Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, a comedy anime that is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft works had a gag that revolves around Gundam SEED is that they can make an "N-Jammer Canceller-Canceller" which is then followed by a repeated added opposing "Canceller" to counter each other.
Imagine a real life N-Jammer being developed. We would probably have prolonged conflicts on a global scale because countries wouldn't fear Nuclear retaliation anymore. 😂
I mean..it would be hilarious to see what North Korea does with half their industry suddenly useless. Although I think we have a better chance of making a Neutron Stampeder than a Neutron Jammer. Wonder if that's even being worked on?
Yes however it would also cancel out nuclear power plants across the world basically putting some areas without power and in a crisis but then again n jammer canceler exist to but again an n jammer canceler on a icbm would still happen
Considering that Patrick Zala (Athrun's father) was essentially on a genocidal kick all the way up until the end of gundam seed AND Rau being the omnicidal maniac who played both sides to butcher one another, if Patrick was more sane and less of a genocidal maniac, he may have been able to simply stop and realize how much of a resource sink genesis was and how much of a risk the N-Jammer canceller was to begin with. And Siegal literally was telling him that there was no way for the coordiantors to exist as a separate race of people because third gen coordinators were sterile. Long story short, if Patrick Zala wasn't insane or Siegal was in power, the N-Jammer Canceller wouldn't have been developed (at least during the war).
It should be noted that GENESIS is probably the only card they had left. ZAFT was having problems keeping up with the grind of war, and simply having more MS is basically having empty units without pilots gathering dust.
The Zaft needed to have better security around the Freedom and Justice as well as the N-Jamer Canceler data. Being able to use nuclear weapons while your enemy cannot is a huge advantage, the war would have been won by Zaft if this had remained the case. That was probably Chairmain Patrick Zala's intentions, to end the war quickly with minimal additional casulties using the threat of nuclear weapons to force the Earth Alliance to unconditionally surrender, or be wiped out completely, to deter the Earth Alliance from further aggression against the Plants.
Given his tenacity, i'm sure Rau would have found a way to make sure things had gone the same way they had regardless of the N-Jammer cancellers or not. Things like this make me briefly consider rewatching Seed, before I remember how much I can't stand the actual characters and bury that idea where it stands.
Goodthing I’m not interested in characters, one goodthing about being autistic is not being as interested in characters and all that when watching movies, etc you can just ignore bad characters 😂
the science implications of a Neutron Jammer would be so damn crazy; that thing breaks the damn laws of physics like no joke even if it only does something like preventing gamma decay (which is the main mechanism of nuclear fission) that still has massive implications; if no gamma radiation is produced, would it instead be alpha and beta radiation (Helium and electrons respectively) and given the nature of gamma radiation (being high frequency electromagnetic waves), would it affect electronics and other things that use electromagnetism? seriously though, if I were an Earth Alliance politician I'd be begging the PLANTs for peace talks; if ZAFT can break the laws of physics what's stopping them from developing anti-matter weapons?
The "beam" weapons were catagorized as Anti-matter, destroying the objects they come into contact with at the molecular level. Basically cutting a hole in an object and letting the vaporization create the ensuing explosion.
@@LuoSon312_G8Cosmic Era could have the same space magic as 00 if the Coordinators and Naturals weren't so hell-bent on committing mass genocide on each other
Lohengrin were Positron Cannons, a type of anti-matter weapon. In fact, they used this in the show in order to boost the Archangel into space by firing them and effectively annihilating the atmosphere in their path to reduce drag.
N-Jammer is very useful device and thank you for the answer why getting rid of it wasn't simple as it seems and a huge waste of time too. While I'm neutral to Cosmic Era factions but no one likes a trigger happy who love firing Nukes.
Case in point on the NJC field: Gundam Blue Frame Astray got within the close range of an enemy NJC field to use the nuclear fission power positron cannon it had.
I wonder if this guy watched the movies instead of the show, as the movies pretty much ignore the n-jamming of earth (and most of the setup for the conflict, like not talking about what coordinators are until the 3rd movie).
I do have a question for future QOTW. If Kira was unable to steal the Freedom which of the other 4 ZAFT gumdams would be perfect fit for him i.e Testament, Dreadnought, Providence, Justice and Regenerate as well as how would it effected Destiny because of that?
Apparently, Destiny was originally meant to be Kira's upgrade suit, they just had not ironed out the details and the concept art so they used Freedom instead and reused Destony in GSD. One of the big giveaways is the weapons, the sword and beam canon looks very Strike, more so than Impulse.
@@shoootme Apparently the reason was that Bandai couldn't figure out how to make the weapon change system in time. And by SEED Destiny they finally figured things out.
Given he is again the Ultimate Coordinator and it does show he can do anything pretty well, he can pilot any MS and probably will modify the OS to his own liking lol for any of those Gundam and he might modify or upgrade if he got the test bed units asking Orb for help, while if he got Providence, it won't just affect Destiny, the Seed S1 will have to rewritten overall don't have to point the obvious reason (its pretty OP MS adding it killed flay), but if the events stays the same (Flay got killed by Freedom pilot by Rau) but he got Providence and continues in Destiny, Shin wouldn't have been probably able to destroy him. Anyways forgotten most of the Destiny but other than Providence not being able to be killed by Shin their might have not much changes really (cause Archangel or Kira Faction wasn't really their until in the middle of the story) other than the fact Kira won't get a "upgraded" version MS, cause Providence is already at its peak, the only changes might happen is adding Beam Shield and the Gold Coating whatever that was. Anyways this is based on anime not manga cause don't know much on those side.
@@haruusami1831Shin would Probably still be able to Destroy him. The Providence is Dragoons isn't going to work in the Atmosphere just Like Strike Freedom (Which the Dragoons is Literally its Main Weapon), and Shin still can do the same thing in the Anime and Learn Kira's Attack Patterns through the Battle Simulations and it would go Even worse than when Kira is using the Freedom since the Freedom is also more Versatile on its Weapons and Agile compared to the Providence.
In Destiny, they introduced the Neutron Stampeder, which could detonate enemy nukes. Then, they kind of ignored this weapon afterward. However, I imagine it'd be extremely effective against a nuclear powered mobile suit.
That was more of a miniature genesis weapon, not really feasible for repeated use since the fins are fried after only a single use. Also, any decent MS pilot wouldn't be standing around waiting to get hit in the face by this, it's better suited for taking out slower moving battleships and mobile armor
I mean the reason they built the N-Jammer Canceller was down to their inability to bring the conflict to a close by conventional means. By the time the N-Jammer Canceller fell into Alliance hands ZAFT was on the back foot after a string of losses on Earth thanks to the Alliance's new MS Corps. ZAFT had always been a manpower and materiel disadvantage and the only thing keeping them in the war was that each one of their DINNs and GINNs with a single pilot could reliably solo an Alliance Armored Division, Fighter Squadron, or Starship. But with the introduction of the mass produced Strike Daggers the ZAFT leadership knew their time was limited and that eventually, especially with their abysmal birth rate, Coordinators would be overwhelmed by the Naturals' weight of numbers. So for that reason ZAFT knew it needed it's own WMD, something that could so tip the balance in their favor as to ensure the safety of the PLANTs forever more, either by frightening the Earth into signing a settlement, destruction of the Alliance's main spaceborne forces to bring the conflict more to parity, or as a last resort the destruction of a large portion of the Earth. And that weapon was GENESIS. And for that weapon to function ZAFT needed to create the N-Jammer Canceller as no other fuel source could make the design work. It's use in the Gundams was more or less ancillary to this main role.
A question for a potential QOTW: What would the OYW look like if Project V had gone to plan rather than getting intercepted at Side 7? (i.e., no Amuro Ray)
Probably exactly the same. The White Base and Amuro were a very, very small part of the overall war. Hell, as has previously been covered, Amuro wasn't even the top Feddie ace of the war.
@@OuroborosChoked He wasn't the top feddie ace of the war, but I believe he did contribute significantly. Amuro singlehandedly downed a good portion of the zeon pilots. Also iirc the data from the learning computer did help GM development.
@@OuroborosChoked true... he was 2nd or 3rd in the war... i think it was Kenneth A Jung and Lydo Wolf who beat him (im not sure about Lydo) ... but that fact that you are among the top 5 aces of the war means you've probably contributed a hell lot in the result of the war
Gonna be honest, im a bit surprised the N Jammers didnt have any effect on the planet itself unless tbe range was surface only and simply wasnt enough to penetrate to the core.
@@codename1176To quote a certain SEED fic I once read "N Jammers violate so many fundamental laws of physics that we gave up and called them black space magic." There is no logical way for them to work in the first place other than magical plot contrivance. If the writers wanted them to mess with the core, they would have been able to.
@@fanusobscurusand you have to really park your brain outside and not think too hard, as in not at all. The N-Jammer would have retarded any nearby nuclear explosion nearby, which would have destroyed the NJC, by virtue of stopping free neutrons.
For some reason the scenario reminds me of Robin Hood Men in Tights. Earth Alliances slaps with a glove via the nuclear strike, ZAFT picks up a metal gauntlet and slaps back via the N Jammers. Though apparently something like an N Jammer would make Nuclear Fusion easier and cleaner as it would help prevent secondary reactions and nuclear enbrittlement.
N-Jammer blocks free neutrons, and the aneutronic (i.e. produces a very low amount of neutrons, in some fusion reactions they're _required_ for sustainment) fusion reactions are infamously hard to even start, let alone get positive power output with. Think of them more akin to Traveller's Nuclear Dampeners, which prevent fission within their area of effect (either spherical in a planetary context or a giant cone in a space context).
I think a better use application of the N-Jammers, as in significantly more powerful ones mounted in ships and installed in the PLANTs themselves as defensive measures (effectively rendering nuclear weapons expensive battering rams) would have been a better moral victory for ZAFT. Part of the reason I think the AF's troops where so easily indoctrinated by Blue Cosmos was as a direct result of the economic and society hardships brought on as a result of deploying N-Jammers on Earth. People where watching their friends, children and siblings suffer and starve all because of some people in space. Very easy to turn that suffering and anger into extremism.
I would have to say the N-Jammer itself would be a necessary evil, but the NJC(N-Jammer Canceller) in the context of military use is not a requirement. While ZAFT's non-military side would have a big benefit from having the NJC tech, I don't see much use for it that isn't a nuclear missile on the military side. While it does bring about very powerful gundams, just a handful of those aren't enough to completely stomp on the EA(Earth Alliance). But, EA might just purposely target those machines instead just to get their hands on the NJC tech which would have been even worse for ZAFT should that happen.
The Earth Alliance is one of the most frustrating sides in Gundam. Outside of ORB or the Middle East, I don't know why everyone on earth is still siding with them
We can see fairly quickly the power of extremists on both sides (PLANT and Earth). Also there is no in depth explanation of the political system(s) and geopolitical relationships. We know there are several "blocks" within the EA but not how they functions internally and what the power balance between them is (although the Atlantic Federation seems to be leading it, from what I recall).
It's the uniform. It's just so cool! Like the Titans'! I think this could be a fun topic for a video, maybe in a tier list form: which factions have the coolest looking uniforms.
*clears throat* Because fuck the space monsters in human skinsuits. Long awnser, humans have this inate hatred of the 'other'. Goes back to our more primitive days where we had to kill our various related species. Add in the fact that Cordinators are walking talking ubermench and the Feddies promise to make em all radioactive dust...
The Earth Alliance is written so terribly. They're evil as shit and also horribly incompetent. They almost never win any battles and seem to just be almost pure evil. It's completely missing the point of how gundam handles factions. Even the Vagan came off as pretty sympathetic but the Earth Alliance just seems to be almost totally unrelatable. Aside from a few good characters basically every single important member seems to be evil as shit. To the point where you question why the fuck anyone is on their side. The way their written really annoys me because their just the federation except basically irredeemable and dumb as fuck.
How do you think the OYW would have changed if Operation British had succeeded in its intended goal? (i.e., the colony actually hit Jaburo as one piece instead of breaking apart and hitting literally everything else)
It would deal a blow to the Federation, but with Earth's overpopulation, there's plenty of soldiers to be found and with that im pretty sure the people of Earth would be thirsty for Zeon blood. Also, space travel and mining is a non issue so there's plenty of raw materials for MS production. In other words, a successful hit on Jaburo would just slow the inevitable defeat of Zeon.
1. Zeon wins. Federation becomes WW2 Axis country and launches attack on Zeon few years later with their own MS and massive numerical advantage in ships and personel. Possibly few new Sides becomes independent, makeing EF the most powerful nation in UC, but not completly dominant one. 2. War continues. Loss of one of the main bases, but South America would still be in EF hands. If population and military distribution is simmilar to today Earth, EF Army could possibly end with fewer casoulties. Ultimatly war would not change that much. Could end sooner or later depending on pre-war deployment of EF troops.
Apparently Zeon wins. Ghiren's greed showed Operation British 2. Which actually goes thru and decapitates the federation. Afterwards Zeon mops up what's left and takes over.
What was the state of the Earth Federation after the Gryps War, and did Haman’s Neo Zeon have a real chance at controlling the Earth Sphere? Especially if the Zeon Civil War not had happened?
Personally I feel that the war would've been a never-ending stalemate since neither side would have a direct edge over the other and here's why: 1. ZAFT had the best minds to nullify nuclear power as well as develop MS 2. The EA started developing their own MS which allowed for a more level playing-field Regardless of how powerful any MS is, neither side wouldn't be able to make a more lasting impression on the other which leaves only one alternative: biological weapons. Even though Coordinators have stronger immune systems than Naturals, biological weaponry CAN be modified even further to target specific genomes, so the EA might try that one; I'm probably insane to think about that one. Also, I have a QOTW if you didn't see it in a previous video I commented on: how many warmongers exist in the entire Gundam franchise? A warmonger basically starts a conflict for their own benefit (usually financial); I'm also willing to accept any people, faction, corporate, etc. that will play both sides of said conflict for said reasons (mostly for 💵).
11:24 even with all the genetic modification, you can’t undo a human dumb thinking regardless of how intelligent they are. We are after all stupid mon’keigh.
even if PLANT didn't create the N-jammer cancellers and won the war, they still would've lost as a species, 3rd Gen coordinators where genetic dead ends, they're almost sterile at the point.
Hey Kakarrot, do you think that Raigo Gundam’s packs would have worked far better with machines like the Strike E and the Windam? Also, when can we expect a development history for the Second Stage Gundams?
11:46 ironically the Atlantic Federation had the abundant materials for NJC than any other nation on Earth, forcing the PLANT to get them from Mars- which had their own dilemas.
The irony is that nuclear weapons aren't particularly valuable in space -- for the most part. Most of the destructivity of nuclear weapons are how they influence the material around them after detonating, but in a vacuum that's only going to be the immediate area it impacts with most of the nuclear explosion being diffused very, very, very quickly across the void. Combine that with the fact that a space colony such as those in the Cosmic Era would need to have substantive protection against radiation anyways just for the function of supporting life in such a hostile environment, you'd be better off using something else. Meanwhile the Earth is - and remains - incredibly vulnerable to nuclear attacks. ZAFT electing not to use them reflects pretty highly on them, really. Like, imagine if North Korea nuked Seattle and the response of the USA was just bombing their nuclear program. Granted, stopping a fundamental force of nature is a Culture-level feat, Coordinators are truly superior.
I feel like in another universe, the EA’s response for the N-Jammers would be to fight ZAFT with a weapons powered by alternative forms of energy. Maybe a wind-powered Gundam.
To be fair, they did make the Gundams and ZAFT really thought that they F*ed up big time as they didn't have the means to counter such until Athrun and his team managed to bring back almost all of them.
Let be honest guys : the nuclear power is the most powerful power in the history of mankind . You can't not avoid the temptation of that power The creation of N-Jammer cancellers was inevitable unless mankind find the better power than the nuclear
ZAFT would have 100% lost the war if they never made the N-Jammer Canceller. They were struggling to repopulate into the 3rd Generation of Co-Ordinators without the aid of Naturals. They couldn't afford to prioritize their research dealing with the population crisis while the war was on-going, which is also why they had arrange marriages (E.g. Athrun x Lacus)
As far as I remember, Earth Federation from the original Gundam ALSO had a Solar Ray weapon too... Solar System I think... the one that required a LOT of mirrors. I believe this was used against Solomon... and then in 0083 where it was rendered inoperable when all of its control vessels were wiped out . In my opinion, yes... I think EA would be able to EVENTUALLY come up with their own version of the N-Jammer if left alone long enough. They WERE able to come up Geschmeidig Panzer, Mirage Colloid and the Armure Lumiere systems... meaning their researchers have this grasp on how to create fields that effect their units. While it may not be as compact as ZAFT's, they might be able to create one that works like a i-field generator from 0083: Big, bulky, and probably going to be useful only to power bases, ships and nuclear powered long-ranged cannons Oh... to add... ZAFT really really REALLY needs to invest on military security... so much that I hope they make a joke out of it in Gundam SEED: Freedom. Exactly how much technology did they lose during the course of the war? The Freedom, the Justice, the N-Jammer Canceller, the Abyss, Chaos and Gaia, the DOM Trooper Original Spec data, the Eternal, the GOUF that Athrun used to try to make his escape, the Testament ... was ZAFT's security on strike (heh heh) during the course of 2 wars and refuse to do their jobs properly? o.O
I always hated the concept of N-Jammers. They just make _zero_ sense. How exactly is something sunken deep into the surface of the Earth going to interrupt nuclear fission in shielded powerplants? It stands to reason that if a device _outside_ of the nuclear containment vessel is able to influence the reactor contained _inside_ the vessel, that the vessel isn't doing its job and is very likely emitting radiation. And then to make something that "cancels" the N-Jammer is some playground level ass-pull one-upsmanship nonsense. It's comically bad writing and world-building. "You can't use nukes! I have a device that cancels nukes!" "Oh yeah? Well, I have a device that cancels your canceler!" and so on... It's just dumb.
Here’s a question for you, considering how good the mobile dolls were in wing, the final battle was described as even between both sides, based on what we saw through out the series, what’s your thought on it
@@skywarp8726The thing about the Mobile Doll is that a person was controlling them from Libra. If no one was controlling the Mobile Dolls they would fight using their default programing which would result in the defeat of the White Fang.
Without the Canceller, the Freedom and the Justice would not be as powerful, meaning they'll have a harder time defending ORB, Kira and Athrun had a higher chance of dying at that battle in Orb. Now without ORB's interference, the Earth Alliance would have an upper hand at dealing with ZAFT, having those 3 pilots and those 3 machines, they would dominate the battle field, this may end up with ZAFT being defeated.
Now that we know what happened if ZAFT did not develop the N-Jammer Canceller, I would like to ask this for a QOTW: What would've have happened if ZAFT failed to steal any of the Alliance G-Weapons or Gundams? Would ZAFT really be in touble? I mean they're main strength was their mobile suits so they probably would've been able to counter the Gundams after some time. Bonus: What would've happened if the archangel managed to recapture all the stolen Gundams and their pilots after their departure from Orb? Would it have made a difference on the war?
First question's answer would be ZAFT is screwed if they failed to capture four of the five prototype Gundam as they would have no way to develop beam weaponry for mobile suits and the means to hide the Genesis. The Genesis use Mirage Colloid to hide due to it's massive size so without Mirage Colloid it would be a sitting duck. Second question answer would be it makes no difference as ZAFT would already extract enough Info from the four Gundam unit to be able to fight on even ground with the Earth Alliance.
@@CaptainIchimaruGinWell without Yzak, ZAFT probably would have lacked a proper defense against the new gundams that the alliance launched. Also, this would mean Kira never got the Freedom Gundam and Athrun never got the Justice either and without any pilots on those guy's level in either of the machines, an impact is bound to happen.
@@daitoray9876 True. Since Kira was able to recapture the stolen machines that would mean ZAFT only have two powerful machines with no pilots. Rau would still have the Providence, but it probably would be taken out by the Blitz since Mirage Colloid is too overpowered resulting in ZAFT losing. Also since Duel, Aegis, Blitz, and Buster Gundam were retreived that means Blue Cosmos won't be able to make their move since the Earth Alliance has the upper hand in the war.
@@trollinoakenshield9822Only the Atlantic Alliance. With no Gundam Panama Base wouldn't self destruct as the Earth Alliance would have the advantage with all five Gundam. Now this answer is the no capture route. Here's the answer for the re-capture route: Panama Base would get attacked by ZAFT, but instead of the top brass deciding to use the Juggernaut under the base they would fight back with the re-capture Gundam plus Strike meaning ZAFT's attack would fail and Atlantic Alliance unable to take full control of the entire Earth Alliance as the Pacific Alliance would still remain strong plus Panama Base would have Prototype Mobile suits base off each of the five G-weapon.
Unpopular opinion but without n jammer cancellers zaft still csnt lose if not for rau, theyll just be more blood thirsty. Remember who controls the N jammers; Zaft. In space all they need to do is slap an on/off switch on their jammers. They can easily lsunch nukes and turn off the jammers right before the detonation and turn the jammers back on again. They can literally nuke every Alliance fleet and base in Space with impunity. Alliance can keep sending troops and weapons to space but theyll just be nuked.
Here's a question for you, either QOTW or a video idea: Do you think Zeon or Zaft in their respective universes could have actually achieved victory had plot not gotten in the way, why or why not? What I mean is, ignore Amuro and Char and ignore Kira and friends. Looking at their respective militaries, resources and positions, could Zeon or Zaft have actually won their independence and kept it? Or were they doomed by Earth's population and resource/infrastructure advantages? Or for some other reasons?
I don’t think the federation in U.C. had a complete advantage remember in unicorn full frontal plan was to unify the space colonies and cut off supplies since apparently earth was reliant on the colonies food. Ofc I could be wrong I’m not really sure it’s been some years since I’ve seen unicorn
@mysetlist2118 the mistake your making is thinking most colonies were aligned with Zeon. They weren't, Zeon killed not just 2 colonies but attacked multiple Sides. This is why Amuro's colony at side 7 was 'neutral' (quietly supporting the Federation) and why Al's and Christina's colony at side 6 was also 'neutral' (War in the Pocket). During the 1 Year War, most Sides supported the Federation or were neutral. This would change around thr 1st Gryps War or the events of Zeta Gundam. Mostly because of the actions of the Titans. Zeon actually killed the bulk of all Spacenoid deaths in the setting and would punish alliance with the Federation via G3 gas. Similar to how they gassed Federation sympathizes. Like the people of the first colony drop. So no, Zeon was never looking out for Spacenoids and neither is Full Frontal. Mineva doesn't like him for a good reason.
@josephsteven1600 Good points, but I mean less about if they were right or wrong and more could they have feasibly succeeded in their stated goals. Personally, I do not think Zeon would have been able to. They just didn't have the manpower and support like you mentioned. Though if they hadn't alienated the other colonies things might have been different.
I'll be honest I completely forgot about N-Jammers because I saw SEED like a year ago, and I saw SEED Destiny relatively recently, and it isn't mentioned in Destiny.
N-Jammer prevents Fission, but not Fusion, hence why Deuterium Fusion can power mobile suits and whatever else they need. Maybe N-Jammer's effect long distance radar, but that would be an electron issue with the material, or in the air, not a neutron issue. Also, Microwave Radiation is used as a wide-area weapon that bypasses N-Jammers without the need for cancellers. Also the N-Jammer can't effect electrons, or electricity just wouldn't work, so I don't completely buy that it would effect radar or radio. Frankly the idea that you can just stop Neutrons from moving, without effecting protons or electrons is just nuts, on the order of maybe you roll snake eyes and all organic neural activity ceases. Even if you only target the heavy metals, man you run the risk of quantum locking those elements, then having them all explode if the N-Jammer fails for a microsecond.
From my understanding, the N-Jammers were used as a response to the Bloody Valantine tragedy, the plants largely decided to abandon Nuclear technology because they had nearly limitless power because of Solar Power. Patric Zala began the development of the N-Jammer-Canceler to develop the Freedom and Justice Gundam's based off the captured Alliance G Machines. I also want to point something out, I don't believe that the Freedom and Justice were Nuclear powered, Nuclear power, at least in real life is when Neutrons fall off atoms and hit other atoms, causing more neutrons and heat, but here is the thing, That heat has to be contained and kept under control, Chernobyl is a prime example of what happens if heat isn't kept under control in a nuclear reactor, and lets be frank, there just is NO way the cooling systems needed for a nuclear reactor can fit in a gundam. I believe what they used in the Mobile suits were Fusion Reactors, which is a type of nuclear energy, but not like Fission, which is basically just atoms breaking down, Fusion is when 2 atoms combine to form a heavier atom, which releases a lot of energy in the process, well this method would need to be kept cool to keep the reactors housing from melting, compared to Fission, Fusion makes a lot more sense. I'm very VERY much overthinking this but still, even the OG Gundam was powered by a micro fusion reactor, so people calling the Justice and Freedom powered by a Nuclear reactor just kinda pet peeves me because unless you got a lake hidden in that gundam somewhere, the second you turn that thing on, you got about maybe 3 minutes before it melts down pouring nuclear slag through the cockpit, instantly turning the pilot into cooked meat and causing an ecological desaster the likes of which hasn't been seen (and hopefully never will)
@@ryanhoule4415as long ZZ Gundam side story doesn't count If count then technically Gigantis/Ideon will count as MA and that thing are very destructive that can splitting planet like butter 😂
Got a question: if the I-Field are meant to be an anti beam field, if my observations are correct, why cant it block a beam from a beam saber, beam swords, etc
Originally deploying the n jammers could be seen as both a war crime and terror attack considering how reliant the earth federation was on nuclear power and considering I think Zafron actually had a decent chance of winning had they not developed the n jammer canceler
Your theory that Zaft would have won the war if they didn't develop the Canceller is very credible. You just have a few wildcards that would make it not as cut and dry as that though. First you have Lacus Clyne and her faction trying to stop all fighting, sure she wouldn't be able to steal a nuclear powered Gundam to give to her bf, but I'm sure she would still try something. And then the other major wild card is Rau Le Creuset and his desire to destroy everything. If he can't give the Earth nukes he would probably find some other way to cripple Zaft to try to make it a more even playing field/blood bath.
Honestly Genesis was probably their only way for true victory at that point. Zaft was running out of soldiers and if memory served the gen 3 coordnators were steril so compounding the numbers problem. Zala probably quite frankly would have won with Genesis canon if it hadent been for terminal. The earth fleet would have been done with one more shot after their reserves were destroyed on the moon.
since i rewatch SEED series again and planning doing my fanfiction stories of it....there is a huge question i have which ones are the most corrupt Earth Military in every Gundam series? Earth Federation from Universal Century Gjallahorn from Post Disaster Alliance from Anno Domini Earth Alliance from Cosmic Era i hope you making a video of it, about their corruption, their special forces that did war crimes and finally their leader
Zaft was its own greatest enemy it seems.. meanwhile blue cosmos and the earth alliance could do whatever the hell they wanted without anyone on the inside sabotaging them...
Just as a regular question because I wanna build my mg origin rx-78-02 with a decorated set of ribbons ( military rank / awards ) so what kind of ribbons or awards would amuro be giving after his service after the OYW ?
Yo kakarot197 did you see the Gundam ibo urdr hunt movie news this morning their finally turning it into a movie which is great bc lat week you said the mobile game was cancelled
Here's a fun QotD: **How did Anaheim conquer the "weak structural integrity" issue of their suits?** In UC canon, one of the weaknesses Anaheim found during the Zeta Project was weak structural integrity for transformable suits, a problem that persisted seemingly onto ZZ. However, it was hardly mentioned in CCA (and money is still the given reason why we don't have so many Re-GZs), and by Victory Gundam, we have combination gimmicks for miniaturized suits. Even in later works, we have Anaheim fielding out things like the Delta Plus and Anksha in Unicorn, and by Hathaway's Flash, the Penelope is a combined form of a giant mobile suit plus a flight unit.
Most cca suits like Nu, Sazabi, Jegan and Dogs are more simple since they are not transformable. In victory In assume its just the progress of decades of tech development.
Im interested to know how the actual physics of the N jammer and N jammer canceller work…and wasnt it Le cruset who leaked the canceller blue prints to blue cosmos?
Here’s a question: During the Freedom vs Impulse battle, could Kira and the Freedom Gundam have won the battle against Shinn and the Impulse Gundam, can why couldn’t Kira just use the Full Burst Mode on the Impulse Gundam?
This is great thank you. I don't remember this lore from the original anime but read it all on the gundam Wikia. Where did you find these scenes? Was it the HD Bluray?
If the cancelor had never been developed, ZAFT would have lost long term. They were loosing on Earth even before the disaster in Alaska, and with the Alliance closing the gap on tech, Zaft just couldn't trade blows with the Alliance. The canceler was probably developed so that they could build Genesis. But that brings us back to the question of would those resources and research have been better invested elsewhere?
Will there be any time when you'll try to research and explain psychoframe next? I'm curious how it went from basic psycommu into breaking physical dimensions. And maybe while at the topic, the point of having narrative c packs? Jona wasn't awakened yet at that time so i kind find it somewhat pointless
Do you mean black colored Pegasus class that appeared alongside White Base Most likely is SCV-69 PEGASUS since back in 2010s I'm remember see sprites of black Pegasus class in photobucket
I've never had any sympathy for the Alliance in Seed. The Alliance was completely willing to commit genocide outright and had mass murdered a quarter million people instantly. There is no way you can argue to me that what Zaft did was worse. It's not like the Alliance stopped fighting and devoted their resources to taking care of their population, they instead doubled down on their goals of slaughter and genocide. Zaft kept sueing for peace for months and Earth/Alliance just kept fighting. It's no wonder that Zala was able to take command of Zaft and ultimately turned the real atrocities back at Earth.
"There is no way you can argue to me that what Zaft did was worse." The April Fools' Day crisis killed *tens of millions* of people on Earth. Junius Seven is a heinous, evil act. Absolutely. However, does 10,000,000 Natural lives equal 250,000 Coordinator ones? Insane logic. Where was it shown ZAFT kept suing for peace?
@@Revenge221actually there was no source thst really said how many ppl died due to n jammers. Could be more, or for the matter less people. The only thing we got was a nebulous "10% of earths population was affected by the n jammer.", which csn be anywhere between "misssing tv show" to "freeze to death". But seeing how fast alliance spammed all those Strike Daggers and not to mention rebuilding its fleets, I'd say earth still had a crapton of energy and power generation be it from renewable or biofuel or what have you.
No. The other Gundams did not use nuclear fission for power generation. They use everything else such as nuclear fusion, mass-energy conversion (the solar reactors from Gundam 00), black holes (Turn A Gundam), zero point energy/vacuum energy? (Ahab reactors from Iron-Blooded Orphans), and other sources of energy. They can operate just fine even in the presence of them. (The only reason why the neutron jammers would affect thermonuclear weapons is because a nuclear fission reaction is used to generate the heat and pressure to initialize a fusion reaction. If you could replicate that heat and pressure without nuclear fission by another mechanism, then thermonuclear weapons would work as they are meant to.)
QOTW Question: Do you genuinely think that Amuro and the RX-78-2 actually made a difference during the OYW or were Zeon just fighting a war they already lost and were just too stubborn to admit?
I mean, Amuro's Fighting Data did give the Data to help Make and Upgrade the GMs, and he Killed the Ace Pilots of Zeon like Ramba Ral, The Black Tri Star, and then Destroy The Big Zam and Lalah's Elmeth who could Potentially Change The course of the War to Zeon actually Winning. I'd say he did but the Federation probably would have Won still even with the Gundam, Gun Cannons, and Gun Tanks all destroyed in Side 7 cause of the Top 2 Ace Pilots that Killed more than Amuro.
There are three questions that pop into my head when I think about N-Jammer technology: 1) How much energy does it consume and where is it getting this energy from to continue operating independently and indefinitely? 2) How does this affect self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reactions occurring deep within the Earth? 3) How does this affect microscopic nuclear reactions within biological life? They do occur on a microscopic scale in our bodies but serve no real function, however the presence of a field of energy that disrupts these reactions could have consequences tied to the processes that create these reactions which *are* necessary biological functions. I get that it's just a plot device to make things happen the way the show needs them to and that I'm nitpicking, but the unexplored destructive power of such a device and its lack of limitations does make for some interesting thought experiments. The sheer domino effect of such a concept is potentially even more staggering than the various crises of the show explored.
So some of this is just guess work but: 1) The N-Jammers on Earth are probably geo-thermal powered, and since they're buried deep within the Earth there's no shortage of heat to power them. In space they're probably powered by conventional methods, and are more then likely not actively powered all the time as the usual tell a (hostile) ZAFT ship is nearby is the secondary effects of the N-Jammer happening as non-Zaft forces don't have N-Jammers. In fact in episode 1 Heliopolis, a neutral colony, literally declares the Vesalius and Gamow hostile when their N-Jammers start affecting their systems when they're approaching without answering hails. So the fact that a neutral colony would only expect that interference to be deployed by a hostile force shows that at least the ship board N-Jammers are only activated in combat, also you wouldn't be able to have a ship run stealthily if the ship's N-Jammers couldn't be disabled. Not sure about the actual PLANTs or their bases, could be an Artemis type situation where why would you power something you don't need when there are no enemies nearby which would explain the Alliance's development of the Blitz Gundam and it's stealth system. 2) The N-Jammers don't need to stop ALL fission, they just need to stop the ones used in human technology. Also you don't need a field strong enough to affect the ones naturally happening in the Earth, you just need to disrupt the ones used in nuclear technology which are no where near as strong as the ones in the Earth. If our power plants were that strong we'd basically be N-Jammer-ing our planet's magnetic field and EMP-ing our tech, and I won't even go into the stupid amount of problems that would cause on it's own. 3) As above, you don't need the N-Jammers to affect ALL types of fission, just the useful kinds we use. I do think there was some impact on wildlife or something but can't remember if that was a fission related issue, or the massive EM fields they put out screwing with wildlife's use of the Earth's magnetic field. So kind of some logic maybe, but probably some McGuffin non-sense going on. They're basically Minovsky particle spreaders when you can't pin down the actual physics and stuff.
nah in real life you can bascly use a stong entogh elctromatnectic feld and lagre thick entogh metal of armor with a fer layers of gold/coper/carbonfiber faraday cage mesh neting would realstecly work too you know. also in this case the N jamer and anti n jamers would be useing the stroge eclrtomatgtic feld way of stoping nutrions bascly. this is also fundmental to prevent nuclear fusion reactors intrenal contament walls from bascly geting nurtion sandblasted by the way.
N hammer Cancellers we’re inevitable history has proven that some tech, strategy, or a mix of both will be made to counteract new weapons or tech. Imo what’s only debatable how long would it take even if ZAFT didn’t develop them. Also keep in mind orb has good scientists coordinators and naturals that could possibly develop them at some point to like the g weapons and astray frames. And other third parties to the demand is high to do something about the N jammers for most living on earth.
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, a comedy anime that is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft works had a gag that revolves around Gundam SEED is that they can make an "N-Jammer Canceller-Canceller" which is then followed by a repeated added opposing "Canceller" to counter each other.
Man nyaruko is comedy gold
Their kamen rider joke always gold
Imagine a real life N-Jammer being developed. We would probably have prolonged conflicts on a global scale because countries wouldn't fear Nuclear retaliation anymore. 😂
I mean..it would be hilarious to see what North Korea does with half their industry suddenly useless.
Although I think we have a better chance of making a Neutron Stampeder than a Neutron Jammer. Wonder if that's even being worked on?
Yes however it would also cancel out nuclear power plants across the world basically putting some areas without power and in a crisis but then again n jammer canceler exist to but again an n jammer canceler on a icbm would still happen
@@thesilverceres7042 A majority of the world still uses fossil fuels.
@@janlim0916 fair point
We would have an ace combat scenario where the strongest weapons are v2s. Or the unspecified hawaian killing laser of the us of a.
Considering that Patrick Zala (Athrun's father) was essentially on a genocidal kick all the way up until the end of gundam seed AND Rau being the omnicidal maniac who played both sides to butcher one another, if Patrick was more sane and less of a genocidal maniac, he may have been able to simply stop and realize how much of a resource sink genesis was and how much of a risk the N-Jammer canceller was to begin with. And Siegal literally was telling him that there was no way for the coordiantors to exist as a separate race of people because third gen coordinators were sterile. Long story short, if Patrick Zala wasn't insane or Siegal was in power, the N-Jammer Canceller wouldn't have been developed (at least during the war).
Someone probably try to tell him and he probably shot them, like that one guy questioning him
Patrick is a valedictorian in the Tarkin school of overkill.
Given the implication that Patrick's wife was on Junius 7 and he only went full-on genocidal after the Earth Alliance got their nukes back...
@@TheTrueAdept He build Genesis beforehand the Earth got there Nukes back.
@@Replica_Rabbit ... and it was initially a solar sail laser emitter.
Wow, thanks for answering my question in detail😊
Didn't realized this was so deep & complicated within CE history
Looking at it, N-Jammers is a good way to prevent nuclear meltdowns.
It should be noted that GENESIS is probably the only card they had left. ZAFT was having problems keeping up with the grind of war, and simply having more MS is basically having empty units without pilots gathering dust.
The Zaft needed to have better security around the Freedom and Justice as well as the N-Jamer Canceler data. Being able to use nuclear weapons while your enemy cannot is a huge advantage, the war would have been won by Zaft if this had remained the case. That was probably Chairmain Patrick Zala's intentions, to end the war quickly with minimal additional casulties using the threat of nuclear weapons to force the Earth Alliance to unconditionally surrender, or be wiped out completely, to deter the Earth Alliance from further aggression against the Plants.
They were both doing the same thing as blue cosmos is doing and that's why they don't deserve to win the war on earth or in outer space.
Given his tenacity, i'm sure Rau would have found a way to make sure things had gone the same way they had regardless of the N-Jammer cancellers or not.
Things like this make me briefly consider rewatching Seed, before I remember how much I can't stand the actual characters and bury that idea where it stands.
Goodthing I’m not interested in characters, one goodthing about being autistic is not being as interested in characters and all that when watching movies, etc you can just ignore bad characters 😂
the science implications of a Neutron Jammer would be so damn crazy; that thing breaks the damn laws of physics
like no joke even if it only does something like preventing gamma decay (which is the main mechanism of nuclear fission) that still has massive implications; if no gamma radiation is produced, would it instead be alpha and beta radiation (Helium and electrons respectively)
and given the nature of gamma radiation (being high frequency electromagnetic waves), would it affect electronics and other things that use electromagnetism?
seriously though, if I were an Earth Alliance politician I'd be begging the PLANTs for peace talks; if ZAFT can break the laws of physics what's stopping them from developing anti-matter weapons?
The "beam" weapons were catagorized as Anti-matter, destroying the objects they come into contact with at the molecular level. Basically cutting a hole in an object and letting the vaporization create the ensuing explosion.
@@LuoSon312_G8Cosmic Era could have the same space magic as 00 if the Coordinators and Naturals weren't so hell-bent on committing mass genocide on each other
Lohengrin were Positron Cannons, a type of anti-matter weapon. In fact, they used this in the show in order to boost the Archangel into space by firing them and effectively annihilating the atmosphere in their path to reduce drag.
Well it did effect radio waves too, which are electromagnetic waves so🤗
N-Jammer is very useful device and thank you for the answer why getting rid of it wasn't simple as it seems and a huge waste of time too.
While I'm neutral to Cosmic Era factions but no one likes a trigger happy who love firing Nukes.
Case in point on the NJC field: Gundam Blue Frame Astray got within the close range of an enemy NJC field to use the nuclear fission power positron cannon it had.
I wonder if this guy watched the movies instead of the show, as the movies pretty much ignore the n-jamming of earth (and most of the setup for the conflict, like not talking about what coordinators are until the 3rd movie).
Chairman zala is too angry he didn't think thoroughly and his hatred clouded his entire judgment
And That What Killed him his own Hate
I do have a question for future QOTW. If Kira was unable to steal the Freedom which of the other 4 ZAFT gumdams would be perfect fit for him i.e Testament, Dreadnought, Providence, Justice and Regenerate as well as how would it effected Destiny because of that?
Apparently, Destiny was originally meant to be Kira's upgrade suit, they just had not ironed out the details and the concept art so they used Freedom instead and reused Destony in GSD. One of the big giveaways is the weapons, the sword and beam canon looks very Strike, more so than Impulse.
@@shoootme Apparently the reason was that Bandai couldn't figure out how to make the weapon change system in time. And by SEED Destiny they finally figured things out.
Hard to say what would be perfect Kira was a versatile pilot that was proficient in long range and close combat.
Given he is again the Ultimate Coordinator and it does show he can do anything pretty well, he can pilot any MS and probably will modify the OS to his own liking lol for any of those Gundam and he might modify or upgrade if he got the test bed units asking Orb for help, while if he got Providence, it won't just affect Destiny, the Seed S1 will have to rewritten overall don't have to point the obvious reason (its pretty OP MS adding it killed flay), but if the events stays the same (Flay got killed by Freedom pilot by Rau) but he got Providence and continues in Destiny, Shin wouldn't have been probably able to destroy him.
Anyways forgotten most of the Destiny but other than Providence not being able to be killed by Shin their might have not much changes really (cause Archangel or Kira Faction wasn't really their until in the middle of the story) other than the fact Kira won't get a "upgraded" version MS, cause Providence is already at its peak, the only changes might happen is adding Beam Shield and the Gold Coating whatever that was.
Anyways this is based on anime not manga cause don't know much on those side.
@@haruusami1831Shin would Probably still be able to Destroy him. The Providence is Dragoons isn't going to work in the Atmosphere just Like Strike Freedom (Which the Dragoons is Literally its Main Weapon), and Shin still can do the same thing in the Anime and Learn Kira's Attack Patterns through the Battle Simulations and it would go Even worse than when Kira is using the Freedom since the Freedom is also more Versatile on its Weapons and Agile compared to the Providence.
In Destiny, they introduced the Neutron Stampeder, which could detonate enemy nukes. Then, they kind of ignored this weapon afterward. However, I imagine it'd be extremely effective against a nuclear powered mobile suit.
That was more of a miniature genesis weapon, not really feasible for repeated use since the fins are fried after only a single use. Also, any decent MS pilot wouldn't be standing around waiting to get hit in the face by this, it's better suited for taking out slower moving battleships and mobile armor
Loved that the Turn A was deeper than the T-Rex
I mean the reason they built the N-Jammer Canceller was down to their inability to bring the conflict to a close by conventional means. By the time the N-Jammer Canceller fell into Alliance hands ZAFT was on the back foot after a string of losses on Earth thanks to the Alliance's new MS Corps. ZAFT had always been a manpower and materiel disadvantage and the only thing keeping them in the war was that each one of their DINNs and GINNs with a single pilot could reliably solo an Alliance Armored Division, Fighter Squadron, or Starship. But with the introduction of the mass produced Strike Daggers the ZAFT leadership knew their time was limited and that eventually, especially with their abysmal birth rate, Coordinators would be overwhelmed by the Naturals' weight of numbers.
So for that reason ZAFT knew it needed it's own WMD, something that could so tip the balance in their favor as to ensure the safety of the PLANTs forever more, either by frightening the Earth into signing a settlement, destruction of the Alliance's main spaceborne forces to bring the conflict more to parity, or as a last resort the destruction of a large portion of the Earth. And that weapon was GENESIS. And for that weapon to function ZAFT needed to create the N-Jammer Canceller as no other fuel source could make the design work. It's use in the Gundams was more or less ancillary to this main role.
Don’t forget JOSH-A’s detonation.
A question for a potential QOTW: What would the OYW look like if Project V had gone to plan rather than getting intercepted at Side 7? (i.e., no Amuro Ray)
Is this not a meta question? Like Bandai funding or toy promotion issue...
Probably exactly the same. The White Base and Amuro were a very, very small part of the overall war. Hell, as has previously been covered, Amuro wasn't even the top Feddie ace of the war.
@@OuroborosChoked He wasn't the top feddie ace of the war, but I believe he did contribute significantly. Amuro singlehandedly downed a good portion of the zeon pilots. Also iirc the data from the learning computer did help GM development.
@@OuroborosChoked true... he was 2nd or 3rd in the war... i think it was Kenneth A Jung and Lydo Wolf who beat him (im not sure about Lydo) ... but that fact that you are among the top 5 aces of the war means you've probably contributed a hell lot in the result of the war
The gm had already been deployed by the time white base reached south America @@ReploidGodX
Glad to see the series back, these are really useful for gundam lore
Gonna be honest, im a bit surprised the N Jammers didnt have any effect on the planet itself unless tbe range was surface only and simply wasnt enough to penetrate to the core.
The planets fusion is due to immense pressure you aren’t stopping that
There really isn't a lot of natural fission in the Earth. Most of it is decay. Which doesn't really care about the neutrons.
@@codename1176To quote a certain SEED fic I once read "N Jammers violate so many fundamental laws of physics that we gave up and called them black space magic." There is no logical way for them to work in the first place other than magical plot contrivance. If the writers wanted them to mess with the core, they would have been able to.
@@fanusobscurusand you have to really park your brain outside and not think too hard, as in not at all. The N-Jammer would have retarded any nearby nuclear explosion nearby, which would have destroyed the NJC, by virtue of stopping free neutrons.
For some reason the scenario reminds me of Robin Hood Men in Tights. Earth Alliances slaps with a glove via the nuclear strike, ZAFT picks up a metal gauntlet and slaps back via the N Jammers.
Though apparently something like an N Jammer would make Nuclear Fusion easier and cleaner as it would help prevent secondary reactions and nuclear enbrittlement.
N-Jammer blocks free neutrons, and the aneutronic (i.e. produces a very low amount of neutrons, in some fusion reactions they're _required_ for sustainment) fusion reactions are infamously hard to even start, let alone get positive power output with.
Think of them more akin to Traveller's Nuclear Dampeners, which prevent fission within their area of effect (either spherical in a planetary context or a giant cone in a space context).
Lmao april fools crisis always has me dying, they did it to themselves.
For the war they started on the Innocent they murdered
We are not in a crisis
April fools
Honestly the n-jammers were a genius idea had they had been deployed more discriminately.
We could use more of this type of video, discussing and explaining Gundam's original and weird terminologies.
I think a better use application of the N-Jammers, as in significantly more powerful ones mounted in ships and installed in the PLANTs themselves as defensive measures (effectively rendering nuclear weapons expensive battering rams) would have been a better moral victory for ZAFT. Part of the reason I think the AF's troops where so easily indoctrinated by Blue Cosmos was as a direct result of the economic and society hardships brought on as a result of deploying N-Jammers on Earth. People where watching their friends, children and siblings suffer and starve all because of some people in space. Very easy to turn that suffering and anger into extremism.
I would have to say the N-Jammer itself would be a necessary evil, but the NJC(N-Jammer Canceller) in the context of military use is not a requirement.
While ZAFT's non-military side would have a big benefit from having the NJC tech, I don't see much use for it that isn't a nuclear missile on the military side. While it does bring about very powerful gundams, just a handful of those aren't enough to completely stomp on the EA(Earth Alliance). But, EA might just purposely target those machines instead just to get their hands on the NJC tech which would have been even worse for ZAFT should that happen.
The N-Jammer was a deliberate plan to give them a cassus belli to use Requiem if I remember correctly.
N jammer was unveiled in early CE71. Requiem is unveiled late 73 or early 74
The Earth Alliance is one of the most frustrating sides in Gundam. Outside of ORB or the Middle East, I don't know why everyone on earth is still siding with them
We can see fairly quickly the power of extremists on both sides (PLANT and Earth). Also there is no in depth explanation of the political system(s) and geopolitical relationships. We know there are several "blocks" within the EA but not how they functions internally and what the power balance between them is (although the Atlantic Federation seems to be leading it, from what I recall).
It's the uniform. It's just so cool! Like the Titans'!
I think this could be a fun topic for a video, maybe in a tier list form: which factions have the coolest looking uniforms.
*clears throat* Because fuck the space monsters in human skinsuits.
Long awnser, humans have this inate hatred of the 'other'. Goes back to our more primitive days where we had to kill our various related species. Add in the fact that Cordinators are walking talking ubermench and the Feddies promise to make em all radioactive dust...
The Earth Alliance is written so terribly. They're evil as shit and also horribly incompetent. They almost never win any battles and seem to just be almost pure evil. It's completely missing the point of how gundam handles factions. Even the Vagan came off as pretty sympathetic but the Earth Alliance just seems to be almost totally unrelatable. Aside from a few good characters basically every single important member seems to be evil as shit. To the point where you question why the fuck anyone is on their side. The way their written really annoys me because their just the federation except basically irredeemable and dumb as fuck.
South America wanted out after the 1st war for its own independence that Ed the Ripper too defected to fight for its independence.
How do you think the OYW would have changed if Operation British had succeeded in its intended goal? (i.e., the colony actually hit Jaburo as one piece instead of breaking apart and hitting literally everything else)
Prolly nothing. The EFF would evacuate easily.
It would deal a blow to the Federation, but with Earth's overpopulation, there's plenty of soldiers to be found and with that im pretty sure the people of Earth would be thirsty for Zeon blood. Also, space travel and mining is a non issue so there's plenty of raw materials for MS production.
In other words, a successful hit on Jaburo would just slow the inevitable defeat of Zeon.
1. Zeon wins. Federation becomes WW2 Axis country and launches attack on Zeon few years later with their own MS and massive numerical advantage in ships and personel. Possibly few new Sides becomes independent, makeing EF the most powerful nation in UC, but not completly dominant one.
2. War continues. Loss of one of the main bases, but South America would still be in EF hands. If population and military distribution is simmilar to today Earth, EF Army could possibly end with fewer casoulties. Ultimatly war would not change that much. Could end sooner or later depending on pre-war deployment of EF troops.
Apparently Zeon wins. Ghiren's greed showed Operation British 2. Which actually goes thru and decapitates the federation. Afterwards Zeon mops up what's left and takes over.
@@TheUnoriginalDrCorgiwell nothing stopping them from addicted battle
The N-Jammer canceler is a whole bunch of magical martian rocks.
So you're saying Kira just Boson Jumped his way out of Impulse's Excalibur?
The Freedom's Cockpit is position in the upper chest, not the belly area the Impulse stabbed. @@epsilon9567
Would be as good as any explanation
@@epsilon9567 Oh, that was naked coordinator magic.
What was the state of the Earth Federation after the Gryps War, and did Haman’s Neo Zeon have a real chance at controlling the Earth Sphere? Especially if the Zeon Civil War not had happened?
Hamas got so far mostly due to Federation top brass not wanting to care and seems to not have grasp of simple geopolitical 101.
Personally I feel that the war would've been a never-ending stalemate since neither side would have a direct edge over the other and here's why:
1. ZAFT had the best minds to nullify nuclear power as well as develop MS
2. The EA started developing their own MS which allowed for a more level playing-field
Regardless of how powerful any MS is, neither side wouldn't be able to make a more lasting impression on the other which leaves only one alternative: biological weapons. Even though Coordinators have stronger immune systems than Naturals, biological weaponry CAN be modified even further to target specific genomes, so the EA might try that one; I'm probably insane to think about that one. Also, I have a QOTW if you didn't see it in a previous video I commented on: how many warmongers exist in the entire Gundam franchise? A warmonger basically starts a conflict for their own benefit (usually financial); I'm also willing to accept any people, faction, corporate, etc. that will play both sides of said conflict for said reasons (mostly for 💵).
11:24 even with all the genetic modification, you can’t undo a human dumb thinking regardless of how intelligent they are. We are after all stupid mon’keigh.
Seems like the Alliance didn't do their history, should have been called the Truman if they wanted to end it.
even if PLANT didn't create the N-jammer cancellers and won the war, they still would've lost as a species, 3rd Gen coordinators where genetic dead ends, they're almost sterile at the point.
You can say that the Earth Alliance would still win if they Still blew up the Plants and cause the atrocity to the innocent
Hey Kakarrot, do you think that Raigo Gundam’s packs would have worked far better with machines like the Strike E and the Windam?
Also, when can we expect a development history for the Second Stage Gundams?
7:23 i like those windows xp and turn a easter eggs.
11:46 ironically the Atlantic Federation had the abundant materials for NJC than any other nation on Earth, forcing the PLANT to get them from Mars- which had their own dilemas.
The irony is that nuclear weapons aren't particularly valuable in space -- for the most part. Most of the destructivity of nuclear weapons are how they influence the material around them after detonating, but in a vacuum that's only going to be the immediate area it impacts with most of the nuclear explosion being diffused very, very, very quickly across the void. Combine that with the fact that a space colony such as those in the Cosmic Era would need to have substantive protection against radiation anyways just for the function of supporting life in such a hostile environment, you'd be better off using something else.
Meanwhile the Earth is - and remains - incredibly vulnerable to nuclear attacks. ZAFT electing not to use them reflects pretty highly on them, really. Like, imagine if North Korea nuked Seattle and the response of the USA was just bombing their nuclear program.
Granted, stopping a fundamental force of nature is a Culture-level feat, Coordinators are truly superior.
9:03, ngl I was expecting a segway into a NordVPN ad, and was so confused when it didn’t happen
I feel like in another universe, the EA’s response for the N-Jammers would be to fight ZAFT with a weapons powered by alternative forms of energy. Maybe a wind-powered Gundam.
Neo Holland: (intense windmill noises)
Ah yes, Kamen Rider Gundam.
Also, while wind power might work on Earth, I can’t really imagine it being used in the vacuum of space.
Solar Winds
That's the best I can think of@@ikhwan-saneq-0184
To be fair, they did make the Gundams and ZAFT really thought that they F*ed up big time as they didn't have the means to counter such until Athrun and his team managed to bring back almost all of them.
I could see them using solar powered mobile suits, kinda like the early grunt suits from 00.
Let be honest guys : the nuclear power is the most powerful power in the history of mankind . You can't not avoid the temptation of that power
The creation of N-Jammer cancellers was inevitable unless mankind find the better power than the nuclear
ZAFT would have 100% lost the war if they never made the N-Jammer Canceller. They were struggling to repopulate into the 3rd Generation of Co-Ordinators without the aid of Naturals. They couldn't afford to prioritize their research dealing with the population crisis while the war was on-going, which is also why they had arrange marriages (E.g. Athrun x Lacus)
Thanks for the video
As far as I remember, Earth Federation from the original Gundam ALSO had a Solar Ray weapon too... Solar System I think... the one that required a LOT of mirrors. I believe this was used against Solomon... and then in 0083 where it was rendered inoperable when all of its control vessels were wiped out .
In my opinion, yes... I think EA would be able to EVENTUALLY come up with their own version of the N-Jammer if left alone long enough. They WERE able to come up Geschmeidig Panzer, Mirage Colloid and the Armure Lumiere systems... meaning their researchers have this grasp on how to create fields that effect their units. While it may not be as compact as ZAFT's, they might be able to create one that works like a i-field generator from 0083: Big, bulky, and probably going to be useful only to power bases, ships and nuclear powered long-ranged cannons
Oh... to add... ZAFT really really REALLY needs to invest on military security... so much that I hope they make a joke out of it in Gundam SEED: Freedom. Exactly how much technology did they lose during the course of the war? The Freedom, the Justice, the N-Jammer Canceller, the Abyss, Chaos and Gaia, the DOM Trooper Original Spec data, the Eternal, the GOUF that Athrun used to try to make his escape, the Testament ... was ZAFT's security on strike (heh heh) during the course of 2 wars and refuse to do their jobs properly? o.O
Believe it came down to a heavy amount of aragance and pride.
I have a question but for people who know it's probably simple: What is the difference between a Natural and a Cordinater (aside from CE's New type)?
Natural born naturally, while coordinator received genetic modification which supposedly making them flawless.
@@trollinoakenshield9822 Oh wow. I didn't think it was that sorta deal. Thank you for answering.
My only question is why does it seem like nearly everything in SEED has an acronym (from a writing standpoint, not in-universe)?
Early 2000s was the era of U.S.A .P.A.T.R.I.O.T act and other such fun backronyms. Seed etc was just following real life.
I always hated the concept of N-Jammers. They just make _zero_ sense. How exactly is something sunken deep into the surface of the Earth going to interrupt nuclear fission in shielded powerplants? It stands to reason that if a device _outside_ of the nuclear containment vessel is able to influence the reactor contained _inside_ the vessel, that the vessel isn't doing its job and is very likely emitting radiation.
And then to make something that "cancels" the N-Jammer is some playground level ass-pull one-upsmanship nonsense. It's comically bad writing and world-building.
"You can't use nukes! I have a device that cancels nukes!"
"Oh yeah? Well, I have a device that cancels your canceler!"
and so on...
It's just dumb.
Here’s a question for you, considering how good the mobile dolls were in wing, the final battle was described as even between both sides, based on what we saw through out the series, what’s your thought on it
Yes the Gundam pilot were holding back as they don't want to kill. If they weren't holding back then the Serpent mobile suits would be toast.
@@CaptainIchimaruGinwas talking about the final battle in the tv series not endless waltz 😊
@@skywarp8726The thing about the Mobile Doll is that a person was controlling them from Libra. If no one was controlling the Mobile Dolls they would fight using their default programing which would result in the defeat of the White Fang.
I always wondered who would win the war if Kira and the Clyne faction didn't exist
Would've said neither since they'd nuked one another.
Without the Canceller, the Freedom and the Justice would not be as powerful, meaning they'll have a harder time defending ORB, Kira and Athrun had a higher chance of dying at that battle in Orb. Now without ORB's interference, the Earth Alliance would have an upper hand at dealing with ZAFT, having those 3 pilots and those 3 machines, they would dominate the battle field, this may end up with ZAFT being defeated.
And we will see that situation in Seed Freedom with Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice
I'd had the Canceller tech figured as a simple but powerful type of shielding on reactors.
Now that we know what happened if ZAFT did not develop the N-Jammer Canceller, I would like to ask this for a QOTW: What would've have happened if ZAFT failed to steal any of the Alliance G-Weapons or Gundams? Would ZAFT really be in touble? I mean they're main strength was their mobile suits so they probably would've been able to counter the Gundams after some time. Bonus: What would've happened if the archangel managed to recapture all the stolen Gundams and their pilots after their departure from Orb? Would it have made a difference on the war?
First question's answer would be ZAFT is screwed if they failed to capture four of the five prototype Gundam as they would have no way to develop beam weaponry for mobile suits and the means to hide the Genesis. The Genesis use Mirage Colloid to hide due to it's massive size so without Mirage Colloid it would be a sitting duck. Second question answer would be it makes no difference as ZAFT would already extract enough Info from the four Gundam unit to be able to fight on even ground with the Earth Alliance.
@@CaptainIchimaruGinWell without Yzak, ZAFT probably would have lacked a proper defense against the new gundams that the alliance launched. Also, this would mean Kira never got the Freedom Gundam and Athrun never got the Justice either and without any pilots on those guy's level in either of the machines, an impact is bound to happen.
@@daitoray9876 True. Since Kira was able to recapture the stolen machines that would mean ZAFT only have two powerful machines with no pilots. Rau would still have the Providence, but it probably would be taken out by the Blitz since Mirage Colloid is too overpowered resulting in ZAFT losing. Also since Duel, Aegis, Blitz, and Buster Gundam were retreived that means Blue Cosmos won't be able to make their move since the Earth Alliance has the upper hand in the war.
@@CaptainIchimaruGinBlue cosmos fully controlled the Atlantic federation though.
@@trollinoakenshield9822Only the Atlantic Alliance. With no Gundam Panama Base wouldn't self destruct as the Earth Alliance would have the advantage with all five Gundam. Now this answer is the no capture route. Here's the answer for the re-capture route: Panama Base would get attacked by ZAFT, but instead of the top brass deciding to use the Juggernaut under the base they would fight back with the re-capture Gundam plus Strike meaning ZAFT's attack would fail and Atlantic Alliance unable to take full control of the entire Earth Alliance as the Pacific Alliance would still remain strong plus Panama Base would have Prototype Mobile suits base off each of the five G-weapon.
The most amazing piece of technology in the Cosmic Era universe is still that somehow an early 2000s era Acer Aspire laptop still worked.
Unpopular opinion but without n jammer cancellers zaft still csnt lose if not for rau, theyll just be more blood thirsty.
Remember who controls the N jammers; Zaft. In space all they need to do is slap an on/off switch on their jammers. They can easily lsunch nukes and turn off the jammers right before the detonation and turn the jammers back on again. They can literally nuke every Alliance fleet and base in Space with impunity. Alliance can keep sending troops and weapons to space but theyll just be nuked.
Here's a question for you, either QOTW or a video idea:
Do you think Zeon or Zaft in their respective universes could have actually achieved victory had plot not gotten in the way, why or why not?
What I mean is, ignore Amuro and Char and ignore Kira and friends. Looking at their respective militaries, resources and positions, could Zeon or Zaft have actually won their independence and kept it? Or were they doomed by Earth's population and resource/infrastructure advantages? Or for some other reasons?
I don’t think the federation in U.C. had a complete advantage remember in unicorn full frontal plan was to unify the space colonies and cut off supplies since apparently earth was reliant on the colonies food. Ofc I could be wrong I’m not really sure it’s been some years since I’ve seen unicorn
@mysetlist2118 the mistake your making is thinking most colonies were aligned with Zeon.
They weren't, Zeon killed not just 2 colonies but attacked multiple Sides. This is why Amuro's colony at side 7 was 'neutral' (quietly supporting the Federation) and why Al's and Christina's colony at side 6 was also 'neutral' (War in the Pocket). During the 1 Year War, most Sides supported the Federation or were neutral. This would change around thr 1st Gryps War or the events of Zeta Gundam. Mostly because of the actions of the Titans.
Zeon actually killed the bulk of all Spacenoid deaths in the setting and would punish alliance with the Federation via G3 gas. Similar to how they gassed Federation sympathizes. Like the people of the first colony drop.
So no, Zeon was never looking out for Spacenoids and neither is Full Frontal. Mineva doesn't like him for a good reason.
@josephsteven1600 Good points, but I mean less about if they were right or wrong and more could they have feasibly succeeded in their stated goals.
Personally, I do not think Zeon would have been able to. They just didn't have the manpower and support like you mentioned. Though if they hadn't alienated the other colonies things might have been different.
@josephsteven1600 no I said his plan was to unify the space colonies. I know not all colonies were aligned with Zeon.
Ignore Kira... everyone dies in Seed because of Rau anyway. You have to remove Rau as well.
I'll be honest I completely forgot about N-Jammers because I saw SEED like a year ago, and I saw SEED Destiny relatively recently, and it isn't mentioned in Destiny.
N-Jammer prevents Fission, but not Fusion, hence why Deuterium Fusion can power mobile suits and whatever else they need. Maybe N-Jammer's effect long distance radar, but that would be an electron issue with the material, or in the air, not a neutron issue. Also, Microwave Radiation is used as a wide-area weapon that bypasses N-Jammers without the need for cancellers. Also the N-Jammer can't effect electrons, or electricity just wouldn't work, so I don't completely buy that it would effect radar or radio. Frankly the idea that you can just stop Neutrons from moving, without effecting protons or electrons is just nuts, on the order of maybe you roll snake eyes and all organic neural activity ceases. Even if you only target the heavy metals, man you run the risk of quantum locking those elements, then having them all explode if the N-Jammer fails for a microsecond.
From my understanding, the N-Jammers were used as a response to the Bloody Valantine tragedy, the plants largely decided to abandon Nuclear technology because they had nearly limitless power because of Solar Power. Patric Zala began the development of the N-Jammer-Canceler to develop the Freedom and Justice Gundam's based off the captured Alliance G Machines. I also want to point something out, I don't believe that the Freedom and Justice were Nuclear powered, Nuclear power, at least in real life is when Neutrons fall off atoms and hit other atoms, causing more neutrons and heat, but here is the thing, That heat has to be contained and kept under control, Chernobyl is a prime example of what happens if heat isn't kept under control in a nuclear reactor, and lets be frank, there just is NO way the cooling systems needed for a nuclear reactor can fit in a gundam. I believe what they used in the Mobile suits were Fusion Reactors, which is a type of nuclear energy, but not like Fission, which is basically just atoms breaking down, Fusion is when 2 atoms combine to form a heavier atom, which releases a lot of energy in the process, well this method would need to be kept cool to keep the reactors housing from melting, compared to Fission, Fusion makes a lot more sense. I'm very VERY much overthinking this but still, even the OG Gundam was powered by a micro fusion reactor, so people calling the Justice and Freedom powered by a Nuclear reactor just kinda pet peeves me because unless you got a lake hidden in that gundam somewhere, the second you turn that thing on, you got about maybe 3 minutes before it melts down pouring nuclear slag through the cockpit, instantly turning the pilot into cooked meat and causing an ecological desaster the likes of which hasn't been seen (and hopefully never will)
The Vindicator boldly asks the question 'What if we want a Griffin, but don't have Griffins?'. And then it answers with 'We make our own'.
Please do a video on the most powerful/dangerous mobile armors of all time.
I think IBO would take the top spot since theirs wiped out a quarter of the entire human population
@@ryanhoule4415 Agreed.
@@cat_cherf17Not to mention some of them are freaking KAIJU-SIZED
@@ryanhoule4415as long ZZ Gundam side story doesn't count
If count then technically Gigantis/Ideon will count as MA and that thing are very destructive that can splitting planet like butter 😂
Been a while since I've seen Seed and Seed Destiny. Was this ever actually explained in the anime?
Got a question: if the I-Field are meant to be an anti beam field, if my observations are correct, why cant it block a beam from a beam saber, beam swords, etc
lets go QOTW is bacj
Steam powered applications make a big comeback.
Originally deploying the n jammers could be seen as both a war crime and terror attack considering how reliant the earth federation was on nuclear power and considering I think Zafron actually had a decent chance of winning had they not developed the n jammer canceler
Your theory that Zaft would have won the war if they didn't develop the Canceller is very credible. You just have a few wildcards that would make it not as cut and dry as that though. First you have Lacus Clyne and her faction trying to stop all fighting, sure she wouldn't be able to steal a nuclear powered Gundam to give to her bf, but I'm sure she would still try something. And then the other major wild card is Rau Le Creuset and his desire to destroy everything. If he can't give the Earth nukes he would probably find some other way to cripple Zaft to try to make it a more even playing field/blood bath.
So a A.O.Z RE-BOOT version of the ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5[Hrairoo]going to come out soon
Honestly Genesis was probably their only way for true victory at that point. Zaft was running out of soldiers and if memory served the gen 3 coordnators were steril so compounding the numbers problem. Zala probably quite frankly would have won with Genesis canon if it hadent been for terminal. The earth fleet would have been done with one more shot after their reserves were destroyed on the moon.
You should do a video on the gerancieres from unicorn
since i rewatch SEED series again and planning doing my fanfiction stories of it....there is a huge question i have
which ones are the most corrupt Earth Military in every Gundam series?
Earth Federation from Universal Century
Gjallahorn from Post Disaster
Alliance from Anno Domini
Earth Alliance from Cosmic Era
i hope you making a video of it, about their corruption, their special forces that did war crimes and finally their leader
Zaft was its own greatest enemy it seems.. meanwhile blue cosmos and the earth alliance could do whatever the hell they wanted without anyone on the inside sabotaging them...
Just as a regular question because I wanna build my mg origin rx-78-02 with a decorated set of ribbons ( military rank / awards ) so what kind of ribbons or awards would amuro be giving after his service after the OYW ?
Yo kakarot197 did you see the Gundam ibo urdr hunt movie news this morning their finally turning it into a movie which is great bc lat week you said the mobile game was cancelled
Are we sure it’s a movie, it could be an OVA? I could go with either to be honest.
Here's a question: what is Phase Shift armor and how exactly does it negate kinetic weapon impacts?
And more importantly, why is it an energy hog?
Here's a fun QotD: **How did Anaheim conquer the "weak structural integrity" issue of their suits?** In UC canon, one of the weaknesses Anaheim found during the Zeta Project was weak structural integrity for transformable suits, a problem that persisted seemingly onto ZZ. However, it was hardly mentioned in CCA (and money is still the given reason why we don't have so many Re-GZs), and by Victory Gundam, we have combination gimmicks for miniaturized suits. Even in later works, we have Anaheim fielding out things like the Delta Plus and Anksha in Unicorn, and by Hathaway's Flash, the Penelope is a combined form of a giant mobile suit plus a flight unit.
Most cca suits like Nu, Sazabi, Jegan and Dogs are more simple since they are not transformable.
In victory In assume its just the progress of decades of tech development.
Im interested to know how the actual physics of the N jammer and N jammer canceller work…and wasnt it Le cruset who leaked the canceller blue prints to blue cosmos?
Question Whats the Cannon Status of all Gundam Units by the time of F-91 as in mothballed, destroyed, MIA, still in service, or other.
Here’s a question: During the Freedom vs Impulse battle, could Kira and the Freedom Gundam have won the battle against Shinn and the Impulse Gundam, can why couldn’t Kira just use the Full Burst Mode on the Impulse Gundam?
I think you're right
This is great thank you.
I don't remember this lore from the original anime but read it all on the gundam Wikia. Where did you find these scenes? Was it the HD Bluray?
@kakarot197 hey sir, can you make a video about Zaku Phantom Development History?
Just remember coordinators aren't people FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OUR BLUE AND PURE WORLD!!!
If the cancelor had never been developed, ZAFT would have lost long term. They were loosing on Earth even before the disaster in Alaska, and with the Alliance closing the gap on tech, Zaft just couldn't trade blows with the Alliance.
The canceler was probably developed so that they could build Genesis. But that brings us back to the question of would those resources and research have been better invested elsewhere?
Even if they did or didn't developed the jamer and jamer Cancer The war would be like the 7th space war from Gundam X
...that requires Kira not killing Nicol
It's a fact: Nichol's father is actually the guy who invents it.
Can you talk about the F1 collaboration with Gundam? I really want one of those kits!!
Will there be any time when you'll try to research and explain psychoframe next? I'm curious how it went from basic psycommu into breaking physical dimensions. And maybe while at the topic, the point of having narrative c packs? Jona wasn't awakened yet at that time so i kind find it somewhat pointless
Do we know how ms in CE fly/move forward? Because it seems that the issue ms have are only related to power and not fuel
As I understand, those MS use thrusters that use energy to create propulsion
@@granmasterswordyes we have it in real life called ion engine and not powerful enough to powering hypersonic aircraft
@@UsuwusushHaqauduususu yeah, those. In Seed they managed to make them much better, replacing conveniental, fuel based propulsion for most things
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) propulsion, mention in some lore books and seed novelization. Google it. Tldr it use electricity to generare thrust.
Hey Kakarot, what is the another Pegasus Class mentioned on Cucuruz Island Movie?
Do you mean black colored Pegasus class that appeared alongside White Base
Most likely is SCV-69 PEGASUS since back in 2010s I'm remember see sprites of black Pegasus class in photobucket
@@ZeroDarkness- yes. Oh SCV-69 Pegasus. Do you mean the original Pegasus? I haven’t re checked the wiki. Is Pegasus host mobile suit as well?
I've never had any sympathy for the Alliance in Seed. The Alliance was completely willing to commit genocide outright and had mass murdered a quarter million people instantly. There is no way you can argue to me that what Zaft did was worse.
It's not like the Alliance stopped fighting and devoted their resources to taking care of their population, they instead doubled down on their goals of slaughter and genocide. Zaft kept sueing for peace for months and Earth/Alliance just kept fighting. It's no wonder that Zala was able to take command of Zaft and ultimately turned the real atrocities back at Earth.
"There is no way you can argue to me that what Zaft did was worse." The April Fools' Day crisis killed *tens of millions* of people on Earth.
Junius Seven is a heinous, evil act. Absolutely. However, does 10,000,000 Natural lives equal 250,000 Coordinator ones? Insane logic.
Where was it shown ZAFT kept suing for peace?
It says someone replied to me but nothing is visible?
@@heavyarms55utube hsve some wrird bug sometimes. I can see the reply.
@@Revenge221actually there was no source thst really said how many ppl died due to n jammers. Could be more, or for the matter less people. The only thing we got was a nebulous "10% of earths population was affected by the n jammer.", which csn be anywhere between "misssing tv show" to "freeze to death".
But seeing how fast alliance spammed all those Strike Daggers and not to mention rebuilding its fleets, I'd say earth still had a crapton of energy and power generation be it from renewable or biofuel or what have you.
@@eight-cloudspurple5871 Still not showing for me. Lol
If the n jammer was to stop nukes generations will it effect the other gundam in their universe?
No. The other Gundams did not use nuclear fission for power generation. They use everything else such as nuclear fusion, mass-energy conversion (the solar reactors from Gundam 00), black holes (Turn A Gundam), zero point energy/vacuum energy? (Ahab reactors from Iron-Blooded Orphans), and other sources of energy. They can operate just fine even in the presence of them. (The only reason why the neutron jammers would affect thermonuclear weapons is because a nuclear fission reaction is used to generate the heat and pressure to initialize a fusion reaction. If you could replicate that heat and pressure without nuclear fission by another mechanism, then thermonuclear weapons would work as they are meant to.)
QOTW Question: Do you genuinely think that Amuro and the RX-78-2 actually made a difference during the OYW or were Zeon just fighting a war they already lost and were just too stubborn to admit?
I mean, Amuro's Fighting Data did give the Data to help Make and Upgrade the GMs, and he Killed the Ace Pilots of Zeon like Ramba Ral, The Black Tri Star, and then Destroy The Big Zam and Lalah's Elmeth who could Potentially Change The course of the War to Zeon actually Winning. I'd say he did but the Federation probably would have Won still even with the Gundam, Gun Cannons, and Gun Tanks all destroyed in Side 7 cause of the Top 2 Ace Pilots that Killed more than Amuro.
I'm going to be that guy.
What powers the jammers?
I like how the N Jammer basically made the earth into 2023 sri lanka
There are three questions that pop into my head when I think about N-Jammer technology:
1) How much energy does it consume and where is it getting this energy from to continue operating independently and indefinitely?
2) How does this affect self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reactions occurring deep within the Earth?
3) How does this affect microscopic nuclear reactions within biological life? They do occur on a microscopic scale in our bodies but serve no real function, however the presence of a field of energy that disrupts these reactions could have consequences tied to the processes that create these reactions which *are* necessary biological functions.
I get that it's just a plot device to make things happen the way the show needs them to and that I'm nitpicking, but the unexplored destructive power of such a device and its lack of limitations does make for some interesting thought experiments. The sheer domino effect of such a concept is potentially even more staggering than the various crises of the show explored.
So some of this is just guess work but:
1) The N-Jammers on Earth are probably geo-thermal powered, and since they're buried deep within the Earth there's no shortage of heat to power them. In space they're probably powered by conventional methods, and are more then likely not actively powered all the time as the usual tell a (hostile) ZAFT ship is nearby is the secondary effects of the N-Jammer happening as non-Zaft forces don't have N-Jammers. In fact in episode 1 Heliopolis, a neutral colony, literally declares the Vesalius and Gamow hostile when their N-Jammers start affecting their systems when they're approaching without answering hails. So the fact that a neutral colony would only expect that interference to be deployed by a hostile force shows that at least the ship board N-Jammers are only activated in combat, also you wouldn't be able to have a ship run stealthily if the ship's N-Jammers couldn't be disabled. Not sure about the actual PLANTs or their bases, could be an Artemis type situation where why would you power something you don't need when there are no enemies nearby which would explain the Alliance's development of the Blitz Gundam and it's stealth system.
2) The N-Jammers don't need to stop ALL fission, they just need to stop the ones used in human technology. Also you don't need a field strong enough to affect the ones naturally happening in the Earth, you just need to disrupt the ones used in nuclear technology which are no where near as strong as the ones in the Earth. If our power plants were that strong we'd basically be N-Jammer-ing our planet's magnetic field and EMP-ing our tech, and I won't even go into the stupid amount of problems that would cause on it's own.
3) As above, you don't need the N-Jammers to affect ALL types of fission, just the useful kinds we use. I do think there was some impact on wildlife or something but can't remember if that was a fission related issue, or the massive EM fields they put out screwing with wildlife's use of the Earth's magnetic field.
So kind of some logic maybe, but probably some McGuffin non-sense going on. They're basically Minovsky particle spreaders when you can't pin down the actual physics and stuff.
To stop a neutron from moving, or jamming it, they would legit have to freeze everything.
nah in real life you can bascly use a stong entogh elctromatnectic feld and lagre thick entogh metal of armor with a fer layers of gold/coper/carbonfiber faraday cage mesh neting would realstecly work too you know. also in this case the N jamer and anti n jamers would be useing the stroge eclrtomatgtic feld way of stoping nutrions bascly. this is also fundmental to prevent nuclear fusion reactors intrenal contament walls from bascly geting nurtion sandblasted by the way.
maybe in another timeline, the N-Jammer Cancellers were not made. like a "What If" series.
N hammer Cancellers we’re inevitable history has proven that some tech, strategy, or a mix of both will be made to counteract new weapons or tech. Imo what’s only debatable how long would it take even if ZAFT didn’t develop them. Also keep in mind orb has good scientists coordinators and naturals that could possibly develop them at some point to like the g weapons and astray frames. And other third parties to the demand is high to do something about the N jammers for most living on earth.
We are doing research into nukes that don't need fission to create fusion.
We are only 50 years away from nuclear fusion... for the last 50 years
ZAFT would've develop the Neutron Stampeder earlier and FAITH started out as nuke hunters.