The Innovators Skills: Questioning

  • Опубліковано 18 січ 2022
  • Bytesize Innovation
    The Innovators Skills: Questioning
    Finding the Right Question
    Innovators are people who often exhibit a high Q to A ratio. That is a ratio where the questions far outweigh the answers.Innovators use questions as a process of discovery, to reveal insights that aid in either raising to the surface opportunities or in detecting the problem behind the problem.
    Design Thinking as well as the Front end of innovation uses an underpinning principle which states that most problems as they are first encountered are ill framed they require reframing from a user-centric perspective.
    Asking the questions in a user-centric way helps reframe problems and reveal the right questions which in turn provides answers that correctly reframes the problem.
    Not correctly identifying the problem, can cause people to start immediately brainstorming ideas and solutions for the wrong problem, this results in introducing high risk and substantial market failure into the process.
    Successful at innovation requires both solving the correct problem, and solving it at the correct level of human need.