Hi! I'm the guy who made E&D. I'm been a silent viewer for quite a while now (I was ridiculously excited when I saw you playing the Gauls). Looking forward to how this game goes and I hope you enjoy the mod! FYI: Kung och Riksdag can get you two of any Great Person (if you read carefully it says unit class rather than unit type) and it is possible to get two of the same GP. So you might end up with two Merchants of Venice or something like that. Also the cost and rewards with Initiate Tax Reforms scale with your population (I probably should have included a note, sorry).
More Civilization 5! This will likely be 1 episode a day (but we'll see), I'm also testing a mod I've not used before - Events and Decisions (check it out at forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=528549). Turn 0 save game at marbozir.com/civ5saves/sweden-lp.zip if you want to play along. Note you'll need Events and Decisions as well as InfoAddict to load the save, but I disabled Scrambled Nations & Continents, so these two shouldn't be required to load it.
Hey marbozir, good thing you're testing out the mod Events and Decisions, its a really good mod for changing a little bit of the game. As for your 3rd city location, I think you should settle the coastal city up north, for the new luxury+cost+river. But if you decide to settle the other city you can earn more happiness by improving the camps and building a circus. Great video as always!
man i can say ... i never played any civ game before buyed civ 5 at release and played 30 mins ... i didnt know what to do ... after watching a week youre vids im in total love with this game ... i spent over 70 hrs in a week ... that game is truly addictive ... ! but awesome content !
Another series already?!?! How am I going to ever get any work done?? XD Marb, you're spoiling us. Feedback: I am glad you are doing something new with this mod, but I prefer the games where you pick the AIs according to a theme or a crazy map or set yourself a certain type of challenge.
My 2 cents: you should settle your next city down below to get the 3 sources of ivory because if you don't do it fast, Pocattelo will take it. The coastal location is your backyard and you can take it later at your leisure. However, I'm a noob and i'm sure almost everyone here knows more than I do about this game.
Junior Sam True but I also dont understand the location from his second city. He could reach the extra horses and the horses/iron in the city state he could get with a citadel on both places. Also buying the uluru tile was not really an issue since he had enough money. I would start the city with the Ivory aswell first since the other one is more secure.
thewizard2006 he started that second city on the Urulu because the extra faith, which would allow him to get a religion ASAP. Yes, he could buy that tile, but his income was not great (+3 per turn). And is not really worth spend two great generals only to get iron/horses. One GG to get both, near M'Banza Kongo, is more than enough (and would piss off only one city-state, instead of two). Late in the game these resources exists only to be selled to anyone willing to buy it, too.
Shaka is only a threat if he is a direct neighbor and you are his only neighbor. Otherwise he is very predictable and doesn't backstab. You can usually bribe him cheaply to war other civs. The Mongols are not a threat since the AI doesn't know how to use keshiks properly. They are almost never a factor. With Shoshone next door you need to carve out your territory ASAP, particularly with a DoF, which is an invitation for them to settle right in your face.
Ivory city is decent and should be settled now since it is more likely to be stolen by Shoshone or messed up by Kabul. I've seen city states expand to 4 tiles if it wasn't rough terrain, often. Settle your wine and iron city after national college and then produce a military. Also, mabo-kazngo whatever military city state has a barbarian quest for you that's very do-able. Check out what they can give and focus on also getting allied with that one city state for Samurai bonus. Samurai would be very good since it stacks well with your great general citadel plan and your lance unique unit.
Looking forward to this game! It's going to be interesting to see how well you can take advantage of your unique ability with so many aggressive neighbors.
i play with this mod in addition to the piety and prestige + cultural diversity mods a lot, pretty fun, adds a lot to the game! looking forward to this LP!
Man that looks like a hard choice. I want to say I would lean for the coastal option because you won't get the other source of iron until you get the citadel, but the other on choice looks so convenient.
I highly recommend settling the city to your south. Pocatello will gleefully forward settle you and steal all that resource-rich land. The city to the north can wait, but don't let it wait too long; the sooner you settle it the more tiles you can grab before the city states expand. The happiness issues you face this game will be larger than normal, but if you settle that southern site, you will get a lot of tradeable resources. In any case, look forward to more, always tune in for your new lets plays!
I'm not really a big fan of the EU mod, but after seeing Rome, Russia, Shaka and The Mongols in this game! Holy crap this is gonna get awesome :D I'm literally just waiting for Gandhi to show up :)
I'd go for the southern city because Pocatello is present, if you're prioritizing the College before your 4th city then he'll probably be there by the time you get that settler. As painful as it is to not grab the resources of a coastal city asap, it won't be stolen anytime soon. Then again I don't necessarily understand the full value of that coastal city on a river, so if it's worth the risk of losing that southern city to gain the advantages of said coastal city early on, then I'd be glad to see the results of the more warmongering choice being made by securing that iron up north.
6:00 Looks like there are more Reforms available. "Enactable" might be the ones you want to look at now, rather than "Locked". Edit: As +fat Man pointed out, there are no others available. All of the trees were expanded per the "-" symbol by them. Cheers, Ivan :D
***** Cool! Thanks for pointing that out! I have never seen this mod, before, but it looks awesome! I'm really looking forward to how it plays out in Marbozir's game! :)
Ivan Dogovich Woah. Wait, just wait one second there. You.... you forgot to sign your comment with 'Cheers, Ivan :D' This can not be happening. First Marbozir signs off with 'Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon.' and now you don't even sign off anymore. I don't like change *cries in fetal position*
Id get the location to the south with three sources of ivory. That could help you get some early trades and also with horses in range you can recruit your unique unit. This seems like its going to be a super fun game, especially with the mod
The ivory city looks very promising. Also, you have a couple of city state quests for barbarians that could speed up your religion. The start looked meh at first glance, but you have way more room than I thought, and I like your tradition/liberty mix. Looking forward to seeing the decisions mod in depth. I'm not sure where I would settle the city though... The hill between the ivory is interesting, it would give you citrus to the SE and wheat to the NE. I lean towards the hill. Or is that too close from the CS ? I forget the minimum distance.
I would go for the city south with the ivory because that city can grow better early (the coastal one would have some problems with food before your border expands towards the fish, especially since you would have some tundra nearby). I think that border doesn't grow well into resources that are 4 tiles away from the city spot and you will get the eastern ivory perfectly fine before the city state gets it (unless Pocatello settles it himself, which is what he does)
I play with the community patch, community balance patch and events and decisions. I really recommend the way they change things up. Like making desert movement 1 tile not 2, and fundamentally changing the national college, so that you don't have 'must do this to win, regardless of strategy' routes of play from vanilla civ 5.
Hey Marb, have you checked out the "Artificial Unintelligence" mod yet? It's somewhat similar to the "Smart AI" mod that you tested some time ago, but I think it does a better job in my opinion.
I would settle the 3rd city on the hill next to Kabul's border. You will instantly have 3 sources of ivory (which you should improve asap), to be sold for money with which you can buy up the citrus, maybe even the wheat tile to the northeast. The coastal city spot up north is also decent, you can probably settle it easily after National College.
it seems like you have to settle south to the east of the sheep. That will be a very nice stable, and you'll technically be in range for 3 ivory. But I think Pocatello is going to settle the citrus near Kabul and might snipe 1 or 2 ivory. If you are going to use a citadel, you should buy that desert tile where your citadel would be, to secure the wheat for your third coastal city to the NW.
What if you could get Ghengis to attack MbanzaK, then use a citadel to liberate the city from the mongols, so you can get a CS ally/lib bonus/ and all those tiles? That'd be nice. It's too late now I think, but piety or patronage would have made sense for this game if you want to gift GP, reformation belief to buy great people could have been interesting, but it looks like you'll probably have to rush tradition now before rationalism. You might have to skip landed elite to build the national library faster but I'm not sure, that might come up tho.
I'm good at saying stupid things to help others have good ideas. So some bad naming for series: 1. Marbs Mussing's 2. DERP - discovery entertaining reactive playthough. 3. Curators Look At/First look (or something that ties it to your steam stuff) 4. Marbozir's Monthly Madness. Well I hope that gets some juices flowing
I suspect that the spot to the south of your capital will get snatched up by Pocatello if you don't take it now. The spot to the north can probably wait.
Get your 3rd city to the south to block the Shoshone and trade all the ivory for other luxuries. The northern coastal city should be your 4th one aften National College.
My understanding of the "intentions" of the swedish civ (not saying that is the optimal playstyle of course) is to fight lots of wars, so you earn Great Generals, then use them to win over city states for a diplomatic victory.
You make sure founding the city near the Uluru because then you can grab the observatory in the future. Ask about your next city i think you should found south and grab the ivory and then found the fourth on the north before the national college. Good Luck!
it is also closer to your city so less riad to connect it. might only be 1 gold per turn but over the course of a thousand years, it will be quite a lot of money. furthermore, it will have less overlap with your coastal city
I made a LP with sweden on deity. You should try to go liberty for free settler and then rush full honor and finish patronage. I've been able to end the game before modern era with that. It was the same set up.
If we combine Sweden's unique ability to get great prophets, and then also pick up the religion ability that increases the resting influence on City States with same religion... Then spread religion to city states, and the gift the Great Prophet before his last use of spread religion... would it all stack to give above 100 influence? And then combine that with patronage...
How important are multiple copies of a luxury? Or rivers? I would go for the river in the north, because the iron from the citadel would cost 90 influence. But, hey! I often curse my coastal cities for their production.
Hmm... If early war and swords is your plan, go to North River city. Otherwise IvoryTown to the south, is a more solid strategic position as it will get something that Pocatello will grab if you don't and will give you a footing closer to the the other AI for future trade and combat. ;) Cheers, Ivan :D
Yep, AI get events! Each outcome is assigned a weight, and the AI will randomly choose one based off those values. The values can be changed by the code that detects if the event is available, so ultimately how intelligently the AI chooses to do them depends on the individual code for each decision/event.
The coastal location is great ,I bet u can grab it later ,the other one u must be fast to get it and prevent other AI from making a city so close to u,and whit silver at hand if u decide to use yea't another Great General ,and can give u 3 luxury for sell . Another option is to try use that option for gold per turn vs culture and magistrate . Hf I enjoy your series ,I prefer longer speed's so u can deploy and use your tactics better.:)
I really like the mod.. Thumbs up if you think Marbo is too good to play deity without a handicap.. lol I noticed that the UA for Chairman Mao Zedong civ seems to be a bit handicapping ( Luxuries are unobtainable except through trade).. Id like to see someone good play as Mao.. Cheers Ps. Nie bądź dziadem.. daj więcej niż jeden ep na dzien :D
Marb why not install R.E.D. Modpack.Im sure you have heard of it since its the most popular mod at least on the civ fanatics forum.You really should get it.It makes civs less copy paste with the units and for modded units they look freaking amazing,if i dare say better than vanilla units.
_Sigh._ I wish you'd do more Civilization 5/Endless Legend and less Europa Universalis. That game is just boring/incomprehensible to me (and I play Dwarf Fortress ftw). But then again that's just my opinion and probably the minority. I'm sure most people on your channel enjoy EU.
You're commenting on a civ 5 lets play he started barely after finishing his last civ LP, and wish he would do more? I don't think there's much more he could do...
Not necessarily wishing he'd do more Civ, just wishing he'd do less EU. I love watching Marbozir's stuff but I just can't for the life of me get myself to watch his LPs of EU.
More variety on the channel is one of my big goals for this year, though it's not as simple as it might seem. I actually reached out to multiple developers / publishers just in December and January, about games I was interested in, but only heard back from one or two of them. There's also one more issue. I'm under the impression that there's an expectation I'll be just as experienced and competent in new games I pick up (especially strategies) as I am in case of Civ 5 or XCOM. Dungeon of the Endless series was a perfect example of this. Not to mention this is quite simply impossible, unless I limit myself to 2-3 new games a year - something I specifically want to avoid. Also, I had some ideas how to differentiate games I'm just trying out, in video titles (in cases where I don't necessarily want to commit to a full series, for whatever reason), but I'm really bad at copywriting and it's been taking me entirely too much time to come up with something decent (maybe I'll just end up titling them Test Run: [Game Title]). Anyway, one of the games I'll be doing early February for sure, is Darkest Dungeon, that's one of the titles that's already decided for sure. I'll likely start Grey Goo single player campaign next week as well.
Marbozir That sounds awesome. To be perfectly honest, EU is the only series I wasn't able to watch (and I tried like 4 times, it's really just not my cup of tea). But like I said, that's one person's opinion. I know there are some expectations for you to be super good at all games, but honestly I've enjoyed games that you had almost zero experience with just as much (Might and Magic X Legacy comes to mind). It's not the experience (or lack thereof) that makes you an entertaining youtuber, it's your commentary and the way you play. I haven't seen anyone that handles situations as logically as you do, for example. So in that regard, don't be discouraged to try new terrain. There will be trolls, but those come with the territory, don't they?
Marbozir What you could do is try to set some challenges for Civ V and try to work that out. Things that vary from your normal playtrough. Like going full production from the start instead of food. Or try to start with a different opener like Honor. For me personaly I find it nice if I see some more civilization mods (other races) because it is kinda new instead of the standard races we all probably played.
guys i am trying to learn this game, first time i have ever tried such shit to be honest, but it looks good at later stages of game, so i am subscribing this, this is the game version i got [R.G.Catalyst]_Sid.Meier's.Civilization.V.Brave.New.World.Game.of.the.Year.Edition is this the right version?
If you want to talk about aggressive AI's near you, I got Alexander, Attila, and Japan on my continent and Ethiopia and Mongolia on the other. Then Attila and Japan both declared war on me at the same time and I ragequit.
This mod makes the decision mechanic in Beyond Earth look even more phoned in than it was already. Have to agree with Angry Joe: Beyond Earth is easily one of the most disappointing games of 2014.
It hurts me to watch while you move your unescorted settler by 2 tiles at the time :D moving it by one tile at the time you still could save it if you'd run to barbarians
Hello Marbozir, I've been watching your Civ 5 games for a while now, probably 12 or so. I know you like playing for fun and trying new mods, but you could be more competitive with your finish dates if you wanted to, you clearly have the game knowledge. Also, slow down a bit at the beginning, sometimes you miss out on some things as a result. No one is going to stop watching your LPs if you take an extra second or two per turn. Lots of little things you could be doing that I know you know how to do but forgo for the sake of viewer enjoyment, i.e. speed of play. I for one enjoy the beginning the most, the discovery phase if you will. If you're ever in the mood to watch someone play that I learned a lot of the finer points of the game from, just search for Pacal 3 on youtube and click on Moriarte. Little details make a big difference, but his vids are all old.
Hi! I'm the guy who made E&D.
I'm been a silent viewer for quite a while now (I was ridiculously excited when I saw you playing the Gauls). Looking forward to how this game goes and I hope you enjoy the mod!
FYI: Kung och Riksdag can get you two of any Great Person (if you read carefully it says unit class rather than unit type) and it is possible to get two of the same GP. So you might end up with two Merchants of Venice or something like that.
Also the cost and rewards with Initiate Tax Reforms scale with your population (I probably should have included a note, sorry).
Such a ridiculously minor thing, but Sweden has my favorite color scheme in the game. That blue and yellow looks great.
More Civilization 5! This will likely be 1 episode a day (but we'll see), I'm also testing a mod I've not used before - Events and Decisions (check it out at forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=528549). Turn 0 save game at marbozir.com/civ5saves/sweden-lp.zip if you want to play along. Note you'll need Events and Decisions as well as InfoAddict to load the save, but I disabled Scrambled Nations & Continents, so these two shouldn't be required to load it.
This is an... interesting set of civs, It looks like Catherine is stalking you by how many games she has been in.
1.5 episodes a day?
Please 2 episodes a day :)
2 episodes a day? You can't give us a bite of a unique mod an then leave us starving!
compare it to yogscast rythian's playthrough
Hey marbozir, good thing you're testing out the mod Events and Decisions, its a really good mod for changing a little bit of the game. As for your 3rd city location, I think you should settle the coastal city up north, for the new luxury+cost+river. But if you decide to settle the other city you can earn more happiness by improving the camps and building a circus.
Great video as always!
Never would have expected you to play as Sweden. Pretty happy about it. GO GUSTAVUS!
Always excited to see new series from Marbozir!
man i can say ... i never played any civ game before buyed civ 5 at release and played 30 mins ... i didnt know what to do ... after watching a week youre vids im in total love with this game ... i spent over 70 hrs in a week ... that game is truly addictive ... ! but awesome content !
Events and Decisions! WOOOOO! I was hoping you'd cover it one day.
Another series already?!?! How am I going to ever get any work done?? XD Marb, you're spoiling us. Feedback: I am glad you are doing something new with this mod, but I prefer the games where you pick the AIs according to a theme or a crazy map or set yourself a certain type of challenge.
My 2 cents:
you should settle your next city down below to get the 3 sources of ivory because if you don't do it fast, Pocattelo will take it. The coastal location is your backyard and you can take it later at your leisure.
However, I'm a noob and i'm sure almost everyone here knows more than I do about this game.
You're pretty right, tho. If Marb doesn't settle below his capital, Pocattelo will probably settle in that area and steal most of the tiles.
Junior Sam True but I also dont understand the location from his second city. He could reach the extra horses and the horses/iron in the city state he could get with a citadel on both places. Also buying the uluru tile was not really an issue since he had enough money. I would start the city with the Ivory aswell first since the other one is more secure.
thewizard2006 he started that second city on the Urulu because the extra faith, which would allow him to get a religion ASAP. Yes, he could buy that tile, but his income was not great (+3 per turn).
And is not really worth spend two great generals only to get iron/horses. One GG to get both, near M'Banza Kongo, is more than enough (and would piss off only one city-state, instead of two). Late in the game these resources exists only to be selled to anyone willing to buy it, too.
thewizard2006 Something else they didn't mention, settling next to Uluru gives him the ability to build an Observatory.
Great start and nice mod! Btw, I think settling next to Uluru was a good idea because Observatories.
Wow. Good luck getting many friends with this aggressive lot. Really looking forward to how this pans out.
Shaka and the Mongols in the same game? Nice knowing you Marb.
Shaka is only a threat if he is a direct neighbor and you are his only neighbor. Otherwise he is very predictable and doesn't backstab. You can usually bribe him cheaply to war other civs. The Mongols are not a threat since the AI doesn't know how to use keshiks properly. They are almost never a factor. With Shoshone next door you need to carve out your territory ASAP, particularly with a DoF, which is an invitation for them to settle right in your face.
Ivory city is decent and should be settled now since it is more likely to be stolen by Shoshone or messed up by Kabul. I've seen city states expand to 4 tiles if it wasn't rough terrain, often. Settle your wine and iron city after national college and then produce a military. Also, mabo-kazngo whatever military city state has a barbarian quest for you that's very do-able. Check out what they can give and focus on also getting allied with that one city state for Samurai bonus. Samurai would be very good since it stacks well with your great general citadel plan and your lance unique unit.
Looking forward to this game! It's going to be interesting to see how well you can take advantage of your unique ability with so many aggressive neighbors.
i play with this mod in addition to the piety and prestige + cultural diversity mods a lot, pretty fun, adds a lot to the game! looking forward to this LP!
Man that looks like a hard choice. I want to say I would lean for the coastal option because you won't get the other source of iron until you get the citadel, but the other on choice looks so convenient.
I highly recommend settling the city to your south. Pocatello will gleefully forward settle you and steal all that resource-rich land. The city to the north can wait, but don't let it wait too long; the sooner you settle it the more tiles you can grab before the city states expand. The happiness issues you face this game will be larger than normal, but if you settle that southern site, you will get a lot of tradeable resources.
In any case, look forward to more, always tune in for your new lets plays!
Great video marbozir! Keep it up :)
If you get 90 influence from great people, does that mean you would DoW on civs who send a great prophet at you?
I think you should settle on the hill next to the city state in the south so you can get citrus as well.
Dont forget the barbarian camp to the north. Think it is a city state quest aswell.
I'm not really a big fan of the EU mod, but after seeing Rome, Russia, Shaka and The Mongols in this game! Holy crap this is gonna get awesome :D I'm literally just waiting for Gandhi to show up :)
I'd go for the southern city because Pocatello is present, if you're prioritizing the College before your 4th city then he'll probably be there by the time you get that settler. As painful as it is to not grab the resources of a coastal city asap, it won't be stolen anytime soon.
Then again I don't necessarily understand the full value of that coastal city on a river, so if it's worth the risk of losing that southern city to gain the advantages of said coastal city early on, then I'd be glad to see the results of the more warmongering choice being made by securing that iron up north.
6:00 Looks like there are more Reforms available. "Enactable" might be the ones you want to look at now, rather than "Locked".
Edit: As +fat Man pointed out, there are no others available. All of the trees were expanded per the "-" symbol by them.
Cheers, Ivan :D
I don't think there were any enactable reforms at the time.
fat Man Aha! Yep! You are right! Thanks for pointing that out! :)
Cheers, Ivan :D
***** Cool! Thanks for pointing that out! I have never seen this mod, before, but it looks awesome! I'm really looking forward to how it plays out in Marbozir's game! :)
Ivan Dogovich Woah. Wait, just wait one second there. You.... you forgot to sign your comment with 'Cheers, Ivan :D'
This can not be happening. First Marbozir signs off with 'Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon.' and now you don't even sign off anymore. I don't like change *cries in fetal position*
Only one episode a day? How will I survive?
Id get the location to the south with three sources of ivory. That could help you get some early trades and also with horses in range you can recruit your unique unit. This seems like its going to be a super fun game, especially with the mod
You know that Kung och Riksdag is going to give you two Great Merchants, your luck is just terrible with this sort of thing Marbozir
The ivory city looks very promising. Also, you have a couple of city state quests for barbarians that could speed up your religion. The start looked meh at first glance, but you have way more room than I thought, and I like your tradition/liberty mix. Looking forward to seeing the decisions mod in depth.
I'm not sure where I would settle the city though... The hill between the ivory is interesting, it would give you citrus to the SE and wheat to the NE. I lean towards the hill. Or is that too close from the CS ? I forget the minimum distance.
I would go for the city south with the ivory because that city can grow better early (the coastal one would have some problems with food before your border expands towards the fish, especially since you would have some tundra nearby). I think that border doesn't grow well into resources that are 4 tiles away from the city spot and you will get the eastern ivory perfectly fine before the city state gets it (unless Pocatello settles it himself, which is what he does)
I play with the community patch, community balance patch and events and decisions. I really recommend the way they change things up. Like making desert movement 1 tile not 2, and fundamentally changing the national college, so that you don't have 'must do this to win, regardless of strategy' routes of play from vanilla civ 5.
Hey Marb, have you checked out the "Artificial Unintelligence" mod yet? It's somewhat similar to the "Smart AI" mod that you tested some time ago, but I think it does a better job in my opinion.
I would settle the 3rd city on the hill next to Kabul's border. You will instantly have 3 sources of ivory (which you should improve asap), to be sold for money with which you can buy up the citrus, maybe even the wheat tile to the northeast. The coastal city spot up north is also decent, you can probably settle it easily after National College.
As a Swede i Approve.
As a non-swede, I disapprove.
fat Man as a polish swede, I have mixed feelings
As a Finn, I 6-1!!!!!!!! 6-1!!!!!!!! TORILLA TAVATAAN HAHAH THANK YOU -95!!!!!
As a swede i would like to point out that this game counts finland as sweden ;)
Some mad Danes will come and get you.
it seems like you have to settle south to the east of the sheep. That will be a very nice stable, and you'll technically be in range for 3 ivory. But I think Pocatello is going to settle the citrus near Kabul and might snipe 1 or 2 ivory. If you are going to use a citadel, you should buy that desert tile where your citadel would be, to secure the wheat for your third coastal city to the NW.
What if you could get Ghengis to attack MbanzaK, then use a citadel to liberate the city from the mongols, so you can get a CS ally/lib bonus/ and all those tiles? That'd be nice.
It's too late now I think, but piety or patronage would have made sense for this game if you want to gift GP, reformation belief to buy great people could have been interesting, but it looks like you'll probably have to rush tradition now before rationalism. You might have to skip landed elite to build the national library faster but I'm not sure, that might come up tho.
Good ol' Gustavus Aldophus! "God is my armor!" *Dies in combat*
I'm good at saying stupid things to help others have good ideas. So some bad naming for series: 1. Marbs Mussing's 2. DERP - discovery entertaining reactive playthough. 3. Curators Look At/First look (or something that ties it to your steam stuff) 4. Marbozir's Monthly Madness. Well I hope that gets some juices flowing
you can pledge to protect kabul to get mot influence with them
3:40 There are indeed worse starts, such as spawning in Russia in an Earth map.
I suspect that the spot to the south of your capital will get snatched up by Pocatello if you don't take it now. The spot to the north can probably wait.
Get your 3rd city to the south to block the Shoshone and trade all the ivory for other luxuries. The northern coastal city should be your 4th one aften National College.
My understanding of the "intentions" of the swedish civ (not saying that is the optimal playstyle of course) is to fight lots of wars, so you earn Great Generals, then use them to win over city states for a diplomatic victory.
You make sure founding the city near the Uluru because then you can grab the observatory in the future. Ask about your next city i think you should found south and grab the ivory and then found the fourth on the north before the national college. Good Luck!
I'm playing as poland and I found the Shoshone the same time as you found them.
it is also closer to your city so less riad to connect it. might only be 1 gold per turn but over the course of a thousand years, it will be quite a lot of money. furthermore, it will have less overlap with your coastal city
I made a LP with sweden on deity. You should try to go liberty for free settler and then rush full honor and finish patronage. I've been able to end the game before modern era with that. It was the same set up.
If we combine Sweden's unique ability to get great prophets, and then also pick up the religion ability that increases the resting influence on City States with same religion... Then spread religion to city states, and the gift the Great Prophet before his last use of spread religion... would it all stack to give above 100 influence?
And then combine that with patronage...
I would build closer to the iron to the north but that really depends on how soon you can get a great general.
Imo, settling south is better now because Pocatello will definitely settle this location, while northern one is not threaten by anyone
How important are multiple copies of a luxury? Or rivers? I would go for the river in the north, because the iron from the citadel would cost 90 influence.
But, hey! I often curse my coastal cities for their production.
I imagine your hell would be a Civ 5 start with Siam, Pocatello, and Ethiopia as your neighbor. XD
Go south for the third city, then National College, then fourth city to the coast river location, Ife won't steal the iron soon.
Some easy influence with Kabul if you pledge to protect them.
Hmm... If early war and swords is your plan, go to North River city. Otherwise IvoryTown to the south, is a more solid strategic position as it will get something that Pocatello will grab if you don't and will give you a footing closer to the the other AI for future trade and combat. ;)
Cheers, Ivan :D
Does the ai also get these events?if so then, I'm interested on how intelligently they do those reforms.
Yep, AI get events! Each outcome is assigned a weight, and the AI will randomly choose one based off those values.
The values can be changed by the code that detects if the event is available, so ultimately how intelligently the AI chooses to do them depends on the individual code for each decision/event.
So, who do you think will emerge victorious from this blob of aggressive civs?
Marb will live up to his name and be the victorious one
Besides Marbozir, we all know hes gonna win
Has Marb EVER lost in a UA-cam campaign?...
I'll look up Babylon in the archives. Thanks :)
I would go south and save the northen location for the fourth city. Ife is not likely to expand to the iron soon because of the terrain.
Marb u should do finland in a future lp.
Yes! E&D is great.
The coastal location is great ,I bet u can grab it later ,the other one u must be fast to get it and prevent other AI from making a city so close to u,and whit silver at hand if u decide to use yea't another Great General ,and can give u 3 luxury for sell .
Another option is to try use that option for gold per turn vs culture and magistrate .
Hf I enjoy your series ,I prefer longer speed's so u can deploy and use your tactics better.:)
Is Sukritact's Events and Decisions on the workshop?
Didn't find it there
It isn't, but you can find it by searching on google. (or here: forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=528549)
Sukrit Tanticharoenkiat
I have trouble downloading mods manually.
Hale L Use the link I provided. There's a big download link just below the icon.
HG Shurtugal What problems exactly?
gonna be funny when you settle for the ivory and genghis khan takes the city state right next to you and covets your lands :)
Thank you
Love it.
How do you remove the unit list ribbon thing from the left side on enhanced UI?
I'm supposed to be playing civ V deity mode, but this one player keeps kicking my ass!
Is it TheAskia27?
Yeah, TheAskia27!
I really want this mod but I cant get my head around downloading it! Help Please?
Marb what button do you press to see potential city range? I've just been mousing over and waiting XD
User interface mod
yes I know
I really like the mod.. Thumbs up if you think Marbo is too good to play deity without a handicap.. lol
I noticed that the UA for Chairman Mao Zedong civ seems to be a bit handicapping ( Luxuries are unobtainable except through trade).. Id like to see someone good play as Mao..
Ps. Nie bądź dziadem.. daj więcej niż jeden ep na dzien :D
Starting another Civ lets play allready!!!
I want your babies, you're too good to us
How do you install the Mod? I've put it in the same place I put the UI mod, and that works fine.
Marb why not install R.E.D. Modpack.Im sure you have heard of it since its the most popular mod at least on the civ fanatics forum.You really should get it.It makes civs less copy paste with the units and for modded units they look freaking amazing,if i dare say better than vanilla units.
_Sigh._ I wish you'd do more Civilization 5/Endless Legend and less Europa Universalis. That game is just boring/incomprehensible to me (and I play Dwarf Fortress ftw). But then again that's just my opinion and probably the minority. I'm sure most people on your channel enjoy EU.
You're commenting on a civ 5 lets play he started barely after finishing his last civ LP, and wish he would do more? I don't think there's much more he could do...
Not necessarily wishing he'd do more Civ, just wishing he'd do less EU. I love watching Marbozir's stuff but I just can't for the life of me get myself to watch his LPs of EU.
More variety on the channel is one of my big goals for this year, though it's not as simple as it might seem. I actually reached out to multiple developers / publishers just in December and January, about games I was interested in, but only heard back from one or two of them. There's also one more issue. I'm under the impression that there's an expectation I'll be just as experienced and competent in new games I pick up (especially strategies) as I am in case of Civ 5 or XCOM. Dungeon of the Endless series was a perfect example of this. Not to mention this is quite simply impossible, unless I limit myself to 2-3 new games a year - something I specifically want to avoid.
Also, I had some ideas how to differentiate games I'm just trying out, in video titles (in cases where I don't necessarily want to commit to a full series, for whatever reason), but I'm really bad at copywriting and it's been taking me entirely too much time to come up with something decent (maybe I'll just end up titling them Test Run: [Game Title]). Anyway, one of the games I'll be doing early February for sure, is Darkest Dungeon, that's one of the titles that's already decided for sure. I'll likely start Grey Goo single player campaign next week as well.
Marbozir That sounds awesome. To be perfectly honest, EU is the only series I wasn't able to watch (and I tried like 4 times, it's really just not my cup of tea). But like I said, that's one person's opinion.
I know there are some expectations for you to be super good at all games, but honestly I've enjoyed games that you had almost zero experience with just as much (Might and Magic X Legacy comes to mind). It's not the experience (or lack thereof) that makes you an entertaining youtuber, it's your commentary and the way you play. I haven't seen anyone that handles situations as logically as you do, for example. So in that regard, don't be discouraged to try new terrain. There will be trolls, but those come with the territory, don't they?
Marbozir What you could do is try to set some challenges for Civ V and try to work that out. Things that vary from your normal playtrough. Like going full production from the start instead of food. Or try to start with a different opener like Honor. For me personaly I find it nice if I see some more civilization mods (other races) because it is kinda new instead of the standard races we all probably played.
play venice domination on diety!!
i have a bad feeling about this game i don't know but something bad is going to happen
Are you still looking for new games to play? If so, can I suggest Civilization 4?
Marb played most previous Civ games i believe
How are you so good? I couldn't beat king as Korea!
And we're both near Uluru!
Man, Warmonger United FTW.
guys i am trying to learn this game, first time i have ever tried such shit to be honest, but it looks good at later stages of game, so i am subscribing this, this is the game version i got
is this the right version?
If you want to talk about aggressive AI's near you, I got Alexander, Attila, and Japan on my continent and Ethiopia and Mongolia on the other. Then Attila and Japan both declared war on me at the same time and I ragequit.
Would the AI be able to handle the Events and Decisions Mod?
Damn these are some scary AI's...
I cant make anything from your accent, what is it?
This mod makes the decision mechanic in Beyond Earth look even more phoned in than it was already.
Have to agree with Angry Joe: Beyond Earth is easily one of the most disappointing games of 2014.
Wow Wery good
It hurts me to watch while you move your unescorted settler by 2 tiles at the time :D moving it by one tile at the time you still could save it if you'd run to barbarians
Inb4 Comet Sighted
you would also have less overlap with useless city state tiles.
Hello Marbozir, I've been watching your Civ 5 games for a while now, probably 12 or so. I know you like playing for fun and trying new mods, but you could be more competitive with your finish dates if you wanted to, you clearly have the game knowledge. Also, slow down a bit at the beginning, sometimes you miss out on some things as a result. No one is going to stop watching your LPs if you take an extra second or two per turn. Lots of little things you could be doing that I know you know how to do but forgo for the sake of viewer enjoyment, i.e. speed of play. I for one enjoy the beginning the most, the discovery phase if you will. If you're ever in the mood to watch someone play that I learned a lot of the finer points of the game from, just search for Pacal 3 on youtube and click on Moriarte. Little details make a big difference, but his vids are all old.
Why the quality is so bad O.o
Seems perfectly fine to me.
It was because the video hadn't finished processing yet.
Entered few times and it's so bad. Maybe my Stone Age can't load it xD
I'm using the UA-cam app on a Galaxy Tab 3, and I got 720p with no slowdown.
Wasted Potential Because the video finished processing, so the quality is up.
Wow, should be interesting. Although f**k Catherine. Either take her out soon or she usually snowballs like in the Gaul game.
yes :D
Russia wants revenge for what you done in last game.
Your starting position could've been better!? You don't play as Sweden much I take it. Half of the time they start in tundra.
noo i hate standart game pace :/