A Wonderful Presentation of Joseph Smith's Prophetic Authority, Reasons from A to Z! Video #2, N-Z!!

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @SummerSun-fx4qf
    @SummerSun-fx4qf 28 днів тому +1

    This is wonderful! Thank you Eric 💛

  • @RespectforChildren
    @RespectforChildren 24 дні тому +1

    I love this one. Thank you so much!

  • @KJCX-xh2td
    @KJCX-xh2td 25 днів тому

    Great video David and Eric! Thanks and Amen.

  • @bishdizzle67
    @bishdizzle67 28 днів тому +4

    Wonderful and wholly not exhaustive at all. I know Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration.

  • @rblco
    @rblco 29 днів тому +5

    Bravo David! You are an inspired voice. God speed.

  • @dianemiller6540
    @dianemiller6540 29 днів тому +6

    Love this so much - we need a book! 📖

  • @HelamansArmy
    @HelamansArmy 28 днів тому +2

    22:40. YES! I love taking about tithing on my UA-cam channel because so many are so upset about it. I find it amazing how hard they fight against it. Instead of tithing many are selling products in their churches such as music, previous sermons, and coffee.

  • @djdelph
    @djdelph 29 днів тому +4

    Love what you’re doing in spreading the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his restored Church - keep it up!

  • @chrisjohnsen5417
    @chrisjohnsen5417 28 днів тому +2

    It was so wonderful to run into you in the temple. What a great place to be on a Wednesday morning.

  • @downsmath
    @downsmath 28 днів тому +3

    If Cedar Fort publishing is watching, you need to contact this guy and get this published! Fantastic! You could even include pictures to bolster each and every argument or evidence. Wonderful!

  • @Irvingdector
    @Irvingdector 29 днів тому +6

    35:30 Oliver Cowdery's original word was not “affair.” His nephew later manipulated this and wrote the word “affair” over Oliver's writing. Ward Radio made a good video about this.

    • @establishingzion688
      @establishingzion688 28 днів тому +1

      Yes! The word "scrape" was crossed out and replaced with "affair".

  • @marketingunscrambled
    @marketingunscrambled 29 днів тому +3

    Great job both of you. I to would like a cope of this list.

  • @ashlibradford1821
    @ashlibradford1821 29 днів тому +8

    The Law of the Tith, has a promise that if you are a full tith payer, you will not burn in the end as the earth is baptized by fire. I don't want to burn, and I also want to do my part in moving the Kingdom of God forward! ❤ Jesus Christ suffered far more than giving up 10% of my income, He blesses me with, in the first place. And the blessings and miracles from doing so are just countless and beautiful! ❤

  • @witteafval
    @witteafval 24 дні тому +1

    David, thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to share a bit of my testimony with your audience. Since some of the commenters are asking for a list, here's a heavily abbreviated version:
    ● Alma-a masculine Hebrew name, not that Joseph knew that when he used it.
    ● Book of Mormon-the single largest piece of evidence demonstrating Joseph’s calling as a prophet.
    ● Chiasmus-a Hebrew poetry form found in the Book of Mormon, not that Joseph knew that when he used it.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-a name so powerful that its critics refuse to say it.
    ● Doctrine and Covenants-a book mostly consisting of revelations Joseph received, filled with profound and edifying teachings.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Dan Jones-the last person to hear a prophecy from Joseph before the prophet’s death, which prophecy was fulfilled.
    ● Emma Hale Smith-Joseph’s wife, best friend, and closest confidante; also a firsthand witness to and participant in the Book of Mormon’s production.
    ● Honorable Mention: Enoch-a prophet whose apocryphal accounts align with what Joseph said about him.
    ● Fruit-the way to test true prophets from false ones, as Jesus taught. The fruit of Joseph’s efforts speaks well for him.
    ● Gifts of the Spirit-Joseph and his followers have exhibited all of them.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Gamaliel-the pharisee who said, “If this ... work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it.”
    ● Holy Ghost-the most important source of truth for anything, including Joseph’s prophetic calling.
    ● Isaiah-his work testified of Joseph, and Joseph’s work testified of Isaiah.
    ● Jesus Christ-Joseph saw Jesus multiple times, and testified of Him.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Joseph Smith, Junior-the meaning of the prophet’s name, his birthplace, and the dates of his birth and death all signify something important.
    ● Kirtland Temple-the first temple of modern times, where authority was restored on a date too significant to be mere happenstance.
    ● Lucifer-if Joseph and his work were harmless to the adversary, he wouldn’t rage so much against them.
    ● Mahijah-a name verified in Enoch’s record more than a century after Joseph’s death.
    ● Nahom-a location in the Book of Mormon verified in Arabia more than a century after Joseph’s death.
    ● Organization-the church Joseph restored is modeled after the New Testament church, and has continued intact for multiple generations since his death.
    ● Plural Marriage-a practice that most clearly signifies that this is the time when all things would be restored, as prophesied.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Priesthood Authority-only two churches can claim real authority from the ancient apostles: the Catholics and the Latter-day Saints.
    ● Quotations of Joseph-to judge Joseph, look at what he said and taught.
    ○ Honorable Mention: the lack of Q in Book of Mormon names-no names in the Book of Mormon use the letter Q, though it would be tempting to do so if it was merely a made-up exotic tale.
    ● Revelation-the only rational basis for religion. Religion without revelation is mere ritual.
    ● South Carolina-the location where the war between the states began, not that Joseph could have known that when he said it.
    ● Testator-“where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.”
    ○ Honorable Mention: Tithing-another ancient practice that Joseph reaffirmed for our time.
    ● United Order-yet another ancient practice that Joseph reaffirmed for our time.
    ● Valley of Lemuel-a location mentioned in the Book of Mormon that was recently identified by modern researchers.
    ● Witnesses-so many witnesses to the gold plates, important visions, and the restoration of priesthood authority.
    ○ Honorable Mention: Webster’s 1828 dictionary-some pernicious claims against Joseph evaporate when we understand words the same way he did.
    ● X Haplogroup-a DNA commonality found between indigenous populations in both the Levant and northeastern North America, not that Joseph could have known that.
    ● Youth-prophets aren’t always old men (see: Samuel and Daniel), and Joseph’s accomplishments in his short life defy conventional explanation.
    ● Zebedee Coltrin-an ordinary Latter-day Saint who saw remarkable visions, because Joseph wasn’t shy about introducing his angels to others.

  • @jeffreykinney8086
    @jeffreykinney8086 29 днів тому +3

    How can I get a copy of this brother’s “A-to-Z” contention for our faith???

  • @bartonbagnes4605
    @bartonbagnes4605 28 днів тому +4

    You are unaware or forgot to mention another difference between the Apostles and Prophets of this Church and the others. Now the Catholic Church claims a direct line of Priesthood back to Peter, but none of the other churches can claim that, they all go against the Bible and take that authority upon themselves. But we are the only Church that has a resurrected John the Baptist, Peter, James and John come and RESTORE the Priesthood directly to men. And are also the only ones who can show the power of the Priesthood in actions. There are better ones for S, like Sealings, Service and most especially Slavery. Slavery? Yes, Joseph Smith Jr. was the first religious leader in America to call for the ending of Slavery, it was part of his Presidential Campaign Slogan. As for Haplogroup X, it has also been found in Olmec and Mayan remains. But the Haplogroup X genes around the Great Lakes most likely came from the Phoenicians that mined copper around the Great Lakes area for centuries. As shown by a Phoenician shipwreck discovered with copper from the Great Lakes area, and also by stone circles similar to Stone Henges all over Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as parts of Africa.

  • @ssmorrison6
    @ssmorrison6 27 днів тому

    I learned so much from this and will be listening to it again.
    Is there a way to get this information in an email or text document? I would love a printed copy for reference and study.

  • @nickhoward3040
    @nickhoward3040 28 днів тому

    How do we get a copy of this word doc? I would love to print it and give it to my class!!!

  • @beckischreyer
    @beckischreyer 28 днів тому

    Actually… the church struggled financially beyond the death of Joseph Smith. I believe it was Wilford Woodruff that had a revelation in the middle of a conference or church meeting on paying tithes and that it would open the windows of heaven …
    As the members faith increased and they had enough faith to pay a full tithe… the churches financial condition turned around and they got out of debt and began to comfortably cover the costs of running the church.
    In my lifetime… we had budgets for our small branch that we had to meet …over and above tithing.
    And when we built a chapel in my small town in the upper peninsula of Michigan … as youth we did fund raising projects to contribute to the cost of the building. It’s really been in the last 30…. Maybe 40 years that the churches conservative financial stewardship has provided the church with substantial surplus… all of which we assume will be needed at f St one point.

    • @witteafval
      @witteafval 28 днів тому +2

      It was Lorenzo Snow who was told to reaffirm the law of tithing in that conference, in St. George. The Saints hadn't been very motivated to pay their tithing before that when the feds had been confiscating so much of the Church's assets. One of the happiest days of Joseph F. Smith's life was the day he put in the final payment that cleared the Church of its debts.
      The Church's current financial stability owes a lot of credit to N. Eldon Tanner, who served as a counselor to four different prophets (from David O. McKay to Spencer W. Kimball) and set up some best practices for the Church to follow with its finances. Starting in 1990, the Church has been able to fully fund the construction and maintenance of meetinghouses without needing the local members to provide extra money in addition to their tithing.

    • @beckischreyer
      @beckischreyer 28 днів тому +1

      @@witteafval … ah yes…. Lorenzo Snow… thanks for that correction!!

  • @Kaydubbbb
    @Kaydubbbb 28 днів тому

    W for webster’s 1828 dictionary is very appropriate. It states that when spoken with emphasis, and authority to enforce the command, the word “shall” becomes a command. This definition is irrefutable in English and has major implications for the meaning of Jacob 2:27-30 where God is commanding His people that they “shall hearken unto thee things”. When people change the meaning of shall to will or might the verse can be almost reversed in meaning. Thanks to the written emphasis and reminder that “the Lord of hosts” can enforce His commands, the defined use of “shall” stands as intended.

  • @jayx61
    @jayx61 18 днів тому

    The highest priesthood authority that any non-LDS Christian denomination claims is ecclesiastical authority; that is the authority of a Bishop. Even the Roman Church's 'vicar of God' The Pope, is a claim of authority that is derived from a line of succession from the first Bishop of Rome, whom they claim was Peter. Equal to the Bishop of Rome's claim of ecclesiastical authority is the Orthodox churches claims to their first Bishops being ordained by various other original apostles. Even the Bishop of Milan didn't recognise the Roman Bishops (the Popes) authority over the church of Milan until the 10th Century AD.
    None of non-LDS religious institutions claim to have apostolic priesthood authority. The Presbytery is a lesser authority that is held by priest under the ecclesiastical authority of Bishops.
    Part of the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ in these Latter-days is the restoration of the lost apostolic priesthood authority, ie apostle, the highest office in the Melchezadick priesthood, and ecclesiastical authority of Bishop, the highest authority in the Aaronic priesthood. These priesthoods are both essential for the fullness of the gosple and church of Christ to function and perform the vital saving ordinance nessesary for salvation, and to administer in the restored church of Jesus Christ.
    To be the foretold nation of priest and priestesses, Christ's church mustn't have a 'lay' ministry, but each member must hold priesthood authority by ordination. (A woman sealed to her husband is a Priestesses ordained with the authority belonging to motherhood (God is Our Father in Heaven, co-eternal and co-equal with God is Our Heavenly Mother, but her authority pertains to the real of heaven, God has given all authority pertaining to this Earth and it's inhabitants unto His Firstborn, Jesus Christ, who said, "No man comes unto The Father but by me"). Jesus Christ ordained and authority His servants The Prophets and Apostles to administer His church upon the earth by The Holy Priesthood After The Order of The Son of Man. With this apostolic authority, holding the keys of the Kingdom to bind in heaven that which is bound on earth; and to lose in heaven that which is loosed on earth, they direct the affairs of The Kingdom of God on the Earth via inspiration received of the Holy Spirit. Only the restored church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has true priesthood authority given from Jesus Christ via the administration of holy angels, namely the priesthood of Aaron from John the Baptist, and the priesthood of Melchezadick from Peter, James and John, who ordained by the laying on of hands, this last dispensations, Latter-day prophet, called of God, Joseph Smith Jr. The apostolic authority has been restored to the earth, and is administer in The Lord's one true Church.
    Apostate Christianity has no foundation of authority to administer Christ's priesthood upon the earth. Their intention may be good, but their ordinances are not recognised by Christ. Those friends whom enter into the wedding feast without having put on the wedding garments shall be cast out, their shall be weaping and wailing and nastiness of teeth. In the Kirtland Temple the keys of authority to administer the fullness of the gosple of Jesus Christ was restored to the Lord's Latter-day Prophet. The fortold Elijah has come before the great and terrible day of the comming of The Lord. Authority is given to do the holy work of the Gathering of Israel, 46:35 and the vicarious work for the redemption of the dead in the House of The Lord.
    Only by this authority is dose the earth fulfill the measure of it's creation in bringing forth a people ready to receive Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, The Christ at his second comming, which time is soon to be fulfill. Time is running out. As true deciples of Christ, we must now have our oil lamps full, and our wicks trimmed for the bridegroom comes at an hour you think not. The Kingdom of God on Earth is administer through the priesthood of Christ. Gods house is a house of order. It is built upon the foundation of prophets and apostles, Christ being the chief cornerstone. Surly The Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets. Apostolic authority is once again restored upon the earth. It is found solely within Christ's Latter-day Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • @joanleavitt466
    @joanleavitt466 29 днів тому

    David, l notice that you drink a lot during the podcast.
    Is that because of Diabetes?

    • @davidmalvinalexander
      @davidmalvinalexander  28 днів тому +6

      nope. I have not a hint of diabetes. I just like to stay well hydrated....I feel better when I do.

    • @nickhoward3040
      @nickhoward3040 28 днів тому

      Hahahaaha what the heck kind of question is that? This is obviously a very healthy man!