This game has millions of players, but it's impossible to find seven other people who are not weird and have personalities that you like to play video games with. I don't aim for the first week clear, so I chose PF over static today and on any other days.
If you think everyone else is weird and you're the normal one then the common denominator is you bro lol enjoy rolling against 7 other people every week lol 😆
@@ashlynnsmith7842 for real. I have 7 friends and my one and only nitpick is that one of them talks during mechanics a *little* much. But without their banter, I can't imagine how Savage would have been fun at all.
@ashlynnsmith7842 The whole "enjoy rolling against seven other people every week lol" doesn't really stick when you're a healer, and you've got last dibs on everything for weeks
@@ashlynnsmith7842 you misinterpreted what I said, I didn’t say “everyone else is weird except me”, I clearly stated the objective is “7 other people that are not weird”, let me give you a real example, there’s 5 normal people in my static and one weird girl with ADHD that can’t stop talking non-related topic in voice chat that randomly starts talk about how “she give a horse a handjob and made him came before”, and there’s another dude that keep fuck up on the same mechanic over and over again and do not know what a rotation is, but he is a friend of whoever made that static, also he call other people elitist when there’s any advice on his gameplay. At this point, objective of “having 7 normal people to raid with” is failed, because there is one or more other that you don’t like and they are making you feel like you are not having fun and you don’t want to commit anything to them. If you understand statistics, then you should know the possibility of “having 7 other normal people in a static” is nearly impossible
As someone who just had to replace a static member that is the worst part of being a static leader. I liked them but god damn they couldn’t do enough dps and everyone else was struggling because of it. In the end I had to tell them they were getting replaced…… we went from dying to enrage multiple times on reclears to beating it by a wide margin even with a death or two. Sacrifice of one man’s feelings to save the time and patience of everyone else
@@InsanityDrive i relate to this as a static leader quite a few times. You get worried that possible dramas can come out of this. It's a pain but it is what it is as a leader.
What was he doing wrong? not pressing buttons or having trouble with uptime. Was he new to dps or a long time dps player? Did you work with them to find out the root cause of whst was going on or did you ignore him? and was there any effort on behalf of you or the group to bring these issues to light for the person and give them a chance to fix the issues before you booted them. What could have been done differently and was the dps the only issue or were there other problems like dmg downs, miistakes or forced melee downtime due to positioning or doing a mech wrong and will these issues cause other members to get upset and frustrated after a while.. These are the questions raid leads need to ask themselves to minimize issues and prevent misunderstandings.
@@soulprovider1485 I get what you're saying but a raid leader isn't a development coach. They're trying to get 8 people through content as efficiently as possible, not running raiders like a baseball team with a farm system. It's the responsibility of the player to improve to whatever level they're trying to attain.
@@christopherladka2463 true and that should be communicated. There isn't enough details in the original comment to know for certain what avenues were taken. But with limited info those questions were the first to pop in my head.
The one thing I saw that causes alot of unneeded pain or time wasted on many players joining statics is either underselling themselves or static trials. If you undersell yourself out of a subhardcore group and go for a fairly casual midcore, you will feel everyone is going too slow for your pace and they don't really care about clearing the tier as much as you do. Most casuals groups are glorified friend groups which is perfectly fine! Just be sure to never undersell yourself as a player and always put in practice, this sort of segments into the other problem which is trials. Many people worry so much about passing a trial to join a group that they miss the big message, a trial goes 2 ways. You as a player should be looking deeply into the group the best you can and always ask the question "Can I see myself spending 12 hours with these guys"? if its a yes, then you probably will have a good static, if its a no then you should dodge the bullet and save yourself the hassle. Static drama will always happen because drama is really just people needing to fix an issue and usually if you talk it out like adults you can skip alot of issues. When it can't be fixed because the player just isn't improving or is subborn and refuses to hear any of it out, that's a good sign to leave! Better communication over more communication, it will save you and 7 other people days of your life if you/they speak up about needing help understanding a mechanic!
I've been in a lot of statics and let me tell ya, good communication skills are so crucial to success it's not even funny. Some people think it's something you either have or you don't, but I definitely think its an acquired skill that anyone can work to attain.
This tier, I trialed for two statics and almost joined one, but ended up joining the other because the schedule was better. Other day I found out that the static I was seriously considering and almost joined imploded on week 2. I really dodged a bullet!! Turns out it was the hardcore schedule and a bit of toxicity and stress that caused it apparently
This is why I am making my own static for FRU. Too many starics advertise as MC but then are just casual with no expectations. I think maming clear goals and what not is a good thing and should be expected.
Which is why I'll never go on statics again :), the video resumes very well the good/bad/ugly of a static If you have unplanned things happening irl in static time, drama occurs because you value irl over gametime (in my experience) So if you have a busy or unpredictable life (work with random calls, etc), statics might not be for you
I agree with this. Statics are generally good with irl friends or family, not random online friends. They are not so forgiving when you needed to sit out a raid night cause you had to put your dog down. Or your family member invited you over for their anniversary. It’s too much drama for me. I’d rather deal with party finder with individuals ready to raid at that min. I always end up clearing faster than friends in statics anyway. I hear them complaining about specific individuals and can’t do anything about it. I can just leave the pf group, simple.
Then you just basically roll the dice with Party Finder and have at it. A reddit posted detailed a fellow who claimed he clears all Savages week 1 but his work and travel schedule results in him being constantly on a plane and unpredictable timeframes when he can play. And he values his time, to the point of "2 wipes and I'm out, I have no time for failures". I just shake my head at these types of players.
If you have a good static kudos , if you manage to get a good PF match up great. My days of raiding are over and my blood pressure has stabilized… so everyone has good and bad experiences, such is life!
I'm right behind you, dude. Progging this (reportedly easy) tier has been a waking nightmare in PF. I don't have the schedule for a static and the prospect of putting in a job application just to play a video game kind of annoys me.
This is a really sensitive topic, but it's true. We've had a few people express interest in joining us for raiding but.... had to turn them down. We know the skill level of that couple and it's around "can eventually clear normal mode with enough attempts." Proging savage with them would be an exercise in pain.
@@katarh Ah yes, the package deal. You either get both of us or neither of us. Which kinda hurts because one of the two is quite often a very good player.
I had to leave a static in EW>DT they were a bit too casual for me and we didn’t see enough progress in fights day to day. I still run EXs with them when they need a fill and I still talk to them on a regular basis. They are great people to play with but I like my week 1 clear static I joined.
I’ve experienced both sides. PF is just too much of a hassle to deal with. Some of my best memories in FF14 were with my initial static which unfortunately imploded during DSR. I don’t have much time raid anymore unfortunately but I think once you find a good static with good people who work well then you are set
I formed a Finnish static with my wife in Endwalker. It eventually led us into founding an FC. Our static is still alive, although it hasn't been without drama, but it mainly happened when we were starting. Our initial group broke in about a week because one guy was an elitist and took half the group with him. But it was a blessing, as we then managed to form our current group, which is still mostly the same. Few guys have been replaced, but not because of drama, rather due to their personal reasons. The best thing about my group is that we have become actual friends and have met in real life as well.
I can confidently say that many random week 1 pf pugs are better than 90% of statics out there, as someone who has consistency issues because of real life but can afford to take time off for one week per raid tier typically, I usually opt for pf
I like the idea of a static, but im pretty sure that is why i burned out in Endwalker. The people where great, but I always dreaded the wait right before raid night and weirdly felt relief if it was cancelled. I always had fun once raid got started, but for some reason I just kinda dreaded having to be home at a certain time to play. I'm currently really enjoying PF for dawntrail. Back in eden's promise i did the first two fights in a static and then PF'd all all the way up to oracle before basically bowing out. It was my first tier raiding savage and I just wanted to get to oracle as a challenge. This was in crystal before server travel, so even getting to oracle was a challenge in PF.
I did enjoy being in a static during covid because we had so much time. But nowadays with a family, job and social commitments its difficult to really commit now to regular meets. Hats off to those that can though - statics are great fun with the right mix of people.
My static has a lot of my old buddies from college, plus some friends we met back at Fanfest 2016. We've nicknamed it "bowling night" since we're all middle aged adults with careers and kids and this is our one time to get away from reality and just fart around together. We're very slow since we only do two (2) lockouts a week of any given fight, so we're HOPEFULLY going to finally clear M1S tonight. Hopefully. (Please don't mess up Raining Cats tethers again, everyone!)
Maybe it’s just me but I have been much more successful getting loot in PF. In statics I have more than once been told by lead to give up loot for someone’s “secondary” character (not the one they bring to the static) and in one occasion we geared this person first (strongest melee) and after getting all their gear and mount first they dropped the static and left us hanging. Honestly, people kinda suck. At least in PF you get to avoid the worst ones. I would like it if in NA we did the Japan method with people using DF to learn and PF to clear/farm. Fishing for a learning party or “clear” party out of PF can be a very frustrating experience.
Main issue with Static recruiting is oh look if parse isn't high enough it's not gonna happen. I really wanna do the fun things and harder content, but wanting to do so with people who care about numbers makes me annoyed.
depends on what you're doing... groups for top/dsr/week1~savage will most likely check for prior experience/logs. if you're trying to join a hc group with nothing to your name that will happen of course. most mc/casual groups could not care less
@@sakoniTV For real. MC groups might check just to see you can at least do damage adequately and won’t be dying left and right, but any casual group wouldn’t care at all.
I prefer fresh statics over statics where some people already know each other. When there's people that already know each other, there's a lot of bullying, trolling, and drama for the dumbest reasons. Not to mention favoritism.
Weirdly the reason i do not join static anymore because i ended up reliant on voice chat callouts. In PF however you only rely yourself for callouts. Besides, what's the point of MMO if you ended up playing with same 7 others people anyway
Do you really see players from party finder as "people" when you play with them for 2 hours and then move to another group? You never play long to see "people" in them, they are "tools" for you to progress the fight. That's why statics are better for MMO, you befriend your teammates and start really feeling that MMO vibe. Start to learn their personalities and stuff, you know.
I prefer statics. Just choose the right one with same mindset. My static, we aren't the best of friends but we get along well enough. All are committed to clearing the fights for the week so we don't have to meet up again for the rest. We cleared M1-4s in 3 days. PF would get me stuck on bee for weeks on end. Never again
I have found myself hating statics, because in our group, we are all like bargaining chips. There are more than eight of us, but there are days when some of us can't go, so.... you can be replaced... I may have gone a month, weekends over eight hours, to take a half-hour dinner break and come back to find that they've already found someone else and they've already cleared it. What the actual fuck. More than 30 hours lost. People are disgusting.
@@aylaveen it's hilarious. While my familiarity is limited, on my server some groups actually think they have a monopoly on monster spawns in a whole server and that seems to lead to drama.
Statics are not for me, I do raids in my own times, your free to do raids/ults whenever you feel like it, also wouldn’t work with my job which is good.
Best advice is to never raid with friends. Have a static with PEOPLE you can play with. But not FRIENDS. Have friends that you do light stuff with that isn’t stressful like raiding. Raiding with friends will always lead to some tension cause one is gonna under perform or you guys will get stuck on one fight and it’ll turn fun times with friends into a chore
i don't really agree... raided with friends for many a tier. it's just about knowing which friends will perform consistently/improve/learn from mistakes. i wouldn't invite some of my friends to my raids but some of them are very great players whom i talk with on a daily basis in and out of raid
@@sakoniTV to each their own when it comes to experiences. But it’s a legitimate scenario that can happen. It’s fun playing with friends. But once you come to the wall of a fight and the underperformers start sticking out like a sore thumb it’s going to become irritating not getting past it cause one of them just can’t do it and it devolves from there. Which is fine, like I said, separate serious stuff from friends so it never reaches that point. Never hurts to ensure the safety of your friendships
For static It's Attitudes > People > Time > Skillplays. if static members have the same vision/goal are the most important ones. you can't bring people who want to just get the clear and take loots mix into people who want to enjoy the raid.
@@Gegarace This doesn't make any sense to me, could you clarify? Can a person not enjoy the raid but also get the clear? Isn't that why you'd bother to make a static?
@@Shingeki__ Those 2 are different kind in nature. When 1 eager to get cleared, anything stopping them or hindered them are considered wasting their time. While the people who want to enjoy the raid, they won’t mind if progress are slow as it is 1 elements of raiding.
I recommend staying away from savage raiding as a whole. Thats where you will find the most toxic of toxic people and most if not all savage raiders are toxic elitists. Save yourself the trouble and dont fall into their trap
Funnily enough I've met more toxic & elitist casuals than I have savage/ult raiders, even in normal mode content like Alliance Raids...I think the important thing about savage and ult raiding is most of all, finding a group that understands and meets your own expectations. I feel like my group that I raid with are all very normal people who know how to control their emotions and have a great time raiding savage/ult content. Love those guys.
I like being in a static cus I can farm dramas.
@@TheKaceZV based
i farm dramas without being in static.
i hear "9th man to do callouts and analyze", i see the spy satellite from TOP meme playing in my head
This game has millions of players, but it's impossible to find seven other people who are not weird and have personalities that you like to play video games with. I don't aim for the first week clear, so I chose PF over static today and on any other days.
If you think everyone else is weird and you're the normal one then the common denominator is you bro lol enjoy rolling against 7 other people every week lol 😆
@@ashlynnsmith7842 for real. I have 7 friends and my one and only nitpick is that one of them talks during mechanics a *little* much.
But without their banter, I can't imagine how Savage would have been fun at all.
The whole "enjoy rolling against seven other people every week lol" doesn't really stick when you're a healer, and you've got last dibs on everything for weeks
@lv.99mastermind45 you do in you're static bro in a proper static only thing healers wait on is weapons
@@ashlynnsmith7842 you misinterpreted what I said, I didn’t say “everyone else is weird except me”, I clearly stated the objective is “7 other people that are not weird”, let me give you a real example, there’s 5 normal people in my static and one weird girl with ADHD that can’t stop talking non-related topic in voice chat that randomly starts talk about how “she give a horse a handjob and made him came before”, and there’s another dude that keep fuck up on the same mechanic over and over again and do not know what a rotation is, but he is a friend of whoever made that static, also he call other people elitist when there’s any advice on his gameplay. At this point, objective of “having 7 normal people to raid with” is failed, because there is one or more other that you don’t like and they are making you feel like you are not having fun and you don’t want to commit anything to them. If you understand statistics, then you should know the possibility of “having 7 other normal people in a static” is nearly impossible
As someone who just had to replace a static member that is the worst part of being a static leader. I liked them but god damn they couldn’t do enough dps and everyone else was struggling because of it. In the end I had to tell them they were getting replaced…… we went from dying to enrage multiple times on reclears to beating it by a wide margin even with a death or two. Sacrifice of one man’s feelings to save the time and patience of everyone else
the pain of being a raid lead ikr
@@InsanityDrive i relate to this as a static leader quite a few times. You get worried that possible dramas can come out of this. It's a pain but it is what it is as a leader.
What was he doing wrong? not pressing buttons or having trouble with uptime. Was he new to dps or a long time dps player? Did you work with them to find out the root cause of whst was going on or did you ignore him? and was there any effort on behalf of you or the group to bring these issues to light for the person and give them a chance to fix the issues before you booted them. What could have been done differently and was the dps the only issue or were there other problems like dmg downs, miistakes or forced melee downtime due to positioning or doing a mech wrong and will these issues cause other members to get upset and frustrated after a while.. These are the questions raid leads need to ask themselves to minimize issues and prevent misunderstandings.
@@soulprovider1485 I get what you're saying but a raid leader isn't a development coach. They're trying to get 8 people through content as efficiently as possible, not running raiders like a baseball team with a farm system. It's the responsibility of the player to improve to whatever level they're trying to attain.
@@christopherladka2463 true and that should be communicated. There isn't enough details in the original comment to know for certain what avenues were taken. But with limited info those questions were the first to pop in my head.
The one thing I saw that causes alot of unneeded pain or time wasted on many players joining statics is either underselling themselves or static trials. If you undersell yourself out of a subhardcore group and go for a fairly casual midcore, you will feel everyone is going too slow for your pace and they don't really care about clearing the tier as much as you do. Most casuals groups are glorified friend groups which is perfectly fine! Just be sure to never undersell yourself as a player and always put in practice, this sort of segments into the other problem which is trials. Many people worry so much about passing a trial to join a group that they miss the big message, a trial goes 2 ways. You as a player should be looking deeply into the group the best you can and always ask the question "Can I see myself spending 12 hours with these guys"? if its a yes, then you probably will have a good static, if its a no then you should dodge the bullet and save yourself the hassle. Static drama will always happen because drama is really just people needing to fix an issue and usually if you talk it out like adults you can skip alot of issues. When it can't be fixed because the player just isn't improving or is subborn and refuses to hear any of it out, that's a good sign to leave! Better communication over more communication, it will save you and 7 other people days of your life if you/they speak up about needing help understanding a mechanic!
I've been in a lot of statics and let me tell ya, good communication skills are so crucial to success it's not even funny.
Some people think it's something you either have or you don't, but I definitely think its an acquired skill that anyone can work to attain.
this is very true
I managee to clear my first savage using party finder, its so much fun. Going to try joining static next savage patch
nice. good luck next tier
This tier, I trialed for two statics and almost joined one, but ended up joining the other because the schedule was better. Other day I found out that the static I was seriously considering and almost joined imploded on week 2. I really dodged a bullet!! Turns out it was the hardcore schedule and a bit of toxicity and stress that caused it apparently
- Pros of a Static? is a Static :D !
- Cons of a Static? is a Static :(
It truly hinges off of finding the right one that fits you
This is why I am making my own static for FRU. Too many starics advertise as MC but then are just casual with no expectations. I think maming clear goals and what not is a good thing and should be expected.
The Ugly: Dude falls in love with female static member and the static implodes because she rejects him and he baby rages.
A tale as old as time
Happened to me >.
Which is why I'll never go on statics again :), the video resumes very well the good/bad/ugly of a static
If you have unplanned things happening irl in static time, drama occurs because you value irl over gametime (in my experience)
So if you have a busy or unpredictable life (work with random calls, etc), statics might not be for you
I agree with this. Statics are generally good with irl friends or family, not random online friends. They are not so forgiving when you needed to sit out a raid night cause you had to put your dog down. Or your family member invited you over for their anniversary. It’s too much drama for me. I’d rather deal with party finder with individuals ready to raid at that min. I always end up clearing faster than friends in statics anyway. I hear them complaining about specific individuals and can’t do anything about it. I can just leave the pf group, simple.
Then you just basically roll the dice with Party Finder and have at it. A reddit posted detailed a fellow who claimed he clears all Savages week 1 but his work and travel schedule results in him being constantly on a plane and unpredictable timeframes when he can play. And he values his time, to the point of "2 wipes and I'm out, I have no time for failures". I just shake my head at these types of players.
If you have a good static kudos , if you manage to get a good PF match up great. My days of raiding are over and my blood pressure has stabilized… so everyone has good and bad experiences, such is life!
I'm right behind you, dude. Progging this (reportedly easy) tier has been a waking nightmare in PF.
I don't have the schedule for a static and the prospect of putting in a job application just to play a video game kind of annoys me.
The most important thing is to choose a group that's at a similar skill level, otherwise it's a drag. PF is memes, but it's also no fuss.
This is a really sensitive topic, but it's true. We've had a few people express interest in joining us for raiding but.... had to turn them down. We know the skill level of that couple and it's around "can eventually clear normal mode with enough attempts." Proging savage with them would be an exercise in pain.
@@katarh Ah yes, the package deal. You either get both of us or neither of us. Which kinda hurts because one of the two is quite often a very good player.
I had to leave a static in EW>DT they were a bit too casual for me and we didn’t see enough progress in fights day to day. I still run EXs with them when they need a fill and I still talk to them on a regular basis. They are great people to play with but I like my week 1 clear static I joined.
I’ve experienced both sides. PF is just too much of a hassle to deal with. Some of my best memories in FF14 were with my initial static which unfortunately imploded during DSR. I don’t have much time raid anymore unfortunately but I think once you find a good static with good people who work well then you are set
I formed a Finnish static with my wife in Endwalker. It eventually led us into founding an FC. Our static is still alive, although it hasn't been without drama, but it mainly happened when we were starting. Our initial group broke in about a week because one guy was an elitist and took half the group with him. But it was a blessing, as we then managed to form our current group, which is still mostly the same. Few guys have been replaced, but not because of drama, rather due to their personal reasons. The best thing about my group is that we have become actual friends and have met in real life as well.
"Sir... sirrr" - Yzr TOP clear
I can confidently say that many random week 1 pf pugs are better than 90% of statics out there, as someone who has consistency issues because of real life but can afford to take time off for one week per raid tier typically, I usually opt for pf
I like the idea of a static, but im pretty sure that is why i burned out in Endwalker. The people where great, but I always dreaded the wait right before raid night and weirdly felt relief if it was cancelled. I always had fun once raid got started, but for some reason I just kinda dreaded having to be home at a certain time to play. I'm currently really enjoying PF for dawntrail. Back in eden's promise i did the first two fights in a static and then PF'd all all the way up to oracle before basically bowing out. It was my first tier raiding savage and I just wanted to get to oracle as a challenge. This was in crystal before server travel, so even getting to oracle was a challenge in PF.
I did enjoy being in a static during covid because we had so much time. But nowadays with a family, job and social commitments its difficult to really commit now to regular meets. Hats off to those that can though - statics are great fun with the right mix of people.
My static has a lot of my old buddies from college, plus some friends we met back at Fanfest 2016. We've nicknamed it "bowling night" since we're all middle aged adults with careers and kids and this is our one time to get away from reality and just fart around together. We're very slow since we only do two (2) lockouts a week of any given fight, so we're HOPEFULLY going to finally clear M1S tonight. Hopefully. (Please don't mess up Raining Cats tethers again, everyone!)
Maybe it’s just me but I have been much more successful getting loot in PF. In statics I have more than once been told by lead to give up loot for someone’s “secondary” character (not the one they bring to the static) and in one occasion we geared this person first (strongest melee) and after getting all their gear and mount first they dropped the static and left us hanging. Honestly, people kinda suck. At least in PF you get to avoid the worst ones.
I would like it if in NA we did the Japan method with people using DF to learn and PF to clear/farm. Fishing for a learning party or “clear” party out of PF can be a very frustrating experience.
Main issue with Static recruiting is oh look if parse isn't high enough it's not gonna happen. I really wanna do the fun things and harder content, but wanting to do so with people who care about numbers makes me annoyed.
Thats understandable but if everyone is bad then you cant clear can you
You need to care somewhat is what im saying basically
It's not a problem, just look for a casual group. That's what I had to do since I'm new
depends on what you're doing... groups for top/dsr/week1~savage will most likely check for prior experience/logs. if you're trying to join a hc group with nothing to your name that will happen of course. most mc/casual groups could not care less
@@sakoniTV For real. MC groups might check just to see you can at least do damage adequately and won’t be dying left and right, but any casual group wouldn’t care at all.
I prefer fresh statics over statics where some people already know each other. When there's people that already know each other, there's a lot of bullying, trolling, and drama for the dumbest reasons. Not to mention favoritism.
true, this can be an issue
Can confirm
I’ve been with my static for 2 or 3yrs now but I’d sooner retire raiding than go back through the process of finding a new one if we disband.
Weirdly the reason i do not join static anymore because i ended up reliant on voice chat callouts. In PF however you only rely yourself for callouts. Besides, what's the point of MMO if you ended up playing with same 7 others people anyway
I can see that being a problem.
Do you really see players from party finder as "people" when you play with them for 2 hours and then move to another group? You never play long to see "people" in them, they are "tools" for you to progress the fight. That's why statics are better for MMO, you befriend your teammates and start really feeling that MMO vibe. Start to learn their personalities and stuff, you know.
@@rudytheshark Was in a group for a year and a half... very true. especially when a few of us assemble on off-days for other casual content/games.
I just do two things, I PF and do Static, this tier for example I did M1S and M2S with my static and then M3S and M4S in PF
I prefer statics. Just choose the right one with same mindset. My static, we aren't the best of friends but we get along well enough. All are committed to clearing the fights for the week so we don't have to meet up again for the rest. We cleared M1-4s in 3 days. PF would get me stuck on bee for weeks on end. Never again
I have found myself hating statics, because in our group, we are all like bargaining chips. There are more than eight of us, but there are days when some of us can't go, so.... you can be replaced... I may have gone a month, weekends over eight hours, to take a half-hour dinner break and come back to find that they've already found someone else and they've already cleared it.
What the actual fuck. More than 30 hours lost. People are disgusting.
clearly you have not seen the level of drama that can happen within the hunt community
there's a hunt community.......?? I thought we just go in - out - donezo
@@aylaveen like faloop it's a community, i heard there was a drama on endwalker launch but idk the details
@@aylaveen it's hilarious. While my familiarity is limited, on my server some groups actually think they have a monopoly on monster spawns in a whole server and that seems to lead to drama.
@@Electric0eye that's some crazy shit
Statics are not for me, I do raids in my own times, your free to do raids/ults whenever you feel like it, also wouldn’t work with my job which is good.
Wuk lamat really showed him lol
caster ditch our group after bis /shrug
Best advice is to never raid with friends. Have a static with PEOPLE you can play with. But not FRIENDS. Have friends that you do light stuff with that isn’t stressful like raiding. Raiding with friends will always lead to some tension cause one is gonna under perform or you guys will get stuck on one fight and it’ll turn fun times with friends into a chore
i don't really agree... raided with friends for many a tier. it's just about knowing which friends will perform consistently/improve/learn from mistakes. i wouldn't invite some of my friends to my raids but some of them are very great players whom i talk with on a daily basis in and out of raid
@@sakoniTV to each their own when it comes to experiences. But it’s a legitimate scenario that can happen. It’s fun playing with friends. But once you come to the wall of a fight and the underperformers start sticking out like a sore thumb it’s going to become irritating not getting past it cause one of them just can’t do it and it devolves from there. Which is fine, like I said, separate serious stuff from friends so it never reaches that point. Never hurts to ensure the safety of your friendships
For static It's Attitudes > People > Time > Skillplays. if static members have the same vision/goal are the most important ones. you can't bring people who want to just get the clear and take loots mix into people who want to enjoy the raid.
@@Gegarace This doesn't make any sense to me, could you clarify? Can a person not enjoy the raid but also get the clear? Isn't that why you'd bother to make a static?
@@Shingeki__ Those 2 are different kind in nature. When 1 eager to get cleared, anything stopping them or hindered them are considered wasting their time.
While the people who want to enjoy the raid, they won’t mind if progress are slow as it is 1 elements of raiding.
can confirm pf is an unhealty relationship but i'm into red flags so
man of principles
had to do a double take when i saw one of those reddit posts was mine lol. good ole talesfromdf
I just can’t stand that one dude in every static that is a whiny little girl😂😂😂.
I recommend staying away from savage raiding as a whole. Thats where you will find the most toxic of toxic people and most if not all savage raiders are toxic elitists. Save yourself the trouble and dont fall into their trap
Funnily enough I've met more toxic & elitist casuals than I have savage/ult raiders, even in normal mode content like Alliance Raids...I think the important thing about savage and ult raiding is most of all, finding a group that understands and meets your own expectations. I feel like my group that I raid with are all very normal people who know how to control their emotions and have a great time raiding savage/ult content. Love those guys.
there's always bad & good people in every community