The Mountain Fortress from Bricklink!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nitasu987
    @nitasu987 4 місяці тому +10

    I WANT THIS SO BAD!!!!! This is EXACTLY what I imagine a Black Falcons castle would be line...

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  4 місяці тому +1

      It is an awesome set!

    • @jacobe1942
      @jacobe1942 Місяць тому

      Yeah it is so intricately designed... I would like to see what someone does with tiling the floors to add some color inside.

  • @seanaustin8516
    @seanaustin8516 4 місяці тому +3

    The mountain castle is very awesome 💛💛💛⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

  • @SMac86
    @SMac86 2 місяці тому +1

    Excellent review! This set is a masterpiece! I really appreciate the playability of this set along with the incredible asthetics. I love how there is a physical way to get everywhere in the castle (unlike Lions Castle). Brilliant. What is inside the top roof portion above the queen's room? A void? I think that would be a cool place for a secret of some sort...

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  2 місяці тому +1

      Thanks! Glad you like it! And though it would be a great place for a secret, it’s just a void up there.

  • @ReasonableRadio
    @ReasonableRadio 24 дні тому +1

    honestly you can almost tell that it's made by a fan instead of a professional because of the extreme number of positive qualities. LEGO seems to prefer releasing sets with one or two key focal points, and the designers can't necessarily choose what lines they'll be working on.
    This immediately reads as a passion project by someone who wanted to make nothing more than a black falcon castle, and who had no deadline so they could keep iterating on it until they felt it was done.
    I think LEGO would benefit from focusing more on making great bricks and award official sets to more hobbyists rather than relying primarily on their inhouse designers, especially for their non-license properties but maybe even for licensed lines. I'm all for stable jobs over gigwork, but I think making the greatest sets possible comes first and passion can't be replicated easily.

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  24 дні тому

      I agree! There's definitely something special about a project you put your heart into and would love to see more fan involvement when it comes to future sets! Thanks for the comment!

  • @Zabadak
    @Zabadak 4 місяці тому

    Fantastic set 😃👍 With good L👁👁king details . Thanks for sharing

  • @Redence680
    @Redence680 4 місяці тому

    10/10 set, and a great review! Thanks a ton for reviewing this because not everyone can get these limited production sets, so it is amazin that more people can see them in videos like these. I do have one small criticism tho, you did't mention the minifigs!! I know that brickklink designer sets don't introduce any new minifig parts and the highlight of the set is the build, but it still would have been interesting to see which knights and villagers were included. Anyways, keep up the great work, your videos are all super good!

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  4 місяці тому +1

      Thanks for the comment! Stay tuned for a short about the figures!

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  4 місяці тому

      @redence680 The Minifigure short is up! Go check it out! 👍🏻

    • @Redence680
      @Redence680 4 місяці тому

      @@BrickCountryCrew tysm!!

  • @octav1600
    @octav1600 4 місяці тому

    This was a very good review of the set. Congrats on showing most if not all the relevant things. However I doubt that the mini lion Knights castle is a toy. Given the next release (siege camp) methinks it's a moc castle to plan the siege =))) ).
    Also I do have a single gripe with this castle. The portion where you would walk through the gate, then up that path to the drawbridge, the wall next tot that slope is really low - I presume it was done due to limited parts budget (or he would have made everything higher), but that's is a good opportunity to point out that you could set the castle on a huge rock / cliff face and a windy and narrow-ish path towards the entry to make it look better.

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  4 місяці тому +1

      That’s a good point! That is a great way to reference the future set if that’s what they’re doing! And I really like that idea for raising up the castle! I was thinking about doing something like that, and probably will have to do it eventually!

    • @octav1600
      @octav1600 4 місяці тому

      @@BrickCountryCrew I came up with this idea for the lions knights castle, so it can look better with the blacksmith beneath it.

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  4 місяці тому +1

      That sounds very cool!

  • @TheGold3agle
    @TheGold3agle 2 місяці тому

    Which would you recommend? Lion knights castle or this? Or both?😆

    • @BrickCountryCrew
      @BrickCountryCrew  2 місяці тому

      I don’t have the Lion Knight’s Castle yet but both sets look awesome! I would have to say as of now I prefer the Black Falcon Fortress, both because of aesthetic as well as the fact that I prefer the Black Falcons to the Lion Knights!

    • @jacobe1942
      @jacobe1942 Місяць тому

      I dont have this but do have the Lions knight castle, If I could still have one, even though the moutain fortress is a work of a singular vision artist, I would get the Lions knight just for the range of four factions of minis and animals that really give a lot of play ability. It too is genius and its simple forms and color with texture give it a great easily readable display piece from any distance. A perfect toy.

  • @seanaustin8516
    @seanaustin8516 4 місяці тому +1

    My boy i take first

  • @jyyyb
    @jyyyb 3 місяці тому

    Maybe zoom out a little 😂