Wow, an older figure of authority takes advantage of their power to sexually assault a younger person because no one can stop them. Where have we seen that before? ... Wait, the head producer/writer was an assistant to who?
@@ppsarrakis It's not funny because it's unrealistic (within the setting, anyway), it's funny because it goes against what the show runners were trying to do.
@@robertc.9503 the show runners clearly are trying to make this a Meta/Realistic etc and falling all over the place yet still a broken clock is right twice a day, (wookie fight and indara mind thing was fine for me,the rest where shit) edit they probably think that proper writing is beaneath them and they too smart for following basic storytelling rules
@@BlazingOwnager I'm kinda with jsg, they setup, have said, men bad, Jedi are patriarchy and bad... Tried to set up so the Jedi and especially the Jedi men are bad... and then the witches are the ones that mind fuk two people. then a group of them take over a single Wookiee. Only for the one female Jedi swoop in and somehow kill all the rest by breaking up the mind control... Um what was the point of the story again? Oh yeah men bad... Yet they barely did anything outside just being there. No the whole story is a dozen fantasy stories rolled together under "star wars" and they left story holes big enough to drive the star death through.
IT was pointed out, you have 8 x 30 min. episodes, minus opening and closing credits, recaps, and episode 7 was a lot of re-used footage = more like 3 or so hours of content. $180 million. I think Raiders of the Lost Ark cost $30 million. Inflation but, really!?!?
Well, they DON'T know what they want to say: characters contradict themselves constantly, sometimes even after just a few minutes. Things are being set-up that never pay off, or even worse: some things haven't been set-up but do pay off. There simply doesn't seem to be a coherent script and everyone involved seems to bemind wiped the moment the director yells cut, because they can't seem to remember what they did before the present scene. This show makes no sense, has terrible directing, has terrible acting, has no script, has no plot, flip-flops between raping the lore and suddenly remembering the parts of the lore that are convenient, has no sense of time and there simply isn't even a shed of continuity.
When you break it down, there is just enough info to suggest the head Thread Witch is planning to sacrifice the coven to give Mai and Osha some kind of power boost, or put them onto a destined path without the Jedi. So frankly I'm okay with Trinity disconnecting them from the Matrix
After Episode 3, my inner 40k nerd was going: "The Jedi should totally purge these -heretics- darkside cultists. They give off the _comically evil_ vibes from the get-go, and it'll take a lot to make the Jedi look bad." After Episode 7, that 40k nerd is screaming: *_"THE JEDI DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. THEY PURGED THE HERETICS WITH THEIR OWN UNHOLY FLAME AND THE COVEN DESERVED EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO IT."_* This makes Torbin's suicide *completely pointless* because the kid did nothing wrong at all.
The only reason for Torbin game ending himself then would be him still suffering from the mind grape all this time, and May gave him a "way out" that kinda-sorta fits her un-justification for killing these Jedi. It makes sense... until it doesn't. E: These writers wanted it to be "men bad, Jedi bad", but instead we get the Jedi being cops acting in self-defence being vilified, and even get a half-hearted nod to the effects of being sexually assaulted or worse on a survivor of the event. Which I say "good on you" because we know they normally would laugh and demean male victims/survivors.
Honestly, I can't help but see the fingerprints of an abuser on this show, and given the showrunner, that makes sense. Think about it. The Padawan turned Master killed himself because he thought he did something evil. We come to find out that not only did he do nothing wrong, he was the one who was violated. The worst abusers are the ones that convince the victims they are at fault, which is a natural inclination of the abused trying to make sense of the shame coming from what happened to them. This show is disgusting.
Dear Lord....I already thought the suicide and the violation were bad. Then you had to throw this astute insight at me that connects the two in the most horrific way....
@@hayorge27 Abused by my father. I am sorry that someone who should have been your protector was instead a perpetrator. (edit: Removed hugging emoji. I realized it may be a tainted association and unintentionally cause distress.)
Yes. These are seriously the type of people who will argue that "of course the Jedi are bad!", and then give 100 reasons that demonstrate how good they are. These are the same people who argued on the Piers Morgan show that the show HAD to be good, because like Black Panther, the Acolyte has a mostly diverse cast and crew.
Oh, so you only recognize rape when its woman on man? How often do women rape boys? Hardly ever. White boys aren't victims of anyone, sorry to burst your bubble but women weaponize sex by NOT having sex with men... Like right now, 4B Movement is being practiced in USA right now, driving down your population. So don't really know what victimhood status are whites trying to push here, it's just making you look IMPOTENT. We still segregated from whites and black Americans and Africans are currently mating with other POC and Chinese specifically due to BRICS. The West's population is dying. White people birthrates are suffering
She seems to think of r-e as something powerful people get to do, and therefore in her power fantasy, she can do it, making the traditional patriarchal man tremble at her great strength. She doesn’t seem to see assault as inherently evil; it’s just that she wants to be the one doing it to “them.” The Echo show ended in a similar way. There are a lot of personal issues making it onto the screen at Disney.
@@Motard.Actual don’t ever let anyone call you a toxic fan, and don’t ever let Leslye Headland tell “young audiences” that it’s ok to abuse teenage boys. I’m glad people are actually talking about this in a rational manner and picking it apart. I think that’s the best thing that’s coming from it.
@@RunKnitCoffee thanks homie, I do my best. I normally keeps my mouth shut the shop I go too has a lot of folks that love the show.. I don’t get it. Good for them I guess. But shit just pisses me off.
They can only write about what they know and want to be seen as on the right side of history, while knowing damn well they are the villains - so they need all this moral relativism to tell themselves their evilness is good somehow. If they were better writers, they might even be able to construct a somewhat palatable story - but they aren't.
They are unintentionally making the literal space nazis(the main military arm is called Stormtroopers and the main colors are red, black and white) look like the good guys.
You have to look at it from the view of the writers. The writers are West Coast, Hollywood progressives. So they see: *Jedi:* A quasi-religious order that enforces law and order, is committed to defending the traditional ways, teaching the old ways, and has a firm sense of good and evil, right and wrong, and strictures about not being ruled by your emotions (feelings) and letting rationality (facts) govern them. And on the other side, they see... *Empire:* An organization that forsakes ideas of good and evil and is only concerned with gaining power, and then using that power to force everyone else in the galaxy to obey them - to live as they say, to act as they say, to think as they say, and believe as they say. Obviously, they already believe the Empire are the they are just looking for ways to convince the audience.
- And now i will begin to turn into Menacing Dark Cloud! - Why? - This is the way we greet treasured guests around here. We are peaceful. - What else do you do? - We mind*f-u-с-к* force-sensitive teenagers. We are peaceful. - What else? - Cannibalism. Don't question our awesome traditions.
I got the feeling that she was turning into the cloud in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. (Because the story wants the Jedi to be the villains and the witches the victims not because of anything actualy shown.) So if Sol hadn't stabbed her everything would have been fine. BUT... you've already violated a teenager, so doing something menacing looking without making your intentions very clear gets a cheer from the audience when you get stabbed with a light sabre
I kinda want a clarification how strong with the force the witch was supposed to be. I don't think we saw anyone just changing aggregate states with the force. Maybe she is made out of water
In main canon, the jedi are actually pretty chill with other force users, even those who use the darkside. They almost never fight unless they're forced to.
Yeah, likening what happened to Torbin to actual sexual assault, is indeed disgusting. Not saying the witches were in the right...anyone with a brain knows they weren't and aren't the good guys. But sexual assault, really?
Excellent analysis. It’s even worse though! They do in fact address the “mind rape” of a teenager when Sol tells him not to let them into his mind again. Which means instead of confronting the space witches for violating a child, they literally blame the victim!!! And when they re-enter Space Waco and the fire starts, only the Jedi suggest saving the girls! Sol offers help and begs that they all work together, and the witches’ response is to escalate to violence, then gaslight Sol. Unbelievable!
She appears to possess no moral compass whatsoever. If she did possess one, she'd never have worked for somebody like Weinstein. "By their fruits ye shall know them."
This really reminded of that Ignited comic you revealed where the main cast attack people randomly &we are supposed to see tham as "heroes", while the antagonist tried to use as less force as possible but they are considered by the story as "villains"
Dear god, I was wondering why I got a familiar vibe from this show. There's 'writing the story from the antagonist POV,' but both Ignited and the Acolyte fail at it so bad its painful.
Modern Hollywood writers can't write morality tales because they're incapable of understanding that just because you WANT something to be true, and say something is true, doesn't MAKE it true. This is because they live in a little weird bubble in California where reality is based upon likes, and all that matters is that you APPEAR to be good (and be seen doing it on TickTock) not that you actually do good things. You can believe the world is flat , that Galadriel was attracted to Sauron, that the Alcolyte is actually good and this is actually good writing, but that doesn't make it so... The fact is this is a poorly disguised trashy fanfic with a bunch of self inserts by writers with gigantic chips on their shoulders who didn't get picked to be on the team in high school, that didn't get to take who they wanted to the dance , and never looked in the mirror to realize that the world isn't always fair and they are not the center of it. Instead they went to college and got taught a weird ideology that blames all of their problems on other people . They then got jobs in Hollywood where they hide behind Shields of perceived persecution and continue to make garbage safe with the knowledge that their bosses won't dare fire them because thier bosses are also pushing the same wierd ideology and that the FANS are the problem ....not them.
Until the money finally runs out which it will. "Too big to fail" has never once been successful unless government steps in with taxpayer money to ensure it.
One thought I had was since this show was directed towards kids, they were maybe probably trying to normalize abusive behavior as heroic....whatever reasons they would do that for I don't know...but it seems a little "brainwashy" to me
and I think of all the qualified writers who are also SW fans would LOVE to write for the show for half that and would still come up with a far superior product
You see this with activist writing all the time. You want Yoda to be mean. So you have Yoda fart and say "lick, you must, my ass." But the activist writes "Pardon me, you must. Rude, that was." And its *not* lazy writing. They are snarky, mean-spirited people, who constantly bicker and insult each other. To them, thats just a normal person. But you politely apologize with grace and a smile, now _that_ is insulting. Talking down to you, smugly judging you.... Thats how they see it. You can watch how they interact online, and its exactly like in the shows. Reason and kindness, responsibility, facts... these are attacks. She portrayed the Jedi as what she sees as evil, or at least messed up.
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Torben is shown as naive and downright simple-minded, with his childish obsession with just going home, so he was probably all the more vulnerable to this assault. He never should have been on that planet in the first place, and you've got to wonder if the Jedis have any aptitude tests at all for missions of this kind. I guess not.
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Indara messes with Torbin too. Remember the opening scene where we discover that Torbin has been with them on the planet for seven weeks, collecting moss, with no idea what they're looking for, and only then does Indara tell him the point of the mission. Why? I mean, WTF? What are Indara's intentions with him? The poor kid is being abused from all sides, and why was he ever taken along on this expedition in the first place?
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Padawan's are trained from a very young age... unless he was like Anakin (former slave with a LOT of baggage + evil master mind trying to turn him slowly) there is no reason for him to be acting like a spoiler brat.
For some reason Sol says he feels a special connection with Osha, but he also can't tell Mae and Osha apart later in the episode and it's basically explained that they are identical with respect to the force.
And you know how bad it is when he made the video longer then 10 minutes. When he makes a video that's more than 10 minutes about a show that's bad, then you know he will really go in the deep end to explain why it is bad
The only thing I can imagine for Torbin is that he is so traumatized from the events that he tries to escape reality. And then Mae presents him a way to end his misery forever. But that’s just an idea.
Torbin: So... we discovered evil dark side magic using witches who tried to kill us and mind raped me. ... I guess now I turn from Padawan right into a jedi MASTER and want to die for the rest of my life.
>try to portray themselves as the misunderstood outcasts being attacked by the prejudiced people in power >portray themselves as evil accidentally >They are actually the prejudiced people in power attacking the misunderstood
I was recently playing a PvPvE looter named Dark and Darker. This one guy turned all his combat buffs on, rushed me, and when I defended myself started saying "You hit first! You hit first!" That's the coven in this
"We never see why the Jedi are bad" That's because Headland doesn't know good from evil, it's just "power and who is allowed to use it." She's the one with The Platform, so everything she says is true, and everyone has to think like her now because that's what happens when you have The Platform. It never occurs to her that there is an objective reality out there that contradicts what she's saying on her platform. And it's not really a platform at all -- it's a stage, and she's being booed off of it. Not because what she's doing objectively _bad_ (because, remember, there is no objective truth), it's just her intersectional enemies trying to get the power that "it's her turn to have." If anything, all of this nonsense just goes to show how corrupt, vacant, nihilistic, and out-of-touch with reality her point of view really is. We can thank her for proving this with "the best piece of art she's ever made".
On the other hand, the opening preamble of the novelisation of A New Hope explicitly states that the Galactic Republic was a majestic civilisation invulnerable to external assault but slowly rotting on the inside, beneath the surface where it wasn't immediately obvious. Part of the fun is spotting the factors that led directly to the rise of the Empire.
In the Empire Strikes Back, Luke is stuck on Dagobah, and manages to get the survival supplies off his X-wing which includes a power supply that provides light, and energy to recharge his laptop (i.e. R2D2). Yet, 100 years earlier, in the dark times, Jedi sat near the fire, despite having hand-held devices that literally contain massive amounts of plasma energy that can cut a tree down with a single swipe. Good job, girls, this is why nobody respects your "science fiction"
And they're using old-fashioned metal detectors looking for... what now? Even the original Star Trek had effing tricorders! (BTW, the whole premise of the episode is pure Star Trek, i.e. surveying an alien planet for life. Why would Jedi Knights with such humdrum work? Wouldn't they have drones and droids to do it for them? And more importantly, since when do space monks bother with scientific research anyway? Since when has that been in their job description? It's screamingly obvious the showrunners have no understanding of Star Wars at all.)
@@alannothnagle They were there for 7 weeks and they didn't know about the coven? Scanners and probe droids exist, dammit. The very first thing you do once in orbit is conduct a sensor sweep. The witches collective body temperature would show up on thermal.
@@mattpierre891 That's a good point also. It's not like the ship crashed like Luke's X-Wing, you'd think they'd taken a RV type ship since they've been there 7 weeks. Are they eating meal rations all this time. The whole show is dumbness.
@@lukeluke333lukeluke I've seen better fan fiction! There's one on youtube Dave Cullens referenced about Vader coming upon a Temple for the Light Side and having a Luke in the swamp like experience from the other perspective. They can be fun. This? Junk!
I stopped watching Secret Invasion after 2 episodes. Now I know, when a show is this bad it is more fun to watch commentary like this one. Greatness from Just Some Guy.
People who show concern for others and find odd cults suspicious are evil!!! Because if you apply the same reasoning in the real world those traits would make you question the writers politics
So this flashback was supposed to explain the previous nonsensical flashback, but now a third flashback is necessary to make sense of the current mess. And there’s only one episode left. Yeah, there’s no fixing this.
If all the interviews around this show hadn't been "I want to portray the Sith as the underdogs" and "This show isn't kind to the Jedi", I could even believe it was intentional, to show how the dark side tries to twist words and events to turn people against the Jedi, and then show the truth later on. As it stands, I have to imagine a scenario where Headland told writers and directors what she wanted, but then completely failed to even oversee what they were doing and they decided to flip her ideas on their head because they didn't want to see the Jedi more denigrated than Disney already has done.
This flashback was set up by Mae asking Sol about what really happened on Brendok. Then in the flashback to get the answer. Except... Mae personally witnessed half of "what really happened", and the other half she personally CAUSED. This makes her question to Sol rip your suspension of disbelief to shreds. She knows good and well what happened, maybe even better than he does, because she knows how and why the fire started and who pushed her to do that. The writers can't even remember what they, themselves, have written. It seems like they were trying to make the Jedi look bad by reacting poorly to a tense situation, except they just created a pretty cut-and-dry example of self defense. The witches clearly instigated the violence. The Jedi were absolutely not to blame for anything wrong that happened. If this is what they think corruption looks like, then they have a terribly warped view of reality. I can't think of any other way to explain this.
Them: "We're edgy and controversial! Jedi are the bad guys!" The rest of us: "We know the Jedi were flawed. That was why Sidious was able to take them out in the first place. They were a well-intentioned space cult that deliberately taught their members to suppress emotions instead of process them healthily, then put them in high stakes diplomatic roles and made them space cops. Showing how flawed they were at the height of their power wouldn't be controversial for fans to see and just shows that these people don't know enough about Star Wars. And their failure to actually show them as bad, which was their central point they were trying to make shows they are bad at storytelling, too."
What is worse, the stupid metal detectors, not able to locate a bigass stone fortress on top of a mountain or a jedi wookie with a lightsaber not being able to beat a 100 pound padawan twink...?
The problem with Leslie Headlend is she couldn't commit to an idea. If you wanna make the Jedi flawed by all means but do it in a way that actually makes sense, here there just stupid
@@niklbauglir I think your spot on with that. Look I've been forgiving about a lot of stuff in this show (save ki adi mundi cameo) But this mystery of what happened to the witches is so contrived. Worse we only have one episode left right when the current timeline was actually starting to get good, for me. There's too many issues that 1 ep can't wrap up
@sadface7457 The disturbing thing to me is that the Osha-Mae relationship *could* be how Headland views sisterly love. I say that based on two things: 1. Headland described this story as a "love note to her sister" (those probably aren't the exact words, but something to that effect). And... 2. Headland and her sister are estranged. Her sister refuses to even speak to her. That makes me think that maybe Headland things this "I love you so much I'll kill you if you leave me" type of love actually *is* a beautiful love shared by sisters.
@@LRich-hg3huThe relationship reminds me a little bit of that between Savathün and Xivu Arath in in the Destiny franchise, but predicated on the "sword logic" or essentially "survival of the fittest" where combat and death are expressions of love.
No way him being homesick is actually a problem. They can travel between worlds in like 30 mins at every other point in the story. Just go home for two days a week to pick up provisions again.
16 writers and God knows how many other people are "working" on this, and you have to pay every one, probably a large amount. I unironically think this whole show is just there so headland and everyone else who is working on it can fill their pockets. Every single thing about this show screams low effort, there is no chance that the money went into anything that would increase the quality of this mess.
>Mae really did try to kill OSHA for no reason >Horny Mommy is the one to talk her into it >Diverse Mommy tried to kill Mae cuz she’s innately evil & will ruin OSHA life if left alive >Sol attacked in reflexive defense of a child >Coven died of strain controlling one Wookie How are the witches victims of anything but their own arrogance & possessiveness? How are the Jedi evil for at most jumping the gun against child abusers & seeming-murderous shadow dust monsters? I’d say these people need morality coaches, but given how they behave IRL, just chuck them straight to jail.
Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant wrote this so: 1) she's going to write what she knows. 2) she's probably not going to see any of that as making the space witches villains... or she'd probably have turned in Harvey long ago. 🤷♂️
It is funny because the "power of many" has proven itsself to be weaker than the power of one, every time it has been invoked so far. It was one, not many, that made OshaMae. It was one, which caused the deaths of the many via Force feedback. It was one, who used "the thread" to push back against two while teaching an example of the power of many. It was one, Smilo, who defeated the many, the Jedi. Yeah, they were mostly nameless extras and expected to not last, but the point still stands.
So, a teenager gets violated by someone in a position of power and a grown man develops a preoccupation with a young girl... and the woman in the team decides they should sweep all this under the rug? Anything you want to get off your chest there, Leslye?
This feels like a "protest episode" from the adults in the room at disney. Like RATIONAL people came together and said " we have to show them we're all not like kathleen kennedy."
Never mind not picking it up with ship scanners, the Jedi recon team spend nearly two months NEXT TO a giant fortress on a mountain without noticing it lol. It lights up at night ffs! I honestly don't know what Headlands intentions were for the Jedi because motive, continuity, cause and effect are all over the place. There's nothing that logic can hold onto in here. It's completely discombobulated.
With all that money and apparently infinite possiblities given to her, Leslie is just like a deer in front of a truck, unable to decide if she should jump left or right. Only difference to the deer is her being bludgeoned to a mess, lying on the ground, and still telling everyone how well she is doing and that everything is fine the way it is.
The term 'middle school fan fiction' has been tossed around in reference to this show's quality since the 2nd episode aired. Each successive week sees what was just conjecture and colloquialism being turned into undeniable fact.
From Headland's POV, The Witches of Dathomire must not have been able to be defeated by the Jedi. Which. No. Not the case for them, or the mystics of half a million others systems out there. They don't just misunderstand the Force, but the entire makeup of the universe in any way whatsoever.
While sometimes cheesy, it has many, many better stories with many, many better female characters. Look at the 6' tall female Jedi "of color" in the one of the more recent episodes. She would have made a great Jedi in a show, with armor and a type of robe made t fit the armor. But no, all the Jedi have to be shown as weak.
It still baffles me that the whole reason the cult die off is because a 4th grader is bored of his summer youth counselors field trip and wants to go home. That, and a single lantern burns down a stone fortress
I think the story is very telling of the state of Leslie's mind. Obviously she's tired of reasonable people, interrupting her evil spell conjuring, and mind manipulation of the youth.
Poor Torbin. He went to a place no Padawan should be forced to go and it traumatised him to the point that he tried to meditate the taste of well worn carpet away... But seriously, I suspect the Thread Witches so called mastery of the Force did something to his mind and he had to meditate to keep it at bay... only to see a way out when Mai came to him. His unaliving himself is thusly, completely unrelated to Mai's revenge quest.
Despite sending the worst Jedi who ever Jedied (lying in general/being deceitful, being emotional and/or emotionally driven, harboring attachments, and being covetous), they still manage to save a young girl's life from a decrepit mining facility on fire while dispatching a formerly hunted and exiled Dark Force coven of space witches despite the High Council's unwillingness to act. So, I guess the moral of the story is that you can have complete faith in the Jedi since even the worst they have to offer will still end up doing the right thing! Guess the good guys are...still the good guys - who knew?
Everyone was looking for the Bad Jedi payoff....instead, what we got was a "mystery" of misunderstanding on both sides and a series of now, we have one episode to figure out the who, what, why, how, when of Smylo Ren....all in 30 minutes. And they have made Sol tooooo Feely, like how the heck you passed the Trials being that feely and emotional.
Don’t forget that this was originally billed as a mashup between Kill Bill and Frozen. The point is that an accident created a rift between the sisters JUST LIKE IN FROZEN…
When one's moral compass is so twisted and distorted, the common and logical actions would seems abhorrent whilst the senseless and horrible actions become the Right things and the next.
And even when Torbin goes after the twin to show them to the Jedi Council so he can finally go home, it's perfectly understandable: He had just been mind-raped, and even such a violation wasn't enough for the Council to rapatriate him so he can have all the psychological support a Padawan might need in such a case; so of course, when the proof of a vergence in the Force - which appears in the series as one of the only reasons the Council would recalled them - seems at hand, he would try to get the proof that would entice the Council to stop their mission and summon them back to Coruscant.
19:43 I think the story seems to make the "argument" that the _"Jedi are these cold emotionless oppressors who deny your freedom to feel emotions, to be someone, to be happy or to love."_ That is why Indara is written to not show any compassion towards her Padawan.
Not even a treatment, just "random ideas on note cards". YES. And this is where I wonder about the process, consideration, testing, and the social dynamics in this writers' room and production. Bc it seems to me that there were a limited number of people involved in testing this script, limited challenge opportunities, very cosy happy clappy Slaay Kweeen BS and suffocating mutual admiration, you can almost smell the chardonnay fumes, and no external input - eg the lore, tech, world, time frames, continuity, tracking threads. And THAT's how you get unconstrained incompetence of this magnitude, failing at long narrative and theme as well as scene by scene. Holy shit, it wouldn't have been so hard to run through the entire script and ask "it is consistent on women in leadership?" or "are the Jedi portrayed consistently?" or "how many 180 degree motivation changes does Mae have?" or "why the pool scene?" Eg just on leadership: Mother Anaseya strikes first vs Torbin, so she's the aggressor, wildly overestimates the power of the coven, provokes jedi further with the smoke monster trick, she and Coril condemn the coven. Useless. Poor preservation of the purpose of the coven, and poor protection of the vulnerable. Master Indara is a poor leader to the team and to her padawan, flip flops on instructions, could have yoinked Torbin off the speeder and prevented him from going to Vag Mountain, then finally says let's lie to the Council to protect the dreams of this vergence child who half an hour earlier she was saying blah blah prime directive shit let's not interfere. Useless. So, it's all profoundly irritating, but the biggest problem for me is the social dynamic inside LFL that lets mindless, nonsensical, frankly risible writing get through. And I think it's about lousy internal competition, standards, and rebasing excellence to mean the clamor of fluffers and toadies surrounding celebrity producers. Thus first time this hit a real audience the producers and cast got a helluva shock bc they genuinely thought it was AWESOME. Next week: THE HOLE. The witch hole of Brenda reveals its secrets...
The thing with women using bows comes from a silly misconception that bows are all about dexterity when in reality bows take far more strength to use than any other weapon
can i point out how gurl fought off a grown ass wookie, with a light saber and force powers, by herself and somehow a kid with a butter knife kills her in like 2 seconds
It's funny how some apologists say that Indara was the only "good" Jedi... No, she lied to the Jedi Council, she left here hurting padawan alone (or o), she couldn't control her team, mocked Sol, and if the witches didn't die, she left them to burn and at the end died by an inexperience wannabe-acolyte.
Regarding Anisaye (and Mae) dissolving into smoke, Leslye Headland herself said "Anisaye is transforming herself and Mae herself into the Force in a way that doesn't kill them" - basically becoming one with the Force/becoming some sort of force ghost without having to die first. Thing is, though Leslye is the showrunner, there were several screenwriters, and so Leslye's interpretation of that scene may not be what the screenwriters intended when they wrote it.
I know when I get the chance to listen to Nerdrotic and friends during Friday Night Tights the group can agree collectively too easily on the current state of Hollywood and the things they produce. I love your show as it's wonderfully detailed, catching all the writing tropes being misused, not group biased, and passionate because of the love you have for the shows we watch. I respect the perspective and pray you find the strength to go on after watching this garbage. You do the hard work so I don't have to; even the 15-min summaries are painful to listen even with your jibes, wit, mirth, snub, barbs and jokes. Keep up the beautiful work and I'm sure you perfected the art of water pouring. You are some guy.
Rather than do endless reshoots, they should shoot all scripts twice. The first time would be on a cheap soundstage or like Dr Who in the ‘70s. Then they could reshoot that to their hearts’ content, until they get something worth watching. Then go back and shoot it properly with no changes allowed once the script is finished.
For some reason, i find the fact that an organization built by women being toppled, or destroyed, by a single powerful woman to be the most believable thing in this show. I wonder why.
Wow, an older figure of authority takes advantage of their power to sexually assault a younger person because no one can stop them. Where have we seen that before?
... Wait, the head producer/writer was an assistant to who?
... Yeah ...
lol she just can’t help but to make this entire series her own diary. God damn she is beyond worthless.
They DO say to write what you know, I suppose she REALLY took that lesson to heart...
She writes what she knows.
Filed under: Write What You Know 😂💀
A powerful leader of a powerful coven of powerful women!
*entirely wiped out by a single Jedi in self defense*
A single Jedi woman
tbh this is one of the few things that i could let slide, she clearly is a jedi "Consular" and i can i see her disrupting the "ritual" fucked them up.
@@ppsarrakis It's not funny because it's unrealistic (within the setting, anyway), it's funny because it goes against what the show runners were trying to do.
@@robertc.9503 the show runners clearly are trying to make this a Meta/Realistic etc and falling all over the place yet still a broken clock is right twice a day, (wookie fight and indara mind thing was fine for me,the rest where shit)
edit they probably think that proper writing is beaneath them and they too smart for following basic storytelling rules
@@BlazingOwnager I'm kinda with jsg, they setup, have said, men bad, Jedi are patriarchy and bad... Tried to set up so the Jedi and especially the Jedi men are bad... and then the witches are the ones that mind fuk two people. then a group of them take over a single Wookiee. Only for the one female Jedi swoop in and somehow kill all the rest by breaking up the mind control...
Um what was the point of the story again? Oh yeah men bad... Yet they barely did anything outside just being there.
No the whole story is a dozen fantasy stories rolled together under "star wars" and they left story holes big enough to drive the star death through.
There's no way Disney higher ups ever watch these shows because if I payed 180 million and THIS is what they made I'd be somewhat upset
IT was pointed out, you have 8 x 30 min. episodes, minus opening and closing credits, recaps, and episode 7 was a lot of re-used footage = more like 3 or so hours of content. $180 million. I think Raiders of the Lost Ark cost $30 million. Inflation but, really!?!?
@Luke_Go 🙄 of course you are, Luke.
Having $58 worth of fractional shares doesn't count
Tax writeoff, and most of that goes to people already heavily linked to the company. 50 million to a "different department" etc etc
Honestly, I think the $180 mil was mostly money laundering.
No investor care about the product, is all about the returns.
Someone described witches dying scene as 'Trinity disconnects the witches from The Matrix killing them instantly' and it's a hillariously perfect fit.
That explain soo much
You can hear the matrix opening notes in the score when she leaps into the air onto Kelnacha’s shoulders.
@@Kemot300 LMFAO 😆😆😆!!!
define perfect
A perfect example of someone who can't tell a story, even when they know exactly what they want to say.
I think each episode was written by different person
Well, they DON'T know what they want to say: characters contradict themselves constantly, sometimes even after just a few minutes. Things are being set-up that never pay off, or even worse: some things haven't been set-up but do pay off.
There simply doesn't seem to be a coherent script and everyone involved seems to bemind wiped the moment the director yells cut, because they can't seem to remember what they did before the present scene.
This show makes no sense, has terrible directing, has terrible acting, has no script, has no plot, flip-flops between raping the lore and suddenly remembering the parts of the lore that are convenient, has no sense of time and there simply isn't even a shed of continuity.
When you break it down, there is just enough info to suggest the head Thread Witch is planning to sacrifice the coven to give Mai and Osha some kind of power boost, or put them onto a destined path without the Jedi. So frankly I'm okay with Trinity disconnecting them from the Matrix
@@davfree9732I was thinking the opposite. Sacrifice the twins for more finger bang powers for the coven.
That’s because they prioritized whatever ham-fisted message, they wanted to say over telling a good story.
After Episode 3, my inner 40k nerd was going: "The Jedi should totally purge these -heretics- darkside cultists. They give off the _comically evil_ vibes from the get-go, and it'll take a lot to make the Jedi look bad."
This makes Torbin's suicide *completely pointless* because the kid did nothing wrong at all.
Suffer not the Witch to live-
Hatred is the emperor’s greatest gift to humanity.
My armour is contempt.
The only reason for Torbin game ending himself then would be him still suffering from the mind grape all this time, and May gave him a "way out" that kinda-sorta fits her un-justification for killing these Jedi. It makes sense... until it doesn't.
E: These writers wanted it to be "men bad, Jedi bad", but instead we get the Jedi being cops acting in self-defence being vilified, and even get a half-hearted nod to the effects of being sexually assaulted or worse on a survivor of the event. Which I say "good on you" because we know they normally would laugh and demean male victims/survivors.
But she was gonna let Osha go. Never mind the fact that she mind graped someone and turned into a smoke demon. She was a good mom.. Jedi are bad!!
Honestly, I can't help but see the fingerprints of an abuser on this show, and given the showrunner, that makes sense. Think about it. The Padawan turned Master killed himself because he thought he did something evil. We come to find out that not only did he do nothing wrong, he was the one who was violated. The worst abusers are the ones that convince the victims they are at fault, which is a natural inclination of the abused trying to make sense of the shame coming from what happened to them. This show is disgusting.
That's what I was thinking after finding out what happened in this episode.
Dear Lord....I already thought the suicide and the violation were bad.
Then you had to throw this astute insight at me that connects the two in the most horrific way....
As a grown man who was sexually abused by his own mother, you are 10000000% correct. Every day is a struggle not to blow my head off.
Yes! As soon as I found out who Leslie was and who she worked for it made so much sense.
@@hayorge27 Abused by my father. I am sorry that someone who should have been your protector was instead a perpetrator.
(edit: Removed hugging emoji. I realized it may be a tainted association and unintentionally cause distress.)
Heres the thing, you'd have to be a reasonable person to know what a reasonable person considers reasonable.
Yeah, it's sort of a spin-off of the Dunning-Kruger Effect!
That’s a reasonable assumption…
Yes. These are seriously the type of people who will argue that "of course the Jedi are bad!", and then give 100 reasons that demonstrate how good they are. These are the same people who argued on the Piers Morgan show that the show HAD to be good, because like Black Panther, the Acolyte has a mostly diverse cast and crew.
"But that would make sense . . . and this isn't that kind of show."
Best damn tagline ever!
Considering Lesley's last job, i can see why she just glossed over the mind grape scene. She's used to ignoring that sort of thing
Oh, so you only recognize rape when its woman on man? How often do women rape boys? Hardly ever. White boys aren't victims of anyone, sorry to burst your bubble but women weaponize sex by NOT having sex with men... Like right now, 4B Movement is being practiced in USA right now, driving down your population.
So don't really know what victimhood status are whites trying to push here, it's just making you look IMPOTENT. We still segregated from whites and black Americans and Africans are currently mating with other POC and Chinese specifically due to BRICS. The West's population is dying. White people birthrates are suffering
Or at worst she thinks it's okay as long as it's a Girl doing it to a Boy
When Kilgrave mind assaults Jessica Jones, he's the worst villian ever.
When Witches mind assaults children and men, They are the good guys???
Just rewatched JJ S1. Damn it was good after all these years.
She seems to think of r-e as something powerful people get to do, and therefore in her power fantasy, she can do it, making the traditional patriarchal man tremble at her great strength. She doesn’t seem to see assault as inherently evil; it’s just that she wants to be the one doing it to “them.” The Echo show ended in a similar way. There are a lot of personal issues making it onto the screen at Disney.
@@erraticuk glad someone else noted the hypocrisy of JJ and this show.
Still tryin to figure that ish out, fren.
Because tits, that's why.
As a woman who was abused by another woman- the mind rape scene was horrifying. There is no excuse for how it was framed.
Yea, that shit is pretty fucked up. And I’m sorry you went through that.
@@Motard.Actual don’t ever let anyone call you a toxic fan, and don’t ever let Leslye Headland tell “young audiences” that it’s ok to abuse teenage boys. I’m glad people are actually talking about this in a rational manner and picking it apart. I think that’s the best thing that’s coming from it.
Mind Rape?!?
@@RunKnitCoffee Just for the sake of clarification, was "irrational" what you meant to say?
@@RunKnitCoffee thanks homie, I do my best. I normally keeps my mouth shut the shop I go too has a lot of folks that love the show.. I don’t get it. Good for them I guess. But shit just pisses me off.
I find it disturbing that Hollywood is obsessed with making the Jedi the bad guys, which makes the Empire seem good in contrast.
They can only write about what they know and want to be seen as on the right side of history, while knowing damn well they are the villains - so they need all this moral relativism to tell themselves their evilness is good somehow. If they were better writers, they might even be able to construct a somewhat palatable story - but they aren't.
They are unintentionally making the literal space nazis(the main military arm is called Stormtroopers and the main colors are red, black and white) look like the good guys.
@@c0d3warriorThey are making the space nazis look like the good guys by accident.
@@c0d3warriorthey are accidentally making the space nazis look good.
You have to look at it from the view of the writers. The writers are West Coast, Hollywood progressives. So they see:
*Jedi:* A quasi-religious order that enforces law and order, is committed to defending the traditional ways, teaching the old ways, and has a firm sense of good and evil, right and wrong, and strictures about not being ruled by your emotions (feelings) and letting rationality (facts) govern them.
And on the other side, they see...
*Empire:* An organization that forsakes ideas of good and evil and is only concerned with gaining power, and then using that power to force everyone else in the galaxy to obey them - to live as they say, to act as they say, to think as they say, and believe as they say.
Obviously, they already believe the Empire are the they are just looking for ways to convince the audience.
- And now i will begin to turn into Menacing Dark Cloud!
- Why?
- This is the way we greet treasured guests around here. We are peaceful.
- What else do you do?
- We mind*f-u-с-к* force-sensitive teenagers. We are peaceful.
- What else?
- Cannibalism. Don't question our awesome traditions.
I got the feeling that she was turning into the cloud in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. (Because the story wants the Jedi to be the villains and the witches the victims not because of anything actualy shown.) So if Sol hadn't stabbed her everything would have been fine.
BUT... you've already violated a teenager, so doing something menacing looking without making your intentions very clear gets a cheer from the audience when you get stabbed with a light sabre
I kinda want a clarification how strong with the force the witch was supposed to be. I don't think we saw anyone just changing aggregate states with the force. Maybe she is made out of water
In main canon, the jedi are actually pretty chill with other force users, even those who use the darkside. They almost never fight unless they're forced to.
Believable considering that the Jedi Council decided that they shouldn't interact with the coven cult
As a dude that got physically Torbin'd I appreciate you holding that line, Guy.
Sending you a hug. Hope you get better and heal❤
Yeah, likening what happened to Torbin to actual sexual assault, is indeed disgusting. Not saying the witches were in the right...anyone with a brain knows they weren't and aren't the good guys. But sexual assault, really?
Excellent analysis. It’s even worse though! They do in fact address the “mind rape” of a teenager when Sol tells him not to let them into his mind again. Which means instead of confronting the space witches for violating a child, they literally blame the victim!!! And when they re-enter Space Waco and the fire starts, only the Jedi suggest saving the girls! Sol offers help and begs that they all work together, and the witches’ response is to escalate to violence, then gaslight Sol. Unbelievable!
Awful writing through and through
Its almost like it was written by a person who spent time as a personal assistant covering up such things.... 😮
Guess that spending your career justifying and assisting Einstein would wrap your mind so that logic seems reasonable
Sol told Tommen to suck it up and take it like a man.
This episode gives off very strong Jonestown vibes. All that's missing is the Kool-Aid!! 😒
Leslye Headland is a bad person, that's why her "heroes" are bad and "villains" are good.
She appears to possess no moral compass whatsoever. If she did possess one, she'd never have worked for somebody like Weinstein. "By their fruits ye shall know them."
She's complicate if not an accomplice in the SA of countless young women. She's waaaaay beyond "a bad person".
Woke SJWeirdos: "The heroes you love are EVIL!"
*Accidental Strawman intensifies*
Every. Damn. Time. 🤦♂
"You write about what you know." as they say
She was Weinsteins padawan, after all. So... Darth Les?
This really reminded of that Ignited comic you revealed where the main cast attack people randomly &we are supposed to see tham as "heroes", while the antagonist tried to use as less force as possible but they are considered by the story as "villains"
Dear god, I was wondering why I got a familiar vibe from this show. There's 'writing the story from the antagonist POV,' but both Ignited and the Acolyte fail at it so bad its painful.
There are no fire extinguishers in such a big compund? It looks like an OSHA violation XD
I'll see myself out
That's why Osha wanted to go: the compound wasn't compliant to her.
Ya see, the flammable stone is unprocessed Explodium™. That's what the consoles in Star Trek are made of. The lowest bidder, amirite?
OSHA and the IRS truly the most feared cults in the galaxy
Definitely needed to be examined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Tbf... Who knew solid rock was as flammable as laundry lint
When "write what you know" should be used by the prosecution in your trial.
I guess Torbin self deletes decades later, because he couldn't cope with the violation.
Not surprising, men who are sexually assaulted or abused aren’t taken seriously and so many men told “should of enjoyed it”
Modern Hollywood writers can't write morality tales because they're incapable of understanding that just because you WANT something to be true, and say something is true, doesn't MAKE it true. This is because they live in a little weird bubble in California where reality is based upon likes, and all that matters is that you APPEAR to be good (and be seen doing it on TickTock) not that you actually do good things.
You can believe the world is flat , that Galadriel was attracted to Sauron, that the Alcolyte is actually good and this is actually good writing, but that doesn't make it so...
The fact is this is a poorly disguised trashy fanfic with a bunch of self inserts by writers with gigantic chips on their shoulders who didn't get picked to be on the team in high school, that didn't get to take who they wanted to the dance , and never looked in the mirror to realize that the world isn't always fair and they are not the center of it.
Instead they went to college and got taught a weird ideology that blames all of their problems on other people . They then got jobs in Hollywood where they hide behind Shields of perceived persecution and continue to make garbage safe with the knowledge that their bosses won't dare fire them because thier bosses are also pushing the same wierd ideology and that the FANS are the problem ....not them.
You deserve more likes.
Until the money finally runs out which it will. "Too big to fail" has never once been successful unless government steps in with taxpayer money to ensure it.
@@tkps And no government has truly limitless resources either.
One thought I had was since this show was directed towards kids, they were maybe probably trying to normalize abusive behavior as heroic....whatever reasons they would do that for I don't know...but it seems a little "brainwashy" to me
Bear in mind that these writers were paid - at minimum - $10,500 per week. Per... week!
I wish someone would pay me to take a dump, too.
and I think of all the qualified writers who are also SW fans would LOVE to write for the show for half that and would still come up with a far superior product
yay late stage capitalism! overpriced garbage for everyone
@@Jjrmtv I can't stand Star Wars but I respect the fanbase & could write a superior story in an afternoon without even trying.
In the original cut, Mother Anisaya shouts "I can't breathe" as Sol kneels on her neck for 9 minutes.
I can't breev!
I'm willing to bet that, in this scenario, Sol wouldn't even be the one force choking her.
Took me a moment but my slow ass finally caught up. Good one lol.
@@GNackers53 definitely not her first time
“The men were supposed to be the cause of the problem, but the only one that did anything shady was the woman “ LMFAO 🤣
I had the exact same take on this episode as you. Everything the jedi did seems reasonable and measured except Torbin's weird motivations.
You see this with activist writing all the time. You want Yoda to be mean. So you have Yoda fart and say "lick, you must, my ass."
But the activist writes "Pardon me, you must. Rude, that was."
And its *not* lazy writing.
They are snarky, mean-spirited people, who constantly bicker and insult each other. To them, thats just a normal person. But you politely apologize with grace and a smile, now _that_ is insulting. Talking down to you, smugly judging you....
Thats how they see it.
You can watch how they interact online, and its exactly like in the shows. Reason and kindness, responsibility, facts... these are attacks.
She portrayed the Jedi as what she sees as evil, or at least messed up.
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Torben is shown as naive and downright simple-minded, with his childish obsession with just going home, so he was probably all the more vulnerable to this assault. He never should have been on that planet in the first place, and you've got to wonder if the Jedis have any aptitude tests at all for missions of this kind. I guess not.
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Indara messes with Torbin too. Remember the opening scene where we discover that Torbin has been with them on the planet for seven weeks, collecting moss, with no idea what they're looking for, and only then does Indara tell him the point of the mission. Why? I mean, WTF? What are Indara's intentions with him? The poor kid is being abused from all sides, and why was he ever taken along on this expedition in the first place?
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Padawan's are trained from a very young age... unless he was like Anakin (former slave with a LOT of baggage + evil master mind trying to turn him slowly) there is no reason for him to be acting like a spoiler brat.
@@SageOfLimitlessHands Of course it isn't the same at all, but Indara is serving Tobin very poorly, and no explanation is ever given.
For some reason Sol says he feels a special connection with Osha, but he also can't tell Mae and Osha apart later in the episode and it's basically explained that they are identical with respect to the force.
You know something is bad when JSG laughs at how bad it is
And you know how bad it is when he made the video longer then 10 minutes. When he makes a video that's more than 10 minutes about a show that's bad, then you know he will really go in the deep end to explain why it is bad
@@Wolfsong3398 Yep
He’s crying on the inside.
This is first video of his that I watched and he was repeating himself constantly and that fake laugh made me cringe everytime.
@@MaroshBRuNo Oh that wasn't a fake laughter
The only thing I can take away from this is that Leslie hedlund sees morality, logic, and reason as evil.
The only thing I can imagine for Torbin is that he is so traumatized from the events that he tries to escape reality. And then Mae presents him a way to end his misery forever. But that’s just an idea.
...great writing...
"The man desperately trying to escape reality... Never thought of suicide.." yea that will make the characters more believable...
So... we discovered evil dark side magic using witches who tried to kill us and mind raped me.
I guess now I turn from Padawan right into a jedi MASTER and want to die for the rest of my life.
Made him obsessed with going home using mind control.
>try to portray themselves as the misunderstood outcasts being attacked by the prejudiced people in power
>portray themselves as evil accidentally
>They are actually the prejudiced people in power attacking the misunderstood
I was recently playing a PvPvE looter named Dark and Darker. This one guy turned all his combat buffs on, rushed me, and when I defended myself started saying "You hit first! You hit first!"
That's the coven in this
"We never see why the Jedi are bad"
That's because Headland doesn't know good from evil, it's just "power and who is allowed to use it."
She's the one with The Platform, so everything she says is true, and everyone has to think like her now because that's what happens when you have The Platform.
It never occurs to her that there is an objective reality out there that contradicts what she's saying on her platform.
And it's not really a platform at all -- it's a stage, and she's being booed off of it. Not because what she's doing objectively _bad_ (because, remember, there is no objective truth), it's just her intersectional enemies trying to get the power that "it's her turn to have."
If anything, all of this nonsense just goes to show how corrupt, vacant, nihilistic, and out-of-touch with reality her point of view really is.
We can thank her for proving this with "the best piece of art she's ever made".
Such a good point. This bish is definitely a Sith. 😂
She "leaked" her hiring and held Disney hostage with the threat of the angry Twitter mob.
From the very get-go she exercised an abuse of power.
On the other hand, the opening preamble of the novelisation of A New Hope explicitly states that the Galactic Republic was a majestic civilisation invulnerable to external assault but slowly rotting on the inside, beneath the surface where it wasn't immediately obvious. Part of the fun is spotting the factors that led directly to the rise of the Empire.
@@tompearce5418 The rot at Disney was very fast indeed. The rest of America was close behind -- except then the Backlash started. =)
@@tompearce5418 "The Acolyte" is not the way to tell that story. The Prequel Trilogy gave the audience that story.
In the Empire Strikes Back, Luke is stuck on Dagobah, and manages to get the survival supplies off his X-wing which includes a power supply that provides light, and energy to recharge his laptop (i.e. R2D2). Yet, 100 years earlier, in the dark times, Jedi sat near the fire, despite having hand-held devices that literally contain massive amounts of plasma energy that can cut a tree down with a single swipe. Good job, girls, this is why nobody respects your "science fiction"
And they're using old-fashioned metal detectors looking for... what now? Even the original Star Trek had effing tricorders! (BTW, the whole premise of the episode is pure Star Trek, i.e. surveying an alien planet for life. Why would Jedi Knights with such humdrum work? Wouldn't they have drones and droids to do it for them? And more importantly, since when do space monks bother with scientific research anyway? Since when has that been in their job description? It's screamingly obvious the showrunners have no understanding of Star Wars at all.)
@@alannothnagle They were there for 7 weeks and they didn't know about the coven? Scanners and probe droids exist, dammit. The very first thing you do once in orbit is conduct a sensor sweep. The witches collective body temperature would show up on thermal.
Why didn't they just stay in the ship instead of sitting by a campfire with all them 'skeeters?
@@mattpierre891 That's a good point also. It's not like the ship crashed like Luke's X-Wing, you'd think they'd taken a RV type ship since they've been there 7 weeks. Are they eating meal rations all this time. The whole show is dumbness.
I bailed after ep2.
From all I've heard and read it looks like that was a good move.
Smart move! Don't waste any time watching this fan faction.
@@lukeluke333lukelukeit is not fan fiction, that would require the writers be fans or at least vaguely familiar with the source material
@@lukeluke333lukeluke I've seen better fan fiction! There's one on youtube Dave Cullens referenced about Vader coming upon a Temple for the Light Side and having a Luke in the swamp like experience from the other perspective. They can be fun. This? Junk!
I stopped watching Secret Invasion after 2 episodes. Now I know, when a show is this bad it is more fun to watch commentary like this one. Greatness from Just Some Guy.
I bailed after ahsoka
It's because the writers believe the way they portrayed the Jedi WAS showing they were evil. They believe anyone based are evil.
People who show concern for others and find odd cults suspicious are evil!!! Because if you apply the same reasoning in the real world those traits would make you question the writers politics
So this flashback was supposed to explain the previous nonsensical flashback, but now a third flashback is necessary to make sense of the current mess. And there’s only one episode left. Yeah, there’s no fixing this.
"The force is female" is bigoted to females since they are fine with male characters being the Jedi or ESPers.
The Force is stronger then the thread apparently, given that Trinity easily killed all the witches when she used the force to free the wookie.
The same people saying that also claimed rey was the first female jedi
If all the interviews around this show hadn't been "I want to portray the Sith as the underdogs" and "This show isn't kind to the Jedi", I could even believe it was intentional, to show how the dark side tries to twist words and events to turn people against the Jedi, and then show the truth later on.
As it stands, I have to imagine a scenario where Headland told writers and directors what she wanted, but then completely failed to even oversee what they were doing and they decided to flip her ideas on their head because they didn't want to see the Jedi more denigrated than Disney already has done.
This flashback was set up by Mae asking Sol about what really happened on Brendok. Then in the flashback to get the answer. Except... Mae personally witnessed half of "what really happened", and the other half she personally CAUSED. This makes her question to Sol rip your suspension of disbelief to shreds. She knows good and well what happened, maybe even better than he does, because she knows how and why the fire started and who pushed her to do that. The writers can't even remember what they, themselves, have written.
It seems like they were trying to make the Jedi look bad by reacting poorly to a tense situation, except they just created a pretty cut-and-dry example of self defense. The witches clearly instigated the violence. The Jedi were absolutely not to blame for anything wrong that happened. If this is what they think corruption looks like, then they have a terribly warped view of reality. I can't think of any other way to explain this.
The side by side of the witches mind controlling immediately followed by them dead is peak comedy.
"Help! my house is on fire!"
Normal people: "We'll call the fire department"
Woke Witches: "We'll kill you, Jedi!!"
"We're edgy and controversial! Jedi are the bad guys!"
The rest of us:
"We know the Jedi were flawed. That was why Sidious was able to take them out in the first place. They were a well-intentioned space cult that deliberately taught their members to suppress emotions instead of process them healthily, then put them in high stakes diplomatic roles and made them space cops. Showing how flawed they were at the height of their power wouldn't be controversial for fans to see and just shows that these people don't know enough about Star Wars. And their failure to actually show them as bad, which was their central point they were trying to make shows they are bad at storytelling, too."
No one said DEI writers were good at their job.
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
Except the DEI writers themselves, who're basically nobody anyway.
"Are we the baddies?"
"Hans, get the Flammenwerfer!"
What is worse, the stupid metal detectors, not able to locate a bigass stone fortress on top of a mountain or a jedi wookie with a lightsaber not being able to beat a 100 pound padawan twink...?
7 weeks? You'd think a Jedi Master could find a vergence in the force within minutes.
The problem with Leslie Headlend is she couldn't commit to an idea.
If you wanna make the Jedi flawed by all means but do it in a way that actually makes sense, here there just stupid
She just collected together all the "cool" ideas she saw from other places and glued them together haphazardly.
@@niklbauglir I think your spot on with that.
Look I've been forgiving about a lot of stuff in this show (save ki adi mundi cameo)
But this mystery of what happened to the witches is so contrived.
Worse we only have one episode left right when the current timeline was actually starting to get good, for me.
There's too many issues that 1 ep can't wrap up
@@niklbauglirUnfornutely zero idea from kill bill and frozen made it into the show. We have yet to see any sister love or terintos dramatic styling
@sadface7457 The disturbing thing to me is that the Osha-Mae relationship *could* be how Headland views sisterly love. I say that based on two things:
1. Headland described this story as a "love note to her sister" (those probably aren't the exact words, but something to that effect). And...
2. Headland and her sister are estranged. Her sister refuses to even speak to her.
That makes me think that maybe Headland things this "I love you so much I'll kill you if you leave me" type of love actually *is* a beautiful love shared by sisters.
@@LRich-hg3huThe relationship reminds me a little bit of that between Savathün and Xivu Arath in in the Destiny franchise, but predicated on the "sword logic" or essentially "survival of the fittest" where combat and death are expressions of love.
You're having entirely too much fun. It's nice to hear you laugh. I like it.
I can't believe you haven't noticed the laughter was totally fake. It made me cringe every single time.
@@MaroshBRuNo Sounded pretty sincere to me. Yes, it's not a deep belly laugh, but he clearly finds the circumstances humorous.
No way him being homesick is actually a problem. They can travel between worlds in like 30 mins at every other point in the story. Just go home for two days a week to pick up provisions again.
$180 million? Where? Spent on what? Who green lit this budget? There has to be some money laundering going on here.
A big chunk of money got lost in creative accounting Im quite sure
This episode cost more than twice what Godzilla minus 1 did, and almost half of it is recycled footage from episode 3
16 writers and God knows how many other people are "working" on this, and you have to pay every one, probably a large amount.
I unironically think this whole show is just there so headland and everyone else who is working on it can fill their pockets. Every single thing about this show screams low effort, there is no chance that the money went into anything that would increase the quality of this mess.
Laundering and embezzlement are strong in Hollywoke
>Mae really did try to kill OSHA for no reason
>Horny Mommy is the one to talk her into it
>Diverse Mommy tried to kill Mae cuz she’s innately evil & will ruin OSHA life if left alive
>Sol attacked in reflexive defense of a child
>Coven died of strain controlling one Wookie
How are the witches victims of anything but their own arrogance & possessiveness? How are the Jedi evil for at most jumping the gun against child abusers & seeming-murderous shadow dust monsters? I’d say these people need morality coaches, but given how they behave IRL, just chuck them straight to jail.
These Jedi were acting in self defence after ignoring the Council's orders to steer clear.
@@tompearce5418 Because children were being hurt .
Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant wrote this so:
1) she's going to write what she knows.
2) she's probably not going to see any of that as making the space witches villains... or she'd probably have turned in Harvey long ago. 🤷♂️
She wasn't a collegue of Weinstein for nothing, alright?
It is funny because the "power of many" has proven itsself to be weaker than the power of one, every time it has been invoked so far.
It was one, not many, that made OshaMae.
It was one, which caused the deaths of the many via Force feedback.
It was one, who used "the thread" to push back against two while teaching an example of the power of many.
It was one, Smilo, who defeated the many, the Jedi. Yeah, they were mostly nameless extras and expected to not last, but the point still stands.
So, a teenager gets violated by someone in a position of power and a grown man develops a preoccupation with a young girl... and the woman in the team decides they should sweep all this under the rug? Anything you want to get off your chest there, Leslye?
"Just watched the Acolyte and I think i can officially say I've been in better written “Star Wars” movies."
- Mia Malkova, adult film actress
This feels like a "protest episode" from the adults in the room at disney. Like RATIONAL people came together and said " we have to show them we're all not like kathleen kennedy."
Never mind not picking it up with ship scanners, the Jedi recon team spend nearly two months NEXT TO a giant fortress on a mountain without noticing it lol. It lights up at night ffs! I honestly don't know what Headlands intentions were for the Jedi because motive, continuity, cause and effect are all over the place. There's nothing that logic can hold onto in here. It's completely discombobulated.
With all that money and apparently infinite possiblities given to her, Leslie is just like a deer in front of a truck, unable to decide if she should jump left or right. Only difference to the deer is her being bludgeoned to a mess, lying on the ground, and still telling everyone how well she is doing and that everything is fine the way it is.
The term 'middle school fan fiction' has been tossed around in reference to this show's quality since the 2nd episode aired.
Each successive week sees what was just conjecture and colloquialism being turned into undeniable fact.
Sometimes i think that different people write different parts of Disney stories and they never get together to compara notes.
From Headland's POV, The Witches of Dathomire must not have been able to be defeated by the Jedi. Which. No. Not the case for them, or the mystics of half a million others systems out there. They don't just misunderstand the Force, but the entire makeup of the universe in any way whatsoever.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is more cannon than Disney's garbage.
I often re-watch it to remind myself of what Star Wars could've been.
Those cut scence are have more plot then the acotyle
While sometimes cheesy, it has many, many better stories with many, many better female characters. Look at the 6' tall female Jedi "of color" in the one of the more recent episodes. She would have made a great Jedi in a show, with armor and a type of robe made t fit the armor. But no, all the Jedi have to be shown as weak.
You watch videogames?
@@chilbiyitoWell yeah you usually have to see it to play it. You don't watch what's going on when you play?
Those two games are better than the last two trilogies combined. I apologize for nothing.
There are no alarms of fire suppression systems because there were no men around to install them.
Nice _burn_, mate. :D
It still baffles me that the whole reason the cult die off is because a 4th grader is bored of his summer youth counselors field trip and wants to go home. That, and a single lantern burns down a stone fortress
I think the story is very telling of the state of Leslie's mind.
Obviously she's tired of reasonable people, interrupting her evil spell conjuring, and mind manipulation of the youth.
Poor Torbin. He went to a place no Padawan should be forced to go and it traumatised him to the point that he tried to meditate the taste of well worn carpet away...
But seriously, I suspect the Thread Witches so called mastery of the Force did something to his mind and he had to meditate to keep it at bay... only to see a way out when Mai came to him.
His unaliving himself is thusly, completely unrelated to Mai's revenge quest.
Hearing JSG laughing as his mind is violated by this show was...kinda cathartic haha. He's usually so calm and composed, but this show broke even him
If they were raised in isolation from the rest of the galaxy, how do the twins even know about the Jedi?
Despite sending the worst Jedi who ever Jedied (lying in general/being deceitful, being emotional and/or emotionally driven, harboring attachments, and being covetous), they still manage to save a young girl's life from a decrepit mining facility on fire while dispatching a formerly hunted and exiled Dark Force coven of space witches despite the High Council's unwillingness to act. So, I guess the moral of the story is that you can have complete faith in the Jedi since even the worst they have to offer will still end up doing the right thing!
Guess the good guys are...still the good guys - who knew?
Everyone was looking for the Bad Jedi payoff....instead, what we got was a "mystery" of misunderstanding on both sides and a series of now, we have one episode to figure out the who, what, why, how, when of Smylo Ren....all in 30 minutes.
And they have made Sol tooooo Feely, like how the heck you passed the Trials being that feely and emotional.
This is Diveristy hiring at it's Finest. Let THAT sink in.
Don’t forget that this was originally billed as a mashup between Kill Bill and Frozen. The point is that an accident created a rift between the sisters JUST LIKE IN FROZEN…
When one's moral compass is so twisted and distorted, the common and logical actions would seems abhorrent whilst the senseless and horrible actions become the Right things and the next.
And even when Torbin goes after the twin to show them to the Jedi Council so he can finally go home, it's perfectly understandable: He had just been mind-raped, and even such a violation wasn't enough for the Council to rapatriate him so he can have all the psychological support a Padawan might need in such a case; so of course, when the proof of a vergence in the Force - which appears in the series as one of the only reasons the Council would recalled them - seems at hand, he would try to get the proof that would entice the Council to stop their mission and summon them back to Coruscant.
Jedi Sol was collecting moss. Carrie-Anne Moss
I could be really, really bad about new moss, but I'd better not.
Carryin' moss
The Bene Gesserit of Dune would have had their way with the Acolyte witches pretty quickly.
19:43 I think the story seems to make the "argument" that the _"Jedi are these cold emotionless oppressors who deny your freedom to feel emotions, to be someone, to be happy or to love."_ That is why Indara is written to not show any compassion towards her Padawan.
Still one more episode until the big reveal that explains everything and brings every story thread to a perfect conclusion. /s
Perhaps everybody will just wake up and realize the whole series was just a nightmare...
I'll take things that will never happen for five dollars.
The Padawan may have had PTSD after the whole affair, hence his state.
As for the rest: Let go, Luke!
"History of Violence" clip to start. Priceless! That's my fave go to for the insanity that surrounds me!
I like the torben mind violation argument, since I had the feeling, that Indara was more disappointed in him than concerned.
Yeah gave the vibe of Ugg I taught you better than this your such a disappointment.
Not even a treatment, just "random ideas on note cards". YES. And this is where I wonder about the process, consideration, testing, and the social dynamics in this writers' room and production. Bc it seems to me that there were a limited number of people involved in testing this script, limited challenge opportunities, very cosy happy clappy Slaay Kweeen BS and suffocating mutual admiration, you can almost smell the chardonnay fumes, and no external input - eg the lore, tech, world, time frames, continuity, tracking threads. And THAT's how you get unconstrained incompetence of this magnitude, failing at long narrative and theme as well as scene by scene.
Holy shit, it wouldn't have been so hard to run through the entire script and ask "it is consistent on women in leadership?" or "are the Jedi portrayed consistently?" or "how many 180 degree motivation changes does Mae have?" or "why the pool scene?"
Eg just on leadership: Mother Anaseya strikes first vs Torbin, so she's the aggressor, wildly overestimates the power of the coven, provokes jedi further with the smoke monster trick, she and Coril condemn the coven. Useless. Poor preservation of the purpose of the coven, and poor protection of the vulnerable.
Master Indara is a poor leader to the team and to her padawan, flip flops on instructions, could have yoinked Torbin off the speeder and prevented him from going to Vag Mountain, then finally says let's lie to the Council to protect the dreams of this vergence child who half an hour earlier she was saying blah blah prime directive shit let's not interfere. Useless.
So, it's all profoundly irritating, but the biggest problem for me is the social dynamic inside LFL that lets mindless, nonsensical, frankly risible writing get through. And I think it's about lousy internal competition, standards, and rebasing excellence to mean the clamor of fluffers and toadies surrounding celebrity producers. Thus first time this hit a real audience the producers and cast got a helluva shock bc they genuinely thought it was AWESOME.
Next week: THE HOLE. The witch hole of Brenda reveals its secrets...
What if the twist was supposed to be that the space Witches were bad so they could bait us into critiquing it incorrectly
The thing with women using bows comes from a silly misconception that bows are all about dexterity when in reality bows take far more strength to use than any other weapon
“Think of a man. Then take away reason and accountability.”
This is what happens when you have to many writers and one team doesn't know what the other team has written.
@@johndurham6172 the power of Mannnnny....
Instant like for the phrase "watching someone fuck up a glass of water"
On the next episode of, The Agenda... Tampax and Diabetes take one the power of maannnnnyyyy. 😂😂
can i point out how gurl fought off a grown ass wookie, with a light saber and force powers, by herself and somehow a kid with a butter knife kills her in like 2 seconds
The former personal assistant to Harvey, should any of us really be surprised?
It's funny how some apologists say that Indara was the only "good" Jedi... No, she lied to the Jedi Council, she left here hurting padawan alone (or o), she couldn't control her team, mocked Sol, and if the witches didn't die, she left them to burn and at the end died by an inexperience wannabe-acolyte.
Regarding Anisaye (and Mae) dissolving into smoke, Leslye Headland herself said "Anisaye is transforming herself and Mae herself into the Force in a way that doesn't kill them" - basically becoming one with the Force/becoming some sort of force ghost without having to die first. Thing is, though Leslye is the showrunner, there were several screenwriters, and so Leslye's interpretation of that scene may not be what the screenwriters intended when they wrote it.
"We are better than you, because we have no noble intentions!" - so you are evil then
I know when I get the chance to listen to Nerdrotic and friends during Friday Night Tights the group can agree collectively too easily on the current state of Hollywood and the things they produce. I love your show as it's wonderfully detailed, catching all the writing tropes being misused, not group biased, and passionate because of the love you have for the shows we watch.
I respect the perspective and pray you find the strength to go on after watching this garbage. You do the hard work so I don't have to; even the 15-min summaries are painful to listen even with your jibes, wit, mirth, snub, barbs and jokes. Keep up the beautiful work and I'm sure you perfected the art of water pouring. You are some guy.
100% with all you said. And yeah even the summaries are cringeworthy but he makes it all worth it and love his explanations.
Rather than do endless reshoots, they should shoot all scripts twice. The first time would be on a cheap soundstage or like Dr Who in the ‘70s. Then they could reshoot that to their hearts’ content, until they get something worth watching. Then go back and shoot it properly with no changes allowed once the script is finished.
For some reason, i find the fact that an organization built by women being toppled, or destroyed, by a single powerful woman to be the most believable thing in this show. I wonder why.
These "Jedi Witches" really look like the Honored Matres from Frank Herbert's later Dune books.