My jaw is still resting on the ground. That lady hates obama for "trying to take coal jobs away" yet it is the coal that is killing her husband, and it is Obama who is literally the reason her husband still lives. Gobsmacked. Absolutely jaw-droppingly gobsmacked at the attitude of these people.
You can't fix stupid... And these folks are just that. The very thing that's killing you.. You wanna keep??? I have a hard time feeling any compassion for them
Nappinnai Nallan Chakravarthy, Absolutely right, and, as I stated in a recent post, particularly so if that ignorance is Willful Ignorance, (Stupidity). Be Well
Nappinnai. Exactly, and this is not a "party" issue. These people have been abandoned by BOTH major political parties. Their livelihoods are gone, and no one has helped them survive in the new economy.
Amnon, I thought so initially but saw recently that the Dems put out a plan when they coal was going the way of the dodo that would give tax incentives and school credit options to help those workers get different jobs. There's a huge push for tech and trucking jobs in a lot of these mining towns by those previous workers. They say that coal jobs have been slowly coming back, but are starting to meet less workers since they found real technical educations.
WkInPrgrss same here...hate these poor white people in the middle of America sucking my tax dollars away to treat their shitty diseases. Lose some fucking weight while you're at it.
Ingrid Kindred You can go any place in our Nation and find folks for and against Obamacare. This is nothing new. Just another Propaganda video. The left and right use such videos. what your saying is, Hillary would make a good president. LOL! Now THAT would be "absolutely stupid". In this election, it wasn't the fault of the voters. TRUMP LIED TO EVERYONE. He made it worse. The people who are not in the newly rich elite swamp have no power over what's happening now.
These poor folks are too ignorant to understand the big picture. This industry is killing her husband -- yet she wants those jobs to come back (and somehow that was Obama's fault that they were lost? Hello, ever hear of cheap natural gas?). Any clue about green industries replacing coal jobs --- nah!?
All I can do is shake my head at this woman! That is the most ignorant statement I've heard in my life! She should've just said "Thank you saving my husband's life but I still hate your black ass" and been real about it!
We have free healthcare here in Scandinavia, and throughout Europe. But $ 6000 for that medication, it would still cost only $ 50 for the government here in Europe. Somebody robs the taxpayers in the US
Dankthrone 88 yeah that's right if you are not well travelled or properly educated regarding these things. When I hear short brown man I imagine a short man that is brown. It could be any brown person... Indian, Pakistani, Madagascan, etc. I guess your environment really does shape your mentality and thought processes. The world is HUGE! Expand your mentality. 🤗
Tom Jensen I just watched a video that explains this: the difference in the US pharma industry compared to the rest of the world is that their legislation doesn't demand a cap for prices of treatment drugs or exams. Unlike Europe, Australia or Canada, for example, the American law allows pharmaceutical companies to set their own price. You would expect the competition made the prices go down, but instead they keep going up, since lowering prices to real production costs in such a market would mean losing money. If all American pharma determines the cost of drugs should be within a certain interval, and they all agree, the prices remain high. That's what happens without regulation. America loves it that the Government stays out of their business, but that sort of behaviour results in economic bubbles, which end up bursting into disasters like the 2008 crisis. I'll take my good old European socialized medical care any day, thank you very much.
I guess they don't value their lives, it's evidence that they rather die than to give credit to president Obama, now that sounds like racist to me. You think.
NightWing Agreed. He showed these people he was a con man for a year and more. If he was a guy who was previously stable, not a scammer, had gotten results, worked with others, etc., then I would understand them being duped.
Thankfully I don't have to live under the US healthcare system but I do feel pity for all the sick people who weren't taken in by Trump but are going lose their coverage because of these gullible, poorly informed and xenophobic people. That she thinks the coal industries decline is not due to automation and cheaper alternative power but is down to 'Obama's had a war on coal' and that Trump is now going to bring coal jobs back, the very work that has made her husband ill is beyond retarded but it shows right-wing propaganda works.
Trump is desperate. He’s already working on privatizing the post office and despite saying he wouldn’t cut social security or Medicare, cuts to both programs are in his budget. And when did a President “saying what’s on his mind “ become a virtue? You want a president that speaks the TRUTH and does what what he says, not a pathological liar. And to show you how ignorant these people are she is complaining that the only thing Obama did for them was to literally save her husband’s life. I can’t think of anything better than that. If Trump would have gotten his way, her husband would be dead. And she wants MORE coal jobs even though she sees what it did to him. Every breath is a struggle for him. He will die prematurely because of those coal mines yet she has no concerns about sacrificing others who will suffer the same fate. The decline of coal has accelerated since Trump took office and more companies have shut down. It is a dying industry and the handwriting has been on the wall for some time. Trump mades promises to those people he couldn’t keep. So him saying “what’s on his mind” hasn’t seem to benefited her at all, but she’s sure to vote for him again for some of that “hope.” Next year he might be successful in ending Obamacare.
1. Thinking coal jobs are coming back is like wishing that cars were replaced by horse-drawn carriages. It won't happen. 2. These people will suffer the most under Trumpcare. It's horrifying.
She said Obama waged a war on coal when I believe what actually happened was a market shift around what became much cheaper natural gas. Ignorance is scary.
I would have to agree with you. It's the same when a company uses a computer or robot to do the job of ten people because production is more efficient. Place blame on the trend or the worker not being educated enough to operate the computer or robot.
coal doesn not sell anymore. There are no markets so where is the "coal comeback" going to sell the stuff? If feel sorry for these gullible people, but they have nothing else. A responsible democrat could maybe get some solar jobs in, but that might take skill and education. Kentucky is not known for that. McConnell is a local cancer.
First off, "How stupid can people really be?" Your husband (who you say you love) is dying due strictly to his job (hauling coal) who is now too sick to work (at all) and you hate the one person who pushed the implementation of a medical care system (which was a GOP policy at it's birth under Romney) which has now become the only thing saving your husband's life?"
AND if they get disability THAT'S a DEMOCRAT bill. The Democrats gave them Social Security and all that comes with it. I hope they all croak. Ignorant Hillbillies.
@@chakra9644 Social security is earned, Jack ass. You pay into it every single check. I guess you don't plan on living into your golden years. Or just ain't smart enough to see that far down the road. You NEVER know what is going to happen. Someday, it may be you, or someone you care about who needs one of these programs. Bait and switch.. greedy politicians got you distracted from looking at the big picture.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ, 1963
Mz Missy What two years of an associates degree or job training would have done for some of these folks would have been all the difference between where they are today and where they may have been in life. Very sad.
For starters, the red parts of Kentucky outnumbers the blue. He's never helped this state. People in her part of Kentucky are prejudice or racist. McConnell hasn't done a damn thing for this state EVER. Why they keep voting for him is beyond me.
Shenita Gazaway He wouldn’t be able to help out your pathetic state without taking extra that blue states provide into the federal pot, now if each state had their own separate pot states like Kentucky would be up shits creek without a paddle, and as long as the red states are mooching off the blue states you have life without the help that blue states that provide you with the extra we put in you have nothing.
every word that lady said contradicted itself. she wants coal jobs back.. the exact job that gave her husband black lung.. does she not listen to herself speak??
JD Ford - She's stupid. She might as well demand the buggy whip industry be bailed out. Coal is over and out, and why they prefer dirty jobs that kill them in their 40s over clean jobs in the booming solar industry ... I just don't know. Their hatred for the black president is something they cling to like a life raft.
If I might interject a view from the outside. Yes coal mining is a dangerous job. I had an uncle who died of black lung. But don't call good people idiots because they're doing the only job they can. Since time began people earned their living doing jobs that shortened their lives, or at least put them in danger. But with the other options being destitution and starvation, what are they to do? My mother's side of the family comes from a coal mining town. We lost 26 coal miners in 1992. It's no longer an industry here, thank God, but the area suffers economically. And while its easy to say they should move or get another job, it rarely is. Not every coal miner will get black lung or die in a collapse. But it is the risk they take, just as a soldier risks death on the battlefield, and a firefighter risks burning alive. My experience has showed me that most coal miners would take another, less dangerous job, and those who do it do it because it's their heritage, it's what they know, and it's where they live. But don't call them idiots.
President Obama made a good difference, never mind what the closed minded people think. He did a lot of good, the republicans are at fault for knocking down And voting against a lot of his ideas. COalmining should have been closed down decades ago, Black lung disease has been going on for years. The environment has been damaged due to this also. Trump should spend a week in a coal mine, he wouldn’t be orange when he surfaced.
I agree I mean Obama care has flaws but it is a starting point so that Congress and the president now keep working on it and make it better. People are so stupid and selfish this should not be a black and white issue Obama care is not completely bad and if we keep working on it and make it better this would benefit all Americans. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is making so much money off of us and if Congress stopped working for them and started listening to the people that elected them than we could have universal health care as many other advanced countries do. But sadly we're all paying for the ignorance of this people.
that lady said I voted for Trump because I thought he would make Obamacare better not repeal it even tho Trump literally said he would repeal Obamacare every chance he got.
Exactly. She voted for Trump because he was white & not because she believed he was going to make Obama care better. Even when white people are dying they still chose to 'go out' lying.
They're just stupid. Trump ran on repeal and replace Obamacare, which it is really called ACA. But because it had Obama's name attached to it they voted for Trump. All because of their hatred for Obama. They deserve everything they get.
Maybe she doesn't know the definition of repeal. The word DOES sound like "repeat" .. (two of). Maybe she thought that "Bankrupt " trump was gonna make obamacare TWICE as better. Haha
Listen to the excuses they make for trump...oh he has not had enough time. Listen to words he wants the program gone and his voucher program good luck with that.
They are always going to vote against their best interest as long as it involves the chance to hate someone,because of their race.good luck with your loving coal dust, you seem to love it more than you do mankind and humanity, you can’t make it make sense , just pure racism at its DUMBEST.
this made me laugh so hard , but i still do feel sorry for them stupid trump supporters even though he said that he will repeal and "replace" O-care from day-1
monex5 - me too, I just cannot get inside their heads. The only thing I can think is that they are just in massive denial and too proud to admit they were wrong. But, I'm with you, I simply cannot fathom their mentality.
monex hopefully the Republicans will repeal obamacare and next month's medicine won't get paid for and will see how they like their Republican congressman then
People in Kentucky will believe what Fox News tells them more than what reality tells them. I live in Kentucky and boy oh boy are the republicans an interesting people
Works both ways. You have some interesting democrats in ky as well. Also have ppl who hate white ppl. So let's not add to the racial divide by being one sided here.
You are wrong. Dead wrong. The media turned his campaign into that. Twisted his words. Ppl saw thru that to his real message. If everyone thought he was a racist--- we wouldn'thave voted for him.
Yep imagine if the horse and carriage industry lobbied to keep cars off the street or the oil industry lobbied against electricity. Progress needs to be embraced and utilized to move forward not backward.
Watchtoons Rex Just FYI Check out the solar thermal energy program in the United Arab Emirates. As of 2017 they have developed a solar thermal energy lant that produces electricity cheaper than local natural gas. It works swo well they are going to double its size. I am well aware of the differences in climate but, lithium ion and graphene batteries are still developing and, in certain regions, they are cheaper than fossil fueled power plants. )
Trump Voters: "Please bring back the Jobs that are killing us! We don't want renewable or clean energy! We want the black lung!" These people rather die than learn a new work skill and/or change professions.
Kyle Rowland Amen!!!!. They don’t see how dumb they sound. But what do you expect from people with a lack of education and extreme lack of critical thinking skills. Oooh I don’t like Obama because he is taking away the job that is killing my husband and the other people in the area, now we are gonna have to learn how to read and write and learn a new trade🙄🙄.
And bring back Model T manufacturing, horse and buggy manufacturing, typewriter manufacturing, cassette tape manufacturing, soda bottle manufacturing, asbestos manufacturing - when will people get the point. There are some things YOU CAN'T bring back no matter who is telling you just so they can get your vote.
Neu Street been left in the dust! They refuse to change every other race has been educating their selves and learning a skill set or working a job that gives them experience to move up in the workforce while they have just been sitting around living in the past praying for a dead end you going to die before you retire jobs to come back.
They romanticize a job thats dirty, dangerous, killed several in their families history & friends. I worked in the mines & for MSHA...My grandfather died a horrible death smothering from black lung
carolyn carter ~ Like a fiddle...and they don’t even see it. Trump: “Gonna bring back coal jobs & abolish Obama-care!” Wife: “Coal mining has destroyed my husband’s health..but Thank God Obama-care covers the monthly $6,000 meds” Me: “ Ummm... WHAT?!?? 😳”
Queen Daxylew Tradition. For them, these coal jobs are part of their family identity. They want it to remain that way even though it's killing them. So way big, black Obama starts a 'war on coal,' not only is he taking away their livelihood but he's taking away their identity.
lavinder11 Well even though they are dying by coal doesn't mean the rest of us want to. The use of coal and fossil fuels is killing our planet. And I'm sorry, if coal is a part of your identity but it caused you and your family a painful death, you should look into a new career. Supporting this way of thinking isn't healthy either.
Queen Daxylew. They're not crazy. They're woefully uneducated and, as a result, astoundingly dumb. Just the combination Conservative governments love as they're as simple to control as sheep in a field.
"Whatever comes across his head comes out of his mouth, and that's a good quality to have." You're so wrong lady, Trump would have no problem with your husband dying, even while he stood over his and watched, if it meant he'd "win" because he lied about many things, but not taking health care from your husband.
I live in another area of ky and we've been trying to get rid of him for years but somehow he won't go. The area I'm from is the most populated area of ky and I know of no one here that wants him in office. I'm no fan of elections being stolen rumors but sadly the thought of Mitchs election time again has a bad smell to it.
so y'all want jobs that caused the health issues back? instead of job training programs that will help with employment issues and not worry about that new job killing you....? oh ok
+arogthergroit Yes, the reality is that I don't care so much for these people. I actually think the world will be a better place when they no longer exist (judge me as you will). However, I do feel for people like yourself, who knew what Trump was all about, and voted accordingly, only to have these morons thrust upon you what you always knew would happen if Trump was elected. And then to not even have the guts to admit you were wrong and that, not only your husband will probably die, but countless thousands of others because of THEIR stupid pride and ignorance. I feel for you deeply, and hope that Congress vote down the Trump Administration's 'amendments', or perhaps 'reductions' is a more of an appropriate description.
Sanaa Jade Yes, it comes from years of working in mines (poor to no ventilation, no respiratory protection). They prob don't have a clue as to why they want to bequeath the same profession to their children, grands, & greats. That's stupid. What you don't see are black ppl crying over lost, killer, mining jobs.
This is insane. Mining is killing people because of black lung disease, and the wife of a miner with black lung disease is happy because more mining jobs are coming back. Is she really not seeing the connection?
"What comes across his mind comes out his mouth. I think thats a good quality to have." Lady...that's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what a "good quality to have" is.
I live in eastern ky and most ppl around here are trump supporters and now they are finally regretting it. I just hope they all realize they've been duped and conned by trump.
Rod: In that election, there were 628,939 people that voted against McConnell. Are you saying those people "deserve" to be abandoned? Is that the proper way to treat what is essentially a minority group?
It's horrifying how simple minded these people are. Anyone could have predicted what is getting ready to happen as a result of Trump being elected. It's sad that they are so quick to cast aspersions on President Obama, who did so much to help the poor of our country. But by 2019, their monthly premium will be too high for them to afford it because of Trump's removal of the individual mandate.
Vivian Anderson It really is the most perplexing thing in this country, How these people would rather die than vote for there best interest because of hatred of demacrats. The country is not better off and it's going to get much worse but self inflicted as long as this so called business man is doing what he did as a business man. Drove it into bankruptcy 6 times and the dumb voted for the bankrupting of our country on a wholesale bases but still think he is going to help them! He put trickle-down on steroids so what did they think was going to happen! The worst part is the fact that they're going to give this to twidiot another term if we don't stop them!!!
I sincerely believe that this has happened because of the unabated starvation of public school system funding, leaving students with the basics only. They don't have the ability to think critically, and because civics education was eliminated to save money, they are not educated voters. For these people, the presidential election is a reality show/popularity contest. It's so sad.
Oh I so hear you, Than we both have high hope's for the midterms. I hope this time nobody sits on the sidelines this time as our country needs everyone to vote these clowns out!
Vivian Anderson there are a lot of us that feel that way,the problem as I see it is it's not just republicans there are a bunch of spineless democrats to get rid of to
I went to the comment section an a lot of people missed the point. the coal industry is making these people sick. and these are the same jobs these people want to leave to their kids I thought you were supposed to want more for yours. once Trump takes away their Healthcare these people are done because all these are pre-existing conditions.
Black and brown ppl have been struggling with these choices for decades. Now these ppl are struggling with these choices and it's unfair. I just can't....
Ironically, Korean carmakers provude Americans jobs by manufacturing their cars in the US. Hyundai has a production plant in Montgomery Alabama. And Kia has another in Georgia.
It's because their news sources are those that actively work to make them misinformed. There was a poll released this week that showed that nearly half of Trump voters think that white people and Christian's face more discrimination than black people. Now where could they possibly come to such a ridiculous conclusion? Well, none other than Trump's favorite news network, Fox News. A network that routinely pushes that idea that there's a war on Christians as well as a war on the "white establishment". And they end up buying into it. That all leads to situations like this. Where people will literally vote to die because Republican news outlets have convinced them that liberals are trying to take away their religion and that there's be a deluge of immigrants into the country to take it over from white people. Republican voters routinely choose fear over their own well being.
bbookzable - Yeah, that's the reality of it, these people are extremely uneducated. And instead of sitting around lamenting the fact that the coal jobs are gone (which had nothing to do with Obama), perhaps they could have been proactive and upskilled in something else so that the loss of the coal jobs would simply mean they could move into a new industry. I'm not talking anything amazing, but get a forklift licence or truck-driver's licence. There's any number of things these people could do to improve their situation, but the one thing they can't improve? The loss of their healthcare coverage...the most important thing of all. Regardless, I agree with you these uneducated people are beyond saving and WILL die as a result of their lack of education and pig-pigheadedness.
The failing coal industry they cite as the reason for hating Obama is the very thing that caused her husbands Black Lung Disease. I'm not a huge fan of Obama but their rational for disliking him makes zero sense. He didn't destroy the coal industry on his own, it was already dying because there are better energy alternatives for a number of reasons such as the illnesses and environmental damage it causes.
She didn't notice the republican party being absolute cunts for the entire 8 years and tried to do everything to make sure Oba,ma failed? They even shut the government down in 2013 because he wouldn't de-fund Obamacare. She can swivel! Dumb bitch!
Please I would like to see their faces when Trump will sign the bill to repeal ObamaCare. Also, can you please send an journalist their at that moment to ask how they feel about Obama now.....
Why are you fighting for jobs that kill you? Fight for for companies that can open and hire from the area. Coal is not a solution....and thank Obama for your insurance to support the illnesses that you seem to want above all else. My personal opinion is that you have a screwed up way of thinking...coal, coal, What the hell is Mitch McConnell doing for your area? The governor should help grow industries (not coal) in the area to create jobs. What kind of people are you electing?
ok I understand those people's logic, they like obamacare but because obama took away their coal job they hate everything he has done. and they hoping trump could bring coal back and improve healthcare at the same time. good luck with that
no credit to Obama for giving them the ACA. Well the Republicans just took healthcare away from 13 million people while Trump cheered them on. Some of these thankless assholes are going to die.
Renewable energy took your job, your jobs are in China/Mexico or is currently being replaced my a robot. Say goodbye 👋 because those jobs are never coming back
The change from coal to natural gas started long ago, maybe in the late 70s, and it ended with Obama, the job is pretty much done, but this administration seems to be capitalizing on the ignorance of these poor working people, that even got sick working in coal, I am really sorry for them. These and other great American workers deserve better, so we all get better also.
Antonio Calhau how great are they?? These are absolute Racism.. they hated Obama because of race not anything else .. Coal workers are getting fibrosis which is killing him .. Still wants to die from work that kills?? Ignorance is a disease disease Racism kills .. let them die!!!
Yes and he knows it. The people don't. If he had exceeded with getting rid of ACA and putting the plans back to the old ways this man and others would be dead.
"ALL" Obama did for them was give them the healthcare that keeps her husband alive?? I'm dumbfounded by the reasoning for voting for trump..Just dumfounded.
As a Dutchman I am and have been baffled how Americans are actually still discussing whether it's a good idea to provide people with health insurance, regulate arms possession for civilians, to do something about climate change et cetera, et cetera..
Sir, I live here in America, born and bred in the South. And I still don't get it. All I can say due to gerrymandering and Citizens United and candidates that will not fight or don't know how, the inmates are running the asylum.
How stupid are these people, "he took away my job that is also causing me health issues." This must be how God feels when he answers prayers. Your way of life has been phased out, move or find a new product to contribute.
To Robin Taylor: I'm sorry that your husband is out of a job, but I can't help but wonder why you hated President Obama. He took away your husband's job, but gave him life-saving insurance. If he continued at his job, he may have died from black lung disease. You guys would have been out of a job and had a dead family member. Instead, your husband is out of a job but he is alive because of the ACA. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Everybody has the right to their own opinion and I respect it, but did President Obama do more bad or good to this individual personally? I simply don't know and I would like to have that conversation with her because it just seems that she has benefited overall. The alternative would result in a dead family member. Do you have an idea of what the underlying problem may be?
I believe the premise behind Obama's fault in mining industry setbacks is added regulations, such as the one prohibiting dumping waste in rivers. Regardless, the mining industry is being usurped by renewable energy's growth and it's time to invest, subsidize, and/or offer tax credits among other incentives to renewable energy companies.
And there is technology that is making human hands obsolete, too. I guess these people would rather have no insurance, disease and pollutants in their tap water.
carmay3600 Because racism, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism (can't accept climate change as real and human-driven), religious fundamentalism, and classism. The last one makes even less sense since most of these people don't have much in the bank.
I expect you that you hear there are a lot of problems in the UK but Brits don't have to choose between food or health care, nine years ago I suffered a pretty serious stroke and then last year I had skin cancer, both were treated on the NHS, It's paid for by everyone who can afford to through deductions in our wages each month, people who earn below a certain amount do not contribute but still have access to the service when ever they need it. you hear about some problems with the NHS but in general it is a good and fair service. if you can afford it you can buy extra health insurance and receive better care. It was started just after wwII someone thought if we can afford to build tanks and guns and kill people we can afford to care for people.
jmorris023 My prediction: He’s dead She’s working at McDonalds. She plans on voting trump in 2020, doesn’t mind not having medical insurance. Neither smartened up.
My jaw is still resting on the ground. That lady hates obama for "trying to take coal jobs away" yet it is the coal that is killing her husband, and it is Obama who is literally the reason her husband still lives. Gobsmacked. Absolutely jaw-droppingly gobsmacked at the attitude of these people.
Ha,. literally took the words out of my mouth!
You can't fix stupid... And these folks are just that. The very thing that's killing you.. You wanna keep??? I have a hard time feeling any compassion for them
JJ M - SAME! 😳 WTF?!???
Raul Quintanilla - same! I didn’t scroll through comments as it was said in the very beginning....
WTF are they thinking?!? 😳😳
Ironically 2018 was the lowest coal producing year on record. God bless the uneducated
I hope people realize that the cost of ignorance is very high.
Nappinnai Nallan Chakravarthy,
Absolutely right, and, as I stated in a recent post, particularly so if that ignorance is Willful Ignorance, (Stupidity).
Be Well
You got that right.
Nappinnai. Exactly, and this is not a "party" issue. These people have been abandoned by BOTH major political parties. Their livelihoods are gone, and no one has helped them survive in the new economy.
Amnon, I thought so initially but saw recently that the Dems put out a plan when they coal was going the way of the dodo that would give tax incentives and school credit options to help those workers get different jobs. There's a huge push for tech and trucking jobs in a lot of these mining towns by those previous workers.
They say that coal jobs have been slowly coming back, but are starting to meet less workers since they found real technical educations.
the cost will be their Black Lung Disease insurance, reduced OSHA regulations, and less environmental protections. Too bad for them.
I wanted to feel bad for them - and then the guy's wife started talking. Hate's a real killer.
The only thing Obama did was save my husband!!!
WkInPrgrss same here...hate these poor white people in the middle of America sucking my tax dollars away to treat their shitty diseases. Lose some fucking weight while you're at it.
+iali00 Hope you never find yourself in that situation inhuman piece of shit go fuck yourself
Manuel Gomez ha ha ha assmouth you only get what you give ad the tRump people toss your name and legacy over their hypothetical border wall
WkInPrgrss yess
You just can't fix stupid. They want and need the Affordable Care Act but voted for the person that said they will get rid of it....absolutely stupid.
Ingrid Kindred You can go any place in our Nation and find folks for and against Obamacare. This is nothing new. Just another Propaganda video. The left and right use such videos.
Garland & Darinda Remington III yes, but they like the ACA. 😂
Garland, why then don't you use your brain, get educated and make up your own mind? what your saying is, Hillary would make a good president. LOL! Now THAT would be "absolutely stupid". In this election, it wasn't the fault of the voters. TRUMP LIED TO EVERYONE. He made it worse. The people who are not in the newly rich elite swamp have no power over what's happening now.
Ingrid Kindred A healthy population is a stable population.
Omg woman....his JOB KILLED HIM. Yet you are blaming Obama for going against coal????
Its a dying industry. It will always be a dying one bc technology is killing jobs. Robots/AI are taking jobs and will continue to do so.
What comes in mind must be processed by the brain before it comes out of the mouth: just my guess, I might be wrong!
These poor folks are too ignorant to understand the big picture. This industry is killing her husband -- yet she wants those jobs to come back (and somehow that was Obama's fault that they were lost? Hello, ever hear of cheap natural gas?). Any clue about green industries replacing coal jobs --- nah!?
Little Miss Stamper 8
That poor man he has no health insurance and his wife is terminally stupid.
These people make no sense at all! Their Hate has killed them!
K B if it kills them off we don't have to worry about there vote
You got to love people who say hey Obama didn't do nothing for us but save my life!!!! But other then that he was horrible!!
All I can do is shake my head at this woman! That is the most ignorant statement I've heard in my life! She should've just said "Thank you saving my husband's life but I still hate your black ass" and been real about it!
Saved them by taxing other working class people leading them to being laid off and then those said workers also end up on unemployment.
@@drakebudasz8837 Will you please STOP slobbering on trump's junk.
Really? Must I? No, I despise them and pray they don't have any children to carry on their vile racist ignorance.
@@drakebudasz8837 yup
We have free healthcare here in Scandinavia, and throughout Europe.
But $ 6000 for that medication, it would still cost only $ 50 for the government here in Europe.
Somebody robs the taxpayers in the US
Tom Jensen you guys accept latinos in Europe ?
Dankthrone 88 you are kidding right? 😩Latinos are from Europe. Latin=Spanish and SPAIN IS IN EUROPE.
Paula not everybody sees it that way though as soon as someone sees a brown short man he is considered a Mexican am I not right ?
Dankthrone 88 yeah that's right if you are not well travelled or properly educated regarding these things. When I hear short brown man I imagine a short man that is brown. It could be any brown person... Indian, Pakistani, Madagascan, etc. I guess your environment really does shape your mentality and thought processes. The world is HUGE! Expand your mentality. 🤗
Tom Jensen I just watched a video that explains this: the difference in the US pharma industry compared to the rest of the world is that their legislation doesn't demand a cap for prices of treatment drugs or exams. Unlike Europe, Australia or Canada, for example, the American law allows pharmaceutical companies to set their own price. You would expect the competition made the prices go down, but instead they keep going up, since lowering prices to real production costs in such a market would mean losing money. If all American pharma determines the cost of drugs should be within a certain interval, and they all agree, the prices remain high. That's what happens without regulation. America loves it that the Government stays out of their business, but that sort of behaviour results in economic bubbles, which end up bursting into disasters like the 2008 crisis.
I'll take my good old European socialized medical care any day, thank you very much.
"Obamacare saved my life, but Obama has never done anything to help me." These people I swear
Truly unbelievable, right? Shows you that hate defies anything that has to do with reason...
Elevator stuck on ground floor, must be something in the air i'm sure. Can't be education.
I guess they don't value their lives, it's evidence that they rather die than to give credit to president Obama, now that sounds like racist to me. You think.
Sounds like they have a mental problem. Are they just down right racist, it is what it is.
Obamacare saved my life to. I needed a pacemaker and it cost 110000 dollars. I didn't have to pay anything. Thank you former president Obama.
I don't wish for anyone to be sick, but if you vote for someone who wants to get rid of what you need to live, sorry that's your fault.
NightWing Agreed. He showed these people he was a con man for a year and more. If he was a guy who was previously stable, not a scammer, had gotten results, worked with others, etc., then I would understand them being duped.
John Riggins Many were guy, many were.
WiseKing, they are all fucked now that the new " plan" passed today
Bless your heart because I am not as kind as you are. Im just about done with stupid people. The less of them the better.
Thankfully I don't have to live under the US healthcare system but I do feel pity for all the sick people who weren't taken in by Trump but are going lose their coverage because of these gullible, poorly informed and xenophobic people. That she thinks the coal industries decline is not due to automation and cheaper alternative power but is down to 'Obama's had a war on coal' and that Trump is now going to bring coal jobs back, the very work that has made her husband ill is beyond retarded but it shows right-wing propaganda works.
Their racism is stronger then there survival instinct 😂
Facts 💯 lol
Fo real!
*Racism manifests through BEING UNEDUCATED, thats why Trump is an ILLITERATE RACIST DUMBASS!!*
Trump is desperate. He’s already working on privatizing the post office and despite saying he wouldn’t cut social security or Medicare, cuts to both programs are in his budget. And when did a President “saying what’s on his mind “ become a virtue? You want a president that speaks the TRUTH and does what what he says, not a pathological liar. And to show you how ignorant these people are she is complaining that the only thing Obama did for them was to literally save her husband’s life. I can’t think of anything better than that. If Trump would have gotten his way, her husband would be dead. And she wants MORE coal jobs even though she sees what it did to him. Every breath is a struggle for him. He will die prematurely because of those coal mines yet she has no concerns about sacrificing others who will suffer the same fate. The decline of coal has accelerated since Trump took office and more companies have shut down. It is a dying industry and the handwriting has been on the wall for some time. Trump mades promises to those people he couldn’t keep. So him saying “what’s on his mind” hasn’t seem to benefited her at all, but she’s sure to vote for him again for some of that “hope.” Next year he might be successful in ending Obamacare.
Conservative Americans 101
1. Thinking coal jobs are coming back is like wishing that cars were replaced by horse-drawn carriages. It won't happen.
2. These people will suffer the most under Trumpcare. It's horrifying.
She said Obama waged a war on coal when I believe what actually happened was a market shift around what became much cheaper natural gas. Ignorance is scary.
You should probably email this to the wife at the end! I was taking her word for it, but I was like I bet that's not accurate. Damn.
I would have to agree with you. It's the same when a company uses a computer or robot to do the job of ten people because production is more efficient. Place blame on the trend or the worker not being educated enough to operate the computer or robot.
The saddest thing is that they think trump is going to make jobs and medical coverage better.
Trump will have us kill
@michael x What drugs are you on? Calm down dude.
Trump is evil he will get us kill
Viva welfare
coal doesn not sell anymore. There are no markets so where is the "coal comeback" going to sell the stuff? If feel sorry for these gullible people, but they have nothing else. A responsible democrat could maybe get some solar jobs in, but that might take skill and education. Kentucky is not known for that. McConnell is a local cancer.
Sadly there is no cure for stupidity.
Carmen Villegas - actually there is, it's called education... unfortunately the United States is falling further behind in that regard too.
"The birthplace of Black women in the kitchen frying chicken that had their recipe stolen by Colonel Sanders". Is what they should really say.
That's a deep statement right there. The truth!
Um not so sure about that being the fact. Maybe the lady in this story isn't the only one with a bit of race issues.
First off, "How stupid can people really be?" Your husband (who you say you love) is dying due strictly to his job (hauling coal) who is now too sick to work (at all) and you hate the one person who pushed the implementation of a medical care system (which was a GOP policy at it's birth under Romney) which has now become the only thing saving your husband's life?"
AND if they get disability THAT'S a DEMOCRAT bill. The Democrats gave them Social Security and all that comes with it. I hope they all croak. Ignorant Hillbillies.
@@chakra9644 Social security is earned, Jack ass. You pay into it every single check. I guess you don't plan on living into your golden years. Or just ain't smart enough to see that far down the road. You NEVER know what is going to happen. Someday, it may be you, or someone you care about who needs one of these programs. Bait and switch.. greedy politicians got you distracted from looking at the big picture.
Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ, 1963
These type of people need someone to look down on and other than skin color they have virtually NOTHING in common with Donald Trump.
Susie McD I vaguely remember this quote by LBJ. Thanks for reminding me.
Susie McD bingo
Mz Missy
What two years of an associates degree or job training would have done for some of these folks would have been all the difference between where they are today and where they may have been in life. Very sad.
This is an example of why we say that republicans vote against their own best interests.
...and are so righteous while doing it...
SkyP1e Yep. They're the epitome of the saying cutting your nose to spite your face.
@@kecola They actually spit in the face of one congressman!
Attention: people of Kentucky how is Senator , McConnell treating you these days?
Philip Lombardo horrible, he will be gone this year in the election
@@jessieFSD I'm praying he is. It's like a vote him out every year in vain.
For starters, the red parts of Kentucky outnumbers the blue. He's never helped this state. People in her part of Kentucky are prejudice or racist. McConnell hasn't done a damn thing for this state EVER. Why they keep voting for him is beyond me.
Shenita Gazaway
He wouldn’t be able to help out your pathetic state without taking extra that blue states provide into the federal pot, now if each state had their own separate pot states like Kentucky would be up shits creek without a paddle, and as long as the red states are mooching off the blue states you have life without the help that blue states that provide you with the extra we put in you have nothing.
Especially now with covid 19.
every word that lady said contradicted itself. she wants coal jobs back.. the exact job that gave her husband black lung.. does she not listen to herself speak??
JD Ford they are idiots
JD Ford - She's stupid. She might as well demand the buggy whip industry be bailed out. Coal is over and out, and why they prefer dirty jobs that kill them in their 40s over clean jobs in the booming solar industry ... I just don't know. Their hatred for the black president is something they cling to like a life raft.
Watch what you wish for, you have black lung disease, and you want more cole jobs, WTF
If I might interject a view from the outside.
Yes coal mining is a dangerous job. I had an uncle who died of black lung. But don't call good people idiots because they're doing the only job they can. Since time began people earned their living doing jobs that shortened their lives, or at least put them in danger. But with the other options being destitution and starvation, what are they to do? My mother's side of the family comes from a coal mining town. We lost 26 coal miners in 1992. It's no longer an industry here, thank God, but the area suffers economically. And while its easy to say they should move or get another job, it rarely is. Not every coal miner will get black lung or die in a collapse. But it is the risk they take, just as a soldier risks death on the battlefield, and a firefighter risks burning alive. My experience has showed me that most coal miners would take another, less dangerous job, and those who do it do it because it's their heritage, it's what they know, and it's where they live. But don't call them idiots.
great point sir. I think it's difficult for people to put themselves in others shoes. but I'm willing to admit when I'm out of line or wrong.
President Obama made a good difference, never mind what the closed minded people think. He did a lot of good, the republicans are at fault for knocking down
And voting against a lot of his ideas.
COalmining should have been closed down decades ago, Black lung disease has been going on for years. The environment has been damaged due to this also. Trump should spend a week in a coal mine, he wouldn’t be orange when he surfaced.
I agree I mean Obama care has flaws but it is a starting point so that Congress and the president now keep working on it and make it better. People are so stupid and selfish this should not be a black and white issue Obama care is not completely bad and if we keep working on it and make it better this would benefit all Americans. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is making so much money off of us and if Congress stopped working for them and started listening to the people that elected them than we could have universal health care as many other advanced countries do. But sadly we're all paying for the ignorance of this people.
that lady said I voted for Trump because I thought he would make Obamacare better not repeal it even tho Trump literally said he would repeal Obamacare every chance he got.
Well, we all know Trump's a liar.
Exactly. She voted for Trump because he was white & not because she believed he was going to make Obama care better. Even when white people are dying they still chose to 'go out' lying.
They're just stupid. Trump ran on repeal and replace Obamacare, which it is really called ACA. But because it had Obama's name attached to it they voted for Trump. All because of their hatred for Obama. They deserve everything they get.
Maybe she doesn't know the definition of repeal. The word DOES sound like "repeat" .. (two of). Maybe she thought that "Bankrupt " trump was gonna make obamacare TWICE as better. Haha
Literally voted against their best interest. Damn.
Listen to the excuses they make for trump...oh he has not had enough time. Listen to words he wants the program gone and his voucher program good luck with that.
They are always going to vote against their best interest as long as it involves the chance to hate someone,because of their race.good luck with your loving coal dust, you seem to love it more than you do mankind and humanity, you can’t make it make sense , just pure racism at its DUMBEST.
$6,000 worth of medicine.. for $0.. And she supports Trump anyway.. Well done, ma'am.
monex5 right! talking about "i thought he'd make it more affordable" is more affordable than $0.00??
I've tried to understand these people. I just can't.
this made me laugh so hard , but i still do feel sorry for them stupid trump supporters even though he said that he will repeal and "replace" O-care from day-1
monex5 - me too, I just cannot get inside their heads. The only thing I can think is that they are just in massive denial and too proud to admit they were wrong. But, I'm with you, I simply cannot fathom their mentality.
monex hopefully the Republicans will repeal obamacare and next month's medicine won't get paid for and will see how they like their Republican congressman then
People in Kentucky will believe what Fox News tells them more than what reality tells them. I live in Kentucky and boy oh boy are the republicans an interesting people
Works both ways. You have some interesting democrats in ky as well. Also have ppl who hate white ppl. So let's not add to the racial divide by being one sided here.
Oh no, I assure you. Some of them hate all white ppl. There's also some racists who hate all black ppl. It's ridiculous. But it does work both ways.
You are wrong. Dead wrong. The media turned his campaign into that. Twisted his words. Ppl saw thru that to his real message. If everyone thought he was a racist--- we wouldn'thave voted for him.
Thirtyone Solutions please tell me what the hell did you take before you wrote this, I want some of those shrooms
Not at all- just high on life baby. Cuz Trump's in the white house and the Republicans hold the house and Senate. Appreciate the thought tho:)
coal is obsolete! Renewable energy is here to stay.
Yep imagine if the horse and carriage industry lobbied to keep cars off the street or the oil industry lobbied against electricity. Progress needs to be embraced and utilized to move forward not backward.
Jorge O. It's not coming back ever! !!!
Im a pro green energy..But lets admit renewable energy are still expensive to maintain and less efficient compare to nuclear,coal and others,,,,
Watchtoons Rex Just FYI Check out the solar thermal energy program in the United Arab Emirates. As of 2017 they have developed a solar thermal energy lant that produces electricity cheaper than local natural gas. It works swo well they are going to double its size. I am well aware of the differences in climate but, lithium ion and graphene batteries are still developing and, in certain regions, they are cheaper than fossil fueled power plants. )
If these people die it's a good thing it's a gift from god 👍🏻
Bless their hearts, they are so stupid they don't know they're stupid.
My grand use to say and some never will.
Trump supporters are brainwashed by state media. Just like the North Koreans.
@@nanyanani4466 There's plenty of minority Trump supporters.
It’s Kentucky. 90% of retards in the south live there
Trump Voters: "Please bring back the Jobs that are killing us! We don't want renewable or clean energy! We want the black lung!"
These people rather die than learn a new work skill and/or change professions.
Kyle Rowland Amen!!!!. They don’t see how dumb they sound. But what do you expect from people with a lack of education and extreme lack of critical thinking skills.
Oooh I don’t like Obama because he is taking away the job that is killing my husband and the other people in the area, now we are gonna have to learn how to read and write and learn a new trade🙄🙄.
Right. They refuse to do it though decades have passed. They are still looking for coal jobs⁉
And bring back Model T manufacturing, horse and buggy manufacturing, typewriter manufacturing, cassette tape manufacturing, soda bottle manufacturing, asbestos manufacturing - when will people get the point. There are some things YOU CAN'T bring back no matter who is telling you just so they can get your vote.
Neu Street been left in the dust! They refuse to change every other race has been educating their selves and learning a skill set or working a job that gives them experience to move up in the workforce while they have just been sitting around living in the past praying for a dead end you going to die before you retire jobs to come back.
They romanticize a job thats dirty, dangerous, killed several in their families history & friends. I worked in the mines & for MSHA...My grandfather died a horrible death smothering from black lung
They should take Obama care from them
these people wanted this insurance but they don't want Obama name or give him the credit for it.
Bobbie Potter I agree.. how dare that brown guy do something to help us... smh any excuse for the guy of the same skin color.
Just call it ACA, and his name won't be mentioned
It is very very hard to feel sorry for these people. They still won't accept they support wrong.
Trump played his supporters.
carolyn carter no he did not play them. They knew most of what he said is not true but the shared common racist views.
I feel bad for laughing
@@ranasiaclark8030 don't lol it's hilarious
carolyn carter ~ Like a fiddle...and they don’t even see it.
Trump: “Gonna bring back coal jobs & abolish Obama-care!”
Wife: “Coal mining has destroyed my husband’s health..but Thank God Obama-care covers the monthly $6,000 meds”
Me: “ Ummm... WHAT?!?? 😳”
That's his whole game he doesn't care about nobody but himself
When it all crashes down , can't feel bad for them !
They wanted him , they got him !
Unfortunately, so did the rest of us.........
Why would you want to support bringing back jobs that will kill you, rather than finding new ways to create new jobs? These people are crazy.
Queen Daxylew Tradition. For them, these coal jobs are part of their family identity. They want it to remain that way even though it's killing them. So way big, black Obama starts a 'war on coal,' not only is he taking away their livelihood but he's taking away their identity.
pema lhatse You're one to talk.
lavinder11 Well even though they are dying by coal doesn't mean the rest of us want to. The use of coal and fossil fuels is killing our planet. And I'm sorry, if coal is a part of your identity but it caused you and your family a painful death, you should look into a new career. Supporting this way of thinking isn't healthy either.
@lavinder11 I think you're onto something. I have been baffled by them but I think you got it right.
Queen Daxylew. They're not crazy. They're woefully uneducated and, as a result, astoundingly dumb. Just the combination Conservative governments love as they're as simple to control as sheep in a field.
Anyone else feel like their I.Q. went down after watching this?
Mary Dork just now seeing this. And yes im' s dummers now.
Mary Dork 😂
Not me Buddy ! I live in an good part of the South.
i'm gonna lose it if I have to hear one more slack jawed goon whining about coal. It's dead and it ain't coming back
after the reporter asked her "covered by who" and she said the insurance and not obama yes, yes i did. ungrateful sob these mfs are really stupid
"Whatever comes across his head comes out of his mouth, and that's a good quality to have." You're so wrong lady, Trump would have no problem with your husband dying, even while he stood over his and watched, if it meant he'd "win" because he lied about many things, but not taking health care from your husband.
Hard to feel sorry for people who continue to send Mitch McConnell to DC.
I live in another area of ky and we've been trying to get rid of him for years but somehow he won't go. The area I'm from is the most populated area of ky and I know of no one here that wants him in office. I'm no fan of elections being stolen rumors but sadly the thought of Mitchs election time again has a bad smell to it.
so y'all want jobs that caused the health issues back? instead of job training programs that will help with employment issues and not worry about that new job killing you....? oh ok
it's like turkeys voting for thanksgiving.
Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving...I have to remember that one. Nicely put.
Mindelo23: OMG !!! I nearly fell off the couch from laughing about turkeys voting for thanksgiving...Good One!!!
Their hate overrides their common sense.. Now they will learn
watcher watcher, Sad, but true.
watcher watcher They will NEVER learn...not until they reach the Pearly Gates.
The gates which they reach, will NOT be pearly!
they will die rather than admit they are wrong.
They won't learn
Wow how ignorant vote against your own interests.
Dave Espo how can their minds be changed? They vote against their own interests
As the world keeps laughing!
The republicans have been pulling off that con for years!
Took away the jobs that is killing your husband, girl choose your battles 💁🏽♀️
Emespher some people only see money the money but forget about they life
You have to understand that Obama is brown and Trump is orange masquerading as white.
They voted him in on hateful rhetoric and they are going to reap what they sow.
+arogthergroit Yes, the reality is that I don't care so much for these people. I actually think the world will be a better place when they no longer exist (judge me as you will). However, I do feel for people like yourself, who knew what Trump was all about, and voted accordingly, only to have these morons thrust upon you what you always knew would happen if Trump was elected. And then to not even have the guts to admit you were wrong and that, not only your husband will probably die, but countless thousands of others because of THEIR stupid pride and ignorance.
I feel for you deeply, and hope that Congress vote down the Trump Administration's 'amendments', or perhaps 'reductions' is a more of an appropriate description.
you said it all. only problem, we all are going to suffer.
stillwill2215 some more than others. ..
Yes, but we will have the last laugh at their expense.
S G fucking amen 🙏 to that
black lungs is that from the coal??? why do they want those jobs back???
Sanaa Jade Yes, it comes from years of working in mines (poor to no ventilation, no respiratory protection). They prob don't have a clue as to why they want to bequeath the same profession to their children, grands, & greats. That's stupid. What you don't see are black ppl crying over lost, killer, mining jobs.
they hate black people so much that their lungs end up black, the irony.
Sanaa Jade Because they're stupid
God damn Obama, saving my life with his socialized medicine!
You are talking about voters that keep Mitch Mconnel in office..that pretty much sums it up.
Take it easy on them
@@Allopientubefish2 I'm not disagreeing, but why
This is what hate does, no need to cry about it now.
IMO, Trump's presidency seems to operate on hate, does it not?
They love they’re racism more.
they really think trump cares for them, poor sheeple.....
I know LOL I have laugh to stop crying.
ronduenyc 04 its a real shame thst we are spending money to sav the lives of people who worship republicans
$6000 every single month just to stay alive and “that’s all Obama did”?
i had a friend his fatherr had a heart attack and was 1 day in hospital and got a bill $130 000
Another dumbass being ate up with his own stupidity
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. So I don't see what the problem is.
This is unreal! And I thought growing-up in the inner-city I witnessed crazy people. But this is a new level of insanity.
Some of those people have never been out of that town and the only news they get is Faux Snooze.
@@deepattison9329 sad. It’s like the poorest inner city but rural America
This is insane. Mining is killing people because of black lung disease, and the wife of a miner with black lung disease is happy because more mining jobs are coming back. Is she really not seeing the connection?
“He can’t breathe.”
“Bring back coal jobs.”
Than kicking rocks....dumb.
Wow stay in school.
Melvin Morris Your kidding right, These are the teachers!
LOL, I give up! SMH!
wouldn't matter--GOP fools like McConnell run things
I second that!
"What comes across his mind comes out his mouth. I think thats a good quality to have."
Lady...that's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what a "good quality to have" is.
TheLoreSeeker makes him well spoken? WTF
His mind. Omg Run
The KFC lady was the stupidest!
Supports the law, even works for promoting Kynect.
Then votes Trump and GOP!?
Talk about cognitive dissonance!?
If she were a chicken, she'd vote FOR Col. Sanders.
These people are they definition of ignorance
I agree.
You made your bed... good night!!!
I live in eastern ky and most ppl around here are trump supporters and now they are finally regretting it. I just hope they all realize they've been duped and conned by trump.
Kentucky voted McConnell back into office, you got what you deserve.
Rod: In that election, there were 628,939 people that voted against McConnell. Are you saying those people "deserve" to be abandoned? Is that the proper way to treat what is essentially a minority group?
Why Do People Vote Republican
Chrissy Roberts those insane people don't regret voting for him.
Chrissy Roberts I just hope they die out. They set back humanity. I can't be tolerant of the intolerant which I realize is ironic.
It's horrifying how simple minded these people are. Anyone could have predicted what is getting ready to happen as a result of Trump being elected. It's sad that they are so quick to cast aspersions on President Obama, who did so much to help the poor of our country. But by 2019, their monthly premium will be too high for them to afford it because of Trump's removal of the individual mandate.
Vivian Anderson It really is the most perplexing thing in this country, How these people would rather die than vote for there best interest because of hatred of demacrats. The country is not better off and it's going to get much worse but self inflicted as long as this so called business man is doing what he did as a business man. Drove it into bankruptcy 6 times and the dumb voted for the bankrupting of our country on a wholesale bases but still think he is going to help them! He put trickle-down on steroids so what did they think was going to happen! The worst part is the fact that they're going to give this to twidiot another term if we don't stop them!!!
I sincerely believe that this has happened because of the unabated starvation of public school system funding, leaving students with the basics only. They don't have the ability to think critically, and because civics education was eliminated to save money, they are not educated voters. For these people, the presidential election is a reality show/popularity contest. It's so sad.
I am praying we replace congress at the midterms.
Oh I so hear you, Than we both have high hope's for the midterms. I hope this time nobody sits on the sidelines this time as our country needs everyone to vote these clowns out!
Vivian Anderson there are a lot of us that feel that way,the problem as I see it is it's not just republicans there are a bunch of spineless democrats to get rid of to
they need to do a followups to see how it's working out for 'em.
I went to the comment section an a lot of people missed the point. the coal industry is making these people sick. and these are the same jobs these people want to leave to their kids I thought you were supposed to want more for yours. once Trump takes away their Healthcare these people are done because all these are pre-existing conditions.
Apparently, exposure to coal residue also causes brain damage too.
You shall reap what you sow.
ChuckAudio maybe that's why they are the way they are. Brain damage.
well said.
I'm from eastern ky and I didn't vote for trump
Sorry you are getting fucked over by Trump in spite of not voting for him. :-(
Thank you. You did a great service to our country.
mcky 2387 God Bless you. Diamond in the sewer
Oh, so YOU were the one...
Black and brown ppl have been struggling with these choices for decades. Now these ppl are struggling with these choices and it's unfair. I just can't....
Its like police brutality, drugs and violence. Its an evil epidemic when it starts affecting white folks.
I'm so confused she wants coal jobs back but her husband can't breathe from working around coal smh.
That is typical Trump voter there. Neither she, nor her husband can't see the contradiction. Trump loves the uneducated
These are basically racists who deserve the consequences of voting for the joke that is now in the white house.
Jay Zondi you are 💯 %
the cognitive dissonance must hurt
hey look she's driving a Korean car. what a patriot saying thanks for healthcare that keeps her hubby alive.
Ironically, Korean carmakers provude Americans jobs by manufacturing their cars in the US. Hyundai has a production plant in Montgomery Alabama. And Kia has another in Georgia.
Bring back those coal jobs! Now we can die without healthcare. Trump and the GOP thanks you.
We live in the age of information yet so many are uninformed. This is a perfect example of that.
Gordon C Because fake news and the liberal media conspiracy! And the globalists!
explain and provide evidence to support your claims
I *think* Izoto was being sarcastic.
They get their information (indoctrination) from Fox News and talk radio. They live in a bubble and like it that way.
It's because their news sources are those that actively work to make them misinformed. There was a poll released this week that showed that nearly half of Trump voters think that white people and Christian's face more discrimination than black people. Now where could they possibly come to such a ridiculous conclusion? Well, none other than Trump's favorite news network, Fox News. A network that routinely pushes that idea that there's a war on Christians as well as a war on the "white establishment". And they end up buying into it. That all leads to situations like this. Where people will literally vote to die because Republican news outlets have convinced them that liberals are trying to take away their religion and that there's be a deluge of immigrants into the country to take it over from white people. Republican voters routinely choose fear over their own well being.
"8 Years of Obama did nothin fer us...cept this insurance." 6000 a month for meds aint nothin' lady. Jeez!
Steven Obama didn't nothing for them. . . just a mere $72,000/year of medication. LMAO, too. 😂 What an idiot!
bbookzable - Yeah, that's the reality of it, these people are extremely uneducated. And instead of sitting around lamenting the fact that the coal jobs are gone (which had nothing to do with Obama), perhaps they could have been proactive and upskilled in something else so that the loss of the coal jobs would simply mean they could move into a new industry. I'm not talking anything amazing, but get a forklift licence or truck-driver's licence. There's any number of things these people could do to improve their situation, but the one thing they can't improve? The loss of their healthcare coverage...the most important thing of all.
Regardless, I agree with you these uneducated people are beyond saving and WILL die as a result of their lack of education and pig-pigheadedness.
The failing coal industry they cite as the reason for hating Obama is the very thing that caused her husbands Black Lung Disease. I'm not a huge fan of Obama but their rational for disliking him makes zero sense. He didn't destroy the coal industry on his own, it was already dying because there are better energy alternatives for a number of reasons such as the illnesses and environmental damage it causes.
She didn't notice the republican party being absolute cunts for the entire 8 years and tried to do everything to make sure Oba,ma failed? They even shut the government down in 2013 because he wouldn't de-fund Obamacare. She can swivel! Dumb bitch!
Steven makes you wonder doesn't it
Please I would like to see their faces when Trump will sign the bill to repeal ObamaCare.
Also, can you please send an journalist their at that moment to ask how they feel about Obama now.....
Why are you fighting for jobs that kill you? Fight for for companies that can open and hire from the area. Coal is not a solution....and thank Obama for your insurance to support the illnesses that you seem to want above all else. My personal opinion is that you have a screwed up way of thinking...coal, coal, What the hell is Mitch McConnell doing for your area? The governor should help grow industries (not coal) in the area to create jobs. What kind of people are you electing?
too proud to admit they're scared
Not proud; stupid. Stubborn, foolish. She thinks like her dear leader.
ok I understand those people's logic, they like obamacare but because obama took away their coal job they hate everything he has done. and they hoping trump could bring coal back and improve healthcare at the same time. good luck with that
But Obama didn't take away their coal job. This is a dying industry.
no credit to Obama for giving them the ACA. Well the Republicans just took healthcare away from 13 million people while Trump cheered them on. Some of these thankless assholes are going to die.
Renewable energy took your job, your jobs are in China/Mexico or is currently being replaced my a robot. Say goodbye 👋 because those jobs are never coming back
And yet, they still vote Republican. Tsk, tsk, tsk
The change from coal to natural gas started long ago, maybe in the late 70s, and it ended with Obama, the job is pretty much done, but this administration seems to be capitalizing on the ignorance of these poor working people, that even got sick working in coal, I am really sorry for them. These and other great American workers deserve better, so we all get better also.
Antonio Calhau,
There's always a price to be paid for ignorance . . . particularly if it;s Willful.
Be Well
Antonio Calhau yup he is. Unreal. Register the Cows to vote. Dear
They're doing the damage to themselves. Let them suffer. There's no better way to teach the wilfully ignorant.
Antonio Calhau how great are they?? These are absolute Racism.. they hated Obama because of race not anything else ..
Coal workers are getting fibrosis which is killing him .. Still wants to die from work that kills??
Ignorance is a disease disease
Racism kills .. let them die!!!
Yes and he knows it. The people don't. If he had exceeded with getting rid of ACA and putting the plans back to the old ways this man and others would be dead.
"ALL" Obama did for them was give them the healthcare that keeps her husband alive??
I'm dumbfounded by the reasoning for voting for trump..Just dumfounded.
This is the result of poverty and misery, congratulations America you played yourself.
As a Dutchman I am and have been baffled how Americans are actually still discussing whether it's a good idea to provide people with health insurance, regulate arms possession for civilians, to do something about climate change et cetera, et cetera..
It's hard to understand but we have a lot of morons here...
Sir, I live here in America, born and bred in the South. And I still don't get it. All I can say due to gerrymandering and Citizens United and candidates that will not fight or don't know how, the inmates are running the asylum.
Imagine how sane americans feel.
ÀaaaaaaAaaaaAaAaaaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... [sound of hiting my head into a wall, and I am not even an American ]
Neven Tomičić lmaooooo
Neven Tomičić you are funny
no sympathy. You vote against your own economic interests, then suffer the consequences.
How stupid are these people, "he took away my job that is also causing me health issues." This must be how God feels when he answers prayers. Your way of life has been phased out, move or find a new product to contribute.
You can't survive on " Hope" dear...
To Robin Taylor: I'm sorry that your husband is out of a job, but I can't help but wonder why you hated President Obama. He took away your husband's job, but gave him life-saving insurance. If he continued at his job, he may have died from black lung disease. You guys would have been out of a job and had a dead family member. Instead, your husband is out of a job but he is alive because of the ACA. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
righhttttt. Her logic is unbelievable, what is she bitter about? She should be in love with Obama lol.
Everybody has the right to their own opinion and I respect it, but did President Obama do more bad or good to this individual personally? I simply don't know and I would like to have that conversation with her because it just seems that she has benefited overall. The alternative would result in a dead family member. Do you have an idea of what the underlying problem may be?
I believe the premise behind Obama's fault in mining industry setbacks is added regulations, such as the one prohibiting dumping waste in rivers. Regardless, the mining industry is being usurped by renewable energy's growth and it's time to invest, subsidize, and/or offer tax credits among other incentives to renewable energy companies.
And there is technology that is making human hands obsolete, too.
I guess these people would rather have no insurance, disease and pollutants in their tap water.
lester brown ye be darn tootin'
And this is why mitch McConnell keeps getting re elected.
Presenter: it just baffles me, I don’t know why...
The rest of the world: Racism, it’s just racism.
I feel so sorry for these people. But why did they vote for Trump. He did not say that he would fix Obamacare. He said that he would repeal it. Sigh
carmay3600 Because racism, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism (can't accept climate change as real and human-driven), religious fundamentalism, and classism. The last one makes even less sense since most of these people don't have much in the bank.
carmay3600 I'm wondering why you feel sorry for these RACIST IDIOTS?!!!!
carmay3600 I think they didn't know what repeal means
Autumn Summers x,k
you beautiful girl @Carmay3600....yeah I'm a sucka for luv
Did the coalmines cost him his lungs? And they still want the coal back??
It's called a death wish!
....they got what they deserved.....even when we all told them this would happen!
GOD please forgive me but....😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 you can't stand Pres.Obama but he's the reason why your husband is alive....smh
"I love the uneducated" Donald Trump
I expect you that you hear there are a lot of problems in the UK but Brits don't have to choose between food or health care, nine years ago I suffered a pretty serious stroke and then last year I had skin cancer, both were treated on the NHS, It's paid for by everyone who can afford to through deductions in our wages each month, people who earn below a certain amount do not contribute but still have access to the service when ever they need it. you hear about some problems with the NHS but in general it is a good and fair service. if you can afford it you can buy extra health insurance and receive better care.
It was started just after wwII someone thought if we can afford to build tanks and guns and kill people we can afford to care for people.
Paul Middleton. It sounds like heresy. People not paying through their noses. How is big Pharma going to make any money.
So THEY are tired of winning?
Efrem Jones They are too stupid to know what winning is.
ABC needs to go find these people and re-interview them.
My prediction:
He’s dead
She’s working at McDonalds.
She plans on voting trump in 2020, doesn’t mind not having medical insurance.
Neither smartened up.