Barstool Trent Tests the New Stealth HD Irons | TaylorMade Golf

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ayoutubechannel6497
    @ayoutubechannel6497 Рік тому +297

    Major props to Taylormade for showing what their clubs look like in the hands of an average golfer

    • @nmc92
      @nmc92 Рік тому +8

      average may be generous

    • @jakejohnson7903
      @jakejohnson7903 Рік тому +8

      @@nmc92 nah in the grand scheme of golf trent is definitely average

    • @Wangchung405
      @Wangchung405 Рік тому +2

      Trent is definitely worse than average

    • @krusher74
      @krusher74 Рік тому +1

      @@Wangchung405 world average is around 18/19 driving 220, he is right there.

    • @Wangchung405
      @Wangchung405 Рік тому +2

      @@krusher74 the average Joe doesn’t get fitted at the kingdom and lessons from pros. Therefor, Trent is worse than average

  • @CamMacMastermusic
    @CamMacMastermusic Рік тому +142

    Finally! This is what tailor-made and other golf companies should be showing. How much of an improvement can be made to amateur golfers with their new products. We all know that Dustin Johnson can hit anything but what can I do in a regular players hands. This is the most important video you guys have ever made.

  • @paulduarte2261
    @paulduarte2261 Рік тому +179

    T Daddy shanking the first one is the most relatable thing ever. The peoples golfer

  • @rushintl1
    @rushintl1 Рік тому +11

    I watched this video a dozen times before I made my purchase. As a 60 year old golfer, who is in very good physical condition, my swing speed is pretty much in the low 80's now. I got fitted for they Taylormade Stealth HD irons this year and I couldn't be happier. They do exactly as advertised. High launching, forgiving and definitely a game improvement for me. I was using older Callaway's from 15 years ago and my scores last season averaged 78-82. I played 36 holes this past weekend and scored a personal best 71 from the whites. The clubs made my striking much more consistent. I also eliminated chunks & burners, as well as stuck greens, due to the improved attack angles. My objective was to make the game much more enjoyable for myself and in the early part of this season, 2023, they have done what I invested in them for. I tested them against the T-Rails and the Launchers and based on the recommendation from the Master Fitter at Golf Galaxy, I settled on the TaylorMade's. They feel great and the sound is fine. Personally, I am extremely happy.

  • @mjwidell
    @mjwidell Рік тому +95

    The real star of Foreplay! Love seeing TDaddy get dialed with Trottie!

  • @cmryan04
    @cmryan04 Рік тому +23

    THIS is well done. Props to TM for showing new products in the hands of an amateur, the majority of golfers can relate to my guy Trent Daddy!

  • @JonasKFriedChicken
    @JonasKFriedChicken Рік тому +25

    This is the what the poster-child for a high draw iron should be. Likeable dude who wants to break 90.

  • @jayfron6012
    @jayfron6012 Рік тому +43

    Hitting 159 with a 7iron with high loft is actually quite good. Nice work Trent

    • @ZiPolishHammer
      @ZiPolishHammer Рік тому +1

      HD may be weaker than the regular Stealth set, but they're still 4˚ stronger than a traditional 7i loft

    • @zerofactor7871
      @zerofactor7871 Рік тому +2

      My 7i is a Wilson Staff FG-17 blade iron made in 1984, and I hit it just as far. The loft is 6° weaker than what he's hitting here. I'm only an 18hcp.

    • @krusher74
      @krusher74 Рік тому +1

      @@zerofactor7871 so you swiing faster and deloft your club, you want a prize?

  • @kooijbas
    @kooijbas Рік тому +45

    Great idea letting Trent test these irons. What use is it to see a scratch golfer swing super game improvement irons?

  • @steverimel1445
    @steverimel1445 Рік тому +3

    Trent you swing has improved a ton! looks so natural for you and striking the ball like a champ! Great Job TM for putting on a great review to average players and not just Pros. Trottie is an actual swing genius! Have watched both of these guys for a couple of years now! Cheers Mates!

  • @Omnis2
    @Omnis2 Рік тому +3

    Honestly, I went from Cally player's irons to SGI Halos and my game improved so much. If I ever get faster I can always go back, but I'm not trying to break records or be a tour pro. Glad to see Trent Dog out there at the Kingdom repping all of us in the +90s

  • @howie8552
    @howie8552 Рік тому +17

    "Turf interaction, Queens English" 🤣 Trottie representing us Brits like the legend he is 👍

  • @CarlosRuga1
    @CarlosRuga1 Рік тому +3

    Couldn't have picked a better man to show off those new irons. Go for Gold Trent!

  • @joecascio2073
    @joecascio2073 Рік тому

    Love this video!! I’m 60 years old and have been banging golf balls since I was 8. Club tech has definitely improved but NOTHING BEATS spending $$ for 1 on 1 golf lessons. You can easily get caught up in the weeds with the amount of “club choices” there’s simply too many to choose from. Invest your time and $$ in lessons and practice 1st before investing $ into clubs. Now, this will be the time to start thinking about what type club you really need.

  • @grayslayers
    @grayslayers 8 місяців тому

    I just sold my Callaway Razr X which I had for over 10 years and have nice new full set of Stealth HDs, Driver, 5, 4H and all the irons. I can honestly say that I have never hit my irons and woods so well and consistently. Love them.
    A lot

  • @cameroncummings4910
    @cameroncummings4910 Рік тому +1

    Trent and Trottie talking shop!? Steezy. Trent is such a realist and Trottie's approach is so inviting to Trent asking questions or commenting. A1 video chaps!

  • @andrewrowley6253
    @andrewrowley6253 Рік тому +5

    It would be awesome to get a fitting done with trottie. I love his knowledge of the club and the tech in the club. You can tell he knows his stuff.

  • @buitenwesten8444
    @buitenwesten8444 Рік тому +1

    Trent being the gentleman that he is, respecting the course and not having any divots..

  • @BrandonHaynesGolf
    @BrandonHaynesGolf Рік тому +1

    Trottie is the man. We all need a fitter like him.

  • @royclose946
    @royclose946 Рік тому +8

    That was a proper lamb shank ha lol 😆 well done Chris 👏

  • @brandanbutchart2248
    @brandanbutchart2248 Рік тому

    Love the help Trent daddy is getting let’s see his driver get better now

  • @truthof7382
    @truthof7382 Рік тому +1

    Wow, I feel like this coach/rep could be talking to me, and this, much closer to average golfer also connects with me. Nice video. Stealth HD for me I believe.

  • @tylerschneider6265
    @tylerschneider6265 Рік тому

    trottie is the best man. he could make anyone comfortable

  • @EddyWhitaker
    @EddyWhitaker Рік тому +1

    Let's go Trent daddy!!! Loving Trottie fitting the normal people

  • @wkndwarrior4733
    @wkndwarrior4733 Рік тому +1

    What a great idea getting Trent on here

  • @MrLee23
    @MrLee23 Рік тому

    These TM fitting videos are the best!

  • @kennyandrew6341
    @kennyandrew6341 5 місяців тому

    These are £399 5-pw in UK just now, used them for 1st time today, absolute bargain, boy I wish I had these in my bag for years, so easy to hit high draws and open face slightly for straight flight. 👍🏼

  • @Chef-Matt
    @Chef-Matt Рік тому

    Trent daddy! Good job TM for using an average golfer for this! Lots of respect

  • @bpak510
    @bpak510 Рік тому

    This was great! please do more videos like this. Mid-high handicap fittings.

  • @jjones4049
    @jjones4049 Рік тому

    Love to see a mainstream brand focusing on high handicappers. I love to play but have a ton of other things going on and don't get to play as much as I'd like. Nice consistency, for sure - I didn't think I needed new irons, but I may just have to pick up a set of these!

  • @joeylambert3449
    @joeylambert3449 Рік тому +2

    Man. I love to see Trent hit good golf shots, especially with Trottie hyping him up!

  • @obrilest
    @obrilest 8 місяців тому

    Just bought a set of these and can’t wait to play them.

  • @Golf_Hack
    @Golf_Hack Рік тому +5

    Love seeing this because I have commented a few times that Trent was using the wrong iron’s. He needs game improvement iron’s to help him get the ball in the air. Hopefully these will help him break 90!

    • @jongeephotography
      @jongeephotography Рік тому +1

      What he really needs is a better setup position. More hip hinge and less knee bend.....

    • @zerofactor7871
      @zerofactor7871 Рік тому +1

      Probably doesn't need new irons, it will only send him back to the drawing board due to having to adjust to all new clubs as a beginner. I started out playing some very old blades (1969 Wilson X-31's) because I couldn't afford anything better, and built my swing using clubs that were very difficult to hit. The unintended side effect of that was that it forced me to learn to be extremely precise with my ballstriking - with those old blades, I had to focus very hard in order to hit it well, they would punish me dearly for being lazy or imprecise. And because of that, now it really doesn't matter what type of club is in my hand, I can hit it well.
      Everyone is different and has different priorities in golf, but IMHO it takes just as much time and effort to get good at ballstriking by starting with SGI/GI irons and then graduating to a player's iron as it does when you start with blades. The advantage of starting with blades is that after you learn to hit them well, your skills will be far more refined.

  • @mikehoffman7131
    @mikehoffman7131 Рік тому +1

    I watched this yesterday and was wondering why mixed with his swing and slight inconsistency in this swing, why would you not try tossing him into a lighter weight graphite shaft to try to generate speed and smooth out the swing?

    • @cmryan04
      @cmryan04 Рік тому +1

      When they did his full bag fitting, he didn't respond well to the lighter weight shafts. You're right, but it didn't work well for him. I can relate, I have slightly heavy shafts because it worked. My swing speed isn't high, but the numbers didn't lie. Golf is weird, man.

  • @HumorusPr4wn
    @HumorusPr4wn Рік тому +2

    If Trent can break 90 with these clubs first try, thats great marketing for the Stealth HDs

  • @jachconi
    @jachconi Рік тому

    Been gaming the M6 for a couple years. Was looking at the P790 but now I have some choices.

  • @brandoncarpenter9681
    @brandoncarpenter9681 Рік тому

    Nice pull Taylormade, love seeing T Daddy

  • @ryanhorner1675
    @ryanhorner1675 Рік тому

    Shanks the first one 🤣
    Love you Trent!
    Stripe show after that though 💪

  • @rdhayes1987
    @rdhayes1987 Рік тому +1

    Curious to know how long ago this was filmed as Trent has been hitting the ball much better in recent Break 90 videos. He still hits a lot of shots thin, but to not be catching the turf almost at all has me wondering.

  • @Puffy_49
    @Puffy_49 Рік тому

    "That's why we have this beautiful turf so you can keep it clean and don't hit it." lol. Starting off the video with the best line

  • @karldann3107
    @karldann3107 Рік тому

    Hi are these good for a player that clips the ball of the turf, I normally hit 7 iron 150 carry, and looking at these I'm not a fast swinger as recovering from bad back.

  • @LeprechaunGinger
    @LeprechaunGinger Рік тому +1

    Love what you guys are doing for LIV golf!!!

  • @ethanferrara7367
    @ethanferrara7367 Рік тому

    Swing looks so fluid trent

  • @adisjasarevic4011
    @adisjasarevic4011 Рік тому

    Trent Daddy = Main Pillar of ForePlay

  • @ph5937
    @ph5937 Рік тому

    Brilliant video!

  • @stevewenzel4882
    @stevewenzel4882 Рік тому

    Standard length and regular flex ?

  • @schasesealy7661
    @schasesealy7661 Рік тому

    What i would give to get fitted by trottie man 😭. He’s so good at explaining everything too.

  • @jcd780
    @jcd780 Рік тому

    Trents swing looks great

  • @turdferguson2839
    @turdferguson2839 Рік тому +4

    Trent doing a good job, now let's see Riggs and his T Rex swing lol

    • @addisonking3202
      @addisonking3202 Рік тому +1

      On the trajectory they are on, Trent will be a better golfer than Riggs before that long. Riggs just plays more so he has the short game. Riggs from outside 100 yards is hard to watch

    • @Chef-Matt
      @Chef-Matt Рік тому

      The worst 3 handicap I’ve ever seen is Riggs

    • @christopherschall3431
      @christopherschall3431 Рік тому +1

      No one wants to see Riggs

  • @chadjames1808
    @chadjames1808 Рік тому

    Trent is the man 🤙🏻

  • @millmanj17
    @millmanj17 Рік тому

    Love Trent, the peoples golfer

  • @blakeshinkle2762
    @blakeshinkle2762 Рік тому

    Trent is the man.

  • @DunnGolfing
    @DunnGolfing Рік тому

    But can you still nail it after 5 pints asking for a friend thanks 👍

  • @TheKompetitor
    @TheKompetitor Рік тому

    I wish I could get fitted by Trottie, I feel like he's the only one who could figure out how to adjust for my crosshand swing lol

    • @krusher74
      @krusher74 Рік тому +1

      its all just path and face to path however you hold it.

  • @MrXiaoschi
    @MrXiaoschi Рік тому +1

    For the amount of golf he played this year, he has made a lot of improvements. He should just stick with same clubs, get comfortable with his swing/distance, then move away from "player improving clubs". Of course Trent gets Taylormade stuff for free, but for average golfers, I think its a lot of money with very little improvements.

    • @darunia484
      @darunia484 Рік тому

      What Irons does he play currently

    • @NavyP2013
      @NavyP2013 Рік тому +4

      For the amount of golf he's played over the years he should've broke 90 a while ago

    • @MrXiaoschi
      @MrXiaoschi Рік тому

      @@NavyP2013 some people are gifted, some people are not.

    • @MrXiaoschi
      @MrXiaoschi Рік тому

      @@darunia484 stealth I think, hopeful not regular shaft.

    • @NavyP2013
      @NavyP2013 Рік тому +2

      @@MrXiaoschi it's not even about being gifted. His course management is terrible, he could easily save 5 strokes a round making smarter shots.

  • @deandrecrawford9245
    @deandrecrawford9245 Рік тому +1

    As much as I want to believe that shot tracer, it raises suspicion lol. Yep he said couldn’t break 90. A 90s shooter isn’t striping it like that, let alone new clubs😂

    • @bjsr126
      @bjsr126 Рік тому +4

      If you witnessed him around the Green’s, you’d understand why he can’t shoot 90.
      Not to mention he’s has an extremely unrepeatable and inconsistent swing.

  • @jayfron6012
    @jayfron6012 Рік тому +1

    Gonna mirror everyone else’s comments by saying this is how you show new clubs! Trent is way closer to most peoples skill level than pros

  • @Golfexpertbelieveme
    @Golfexpertbelieveme Рік тому

    Trent can freaking break 90 if he’d slow down and just go through his steps before each shot like Trotty told him when he was in the rough. I do it before every shot cause I rush so bad a lot of the times

  • @mattreynolds981
    @mattreynolds981 Рік тому

    Lol love it, hassle shank the first one

  • @HumorusPr4wn
    @HumorusPr4wn Рік тому

    Great video, love Trent Daddy. Just wish he would fix his damn swing.

  • @jean-pierrerosa784
    @jean-pierrerosa784 Рік тому +1

    Now Trent should break 60 😂

  • @ShakesTracey
    @ShakesTracey Рік тому

    Fair play Trent 👍

  • @kendalljennings8596
    @kendalljennings8596 Рік тому

    Really wish I could afford brand-new Taylormade Stealth HD Irons but they are a little out of my price range.

  • @jamescameron204
    @jamescameron204 Рік тому

    Trent has that smile like he crapped his pants and waiting for someone to find out about it, self satisfaction, strange

  • @CoachJones_
    @CoachJones_ Рік тому

    we love trent

  • @davidfaidley4889
    @davidfaidley4889 Рік тому

    why would I trust Trent ball striking as "A Test" ??? please enlighten me...

  • @patrick111390
    @patrick111390 Рік тому

    Love Trent

  • @jeffm1806
    @jeffm1806 Рік тому

    Go Trent!

  • @scottbossy5342
    @scottbossy5342 Рік тому

    If Trent uses it, I use it

  • @Real28
    @Real28 Рік тому

    This is good content. However, I feel like Trent is 1 or 2 lessons away from much better consistency and better ball striking which seems very inconsistent. It's really nice to see testing with an average golfer though, this is what people on YT are looking for.
    But in Trent's case, I feel like he is just a couple lessons away from using a better iron.

  • @rossco1986
    @rossco1986 Рік тому

    Trent daddy 🤙

  • @nathanhill4728
    @nathanhill4728 Рік тому

    Trent would be the foundation all day long.
    Big thick concrete foundation.

  • @RiggsEyes
    @RiggsEyes Рік тому

    For someone that’s been playing golf for 6/7 years and only hits a 7 iron 140?

  • @Sagnasty17
    @Sagnasty17 Рік тому +1

    Crazy a guy that's a 25 handicap gets a free 600 dollar driver every year.. but good for Trent lol

    • @corywouters
      @corywouters Рік тому +1

      With the shaft it’s probably closer to $1,000+. The head alone is $600.

    • @Sagnasty17
      @Sagnasty17 Рік тому

      @@corywouters for sure!

  • @Gen10civic
    @Gen10civic Рік тому +1

    These companies are really going into battle with youtube creators. Callaway got the good good and Taylormade got the bad bad

  • @botrott
    @botrott Рік тому

    Trottie, if you want to really help Trent give him a short game lesson on chipping and putting. That is what's stopping him from breaking 90. He needs that more than new clubs.

  • @zachlyyyy69
    @zachlyyyy69 Рік тому

    Now use average golfers with the new stealth 2 drivers. Y’all keep sending them to millionaires

  • @joelbjorling1561
    @joelbjorling1561 Рік тому

    Trent might break 90 with those things lol

  • @PawleyWalnuts
    @PawleyWalnuts Рік тому

    Never the arrow, always the Indian. Trent, forget your irons get the putting and chipping fixed.

  • @WasabiKu
    @WasabiKu Рік тому +1

    Trent hits the original Stealth better than the HD - They're forcing the point to sell the new gen HDs - Then repeat again in 12 months time...

  • @grdfishing3326
    @grdfishing3326 Рік тому

    LFG trent

  • @nunyo7259
    @nunyo7259 Рік тому

    He doesnt need a fitting he needs a priest

  • @BassBucksOutdoors
    @BassBucksOutdoors Рік тому +1

    These irons are like putting training wheels on a Harley. Learn to play golf and don’t rely on technology (which doesn’t make that much difference). He’s young and athletic enough to go get lessons and play much better and ACTUALLY improve his game- unlike using “game improvement” irons.

    • @eakick
      @eakick Рік тому

      why do people have to be like this? if these irons help Trent play better golf and enjoy his days out there more, they ARE improving his game. who cares what someone else has in the bag?

    • @botrott
      @botrott Рік тому +1

      Disagree, if the clubs are ill-fitted the results will be worse. He needs to work on his short game which is what's holding him back from breaking 90. His old set is fine but obviously they need content and Taylor Made needs to advertise their new clubs.

    • @Longarmshortarm
      @Longarmshortarm Рік тому +1

      Exactly right. Putting a “high draw” iron in the hands of a slicer just ensures they’ll never correct their swing flaws, rather just rely on the Band-Aid fix of the draw biased game improvement iron.

  • @Scrub_Jake
    @Scrub_Jake Рік тому

    Poor Trent gets nervous lmao he probly kills it when he’s out there alone

  • @peterodonnell3399
    @peterodonnell3399 Рік тому

    does your husband play shortie

  • @stevef8395
    @stevef8395 Рік тому

    T Daddy

  • @zerofactor7871
    @zerofactor7871 Рік тому +2

    Amazing how you can be an absolute tomato can on the golf course and consistently make your buddies look like tour pros, yet still end up doing paid content promotion for TaylorMade. I can't think of anyone less deserving of this opportunity. The internet is a funny thing.

  • @82mprosen
    @82mprosen Рік тому +2

    Slow down that back swing

    • @oldben1800
      @oldben1800 Рік тому

      u think after all this time Trent can just adjust his tempo? lol

    • @82mprosen
      @82mprosen Рік тому

      @@oldben1800 if he doesn't, he'll keep the same problems. Definition of insanity

    • @oldben1800
      @oldben1800 Рік тому

      @@82mprosen one thing at a time for trent...I mean, how long this dude been at it? and the swing looks the same it did day one. Honestly i think he needs to take a break from golf and work on flexibility, cuz he has like zero. Adjusting tempo is the hardest thing in golf, to make it consistent for you is even harder...I just dont see it lol Trent is a very slow learner

  • @oldben1800
    @oldben1800 Рік тому +1

    I just have to be honest here. Trent is the slowest learner I think Ive ever seen. I think he needs to take time off from golf and work on flexibility....cuz man, the dude has zero athletic ability in that swing, and no flex.

  • @unclehulka13
    @unclehulka13 Рік тому +4

    How does an adult man hit a 140 yard 7 iron????

    • @donnachalyons3904
      @donnachalyons3904 Рік тому

      Its not how, but how many. My 7I at 34* 145yrds ish carry, was a Cat1 would regular shoot mid 70's my lowest round was a -4

    • @darunia484
      @darunia484 Рік тому

      I hit my 7 iron 140 as well :(

    • @essoteric
      @essoteric Рік тому +1

      I used to hit a 7 iron about 140ish when I started. Now I use a 9 iron. Trent is a relatively new golfer, he'll improve with time and practice.

    • @michaelgillies9075
      @michaelgillies9075 Рік тому

      My P790 iron is basically the same loft(-.5 degrees) and I hit mine on average 158 total yards and carry 148 yards,mine were fit for me and I love them,it doesn’t matter if u only hit it 140 or hit it 180,it’s how comfortable you are doing that and getting more consistent at it

    • @ZiPolishHammer
      @ZiPolishHammer Рік тому

      Watch his swing. He humps the goat and throws his arms. He's not using his large muscles to rotate.

  • @jpthegolfer2738
    @jpthegolfer2738 Рік тому +1

    137 with a 7 iron😅

  • @txterbug
    @txterbug Рік тому

    Why would you play more club instead of a little less?!? All that does is makes people slow down their swing. Take LESS club and hit the ball hard!!! Another thing that does is takes going LONG completely out of the equation.

    • @drewmiller337
      @drewmiller337 Рік тому

      More control when you slow it down vs swinging hard

    • @botrott
      @botrott Рік тому

      Because almost all his approach shots are short

    • @ZiPolishHammer
      @ZiPolishHammer Рік тому

      I'm with you. Much rather be slightly short than off the back of the green. Easier to hit a bump and run onto greens that are 90% sloped up and away than hit an impossible flop shot from over the back.

  • @jeromeo12
    @jeromeo12 Рік тому

    140 yards with a 6 iron stamped as a 7 iron. Pathetic.

  • @larukulunaseas
    @larukulunaseas Рік тому

    Zero rotation. Back swing too fast.

  • @martyman0077
    @martyman0077 Рік тому

    Yeah, TaylorMade I can't wait to try out these clubs all because of some guy who can't break fucking 90.

  • @charlesgonzalez5914
    @charlesgonzalez5914 Рік тому

    Trent is awful

  • @joebranston738
    @joebranston738 Рік тому

    I relate with this lad.