"I Saw How It All Went Down” On October 10th | Part 2

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
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    Zion Media Is A Pro Latter-day Saint Channel. The views and opinions expressed on this channel are those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the channel owner, other contributors, or any affiliated organizations. We strive to present a range of perspectives and encourage open dialogue on various topics, including some that may be controversial.
    While we welcome diverse viewpoints and respectful debate, we remain steadfast in our support for the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the restored priesthood, and the gathering of Israel in the last days through the Lord’s


  • @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled
    @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled Місяць тому +20

    If people (members) arent used to something, theyll reject it even if its truth. If theya re afraid something that could affect them, theyll reject it. I dont think many here are using discernment but a lot of bias based on mental programming from sterotypical cultural traditions, like anything that they deem sacred shouldnt or cant be shared. Or "SLC cant be destroyed, this screams SUS". Its due to a narrow-minded perspective of the will of God and their personal bias limiting their view of reality. People need not throw out the baby with the bath water. 😒
    Any who... as always people need to see things to discern or believe something to be true or false. Its sad how dependent we are on someone elses word or physical evidence in order to believe it. Yes, there is deception out there but are we praying about these things ourselves or do we stop and move on..."Ive heard enough, blah blah etc." 🤔

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +3

      Great point. I’m pinning this.

    • @haydenschaap
      @haydenschaap Місяць тому +3

      @@Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled the dreams stuff is really interesting. I don’t think anyone in the comments section here is really talking about that part of the video.
      Personally I always find that stuff interesting, and there’s some good evidence from scholars outside of the church that are world renowned who publish work on premonition and corroborating dreams from multiple sources that nearly always come to fruition. So that topic is obviously cool and would be of interest for any believing Latter-day Saint.
      Who am I to suggest how you or anyone thinks, but thought I’d at least point out that most of the comments don’t have any quarrels with the dream stuff.
      Tbh I’m don’t really care about this on a personal level, but I study people for a living and with that a great deal of liars and cheats who had many people, in some cases millions of people fooled by their lies; so I find it fascinating to see when people have something fishy going on about what they say and how they say it. That’s really it. Hopefully it’s helpful to point that out in case down the road there’s an even better fraudster who convinces us all of something sinister. Truth and error, or something like that.

    • @haydenschaap
      @haydenschaap Місяць тому +1

      @@ZionMedia_ on the judgmental side a bit, if not patronizing haha. But keep it stirring bro this is great.

    • @andriy457
      @andriy457 Місяць тому +4

      @@haydenschaapdo you know that Satan also can influence and create dreams?
      And his are more obvious, exact with porpoise of trickery
      Gods dreams or visions usually symbolic , look scriptures is there any dates in those dreams?
      There is always something representing something and understanding made knowing by the Spirit

    • @denibrere6031
      @denibrere6031 4 дні тому +1

      @@Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled people don't pray 🙏 about anything Al they do is ASSume & as a result don't know which way to go.

  • @mrmeditate790
    @mrmeditate790 25 днів тому +8

    When I was stationed in Utah, I was driving home from Springville one day back to Syracuse from visiting by brother and a vision opened up in my mind that seemed so real. I saw black smoke come up over the mountains to my right and down through the valley in an instant that filled the valley with darkness. Then the words of the spirit came into my mind, "Ùpon my my house it shall begin, and from my house it shall go forth."

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  25 днів тому

      Woah 😳

    • @karieberry1070
      @karieberry1070 День тому

      Right after we moved there in 2000 several of us were having dreams of the mountains coming down … like lava or something .

  • @icecreamladydriver1606
    @icecreamladydriver1606 Місяць тому +59

    If the members and even other Christians don't start taking things seriously it is going to be bad, really bad. The Book of Mormon, Isaiah and others have warned us time and again to wake up.

    • @johnwerahiko6226
      @johnwerahiko6226 Місяць тому +2

      Lift up your heads and rejoice, fear not.

    • @trevorkeyes1976
      @trevorkeyes1976 Місяць тому +1

      @@Babinskusreflexwe are lying? We’re literally having people tell their stories. Do you understand how the process works?

    • @Wessie_Boi
      @Wessie_Boi Місяць тому

      It is coming and it is going to be a financial depression because governments cannot borrow anymore money.

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now Місяць тому

      @@johnwerahiko6226 Read the Saviors words 3 Ne 20 21 and there is no lift up your heads... they will be gone.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      “FleeBabylon” with the post ☠️

  • @evafarley8074
    @evafarley8074 Місяць тому +34

    My daughter had a dream about some kind of earthquake or something in Salt Lake around 15 years ago. She saw water coming out of the earth. I didn't think much about it until now. I believe she was a very young adult at the time.

    • @CCM426
      @CCM426 Місяць тому

      I’ve heard the same thing.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Water again

    • @shaneluck2570
      @shaneluck2570 Місяць тому +1

      Guess we'll see!😂

  • @haydenschaap
    @haydenschaap Місяць тому +123

    Anyone else getting early onset self proclaimed prophet vibes from Mike?
    Just calling it how I see it, and don’t mean to be offensive. I’m sure he’s a good guy (although I don’t know him, so I couldn’t really know, or whatever), but a few things aren’t adding up for me. Check me on this, though.
    Red flag 1: how casually he speaks about alleged experiences with the Savior. This is the second video I’ve seen with him, same feeling both times. Not saying the story is made up, necessarily, but “opportunist” feels like his brand. Both times I’m like listening to these experiences like “dude if I had that experience with the Savior idk who I’d even tell, it would be so incredibly sacred”. Compare the feeling of Mike’s words to that of those we know have seen the Savior (prophets and apostles, mostly). When I read Joseph’s words in D&C, in the multiple instances in which he had experiences with the Savior that are documented, there’s a tremendous feeling of awe and trepidation and merciful grandeur built in to the descriptions of Him. Experiences described of Him usually bring a reverence about them that I don’t quite pick up from our friend here. Not sure what to make of it tbh.
    Second red flag is the story he tells about how he received the Brother of Jared stuff (the steps don’t add up, although that’s not a huge deal because it’s common to gloss over details that are relevant in story telling; but pay close attention to the way he pieces things together and feels to make references to details that bluster the story, there’s something somewhat fishy feeling about it. Again, not saying it’s made up, just feels off somehow? Idk
    Third red flag:
    Mike’s judgement in the story, as told by himself puts his story on par with prophetic experiences that are fully within the domain of the Prophets and Apostles, and strictly not in the domain of individual members who’s prophetic authority / jurisdiction goes no further than the keys they hold.
    - guy A gets excommunicate for publishing self proclaimed prophetic scripture (in this case, his writings on the Brother of Jared become relevant for the story, but regardless of the specific material, guy A is not only excommunicated, he ADMITS to Mike that he made everything up.)
    - guy B, Mike, after knowing that this man told him he made it up, and assumedly knowing he was excommunicated for that type of prophetic plagiarism, allegedly has a spiritual interaction in which he’s told to “do what he feels”
    - guy C, 3 Nephites guy, brings money for Mike out of the blue (now we’re in so deep that almost all the story details are full on, prophet-level stuff) never sees the guy again btw, $6k in cash
    - the use of consistent, spiritually logical validations; he inserts phrases like “I’m getting the feeling” or “I felt I should…” as he frames the details that are factually incredulous
    (Now, I don’t know if he’s lying, I’m just trying to judge based off of what he’s claiming, specifically the facts of the story placing him on par with the spiritual prophecy he’s claiming to channel this stuff through)
    There are obviously more details than that in his story, but listening closely, this all feels strange and doesn’t make sense to me, logically or spiritually.
    “I’m not criticizing them, but they’re where they are, and I am where I am…”
    Okay, all this to say, we should be really careful with this stuff.
    Apologies for wasting anyone’s time with what’s hopefully a totally wrong, unnecessary comment. Hopefully I’m wrong. Really like your guys’ channel, but wanted to see if anyone else was picking up or if I’m off here.

    • @BazSupport
      @BazSupport Місяць тому +23

      I get the same vibes

    • @SolzeyeJewels
      @SolzeyeJewels Місяць тому +27

      I'm super open minded but I'm with you. This screams at me.

    • @shadowgirl8038
      @shadowgirl8038 Місяць тому +5

      I don't know. Decern with prayer and with your inner feelings.

    • @haydenschaap
      @haydenschaap Місяць тому +4

      @@SolzeyeJewels 1000%…open minded here as well, someone tells me how to see Jesus today and it’s real, I’m there…but…haha

    • @haydenschaap
      @haydenschaap Місяць тому +11

      @@shadowgirl8038 most definitely! But first pay close attention to the details and what spidey senses say based on what the fine details of the stories. Logically try to identify how it maps with doctrine, priesthood order, etc.
      Usually with stuff like this, there’s no need for more than a thorough “what does the Church I proclaim membership in officially state relative to my position in it” checked against “does what this guy is saying fall into that mold?” If it doesn’t, then it’s already hairy.
      Like Elder Renland said recently when approached with similarly prophetic claiming “scripture” when asked if he had prayed about it “I don’t have to, this isn’t how the Lord does this” Sort of thing

  • @Peedarb
    @Peedarb 16 днів тому +3

    Salt lake will be destroyed because of its wickedness, and I'm not talking about the gay bars, I'm talking about the arrogance and pride haughtiness, the materialism, and the iniquity....

  • @sandrachapman6388
    @sandrachapman6388 Місяць тому +17

    The Lord has already started his judgements . My Father was a geologist and was always checking the Wasatch Fault, the first quake will be a 7.5 and a short time later the 2nd will be large enough to rearrange the mountains and the valleys. A 9.0 or higher. Most of the valley will have liquefaction. People need to be prepared and ready. The Jordanelle dam was built right on the Wasatch fault and when that goes all that water will come down. My Father told them not to build the dam there but they didn't listen because money was involved. The USGS lies all the time about the intensity of quakes. My Father was so happy when he retired from the USGS. The criminal elite government we have tells the USGS to lie.

    • @AngieBaldwin-v3s
      @AngieBaldwin-v3s Місяць тому +3

      Thank you for sharing

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1


    • @laretabrinkerhoff741
      @laretabrinkerhoff741 Місяць тому


    • @RecoveringUGrad
      @RecoveringUGrad Місяць тому +1

      I am very interested in what you said about a 9.0 earthquake. I’ve seen this number represented in a vision about the EQ. Can you expound on how it could get that high?

    • @sandrachapman6388
      @sandrachapman6388 9 днів тому +1

      @@RecoveringUGrad It can get that high when the whole fault ruptures. Their have been many quakes that have been large. The quake in Alaska in 1964 was a 9.5 it went off the scales. Geologists determined it was much larger than an 8.4 which is what they said when it first happened , however in my opinion and looking at the damage I feel it was even more than a 9.5. The wasatch fault is actually connected to the fault that goes into yellowstone. The Lord says their will be a restoration of all things. That includes the way the world once was.

  • @15Xalbatross
    @15Xalbatross Місяць тому +13

    The lord warned us in March 2020 when the Trumpet fell off Moroni. The earthquake where nobody was hurt but it came “as a thief in the night” I can feel it deep down and I’m sure a lot of you can as well. We are on the cusp of

  • @silverrose7554
    @silverrose7554 21 день тому +5

    Many of you say a Bible a book we have it . A prophet we have it we need not more . Yettttttt
    We are CLEARLY TOLD !!!!
    And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; NIV " 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
    Why are so many hard of harts ?
    Celebrate he can see . And is sharing with us .
    Wonderful thank you for sharing .
    Now it’s my turn to ask and know for my self .

    • @karieberry1070
      @karieberry1070 2 дні тому

      THANK YOU !! 100% agree!! I dream if future things all the time. The last one that actually happened - after a dream a few months ago- were the fires in California. I saw it exactly how it happened . So I was calm when we got evacuated. Now back home. Safe & sound. Just had another one last night I need to sit down with the Lord with…. It’s been going on more and more since Covid. Including NOT to take the poison injections.

  • @twizzles659
    @twizzles659 Місяць тому +52

    I was asked to read a young LDS woman's patriarchal, we were branch members back in 1978, at Presque Isle Maine, I was only a member of the church in 1976, what I read was shocking. It stated that she would live to see the utter destruction of , 'THE GREAT SALT LAKE VALLEY, that is all I have to say, I read it with my own eyes, she was about 19 or 20 years of age, her and her husband were the parents of a couple of young toddlers, from Loring AFB just a few miles away all of us lived on base in the same housing sections. I say this humbly in the name of Jesus Christ.

    • @twizzles659
      @twizzles659 Місяць тому +11

      PS, I forgot to mention that they were from West Valley, Utah....neighboring SLC, UT. the young woman and her officer husband. .. at Loring AFB, Maine.

    • @trevorkeyes1976
      @trevorkeyes1976 Місяць тому +3

      Woah 🤯

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +3

      Wow - that’s some interesting stuff

    • @melanieaveryeasthope3980
      @melanieaveryeasthope3980 Місяць тому +10

      I’ve known people whose blessing said they would see Christ return. They are deceased.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Good point

  • @cherylmorris3618
    @cherylmorris3618 Місяць тому +5

    And upon my house shall it begin. D&C 112:23-26

  • @davden965
    @davden965 25 днів тому +5

    Both me and my wife had dreams of the earthquake and water filling the valley. It did feel like it was the end of September or early October early afternoon. The clouds were mammatus clouds and there were maybe a hundred small tornadoes that touched down right before this happened, or about the same time. We had actually dreamed this same dream at different times but didn’t talk about it till later when we were talking about weird dreams. The details of each of our dreams was identical.

  • @natemckenna129
    @natemckenna129 Місяць тому +18

    Remember visions and dreams from the lord are at times very symbolic even in the scriptures not everything is literal

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому +3

      Unfortunately this one is both literal and spiritual.

    • @natemckenna129
      @natemckenna129 Місяць тому

      @@gem7sagg yes there will be destructions they have been prophesied much throughout the scriptures

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1


    • @Arlislds29555
      @Arlislds29555 Місяць тому +1

      Was the Sodom and Gomorrah destruction spiritual or literal?

    • @natemckenna129
      @natemckenna129 Місяць тому

      @@Arlislds29555 that wasn't a vision or a dream that was an event. Never said there wouldn't be destruction just the simple fact that not always is a dream or vision literal...

  • @GADBabaganoosh
    @GADBabaganoosh Місяць тому +9

    I appreciate that you guys are willing to talk to a lot of different people.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Thanks there’s a whole other group that is hating on us for it….

  • @cindybrown2826
    @cindybrown2826 Місяць тому +3

    To me there are SOOOOO many sincere hearted people throughout the world who are not associated with the church of Jesus christ.

  • @maxbarker1428
    @maxbarker1428 Місяць тому +14

    My wife and i felt like we should move out of the valley. We did. God led us to where we are

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +2

      Where’d you move to?

    • @debfox
      @debfox Місяць тому +3

      Just don’t move to Arizona! Our state is closed and no longer accepting new residents!

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 Місяць тому +2

      @debfox 🤣Closed🤣🤣
      We've been seeing more California plates in st george. We've always been a very conservative place, more so than Northern Utah. Breaks my heart to see it go to the dumps😭😭

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому

      ​@@StompMom5Pretty soon there isn't going to be anywhere to go 😔

  • @TheTruthPlease100
    @TheTruthPlease100 16 днів тому +2

    The pole shifts are different every time! Sometimes it is a partial. So... It is hard to know how bad because of crustal shifting.

  • @cdmbcgm
    @cdmbcgm Місяць тому +4

    My wife and I felt impressed to move further away from SLC. At this time, I was working in Downtown SLC, and it was a very commute long commute. However, a year and a half after moving, I became a remote employee and didn't have to commute to SLC anymore. A year after I had moved, I was thinking about the callout and thought it was a dumb idea. Then spirit let me know that I was called out.

  • @Luvtallhorses
    @Luvtallhorses Місяць тому +23

    Think I’m leaving this because time is better spent listening to the prophet or apostles or studying Come Folow Me.

    • @jgreen8298
      @jgreen8298 Місяць тому +1

      Too bad the nelson doesn't actually prophesy. The lds members are always hungry for new magic tales.

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому +2

      ​@@jgreen8298 Well, well, well...I see we have a decenter in our mist. President Nelson isn't doing very well. Just because you don't agree with him, you don't need to mock him. And btw some of us take these experiences w/ a grain of salt. Apparently you were just as intrigued, to be here yourself 😜

    • @AngieBaldwin-v3s
      @AngieBaldwin-v3s Місяць тому +3

      Then go ahead and do that. It’s up to all of us to use our own discernment. If nothing here resonates with you, move along.

    • @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled
      @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled Місяць тому +4

      Some people choose to be close minded due to fear or bias or a limited spiritual view. That's fine. Go your own way. Those who are willing to learn will stay. Isnt agency great. You could have just left without commenting. But complain away... LOL.

    • @lemjwp1756
      @lemjwp1756 Місяць тому +1

      don't think you're listening then. Prophesying doesn't just mean foretelling.

  • @ClintK.
    @ClintK. Місяць тому +15

    Lots of things here making me scratch my head but namely if you had stolen church property why not just return it to the Church?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      It’s uncertain if it was stolen or a manufactured origin story and product. My guess is since the church hasn’t sued for copyright protection- which is very easy to enforce - they don’t care 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @ClintK.
      @ClintK. Місяць тому +1

      @@ZionMedia_ where he made so many copies of this book does he have a download file available?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +2

      We’re getting access to a digital copy and will make it available soon. Next week we discuss how to access.

    • @HeartsXoXd
      @HeartsXoXd Місяць тому +1

      @@ZionMedia_ I would like a digital PDF that I can read when I am not connected to the internet.

    • @HeartsXoXd
      @HeartsXoXd Місяць тому

      If he felt like it was something that should not be hidden in a storeroom, maybe he resorted to theft

  • @pewtorye
    @pewtorye Місяць тому +11

    The book, “There is No Death” by Sarah Meneh is great. Was not a member, but died and saw many of the events that preceded the 2nd coming. She later joined the church.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Do you have a link?
      “She later joined the church…” is the code for you did her Temple Work?

    • @ThirteenKidsLater
      @ThirteenKidsLater Місяць тому +2

      No. Sarah found the Church and was baptized after her near death experience during her lifetime. She died relatively recently.

    • @pewtorye
      @pewtorye Місяць тому

      @@ZionMedia_ This is the link to a man reading from the chapter in her book that describes what she is shown happening during the last days. ua-cam.com/video/0Zi2lYlpE8k/v-deo.htmlsi=51mNCKJYemdw_7Q9

    • @cdmbcgm
      @cdmbcgm Місяць тому

      It has been years since I read her book. I believe she said there would be many earthquakes in SLC. The first will cause damage. There will be one that cause the waters to rise from the deep and flood the wasatch front. She said the astroid would hit the earth and the waters receded. If Im wrong, you can correct me.

  • @cindybrown2826
    @cindybrown2826 Місяць тому +1

    The touch of the masters hand was a poem my sweet mission companion had memorized and we often shared it with those we met. I think it was very inspiring to them and a way for them to feel the lords touch.

  • @pressfroward
    @pressfroward Місяць тому +9

    I do not reject the idea that great catastrophies will happen. We need to be following the spirit and learn to discern. Stay in the main stream of the Gospel ! That being said, I also recognize the feeling I get while watching some of these videos and interviews on this channel and it is not from the Holy Spirit. There are mixed ideas, truth and error in these messages. I have too many personal experiences that warm me against many of these ideas. I hope anyone who views this will take a step back and focus on what really matters and spend more time at the temple, in the scriptures, and with family. I speak from personal experience and warn that many of these things are not from God.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Hey - I agree with your message 100%
      Producing this Podcast has been an interesting experience for me. We have had a lot of guests on than have challenged and stretched my wisdom, knowledge, faith, doubt. It’s been very difficult to manage. I’ve found that I am having to really trust to feel that spirit and use it for discernment and guidance. I agree some of the things we’ve heard as we’ve interviewed different guests I don’t agree with. Some are like hearing nails on a chalkboard- but my job is to create an open space for people to continue to share and hopefully we will ascertain some gems and wisdom along the way. At the least inspire us toward goals of seeking the Keeper of the Gate…and he Employeth No Servant There.
      Thanks for commenting and sharing your opinions and push back. It’s intellectually honest and appropriate 🙏🏻

    • @markdvorak9972
      @markdvorak9972 Місяць тому +1

      You should read numbers 11:29 and Joel 2:28 to really understand what’s happening.
      If you’re waiting for the Prophet to announce every miracle, prophecy, or even the second coming.. you’ll probably miss it! Ask God if these things are true.

  • @brockcarter4822
    @brockcarter4822 Місяць тому +3

    Bought my Sacred Scripture copy from Mark Taylor of Tracs Books years ago. I pulled mine off the shelf to thumb through it and my signed copy of A Witness, A Warning, And A Blessing fell out. Mike Rigby is very aware of that. Thanks guys for interviewing Mike. 🙏

  • @wendydove7632
    @wendydove7632 Місяць тому +11

    Listening to all of this sounds off the wall crazy. Your discussions, to a non member would prove there ideas that our church is cuckoo for Cocoa puffs. There are some things that are so sacred that it should not be discussed Outloud. On social media.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Well…..we made a call & went for it

  • @nancylowe2692
    @nancylowe2692 Місяць тому +12

    If Davis County is OK & Salt Lake is leveled, Davis County isn't gonna be OK! 😮

  • @PristineAutoDetailing
    @PristineAutoDetailing 7 днів тому +3

    October 10th, Big day!

  • @davden965
    @davden965 25 днів тому +2

    When the Provo city center temple was built, there was a meeting between the construction company and the first presidency. The first presidency told them to build the temple, “tight, like unto a dish”.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  24 дні тому

      R u serious? 👀
      You happen to have a reference to that?

    • @davden965
      @davden965 24 дні тому

      @@ZionMedia_ No

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  23 дні тому

      Dang. Where’d you hear this?

    • @davden965
      @davden965 23 дні тому +1

      @@ZionMedia_ I think it was talking to someone who worked on the temple for this company and had connections to upper management

  • @DougT-Fam
    @DougT-Fam Місяць тому +4

    Also wanna say, Shane and Trevor.. it is uncanny how similar think and believe as yall. I respect you guys so much, you are kindred spirits. Im a 40 yr old podiatrist in Davis/Weber county. You guys are perhaps near my age, and remind me of all my favorite mission companions and frankly my favorite people these days.. Thanks so much guys,.some day i hope to run into yall

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Doug - you should shoot us a message via our contact us form. Shane & I both live in Davis County. Let’s do lunch soon.

    • @justinlindner2709
      @justinlindner2709 Місяць тому +1

      Another 40 something health professional in Weber County, lol. I just recently came across y'alls stuff and it's been fun to listen to. I have to echo what @DougT-Fam said. My favorite stuff to learn, think, and discuss about! The writing is on the wall about where we are at with things and it definitely seems that those who keep the Lord in mind and heart are having increased awareness about it.
      It's interesting that you asked him about The Ascension of Isaiah and you mentioned ascended masters. I just started learning some about cosmology and prophecy (like just started) and the stuff I just watched last night talked about the ascension process undergone by the ancient prophets and how the temple symbolizes it.
      Y'all would be fun to talk with. I obviously love and live the "milk" side of things, but there aren't nearly enough people to talk about the "meat" with, y'know?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Justin - message us. We’re in Davis County

    • @DougT-Fam
      @DougT-Fam Місяць тому +1

      I will thanks! And Justin that is very well said, that's fascinating

  • @jmark986
    @jmark986 Місяць тому +11

    As members of the church you would think you guys would know better. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I read this brother has been excommunicated for distributing this exact thing. So what do you do? "Hey, let's see if we can make it more accessible to people in digital form so everyone who is gullible and spiritually immature can devour it" Not the brightest idea.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +3

      Like I said in part 1 there’s plenty of books out there which are philosophical and theological that aren’t scripture but still have truth and valuable stories and teachings. We find this interesting and are exploring it. I have a pretty critical review of the ones I’d read so far & will continue to do so. I believe light is the greatest disinfectant & truth can be manifested via the Holy Ghost.

    • @Ctr247
      @Ctr247 Місяць тому

      Does he claim to have part of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Not one of the sealed. No.

    • @Autumn77077
      @Autumn77077 Місяць тому

      Well said, but they will argue with you no matter what red flags WE ALL see. Propping this guy up is wrong!! I got sucked down the Julie Rowe hole the same way - purchased the dam tent and fell for all the shenanigan's she was spewing - it's wrong!! No one gets visions like this, he's playing with the dark side. Why would he receive visions that he claims and not you or I?? Ask yourself that, and if you did have a vision would you be blabbing it casually on youtube?? I typically like this channel, but now I'm thinking its best to move on and waist my time somewhere else.

  • @Autumn77077
    @Autumn77077 Місяць тому +3

    This borderlines on the stuff Julie Rowe peddled, I'd be careful taking this at face value. Chad Daybell and Julie Rowe took thousands down this rabbit hole, if you really want answers pray and get them for yourself, don't rely on others.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      We talk about Chad Daybell in here a lot.

    • @Autumn77077
      @Autumn77077 Місяць тому

      @@ZionMedia_ Negative I hope considering what he did to his wife and Lori's children, not to mention the fake NDE's and visions he claimed. I don't agree with putting any clout into peoples visions or prophecy's. The Lord works in an organized manner, He wouldn't give this guy a vision for others, only for his own family. The Lord does and has given visions for his elected prophets, and this guy is not a prophet, neither is John Pontius, Daybell or Rowe. Dangerous stuff to be tossing about.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Yeah you’ve overreacted so much that you haven’t actually heard what we’ve said. We talk about Chad Daybell and how dangerous he was. We also teach directly from the scriptures you hold dear. We read quotes from apostles and prophets - modern day who teach these same things. We also expressly teach here and all our other videos this is personal revelation and experiences that have worked for Boyd. All of us should be seeking the face of the Lord and hoping to receive personal relegation and if we see fistful and blessed - ministering Angels with the pinnacle leading to the Keeper of the Gate himself. Do not he afraid and hide yourself in fear.

    • @jamesmartin8069
      @jamesmartin8069 18 днів тому

      I think that Julie Rowe may have been right in the beginning....then pride and greed took over and look where she is today. Sad.

  • @amybarlow3045
    @amybarlow3045 Місяць тому +10

    The Salt Lake temple will stand strong in the millennium

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Let’s goooo 🙌🏻

    • @williampaul7932
      @williampaul7932 23 дні тому

      Why is President Nelson preparing it for an earthquake? Does he know something we don't?

    • @daniellogan8825
      @daniellogan8825 19 днів тому +2

      ​@@williampaul7932 no ...
      proof ?? encouraging ppl to take the Vax... he should have known better.. imo

  • @SteveMartin-jr6vz
    @SteveMartin-jr6vz Місяць тому +3

    Personally, I am just absorbing the information. The one thing that rings true is when I was a missionary in 1984-85 ish Hartman Rector Junior came to our mission and one of the things he mentioned was that the presidents vault which I have always assumed was in the granite mountain… Just an assumption, has enough physical evidence in it to prove to the world that the book of Mormon is true! He followed up with that comment “but that isn’t its purpose “ because people must seek the spirit to gain the testimony. I’m sure there are truths within this information that we can all seek the spirit ourselves.

  • @Arlislds29555
    @Arlislds29555 Місяць тому +3

    10:40 I live in Panama City,Panama and listening to the coming pole shift scares the heck out of me I'm also heading for EL VALLE de ANTON, it is one of the highest places to live in Panama, it is an extinguished volcano, beautiful place with many houses and hotels.

  • @larrywinn9090
    @larrywinn9090 Місяць тому +16

    very interesting my son when he was 3 had a NDE and that was one of the things he said was the city died it fell into a hole

  • @BillPowers-qy8bp
    @BillPowers-qy8bp 26 днів тому +2

    Love this channel

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  26 днів тому

      Welcome to the revolution 😎

  • @sharilyn
    @sharilyn Місяць тому +5

    Seconding The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. Particularly the first 3 books. Excellent. Inspiring.
    Yay for a PDF of these books! 🎉
    Thank you for this content. I met Mike years ago and I love that he's still sharing important info. ❤️

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Can wait to read.

  • @haydenschaap
    @haydenschaap Місяць тому +2

    Still just commenting away since your views are blowing up, hopefully it helps the algorithm boost more. Let’s go haha.

  • @bobettepage4440
    @bobettepage4440 Місяць тому +1

    I learned 30 years ago in college that a volcanologist discovered the largest underground river in the world that runs from Canada through Idaho, Utah and Arizona and if it comes up those states will be underwater.

  • @karieberry1070
    @karieberry1070 2 дні тому +1

    I couldn’t wait to move from Utah. I keep feeling something big is coming there…. And it ain’t good.
    The saints need to learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and not just rely on one man. That’s not safe or effective .

  • @danascully7358
    @danascully7358 Місяць тому +3

    Wow. It never occurred to me to actually STEAL from the church archives.

  • @BlaineHeggie
    @BlaineHeggie Місяць тому +1

    The more answeres he gives the more questions arise. You need multiple sequels to this episode.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      There will be more 🙌🏻

  • @SimpleTruthsWork
    @SimpleTruthsWork Місяць тому

    I know two people that have expressed they feel the same way as Britt. I have tried to be there for them whenever but am so limited. This broadcast will help. Thank you for putting this tough topic out there.

  • @boon8563
    @boon8563 Місяць тому +8

    The Salt Lake Temple will stand through the millennium. Some things are not adding up here.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +3

      I know they said the temple will. Brigham did.
      Do you have quotes that say salt lake will?

    • @whitesmw
      @whitesmw Місяць тому +2

      The people of Zarahemla felt their temple would stand until Christ came. The whole city was burnt to the ground.
      John Taylor saw Salt Lake became one of the most wicked cities in the world. I wonder how he will cleanse it.

    • @andriy457
      @andriy457 Місяць тому

      What is not adding up is source where we getting this information from, those dreams sims to me not from God

    • @williampaul7932
      @williampaul7932 23 дні тому

      President Nelson is preparing the Salt Lake Temple for an earthquake, so...

  • @glennsmith1139
    @glennsmith1139 Місяць тому +27

    None of the Apostles have spoke about this or Prophet

    • @TureRealD
      @TureRealD Місяць тому +3


    • @carjun2
      @carjun2 Місяць тому +19

      actions speak louder than words....salt lake temple is being prepared for a gigantic earthquake.

    • @Eli12344
      @Eli12344 Місяць тому +9

      Yes, they have. Listen to Elder Eyring last general conference talk.

    • @amandabrasil29
      @amandabrasil29 Місяць тому +4

      Oh yes they have read the talk about John Taylor and other authorities

    • @MichaelSaline
      @MichaelSaline Місяць тому +3

      They have taught you to listen to the spirit, and to receive your own revelations.” No one will safely navigate the end times without personal revelation.” Nelson
      They are not the saviors and cannot give you all the answers. All that the bride( the church) can do is preach faith, repentance, and baptism and prepare for the wedding feast. I.e. build fortifications (temples) throughout the land.

  • @jmark986
    @jmark986 Місяць тому

    "Seek this Jesus, go find this guy." Yeah, that really sounds like the words of a person with deep reverence for the Lord

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      That’s harsh

    • @jmark986
      @jmark986 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@ZionMedia_It's what he said

  • @StevenHagler90
    @StevenHagler90 Місяць тому +6

    Can I get a link to the Wayne May newsletter?

    • @urthesmile4me990
      @urthesmile4me990 Місяць тому

      Did you mean Wayne’s magazine?
      I didn’t know he had a newsletter 😮

  • @shaneluck2570
    @shaneluck2570 Місяць тому +2

    We left and feel much safer.

    • @karieberry1070
      @karieberry1070 2 дні тому

      Me too!! I feel much safer OuT of Utah And I’m in California!!

  • @leonardbruce4
    @leonardbruce4 Місяць тому +3

    Spencer talks about heading north into Idaho and being guided around areas that nuclear weapons had been detonated in there silos underground. I think that is what causes the large land mass to fall into the underground lake ,which forces the water to flow up out of the manholes.

    • @twizzles659
      @twizzles659 Місяць тому


    • @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled
      @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled Місяць тому +1

      I think the ground sinks because the water underneath had left and came up which allows the weight of the city above to crush the empty crust (hole) below. I think the earthquake causes the water to come up, like opening a soda bottle cap and seeing it fizz out.

    • @jves9884
      @jves9884 19 днів тому

      i think he was probably referring to Hill Airforce base, just north of Salt Lake , in Ogden. and that it was likely sabotage, much the same as several other nuc explosions in Idaho, targeting military targets/bases. Hill is probably a prime target. in the book "there is no death" by Sarah Menet (her NDE account), she mentions a Truck nuc that was used north of salt lake, among other cities so interesting... Spencer also talked about the whole Wasatch mountain front as viewed from salt lake, fell flat in visions of glory after he was trying to make his way home.

  • @karenspils
    @karenspils 29 днів тому

    Thank you so much, I can hardly wait!!!

  • @Dognamedbingo
    @Dognamedbingo Місяць тому +4

    Part two let’s go. Just finished the first part. I have had feelings that Salt Lake City will be destroyed. The only question is when it’s going to happen. I live in Draper. I know it’s going to happen after a certain point in our world.

    • @1004aj
      @1004aj 21 день тому +1

      I’ve always thought it’ll happen sometime after the temple renovation is completed.

    • @karieberry1070
      @karieberry1070 2 дні тому

      @@1004ajGod will prove His Power over man’s “mighty building plans”….

  • @ClintK.
    @ClintK. Місяць тому +3

    Multiple prophets have talked about the pending earth quake that will affect SLC. Prs. Hinckley and Monson and Nelson are the 3 immediate that come to mind also as evidence by the tabernacle in Ors. Hinckley day being retrofitted and currently the SLC temple as proof from Prophets this is coming.

  • @chrismiller6373
    @chrismiller6373 Місяць тому +2

    I would like to read the Sacred Scripture book. Trevor said it’s not available anywhere. Is there any chance he will have more books published? Or maybe is there a way to get in touch with Mike directly?
    Thank you,
    Chris Miller

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      You can message us via our contact us form and we can pass your message along to Mike to see if he wants to return your message or get in contact with him. Regarding the books - next week we will have Mike on again and we have a solution for getting the books.

    • @chrismiller6373
      @chrismiller6373 Місяць тому +1

      @@ZionMedia_ ok, I’ll wait until next week and see what transpires.
      Thank you, Chris Miller (female)

    • @karieberry1070
      @karieberry1070 2 дні тому

      @@ZionMedia_I’d like one too!!

  • @jessealviepresley7581
    @jessealviepresley7581 Місяць тому +4

    We will have great inland seas. We will flow up to the Salt Lake Temple by boat.

  • @Ericksosasculptor
    @Ericksosasculptor Місяць тому +6

    Sacred personal revelation is meant to be… personal.
    Perhaps many October 10ths after nothing will have happened and people will feel bad for having believed this. This is not how revelation works.

    • @cherieballamis5207
      @cherieballamis5207 Місяць тому

      I think you are missing something due to your unbelief. I would suggest like Nephi did to Laman to take it to the Lord in fasting and prayer. Now that is how revelation works.

    • @AngieBaldwin-v3s
      @AngieBaldwin-v3s Місяць тому +1

      Anyone can share their own personal revelation. It’s up to you to use your discernment if any of it is for you. If you cannot do that, then that’s your problem.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому


    • @tyolive7517
      @tyolive7517 Місяць тому

      27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.
      28 ¶ And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
      29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

    • @Autumn77077
      @Autumn77077 Місяць тому +2

      This borderlines on the stuff Julie Rowe peddled, I'd be careful taking this at face value. Chad Daybell and Julie Rowe took thousands down this rabbit hole, if you really want answers pray and get them for yourself, don't rely on others.

  • @rachelciarlante6039
    @rachelciarlante6039 Місяць тому

    The church is strengthening the temple foundation so that it will last through the millennium. When the church releases new scripture, I will follow it.

  • @icecreamladydriver1606
    @icecreamladydriver1606 Місяць тому +16

    I have been telling people that I believe the SLC temple will either be flattened of rent in half. I haven't had dreams or anything like that but I think the church has a day of reckoning coming. Joseph told the church that they were under condemnation then Benson said we were still under condemnation. I am not a prophetess nor do I have connection with God but I do get strong ideas at times. Doesn't mean that I am always right but.....

    • @sean9854
      @sean9854 Місяць тому +11

      They’ve done extensive structural renovations to the Salt Lake City Temple. I think it will survive, but I could see the city being destroyed

    • @jumpieva
      @jumpieva Місяць тому +3

      Considering the work and money going into slc temple renovations I doubt it.

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому +13

      Brigham Young has prophesied that the Salt Lake City temple will last into the millennium. That's why the temple is being renovated to withstand a major earthquake.

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now Місяць тому +1

      @@sean9854 not a stone will be left

    • @nestanford
      @nestanford Місяць тому +2

      @@FleeingBabylon-Nowbased on???

  • @DaGolfViking
    @DaGolfViking Місяць тому +5

    Im not from Utah, so im just curious: Why would God want to destroy Utah? I dont understand.
    I personally can think of a few other places that may be ripe for destruction. Lol

    • @danielhughes8516
      @danielhughes8516 Місяць тому +6

      Unfortunately Salt Lake County is ripe and ready for destruction. Having lived here all my life I can tell you it has become very wicked. It's really quite sad, and very frustrating for the righteous people living here.

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому +5

      I don't feel it is quite ready for destruction yet. It has definitely changed though. There are more non LDS living in UT than there are members now. Part of the problem is there has been an influx of out of state folks coming in for tech jobs or leaving their states because of not liking how their states have become & being attracted to the good things UT has to offer. Once they move to UT they keep voting for the same policies they did in their old state and then they wonder why it is becoming the same as their old state they didn't like. So yes, there are worse states for now, sigh.

    • @DaGolfViking
      @DaGolfViking Місяць тому +1

      @@danielhughes8516 That is really sad. I love visiting Utah.

    • @DaGolfViking
      @DaGolfViking Місяць тому +3

      @@h.r.1523 Yeah, we are having the same problem here in the south. Seems like a bit of a mind virus.

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому +3

      Upon my house shall it begin and from my house shall it go forth DC

  • @MommaCrissa
    @MommaCrissa Місяць тому +4

    Thanks for asking about Davis county, cause that's where I am. I wish he knew!

  • @jamesdavidray2468
    @jamesdavidray2468 Місяць тому +2

    Yes it is time unless it doesn’t matter we made a covenant

  • @denibrere6031
    @denibrere6031 4 дні тому +1

    How far away is Skinwalker Ranch

  • @bubbasizemore4556
    @bubbasizemore4556 Місяць тому +1

    The prison is no longer at Point of the Mountain. It was torn down.

  • @alisatterwhite
    @alisatterwhite Місяць тому +1

    Rigby claims to have received the Sacred Scriptures through divine revelation. He operates M.A.P. Incorporated book store in Orem (no longer in operation), Utah. He was excommunicated from the LDS Church after producing these scriptures.
    Rigby may have a small group of believers, not exceeding 30 people, who have expressed their belief in the Sacred Scriptures; however, no formal group is established. Some believers do gather occasionally in friendship.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      If you watch the video we cover the origin of each book. He published them didn’t write them. The 30 people you’re talking about were 70 and they wrote and ad in Salt Lake Tribune.

  • @robinkeith6589
    @robinkeith6589 Місяць тому +1

    I was intrigued by this podcast. I have read the 6 books he mentioned about the Life and Teachings of the Masters. But I did not get the other books or their authors. Can we see their titles and authors so we can look at them as well?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Maybe someone can listen again and post them in the comments.
      Or maybe you could do that for everyone. As a service project 😁

  • @terryolsen634
    @terryolsen634 5 днів тому +2

    This is also ih Visions of Glory book

  • @heyerlaw
    @heyerlaw Місяць тому +4

    How do I get this book?!

    • @leonardbruce4
      @leonardbruce4 Місяць тому


    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому +2

      Visions of Glory by John Pontius, A Change is Coming by Hector Sosa Jr, Through the Window of Life by Suzanne Freeman, There is no Death by Sarah Menet. All are members of our church. All are on Amazon books

    • @ewlarson8257
      @ewlarson8257 Місяць тому

      I ordered online approximately 8 years ago. I caution people about the contents, they are not sanctioned by church authorities. Followers of Christopher Neumelka are subjecting yourselves to criticism from the church and members because it's information isn't considered scripture.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      I agree with this. I spoke very clearly about them and my personal disclosures and opinions on them in our first video. Make sure you check it out. Part 1

  • @anonymouscommenter6829
    @anonymouscommenter6829 Місяць тому +4

    Didn't G0d promise to never flood the earth again?😑

    • @shadowgirl8038
      @shadowgirl8038 Місяць тому +5

      He said he'd never destroy the whole earth by flood again. He never said there wouldn't be serious floods.. But could also be earthquakes. Sounds more like it actually.

    • @twizzles659
      @twizzles659 Місяць тому +4

      An specific area is NOT THE WHOLE EARTH????

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +5

      Not a global flood. Even a Polar Shift wouldn’t flood the entire earth. Just a great share of it.

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому +3

      ​@@ZionMedia_Hmm like an energy shift that happened to occur in October 2022?? 🤔

  • @Annie-ll2jp
    @Annie-ll2jp Місяць тому +1

    We cannot receive revelation for the Church or the world. We can only receive revelation for ourselves, not the Church or the world. Follow the Prophet, not s somebody's dreams. Hmmmm.....Haven't read the Pearl of Great Price lately have you??

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      This is personal revelation and if you listened at the beginning and all throughout we clarify this multiple times.

  • @luc1741
    @luc1741 12 днів тому

    How do I find the 3 books Mike recommended

  • @thereluctantwatchman
    @thereluctantwatchman Місяць тому +6

    "pool party"... suuuuure.... ;)

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому

      My gramps would tell me about a joke he would tell in Elders Q. about inviting peeps to ward pool night. I'll refrain from saying it, but it was such a good play on words. It would always make me laugh 🤣🤣

    • @williampaul7932
      @williampaul7932 23 дні тому


  • @tinabrady7310
    @tinabrady7310 Місяць тому +2

    So are we strengthening the temple for naught? He surely would noticed that the temple(s) were left standing. Apparently they were not. President Nelson said the temple will stand into the millennium. Can you explain this. Its why i question Mike's vision.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      I think it’ll make it.

    • @jaasynergy8
      @jaasynergy8 29 днів тому

      A veil may have been over his eyes. I think even Visions of Glory speaks of after the earthquake certain things are invisible to certain people. It's been awhile since I read the book but I remember the part where people try to make their way to new Jerusalem and are invisible to the enemy.

  • @MommaCrissa
    @MommaCrissa Місяць тому +1

    The way I read it from his book, was that on October 10th he saw the valley very calm and that the destruction had already happened. But, maybe he meant in the Book it happened ON that day???

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому

      The earthquake occurs in August. He is to see the destruction in October.

    • @MommaCrissa
      @MommaCrissa Місяць тому

      @@gem7sagg How do you know it's August? Is that a dream, vision or something your read or heard from someone?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому


    • @mysterypro_music
      @mysterypro_music Місяць тому

      @@gem7sagg "August" was speculation, somebody commented in the video.

  • @davincimen4495
    @davincimen4495 Місяць тому +1

    Dudes! Where can I get this Brother of Jared book?

  • @lauranorris1713
    @lauranorris1713 Місяць тому +3

    Where is the Prophecy about the destruction of Salt Lake?

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому +1

      The book Visions of Glory and the book A Change is Coming and the book Through the Window of Life and the book There is no death. The brothern have all warned about a big earthquake. Ukdorf talked about it in general conference as a parable.

    • @roburry
      @roburry 24 дні тому

      The SLC Temple is being prepared for a 7.3 earthquake.
      The effects of this magnitude earthquake on the Wasatch front could easily produce these effects. The ground could liquify and structures could just sink into oblivion.
      But, I totally get a ‘smoking peyote in a north east Arizona sweat lodge’ vibe from much of what I’m hearing.

  • @ZakkiLowe
    @ZakkiLowe Місяць тому

    David! I got the Abinadi joke. Haha. I knew it before you even finished the first line. 😂 This video is awesome, dudes.

  • @michaelescobedo2524
    @michaelescobedo2524 Місяць тому +2

    Heber c. Kimball and Brigham Young have talked about this. It's been prophesied

  • @rosalielines1801
    @rosalielines1801 11 днів тому

    So Boys, what is the timeline that this would be available? Is it ready yet to purchase and how much?? I would love you to reply to me here or at least pin the info to this video as a top comment.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  10 днів тому

      How do you mean? I don’t understand; “is it ready to purchase..”??

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  10 днів тому

      I don’t understand your question.

  • @angellight2315
    @angellight2315 Місяць тому

    Dreams,personal revelation, Bible Apostle , Book of Mormon Apostle and if you have ears to hear and eyes to see we have been told of these days many times and in many ways. If you doubt if it is true or not, pray about it all. Father will show you in dreams and or visions.

  • @kristykaminska9580
    @kristykaminska9580 Місяць тому +1

    In the first video you named some great books. Would you please list the books and authors either here or on your website?

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому

      Visions of Glory by John Pontius, A Change is Coming by Hector Sosa Jr, Through the Window of Life by Suzanne Freeman, There is no Death by Sarah Menet. All are members of our church.

  • @AlsoppHilda
    @AlsoppHilda 2 дні тому +1

    Hernandez Christopher Williams Jennifer Lewis Lisa

  • @cherieballamis5207
    @cherieballamis5207 Місяць тому

    Hey Mike Rigby, this is Cherie your old barber. Just found this channel and saw you. How are you miss you friend.

  • @bridgetsheffer
    @bridgetsheffer Місяць тому

    Oh, the poetry!!❤

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Yeah - I my favorite part. It was a whole new level of depth and didn’t know Mike had. It serious built huge credit for me when it happened live…I wasn’t prepared and was moved by the spirit. It was beautiful. -Trevor

  • @hollis2557
    @hollis2557 Місяць тому +2

    I know that things can be revealed to individuals that give aid, direction, instruction etc., that lie within their realm of responsibility or the course of their lives. I also know that mysteries can be revealed to individuals, if there is purpose in the revelation. However, as Joseph McConkie once said, “the Lord doesn’t reveal things to blabber mouths”. Meaning that those who have things of great importance revealed to them are spiritually mature enough to keep it sacred and not share it with anyone except to those who may need to know. The Lord’s house is a house of order and there is only person on the earth who is authorized to receive revelation and direction for the church and the world. Writings that are to be canonized as scripture can only come through the first Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve and will be presented before the church to be supported and sustained. Nothing of such importance will be revealed in darkness or secret. This UA-cam gives me a great deal of concern and I am sorry for those who will hold this content as truth and will be mislead. You will be held responsible for the stumbling blocks you are placing in front of others. The direction we should be following will always come from the first presidency and the twelve apostles of the Lord . Their direction will be open and clear.

    • @jmark986
      @jmark986 Місяць тому +1

      very, very well said. I couldn't agree more with what you've stated here. The hosts seem like nice guys, but unfortunately they're being blinded by their own spiritual immaturity

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah these aren’t cannon. Not even close…watch video part one where we critique them

    • @cherylmorris3618
      @cherylmorris3618 Місяць тому

      What great Authority does Joseph MacConkie have?

    • @hollis2557
      @hollis2557 Місяць тому

      @@cherylmorris3618 none; Matthew 11:19 about wisdom

  • @daniellogan8825
    @daniellogan8825 19 днів тому

    Nemelka claims that his friends wrote the Book of mormon and its not a literal Books..but meant to make people think .. and they " gave it " to Joesph Smith etc

  • @margiespeight1041
    @margiespeight1041 Місяць тому

    This reminds me of my teenage yrs playing ouija boards and I CAN Tell you stories!!! I’m glad I grew up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lauranorris1713
    @lauranorris1713 24 дні тому

    Thank you for the information.

  • @PauloOliveira-ug5ud
    @PauloOliveira-ug5ud 22 дні тому

    How can we have access to all these codices and appocriphal books??

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  22 дні тому

      We talk about a solution this week…

  • @user-ph8fv9co8p
    @user-ph8fv9co8p Місяць тому +1

    Our government has disrupter beam tech. Lasers and same as 9/11

    • @h.r.1523
      @h.r.1523 Місяць тому

      And don't forget weapons of sound.

  • @wtaylordurrant
    @wtaylordurrant Місяць тому +1

    Where do we find these books?

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      We’re gona have an episode about how you can access them. They’re currently impossible to get a copy.

    • @twizzles659
      @twizzles659 Місяць тому

      @@ZionMedia_ I GOT ALL OF MY VISIONS OF GLORY AT....at CEDAR FORK INC: Springville, UTAH

  • @tacticplanner7188
    @tacticplanner7188 Місяць тому

    I, too, have seen this, and for the most part, that is right. However, I saw Davis and Salt Lake Counties. In my dream, an earthquake broke the dams in the canyons. Davis and Salt Lake were wiped almost clean, and all the benches road the sand waves down into the vallies. In West Valley, there was a new small lake where West Valley, the airport, and the oakers were. That mountain range became much smaller, making Tooele part of the valley. The two vallies were completely different.

  • @Annie-ll2jp
    @Annie-ll2jp Місяць тому


    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому


    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Have you read John Taylor’s vision he had and shared frequently? It’s easily accessible online and far more horrendous than this.

  • @kammoshi6479
    @kammoshi6479 Місяць тому +1

    He says, "It reminded me of pictures of Heroshima and Nagasaki" 2:28
    Super interesting that he also pointed out October 10th as the date for this to happen.
    There's a man by the name of Daniel Larimer (not a member) who has done some deep research into the Bible and he believes that there will be a nuclear attack on the United States around October 9th this year.
    He provides plenty of evidence to support his theories using the Bible.
    Ill post a link to his video.

    • @kammoshi6479
      @kammoshi6479 Місяць тому


    • @WarWheelDrive
      @WarWheelDrive Місяць тому


    • @kammoshi6479
      @kammoshi6479 Місяць тому

      @@WarWheelDrive ua-cam.com/video/tHESLG7f4O8/v-deo.htmlsi=EtV7pqw-fpI3HMJu

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Wow - I’m watching now

  • @TheGrandScoobah
    @TheGrandScoobah Місяць тому

    Are there links to each of the works of scripture discussed in this video? Would love to check some of these out.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +2

      They’re not published anymore online and from what I hear they’re all sold out on Amazon. We’re working on a solution with Mike. Stay tuned

  • @mariamilagrosaguayo-bishop1626
    @mariamilagrosaguayo-bishop1626 Місяць тому +7

    What you are saying is in the book Visons of Glory!

    • @gem7sagg
      @gem7sagg Місяць тому

      An earthquake will occur at the point of the Mountain and flatten Salt Lake City. There will be a crater 30 feet high and no travel will go southward. South of the Point of the Mountain will all be under water and completely leveled. This earthquake occurs in August of a given year and right before the USA is invaded by foreign troups on an election year. I doubt its 2024 it's probably 2028.

    • @devinspitze1314
      @devinspitze1314 Місяць тому +1

      Also through the window of life another book of a woman that has an nde that lines up with VoG

    • @MichaelSaline
      @MichaelSaline Місяць тому

      Another great book!

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому +2

      We’re gona do an episode on it soooooon

    • @debfox
      @debfox Місяць тому

      You mean the same book connected with Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrant and More? Look at the fruits of that book! They’re pretty vile! Many have been deceived! Focus on following Jesus. Period.

  • @ashleysb3
    @ashleysb3 Місяць тому

    Do y'all know if there's an audiobook version of the Nemenhah record?

  • @SueLeigh-pr8vy
    @SueLeigh-pr8vy Місяць тому +1

    If this is true, why is the Salt Lake Temple being made earthquake safe?I think President Nelson said that it will stand strong clear to the Millennium. I’m not arguing (I’m always glued to your videos and have learned fascinating things) but I’m confused.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      I think it makes it. We did and episode on it with a Geologist

  • @luc1741
    @luc1741 12 днів тому

    Three years ago I dreamed that salt lake was bombed on 1 September and I was not told what year

  • @pagevpetty
    @pagevpetty Місяць тому +1

    11:00 That's funny, the guy that foretold Trump getting shot in the ear had a vision of Apophis causing a tidal wave that wipes Costa Rico out.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Actually or you being funny 😄

    • @pagevpetty
      @pagevpetty Місяць тому

      @@ZionMedia_ Sorry, I guess, Ironic not funny ua-cam.com/video/Vt7BLMbB4RU/v-deo.htmlsi=rhcx63_mmNEg4glz&t=347

  • @carolwhite1451
    @carolwhite1451 Місяць тому

    I have a question have any of you on this group read the Nemenhah records and have you considered doing a podcast on it? Amazing info in those records!

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Carol - have you seen the first few videos we ever did? We started on the guy who translated the record.

    • @carolwhite1451
      @carolwhite1451 Місяць тому

      Ok I'll have to check that out thanks!

  • @ewlarson8257
    @ewlarson8257 Місяць тому +3

    I have a copy of Christopher Neumelka's book called The Sealed Portion. I find the first few chapters eloquently written. Very believable.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому

      Great feedback.

    • @CCM426
      @CCM426 Місяць тому

      I watched one of his videos where he said he was an alien.

    • @ZionMedia_
      @ZionMedia_  Місяць тому
