Acolyte writers room: "Star wars is patriarchal and we'll write our own show!" Acolyte writers room: "Lets just do what Jar Jar Abrams did and present a dozen mystery boxes without answers!"
@@cubeflinger yeah that coulb the answer but still nothing, no comments like "you are now one with the force, rest my padawan in peace" or taking her lightsaber, he just leaves
What annoyed me the most about this episode was Master Squid Game leaving all the dead Jedi and their light sabers behind in the jungle. And on a different note, I’m all for the reappearance of the word, “retarded”. You used it perfectly.
At first I was going to say that he probably going back to his ship to bring other jedi in to move the bodies. Then they would have to explain why no one knew a Sith attacked and killed all of these jedi 100 years ago. Also h could have used the force to move all of the bodies instead of calling for help with the bodies. Either way it doesn't explain why Yoda or Mundi doesn't know about all of these dead Jedi or this sith? This show is stupid no matter how much u try to rationalize it its just DUMB! Also Just some guy might have been wrong about the fight scene being better because they were at least attacking instead just hitting each other swords. The fight between Jecki and Smylo Ren. Smylo is fighting defensively while moving forward while Jecki is attacking while moving back. You would think that since Smylo is the one being aggressive and moving forward he would be the one attacking and Jecki would be on the defensive blocking his attacks. Also attacking while moving back would mean she was off balance and could have tripped and fell.
This undisciplined writing reminds of some wannabe creators I knew in my teen years. They come up with reasonably cool concepts that were not well thought out nor fleshed out as they went on. Mind you, these were just kids with big ideas and no formal experience or higher education in creative writing. This shows reminds me exactly of that.
And that's why they could get away with it. But we hold these allegedly professional writers accountable for it. These are just kids with no experience, meanwhile, the chick who made this show and her co-writers and producers and actors are all proclaimedly professional with million dollar budgets. Backing them up to make everything look like it's a sophisticated installment, but the writing of which is garbage I guarantee you, there are better Star Wars fanfics out there than this trash
Yea they were so perceptive in the prequels and the clone wars! You know how palpatine played among us with them for over a decade and how they found out Dooku was related to the creation of the clones and the inhibitor chips but they just shrugged and said it was fine . Yea the Jedi have always been 200IQ master detectives.
0:57 "it looks like they're trying to attack and kill each other and not just hit each other's swords" while playing a clip where the characters are literally just trying to hit each other's swords.
I don't think people are looking for reasons to complain, I simply think it becomes easier to focus on every little thing when you're not actually engaged with the story or the characters
"Freedom. Freedom to wield my power as I like without having to answer to you Jedi." So...he basically wants to use his Force abilities to kill innocent people (like the apothecary in episode 2), to steal whatever he wants, and to rule over others like a selfish god without consequences? That's not freedom...that f*cking TYRANNY! Is THAT what the Leader of the Lesbian Space Witches was preaching about? "It's about power, and those who are allowed to wield it", huh? To any Star Wars fan, THAT is why Yoda warns about the Dark Side!
You want to know the joke? It's a big galaxy. He could easily go where no one would bother him even if he went on a murder spree or took over the planet. Chose the right planet and not even the Jedi would ever get wind of it. Or he could arrange something with one of the Hutts and live there. People without the Force can make deals with them. If he choose the right planet the locals might even see him as the hero without him manipulating the situation. He could even find a fitting Acolyte as he isn't bound by the rules of the Jedi and slavery is still a thing. All he had to do was not revealing himself to the Jedi.
It's more meta than that.. what you're seeing is the will of the writers, to Shit on the Jedi and Star Wars fans.. maybe you've noticed the show has almost no White males in it, that's by design. They're shitting on you and your heroes, hoping you won't notice. But you did notice. The villain of the story is a hero to the writers. The focus isn't on how good the Jedi are, or even showing them in a good light, they look like inept fools, they're easily killed but hey, that's what they get for impeding the villain's freedom, he's like Lucifer yearning to be free of their morality That's entry level illuminati BS The show sucks ass because they're sending messages rather than telling a good story
@@Dreamfox-df6bg That's not a joke; that's just pointing out the obvious that the rest of us already realized the moment his character said it. Of course he could already do whatever he wanted without the Jedi stopping him (he had been doing so BEFORE his "acolyte" started killing Jedi). The REAL joke here is just how stupid the plot is and just how stupid the writers, directors, and "activist" actors are for thinking that this is what Star Wars fans want. (We know that all of this is simply to push the BS agenda of the Socialist Left while normalizing their "message" to the students being indoctrinated in the schools/colleges/universities!)
@@TheVikingOfDisapproval And even Anakin was denied training by the council and only Qui-Gon's insistence brought him to that. We certainly can see, in the prequel trilogy, why attachment is a bad thing, when Anakin goes and slaughters all the Tusken Raiders, not just the perpetrators of the torture, but the women and children and pets, too. Luke was only trained, because by that point in time Yoda and Obi-Wan were running out of options and lifespan and Luke, in a way, lost the attachment to Tatooine, too, at the hands of the Empire.
@Schnittertm1 Plus, Luke was destined to not only redeem Vader, but to also rebuild the Jedi because he was able to see they were flawed and that some level of attachment is fine.
So they stole the Magneto idea with the helmet,but wouldnt a helmet that protects you from mind reading/manipulation stops you from mind reading people at the very least?
I think they think it works how they think Magneto's helmet works. He can still use his powers but not the other way around. That's the best way I can wrap my head around it.
@@kylekillgannon only explanation i got that could work is that it only stops "light side" powers effecting the user,maybe some kind of sith alchemy at the works
Not only was cortosis in the books, but cortosis weave was also used in armors in the Knights of the Old Republic video games. Having said that, it's still a DEEEEP cut. It would have been too easy to add in two or three lines to establish the metal and its properties. Also, no one EVER established ANY ability of cortosis to block Jedi mind reading. Heinous fuckery is afoot.
Cortosis weave is what they came up with to make conventional melee weapons make sense against lightsabers and for game balance. How it is depicted in game it functions more like beskar, which in retrospect I think fits better with lore. The republic just barely defeated the mandalorians in a war and are now in conflict with the sith so having beskar somewhat wide spread would make sense. While beskar is rare it is certainly more common than cortosis and in this period beskar would be at it's most pentiful. Too bad beskar was introduced 3 years after the game released.
@@VikCachat Cortosis was actually introduced in the books back in the '90s. In it's purer forms, it COULD disrupt lightsaber blades. In weaker forms (like the aforementioned weave armor), it only reduced damage. Either way, my main point was that it NEVER had the ability to block Jedi mind powers, and certainly not one way.
It's not as deep as one might think, since it was reintroduced in the Disney thrawn trilogy novels and apparetntly has been in a few of the Disney comics. So it's a bit more surface level... but definitely not tv show surface level. That being said, yeah, even in Disney canon, cortosis doesn't block mind-reading/force senses. It ain't the Ysilmari.
@@jaymeU2 not really. Its a sound tactic that the Jedi wouldnt expect. They havent fought the Sith in an age and its been equally that long since anyone has used Cortosis in a battle. It would completely surprise them.
I actually think headbutting a lightsaber is a bad combat move. It's was effective, yes, but also just unnecessarily risky. A fight that made me question why.
With the Cortosis, I think it went something like this: "Wouldn't it be cool if Darth Vader Via Temu could disable the Jedi's lightsabers?" "Yea!" "How, though?" "Eh, there's probably something in the books that does it, anyone that cares will probably be able to figure it out." _Meanwhile, in a living room far, far away..._ "How is he headbutting lightsabers and disabling them like that?" "I dunno, there's probably something in the expanded universe that lets him do that." "Didn't Kathleen Kenedy nuke the extended universe?" "Stop being sexist and enjoy product."
Seriously, when did people start deciding that it was 'good storytelling' to stop and give an exposition lesson the instant something new shows up on screen? Its not going to kill you if they wait and explain it later.
@@mizu7662 There are two problems here. The first is that you're giving the writers of The Acolyte the benefit of the doubt. The same people who unironically wrote the exchange "The Jedi are bad!" "The Jedi are good!" and the The Power of One/Two/Many choir. The second is that mechanical elements like this need to be set up _before_ a massive climactic fight sequence more than halfway through the series. JSG already gave a great example of how they could have done this. Doing it this late in the story creates the feeling that the writers are pulling things out of their ass to manufacture drama, because of how easy it is to give hints early on if you're actually planning ahead. That kind of thing could work in an Ace Attorney game, where noticing the incongruity and working out the explanation after the fact is how the mystery element is handled, but not in a TV show in the middle of a giant action set piece.
@@Camkitsune You do remember that this show is a mystery first and foremost while the action is a secondary element, right? By saying it works for mysteries to do it you are saying it works for this show to do it.
@@mizu7662 I think you can only say that if you have either never seen a competent Mystery story, are being a determined contrarian, or just really feel the need to shill for the Acolyte. Compare the Acolyte to something like a few episodes of Poirot, or either of Ryan Johnson's Knives Out films. Or, hell, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. Good mystery stories generally have the audience asking questions from the beginning to the end. If you are given information that points to an answer to an important question, then that answer has to either: -lead to more and deeper questions, or -quickly be shown to be incorrect, either by further evidence or by recontextualization. As of now, the Acolyte has had _two_ central questions that have lasted longer than an episode: 'Who is We Have Darth Vader At Home', and 'What did the Jedi do to the Coven of Lesbian Force Witches?' One of these has now been answered, and it's on the same level as the answer to the central mystery of the children's parody film Hoodwinked. The other, the question of what evil thing the Jedi did, is both screamingly obvious and would remove the one element of the antagonists' decision-making process that makes any sense. The kind of beat the material-pulled-from-the-expanded-universe helmet/gauntlet thing _might_ have worked as has already been attempted - and fucked up - by the Acolyte - the poison back in episode 2. If they've already fucked up this beat once, why would _anyone_ assume they'd do it right when the set-up is even more borked?
@@Camkitsune No, I am dead serious. I literally don't see why introducing it in episode 1 would have been better then introducing it in episode 5. It is really not as important as people are making it out to be. This is not some massive setting changer. It was, in fact, something that had already previously been introduced in other works in the new canon so its technically not even something that is new. Cortosis is just too rare to be a game changer like people are treating it as. Not to mention the fact that, as we saw, its shit at anything besides blocking lightsabers and was easily broken when they struck his helmet and gauntlet with physical blows because of how fragile it is. So its too rare to see widespread use and has a massive weakness people would know about if it did become widespread. Its literally only good in this exact situation, being used against a jedi who has no idea what it is because its not widely used and will be caught off guard by it. And even then they still ended up smashing it by total accident.
Cortosis was changed in the "Thrawn: Alliance" novel by Timmithy Zahn in 2018. It's part of the overall Disney Thrawn series consisting of the Ascendancy Trillogy (Thrawn's origin in the Chiss Ascendancy) and the Disney Thrawn Trillogy of "Thrawn", "Thrawn: Alliances", and "Thrawn: Treason" (Telling the story of his earlier years in the Empire up tot he events of Star Wars: Rebels). Cortosis alloy can shut down lightsabers temporarily, as well as absorb and dissipate energy over it's sruface. It's super rare (only 2 known sources in the galaxy) as well as prohibatively expensive to refine and then alloy.
@@ppsarrakis it's not too bad depending on what it's mixed with to make the alloy, but the only way to really make it strong would be to do so with something like phrik or beskar.
If I remember the episode correctly, cortosis was discussed in a Clone Wars episode. In that episode though, it was a newly discovered element at that point in the galaxy. So, as I said, if I'm remembering correctly that means that Disney switched thown canon around again by introducing it 100 years prior to when it had been discovered.
@@DigMonkey96 considering the fact that the use of cortosis was indicated at least 4000 years BBY per KotOR I & II and the Darth Bane novels in the EU, they've retconned the retcon once again. But, I can only laugh at what used to be my favorite franchise. I'm a never-die pre-Disney EU fan. Everything since the ink was put to paper in 2012 has been sun-baked landfill garbage.
"It looks like they are trying to hit each other and not each other's swords ..." Someone needs to watch Shad's video on this abomination of a lightsaber duel.
Lets be honest, Shad's standard for sword fighting is likely higher than required for the average viewer. A "good" sword fight can be full of technical flaws, and still be considered good for the purposes of a movie or television. Sometimes, critiques about combat in movies reminds me of people complaining about guns in video games. They'll play a game where you're killing space aliens from jupiter, and go "Uhm...that's NOT how you reload a revolver! That reload is so unrealistic!".
@@luckyducky7819 Nope the fight scene was badly done and just lazy. They do attack each others weapons not the person . . . that is when they dont kick a person for some stupid reason.
Apart from where the money went, the only other mystery is why we should care about any of the characters. This is the kind of show where you root for the bad guys just because you want everyone to just die already.
you'd think the jedi would know and understand the +1 rule...always assume there's another. Another weapon, another enemy, another exit point, another bullet? Always looks at the present threats and assume's policing 101.
You just know one of the writers couldn't stop gushing about the lightsaber hair cut. Somewhere there's a memo going around explaining how black women's hair is *so important,* and it's even more important to represent them in control of their own hairstyles, for Reasons.
@@renesrelics It wasn't cool it was dumb and would instantly got her caught. The cut wouldn't match identically and also she'd smell of burned hair which would be a dead give away.
@bradmiles1984 Star Wars is Fantasy Adventure. Acolyte has added a bit of a horror element. Being overly logical is gonna make this fantastic series a bit less enjoyable for you, friend.
I do wish that Tag-Along guy would do something to volumise his hair, or, at the very least, wash it. Even a comb-over would be preferable to what we see on screen.
@@TheVikingOfDisapproval "Jedi were never heroes, because they had flaws…" So this person's idea of a hero is a 'Mary Sue/Gary Stu'?Have they never heard of the classic Greek/Roman heroes? Every single one of them had a flaw/vice. Same goes for heroes from Arthurian legend (The Knights of the Round were hardly a squeaky clean bunch by today's moral standards). Or every single memorable hero/protagonist in any film/book/comic worth remembering written in the 20th century. Gee, it's like overcoming one's flaws/confronting one's vices is part of the hero's journey or something...
I knew of cortosis. I've been a Star Wars fan for all my life, so I knew it existed. There are other lightsaber-resistant metals, like phrik, which was used in Grievous' magnaguards' electrostaffs, and Dark Trooper armor from Dark Forces.
Correct. But when they do something well, we gotta give em props when its due. Point out BOTH the good and the bad so they know what we want them to ditch AND what we want them to keep. Get rid of the shitty writing and dialogue. Keep the energy of those fight scenes.
My problem with the first fight at the beginning of the show was the fact how fast the Jedi knights got cut down. Then a Padawan was able to handle the Sith longer and better.
When the mystery boxes are more than the mysteries (the actual writing) within the series and the beyond laziness of the writing, directing, acting, and sound.
Deep cuts in lore are perfection. It's not lazy writing as it could be explained later on. It's awesome because it catches everyone including the audience off guard. It is MYSTERY.. you know that thing you said there was none of. You keep saying there's no mystery while complaining about the mystery lol
It's not mystery it's lazy writing. The kind of mystery should of been who was killing the Jedi, was Mae really alive or was it Osha doing it all? Those could of been mysteries to last the entire season yet they answered them in the first episode. They sold the show as murder mystery yet revealed the mystery in like 20 minutes of the first show.
Every single person in this show has Palpatine levels of ability to hide their presence from everyone else. Also Smilo Ren easily murders an entire group of jedi, but the tiny Padawan can of course have a long and fairly equal fight with him, because wamen. Nothing indicates that she's supposed to be extraordinarily powerful.
Main character whamen who was crushing on Osha, because one or two of the Jedi that were killed were of the fairer sex but they still went down like flies.
The only thing that's really keeping me going in this whole thing is knowing that Tagalong is the Apprentice, and that we still have yet to meet the Sith Lord.
The fundamental issue with the people who make this kind of material (apart from lack of talent) is their doctrine that "Everything I do is ok because I'm doing it" - that is a fundamentally evil point of view. If the only thing by which you measure yourself and your actions is you, then you are a monster.
If anything the Acolyte is not a torment to watch: it's a borement. This is supposed to be a murder mystery yet it has all the suspense of a Scooby Doo episode with Scrappy in it.
Well at this point I’d guess Tagalong is actually the Jedi apprentice that got mind-r@ped in the flashback and that the witch’s telepathic manipulation turned him evil. He could then have killed the witches in revenge, explaining May’s motivation for hating the Jedi. And it would explain why he would expect his old master to recognize him, or at least his force aura, Obiwan and Vader both recognized each other just from getting a whiff of their force auras.
The Jedi Padawan that got mind controlled by the Mom was the Jedi Master who drank the poison in episode 2. He was the white guy who unalived himself over his own guilt.
The apprentice who got his brain violated by Witch Mom was the same one that Mae physically couldn't touch, so her solution to the problem was "Kill yourself, pretty please?"
Its in darth plagues, the bane trilogy, and in the Timothy zhan Disney thrawn books ..( alliance's) set during the clone wars . Anakin and thrawn meet and discover a mining facility making it for driods and clone trouper armour. Its had some contention to the galaxies edge Disney park ( crap) Costosis was owned by the jedi and was used in star ship production.
_ This may just be my opinion. There are a couple of ideas in this show that would have been great for a mystery: + You can't kill a Jedi with steel or baster you have to kill the dream + The witches focused on a different application of the force(emphasising the connection between people) + The heroin has an evil twin presumed death _ Here's my idea. The mysterious assassin use mental attack, illusion to trick the Jedi into falling into traps or convince them to off themselves(using their guilt like the guy in ep 2. There are witnesses seeing the heroin near the crime scene but she is nowhere near as powerful enough to do this(and wasn't trained to do this), he sister was the one trained by the witches with this aspect of the force; but her master saw her sister died. The twist is the sister is a force ghost secretly possessing the heroin(basically using "the power of 2 /many" thing the witches were chanting as the 2 soul connecting in one body give the sister more power than 1 could muster)
Here's an easy mystery they could have done. What if you don't know Mae really is alive or dead? Have Osha lose time and black out. You could play it up all season that maybe Osha is really is doing it or her sister is alive. Go fight club and Tyler Durden it where at the end they reveal Osha lost her mind when her sister died and she grew another personality that takes over.
@@bradmiles1984 _ It's a cool idea. Her blacking out is a bit obvious. maybe the murder only happens at night when she goes to sleep _ This can combine with my idea that Mae's Force ghost is possessing Osha
@aokhoinguyenang3992 yep or what if the one moms ghost is controlling her because she was so powerful with the thread. If she could create life becoming a force spirit should be something she could do.
Watching these reviews has helped me realize that the show does in fact have all of the ingredients for a great story in it. They're just put together in one of the worst possible ways. Frankly I find that even more frustrating than if it was pure incompetence all the way through.
Think kylo's claymore style lightsabre. Having the crossguard be a small sabre is nothing new. Kylo just didn't bother to refine the side blades hence them looking more like flames than blades.
I spent all day yesterday watching the original three. And let me tell you this: It was a different beast. It was refreshing to see what brought so many into the fold. Knowing some of the behind-the-scenes info on how they did certain shots makes it all the better. You really feel the passion in those films. Opposite from the new era. Not having things just laid out and explained in full. The subtle hints and clues leading up to revelations that change the scope of the story unfolding. World building and character development. All the stuff present in the old films, but tossed aside in this new era. I liked the prequels because it was a glance of what *was* before the Empire seized control. You saw the Jedi and how they operated, but only to a degree. The story was shifted, to a certain point of view (eh? See what I did there). The theory I always held is a simple one that I believe holds much weight over large swathes of different franchises. It’s simple: the longer a franchise is allowed to continue, the lower its quality becomes. Now, think of franchises either still going or recently revised. Jurassic Park (World), Aliens, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, N. on Elm st, Halloween, Predator, Jaws, Stargate and I’m sure there are many other examples. But the simple question is did all of those require *all* the follow-ups and revisions over all the years? Were all of the sequels/prequels for said examples good (and I mean good)? There are exceptions to this. Not many. But I believe the theory holds weight. Corporations see only profit, and they don’t care how they get there. Sometimes (more often than not) they put someone foolish in the drivers seat and things go south. Sometimes there are genuine breakthroughs nearly better than their predecessors. But this is not the norm.
I'm pretty sure sith discount Ezra Miller is one of the twins' space witch moms who transitioned to identifying male by siphoning the power of manyyyyyy space witches during the flashback, killing them in the process, and all this will be revealed in the last episode by Sol: "Your mom used the power of the thread/force to give themself dangling bits and turning to an evil male, and I saw it all ".
You MUST have been severely drinking if you thought that episode was "fine" in ANY way. NONE of those fights were ok, NONE of them made ANY sense. NONE of the characters make ANY sense. ALL of this show is STUPID.
Agree. In Ahsoka, we got a fake Sith......a Sabine who was lame and brooding and learned how to wield the Force when the plot needed her to do so......a brooding and extremely dull Ahsoka......and Ezra who refuses to take his lightSaber and use it to defend himself. In Acolyte, we get Trinity being dispatched within 5 minutes of the opening episode......then "The Power Of Many" BS.......a bunch of red shirt Jedi being slaughtered.......and a twin that thinks that simply cutting the length of her locks will shield her from Sol's abilty to read her thoughts? I'm so hoping, Andor season 2 doesn't shit the bed.
@@rickbase833 Only good thing in Ashoka was Ray Stevenson's character. There was some intrigue with him and his motivations. Too bad it will never be revealed. RIP Ray.
@4:31 Does anyone else notice the paused lightsabers moving slightly? Even when I pause the video which is showing a paused image the lightsaber blades move slightly.
@@belegur8108 And you think in their fights with bandits and robber barons and various heathen groups they were like 'Oh, can't hit him, his back is turned on me as he kills one of my friends. Can't kill that one, I knocked his weapon from his hand.'? Seriously? Not a chance. Whatever high ideal they professed, they were trained soldiers, not fantastical knights dreamed up by French writers who had never seen a blood drenched suit of armor. That romance ideal is pure bull. The only reason they were ever merciful was 'Hey, I bet this guy is worth a lot of money if I ransom him'.
@@natp8387 was the Code of Chivalry a thing back in the day? absolutely, but of cause only amoung one's peers, said in tournaments and in battles vs. other nations and only among the nobility. Was it upheld everytime by everyone? of cause not, i even think more often it was not. And i said "closest to that", because in their original intent, it was their goal to protect those pilgrims, that where not able to do it for themselves... what they became after inventing cash-less money transfer is on another page of cause. What Hollywood made of said actual Code of Chivalry is BS in my opinion, too, so we can agree at least on that. ;o)
I think Qimir is an acolyte to Mother Abeloth and the witch coven drew their power from Abeloth. Smilo Ren literally has the same smile as Abeloth. Abeloth is also not a Sith Lord, but she is actually much more dangerous than most Sith Lords, because she was able to mind control Jedi knights. Abeloth's original family is also known as "The Ones".
It may look like they're trying to attack each other for most people, but anyone who's trained a striking or weapon based martial art can see the major mistakes in tempo and missed opportunities to actually finish the fight on both sides.
The lightsabers through the trees would have worked if Mr Sith would have moved super fast across all the Jedi- but in the wide shot, the Jedi who are so far away that they are not technically engaging Mr Sith are just swinging their sabers fighting invisible Sith. There’s also a lot of flat out whiffs going on for no reason than maybe to keep all sabers moving
When Sol asked dude who he was, instead of saying “You don’t remember me?” which is dumb, he should have said something like “So you can’t sense me.”, or “… feel me.” Which suggests they’ve met, like the dumb line, but would also hint at the later explanation that the mask can block out the outside world.
lol thank you! This was actually a decent episode.. might be the only one but still better than pretty much anything else Disney Star Wars has done.. but most ppl can’t admit it
I think the show has been really weak so far, but the light saber fight was quite good. The trees were an important element because Qimir was outnumbered, and he was using the terrain to limit the number of people who could attack him at once. If you have to fight eight people, you don't want to do so in the middle of a clearing.
This is how much they *really* care about DEI, as opposed to how much they *say* they care. I don't know what they *do* care about, but 'helping oppressed people' isn't it.
They excluded non-diverse persons as a matter of principle. Then, when the plot needed rando red shirts, they were forced to sacrifice lives that mattered. Scylla and Charybdis.
I've noticed a theme in recent years: the antagonists are often an often a good guy organization with a code but the moment they fail to follow their code to the letter regardless of the circumstances (like attacking a killer from the back) the story presents them as corrupt bad guys only out for themselves and the morally questionable or straight up psychotic new age protagonist as justified in doing the most henious shit because the other guys didn't didn't hold some arbitrary standard. It's like the classic empire vs rebels except the empire is said to be evil with nothing to show it while the rebel is acting like a psycho but everyone calls them a hero.
Answer to all your questions: Because the "creatives" (activists) behind The Acolyte have no talent, creativity, vision, or originality, were never fans, know ZERO lore, can't write the characters correctly because they don't know good from evil, or rather they ARE evil, don't like or respect Star Wars, and they hate you.
Yer analysis always gets me to think in new ways. Obviously a lot of it is just you applying your knowledge from reading the source books of these kind of shows -- and if it's not that it simple object perspective or practical application -- but I like they way yer head works. We could use more writers like you brother
He's Sol's bastard. You're all welcome. 😉 Also, I always thought when they showed female societies, they always ended with some poor guy burning to death in some god awful piece of wicker folk art.
I think he was there with the witches some how. If you noticed his arm has burn scars. Watch it will be revealed he was there when it happened, maybe he even he made the fire spread like it did.
I don't get how people think the fight is good.. they're missing each other more often than not. If you slow everything down like Shadiversity does, you can see how they continuously miss so many killing opportunities 😢
They also did the old martial arts movie trope, each waiting to attack instead of hitting from multiple angles at once. At least in Phantom with Maul they'd rapidly attack him with no breaks in it but he was shown to have so much skill he was still winning.
I think the show is going to say the sith guy was made from the witches, so he is part of their group. Specifically I think they are going to say he was the first version of a baby being created with the force, but it was all the "dark" side of the force.
Imagine if it turns out he's like a knight of ren because he came from the future through that time travel McGuffin thing and he just ends up killing all the jedi including yoda.
It doesn't make sense for Disney-SW denies the existence of the EU. Yet they use so many plots from the said EU and claims these as their original ideas.
They just want to pluck things from it when it's convenient. They just take things but usually make them worse. Look at the sequel movies Kylo is really Jacen from the EU and Rey is Jaina. They just cut the familial link instead gave them the force diad/romantic crap. Sad thing is Disney literally could of just taken the EU made it into movies and had success with minimal effort.
Acolyte writers room: "Star wars is patriarchal and we'll write our own show!"
Acolyte writers room: "Lets just do what Jar Jar Abrams did and present a dozen mystery boxes without answers!"
The only mystery is how they spent so much money.
UA-cam Epsteined a comment off to Gitmo
Issa scam.
It’s honestly scary
Coke I swear it's the only option 😂
"She was a child"
He is so concerned then he proceeds to leave her corpse just there lmao
She is now part of the force, the corpse is just a shell to return to the universe.
But really, the writers have no object permanence.
@@rh906 Jedi are meant to cremate the bodies of their fallen. Hell, during the clone wars they often ordered clones to torch any dead Jedi they found
You could argue that the enemy was still nearby and it wasn't safe to do so but I think that's giving the writers too much credit.
@@cubeflinger yeah that coulb the answer but still nothing, no comments like "you are now one with the force, rest my padawan in peace" or taking her lightsaber, he just leaves
Also......theres.....quite a bit of lightsabers lying around there too
"I want the freedom to be evil and no one should be allowed to say "no-no, naughty boy" to me!"
yeah that was stupid...
@@ppsarrakis It was....but isn't it an excellent picture window into Headland's mindset. How interesting.
@@darthlaurel reminded me of the Batman death scene and Harley
What annoyed me the most about this episode was Master Squid Game leaving all the dead Jedi and their light sabers behind in the jungle.
And on a different note, I’m all for the reappearance of the word, “retarded”. You used it perfectly.
We need take back our “so called” no no words
I believe it comes from the French retardé, meaning backwards. Similar etymology to retreat, or reverse.
I think...
At first I was going to say that he probably going back to his ship to bring other jedi in to move the bodies. Then they would have to explain why no one knew a Sith attacked and killed all of these jedi 100 years ago. Also h could have used the force to move all of the bodies instead of calling for help with the bodies.
Either way it doesn't explain why Yoda or Mundi doesn't know about all of these dead Jedi or this sith?
This show is stupid no matter how much u try to rationalize it its just DUMB!
Also Just some guy might have been wrong about the fight scene being better because they were at least attacking instead just hitting each other swords. The fight between Jecki and Smylo Ren. Smylo is fighting defensively while moving forward while Jecki is attacking while moving back. You would think that since Smylo is the one being aggressive and moving forward he would be the one attacking and Jecki would be on the defensive blocking his attacks. Also attacking while moving back would mean she was off balance and could have tripped and fell.
This undisciplined writing reminds of some wannabe creators I knew in my teen years. They come up with reasonably cool concepts that were not well thought out nor fleshed out as they went on. Mind you, these were just kids with big ideas and no formal experience or higher education in creative writing.
This shows reminds me exactly of that.
And that's why they could get away with it. But we hold these allegedly professional writers accountable for it. These are just kids with no experience, meanwhile, the chick who made this show and her co-writers and producers and actors are all proclaimedly professional with million dollar budgets. Backing them up to make everything look like it's a sophisticated installment, but the writing of which is garbage
I guarantee you, there are better Star Wars fanfics out there than this trash
Im pretty sure anyone can fool the Jedi in this universe just by Groucho Marx glasses.
Absolutely not true! You have t have the attached fake mustache and plastic nose to pull it off...
Me a sith lord? Why that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!
Yea they were so perceptive in the prequels and the clone wars! You know how palpatine played among us with them for over a decade and how they found out Dooku was related to the creation of the clones and the inhibitor chips but they just shrugged and said it was fine . Yea the Jedi have always been 200IQ master detectives.
@@jeffsmith5436The fake mustache, nose, and eyebrows are what OP was talking about by saying Groucho Marx glasses.
probably made with one of those rare metals in obscure literature. Anyway, just throw some sand and you can escape easily.
0:57 "it looks like they're trying to attack and kill each other and not just hit each other's swords" while playing a clip where the characters are literally just trying to hit each other's swords.
Some truly shocking choreography in the fight, can’t lie.
I don't think people are looking for reasons to complain, I simply think it becomes easier to focus on every little thing when you're not actually engaged with the story or the characters
"Freedom. Freedom to wield my power as I like without having to answer to you Jedi."
So...he basically wants to use his Force abilities to kill innocent people (like the apothecary in episode 2), to steal whatever he wants, and to rule over others like a selfish god without consequences? That's not freedom...that f*cking TYRANNY! Is THAT what the Leader of the Lesbian Space Witches was preaching about? "It's about power, and those who are allowed to wield it", huh? To any Star Wars fan, THAT is why Yoda warns about the Dark Side!
You want to know the joke? It's a big galaxy. He could easily go where no one would bother him even if he went on a murder spree or took over the planet. Chose the right planet and not even the Jedi would ever get wind of it. Or he could arrange something with one of the Hutts and live there. People without the Force can make deals with them. If he choose the right planet the locals might even see him as the hero without him manipulating the situation.
He could even find a fitting Acolyte as he isn't bound by the rules of the Jedi and slavery is still a thing.
All he had to do was not revealing himself to the Jedi.
It's more meta than that.. what you're seeing is the will of the writers, to Shit on the Jedi and Star Wars fans.. maybe you've noticed the show has almost no White males in it, that's by design.
They're shitting on you and your heroes, hoping you won't notice. But you did notice. The villain of the story is a hero to the writers. The focus isn't on how good the Jedi are, or even showing them in a good light, they look like inept fools, they're easily killed but hey, that's what they get for impeding the villain's freedom, he's like Lucifer yearning to be free of their morality
That's entry level illuminati BS
The show sucks ass because they're sending messages rather than telling a good story
@@Dreamfox-df6bgyou put more effort into this reply than the Disney writers did in crapping out that steaming pile of elephant shit
@@Dreamfox-df6bg That's not a joke; that's just pointing out the obvious that the rest of us already realized the moment his character said it. Of course he could already do whatever he wanted without the Jedi stopping him (he had been doing so BEFORE his "acolyte" started killing Jedi). The REAL joke here is just how stupid the plot is and just how stupid the writers, directors, and "activist" actors are for thinking that this is what Star Wars fans want. (We know that all of this is simply to push the BS agenda of the Socialist Left while normalizing their "message" to the students being indoctrinated in the schools/colleges/universities!)
Men dream of being a hero and protecting people.
Women dream of doing whatever they want to whoever they want and having zero repercussions.
The Jedi never would have come to take May and OSHA because they had attachments to their mothers…
And to each other. Although they might have come just to test them if the force led them there.
Also, they seem to be Anakin’s original age. If not slightly older
@@TheVikingOfDisapproval And even Anakin was denied training by the council and only Qui-Gon's insistence brought him to that. We certainly can see, in the prequel trilogy, why attachment is a bad thing, when Anakin goes and slaughters all the Tusken Raiders, not just the perpetrators of the torture, but the women and children and pets, too.
Luke was only trained, because by that point in time Yoda and Obi-Wan were running out of options and lifespan and Luke, in a way, lost the attachment to Tatooine, too, at the hands of the Empire.
@Schnittertm1 Plus, Luke was destined to not only redeem Vader, but to also rebuild the Jedi because he was able to see they were flawed and that some level of attachment is fine.
@@BrightWulph True. But in this timeframe Jedi would not have bothered to offer training to these girls.
So they stole the Magneto idea with the helmet,but wouldnt a helmet that protects you from mind reading/manipulation stops you from mind reading people at the very least?
It’s the mind like a steel trap trap
It should
Feminist arts graduates.
Logic - who needs it?
I think they think it works how they think Magneto's helmet works. He can still use his powers but not the other way around.
That's the best way I can wrap my head around it.
@@kylekillgannon only explanation i got that could work is that it only stops "light side" powers effecting the user,maybe some kind of sith alchemy at the works
Not only was cortosis in the books, but cortosis weave was also used in armors in the Knights of the Old Republic video games. Having said that, it's still a DEEEEP cut. It would have been too easy to add in two or three lines to establish the metal and its properties.
Also, no one EVER established ANY ability of cortosis to block Jedi mind reading. Heinous fuckery is afoot.
the mind reading thing might be sith alchemy
@@ppsarrakis Might also be bullshit plot convenience.
Cortosis weave is what they came up with to make conventional melee weapons make sense against lightsabers and for game balance. How it is depicted in game it functions more like beskar, which in retrospect I think fits better with lore. The republic just barely defeated the mandalorians in a war and are now in conflict with the sith so having beskar somewhat wide spread would make sense. While beskar is rare it is certainly more common than cortosis and in this period beskar would be at it's most pentiful. Too bad beskar was introduced 3 years after the game released.
@@VikCachat Cortosis was actually introduced in the books back in the '90s. In it's purer forms, it COULD disrupt lightsaber blades. In weaker forms (like the aforementioned weave armor), it only reduced damage.
Either way, my main point was that it NEVER had the ability to block Jedi mind powers, and certainly not one way.
It's not as deep as one might think, since it was reintroduced in the Disney thrawn trilogy novels and apparetntly has been in a few of the Disney comics. So it's a bit more surface level... but definitely not tv show surface level.
That being said, yeah, even in Disney canon, cortosis doesn't block mind-reading/force senses. It ain't the Ysilmari.
I knew he was using Cortosis immediately. But then again, I'm that much of a nerd. Most people are not that nerdy.
I haven't watched the show I just assumed it was Mandalorian iron or Mandalorian steel but being used very well. I figured it didn't matter that much.
It’s still stupid.
@@jaymeU2 not really. Its a sound tactic that the Jedi wouldnt expect. They havent fought the Sith in an age and its been equally that long since anyone has used Cortosis in a battle. It would completely surprise them.
@@FURognari think he meant that none but the hardcore fans know about it is stupid and not that he is using it.
I actually think headbutting a lightsaber is a bad combat move. It's was effective, yes, but also just unnecessarily risky. A fight that made me question why.
With the Cortosis, I think it went something like this:
"Wouldn't it be cool if Darth Vader Via Temu could disable the Jedi's lightsabers?"
"How, though?"
"Eh, there's probably something in the books that does it, anyone that cares will probably be able to figure it out."
_Meanwhile, in a living room far, far away..._
"How is he headbutting lightsabers and disabling them like that?"
"I dunno, there's probably something in the expanded universe that lets him do that."
"Didn't Kathleen Kenedy nuke the extended universe?"
"Stop being sexist and enjoy product."
Seriously, when did people start deciding that it was 'good storytelling' to stop and give an exposition lesson the instant something new shows up on screen? Its not going to kill you if they wait and explain it later.
There are two problems here.
The first is that you're giving the writers of The Acolyte the benefit of the doubt. The same people who unironically wrote the exchange "The Jedi are bad!" "The Jedi are good!" and the The Power of One/Two/Many choir.
The second is that mechanical elements like this need to be set up _before_ a massive climactic fight sequence more than halfway through the series. JSG already gave a great example of how they could have done this.
Doing it this late in the story creates the feeling that the writers are pulling things out of their ass to manufacture drama, because of how easy it is to give hints early on if you're actually planning ahead.
That kind of thing could work in an Ace Attorney game, where noticing the incongruity and working out the explanation after the fact is how the mystery element is handled, but not in a TV show in the middle of a giant action set piece.
@@Camkitsune You do remember that this show is a mystery first and foremost while the action is a secondary element, right? By saying it works for mysteries to do it you are saying it works for this show to do it.
I think you can only say that if you have either never seen a competent Mystery story, are being a determined contrarian, or just really feel the need to shill for the Acolyte.
Compare the Acolyte to something like a few episodes of Poirot, or either of Ryan Johnson's Knives Out films. Or, hell, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated.
Good mystery stories generally have the audience asking questions from the beginning to the end. If you are given information that points to an answer to an important question, then that answer has to either:
-lead to more and deeper questions, or
-quickly be shown to be incorrect, either by further evidence or by recontextualization.
As of now, the Acolyte has had _two_ central questions that have lasted longer than an episode: 'Who is We Have Darth Vader At Home', and 'What did the Jedi do to the Coven of Lesbian Force Witches?'
One of these has now been answered, and it's on the same level as the answer to the central mystery of the children's parody film Hoodwinked.
The other, the question of what evil thing the Jedi did, is both screamingly obvious and would remove the one element of the antagonists' decision-making process that makes any sense.
The kind of beat the material-pulled-from-the-expanded-universe helmet/gauntlet thing _might_ have worked as has already been attempted - and fucked up - by the Acolyte - the poison back in episode 2. If they've already fucked up this beat once, why would _anyone_ assume they'd do it right when the set-up is even more borked?
@@Camkitsune No, I am dead serious. I literally don't see why introducing it in episode 1 would have been better then introducing it in episode 5. It is really not as important as people are making it out to be. This is not some massive setting changer. It was, in fact, something that had already previously been introduced in other works in the new canon so its technically not even something that is new. Cortosis is just too rare to be a game changer like people are treating it as. Not to mention the fact that, as we saw, its shit at anything besides blocking lightsabers and was easily broken when they struck his helmet and gauntlet with physical blows because of how fragile it is.
So its too rare to see widespread use and has a massive weakness people would know about if it did become widespread. Its literally only good in this exact situation, being used against a jedi who has no idea what it is because its not widely used and will be caught off guard by it. And even then they still ended up smashing it by total accident.
Cortosis was changed in the "Thrawn: Alliance" novel by Timmithy Zahn in 2018. It's part of the overall Disney Thrawn series consisting of the Ascendancy Trillogy (Thrawn's origin in the Chiss Ascendancy) and the Disney Thrawn Trillogy of "Thrawn", "Thrawn: Alliances", and "Thrawn: Treason" (Telling the story of his earlier years in the Empire up tot he events of Star Wars: Rebels). Cortosis alloy can shut down lightsabers temporarily, as well as absorb and dissipate energy over it's sruface. It's super rare (only 2 known sources in the galaxy) as well as prohibatively expensive to refine and then alloy.
i liked how the girl broke his helmet easy,i would like to see cortosis being terrible to be used for armor/weapons very brittle like obsidian weapons
@@ppsarrakis it's not too bad depending on what it's mixed with to make the alloy, but the only way to really make it strong would be to do so with something like phrik or beskar.
If I remember the episode correctly, cortosis was discussed in a Clone Wars episode. In that episode though, it was a newly discovered element at that point in the galaxy. So, as I said, if I'm remembering correctly that means that Disney switched thown canon around again by introducing it 100 years prior to when it had been discovered.
@@ppsarrakis It didn't really break from what I've seen, more like knocked off.
@@DigMonkey96 considering the fact that the use of cortosis was indicated at least 4000 years BBY per KotOR I & II and the Darth Bane novels in the EU, they've retconned the retcon once again.
But, I can only laugh at what used to be my favorite franchise. I'm a never-die pre-Disney EU fan. Everything since the ink was put to paper in 2012 has been sun-baked landfill garbage.
"It looks like they are trying to hit each other and not each other's swords ..."
Someone needs to watch Shad's video on this abomination of a lightsaber duel.
The fight scenes were great if I'm comparing them to what we've been getting these last 5-10 years
Lets be honest, Shad's standard for sword fighting is likely higher than required for the average viewer. A "good" sword fight can be full of technical flaws, and still be considered good for the purposes of a movie or television. Sometimes, critiques about combat in movies reminds me of people complaining about guns in video games.
They'll play a game where you're killing space aliens from jupiter, and go "Uhm...that's NOT how you reload a revolver! That reload is so unrealistic!".
@@luckyducky7819 Nope the fight scene was badly done and just lazy. They do attack each others weapons not the person . . . that is when they dont kick a person for some stupid reason.
Apart from where the money went, the only other mystery is why we should care about any of the characters. This is the kind of show where you root for the bad guys just because you want everyone to just die already.
yep, because you want it over quicker.
you'd think the jedi would know and understand the +1 rule...always assume there's another. Another weapon, another enemy, another exit point, another bullet? Always looks at the present threats and assume's policing 101.
jup, if only Jedi Trinity would have assumed +1 dagger 😂
You just know one of the writers couldn't stop gushing about the lightsaber hair cut. Somewhere there's a memo going around explaining how black women's hair is *so important,* and it's even more important to represent them in control of their own hairstyles, for Reasons.
The topper to all that was the overly-dramatic pose she did immediately after the hair came off 😂
SPeAk TrUtH to pOwEr!
It was a cool scene. She did it so effortlessly too. I would of for sure taken off a bit of my nose
@@renesrelics It wasn't cool it was dumb and would instantly got her caught. The cut wouldn't match identically and also she'd smell of burned hair which would be a dead give away.
@bradmiles1984 Star Wars is Fantasy Adventure. Acolyte has added a bit of a horror element. Being overly logical is gonna make this fantastic series a bit less enjoyable for you, friend.
Are we forgetting that the "Sith" elbowed a lightsaber out of existence before doing the headbutt maneuver?
To paraphrase Admiral Ackbar: "IT'S A CRAP!!!" 😆
I do wish that Tag-Along guy would do something to volumise his hair, or, at the very least, wash it. Even a comb-over would be preferable to what we see on screen.
Modern writers hate anything that represents goodness and heroism.
Literally had someone make the argument Jedi were never heroes, because they had flaws… This is why modern writing sucks
I want to also add to that: many seem to be allergic good story telling in general.
@@TheVikingOfDisapproval "Jedi were never heroes, because they had flaws…" So this person's idea of a hero is a 'Mary Sue/Gary Stu'?Have they never heard of the classic Greek/Roman heroes? Every single one of them had a flaw/vice. Same goes for heroes from Arthurian legend (The Knights of the Round were hardly a squeaky clean bunch by today's moral standards). Or every single memorable hero/protagonist in any film/book/comic worth remembering written in the 20th century.
Gee, it's like overcoming one's flaws/confronting one's vices is part of the hero's journey or something...
I knew of cortosis. I've been a Star Wars fan for all my life, so I knew it existed. There are other lightsaber-resistant metals, like phrik, which was used in Grievous' magnaguards' electrostaffs, and Dark Trooper armor from Dark Forces.
One good will not outweigh the bad since that would be quantity over quality, rather than quality over quantity.
Correct. But when they do something well, we gotta give em props when its due.
Point out BOTH the good and the bad so they know what we want them to ditch AND what we want them to keep.
Get rid of the shitty writing and dialogue. Keep the energy of those fight scenes.
My problem with the first fight at the beginning of the show was the fact how fast the Jedi knights got cut down. Then a Padawan was able to handle the Sith longer and better.
Disney mantra is don't think just consume product. Any bit of thinking about any part of the show and it crumbles like it should.
Obviously, she's a girl boss.
Thanks for watching so I don't have to...
The absolute irony of a reviewer saying they want to avoid being influenced by reviewers...
I’m glad I’m not the only one to think discount Darth Maul would have been a better reveal as the bad guy.
He's Darth biceps and is cool in his own way.
According to the lightsaber colors, 2 of the jedi should have been heavy force users.
Yeah, but in this show the lightsaber colors are just aesthetic.
sadly in this show they treat the colors the same way you treat RGB strips on tech. Eg its a pretty color to show off.
When the mystery boxes are more than the mysteries (the actual writing) within the series and the beyond laziness of the writing, directing, acting, and sound.
I just started playing Jedi Survivor. It feels like like the best Star Wars content I've experienced in years and years.
I agree
Deep cuts in lore are perfection. It's not lazy writing as it could be explained later on. It's awesome because it catches everyone including the audience off guard. It is MYSTERY.. you know that thing you said there was none of.
You keep saying there's no mystery while complaining about the mystery lol
It's not mystery it's lazy writing. The kind of mystery should of been who was killing the Jedi, was Mae really alive or was it Osha doing it all? Those could of been mysteries to last the entire season yet they answered them in the first episode. They sold the show as murder mystery yet revealed the mystery in like 20 minutes of the first show.
Every single person in this show has Palpatine levels of ability to hide their presence from everyone else.
Also Smilo Ren easily murders an entire group of jedi, but the tiny Padawan can of course have a long and fairly equal fight with him, because wamen. Nothing indicates that she's supposed to be extraordinarily powerful.
Main character whamen who was crushing on Osha, because one or two of the Jedi that were killed were of the fairer sex but they still went down like flies.
The only thing that's really keeping me going in this whole thing is knowing that Tagalong is the Apprentice, and that we still have yet to meet the Sith Lord.
Mad props for using that clip from child's Play 3 👌
The fundamental issue with the people who make this kind of material (apart from lack of talent) is their doctrine that "Everything I do is ok because I'm doing it" - that is a fundamentally evil point of view.
If the only thing by which you measure yourself and your actions is you, then you are a monster.
If anything the Acolyte is not a torment to watch: it's a borement. This is supposed to be a murder mystery yet it has all the suspense of a Scooby Doo episode with Scrappy in it.
atleast scrappy made you want to stay because you would hope he would be knocked out. This is just boring all around.
There are many lightsaber issues too. Characters not attacking when they should, aiming for Lightsaber just best in Disney era
The main problem was story. Everything else in the show is dressing to hide the story problems.
The story has problems because it's an agenda dressed up as star wars AND if you read between the lines, a giant f... you to the fanbase
There's nothing to complain about..don't tell Shad.
I was sorry to see the girl Padawan get killed. She had attitude, competence, and fraught well.
12:20 and Sol has the personality of a cardboard cutout.
Well at this point I’d guess Tagalong is actually the Jedi apprentice that got mind-r@ped in the flashback and that the witch’s telepathic manipulation turned him evil. He could then have killed the witches in revenge, explaining May’s motivation for hating the Jedi. And it would explain why he would expect his old master to recognize him, or at least his force aura, Obiwan and Vader both recognized each other just from getting a whiff of their force auras.
The Jedi Padawan that got mind controlled by the Mom was the Jedi Master who drank the poison in episode 2. He was the white guy who unalived himself over his own guilt.
The apprentice who got his brain violated by Witch Mom was the same one that Mae physically couldn't touch, so her solution to the problem was "Kill yourself, pretty please?"
Is it just me or does this have really strong fan fic self insert vibes? Surely I can't be the only one to think that.
most if not all of the disney starwars content does.
The showrunner literally said she wanted to write a show about sisters because she's estranged from her sister. So yeah whole thing is a self insert.
Its in darth plagues, the bane trilogy, and in the Timothy zhan Disney thrawn books ..( alliance's) set during the clone wars .
Anakin and thrawn meet and discover a mining facility making it for driods and clone trouper armour. Its had some contention to the galaxies edge Disney park ( crap)
Costosis was owned by the jedi and was used in star ship production.
Cortosis sounds like kurtosis and gives me flashbacks to my statistics classes.
_ This may just be my opinion. There are a couple of ideas in this show that would have been great for a mystery:
+ You can't kill a Jedi with steel or baster you have to kill the dream
+ The witches focused on a different application of the force(emphasising the connection between people)
+ The heroin has an evil twin presumed death
_ Here's my idea. The mysterious assassin use mental attack, illusion to trick the Jedi into falling into traps or convince them to off themselves(using their guilt like the guy in ep 2. There are witnesses seeing the heroin near the crime scene but she is nowhere near as powerful enough to do this(and wasn't trained to do this), he sister was the one trained by the witches with this aspect of the force; but her master saw her sister died. The twist is the sister is a force ghost secretly possessing the heroin(basically using "the power of 2 /many" thing the witches were chanting as the 2 soul connecting in one body give the sister more power than 1 could muster)
Are they also called Diacetylmorphine and Diamorphine?
@@WrongParadox Sorry, typo I was about to go to bed after writing this
Here's an easy mystery they could have done. What if you don't know Mae really is alive or dead? Have Osha lose time and black out. You could play it up all season that maybe Osha is really is doing it or her sister is alive. Go fight club and Tyler Durden it where at the end they reveal Osha lost her mind when her sister died and she grew another personality that takes over.
_ It's a cool idea. Her blacking out is a bit obvious. maybe the murder only happens at night when she goes to sleep
_ This can combine with my idea that Mae's Force ghost is possessing Osha
@aokhoinguyenang3992 yep or what if the one moms ghost is controlling her because she was so powerful with the thread. If she could create life becoming a force spirit should be something she could do.
Watching these reviews has helped me realize that the show does in fact have all of the ingredients for a great story in it. They're just put together in one of the worst possible ways.
Frankly I find that even more frustrating than if it was pure incompetence all the way through.
It was probably more coherent before it tested abysmally and the reshoots began...
Pretty Good Star Wars story
They're going to to do another flashback to reveal there was another padawan there, And it was Qimir.
Couldn't the helmet also have been made of Beskar?
I find it sad how much time so many invested in such a franchise.
6:54 - how are there 2 red lightsaber blades?
he has a small red lightsaber "dagger" on his normal lightsaber
Think kylo's claymore style lightsabre. Having the crossguard be a small sabre is nothing new. Kylo just didn't bother to refine the side blades hence them looking more like flames than blades.
I spent all day yesterday watching the original three. And let me tell you this: It was a different beast. It was refreshing to see what brought so many into the fold. Knowing some of the behind-the-scenes info on how they did certain shots makes it all the better. You really feel the passion in those films. Opposite from the new era.
Not having things just laid out and explained in full. The subtle hints and clues leading up to revelations that change the scope of the story unfolding. World building and character development. All the stuff present in the old films, but tossed aside in this new era. I liked the prequels because it was a glance of what *was* before the Empire seized control. You saw the Jedi and how they operated, but only to a degree. The story was shifted, to a certain point of view (eh? See what I did there).
The theory I always held is a simple one that I believe holds much weight over large swathes of different franchises. It’s simple: the longer a franchise is allowed to continue, the lower its quality becomes. Now, think of franchises either still going or recently revised. Jurassic Park (World), Aliens, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, N. on Elm st, Halloween, Predator, Jaws, Stargate and I’m sure there are many other examples. But the simple question is did all of those require *all* the follow-ups and revisions over all the years? Were all of the sequels/prequels for said examples good (and I mean good)?
There are exceptions to this. Not many. But I believe the theory holds weight.
Corporations see only profit, and they don’t care how they get there. Sometimes (more often than not) they put someone foolish in the drivers seat and things go south. Sometimes there are genuine breakthroughs nearly better than their predecessors. But this is not the norm.
I'm pretty sure sith discount Ezra Miller is one of the twins' space witch moms who transitioned to identifying male by siphoning the power of manyyyyyy space witches during the flashback, killing them in the process, and all this will be revealed in the last episode by Sol: "Your mom used the power of the thread/force to give themself dangling bits and turning to an evil male, and I saw it all ".
Honestly wouldn't be shocked, it did look like he had burn scars on his arm like he started that fire that burned the place down...
Why couldn't Sol sense through the force that it wasn't Osha? She was his apprentice?
I would take your gamble on where the plot is heading , it would fit perfectly with whats been up to now
You MUST have been severely drinking if you thought that episode was "fine" in ANY way. NONE of those fights were ok, NONE of them made ANY sense. NONE of the characters make ANY sense. ALL of this show is STUPID.
are fights on a disney show ever ok? this episode was OK for disney standards imho.
Agree. In Ahsoka, we got a fake Sith......a Sabine who was lame and brooding and learned how to wield the Force when the plot needed her to do so......a brooding and extremely dull Ahsoka......and Ezra who refuses to take his lightSaber and use it to defend himself.
In Acolyte, we get Trinity being dispatched within 5 minutes of the opening episode......then "The Power Of Many" BS.......a bunch of red shirt Jedi being slaughtered.......and a twin that thinks that simply cutting the length of her locks will shield her from Sol's abilty to read her thoughts?
I'm so hoping, Andor season 2 doesn't shit the bed.
@@rickbase833Ahhh the mysterious fart cloud sith
@@rickbase833 Only good thing in Ashoka was Ray Stevenson's character. There was some intrigue with him and his motivations. Too bad it will never be revealed. RIP Ray.
@bradmiles1984 Agree......even his apprentice was more interesting that any of the mains.
RIP Ray.
@4:31 Does anyone else notice the paused lightsabers moving slightly? Even when I pause the video which is showing a paused image the lightsaber blades move slightly.
JSG , when it comes to Disney SW (“The Force is ‘Female’ “ btw) you are truly; Just Some GUY.
1:47 I thought it was the same metal they made the Mandalorian helmets out of.
I thought Cortosis was a fiber not metal?
Its not a metal. Its a mineral like asbestos.
Apparently people think the Jedi are Chivalry-code knights. Which is hilarious because those literally never existed.
well the Templar are the closest to that ideal
@@belegur8108 The Loyal Order of Loan Sharks lol.
@@natp8387 they ended that way, true, but they founded themselves to protect the pilgrim road to Jerusalem
@@belegur8108 And you think in their fights with bandits and robber barons and various heathen groups they were like 'Oh, can't hit him, his back is turned on me as he kills one of my friends. Can't kill that one, I knocked his weapon from his hand.'? Seriously? Not a chance. Whatever high ideal they professed, they were trained soldiers, not fantastical knights dreamed up by French writers who had never seen a blood drenched suit of armor. That romance ideal is pure bull. The only reason they were ever merciful was 'Hey, I bet this guy is worth a lot of money if I ransom him'.
@@natp8387 was the Code of Chivalry a thing back in the day? absolutely, but of cause only amoung one's peers, said in tournaments and in battles vs. other nations and only among the nobility.
Was it upheld everytime by everyone? of cause not, i even think more often it was not.
And i said "closest to that", because in their original intent, it was their goal to protect those pilgrims, that where not able to do it for themselves... what they became after inventing cash-less money transfer is on another page of cause.
What Hollywood made of said actual Code of Chivalry is BS in my opinion, too, so we can agree at least on that. ;o)
Its just a bad..... straight up...😊
I think Qimir is an acolyte to Mother Abeloth and the witch coven drew their power from Abeloth. Smilo Ren literally has the same smile as Abeloth. Abeloth is also not a Sith Lord, but she is actually much more dangerous than most Sith Lords, because she was able to mind control Jedi knights. Abeloth's original family is also known as "The Ones".
It may look like they're trying to attack each other for most people, but anyone who's trained a striking or weapon based martial art can see the major mistakes in tempo and missed opportunities to actually finish the fight on both sides.
Wait...Tagalong is JASON FROM THE GOOD PLACE!!!
The lightsabers through the trees would have worked if Mr Sith would have moved super fast across all the Jedi- but in the wide shot, the Jedi who are so far away that they are not technically engaging Mr Sith are just swinging their sabers fighting invisible Sith. There’s also a lot of flat out whiffs going on for no reason than maybe to keep all sabers moving
Just asking questions makes you Jesse ventura.
I thought Obligatory Black Guy #3 really did a great job… dying. 😂
It's an interesting story idea the show tried to make, I'll give it that
When Sol asked dude who he was, instead of saying “You don’t remember me?” which is dumb, he should have said something like “So you can’t sense me.”, or “… feel me.” Which suggests they’ve met, like the dumb line, but would also hint at the later explanation that the mask can block out the outside world.
Cortosis is rarely mentioned, I believe it's addressed more in the book thrawn alliances
2:10 4:05 6:00 7:30 9:47 12:51 14:24
Ive literally waited days for this video
lol thank you! This was actually a decent episode.. might be the only one but still better than pretty much anything else Disney Star Wars has done.. but most ppl can’t admit it
By most ppl I mean the ones already saying the show sucks
I think the show has been really weak so far, but the light saber fight was quite good. The trees were an important element because Qimir was outnumbered, and he was using the terrain to limit the number of people who could attack him at once. If you have to fight eight people, you don't want to do so in the middle of a clearing.
I'm just surprised they killed off all the DEI jedi here.
This is how much they *really* care about DEI, as opposed to how much they *say* they care. I don't know what they *do* care about, but 'helping oppressed people' isn't it.
@@TerryB01 they have to or they break canon beyond repair. Even they realize this.
They excluded non-diverse persons as a matter of principle. Then, when the plot needed rando red shirts, they were forced to sacrifice lives that mattered. Scylla and Charybdis.
It’s easy when all the Jedi are DEI
I've noticed a theme in recent years: the antagonists are often an often a good guy organization with a code but the moment they fail to follow their code to the letter regardless of the circumstances (like attacking a killer from the back) the story presents them as corrupt bad guys only out for themselves and the morally questionable or straight up psychotic new age protagonist as justified in doing the most henious shit because the other guys didn't didn't hold some arbitrary standard. It's like the classic empire vs rebels except the empire is said to be evil with nothing to show it while the rebel is acting like a psycho but everyone calls them a hero.
Destroying a planet is not evil enough for you?
Do you like Nazis, too?
Ah, the ancient Sith Lightsaber Headbutt trick. But it only works in poor lightning conditions 🙏🏻
I love how the omnipresent moaning sound of the foreverly-disatisfied persists in some guys voice... or dooo i??
Answer to all your questions: Because the "creatives" (activists) behind The Acolyte have no talent, creativity, vision, or originality, were never fans, know ZERO lore, can't write the characters correctly because they don't know good from evil, or rather they ARE evil, don't like or respect Star Wars, and they hate you.
Yer analysis always gets me to think in new ways. Obviously a lot of it is just you applying your knowledge from reading the source books of these kind of shows -- and if it's not that it simple object perspective or practical application -- but I like they way yer head works. We could use more writers like you brother
Lightdagger? Is this the first time one has been used? It kinda makes sense to have one...
They added cortosis to the New thrawn books i believe. So its been used in disney cannon recently.
The Power of One… The Power of Two…. The Power of FAILUUUUUUURE! XD
He's Sol's bastard.
You're all welcome. 😉
Also, I always thought when they showed female societies, they always ended with some poor guy burning to death in some god awful piece of wicker folk art.
_....I hate how much sense this comment makes._
Not The Bees!!!!!!
I think he was there with the witches some how. If you noticed his arm has burn scars. Watch it will be revealed he was there when it happened, maybe he even he made the fire spread like it did.
I don't get how people think the fight is good.. they're missing each other more often than not. If you slow everything down like Shadiversity does, you can see how they continuously miss so many killing opportunities 😢
They also did the old martial arts movie trope, each waiting to attack instead of hitting from multiple angles at once. At least in Phantom with Maul they'd rapidly attack him with no breaks in it but he was shown to have so much skill he was still winning.
I think the show is going to say the sith guy was made from the witches, so he is part of their group. Specifically I think they are going to say he was the first version of a baby being created with the force, but it was all the "dark" side of the force.
George should've sold STAR WARS /Lucasfilm to Sony or another Japanese studio.
Imagine if it turns out he's like a knight of ren because he came from the future through that time travel McGuffin thing and he just ends up killing all the jedi including yoda.
I think people are getting sick of shit shot in the dark to cover up how crap things are.
The action is apparently good when its fast and dark so hard to see
i cant even subscribe to you more than once. i how dare you write this amazing break down of this terrible show.
thank you good sir!!!😢😢😢
It doesn't make sense for Disney-SW denies the existence of the EU. Yet they use so many plots from the said EU and claims these as their original ideas.
They just want to pluck things from it when it's convenient. They just take things but usually make them worse. Look at the sequel movies Kylo is really Jacen from the EU and Rey is Jaina. They just cut the familial link instead gave them the force diad/romantic crap. Sad thing is Disney literally could of just taken the EU made it into movies and had success with minimal effort.
How was her head not on fire? Hair burns. Not for long, but quickly, doesn't it?
Tagalong is definitely being remote-piloted by one of the witches, right?