this whole “hierarchy of men” feels like in elementary school when you would play pretend and one of you would be like “no but like pretend my superpowers are cooler and more powerful than yours.”
i would recommend that you go on a GOMAD diet. Gallon of milk a day, it will stop your gangnam styling. It might cause some damage, but i think its the only way.
Deltas are actually even cooler than alphas and sigmas. You become a delta by being so masculine that you literally transform into a plane. Super rare, very hard to achieve. Typical alpha sigmas wouldn't understand :/
Haven’t watched the full video yet, but I do want to bat for the guy on the left, from the AlphaM channel ( I think that’s what his channel is called) he actually has a lot of good videos the high light positive masculinity and has directly bashed traits most would consider as toxic masculinity traits. His language I believe is meant to capture the attention of young men who believe “alphas” are a thing, but I’ve always appreciated that a majority of his videos seek to grow confidence and teach young men positive traits. I don’t watch him any more, but he’s videos never struck me as overtly unhealthy or toxic.
@@danakidanfo9511 yea I think for the most part men who legitimately believe in these labels and terms are sad, isolated people. This type of thinking is largely toxic, and teaches men to continue cycles of harm on themselves and both men and women in their life’s. I just personally wanted to speak on that one guy in the thumbnail from my personal experience and perception of his message.
The fact that they're yelling constantly shows how much they feel metaphorically unheard and inferior, because someone confident and actually cool doesn't need to use harshness or cruelty to convey their messages and intent.
I’m an Epsilon Male. Our animal is the red panda and our traits are having exactly six friends, wearing moderately priced clothes, and watching Danny Gonzalez videos.
It's a shame that the sigmas and the alphas have split into two groups. I'm pretty old now so back in my day we referred to them as their actual overarching title of douchebag.
This shit's like a bad fanfic trope come lo to life, and taken way too seriously. As a woman, if a guy ever said to me , unironically, that he was an "alpha male" or a "sigma male" or that some other guy was "such a beta", my immediate reaction would be: ⚠Red Flag!! ⚠
beta: submissive and breedable sigma: dominant and infertile alpha: dominant and breedable there is one type of man that is untouched, the submissive and infertile man, and we should search for him
This dude gives me chills because he doesn't quite look like a person but rather, he looks like a FNAF animatronic and looks like he'll grab me and stuff me into an animatronic suit if I stare at him for too long.
These so-called sigma males are definitely the "I'm not like other girls" girls of this fictional dynamic, who just looked up a Greek letter that was easy to pronounce. And just like the self-proclaimed alpha males, they're compensating for something.
I identify as a Koopa male personality, which means that I'm a small Japanese creature who likes spinning towards people at a worryingly high velocity, that is weirdly hostile towards small Italian plumbers who wear red and green.
Here's a tip from a woman to other women: if you meet a guy who actually believes in this whole alpha sigma cruella whatever male stuff, run! Run so far away! And do not look back.
@@mrdavinci6575 i think it's important to make a distinction between "girls who think astrology is fun but don't believe in it much" and "girls who decide whether or not they like you based solely on your big three" bc the first are fine, the second are scary lol
I’d liken this whole thing to when we’d play pretend as kids and be like “I have magic powers” “well I have stronger magic powers” “well I can breathe fire” “well I’m fire proof” etc
Remember the wolf girls? This is simply the outcome of there influence on third grade when they claimed territory and drove all the boys out of the shaded areas of the playground
"I'm gonna teach you how to act like an Alpha Male to repel women" LOL, that has to be the only true-to-life thing I have ever heard to come out of a masculinity life-coach's mouth
I love how everything about the whole thing just sounds like gay fanfiction. Gotta love dominating the homies (or getting dominated by the homies....I wont judge)
its like. fanfiction of characters with alpha/beta/omega dynamics where the omegas can get pregnant if theyre men and idk i dont wanna explain but its just a smut trope@@darealquest
Fitting in is boring though. This "Alpha/Beta/Omega/Sigma" stuff is a waste of time and energy, wish all guys could just be ourselves and not try to mold our personalities around one of four arbitrary classes.
I love that he's acting like someone at Google defined what a sigma make is because it shows up when he searches Google. Apparently sigma males don't know how search engines work, at even a basic level.
it's funny you say that cause ive seen a couple people in the comments of these sigma male videos talk about how the joker is the "original sigma male", which is very troubling to me
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz Listen, your little alpha stuff isn’t real-if you wanna say you’re manipulative and hardly get bitches, if at all, you could just say that.
@@peteratwood6691 My best friend won’t stop saying that and every time I hear it I get just a little bit closer to jumping off a cliff Edit: I mean, if it’s said ironically I find it cool and funny, but _no_ my friend takes that ish _seriously_
I never understood what even being one does. I'm not looking at a woman and thinking "time to make a score" No, when I'm looking at a woman I'm thinking "could they possibly defeat me in a Yu Gi Oh battle?"
Seriously they really are. And sigmas are p much the "not like other girls" version of alphas. They need extra validation that they're reeeaaally special cause everyone else HAS to be lesser than them.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Lmao, bud, I'm literally in therapy, I have plenty advice to follow, and none of it is gonna be coming from you. But thanks for trying, I guess.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Well ain't that swell. Too bad no one asked for your advice, nor does my therapist think my sanity is to question. In fact, most of what my therapist recommends is me being able to acknowledge my own capabilities, so honestly, I'm following his advice in the fact that I think you're nutty af, while also finding humor in fucking with you because you both look and sound like an edgy middle schooler, which, funnily enough, in a way, is facing my traumas, so huh, guess you having the emotional maturity of a child helps someone, at least. Doesn't make your effect on the world a net positive though, which sucks. You should work on that.
I never realized how male-centric all these guys lives are. It sounds like they have just forgotten all about women at this point and are just flexing to each other at this point.
@@blindmo a kilt is a type of skirt. not only by looks, but by definition also that wasn't a kilt he was wearing? do you know what a kilt looks like bro?
I like how these 'alpha' males refer to women like they're pokemon. _"You want to take proficiency in tire-changing to get a chance at catching the ultra-rare Stranded Latino"_
Instead of opening eyes and accepting L’s mfers will blame it on the most faulty logical shit! Like ahhh it must be .. MY HOROSCOPE! Aahhhh I WAS transition into my pre alpha 3 STATE!! Mf you just made bad choices because of emotions you had attached 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@@dfredankey Yeah, your Alpha 2 state is much better, because Alpha 2 is a much more competitively viable Street Fighter game, all things considered. People need to understand this.
The part where you said "dominating your coworkers" and asking if people were really like that struck such a cord with me. I had recently started a new sales job (ended up being door-to-door without my knowledge but I went with it just to be polite) and the guy I was paired up with would NOT stop talking about how much of an Alpha he was. Seriously, when I laughed in his face (thought he was joking) he said "I don't claim Alpha just because, just look at me". He didn't stop there, as he explained his views that "women are born to be submissive", insulting my intelligence, trying to get me to rate pictures of his female friends 1-10, told me that if I were a Christian he would "steal me from [my] man, and harassed me with dozens of sexual comments and questions. For 6+ hours I was alone with this jerk in a part of town I did not know in the Texas heat with no water and no cell phone service. After the day was over I reported him to the boss, he was promptly fired, and the boss set up sensitivity training for the next day. I of course left because who the fuck wants to stay where that happens on their FIRST DAY? I never though people were actually like that. Ever. Just some fake internet crap to get unsuspecting men to be brainwashed into buying a course. Thery are out there and they will make themselves known. They are not afraid to harass you, intimidate you, and try make you feel small. Do not listen or tolerate their bullshit. Report them, make a scene, call them out.
I almost feel bad for these guys. Being a man seems like so much work for them. I think they would be a lot happier if they just gave up on trying to fit into all these different imaginary flavors of dudes.
once men like this started to view dating as a competition and a "game" instead of like, a genuine connection with another human being, that's when they failed as people
@@GigaMan2077 No, we ALPHAS just run up and grope women on the street, and then they cling onto us for life, getting in the way of us DOMINATING other men. UGH. Okay, I'm done.
I'm an Alpha-Beta Male, meaning that my personality is that of a chain of supermarkets in the Southwestern United States that existed between 1917 and 1995.
Can’t believe you forgot the hilarious fact that the guy who wrote the book on alpha and beta wolves was also the same guy who debunked his own theories
2:04 the idea of a stereotype that people base their entire personality around, being a myth that was debunked years ago is the funniest thing I've ever heard
Literally everything they say just sounds sad and miserable and what's worse is that there are young men who actually buy this stuff because they feel insecure or unwanted
Yeah. I used to believe that. The whole alpha male thing etc ain't true, they're just pseudo scientific terminology that makes their insecurities sound more true
I'm very late, as always and just finding about this 3rd addition to this group of males... but same here, I would be running away as far as possible too. Stay safe, ladies.
@@meumnomen one time my friend was writing notes on Sigmund Freud but he accidentally wrote Sigmund Fraud so we just kept calling Sigmund Freud sigma male fraud
So Sigma males: Don't care about society But also: Define themselves by the arbitrary values of society (dress=feminine/weak, masculinity=is the main thing a man should strive for, money and women=everything else a man should strive for Honestly it's surprising that such a mindset can survive past the age of like 16.
It really is so sad seeing these men try and explain why they are better than everyone else while they really just make themselves look insecure and mean.
@cooper Harper for them just the thought of being seen as FéMiNiNe or gAy is scary. They are so insecure that they live their lifes with that constant fear, so when they see a man/boy that is just being himself they feel the need to put him down because they are jelly. It's so annoying and sad. I feel kinda bad for em, sucks to suck. (Btw happy that you are living your best life without worrying bout stupid shit)
Gotta hop on the latest trends my man, be in the bandwagon before you know where it's headed. Crypto is so last week, we sigma, ligma, sugma, fugma etc now.
As a boi who uses astrology, the problem is normally that people don’t take free will and change into account. Also, Alpha-Sigma-Beta-Whatever is just weird fanfiction version of astrology. :)
I'm sure that guy you are showing around 12:30 is a real piece of work, but honestly was surprised and a bit happy to see him mention the "Half your age + 7" Rule when it comes to dating ages. A lot of people in this sphere ae really creepy about age differences and prefer to prey on younger people, so at the very least that guy is teaching people not to do that. Still not someone I would support, but I'm happy to see responsible age gaps being taught.
Fun story; I was talking to a guy from tinder for a while, but I’d picked up a few red flags; and besides that I also wasn’t feeling a connection. So instead of ghosting I politely said it wasn’t working out, I said it was largely due to distance, but was also honest in telling him that a few things he’d said made me uncomfortable. He then flipped out and went on for an hour-long tirade of insulting texts, including sending me screenshots of selfies from my tinder page, where he specifically pointed out all my flaws, or at least what he perceived to be flaws. I said to him “I feel like you’re the type of guy who calls himself an ‘alpha’ male” ... and he responded “I fucking AM an alpha male!” 🤣😅
Guy named alpha swiped right my profile on tinder. I was curious if that's his real name because i know someone who named alpha. But no, his name isn't alpha but he thinks that he is an alpha male and then he sent me a text about what i can't do if i want to talk to him. That was not-so-good list so i blocked him.
you really dodged a bullet 😬 I was chatting with this guy on plenty of fish years ago and began to suspect that he was super conservative based on what he was saying. I'm not against that as long as they're thoughtful and not an asshole about it. Same with any ideology. So I asked if he was conservative and said something like "I'm more of a leftie myself, but my family is conservative so I'm cool with it; are you ok with my beliefs though?" and he flipped the fuck out. I thought I was being nice and non judgemental but he went off on me, started assuming things about me that aren't true. He called me an atheist even though I'm a Christian (and it says so on my profile), referenced me getting a worthless liberal arts degree (even though my degrees are in chemistry and lab tech), and assumed I was sleeping around and would end up "an old whore" (I was a virgin). I thought he seemed chill and like a decent guy but holy crap he was nuts.
This entire “Alpha vs Beta” thing is just sad, some people need to learn to value themselves without attempting to put other people down. Unfortunately they haven’t learnt that yet and at their age, they never gonna learn it ever.
It's like when one kid says "I have a gun and the bullets can hit you anywhere" then the other kids like "well my shield blocks everything for infinity" that's the sigma-alpha war
@Jerome Breezedale I'm just a little worried that you might have locked yourself from your old account and had to make a new one, that's all! Also, don't worry! I never run out of pasta!
Not really. Boy lions are actually more muscle-y then girls. They just send the girls out to do the work. Tigers are the opposite, the girls have more muscle, which makes sense: they're solitary animals, so mommy tigers can't rely on anyone else to protect their kids. Daddy tigers don't need the extra muscle, they only need to care for themselves
I'm almost positive that Sigma males started as a sarcastic answer to the "Are you an Alpha or a Beta" question. Someone was listening to some other dude go off about how he is an alpha and he was talking to this guy at the bar last night and he was totally a beta and you could tell he was intimidated by his alpha energy blah blah blah and the other dude eventually was just like "You know what bro? I'm a Sigma. It means I don't give a fuck, just leave me alone".
@@dominicwalker1899 It's sad when astrology is better than something... At least astrology is vague and generally tries to come up with good things about star signs instead of tearing down people.
The wolf theory was also disproven by the dude that originally wrote the theory, apparently the dude just mistaked the parent of a bunch of wolf pups for a leader of a wolf pack
@@suzukiman2537 just educating, there are some great apes that are matriarchal. Like bonobos. They are pretty funny tgough since they are very similar to chimps but keep smaller packs and are also very horny
@@suzukiman2537 Some apes are patriarchal but others like bonobos are matriarchal, and we share about the same amount of genetic similarities to bonobos as to other great apes. Although, trying to project other animals' behaviours onto our own human social lives is a complete logical fallacy and waste of time, regardless of which species we decide to latch on to.
A lady at work once told me "you're like an alpha without acting like an alpha." That stuck with me and it's helped me to continue being good at what I do without being a douchebag about it.
two fun facts about the study that popularized the whole "alpha wolf" thing - 1) it was specifically discussing wolves in captivity, so these people are essentially bragging about how self-righteous they would act if you locked them in a cage 2) the research that later debunked it was done by the author of the original study lol
As a woman, I can confirm the whole "tough man without emotions and takes advantage of everyone" thing is pathetic. The true strength is accepting who you are instead of trying to put on airs.
Hard pass. Self-acceptance might make me think of the morality of my choices, I previously ignored during my quick irrational actions I take for the euphoria of not being bored Then I will have to think about my morality, and the contribution I make on the community around me. Probably go on an arch where I better my self and strive to fix the crazy broken society we live in with kindness I am way too lazy to do any of that, luckily my aromatic, anti-social, introverted ass. Doesn’t have to worry about the attention of women, men, and all others in between or outside genders I’m okay with just me, myself, and the screaming panicked voice in my head wondering if it has reached the end of my sanity from all the loneliness……….. oh and my adorable dog
So we have learned two things. 1. Being a Sigma male is all about mentality and nothing physical matters for it. 2. Being a Sigma male will make you physically more attractive.
for a guy who boasts about how he's part of some elusive group of men who don't require external validation, he sure does seem to talk a lot about getting external validation
@@Alexander-nc4vy Thanks for sharing with the class, Alexander. It seems you already know a lot about this and already developed an informed opinion. And we haven't even started the introduction! Good job. 🌟
When you’re a gamma male and girls literally die when they come near you
Lmaooo stop.
Bro no that’s so funny 😂
That joke is killing me. My skin is tingly.
Hulk… also this reminds me of that one time spiderman gave his gf cancer from nutting in her with his radioactive spider sperm
underrated comment
When the therapist says you have social anxiety instead of calling you a sigma male
i hate it when that happens 😒
I will use this comment just in case I counter a Sigma. Thanks
I have friends (not female ones) and I am a sigma male
They also said that I had a part of the autism spectrum, smh 🤦
My psychiatrist gotta up their grindset
this whole “hierarchy of men” feels like in elementary school when you would play pretend and one of you would be like “no but like pretend my superpowers are cooler and more powerful than yours.”
@@kappax_6610 Your comment is so nonsensical I can't tell if this is satire or if you just skipped a few stages of mental development.
@@kappax_6610 what in the name of god did you just say
@@lexa2310 ROUND
@@kappax_6610 that’s the most unrelated reply I’ve ever seen
@@kappax_6610 somebody come pick this guy up, he's drunk
I’m psy male. This means I am stuck doing the gangnam style and it won’t stop. Please help me.
i would recommend that you go on a GOMAD diet. Gallon of milk a day, it will stop your gangnam styling. It might cause some damage, but i think its the only way.
Boah shiiiit, you have some tough years behind you
Stay Psy💪
Are you still going at it? Are you a sack of bones?
I love this comment so mucj
Deltas are actually even cooler than alphas and sigmas. You become a delta by being so masculine that you literally transform into a plane. Super rare, very hard to achieve. Typical alpha sigmas wouldn't understand :/
Sounds like a beta male mindset
Wait until you hear about the epsilon males and the rhoo males
@@iirovaltonen4258 the theta males tho 😍😍
pi males 🤤😍🥺
What delta would use :/ fake beta you will never be a true delta
"I will shyly and quietly dominate you" should be a yearbook quote, it's so good😭
It sounds just ridiculous enough to be in a year book, lol you're right!
I'm taking that one 😂
yeah but shy in a cool way
I love how people who give advice about “masculinity and dating” are the same people who are clearly the most insecure about these things.
Haven’t watched the full video yet, but I do want to bat for the guy on the left, from the AlphaM channel ( I think that’s what his channel is called) he actually has a lot of good videos the high light positive masculinity and has directly bashed traits most would consider as toxic masculinity traits. His language I believe is meant to capture the attention of young men who believe “alphas” are a thing, but I’ve always appreciated that a majority of his videos seek to grow confidence and teach young men positive traits. I don’t watch him any more, but he’s videos never struck me as overtly unhealthy or toxic.
I would say most of them, not all of them. It really depends on the type of character they have though 🤔
@@davidbeltranbarajas Ye the Sigma guy was definitely the worse of the 2.
@@danakidanfo9511 yea I think for the most part men who legitimately believe in these labels and terms are sad, isolated people. This type of thinking is largely toxic, and teaches men to continue cycles of harm on themselves and both men and women in their life’s. I just personally wanted to speak on that one guy in the thumbnail from my personal experience and perception of his message.
The fact that they're yelling constantly shows how much they feel metaphorically unheard and inferior, because someone confident and actually cool doesn't need to use harshness or cruelty to convey their messages and intent.
Exactly, submissive men feel the need to yell to be heard. If you’re dominant, people will actually WANT to listen to you.
@@chungus100*YEAHHHHH WE SUPPORT YOUUUUUU!!!!1!1(I like kissing boys)*
@@Gaminginvrrr whoo calm down my guy
Ok youtube psychologist
this is literally just the “not like other girls” mindset but for men
The funny part is every 12 year old boy thinks this way. It's like they're npcs lmao
I must admit that sigma and alphas are always reminding me of astrology girls
@@UltraEpicVids 🙄
@@robingronwald7993 🤡
I’m an Epsilon Male. Our animal is the red panda and our traits are having exactly six friends, wearing moderately priced clothes, and watching Danny Gonzalez videos.
Kyle, you're the best kind of male
I identify as this too
F*ck that’s so hot.
Damn why this so relatable
And accurate
I’m a epsilon male
That "Alpha" guy acting perplexed at how made-up Sigma Males are is just that meme of Spiderman pointing at himself.
but alpha is real.. a sigma is just a fuckin loser lmfao
@@trapdaddy-x5k nah they’re both losers.
@@trapdaddy-x5k ulphu and sugma malt r soooo reel and cool!!
@@trapdaddy-x5k there both fake, the guy who created/discovered it in the first place later debunked it
@birds wait, I thought it was just a thing people made up, but this was published or something????
It's a shame that the sigmas and the alphas have split into two groups. I'm pretty old now so back in my day we referred to them as their actual overarching title of douchebag.
I'm a Magma male personally. The key traits are that I am made of molten rock.
Smegma males. The key trait is, rather gross NGL.
I am a votama, i am a voltron.
You need a mightyena and golbat atleast
more sedimentary myself, but i respect your opinion
Personally, I think Magma males are definitely the hottest.
If all they're thinking about is getting women... Aren't they technically being dominated with women's attention?
yes, they're being dominated by their own insecurities
Shhhh! You'll break their tiny sense of self worth /lh /j
Omg best burn
the alpha vs sigma argument is the same as the argument i would have with my sister about whose magic mermaid barbie had more powers
Did you have the one that could shoot bubbles? My brother did and I was so jelly!
Truly the most important debate
That seems like an unfair comparison
The mermaid Barbie one unironically sounds more interesting
I mean obviously it was Merliah, she’s a pro surfer and can make merillia.
This shit's like a bad fanfic trope come lo to life, and taken way too seriously.
As a woman, if a guy ever said to me , unironically, that he was an "alpha male" or a "sigma male" or that some other guy was "such a beta", my immediate reaction would be: ⚠Red Flag!! ⚠
these guys heard "submissive and breedable" and "dominant and infertile" and took it personally
The omegaverse entering the greater consciousness was both the biggest mistake and the greatest gift
Can we please just stop doing this omegaverse crap? Please.
beta: submissive and breedable
sigma: dominant and infertile
alpha: dominant and breedable
there is one type of man that is untouched, the submissive and infertile man, and we should search for him
@@agatha968 what about Omega's
This dude gives me chills because he doesn't quite look like a person but rather, he looks like a FNAF animatronic and looks like he'll grab me and stuff me into an animatronic suit if I stare at him for too long.
lol im glad im not the only one unsettled by his strangely large and reflective eyes
He looks like a potato lmao
Thanks for the nightmare fuel
These so-called sigma males are definitely the "I'm not like other girls" girls of this fictional dynamic, who just looked up a Greek letter that was easy to pronounce. And just like the self-proclaimed alpha males, they're compensating for something.
Same! I to wish I was God
Do none of you have the decency to make a factual statement without dumbing yourself down to personal indults?
@@nxthro634 based sigma male eh
@@nxthro634 calm down Jamal don't pull out the 9
I identify as a Koopa male personality, which means that I'm a small Japanese creature who likes spinning towards people at a worryingly high velocity, that is weirdly hostile towards small Italian plumbers who wear red and green.
I am a preordered reptile
Mama mia!
@Pinfypo Mamma mia!
how come the koopas are red and green does this mean mario can't fall off cliffs
Are you a red Koopa alpha or a green Koopa beta?
"astrology for men" - best explanation ever
I thought crypto was astrology for men?
@@ashikjaman1940 crypto is like crystals for men
I much prefer astrology it's alot more peaceful
@@ArianAlbert • That’s a good point. Probably costs less too.
@@maeve1780 • Damn, that’s a good comparison, ahaha! I’ve also heard it’s like a male-majority MLM; Monat for Men.
Here's a tip from a woman to other women: if you meet a guy who actually believes in this whole alpha sigma cruella whatever male stuff, run! Run so far away! And do not look back.
Omg ‘cruella’ naurrr
Same with astrology girls, both groups should be avoided
@@mrdavinci6575 flee and never return lol 💀
as a male i agree with this woman stay away from them
@@mrdavinci6575 i think it's important to make a distinction between "girls who think astrology is fun but don't believe in it much" and "girls who decide whether or not they like you based solely on your big three" bc the first are fine, the second are scary lol
I’d liken this whole thing to when we’d play pretend as kids and be like “I have magic powers” “well I have stronger magic powers” “well I can breathe fire” “well I’m fire proof” etc
U right, also magic powers is very cute
@@user-himenes this, unfortunately is not
Remember the wolf girls? This is simply the outcome of there influence on third grade when they claimed territory and drove all the boys out of the shaded areas of the playground
So larping basically
pretty much
I'm here yogurt father
We here‼️‼️
Once a man asked me what kind of male I was and I’m like “oh I’m a gay male” and walked away and now I think that he was asking about this
You owned that conversation xD
You dodged a bullet bro, good job
just wanted to say that your comment made me laugh, this was amazing xD
It's better to just tell him that than to keep talking to him
We now know the winner isn't alpha or sigma male, it's gay male 👏
"I'm gonna teach you how to act like an Alpha Male to repel women" LOL, that has to be the only true-to-life thing I have ever heard to come out of a masculinity life-coach's mouth
It's repppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, dumba$$.
@@kingmonocleblob9548 Sir, this is a wendy's.
@@MammalianCreature Ma'mmal, this is an elementary school.
@@MammalianCreature Or it would've been.
I love how everything about the whole thing just sounds like gay fanfiction. Gotta love dominating the homies (or getting dominated by the homies....I wont judge)
That is exactly that
@@artificialsugar8585 god I freaking hate the omegaverse
or a inaccurate nature documentary lol.
Lol, everytime I hear this shit it just takes me back to all the lesbian omegaverse fanfiction I used to read.
These men would lose their minds if they saw omegaverse
Not the Omegaverse 😭😭
What does omegaverse mean im too scared to google it at this point
@@darealquest You don’t wanna know
its like. fanfiction of characters with alpha/beta/omega dynamics where the omegas can get pregnant if theyre men and idk i dont wanna explain but its just a smut trope@@darealquest
@@darealquestfan fiction genre, mostly nsfw
"I'm a sigma male" sounds an awful lot like "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo, I don't fit in and it don't WANNA fit in"
I wear this hat all the time
i'm not like other males who believe in toxic masculinity
Oh hell yeah
Fitting in is boring though. This "Alpha/Beta/Omega/Sigma" stuff is a waste of time and energy, wish all guys could just be ourselves and not try to mold our personalities around one of four arbitrary classes.
@@KPG113 sometimes i ask myself why am i
these guy will absolutely lose their minds when they learn there’s a whole greek alphabet
best comment yet
Can't wait for the war between epsilon and gamma males 🤩
@@queencleopatra007 lol
I feel I am more of a mu-male, especially after I hit the buffet! (Crowd boos)
@@leemullen433 lmao xD
I feel like they’re just gonna keep adding male traits to the Greek alphabet. I’m actually a pi male, I’m round and gooey and infinite stuck on .14
the male no women can resist
im actually attracted to phi-males and sometimes psi-males, it depends on my mood
@@kassie2136 come on, u know theta-males are way better
@@PHDL1295 nah those theta males aint my type
I personally identify as a Fe-male, meaning I'm the symbol for iron on the periodic table
as a girl, fe-males are definitely the most attractive type of males
"Hey, bro. What kind of male are you?"
Thank you Tony Stark
I was going to make this joke but I'm 4 months late??
That's so metal!
I love that he's acting like someone at Google defined what a sigma make is because it shows up when he searches Google. Apparently sigma males don't know how search engines work, at even a basic level.
knowing how google works is a beta trait
*sigma make*
If you have to talk about being Sigma, you're definitely not sigma.
@@ToliG123 i mean, if anyone believes in this alpha, beta, or sigma, or whatever the hell this is unironically, they're definitely not "sigma"
"Sigma males" sound like they're the dudes behind those Joker quotes/life advice Instagram accounts.
Oh no... why is this probably true 😂
True tho
Anyone who takes “sigma males” seriously has succumbed to Poe’s law
it's funny you say that cause ive seen a couple people in the comments of these sigma male videos talk about how the joker is the "original sigma male", which is very troubling to me
We live in a society.
Ah yes, another lesson in “who let modern men discover Greek letters.”
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz
Please tell me your account is satire
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz
Oh my god you think you’re an alpha?
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz
Ohhhh so you don’t know what satire is…gotcha…
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz
Listen, your little alpha stuff isn’t real-if you wanna say you’re manipulative and hardly get bitches, if at all, you could just say that.
@LORD J. OfDaAlphaKingz
Not concerned with not knowing satire or the fact alphas aren’t real?
Why do people think Greek letters are a symbol of status :/
The only thing he said that I agree with is that acting like an “alpha male” will repel women
Looking awfully submissive and breedable...😳😏
@@peteratwood6691 My best friend won’t stop saying that and every time I hear it I get just a little bit closer to jumping off a cliff
Edit: I mean, if it’s said ironically I find it cool and funny, but _no_ my friend takes that ish _seriously_
@@theblondeone181 Why are you friends with that?
@@theblondeone181 You good? Is this friend an alpha or sigma or sumn 'cause I've only ever heard it be used ironically
I never understood what even being one does.
I'm not looking at a woman and thinking "time to make a score"
No, when I'm looking at a woman I'm thinking "could they possibly defeat me in a Yu Gi Oh battle?"
So sigma males are just the boy version of “I’m not like other girls”?
not really
You could say that
@@ykwhogoatis8105 are you a sigma male
the whole alpha and beta thing feels like two warrior cats obsessed 12 year olds arguing about their ocs
Seriously they really are. And sigmas are p much the "not like other girls" version of alphas. They need extra validation that they're reeeaaally special cause everyone else HAS to be lesser than them.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Sane people. You should meet a few. They might teach you a thing or two.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Lmao, bud, I'm literally in therapy, I have plenty advice to follow, and none of it is gonna be coming from you. But thanks for trying, I guess.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Well ain't that swell. Too bad no one asked for your advice, nor does my therapist think my sanity is to question. In fact, most of what my therapist recommends is me being able to acknowledge my own capabilities, so honestly, I'm following his advice in the fact that I think you're nutty af, while also finding humor in fucking with you because you both look and sound like an edgy middle schooler, which, funnily enough, in a way, is facing my traumas, so huh, guess you having the emotional maturity of a child helps someone, at least. Doesn't make your effect on the world a net positive though, which sucks. You should work on that.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz and here we observe the hypocrite in its natural habitat, please don't argue here man :D
I never realized how male-centric all these guys lives are. It sounds like they have just forgotten all about women at this point and are just flexing to each other at this point.
Yeah I've even seen guys saying that the most important thing about their girlfriends is that they need to make their man look good to other men.
That guy: i don't care, thats why im sigma
Also that guy: *cares about a man wearing a skirt*
I speak for the Scottish community when I say sincerely f you it’s a kilt
@@blindmo Dude, guys wear skirts too (not kilts)
a kilt is a type of skirt. not only by looks, but by definition
also that wasn't a kilt he was wearing? do you know what a kilt looks like bro?
@@aquaticcallows6475 No,guys generally don’t wear skirts.
@@moderndemon84 yes, they do, it’s just not normalised as much as women wearing them
I like how these 'alpha' males refer to women like they're pokemon.
_"You want to take proficiency in tire-changing to get a chance at catching the ultra-rare Stranded Latino"_
Instead of opening eyes and accepting L’s mfers will blame it on the most faulty logical shit! Like ahhh it must be .. MY HOROSCOPE! Aahhhh I WAS transition into my pre alpha 3 STATE!! Mf you just made bad choices because of emotions you had attached 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@@dfredankey Yeah, your Alpha 2 state is much better, because Alpha 2 is a much more competitively viable Street Fighter game, all things considered. People need to understand this.
Shiny stranded Latino
"Speak for yourself dude... I'm tryna get DOMINATED" most relatable thing danny's said yet
That's what she said
The way he said it was perfect. 👌
I request 1 domination this evening. Certified lover boy STAYS ON during domination
@@AaronYorkYT if you listen to clb you’re not having sex /lh
Same 😔🤚
The part where you said "dominating your coworkers" and asking if people were really like that struck such a cord with me.
I had recently started a new sales job (ended up being door-to-door without my knowledge but I went with it just to be polite) and the guy I was paired up with would NOT stop talking about how much of an Alpha he was. Seriously, when I laughed in his face (thought he was joking) he said "I don't claim Alpha just because, just look at me". He didn't stop there, as he explained his views that "women are born to be submissive", insulting my intelligence, trying to get me to rate pictures of his female friends 1-10, told me that if I were a Christian he would "steal me from [my] man, and harassed me with dozens of sexual comments and questions. For 6+ hours I was alone with this jerk in a part of town I did not know in the Texas heat with no water and no cell phone service.
After the day was over I reported him to the boss, he was promptly fired, and the boss set up sensitivity training for the next day. I of course left because who the fuck wants to stay where that happens on their FIRST DAY?
I never though people were actually like that. Ever. Just some fake internet crap to get unsuspecting men to be brainwashed into buying a course.
Thery are out there and they will make themselves known. They are not afraid to harass you, intimidate you, and try make you feel small. Do not listen or tolerate their bullshit. Report them, make a scene, call them out.
Wtf, that must've been terrifying 😭
Thank god.
Thank god the boss wasn't just like "eh sounds like you're taking things personally, just a dude being a dude". Glad to hear the guy got the boot
I almost feel bad for these guys. Being a man seems like so much work for them. I think they would be a lot happier if they just gave up on trying to fit into all these different imaginary flavors of dudes.
Oh, god. It's like astrology for men
Facts. Life was good before these guys started making pokemon types for men
Flavours of dude 🤣🤣
Lmao at “flavors”
"I'm a Sigma." "I thought you were American."
He’s a lesbian.
@@brianisme6498 A non binary lesbian like Drake?
Really? I thought he was a Pisces
Sigmas = Immigrants? Wait, what country are Sigmas from? Miss me with that sigmas $hit.
once men like this started to view dating as a competition and a "game" instead of like, a genuine connection with another human being, that's when they failed as people
Dating? Didn't you hear? This is all about DOMINATING fellow men.
@@seigeengine If they want to dominate other men then they should sign up for Grinder.
Dating ? Are you talking about this app : tinder ?
@@GigaMan2077 No, we ALPHAS just run up and grope women on the street, and then they cling onto us for life, getting in the way of us DOMINATING other men. UGH.
Okay, I'm done.
@Jerome ThaAlphaKing u funny lol
I'm an Alpha-Beta Male, meaning that my personality is that of a chain of supermarkets in the Southwestern United States that existed between 1917 and 1995.
that's a thing? the super markets i mean.
Can’t believe you forgot the hilarious fact that the guy who wrote the book on alpha and beta wolves was also the same guy who debunked his own theories
Yea and the poor man has to spend the rest of his career telling people he was wrong at first.
@@littlemau1360 a real man can admit his faults. while these greek letter males will just double down on their stupid believs
The OG and only real Alpha male 😃✊
@@MsDudette21 a real *alpha* man
A true scientist.
Dude he’s talking like he’s in a porn fanfic, “dominate the omegas”.
I sure wish an alpha male would dominate me into submission 😳😳
@@iRradiantRayne omegaverse
@@El-de6nj ✌️😩
@@iRradiantRayne 😳📸
Every fucking time I hear people talk about this I instantly think of the omegaverse. They have no idea what they sound like.
i feel like a ligma male now
What's ligma?
@@aidankocherhans9861 this is so sad can we please enslave several starving children
@@gaberino1 I’ll do that with you 🥰
what's a male
@@jonathananderson1401 male deez nuts lmao gottem
2:04 the idea of a stereotype that people base their entire personality around, being a myth that was debunked years ago is the funniest thing I've ever heard
Literally everything they say just sounds sad and miserable and what's worse is that there are young men who actually buy this stuff because they feel insecure or unwanted
Yeah. I used to believe that. The whole alpha male thing etc ain't true, they're just pseudo scientific terminology that makes their insecurities sound more true
@@davidfereira5354 besides they will make u buy their products and also their "How to get women" books and videos, which is all just bullshit
@@asimomar7505 they put women in the same category.
- A women
And then they make fun of astrological stuff a lot of women like.
o'r if they're an incell
is this the omegaverse
I guess so
I can’t wait for that fanfic
Can’t wait for the omega verse lawsuit part 2
There's a lack of knotting in this video
when google is more of a person to him than women as a collective
"So like, what women do you have? I got a 4* blondie from the gacha machine a week ago"
The best response to anyone calling themselves an alpha or sigma male is to say 'Isn't that that weird werewolf mpreg thing' and walk away.
"The one guy no girl can resist" Hard no. If a guy believes in this alpha/beta/sigma stuff I'm running as far away from him as possible.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz so are you really just gonna comment on everyone's comment just to start a fight?
I'm very late, as always and just finding about this 3rd addition to this group of males... but same here, I would be running away as far as possible too. Stay safe, ladies.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz oh you're here too! Hi, I still think you're a creep
I'm actually a Gamma male which means I'm usually pretty calm and collected, but when I get angry I turn into a big green monster AAARGH!
And I'm a gamma female which means I put off crazy amounts of radiation and if you get too close to me, I'll give you cancer
Yo Gamma males SMASH
I'm a pisces and the moon is making me mad. Waiting for mercury to return, or something like that.
I am bill gates
@@anonthe-third2367 *translates* “I gamma evils SMASH” welp that was nice
This literally feels like a game we would play as children I can't believe adults buy into it
Men with unresolved issues from childhood tend to come at their issues in childish ways..
Most guys never mentally grow up
@@chemicalwonderland2492 your name is literally you mama🤡
@@RedRoomReno doesn't mean they're wrong 🤡🤡
@@paigemosher8697 ohh let me join in!🤡🤡🤡
when you play mermaids in the pool and the ice mermaid and fire mermaid are at an all out war.
This is unironically the gayest thing that a straight man can do
“Ah yes, I’m good at *dominating* other men”
Many a Freudian slip!
these people would die if they read a single gay fanfic with A/B/O in it
The gayest thing that *only* a straight man can do
"gayest thing in the world is a group of straight boys"
@@meumnomen one time my friend was writing notes on Sigmund Freud but he accidentally wrote Sigmund Fraud so we just kept calling Sigmund Freud sigma male fraud
So Sigma males:
Don't care about society
But also:
Define themselves by the arbitrary values of society (dress=feminine/weak, masculinity=is the main thing a man should strive for, money and women=everything else a man should strive for
Honestly it's surprising that such a mindset can survive past the age of like 16.
It really is so sad seeing these men try and explain why they are better than everyone else while they really just make themselves look insecure and mean.
@cooper Harper king energy 👑 💖💖
@cooper Harper for them just the thought of being seen as FéMiNiNe or gAy is scary. They are so insecure that they live their lifes with that constant fear, so when they see a man/boy that is just being himself they feel the need to put him down because they are jelly. It's so annoying and sad. I feel kinda bad for em, sucks to suck. (Btw happy that you are living your best life without worrying bout stupid shit)
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz dude what are you talking about?
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz can't you explain what you mean in your comments?
For a group that’s doesn’t believe they’re in a hierarchy and says they don’t care about shit they sure do care a lot about this hierarchy stuff
Gotta hop on the latest trends my man, be in the bandwagon before you know where it's headed. Crypto is so last week, we sigma, ligma, sugma, fugma etc now.
Its like motorbikers gangs who join because they have a problem with autority and inside the gang there a president who calls the shots lol
Yea- supposedly they choose to be outside the hierarchy, so how could they equal or better than alphas when alphas are in the hierarchy
Saiki k pfp saiki k pfp saiki k pfp
I’m actually a thing called a pseudo male where even though I have male biology, I’m actually a woman
I’m a pseudo genderfluid!!
@@DarwinRoger893Iron Man
im crying
me personally, im a Human Mail.
TBH being a beta male is the coolest. You have all these cool colorful fins and breathe underwater.
glob glob
Haha! Good one!
(If you don't get it, go look up the Betta fish!)
Time stamp?
Being a beta is also cool because you get to eat your own kind for no reason, and not get reprimanded for it.
Is this satire? Humans can't be categorized like this
he sure knows a whole lot about what women apparently want for someone who has clearly never interacted with one before in their life
Right? I'm watching and thinking "OK so a sigma is a dude with the ego of an "alpha" with the whiny misogyny of an incel?"
@@bigbearkat2010 thats actually such a good description.
@@erikzetterlund6997 hey you were just here
Could you please even attempt to make an actual point other than just insults?
I wish I was God
"Astrology for men", never have I heard such a strong and enlightening statement perfectly describing this weird culture. Thank you.
its perfect
As a boi who uses astrology, the problem is normally that people don’t take free will and change into account.
Also, Alpha-Sigma-Beta-Whatever is just weird fanfiction version of astrology. :)
@@Iemonic 🙄
@@anti-usernamesaltaccount3623 🤐
Alpha? Sigma? Nah man I’m a Greg.
I myself am an Abba male. I'm a dancing queen
Lol out loud!
🎶 Young and sweet 🎶
Mama Mia
Personally I’m an aba male, I just love me some keys
Best thing I read all day bruv
Do you think they like take buzzfeed “are you an alpha , beta, etc.?” quizzes to fuel their egos lmao
Probably answer every question with what they think will get them the alpha answer, even if it doesnt apply to them
@@mojonel or sigma answer
i hope the only result is beta
@@WestonWoe we have to make a quiz like this and make these "alfa" and "sigma" males cry cause crying is healthy
@@MayLina They wont. They were tought that men shouldn't show any other emotion then those perceived as commonly attractive traits.
sorry but danny saying "speak for yourself dude, i just wanna be dominated" had me spitting out my coffee this morning
Literally same, I was howling with laughter💀
Howling?? ALPHAAAA
Literally same.
@@finnie3156 nah, I’m a beta. I’m the definition of submissive and breedable 🙄🤚
@@jordanboone1892 naw you gotta be an omega like me to really be submissive and breedable and if you wanna learn how just try these three easy steps
I'm sure that guy you are showing around 12:30 is a real piece of work, but honestly was surprised and a bit happy to see him mention the "Half your age + 7" Rule when it comes to dating ages. A lot of people in this sphere ae really creepy about age differences and prefer to prey on younger people, so at the very least that guy is teaching people not to do that. Still not someone I would support, but I'm happy to see responsible age gaps being taught.
“That’s kinda beta of you to let him dominate your mind like that” DANNY holy shit!
Danny destroyed the alpha/beta mentality with one simple joke.
@@juanrocollazo danny the superior male
@@maytasfr wbk 🙄
@@maytasfr the chad
Sigma sounds a lot like "Oh, my girlfriend goes to a different school"
My girlfriend lives in a different city... Maybe i am sigma...
You wish
@chaE! Jealous
@Fen Vulpeus yo dude I bet you'd be good friends with pookie & ray-ray
Fun story; I was talking to a guy from tinder for a while, but I’d picked up a few red flags; and besides that I also wasn’t feeling a connection. So instead of ghosting I politely said it wasn’t working out, I said it was largely due to distance, but was also honest in telling him that a few things he’d said made me uncomfortable. He then flipped out and went on for an hour-long tirade of insulting texts, including sending me screenshots of selfies from my tinder page, where he specifically pointed out all my flaws, or at least what he perceived to be flaws. I said to him “I feel like you’re the type of guy who calls himself an ‘alpha’ male” ... and he responded “I fucking AM an alpha male!” 🤣😅
Guy named alpha swiped right my profile on tinder. I was curious if that's his real name because i know someone who named alpha. But no, his name isn't alpha but he thinks that he is an alpha male and then he sent me a text about what i can't do if i want to talk to him. That was not-so-good list so i blocked him.
That was in fact a fun story. Thank you for sharing
you really dodged a bullet 😬
I was chatting with this guy on plenty of fish years ago and began to suspect that he was super conservative based on what he was saying. I'm not against that as long as they're thoughtful and not an asshole about it. Same with any ideology.
So I asked if he was conservative and said something like "I'm more of a leftie myself, but my family is conservative so I'm cool with it; are you ok with my beliefs though?" and he flipped the fuck out. I thought I was being nice and non judgemental but he went off on me, started assuming things about me that aren't true. He called me an atheist even though I'm a Christian (and it says so on my profile), referenced me getting a worthless liberal arts degree (even though my degrees are in chemistry and lab tech), and assumed I was sleeping around and would end up "an old whore" (I was a virgin). I thought he seemed chill and like a decent guy but holy crap he was nuts.
This throws me back into my first year of school when I pretended to be a vampire because I thought it would make me popular. It did not.
This entire “Alpha vs Beta” thing is just sad, some people need to learn to value themselves without attempting to put other people down. Unfortunately they haven’t learnt that yet and at their age, they never gonna learn it ever.
Don't encourage personal growth man.
@Warp Drive lol
Baydaaaaaaaaaaa alert!
it's fun
@@ko-Daegu Wow, what a fantastic insight I never would have thought of that, thank you for commenting.
It's like when one kid says "I have a gun and the bullets can hit you anywhere" then the other kids like "well my shield blocks everything for infinity" that's the sigma-alpha war
wEll mY sHeiLd pEirCinG bUllEtS bReAk uR sHeiLd
@@redmay6207 WeLl I hAvE aNoThEr ShIeld ThAt ReFlEcTs aLl AtTaCks
**reflects your dodge with my sheild**
*eats the bullets and powers up from it*
I like how when they talk about independent Sigma males when showing off lions and wolves, which are both pack animals.
@Jerome Breezedale Where did your profile pic go?
@Jerome Breezedale Didn't the other Jerome Breezedale have a profile pic...? Is that you or someone else? Anyway, here's some pasta! 🍝🍝🍝🍝
@Jerome Breezedale I'm just a little worried that you might have locked yourself from your old account and had to make a new one, that's all! Also, don't worry! I never run out of pasta!
@Jerome Breezedale I- you don't want my pasta? At all?
@Jerome Breezedale Oh right! My vitamins! Thank you so much for reminding me! Wow...such a kind and caring friend! I'm so lucky to have you!
Sigma is 3 yrs old i didnt know weve been doomed since 2021😭😭😭
so basically these guys just invented being a sigma male to tell that they're better than everyone
Yep, pretty much.
Basically. In truth they know they're not "alpha male" but didn't want to accept they're "sub alpha".
cause they milk comments
"no girl can resist" translates to "i know how to be so creepy yet so friendly and prey on women who are too shy to say no"
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz "alpha male" spotted in the wild.
How do you get that power? I could really use it.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz _you have a fucking joker quotes video in a public playlist_ 🤣🤣 im gonna fucking lose it
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz no man the joke is still on you sorry
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz crazy how “women love us” yet most of yall dudes that do this are SINGLE
“Lions conquer everything”
Except hunting, you know, ‘cause lionesses do that.
Not really. Boy lions are actually more muscle-y then girls. They just send the girls out to do the work. Tigers are the opposite, the girls have more muscle, which makes sense: they're solitary animals, so mommy tigers can't rely on anyone else to protect their kids. Daddy tigers don't need the extra muscle, they only need to care for themselves
@@louschwick7301 what
@@louschwick7301 you using these human terms on animals is so funny for no reason
@@louschwick7301 so… you’re still saying the girl lions do the hunting. It’s not a “not really thing” since you still proved their point dude lol
@@eddieisverygay7937 exactly what i thought while reading that lmao
I'm almost positive that Sigma males started as a sarcastic answer to the "Are you an Alpha or a Beta" question. Someone was listening to some other dude go off about how he is an alpha and he was talking to this guy at the bar last night and he was totally a beta and you could tell he was intimidated by his alpha energy blah blah blah and the other dude eventually was just like "You know what bro? I'm a Sigma. It means I don't give a fuck, just leave me alone".
There are two types of men:
A: Men who call themselves Alphas or Sigmas
B: Men who are not insecure about their own masculinity
ok beta
@@Cortesevasive lol
@@Cortesevasive THE SIGMA GRINDSET
What if your insecure so you think about yourself as a beta?
As a male myself I'm insecure about everything.
"Im trying to get dominated"
-Danny Gonzalez
Well same tbh.
Danny is an omega male confirmed
@@doggytheanarchist7876 b
@@satellitecannon9463 Speak for yourself, I'm trying to get dominated by men and "ugly" (by society standards) chicks, lmao-
“I’ve heard it described as astrology for men”
Oh my god Danny you cracked the code
Just another completely irrelevant form of tribal ranking for humans to battle it out.
@@dominicwalker1899 It's sad when astrology is better than something...
At least astrology is vague and generally tries to come up with good things about star signs instead of tearing down people.
@@whoswallowing laughing my duck ass of
@@YujiUedaFan actually not true, its being used to generalize people & people will literally not like you if ur a certain astrology sign
This whole Alpha and Sigma male stuff sounds like a horoscope.
It's horoscopes for 30 yr old men
The wolf theory was also disproven by the dude that originally wrote the theory, apparently the dude just mistaked the parent of a bunch of wolf pups for a leader of a wolf pack
Crazy how humans aren't related to wolves but to apes who have a male hierarchy 😧
Plus, the wolves were total strangers and in an artificial, closed area. No wonder they acted weirdly.
@@suzukiman2537 just educating, there are some great apes that are matriarchal. Like bonobos. They are pretty funny tgough since they are very similar to chimps but keep smaller packs and are also very horny
@@suzukiman2537 Some apes are patriarchal but others like bonobos are matriarchal, and we share about the same amount of genetic similarities to bonobos as to other great apes. Although, trying to project other animals' behaviours onto our own human social lives is a complete logical fallacy and waste of time, regardless of which species we decide to latch on to.
also, only females in wolf packs can be alphas and they typically take on a caring and nurturing role in the pack.
Danny: "Speak for yourself dude... I'm trying to get dominated"
That one is going on the Danny out of context compilations
Relatable content
That and the whole 'pony up daddy'
@@shannmander 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Honestly a perfect tik tok sound
These guys should leave the omegaverse for the fanfictions.
Pls-hdhdgdghdhdve fr
Frl 🙄
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz🙄
A lady at work once told me "you're like an alpha without acting like an alpha." That stuck with me and it's helped me to continue being good at what I do without being a douchebag about it.
Isn't being a sigma means not caring why would he care if he's attractive
I don’t even fucking know what are these new labels are nowadays
It's pretty funny that no-one who describes themselves with these labels is actually correct.
Just googled sigma and apparently, it's a letter on the Greek alphabet. Also last I remember, that's also a megaman x villain.
@@noahmusialik5170 it's so funny bc these are the same guys that would be confused by any lgbt label/identity
I don’t care what others think of me. Here’s a label I invented that lets you know I don’t care what others think. Is it legible enough?
two fun facts about the study that popularized the whole "alpha wolf" thing -
1) it was specifically discussing wolves in captivity, so these people are essentially bragging about how self-righteous they would act if you locked them in a cage
2) the research that later debunked it was done by the author of the original study lol
That’s hilarious
*squints* you watch hbomberguy? I recognize that quote
@@aishaaofthedays shhhhh don't let on
How is the wolf hierarchy actually then? I wanna know more
@@leoultimaupgraded9914 it’s based on seniority so the highest is the group is usually the parents
As a woman, I can confirm the whole "tough man without emotions and takes advantage of everyone" thing is pathetic. The true strength is accepting who you are instead of trying to put on airs.
Hard pass. Self-acceptance might make me think of the morality of my choices, I previously ignored during my quick irrational actions I take for the euphoria of not being bored
Then I will have to think about my morality, and the contribution I make on the community around me. Probably go on an arch where I better my self and strive to fix the crazy broken society we live in with kindness
I am way too lazy to do any of that, luckily my aromatic, anti-social, introverted ass. Doesn’t have to worry about the attention of women, men, and all others in between or outside genders
I’m okay with just me, myself, and the screaming panicked voice in my head wondering if it has reached the end of my sanity from all the loneliness……….. oh and my adorable dog
@@luisf2793 I’m aromantic, asocial, and introverted too but I think all the other stuff is just a you problem
I’m literally about to leave my boyfriend of 7 years because of this. It’s NOT something appealing.
@Jerome OfThaAlphaKingz Mr. AlphaKIngz pls get a life and leave the comment section alone.
@@heather_doestruecrime why did you stay with him for 7 years?😭
as someone who regularly indulges in omegaverse content this hurts my bones to watch
So we have learned two things.
1. Being a Sigma male is all about mentality and nothing physical matters for it.
2. Being a Sigma male will make you physically more attractive.
They also don't care until they do
I'm crying
Those two things are completely unrelated
@@Relevart9169 I am an omega male,
for a guy who boasts about how he's part of some elusive group of men who don't require external validation, he sure does seem to talk a lot about getting external validation
That’s what I’m saying.
@@Alexander-nc4vy this is what alexander’s saying
@@Alexander-nc4vy Thanks for sharing with the class, Alexander. It seems you already know a lot about this and already developed an informed opinion. And we haven't even started the introduction! Good job. 🌟
@@hippieduck I think I was a bit to quick to assume. I apologize.
"Speak for yourself dude, I'm trying to get dominated"
One of the most relatable things I've ever heard you say
Why did I read this at the exact moment he said that 😭
I mean, being dominated by the gf is nice too
To each their own
Bruh! Same!!!!!
Why is there a surprise Zuckerberg at 16:32?
he's invading....