. Yet in the case of Joshua 5,13-15 we see that the angel accepts(!) Joshua's bowing. See also Ap.3,9 and the promise of Jesus to a human!

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому +2

    @ServantMichael I know Fr. Braun, and to my darkened nous, he is a bright light.

    • @mamafortuin
      @mamafortuin 3 роки тому

      Fr. John Braun is my family’s and my Godfather. God grant him many years! ❤️🙏☦️

  • @MrDanielBrisk
    @MrDanielBrisk 12 років тому +1

    Have mercy on him, pray for him, be slow to judge and speak with kindness and love. I believe we need to counsel the doubtful and instruct the ignorant while avoiding the temptation to judge them. Besides, by counseling, instructing and praying for these folks, we grow stronger in our own faith. Peace of the Lord be with you.

  • @dimitris1453
    @dimitris1453 12 років тому +1

    hahaha am so sorry from deep in my heart i wasnt yelling!!!

  • @TheImpactEditor
    @TheImpactEditor 12 років тому

    4. Eusebius (c. 327) insisted that even the incarnate Christ cannot appear in an image. He wrote that o depict purely the human form of Christ before its transformation, on the other hand, is to break the commandment of God and to fall into pagan error." (David M. Gwynn, From Iconoclasm to Arianism: The Construction of Christian Tradition
    in the Iconoclast Controversy [Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 47 (2007) 225-251], p. 227.)

    • @mamafortuin
      @mamafortuin 3 роки тому

      Eusebius is not recognized as a church father or saint, so his opinion doesn’t matter. What matters is the consensus of the majority of the Church Fathers, and in the 7th ecumenical council the Fathers commanded the use of icons by Christians.
      St. John of Damascus wrote,
      “In times past, God, without body and form, could in no way be represented. But now, since God has appeared in flesh and lived among men, I can depict that which is visible of God. I do not venerate the matter, but I venerate the Creator of matter, who became matter for me, who condescended to live in matter, and who, through matter, accomplished my salvation; and I do not cease to respect the matter through which my salvation is accomplished.”

  • @AirelonTrading
    @AirelonTrading 11 років тому

    You ever try to call these "eminence" folks
    "Mr." so and so?
    Try it.
    I have.
    And if you want to see pure, unadulterated rage? Hatred? Tell them they can't park in the "first" "clergy" parking spot MR Philip Matthew 6:1
    You will see pure hatred in another humans eyes

  • @krPeter2010
    @krPeter2010 11 років тому +2

    the Pope AND the Patriarchs are all one in the faith of Jesus and come down from the early times...we have to all get back together for the Love of Jesus!!!!!As a Catholic I am am privileged to receive communion on the altar and i can feel Jesus presence so strong.. I love my Orthodox brothers as well and.we all need to stop this separation!!

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    You really think that there was no worshiping of God going on as the Christians were burying their dead? No singing, no incense? You're correct in asserting that the Lord's Supper, the primary act of Christian worship, was *probably* not celebrated in the catacombs, but there are places in the catacombs decorated with 2nd Century Last Supper symbolism, complete with an altar table.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    LOL if you're at all familiar with the concreteness of Orthodox theology expressed in those church services, you'd see very quickly that this is merely a sound-byte taken from a man whose first language is not English. Orthodox worship could be characterized (though not exhaustively so) as "great gobs of theology set to music" as one Protestant observer friend once described.
    Liberal Christianity? Hardly. Go check out an English liturgy at a parish with a healthy cradle-convert mix. I dare ya.

  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry 12 років тому

    No. It's a simply matter of the "orthodox" doing exactly what is prohibited in the 2nd commandment -- making a likeness and bowing before it. Then they change the name of the sin and call it "venerating icons" thinking that that makes it less sinful.
    The early church prohibited such things, see quotes from Elvira, Eusebius, and Epiphanius below.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    Anathemas are made to condemn doctrines, not the people who hold them. When the councils pronounce anathemas, they do so to underscore the seriousness of publicly teaching false doctrines which divide the Church-- if you promulgate false-teaching X, you are cutting *yourself* off from the Body of Christ. They are not made in order to spread hate.

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    You know what's more absurd? Making theoretical statements about Christian theological history without reference to any textual or archeological evidence from Christian history. The proof is in the pudding, my friend. Google "catacombs icons".

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    While I believe you may be correct, that direct criticism of yeoberry is neither necessary nor helpful. Let us bless and not curse. Rom 12

  • @ServantMichael
    @ServantMichael  12 років тому

    Well, if you want to know how the Orthodox contextualize at their own doctrinal statements, including the principle of the anathema, why don't you just ask them?

  • @susansuewwilliams
    @susansuewwilliams 6 років тому

    Thank you very much it was wonderful.
    Blessed be the thrice blessed Philip
    Blessed be the thrice blessed Ignatius Patriarchs of Antioch.
    We are so blessed my daughter my granddaughter, who was three, and I converted to Orthodoxy December 16th 2016 what a blessed day that was.
    Metropolitan Philip said girls could serve behind the altar, my granddaughter has served St George of Troy because Father Joseph allows her, since she was seven years old she is now fourteen.
    May the Lord continue to bless Father Joseph.
    May the Lord continue to bless Richard and Walid of St George of Troy who seem to give to the Lord continuously.
    Today is Orthodox Sunday 2018 blessed be Irene and Theodora may their blessings continue on the Orthodox.

  • @michaelmartin3122
    @michaelmartin3122 5 років тому

    Nice video, but the history presented is simplistic and abridged. The Eastern Orthodox must be more open about the politics that shaped it, the Roman Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches. The Coptic Orthodox church is, and has remained, the Patriarch of Alexandria. God bless that the beliefs of the two Orthodoxies remain the same. Perhaps one day they will be in full communion.

  • @REXITE33
    @REXITE33 12 років тому

    I am tired of your ridiculous copy n paste comments. Why even come on here and comment? no one is asking or forcing you to be orthodox....are you just a keyboard fighter?? Here to 'stir things up?? Orthodoxy has not only stood the test of time but has proven itself over and over again. It's people like you that help us preserve our faith and also ensure people like you dont come along with silly ideas and destroy everything we stand for.....