Paul Klee at Tate Modern

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jeffreyrafuse6950
    @jeffreyrafuse6950 6 років тому +7

    I've watched a number of these short vignettes done from ArtFundUK and I must say they are very well done. They are narrated very well and the filming is also very well composed. Thank you for sharing with us, I enjoy watching them. I hope to work in the UK as a stone and wood sculptor soon, and its wonderful to know that the arts is vibrantly celebrated in many ways. Thank you, and wish you and the ArtFundUK team a wonderful day.

  • @RealmsOfThePossible
    @RealmsOfThePossible 10 років тому +23

    Probably my favourite artist, if anyone ever gets the chance visit the Sammlung Rosengart museum in Luzern, Switzerland..absolutely amazing collection of Klee's work. They also have some great works by Picasso and Chagall

    • @michaelricketson1365
      @michaelricketson1365 Рік тому

      I love seeing Klee’s “Fish Magic” at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

  • @RutgerWillems
    @RutgerWillems 11 років тому +9

    This deserves way more views.

  • @greenisnotacreativecolour
    @greenisnotacreativecolour 4 роки тому +1

    I just discovered this artist in Occupy White Walls! Beautiful colours.

  • @guspf
    @guspf 4 роки тому +7

    Klee is a amazing modern artist. My favourite.

  • @AudiobookLibrary24-7
    @AudiobookLibrary24-7 6 років тому +2

    I watched it again!

  • @RutgerWillems
    @RutgerWillems 11 років тому +2

    @britjessica, unfortunately i don't know i tought it was rose garden but if you pause the video it's obvious that it isn't. I looked on google but it's really hard to find, if it even is possible to find online.

  • @mamamia6925
    @mamamia6925 5 років тому +5

    a lot fine Painters in the 20th century ,but Klee belongs to the absolute best!

  • @labeedabdal5792
    @labeedabdal5792 9 років тому +4

    The real inspiration to Gerard Richter .
    Thank u Tate..
    Labeed Abdal

  • @AudiobookLibrary24-7
    @AudiobookLibrary24-7 6 років тому +2


  • @EstebanSimich1
    @EstebanSimich1 9 років тому +3

    Projectionism: Style of Art in Painting develop by Esteban Simich.New colors in the 21st century.

  • @britjessica
    @britjessica 11 років тому +2

    Does anybody know the title of the painting at 0:15??

  • @sixbladeknife44
    @sixbladeknife44 6 років тому +3

    Genius, thanks for the vid :)

  • @narayanicreations4144
    @narayanicreations4144 7 років тому +2


  • @josephtermeer4595
    @josephtermeer4595 3 роки тому +1

    Inspired! Lets make art!!

  • @AndyWarh
    @AndyWarh 4 роки тому

    very nice vid. thnx

  • @smitarastogi
    @smitarastogi 4 роки тому +1


  • @motomatthew2664
    @motomatthew2664 9 років тому +2

    I am related to Paul Klee

  • @britjessica
    @britjessica 11 років тому +1

    Rutger Willems I finally found it - Organisation 1918!

  • @bma1955alimarber
    @bma1955alimarber 4 роки тому +1

    what is creativity? start with Paul Klee, to have a simple one answer. creativity is about originality, figurative language and consistency. Isn't it?

  • @basileusmegas7667
    @basileusmegas7667 7 років тому +2

    rebels of yesterday nowadays became idols...

  • @migianaventura
    @migianaventura 4 роки тому +1

    Excelente Paul Klee hice una referencia a este vidio tuyo en mi trabajo para la escuela. Like!

  • @sfchris
    @sfchris 3 роки тому

    Her hands make me very nervous. They are getting too close to the paintings. If you did that at the Tate Modern, the security guards would ask you to stop.

  • @iankluge5815
    @iankluge5815 4 роки тому +6

    I think she's reading way too much into Klee's paintings. If a work of art can't stand on its own, i.e. communicate on its own merits, then it suffers from a fundamental deficiency. Art criticism and/or interpretation should not be a required sub-branch of biography. To understand a work of art should not require philosophical program notes either. If an artist needs those to be understood, s/he has "a failure to communicate." Rembrandt, for example, does not need notes to make sense of his paintings. I often suspect that at least some modern artists no longer have something to say - which is they succumb to gimmickry - and one gets tired of that after a while.

    • @frankylee7442
      @frankylee7442 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, she believes , people look with their ears.That means, if you look with your own eyes , you don't see anything. But after your ears are full of her words about the picture, then you are able to see. And this is totally wrong. The picture is only here, to verify her explanations. It has no meaning in itself.Many times, the artist spent hours and hours to create his paintings and you should comprehend it in a few seconds. So , you never get anabled to find a door to modern art by yourself.

    • @marcotariello4792
      @marcotariello4792 3 роки тому +2

      The explanations are made to allow people to get into Klee’s word easily. His works in particular require a lot of time for the sight and mind, but she only has 3 minutes to present them

    • @marcotariello4792
      @marcotariello4792 3 роки тому +1

      Moreover, the more you know about an artist’s biography, style and way of thinking, the more you will be likely to find details and perspectives that you wouldn’t have noted before. And that is the real meaning of studying and analyzing an artist, to try to empathize with his inner world and works in a deeper way

    • @michaelricketson1365
      @michaelricketson1365 Рік тому

      @@marcotariello4792 I agree that getting to know the artist is a huge part of appreciating their work. The paintings can’t be separated from the artist. Just think of how much more impact is felt knowing that the artist is Kahlo or Gorky or countless other painters. It lends a perspective.

  • @cimerioporinternet5989
    @cimerioporinternet5989 9 років тому +1

    paul klee lo hizo antes que jean dubuffet

  • @Joshstrohman
    @Joshstrohman 5 років тому +3

    I'll be honest, I am just here for a class I am taking. I really enjoy art, but I just cannot get into any form of modern art.

  • @Beinhartwie1chopper
    @Beinhartwie1chopper 5 років тому +1

    Ghost of a genius could have been from basquiat, harring and other also copied ( 50 years later)

  • @leo0p630
    @leo0p630 4 роки тому +3

    Those rectangles are boring

  • @gunnyaustria
    @gunnyaustria 4 роки тому +2

    Can you talk more with your hands or do you try to fly away.

  • @Beinhartwie1chopper
    @Beinhartwie1chopper 3 роки тому +1

    jean michel basquiat and espechially keith harring stole from Paul