Don’t buy what they are advertising is not what you’re going to receive and if you want to refund, they are going to find ways not to give you your money back even though the product they’re advertising does not fit your car notice how they don’t never show the rear seats. Speaking from experience.
The back is trash. This company is big con and scam artist. Like the comment above they won't give you a refund. And they'll just ignore you and continue to rip more people off. No shame
None of these covers are tailored to fit your specific vehicle. Just universal garbage. And dont get me started on the backs. Flat pieces of garbage that just sits on top of the seats. I didnt know I was buying a cheap yoga matt for my back covers
You can search for the Feinepro Civic seat cover, which is custom-made for the Civic with a 1:1 fit. The installation can take some time, but it's worth it.
Amazing work!
What about the back?
Don’t buy what they are advertising is not what you’re going to receive and if you want to refund, they are going to find ways not to give you your money back even though the product they’re advertising does not fit your car notice how they don’t never show the rear seats. Speaking from experience.
They didn’t show the back because it’s not gonna fit the rear headrest
The back is trash. This company is big con and scam artist. Like the comment above they won't give you a refund. And they'll just ignore you and continue to rip more people off. No shame
None of these covers are tailored to fit your specific vehicle. Just universal garbage. And dont get me started on the backs. Flat pieces of garbage that just sits on top of the seats. I didnt know I was buying a cheap yoga matt for my back covers
Could you recommend some seat covers that are specifically made for a 2000 accord ex?
You can search for the Feinepro Civic seat cover, which is custom-made for the Civic with a 1:1 fit. The installation can take some time, but it's worth it.