A340-600 Take off

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025


  • @VIR092
    @VIR092 15 років тому

    This is a perfect video, it simplisticaly demonstrates all the primary stages of the takeoff phase. I really admire how well the A346 responds in normal law under pilot control...it seems as if it reads and compensates for every degree of deflection. What an amazing aircraft.
    Your takeoff was wonderful, by the way.
    : )

  • @lacboubou13
    @lacboubou13 11 років тому +7

    finally an airbus pilot who flies manually, great job !

  • @petrucci973
    @petrucci973 14 років тому +1

    I TRIP EVERYTIME I WATCH THIS!! best office EVEERR!!! airbus flight deck

  • @Am99a
    @Am99a 15 років тому +1

    the sound of the engine its just amazing

  • @machobandido
    @machobandido 14 років тому

    @psgman41: thats the nose landing gear tires, its still spinning when airborne, then retracted it hits the stopper to stop it from spinning (to eliminate gyroscopic effect). the stopper is attached to the airframe thats why you feel it a bit rough. Coz thats a lot of energy transfer and nose landing gear has no breaks. hope it helps

  • @Ant0417
    @Ant0417 14 років тому

    @americanblues05 yes the trigger is a PTT! The PTT on the stick is only used by the pilot flying. There are 2 or 3 PTT's on both sides for redundancy, on the center console, up by the glareshield (I believe), and 1 on the stick of course. PNF usually uses 1 of the others as to not interfere with the other pilots control inputs.

  • @gliderwickid
    @gliderwickid 15 років тому

    Only concorde had that. The A340 and B773 both have tailstrike protection in their autopilot system. On the Airbus there is a mark on the PFD that indicates the maximum nose pitch you can pull without striking the tail. It moves up after the plane's wheels leave the ground until it disappears out of the top of the screen after the tail is several feet away from the ground.

  • @mythicalireland
    @mythicalireland 16 років тому

    This is done with every aircraft. The stick is pushed forward so the nose wheel can maintain good contact with the runway surface. In the Boeing 737 the stick pressure is released at 80 knots, in the Airbus 100 knots.

  • @1kris007
    @1kris007 14 років тому

    @chamilitary999 The sidestick is pushed down slightly to ensure that the contact between the nose and the runway is firm, so that nose wheel steering remains quick and also to ensure the the nose wheel doesn't skid.
    He is not putting the autopilot on, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it by pressing the button on the side stick, that only disconnects it, but it cannot turn autopilot on, to do that he would have to press AP1 or AP2 buttons on the Glaresheild.

  • @incheon
    @incheon 15 років тому

    Yes during takeoff u use rudder for steering it works up to 6 deg of turn, when taziing u use the tiller. Subtle moves on the rudder pedals and u will stay aligned.Most pilots dont use the cam we use the paravisual.

  • @Scoopy4444
    @Scoopy4444 13 років тому

    I didn't know that there was a split screen showing live outside view of the front wheel and tail view when lining up the plane. Thank you for sharing : )

  • @pilotc172
    @pilotc172 16 років тому

    he is holding it as a part of the operation of that a/c in the t/o the a/c has a tendency to pitch up the nose so if head wind component
    is up to 10 knots u put the stick half way down if it's more full stick forward until 100 knots when the a/c loose the high inertia effect

  • @miguelsaez340
    @miguelsaez340 15 років тому

    well i think being in the cockpit is one of the most wonderful things on aviation even without piloting

  • @EDLDglider
    @EDLDglider 15 років тому

    There is a trigger. When pressing it you enable the radio, so you can talk via radio to for example the ATC or other Aircrafts.

  • @RixceU
    @RixceU 14 років тому

    Usually the stick is pushed forward on takeoff for better nose wheel control. Pilots can engage the A/P anytime, (conditions permitting and above a certain altitude, I think 200 ft).

  • @FTStratLP
    @FTStratLP 15 років тому

    Thats the "Take Over Push Button". It eihter disconnects the Auto Pilot (when pushed just briefly) or it disabels the opposite sidestick (when pushed for alonger periode of time ). This prevents from dual imput.

  • @NikanDragosysSerpenDra
    @NikanDragosysSerpenDra 14 років тому

    @Epica124 computers is a sign of sophisticated progression, it's not all that bad. Infact I would be happy to see that in a 100 years all aircrafts are controlled withouth pilots but via a computer only, when they are sophisticated enough to perform such 'complexity' task which will in the near future. To eliminate pilot error once and for all and become the safer pilot who can calculate an perfect flight and determine each nanosecond what to do.

  • @gonzalojosevb
    @gonzalojosevb 14 років тому

    Muy buen video, soy aficionado al FSX y me encantan las tomas desde cabina. Gracias

  • @ft85915
    @ft85915 16 років тому

    The red button on the Sidestick is for disengaging Autopilot and if pressed for more then 30seconds it gives priority.
    In this case the first officer

  • @Goncalo792
    @Goncalo792 15 років тому

    Yes it is! Created by me some days ago!
    When I was discussing the sidestick's red button function, someone asked:
    Does it activate missiles?
    I answered, only on the A344, BECAUSE THE A340-400 IS THE ONLY A340 THAT CAN CARRY A MISSILE LAUNCHER!

  • @alexmun133
    @alexmun133 15 років тому

    no it wont they use a flyby wire system which means that they two sticks are not linked to each other and only one pilot can be in control of the aircraft by switching a button that chooses one or the other stick to function by itself . i hope this answer your question

  • @dave4shmups
    @dave4shmups 13 років тому

    GREAT job with this video!! So, the aircraft stays at the same position unless the pilot moves the stick?? That's what it looks like.

  • @SLKVP
    @SLKVP 15 років тому

    From the beginingn up to 0:18 ot shows external cameras view then switches to normal EADI view.
    At 1:47 PNF selects Gear UP, at 1:48-49 most probably nose doors opening are heard. At 2:02 to 2:12 the free spinning nose wheel entering the nose gear bay is heard. And at 2:14 doors close then you can notice who much noise thos open doors do.

  • @tannagra
    @tannagra 15 років тому

    He did it at about 2:57. You can see him move the stick to the right slightly, and if you watch the PFD you can see the bank angle increase.
    It doesn't look like theres much travel needed on these sidesticks.

  • @nuwanthevampire
    @nuwanthevampire 15 років тому

    Keeping the nose down during take off roll is standard practice for any airbus aircraft..that is to stop nose going up when the aeroplane is accelerating..Pilot should bring the stick to neutral starting from 80 knots and fully neutral by 100 knots.

  • @cypriotpilot
    @cypriotpilot 16 років тому

    Awesome video thanks for uploading!Do you have the landing?
    P.S.He has flown the entire SID manually!Now that's a good pilot!

  • @avgeek578156
    @avgeek578156 10 років тому

    beautiful engine sound !!

  • @RixceU
    @RixceU 15 років тому

    There is no stabilizer trim button on Airbus FBW sidesticks. There's the automatic trimming for that.

  • @Krulle27
    @Krulle27 13 років тому

    Excellent perspective! Very cool! Thanks!!M

  • @ichbindarren
    @ichbindarren 14 років тому

    AWESOME sound!!!

  • @psgman41
    @psgman41 14 років тому

    @machobandido wow thanks dude. Cant believe those spinning wheels make so much noise on takeoff. I take the plane very often and I always think it's like an engine failure , because it also coincides with nose slightly pitching down and speed decrease (I take Air France and always stare at the speed on the screen) . :S. maybe as soon as the wheels are retracted, the pilot reduces thrusts, no ?

  • @isuru.gamage.9
    @isuru.gamage.9 15 років тому

    WOW..thats so cool....Maybe some day I also will...by the way are you at Sri Lankan??

  • @omare07
    @omare07 16 років тому

    Nice video!
    Why the right hand pilot who was Pilot In Command did NOT taxied the aircraft to the runway? may be Airline Policy?

  • @Goncalo792
    @Goncalo792 15 років тому

    thank you mate.
    nice flights for you

  • @ThePfeffi80
    @ThePfeffi80 13 років тому

    Veery nice point of View!

  • @ant647448336
    @ant647448336 15 років тому

    i have flown a cessna 172SP from Cambridge (EGSC) and it is a pain in the ass constantly adjusting the trim to keep the nose level to compensate for the wind, etc

  • @gogamich
    @gogamich 14 років тому

    I love 340 and 747 POWER OF FOUR ENGINS

  • @petrucci973
    @petrucci973 14 років тому

    everytime i watch this video i trip out hahaha.. no matter how huge an a346 is stable and easy to fly with stick and fly by wire makes it unique just because!

  • @Kaipeternicolas
    @Kaipeternicolas 15 років тому

    What flight number is that? Love the A346

  • @GustavoSilva101
    @GustavoSilva101 14 років тому

    @sonicfan7 i donno i like to control the trim myself, for example if you wanna make a step procedure and you want to have a immediately control of your airplane? the computer will be more slowly to respond..

  • @joseanrodm9519
    @joseanrodm9519 15 років тому

    @GONZASABA hola oye estas en lo cierto de lo de la prioridad pero el piloto automatico se desconecta desde el panel de navegacion . pero si es verdad lo de la prioridad. hay otro boton rojo en los aceleradores y ese es para desconectar el auto thrust que es parte del piloto automatico. saludos desde madrid

  • @ryanmd11fan
    @ryanmd11fan 14 років тому

    @GGGunitNextLevel you can apply to a school which allows you to pay the fee from your monthly wage as a pilot..

  • @nuclearping
    @nuclearping 16 років тому

    Awesome nerdy stuff! :D

  • @miguelsaez340
    @miguelsaez340 15 років тому

    i love this airplane, does someone know what are the sidestick buttons for?? i never understood

  • @swisscheeze13
    @swisscheeze13 15 років тому

    correct me if im wrong, but whenever i fly in a340s, it seems it does take a long time until the pilot retracts the flaps when im flying on one.

  • @CYP005
    @CYP005 16 років тому

    coool! awesome mate nice job :D

  • @mtrcurse
    @mtrcurse 12 років тому

    ive looking for this take off flap and autopilot sequance thanks for upload

  • @uscgswimmer1
    @uscgswimmer1 15 років тому

    did u pilot them or just fly on them?

  • @ant647448336
    @ant647448336 15 років тому

    thats what i was thinking... but it can't be the trim button, cos airbus's are auto-trim... right?

  • @CMBelite-FR
    @CMBelite-FR 15 років тому

    Yes i agree with RixeU , The Airbus fly with an electrical command and the systeme call fly by wire.
    So no trim^^.

  • @vsbfbmusic
    @vsbfbmusic 15 років тому

    I'm always wondering how the captain can fly with the left hand... isn't it difficult & a big readjustment?? unless you are lefthander of course^^

  • @chatsalot94
    @chatsalot94 15 років тому

    the trigger is 'push to talk (PTT)' and the red button is autopilot disengage!!!

  • @Windtee
    @Windtee 16 років тому

    It's to shoot the Canadian geese outta the way. :)
    The red button is the AP (auto-pilot) disconnect. Actually, if you look closely and carefully, you'll see he's not pressing the button. His thumb is just to the right of the button.
    I know, it's difficult to tell, but you're looking at a 2 dimensional video which makes depth-perception impossible.

  • @CMBelite-FR
    @CMBelite-FR 15 років тому

    Nice video why they put the autopilot so late, and why is he always press the red button?

  • @isuru.gamage.9
    @isuru.gamage.9 15 років тому

    I think it has a auto pilot disconnecter button and a radio transmitter button...

  • @Naqiyah53
    @Naqiyah53 14 років тому

    is this areal aircraft or a simulater?

  • @TheJoChannelindia
    @TheJoChannelindia 14 років тому

    for what is that red button and the thing in front of the stick?

  • @psgman41
    @psgman41 15 років тому

    @Goncalo792 a 340-400 ? is that a new plane ?

  • @isuru.gamage.9
    @isuru.gamage.9 15 років тому

    Thanks...how do you know this??

  • @cjracer1000
    @cjracer1000 16 років тому

    why were you leaning the stick fowdard on take off

  • @Georgeasw24
    @Georgeasw24 15 років тому

    El autopilot se desconecta desde el sidestick normalmente, con el mismo botón de prioridad (el rojo) pero sin mantenerlo pulsado. Desde la consola también, pero se queda el aviso de fallo en el Ecam y no es la operación normal.
    La verdad es que pone bastante nervioso lo que tarda el avión en rotar desde que tiras del sidestick hacia atrás !!

  • @Einhander49
    @Einhander49 13 років тому

    Seriously, man. I love the a340 - it's a sexy beast to look at. But look at those fucking controls. A lot of the fun you derive from flying is lost when you control it through a joystick? Everything in those airbus cockpits is just so automated and vanilla.

  • @Venzla21
    @Venzla21 13 років тому

    Que arrechoo!!!! jajjajaja con esa palanquita manipulan el avion.... Que presicion en la mano del piloto... y que tecnologia... Buen video!!

  • @tmiwithamg9581
    @tmiwithamg9581 15 років тому

    what does the red button on the sidestick do.

  • @GustavoSilva101
    @GustavoSilva101 14 років тому

    is the trim automatic?? or you must manage it in the sidestick?

  • @CMBelite-FR
    @CMBelite-FR 14 років тому

    Why before 80 Kts, the FO the side stick is pushed down?
    When does pilot put the AP on?

  • @TheGrossAnk
    @TheGrossAnk 15 років тому

    What's the red thumb button for? It looks like using it alot.

  • @navymmw
    @navymmw 13 років тому

    @WISEBL00D Correcting for wind, which requires small corrections.

  • @tydaftpk38
    @tydaftpk38 15 років тому

    same way the boeing guys do it! Yoke or sidestick you only have one hand on it, the other on the throttles.

  • @nuwanthevampire
    @nuwanthevampire 15 років тому

    Red Button - AP discoonect & priority takeing button...
    1 click it discoonctes autopilot
    Press and hold it takes prority over other side stick

  • @Turkorican1978
    @Turkorican1978 15 років тому

    Awesome tnx for the vid

  • @Goncalo792
    @Goncalo792 15 років тому

    So lets suppose.
    Im Capt and you are the F/O, i got the side stick priority system activated to my Sidestick, giving priority to me.
    In case of dual input, if you press the red button and I dont, what happens?
    I got priority but you should get it too by action of the red button.
    So, what is gonna heppen in this case?

  • @uscgswimmer1
    @uscgswimmer1 15 років тому

    so u just flew IN them and not pilot them, so how can u like one better than the other if u just sat in the back and not the flight deck?

  • @TheAirmanYouTube
    @TheAirmanYouTube 16 років тому

    Airbus ROCKS!!

  • @tubeyou443
    @tubeyou443 15 років тому

    @tiluc658 That's weird. I doubt you've flown either of them.

  • @LiLTMac123
    @LiLTMac123 13 років тому

    what was the take off thrust setting used here? toga? or flex?

  • @DBZTheLegend
    @DBZTheLegend 15 років тому

    what is that red botton in the joystick and the trigger?

  • @NikanDragosysSerpenDra
    @NikanDragosysSerpenDra 14 років тому

    @gustavo87467357 yup, airbusses have auto-trims. Personally I never liked the Idea of triming the plane myself while a computer can so so much better.

  • @nemlou
    @nemlou 15 років тому

    à quoi sert le bouton rouge sur le manche a balai?

  • @doubleBdasher
    @doubleBdasher 14 років тому

    whats the red button on the sidestick for?

  • @psgman41
    @psgman41 15 років тому

    @Goncalo792 , lol that's a good idea. I think we should equip all commercial airplanes with missiles :P

  • @CRIV2012
    @CRIV2012 14 років тому

    What is the trigger thing, the sidestick has?? PTT???

  • @Ashraf300991
    @Ashraf300991 11 років тому

    ehh bro, why you say that?
    mee too i think that the spool sound from the engines when taking off is far stimulating than sex LOL :D

  • @Shreytherockstar1
    @Shreytherockstar1 15 років тому

    that was an amazin video....*****....

  • @thepreme123
    @thepreme123 15 років тому

    The side stick isn't that tough and stiff to fly with. It's nimble and you don't need much strength.
    So left or right doesn't really matter. Just like driving a car. You can use your left hand to steer the wheel instead of right too!

  • @astoniz
    @astoniz 15 років тому

    wow.. very nice !!

  • @glowfish135
    @glowfish135 13 років тому

    @WISEBL00D the sidestick was not moved much at all. minor corrections

  • @phatcarz
    @phatcarz 14 років тому

    nice video
    looks like you did in secret?

  • @astoniz
    @astoniz 15 років тому

    BTW for example I want to turn right or turn left What can i do ??

  • @NikanDragosysSerpenDra
    @NikanDragosysSerpenDra 14 років тому

    @gustavo87467357 no not nescessairily. atleast the plane will be stable though.

  • @archibald52396
    @archibald52396 15 років тому

    wow, they engaged the autopilot long after they lifted off. they stll steered it to the heading by themselves.

  • @captnmac14
    @captnmac14 15 років тому

    Hi wiseblood im a real pilot and its easy to line up with the runway all you do is look at the external camera on top of rudder and thats it :)

  • @Kaipeternicolas
    @Kaipeternicolas 15 років тому

    to LAX or SFO?

  • @SeamonkeyW97
    @SeamonkeyW97 14 років тому

    you can even see the airspeed going up

  • @psgman41
    @psgman41 14 років тому

    Hey guys, could someone tell me what's that noise at 2:00 ? I take the plane very often and it always does that sound 10 seconds after takeoff (or so). I'm always scared cause it sounds like an engine shutdown :S

  • @HAWXcallnameCube
    @HAWXcallnameCube 15 років тому

    thats the copilot.. The pilot (captain) has the Flightstick on hims left hand

  • @Nicmavr
    @Nicmavr 15 років тому

    Yeah, I find that awesome as well. :D

  • @BS1965able
    @BS1965able 12 років тому

    oh cool you just answered what I was gonna ask,

  • @HAWXcallnameCube
    @HAWXcallnameCube 15 років тому

    Are you a pilot ? :D

  • @NikanDragosysSerpenDra
    @NikanDragosysSerpenDra 14 років тому

    @Epica124 dude, triming is irratating to do and in boeing aircrafts you'll just switch center control command right after take-off there's no difference...